DPP-19 PChe
DPP-19 PChe
DPP-19 PChe
DPP # 18
M.M. : 30 MAX. TIME : 20 Min.
1. Two container each containing liquid water are connected as shown in diagram. [3]
Given that vapour pressure of H2O(l) at 300 K & 350 K are 22 mm of Hg and 40 mm of Hg. The
final pressure in each container if valve is opened while keeping the containers at the given
temperature is [3]
(A) 22 mm of Hg (B) 40 mm of Hg (C) 31 mm of Hg (D) 62 mm of Hg
2. A sample containing CaBr2 & NaI in mass ratio was dissolved in water and treated with
sufficient amount of aq. AgNO3 solution to form a mixed precipitate of AgI and AgBr. The weight
of mixed precipitate was found to be 1786 gm. [3]
Select the correct option.
(A) Moles of CaBr2 and NaI in the original sample was 1 and 6 respectively.
(B) Mass of original sample was 900 gm
(C) Mass of CaBr2 in the original sample was 400 gm
(D) Number of moles of AgBr produced is 1.
3. Which graph represent the correct -relationship between various velocities for ideal gas - [3]
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Mob. 0744-2799900 Online Partner Unacademy 1
4. A vessel contains equal masses of three gases A,B,C and recorded a pressure of 3.5 bar at 25°C.
The molecular mass of C is twice that of B and molecular mass of A is half of B. Find the partial
pressure of B (in bar) in the vessel [3]
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 1
5. The graph below shows the distribution of molecular speed of two ideal gases X and Y at 200K.
on the basis of the below graph identify the correct statements - [3]
6. Two bulbs A and B of equal capacity are filled with He and SO 2 respectively at same temperature.
(i) How will the URMS be affected if volume of B becomes 4 times that of A at constant
(ii) How will the URMS be affected if half of the molecules of SO2 are removed at constant
If URMS increases then fill 2 if it is decreases then fill 1 and if remains same then fill 0
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Mob. 0744-2799900 Online Partner Unacademy 2
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Mob. 0744-2799900 Online Partner Unacademy 3