Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps
Use heat pump technology to extract the heat energy stored in the
ground, water or the air and apply it to your domestic or industrial
heating and cooling needs.
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becoming feasible and grants are available for some installations.
If you are looking to install a heat pump, the economic and
environmental costs should be considered carefully. It might
be the case that improving your insulation for better heat
conservation will meet your heating needs more immediately.
Expansion valve
Common types of heat pump changes
The reversible air conditioner (an air-to-air system which pumps from liquid
to gas, Hot refrigerant
cool or warm air) is the most common type of heat pump globally. taking in gas condenses
Despite this wide use, air systems are not very efficient, as it is heat energy Refrigerant liquid at high to liquid
and cooling pressure expands, lowering transfering heat
difficult to transfer heat energy using ambient air as a medium. temperature and pressure to the heat sink
The best source of heat energy is water, e.g. a river or stream, or
the ground. Some heat pump applications can even use man-
made sources of heat, such as domestic or industrial waste. centre. Pipes placed in trenches at a depth of around 2 metres, or
in a borehole up to 100 metres deep, extract heat energy from the
The most common heat pump in the UK is the fridge. Heat is ground for use in domestic or industrial situations.
extracted from the icebox and ejected through the grill at the back
leaving the inside of the fridge cool and the air at the back warm. How do they work?
In this type of system the heat energy is not required for warmth But you might ask: how do heat pumps extract heat energy
and is expelled as waste. from a source that is cold? Confusion about this stems from our
perception of heat rather than the heat pump technology itself:
Another very common type of heat pump is the ground source humans are very sensitive to changes in body temperature and
unit, e.g. a floor standing unit (like a boiler) with connections it takes only a slight change in outside temperature to make us
running in from pipes in the ground and water connections feel uncomfortable. But even when it is freezing (0°C), relative to
running out to radiators or underfloor heating. Ground source Absolute Zero (-273°C) it is still warm and heat energy is available
systems like this are often called ‘geothermal’, though the heat for extraction.
extracted is actually from the Earth’s surface rather than its
In the UK, a new heat pump installation is likely to consist of a
Why choose a heat pump? ground source heat pump linked to radiators or underfloor space
• Heat pumps can be used for space heating, hot water heaters (known as the heat sink, or emitter). The heat pump
heating or air conditioning. works by reversing the energy transfer that occurs naturally,
• An electrical heat pump might need just 1 unit of energy i.e. heat naturally flows from warm to cool places. A system
to turn 2 units of heat from the surroundings into 3 units of of pipes buried in the ground extracts the heat energy in the
useful heat. surrounding mass of earth and transfers it to a refrigerant. The
• If the fuel for a conventional boiler were to be used to drive a refrigerant is passed through the compressor of the heat pump to
heat pump about 35-50% less would be needed. raise its temperature further for use in radiators and so on. The
• A good heat pump installation will consume less primary compressor is usually powered by an electrical input. (Figure 1.)
energy than conventional heating systems, which means So, are heat pumps a form of renewable energy? While heat
fewer carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and pumps do extract renewable heat energy from natural sources,
nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. an electric power source is required which is likely to be produced
• Heat pumps are a tried and tested technology – though they from non-renewable sources. The electrical input constitutes
are not yet common in the UK, heat pumps are used in many
about 25% of the total energy input, which means heat pumps
established energy systems in countries like Germany.
are not renewable in the same way as wind, solar or hydro – the
Source: International Energy Agency Heat Pump Centre, Sweden 100% renewables.
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Want to install a heat pump? it must be noted that HCs are flammable and should be used in
• Is the building properly insulated? accordance with strict safety regulations. Overall, if both a natural
Proper protection against draughts and heat loss is always refrigerant and electricity from a sustainable source are used, heat
the best way to cut your energy costs. pumps are environmentally benign and beneficial.
• What type of heat delivery system is it replacing?
Direct combustion heating or direct electric heating systems Table 1
do not use fuel efficiently – a heat pump with a good COP
Heating system Energy efficiency CO2 Emissions*
could be installed instead.
• Where is the heat source located? Oil 85% 0.32 kg/kWh
The feasibility of a heat pump installation usually depends on Gas 90% 0.21 kg/kWh
how accessible the heat source, for example a large garden,
Heat pump COP 4 0.12 kg/kWh
is in relation to the building.
• Are you eligible for a grant? *CO2 emitted through primary energy use per kilowatt-hour of useful heat energy
The Government’s Low Carbon Buildings programme Source: John Willoughby Energy Consultants
provides grants for renewable energy installations including
ground source heat pumps. (See Further information.) Are heat pumps cost effective?
• Are you paying a ‘green’ electricity tariff? In nearly all applications heat pumps provide an overall energy
Reduce the environmental impact of all your electrical energy saving – converting the energy input to a greater beneficial output
needs by buying energy sourced from renewables. while producing fewer CO2 emissions (see Table 1). However,
the saving is unlikely to automatically translate to your pocket as
Are heat pumps energy efficient? most heat pump systems use an electrical input, which is relatively
The measure of energy efficiency of a heat pump is called the expensive. When compared to a very good gas heating system
Coefficient of Performance, or COP. It is the ratio of useful heat a COP of 4 is necessary if the heat pump is to break even on
output to energy input, where: the cost of using day-rate electricity. However, when there is no
Useful Heat Output = Electrical Energy Input + Extracted Heat option of gas heating, e.g. when oil, LPG or electricity are the only
Thus the COP is the number of units of heat energy output by the available fuels, a heat pump system can make significant savings.
pump per unit of electrical energy used to run the compressor.
For example, a heat pump system with a 4kW output of heat The installation costs for a heat pump are higher than a
energy per 1kW of electical energy input has a rating of COP 4. conventional boiler, but a heat pump will last longer than a boiler.
Each unit of electrical energy input used to drive the heat pump’s So, if you are prepared to wait, a heat pump system will create
compressor can generally deliver between 2 and 4 units of heat significant savings over time. The wait can be lessened with
energy. help towards paying installation costs now available through the
Government’s Low Carbon Buildings programme, which provides
A heat pump in a heating system functions differently to a grants for household or community renewable energy systems.
conventional boiler: the energy efficiency/COP of a heat pump Ground source heat pumps, where recognised products and
depends on the temperature difference between the heat source an accredited installer are used, are included in this category.
and the heat emitters – the smaller the temperature lift the higher Remember, the first step towards reducing your energy needs
the energy efficiency and COP rating. This has implications and costs is always to make your home as energy efficient as
for the design of the heating system; for instance, to keep the possible by improving insulation, draughtproofing, and so on. This
temperature lift in a ground source to radiator heating system is likely to be the cheapest way of reducing your environmental
at a minimum the radiators should be double the usual size. impact, and will save you money. But, looking to the future, the
Alternatively, the radiators could be replaced by underfloor heating use of more heat pumps nationwide, e.g. good underfloor heating
which works at lower water temperatures. (Heat pumps can also systems with plenty of ground pipes, could significantly improve
supply hot water of temperatures up to 55°C, but heating to these the UK’s energy use and reduce our CO2 emissions.
high temperatures will lower the energy efficiency.) A heat pump
could (if big enough) provide full, year-round house heating, but Further information
most installations incorporate a smaller unit with a conventional • Low Carbon Buildings Grants
boiler for back up use during colder spells. Weather compensation, http://www.lowcarbonbuildings.org.uk/
which is used in most new heat pumps, also increases annual Tel: 0800 915 0990
efficiency by dropping the emitter temperature in warmer weather. Department of Trade and Industry initiative providing grants
for ground source heat pump installations in England, Wales
Other environmental factors and Northern Ireland.
In the past, CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and HCFCs • Energy Saving Trust
(hydrochlorofluorocarbons) have been commonly used www.est.org.uk
as refrigerants in heat pumps. These are now banned Tel: 0845 727 7200; or local advice on: 0800 512 012
and all standard heat pumps use ‘ozone friendly’ HFCs Identifies, promotes and manages energy efficiency schemes
(hydrofluorocarbons). Unfortunately, this is not entirely desirable in the UK. Runs grant schemes to assist installation of
as HFCs are a potent greenhouse gas with the potential to cause equipment.
damage to the environment if accidentally released into the • Heat Pump Association (HPA)
atmosphere – for instance, a complete leak could cancel out the www.feta.co.uk/hpa
CO2 gains from 1 to 4 years’ use of a heat pump. However there is • IEA Heat Pump Centre
less danger of the refrigerant leaking during the lifetime of newer www.heatpumpcentre.org
heat pumps due to the higher quality of manufactured units. Detailed information on heat pumps.
• UK Heat Pump Network
The danger of a refrigerant leak is further lessened when naturally www.heatpumpnet.org.uk
occurring substances are used as refrigerants instead. Of these Provides information to help the UK heat pump market
alternatives, hydrocarbons (HCs) are favoured since they have a develop according to best practice on environmental and
near-zero environmental impact – an HC leak would release about economic grounds.
the same amount of CO2 as one person driving to work. However,
Technical assistance provided by John Cantor, John Cantor Heat Pumps, web. www.heatpumps.co.uk, email. [email protected]
© The Centre for Alternative Technology, 2004, updated 2006. Published by CAT Publications, CAT Charity Ltd. Registered charity no. 265239