Propeller - Question Bank
Propeller - Question Bank
Propeller - Question Bank
17.1. Fundamentals.
Question Number. 3. The optimum angle for a fixed pitch propeller is.
Option A. 15 degrees.
Option B. 2 - 4 degrees.
Option C. 6 - 10 degrees.
Question Number. 7. What force on a propeller blade turns the blades to a fine
Option A. ATM.
Option B. Torque.
Option C. CTM.
Question Number. 11. Blade angle is taken from the chord and.
Option A. propeller shaft.
Option B. relative airflow.
Option C. plane of rotation.
Question Number. 14. From reverse pitch, to return to normal pitch it.
Option A. passes through coarse then fine.
Option B. passes through coarse.
Option C. passes through fine.
Question Number. 15. When in reverse pitch, CTM will tend to move the propeller
blades towards.
Option A. a positive pitch.
Option B. a position depending on rpm.
Option C. a negative pitch.
Question Number. 17. As a propeller blade moves through the air, forces are produced,
which are known as.
Option A. lift and torque.
Option B. lift and drag.
Option C. thrust and torque.
Question Number. 21. As propeller rotation speed increases the centrifugal turning
moment on the blades will.
Option A. increase.
Option B. decrease.
Option C. remain constant through r.p.m. range.
Question Number. 22. Propeller torque is the resistance offered by the propeller
Option A. feathering.
Option B. changing pitch.
Option C. rotation.
Question Number. 23. The angle between the resultant airflow direction and the propeller
blade plane of rotation is known as.
Option A. angle of attack.
Option B. blade angle.
Option C. helix angle or angle of advance.
Question Number. 24. At constant rpm, advance per revolution depends on.
Option A. SHP.
Option B. forward speed.
Question Number. 26 . Under normal operation the point of maximum stress on a
propeller blade is at the.
Option A. root.
Option B. tip.
Question Number. 36. The velocity of the slipstream behind the aircraft in relation to the
ambient air is.
Option A. less.
Option B. greater.
Option C. equal.
Question Number. 39. Given that blade angle is measured from the centre of the hub, the
blade angle at the hub is considered to be.
Option A. lowest.
Option B. Master Station value.
Option C. highest.
Question Number. 2. The timber most often used today for propeller construction
Option A. birch.
Option B. spruce.
Option C. balsa.
Question Number. 6. Blade cuffs are fitted to the root of the blades.
Option A. to increase the strength of the blade.
Option B. to increase thrust.
Option C. to increase flow of cooling air into the engine nacelle.
Question Number. 9. The minimum percentage seating on a propeller rear cone should
Option A. 90%.
Option B. 70%.
Option C. 95%.
Question Number. 10. The propeller is 'feathered' when the blades are at.
Option A. 0° to plane of rotation.
Option B. 20° to plane of rotation.
Option C. 90° to plane of rotation.
Question Number. 12. On which type of turbo-propeller would you expect to find a
parking brake?.
Option A. Compounded twin spool.
Option B. Direct coupled twin spool.
Option C. Free turbine.
Question Number. 13. What does the torquemeter reading indicate in a gas turbine
Option A. Torque reaction at the reduction gear.
Option B. The ratio between engine thrust and engine torque.
Option C. Engine torque.
Question Number. 14. The gear segments on the blade roots of a hydromatic propeller
mesh with the.
Option A. stationary cam.
Option B. torque tubes and eye bolts.
Option C. moving cam.
Question Number. 18. What is the purpose of small holes at the tip of wooden
Option A. Drainage.
Option B. Balancing.
Option C. Pivot points used during manufacture.
Question Number. 25. With the engine stationary the indication that the propeller is in
ground fine pitch is.
Option A. blade and spinner markings aligned.
Option B. below stop warning light on.
Option C. flight fine pitch stop lever withdrawn.
17.3. Propeller Pitch Control.
Question Number. 1. When the compressive force on a speeder spring is reduced, the
propeller blades will.
Option A. remain fixed.
Option B. fine off.
Option C. coarsen.
Question Number. 3. When in the beta range, the propeller pitch is controlled.
Option A. directly from the power lever.
Option B. indirectly from the power lever.
Option C. directly from the pitch change mechanism to the PCU.
Question Number. 5. If the speeder spring pressure of a CSU is increased the blade
Option A. coarsen off.
Option B. fine off.
Option C. will not move.
Question Number. 6. On an underspeed condition the blades are turned to.
Option A. fine.
Option B. feather.
Option C. coarse.
Question Number. 8. Relaxing tension on the governor spring will result in the blade
coarsening and.
Option A. RPM decreasing, manifold pressure increasing.
Option B. RPM increasing, manifold pressure increasing.
Option C. manifold pressure constant, RPM decreasing.
Question Number. 12. If force is applied to the speeder spring, what will happen?.
Option A. Blade angle is frozen in last known position.
Option B. Blade angle coarsen.
Option C. Blade angle finer.
Question Number. 14. When the flyweights fly outwards in a PCU, this is known
Option A. onspeed.
Option B. overspeed.
Option C. low power settings with higher than normal pitch setting for ground manoeuvres.
Question Number. 16. On a reversing propeller moving to the maximum reversing angle,
the propeller goes.
Option A. from fine pitch through plane of rotation, course reverse then fine reverse.
Option B. from course pitch through plane of rotation course, fine reverse then course
Option C. from fine pitch through plane of rotation, fine reverse then course reverse.
Question Number. 17. If pressure is increased on the speeder spring, rpm increases. What
happens to the blade angle?.
Option A. Remains unchanged.
Option B. Increases.
Option C. Decreases.
Question Number. 18. In a prop with counterweights, what is used to make it move to
fine pitch?.
Option A. ATM.
Option B. Centrifugal force acting on the counterweight.
Option C. Governor oil pressure.
Question Number. 19. If a propeller is in fine pitch and then moves to feather it will pass
Option A. flight fine only.
Option B. reverse.
Option C. coarse.
Question Number. 21. During normal propeller operation, oil pressure for the governor is
provided by.
Option A. a pump in the governor.
Option B. a variable volume pump.
Option C. the engine driven pump.
Question Number. 23. If the spur gear pump in a single acting propeller governor failed,
Option A. blades would turn to a coarse pitch.
Option B. blades would rotate to a fine pitch.
Option C. blades would move to the feather position.
Question Number. 24. The hydromatic variable pitch propeller is operated on the
principle of.
Option A. a venturi or 'u' tube with mercury.
Option B. an electrical motor moving a gear segment.
Option C. oil pressure moving a piston.
Question Number. 25. The constant speed unit (C.S.U.) governor works on the principle
Option A. manual selection through a gearbox.
Option B. centrifugal twisting moments.
Option C. spring pressure acting against centrifugal force.
Question Number. 26. The purpose of the pitch change cams is to.
Option A. convert rotary motion to linear motion.
Option B. prevent windmilling.
Option C. convert linear motion to rotary motion.
Question Number. 29. The purpose of an accumulator in a single acting propeller system
is to.
Option A. to port oil to the coarse pitch oil line to assist in feathering the propelle.
Option B. accelerate the unfeathering process.
Option C. provide back up to the governor pump.
Question Number. 30. When auto feathering has taken place the feathering pump is
switched off by.
Option A. pressure control drop switch.
Option B. carrying out the manual feather drill.
Option C. removing the pump circuit breaker or fuse.
Question Number. 31. On a free turbine engine it is possible to vary the propeller RPM
whilst the engine RPM remains constant.
Option A. by operating the Power lever.
Option B. it is not possible to vary the propeller RPM.
Option C. by operating the PCU control Lever.
Question Number. 1. Electrically de-iced propeller slip rings have regular resistance
checks for.
Option A. oxidisation due to altitude.
Option B. open circuit heating elements.
Option C. wear between brushes and slip ring.
Question Number. 5. Insulation checks on propeller electrical heating elements should
be carried out frequently due to.
Option A. short/open circuits in the heating system wires along the propeller blade.
Option B. oxidation of slip ring and brush gear assembly.
Option C. deposits formed due to the wear of slip ring and brush gear assembly.
Question Number. 7. How is anti icing fluid fed to the individual blades?.
Option A. Pump to a slinger ring.
Option B. Pump to each blade rubber feed boot.
Option C. Under gravity to the slinger ring then on to the blade.
Question Number. 10. Electrical power supplies on large aircraft, for electrical deicing
Option A. AC.
Option B. DC.
Option C. Both AC or DC.
Question Number. 16. Propeller de-icing for varying rates of icing can be varied
Option A. increasing propeller RPM.
Option B. increasing cyclic timing.
Option C. increasing the AC or DC voltage.
Question Number. 18. Proper operation of electric deicing boots on individual propeller
blades may be best determined by.
Option A. feeling the sequence of boot heating and have an assistant observe the loadmeter
Option B. feeling the boots to see if they are heating.
Option C. observing the ammeter or loadmeter for current flow.
Question Number. 19. What unit in the propeller anti-icing system controls the output of
the pump?.
Option A. Pressure relief valve.
Option B. Rheostat.
Option C. Cycling timer.
Correct Answer is. Rheostat.
Explanation. 65-12A.
Question Number. 20. Ice formation on the propellers, when the aircraft is in flight,
Option A. decrease available engine power.
Option B. increase aircraft stall speed and increase noise.
Option C. decrease thrust and cause excessive vibration.