Chime/Buzzer Warning Systems
Chime/Buzzer Warning Systems
Chime/Buzzer Warning Systems
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stalled chime warning system.
DESCRIPTION The chime warning system provides an audible
A chime warning system is standard factory-in- indication to the vehicle operator under the following
stalled equipment on this model. The chime warning conditions:
system is designed to provide an audible warning or • Fasten Seat Belt Reminder - If the driver
feedback of various conditions that may require the side seat belt is not fastened with the ignition switch
attention or awareness of the vehicle operator. The in the On position, a chime will sound for about six
chime warning system has access to both non- seconds.
switched and ignition switched sources of battery • Head Lamps On Warning - If the head or
current so that some audible warnings may occur at park lamps are left on with the ignition switch Off
any time, while others may only occur with the igni- and the driver side front door open, a chime will
tion switch in the On or Accessory positions. sound.
A Body Control Module (BCM) is used on this • Key In Ignition Warning - If the driver side
model to control and integrate many of the electronic front door is open while the key is in the ignition
functions and features included on the vehicle. One switch lock cylinder, a chime will sound.
of the functions and features that the BCM supports • Tactile Beep Support - A beep tone is gener-
is the chime warning system. The BCM contains a ated as audible confirmation that an Electronic Vehi-
chime tone generator and control logic to perform the cle Information Center (EVIC) button was completely
functions of the chime warning system. The BCM depressed, and/or that certain Sentry Key Immobi-
contains a central processing unit and interfaces with lizer System (SKIS) functions have been completed.
other modules in the vehicle on the Programmable • Warning Indicator Chime - An audible alert
Communications Interface (PCI) data bus network. to the vehicle operator that supplements certain
The chime warning system includes the following visual warning indications displayed by the Electro-
components: Mechanical Instrument Cluster (EMIC) and/or the
• Body Control Module (BCM) Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC).
• Driver door ajar switch See the owner’s manual in the vehicle glove box for
• Driver seat belt switch more information on the features, use and operation
• Key-in ignition switch. of the chime warning system.
Refer to Body Control Module in the Description The BCM uses hard wired inputs, internal pro-
and Operation section of Group 8E - Instrument gramming, and PCI data bus chime request message
Panel Systems for more information on this compo- inputs to decide when a chime tone is required. This
nent. Refer to Body Control Module in the Con- group only covers the diagnosis and service of the
tents of Group 8W - Wiring Diagrams for complete hard wired inputs used by the BCM to determine
circuit diagrams. Following are general descriptions that a chime tone should be generated. For diagnosis
of the BCM, the PCI data bus, or the other electronic
modules on the PCI data bus that send chime • Transmission oil temperature warning lamp illu-
request messages to the BCM, the use of a DRB scan minated.
tool and the proper Diagnostic Procedures manual See the owner’s manual in the vehicle glove box for
are recommended. more information on the features, use and operation
Refer to Body Control Module in the Removal of the EMIC. Refer to Instrument Cluster in the
and Installation section of Group 8E - Instrument Description and Operation section of Group 8E -
Panel Systems for the BCM service procedures. The Instrument Panel Systems for more information on
BCM can only be serviced by an authorized electronic the EMIC.
repair station. See the latest version of the Chrysler
Corporation Warranty Policies and Procedures man- ELECTRONIC VEHICLE INFORMATION CENTER
ual for a current listing of authorized electronic The Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)
repair stations. uses the chime warning system for two different
kinds of support. In addition to requesting chime
DRIVER DOOR MODULE tones from the Body Control Module (BCM) as tactile
The Driver Door Module (DDM) monitors the beep support, the EVIC is programmed to send chime
driver door ajar switch through a hard wired circuit. request messages over the Programmable Communi-
The DDM is programmed to send driver door ajar cations Interface (PCI) data bus when it detects the
messages over the Programmable Communications following conditions:
Interface (PCI) data bus to the Body Control Module • Door Ajar Warning - A door is ajar above a
(BCM) and the Electronic Vehicle Information Center critical speed [about 16 kilometers-per-hour (10
when it detects that the driver door is ajar. The BCM miles-per-hour) for the driver side front door, or
and the EVIC are programmed to determine if any about 5 kilometers-per-hour (3 miles-per-hour) for
other monitored vehicle conditions are present that any other door].
will require a chime tone (BCM) or chime tone • Liftgate Ajar Warning - The liftgate or lift-
request message (EVIC) to be generated. gate flip-up glass is ajar above a critical speed [about
Refer to Door Module in the Description and 5 kilometers-per-hour (3 miles-per-hour)].
Operation section of Group 8P - Power Lock Systems • Low Coolant Level Warning - The coolant
for more information on the DDM. Refer to Body level in the engine coolant reservoir is low.
Control Module in the Description and Operation • Perform Service Alert - An audible alert that
section of Group 8E - Instrument Panel Systems for a “Perform Service” reminder message is being dis-
more information on this component. Refer to Elec- played by the EVIC.
tronic Vehicle Information Center in the Descrip- • Turn Signal On Warning - A turn signal
tion and Operation section of Group 8V - Overhead remains on for about 1.6 kilometers (one mile) with
Console Systems for more information on this compo- no decrease in speed or throttle opening
nent. • Washer Fluid Low Warning - The fluid level
in the washer reservoir is low.
ELECTRO-MECHANICAL INSTRUMENT CLUSTER See the owner’s manual in the vehicle glove box for
The Electro-Mechanical Instrument Cluster more information on the features, use and operation
(EMIC) is also supported by the chime warning sys- of the EVIC. Refer to Electronic Vehicle Informa-
tem. The EMIC is programmed to send chime tion Center in the Description and Operation sec-
request messages over the Programmable Communi- tion of Group 8V - Overhead Console Systems for
cations Interface (PCI) data bus to the Body Control more information on the EVIC.
Module (BCM) when it detects the following condi-
• Airbag indicator lamp illuminated The Sentry Key Immobilizer System (SKIS) also
• Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) lamp illuminated uses tactile beep support from the chime warning
• Check gauges lamp illuminated for one of the system. The Sentry Key Immobilizer Module (SKIM)
following conditions: is programmed to send chime request messages over
• Charging system voltage high or low the Programmable Communications Interface (PCI)
• Engine coolant temperature high data bus to the Body Control Module (BCM) to pro-
• Engine coolant temperature critical vide audible confirmation that:
• Engine oil pressure low • The SKIM has been successfully placed in the
• Low fuel warning lamp illuminated (customer Customer Learn mode.
programmable) • A new Sentry key transponder has been success-
• Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illuminated fully programmed by the SKIM.
See the owner’s manual in the vehicle glove box for Installation section of Group 23 - Body for the service
more information on the features, use and operation procedures. Refer to Body Control Module in the
of the SKIS. Refer to Sentry Key Immobilizer Sys- Description and Operation section of Group 8E -
tem in the Description and Operation section of Instrument Panel Systems for more information on
Group 8Q - Vehicle Theft/Security Systems for more this component. For complete circuit diagrams, refer
information on the SKIS. to Body Control Module in the Contents of Group
8W - Wiring Diagrams.
DESCRIPTION The driver seat belt switch closes a path to ground
The driver door ajar switch is concealed within and for the BCM when the tip-half of the driver seat belt
integral to the driver side front door latch unit. The is not fastened to the buckle-half, and opens the
driver door ajar switch is actuated by the front door ground path when the two halves of the seat belt are
latch mechanism, and is hard wired between a body fastened. The BCM monitors the driver seat belt
ground and the Driver Door Module (DDM) through switch status through an internal pull-up, then sends
the driver side front door wire harness. the proper switch status messages to other electronic
The driver door ajar switch cannot be adjusted or modules over the Programmable Communications
repaired and, if faulty or damaged, the driver side Interface (PCI) data bus network. The driver seat
front door latch unit must be replaced. Refer to belt switch status is also used by the BCM as an
Front Door Latch in the Removal and Installation input for chime warning system operation.
section of Group 23 - Body for the service procedures.
Refer to Door Module in the Power Lock System KEY-IN IGNITION SWITCH
section of Group 8P - Power Lock Systems for more
information on this component. For complete circuit DESCRIPTION
diagrams, refer to Interior Lighting in the Con- The key-in ignition switch is concealed within and
tents of Group 8W - Wiring Diagrams. integral to the ignition switch, which is mounted on
the steering column. The key-in ignition switch is
OPERATION actuated by the ignition lock cylinder mechanism,
The driver door ajar switch closes a path to ground and is hard wired between a body ground and the
for the DDM when the driver side front door is Body Control Module (BCM) through the instrument
opened, and opens the ground path when the driver panel wire harness.
side front door is closed. The DDM reads the switch The key-in ignition switch cannot be adjusted or
status through an internal pull-up, then sends the repaired and, if faulty or damaged, the entire igni-
proper switch status messages to other electronic tion switch unit must be replaced. Refer to Ignition
modules over the Programmable Communications Switch and Key Cylinder in the Removal and
Interface (PCI) data bus network. The driver door Installation section of Group 8D - Ignition Systems
ajar switch status message is used by the Body Con- for the service procedures. Refer to Body Control
trol Module (BCM) as an input for chime warning Module in the Description and Operation section of
system operation. Group 8E - Instrument Panel Systems for more infor-
mation on this component. For complete circuit dia-
DRIVER SEAT BELT SWITCH grams, refer to Body Control Module in the
Contents of Group 8W - Wiring Diagrams.
The driver seat belt switch is concealed within and OPERATION
integral to the driver seat belt buckle-half unit. The The key-in ignition switch closes a path to ground
driver seat belt switch is actuated by the seat belt for the BCM when the ignition key is inserted in the
buckle mechanism, and is hard wired between a body ignition lock cylinder, and opens the ground path
ground and the Body Control Module (BCM) through when the key is removed from the ignition lock cyl-
the left body wire harness with manual seats, or inder. The BCM monitors the key-in ignition switch
through the driver side power seat and left body wire status through an internal pull-up, then sends the
harnesses with power seats. proper switch status messages to other electronic
The driver seat belt switch cannot be adjusted or modules over the Programmable Communications
repaired and, if faulty or damaged, the entire driver Interface (PCI) data bus network. The key-in ignition
seat belt buckle-half unit must be replaced. Refer to switch status is also used by the BCM as an input
Front Shoulder Belt/Buckle in the Removal and for chime warning system operation.
Instrument Panel Systems for more information on senger side power mirror. If the passenger side power
this component. For complete circuit diagrams, refer mirror does not operate, use a DRB scan tool and the
to Body Control Module in the Contents of Group proper Diagnostic Procedures manual to test the
8W - Wiring Diagrams. operation of the PCI data bus and the DDM. If the
passenger side power mirror operates, the following
OPERATION test will diagnose a faulty driver door ajar switch
The exterior lighting switch uses a hard wired five and circuits. For complete circuit diagrams, refer to
volt reference circuit from the BCM, resistor multi- Interior Lighting in the Contents of Group 8W -
plexing and a hard wired switch output circuit in the Wiring Diagrams.
instrument panel wire harness to provide the BCM
with a zero to five volt signal that indicates the sta- WARNING: ON VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH AIR-
tus of all of the exterior lighting switch settings. The BAGS, REFER TO GROUP 8M - PASSIVE
BCM then uses control outputs to energize the head- RESTRAINT SYSTEMS BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY
lamp and park lamp relays that activate the exterior STEERING WHEEL, STEERING COLUMN, OR
The BCM monitors the exterior lighting switch sta- SERVICE. FAILURE TO TAKE THE PROPER PRE-
tus, then sends the proper switch status messages to CAUTIONS COULD RESULT IN ACCIDENTAL AIR-
other electronic modules over the Programmable BAG DEPLOYMENT AND POSSIBLE PERSONAL
Communications Interface (PCI) data bus network. INJURY.
The exterior lighting switch status is also used by
(1) Check that the interior lighting switch on the
the BCM as an input for chime warning system oper-
control stalk of the left multi-function switch is not
in the dome lamp disable position. Open the driver
side front door and note whether the interior lamps
DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING light. They should light. If OK, refer to Key-In Igni-
tion Switch in the Diagnosis and Testing section of
CHIME WARNING SYSTEM this group for further diagnosis of the chime warning
Following are tests that will help to diagnose the system. If not OK, go to Step 2.
components and circuits that provide hard wired (2) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
inputs to the chime warning system. However, these cable. Remove the trim panel from the driver side
tests may not prove conclusive in the diagnosis of front door and disconnect the 4-way door wire har-
this system. In order to obtain conclusive testing of ness connector from the front door latch connector
the chime warning system, the Programmable Com- receptacle. Check for continuity between the ground
munications Interface (PCI) data bus network and all circuit cavity of the 4-way door wire harness connec-
of the electronic modules that provide inputs to, or tor for the front door latch and a good ground. There
receive outputs from the chime warning system com- should be continuity. If OK, go to Step 3. If not OK,
ponents must be checked. repair the ground circuit to ground as required.
(3) Disconnect the white 15-way door wire harness ness connector (power seat) for the driver seat belt
connector from the Driver Door Module (DDM) con- switch and a good ground. There should be continu-
nector receptacle. Check for continuity between the ity. If OK, go to Step 3. If not OK, repair the open
driver door ajar switch sense circuit of the white ground circuit to ground as required.
15-way door wire harness connector for the DDM and (3) Disconnect the 52-way left body wire harness
a good ground. There should be no continuity. If OK, connector from the junction block. Check for continu-
go to Step 4. If not OK, repair the shorted driver ity between the seat belt switch sense circuit cavity
door ajar switch sense circuit as required. in the left body wire harness connector (manual
(4) Check for continuity between the driver door seat), or the driver side power seat wire harness con-
ajar switch sense circuit cavities of the white 15-way nector (power seat) for the driver seat belt switch
door wire harness connector for the DDM and the and a good ground. There should be no continuity. If
4-way door wire harness connector for the front door OK, go to Step 4. If not OK, repair the shorted seat
latch. There should be continuity. If OK, go to Step 5. belt switch sense circuit as required.
If not OK, repair the open driver door ajar switch (4) Check for continuity between the seat belt
sense circuit as required. switch sense circuit cavities in the left body wire har-
(5) Check for continuity between the ground cir- ness connector (manual seat), or the driver side
cuit terminal and the driver door ajar switch sense power seat wire harness connector (power seat) for
circuit terminal of the front door latch connector the driver seat belt switch and the 52-way left body
receptacle. There should be continuity with the wire harness connector for the junction block. There
driver side front door open, and no continuity with should be continuity. If OK, use a DRB scan tool and
the door closed. If OK, use a DRB scan tool and the the proper Diagnostic Procedures manual to test the
proper Diagnostic Procedures manual to test the BCM. If not OK, repair the open seat belt switch
operation of the PCI data bus and the DDM. If not sense circuit as required.
OK, replace the faulty driver side front door latch
For complete circuit diagrams, refer to Body Con-
DRIVER SEAT BELT SWITCH trol Module in the Contents of Group 8W - Wiring
For complete circuit diagrams, refer to Body Con- Diagrams.
trol Module in the Contents of Group 8W - Wiring
INJURY. (1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
cable. Disconnect the instrument panel wire harness
(1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative connector from the key-in ignition switch connector
cable. Disconnect the left body wire harness (manual receptacle on the ignition switch. Check for continu-
seat), or the driver side power seat wire harness ity between the key-in ignition switch sense and
(power seat) from the driver seat belt switch wire ground terminals of the key-in ignition switch con-
harness connector located under the driver side front nector receptacle. There should be continuity with
seat cushion. Check for continuity between the seat the key inserted in the ignition lock cylinder, and no
belt switch sense circuit and the ground circuit cavi- continuity with the key removed from the ignition
ties in the seat belt switch wire harness connector. lock cylinder. If OK, go to Step 2. If not OK, replace
There should be continuity with the driver side seat the faulty ignition switch unit.
belt tip-half and buckle-half unfastened, and no con- (2) Check for continuity between the ground cir-
tinuity with tip-half and buckle-half fastened. If OK, cuit cavity of the instrument panel wire harness con-
go to Step 2. If not OK, replace the faulty driver side nector for the key-in ignition switch and a good
seat belt buckle-half unit. ground. There should be continuity. If OK, go to Step
(2) Check for continuity between the ground cir- 3. If not OK, repair the open ground circuit to ground
cuit cavity in the left body wire harness connector as required.
(manual seat), or the driver side power seat wire har-
(3) Disconnect the gray 26-way instrument panel tor receptacle. Disconnect the gray 26-way instru-
wire harness connector from the Body Control Mod- ment panel wire harness connector from the Body
ule (BCM) connector receptacle. Check for continuity Control Module (BCM). Check for continuity between
between the key-in ignition switch sense circuit cav- the headlamp switch mux circuit cavity of the instru-
ity of the instrument panel wire harness connector ment panel wire harness connector for the left multi-
for the key-in ignition switch and a good ground. function switch and a good ground. There should be
There should be no continuity. If OK, go to Step 4. If no continuity. If OK, go to Step 2. If not OK, repair
not OK, repair the shorted key-in ignition switch the shorted headlamp switch mux circuit as required.
sense circuit as required. (2) Check for continuity between the headlamp
(4) Check for continuity between the key-in igni- switch mux circuit cavities of the instrument panel
tion switch sense circuit cavities of the instrument wire harness connector for the left multi-function
panel wire harness connector for the key-in ignition switch and the gray 26-way instrument panel wire
switch and the gray 26-way instrument panel wire harness connector for the BCM. There should be con-
harness connector for the BCM. There should be con- tinuity. If OK, go to Step 3. If not OK, repair the
tinuity. If OK, use a DRB scan tool and the proper open headlamp switch mux circuit as required.
Diagnostic Procedures manual to test the BCM. If (3) Check for continuity between the headlamp
not OK, repair the open key-in ignition switch sense switch return circuit cavity of the instrument panel
circuit as required. wire harness connector for the left multi-function
switch and a good ground. There should be no conti-
HEADLAMP SWITCH nuity. If OK, go to Step 4. If not OK, repair the
Before testing the headlamp switch, turn on the exte- shorted headlamp switch return circuit as required.
rior lighting and open the driver side front door. If the (4) Check for continuity between the headlamp
exterior lamps of the vehicle operate, but there is no switch return circuit cavities of the instrument panel
chime warning issued with the driver side front door wire harness connector for the left multi-function
open, refer to Driver Door Ajar Switch in the Diag- switch and the gray 26-way instrument panel wire
nosis and Testing section of this group. If the exterior harness connector for the BCM. There should be con-
lamps of the vehicle are inoperative, but the chime tinuity. If OK, use a DRB scan tool and the proper
warning is issued, refer to Lamp Diagnosis in the Diagnostic Procedures manual to test the BCM. If
Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8L - Lamps. not OK, repair the open headlamp switch return cir-
If the exterior lamps and the chime warning are cuit as required.
both inoperative, test the left (lighting) multi-func-
tion switch. Refer to Turn Signal and Hazard
Warning Switch in the Diagnosis and Testing sec- REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
tion of Group 8J - Turn Signal and Hazard Warning
Systems to test the left (lighting) multi-function CHIME WARNING SYSTEM SWITCHES
switch. If the left (lighting) multi-function switch Service procedures for the various hard wired
tests OK, proceed as follows. The following tests will switches used in the chime warning system can be
help to locate a short or open in the hard wired cir- found in the proper group as follows:
cuits between the left (lighting) multi-function switch • Driver door ajar switch - Refer to Front
and the Body Control Module (BCM). For complete Door Latch in the Removal and Installation section
circuit diagrams, refer to Body Control Module in of Group 23 - Body for the service procedures.
the Contents of Group 8W - Wiring Diagrams. • Driver seat belt switch - Refer to Front
Shoulder Belt/Buckle in the Removal and Installa-
WARNING: ON VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH AIR- tion section of Group 23 - Body for the service proce-
SYSTEMS BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY STEERING • Headlamp switch - Refer to Turn Signal and
WHEEL, STEERING COLUMN, OR INSTRUMENT Hazard Warning Switch in the Removal and
PANEL COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS OR SERVICE. FAIL- Installation section of Group 8J - Turn Signal and
URE TO TAKE THE PROPER PRECAUTIONS COULD Hazard Warning Systems for the service procedures.
RESULT IN ACCIDENTAL AIRBAG DEPLOYMENT AND • Key-in ignition switch - Refer to Ignition
POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY. Switch and Key Cylinder in the Removal and
Installation section of Group 8D - Ignition Systems
(1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative for the service procedures.
cable. Disconnect the instrument panel wire harness
connector from the left multi-function switch connec-