Rock Check Dam: Denver Federal Center Building 56, Room 2604 PO Box 25426 Denver, Co 80225-0426 720-544-2810 - Office
Rock Check Dam: Denver Federal Center Building 56, Room 2604 PO Box 25426 Denver, Co 80225-0426 720-544-2810 - Office
Rock Check Dam: Denver Federal Center Building 56, Room 2604 PO Box 25426 Denver, Co 80225-0426 720-544-2810 - Office
Check Dam
Denver Federal Center NOTE
Building 56, Room 2604 After a fire many trees are
PO Box 25426 weakened from burning around
the base of the trunk. The trees
Denver, Co 80225-0426 can fall over or blow down with-
out warning. Shalow rooted
trees can also fall. Therefore be
720-544-2810 - office extremely alert when around burned trees.
What is a rock check dam? A small rock dam constructed across a drainage way, swale or road ditch.
When is a rock Rock Check Dams are used where runoff is concentrated in a drainage way, swale, or
road ditch that has lost all its natural protection due to the fire, or will receive increased
check dam used? flow rates as a result of fire in the contributing drainage area. The rock dams will reduce
erosion and trap sediment generated from adjacent areas or the ditch itself. Rock Check
Dams should be limited to use in open channels that drain 50 acres or less.
How is the rock The maximum height of the rock check dam should not exceed 3.0 feet. The top of
the dam should be at least 1 foot below the top of the channel or swale. The top width
check dam installed? should be a minimum of 3 feet. The maximum spacing between the dams should be as
The center of the dam shall be at least 1.5 feet lower than the sides. The base of the
dam should be keyed into the channel bottom to a depth of 2 feet. The ends of the dam
should be keyed into the channel sides a minimum of 4 feet. The rock should be of suf-
ficient size and quality to meet Colorado Department of Transportation specifications for
9 inch D50 Rock Riprap.
What maintenance The Rock Check Dam should be inspected after every rainfall event, and repaired as
is required?
3 3
1 H
9-12” Rock Riprap 1
Figure 2 - Typical cross section of rock check structure