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Index: See Also Paths and Circuits

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782 Index

absolute percentage error 389 categorical data 565
absolute relative error 389 census 549
accuracy of measurement 383–5 certain event 619
accuracy of an instrument 383–4 charts 553–5
accuracy of reading 384–5 circle
appropriateness of the instrument 383 area 418–19
acute-angled triangle 324 circumference 400–2, 404
addition 3 circuits 678
decimals 25, 88 Euler 678, 680, 682–3
fractions 16, 17, 85 see also paths and circuits
integers 63–5, 84 circumference 400–2, 404
algebra 199–231 class intervals, grouping data using 581–3
see also equations closed circle 82
allied angles 354 co-interior angles 354
alternate angles 354 column graphs 562
analysing data 606–9 combined operations with integers 78–9
AND gate 140 commission 182, 183
AND operator 141 common factors 228
angles communicating (problem solving strategy) 699,
and parallel lines 353–6 710–11
in polygons 349–51 Commutative Law 213–15
in quadrilaterals 344–5 comparing ratios 294–5
in triangles 329–30 complement set 105
annulus 420 complete networks 675
approximation in measurement 386–7 composite numbers 10
Archimedes of Syracuse 403 composite shapes, area 425–7
area conclusions (logic) 133
circle 418–19 cone 434
composite shapes 425–7 congruent figures 447, 466–7
parallelogram 415–16 constructing triangles 362–4
rectangle 409–10 given three side lengths 362
trapezium 422–3 given two angles and the side between them 362–3
triangle 410–11 given two sides and the angle between them 363
units of 409 coordinates 56, 494–6
see also total surface area corresponding angles 354
Associative Law 215–17 cross-multiplication 288
assumptions (logic) 133 cute numbers 22
average speed 313–15
averages see mean; median; mode data 549
data analysis 606–9
backtracking 237–9 data collection and organisation 549–52
bar graphs 563–5 decimals
BEDMAS 78, 79 addition and subtraction 25, 88
bias (sampling) 550 conversion to fractions 23
binary addition 39–41 conversion to percentages 166
binary counting 39 directed number operations 88–90
binary multiplication 41–2 division 27–8, 88
binary numbers 35 multiplication 26–7, 88
converting from binary to decimal system 36–7 percentages as 160
converting from decimal system to binary 36 to find percentages of an amount 173–4
operations 39–42 degree of a vertex 667
BODMAS 6, 78 denominator 15
braces (curly brackets) 97 dependent variable 526, 527–9
described set 97
C-shape (co-interior angles) 354 diagrams, drawing, then looking for a pattern or result
cardinal number of the set 102 (problem solving strategy) 702
Cartesian plane 56, 494–6 diameter 401
linear patterns 498–501 dilation factor 471
Index 783
dilations 447, 470–4 factorising 228–30
enlargement 470–1 factors 10, 228–30
reduction 471–2 favourable outcome 623
Diophantus of Alexandria 245 finite set 102–3
directed numbers fractions 15–16
on number line 81–2 addition and subtraction 16–17
on number plane 82 conversion to decimals 22–3
operations with decimals 88–90 conversion to percentages 162–3
operations with fractions 85–6 directed number operations 85–6
operations with integers 84 multiplication and division 19
disjoint sets 104 percentages as 155–7
Distributive Law 226 to find percentages of an amount 168–9
dividing pronumerals 223 frequency distribution table 581–2, 591
division 5 frequency (of an event) 623
decimals 27–8, 88 frequency polygons 578–80, 583
fractions 19, 85 functions
integers 75–7, 84 horizontal line test 537–8
domain 527 many-to-one correspondence 537
one-to-one correspondence 537
edges (networks) 661, 667, 668
and vertices 675 geometric constructions 369
elements of a set 97 geometry 323–74
empty set 97 definition 323
enlargement 470–1, 472–3 glossary 713–19
equal sets 105–6 gradient 294–5, 512
equations 199 of a straight line 513
backtracking 237–9 positive, negative, zero and undefined 513–14
checking solutions 257–9
gradient and y-intercept method (sketching linear
inequalities and inequations 267–71
graphs) 522–3
keeping them balanced 241–2
graphical representation of directed numbers 81–2
solving with algebra 246–9
solving word problems 261–4
and relationships 537–9
with pronumerals on both sides 252–4
bar 563–5
equilateral triangle 323
column 562
EQUIVALENCE operator 142
equivalent fractions 16 horizontal line test 537–8
equivalent ratios 282 interpreting 489–90
equivalent sets 105–6 line 490, 570–3
error in measurement 389–91 linear 508–29
estimation 29–33 non-linear 534–6
in measurement 386–7 point 489, 490
Euclid 328 see also functions
Euler circuits 678, 680 greater than (>) 52
finding 682–3 grouping data using class intervals 581–3
Euler, Leonhard 670
Euler paths 678–80 Hamiltonian paths and circuits 680
Euler’s formula 669 handshake problem 674–5
event 623 hexagonal prism 434
expanding brackets 225–6 highest common factor (HCF) 10, 228–9
and collecting like terms 226–7 histograms 577–8, 579–81, 582–3
experiment, definition 623 history of mathematics 245, 304, 328, 403, 569, 670
experimental probability 623–6 horizontal axis 494
expressions 199 horizontal line test 537–8
expanding brackets 225–7
factorising 228–30 Identity Law 217
simplifying 219–20 IMPLIES operator 142
substituting positive and negative numbers 209–10 impossible event 619
working with brackets 207–8 improper fraction 15
exterior angles of a triangle 333–5 independent variable 526, 527–9
inequalities 267, 269
F-shape (corresponding angles) 354 inequations 267–8, 269–71
faces (networks) 668 infinite set 102–3
784 Index

integers 51–2 median 592–4, 595–6, 606

addition 63–5, 84 minimal spanning trees 689–91
combined operations 78–9 mixed number 15
division 75–7, 84 mode 594, 595–6, 606
multiplication 70–1, 84 multiples 10
on a number line 52 multiplication 4, 5
on the number plane 59 decimals 26–7, 88
subtraction 67–9, 84 fractions 19, 85
intercept method (sketching linear graphs) 523 integers 70–1, 84
interpreting graphs 489–90 multiplying pronumerals 221
intersection of sets 113–14
invalid arguments 133 negative gradient 513
Inverse Law 217 negative numbers 51
inverse operations 237–9 nets and solids 371–2
irregular quadrilateral 339 networks 661
isometric drawing 365–6 and trees 687–91
isometric transformations 447 applications to problem solving 674–7
reflections 447, 452–4 basic properties 667–71
rotations 447, 458–60 complete 675
translations 447–8 degree of a vertex 667
isosceles triangle 323 edges, faces and vertices 762
Euler’s formula 669
Karnaugh maps 121–3 planar 667–8, 669
kite 339 representing 663–4
simple 661–2
labelling method 663–4 see also paths and circuits
length, units of 395 nodes 661
less than (<) 52 non-isometric transformations 447
like terms 219 dilations 447, 470–4
line graphs 490, 570–3 non-linear graphs 534–6
linear equations 246 NOT gate 140
solving 246–9 NOT operator 142
linear graphs ‘nude’ numbers 22
applications 526–9 null set 97
finding the rule for 519–21 number laws 213–17, 226
gradient and y-intercept 512–15 number line 52–3
plotting 508–10 and inequations 268
sketching 522–4 directed numbers on 81–2
linear patterns 498–501 number plane 56
linear relationships, finding the rule for 503–6 directed numbers on 82
logic 133 integers on 58
logic gates 139–41 positive integers and zero on 56–7
AND gate 140 numerator 15
combining in circuits 140–1
NOT gate 140 obtuse-angled triangle 324
OR gate 139 one-to-one correspondence (functions) 447
logic statements, representing on Venn diagrams OR gate 139
133–7 OR operator 141
long run 630 order of operations 6
lowest common factor (LCF) 10 ordered pair 56
lowest common multiple (LCM) 10, 11 Oresmé, Nicholas 569
outcome 623
many-to-one correspondence (functions) 537 overlapping sets 104, 105
maximum error in a measurement 390–1
mean 590–1, 593, 595–6, 606 parallax error 384
mean absolute difference 601–3, 606 parallel lines, and angles 353–6
measurement parallelogram 339
accuracy of 383–5 area 415–16
error in 389–91 paths, definition 678
estimation and approximation 386–7 paths and circuits 678
tolerance 391–2 Euler 678–80, 682–3
measures of spread 600–3 Hamiltonian 680
Index 785
patterns of numbers from a spreadsheet (problem solving random sample 549, 550
strategy) 703–4 range (dependent variable) 527
percentages range (statistics) 600–1, 606
applications 182–4 rates 310
as decimals 160 ratio scale 305
as fractions 155–7 ratios 279–80
common and short cuts 188–90 comparing 294–5
decimals to 166 dividing in a given ratio 301
finding using a calculator 186 increasing and decreasing in a given ratio 297–8
fractions to 162–3 simplifying 282–4
of an amount using decimals 173–4 reasoning (problem solving strategy) 699, 710–11
of an amount using fractions 168–9 reciprocal (of dilation factor) 470
one amount as a percentage of another 177–9 rectangle 339
perimeter 396–8, 404 area 409–10
see also circumference rectangular prism 434
planar networks 667–8, 669 reflecting (problem solving strategy) 700, 711–12
point graphs 489, 490 reflections (transformation) 447, 452–4
polygons, angles in 349–51 regions (networks) 668
population 549 regular polygons 351
positive gradient 513 relative frequency 623, 624, 625, 630
positive integers on the number plane 56–7 representing networks 663–4
positive numbers 51 Rhind papyrus 304
power set 106–7 rhombus 339
premises 133 right-angled triangle 324
prime numbers 10, 11 rotations 447, 458–60
prisms rounding 30–3
cross-sections 434 the dividend to a multiple of the divisor 31–2
volume 434–7
to first digit 31
up and down 30
definition 619
experimental 623–6
sales, using percentages 182
theoretical 630–6
sample 549
probability scale 619–21
sample space 630–1, 636
problem solving strategies 698
communicating 699, 710–11 scale drawing 305–7
create a table then look for a pattern or result 700–1 scale factor 306
draw a diagram then look for a pattern or result 702 scalene triangle 323
list a pattern of numbers using a spreadsheet 703–4 set builder method 98
look at similar but simpler problems 706–7 set notation 97
questioning skills 698, 699 sets 97–9
reasoning 699, 710–11 complement 105
reflecting 699, 711–12 disjoint 104
use a process of elimination 706 equal 105–6
use trial and error (guess and check) with a equivalent 105–6
spreadheet 708–9 finite 102–3
working backwards from the answer 704–5 infinite 102–3
process of elimination (problem solving strategy) 706 intersection of 113–14
profit and loss 182, 183 overlapping 104, 105
pronumerals 199–200 power 106–7
and number laws 213–17 subsets and supersets 103–4
dividing 223 terminology 97
multiplying 221 union of 114–16
placement in alphabetical order 221 universal 103
proper fraction 15 see also Karnaugh maps; tree diagrams; Venn
proportion 288–9 diagrams
shaded circle 82
quadrilaterals 338–40 similar figures 447, 470, 478–9
angles in 344–5 simple networks 661–2
questioning skills 698, 699 simplifying
questionnaires 551–2 expressions 219–20
ratios 282–4
radius 401 simulations 640–3
786 Index

sketching linear graphs 522 trials 623

gradient and y-intercept method 522–3 triangles 323
intercept method 523 angles in 329–30
solving similar but simpler problems (problem solving area 410–11
strategy) 706–7 constructing 362–4
speed 313–15 exterior angles 333–5
sphere 434 naming according to length of sides 323, 324, 325
square 339 naming according to size of angles 324, 325
square numbers 11, 12 triangular prism 434
square pyramid 434 truth functions 139–43
square roots 12 logic gates 139–41
statistics 549 truth tables 141–3
stem-and-leaf plots 587–8
AND operator 141
subsets 103–4
EQUIVALENCE operator 142
substitution 204–5
IMPLIES operator 142
positive and negative numbers 209–10
working with brackets 207–8 NOT operator 142
subtraction 3–4 OR operator 141
decimals 25, 88 two-way tables 646–51
fractions 16–17, 85
integers 67–9, 84 undefined gradient 513
sum of angles in a polygon 349–51 union of sets 114–16
supersets 103–4 unit set 97
supplementary angles 354 universal set 103
surveys 549
bias in 550 valid arguments 133
collecting data 551–2 variables 199, 526, 527–9
syllogism 133 Venn diagrams 112–13
intersection of sets 113–14
tables 553–5 representing logic statements on 133–7
creating, then looking for patterns or results (problem union of sets 114–16
solving strategy) 700–1 vertical axis 494
theoretical probability 630–6 vertically opposite angles 354
three-dimensional shapes vertices (networks) 661, 663
isometric drawing 365–6 vinculum 15
nets of 371–2 volume 434
total surface area 431–2 and enlargement 473
tolerance of a quantity 391–2 non-prism shapes 436
total surface area 431–2
prisms 434–7
tournaments 675–7
odd numbers of teams 677
whole number operations 3–6
transformations 447
isometric 447–9, 452–4, 458–60 word problems, solving 261–4
non-isometric 447, 470–4 working backwards from the answer (problem solving
translations 447–9 strategy) 704–5
transversals 353
trapezium 339 x-axis 494
area 422–3 X-shape (vertically opposite angles) 354
tree diagrams 126–9, 646–51
trees y-axis 494
and networks 687–91 y-intercept 514–15
identifying 687–8
minimal spanning 689–91 Z-shape (alternate angles) 354
trial and error (guess and check) with a spreadsheet zero 51, 52, 56
(problem solving strategy) 708–9 zero gradient 513

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