Abrogar vs. Cosmos Bottling Company and Intergames Inc. G.R. No. 064749 March 15, 2017
Abrogar vs. Cosmos Bottling Company and Intergames Inc. G.R. No. 064749 March 15, 2017
Abrogar vs. Cosmos Bottling Company and Intergames Inc. G.R. No. 064749 March 15, 2017
G.R. No. 92735. June 8, 2000
Monarch and Tabacalera are insurance carriers of lost cargoes. They indemnified the shippers and
were consequently subrogated to their rights, interests and actions against Aboitiz, the cargo carrier.
Because Aboitiz refused to compensate Monarch, it filed two complaints against Aboitiz which were
consolidated and jointly tried.
Aboitiz rejected responsibility for the claims on the ground that the sinking of its cargo vessel was
due to force majeure or an act of God. Aboitiz was subsequently declared as in default and allowed
Monarch and Tabacalera to present evidence ex-parte.
Whether or not the doctrine of limited liability applies in the instant case.
The failure of Aboitiz to present sufficient evidence to exculpate itself from fault and/or negligence in
the sinking of its vessel in the face of the foregoing expert testimony constrains us to hold that
Aboitiz was concurrently at fault and/or negligent with the ship captain and crew of the M/V P.
Aboitiz. [This is in accordance with the rule that in cases involving the limited liability of shipowners,
the initial burden of proof of negligence or unseaworthiness rests on the claimants. However, once
the vessel owner or any party asserts the right to limit its liability, the burden of proof as to lack of
privity or knowledge on its part with respect to the matter of negligence or unseaworthiness is
shifted to it. This burden, Aboitiz had unfortunately failed to discharge.] That Aboitiz failed to
discharge the burden of proving that the unseaworthiness of its vessel was not due to its fault and/or
negligence should not however mean that the limited liability rule will not be applied to the present
cases. The peculiar circumstances here demand that there should be no strict adherence to
procedural rules on evidence lest the just claims of shippers/insurers be frustrated. The rule on
limited liability should be applied in accordance with the latest ruling in Aboitiz Shipping Corporation
v. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd.,] promulgated on January 21, 1993, that
claimants be treated as "creditors in an insolvent corporation whose assets are not enough to satisfy
the totality of claims against it."
Private respondent Jose Rapadas purchased a plane ticket from Pan American Airways bound for
Manila from Guam.
1. On January 16, 1975, while Rapadas was waiting to check in at the Guam Airport, he was
ordered by Pan American’s hand carry control agent to check-in his Samsonite attaché case. Rapadas
protested; arguing that other co-passengers were allowed to hand carry bulkier baggage
2. As such, he went to the end of line hoping that he would not have to register his luggage.
However, the same man in charge of hand carry control ordered him to register his bag
3. Fearing that he would miss his flight, he agreed to check it in. He then gave his bag to his
brother who happened to be around and who checked it in for him, without declaring its contents or
the value thereof
4. Upon arrival in Manila, Rapadas claimed and was given all his checked-in luggage without the
exception of the Samsonite attaché case. As such, Rapadas filed a claim with petitioner’s Manila
Baggage Service. However, Pan American was unable to locate the lost bag.
5. As such, Pan Am Airways offered to settle the lost for $160 representing the airline’s limit of
liability for loss or damage to a passenger’s personal property under the contract of carriage between
Rapadas and Pan Am.
6. Rapadas refused and filed an action for damages against Pan Am. He alleged that Pan Am
singled him out in ordering his luggage to be checked in and that the airlines neglected in its duty in
handling and safekeeping his luggage. He alleged that the value of the lost bag and its contents was
$42,403.90, the loss resulted in his failure to pay certain monetary obligations, failure to remit money
sent through him to relatives, inability to enjoy the fruits of his retirement and vacation pay earned
from working in Tonga Construction Co
7. In its answer, Pan Am acknowledged responsibility for the loss of the suitcase but asserted that
the claim was subject to the notice of baggage liability limitations printed at the back of the plane
ticket and posted in its offices
8. The trial court held in favor of Rapadas, rejecting Pan Am’s claim that its liability under the
passenger ticket is only up to $160. CA affirmed the same
WON a passenger is bound by the terms of a passenger ticket declaring the limitations of liability set
forth in the Warsaw Convention
Yes. The Convention governs the availment of the liability limitations where the baggage check is
combined with or incorporated in the passenger ticket which complies with the provisions of Article
3, par. 1(c). (Article 4, par. 2) In the case at bar, the baggage check is combined with the passenger
ticket in one document of carriage.
The provisions in the plane ticket sufficient to govern the limitations of liabilities of the airline for loss
of luggage. The passenger, upon contracting with the airline and receiving the plane ticket, was
expected to be vigilant insofar as his luggage is concerned. If the passenger fails to adduce evidence
to overcome the stipulations, he cannot avoid the application of the liability limitations.
The facts show that the private respondent actually refused to register the attaché case and chose to
take it with him despite having been ordered by the PAN AM agent to check it in. In attempting to
avoid registering the luggage by going back to the line, private respondent manifested a disregard of
airline rules on allowable hand-carried baggage. Prudence of a reasonably careful person also
dictates that cash and jewelry should be removed from checked-in-luggage and placed in one's
pockets or in a hand-carried Manila-paper or plastic envelope.
The alleged lack of enough time for him to make a declaration of a higher value and to pay the
corresponding supplementary charges cannot justify his failure to comply with the requirement that
will exclude the application of limited liability. Had he not wavered in his decision to register his
luggage, he could have had enough time to disclose the true worth of the articles in it and to pay the
extra charges or remove them from the checked-in-luggage. Moreover, an airplane will not depart
meantime that its own employee is asking a passenger to comply with a safety regulation.
Passengers are also allowed one hand-carried bag each provided it conforms to certain prescribed
dimensions. If Mr. Rapadas was not allowed to hand-carry the lost attaché case, it can only mean that
he was carrying more than the allowable weight for all his luggage or more than the allowable
number of hand-carried items or more than the prescribed dimensions for the bag or valise. The
evidence on any arbitrary behavior of a Pan Am employee or inexcusable negligence on the part of
the carrier is not clear from the petition. Absent such proof, we cannot hold the carrier liable because
of arbitrariness, discrimination, or mistreatment.
It does not mean, however, that passengers are always bound to the stipulated amounts printed on a
ticket, found in a contract of adhesion, or printed elsewhere but referred to in handouts or forms.
The reasons behind stipulations on liability limitations arise from the difficulty, if not impossibility, of
establishing with a clear preponderance of evidence the contents of a lost valise or suitcase. Unless
the contents are declared, it will always be the word of a passenger against that of the airline. If the
loss of life or property is caused by the gross negligence or arbitrary acts of the airline or the contents
of the lost luggage are proved by satisfactory evidence other than the self-serving declarations of one
party, the Court will not hesitate to disregard the fine print in a contract of adhesion. Otherwise, the
Court is constrained to rule on the basis of the provisions of the contract.