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QM003 Contents
Foreword ............................................................................................................................. 6
Traceability and Counterfeit Avoidance ..................................................................................................................... 6
Sustainable Supply Chain ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Conflict Minerals ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Zero Concession Policy. .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Scope................................................................................................................................... 7
Definitions and Terms ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Order of Precedence ............................................................................................................ 7
Quality Conditions (Q Code) ................................................................................................. 7
Diagram 1 - Additional Flow-down requirement selection flowchart.............................................. 8
Sensitive and LMUK-A Proprietary Data ................................................................................ 9
Handling Sensitive and Proprietary data .................................................................................................................... 9
Record Retention / Destruction Requirement ........................................................................................................... 9
Supplier Approval .............................................................................................................. 10
Supplier Approval Minimum Requirements ............................................................................................................. 10
Exceptions 10
Supporting Documentation 10
Security Assessment 10
Exceptional Circumstances 11
Scope of Approval 11
Maintenance of Approved Status ............................................................................................................................ 11
Site Visits and Supplier Audits 11
Approval updates – Supplier Responsibilities 11
Right of Access 12
Special Processes ............................................................................................................... 13
Special Process Approval ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Validation of Special Processes ................................................................................................................................ 14
Quality Management Requirements ................................................................................... 15
Review of the Requirements for Products and Services .......................................................................................... 15
Deliverable Quality Plan ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Design and Development Provision ......................................................................................................................... 16
Configuration Management ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Process Control and Verification .............................................................................................................................. 16
Control of Externally Provided Processes, Products and Services............................................................................ 17
Control of Equipment, Tools and Software .............................................................................................................. 17
Competence, Training and Awareness ..................................................................................................................... 18
Production Process Verification ............................................................................................................................... 18
Performance Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 18
Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation 18
Internal Audit 19
Management Review 19
Identification and Traceability ............................................................................................ 20
Serialisation and Part Marking ................................................................................................................................. 20
Traceability to Source/Origin of Raw Material ......................................................................................................... 20
Supplier Approval Review of the Configuration Management Release of Product and Services Control of Non Conformance
Requirements for Process Control and Verification
Products and Services
Handling Sensitive and Control of Externally Provided Shelf Life Record Retention /
Processes, Products and Services
Proprietary data Destruction Requirement
Design and Development Control of Equipment, Tools and
Provision Software Packaging
Counterfeit Product Validation of Special Processes
Production Process Verification Chemicals and Hazardous
Management Application for Production Substances
Special Process Approval (Deviation) Permit or Concession
Identification and Traceability
Deliverable Quality Plan Munitions
Traceability and Counterfeit
Workmanship Acceptance Criteria Legislative Requirements
for Surface Engineering
Foreign Object Debris (FOD)
Counterfeit Product Prevention
Materials Database
Lockheed Martin's business depends on a reliable, global network of skilled suppliers that provide the
materials, parts and services to make our products and deliver them to our customers, conforming to
LMUK-A (Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill) requirements, mission-ready and on time. Goods and services
provided by our suppliers have a key impact on the quality of the products, solutions and services we
offer our customers.
To maintain a high level of quality we are determined to establish and maintain close and long-lasting
relationships with our suppliers working in a zero-defect culture from our supply chain.
QM003 may be distributed to sub-contractors, suppliers and the sub-tier supply chain.
LMUK-A Terms and Conditions of trade shall apply to all contracts unless otherwise agreed.
Conflict Minerals
Conflict minerals are minerals mined in conditions of armed conflict and human rights abuses, and which
are sold or traded by armed groups. Suppliers shall be aware of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.
Further information can be found at the Lockheed Martin Conflict Minerals webpage.
LMUK-A expects quality to be built into the Design and Production of our product and this is also the
expectation of the supply chain. Conformity first is key to the delivery of world class product to our
customers and this culture and mindset needs to be within the supply chain delivering to LMUK-A. As a
company LMUK-A relies on the supply chain to deliver product conforming to requirements, free from
defects with zero concessions or deviations.
Requests for concession applications will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances. Concession
submissions will impact the supplier performance rating.
LMUK-A are required by AS9100 to apply appropriate controls to their direct and sub tier external
providers to ensure that requirements are met.
The aim of this document is to formally communicate the Lockheed Martin UK Ltd (LMUK-A) quality
requirements to the supply chain.
The supplier must refer to the Contract between LMUK-A and the supplier to identify the applicable
version of QM003.
Suppliers shall plan, implement, and control the processes needed to meet the requirements for the
provision of products and services to LMUK-A in accordance with this document and the suppliers’ QMS.
Order of Precedence
Any inconsistencies in this document shall be resolved in accordance with the following descending order
of precedence: (1) the Contract including any special terms and conditions; (2) the drawing, design data
and any approved concession deviation (3) QM003.
QM003-A Quality Requirements for NATO Contracts
Delivery Conditions
QM003-A QM003-C
No additional
Supplier has AS9100 Supplier has AS9100 requirements
certification? certification?
ISO 10007
AQAP 2310 AQAP 2110
Para 8.2
Development General
NO Deliverable Quality NO
Software? Requirements
Plan required?
Supplier Approval
Supplier Approval Minimum Requirements
The minimum quality requirement for suppliers of goods supplied, work performed and services
provided to LMUK-A shall be Quality Management System (QMS) certification to ISO9001 by a UKAS
(or national equivalent) accredited certification body.
Suppliers that provide goods and services that are used in projects for aviation and space applications
should be certified to AS9100 for QM003-A & QM003-B Contracts.
Distributors shall be certified to AS9120 and Calibration Laboratories shall be certified to ISO 17025 or
equivalent for QM003- A & QM003-B Contracts.
LMUK-A may approve exceptions to the above requirements if any of the following criteria are met:
- The supplier is mandated by our customer
- The supplier is the manufacturer of a single sourced product mandated by our customer
- The supplier is the only distributor of a product mandated by our customer
- The supplier provides goods or services that have no direct or indirect effect on the goods and
services we provide our customer
Supporting Documentation
Documents required to complete the supplier approval process are:
- Form F0189 Supplier Quality Assessment and / or F0183 Supplier Assessment
- QMS certification
- Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement (NDA) if applicable
- Inclusion on a Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA) if applicable
- Deliverable Quality Plan (See section 8.2)
(Form F0189 is available on the Lockheed Martin UK website.)
Security Assessment
Suppliers working at OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE/LEGACY RESTRICTED, will be required to undergo a Security
Assurance visit and Risk Assessment by LM Security personnel prior to the exchange of any sensitive
Following the initial Security Assurance visit, the supplier will be required to complete an Annual
Security Questionnaire which will be evaluated to ensure that there has been no change to the Risk
Suppliers may be subject to subsequent, follow up Security Assurance visits where required.
Exceptional Circumstances
Where the supplier approval criteria or listed exceptions cannot be met, depending on the product,
its application, value and criticality, special authorisation may be granted where evidence of
compliance can be provided.
This may include LMUK-A audit to a set of alternative quality requirements.
Scope of Approval
- Suppliers approved for use will be allocated to the LMUK-A Supplier database stating the
scope detail on their approval
- Suppliers shall not conduct work for LMUK-A outside their scope of approval unless authorised
by LM Quality department through audit i.e. special process audits or LM specific approvals
Right of Access
Suppliers and their sub-suppliers shall provide to LMUK-A, their customer, regulatory authorities and
the Government Quality Assurance Representative (GQAR):
- The right of access to facilities where parts of the contracted activities are being performed
including sub-suppliers’ premises
- Information pertaining to the fulfilment of requirements in the Contract
- Unrestricted opportunity to evaluate supplier compliance with this document
- Unrestricted opportunity to conduct verification of product conformity to Contract
- Assistance for evaluation, verification, validation, testing, inspection or release of the product
to verify that Contract requirements have been accomplished at the supplier’s or sub-
supplier’s premises
- Working area and facilities
- The necessary equipment available for reasonable use for performing verification
- Supplier and/or sub-supplier’s personnel for operation of verification equipment as required
- Access to information and communication facilities
- The necessary supplier documentation, to confirm product conformance to specification
- Copies of necessary documents, including those on electronic media
- Confirmation of capacity constraints
Special Processes
Special Process Approval
The use of Special Processes at suppliers and sub-tier suppliers requires approval by one of the
following methods:
- Third party accreditations (e.g. NADCAP)
- Prior Lockheed Martin Special Process Approval (specific to Special Process)
Nadcap Welding approval requires additional scope coverage and as such must be audited by
Lockheed Special Processes Supplier Quality Engineer (SQE).
Lockheed Martin reserve the right to audit suppliers Special Processes completed in house and at
sub-tier suppliers / sub-contractors.
- If there are 0 non-conformances during LMUK-A audit approval is valid for 3 years.
- If non-conformances are identified approval is valid for 2 years once non-conformances are
resolved before re-audit is required
Refer to section 7.2 for Special Process Validation requirements that suppliers shall complete.
Special processes include but are not limited to the following table: -
Fluid Distribution Non-Metallic
Coatings Elastomer Seals Electronics Sealants
Systems Materials
Printed Circuit Board
Thermal Spray Plate Seals Hose Manufacturing Resin Manufacturing Hole / Slot Sealing
(PCB) Manufacture
Vapour Deposited Fabric / Textile PCB Assembly (Incl.
Tube Manufacturing Prepreg Manufacturing Wire Bundle Sealing
Coatings Reinforced Seals Soldering)
Cable and Harness Fitting and Coupling Adhesive Film Joggle Sealing (Pre –
Diffusion Coatings O-Rings
Assemblies Manufacturing Manufacturing Packed and Injection)
Carbon Fibre Liquid displacement or
- Moulded Shapes Conformal Coating - drain path sealing
Nonconventional Non-Metallic
Composites Heat Treating Materials Testing Electrical Bonding
Machining Materials Testing
Prepreg Brazing Chemical Analysis Electrochemical Machining Mechanical Testing EMI Seal Caps
Aluminium Heat
Adhesive Bonding Mechanical Testing Electrochemical Grinding Physical Testing PMF Seal Caps
Resin Film Infusion Electrical Discharge
Carburizing Metallography Chemical Testing Sealing with Seal Caps
(RFI) Machining
Gas/Ion/Plasma Micro Indentation
Metal Bonding Laser Beam Machining Thermal Testing Fillet or Bead Sealing
Nitriding Hardness Testing
Fay or Interfay Surface
Core Processing Hot Isostatic Pressing Corrosion Testing Laser Part Marking Flammability Testing
Brush or Spray Coat
Liquid Resin Processing Induction Hardening Fastener Testing Spark Erosion Grinding -
Aerodynamic Smoothing
Compression Moulding Sintering - - -
and Fairing
Non-destructive Measurement &
Chemical Processing Welding Surface Enhancement Form-in-Place Sealing
Testing Inspection
Rotational Friction / Coordinate Measuring Wet Installation of
Electroplating Penetrant Flaw Detect Shot Peening
Inertia Welding Machines (CMM) Fasteners
Torch / Induction Fastener Overcoat or
Electroless Plating Anodise Flaw Detect Laser Tracker Peen Forming
Brazing Encapsulation
Flash Welding & Laser Magnetic Particle Bushing/Bearing/Nutplates
Anodising Articulating Arm Glass Bead Peening
Welding Inspection Sealing
Chemical Conversion Electron Beam Mass Airflow Measurement
Ultrasonic Testing Automated Peening Nutplates Sealing
Coatings Welding of Turbine Parts
Radiographic Inspection Edge Sealing of
Passivation Resistance Welding
Energy Storage Flapper Peening
Eddy Current Inspection Metallic Materials
Painting & Dry-Film Fusion Welding Battery Cell Manufacture Manual Peening
Testing Manufacturing
Etching & Chemical Battery Cell Array
Evaluation of Welds - - Forging
Cleaning Assemblies
Suppliers shall submit a Deliverable Quality Plan (DQP) to LMUK-A in accordance with AQAP 2105
for QM003-A & ISO 10005 for QM003-B Contracts which describes the framework in which the
Contract will be accomplished and is subject to approval by LMUK-A quality department.
- The DQP submission date shall be agreed with the LMUK-A Supplier Quality Representative
post Contract award but shall be prior to manufacture of products
- A revised DQP shall be submitted to LMUK-A when significant changes occur that invalidate the
original submission
- LMUK-A form F0389 Deliverable Quality Plan template may be used
If only providing COTS/MOTS items to LMUK-A, review the application & extent of the DQP with
your LMUK-A Supplier Quality Representative.
Configuration Management
A disciplined Configuration Management process ensures that products conform to their
requirements and are identified and documented in sufficient detail to support the product life
Configuration Management is critical to ensure the product and system interfaces remain
For Quality Conditions QM003-A and QM003-B the supplier shall plan, implement, and control a
process for configuration management as appropriate to the products and services supplied to
ensure the identification and control of physical and functional attributes through the product life
cycle. This shall be in accordance with DEF STAN 05-57 for QM003-A & ISO 10007 for QM003-B
For suppliers outside the United Kingdom configuration management in accordance with ACMP
2100 is acceptable for Quality Condition QM003-A.
- PFMEA – Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis. Critical in analysis of the process flow showing
anticipation of risks and actions to nullify those risks to the process
- Control plans – detailing the stages of the process where process monitoring, inspection and
special process controls are required
- Inspections plans – identifying by whom (level of trained operators), with what (equipment’s
to be used), how (standard operation) and the frequency of how those checks/inspection will
be carried out
- Use of controlled fixtures and hard gauging
If Key Characteristics are specified, suppliers shall demonstrate the control of variation in the
process by the use of process capability measurement, statistical process control, Measurement
Systems Analysis studies i.e. Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R) and Machine Capability
Report (CmK).
Storage requirements shall be defined for production equipment or tooling in storage including any
necessary periodic preservation or condition checks.
Items that have an extended replacement period shall be detailed in a risk avoidance document that
will detail the supplier’s disaster recovery plan in such an event – see section 20.
Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation shall be in accordance with ISO 9001 paragraph 9.
The supplier shall evaluate the performance and the effectiveness of the quality management
system and retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the results. This information
shall be accessible to LMUK-A upon request.
Internal Audit
Comply with the requirements defined in ISO 9001:2015 clause 9.2
Management Review
Comply with the requirements defined in ISO 9001:2015 clause 9.3
Mechanical / Electrical Lot traceable to Original Equipment Manufacturers part no, lot no, date
Parts code
Preservation of Product
The supplier shall preserve the product during internal processing, storage and delivery to the intended
Shelf Life
Goods and products containing items with finite shelf life shall have the expiry date identified on
the product and the delivery documentation. The remaining shelf life must be a minimum of 80% of
the total shelf life for the material at time of delivery unless otherwise specified.
The supplier shall adequately plan and ensure that products are protected, packaged and labelled
to a standard that will provide adequate protection against damage, deterioration, corrosion,
contamination and loss.
The supplier shall ensure that the product packaging is labelled to a standard that provides
adequate identification and traceability of the product.
The use of approved industry standard labelling and bar-coding shall be in accordance with any
contractually agreed packaging specification.
If the contract specifies specific packaging requirements or standards these shall be complied with.
Materials Database
LMUK-A maintain a Materials Database that specifies approved material grades for use based on a
classification code system.
Where a material classification code is specified on drawing or specification, the Supplier must
refer to the Lockheed Martin UK Ampthill Materials Database on the Lockheed Martin UK website
to identify acceptable material grades for use.
When relevant, a specific Materials Database version reference shall be referenced within the
Contract. Only the specific Materials Database version referenced on the Contract shall be used by
the Supplier.
The materials database shall only be used where a related material classification code is specified
on the drawing or contracted specification. It shall not be used for legacy drawings that specify a
specific material specification.
All historical versions of the Materials Database version are available on the Lockheed Martin UK
Production Permit
Production Permits (Deviations) are considered permission to produce an item that deviates from
design data. This may be because of design anomalies, material availability issues or other
unforeseen reasons prior to manufacture.
- Completed production permits shall be submitted to the supply chain representative indicated
on the Contract / purchase order
- All Production permits must be referenced on the applicable certificate of conformity
quoting the permit approval number provided by LMUK-A
- Any production prior to production permit approval is entirely at the supplier’s own risk
- Products delivered against a LMUK-A approved permit are considered as conforming.
Requests for concession applications will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances.
Concession submissions will impact the supplier performance rating.
Prior to submission of concession application mitigation actions shall be reviewed by the supplier
to remove the need for non-conformance and be available upon request by LMUK-A. If concession
is still viewed as necessary, a discussion shall be held with the LMUK-A supply chain representative
indicated on the Contract / purchase order before submission.
The concession must quote the LMUK-A Contract / purchase order(s) reference, serial
numbers or batch affected or, if required, the time span applicable. The concession will NOT
be considered for acceptance by LMUK-A if these conditions are not met
Completed concession request forms shall be submitted to the LMUK-A supply chain
representative indicated on the Contract
Delivery of nonconforming product shall not occur unless an approved concession is in place.
All concessions must be referenced on the applicable certificate of conformity using the
concession approval number provided by LMUK-A.
Certificate Date
Drawing number and / or part number and revision (as stated on Purchase Order or Sub-
Batch unique identifier (Batch number / Lot number / Date code / Serial number)
Original Manufacturer’s name, part number and lot / date code (when applicable)
LMUK-A Reference numbers for all approved Production Permits / Concessions applicable
Certificate of Conformity
For deliveries that apply quality condition QM003-A & QM003-B (see section 4 - Quality Conditions
(Q Code) a certificate of conformity shall be supplied with delivered goods or services that meet
the above Certificate of Conformity requirements. Please read section 17 which further expands
the requirements for Chemicals and Hazardous Substances.
Release date
Drawing number and / or part number (as stated on Purchase Order or Sub-Contract)
Batch unique identifier (Batch number / Lot number / Date code / Serial number) if
applicable. This is not mandated if detail captured on supporting C of C provided for QM003-
A/B Contracts.
The calibrated test apparatus / instrument / standard used. These will be traceable to UKAS
or the national equivalent from sources other than the UK
Items outside specified limits will be identified, especially if the item has undergone
authorised repair to bring it into specification
Calibration and test certification shall be submitted electronically prior to shipment of item to
[email protected]. Delivery note shall be provided with physical delivery.
Test /
Commercial Off the PRODUCT QM003- A / B Calibration Delivery
SERVICE Test or Calibration? YES
Shelf (COTS) Item? (including MOTS Product or Service? Advice Note
Service report or
NO delivery note of
Certificate of
Conformity –
Para. 8.9
Does FAIR exist with no Part has been made Reference Delivery Advice
Is the FAI requirement YES YES YES
changes to process? within the last 2 years? applicable FAIR Note
stated on the PO?
Certificate of
Certified Mill
Test Report or AS9102 First
NO Delivery Advice Reference
Material Test Article Inspection
Note applicable FAIR
Report Report* No.
Certified Mill
Delivery Advice Test Report or
Raw Material YES
Note Material Test
Para. 16
Certificate of Delivery Advice
Does delivery contain
NO Conformity Note
Chemical or hazardous
First Article Inspection Reports shall be submitted electronically prior to shipment of goods to
[email protected]
Calibration and test certification shall be submitted electronically prior to shipment of item(s)
to [email protected]
Legislative Requirements
Suppliers shall conform to all applicable Environmental, Health and Safety legislation as applicable to the
Contract and retain appropriate compliance data as defined by legislation.
Where specified in legislation or Contract appropriate compliance data shall be supplied to customer
Suppliers transporting weapons or weapon component parts must hold a current Home Office
approval to transport goods controlled under the Firearms Act 1968, Section 5 (as amended).
Home Office Guidance can be found here.
For explosive items, the supplier shall contact Head of Safety Services at LMUK-A, 3 business days
prior to delivery.
Any delivery & storage of explosives must be confirmed by LMUK-A that it is covered by LMUK-A
explosives licence prior to delivery.
Release documentation for explosive items must include a copy of the National Competent
Authority Classification and a Certificate of Correctness signed by the supplier’s authorised person.
Release documentation must include the National Competent Authority Classification Number,
United Nations (UN) Number, Hazard Division and Net Explosive Quantity.
All packages must bear a UN Mark and be classified and labelled in accordance with UK
Government Statutory Instrument 1994 No. 669 (The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and
Rail [Classification, Packaging and Labelling] Regulations 1994).
UK Government Statutory Instrument 2014 No. 1638 (The Explosives Regulations 2014, Health and
Safety) shall apply to all explosive items.
Packaging shall be in accordance with DEFCON 130 Packaging for Explosives.
Obsolescence Management
Obsolescence Management is ‘the co-ordinated activities to direct and control an organisation with
regard to obsolescence’. Obsolescence Management seeks to reduce the risk of obsolescence through
undertaking planned activities to reduce the frequency of obsolescence issues and/or reduce the impact
when an item becomes obsolete.
Suppliers shall notify LMUK-A of any pending obsolescence, the relevant last time buy date and last time
ship date at least 6 months prior to the last time buy date.
Suppliers should refer to IEC 62402 for further guidance on Obsolescence Management.
Useful Resources
International Aerospace Quality Group
It is highly recommended that the free resources provided by the Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) in the form of the Supply Chain Management
Handbook (SCMH) is utilised to its full potential by all suppliers.
This online document contains invaluable training and guidance material on every element of
Aviation, Space and Defence (AS&D) requirements including first article inspection, configuration
management, quality plans, counterfeit management and contract review.
AQAP 2110 EDITION D Quality Requirements for Design, Development and Production
(ref QM003-A – Quality Requirements for NATO Contracts)
Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP) are standards for quality assurance systems that have been
developed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). AQAP 2110 Quality Assurance Requirements
for Design, Development and Production defines requirements, which, if applied appropriately, provide
confidence in the supplier's capability to deliver products that conform to LMUK-A contract requirements.
The common ISO 9001 baseline inherently makes AS9100 and AQAP 2110 appear almost identical. It is
acceptable for a supplier to offer a QMS that complies with the provisions of AS9100 as a satisfactory
response to the QMS requirements of AQAP 2110, under two conditions:
- The supplier formally states that, “All AS9100 requirements applicable to the organization are
applicable to this contract”;
- The supplier formally states that, “No exclusions to AS9100 taken by the organization shall in any
way diminish, alter, or relieve the AQAP 2110 requirements of this contract”.
These formal statements shall be made in the Deliverable Quality Plan (DQP). See BS EN 9137 or ARP9137
Guidance for the Application of AQAP 2110 within a Quality Management System for further information.
AQAP 2120 Quality Requirements for Production
AQAP 2110 Edition D supersedes AQAP 2120 Edition 3.
AQAP 2130 Quality Requirements for Inspection and Test
AQAP 2110 Edition D supersedes AQAP 2130 Edition 3.
AQAP 2310 Quality Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defence Suppliers
AQAP 2310 is invoked when suppliers hold AS9100 (or equivalent) certification where AQAP 2110 does not
(as per QM003-B – Quality Requirements for non-military contracts)
Where required suppliers shall submit a (Deliverable) Quality Plan (DQP) in accordance with AQAP
standards or as detailed with the contractual requirements which describes the framework in which the
contract will be accomplished and is subject to approval by LMUK-A quality department.
The quality plan is considered as the key document which shall define all relevant standards, procedures
and specific customer requirements to ensure conformance to requirements.
The supplier must ensure that their own personnel are aware of the existence, purpose and content of the
quality plan. Form F0389 Deliverable Quality Plan template may be used to meet this requirement.
Guidance for the Application of AQAP 2110 within a 9100 Quality Management
AS13000 Problem Solving Requirements for Suppliers
DEF STAN 05-61 Part 1 Quality Assurance Procedural Requirements Part 1: Concessions
[email protected]
+44 (0) 1525 841000 for Suppliers
Registered in England & Wales
Company No. 00585852