Advanced Auditing
Advanced Auditing
Advanced Auditing
(Public Company Accounting Oversight Board,
A Practical Approach with Data Analytics
First Edition
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Brief Contents
1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance 1-1
I n d e x I -1
From the Authors
Auditing is about earning the public trust. Auditors serve that public trust by being indepen-
dent of the companies they audit—in mental attitude and in fact. You will find that auditing
is about developing an inquisitive mind and mastering decision-making; you must master an
audit logic (the audit risk model) and develop audit strategies. To help you develop both skills,
we have taken a very practical approach in this text, as follows:
In addition, you must also embrace an increasing variety of fascinating technologies being
used by auditors. To help you do this, we have:
The accounting and auditing skills you build in this course will serve you for the rest of your
life as you develop an independence of thought and action. Your journey of developing a
questioning mindset, developing an investigative intuitiveness, and learning how to recognize
accounting issues that do not pass the “smell test” will open many opportunities. If you keep
asking questions, continue to explore the application of new technologies, and stay true to the
importance of integrity and independent thought and actions that will earn the public trust,
you should have a rich and rewarding career.
We are excited and honored to lead you on this “auditing” journey. We hope you dive into the
material and explore the resources provided in this text and WileyPLUS. Above all else, we
wish you great success!
About the Authors
Unique Pedagogical Framework
Auditing provides key learning aids to help students master the content and prepare them for
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Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary Risk
of the System of Internal Control
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Illustration 3.12 provides a diagram of the process used when developing the audit strat-
egy for an account or assertion. Notice that the left side of the diagram provides an overview
of the reliance on controls approach described in this section.
Substantive Approach
iLLuStrAtiOn 6.1 Objectives
(see Illustration 5.8). The purpose of this lead is to summarize all general ledger accounts
Organizational structure
The relationship among the that are combined into the cash and cash equivalents account on the financial statements.
Professional Skepticism and Audit Risk 3-15
three dimensions of internal
The lead schedule also has adjusting journal entries, if any, that are proposed by the auditor.
control: objectives, components,
In the top-left corner of the lead schedule are the client name, period-end, and currency
and organizational structure
Professional Skepticism unit (in this example, balances are rounded to the nearest thousand dollars). In the top
Test the
Operating unit
Control environment
control(s) center of the lead schedule is section identification (C). In the top-right corner, details of
Auditors have a responsibility to plan and perform an audit with professional skepticism. the working paper preparer and reviewers are documented. Next, details of the cash and
Risk assessment
Professional skepticism is an attitude adopted by auditors when conducting all phases of the cash equivalents balance are listed. For each item listed in the lead schedule, the following
audit. It means that auditors remain independentIncrease
of the extent
management, and its staff are noted:
Control activities
Is the control(s)
when completing the audit work.NO In a practical sense, professional skepticism means au- professional skepticism an
substantive procedures
effective? Does it work?
ditors maintain a questioning mind and thoroughly investigate
performed all evidence presented by the Information
at year-end attitude that
andincludes a• question-
communication General ledger account number, per the client records.
client (AS 1015.07). For example, AU-C 200.A22 states auditors should be skeptical if any of ing mind, being alert to condi-
the following arise during the audit: tionsMonitoring indicate• possible
that may activities General ledger account name, per the client records.
misstatement due to fraud or
• Preadjusted balance, any adjustments, and the audit-adjusted current-year balance per
YES error, and a critical assessment of
• Audit evidence recently gathered that is contradictory to other evidence previously gathered. the client’s trial balance (TB).
audit evidence
• New information that brings into question the reliability of clientObjectives of Internal Control
documents or responses • The prior-year balance, per the prior-year audit file (PY).
to auditor inquiries.
Perform less extensive The COSO framework depicted in Illustration 6.1 identifies three objectives of internal control
• Conditions
detailed substantivethat may provide evidence of possible fraud.
that allow organizations to focus on the differing purposes of internal control. These three
Many illustrations, such as work- procedures at interim
• Situations that indicate the need for additional audit procedures objectives
by generally accepted auditing standards.
beyond what are:is required ILLUSTRATION 5.8 Working paper example: Cash lead schedule
entity is subject.
questions in mind when gathering audit evidence: Is this information reliable? Do we need to no. Account name 12/31/2022 Adjustments 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 Variance Variance Ref
perform more audit procedures? When auditors exercise professional skepticism during the (COSO, Internal
10100 Control—Integrated Framework,
Cash in Bank: Wells Fargo 2013)
$ 11,000 $0 $ 11,000 TB $ 10,500 PY $500 5% C01
risk assessment phase, it helps to ensure they are using appropriate assumptions when devel-
10200 Cash in Bank: U.S. Bank 134 0 134 TB 134 PY 0 0% C02
oping their audit strategy that will be used in the risk response phase.These
In thethree
reporting phase,of internal control help the
objectives auditor understand why the controls are
3-28 CHAPTE auditors
R 3 Riskuse Assessment
professional skepticism
Part I when evaluating the evidence gathered
important and forming
and an
the problems they are designed 10300
to prevent.
CashWithout understanding the
in Bank: Barclays 126in- 0 126 TB 126 PY 0 0% C03
opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly. tention of management in implementing internal controls,
10400 CashitinisBank:
harder to understand 56
Citigroup how 0 56 TB 50 PY 6 12% C04
• Ongoing losses. controls prevent, or detect and correct, financial statement misstatements. Management
10500 Short-Term Deposits 5,796 0 5,796 TB 5,600 PY 196 4% C05
and those charged with governance are concerned about adequately controlling the entity’s
• Rapid growth.
Audit Reasoning Examples apply chapter
operations, its financial reporting, and its compliance with laws
Total and
Cash andregulations.
Cash The exter-
$17,112 $0 $17,112 $16,410 $702 4%
Audit Reasoning• Example Poor cash flowsProfessional
combined withSkepticism
high earnings.
nal auditor, on the other hand, is primarily concerned withEquivalentsthe reporting objectives and the
• Pressure to meet market expectations and operations objectives related to safeguarding ofKey
profit targets. assets.
to audit tick marks (TM):
An auditor was auditing• aPlanning
recreational vehicle
to list on a(RV) dealership.
stock exchange. The auditor had obtained some
initial financial information from the client showing unaudited results for
• Planning to raise debt or renegotiate a loan.
the end of the third
Components of Internal Control
TB Agrees to client’s trial balance.
PY Agrees to prior-year audit file. concepts in brief real-world scenarios that
students might encounter in a professional
quarter. Sales were up and profit margins were up, making it the best year so far for the client. Background: No significant changes in banks or bank accounts from the prior period. Note: Analytical review on movements in the cash flows has
Interim records showed •that The client being
inventory was alsoabout to enter
up, and into ainventory
the client’s signifi
Thecant newshowed
records contract.
over of the COSO framework depicted
been performedin on
the cash flow6.1 identifies
schedule — seefive
300 RVs on hand at the •end A of the third
signifi quarter. Theofaudit
cant proportion remuneration tointegrated
senior wenttied talk to the components
to earnings audit man-
(that of internal
is, bonuses control:
or stock options).
ager about the good news and the client’s performance. The audit manager asked the senior a key
question. “You did the inventory observation last year. How many RVs did the • Control
client haveenvironment.
then?” environment. They also provide real-world
Comments: Cash and cash equivalents: In line with budget and change consistent with level of activity for the period (see also our review of the
statement of cash flows referenced in A1.1). Short-term deposits: Although the balance is very consistent with previous period, inclusion of
short-term deposits within cash and cash equivalents is acceptable (refer to C5).
“I think it was about 210,” the senior replied. Then the audit manager asked, “How • Riskfull was the lot
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Engaging Students with WileyPLUS
Auditing is completely integrated with WileyPLUS, featuring a suite of teaching and learning
resources developed under the close review of the authors. Driven by the same basic beliefs
as the text, WileyPLUS allows students to practice their understanding of concepts and access
the content and resources needed to master the material. Features of the WileyPLUS course
include the following:
Student Practice
Each chapter includes practice questions
for each learning objective that students
can review to assess their understanding
of chapter topics.
Tableau Homework
Tableau visualizations accompa-
nied by questions are available
with most chapters. Tableau vi-
sualizations allow students to in-
terpret visualizations and think
critically about data.
IDEA Cases
Select chapters include IDEA cases that allow stu-
dents to use IDEA software to analyze data. An IDEA
casebook and accompanying data sets, provided by
Audimation Data Analytic Software and Services, is
also available.
Real-World Videos
loomberg videos accompany each chapter,
providing students with relevant examples of
auditing practices in the professional world.
Relevant Accounting
Up-to-date accounting articles are post-
ed to the Wiley accounting update site,
Many of these news updates direct
students to news-related videos and
articles that address auditing-related
Adaptive Practice
Adaptive practice is a tool students can use to
understand the essentials of auditing. Students
can answer a multiple-choice question and,
based on their response, the adaptive practice
software will recommend another question
to help students assess their understanding
of a topic. Detailed reports also help students
identify where they need to focus their studies.
There are hundreds of adaptive questions for
students to answer in the Auditing course.
Preparing for the CPA Exam
For each chapter in the WileyPLUS course, students can access CPAexcel videos, CPA Exam
Practice Questions in the PrometricTM Testing Interface, and Task-Based Simulations (TBSs),
which are the primary form of assessment used by the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA). These resources:
Student Assessment
Each chapter of Auditing in WileyPLUS has over 300 assessment questions that can help keep
your students engaged and on track.
End-of-Chapter Assessment
Questions and Problems
Each Auditing text chapter concludes with over 40 gradable assessment questions and problems
you can use to gauge students’ understanding and ability to apply auditing concepts, as follows:
Because no two audits are alike, Auditing uses a practical, case-based approach to help stu-
dents develop professional judgment, think critically about the auditing process, and develop
the decision-making skills necessary to perform a real-world audit. The best way for a student
to learn auditing is to actually do auditing. To help provide real-world application, we have
developed the following cases:
• Audit Decision Cases—Three cases run through most of the text chapters and provide
a broad review of the audit process (King Companies, Inc., Mobile Security, Inc., and
Brookwood Pines Hospital). In addition, chapter-specific cases help you assess students’
understanding of topics that are the focus of a particular chapter.
• Cloud 9 Continuing Case—Requires students to apply chapter concepts to the ongoing
Cloud 9 case that is highlighted in the chapter.
To help you more easily identify what questions you want to assign, questions are tagged
with learning objectives, professional AICPA and AACSB outcome standards, Bloom’s
Taxonomy, level-of-difficulty, and a recommended time of completion. You can track student
performance in the WileyPLUS gradebook.
Test Bank
Each chapter of the test bank has between 130–175 questions that you can assign to students
in an exam or as graded practice. Question types include true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-
the blank, and short answer questions. To help you more easily identify what questions you
want to assign, questions are tagged with learning objectives, professional AICPA and AACSB
outcome standards, Bloom’s Taxonomy, level-of-difficulty, and a recommended time of com-
pletion. You can track student performance in the WileyPLUS gradebook.
Auditing has benefited tremendously from the input of students who have used this text’s ma-
terial in class, manuscript reviewers, and those who have supported the writing. We are very
appreciative of all the suggestions and comments received. The thoughts, ideas, and recom-
mendations of reviewers, editorial staff, and ancillary authors is deeply appreciated.
Acknowledgments xv
We also want to thank several individuals for their help in We appreciate suggestions and comments from users—
moving this text from concept to publication. This work would instructors and students alike. Please send us your thoughts
not have come to fruition without the extensive support and and ideas about the text.
guidance of Emily Marcoux, Michael McDonald, Joel Hollen-
beck, Ed Brislin, Matt Origoni, Valerie Vargas, Sandra Rigby, Raymond Johnson Laura Wiley
Kirsten Loose, Terry Ann Tatro, Nicola Smith, and Jackie Henry Portland, Oregon Baton Rouge, Louisiana
at Aptara.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction and Overview of Audit Independence 2-12
Key Individuals and Independence Requirements 2-13
and Assurance 1-1 Employment or Association with an Attest Client 2-17
Nonattest Services 2-18
Assurance, Attestation, and Audit Services 1-3 SEC and PCAOB Independence Rules 2-20
Different Assurance Services 1-6 General Standards 2-23
Financial Statement Audits 1-6 Other Rules of Conduct for Members in
Compliance Audits 1-7 Public Practice 2-24
Operational (Performance) Audits 1-7 Accounting Principles Rule 2-25
Internal Audits 1-8 Fees and Other Types of Remuneration 2-25
Demand for Audit and Assurance Services 1-8 Confidential Information 2-26
Financial Statement Users 1-9 Auditor Liability Under Common Law 2-26
Sources of Demand for Audit and Assurance Services 1-10 Liability to Clients 2-27
Preparers and Auditors 1-11 Contract Law 2-27
Preparer Responsibility 1-11 Tort Law 2-28
Auditor Responsibility 1-11 Cases Illustrating Liability to Clients 2-28
Assurance Providers 1-12 Liability to Third Parties 2-29
The Role of Regulators and Regulations 1-13 Burden of Proof and Common Law Defenses 2-32
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 1-13 Auditor Liability Under Statutory Law 2-33
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 1-13 The Securities Act of 1933 2-34
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants The Securities Act of 1934 2-35
(AICPA) 1-15 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 2-36
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 1-17 The Private Securities Litigation Reform Acts of 1995 and
Committee on Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway 1998 2-36
Commission (COSO) 1-18 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 2-37
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy Criminal Liability 2-39
(NASBA) and State Boards of Accountancy 1-18
Audit Report on Financial Statements 1-19
Reasonable Assurance and the Financial Statements 1-19 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk
Materiality and the Financial Statements 1-20
The Auditorʼs Report on Financial Statements 1-20
and Audit Strategy 3-1
Audit Report on Internal Controls over
Client Acceptance and Continuance Decisions 3-3
Financial Reporting 1-25
Phases of an Audit 3-8
Reasonable Assurance and Internal Controls 1-25
Risk Assessment Phase 3-9
The Auditor’s Report on Internal Control over Financial
Risk Response Phase 3-9
Reporting 1-26
Concluding and Reporting on an Audit 3-10
The Audit Expectation Gap 1-28
Materiality 3-10
Qualitative and Quantitative Materiality 3-11
Setting Materiality 3-11
2 Professionalism and Professional Professional Skepticism and Audit Risk 3-14
Responsibilities 2-1 Professional Skepticism 3-15
Audit Risk 3-15
Professionalism and Accounting 2-3 The Audit Risk Model and Its Components 3-17
The Structure of the AICPA Code of Professional Audit Strategy 3-21
Conduct 2-5 Reliance on Controls Approach 3-22
Conceptual Framework for Members Substantive Approach 3-24
in Public Practice 2-7 Fraud Risk 3-25
Integrity and Objectivity 2-11 Incentives and Pressures to Commit a Fraud 3-27
Table of Contents xvii
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Timing of Substantive Procedures 9-14
Procedure 7-17 Extent of Substantive Procedures 9-16
Cluster Analysis 7-18 Auditing Accounting Estimates 9-19
Matching Information in Key Data Fields 7-25 Nature of Accounting Estimates 9-19
Regression Analysis 7-30 Risk Assessment Procedures for
Visualization 7-34 Accounting Estimates 9-21
Using Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 7-37 Risk Response Procedures for Accounting Estimates 9-22
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 7-38 Example of Auditing Accounting Estimates 9-24
Validating Sales Revenue and Accounts Receivable with Documenting Results of Substantive Procedures 9-26
Subsequent Cash Receipts 7-38
10 Risk Response: Evaluating Audit
8 Risk Response: Performing Tests Data Analytics and Audit Sampling
of Controls 8-1
for Substantive Tests 10-1
Using Audit Data Analytics versus Audit Sampling 10-3
Steps in Assessing Control Risk 8-3
When to Use Audit Data Analytics 10-3
Understand Entity-Level Controls 8-3
When to Use Audit Sampling 10-3
Understand the Flow of Transactions 8-3
Audit Sampling Defined 10-5
Identify What Can Go Wrong (WCGW) 8-4
Sampling Risk and Nonsampling Risk 10-6
Identify Relevant Controls to Test 8-5
Statistical and Nonstatistical Sampling 10-8
Determine Preliminary Audit Strategy 8-5
Sampling Methods 10-9
Perform Tests of Controls 8-5
Random Selection 10-9
Evaluate Evidence and Assess Control Risk 8-5
Systematic Selection 10-10
Reporting Findings 8-5
Haphazard Selection 10-11
Types of Controls 8-7
Professional Judgment in Selecting and Evaluating
Preventive and Detective Controls 8-7
Sample Items 10-11
Manual and Automated Controls 8-10
Factors That Influence the Sample Size—Substantive
Procedures for Testing Controls 8-13
Testing 10-11
Inquiry 8-13
A Basic Framework for Audit Sampling 10-14
Observation 8-14
Step 1: Determine the Objectives of the Substantive
Inspection of Physical Evidence 8-14
Test 10-14
Reperformance 8-14
Step 2: Determine the Substantive Audit Procedures to
Software-Based Audit Techniques 8-14
Perform 10-14
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-15
Step 3: Determine Whether to Audit a Sample
Which Controls Should Be Selected for Testing? 8-16
or the Entire Population 10-15
The Extent of Tests of Controls 8-17
Step 4: Define the Population and Sampling Unit 10-16
Timing of Tests of Controls 8-21
Applying Probability-Proportionate-to-Size Sampling
Benchmarking 8-22
for Substantive Testing 10-16
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls—A Summary 8-23
Step 5: Choose the Audit Sampling Technique 10-17
Results of the Auditor’s Testing 8-26
Step 6: Determine Sample Size Using Professional
Documenting Conclusions 8-29
Judgment 10-18
Step 7: Select a Representative Sample 10-21
Step 8: Apply Audit Procedures 10-22
9 Risk Response: Performing Step 9: Evaluate Sample Results 10-22
Substantive Procedures 9-1 Applying Nonstatistical Sampling for Substantive
Testing 10-28
Audit Risk and Substantive Procedures 9-3 Step 5: Choose the Audit Sampling Technique 10-28
Risk Response at the Financial Statement Level 9-5 Step 6: Determine Sample Size Using
Nature of Substantive Procedures 9-7 Professional Judgment 10-29
Initial Procedures 9-8 Step 7: Select a Representative Sample 10-29
Substantive Analytical Procedures 9-9 Step 8: Apply Audit Procedures 10-30
Tests of Details 9-13 Step 9: Evaluate Sample Results 10-30
ADA and Substantive Procedures 9-13 Step 10: Document Conclusions 10-32
Table of Contents xix
Appendix 10A: Applying Classical Variables Other Considerations Regarding the Entity
Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-33 and Its Environment 12-7
Step 5: Apply Classical Variables Sampling 10-33 Inherent Risks in the Purchasing Process 12-8
Step 6: Determine the Sample Size 10-34 Control Activities for Purchases 12-11
Step 7: Select a Random Sample 10-37 Example Transaction Flows—Credit Purchases 12-12
Step 8: Apply Audit Procedures 10-37 Identify What Can Go Wrong (WCGW) and Identify Key
Step 9: Evaluate the Sample Results 10-38 Controls—Purchases and Accounts Payable 12-15
Step 10: Document Results 10-39 Control Activities for Cash Disbursements 12-18
Example Transaction Flows—Cash Disbursements 12-18
11 Auditing the Revenue Process 11-1
Identify What Can Go Wrong (WCGW) and
Identify Key Controls—Cash Disbursements 12-19
Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) 12-21
Nature of the Revenue Process 11-3
Initiating an ERS Transaction 12-21
Understanding the Entity and Its Environment 11-4
Receiving Goods 12-22
Understanding the Client’s Revenue Process 11-4
Recording Payables 12-22
Analytical Procedures 11-6
Electronic Payment 12-22
Other Considerations Regarding the Entity
Internal Controls in an ERS System 12-23
and Its Environment 11-8
Control Activities for Purchase Adjustments and
Inherent Risks in the Revenue Process 11-9
Purchasing Process Disclosures 12-24
Control Activities for Credit Sales 11-12
Purchase Returns and Allowances 12-24
Example Transaction Flows—Sales Process 11-13
Other Controls in the Purchasing Process 12-25
Identify What Can Go Wrong (WCGW) and Identify
Tests of Controls in the Purchasing Process and
Key Controls—Credit Sales and Accounts
Audit Strategy 12-26
Receivable 11-16
Tests of Controls in the Purchasing Process 12-26
Control Activities for Cash Receipts 11-18
Fraud Risk Assessment 12-27
Example Transaction Flows—Cash Receipts 11-19
Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 12-27
Identify WCGW and Identify Key Controls—Cash
The Risk of Material Misstatement and Audit
Receipts 11-21
Strategy 12-28
Control Activities for Sales Adjustments
Substantive Procedures for the Purchasing
and Revenue Process Disclosures 11-23
Process 12-28
Granting Sales Returns and Allowances 11-23
Initial Procedures 12-30
Determining Uncollectible Accounts 11-24
Substantive Analytical Procedures 12-30
Other Controls in the Revenue Process 11-24
Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 12-31
Tests of Controls in the Revenue Process and
Tests of Details of Transactions 12-31
Audit Strategy 11-25
Tests of Details of Balances 12-32
Tests of Controls in the Revenue Process 11-25
Tests of Details of Presentation and Disclosure 12-33
Fraud Risk Assessment 11-26
Appendix 12A: Auditing Payroll 12-34
Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 11-27
Explain the Nature of Payroll Transactions and
The Risk of Material Misstatement and Audit Strategy 11-27
Balances 12-34
Substantive Tests for the Revenue Process 11-28
Understanding the Entity and Its Environment 12-35
Initial Procedures 11-30
Understanding the Client’s Payroll Process 12-35
Substantive Analytical Procedures 11-31
Analytical Procedures 12-36
Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 11-31
Other Considerations Regarding the Entity and Its
Tests of Details of Transactions 11-32
Environment 12-36
Tests of Details of Balances 11-33
Inherent Risks Related to Payroll 12-37
Tests of Details of Presentation and Disclosure 11-38
Control Activities for Payroll 12-38
Example Transaction Flows—Payroll 12-38
12 Auditing the Purchasing and Identify What Can Go Wrong (WCGW) and Identify Key
Payroll Processes 12-1 Controls—Payroll 12-40
Tests of Controls in the Payroll Process and Audit
Nature of Purchase Transactions and Balances 12-3 Strategy 12-42
Understanding the Entity and Its Environment 12-4 Tests of Controls for Payroll 12-43
Understanding the Client’s Purchasing Process 12-4 Fraud Risk Assessment 12-43
Analytical Procedures 12-7 Audit Data Analytics Used in Fraud Risk Assessment 12-44
xx Table of Contents
Substantive Tests for the Payroll Process 12-45 Audit Procedures for Loss Contingencies 14-3
Initial Procedures 12-46 Subsequent Events 14-7
Substantive Analytical Procedures 12-47 Engagement Wrap-Up 14-10
Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 12-47 Final Analytical Procedures 14-11
Tests of Details of Transactions 12-47 Final Evaluation of Audit Findings 14-11
Tests of Details of Balances 12-48 Completion of Working Paper Review 14-16
Tests of Disclosures 12-48 Engagement Quality Review 14-17
Completion of Documentation 14-17
Going Concern 14-18
13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Management Representation and Communication
with Those Charged with Governance 14-21
Accounts (and Related Income Management Representation Letter 14-21
Statement Accounts) 13-1 Communication with Those Charged with Governance 14-24
Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary
of the System of Internal Control
Risk Assessments
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
1-2 Ch a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Differentiate among assurance, attestation, and LO 6 Explain the concepts of reasonable assurance,
audit services. materiality, and the nature of an unqualified/
unmodified report on the audit of financial statements.
LO 2 Describe the different types of assurance
services. LO 7 Explain the concept of reasonable assurance and
the nature of an unqualified report on internal controls
LO 3 Explain the demand for audit and assurance
over financial reporting.
LO 8 Discuss the audit expectation gap.
LO 4 Discuss the different roles of the financial
statement preparer and the auditor.
LO 5 Identify the roles of different regulators and
organizations that affect the audit profession.
Ron asks for some time. He tells Chip that he first needs to and working hard, but he has never bothered with sophisticated
talk to his family and will then get back to him. When Ron puts financial arrangements. He is still running his business as a sole
the phone down, he immediately calls his friend from the golf club, proprietor (not a corporation), and his wife does all the tax returns.
Ernie Black, who is a CPA. For years, Ernie has been suggesting to Ron Ron is in a panic—he wants to sell McLellan’s Shoes, but what is he
that his business affairs need attention. Ron is good at making deals going to do about Chip’s request for audited financial statements?
The terms assurance, attestation, and auditing are sometimes used interchangeably, but they
actually represent different types of services. They are similar in that they all represent a com-
mon process of an independent accounting firm taking information prepared by someone else
and comparing that information to an established set of criteria. At the end of the service, the
independent accounting firm provides a written report about the results of the service per-
formed. This process is important because it adds credibility, or integrity, to the information,
which makes it more useful for decision making. An everyday example of this process would
be needing a physical exam from a medical doctor before joining a sports team. The doctor
would be the independent professional. The doctor would conduct the physical exam and
compare your results to standards considered acceptable for someone of your age and height.
At the completion of the physical exam, the doctor would provide you with written documen-
tation stating that you were in good physical condition to play on the sports team. The service
provided by the doctor improves the “integrity” of your claim that you are in good condition
to participate on the team.
The relationship of assurance, attestation, and auditing services is shown in Illustration
1.1 and resembles overlapping umbrellas. We will refer to Illustration 1.1 as we discuss the
three services in more detail.
1-4 Ch a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
illustration 1.1
Relationship of assurance, Assurance Services
attestation, and auditing
Attestation Services security
Risk advisory Review of historical
services financial statements
Audit Services
Examination integrity
Historical Internal
of financial Agreed-upon
financial controls
forecast procedures
Audit services are the most specific and narrow of the three services; therefore, it is the
audit services services by an smallest umbrella in Illustration 1.1. Two primary types of audit services are an audit of
independent CPA that provide financial statements and an audit of internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR). The
financial statement users with purpose of an audit of financial statements is to provide financial statement users with an
(1) an opinion on whether the opinion by the auditor on whether the financial statements are presented fairly in accor-
financial statements are presented dance with an applicable financial reporting framework. The purpose of an audit of ICFR
fairly, in all material respects, in
is to provide financial statement users with an opinion by the auditor on the design and
accordance with an applicable
operating effectiveness of ICFR. These audit services enhance the degree of confidence that
financial reporting framework
and, in some cases, (2) an opinion intended users can place in the financial statements (AU-C 200.04). Some key concepts in
on the effectiveness of ICFR, these descriptions require further explanation. The financial statements refer to historical
which enhance the degree of con- financial statements of either a public or private company. The auditor refers to an indepen-
fidence that intended users can dent certified public accountant, or CPA, who is qualified to perform the auditing service.
place in the financial statements The only professional who can sign an audit report on historical financial statements and
internal controls for a public or private company is a CPA. The applicable financial reporting
framework refers to the set of standards used in preparing the historical financial statements,
such as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the United States, International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), or governmental accounting standards for govern-
mental entities. The intended users refer to any group that will be using the financial state-
ments to make decisions, such as investors and creditors.
Companies produce financial information that goes beyond historical financial state-
ments. Examples include financial forecasts and detailed schedules for specific accounts.
When CPAs are hired to report on the integrity of this type of financial information, it is
attestation services services called an attestation service. Attestation services are performed when an independent prac-
performed when an independent titioner, or CPA, is engaged to issue a report on subject matter that is the responsibility of an-
practitioner, or CPA, is engaged other party. As depicted in Illustration 1.1, audit services fall under the umbrella of attestation
to issue a report on subject matter services, but so do other services that involve a CPA reporting on other financial information.
that is the responsibility of an- Note the use of the term practitioner in the definition of attestation services. The term practi-
other party
tioner is used rather than auditor because attestation services encompass more than just the
audit of historical financial statements and internal controls.
Another example of an attestation service is a review of historical financial statements.
Small private companies often do not want or need a service as extensive as an audit of the
financial statements in which the auditor has to express an opinion on the fair presentation
of the financial statements. In a review engagement, the practitioner expresses limited assur-
ance that no material modifications need to be made to the financial statements. So a review
of historical financial statements is a less extensive and, therefore, less expensive service that
Assurance, Attestation, and Audit Services 1-5
can be very useful for smaller private companies. A more detailed discussion of a review is
presented in Chapter 15.
The largest umbrella in Illustration 1.1 represents assurance services. Assurance ser- assurance services indepen-
vices are independent professional services that improve the quality of information, or its dent professional services that
context, for decision makers. Some key concepts are included in this definition. The term improve the quality of informa-
independent is common to audit, attestation, and assurance services. Independent implies tion, or its context, for decision
that the service is performed by someone who was not involved with the creation of the makers
information and who is objective in the evaluation of the information. (Chapter 2 covers
the concept of independence in more depth.) The term quality refers to the relevance and
reliability of the information. The term information refers to subject matter that can be fi-
nancial or nonfinancial, historical or prospective, standalone data or entire systems of data,
internal or external to a company. Essentially, the concept of assurance services encompasses
any service that a professional provides that involves improving the quality of information
that was prepared by someone else. Both attestation and audit services fall under the broad
term of assurance services, and therefore are depicted under the assurance umbrella in
Illustration 1.1.
While the audit of a company’s historical financial statements and internal controls is
the focus of this text, there are other types of audit and assurance services that warrant some
discussion. The next section provides a description of these different types of services.
Before You Go On
1.1 Who are intended users of assurance services?
1.2 What does “independent” mean in the context of assurance services?
1.3 What is an example of an “applicable financial reporting framework”?
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Uniform CPA Examination: Purpose and Structure
1-6 Ch a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
In this section, we provide an overview of the most common types of assurance services that
a practitioner can provide. We will discuss financial statement audits, compliance audits, op-
erational (performance) audits, and internal audits.
Certain public companies in the United States are also required to have an audit of ICFR. The
objective in an audit of ICFR is to express an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s sys-
tem of internal controls over financial reporting (AS 2201.03). The reason for requiring an audit
of internal controls is because effective internal control provides reasonable assurance regard-
ing the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external
purposes (AS 2201.02). Therefore, public companies are required to have two audits every year,
one on the financial statements and one on the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls.
For efficiency purposes, these two audits are performed at the same time. This is referred to as
integrated audit an audit that an integrated audit. The objectives of the audits are not identical, however, and the auditor
combines the financial statement must plan and perform the work to achieve the objectives of each audit (AS 2201.06). Private
audit with an audit of the effec- companies are not required by the government to have an audit of ICFR. As mentioned above,
tiveness of ICFR other interested users, such as a lender, may require a private company to have an audit of ICFR
along with an audit of the financial statements as a condition for being approved for a loan.
Limitations of an Audit
A financial statement audit is conducted to enhance the reliability and credibility of the
information included in the financial statements. It is not a guarantee that the financial
Different Assurance Services 1-7
statements are free from error or fraud. The limitations of an audit are caused by (1) the nature
of financial reporting, (2) the nature of audit procedures, and (3) the need for the audit to be
conducted within a reasonable period of time at a reasonable cost (AU-C 200.A49).
The nature of financial reporting refers to the use of judgment when preparing financial
statements due to the subjectivity required when arriving at accounting estimates. Judgment
is also required when selecting and applying accounting methods. For example, depreciating
a piece of equipment is an estimate that requires judgment in selecting a depreciation method
and determining a useful life and salvage value.
The nature of audit procedures refers to the reliance on evidence provided by the client
and its management. For example, what if client management withholds or hides important
documents from the auditors? If auditors are unaware of this situation, they may arrive at an
inappropriate conclusion based on incomplete facts. Evidence may be withheld or modified
by perpetrators of fraud. It can be difficult for an auditor to determine whether a fraud has
occurred because documents altered by those committing the fraud generally hide evidence.
Also, auditors often use sampling techniques when testing some transactions and account
balances. If a sample is not representative of all items available for testing, an auditor may
arrive at an incorrect conclusion.
The nature of audit procedures also refers to the concept of materiality. The Financial materiality the ability of infor-
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) defines materiality as follows: mation to influence decisions that
users make on the basis of the
Information is material if omitting it or misstating it could influence decisions that financial information of a specific
users make on the basis of the financial information of a specific reporting entity. reporting entity
(SFAC No. 8, para QC11)
Compliance Audits
A compliance audit involves gathering evidence to determine whether the person or entity compliance audit an audit
under review has followed the rules, policies, procedures, laws, and regulations with which to determine whether the entity
they must conform. One of the best examples of a compliance audit is an income tax audit. has conformed with regulations,
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may conduct an audit of an individual or a company to rules, or processes
determine if tax laws have been followed and the correct amount of tax paid.
allow one to dominate. For example, if buying cheap inputs results in an inefficient produc-
tion process, efficiency is sacrificed to achieve economic goals. Operational audits are gener-
ally conducted by an organization’s internal auditors (discussed in the next section), or they
may be outsourced to an external accounting firm.
Internal Audits
internal audit a function Internal audits are conducted to provide assurance about various aspects of an organiza-
within an entity which gener- tion’s activities. The internal audit function is typically conducted by employees of the orga-
ally evaluates and improves risk nization being audited, but can be outsourced to an external accounting firm. The function
management, internal control of an internal audit is determined by those charged with governance and management
procedures and elements of the within the organization. While the functions of internal audits vary widely from one orga-
governance process
nization to another, they are often concerned with evaluating and improving risk manage-
those charged with ment, internal control procedures, and elements of the governance process. The internal
governance persons with auditors often conduct operational audits, compliance audits, internal control assessments,
responsibility for overseeing the
and reviews. Many internal auditors are members of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
strategic direction of the entity
The IIA is an international organization with more than 120,000 members that provides guid-
and the obligations related to the
accountability of the entity ance and standards to aid internal auditors in their work. When conducting the financial
statement audit, the external auditor may rely on the work done by internal auditors when
evaluating the evidence needed to form an opinion on the financial statements or on ICFR.
A more detailed discussion of how internal auditors may assist with the audit is provided in
Chapter 5.
Before You Go On
2.1 What is the objective of a financial statement audit?
2.2 Explain the inherent limitations of a financial statement audit.
2.3 What are the three elements of an operational audit?
2.4 What are the most common functions of the internal auditors?
In this section, we provide an overview of the primary financial statement users followed by a
description of why these users may demand an audit of the financial statements.
Demand for Audit and Assurance Services 1-9
Investors generally read financial statements to determine whether they should invest in the
company. They are interested in the return on their investment and are concerned that the
entity will remain a going concern (continue operating) into the foreseeable future. Investors
may also be interested in the capacity of the company to pay a dividend. Prospective investors
read financial statements to determine whether they should buy shares in the entity.
Suppliers may read financial statements to determine whether the company can pay for goods
or services supplied. They are also interested in whether the company is likely to remain a
going concern (is likely to continue to be a customer of the supplier) and continue to pay its
debts when they come due.
In many business-to-business transactions, customers may read financial statements to de-
termine whether a company they rely on is likely to remain a going concern and meet their
Lenders may read financial statements to determine whether an entity is sufficiently credit-
worthy to qualify for a loan and whether it can pay the interest and principal as they come due.
Employees may read financial statements to determine whether the entity can pay their wages
or salaries and other benefits (for example, pensions). They may also be interested in assessing
the future stability and profitability of the entity, as these affect job security.
Governments may read financial statements to determine whether the company is com-
plying with regulations, to evaluate if the company is paying a fair amount of taxes given
its reported earnings, and to gain a better understanding of the company’s activities. A
company in receipt of government grants often must provide a copy of its audited financial
statements when applying for a grant and when reporting on how grant funds have been
1-10 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
Most financial statement users do not have access to the company under review. This makes it
difficult to determine whether the information contained in the financial statements is a fair
presentation of the entity and its activities for the relevant period.
Financial statements are complex, the amounts are often affected by significant estimates, and
the disclosures often require significant knowledge and experience to evaluate. Most financial
statement users do not have the accounting and legal knowledge to assess the reasonableness
of complex accounting and disclosure choices being made by the company.
Competing Incentives
Company managers have an incentive to disclose the information contained in the financial
statements in a way that presents their performance in the best possible light. Users may find
it difficult or impossible to identify when management is presenting biased information.
Financial statement users are concerned with the reliability of the information contained in
the financial statements. Since they use that information to make decisions that have real
consequences, it is very important that users can rely on the information contained in the
financial statements.
An independent third-party review of the financial statements by a team of auditors, who
have the knowledge and expertise to assess the fairness of the information being presented by
the preparers, helps users address all these issues. Auditors have access to company records, so
they are not remote. Auditors are trained accountants and have detailed knowledge about the
complex technical accounting and disclosure issues required to evaluate the choices made by the
financial statement preparers. Independent auditors, whose work is regularly reviewed by regu-
lators, have little incentive to aid the company in presenting its results in the best possible light.
Auditors are concerned with verifying the information contained in the financial statements is
reliable and free from any material misstatements. The audit service plays a vital role in main-
taining the stability of the U.S. capital markets. Investors in public companies consider audited
information reliable, which facilitates the trading of stocks and other financial instruments.
Before You Go On
3.1 Who are the main users of company financial statements?
3.2 Why might financial statement users demand an audit?
3.3 Explain why auditors, or CPAs, are the appropriate professionals to conduct an audit.
In this section, we explain and contrast the different responsibilities of financial statement
preparers and auditors. We provide details of the role that each group plays in ensuring the
financial statements are an accurate representation of the company. Following this discussion
is an overview of the different firms that provide assurance services.
Preparer Responsibility
As you know from your financial accounting courses, the financial statements include the bal-
ance sheet (statement of financial position), income statement (statement of comprehensive
income), statement of cash flows, statement of changes in equity, and accompanying notes. It
is the responsibility of management, with oversight from those charged with governance (gen-
erally the board of directors), to prepare the financial statements. Specifically, management is
responsible for the following:
1. Ensuring the information included in the financial statements is presented fairly and
complies with the applicable financial reporting framework, which in the United States
is most often GAAP.
2. Designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation
and fair presentation of the financial statements.
3. Providing the auditors with access to all records, documentation, and personnel relevant
to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements, and any additional
information the auditors may consider relevant to complete the audit.
The preparation of financial statements requires the use of knowledge and judgment on the
part of management. Management is responsible for making estimates for some financial
statement items (e.g., allowance for doubtful accounts or a goodwill impairment) and select-
ing appropriate accounting policies within the applicable financial reporting framework, usu-
ally GAAP (AU-C 200.A2–A3).
Auditor Responsibility
The auditor’s responsibility is to provide an opinion on whether the financial statements are
presented fairly in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. It is im-
portant to emphasize the auditor is not responsible for preparing the financial statements.
Preparation of financial statements is management’s responsibility. Auditors are responsible
for the following:
1. Conducting the audit in accordance with the appropriate auditing standards. Auditing stan-
dards provide minimum requirements and guidance for the performance of an audit. Later
in this chapter, we discuss the auditing standards that apply to financial statement audits.
1-12 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
professional skepticism an 2. Planning and performing the audit with professional skepticism. Professional skepti-
attitude that includes a question- cism is an attitude adopted by auditors when conducting an audit. It means auditors re-
ing mind, being alert to condi- main independent of the entity, its management, and its staff when completing the audit
tions that may indicate possible work. In a practical sense, it means auditors maintain a questioning mind and thoroughly
misstatement due to fraud or investigate all evidence presented by their client. Auditors must seek independent evi-
error, and a critical assessment of
dence to corroborate, or confirm, information provided by their client. Auditors must be
audit evidence
suspicious when evidence contradicts documents held by their client or inquiries made
of client personnel, including management and those charged with governance.
professional judgment the 3. Planning and performing the audit with professional judgment. Professional judgment
application of relevant training, relates to the application of relevant training, knowledge, and experience that auditors
knowledge, and experience in use while making informed audit decisions in conducting an audit. Auditors must use
making informed decisions about their judgment throughout the entire audit. For example, auditors must use judgment
the courses of action that are when determining if an information source is reliable. They must also use judgment
appropriate in the circumstances
when deciding if enough audit evidence has been gathered to support the audit opinion.
of the audit engagement
The concepts of professional skepticism and professional judgment will be addressed through-
out this text as we learn about the process used by auditors to arrive at their opinion. It is
important to note that the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements is not meant to be
a predictor of the future success of the company. Also, the opinion is not a reflection of how
effectively management is performing its role of running the company. The auditor’s opinion
is simply a report on whether the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with
the applicable financial reporting framework (AU-C 200.A1).
Assurance Providers
Assurance services are provided by accounting and other consulting firms. The largest ac-
counting firms in the United States are known collectively as the “Big 4” firms: Deloitte,
Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). These four firms op-
erate internationally through a network of affiliate companies, and dominate the assurance
market throughout the world.
The next tier of accounting firms is known as the mid-tier. The firms that comprise the
mid-tier have a significant presence nationally and most have international affiliations. The
mid-tier firms in the United States include, among others, Grant Thornton, BDO USA,
RSM, CBIZ/Mayer Hoffman McCann, and Crowe. These firms service medium-sized and
smaller clients.
The next tier of accounting firms are regional and local accounting firms. Regional firms
have a significant presence across multiple states in a geographical region. For example, a re-
gional firm might have offices located in the southeastern states of Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
and Mississippi. The regional offices could be as large as some of the national firms, with just
as many partners and professional staff. Like the national firms, the regional firms service
medium-sized and smaller clients. Local accounting firms service clients in their local areas
and range in size from a single-partner firm to several-partner firms. Local firms primarily
service small-company clients and individuals.
Many of these accounting firms provide non-assurance (or non-audit) services as well as
assurance services. Independence is not required to provide non-assurance services. These
non-assurance services include management consulting, business valuation, mergers and ac-
quisitions, tax, and accounting. In Chapter 2, we will discuss rules regarding what types of
non-assurance services, if any, can be provided to audit clients.
Accounting firms are not the only providers of assurance services. A number of con-
sulting firms provide assurance services in areas such as website security and environmental
sustainability reporting. Consulting firms employ staff with a variety of expertise including,
for example, engineers, accountants, IT professionals, scientists, and economists.
of the business’s liabilities. In other words, the auditor is not just work and still maintain their independence. If a small audit firm
going to believe whatever Ron tells him or her. Auditors must audits a large company, it is open to the criticism that it will not
gather evidence about the financial statements before they can be sufficiently skeptical because it does not want to lose the fees
give an audit opinion. Ernie also explains to Ron that because from that client. A large audit firm has many other clients, so the
his business is relatively small, he has a choice between large fees from any one client are a relatively small part of its revenue.
and small audit firms. Very large companies must choose a Big 4 Ron likes the idea that the smaller audit firms are generally less
auditor because often the other auditors are too small to do the expensive.
Before You Go On
4.1 Describe management’s responsibilities in terms of the financial statement audit.
4.2 What is professional skepticism?
4.3 What are non-audit services? Provide several examples of non-audit services provided by
accounting firms.
In this section, we discuss the regulators and other organizations that impact the audit process
and the profession.
( Prior to the creation of the PCAOB, the audit profession was self-regulated.
This means that audit professionals, through their own professional organization, created the
auditing standards to be followed in the conduct of an audit. The audit profession also created
a system of peer review for inspecting audit work to ensure auditors were following the stan-
dards, and would take enforcement action for auditors who did not perform audits according
to the standards. The audit profession is still self-regulated with respect to the audits of private
companies, but when the PCAOB was created, it took over the regulation and standard setting
for the audits of public companies.
Standards issued by the PCAOB are called Auditing Standards (AS), which provide min-
imum requirements and guidance for auditing services. When the PCAOB was created, it ad-
opted the audit profession’s standards in 2003 as its interim standards, providing a starting
point for the audits of public companies. Since then the PCAOB has issued its own standards
that supersede, or replace, some of the interim standards. In 2015, the PCAOB reorganized its
auditing standards using a topical structure and a single, integrated numbering system. The
current topical organization of the PCAOB standards is listed in Illustration 1.2. Throughout
the text, you will be learning some of the specific PCAOB auditing standards in the different
topical categories. The beginning of each chapter will list which PCAOB standards will be dis-
cussed in that particular chapter. You will also see references to the PCAOB standards within
each chapter. The reference will begin with “AS” followed by the standard number, a decimal,
and then a paragraph number, such as “AS 2201.06.”
Accounting firms that want to audit public companies must register with the PCAOB.
Registration involves paying fees to the board, complying with the PCAOB’s Auditing Stan-
dards, and having their audit work inspected by the board. The PCAOB has disciplinary
authority over registered firms and can impose punishment on accounting firms that do not
adhere to standards. Punishments can include revoking a firm’s registration, imposing mone-
tary fines, and banning an individual within a firm from auditing public companies.
The Role of Regulators and Regulations 1-15
illustration 1.3
Purpose of an Audit Principles underlying an audit
The purpose of an audit is to provide financial statement users with an opinion by the auditor on conducted in accordance with
whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted auditing
the applicable financial reporting framework. An auditor’s opinion enhances the degree of confi- standards (GAAS)
dence that intended users can place in the financial statements.
illustration 1.3 To obtain reasonable assurance, which is a high, but not absolute, level of assurance, the auditor:
(continued) • plans the work and properly supervises any assistants.
• determines and applies appropriate materiality level or levels throughout the audit
• identifies and assesses risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, based
on an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control.
• o
btains sufficient appropriate audit evidence about whether material misstatements exist,
through designing and implementing appropriate responses to the assessed risks.
The auditor is unable to obtain absolute assurance that the financial statements are free of
material misstatement because of inherent limitations, which arise from:
The SASs are interpretations of the principles underlying an audit conducted in accor-
dance with GAAS. The SASs explain the nature and extent of an auditor’s responsibility and
offer guidance to an auditor in performing the audit of a private company. Compliance with
the SASs is mandatory for AICPA members, who must justify any departures from the stan-
dards. The SASs are numbered in the order in which they are issued by the ASB. Then the
standards are organized by topical content using the AU numbering system. (Note that the
“AU” stands for auditing standards, but these are not to be confused with the Auditing Stan-
dards (AS) from the PCAOB.) The AU-C topical order (the “C” denotes the clarified standards)
is listed in Illustration 1.4. Throughout the text, we will be learning some of the specific ASB
auditing standards in the different topical categories. The beginning of each chapter will list
which ASB standards will be discussed in that respective chapter. You will also see references
to the ASB standards within the text. The reference will begin with “AU-C” followed by the
standard number, a decimal, and then a paragraph number, such as “AU-C 200.05.”
The ASB also issues Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) and
Statements on Quality Control Standards (SQCS) for AICPA member firms. Another standing
committee of the AICPA is the Accounting and Review Services Committee. This committee
is tasked with issuing Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS).
The SSARS provide guidance for services provided on historical financial statements that are
less extensive than an audit. An example that we discussed earlier is a review of historical
Auditing Standards Board AU-C Section General Topic
AU-C topical content AU-C 200–299 General Principles and Responsibilities
AU-C 300–499 Risk Assessment and Response to Assessed Risks
AU-C 500–599 Audit Evidence
AU-C 600–699 Using the Work of Others
AU-C 700–799 Audit Conclusions and Reporting
AU-C 800–899 Special Considerations
AU-C 900–999 Special Considerations in the United States
Source: AICPA.
The Role of Regulators and Regulations 1-17
financial statements. A more detailed discussion of accounting and review services is pro-
vided in Chapter 15.
To help summarize the audit standard-setting environment in the United States,
Illustration 1.5 provides a diagram of the current audit standard setting-structure for the
audits of public and private companies.
Statements on
Statements on Statements on
Standards for Auditing Standards
Auditing Standards Quality Control
Attestation (AS)
(SAS) Standards (SQCS)
Engagements (SSAE)
International Federation of Accountants website (accessed June 5, 2018),
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board website (accessed June 5, 2018),
1-18 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
that is useful for decision making ( You are probably familiar with the FASB
from your financial accounting courses. The FASB maintains the Accounting Standards Codi-
fication (ASC), which represents the authoritative standards of financial reporting recognized
by the SEC, the PCAOB, and the AICPA. We commonly refer to the authoritative standards
as GAAP. There are seven full-time members of the FASB who have diverse backgrounds
in accounting, finance, business, and research. Members of the FASB work closely with the
AICPA, SEC, and the PCAOB when researching and drafting financial accounting and report-
ing standards.
Before You Go On
5.1 What is the SEC and what is its role?
5.2 Which organization sets the standards for the audits of public companies? For the audits of
private companies?
5.3 What are the main functions of a state board of accountancy?
In this section, we introduce you to the independent auditor’s report, which is the “end prod-
uct” of the financial statement audit. The independent auditor’s report is used to communi-
cate the audit firm’s opinion about a company’s financial statements to interested users. We
will revisit the independent auditor’s report in more depth in Chapter 15, but it is helpful to
understand this report from the perspective of a financial statement reader as you begin to
learn the audit process.
involved, there will always be a risk the auditors will give the wrong opinion. This is called
audit risk the risk that an au- audit risk. Audit risk is affected by client characteristics as well as actions of the auditor. For
ditor expresses an inappropriate example, when a client implements a new accounting standard, audit risk increases because
audit opinion when the finan- there is increased risk for error when implementing a new process. The internal control sys-
cial statements are materially tem of the client also impacts audit risk. If the client has strong internal controls, it is more
misstated likely the internal controls will prevent, or detect and correct, material misstatements, which
decreases audit risk. Auditors impact audit risk by the decisions made in how to conduct the
audit. For example, using a larger sample size versus a smaller sample size, in general, will
decrease audit risk. The concept of audit risk is covered in depth in Chapter 3. We will devote
considerable attention throughout the text to the concept of audit risk and determining how
auditors make important professional judgments about collecting sufficient, appropriate evi-
dence to achieve reasonable assurance and support the audit opinion.
report for the audit of public company financial statements and a standard report for the audit
of private company financial statements. The actual process of auditing the financial statements
of public and private companies is similar, but there are also some differences, which will be
discussed throughout the text. One of the key differences is the format of the audit reports.
Illustration 1.6 provides an example of an unmodified audit report on the financial
statements of McLellan’s Shoes, a private company. If auditors have determined the financial
statements are presented fairly in accordance with the applicable financial reporting frame-
work, they issue the standard unmodified report. Take a moment to read over the report. You
will see some of the key concepts we have already discussed in this chapter. Sections of the
report are numbered so we can further explain each component. Explanations of each num-
bered component follow Illustration 1.6.
illustration 1.6
[1] Independent Auditor’s Report Example of an unmodified
audit report on the financial
[2] To the owners of McLellan’s Shoes: statements of McLellan’s
Shoes, a private company
[3] Report on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of McLellan’s Shoes, which comprise
the balance sheets as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the related statements of income,
changes in equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial
[6] Opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of McLellan’s Shoes as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the results of its
operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.
1. Title—The term independent is in the title of the report to emphasize the auditors are
external to the company, unbiased, and therefore can provide an objective opinion.
2. Address—The report is addressed to the owners or shareholders of the company and to
the board of directors, if applicable.
3. Introductory paragraph—This paragraph explains that an audit was conducted and iden-
tifies the financial statements and the date of the financial statements.
4. Management’s responsibility paragraph—This paragraph explains that management is
responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and for
the design, implementation, and maintenance of ICFR.
5. Auditor’s responsibility paragraphs—These paragraphs explain the auditors are responsi-
ble for expressing an opinion on the financial statements, for following auditing standards,
for assessing the risk of material misstatement, and for obtaining reasonable assurance
about the fair presentation of the financial statements. The appropriate auditing standards
would be those issued by the ASB since the company is a private company. In a private
company audit, auditors state they do not evaluate internal control for the purpose of ex-
pressing an opinion on internal control. The audit firm concludes with a statement that it
believes it has obtained sufficient and appropriate evidence to provide a basis for its audit
6. Opinion paragraph—This paragraph clearly states the auditor’s opinion that the financial
statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable
financial reporting framework, which in this example is GAAP.
7. Signature—The firm name and location are used as the signature.
8. Date—The date represents the end of fieldwork, which is the conclusion of gathering and
evaluating evidence, and drawing all conclusions for the audit.
Illustration 1.7 provides an example of an unqualified audit report on the financial state-
ments of The Boeing Company, a public company. If auditors have determined the financial
statements are presented fairly in accordance with the applicable financial reporting frame-
work, they issue the standard unqualified report. The PCAOB standards use the term unqual-
ified report. The term unqualified is equivalent to the term unmodified used for the private
company audit report. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
Take a moment to look over the report in Illustration 1.7 and note some of the sim-
ilarities and differences with the private company audit report. Again, you will see some
of the key concepts discussed in this chapter. Sections of the report are numbered so we
can further explain each component. Explanations of each numbered component follow
Illustration 1.7.
illustration 1.7
audit report on the financial
statements of The Boeing [2] To the shareholders and the Board of Directors of The Boeing Company
Company, a public company
Opinion on the Financial Statements
[3] We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial position of The Boeing
Company and subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the related consol-
idated statements of operations, comprehensive income, equity, and cash flows, for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 2017, and the related notes (collectively referred to
as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the results
of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
2017, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
[4] We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting
as of December 31, 2017, based on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework
(2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and
our report dated February 12, 2018, expressed an unqualified opinion on the Company’s internal
control over financial reporting.
Audit Report on Financial Statements 1-23
[6] We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits
included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial state-
ments, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such
procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of
the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
[9] We have served as the Company’s auditor since at least 1934; however, an earlier year cannot
be reliably determined.
1. Title—The term independent is also in the title of this report to emphasize the auditors are
external to the company, unbiased, and therefore can provide an objective opinion. In addi-
tion, the term registered is included to emphasize the firm is registered with the PCAOB.
2. Address—The report is addressed to the shareholders and board of directors of the company.
3. Opinion paragraph—The first sentence explains that an audit was conducted and iden-
tifies the financial statements and the dates of the financial statements. The second sen-
tence states the auditor’s opinion. Note the opinion sentence is virtually identical to the
opinion paragraph for the private company audit report.
4. Paragraph referencing the audit of internal control—This paragraph is unique to the public
company audit report. Public companies are required to have an audit of ICFR and auditors
issue a separate opinion for that audit, which is discussed in the next section.
5. Basis for opinion paragraph—This paragraph states the differing responsibilities of man-
agement and auditors. It is similar to the responsibility paragraphs of the report for pri-
vate company audits, but the private company report goes into more detail regarding the
responsibilities of management and auditors. One key difference is that this paragraph
references registration with the PCAOB and independence requirements of the SEC and
other federal securities laws.
6. Scope paragraph—This paragraph explains, in brief terms, the process of conducting an
audit. It mentions the concept of reasonable assurance about whether the financial state-
ments are free of material misstatement. It includes an explicit statement that PCAOB
auditing standards were followed since it is a public company. The scope paragraph also
includes a brief discussion of the professional judgments made during the audit. Finally,
it concludes with a statement that the audit firm believes that its audit provides a reason-
able basis for its opinion.
7. Signature—The firm name and location is used as the signature.
8. Date—The date represents the end of fieldwork, which is the conclusion of gathering and
evaluating evidence, and drawing all conclusions for the audit.
9. Auditor tenure—The final component of the report is a sentence that states the year in
which the firm began serving consecutively as the company’s auditor.
After reviewing the standard audit reports, you may be wondering what happens if
auditors conclude the financial statements are not presented fairly in accordance with the
1-24 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
applicable financial reporting framework? Or what happens if auditors cannot gather enough
evidence to form an opinion? When situations such as these occur, auditors may have to mod-
ify their opinion. Auditing standards have established three types of modified audit opinions:
a qualified opinion, an adverse opinion, and a disclaimer of opinion. Illustration 1.8 provides
a brief summary of situations that could cause auditors to issue a modified opinion. It is im-
portant to note that only material situations would cause auditors to modify the opinion. The
discovery of immaterial errors would not prevent the issuance of an unmodified/unqualified
opinion. The different types of modified reports will be covered in depth in Chapter 15, so
consider Illustration 1.8 a basic introduction to the modified reports.
Situation Type of Modified Opinion
Situations that cause a
modified opinion Material departure(s) from the applicable finan- • Qualified – financial statements are presented
cial reporting framework and the client refuses to fairly, except for the uncorrected departure(s)
make corrections • Adverse – financial statements are not
presented fairly and should not be relied upon
(pervasively material departures)
Material limitation on the auditor’s ability to • Qualified – financial statements are presented
gather sufficient appropriate evidence, referred to fairly, except for the auditor’s inability to gather
as a scope limitation evidence for a material item
• Disclaimer of opinion – auditor was not able to
gather sufficient appropriate evidence and cannot
express an opinion on the financial statements
(pervasively material scope limitations)
Auditor is not independent • Disclaimer of opinion – auditor is not
independent and cannot express an opinion
PCAOB Release No. 2017-001, The Auditor’s Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor
Expresses an Unqualified Opinion.
Audit Report on Internal Controls over Financial Reporting 1-25
Before You Go On
6.1 Why do auditors provide reasonable assurance and not absolute assurance?
6.2 Explain the concept of materiality. How does the concept of materiality relate to reasonable
6.3 What are the meanings of the terms unqualified and unmodified in the context of an audit of
financial statements?
Next, we will discuss the audit report for the audit of ICFR. Recall from earlier in the chapter
that only certain public companies are required to have an audit on the effectiveness of ICFR.
The SEC classifies public companies into three categories based on worldwide market value
(in U.S. dollars) of outstanding voting and non-voting common equity:
Public companies categorized as non-accelerated filers are not required to have an audit of
ICFR. Therefore, when we discuss the audit of ICFR for public companies, we are referring to
public companies categorized as accelerated filers and large accelerated filers.
required to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the company maintained effective
ICFR for the period under audit. Auditors cannot provide absolute assurance about the effec-
tiveness of internal controls for the same reasons they cannot provide absolute assurance on
the fair presentation of the financial statements. The design and implementation of controls
is somewhat subjective and there is not enough time for auditors to test the effectiveness of all
of the entity’s internal controls. Using professional judgment, auditors select the most critical
internal controls over financial reporting and test the effectiveness of those controls. This will
be discussed further in Chapters 6 and 8.
illustration 1.9
audit report on the effective-
ness of ICFR for The Boeing [2] To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of The Boeing Company
Company, a public company
[3] Opinion on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
We have audited the internal control over financial reporting of The Boeing Company and subsid-
iaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2017, based on criteria established in Internal Control –
Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread-
way Commission (COSO). In our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effec-
tive internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2017, based on criteria established
in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by COSO.
[4] We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated financial statements as of and for the
year ended December 31, 2017, of the Company and our report dated February 12, 2018, expressed
an unqualified opinion on those financial statements.
[6] We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effec-
tive internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit
included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the
risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effective-
ness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we
considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis
for our opinion.
statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that
(1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect
the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance
that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in ac-
cordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the
company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors
of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection
of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a mate-
rial effect on the financial statements. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over
financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation
of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate
because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures
may deteriorate.
Chicago, Illinois
[9] February 12, 2018
The key components of the unqualified report in Illustration 1.9 are as follows:
1. Title—The term independent is also in the title of this report to emphasize the auditors
are external to the company, unbiased, and therefore can provide an objective opinion.
In addition, the term registered is required to indicate that the firm is registered with the
2. Address—The report is addressed to the shareholders and board of directors of the
3. Opinion paragraph—The first sentence explains that an audit of ICFR was conducted
and references the COSO Internal Control—Integrated Framework as the criteria used as
the basis for determining if ICFR are effective. The second sentence states the auditor’s
4. Paragraph referencing the financial statement audit—This paragraph is a reference to
the financial statement audit report and states the type of opinion that was given on the
financial statements.
5. Basis for opinion paragraph—This paragraph states the different responsibilities of man-
agement and auditors. Like the audit report on the financial statements, this paragraph
references registration with the PCAOB and independence requirements of the SEC and
other federal securities laws.
6. Scope paragraph—This paragraph explains that auditors conducted their audit in accor-
dance with the standards of the PCAOB. In brief terms, it explains the process of con-
ducting an audit of the effectiveness of ICFR. It mentions that auditors are only required
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the company maintained, in all material
respects, effective ICFR. It concludes with a statement that the audit firm believes its
audit provides a reasonable basis for its opinion.
7. Definition and inherent limitations paragraph—This paragraph provides a defini-
tion of ICFR that is taken directly from AS 2201. This is helpful for users of the
financial statements in case they are not familiar with the concept of internal con-
trols. Also note the use of reasonable assurance in the definition to clarify that an
internal control system does not eliminate all risk associated with the preparation of
financial statements. The final sentence cautions not to use the current-year opinion
to assume that future internal controls will be effective. Circumstances may change
in the future that could render controls ineffective if the controls are not modified
8. Signature—The audit firm’s name and location are used as the signature.
1-28 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
9. Date—The date represents the end of fieldwork, which is the conclusion of gathering and
evaluating evidence for the audit. Since the audits are integrated, the date on both the
financial statement audit report and the audit report on the effectiveness of ICFR will be
the same.
What happens if auditors conclude the company did not maintain effective ICFR over the
material weakness a period under audit? That would mean the auditors discovered a material weakness in the
deficiency, or combination of client’s ICFR. The PCAOB defines a material weakness as follows:
deficiencies, in ICFR, such that
there is a reasonable possibility A deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in ICFR, such that there is a reasonable
that a material misstatement of possibility that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be
the financial statements will not prevented or detected on a timely basis. (AS 2201.A7)
be prevented or detected on a
timely basis
If one or more material weaknesses are discovered during the audit, then auditors issue an ad-
verse opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR that explicitly states the company did not maintain
effective ICFR during the period under audit. AS 2201 dictates how auditors would modify the
audit report to express an adverse opinion. If auditors encounter a material limitation in the
scope of their work, they may consider disclaiming an opinion. We will cover these modifica-
tions in greater detail in Chapter 15.
Before You Go On
7.1 Explain the concept of reasonable assurance as it applies to a system of internal controls and
to the audit of the effectiveness of internal controls.
7.2 What is management’s responsibility for internal controls as stated in the audit report on the
effectiveness of internal controls?
7.3 What date is used on the audit report on the effectiveness of internal controls, and what does
the date represent?
The overall audit expectation gap occurs when there is a difference between the expectations of
auditors and financial statement users. The gap occurs when user beliefs do not align with an
auditor’s professional responsibilities. In particular, the gap is caused by unrealistic user expec-
tations such as:
• The auditor will assess the risk of fraud and conduct tests to try to uncover any fraud, but
there is no guarantee the auditor will find all material fraud, should one have occurred.
• The auditor tests a sample of transactions.
The overall audit expectation gap is graphically represented in Illustration 1.10. In this
figure, note the performance gap, which is the difference between auditor performance and
auditing standards and regulations. There is also an expectation gap, which is the difference
between a financial statement user’s expectations and auditing standards and regulations.
• Auditors performing their duties appropriately, complying with auditing standards, and
meeting the minimum standards of performance that should be expected of all auditors.
• Inspections of audits to ensure that auditing standards have been correctly applied.
• Assurance providers reporting accurately the level of assurance being provided.
• Auditing standards being reviewed and updated on a regular basis to enhance the work
being done by auditors.
• Education of financial statement users as to the responsibilities of preparers and auditors
of financial statements.
As described in this chapter, financial statement users rely on audited financial state-
ments to make a variety of decisions. Financial statement users demand access to reliable
information to help ensure the stability of financial markets. The audit profession is dedicated
to providing reliable assurance services in the interest of protecting the public trust.
Before You Go On
8.1 Define the audit expectation gap. Define the audit performance gap.
8.2 What has caused the audit expectation gap?
8.3 What can be done to reduce the audit expectation gap? What can be done to reduce the audit
performance gap?
1-30 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) Which of the following is not a characteristic of an assur- 7. (LO 5) Which of the following organizations issues auditing stan-
ance service? dards for the audits of public companies?
a. T he engagement is conducted by an independent pro- a. P
fessional. b. SEC.
b. The service lends credibility to information. c. ASB.
c. The subject matter is limited to financial information. d. COSO.
d. T
he service is useful for decision makers.
8. (LO 5) The role of COSO is to:
2. (LO 2) An assurance service that determines whether the entity
a. establish financial accounting and reporting standards.
has conformed with regulations, rules or processes is a (an):
b. establish auditing standards for private companies.
a. compliance audit.
c. prepare and grade the CPA exam.
b. financial statement audit.
d. provide guidance in the area of internal control and risk man-
c. internal audit.
d. o
perational audit.
9. (LO 6) Auditors can only provide reasonable assurance that the
3. (LO 2) Operational (performance) audits are useful because they: financial statements are presented fairly because:
a. include a comprehensive audit.
a. sampling techniques are used to gather evidence.
b. are concerned with the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness
b. some items in the financial statements are subjective.
of an organization’s activities.
c. an audit must be completed in a reasonable amount of
c. i nvolve gathering evidence to determine whether the
entity under review has followed the rules, policies,
procedures, laws, or regulations with which they must d. All of these answer choices are correct.
conform. 10. (LO 6) What is the appropriate date for an audit report?
d. ensure companies pay appropriate taxes. a. The date the auditors were hired.
4. (LO 2) The function of internal audit is determined by: b. The date of the balance sheet.
a. the external auditor. c. The conclusion of the gathering of evidence for the audit.
b. the IIA. d. The date required by regulators.
c. those charged with governance and management. 11. (LO 7) Auditors of publicly traded companies are required to per-
d. the government. form a(an) ________ for their clients.
5. (LO 3) All of the following are reasons why users would demand a. compliance audit
an audit of financial statements except: b. integrated audit
a. complexity. c. internal audit
b. remoteness. d. operational audit
c. cost.
12. (LO 8) The audit expectation gap occurs when:
d. r eliability.
a. auditors perform their duties appropriately and satisfy users’
6. (LO 4) Management is responsible for which of the following? demands.
a. Preparing financial statements in accordance with the appro- b. user beliefs do not align with what professional standards and
priate auditing standards. regulations expect of auditors.
b. Designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control c. inspections of audits ensure that auditing standards have
relevant to the preparation of the financial statements. been applied correctly and the standards are at the level that
c. Using professional skepticism in the preparation of the finan- satisfy users’ demands.
cial statements. d. the public is well educated about auditing.
d. Issuing an opinion on whether the financial statements are
presented fairly in accordance with the appropriate financial
reporting framework.
1-32 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
Review Questions
R1.1 (LO 1) What does assurance mean in the financial report- R1.7 (LO 5) Describe the relationship between the SEC and the
ing context? Who are the three parties relevant to an assurance PCAOB.
engagement? R1.8 (LO 5) Compare and contrast the functions of a state board of
R1.2 (LO 1) An assurance engagement involves evaluation or accountancy and of NASBA.
measurement of subject matter against criteria. What criteria are used R1.9 (LO 5) Briefly describe the principles underlying an audit con-
in a financial statement audit? ducted in accordance with GAAS that are issued by the ASB.
R1.3 (LO 2) Discuss some limitations of a financial statement audit. R1.10 (LO 6) Discuss the similarities and differences in the audi-
tor’s reports for a public company client and a private company client.
R1.4 (LO 2) Who would request an operational (performance)
audit? Why? R1.11 (LO 7) List and briefly describe the components of the audi-
tor’s report on internal controls over financial reporting for a public
R1.5 (LO 3) Why would investors in a company demand an audit of company.
financial statements?
R1.12 (LO 8) Debate the audit expectation gap. Why do you think
R1.6 (LO 4) Compare and contrast the responsibilities of preparers professional auditing standard do not give users what they want? Why
and auditors regarding a financial statement audit. do you think auditors sometimes do not meet professional standards?
Analysis Problems
AP1.1 (LO 1, 2) Basic Research Types of assurance engagements A friend knows that you are
studying auditing and asks you what the difference is between internal and external auditing.
Using what you learned in this chapter and from information from the AICPA website (
and the IIA website (, compare and contrast the duties and characteristics of internal and
external auditors.
AP1.2 (LO 3) Challenging Demand for assurance In 2002, the audit firm Arthur Andersen col-
lapsed following charges brought against it in the United States relating to the failure of its client, Enron.
Some other clients announced they would be dismissing Arthur Andersen as their auditor even before it
was clear that Arthur Andersen would not survive.
Using the discussion in this chapter on the demand for audits, explain some reasons why these clients
took this action.
AP1.3 (LO 3, 4) Moderate Big 4 versus non-Big 4 assurance providers Most audit firms main-
tain a website that explains the services offered by the firm and provides resources to their clients and
other interested parties. The services offered by most firms include both audit and non-audit services.
Find the websites for a Big 4 audit firm and a mid-tier audit firm. Compare them on the following:
a. The range of services provided.
b. Geographic coverage (i.e., where their offices are located).
c. Staff numbers and special skills offered.
d. Industries in which they claim specialization.
e. Publications and other materials provided to their clients or the general public.
f. Marketing message.
AP1.4 (LO 3, 4) Challenging Big 4 versus non-Big 4 assurance providers Economic changes
can affect how clients select their assurance providers.
a. In times of economic recession, would you expect the demand for audits to increase or decrease?
b. Would you expect clients to shift from large (Big 4) auditors to mid-tier auditors, or from mid-tier
auditors to Big 4 auditors in times of economic recession? Why or why not?
Analysis Problems 1-33
AP1.5 (LO 5) Basic Research Requirements to become a CPA Each state has the power to
determine the education and experience requirements to be a licensed CPA in that state. The power is
delegated to the state board of accountancy in each state.
Visit the state board of accountancy website for the state in which you are attending college. What are
the education and experience requirements? If you intend to begin your career in another state, also re-
search the education and experience requirements for that state. What are the similarities and differences
between the two states?
AP1.6 (LO 5) Basic Research Accounting firm registration Since the creation of the PCAOB
in 2003, accounting firms that wish to audit public companies must be registered with the PCAOB. Visit
the PCAOB’s website ( and browse the information.
Explain what is required for an accounting firm to be registered with the PCAOB.
AP1.7 (LO 6, 7) Basic Audit reports Auditor’s reports for The Boeing Company are provided
in Illustrations 1.7 and 1.9 in this chapter. Both reports are signed by Deloitte & Touche LLP. Deloitte
& Touche also audits Starbucks Corporation. Visit the Starbucks investor relations website to access
the most recent annual report and 10-K. Find the auditor’s reports on the financial statements and the
effectiveness of ICFR.
a. Compare the audit reports of The Boeing Company and Starbucks. What type of opinion did Star-
bucks receive on its financial statements and on the effectiveness of ICFR?
b. What are the advantages of having a standard report format for all clients?
AP1.8 (LO 4, 6, 8) Moderate Being an auditor You have recently graduated from your university
and started work with an accounting firm. You meet an old school friend, Kim, for dinner—you haven’t
seen each other for several years. Kim is surprised that you are now working as an auditor because your
childhood dream was to be a ballet dancer. Unfortunately, your knees were damaged in a fall and you
can no longer dance. The conversation turns to your work and Kim wants to know how you do your job.
Kim cannot understand why an audit is not a guarantee the company will succeed. Kim also thinks that
company managers will lie to you to protect themselves, and as an auditor you would have to assume that
you cannot believe anything a company manager says to you.
Compose a letter to Kim explaining the concept of reasonable assurance, and how reasonable assurance
is determined. Explain why an auditor cannot offer absolute assurance. Describe the concept of pro-
fessional skepticism and how it is not the same as assuming that managers are always trying to deceive
auditors. Explain to Kim why her perceptions are a perfect example of the expectations gap.
AP1.9 (LO 2, 4, 6, 7, 8) Challenging Limitations of an audit You are an intern at a Big 4 account-
ing firm and have just finished your internship training. You feel a little overwhelmed with all of the
information from the training session, and you are wondering if you are qualified to perform work that is
of high-enough quality to meet the firm’s and the profession’s standards. What if you miss something or
forget to do something? What if it takes you too long to complete your tasks? What if you spend time on
something that is trivial and miss something that is important? You decide to review your notes from the
training session and from your undergraduate audit course.
a. Discuss the limitations of an audit.
b. Refer to the audit reports in Illustrations 1.6, 1.7, and 1.9. What are some key terms and phrases
included in the reports that address these limitations?
AP1.10 (LO 6) Challenging Research Audit reports On an international level, other countries
have also discussed and implemented expanding the audit report to include more detail from auditors
about critical audit matters (CAM). The United Kingdom (UK) has already moved to using an expanded
1-34 C h a pte r 1 Introduction and Overview of Audit and Assurance
audit report. An example of the new audit report format can be found in the annual report of GlaxoSmith-
Kline plc (GSK). Visit GSK’s investor website and download the most recent annual report. Find the
auditor’s report in the Financial Statements section of the annual report.
a. Who are the auditors for GSK?
b. What are some differences in the U.K. auditor’s report model compared with the current U.S. audi-
tor’s report model for public companies?
c. Which report model do you prefer and why? Would your answer change based on the type of user
you are (lender, customer, investor)? Would your answer change if you were the preparer or auditor
of the financial statements?
Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary
of the System of Internal Control
Risk Assessments
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
2-2 Ch a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Learning Objectives
LO1 Explain what it means to be a professional and LO6 Evaluate the ethical behavior needed to comply
how these traits apply to auditors. with rules of conduct on general standards.
LO2 Explain the structure of the AICPA Code of LO7 Evaluate the ethical behavior needed to comply
Professional Conduct. with other rules of conduct for members in public
LO3 Apply the conceptual framework approach to
ethical decision making for members in public practice. LO8 Evaluate an auditor’s legal liability under common
LO4 Evaluate the ethical behavior needed to comply
with rules of conduct on integrity and objectivity. LO9 Evaluate an auditor’s legal liability under statutory
LO5 Evaluate the ethical behavior needed to comply
with rules of conduct on independence.
pcaob Eth ics And Inde pendenc e R ules AICPA Ethica l Sta ndards
3501 Definitions of Terms Employed in Section 3, Part 5 AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
of the Rules
3502 Responsibility to Not Knowingly or Recklessly
Contribute to Violations
3520 Auditor Independence
3521 Contingent Fees
3522 Tax Transactions
3523 Tax Services for Persons in Financial Reporting
Oversight Roles
3524 Audit Committee Pre-approval of Certain Tax
3525 Audit Committee Pre-approval of Non-audit
Services Related to Internal Control over Financial
3526 Communication with Audit Committees
Concerning Independence
is successful. Her task is to help write the proposal documents and Josh is an audit senior. He has not been involved in the pro-
win the job for the firm. However, even more importantly, she must posal process before and needs the experience so he can be pro-
make sure that there are no surprises for the audit team once they moted to audit manager. Sharon and Josh do not know anything
win the audit. Sharon knows how crucial this is. She still has night- about Cloud 9 except that it manufactures and retails customized
mares about an audit she worked on when she was a new graduate basketball and other sports shoes, and it is a publicly listed U.S.
at another audit firm. The client in that case threatened to dismiss company. Sharon stresses to Josh that they want to know that the
the auditor when the auditor wanted him to recognize an impair- client is not going to be difficult to deal with and that W&S Part-
ment loss on some assets. The client was the firm’s largest account, ners can do a good job on the audit. Josh asks how they can know
and the partner was under a lot of pressure to keep the client. that now, before they start the audit.
Is public accounting a recognized profession? If so, what does it mean to be part of a recognized
profession? What rights come with being part of a recognized profession? Further, what respon-
sibilities come with being part of a recognized profession? Is being a professional about expertise
and about quality of work in a chosen occupation, or is it something more? These are important
questions, and the answers are often misunderstood by many. These issues were covered well by
Robert K. Mautz in a 1988 editorial in Accounting Horizons,1 and his views are summarized below.
Robert K. Mautz, “Public Accounting: What Kind of Professionalism?” Accounting Horizons 2, no. 3/4
(1998), pp. 121–125.
2-4 Ch a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
One way that professionals are commonly defined is by level of expertise. Professional
athletes are often referred to as “pros” because of their skill and level of expertise. The same
term may be used related to virtually any occupation as a way of recognizing an individual’s
high level of skill. In the competitive world, the high level of skill is usually well rewarded,
and the public often measures success of competitors in monetary terms. Robert Mautz refers
to this definition of a professional as an expert competitor (EC professional). In the context of
an EC professional, the profession is usually defined by the line of work or occupation (e.g.,
football, basketball, coaching, or consulting).
Another way to define a professional, or a profession, relates to a profession’s respon-
sibility and concern for the public interest. Such professions include medicine, architec-
ture, and public accounting. Robert Mautz refers to this definition of a professional by its
concern for the public interest (CPI professional). CPI professions are often recognized by
a specialized body of knowledge, a formal education process, standards governing admis-
sion to the profession, a code of ethics, recognized status indicated by a license, a public
interest in the work that practitioners perform, and the recognition by practitioners of an
obligation to society.
The cornerstone of the public accounting profession is recognized in the public interest
in the work done by CPAs. State governments (through state boards of accountancy) grant a
CPA license to individuals who complete the required education, pass a professional exam-
ination (the CPA exam), and complete an experience requirement. Upon obtaining a CPA
license, a CPA has the unique right to sign an audit or attest report, and to sign tax returns as
a tax preparer (a right that is also granted to licensed tax preparers). Upon becoming licensed
as a CPA, individuals also agree to accept the responsibility to follow professional standards
(e.g., accounting and auditing standards) and a code of professional conduct (usually written
into state rules or law). CPAs also have an obligation to keep their education current by taking
continuing professional education. This chapter will cover the AICPA Code of Professional
Conduct that is recognized by many state boards of accountancy.
Chapter 1 summarized the demand for auditing and the need for auditors to be indepen-
dent of management when serving the public interest by reporting on financial statements.
The accounting profession has also seen firsthand the consequences of not fully meeting the
demand from the public of providing reasonable assurance that financial statements are free of
material misstatement. During the late 1990s and the first few years of the twenty-first century,
auditors failed to find many material misstatements on a timely basis, and many times man-
agement had to restate earnings due to material misstatements. The public was not satisfied
with the quality of audits of public companies. The result was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
(SOX) and the creation of the PCAOB to provide oversight of the auditors of public companies.
However, the events that led to additional regulation of the accounting profession need
some perspective. When there were significant restatements of earnings, about 8% of all public
companies had to restate their earnings. Eight percent was sufficient to shake the confidence
of the securities markets in reported financial statements. For all that the accounting profes-
sion did right, the view was that the profession needed to do better. That said, it is important
to understand that many CPAs who work as chief financial officers put fair presentation of the
financial statements, and their obligation to society, ahead of their obligation to their employ-
ers. Further, many CPAs in public practice think about their responsibility to the public first
and their responsibility to their clients second; they expect their own well-being will work out
if they take these other responsibilities seriously.
In July 2002, WorldCom announced that it had understated ex- Sunbeam. The misstatement at WorldCom propelled Congress to
penses by over $3.8 billion (the number eventually was adjusted to pass SOX.
over $11 billion) and the company filed for bankruptcy. This was WorldCom was led by CEO Bernie Ebbers, who was fo-
one of the largest accounting frauds in U.S. history and the size of cused on delivering growth through acquisitions. The ac-
the accounting fraud and bankruptcy at WorldCom shook investor quisition strategy reached new heights when WorldCom
confidence already weakened by the prior restatement of financial acquired MCI Communications in 1998. Continued growth
statements by companies like Enron, Waste Management, and through merger demanded increasing stock prices. In 2000,
The Structure of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct 2-5
the company’s stock experienced a decline and, in an effort to • Followed up on an email from a local newspaper article about
bolster stock prices, Scott Sullivan, WorldCom CFO, asked ac- a former employee in WorldCom’s Texas office who had been
countants in the corporate headquarters to begin a scheme of fired after he raised questions about a minor accounting mat-
booking quarter-end journal entries that resulted in capitaliz- ter involving capital expenditures.
ing costs that should have been expensed. After being fired in • Recognized that $2 billion in capital expenditures had not
2002, Scott Sullivan was indicted by the Justice Department. been authorized as part of the capital budget process.
He subsequently pleaded guilty to fraud and acknowledged
• Did not settle for glib answers from the director of financial
that he willingly deceived investors. He also testified against
planning who described the $2 billion in capital expendi-
CEO Bernie Ebbers and stated that Ebbers was fully aware of
tures as “prepaid capacity” but could not explain the nature
the accounting fraud. Scott Sullivan was sentenced to 5 years
of “prepaid capacity.”
in prison and Bernie Ebbers was sentenced to, and is serving,
25 years in prison. • Uncovered over $500 million in capitalized computer costs
Some of the accountants at WorldCom who participated that were not supported by vendor’s invoices.
in the fraud included Buford Yates, Jr., Betty Vinson, and Troy • Demonstrated their independence by continuing to investi-
Normand. Mr. Normand was a CPA who worked at WorldCom gate the capitalization of line costs (fees paid to lease por-
from 1997 to 2002. While he questioned CFO Scott Sullivan tions of other companies’ telephone networks) even when
about the journal entries that he was asked to write, during instructed by CFO Scott Sullivan to delay this particular in-
testimony Mr. Normand was asked if he ever conducted any ternal audit until the third quarter.
analysis to determine whether the accounting was accurate.
He answered that he did not perform any such analysis and The issue came to a head when Cynthia Cooper and her audit
that he never obtained any accounting justification for the team brought evidence of the improper capitalization of expense
entries he was asked to make. In short, Troy Norman, Betty to the chairman of WorldCom’s audit committee. The audit com-
Vinson, and Buford Yates, Jr., did not find a way to stand up to mittee instructed the internal auditors to work with WorldCom’s
Scott Sullivan and investigate the proper accounting treatment. new external auditor, KPMG. Within a week, the internal and ex-
Rather, they subordinated their judgment to the judgment of ternal auditors compiled evidence of financial fraud for the audit
others (mainly Scott Sullivan). committee and the external auditors concluded that the account-
However, there were those at WorldCom who did not sub- ing treatment was not in accordance with generally accepted ac-
ordinate their professional judgment. The public learned about counting principles. CFO Scott Sullivan was given the opportunity
WorldCom’s financial fraud through the hard work of several “au- to make his case to the audit committee, but the committee mem-
diting heroes” led by Cynthia Cooper, then aged 38 and World- bers were not persuaded. The next day, the audit committee and
Com’s vice president for internal auditing, who took her public the board of directors made public the $3.8 billion restatement of
interest responsibilities seriously. What did Cynthia Cooper and earnings due to the fact that costs had been capitalized that should
her staff of internal auditors do to uncover the financial fraud? have been expensed. The audit committee and board of directors
The internal audit team: also fired Scott Sullivan.
Before You Go On
1.1 Do EC professionals exist in public accounting firms? Explain.
1.2 Explain the concept of the CPI professional and how it applies to auditors.
1.3 Would you call a plumber an EC professional or a CPI professional? Explain your reasoning.
in part to encourage ideal behavior, they must also be both practical and enforceable. To be
meaningful they must strike a balance of being above the law but below the ideal. The adher-
ence of professionals to a code of ethics significantly affects the reputation of the profession
and the confidence in which it is held.
The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (the Code) provides guidance to all members
of the AICPA with respect to performance of their professional responsibilities. The AICPA
is an organization (discussed in Chapter 1) that represents the accounting profession, and
membership is voluntary. However, CPAs must be licensed by state boards of accountancy.
The state boards of accountancy and the AICPA work together on many professional issues.
Further, many state boards of accountancy have incorporated the AICPA Code of Professional
Conduct in state rules so that it applies to all CPAs in the state. The Code consists of principles,
rules, interpretations, and other guidance for AICPA members. Each of these components is
described below.
principles express the basic • Principles express the basic tenets of ethical conduct and provide the framework for
tenets of ethical conduct and the rules that govern the performance of a member’s professional responsibilities. The
provide the framework for the principles are not enforceable.
rules that govern the performance
• Rules of conduct establish minimum standards of acceptable conduct in the perfor-
of the member’s professional
responsibilities mance of professional services. The AICPA bylaws require that members adhere to the
rules of the code. The rules of conduct are enforceable and members must be prepared to
rules of conduct establish
justify departures from the rules of conduct.
minimum standards of acceptable
conduct in the performance of • Interpretations provide additional guidance regarding the scope and applicability of
professional services the rules of conduct. A member who departs from the interpretations shall have the bur-
interpretations provide den of justifying such departure in any disciplinary hearing.
additional guidance regarding
The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct can be found online at the AICPA website
the scope and applicability of the
rules of conduct ( The Code is searchable using key words. There are also a series of hyper-
links within the Code that make it easy to find related topics. The Code can also be down-
loaded in PDF format.
The Code is organized in four major sections as presented in Illustration 2.1: (1) a pref-
ace applicable to all AICPA members; (2) Part 1, which includes ethical rules for members
in public practice (usually CPAs in CPA firms); (3) Part 2, which includes ethical rules for
members in business (such as a CFO, a controller, or an accountant working in industry or
government); and (4) Part 3, which includes ethical rules for other members (e.g., non-CPA
members of the AICPA). If an individual has a good understanding of this structure, it is eas-
ier to search and determine appropriate solutions to ethical dilemmas.
The remainder of the discussion of the Code will focus on explaining the Conceptual
Framework for Members in Public Practice as well as some key rules that are relevant to
members in public practice.
Before You Go On
2.1 What is the purpose of the AICPA ethical principles? Explain their enforceability.
2.2 What is the purpose of the AICPA ethical rules? Explain their enforceability.
2.3 What is the purpose of the AICPA ethical interpretations? Explain their enforceability.
The rules in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and related interpretations seek to
address many situations for members in public practice. However, the rules and interpre-
tations cannot address every possible relationship or circumstance that might arise. Thus,
in the absence of a rule or an interpretation, a CPA should use the conceptual framework
to evaluate what to do. The Code and the conceptual framework relate to all work performed
by CPAs in public practice, audit engagements, tax engagements, accounting services per-
formed for clients, or consulting engagements. Ultimately, a CPA should evaluate whether
a relationship or circumstance would lead a reasonable and informed third party, who is
aware of the relevant information, to conclude there is a threat to the CPA’s compliance with
the rules and the threat is not capable of being reduced to an acceptable level.
2-8 Ch a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
In situations where there is not a specific rule or interpretation that relates to a rela-
tionship or circumstance, the CPA should follow the steps outlined in Illustration 2.2. The
following discussion explains each of these steps.
Step 4
Evaluate the
of Safeguards
No Threats Threats Not
Identified Significant
Are Threats NO Decline or
at an Acceptable Terminate
Level? Engagement
Step 5
Threats and
Engagement Safeguards
Step 1: Identify threats. CPAs interact with clients in a number of circumstances. CPAs need
to be alert to a possible relationship or situation that might cause a threat to their compliance
with ethical rules. Following is a discussion of seven common threats that CPAs in public
practice should be alert to, irrespective of the services the CPA is engaged to perform:
adverse interest threat the • Adverse interest threat. An adverse interest threat is the threat that a CPA will not
threat that a CPA will not act act with objectivity because the CPA’s interests are opposed to the client’s interests. For
with objectivity because the example, an adverse interest threat exists if a client has expressed an intention to begin
CPA’s interests are opposed to the litigation against the CPA regarding the quality of tax work previously performed.
client’s interests
• A
dvocacy threat. An advocacy threat is the threat that a CPA will promote a client’s
advocacy threat the threat that
interests or position to the point that his or her objectivity or independence is com-
a CPA will promote a client’s
promised. For example, an advocacy threat exists if the CPA provides expert witness
interests or position to the point
that his or her objectivity or services to a client in litigation or dispute with a customer regarding a licensing
independence is compromised arrangement. Once the CPA is advocating for a client, the CPA is no longer objective.
An advocacy threat would also exist if a firm acts as an investment adviser to an officer
or director of a client.
familiarity threat the threat • Familiarity threat. A familiarity threat is the threat that, due to a long or close rela-
that, due to a long or close tionship with a client, a CPA will become too sympathetic to the client’s interests or too
relationship with a client, a CPA accepting of the client’s work or product. For example, a familiarity threat would exist if
will become too sympathetic a CPA’s immediate family member were employed by the client in a key position (such
to the client’s interests or too as the CFO). A familiarity threat would also exist if a former partner or professional
accepting of the client’s work or
employee of an audit firm joined the client as its CFO and had knowledge of the firms’
policies and practices for the audit engagement.
management participation • Management participation threat. A management participation threat is the
threat the threat that a CPA threat that a CPA will take on the role of client management or otherwise assume man-
will take on the role of client agement responsibilities. For example, a CPA may have a small business client, and the
management or otherwise assume owner asks the CPA’s firm to do various bookkeeping services for the client. Providing
management responsibilities bookkeeping services may cause the CPA to make various management decisions, which
Conceptual Framework for Members in Public Practice 2-9
is a threat to the firm’s objectivity and independence. This may also put an accounting
firm in a position of auditing its own work.
• Self-interest threat. A self-interest threat is the threat that a CPA could benefit, fi- self-interest threat the threat
nancially or otherwise, from an interest in, or relationship with, a client or persons asso- that a CPA could benefit, financially
ciated with the client. For example, a self-interest threat exists when a CPA has a financial or otherwise, from an interest in,
interest in the client, or a CPA’s spouse enters into employment negotiations for a key or a relationship with, a client or
position with a client. A self-interest threat also exists if a firm has an excessive reliance persons associated with the client
on the revenues from a single client.
• Self-review threat. A self-review threat is the threat that a CPA will not appropriately self-review threat the threat
evaluate the results of a previous judgment made by, or service performed by, an individual that a CPA will not appropriately
in the CPA’s firm, and that the CPA will rely on that work in forming a judgment as part evaluate the results of a previous
of an engagement. For example, a self-review threat exists if a CPA performs bookkeeping judgment made by, or service
services for a private company client and that work needs to be evaluated by the same firm performed by, an individual in the
member’s firm, and that the CPA
in the course of an attest engagement. (Attest engagements are explained in Chapter 1.)
will rely on that work in forming a
• U
ndue influence threat. An undue influence threat is the threat that a CPA will judgment as part of an engagement
subordinate his or her judgment to an individual associated with a client or any relevant undue influence threat the
third party due to that individual’s reputation or expertise, aggressive or dominant per- threat that a CPA will subordinate
sonality, or attempts to coerce or exercise excessive influence over the CPA. For example, his or her judgment to an
an undue influence threat exists if a client threatens to dismiss a firm from the current individual associated with a client
engagement, or if the client indicates that it will not award additional engagements, if the or any relevant third party due
firm continues to disagree with the client on an accounting or tax matter. to that individual’s reputation or
expertise, aggressive or dominant
Step 2: Evaluate the significance of threats. If a CPA has identified a threat resulting from a personality, or attempts to coerce
relationship or circumstance, he or she should evaluate the significance of the threat. CPAs or exercise excessive influence
should evaluate identified threats both individually and in aggregate. The standard a CPA over the CPA
should use to determine if the threat is at an acceptable level is whether a reasonable and
informed third party, who is aware of the relationship or circumstance, would conclude that
a CPA is in compliance with the rules of the Code. If a CPA concludes the threat is not at an
acceptable level, the CPA should proceed to Step 3, identify and apply safeguards.
Step 3: Identify and apply safeguards. There are three basic types of safeguards. The first
is safeguards created by the profession (e.g., the safeguards suggested in the rules of the
Code), legislation, or regulation. A CPA should be familiar with both the Code and regulatory
rules that might apply. Safeguards are often suggested in these rules to guide a CPA. Second
are safeguards implemented by a client. For example, a board of directors might take steps
to remove a familiarity threat by reassigning a key person. However, it is not possible for
an accounting firm to rely solely on safeguards implemented by the client to eliminate or
reduce significant threats to an acceptable level. Finally, an accounting firm can implement
safeguards within the firm. In a large accounting firm, safeguards might involve rotating
someone off the engagement, or conducting an independent review of the work by another
CPA. In a small accounting firm, appropriate safeguards might include the involvement of
another firm.
Step 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of safeguards. If a CPA concludes that threats are at an
acceptable level after applying the identified safeguards, then the CPA may proceed with the
professional service. However, if there are no safeguards that would eliminate the threat or
reduce it to an acceptable level, or the CPA is unable to implement effective safeguards, the
CPA should decline or terminate the engagement.
2-10 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Step 5: Document threats and safeguards applied. When safeguards are applied to reduce a
threat to an acceptable level, best practice calls for the CPA to document the identified threats,
the safeguards applied, and the CPA’s evaluation of the effectiveness of the safeguards.
Consider the following example. An accounting firm is attempting to grow its audit prac-
tice and make inroads in several industries where it wants to increase its concentration of
practice. In the process, it obtains a new audit client by submitting a bid for the audit below
the expected cost to the firm to perform the audit. In the long run, the firm hopes to gain other
clients at increased fees, and over time increase the fee for work with the new audit client.
In Step 1, the CPA understands there is a self-interest threat to exercising due professional
care when performing the audit. The firm understands there may be an incentive to cut cor-
ners when doing audit work in order to make a profit in performing the engagement.
In Step 2, the CPA determines the threat is significant and the firm should put a safeguard
in place to ensure the firm uses due professional care and follows auditing standards when
performing the engagement.
In Step 3, the CPA discusses the low bid with the audit team during audit planning, sets
an expectation of following professional standards, and confirms that the team’s budget for
the engagement will not be influenced by the low fee. In addition, the firm decides to have
the work reviewed by a second audit partner to ensure compliance with firm policy and pro-
fessional standards. (Note: a sole practitioner might engage another auditor to review the sole
practitioner’s work.)
In Step 4, the CPA determines that setting an appropriate tone at the top regarding com-
pliance with professional standards, and the second partner review, is sufficient to mitigate
the self-interest threat, and the CPA accepts the engagement.
Finally, in Step 5, the CPA writes a memo to the audit engagement file explaining the
threat identified, safeguards applied, and the CPA’s reasoning that the safeguards are suffi-
cient to counter balance the self-interest threat.
Maria is a partner in a medium-sized CPA practice, and she and her firm are bidding on a con-
sulting engagement with Western Construction Company. Before Maria and her firm are able to
make the proposal to Western Construction, Maria’s husband, Robert, comes home to share good
news. Robert has just been offered his dream job as CFO of Western Construction. Maria is happy
for her husband, but now she must consider the ethics of bidding on the consulting engagement.
Upon searching the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, Maria does not find a specific rule or
ethics interpretation that addresses this circumstance so she applies the conceptual framework.
Maria approaches her partners with the problem and the following proposed solution. Maria
identifies that if her husband accepts the job, a familiarity threat is present as Maria could be
viewed as too sympathetic to Western Construction’s interests. She suggests the CPA firm should
disclose the conflict of interest to Western Construction and the firm replace Maria on the con-
sulting engagement during the interview process. She would remain off the consulting engage-
ment if her husband accepts the job. This allows the CPA firm to maintain an appropriate level of
integrity and objectivity.
Source: Based on the AICPA Conceptual Framework Toolkit for Members in Public Practice (2015).
The next sections address the ethical rules for members in public practice (see Illustra-
tion 2.3).
Rules for Members in Public Practice
Ethical rules for members in
public practice
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain each of the seven threats to compliance with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
3.2 What is the basis for determining that a threat is at an acceptable level after the application
of safeguards?
3.3 Assume that you have been the tax manager on the tax engagement of XYZ Company. Your
spouse has just been offered the job of chief financial officer for XYZ Company. Is there a
threat to ethical behavior? What would be an appropriate safeguard, if any, that might be
applied if your spouse accepts the position with XYZ Company?
The integrity and objectivity rule, AICPA codification section 1.100.001, reads as follows: integrity and objectivity in the
performance of any professional
In the performance of any professional service, a member shall maintain objectivity service, a member shall maintain
and integrity, shall be free of conflicts of interest, and shall not knowingly misrepresent objectivity and integrity, shall be
facts or subordinate his or her judgment to others. free of conflicts of interest, and
shall not knowingly misrepresent
The rule on integrity and objectivity applies to all services performed by CPAs (e.g., tax, au- facts or subordinate his or her
dit, bookkeeping, or consulting services). The following discussion addresses two common judgment to others
issues that arise related to integrity and objectivity: conflicts of interest and subordination of
A conflict of interest occurs when a CPA or accounting firm provides a professional ser-
vice related to a particular matter involving two or more clients whose interests, with respect
to that matter, are in conflict. In a tax matter this may occur when a CPA represents two clients
(e.g., husband and wife) at the same time, who are in a legal dispute (e.g., a divorce) with each
other. A larger firm may still provide tax services to the husband and to the wife, and safeguard
this conflict of interest by using separate engagement teams who are provided clear policies
and procedures on maintaining confidentiality. In a small firm, it is normal practice for a firm
to resign providing tax services to one of the two parties in a divorce to remain free of any con-
flict of interest. Additional details about conflicts of interest are discussed in the AICPA Code
of Professional Conduct, section 1.110.
The integrity and objectivity rule also prohibits a CPA from subordinating his or her judg-
ment when performing professional services for a client. Self-interest, familiarity, and undue
influence threats to a CPA’s compliance with the integrity and objectivity rule may exist when
a CPA and his or her supervisor, or another person within the accounting firm, have a dif-
ference of opinion related to the application of accounting principles, auditing standards, or
other relevant professional standards. The subordination of judgment threat is at an accept-
able level if the CPA concludes the position taken by the firm does not result in a material
misrepresentation of fact or a violation of applicable standards, laws, or regulations. If the
CPA concludes the difference of opinion may result in a material misrepresentation of fact or
a violation of professional standards, then the CPA should discuss his or her concerns with the
supervisor. If the difference of opinion is not resolved after discussing the concerns with the
supervisor, the CPA should discuss his or her concerns with the appropriate higher level(s) of
management within the CPA’s firm. Most accounting firms have specific policies for resolving
these differences to ensure the firm does not violate professional standards and to protect a
CPA from subordination of judgment to a supervisor.
2-12 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
James, a senior on the audit of Woodland Industries (a private company), has been discussing
the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts with the CFO. The CFO thought the allow-
ance was adequate, and James thought there was evidence to support raising the allowance by
$300,000. Eventually, the audit partner and the owner of Woodland Industries discussed each
questionable account, and the partner and owner agreed to an adjustment of $175,000. After the
meeting, the audit partner talked to James, and told James he did not want James to change any of
his documentation. The audit partner told James, “I don’t want you to subordinate your judgment
to mine. You document your reasoning, and I will document why I reached a different conclusion
on a matter of professional judgment. That is the way we do things in our audit firm.”
Before You Go On
4.1 Define integrity and objectivity. Illustrate with an example.
4.2 Develop an example of a conflict of interest and explain a safeguard that would provide rea-
sonable assurance that the conflict of interest does not result in a violation of the integrity
and objectivity rule.
Evaluate the ethical behavior needed to comply with rules of conduct on
Independence is the cornerstone of the auditing profession. It is so important that every audi-
tor’s report is entitled “Independent Auditor’s Report.” Financial statement users need to know
independence a member that auditors are unbiased and independent of the entities they audit. The independence
in public practice shall be rule, AICPA codification section 1.200.001, reads as follows:
independent in the performance
of professional services A member in public practice shall be independent in the performance of professional
as required by standards services as required by standards promulgated by bodies designated by Council.
promulgated by bodies designated
by Council A CPA must be independent of the client when performing attest services. Attest services
• Performing audits.
• Performing reviews under Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services
• Performing examinations, reviews, and agreed-upon procedures under Statements
on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE).
CPAs performing tax services or consulting services do not need to be independent of their
client. Also, CPAs who compile financial statements for a client with no assurance provided
independent in fact acting with do not need to be independent. However, they need to disclose that they are not independent
integrity and objectivity, being in the compilation report. Compilation and review services are discussed further in Chapter 15.
honest, and not subordinating the CPAs frequently think about independence in two ways, independence in fact and inde-
public trust to personal gain and pendence in appearance. These facets of independence are depicted in Illustration 2.4. Being
advantages independent in fact can be defined as acting with integrity and objectivity. Independence
in fact is about being honest, about not subordinating the public trust to personal gain and
Independence 2-13
advantages, and about being unbiased and impartial when performing attest services. Inde-
pendence in fact is difficult for others to observe, but it is nevertheless the cornerstone upon
which attest services provide value.
Independent in Fact Independent In Appearance
Independent in fact versus
independent in appearance
Apparent Conflict Avoid Threats to
State of Mind
of Interest Independence
The following discussion explains the AICPA rule on independence and addresses some
common threats to independence, such as investments in attest clients, loans to or from an
attest client, taking on management responsibilities, family relationships, and performing
nonattest services for an attest client.
through stock options or other stock ownership arrangements from an employer who is also an
attest client. As a result, a CPA must think both about how his or her own activities could cause a
threat to independence, as well as how the activities of his or her spouse or other family members
threaten independence. The growth of non-audit services also raises questions about the ability of
accounting firms to remain independent while providing services that may result in professional
fees that are larger than those provided by performing an independent audit.
The independence rules follow an engagement-based approach and define a level of ac-
covered member a person in a counting professional, a covered member, who is a person in a position to potentially influ-
position to potentially influence ence attest decisions or the outcome of an attest engagement. While every professional in an
attest decisions or the outcome of accounting firm does not need to be independent of every attest client, the independence rules
an attest engagement are particularly strict for accounting professionals who are defined as covered members.
Illustration 2.5 summarizes the definition of a covered member and activities that impair
the independence of a covered member (and his or her accounting firm) and would be prohib-
ited under the independence rules (as they cannot be safeguarded). With respect to investments
in an attest client, a covered member cannot have a direct investment in the attest client, irre-
spective of the materiality (or immateriality) of the investment. Therefore, a covered member
cannot own one share of an attest client.
Covered Members Prohibited Activities
Definition of a covered
member and activities that • A
ny member of the engagement team • Cannot have a direct, or a material indirect,
impair independence • P
artners and managers with consultation, investment in the attest client
oversight, or review responsibilities related to • Cannot have a joint, closely held investment
the engagement with an attest client that is material to the
• D
irect supervisors of the engagement partner, covered member
including all successive senior levels • Cannot have loans to or from the attest client
• A
ccounting firm professionals who perform (there are some very limited exceptions)
(or expect to perform) more than 10 hours of • Cannot be a trustee of a trust or executor of an
nonattest services for the client estate who invests directly in an attest client
• P
artners who are in the same office as the lead (the AICPA and SEC permit an exception
partner on the engagement for a trustee who lacks authority to make
investment decisions)
• T
he firm, its benefit plans, and entities
controlled by covered members
• T
hose who evaluate partners’ performance
and compensations, including members of
compensation committees
• A
ccounting firm professionals who consult
with the attest team regarding technical
or industry-related issues specific to the
engagement; this is intended to include
individuals who are authorized to give advice
to the attest team and there is no hours test
• I ndividuals who participate in quality-control
activities for the firm
A question often comes up about owning shares in a mutual fund (where the covered
member does not control the investment decisions), and the mutual fund owns shares of the
attest client. This is considered an indirect investment in the attest client. A covered member
can own a mutual fund where the mutual fund owns shares in the attest client, as long as the
investment in the mutual fund is not material to the covered member. If the investment in the
mutual fund is material to the covered member, and the mutual fund owns any shares in an
attest client, independence is impaired.
Covered members must also take care not to engage in joint investments with attest clients.
For example, an attest partner and an attest client should not jointly own a business, or real
property, together. In addition, a covered member cannot have a loan to or from an attest client.
While there are some very limited exceptions (e.g., having a home mortgage from a bank who
is an attest client), covered members must be very careful about making loans to, or accepting
loans from, an attest client. A covered member also cannot be a trustee of a trust, or executor of
an estate, that invests in an attest client. Being a trustee of a trust, or an executor of an estate,
Independence 2-15
involves holding a key management position over the trust or estate. A covered member should
not be in a management position to exercise authority over a direct investment in an attest cli-
ent. Finally, the accounting firm as an entity is prohibited from the same activities as a covered
member of the firm.
Covered members must also be aware of potential conflicts of interest that may be raised
by the activities of immediate family members and close relatives. Illustration 2.6 sum- immediate family member a
marizes the definition of both immediate family members and close relatives, and activities covered member’s spouse, spouse
of an immediate family member or close relative that impair the independence of the covered equivalent, or dependent
member (and his or her accounting firm) and would be prohibited under the independence close relative a covered
rules. An immediate family member is one where the relationship is considered to be so close member’s parents, nondependent
that any relationship between an immediate family member and an attest client is equivalent children, brothers and sisters, or
to the relationship between a covered member and the attest client. An immediate family stepbrothers or stepsisters
member would be prohibited from making any investment, making or having a loan, or serv-
ing as a trustee of a trust or an executor of an estate that invests in an attest client.
Further, as noted above, an immediate family member cannot work for an attest client in a
key position. A key position would include a position where an immediate family member key position a position with an
could exercise influence over the financial statements, such as CEO, CFO, member of the board attest client where an individual
of directors, or treasurer. In addition, a key person would be someone who prepares, or super- can exercise influence over the
vises others who prepare, (1) the financial statements or (2) material accounting records, or is financial statements
involved in accounting decision making. Also, if a close relative held a key position with an
attest client it would impair the independence of the covered member. Finally, if a close relative
had a direct investment in an attest client that is material to the close relative, or had significant
influence over an attest client, the covered member’s independence would be impaired.
Covered Members’ Immediate Family Prohibited Activities
Definitions of an immediate
• Spouse • Exactly the same as for a covered member. family member and close
• Spousal equivalent • Cannot be employed in a “key position” with relatives and activities that
• Dependents an attest client. A key position would be a impair independence
position where the individual would:
• Exercise influence over the financial
statements, such as CEO, CFO, member of
the board of directors, or treasurer.
• Prepare, or supervise others who prepare,
(1) the financial statements or (2) material
accounting records.
• Be involved in accounting decision making.
An important issue for many spouses is their ability to participate in stock compensation
plans. Today, it is common for many employees to be compensated with equity securities in
addition to cash. If an accounting firm professional is not a covered member (e.g., a tax pro-
fessional who does no work for the attest client), the spouse can work for the attest client and
can participate in an employee benefit plan that includes employee stock ownership plans or
employee stock option plans as long as the benefits are offered equitably to all similar employ-
ees. The same benefits are also extended to a limited group of covered members, nonattest
partners and managers, and other partners in the office of the lead engagement partner that
may have an immediate family member who works for an attest client as long as the immedi-
ate family member is not in a key position.
Finally, an accounting firm does need to consider when the activities of professional
employees, who are not covered members for a particular audit client, might impair the
2-16 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Janice is an audit manager in a large public accounting firm with 35 offices on the East Coast.
Janice has been dating Keith, a CFO of a company that is not a client of Janice’s firm. Keith
has a significant investment portfolio of his own. After dating for about 4 months, Janice
and Keith decide to get married. However, Janice tells Keith it is important for him to take a
careful review of his investment portfolio. The policy in Janice’s firm is that she cannot have
a direct investment, of any size, in any audit client of the firm. Further, she cannot have a
material indirect investment in the audit client. This is so the firm is independent of its clients
and can assign any staff member to any audit client. Given their relationship, Keith cannot
have any investment that would be prohibited for Janice. As a result, Keith has to sell several
investments and invest them in other ways.
Since independence is critical to the performance of attest services, the AICPA has pub-
lished a number of interpretations of the independence rule. Illustration 2.7 summarizes
these interpretations. Two key issues are discussed further next: employment or association
with an attest client and nonattest services.
Interpretations of the of Professional
independence rule Conduct Section Interpretation
1.210 Conceptual Framework Approach
1.220 Accounting Firms
1.224 Affiliates, Including Governmental Units
1.228 Engagement Contractual Terms
1.230 Fees and Other Types of Remuneration
1.240 Financial Interests
1.250 Participation in Employee Benefit Plants
1.255 Depository, Brokerage, and Other Accounts
1.257 Insurance Products
1.260 Loans
1.265 Business Relationships
1.270 Family Relationship with Attest Clients
1.275 Honorary Director or Trustee of a Not-for-Profit Organization
1.277 Former Employment or Association with an Attest Client
1.279 Considering or Subsequent Employment or Association with an Attest Client
1.280 Memberships
1.285 Gifts and Entertainment
1.290 Actual or Threatened Litigation
1.295 Nonattest Services
1.297 Independence Standards for Engagements Performed in Accordance with
Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements
Independence 2-17
Before You Go On
5.1 Explain what is meant by “independence in fact.” Explain what is meant by “independence
in appearance.” Give an example of each.
5.2 An audit manager in another office from the audit client has quality control responsibili-
ties in the same region as the audit engagement. Is the audit manager a covered member?
5.3 An audit staff person has been with the firm for only 6 months. Her spouse works for an audit
client in an accounting position and makes material accounting decisions in the corporate
accounting office. Are there safeguards that can be implemented to preserve the audit firm’s
independence? Explain.
5.4 A partner works on the audit engagement of XYZ Company. After her husband died from
a heart attack, she has had dinner a couple of times with a major shareholder in XYZ Com-
pany. The shareholder is not part of management. What are the implications if the personal
relationship becomes serious between the partner and the shareholder?
joins the attest client in a key position within one year of disassociating from the firm, and
has significant interaction with the engagement team, an appropriate professional in the firm
should review the subsequent attest engagement to determine whether the engagement team
members maintained the appropriate level of skepticism when evaluating the former part-
ner’s or professional employee’s representations and work.
A partner or professional employee merely seeking employment with an attest client may
also impair independence. When a member of the attest engagement team or an individual in
a position to influence the attest engagement intends to seek or discuss potential employment
or association with an attest client, or is in receipt of a specific offer of employment from an
attest client, independence will be impaired with respect to the client unless the person:
The purpose of this rule is to avoid situations where a CPA’s integrity or objectivity might
be compromised. If a professional is seeking a job from an attest client, it is important to avoid
a situation where the person might be tempted to take an aggressive stance in favor of the client
on a matter of professional judgment while seeking the favor of a client by way of a job offer.
Further, when any covered member becomes aware that a member of the attest engagement
team or an individual in a position to influence the attest engagement is considering employ-
ment or association with a client, the covered member should notify an appropriate person in
the accounting firm. Finally, the appropriate person in the accounting firm should consider what
additional safeguards, such as additional review of any work performed by the individual consid-
ering employment with the attest client, may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance that
any work performed for the client by that person was performed with objectivity and integrity.
Nonattest Services
A major issue that continues to face the auditing profession is whether the performance of non-
attest services (such as accounting services or internal control design and implementation) im-
pairs an auditor’s integrity and objectivity. Critics wonder whether an auditor can be objective
with respect to audit issues when fees from nonattest services exceed fees from attest services.
When an auditor considers the rules related to nonattest services and independence, the
auditor needs to understand that a different set of rules apply to auditors of public companies
than auditors of private companies. Both the SEC and SOX set out the independence guidelines
for public company audits that will be discussed in SEC and PCAOB Independence Rules. The
AICPA and state boards of accountancy have rules appropriate to audits of private companies.
The AICPA and many state boards of accountancy allow activities for private companies that
are not allowed for public companies because many private companies (e.g., owner-managed
business and small not-for-profit organizations that require audits) do not have the resources
to internalize services that are often performed within public companies, such as bookkeeping,
preparing financial statements, or payroll services. The demand for these services from smaller
entities often causes a management participation threat. The following discussion outlines the
appropriate rules for nonattest services as they relate to private company audits.
AICPA independence rules (1.295) allow a member of a firm to perform nonattest ser-
vices for private company attest clients under certain conditions. In each case, the CPA must
evaluate the effect of nonattest services on independence. In general, a CPA should not per-
form management functions or make management decisions for the attest client. However,
the CPA may provide advice, research materials, and make recommendations to assist the cli-
ent’s management in performing its functions and making its decisions. In addition, the client
must agree to perform the following functions in connection with the CPA’s engagement to
perform nonattest services (safeguards implemented by the client):
If management cannot perform these functions (establish these safeguards), the firm’s
independence is impaired.
Interpretation 1.295 also indicates that before performing nonattest services, the CPA
should establish, and document in writing, an understanding with the client regarding (1) the
objectives of the engagement, (2) the services to be performed, (3) the client’s acceptance of its
responsibilities, (4) the CPA’s responsibilities, and (5) any limitations of the engagement. It is
preferable that this understanding be documented in an engagement letter (explained further
in Chapter 3). In addition, the CPA should be satisfied that the client is in a position to have
an informed judgment on the results of the nonattest services and the client’s management
understands its responsibilities.
The purpose of the AICPA rule is to allow CPAs to assist many small business clients who
may not have a CPA within the entity. These entities often need outside professional expertise
that the accounting firm can provide. Nevertheless, a number of general activities would be
considered to impair a CPA firm’s independence when auditing non-public companies. These
are summarized in Illustration 2.8, which also provides examples of how the performance
of these general activities would impair an accounting firm’s independence, or how the client
could take appropriate responsibilities to allow the accounting firm to assist the client without
impairing the accounting firm’s independence with regard to the audit.
Interpretation 1.295 provides additional specific examples of activities that would or
would not impair independence. For example, CPAs can perform various accounting and
bookkeeping services for an attest client. However, independence would be impaired if an
accounting firm determined or changed journal entries, account codings or classification for
transactions, or other accounting records without obtaining client approval; and authorized
or approved transactions, prepared source documents, or made changes to source documents
without client approval. Independence would not be impaired if the CPA recorded transac-
tions for which management had determined or approved the appropriate account classifica-
tion, or posted coded transactions to a client’s general ledger; prepared financial statements
based on information in the trial balance; posted client-approved entries to a client’s trial
balance; or proposed standard, adjusting, or correcting journal entries or other changes af-
fecting the financial statements to the client, provided the client reviewed the entries and the
CPA was satisfied management understood the nature of the proposed entries and the impact
of the entries on the financial statements. You can read the actual Interpretation 1.295 for
additional discussions related to payroll and other disbursements; appraisal, valuation and
actuarial services; benefit plan administration; business risk consulting; corporate finance
consulting; executive or employee recruiting; forensic accounting; information system de-
sign, implementation, or integration; internal audit; investment advisory or management
services; and tax services.
Fred Holland is a CPA in rural Wisconsin. Fred has a tax practice; he does payroll work for several
businesses in the area and performs compilation and review services for some of his business
clients. Fred has been careful with respect to performing payroll services as he wants to be in-
dependent of his clients. While independence is not required for compilations, Fred knows it
is required for reviews and at times Fred has been requested to increase the level of assurance
from a compilation to a review. As a result, whenever Fred performs payroll services for a client,
he implements the following safeguards: (1) he requires the client to maintain all original time
records for employees, (2) he does not sign checks on any client accounts, and (3) while Fred’s
payroll system prepares checks and payroll tax returns, all of these documents are reviewed and
signed by the client. Fred does not undertake a payroll engagement unless he believes the client
has sufficient competence to review Fred’s work.
2-20 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Examples Where Independence Is General Activities That Will Impair Examples Where Independence Is Not
Impaired Independence Impaired
A CPA accepts responsibility to authorize Authorizing, executing, or When assisting a small business client with
payment of client funds, or accepts consummating a transaction, or payroll using payroll time records provided
responsibility to sign or cosign client checks, otherwise exercising authority on and approved by the client, the CPA can
even if only in emergency situations. behalf of a client or having the generate unsigned checks or process the
In a consulting engagement, a CPA acts as client’s payroll.
authority to do so
a promoter, underwriter, broker-dealer, or In a consulting engagement, a CPA may
guarantor of client securities, or distributor assist in identifying or introducing the client
of private placement memoranda or offering to possible sources of capital that meet the
documents. client’s specifications or criteria.
In an accounting service engagement for Preparing source documents or In an accounting service engagement for
a non-public client, a CPA determines or originating data, in electronic a non-public client, a CPA may record
changes journal entries, account codings or other form, evidencing the transactions for which management has
or classification for transactions, or other occurrence or a transaction (for determined or approved the appropriate
accounting records without obtaining client account classification, or post coded
example, purchase orders, payroll
approval. A CPA prepares source documents, transactions to a client’s general ledger
originates data, or makes changes to source
time records, and customer orders) and prepare financial statements based on
documents without client approval. information in the trial balance.
When performing payroll services, benefit plan Having custody of client assets Another accounting firm has custody of assets
administration, or other financial advisory and performs payroll services, benefit plan
services, a CPA has custody of client assets or administration, or other financial advisory
maintains custody of client securities. services.
In an IT engagement, a CPA supervises client Supervising client employees in In an IT engagement, a CPA may design, install,
personnel in the daily operation of a client’s the performance of their normal or integrate a client’s information system,
information system. recurring activities provided the client makes all management
In an investment advisory engagement Determining which recommendations In an investment advisory engagement with
with an attest client, a CPA makes investment of the CPA should be implemented an attest client, a CPA can recommend the
decisions on behalf of client management or allocation of funds that a client should invest
otherwise has discretionary authority over a in various asset classes, depending upon
client’s investments. the client’s desired rate of return and risk
In an attest engagement, a CPA presents Reporting to the board of directors In an attest engagement, provide
business proposals to the board on the behalf on behalf of management recommendations for improving the system
of management. for monitoring business risks.
In an investment advisory engagement, a Serving as a client’s stock transfer In an investment advisory engagement, a CPA
CPA executes a transaction to buy or sell a or escrow agent, registrar, general may review the manner in which a client’s
client’s investment or has custody of client counsel, or its equivalent portfolio is being managed by investment
assets, such as taking temporary possession account managers, including determining
of securities purchased by a client. whether the managers are (1) following the
guidelines of the client’s investment policy
statement; (2) meeting the client’s investment
objectives; and (3) conforming to the client’s
stated investment styles.
PCAOB Ethics
Rule Number PCAOB Ethics Rule Title PCAOB ethics and
independence rules
3501 Definitions of Terms Employed in Section 3, Part 5 of the Rules
3502 Responsibility Not to Knowingly or Recklessly Contribute to Violations
3520 Auditor Independence
3521 Contingent Fees
3522 Tax Transactions
3523 Tax Services for Persons in Financial Reporting Oversight Roles
3524 Audit Committee Pre-approval of Certain Tax Services
3525 Audit Committee Pre-approval of Non-audit Services Related to Internal
Control Over Financial Reporting
3526 Communication with Audit Committees Concerning Independence
is not capable of exercising objective and impartial judgment on all issues encompassed
within the audit engagement. The SEC developed some general rules for an audit committee
to consider when evaluating an audit firm’s independence. A public company’s audit com-
mittee should consider whether a relationship with the accounting firm or service provided
by the accounting firm:
• Creates a mutual or conflicting interest between the company and the accounting firm.
• Places the accounting firm in a position of auditing its own work.
• Places the accounting firm in a position of acting as management or an employee of the
• Places the accounting firm in a position of being an advocate for the company.
To encourage the independence of audit partners, Section 203 of SOX mandates rotation of the
lead audit partner and the audit partner having responsibility for reviewing the audit every five
years. Additionally, SEC rules prohibit the audit firm from providing the following nonattest
services to an audit client:
• Bookkeeping.
• Financial information system design and implementation.
• Appraisal or valuation series, fairness opinions, or contribution-in-kind reports.
• Actuarial services.
• Internal audit outsourcing services.
• Management functions or human resources functions.
• Broker-dealers, investment advisor, or investment banking services.
• Legal services and expert services unrelated to the audit.
SEC rules also prohibit certain relationships between audit firms and the public companies
they audit. The prohibited relationships include:
• Contingent fee. Accounting firms are prohibited from performing work for public com-
panies where the accounting firm is paid on either a contingent fee or a commission
basis. The AICPA rules for auditors of non-public entities are also clear that when a firm
is compensated on a commission or contingent fee basis, independence is violated. If the
compensation for an accounting firm is tied to the outcome of the engagement, the firm
becomes an advocate for the client with these compensation arrangements, violating a
general principle of independence.
• Direct or material indirect business relationships. Accounting firms may not have any
direct or material indirect business relationships with the company, its officers, directors,
or significant shareholders. For example, an accounting firm may not enter into a joint
venture with a public company audit client. It would be inappropriate for an auditor of a
software company to enter into a business relationship with the same software company
to develop accounting software to market to the public.
• Certain financial relationships. Certain financial relationships between the company and
the independent auditor are prohibited. These include creditor–debtor relationships, bank-
ing relationships, broker–dealer relationships, futures commission merchant account
relationships, insurance product relationships, and joint interests in investment companies.
• The processes the accounting firm uses to ensure complete disclosure of all relationships
with the company and its affiliates.
• The relationships the accounting firm may have with officers, board members and signif-
icant shareholders.
• The relationships not included in the communication because they were deemed
Before You Go On
5.5 The audit manager on an audit engagement of a large private company has been asked by the
company to consider becoming the company’s CFO. What are the independence implications
of this situation? What are the appropriate safeguards to preserve the firm’s independence?
5.6 An audit firm serves only private companies. It also provides tax services and investment ad-
visory services to its clients. Can a partner in the firm advise an audit client on the allocation
of funds in the client’s investment portfolio, based on the client’s desired rate of return and
risk tolerances? Explain your reasoning.
5.7 Explain the general rules that an audit committee of a public company should consider when
evaluating the potential services that it might request of its audit firm.
General Standards
The general standards of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct apply to all CPAs in public
practice. For example, the independence standards apply only to accounting firms that per-
form attest engagements, and the professionals in those firms who are in a position to influ-
ence the outcome of an attest engagement (e.g., covered members, their immediate family
members, and close relatives). The general standards apply to any CPA performing any profes-
sional service for a client (e.g., tax services, consulting services, or nonattest services). Further,
the same standards are found in the section of the Code related to members in business. The
general standards (1.300.001) read as follows:
A member shall comply with the following standards and with any interpretations
thereof by bodies designated by Council:
a. Professional Competence. Undertake only those professional services that professional competence
the member or the member’s firm can reasonably expect to be completed with undertaking only those
professional competence. professional services that a CPA
or a CPA’s firm can reasonably
b. Due Professional Care. Exercise due professional care in the performance of expect to complete with
professional services. professional competence
c. Planning and Supervision. Adequately plan and supervise the performance of due professional care
professional services. exercising due professional care
d. Sufficient Relevant Data. Obtain sufficient relevant data to afford a reasonable expected of other CPAs in the
basis for conclusions or recommendations in relation to any professional services performance of professional
planning and supervision
The standard on professional competence is clear that a CPA, or an accounting firm, adequately plan and supervise
should only undertake professional services that he or she reasonably expects to complete the performance of professional
with professional competence. While a CPA does not assume infallibility of knowledge or services
judgment, a normal part of providing professional services involves performing additional sufficient relevant data obtain
research or consulting with others to gain sufficient competence. If a CPA is unable to gain sufficient relevant data to afford
sufficient competence, a CPA should suggest, in fairness to the client and the public, the en- a reasonable basis for conclusion
or recommendation in relation
gagement of a competent person to perform the needed professional service. For example,
to any professional services
a tax practitioner might be approached by a tax client that needs an audit or a review of the
company’s financial statements for the bank. If the tax practitioner does not have experience
2-24 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
performing audits or reviews, the practitioner should refer the engagement to another CPA
with the appropriate qualifications. Alternatively, if the tax practitioner chooses to accept
the engagement, he or she should take appropriate continuing professional education (CPE)
courses, and consider consulting the experienced colleagues to ensure that the engagement is
performed in accordance with professional standards.
The due care standard expects CPAs to exercise the professional care that would be ex-
pected of other CPAs performing the same work. In particular, CPAs should follow all pro-
fessional standards that relate to providing services. For example, in a tax engagement, this
would include following tax practice standards.
All engagements should be adequately planned and supervised. Further, in the performance
of nonattest services, CPAs should obtain sufficient, relevant data to afford a reasonable basis
for a conclusion or recommendation. Note that this is different than the expectation in an audit.
In performing an audit, a CPA should obtain sufficient appropriate evidence, which is a higher
standard. The standard of sufficient appropriate evidence is discussed further in Chapter 5.
Adherence to these requirements contributes to the quality of performance of professional
engagements for the benefit of clients, the public, and the overall reputation of the profession.
Dana Moore is a CPA in Georgia. Dana has a modestly sized tax practice, and she performs a num-
ber of audits of local school districts as well as of a few cities and counties. Dana is also on the
board of directors of several charities where she interacts with some of the business people in the
area. One day, a local technology entrepreneur in the area walks into her office and says, “I have
worked with you on the board of directors of a local charity, and I like the perspectives you bring
to the board. My company is growing and needs an audit. I know you do audits, and I am wonder-
ing if you would give me a bid on doing my company’s audit.” Dana was not expecting this, but
she knows what her response should be. “I appreciate your interest in my work and my services.
However, not all audits are the same. I understand the accounting and auditing issues with local
governments and school districts, but I am not well-versed in the accounting, internal control,
and auditing issues for technology companies. This is beyond the scope of my expertise, and I only
want to consider an engagement that I can expect to complete with professional competence and
due care. However, through the State Society of CPAs, I know some other auditors who might
have the skills you need. Let me give you their names.”
Before You Go On
6.1 Identify two types of engagements that would be covered by the general standards in the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
6.2 If a CPA does not have the professional competence to complete an investment advisory en-
gagement, what steps should the firm take to ensure that the engagement is completed with
professional competence?
6.3 When evaluating whether an engagement was completed with due professional care, how
might a state board of accountancy judge the due care that was used in completing an
It is not possible in the scope of this chapter to discuss all of the rules of conduct for CPAs in
public practice. The following discussion addresses three additional rules of conduct that you
should understand: Rule 1.320 on Accounting Principles, Rule 1.500 on Fees and Other Types
of Remuneration, and Rule 1.700 on Confidential Information.
A member shall not (1) express an opinion or state affirmatively that the financial
statements or other financial data of any entity are presented in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles or (2) state that he or she is not aware of
any material modifications that should be made to such statements or data in order
for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, if such
statements or data contain any departure from an accounting principle promulgated
by bodies designated by Council to establish such principles that has a material effect
on the statements or data taken as a whole. If, however, the statements or data contain
such a departure and the member can demonstrate that due to unusual circumstances
the financial statements or data would otherwise have been misleading, the member
can comply with the rule by describing the departure, its approximate effects, if
practicable, and the reasons why compliance with the principle would result in a
misleading statement.
The bodies that are designated by the AICPA Council to promulgate accounting prin-
ciples are (1) the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), (2) the Federal Account-
ing Standards Advisory Board (FASAB), (3) the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
(GASB), and (4) the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Financial statements
prepared using other accounting principles would be considered financial reporting frame-
works other than generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). For example, CPAs often
prepare financial statements for small businesses on a cash basis of accounting or a federal
income tax basis of accounting. In these situations, the client’s financial statements, and the
CPA’s report thereon, should not purport that the financial statements are in accordance with
GAAP, and the financial statements and the CPA’s report should clarify the financial reporting
framework used.
Finally, there is a strong presumption that adherence to GAAP would, in nearly all cir-
cumstances, result in financial statements that are not misleading. The question of what
constitutes unusual circumstances, referred to in the rule above, is a matter of professional
judgment. In considering that judgment, a CPA must consider whether a reasonable person
reading the financial statements would consider the adherence to the promulgated accounting
principle to be misleading. In practice, these circumstances are extremely rare.
CPA is being paid a commission if the business purchases the software, so that the client
fully evaluates the product and incentives involved. It is appropriate for CPAs to perform en-
gagements on a contingent fee basis, or to accept a commission or a referral fee, with respect
to nonattest clients. However, these fee arrangements are prohibited for attest clients as they
impair independence.
Confidential Information
In general, a CPA in public practice shall not disclose confidential client information without
the specific consent of the client.
However, there are some well-known exceptions to this rule. First, the rule on confiden-
tial client information should not be construed as relieving a CPA of his or her professional
obligation to comply with accounting principles. Therefore, a client cannot claim that infor-
mation should not be disclosed in financial statements due to client confidentiality if the in-
formation is required by GAAP. Second, the rule on confidential client information allows a
CPA to comply with a validly issued and enforceable subpoena or summons, or allows a CPA
to comply with applicable laws and government regulations. For example, in certain circum-
stances an auditor might have to report confidential information to regulators such as the SEC
if the information is not reported by management or those charged with governance of the
entity. Third, the confidential client information rule does not prohibit a review of a CPA’s
professional practice under the AICPA, state society, or state board of accountancy authori-
zation. This exception allows for peer review of a CPA’s practice and allows the peer reviewer
to become knowledgeable of confidential client information. However, there is an obligation
on the part of the peer reviewer to respect the confidential client information rule. Finally,
the confidential client information rule does not preclude a CPA from initiating a complaint
with, or responding to any inquiry made by, the professional ethics division of the AICPA, a
duly constituted investigative or disciplinary body of a state CPA society, or a state board of
Before You Go On
7.1 Do the rules of conduct on accounting principles prevent a CPA from preparing financial
statements for a client on a cash basis of accounting, which is not GAAP? Explain your
7.2 Explain why accepting an engagement on a contingent fee arrangement impairs independence.
7.3 After work, can a member of an audit team discuss confidential information about a client’s
business with his or her spouse, who works for the client’s competitor? Has the member vio-
lated the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct? Explain your reasoning.
learnin g OBJECTI VE 8
Evaluate an auditor’s legal liability under common law.
The previous sections have focused on an auditor’s ethical responsibilities to society (respon-
sibilities to the client and to the public that relies on financial statements). The legal system
plays an important role in supporting the quality of work performed by auditors. It provides
an important framework for accountability regarding the behavior of CPAs in society.
Auditor Liability Under Common Law 2-27
Auditors need to understand the legal impacts affecting the environment in which they
work. Specifically, they need to know who can sue them, the allegations typically made in
lawsuits against auditors, and defenses the auditor can use in court. Exposure to legal liability
is also an incentive for auditors to conduct high-quality audits.
The following discussion is broken into two sections: (1) the auditor’s liability under com-
mon law, which may vary from state to state, and (2) the federal statutes regarding an auditor’s
responsibility to financial statement users.
Common law is frequently referred to as unwritten law. It is based on judicial precedent
rather than legislative rule. Common law is derived from principles based on justice, reason, common law law based on
and common sense rather than absolute, fixed, or inflexible rules. The principles of common justice, reason, and common
law are determined by the social needs of the community. Therefore, common law changes in sense, rather than on absolute
response to society’s needs. In a specific case, the accountant’s liability is determined by a state rules
or federal court that attempts to apply case law precedents that it feels are controlling. Because
there are 51 such independent jurisdictions in the United States (50 states and the District of
Columbia), different decisions may result with respect to relatively similar factual circum-
stances. In a common law case, the judge has the flexibility to consider social, economic, and
political factors as well as prior case law doctrines (precedents). Under common law, a CPA’s
legal liability extends principally to two classes of parties: clients and third parties.
Illustration 2.10 outlines the discussion of an auditor’s liability under common law. An au-
dit firm may be liable to clients either under contract law or under tort law, as discussed below. An
audit firm is also concerned about its exposure to liability to clients. This liability will vary from
state to state depending on state laws and legal precedent. The discussion of third-party liability
will address whether an audit firm is liable to primary beneficiaries of the audit, to a foreseen
class of third-party users of financial statements, or to foreseeable users of financial statements.
Common Law
Auditor liability under
common law
Liability to Clients
A CPA is in a direct contractual relationship with clients. In agreeing to perform services for
clients, the CPA assumes the role of an independent contractor. The specific service(s) to be
rendered should preferably be set forth in an engagement letter, as described in Chapter 3.
The term privity of contract refers to the contractual relationship that exists between two privity of contract a contractual
or more contracting parties. In the typical auditing engagement, it is assumed that the audit is relationship that exists between
to be made in accordance with professional standards (i.e., generally accepted auditing stan- two or more contracting parties
dards) unless the contract contains specific wording to the contrary. A CPA may be held liable
to a client under either contract law or tort law. Each of these is explained below.
Contract Law
An auditor may be liable to a client for breach of contract when the audit firm: breach of contract a binding
agreement is not honored by one
• Issues a standard audit report when he or she has not made an audit in accordance with or more parties to a contract
generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS).
• Does not deliver the audit report by the agreed-upon date.
• Violates the client’s confidential relationship.
2-28 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
A CPA’s liability for breach of contract extends to subrogees. A subrogee is a party who
has acquired the rights of another by substitution. For example, the bonding of the client’s em-
ployees is considered an important part of a company’s system of internal control. When an
embezzlement occurs, the bonding company reimburses the insured (the client) for its losses.
Then, under the right of subrogation to the insured’s contractual claim, the bonding company
can bring suit against the CPA for failing to discover the fraud.
When a breach of contract occurs, the client usually seeks one or more of the follow-
ing remedies: (1) specific performance of the contract by the defendant (the CPA), (2) direct
monetary damages for losses incurred due to the breach, or (3) incidental and consequential
damages that are an indirect result of nonperformance.
Tort Law
tort a wrongful act that injures A CPA may also be liable to a client under tort law. A tort is a wrongful act that injures an-
another person’s property, body, other person’s property, body, or reputation. A tort action may be based on any one of the
or reputation following causes:
ordinary negligence failure • Ordinary negligence. Failure to exercise the degree of care a person of ordinary pru-
to exercise the degree of care a dence (a reasonable person) would exercise under the same circumstances
reasonable person would exercise • Gross negligence. Failure to use even slight care in the circumstances
under the same circumstances
• Fraud. Intentional deception, such as misrepresentation, concealment, or nondisclosure
gross negligence failure
of a material fact, that results in injury to another. In some cases a distinction has been
to use even slight care in the
circumstances made between fraud and constructive fraud. Constructive fraud may be inferred from
gross negligence or reckless disregard for the truth.
fraud intentional deception,
such as misrepresentation,
Under tort law, the injured party normally seeks monetary damages. The auditor’s
concealment, or nondisclosure
documentation is vital in refuting charges for breach of contract and breach of duty in a
of a material fact, that results in
injury to another tort action.
• Regardless of whether the CPA was conducting an audit or drafting financial statements,
there was a duty to inform the client of known wrongdoing or other suspicious actions
by the client’s employees.
• The defendant’s worksheets indicate that the defendant did perform some audit
The 1136 Tenants’ case has frequently been used to demonstrate the importance of having
a written contract (engagement letter) for each professional engagement. A written contract is
important, but it was not the only issue in this case. The critical issue was the CPA’s failure to
inform the client of employee wrongdoing, regardless of the type of service rendered.
If liability for negligence exists, a thoughtless slip or blunder, the failure to detect a theft
or forgery beneath the cover of deceptive entries may expose accountants to a liability in
indeterminate amounts, for an indeterminate time, to an indeterminate class. The hazards
of a business conducted on these terms are so extreme as to enkindle doubt whether a flaw
may not exist in the implication of a duty that exposes to these consequences.
The court also ruled that the finding on negligence does not emancipate accountants from
the consequences of fraud. It concluded that gross negligence may constitute fraud. Ultramares
Corp. v. Touche upheld the privity of contract doctrine under which third parties cannot sue
2-30 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
auditors for ordinary negligence. However, Judge Cardozo’s decision extended to primary ben-
eficiaries the rights of one in privity of contract. Therefore, Ultramares as a primary beneficiary
could sue and recover for losses suffered because of the auditor’s ordinary negligence.
• The concept of liability evolved significantly to include consumer protection from the
wrongdoing of both manufacturers (product liability) and professionals (service liability).
• Businesses and accounting firms grew in size, making them better able to shoulder the
new threshold of responsibility.
• The number of individuals and groups relying on audited financial statements grew steadily.
In Rusch Factors v. Levin, the plaintiff had asked the defendant accountant to audit the fi-
nancial statements of a corporation seeking a loan. The certified statements indicated that the
potential borrower was solvent when, in fact, it was insolvent. Rusch Factors sued the auditor
for damages resulting from its reliance on negligent and fraudulent misrepresentations in the
financial statements. The defendant accountant asked for dismissal on the basis of lack of privity
of contract. The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff. While the decision could have been decided
on the basis of the primary beneficiary rule set forth in Ultramares, the court instead said:
This decision extended the auditor’s liability from known specific primary beneficia-
ries, to an actually foreseen limited class of third parties known to be relying on the financial
In reaching its decision in Rosenblum, the New Jersey Supreme Court cited the following
public policy factors that appear, in part, aimed at countering Judge Cardozo’s arguments in
upholding the privity doctrine in Ultramares: (1) insurance is available to accountants to cover
these risks, (2) the CPA has a moral responsibility to anyone relying on his or her opinion, and
(3) more rigid standards will cause accountants to do better work. The foreseeability standard
was subsequently embraced by similar rulings in Wisconsin, California, and Mississippi.
We conclude that an auditor owes no general duty of care regarding the conduct of
an audit to persons other than the client. An auditor may, however, be held liable
for negligent misrepresentations in an audit report to those persons who act in
reliance upon those misrepresentations in a transaction which the auditor intended
to influence, in accordance with the rule of section 552 of the Restatement Second of
Torts. . . . Finally, an auditor may also be held liable to reasonably foreseeable third
persons for intentional fraud in the preparation and dissemination of an audit report.
A summary of the auditor’s liability under common law is presented in Illustration 2.11.
Rusch Bily
Factors decision
decision Forseen returns
extends class California to
liability to concept Restatement
Relative exposure
Although the extent of the auditor’s exposure to liability to third parties for ordinary negligence
has been subject to the court decisions in various jurisdictions, it now appears that all but three
states (Mississippi, New Jersey, and Wisconsin) either embrace the Restatement (Second) of
Torts, or the stricter Credit Alliance or privity legislation rules.
A key issue is whether the auditor owed a duty of care to the plaintiff. As noted in the previous
discussion, most states extend the auditor’s duty of care to foreseen third parties under the
Restatement (Second) of Torts standard.
The auditor’s defenses generally include:
• The auditor was not negligent and performed an audit in accordance with professional
• No duty of care was owed to the plaintiff.
• The plaintiff had no loss.
• The loss was caused by other events.
• The plaintiff’s negligence (contributory negligence) contributed to the auditor’s failure
to perform.
• The claim was invalid because the statute of limitations had expired.
The auditor must generally use the due care defense in breach of contract suits involving
due care defense the auditor’s negligence. Under a due care defense, the auditor’s documentation should provide evidence
documentation should provide that the audit was performed in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
evidence that the audit was United States. The due care defense is also a primary defense against tort actions, along with
performed in accordance with contributory negligence.
auditing standards generally In a contributory negligence defense, the plaintiff must have contributed to his or her
accepted in the United States
own injury (loss) by his or her own negligence. Therefore, the law considers the plaintiff to
be as responsible as the defendant for the injury. In such a case, there is no basis for recovery
because the negligence of one party nullifies the negligence of the other party. For example,
the plaintiff may have withheld vital information from the CPA during the audit, contributing
to the audit firm’s failure to follow professional standards.
If a plaintiff wants to prove the auditor was guilty of gross negligence or fraud, it is a
much higher burden of proof. In this instance, the plaintiff must prove:
This is a high burden of proof and an audit firm with good quality controls would not let this sit-
uation happen. If the plaintiff can make the case that an audit firm was guilty of gross negligence
or fraud, the plaintiff may be entitled to both compensatory damages and punitive damages.
Grace Chermak is the audit partner on the audit of Price Construction LLC, a private com-
pany that manufacturers small tools. Both Grace and Price are located in a state that follows
Auditor Liability Under Statutory Law 2-33
the restatement of torts laws. When planning the audit Grace knew the financial statements
were primarily intended to be used by Last National Bank in evaluating debt covenants. After
completing the audit and unbeknown to Grace, the financial statements are given to two
other users: (1) another bank, and (2) a purchaser of 50% of Price Construction that was
unforeseen at the time of the audit. To whom does Grace owe a duty of care under the restate-
ment of torts law?
Under restatement of torts Grace owes a duty of care to a specific class of foreseen third par-
ties, which would include the two banks that used the financial statements. Grace does not owe
the same duty of care to the purchaser of the 50% ownership interest in Price Construction. Had
Grace known the financial statements would have been used in buying and selling the business,
Grace might have planned the audit differently.
Before You Go On
8.1 Explain each of the two primary situations in which a CPA may be liable to his or her client.
8.2 Distinguish between foreseen and foreseeable third parties. Give an example of each.
8.3 Explain the significance of the Ultramares, Rusch Factors, Rosenblum, Credit Alliance, and
Bily cases on the auditor’s liability to third parties for negligence.
8.4 What is the plaintiff’s burden of proof under common law?
8.5 Explain the due care defense as it applies to an audit.
Statutory law is established by state and federal legislative bodies and specifically addresses statutory law law established by
auditor’s liability under certain circumstances. The following discussion addresses a num- state and federal legislative bodies
ber of statutory laws that address an auditor’s responsibility and liability to third-party users that specifically addresses the
of financial statements. Some of these statutes also address management’s responsibility for auditor’s liability under certain
preparing financial statements that are free of material misstatement. The discussion also ad- circumstances
dresses key cases that have set precedence under these statutes. Finally, the section concludes
with a discussion of the auditor’s exposure to criminal liability under these statutes.
Illustration 2.12 outlines the auditor’s liability under statutory law. The key elements
of statutory law that are discussed in this section include the SEC Act of 1933, the SEC Act
of 1934, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Statutory Law
Auditor liability under
statutory law
Foreign Securities
SEC Act SEC Act Corrupt Litigation Criminal
Oxley Act
of 1933 of 1934 Practices Reform Acts Liability
of 2002
Act of 1977 of 1995 and
2-34 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Acts of 1995 and 1998, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and the auditor’s exposure to criminal
liability under statutory law.
• May be any person acquiring securities described in the registration statement, whether
or not he or she is a client of the auditor.
• Must base the claim on an alleged material false or misleading financial statement con-
tained in the registration statement.
• Does not have to prove reliance on the false or misleading statement or that the loss suf-
fered was the proximate result of the statement if purchase was made before the issuance
of an income statement covering a period of at least 12 months following the effective
date of the registration statement.
• Does not have to prove that the auditors were negligent or fraudulent in certifying the
financial statements involved.
The defendant (e.g., the auditor) must prove one of the following:
• The audit firm made a reasonable investigation, that the firm followed auditing stan-
dards, and accordingly, had reasonable grounds to believe, and did believe, that the state-
ments certified were true at the date of the statements and as of the time the registration
due diligence defense an audit statement became effective (a due diligence defense).
firm must show that it made a
• The plaintiff’s loss resulted in whole or in part from causes other than the false or mis-
reasonable investigation, that the
leading statements.
firm followed auditing standards,
and accordingly had reasonable
Therefore, there is a significant burden of proof that rests upon the auditor to show that the
grounds to believe, and did
audit firm used due diligence in conducting the audit.
believe, that the statements
certified were true at the date of
the statements and as of the time Escott v. BarChris Construction Corp (1968)
the registration statement became
effective BarChris was a company that was in constant need of cash. Purchasers of bonds filed suit
under Section 11 when the company filed for bankruptcy, alleging that the registration state-
ment pertaining to the sale of the bonds contained material false statements and material
omissions. One of the defendants was Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. (now KPMG), which
pleaded the due diligence defense. The case revolved around the effectiveness of the audit
firm’s subsequent events review (discussed in Chapter 14), called an S-1 review by the SEC.
The purpose of the review was to determine whether, subsequent to the certified balance
sheet, any material changes had occurred that needed to be disclosed to prevent the balance
sheet from being misleading.
The court concluded that Peat Marwick’s written audit program for the subsequent events
review was in conformity with generally accepted auditing standards. However, it also found
that the work done by the auditor who was performing his first S-1 review was unsatisfactory.
The court concluded that the auditor did not meet the standards of the profession because he
did not take some of the steps prescribed in the audit firm’s written program, the auditor did
not spend an adequate amount of time on a task of this magnitude, and, most important of all,
the auditor was too easily satisfied with glib answers given by the client.
Auditor Liability Under Statutory Law 2-35
This case is important in that the court determined that following auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States would meet the due diligence defense. The courts also
determined that the subsequent events review by Peat Marwick did not meet professional
standards, or the firm’s own standards.
The defendant (the auditor) in a Section 18 suit must prove that he or she:
This means that the minimum basis for liability is gross negligence, not ordinary negligence. Ac-
cordingly, the auditor’s position under Section 18 is the same as under the common law doctrine
of Ultramares, in which the auditor may also be held liable to third parties for gross negligence.
Under Section 10(b) and the SEC-promulgated Rule 10b-5, it is unlawful for any person,
directly or indirectly, to:
Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 are often referred to as the antifraud provisions of the 1934 Act.
These antifraud provisions were made clear by the Ernst and Ernst v. Hochfelder decision, as
discussed below.
The securities acts apply to different situations. The 1933 Act applies to the initial distribu-
tion of securities (capital stock and bonds) to the public by the issuing corporation (primary mar-
ket), whereas the 1934 Act applies to trading of securities in national security markets (secondary
market). Differences between Section 11 of the 1933 Act and Sections 10 and 18 of the 1934 Act
exist as to (1) the plaintiff, (2) proof of reliance on the false or misleading financial statements,
and (3) the auditor’s liability for ordinary negligence, as summarized in Illustration 2.13.
Item 1933 Act 1934 Act
Summary of differences in
Plaintiff Any person acquiring the Either the buyer or seller of the key sections of the 1933 and
security security 1934 Acts
Plaintiff must prove reliance No Yes
Defendant liability for ordinary Yes No
2-36 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Based on this decision, an auditor is no longer liable to third parties under Section 10(b)
and Rule 10b-5 of the 1934 Act for ordinary negligence. That is, the auditor has no liability in
the absence of any intent to deceive or defraud (legally called scienter).
Therefore, a plaintiff filing a lawsuit against an auditor under Rule 10(b)-5 of the 1934
Act must prove:
The Reform Act instituted a system of proportionate liability whereby defendants proportionate liability
who are not found to have “knowingly committed a violation” of securities laws are liable defendants who are not found to
based on the defendant’s percentage of responsibility. This is intended to reduce the coercive have “knowingly committed a
pressure for innocent parties to settle meritless claims out of court rather than risk exposing violation” of the securities law are
themselves to liability for a grossly disproportionate share of the damages in a case. Defen- liable based on the defendant’s
percentage of responsibility
dants who “knowingly committed a violation” continue to be jointly and severally liable for
all damages that may be assessed. For example, assume that a company has gone bankrupt,
investors successfully claim the audited financial statements were materially misstated, and a
jury determines that the auditor was 35% responsible for damages incurred by investors and
the company was 65% responsible for the damages. Under proportionate liability, the auditor
would be responsible for 35% of the damages. However, under joint and several liability, inves-
tors can recover damages from any of the defendants. If the company is bankrupt and unable
to pay any damages, the auditor could potentially be responsible for 100% of the damages.
If a defendant does not knowingly commit a violation of the securities acts, the Reform
Act also places a cap on the proportionate share of damages that can be collected from other
defendants. If another defendant’s share cannot be collected from that defendant, or from
jointly and severally liable defendants, each proportionately liable defendant is then liable
for a proportionate share of the uncollectible amount, only up to an amount equal to an addi-
tional 50% of such defendant’s initial share.
The Reform Act imposed new reporting requirements on auditors who detect or other-
wise become aware of illegal acts by issuers of securities. If an auditor concludes that an illegal
act has a direct and material effect on the financial statements, and senior management has
not taken appropriate action, and the failure warrants a departure from a standard report or a
resignation from the engagement, the auditor should report these conclusions directly to the
board of directors. The board should then notify the SEC within one day. If the board does not
file a timely report with the SEC, the auditor should make a report to the SEC. The Reform
Act explicitly states that the auditor will not be held liable in a private action for any finding,
conclusions, or statements made in such reports.
Three years later, Congress passed the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of
1998. This was passed to prevent plaintiffs from evading federal courts by taking abusive law-
suits to state courts. Large class action lawsuits alleging securities fraud against auditors must
now be filed in federal court. Only smaller class action lawsuits of fewer than 50 people can
be filed in state court.
Further, Section 203 of SOX mandates rotation of the lead audit partner and the audit partner
having responsibility for reviewing the audit every five years.
SOX also changed the regulatory environment. The Act gave the PCAOB authority to
establish auditing standards, quality control standards, and independence standards for au-
ditors of public companies. Prior to SOX, the auditing profession was responsible for these
functions through the self-regulatory functions of the American Institute of CPAs.
ILLUSTRATION 2.14 Key provisions of the Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002
Title VIII of the Corporate and Criminal Fraud Title IX of the Corporate and Criminal Fraud
Accountability Act of 2002 Accountability Act of 2002
• Makes it a felony to “knowingly” destroy or create documents • The maximum penalty for mail and wire fraud under the 1933
to “impede, obstruct or influence” any existing or contemplated and 1934 Acts was increased from 5 to 10 years.
federal investigation. • Financial statements filed with the SEC must be certified by the
• Requires auditors to maintain “all audit or review work papers” CEO and CFO. The certification must state that the financial
for five years. statements and disclosures fully comply with provisions of the
• Extends the statute of limitations on securities fraud claims to Securities Exchange Acts and that they fairly present, in all
the earlier of five years from the fraud or two years after the material respects, the operations and financial condition of the
fraud was discovered. issuer. Maximum penalties for willful and knowing violations
of this section are a fine of not more than $500,000 and/or
• Extends “whistleblower protection” to employees of public
imprisonment of up to five years.
companies and their auditors, which would prohibit the employer
from taking certain actions against employees who lawfully • The SEC was given authority to seek a court freeze of
disclose private employer information to, among others, parties extraordinary payments to directors, offices, partners, controlling
in a judicial proceeding involving a fraud claim. Whistleblowers persons, and agents of employees and to prohibit anyone
are also granted a remedy of special damages and attorney’s fees. convicted of securities fraud from being an officer or director of
any publicly traded company.
• Creates a new crime for securities fraud that has penalties of
fines and up to 10 years imprisonment. • Makes it a criminal offense to tamper with a record or otherwise
impede any official proceeding and asks the U.S. Sentencing
Commission to review sentencing guidelines for securities and
accounting fraud.
Auditor Liability Under Statutory Law 2-39
Criminal Liability
The only entities that can bring charges for criminal causes of action are governments (fed-
eral and state). Auditors can be subject to criminal liability under both the 1933 and 1934
Securities Acts. Criminal liability subjects auditors to penalties of fines or imprisonment criminal liability subjects
or both. Criminal penalties are provided under Sections 17 and 24 of the Securities Act of auditors to penalties of fines or
1933. For example, Section 24 provides for penalties on conviction of no more than $10,000 imprisonment or both; the only
in fines or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both, for willfully making an un- entities that can bring charges
true statement or omitting a material fact in a registration statement. Further, Section 32(a) for criminal causes of action are
federal or state governments
of the Securities Act of 1934 establishes criminal liability for “willfully” and “knowingly”
making false or misleading statements in reports filed under the Act. This section also pro-
vides for criminal penalties for violating the antifraud provisions of Section 10(b) consisting
of fines of not more than $100,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
Further, state boards of accountancy will usually revoke CPA licenses for findings of crim-
inal violations.
In addition, SOX prohibits the destruction of documents and increases the prison penalty
for such actions to 20 years. SOX also increases penalties under criminal statutes of the 1933
and 1934 Securities Act from 5 years to 10 years. Following is a summary of several key cases
related to criminal liability for auditors.
The defendants were found guilty. They were fined $17,000 and their licenses to prac-
tice as CPAs were revoked because of the criminal conviction. The defendants did not re-
ceive jail time.
September 30, 1969, proxy statement. The two auditors were convicted of willingly and know-
ingly making false and misleading statements in the proxy statements under the Securities
Act of 1934. Both received fines in addition to prison sentences. Scansaroli’s conviction was
later reversed.
HealthSouth (2003)
HealthSouth made its name as a provider of outpatient surgery, diagnostic, imaging, and
rehabilitation health-care services. In 2003, the company and CEO Richard M. Scrushy were
charged with accounting fraud and overstating earnings. The fraud dealt with intentional
manipulation of corporate accounts to increase earnings so that the company would meet
analyst’s expectations. Scrushy was accused of managing the company in such a way that it
influenced employees to participate in the fraud. He placed extreme emphasis on meeting
earnings expectations. The entire senior management team was relatively young and inexpe-
rienced, enabling Scrushy to manage the team through fear. HealthSouth’s CFO, William T.
Owens, admitted to accounting fraud and instructing subordinates to make phony account-
ing entries. He turned himself in to authorities in 2003 and testified against Scrushy. Scrushy
was eventually acquitted of criminal wrongdoing in 2005. Nevertheless, he settled with the
SEC in 2007 for $77.5 million plus $3.5 million in civil penalties. In 2009, Scrushy was sued
for fraud by HealthSouth investors, and he was ordered to repay his company $2.8 billion.
Before You Go On
9.1 What transactions are covered by the Securities Act of 1933? Develop examples of transactions
that are, and are not, covered by this Act.
9.2 What is the burden of proof for the plaintiff and the defendant auditor under the Securities
Act of 1933? Explain in the context of the BarChris case.
9.3 Explain the conditions of auditor liability under Rule 10(b)-5 of the 1934 Securities Exchange
Act. What were the findings under this section as they related to the Hochfelder case?
9.4 What is proportionate liability under the Private Securities Reform Act of 1995? What finding
is important for a defendant to obtain the benefits of proportionate liability?
9.5 Explain how SOX significantly changed the audit environment for auditors.
9.6 Explain how criminal liability is different from civil liability. Illustrate your discussion with
the results of actual cases.
Background Information exists because Lisa Cole is a partner in the CPA firm and her
Lisa Cole is a tax partner in the mid-sized CPA firm of Cole and husband is an owner in Aiwa Hardware through December
Bayless LLP. Cole and Bayless LLP has been doing significant tax 15, 2021.
work and advising the owners of Aiwa Hardware on business re- • A self-interest threat presents a conflict of interest and a threat
structuring over the last two years. Lisa’s husband, Perry, is one to acting with integrity and objectivity (ET—
of six investors and owners of Aiwa Hardware. As a result, a con- exists because Cole and Bayless LLP has a direct investment
flict of interest was identified and disclosed to the owners of Aiwa in Aiwa Hardware in the form of a secured debt instrument
Hardware. Lisa has not been allowed to have any connection to, as of December 15, 2021.
or influence on, the tax or business restructuring engagements • A self-interest threat presents a conflict of interest and a threat
for Aiwa Hardware, and a second partner reviewed these engage- to independence (ET—exists because Cole and
ments to ensure the firm acted with integrity and objectivity. Aiwa Bayless LLP has direct investment in Aiwa Hardware in the
Hardware owes Cole and Bayless LLP $200,000 in fees for the tax form of a secured debt instrument, as of December 15, 2021.
and restructuring work.
On December 1, 2021, after significant discussions between Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives
Fifth State Bank and the owners of Aiwa Hardware, the bank will
• Cole and Bayless LLP does not need to be independent to do
require audited financial statements from Aiwa Hardware for the
tax work or consulting work (advising on business restructur-
year ended December 31, 2022. Aiwa Hardware has not been au-
ing). It does need to be independent to do any attest work, in-
dited before and the only financial information used by the bank
cluding auditing the financial statements of Aiwa Hardware.
have been tax returns.
After discussions on December 3, 2021, involving Aiwa Hard- • The fact that Lisa Cole’s conflict of interest is disclosed to the
ware’s owners and the accounting firm’s managing partner Rick client; she is not allowed to perform any work, or influence
Bayless, the following conclusions are reached: (a) Perry Cole will the work for Aiwa Hardware; and a second partner reviews
sell his share to the other five investors and owners of Aiwa Hard- the work for Aiwa Hardware is sufficient to ensure the integ-
ware for cash as of December 15, 2021, and will discontinue any rity and objectivity of the firm with respect to performing tax
participation in the business as of that date and (b) Rick Bayless and consulting services for Aiwa Hardware (ET 1.110.010).
will accept an offer from the remaining owners of Aiwa Hardware • Lisa’s husband sells his ownership interest in Aiwa Hardware
to give Cole and Bayless, LLP a secured, interest-bearing note and discontinues any participation in the Aiwa Hardware
dated December 15, 2021, in settlement of the outstanding account business prior to the period under audit beginning January 1,
receivable to the CPA firm with repayment terms over 3 years. 2022. This eliminates the familiarity and self-interest threats
On May 1, 2022, Rick Bayless and Lee Aiwa sign an engage- associated with his ownership interest for periods beginning
ment letter for Cole and Bayless LLP to do the audit of Aiwa Hard- after January 1, 2022.
ware for the year ended December 31, 2022. • A self-interest threat presents a conflict of interest, and a
threat to independence exists because Cole and Bayless LLP
Identify the Ethics Issue(s)
has a direct investment in Aiwa Hardware in the form of a
Identify any threats to ethical behavior on the part of Cole and secured debt instrument. No safeguard (ET can
Bayless LLP. Also address the significance of the threats and any be put in place to safeguard this threat and Cole and Bayless
safeguards that can be put in place to reduce the threat to an ac- LLP is not independent with respect to performing any attest
ceptable level. work for Aiwa Hardware, including an audit. The indepen-
Gather Information and Evidence dence of Cole and Bayless LLP is impaired. The fact that the
relationship is known by Aiwa Hardware does not eliminate
Ethical threats include: the threat to independence.
• A familiarity threat presents a conflict of interest and a threat
to acting with integrity and objectivity (ET— Ethical Conclusions
exists because Lisa Cole is a partner in the CPA firm and her Cole and Bayless can continue to perform tax and consulting en-
husband is an owner in Aiwa Hardware through December gagements for Aiwa Hardware. However, the firm cannot perform
15, 2021. any attest engagements because the firm is not independent. There
• A self-interest threat presents a conflict of interest and a threat is no safeguard to the self-interest threat created by the direct in-
to acting with integrity and objectivity (ET— vestment in Aiwa Hardware.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
2-44 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) A key aspect of the “concern for the public interest” defi- 6. (LO 5) A CPA who is a “covered person” purchased stock in a cli-
nition of a professional is: ent corporation and placed it in a trust as an educational fund for the
a. the level of professional expertise of the professional. CPA’s minor child. The trust securities were not material to the CPA
but were material to the child’s personal net worth. Would the inde-
b. t he fact that there are situations where professionals must put
pendence of the CPA be considered impaired with respect to the client?
the interest of society ahead of the interest of their clients or
their own well-being. a. Yes, because the stock would be considered an indirect finan-
cial interest that is material to the CPA’s child.
c. t he incorporation of this definition into the Sarbanes-Oxley
b. No, because the CPA would not be considered to have a direct
Act of 2002.
financial interest in the client.
d. the unique ability of CPAs to sign attest reports.
c. Y
es, because the stock would be considered a direct financial
2. (LO 2) Which of the following statements is true about interpre- interest and, consequently, materiality is not a factor.
tations of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct? d. No, because the CPA would not be considered to have a mate-
a. Interpretations are not enforceable by the AICPA in a disci- rial indirect financial interest in the client.
plinary matter.
7. (LO 5) Under the AICPA ethics rules on independence, which of
b. I nterpretations are strictly enforceable by the AICPA in a dis- the following individuals would not be a covered member?
ciplinary matter. a. A consulting manager in another office who provides 100
c. I nterpretations are strictly enforceable by the AICPA and all hours of non-audit services to the audit client.
state boards of accountancy in a disciplinary matter. b. A partner in the same office as the lead partner who provides
d. An AICPA member who departs from an interpretation has the no services to the audit client.
burden of justifying a departure in any disciplinary hearing. c. A
partner in another office who evaluates partner perfor-
3. (LO 3) In the conceptual framework to the AICPA Code of Profes- mance and compensation, but provides no services to the
sional Conduct, a self-interest threat is: audit client.
a. the threat that a CPA could benefit, financially or otherwise, d. A tax partner in another office who provides 9 hours of tax
from an interest in, or a relationship with, a client or persons services to the audit client.
associated with the client. 8. (LO 5) Which of the following best describes the independence
b. t he threat that a CPA will not act with objectivity because the requirements for a close relative of a covered member?
CPA’s interests are opposed to the client’s interests a. A close relative cannot have an immaterial, direct investment
c. t he threat that a CPA will take on the role of client manage- in an audit client.
ment or otherwise assume management responsibilities. b. A close relative cannot have a loan from an audit client.
d. the threat that a CPA will promote a client’s interests or po- c. A close relative cannot hold a key position with an audit client.
sition to the point that the CPA’s objectivity or independence d. A close relative cannot have an immaterial, indirect invest-
is compromised. ment in an audit client.
4. (LO 4) A CPA would violate the AICPA rule on integrity and ob- 9. (LO 6) The essence of the due care standard is that the auditor
jectivity if: should not be guilty of:
a. a CPA in industry knowingly misrepresented the earnings of a. bias.
the company he worked for. b. errors in judgment.
b. a CPA in public practice represented both the buyer and seller in c. fraud.
helping the parties negotiate the sale (purchase) of a business. d. negligence.
c. a CPA who was an audit staff member subordinated his or her
10. (LO 7) Without the consent of the client, a CPA should not disclose
judgment to that of the audit partner.
confidential client information contained in working papers to a:
d. All of the answers are violations of the AICPA rule on
a. voluntary quality control review board.
integrity and objectivity.
b. CPA firm that is a likely successor auditor.
5. (LO 5) According to the profession’s ethical standards, an auditor
c. f ederal court that has issued a valid subpoena.
would be considered independent in which of the following instances?
d. disciplinary body created under state statute.
a. A professional employee, who does not work on the audit,
has a spouse who is a marketing manager for an audit client. 11. (LO 8) If a stockholder sues a CPA for common law fraud based
on false statements contained in the financial statements audited by
b. The auditor is also an attorney who advises the client as its
the CPA, which of the following is the CPA’s best defense?
general counsel.
a. The CPA did not financially benefit from the alleged fraud.
c. An employee of the auditor donates service as treasurer of a
charitable organization that is a client. b. There was contributory negligence of the client.
d. The client owes the auditor fees for two consecutive annual c. T
he stockholder lacks privity to sue.
audits. d. The auditor followed GAAS.
Review Questions 2-45
12. (LO 8) Starr Corp. approved a plan of merger with Silo Corp. c. The plaintiff relied on the financial statements.
One of the determining factors in approving the merger was the d. Damages were suffered as a result of reliance on the financial
strong financial statements of Silo, which were audited by Cox & statements.
Co., CPAs. Starr had engaged Cox to audit Silo’s financial statements.
While performing the audit, Cox failed to discover material fraud, 14. (LO 9) One of the elements necessary to recover damages if
which subsequently caused Starr to suffer substantial losses. For Cox there has been a material misstatement in a registration statement
to be liable under common law under the Ultramares decision, Starr, filed pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933 is that:
at a minimum, must prove that Cox: a. t here was a material false or misleading statement in the
a. was a party to the fraud. financial statements.
b. acted recklessly or with a lack of reasonable grounds for belief. b. the plaintiff knew the auditor.
c. failed to exercise due care. c. issuer and plaintiff were in privity of contract with each other.
d. w
as grossly negligent. d. issuer failed to exercise due care in connection with the sale
of the securities.
13. (LO 9) When a plaintiff is suing the auditor for damages under
Rule 10(b)-5 of the 1934 Securities Act, which of the following is not
part of the plaintiff’s burden of proof?
a. The financial statements contained a material, factual mis-
representation or omission.
b. The auditor was negligent.
Review Questions
R2.1 (LO 1) Explain the “public interest” in the work performed by R2.9 (LO 5) List three situations in which the SEC and PCAOB in-
auditors. dependence rules are stricter than the AICPA rules. Give an example
of each.
R2.2 (LO 1) There are a series of characteristics associated with CPI
professionals. Explain how they apply to architecture and to public R2.10 (LO 6) The AICPA rule on general standards identifies four
accounting. aspects of professional behavior. Identify each of the four aspects and
develop an example illustrating the violation of each aspect.
R2.3 (LO 2) Explain the differences between Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. R2.11 (LO 7) Henry Owens, CPA works in a local accounting firm.
He is the tax manager on a major client in the office. The firm pre-
R2.4 (LO 2, 3) Assume that a CPA has an opportunity to bid on a
pares compiled financial statements for the client on a quarterly basis.
new audit client. The accounting firm is being considered because the
The client was impacted by the BP oil spill off the Gulf coast, and
CPA’s best friend from college is the CFO of the potential client. Apply
the client would like to engage Henry to help the business prepare a
the conceptual framework for members in public practice to this sit-
claim for damages from BP. The client would like to pay Henry on a
uation. Explain any threats involved and whether any safeguards can
contingent fee basis where Henry and his firm would receive 15% of
be applied to reduce the threat to an acceptable level.
any amounts recovered in a settlement with BP. Henry would receive
R2.5 (LO 2, 3) Assume that a CPA has just received a new audit no fee unless amounts are recovered. Can Henry accept this engage-
client. The client will be the firm’s largest audit client, and the firm ment? Why or why not?
will have to hire one new staff member to staff the engagement. The
R2.12 (LO 8) What does a third-party user of financial statements
fees will represent 25% of the firm revenues. Apply the conceptual
have to prove under common law in a suit against an auditor for the
framework for members in public practice to this situation.
auditor’s negligence? Illustrate each item with an example.
R2.6 (LO 4) Explain the rule on integrity and objectivity. Give ex-
R2.13 (LO 8) John Rodrigeuz purchased newly issued bonds
amples of conflicts of interest, knowingly misrepresenting facts, or
of Fly By Night Airlines in the primary market. Subsequently Fly
subordinating judgment.
By Night went bankrupt. What statutory law applies to this trans-
R2.7 (LO 5) Is it appropriate for an audit firm to ask questions of action? What does John have to prove in a lawsuit against Fly By
an employee about his or her investments or the investments of his or Night’s auditors?
her spouse? Why or why not?
R2.14 (LO 9) Mary Chen purchased shares of Fly By Night
R2.8 (LO 3, 5) What independence problems are created when an au- Airlines in the secondary market. Subsequently Fly By Night
dit manager is approached by a private company audit client, which he went bankrupt. What statutory law applies to this transaction?
or she audits, to become the company’s CFO? Are there appropriate safe- What does Mary have to prove in a lawsuit against Fly By Night’s
guards that can be put in place to protect the audit firm’s independence? auditors?
2-46 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Analysis Problems
AP2.1 (LO 2, 3) Basic Framework for ethical decision making Assume that you are the audit
partner on an engagement for a client that has had a string of operating losses. You know the CFO, who
is a former audit manager of your firm. The company still has a positive net worth, but you are worried
that the company might have to close down within the next year or so. When you tell the CFO that the
company should make full disclosure in the notes concerning substantial doubt about the company’s
ability to continue as a going concern, your colleague says, “Hogwash! There’s no substantial doubt. The
probability of our having to close down is remote. We’ll make no such disclosure. To do so would only
make our customers and creditors nervous, possibly making such a disclosure a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Our competitors are as bad off as we are, and their auditors aren’t making them send out a distress
signal.” You agree that the determination of “substantial doubt” is a judgment call.
Apply the five-step Conceptual Framework for Members in Public Practice to this dilemma.
AP2.2 (LO 5) Moderate Independence The attribute of independence has been traditionally asso-
ciated with the CPA’s function of auditing and expressing opinions on financial statements.
a. What is meant by “independence” as applied to the CPA’s function of auditing and expressing opin-
ions on financial statements? Discuss.
b. The Wallydrug Company is indebted to a CPA for unpaid fees and has offered to issue to the CPA
unsecured interest-bearing notes. Would acceptance of these notes have any bearing on the CPA’s
independence with respect to Wallydrug Company? Discuss.
c. The Rocky Hill Corporation was formed on October 1, 2021, and its fiscal year will end on September
30, 2022. You audited the corporation’s opening balance sheet and rendered an unqualified opinion
on it. A month after rendering your report, you are offered the position of secretary of the board of
directors because of the need for a complete set of officers and for convenience in signing various
documents. You will have no financial interest in the company through stock ownership or other-
wise, will receive no salary, will not keep the books, and will not have any influence on its financial
matters other than occasional advice on income tax matters and similar advice normally given a
client by a CPA.
1. Assume that you accept the offer but plan to resign the position prior to conducting your annual
audit, with the intention of again assuming the office after rendering an opinion on the state-
ments. Can you render an independent opinion on the financial statements? Discuss.
2. Assume that you accept the offer on a temporary basis until the corporation has gotten under way
and can find a replacement for secretary of the board of directors. In any event, you would perma-
nently resign the position before conducting your annual audit. Can you render an independent
opinion on the financial statements? Discuss.
AP2.3 (LO 5) Challenging Public Company Research Independence Jones and Jones,
CPA, has a manufacturing client, Widgit Technologies, Inc. (WTI), that is a small, owner-managed busi-
ness with annual revenues of approximately $8 million. WTI employs a bookkeeper but is not large
enough to employ a CPA in-house. WTI regularly asks Margaret Jones, the partner on the engagement,
for advice on accounting issues, and Jones and Jones drafts the financial statements for the company. The
client reviews the financial statements before they are printed by Jones and Jones with an audit opinion
During the current year, WTI asked Jones and Jones to assist the company by rendering a business
valuation service. WTI is asking Jones and Jones to (1) estimate the value of WTI and (2) consult with
WTI in the form of making recommendations on steps that WTI can take that will grow the value of the
a. Since Jones and Jones is preparing the financial statements for WTI, is Jones and Jones independent
with respect to WTI? What conditions, if any, must Jones and Jones meet in order to be independent
with respect to WTI?
b. Would Jones and Jones be independent if WTI were a public company subject to SEC rules and
regulations? Explain your reasoning.
Analysis Problems 2-47
c. Can Jones and Jones take on the business valuation services and consulting engagement and remain
independent with respect to WTI? Explain your reasoning.
d. Can Jones and Jones take on the business valuation services and consulting engagement if WTI
were a public company subject to SEC rules and regulations? Explain your reasoning.
AP2.4 (LO 4, 5, 6, 7) Moderate Research Rules of conduct In the practice of public account-
ing, an auditor who is a member of the AICPA is expected to comply with the rules of the AICPA Code
of Professional Conduct. Listed below are circumstances that raise a question about an auditor’s ethical
1. The auditor has a bank loan with a bank that is an audit client.
2. An unqualified opinion is expressed when the financial statements of a county are prepared in con-
formity with principles established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
3. An auditor retains the client’s records as a means of enforcing payment of an overdue audit fee.
4. The auditor makes retirement payments to individuals who formerly were members of his firm.
5. An auditor sells her shares of stock in a client company in April prior to beginning work on the audit
for the year ending December 31.
6. An auditor accepts an engagement knowing that he does not have the expertise to do the audit.
7. The auditor quotes a client an audit fee but also states that the actual fee will be contingent on the
amount of work done.
8. The auditor’s firm states in a newspaper advertisement that it has had fewer lawsuits than its prin-
cipal competitors.
9. The auditor resigns her position as treasurer of the client on May 1, prior to beginning the audit for
the year ending December 31.
10. The auditor discloses confidential information about a client to a successor auditor.
11. The auditor accepts an audit engagement when he has a conflict of interest.
12. An auditor prepares a small brochure containing testimonials from existing clients that he mails to
prospective clients.
13. An auditor complies with the technical standards of the Accounting and Review Services Commit-
tee in reviewing the financial statements of a non-public entity.
14. An auditor audits the financial statements of a local bank and also serves on the bank’s committee
that approves loans.
15. An auditor pays a commission to an attorney to obtain a client.
a. Identify the rule of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct that applies to each circumstance
(available at the AICPA website,
b. Indicate for each circumstance whether the effect on the rule is (1) a violation, (2) not a violation, or
(3) indeterminate. Give the reason(s) for your answer.
AP2.5 (LO 4, 5, 6, 7) Moderate Research Ethical issues Gilbert and Bradley formed a corpora-
tion called Financial Services, Inc., each taking 50% of the authorized common stock. Gilbert is a CPA
and a member of the American Institute of CPAs. Bradley is a CPCU (Chartered Property Casualty
Underwriter). The corporation performs auditing and tax services under Gilbert’s direction and insur-
ance services under Bradley’s supervision. The opening of the corporation’s office was announced by a
three-inch, two-column ad in the local newspaper.
One of the corporation’s first audit clients was the Grandtime Company. Grandtime had total assets
of $600,000 and total liabilities of $270,000. In the course of the audit, Gilbert found that Grandtime’s
building with a book value of $240,000 was pledged as security for a 10-year term note in the amount of
$200,000. The client’s statements did not mention that the building was pledged as a security for the note.
However, as the failure to disclose the lien did not affect either the value of the assets or the amount of
the liabilities and the audit was satisfactory in all other respects, Gilbert rendered an unqualified opinion
on Grandtime’s financial statements. About two months after the date of the opinion, Gilbert learned that
an insurance company was planning a loan to Grandtime of $150,000 in the form of a first-mortgage note
on the building. Realizing that the insurance company was unaware of the existing lien on the building,
Gilbert had Bradley notify the insurance company of the fact that Grandtime’s building was pledged as
security for the term note.
Shortly after the events described above, Gilbert was charged with a violation of professional ethics.
2-48 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Identify and discuss the ethical implication of those acts by Gilbert that were in violation of the AICPA
Code of Professional Conduct (available at the AICPA website,
AP2.6 (LO 4, 5, 6, 7) Challenging Research Ethical issues The following situations involve
Herb Standard, staff accountant with the regional accounting firm of Cash & Green:
1. The bookkeeper of Ethical Manufacturing Company resigned two months ago and has not yet been
replaced. As a result, Ethical’s transactions have not been recorded and the books are not up to date.
To comply with terms of a loan agreement, Ethical needs to prepare interim financial statements but
cannot do so until the books are posted. Ethical looks to Cash & Green, its independent auditors, for
help and wants to borrow Herb Standard to perform the work. Ethical wants Herb because he did its
audit last year.
2. Herb Standard discovered that his client, Ethical Manufacturing Company, materially understated
net income on last year’s tax return. Herb informs his supervisor about this and the client is asked
to prepare an amended return. The client is unwilling to take corrective measures. Herb informs the
Internal Revenue Service.
3. While observing the year-end inventory of Ethical Manufacturing Company, the plant manager of-
fers Herb Standard a fishing rod, which Ethical manufactures, in appreciation for a job well done.
4. Herb Standard’s acquaintance, Joe Lender, is chief loan officer at Local Bank, an audit client of Cash
& Green. Herb approaches Joe for an unsecured loan from Local Bank and Joe approves the loan.
5. Herb Standard is a member of a local investment club composed of college fraternity brothers. The
club invests in listed stocks and is fairly active in trading. Last week the club purchased the stock of
Leverage Corp., a client of another Cash & Green office. Herb has no contact with the members of
this office.
For each situation, (a) identify the ethical issues that are involved and (b) discuss whether there has or
has not been any violation of ethical conduct. Support your answers by reference to the rules of the
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, available at the AICPA website (
AP2.7 (LO 8) Moderate Common law Tyler Corp. is insolvent. It has defaulted on the payment
of its debts and does not have assets sufficient to satisfy its unsecured creditors. Slade, a supplier of raw
materials, is Tyler’s largest unsecured creditor and is suing Tyler’s auditors, Field & Co., CPAs. Slade
had extended $2 million of credit to Tyler based on the strength of Tyler’s audited financial statements.
Slade’s complaint alleges that the auditors were either (1) negligent in failing to discover and disclose
fictitious accounts receivable created by management or (2) committed fraud in connection with Tyler.
Field believes that Tyler’s financial statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP and, therefore,
its opinion was proper. Slade has established that:
• The accounts receivable were overstated by $10 million.
• Total assets were reported as $24 million, of which accounts receivable were $16 million.
• The auditors did not follow their own audit program, which required that confirmation requests
be sent to an audit sample representing 80% of the total dollar amount of outstanding receivables.
Confirmation requests were sent to only 45%.
• The responses that were received represented only 20% of the total dollar amount of outstanding
receivables. This was the poorest response in the history of the firm, the next lowest being 60%. The
manager in charge of the engagement concluded that further inquiry was necessary. This recom-
mendation was rejected by the partner in charge.
• F
ield had determined that a $300,000 account receivable from Dion Corp. was nonexistent. Tyler’s
explanation was that Dion had reneged on a purchase contract before any products had been shipped.
At Field’s request, Tyler made a reversing entry to eliminate this overstatement. However, Field ac-
cepted Tyler’s explanation as to this and several similar discrepancies without further inquiry.
Slade asserts that Field is liable as a result of both negligence and fraud in conducting the audit.
Discuss Slade’s assertions and the defenses that might be raised by Field, setting forth reasons for any
conclusions stated.
AP2.8 (LO 8) Challenging Common law Astor Inc. purchased the assets of Bell Corp. A condition
of the purchase agreement required Bell to retain a CPA to audit Bell’s financial statements. The purpose
of the audit was to determine whether the unaudited financial statements furnished to Astor fairly pre-
sented Bell’s financial position. Bell retained Winston & Co., CPAs, to perform the audit.
Analysis Problems 2-49
While performing the audit, Winston discovered that Bell’s bookkeeper had embezzled $500. Winston
had some evidence of other embezzlements by the bookkeeper. However, Winston decided that the $500 was
immaterial and that the other suspected embezzlements did not require further investigation. Winston did
not discuss the matter with Bell’s management. Unknown to Winston, the bookkeeper had, in fact, embez-
zled large sums of cash from Bell. In addition, the accounts receivable were significantly overstated. Winston
did not detect the overstatement because of Winston’s inadvertent failure to follow its audit program.
Despite the foregoing, Winston issued an unqualified opinion on Bell’s financial statements and fur-
nished a copy of the audited financial statements to Astor. Unknown to Winston, Astor required financing
to purchase Bell’s assets and furnished a copy of Bell’s audited financial statements to City Bank to obtain
approval of the loan. Based on Bell’s audited financial statements, City loaned Astor $600,000.
Astor paid Bell $750,000 to purchase Bell’s assets. Within six months, Astor began experiencing
financial difficulties resulting from the undiscovered embezzlements and overstated accounts receivable.
Astor later defaulted on the City loan.
City has commenced a lawsuit against Winston based on the following causes of action:
• Constructive fraud.
• Negligence.
In separate paragraphs, discuss whether City is likely to prevail on the causes of action it has raised, set-
ting forth reasons for each conclusion.
AP2.9 (LO 9) Moderate Public Company Statutory law—1933 Act Dandy Container Cor-
poration engaged the accounting firm of Adams and Adams to audit financial statements to be used in
connection with a public offering of securities. The audit was completed, and an unqualified opinion was
expressed on the financial statements that were submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission
along with the registration statement. Two hundred thousand shares of Dandy Container common stock
were offered to the public at $11 a share. Eight months later, the stock fell to $2 a share when it was disclosed
that several large loans to two “paper” corporations owned by one of the directors were worthless. The loans
were secured by the stock of the borrowing corporation that was owned by the director. These facts were not
disclosed in the financial statements. The director involved and the two corporations are insolvent.
1. The Securities Act of 1933 applies to the above-described public offering of securities in interstate
2. The accounting firm has potential liability to any person who acquired the stock in reliance on the
registration statement.
3. The accountants could avoid liability if they could show they were neither negligent nor fraudulent.
4. The accountants could avoid or reduce the damages asserted against them if they could establish
that the drop in price was due in whole or in part to other causes.
5. The Dandy investors would have to institute suit within one year after discovery of the alleged un-
true statements or omissions.
6. The SEC would defend any action brought against the accountants in that the SEC examined and
approved the registration statement.
7. Although Adams and Adams knew of the loans, and related collateral, and concluded that they did
not need to be disclosed, they can still sustain the claim that they are only proportionally liable for any
damages suffered by shareholders because the financial statements are management’s responsibility.
Indicate whether each of the above statements is true or false under statutory law. Give the reason(s) for
your answer.
AP2.10 (LO 8, 9) Challenging Public Company Statutory law; common law
Part I:
The common stock of Wilson, Inc. is owned by 10,000 stockholders who live in several states. Wilson’s
financial statements as of December 31, 2021, were audited by Doe & Co., CPAs, who rendered an unqualified
opinion on the financial statements. In reliance on Wilson’s financial statements, which showed net income
for 2021 of $1.5 million, Peters, on April 10, 2022, purchased 10,000 shares of Wilson stock for $200,000. The
purchase was from a shareholder who lived in another state. Wilson’s financial statements contained material
misstatements. Because Doe did not carefully follow GAAS, it did not discover that the statements failed to
reflect unrecorded expenses that reduced Wilson’s actual net income to $800,000. After disclosure of the cor-
rected financial statements, Peters sold his shares for $100,000, which was the highest price he could obtain.
Peters has brought an action against Doe under federal securities law and state common law.
2-50 C h a pte r 2 Professionalism and Professional Responsibilities
Answer the following, setting forth reasons for any conclusions stated:
a. Will Peters prevail on his federal securities law claims?
b. Will Peters prevail on his state common law claims?
Part II:
Able Corporation decided to make a public offering of bonds to raise needed capital. On June 30, 2022,
it publicly sold $2.5 million of 12% debentures in accordance with the registration requirements of the
Securities Act of 1933.
The financial statements filed with the registration statement contained the unqualified opinion
of Baker & Co., CPAs. The statements overstated Able’s net income and net worth. Through negligence
Baker did not detect the overstatements. As a result, the bonds, which originally sold for $1,000 per bond,
have dropped in value to $700.
Ira is an investor who purchased $10,000 of the bonds. He promptly brought an action against Baker
under the Securities Act of 1933.
Setting forth reasons for any conclusions, determine if Will should prevail on his claim under the Securities
Act of 1933.
AP2.11 (LO 8, 9) Challenging Public Company Statutory law; common law To expand its
operations, Dark Corp. raised $4 million by making a private interstate offering of $2 million in com-
mon stock and negotiating a $2 million loan from Safe Bank. The common stock was properly offered
pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933.
In connection with this financing, Dark engaged Crea & Co., CPAs, to audit Dark’s financial state-
ments. Crea knew that the sole purpose for the audit was so that Dark would have audited financial state-
ments to provide to Safe and the purchasers of the common stock. Although Crea conducted the audit
in conformity with its audit program, Crea failed to detect material acts of embezzlement committed by
Dark’s president. Crea did not detect the embezzlement because of its inadvertent failure to exercise due
care in designing its audit program for this engagement.
After completing the audit, Crea rendered an unqualified opinion on Dark’s financial statements.
The purchasers of the common stock relied on the financial statements in deciding to purchase the
shares. In addition, Safe Bank approved the loan to Dark based on the audited financial statements.
Within 60 days after the sale of the common stock and the making of the loan by Safe, Dark was in-
voluntarily petitioned into bankruptcy. Because of the president’s embezzlement, Dark became insolvent
and defaulted on its loan to Safe. Its common stock became virtually worthless.
• A
ctions have been commenced against Crea by the purchasers of the common stock who have as-
serted that Crea is liable for damages under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.
• Safe Bank filed suit against Crea & Co. under common law based on Crea’s negligence.
In separate paragraphs, discuss the merits of the actions commenced against Crea, indicating the likely
outcomes and the reasons therefore.
AP 2.12 (LO 2, 3, 4, 5) Challenging Research Independence Johnson and Wiley, CPAs ac-
quires Fritz and Rufner, CPAs as of January 1, 2022. Johnson and Wiley have audited the financial state-
ments of Matthews Grocery for the last 5 years. Fritz and Rufner provided nonattest services to Matthews
Grocery that would have been prohibited for Johnson and Wiley. Fritz and Rufner resigned performing
the nonattest services for Matthews Grocery as of December 1, 2021. Matthews Grocery has a calendar
year end of December 31. Do any independence problems exist for Johnson and Wiley for the audits
of Matthews Grocery as of December 31, 2021 and 2022? If so, can safeguards be applied to preserve
Johnson and Wiley’s independence? Explain your answer and cite any professional standards that apply.
King Companies, Inc. (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. King Companies has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years,
Ethical Decision Case 2-51
and it plans continued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the
chairman of the board of directors of KCI and CEO, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares
not owned by Eric and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric
started the company with one store after working in an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth
from an inheritance and investments from a few friends.
Their accounting firm, Thornson & Danforth LLP, has done tax returns for the company, as well as
for the King family, for the last 10 years. Thornson & Danforth is a CPA firm with 55 professionals, which
performs audit and tax services for a number of clients. James Danforth, a tax partner in the CPA firm, is
a long-time friend of Eric and owns 5% of KCI.
In October 2021, Eric opens a conversation with James about upcoming expansion and the plan
to open three to five more stores. Eric has learned this will mean taking on significant debt to fund the
growth. Every lender that Eric has talked with has been impressed with the growth to date with equity,
but the lenders will require an annual audit. Eric asks James if his firm can perform the annual audit.
James explains his concerns about the independence of Thornson & Danforth. Because the expan-
sion is still in the early planning stages, Eric agrees to purchase James’ 5% stake in KCI in November 2021.
James expects that the first audited financial statements that KCI will need will be for the year ended
December 31, 2022.
C2.1 (LO 3, 5) Challenging Research Application of the conceptual framework Thornson
& Danforth plans to continue to prepare tax returns for KCI and the King family. The firm also plans to
perform the audit for the year ended December 31, 2022.
a. Identify any ethics issues that exist.
b. Gather appropriate information for each ethical issue.
c. Analyze the relevant information for each ethical issue and evaluate the alternatives.
d. Draw a conclusion about each ethical issue and explain your reasoning. Cite appropriate references
from the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (available at the AICPA website,
Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary
of the System of Internal Control
Risk Assessments
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
3-2 Ch apt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Evaluate client acceptance and continuance LO 5 Explain how auditors determine their audit
decisions. strategy and how audit strategy affects audit decisions.
LO 2 Identify the different phases of an audit. LO 6 Explain the fraud risk assessment process and
analyze fraud risk.
LO 3 Explain and apply the concept of materiality.
LO 4 Explain professional skepticism and apply the
audit risk model.
The first stage of any audit is the client acceptance or continuance decision. While the deci-
sion to take on a new client is more detailed than the decision to continue with an existing
client, they have much in common. QC 10 A Firm’s System of Quality Control provides guid-
ance on the procedures used when making the client acceptance or continuance decision.
Illustration 3.1 summarizes factors that influence client acceptance and retention decisions
and these factors are discussed below.
Positive Factors Influencing Client Factors That Influence Client Negative Factors Influencing Client
Acceptance and Retention Decisions Acceptance and Retention Acceptance and Retention Decisions
Management shows integrity in business and Integrity of management Concerns exist about the integrity of management
accounting decisions. in business and accounting decisions.
Management places a premium on Management is preoccupied with meeting specific
representational faithfulness of accounting accounting numbers.
The firm has expertise to perform services Competence issues The firm does not have expertise needed to
requested by the client or has access to provide the full scope of services requested by the
specialists that can meet client needs. client, or does not have affiliation with specialists to
meet client needs.
No independence problems exist, or Independence issues Independence and conflict of interest issues exist
independence problems can be resolved prior that cannot be resolved prior to client acceptance.
to client acceptance.
3-4 Ch apt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
Positive Factors Influencing Client Factors That Influence Client Negative Factors Influencing Client
Acceptance and Retention Decisions Acceptance and Retention Acceptance and Retention Decisions
There are minimal regulatory reporting Special circumstance and There are significant regulatory reporting
requirements. unusual risks requirements with close monitoring by regulators.
The client is financially stable and profitable, The client is experiencing profitability issues, weak
with no significant concerns about debt cash flows, and is close to violation of debt covenants.
covenants. The client voices significant concerns about the
No scope limitations exist. scope of audit work.
The entity has a strong accounting system The entity has a weak accounting system with few
with good internal controls. internal controls.
You may be wondering why the decision to take on a new client or continue with an
existing client is such a big deal. More clients mean more revenue for the accounting firm, so
why not accept all client engagement opportunities? The answer is because being associated
with a “bad client” can damage the firm’s reputation, which causes the public to lose trust
in the firm. A good example of this situation is the accounting firm Arthur Andersen LLP
(“Andersen”), formerly one of the largest firms in the world. In the 1990s and early 2000s,
several of Andersen’s clients were investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) for accounting fraud, the most well-known being Enron and WorldCom. Andersen
was convicted of a felony (obstruction of justice) in the Enron case, but that was reversed by
the Supreme Court in 2005.1 With the felony conviction overturned, Andersen could resume
operations and audit public company clients. That has not happened. Why? The damage to
the Andersen reputation was so severe that companies do not want to be associated with the
Andersen name.
One of the key factors that influences the client acceptance decision is the assessment of
the integrity of the client’s management. When assessing management integrity, the auditor
will consider the following factors:
• The reputation of the client, its management, directors, and key stakeholders.
• Client’s reasons for switching audit firms, if the company was previously audited.
• Management’s attitude to risk exposure.
• Management’s attitude to the implementation and maintenance of adequate internal
• The appropriateness of management’s interpretation of accounting rules.
• Management’s willingness to allow the auditors full access to client personnel, records,
and information required to form their opinion.
• Communication with the previous auditor, if the company was previously audited.
(AU-C 210 Terms of Engagement and AS 2610 Initial Audits—Communications Between
Predecessor and Successor Auditors require that the auditor obtain permission from the
prospective client before communicating with the predecessor, or previous, auditor. If
that permission is not granted, the auditor should consider the implications of that re-
fusal when deciding whether to accept the engagement (AU-C 210.11). Illustration 3.2
lists the types of inquiries the auditor should make of the predecessor auditor.)
• Communication with client personnel.
• Communication with third parties such as client bankers and lawyers.
Arthur Andersen LLP vs. United States (04-368) 544 U.S. 696 (2005).
Client Acceptance and Continuance Decisions 3-5
illustration 3.2
Inquiries of the predecessor auditor may be oral or written and should include: Communication with the
1. Information that might bear on the integrity of management. predecessor auditor
Before accepting a new client, consideration must be given to any threats to compli-
ance with the fundamental principles of professional ethics, such as integrity, objectivity,
independence, professional competence, and due care, as discussed in Chapter 2. Threats
to the fundamental principles of professional ethics will occur if the prospective client is
dishonest, involved in illegal activities, or aggressive in its interpretations of accounting
rules. An accounting firm should not accept a new client if the firm is concerned about any
of these issues. Potential threats to compliance with the fundamental principles of pro-
fessional ethics for existing clients should be considered regularly as part of continuation
To ensure professional competence and due care, a firm must be certain it has the staff
available for the time required to complete the audit. The firm must ensure its audit staff has
the knowledge and competence required to conduct the audit. The firm must have access to
independent specialists, if required. The use of specialists will be discussed in Chapter 5.
To ensure that it is independent of prospective and continuing clients, the accounting
firm must review the threats to independence, described in Chapter 2, and make certain that
safeguards are put in place to limit or remove those threats. If an independence threat appears
insurmountable, a firm should decline an offer to be the auditor of a prospective client or
resign from the audit of an existing client. An example of such a threat is fee dependence,
where the fees from a client would form a significant proportion of the firm’s total fees. This
can occur if a prospective client is much larger than a firm’s current clients or if an existing
client has grown significantly.
The firm should also consider any special circumstances or unusual risks that could be
unique to a prospective or continuing client. For example, is the client financially stable, or is
it experiencing profitability issues? Another issue is the regulatory environment for the client.
Auditors should be aware of any issues being raised by regulators or whether the client may
be close to violating regulatory requirements. These and other special circumstances should
be carefully considered by the firm.
A software company is looking for a new auditor. The company has grown through an acqui-
sition and needs an auditor that can handle its additional requirements. The new auditor sees
no independence issues. Discussions with the predecessor auditor, the audit committee, and
management indicate a good tone at the top and provide a consistent story about the company
and its reasons for changing auditors. The new firm, with national and international offices
and many clients in the software industry, sees this as a client with good potential for the firm.
3-6 Ch apt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
A firm has been asked to submit a bid on a new engagement. An individual with experience in
the investment industry is starting a new hedge-fund company. The company is looking for an
auditor so that audited financial statements can be provided to potential investors. While the firm
has 15 offices in the United States, the firm has very limited experience auditing investment com-
panies or hedge funds. A background check on the CEO indicates he had allegations of improper
business dealings and possible fraud with a company he ran five years before. The firm chooses
not to bid on the audit because of concerns about possible management integrity issues, as well as
concerns about its own expertise.
The final stage in the client acceptance or continuance decision process involves the
engagement letter sets out the preparation of an engagement letter. AU-C 210 Terms of Engagement and AS 1301 Commu-
terms of the audit engagement, nications with Audit Committees provide guidance on the preparation of engagement letters.
to avoid any misunderstandings An engagement letter is prepared by an auditor and acknowledged by a client before the audit
between the auditor and the client begins. It is a contract between an auditor and the client. According to auditing standards, it
is not necessary to send a new engagement letter each year for a continuing client unless the
terms of the engagement change. In practice, most audit firms have clients sign a new engage-
ment letter each year to avoid any misunderstandings.
The purpose of an engagement letter is to set out the terms of the audit engagement to
avoid any misunderstandings between the auditor and the client. The engagement letter in-
cludes an explanation of the scope of the audit, the timing of the completion of various aspects
of the audit, an overview of the client’s responsibility for the preparation of the financial state-
ments, the requirement that the auditor have access to all information required to perform the
audit, and independence considerations and fees. An example of an engagement letter for a
private company client is provided in the appendix to AU-C 210 and is reproduced in Illustra-
tion 3.3. (Appendix C of AS 1301 details matters that should be included in the engagement
letter for a public company client.)
illustration 3.3
Example of an audit To the appropriate representative of those charged with governance of ABC Company:
engagement letter for a
private company client [The objective and scope of the audit]
You have requested that we audit the financial statements of ABC Company, which comprise
the balance sheet as of December 31, 2022, and the related statements of income, changes
in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the
financial statements. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance and our understanding of this
audit engagement by means of this letter. Our audit will be conducted with the objective of our
expressing an opinion on the financial statements.
We will conduct our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States of America (GAAS). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material
misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the
auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness
of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
Because of the inherent limitations of an audit, together with the inherent limitations of internal
control, an unavoidable risk that some material misstatements may not be detected exists, even
though the audit is properly planned and performed in accordance with GAAS.
Client Acceptance and Continuance Decisions 3-7
In making our risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation illustration 3.3
and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are (continued)
appropriate in the circumstances but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. However, we will communicate to you in writing
concerning any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in internal control relevant to the
audit of the financial statements that we have identified during the audit.
Our audit will be conducted on the basis that [management and, when appropriate, those charged
with governance] acknowledge and understand that they have responsibility
a. for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America;
for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the
preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; and
c. to provide us with
i. access to all information of which [management] is aware that is relevant to the
preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements such as records,
documentation, and other matters;
ii. additional information that we may request from [management] for the purpose of the
audit; and
iii. unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom we determine it necessary to
obtain audit evidence.
As part of our audit process, we will request from [management and, when appropriate, those
charged with governance], written confirmation concerning representations made to us in
connection with the audit.
[Insert other information, such as fee arrangements, billings, and other specific terms, as
[Insert appropriate reference to the expected form and content of the auditor’s report. Example
We will issue a written report upon completion of our audit of ABC Company’s financial statements.
Our report will be addressed to the board of directors of ABC Company. We cannot provide
assurance that an unmodified opinion will be expressed. Circumstances may arise in which it is
necessary for us to modify our opinion, add an emphasis-of-matter or other-matter paragraph(s),
or withdraw from the engagement.
We also will issue a written report on [Insert appropriate reference to other auditor’s reports
expected to be issued.] upon completion of our audit.
Please sign and return the attached copy of this letter to indicate your acknowledgment of,
and agreement with, the arrangements for our audit of the financial statements including our
respective responsibilities.
XYZ Partners
Acknowledged and agreed on behalf of ABC Company by
[Name and Title]
Before You Go On
1.1 What will an auditor consider in assessing the integrity of a client’s management, board, and
other personnel?
1.2 How does an auditor gather information about management integrity?
1.3 What are the key components of an engagement letter?
Phases of an Audit
Lea rning O bjective 2
Identify the different phases of an audit.
Before we begin the discussion of the different phases of an audit, it is important to emphasize
risk assessment phase gaining that each audit is unique. For example, risks associated with the audit of a grocery store will
an understanding of the client,
not be the same as the risks associated with an audit of a jewelry store, even though both are
identifying risk factors, develop-
retailers. Risks associated with the oil and gas industry will be different from risks associated
ing an audit strategy, and setting
planning materiality with the computer technology industry because of different laws and regulations that apply to
each industry. Auditors must tailor their audit to be specific to each client, but broadly speak-
risk response phase perform-
ing, once the client acceptance or continuance decision has been made, there are three general
ing tests of controls and detailed
substantive testing of transactions phases of every audit, as shown in Illustration 3.4:
and accounts, concentrating
1. The risk assessment phase involves gaining an understanding of the client, identifying
effort where the risk of material
misstatement is greatest factors that may impact the risk of a material misstatement occurring in the financial state-
ments, performing a risk and materiality assessment, and developing an audit strategy.
reporting phase evaluation of
the results of the detailed testing 2. The risk response phase of the audit involves the performance of detailed tests of con-
in light of the auditor’s under- trols and detailed testing of transactions and account balances, called substantive testing.
standing of the client and forming 3. The reporting phase involves an evaluation of the results of the detailed testing in light
an opinion on the fair presen- of the auditor’s understanding of the client and forming an opinion on the fair presenta-
tation of the client’s financial
tion of the client’s financial statements.
An overview of each phase of the audit follows.
Phases of an Audit 3-9
Client performance
Closing procedures Risk Assessment measurement
Audit Strategy
Before You Go On
2.1 What are the three main phases of the audit?
2.2 Briefly discuss why auditors must treat every audit as unique.
2.3 Explain how the risk assessment phase helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the audit.
Lea rning O bjective 3
Explain and apply the concept of materiality.
there is a substantial likelihood that the . . . fact would have been viewed by a reasonable
investor as having significantly altered the total mix of information made available (para 2).”
This includes information that is misstated and information that is omitted but should be
Materiality is a key auditing concept that is first assessed during the risk assessment phase
of every audit. This overall or planning materiality guides audit planning and testing for the
financial statements as a whole. Before explaining how auditors arrive at their planning ma-
teriality assessment, it is important to differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative
considerations of materiality.
Setting Materiality
When determining planning materiality, auditors will use professional judgment and are
mindful of the primary users of the financial statements. For publicly traded companies, the
primary users are the stockholders. For private companies, the primary users are generally
the owners and/or major lenders. Accounting firms may vary in the method they use to set
planning materiality in the risk assessment phase, but common practice is to calculate a per-
centage of an appropriate benchmark. In selecting an appropriate benchmark, auditors can
choose an item from the balance sheet or the income statement. Balance-sheet benchmarks
3-12 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
are generally total assets or equity. Income-statement benchmarks are typically profit before
tax or total revenue. Auditors select an appropriate benchmark using their professional judg-
ment based on their knowledge of the client, the client’s industry, and the needs of financial
statement users for their decision making. For example, if a client is listed on the securities
exchange, profit before tax is an appropriate benchmark because it drives dividends and re-
turn-on-investment decisions. However, if a client is a not-for-profit organization, either total
assets or total revenue are more generally used as a benchmark.
Auditing standards mention benchmarks the auditor can use, but the standards do not
recommend any specific percentages that should be applied to these benchmarks. Therefore,
auditors rely heavily on their professional judgment to determine an appropriate percentage
of the selected benchmark. The discussion in the following Professional Environment box
provides more detail of percentages that firms use when determining planning materiality.
The auditing standards do require auditors to reevaluate their overall level of materiality
throughout the audit. If new information comes to light that would cause the auditors to
establish a different level of planning materiality, then they should examine the information
and make adjustments to materiality as needed.
Using the Boeing example from the Professional Environment box discussion above,
assume that planning materiality is $502 million. Does this mean auditors will only look for
errors or misstatements that are $502 million or larger? If an account balance is less than
$502 million, will auditors not perform any audit procedures on that account? The answer to
both of these questions is no. Auditors plan the audit to detect material misstatements, but
they must also consider the effects of smaller misstatements that may be immaterial on their
own but, when added with other immaterial misstatements, may be material to the financial
statements as a whole. In addition, what about misstatements that may not be detected during
the audit? Auditors need to consider some margin of error for misstatements that may not be
A. Eilifsen and W. F. Messier, Jr., “Materiality Guidance of the Major Public Accounting Firms,”Audit-
ing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 34, no. 2 (2015), pp. 3–26.
Materiality 3-13
detected due to the sampling procedures used in an audit. Therefore, after determining plan-
ning materiality, auditors must determine performance materiality at the account or disclo-
sure level. Performance materiality is an amount set by the auditor that is less than plan- performance materiality
ning materiality and is used to make decisions about the extent of audit procedures for a amount or amounts set by the
particular class of transaction, account balance, or disclosure. auditors at less than the materi-
Performance materiality at the individual account level should be less than the planning ality level for particular classes of
materiality. For example, if the planning materiality for Boeing is $502 million, auditors may transactions, account balances, or
decide that one-third that amount, $167 million, is an appropriate performance materiality
at the account level. Auditors would then plan and perform their audit procedures using
the performance materiality amount of $167 million to determine if individual accounts or
transactions were materially misstated. If any account balances are less than the performance
materiality amount, auditors may decide not to perform detailed audit procedures on the ac-
count because the entire account balance is considered immaterial. For example, in Note 9 of the
December 31, 2017, Boeing financial statements, the “other investments” account has a balance
of $30 million. Since $30 million is well below the performance materiality of $167 million,
auditors would spend minimal time performing detailed audit testing on that account.
As we have discussed, auditors also consider qualitative factors when deciding if an
account is material. For example, in Note 5 of the December 31, 2017, Boeing financial
statements, the “valuation allowance” account for accounts receivable has a balance of
$62 million. At first glance this account balance may seem immaterial. However, the related
account, accounts receivable, is a material amount ($10.516 billion) so the valuation allow-
ance will be audited in conjunction with accounts receivable. In addition, since the valuation
allowance is an estimate, there is risk that management may be biased when determining the
amount of the allowance. Management might be overly optimistic about collection of receiv-
ables and underestimate the allowance, which would lead to overstated net accounts receivable.
Therefore, because of these qualitative factors, auditors will perform detailed audit testing on
the valuation allowance even though the balance is less than performance materiality.
The use of performance materiality should reduce the probability that the sum of imma-
terial and/or undetected misstatements in the financial statements is greater than materiality
for the financial statements as a whole. The auditing standards do not provide any guidelines
for the determination of performance materiality. As stated in AU-C 320 Materiality in Plan-
ning and Performing an Audit:
1. Determine the type and extent of risk assessment procedures to be performed.
2. Identify and assess the risk of material misstatements occurring at the financial state-
ment level and the account balance level.
3. Begin development of an audit strategy.
This discussion of materiality can be concluded with an example of how the concept of
materiality impacts the planning of the audit. If auditors determine a higher planning ma-
teriality level (higher dollar amount) is appropriate, then they will plan to gather less exten-
sive audit evidence. A lower materiality level (lower dollar amount) will translate to auditors
performing more extensive audit procedures to ensure that material misstatements will be
detected. In other words, holding everything else constant, as the auditor’s evaluation of ma-
teriality decreases, the auditor is looking to obtain a more precise conclusion about the finan-
cial statements. The increased precision of the audit will cause the auditor to perform more
extensive audit procedures.
3-14 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
In 2020 and 2021, the auditor used 5% of pretax income as a base for planning materiality.
However, in 2022 pretax income was abnormally low while revenues and total assets had not
shown the same level of change. Because pretax income was less than eight-tenths of 1% of revenue
(the company basically broke even for the year), the auditor decided to use ½ of 1% of the lesser of
total revenues or total assets as the base for determining planning materiality. Both revenues and
assets showed more stability than pretax income in 2022.
Before You Go On
3.1 What is qualitative materiality?
3.2 What is quantitative materiality?
3.3 What is performance materiality?
As depicted in Illustration 3.5, two more key concepts that apply to all phases of the audit are
professional skepticism and audit risk. These concepts were first introduced in Chapter 1 and
will be explained in more detail next.
Professional Skepticism and Audit Risk 3-15
Professional Skepticism
Auditors have a responsibility to plan and perform an audit with professional skepticism.
Professional skepticism is an attitude adopted by auditors when conducting all phases of the
audit. It means that auditors remain independent of the entity, its management, and its staff
when completing the audit work. In a practical sense, professional skepticism means au- professional skepticism an
ditors maintain a questioning mind and thoroughly investigate all evidence presented by the attitude that includes a question-
client (AS 1015.07). For example, AU-C 200.A22 states auditors should be skeptical if any of ing mind, being alert to condi-
the following arise during the audit: tions that may indicate possible
misstatement due to fraud or
• Audit evidence recently gathered that is contradictory to other evidence previously gathered. error, and a critical assessment of
audit evidence
• New information that brings into question the reliability of client documents or responses
to auditor inquiries.
• Conditions that may provide evidence of possible fraud.
• Situations that indicate the need for additional audit procedures beyond what is required
by generally accepted auditing standards.
Does maintaining professional skepticism mean auditors should assume client manage-
ment is being dishonest? The answer is no. Auditors should not assume management is dis-
honest, but at the same time, auditors should not assume management is always honest or
correct. Using professional skepticism means that even if auditors believe management and
those charged with governance are being honest, they should gather reliable evidence to sup-
port management’s responses to auditor inquiries and to support amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. Throughout all phases of the audit, auditors should keep these
questions in mind when gathering audit evidence: Is this information reliable? Do we need to
perform more audit procedures? When auditors exercise professional skepticism during the
risk assessment phase, it helps to ensure they are using appropriate assumptions when devel-
oping their audit strategy that will be used in the risk response phase. In the reporting phase,
auditors use professional skepticism when evaluating the evidence gathered and forming an
opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly.
An auditor was auditing a recreational vehicle (RV) dealership. The auditor had obtained some
initial financial information from the client showing unaudited results for the end of the third
quarter. Sales were up and profit margins were up, making it the best year so far for the client.
Interim records showed that inventory was also up, and the client’s inventory records showed over
300 RVs on hand at the end of the third quarter. The audit senior went to talk to the audit man-
ager about the good news and the client’s performance. The audit manager asked the senior a key
question. “You did the inventory observation last year. How many RVs did the client have then?”
“I think it was about 210,” the senior replied. Then the audit manager asked, “How full was the lot
last year?” The senior replied that it was “almost overflowing” the year before. The manager then
said, “Let’s look at this more skeptically. I don’t think they have storage capacity for another 90
RVs even though sales are up. There could be an error in the inventory records. This information
makes me believe that the existence of inventory is a very high inherent risk.”
Audit Risk
Audit risk is the risk that an auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when financial
statements are materially misstated (AU-C 200 Overall Objectives of the Independent Auditor
and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance With Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and
AS 1101 Audit Risk). This means the audit report states the financial statements are presented
fairly, in all material respects, when in actuality the financial statements contain a material
error or fraud. While it is impossible to eliminate audit risk, auditors aim to reduce it to an
3-16 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
acceptably low level. During the risk assessment phase, auditors will perform audit proce-
dures to identify transactions and accounts where the risk of material misstatement is highest.
The first stage in audit risk assessment involves the identification of accounts and related
inherent risk the susceptibility assertions most at risk of material misstatement, referred to as inherent risk. An asser-
of an assertion to a misstatement tion is a statement or representation, explicit or implied, made by management regarding
that could be material, either indi- the recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure of items included in the financial
vidually or when aggregated with statements and notes. Assertions help guide the procedures conducted by auditors and are
other misstatements, before con- discussed in more depth in Chapter 5. Inherent risk assessment is affected by factors both
sideration of any related controls
internal and external to the client. For example, if a client sells valuable goods (e.g., jewelry),
assertions statements or rep- there is a risk of overstatement of inventory as goods may be stolen but remain recorded in the
resentations, explicit or implied, client’s books. Therefore, there is a risk that management’s assertion, or claim, that recorded
made by management regarding
inventory exists is not valid. In this example, the auditor may spend more time testing the exis-
the recognition, measurement,
tence assertion of recorded inventory than in the case of a client that sells lower-valued goods
presentation, and disclosure of
items included in the financial (e.g., office supplies). Illustration 3.6 provides examples of traits that would indicate higher
statements or lower inherent risk for accounts or assertions.
Higher Inherent Risk Traits Lower Inherent Risk Traits
Examples of inherent risk
traits for accounts or Transactions or account balances derived from Transactions or account balances easily
assertions significant estimates confirmed with reliable sources
Technological developments in the client’s industry Technological developments a minimal factor
increase the risk of obsolescence of certain assets in the valuation of the client’s assets
Client location at risk of natural disasters such as Client location has minimal risk of being
hurricanes and flooding affected by a natural disaster
Client’s industry experiencing a period of decline Client’s industry is thriving
Client has insufficient working capital and is at Client has sufficient working capital and is not
risk of violating loan contracts at risk of violating loan contracts
When identifying accounts and related assertions at risk of material misstatement, some
significant risk an identified risks are classified as being more significant than others. A significant risk is an identified
and assessed risk of material mis- and assessed risk of material misstatement that, in the auditor’s judgment, requires special
statement that, in the auditor’s audit consideration (AU-C 315 Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing
judgment, requires special audit the Risks of Material Misstatement and AS 2110 Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material
consideration Misstatement). When classifying risks as being significant, consideration is given to whether
the risk involves:
• Fraud.
• Significant economic or accounting developments.
• Complex transactions.
• Significant related-party transactions (discussed further in Chapter 4).
• Significant subjectivity in measurement of financial information.
• Significant transactions outside the client’s normal course of business.
The second stage in audit risk assessment involves gaining an understanding of the cli-
control risk the risk that a ent’s system of internal controls. Auditors assess control risk, which is the risk that a client’s
client’s system of internal controls internal controls will not prevent or detect a material misstatement on a timely basis. Auditors
will not prevent or detect a are interested in whether the client has controls in place that are designed to minimize the risk
material misstatement on a of material misstatement for each account and related assertion identified as being high risk
timely basis by the auditors. In the above example, if a client sells jewelry, auditors will assess whether the
client has controls in place, such as a security system, to reduce the risk that inventory may
be stolen.
Finally, the assessed level of inherent and control risk for each assertion will guide audi
tors in developing their audit strategy to gather appropriate audit evidence. This final assess-
ment will depend upon the assessed risks of the account and related assertion and the deemed
effectiveness of the client’s system of internal controls.
Professional Skepticism and Audit Risk 3-17
impossible to reduce any of these risks to zero. Risk will always exist in an audit, whether it
is from economic or industry factors (inherent risk), a failure of an internal control (control
risk), or a failure of an audit procedure (detection risk).
Audit risk can be presented in a model that indicates the relationship between its com-
ponents (AU-C 200.A36). The model states that audit risk is a function ( f ) of risk of material
misstatement (which consists of inherent risk and control risk) and detection risk, as illus-
trated below.
AR = f(RMM * DR)
AR = f(IR * CR * DR)
AR = Audit risk
RMM = Risk of material misstatement
IR = Inherent risk
CR = Control risk
DR = Detection risk
Auditors plan and perform their audit to keep audit risk at an acceptably low level (AU-C
200). If inherent and control risks are high for an assertion, the auditor will set detection
risk as low, to maintain a low audit risk. Illustration 3.7 provides an example of a high risk
assertion at the account level. After reviewing the example, you’ll see there is an inverse re-
lationship between the risk of material misstatement (inherent and control risks combined)
and detection risk (as set by the auditor). A low detection risk means the auditors increase the
amount of detailed audit procedures used to test the year-end account balances and transac-
tions from throughout the year.
Risk of material misstatement
High risk assertion with
qualitative analysis
Audit risk = Detection risk
Inherent risk Control risk
A client sells high-end fashion clothing and has inadequate security. Inherent risk is high for the
existence assertion of inventory as clothing may be stolen. Control risk is high since there is inad-
equate security, which increases the risk of theft. The auditor cannot rely on the client’s security
system to reduce the risk of material misstatement associated with the existence of inventory. The
auditor will set a low detection risk and spend more time performing audit procedures to deter-
mine that recorded inventory actually exists.
A client is an importer with inexperienced clerical staff. Inherent risk is high for the accuracy as-
sertion of recorded purchases as they involve foreign currency translation. Control risk is high as
clerical staff are inexperienced and not accustomed to recording complex foreign currency trans-
actions. The auditor will set a low detection risk and spend more time performing audit proce-
dures to determine that purchases are recorded at appropriate amounts.
Professional Skepticism and Audit Risk 3-19
The audit risk model can also be used for quantitative analysis in which all risks are
stated as a percentage ranging from 1% to 100%. Suppose auditors want to keep audit risk low
at 1%, which means a 1% risk they will issue an inappropriate opinion. If inherent risk and
control risk are both high, say 100% inherent risk and 80% control risk, then what will detec-
tion risk be? Refer to Illustration 3.8 for the mathematical analysis. Solving for detection
risk, the answer would be a 1.25% risk that the auditors’ procedures will not be effective in de-
tecting a material misstatement. Another way to state it is the auditors are 98.75% confident
that their audit procedures will detect a material misstatement if present. A 1.25% detection
risk is a low detection risk, which implies auditors will perform extensive detailed testing of
related account balances and use larger sample sizes.
Risk of material misstatement
High risk assertion with
Audit risk Detection risk quantitative analysis
= Inherent risk × Control risk ×
In contrast, if inherent risk and control risk are low, the auditor can set detection risk as
high. Review Illustration 3.9 for an example of this situation. Remember, there is an inverse
relationship between the risk of material misstatement (inherent and control risks combined)
and detection risk (as set by the auditor). By setting detection risk as high, auditors reduce
the level of reliance placed on their detailed testing of the account balance or transactions.
Auditors are not eliminating the detailed testing of account balances and transactions; rather,
they are acknowledging that the account, transaction class, or assertion is low risk. If risk of
material misstatement is low, then extensive detailed testing is not required.
Risk of material misstatement
Low risk assertion with
Audit risk = Detection risk qualitative analysis
Inherent risk Control risk
A client sells concrete pipe and has a high-voltage fence surrounding the pipe inventory. Inherent
risk is low for the existence assertion of inventory as concrete pipe is very heavy and difficult to
move. It is unlikely that recorded pipe does not exist. After testing that the security system is
working and has been operational throughout the year, the auditor can set control risk low. In this
case, the auditor will need to spend less time performing detailed audit procedures to determine
that recorded pipe actually exists.
follow-up are working properly, the auditor will verify that access to the program is limited to au-
thorized personnel and that the program has not been tampered with. When the auditor is satis-
fied the program is working well and the client’s controls are effective, the auditor can set control
risk as low. In this case, the auditor will spend less time performing detailed audit procedures on
raw materials to determine that the recorded amount is accurate.
Using the quantitative analysis, suppose auditors assess inherent risk and control risk
as low: 30% and 5%, respectively. Refer to Illustration 3.10 for the mathematical analysis.
Solving for detection risk, the answer would be a 67% risk that the auditors’ procedures
will not be effective in detecting a material misstatement. This is a stark contrast to the
detection risk of 1.25% in Illustration 3.8. But remember, as inherent risk and/or control risk
decrease, detection risk will increase, reflecting that less extensive substantive testing will
be conducted by auditors because the client’s internal controls are effective for the related
account balance and assertion.
Risk of material misstatement
Low risk assertion with
quantitative analysis Audit risk Detection risk
= Inherent risk × Control risk ×
The quantitative analysis highlights the role of detection risk in changing how auditors
respond to their client’s risk of material misstatement. As stated earlier, inherent risk and
control risk are the client’s risks, and the auditor has no control over them. Auditors can only
assess the level of inherent and control risks. Auditors can control detection risk by planning
to perform more or less detailed audit procedures. The components of the model can be rear-
ranged to solve for detection risk as follows:
DR = Detection risk
AR = Audit risk
RMM = Risk of material misstatement
The examples provided in this section are extremes. The reality will often fall some-
where in between, where inherent risk is high, but the client has an effective system of
internal controls in place to mitigate that risk. For example, a client sells high-end fashion
clothing and has effective security and controls, so the risk of material misstatement for the
existence assertion of inventory is low. Alternatively, if inherent risk is low, the client may
not consider it worthwhile investing in sophisticated control procedures (that is, any benefit
is perceived to exceed the cost). For example, a client sells concrete pipe and has minimal
security controls because the pipe would be very difficult to steal. In both cases, auditors will
perform less extensive audit procedures when testing the existence of inventory.
Audit Strategy 3-21
Before You Go On
4.1 Why is an attitude of professional skepticism important for auditors?
4.2 What is significant risk?
4.3 What are the components of the audit risk model?
4.4 What is the relationship between risk of material misstatement and detection risk?
Audit Strategy
audit strategy the determi-
Lea rning Objective 5
nation of the amount of time
Explain how auditors determine their audit strategy and how audit strategy affects spent testing the client’s internal
audit decisions. controls and conducting detailed
testing of transactions and
account balances
The results of the auditor’s determination of materiality and audit risk lead to the develop- nature of an audit procedure
ment of an overall audit strategy. The audit strategy provides the basis for developing an the determination of what type
audit plan that details the nature, extent, and timing of audit procedures to be performed. of audit procedure to use, such
The nature of an audit procedure refers to what type of procedure will be used, such as as tests of controls or substantive
tests of controls or substantive procedures. The auditor also needs to determine that the
evidence collected is both reliable and relevant to the assertion being tested. The extent of tests of controls (controls
an audit procedure refers to how much testing will be done, for example, how large of a testing) audit procedures
designed to evaluate the operat-
sample size to use. Detection risk influences decisions about sample size. For example, when
ing effectiveness of controls in
detection risk is low, auditors will use larger sample sizes than when detection risk is high.
preventing, or detecting and cor-
The timing of an audit procedure refers to when it will be performed. The determination recting, material misstatements at
of when procedures will be performed is dependent on the effectiveness of the client’s con- the assertion level
trols and will be further discussed below. The process of developing an audit strategy helps
substantive procedures
auditors allocate audit resources efficiently and make decisions such as which audit staff will (substantive testing or tests
be assigned to the audit, a time budget for the completion of the audit, and a schedule for of details) audit procedures
when certain audit procedures will be performed. designed to detect material
Illustration 3.11 illustrates a general timeline of when audit activities occur for the au- misstatements at the assertion
dit of a client that uses a calendar year-end. Most of the audit planning and risk assessment level
occur during the second and third quarters of the client’s accounting year. The period referred extent of an audit procedure
to as “interim” is typically during the latter part of the third quarter and into the fourth quar- the determination of the quantity
ter. The “year-end” period is just before the client’s balance sheet date and the 4- to 6-week of audit procedures to be performed
period after the client’s year-end. The period is referred to as “year-end” because the client’s timing of an audit procedure
accounting year has substantially finished and the account balances reflect the totals for the the determination of when an au-
year under audit. In the audit of private companies, many times the auditor will not begin dit procedure is to be performed
3-22 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
“year-end” procedures until several weeks after year-end when the client has completed all
year-end closing procedures. This timeline will be a helpful resource for you as we discuss
audit strategy and activities occurring during the different phases of the audit. The remainder
of this section discusses two broad audit strategies that auditors can follow. These strategies
are detailed in depth in AU-C 330 Performing Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks
and Evaluating Audit Evidence Obtained and AS 2301 The Auditor’s Responses to the Risks of
Material Misstatement.
Year-end Issue
Risk assessment Interim substantive audit
and audit planning testing testing report
Jennifer is auditing a private company that manufactures batteries for cell phones. The company
has good perpetual inventory records and inventory controls. In the prior year audit, tests of con-
trols confirmed the company had excellent internal controls over inventory. In planning this year,
based on inquiries with various client personnel, the system has not changed. Therefore, Jennifer
is planning to test controls at an interim date, and if this year’s tests of controls confirm that
controls continue to be strong, she will also perform substantive procedures on the existence of
inventory at an interim date.
Illustration 3.12 provides a diagram of the process used when developing the audit strat-
egy for an account or assertion. Notice that the left side of the diagram provides an overview
of the reliance on controls approach described in this section.
Identify inherent risks at the account or assertion level Process used when developing
an audit strategy at the
account or assertion level
Substantive Approach
Test the
Substantive Approach
Referring to Illustration 3.12, the substantive approach is detailed on the right side of the diagram.
The process for a substantive approach begins in the same way as a reliance on controls approach.
Auditors identify inherent risks at the account or assertion level during the risk assessment
phase. If inherent risk is determined to be high for an account or assertion, the next step is
to determine if an internal control is in place to mitigate the risk of a material misstatement.
If there is no internal control in place, auditors assess RMM as high since both inherent and
control risk are high. If there is an internal control in place, auditors may decide to test the
effectiveness of the internal control. The test of controls may reveal that the internal control
is not operating effectively. This situation would also cause auditors to assess RMM as high.
If RMM is high, the audit strategy will be to perform extensive detailed substantive pro-
cedures and place little or no reliance on the client’s internal controls. The nature, extent, and
timing of substantive procedures would be adjusted since the client’s internal control is weak
or nonexistent. For example, auditors will perform their substantive procedures at year-end so
the entire account balance can be tested rather than testing at interim when the account bal-
ance is not yet reflecting the entire year’s activity. Auditors will also use larger sample sizes and
perform more extensive substantive procedures since RMM is high and detection risk is low.
Illustration 3.12 illustrates the extreme of each approach, but auditors can also use a
blended approach. For example, if inherent risk is assessed as moderate or low, auditors may
decide to perform some tests of controls or not perform any tests of controls. The decision
regarding control testing would then impact the nature, extent, and timing of the substantive
procedures. Control risk and the testing of controls are discussed further in Chapters 6 and 8.
Essentially, the process of determining an audit strategy for an account or assertion is heavily
influenced by materiality, professional skepticism, and the risk of material misstatement.
Jennifer is auditing a private company that manufactures batteries for cell phones. While the
company has good perpetual inventory records and inventory controls, Jennifer is concerned
about reported problems with lithium-ion battery fires. It is not clear that the industry has solved
these problems. The company has already noted a slowing in sales of one battery model. As a
result, Jennifer is concerned about the lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable-value (LCNRV) issues that
may arise by year-end. Will the company have problems selling the inventory of batteries on
hand at year-end? Because of the volatile market of lithium-ion batteries, Jennifer plans to audit
the valuation of inventory at net realizable value after year-end using a primarily substantive
“Also,” says Ian, “when are our staff available, and when are materiality, both setting materiality for planning purposes, and
Cloud 9’s key people available to talk to us?” identifying the material account balances. In our plan, we need
“Yes,” says Suzie. “This is all basic. But if we don’t ask these to allocate additional time to areas where there may be higher
really important questions, we will find ourselves unable to meet risk of material misstatement. And, one of our biggest tasks will
the deadline and perhaps under pressure to cut corners. We also be considering the evidence about the design and operating ef-
have to think about timing of requests to third parties for infor- fectiveness of internal controls at Cloud 9, which we haven’t yet
mation. Now, can you think of anything regarding the direction considered in detail.”
of the audit?” “I see,” says Ian. “If we assess the internal controls as being
“I understand about the extra requirements and working out strong, then we plan to do more testing of controls (to confirm
the timing. But I don’t really know what you mean by direction,” our assessment), and less testing of the underlying substance of
Ian says, confused. transactions and account balances. We have to put this in our plan
“We have already discussed it to some extent,” Suzie ex- now. But what if our first thoughts about controls are wrong? Will
plains. “Remember when we spoke about the risk for Cloud 9 our plan be wrong?”
created by obsolescence of inventory, and errors occurring with “That happens,” replies Suzie. “That is why our initial plan
transactions with customers and suppliers? ‘Direction’ is about is constantly changing as we gather more information about the
where we think there should be extra attention because of higher client. Particularly, as in this case, for a new client that we don’t
risk, and how we give that extra attention. We could, for exam- have a lot of detailed information on yet. However, we already
ple, make sure we have suitable experts available, if required, to know what accounts are important to Cloud 9—the client’s previ-
value the inventory. This is also where we bring in our work on ous years’ financial statements and interim results show us that.”
Before You Go On
5.1 What is the purpose of developing an overall audit strategy?
5.2 Describe the audit strategy when the auditor adopts a predominantly substantive approach.
5.3 Why would the auditors adopt a reliance on controls approach?
Fraud Risk
Lea rning Objective 6
Explain the fraud risk assessment process and analyze fraud risk.
During the risk assessment phase of the audit, auditors assess the risk of material misstate-
ment due to error or fraud. Error refers to an unintentional misstatement in amounts or dis- error an unintentional
closures in the financial statements. Fraud, however, is an intentional act involving the use misstatement in amounts or
of deception that results in the misstatement of financial statements that are being audited disclosures in the financial
(AU-C 240.11 and AS 2401.05). As you can imagine, fraud can be difficult to uncover because statements
the perpetrator(s) will go to great lengths to conceal the deception. Therefore, auditors should fraud an intentional act
adopt an attitude of professional skepticism to ensure any indicator of a potential fraud is through the use of deception
properly investigated. This means auditors must remain independent of the client, maintain that results in a misstatement in
a questioning attitude, and search thoroughly for corroborating evidence to validate informa- financial statements that are the
subject of an audit
tion provided by the client. Auditors must not assume that past experience with the client’s
management and staff is indicative of the current risk of fraud.
Auditors should be alert for red flags4 that indicate a fraud may have occurred. Examples
of red flags include:
J. D. Wilson and J. J. Root, Internal Auditing Manual, 2nd ed. (Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1989).
3-26 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
• Key employees with accounting or internal control responsibilities refusing to take leave.
• Overly dominant management.
• Poor compensation practices.
• Inadequate training programs.
• A complex business structure.
• No (or ineffective) internal auditing staff.
fraudulent financial reporting • A high turnover of auditors.
intentional misstatements,
including omissions of amounts • Unusual transactions such as large adjusting entries at the end of a period.
and disclosures in financial • Weak internal controls.
statements, to deceive financial
statement users There are two kinds of fraud. Fraudulent financial reporting is intentionally misstat-
misappropriation of assets ing items or omitting important facts from the financial statements. Misappropriation of
intentional theft of a company’s assets involves some form of theft. Illustration 3.13 provides examples of financial reporting
assets by employees and misappropriation of assets frauds.
The responsibility for preventing and detecting fraud rests with client management and
those charged with governance. Prevention refers to the use of controls and procedures aimed
at avoiding a fraud. Detection refers to the use of controls and procedures aimed at uncover-
ing a fraud should one occur. It is the responsibility of auditors to assess the risk of fraud and
the effectiveness of the client’s attempts to prevent and detect fraud via its internal control
fraud risk factors conditions
that indicate an incentive or pres- system. When assessing the risk of fraud, auditors consider the fraud risk factors that may
sure to commit fraud, provide an be present, such as incentives and pressures to commit a fraud, opportunities to perpetrate a
opportunity to commit fraud, or fraud, and attitudes and rationalizations used to justify committing fraud (AU-C 240.A75).
indicate rationalizations to justify Illustration 3.14 illustrates the fraud risk factors, which are explained in more depth in the
fraudulent actions following sections.
Fraud risk factors
Pressure Rationalization
Fraud Risk 3-27
PCAOB Staff Audit Practice Alert No. 10, Maintaining and Applying Professional Skepticism in Audits
(December 4, 2012),
3-28 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
• Ongoing losses.
• Rapid growth.
• Poor cash flows combined with high earnings.
• Pressure to meet market expectations and profit targets.
• Planning to list on a stock exchange.
• Planning to raise debt or renegotiate a loan.
• The client being about to enter into a significant new contract.
• A significant proportion of remuneration tied to earnings (that is, bonuses or stock options).
You may be familiar with Toshiba Corporation, a publicly traded Japanese company headquar-
tered in Tokyo that makes consumer electronics, household electronics, office equipment, and
more. In July 2015, the CEO of Toshiba announced he was resigning amid an accounting scandal
in which profits had been overstated for the past seven years by approximately $1.9 billion (224.8
billion yen). What incentives and pressures were involved that led to the fraud? The technology
industry is extremely competitive and Toshiba’s upper management set aggressive profit targets.
The home electronics and appliances division was showing losses and the memory chip division
was feeling pressure because of decreasing demand from Chinese electronics companies.6 As an
example, in September 2012, the head of the digital products and service division was told by the
CEO to improve a 24.8 billion yen loss into a 12 billion yen profit in just three days!7 Think about
how the external auditor would learn about the incentives given to lower-level management. How
might an internal auditor learn about these incentives?
• Accounts that rely on estimates and judgment (discussed further in Chapter 9).
• A high volume of transactions close to year-end.
• Significant adjusting entries and reversals after year-end.
• Significant related-party transactions (discussed further in Chapter 4).
• Poor corporate governance mechanisms.
• Poor system of internal control (discussed further in Chapters 6 and 8).
• A high turnover of staff with accounting or internal control responsibilities.
• A nonexistent or ineffective whistleblower system.
E. Pfanner and M. Fujikawa, “Toshiba Slashes Earnings for Past Seven Years,” The Wall Street Journal
(September 7, 2015),
K. Nagata, “Pressure to Show a Profit Led to Toshiba’s Accounting Scandal,” The Japan Times (September 18,
Fraud Risk 3-29
Returning to the Toshiba fraud, what opportunities existed at Toshiba for such a massive fraud to
occur? Overall, there was a lack of internal controls in upper management and an unethical corporate
culture led by upper management. Controls that did exist were overridden by upper management’s
pressure to show profits. Compounding the problem was the Japanese culture of obedience, which
disallows subordinates refusing orders from upper management. One of the areas that was heavily
manipulated was estimates involving long-term projects. Estimation techniques relied heavily on
internal data, and internal controls over the estimation process were easily overridden by upper
management.8 It is easier to see these risk factors with hindsight. However, if you were working on
the Toshiba audit, could you find the warning signs and adjust the audit appropriately?
• Management and employees who do not place a high priority on the entity’s value or
ethical standards.
• Management attempts to justify marginal or inappropriate accounting, on the basis of
materiality, on a recurring basis.
• An excessive focus on maximization of profits and/or stock price.
• A poor attitude regarding compliance with accounting regulations.
• Rationalization that other companies make the same inappropriate accounting choices.
“Toshiba Accounting Scandal,” Summary for a meeting of the International Ethics Standards Board for Ac-
countants (IESBA), Agenda item F-2 (September 2015),
T. Uranaka and M. Yamazaki, “Trust Banks Plan to Sue Toshiba over 2015 Accounting Scandal,” Reuters
(January 30, 2017),
3-30 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
In future chapters on internal control, we will discuss the importance of “tone at the top” and
the control environment. While a goal of management is to maximize profits, auditors must be alert
to a management that is willing to give tacit approval of fraud in order to keep the share price high.
Before You Go On
6.1 What are the responsibilities of the client and the auditor when it comes to fraud?
6.2 Explain four incentives and pressures that increase the risk of fraud.
6.3 Explain four opportunities that increase the risk of fraud.
Key Terms Review 3-31
2 Identify the different phases of an audit. The assessed level of the risk of material misstatement (RMM) for an
account or assertion drives the development of the audit strategy and
The phases of an audit include risk assessment, risk response, and the nature, extent, and timing of audit procedures to be performed.
reporting. During the risk assessment phase, an auditor will gain an If RMM is low, the auditors may rely on a controls approach. Un-
understanding of the client, identify risks, set the planning material- der this approach, the auditors will extensively test internal controls
ity, and develop an audit strategy. During the risk response phase, an to determine if they are effective, and spend less time performing
auditor will execute the detailed testing of controls, account balances, substantive procedures. If RMM is high, the auditors may pursue a
and transactions. The final phase of every audit involves reviewing all substantive approach. Under this approach, the auditors will spend
of the evidence gathered throughout the audit and arriving at a con- little or no time testing internal controls and will focus their efforts on
clusion regarding the fair presentation of the client’s financial state- performing substantive procedures on the year-end account balance
ments. The auditor will then prepare an audit report that reflects the and assertions.
auditor’s opinion based upon the audit findings.
6 Explain the fraud risk assessment process and analyze
3 Explain and apply the concept of materiality. fraud risk.
Information is considered to be material if it impacts the decision- Error is an unintentional misstatement in an amount or disclosure in
making process of users of the financial statements. Planning mate- the financial statements. Fraud is an intentional act using deception
riality guides audit planning and testing for the financial statements that results in the misstatement of the financial statements that are be-
as a whole. Performance materiality is an amount less than planning ing audited. The two kinds of fraud are financial reporting fraud and
materiality that is determined at the account balance, class of trans- misappropriation of assets. When assessing the risk of fraud, the audi-
actions, or disclosure level. Auditors consider both quantitative and tors should consider the fraud risk factors that may be present, such as
qualitative factors when determining materiality. incentives and pressures to commit a fraud, opportunities to perpetrate
a fraud, and attitudes and rationalizations used to justify committing a
4 Explain professional skepticism and apply the audit fraud. The primary procedures that auditors use in the fraud risk assess-
risk model. ment process are brainstorming among the audit team members and
inquiry of management and others internal or external of the client.
Background Information • Fraud risk may be high in some locations due to the opportu-
You have been assigned to the audit of inventory for a private nity offered by weak internal controls.
company that owns and operates a chain of retail jewelers. The • The auditor needs to determine how internal controls affect
company’s sales revenue has grown by 300% in the last two years, audit strategy, and whether the auditor wants one audit strat-
primarily by acquisitions. Seventy-eight percent of the value of the egy for part of the inventory and another audit strategy for
company’s inventory is in wedding rings, diamonds, gold neck- another part of the inventory.
laces, and high-end watches. Because the company has grown
through acquisition, the company has not yet brought two ac- Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives
quired companies (representing 35% of sales) under the company’s Analysis of risk:
inventory system. As a result, the company is currently operating
• Inherent risk factors include valuable inventory that is sub-
with three different inventory-control systems. The core inventory
ject to theft and misappropriation.
system being used by retail stores represents 65% of sales. Sixty
percent of inventory was tested in the prior year and controls over • Internal controls are not uniform. Based on prior year’s evi-
the existence of inventory were effective. dence and a preliminary understanding of the system in the
The CFO’s top priority is to put all retail operations under this current year, strong internal controls appear to operate over
one inventory-control system by the end of the fiscal year (Janu- only 60% of the inventory.
ary 31). He is particularly concerned about lower than expected • It may be more efficient to physically inspect inventory as of
gross margins at some of the acquired stores, and he expects that one date and use one audit strategy for all inventory testing.
better inventory control will improve this situation. In addition,
• Fraud risk is considered to be high at locations where inven-
gold prices have risen 15% in the last 12 months, and the company
tory controls are not strong.
is making sure it is not selling “conflict diamonds” illegally traded
to fund conflict in war-torn areas of Africa. Your responsibility is
Conclusions Regarding Audit Strategy for the Existence
to develop an audit strategy for testing the existence of inventory.
of Inventory
Identify the Audit Issue • Inherent risk is set at the maximum because inventory is
The focus of attention in this instance is to develop an audit strat- high in value and susceptible to theft and misappropriation.
egy for testing the existence of inventory. The auditor may develop • Control risk is set at high, as 40% of inventory may not have
a different audit strategy for testing the valuation of that inventory. sufficient internal controls.
Gather Information and Evidence • Fraud risk is considered high due to the opportunity offered
by weak internal controls.
Important information includes:
• This results in setting detection risk at low.
• A significant portion of the inventory is high in value, small
• Low detection risk impacts the nature, timing, and extent of
in size, and susceptible to theft.
substantive testing. For example, the auditor will plan test-
• A good system of internal controls may not be operating ing of the physical existence of inventory at year-end, select
effectively and uniformly. a larger number of locations to visit, and vary the extent of
• The weak gross margins in some stores may be evidence of inventory testing at each location depending on internal con-
inventory shrinkage or theft. trols over the counting of inventory at each location.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) If a prospective new audit client does not allow the c. the existing auditor should contact the new auditor to tell
auditor to contact its existing auditor: them all about the client.
a. the auditor should contact the existing auditor anyway d. t he auditor should respect the prospective client’s right to
because it is their duty. privacy.
b. t he auditor should consider that a negative factor on the
integrity of client management.
Review Questions 3-33
2. (LO 2) The risk assessment phase of an audit does not include: c. Financial risk.
a. gaining an understanding of the client. d. Detection risk.
b. audit execution and reporting.
7. (LO 5) Obtaining positive results from testing controls means that:
c. identification of factors that may affect the risk of a material
a. the auditor can completely rely on a client’s system of inter-
misstatement in the financial statements.
nal controls.
d. d
evelopment of an audit strategy and a risk and materiality
b. no substantive testing is required.
c. the auditor can plan to reduce the reliance on detailed
3. (LO 3) Which of the following is an example of a qualitative substantive testing of transactions and account balances.
materiality factor? d. materiality will be set at a low dollar amount.
a. The client is experiencing a slowdown in sales and is strug- 8. (LO 5) The audit strategy known as the predominantly “substan-
gling to pay vendors on time. tive approach”:
b. Inventory represents 40% of current assets. a. is appropriate when internal controls are very strong.
c. The client installed a new security system to protect the building. b. means the auditor will spend minimum effort testing the
d. T
otal salaries expense is greater than 5% of income before taxes. client’s system of internal controls.
4. (LO 4) An attitude of professional skepticism means: c. requires the auditor to conduct extensive control testing.
a. the auditor can rely on past experience to determine current d. means the auditor will conduct some interim testing and
risk of fraud. minimal year-end account-balance testing.
b. any indicator of fraud is properly investigated. 9. (LO 5) The audit strategy known as “reliance on controls approach”:
c. the auditor can rely on management assertions. a. is appropriate when internal controls are minimal.
d. the auditor is independent of the client. b. means the auditor will spend minimum effort testing the
client’s system of internal controls.
5. (LO 4) An auditor will identify accounts and related assertions at c. requires the auditor to conduct extensive control testing.
risk of material misstatement:
d. means the auditor will conduct extensive year-end account-
a. after testing internal controls. balance testing.
b. after writing the audit report. 10. (LO 6) An example of an incentive or pressure that increases
c. to plan the audit to focus on those accounts. the risk of fraud is:
d. to eliminate audit risk. a. the client operates in a highly competitive industry.
b. the client has a history of reporting losses.
6. (LO 4) Which component of audit risk can the auditor control?
c. a significant percentage of management pay is tied to earnings.
a. Inherent risk.
d. All of these answer choices are correct.
b. Control risk.
Review Questions
R3.1 (LO 1) Why are there procedures governing the client accep- R3.7 (LO 3) Explain the relationship between planning materiality
tance or continuance decision? Explain why auditors do not accept and performance materiality.
every client.
R3.8 (LO 3) Explain how setting a lower materiality level affects the
R3.2 (LO 1) What is the purpose of the engagement letter? Are all number of items that are material and affects the decisions about the
engagement letters the same? nature, extent, and timing of the audit procedures.
R3.3 (LO 2) Explain the relationship between the risk assessment, R3.9 (LO 4) Consider this statement, “Auditors should only use
risk response, and reporting phases of an audit. professional skepticism when considering fraud risk.” Do you agree
R3.4 (LO 2) Are all audits the same? Why might an audit change or disagree with this statement? Support your position.
from year to year? R3.10 (LO 4) Explain the approach adopted by auditors of identifying
R3.5 (LO 3) How does the auditor’s assessment of planning materi- accounts and related assertions at risk of material misstatement. How
ality affect audit planning? What does an auditor consider when mak- does this approach help reduce audit risk to an acceptably low level?
ing the preliminary assessment of planning materiality?
R3.11 (LO 4) Consider the following statement: “When inherent and
R3.6 (LO 3) The quantitative materiality of an item is assessed control risk are assessed as high, the risk of material misstatement is
relative to a particular benchmark. What are some of the choices assessed as high, and an auditor will set detection risk as low to reduce
for this benchmark, and what factors guide the auditor in this audit risk to an acceptably low level.” Explain what it means to set de-
choice? tection risk as low. What does this mean for the operation of the audit?
3-34 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
R3.12 (LO 5) If auditors adopt a predominantly substantive ap- are very effective. Can the auditor conclude that the valuation asser-
proach to the audit, do they have to consider and test the client’s in- tion for inventory is not at risk? Explain.
ternal controls? Explain.
R3.15 (LO 6) In the context of fraud, explain the differences be-
R3.13 (LO 5) If auditors adopt a reliance on controls approach, do tween (1) incentives and pressures, (2) opportunity, and (3) attitudes
they have to perform any substantive procedures? Explain. and rationalization. Why is it important for an auditor to consider cli-
ent systems relevant to all three concepts?
R3.14 (LO 5) A client has physical controls over inventory, includ-
ing a locked warehouse with access restricted to authorized person- R3.16 (LO 6) In the context of fraud risk assessment, what is the
nel. Testing of these physical controls over inventory shows that they purpose of the brainstorming session?
Analysis Problems
AP3.1 (LO 1) Basic Client continuance Star Software is a client of Jones & Parker, LLP. Star has
experienced increased competition in its industry that has resulted in decreased profits over the last three
years. In an effort to stay financially sound, Star is considering employee layoffs to decrease expenses.
Star is planning significant layoffs in the accounting and finance department and within the internal au-
dit function. Star management feels that internal controls are well established and fewer employees are
needed to monitor the internal control system. Also, since the accounting function is heavily dependent
on IT, fewer employees are needed to keep track of the company’s accounting data.
What issues should Jones & Parker consider when deciding whether to continue the client relationship
with Star Software? If Star were your client, would you continue to be the auditor? Explain.
AP3.2 (LO 1) Moderate Research Client acceptance decision The audit committee of the
board of directors of WaterFun Corporation asked DDD LLP to audit WaterFun’s financial statements for
the 2022 fiscal year. DDD requested permission to communicate with the predecessor auditor and was
granted permission by WaterFun’s management to do so.
a. What inquiries should DDD make of the predecessor auditor?
b. Assuming that DDD is satisfied with the results of the communication with the predecessor auditor,
the next step is to draft an engagement letter that will be presented to the audit committee of Water-
Fun. Discuss the key items that should be included in an engagement letter. (Research AU-C 210.A23
to provide a full response. ASB standards can be accessed at the AICPA website,
c. What if WaterFun’s management does not grant permission for DDD to communicate with the pre-
decessor auditor? What action would DDD take next?
AP3.3 (LO 1) Challenging Public Company Client acceptance decision Godwin, Key &
Associates is a small, but rapidly growing, accounting firm. Its success is largely due to the growth of sev-
eral clients that have been with the firm for more than five years. One of these clients, Carolina Company
Inc., is preparing to transition from a private company to a publicly traded company and must comply
with additional reporting regulations. Carolina Company’s rapid growth has meant that it is financially
stretched, and its accounting systems are struggling to keep up with the growth in business. The client
continuance decision is about to be made for the next fiscal year.
The managing partner of Godwin, Key & Associates, Rebecca Sawyer, has recognized that the firm
needs to make some changes to deal with the issues created by the changing circumstances of its major
client and the firm’s overall growth. She is particularly concerned that the firm could be legally liable if
Carolina Company’s financial situation worsens and it fails.
Evaluate the factors that Rebecca should consider when making the client continuance decision for
Carolina Company Inc. for the next fiscal year.
AP3.4 (LO 3) Basic Materiality assessment Mark Jackson is the manager on the audit team for
a new client, Central Companies (CC). CC is a home appliance and lighting retailer specializing in
high-end kitchen equipment and specialty light fixtures. The client engaged Mark’s accounting firm in
Analysis Problems 3-35
August 2022 in preparation for the December 31, 2022, audit. From January 2022 onward, CC has
consistently paid its inventory suppliers late, well past the suppliers’ agreed-upon credit terms. Some
suppliers are even demanding cash on delivery from CC and no longer extending credit. Mark is also
aware from his review of correspondence between CC and its bank that the company has been experi-
encing cash flow problems since 2021.
Discuss how this information impacts Mark’s assessment of planning materiality for CC.
AP3.5 (LO 3, 4) Moderate Audit risk components and materiality Carl’s Computers imports
computer hardware and accessories from China, Japan, and South Korea. It has branches in every U.S.
capital city, and the main administration office and central warehouse are in Chicago, Illinois. There
is a branch manager in each store plus a number (depending on the size of the store) of full-time staff.
There are also several part-time staff who work on weekends since the stores are open both Saturday and
Sunday. Either the branch manager or a senior member of the full-time staff is on duty at all times to
supervise the part-time staff. Both part-time and full-time staff members are required to attend periodic
company training sessions covering product knowledge and inventory- and cash-handling requirements.
The inventory is held after its arrival from overseas at the central warehouse and distributed to each
branch on receipt of an inventory transfer request authorized by the branch manager. The value of in-
ventory items ranges from a few cents to several thousand dollars. Competition is fierce in the computer
hardware industry. New products are continuously coming onto the market, and large furniture and office
supply discount retailers are heavy users of advertising and other promotions to win customers from spe-
cialists like Carl’s Computers. Carl’s Computers’ management has faced difficulty keeping costs of supply
down and has started to use new suppliers for some computer accessories such as printers and ink.
a. Evaluate the inherent risks for inventory for Carl’s Computers. How would these risks affect the
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the inventory control system.
c. Comment on materiality for inventory at Carl’s Computers. Is inventory likely to be a material bal-
ance? Would all items of inventory be audited in the same way? Explain how the auditor would deal
with these issues.
AP3.6 (LO 4) Basic Audit risk and revenue Ajax Finance Inc. (Ajax) provides small and
medium-sized personal, car, and business loans to clients. It has been operating for more than 10 years
and has always been run by Bill Short. Bill has been the public face of the finance company, appearing
in most of its television and radio advertisements, and developing a reputation as a friend of the “little
person” who has been mistreated by the large finance companies and banks.
Ajax’s major revenue stream is generated by obtaining large amounts on the wholesale money mar-
ket and lending in small amounts to retail customers. Margins are tight, and the business is run as a
“no frills” service. Offices are modestly furnished, and the mobile lenders drive small, basic cars when
visiting clients. Ajax prides itself on full disclosure to its clients, and all fees and services are explained
in writing to clients before loans are finalized. However, although full disclosure is made, clients who do
not read the documents closely can be surprised by the high exit charges when they wish to make early
repayments or transfer their business elsewhere.
Ajax’s mobile lenders are paid on a commission basis. They earn more when they write more loans.
For example, they are encouraged to sell credit cards to any person seeking a personal loan. Ajax receives
a commission payment from the credit-card companies when it sells a new card, and Ajax also receives a
small percentage of the interest charges paid by clients on the credit card.
Analyze the inherent and control risks for Ajax’s revenue. What type of misstatements would be most
likely for revenue?
AP3.7 (LO 4) Basic Control risk All Tunes Satellite Radio (ATS) provides a subscription service to
satellite radio channels. Customers can pay for a subscription on monthly basis, or pay for a year in ad-
vance and receive a 15% discount. Approximately 53% of customers pay in advance. When ATS receives
payment in advance, a deferred revenue account (Unearned Revenue) is credited. At the end of each
month as the satellite radio service is provided to customers, ATS makes an adjusting entry to recognize
subscription revenue. If controls over the recording of deferred revenue or the subsequent adjusting en-
try are not functioning properly, then revenue transactions will not be properly classified.
3-36 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
Analyze how the balance sheet and income statement may be at risk of material misstatement if controls
over the proper allocation of revenue are not functioning properly.
AP3.8 (LO 5) Moderate Audit strategy All Tunes Satellite Radio (ATS) provides a subscription
service to satellite radio channels. Customers can pay for a subscription on a monthly basis, or pay for
a year in advance and receive a 15% discount. Approximately 53% of customers pay in advance. When
ATS receives payment in advance, a deferred revenue account (Unearned Revenue) is credited. At the
end of each month as the satellite radio service is provided to customers, ATS makes an adjusting entry
to recognize subscription revenue. The audit team is planning a reliance on controls strategy to obtain
evidence of revenue recognition for ATS. The team will be testing internal controls over the recognition
of subscription revenue during interim.
a. Explain the type of audit strategy planned by the audit team for gathering evidence about revenue
b. Suppose during the interim testing of internal controls the team discovers a significant number of
instances in which subscription revenue received in advance is recognized immediately as revenue.
Analyze how the audit strategy will be impacted.
AP3.9 (LO 4, 5) Challenging Determining an audit strategy Avery Island Dairy is a boutique
cheese maker based on Avery Island, Louisiana. Over the years, the business has grown by supplying
local retailers and through exports. In addition, there is a “farm-gate” shop and café located next to
the main processing plant on Avery Island serving tourists who also visit the other specialist food
and wine businesses in the region. Quality control over the cheese-manufacturing process and stor-
age of raw materials and finished products at Avery Island Dairy is extremely high. All members of
the business are committed to high product quality because any poor food-handling practices that
could result in a drop in cheese quality or contamination of the products would ruin the business
very quickly.
The export arm has become the largest revenue earner for the business and is managed by the
younger of the two brothers who have run Avery Island Dairy since it was established. Jim Guidry
has a natural flair for sales and marketing but is not very good at completing the associated detailed
paperwork. Some of the export deals have been poorly documented, and Jim often agrees to different
prices for different clients without consulting his older brother, Bob, or informing the sales department.
Consequently, there are often disputes about invoices, and Jim makes frequent adjustments to customer
accounts using credit notes when clients complain about their statements. Jim sometimes falls behind
in responding to customer complaints because he is very busy juggling the demands of making export
sales and running his other business, Café Consulting, which provides contract staff for the café busi-
ness at Avery Island Dairy.
a. Identify the factors that would affect the preliminary assessment of inherent risk and control risk at
Avery Island Dairy.
b. Analyze how these factors would influence your choice between the predominantly substantive
approach and the reliance on controls approach for sales, inventory, and receivables.
AP3.10 (LO 4, 6) Moderate Public Company Financial reporting fraud risk Vaughan En-
terprises Inc. has grown from its beginnings in the steel fabrication business to become a multinational
manufacturer and supplier of all types of packaging, including metal, plastic, and paper-based prod-
ucts. It has also diversified into a range of other businesses, including household appliances in Europe,
Australia, and Asia. The growth in the size of the business occurred gradually under the leadership of the
last two CEOs, both of whom were promoted from within the business.
At the beginning of last year, the incumbent CEO died of a heart attack and the board took the
opportunity to appoint a new CEO from outside the company. Despite the company’s growth, returns
to shareholders have been stagnant during the last decade. The new CEO has a reputation of turning
around struggling businesses by making tough decisions. The new CEO has a five-year contract with gen-
erous bonuses for improvements in various performance indicators, including sales/assets, profit from
continuing operations/net assets, and stock price.
During the first year, the new CEO disposed of several components of the business that were not
profitable. Very large losses on the discontinued operations were recorded, and most noncurrent assets
throughout the business were written down to recognize impairment losses. These actions resulted in a
Analysis Problems 3-37
large overall loss for the first year, although a profit from continuing operations was recorded. During the
second year, recorded sales in the household appliances business in Europe increased dramatically, and,
combined with various cost-saving measures, the company made a large profit.
The auditors have been made aware through various conversations with middle management
that there is now an extreme focus on maximizing profits through boosting sales and cutting costs.
The attitude toward compliance with accounting regulations has changed, with more emphasis on
pleasing the CEO rather than taking care to avoid breaching either internal policies or external regu-
lations. The message is that the company has considerable ground to make up to catch up with other
companies in both methods and results. Meanwhile, the share price over the first year-and-a-half
of the CEO’s tenure has increased 65%, and the board has happily approved payment of the CEO’s
bonuses and granted the CEO additional stock options in recognition of the change in the company’s
a. Analyze the incentives, pressures, and opportunities to commit financial reporting fraud, and atti-
tudes and rationalizations to justify a fraud in the above case.
b. What fraudulent financial reporting would you suspect could have occurred at Vaughan?
c. Explain why professional skepticism would be critical in assessing the risk of fraud.
AP3.11 (LO 6) Moderate Public Company Fraud risk Pelican Oil is a publicly traded oil and
gas company specializing in global exploration and offshore drilling. Even though Pelican has been
operating for almost 30 years, it is still considered a “newcomer” in the industry. The key leaders in the
industry are large conglomerates that have been operating for over 100 years.
Over the last 18 months, the global supply of oil has exceeded the demand, resulting in a significant
drop in oil prices. A drop in oil prices means decreased revenue for oil and gas companies of all sizes. For
smaller companies in the industry like Pelican, significant drops in oil prices are harder to withstand.
(The larger conglomerates are so well diversified that they have an easier time withstanding fluctuations
in the oil market.) In response to the drop in oil prices and decreased demand, Pelican has temporarily
suspended drilling operations and laid off employees in the field and in the corporate office.
You are preparing for the upcoming audit of Pelican. Looking at the interim financial statements
for the current year, you calculate an 18% decrease in revenue compared to the same interim period from
the previous year. You have been reading in the global financial news that the drop in oil prices has led to
increased fraud in the industry, with much of the fraud being committed by senior managers. The audit
team is meeting tomorrow to have a brainstorming session about fraud risk for Pelican Oil.
To prepare for the brainstorming meeting, research online the types of fraud that occur in the oil and gas
industry. Assess the risk of fraud for Pelican Oil by discussing the fraud risk factors that may be present.
AP3.12 (LO 6) Challenging Fraud Research The auditor and the Ponzi scheme Bernard
Madoff was convicted in 2009 of running a Ponzi scheme, the biggest in U.S. history. A Ponzi scheme is
essentially the process of taking money from new investors on a regular basis and using the cash to pay
promised returns to existing investors. The high and steady returns received by existing investors are the
attraction for new investors, but they are not real returns from investments.
As long as new investors keep contributing and existing investors do not seek redemptions (the
return of their money), the scheme continues. However, eventually, as in the Madoff situation, cir-
cumstances change, the scheme is discovered, and the remaining investors find that their capital has
At age 71, Madoff was sentenced to prison for 150 years and will die in jail. Madoff’s auditor, David
G. Friehling was accused of creating false and fraudulent audited financial statements for Madoff’s firm,
Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Prosecutors alleged that these fraudulent reports cov-
ered the period from the early 1990s to the end of 2008.11
a. Research the case against David Friehling. Write a report explaining his role in the Madoff Ponzi
scheme and the outcome of the legal action against him.
b. Explain how Friehling’s actions violated U.S. auditing standards and professional ethics.
D. Searcey and A. Efrati, “Sins and Admission: Getting into Top Prisons,” The Wall Street Journal: Europe
(July 17–19, 2009), p. 29; C. Bray and Efrati, “Madoff Ex-Auditor Set to Waive Indictment,” The Wall Street
Journal: Europe (July 17–19, 2009), p. 29.
3-38 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
King Companies, Inc. (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. KCI has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years, and it plans con-
tinued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the chairman of the
board of directors of KCI and CEO, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares not owned by Eric
and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric started the company
with one store after working in an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth from an inheritance
and investments from a few friends. Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding by opening three to
five additional stores in the next few years.
In October 2021, Eric approached your accounting firm, Thornson & Danforth LLP, to conduct an
annual audit of KCI for the year ended December 31, 2022. KCI has not been audited before, but this year
the audit has been requested by the company’s bank because of anticipated bank loans and by a new
private equity investor that has just acquired a 20% share of KCI.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts deliv-
ery, and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is regular
customers where KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account. During peak
periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
Eric is focused on growing revenues. Patricia trusts the company’s workers to work hard for the
company and she feels they should be rewarded well. The accounting staff, in particular, is very loyal
to the company. Eric tells you that accounting staff enjoy their jobs so much they have never taken any
annual vacations, and hardly any workers ever take sick leave.
There are two people currently employed as accounting staff, the most senior of whom is
Jonathan Jung. Jonathan heads the accounting department and reports directly to Patricia. He is in
his late fifties and hopes to retire in two or three years and move away from Los Angeles. Jonathan
keeps a close watch on accounting and does many activities himself, including opening mail, cash
receipts and vendor payments, depositing funds received, performing reconciliations, posting jour-
nals, and performing the payroll function. His second employee, Abby Owens, is a recent college
graduate who just passed the CPA exam. Abby is responsible for the payroll functions and posting
all journal entries into the accounting system. Jonathan and Abby often help each other out in busy
C3.1 (LO 3, 4) Challenging Materiality and audit risk Analysis and evaluation: What qualitative
factors in the background information would you consider when determining planning materiality for
the 2022 audit of KCI? Evaluate how each factor affects your assessed audit risk and your initial assess-
ment of the planning materiality.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
In October 2022, MSI installed a new cloud-based inventory costing system to replace a system
that had been developed in-house. The old system could no longer keep up with the complex and
detailed manufacturing costing process that provides information to support competitive bidding.
MSI’s IT department, together with the consultants from the software company, implemented the
Audit Decision Cases 3-39
new inventory costing system which went live on December 1, 2022. Key operational staff and the
internal audit team from MSI were significantly engaged in the selection, testing, training, and im-
plementation stages.
MSI’s fiscal year-end is June 30. The following table shows financial information for the first two
quarters of the fiscal year-end June 30, 2023 (amounts in millions). Note that the financial data listed
are for the three-month quarter ended (i.e., the second quarter does not include the first quarter data).
The pretax income for the first two quarters is reasonable with a net profit margin falling between 8–10%
of sales. Based on prior years, pretax income for the third quarter usually holds steady relative to the
second quarter, but pretax income for the fourth quarter typically decreases by 20% over the third quarter
as governments reach the end of their spending budgets.
C3.3 (LO 4) Challenging Public Company Assessing inherent risk Gather information:
Considering both industry and entity factors, what are the major inherent risks in the MSI audit?
C3.4 (LO 3) Challenging Public Company Assessing planning materiality Analysis and
evaluation: Discuss the factors to consider when determining planning materiality for MSI. Calculate an
amount for planning materiality for the audit of fiscal year-end June 30, 2023.
Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-profit
hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit for the 2023
fiscal year end, and the audit is currently in the risk assessment phase.
The healthcare industry can be very complicated, especially in the area of billing for services
provided. BPH contracts with private physician groups who use the hospital facilities, equipment,
and nursing staff to treat patients. The physicians in the private group are not employees of the hos-
pital; they are simply using the hospital facilities to treat patients. For example, a group of urologists
have their own practice, separate from the hospital, where they treat patients. If one of the patients
needs a surgical procedure that must be done at a hospital, then the attending urologist will approve
the paperwork required to admit the patient to BPH. BPH offers inducements to the urologists so
they will refer patients to BPH rather than a competing hospital. One of the inducements BPH of-
fers is free office space in the hospital for the doctors to use when they are treating patients in the
After the doctor and hospital services are provided to the patient, the patient and/or the patient’s
insurance company is billed. The doctor will bill for the services he or she provided, and the hospital
will bill for the use of hospital facilities and staff. Doctors and hospitals bill using a coding system
that is standardized across the healthcare industry and consists of three main code sets: ICD, CPT,
and HCPCS. Using a coding system is more efficient and data-friendly compared to writing a narra-
tive about the procedures performed. However, the coding system is very complex, with thousands of
different codes for medical procedures and diagnoses. To complicate matters even more, for patients
who are covered by government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid, doctors and hospitals must adhere
to complicated government regulations surrounding billings to Medicare and Medicaid.
As healthcare costs continue to rise each year, BPH administrators struggle to maintain consis-
tent profitability. They look for ways to keep costs low and also to collect from patients and insurance
companies as quickly as possible. In addition, BPH must have a strong risk management team to
handle unique situations that may occur in hospitals, such as malpractice lawsuits and periodic in-
spections by the state department of health and hospitals. Negative publicity for BPH could lead to
decreased revenues if physicians decide to contract with a competing hospital.
a. Gather information: Research online to learn more about common types of health care fraud. Iden-
tify and explain any significant fraud risk factors for BPH.
b. Analysis: Which financial statement accounts would you identify as being at significant risk for
material misstatement?
3-40 C ha pt e r 3 Risk Assessment Part I: Audit Risk and Audit Strategy
Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary
of the System of Internal Control
Risk Assessments
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
4-2 Ch a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
Learning Objectives
We will continue the discussion of risk assessment procedures that was started in Chapter 3.
Illustration 4.1 presents the graphical depiction of risk assessment that was introduced in
Chapter 3 (Illustration 3.5). The concepts of materiality, professional skepticism, and audit
risk were discussed in Chapter 3, along with fraud risk assessment. The remaining risk assess-
ment procedures from Illustration 4.1 will be discussed in this chapter, starting with “Under-
stand the entity and the industry,” then proceeding clockwise.
Client performance
Closing procedures Risk Assessment measurement
Understand internal
Analytical procedures
controls and IT
Audit Strategy
auditors develop a knowledgeable perspective about the entity and its risks when the auditors
are external and independent of the client? They use specific procedures such as interviewing
client personnel and others outside the entity, performing analytical procedures (covered in
depth later in this chapter), observing client operations, and inspecting documents. For ex-
ample, when auditors read the minutes of board of directors’ meetings, they are inspecting a
document (the minutes). By reading the minutes, auditors can gain an understanding of key
issues and strategic initiatives being discussed by the board. When gaining an understanding
of the client, auditors consider issues at both the entity and industry levels. For new clients,
this process is very detailed and time consuming. For a continuing client, this process is less
onerous and involves updating the knowledge gained on previous audits.
By gaining an understanding of the client, the auditor is in a stronger position to as-
sess entity-level risks and the financial statement accounts that require closer examination.
entity-level risk client risk Entity-level risks often affect multiple accounts and assertions. For example, if management is
that affects multiple financial close to breaching a debt covenant that requires maintaining a certain current ratio, manage-
statement accounts, assertions, ment may have an incentive to either overstate current assets or understate current liabilities.
and transaction classes This could be accomplished in a number of ways that could affect one or more current asset or
transaction-level risk client current liability accounts. Alternatively, transaction-level risk affects only one transaction
risk that affects only one transac- class, such as revenue and accounts receivable. Understanding the entity may illuminate both
tion class, account, or assertion entity-level risks and transaction-level risks. Illustration 4.2 summarizes factors that can
increase or decrease inherent risk in the client’s financial statements. Each factor in Illustra-
tion 4.2 is numbered, and the following paragraphs provide more discussion of each of these
factors auditors consider when gaining an understanding of the client.
(1) Major customers are identified so the auditor may consider whether those customers
have a good reputation, are on good terms with the client (that is, likely to remain a customer
in the future), and are likely to pay the client on a timely basis. Dissatisfied customers may
withhold payment, which affects the allowance for doubtful accounts and the client’s cash
flow, or decide not to purchase from the client in the future, which can affect the client’s
operations. If a client has only one or a few customers, this risk is increased if losing a major
customer would cause the client to significantly curtail operations. The auditor also considers
the terms of any long-term contracts between the client and the client’s customers.
(2) Major suppliers are identified to determine whether they are reputable and supply
quality goods on a timely basis. Consideration is given to whether significant levels of goods
are returned to suppliers as faulty, the terms of any contracts with suppliers, and the terms
of payment to suppliers. Auditors assess whether the client pays its suppliers on a timely
basis. If the client is having trouble paying its suppliers, it may have trouble sourcing goods
as suppliers may refuse transactions with a company that does not pay on time. Significant
cash flow issues may be an indicator of going concern problems.
Auditors identify whether the client is an (3) importer or exporter of goods. If the client
trades internationally, auditors consider the stability of the country (or countries) the client
trades with, the stability of the foreign currency (or currencies) the client trades in, tariffs or
other barriers to trade, the effectiveness of any risk management policies the client uses to
limit exposure to currency fluctuations (such as hedging policies), and the appropriateness of
accounting for realized and unrealized gains and losses.
Auditors consider the client’s capacity to adapt to (4) changes in technology and other
trends. If the client is not well-positioned to adjust to such changes, it risks falling behind
competitors and losing market share, which in the longer term can affect the client’s oper-
ations. If the client operates in an industry subject to frequent change, it risks significant
losses if it does not keep abreast of such changes and “move with the times.” For example,
if a client sells laser printers, auditors need to assess whether the client is up to date with
changes in technology and customer demands for environmentally friendly printers. The
financial statement consequences could include losses for obsolete inventory and accruals
for loss contingencies associated with possible environmental cleanup.
The nature of any (5) warranties provided to customers is assessed by the auditors. If
the client provides warranties on products sold, auditors need to assess the likelihood that
goods will be returned and the risk the client has underprovided for that rate of return
(adequacy of the warranty liability). Auditors pay particular attention to goods being re-
turned for the same problems, indicating there may be a systemic fault. For example, if the
client sells quality pens and the auditors notice that a number of pens are being returned
because the mechanism to twist the pen open is faulty, auditors will assess the likelihood
Understanding the Client 4-5
Lower Inherent Risk Assessments Factors That Influence Inherent Risk Higher Inherent Risk Assessments
Satisfied customers who pay on time and are likely (1) Major customers Dissatisfied customers who may withhold
to remain a customer in the future payment or decide to not purchase from the
Client has many customers client in the future
Client has only one or very few customers
Reputable suppliers that supply goods on a timely (2) Major suppliers Suppliers may not supply goods on a timely
basis basis
Few goods are returned to supplier as faulty Significant amounts of goods are returned
Client pays suppliers on a timely basis to the suppliers because they are faulty
Client does not pay suppliers on a timely basis
Trades with countries that are stable (3) Importer or exporter Trades with countries that are not stable
Trades in stable foreign currencies Trades in unstable foreign currencies
Minimal tariffs or barriers to trade Complex tariffs and other barriers to trade
Client maintains effective risk management policies Client does not maintain effective risk
regarding foreign trade management policies regarding foreign trade
Client well-positioned to adjust to changes in (4) Changes in technology Client falls behind with changes in technology
technology and has not “kept up with the times”
Client does not offer warranties on its products (5) Warranties Client offers warranties on its products
If client does offer warranties, product quality is high History of poor product quality and goods
and the likelihood that goods will be returned is low being returned for the same problem
Few discounts are given by the client to its (6) Discounts Client offers discounts to its customers,
customers possibly because it does not have much
Client takes advantage of discounts offered by bargaining power
suppliers Client misses opportunities to take
advantage of supplier discounts
Client has good reputation with customers, (7) Client reputation Client does not have a good reputation with
suppliers, employees, and the wider community in customers, employees, and/or the wider
which it operates community in which it operates
Client has few locations and primary operations are (8) Operations Client has larger number of locations and
centralized operations are decentralized
No international operations Multiple locations operated internationally
No recent implementation of new standards (9) Selection and application of Recent implementation of new accounting
No change in the application of accounting accounting principles standard
standards Change in the application of an accounting
Personnel involved in the selection and application standard
of accounting standards are competent and Personnel involved in the selection and
experienced application of accounting standards lack
competence and experience
Determination of account balance is objective and (10) Significant accounts and Determination of account balance involves
supported by transactions with third parties classes of transactions considerable subjectivity
Transactions are routine and relatively homogeneous Transactions are complex and unique
Account has low volume of transactions Account has high volume of transactions
Less complex payroll system and benefit structures (11) Relations with employees More complex payroll system and benefit
Defined-contribution pension plans structures
Defined-benefit pension plans
Less reliance on debt for financing (12) Sources of financing Heavy reliance on debt as a source of financing
Pays interest payments on time Struggles to pay interest payments on time
Less risk of violating terms of debt covenants Higher risk for violating terms of debt
covenants which could indicate going
concern issues
Simple capital structure (13) Ownership structure Complex capital structure
Pays dividends from operating cash flow Struggles to pay dividends from operating
cash flow
4-6 Ch a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
that other pens will be returned for the same reason, the steps being taken by the client to
rectify the problem, and whether the warranty liability is adequate in light of this issue.
The financial statement impact would involve the adequacy of a warranty reserve and the
adequacy of reserve for lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable-value issues with inventory.
Auditors review the terms of (6) discounts given by the client to its customers and received
by the client from its suppliers. An assessment is made of the client’s bargaining power with its
customers and suppliers to determine whether discounting policies are putting profit margins
at risk, which may place the future viability of the client at risk.
Auditors consider the (7) client’s reputation with its customers, suppliers, employees,
shareholders, and the wider community. A company with a poor reputation places future prof-
its at risk and increases the risk of going concern issues. It is also not in the best interest of the
auditor to be associated with a client that has a poor reputation, as we discussed in Chapter 3.
Auditors gain an understanding of client (8) operations. Auditors note where the client
operates, the number of locations in which it operates, and dispersion of these locations.
The more spread out the client’s operations are, the harder it is for the client to effectively
control and coordinate its operations, which increases the risk of errors in the financial
statements. Auditors visit locations where inherent risk is greatest to assess the processes
and procedures at each site. If the client has operations interstate or overseas, auditors may
plan a visit to those sites by audit staff from affiliated offices at those locations where risk is
greatest. For example, an auditor is more likely to visit client operations if the client opens a
new, large site or if the business is located in a country where there is a high rate of inflation
or where there is a high risk of theft.
Auditors must gain an understanding of the client’s procedures for the (9) selection and
application of accounting principles. They need to know who oversees the financial reporting
process on a daily basis, an individual or a group, and consider the qualifications of those
involved. Client personnel with more experience generally are more competent at applying
complex accounting principles. Other considerations include whether the client has imple-
mented a new accounting standard or changed how an accounting standard is applied. Fi-
nancial reporting is already a complex process, but when implementing a new standard or
making changes with a current standard, inherent risk increases because of the possibility
of applying the accounting standard incorrectly.
(10) Significant accounts and classes of transactions are identified during the risk assess-
ment phase. Recall from Chapter 3 that a significant risk could be an account, transaction, or
activity that has an increased risk of causing a material misstatement on the financial state-
ments. For example, the inventory account would be a significant account for a large retail
client for several reasons. It is probably the largest current asset for the client, it has a large vol-
ume of transactions, and some of the transactions may involve complex contractual arrange-
ments with suppliers. Auditors devote more audit time to the inventory account since it poses
a higher inherent risk. Another example would be a client’s process of determining if goodwill
has been impaired. Since there is subjectivity involved in the measurement of this financial
statement item, auditors may plan audit procedures to ensure adequate time is spent testing
the client’s goodwill impairment procedures. Keep in mind, an account or class of transac-
tions that is significant for one client may not be significant for other clients, even if they are in
the same industry. For example, not every client is going to have a goodwill account. Auditors
determine significant accounts and classes of transactions on a client-by-client basis.
An understanding is gained of the client’s (11) relations with its employees. Auditors
consider how a client pays its employees, the mix of wages and bonuses, and the attitude of
employees to their employer. The more complex a payroll system, the more likely it is that
errors can occur. Auditors might also expect more complex control systems when payroll
transactions are complex. When employees are unhappy, there is greater risk of industrial
action, such as strikes, which disrupt client operations.
Auditors assess a client’s debt and equity sources, the reliability of future (12) sources of
financing, the structure of debt, and the reliance on debt versus equity financing. Auditors
determine whether the client is meeting interest payments on debt and repaying debt when
it is due. If a client has a covenant with a lender, auditors need to understand the terms of
that covenant and the nature of the restrictions it places on the client. Debt covenants vary.
A company may, for example, agree to limit further borrowings, to freeze a line of credit for
a period of time, or to maintain a certain debt-to-equity ratio. If the client does not meet the
Understanding the Client 4-7
conditions of a debt covenant, the lender may recall the debt, placing the client’s liquidity
position at risk, and increasing the risk the client may not continue as a going concern.
Auditors learn about the client’s (13) ownership structure, such as the amount of debt
financing relative to equity, the use of different forms of shares, and the differing rights of
shareholder groups. The client’s dividend policy and its ability to meet dividend payments
out of operating cash flow are also of interest when evaluating whether an entity is a going
concern. Also, complex ownership arrangements and differing rights of shareholder groups
will require more complex disclosures by the client.
Most likely you are familiar with Samsung and own at least one Samsung product, such as a TV,
kitchen appliance, or laptop. Samsung has consistently been the top seller of smartphones world-
wide, and in 2017 Samsung had 21% of the global smartphone market share.1 In the third and
fourth quarters of 2016, Samsung experienced a public relations nightmare when some customers
had problems with their Galaxy Note 7 smartphones catching fire. An investigation determined
that the battery in the phone had the potential to catch fire when overheated. Samsung recalled
all of the nearly three million Galaxy Note 7 devices that had been sold and permanently ended
production of the device.2 Suppose you are on the audit team for the December 31, 2016, financial
statement audit for Samsung. How does the Galaxy Note 7 situation impact the inherent risk fac-
tors listed in Illustration 4.2? Here are some examples:
• Customers may decide not to purchase Samsung mobile devices in the future, which im-
pacts revenues and profits.
• Samsung may consider switching battery suppliers, which could affect costs and product
• Samsung must honor the warranty on the phone and issue refunds and/or replacement
products to customers, which impacts profits.
• Samsung’s reputation was tarnished by the negative publicity, and the situation sparked
multiple lawsuits that will drag on for years and cost Samsung millions of dollars.
During the audit, you and the other audit team members would plan to give additional audit
attention to accounts and note disclosures directly impacted by the Galaxy Note 7 situation, such
as warranty-related accounts, inventory (lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable value), sales returns, and
contingent liability accruals.
Chandan, “Smartphone Manufacturers in the World 2017,”
manufacturers-in-the-world/ (accessed August 30, 2017).
S. Pham, “Samsung Blames Batteries for Galaxy Note 7 Fires” (January 23, 2017),
4-8 Ch a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
or a sales return was not recorded correctly, sales (and profit) could Suzie points out that the answer to each of these ques-
be overstated. Is Cloud 9 liable for warranty expenses if the shoes tions could be different for Cloud 9 than for other clients be-
are faulty? The auditors would need to read the terms of the con- cause of its different circumstances. Auditors need to gain
tract to determine if a warranty liability should be recorded on the an understanding of these circumstances so they can assess
balance sheet. What about the balance of inventory? Do the shoes the risk that accounts receivable, sales, sales returns, inven-
belong to Cloud 9 when they are being shipped from Vietnam, or tory, and liabilities are misstated. Once they understand all
only after they arrive at the warehouse? Is Cloud 9 exposed to for- the risks, they are in a position to decide how they will audit
eign currency exchange risk and how is this accounted for? Cloud 9.
illustration 4.3 Industry and business environment factors that influence inherent risk
Auditors compare the client with its close competitors nationally and internationally.
When auditors have a number of clients that operate in the same industry, and the audit
firm has significant experience auditing clients in that industry, this stage of the audit is
more straightforward than if the client operates in an industry the auditors are not already
familiar with. The audit team assesses the (1) level of competition in the client’s industry. The
more competitive the client’s industry, the more pressure is placed on the client’s profits,
which will assist auditors when developing expectations regarding the client’s profitability.
In an economic downturn, the weakest companies in highly competitive industries face
financial hardship and possible going concern problems. A key issue for an auditor is the cli-
ent’s position among its competitors and its ability to withstand downturns in the economy.
Auditors also consider the client’s (2) reputation relative to other companies in the same
industry. If the client has a poor reputation, customers and suppliers may shift their business
to a competing firm, threatening the client’s profits. In such circumstances, a client’s manage-
ment may resort to aggressive accounting choices to improve profits (or reduce losses). The
audit team can assess the client’s reputation by reading articles and industry publications.
Auditors consider the (3) legal, political, and regulatory environment for the client’s industry.
This issue is important if the industry faces significant competition internationally or the indus-
try is new and requires time to become established. Support is sometimes provided to industries
that produce items in line with government policy, such as manufacturers of water tanks, solar
heating, and reduced-flow taps in the context of environmental policies. Regulations can affect
a client’s ability to continue operating or affect continued profitability, for example, through dif-
ferent taxes and charges imposed on companies operating in the industry. Some industries have
unique accounting and financial reporting requirements, such as the oil and gas industry. The
audit team must be alert to how changes in the regulatory environment might affect the client’s
profitability and operations.
The auditors should understand the level of (4) demand for the goods sold or services pro-
vided by companies in the client’s industry. If a client’s products or services are seasonal, this will
affect revenue flow. As mentioned, if a client is an ice-cream producer, sales would be expected
to increase in the summer; however, if the weather is unseasonal, profits may suffer. If a client
sells swimsuits, sales will fall in a cool summer. If a client sells ski equipment, sales will fall if
the winter brings little snow. If a client operates in an industry subject to changing trends, such
as fashion, the client risks inventory obsolescence if it does not keep up and move quickly with
changing styles. When a product or process is subject to technological change, there is the risk a
client will quickly be left behind by its competitors. If products become obsolete, it will affect the
lower-of-cost-or-net realizable value accounting for inventory, and it might affect the collectibility
of receivables related to inventory sold to customers that has not yet been sold to end consumers.
Finally, when gaining an understanding of a client, auditors assess how factors in the
(5) economy affect the client. Economic upturns and downturns, changes in interest rates, and
currency fluctuations affect most companies. The audit team is concerned with the client’s sus-
ceptibility to these changes and its ability to withstand economic pressures. The auditors also
determine if negative consequences have been appropriately reported in the financial statements.
During an economic upturn, companies are under pressure to perform as well as or better than
competitors, and shareholders expect consistent improvements in profits. When conducting the
audit in this environment, more focus is given to the risk of overstatement of revenues and under-
statement of expenses. What about an economic downturn? When the economy as a whole is poor
and the entire industry is down, does management face the same pressures? During an economic
downturn, management may decide to “take a bath,” meaning that companies may purposefully
understate profits. When the economy is poor, there is a tendency to maximize write-offs because
a fall in profits can easily be explained to shareholders when most companies in the industry are
also experiencing a decline in earnings. In other words, management decides, “If it’s already a
bad year, let’s make it a really bad year.” A benefit of “taking a bath” is it provides a low base from
which to demonstrate an improvement in results in the following year. When conducting the
audit during times when the economy is in recession and clients may be tempted to “take a bath,”
how would auditors modify their audit approach? More focus is given to the risk of understate-
ment of revenues and overstatement of expenses.
4-10 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
Henry is an audit associate assigned to the audit of Quick Fix Burgers, a regional fast-food chain.
To gain an understanding of the client’s payroll system, Henry obtained a listing of all employees
and then queried the client’s system to provide a listing of all checks made payable to employees
for the last month of the second quarter. Quick Fix pays its employees twice a month; therefore,
each employee should receive two paychecks each month. While scanning the report, Henry no-
ticed that some of the frontline employees, such as cashiers and cooks, had three or four checks
for the month. He selected one of the employees who had received four checks and looked more
closely at the supporting detail. Two of the checks were payment for 10 hours worked during the
first and second half of the month, and these checks had state and federal income taxes withheld
along with Social Security and Medicare. The other two checks were for a single amount, which
was about the same amount as the net pay on the payroll checks, but with no withholdings or
other payroll deductions, and were paid on the same date as the payroll checks. Why might there
be these additional checks to employees? Were they reimbursements for expenses incurred by
the employee? Or could Quick Fix Burgers be trying to avoid payroll taxes, such as the employer
share of Social Security and Medicare, by calling these additional payments “employee reimburse-
ments”? Failure on the part of employers to remit the appropriate amount of payroll taxes is an
illegal act that can lead to significant fines and penalties. If Quick Fix is under-reporting an em-
ployee’s hours and the related payroll taxes, then both expenses (wages expense and payroll tax
expense) and liabilities (wages payable and payroll taxes payable) will be understated and have a
material and direct effect on the financial statements.
Henry is an audit associate assigned to the audit of Quick Fix Burgers, a regional fast-food chain.
A month ago, Quick Fix received some bad publicity because two customers, who had eaten at
two different Quick Fix restaurants, posted on social media they had become seriously ill after
eating at Quick Fix. One of the customers was admitted to a hospital and posted that doctors
suspected it was a case of E. coli that could be caused by unsanitary food handling. Henry had a
meeting with Quick Fix’s controller and asked about the social media posts. The controller said,
“All of our restaurants are inspected by the state health department, and we have always received
excellent scores. We have not been contacted by the health department regarding those posts on
social media.” When Henry gets back to his desk he thinks, what if the health department does
contact Quick Fix regarding the incidents? What if Quick Fix did violate some health regulations?
Does failure to comply with health regulations impact the financial statements directly? No, it does
not. But could there be a material indirect effect on the financial statements? Yes. Customers who
became sick could pursue legal action against Quick Fix, which could lead to a contingent liability
and related expense, not to mention bad publicity. Henry documents this information in his risk
assessment notes and will follow up on the situation during interim and year-end audit work.
Before You Go On
1.1 What is the purpose of gaining an understanding of a client?
1.2 Explain how changing trends in an industry affect the inherent risk for an audit client, for
example, in the energy industry. Illustrate with a few tangible examples.
1.3 Give an example of an illegal act that could have a material but indirect effect on the financial
Part of the process used when gaining an understanding of a client involves learning how a
key performance indicators client measures its own performance. The key performance indicators (KPIs) used by
(KPIs) measurements, agreed a client to monitor and assess its own performance and the performance of its senior staff
to beforehand, that can be quanti- provide auditors with insights into the accounts their client focuses on when compiling its
fied and reflect the success factors financial statements and which accounts are potentially at risk of material misstatement.
of an organization Some KPIs are common to many clients, such as return on assets and return on stock-
holders’ equity. Other KPIs will vary from industry to industry and client to client. For exam-
ple, a client in the airline industry is concerned about revenue per passenger mile, a client in
the retail industry is concerned about inventory turnover, and a client in the finance industry
is concerned about its risk-weighted assets and interest margins. It is very important for audi-
tors to understand which KPIs a client is most concerned about in that year so the audit can be
planned around relevant accounts. It is inappropriate to assume all clients use the same KPIs.
It is also inappropriate to assume a client will use the same KPIs every year. Just as businesses
change their focus, KPIs change to help businesses achieve new goals.
profitability the ability of a It is common for companies to use profitability measures to assess their performance and that
company to earn a profit of their senior staff. Companies often track their revenue and expenses over time and assess
the variability from budgets, goals, or expectations. A company will compare its revenues and
expenses with close competitors and assess its ability to compete, as well as whether results are
matching expectations based on known factors such as seasonality or economic downturns.
This also provides auditors with valuable insights into the expectations of management.
A company’s management will track revenues from month to month to identify and ex-
plain trends. Management of a large company will compare revenues earned across divisions
to highlight good and poor performance. Comparisons among divisions, or against budget,
may be used to assess how well managers of those divisions are controlling costs. Changes
price–earnings (PE) ratio from one year to the next may reflect an increased cost of doing business or highlight that it
measures how much a may be time to source cheaper suppliers or focus on production or product changes.
stockholder is willing to pay per Companies are concerned about their stockholders (owners). The price–earnings (PE)
dollar of earnings ratio (market price per share divided by earnings per share) shows how much a stockholder
earnings per share (EPS) is willing to pay per dollar of earnings. For example, a PE of 10 means investors (and potential
ratio measures the earnings investors) are willing to pay 10 times current earnings for a company’s shares. This gives value
return on each common share to the future earning capacity of the enterprise. The earnings per share (EPS) ratio (profits
issued available to common shareholders divided by weighted average common stock shares issued)
Client Approaches to Measuring Performance 4-13
reflects the earnings return on each common share issued. When a client’s PE or EPS ratios
are in decline, auditors may be concerned that management is under pressure to manipulate
earnings. The cash earnings per share (CEPS) ratio (operating cash flow divided by outstand- cash earnings per share
ing shares) shows the cash flow capacity of a company for each common share issued. CEPS (CEPS) ratio shows cash flow
may be a more reliable indicator of a company’s financial health because it excludes noncash capacity of a company for each
components such as depreciation and amortization, as well as noncash mark-to-market earnings. common share issued
Retailers and manufacturers are generally concerned about their inventory turnover (cost
of sales divided by average inventory), often at a department level. An assessment of this ra-
tio is made within the context of the industry in which a company operates. For example, a
company that sells perishable goods such as ice cream requires a much higher turnover than
a company that sells nonperishable goods such as furniture. If a client’s inventory turnover
slows significantly, auditors may be concerned that inventory is overvalued.
Before You Go On
2.1 What is a PE ratio? Why is it important to auditors?
2.2 Explain how internal performance reports may be used by auditors to assess the risk of ma-
terial misstatement.
2.3 What is a debt covenant? Develop an example of why a debt covenant is important to assess-
ing the risk of material misstatement.
Analytical Procedures
Lea rning O bjective 3
Demonstrate how auditors use analytical procedures when assessing risk, including
the use of audit data analytics.
As auditors gain an understanding of their client, the industry in which it operates, and how
the client measures its own performance, they can develop their own expectations regard-
ing the client’s financial statement items. For example, if auditors are aware their client has
borrowed a significant amount of money in the previous financial year, a reduction in the
client’s debt-to-equity ratio would be unusual and would warrant further investigation. This
is an example of auditors using analytical procedures to assess risk. AU-C 315 and AS 2110
analytical procedures eval- define analytical procedures as evaluations of financial information through analysis of
uations of financial information plausible relationships among financial and nonfinancial data. Analytical procedures involve
through analysis of plausible the identification of fluctuations in accounts that are inconsistent with the auditors’ expec-
relationships among financial and tations based upon their understanding of the client. It is essential that auditors have clear
nonfinancial data expectations about their client’s results for the reporting period before conducting analytical
procedures, so that unexpected fluctuations can be correctly identified and investigated.
Analytical procedures are conducted throughout an audit. During the risk assessment
phase, analytical procedures are used to aid in the risk identification process. During the risk
response phase, analytical procedures are an efficient method of testing account balances that
are derived from estimates. At the conclusion of the audit, analytical procedures are used to
assess whether the financial statements reflect the auditors’ knowledge of their client and the
client’s industry. In this chapter we concentrate on the application of analytical procedures
during the risk assessment phase. The use of analytical procedures when conducting substan-
tive procedures and during the conclusion of the audit is discussed in Chapters 9 to 14.
Analytical procedures are conducted during the risk assessment phase of the audit to:
• Highlight unusual fluctuations in accounts.
• Aid in the identification of risk.
• Enhance the understanding of a client and its industry.
• Identify the accounts at risk of material misstatement.
• Minimize audit risk by concentrating audit effort where the risk of material misstate-
ment is greatest.
AU-C 315 and AS 2110 require auditors to perform analytical procedures as part of their
risk identification process, even if the data is preliminary or aggregated at a high level. Analyt-
ical procedures include simple comparisons, trend analysis, common-size analysis, and ratio
analysis. Let’s discuss each of these forms of analysis and factors to consider when conducting
analytical procedures.
Comparisons are often made between account balances for the current year and the previous
year(s), the current year and the budget, or the current year and industry data. When comparing
Analytical Procedures 4-15
account balances from one year to the next, significant changes can be tracked and investi-
gated further by the auditors. Auditors will assess these changes in light of their expectations
based upon their understanding of the client and any changes experienced over the previous
year. For example, if the client had opened a new retail outlet, total sales would be expected
to have increased by a predictable amount since the previous year. When comparing account
balances with budgeted amounts, auditors are concerned with uncovering variations between
actual results and those expected by the client. Significant unexpected variations should be
discussed with client personnel and the results of such inquiry should be corroborated by
other evidence. Comparisons of one year to the next involve only limited data. As a result,
auditors keep results of analytical procedures for continuing clients so they have running data
over a number of years to spot changing trends more easily.
Trend Analysis
Trend analysis (or horizontal analysis) is a comparison of account balances over time. It trend analysis a comparison of
is conducted by selecting a base year and then restating all accounts in subsequent years as account balances over time
a percentage of that base. It allows auditors to gain an appreciation of how various accounts
have changed through time. When conducting a trend analysis, it is important for auditors to
consider significant changes in economy-wide factors, such as a recession, which may affect
their interpretation of the trend. Illustration 4.4 provides an example of a trend analysis.
2020 2021 2022 2023
% Change % Change % Change Trend analysis
(in Compared Compared Compared
$ millions) to 2020 to 2020 to 2020
Income statement items
Sales 250 (20) (10) 20
Cost of sales 110 (10) 0 10
Interest expense 10 (30) 30 0
Wages expense 70 (20) 30 6
Rent expense 40 0 0 0
Balance sheet items
Cash 400 20 10 25
Inventory 350 30 20 10
Trade receivables 300 (10) 5 15
Various accounts can be selected for inclusion in a trend analysis. Accounts that
vary from one year to the next are generally the focus. In the trend analysis depicted in
Illustration 4.4, 2020 was selected as the base year. The following years appear as a percentage
increase or decrease of the 2020 amount. For example, sales in 2021 were 20% lower than sales
in 2020; in 2022 sales were only 10% lower than the 2020 figure, and in 2023 sales grew to 20%
higher than the 2020 amount. A trend analysis allows auditors to assess movements in the
accounts over time and determine whether the underlying trends match their understanding
of the client and its operations over the period under review.
Common-Size Analysis
Common-size analysis (or vertical analysis) is a comparison of account balances to a single common-size analysis a com-
line item. In the balance sheet, the line item used is generally total assets. In the income state- parison of account balances to a
ment, the line item used is generally sales or revenue. A common-size analysis allows auditors single line item
to gain a deeper appreciation of how much each account contributes to the totals presented in
the financial statements. By preparing common-size accounts for several years, auditors can
trace the relative contribution of various accounts through time. Illustration 4.5 provides an
example of a common-size analysis.
4-16 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
2020 2021 2022 2023
Common-size analysis % % % %
Income statement items
Sales 100 100 100 100
Cost of sales 44 50 48 40
Interest expense 4 4 6 3
Wages expense 28 28 22 25
Rent expense 16 20 18 13
Balance sheet items
Cash 5 4 4 3
Inventory 20 27 23 23
Trade receivables 18 25 22 18
Payables 15 15 17 16
Total assets 100 100 100 100
The common-size analysis depicted in Illustration 4.5 shows that cost of sales grew and
then decreased as a proportion of sales. This may reflect a change in prices charged by sup-
pliers, prices charged to customers, and/or quantity of goods on hand. In the balance sheet,
inventory levels rose and then dropped, which may indicate a build-up of inventory on hand
when sales dropped in 2021.
Ratio Analysis
Auditors perform ratio analysis to assess the relationship between various financial statement
account balances. Auditors will calculate profitability, liquidity, and solvency ratios.
Profitability Ratios
Profitability ratios reflect a company’s ability to generate earnings and ultimately the cash
flow required to pay debts, meet other obligations, and fund future expansion. Common prof-
itability ratios, shown in Illustration 4.6, include the gross profit margin, profit margin, re-
turn on assets, and return on stockholders’ equity.
Ratio Formula
Common profitability ratios
Gross profit
Gross profit margin
Net sales
Net income
Profit margin
Net sales
Net income
Return on assets (ROA)
Average total assets
Net income
Return on stockholders’ equity (ROE)
Average equity
The gross profit and profit margins indicate the proportion of sales turned into profits.
gross profit margin measures The gross profit margin indicates whether a seller of goods has a sufficient markup on
whether a seller of goods has goods sold to pay for other expenses. A markup is the difference between the selling price of
sufficient markup on goods sold goods and the cost of goods sold. A decline in this ratio indicates a client may be paying more
to pay other expenses for its inventory or charging less to its customers. If the gross profit margin continues to de-
profit margin measures cline, the client may have a loss if it is not able to cover its operating expenses.
profitability after taking into The profit margin indicates the profitability of a company after taking into account
account all operating expenses all operating expenses. By looking at the trend in the profit margin over time, auditors can
Analytical Procedures 4-17
identify variability in the profit-earning capacity of their client. If the profit margin is steadily
falling, this may affect the future viability of the client. A profit margin that varies widely from
year to year indicates volatility and uncertainty, which makes it difficult to assess the fair pre-
sentation of the current reported earnings without further investigation.
The return on assets (ROA) ratio indicates the ability of a company to generate return on assets (ROA) ratio
income from its average investment in total assets. The return on stockholders’ equity measures ability to generate
(ROE) ratio indicates the ability of a company to generate income from the funds invested by income from average investment
its common stockholders. If a company is unable to generate a sufficient return on funds in- in total assets
vested, there may be insufficient funds available to pay dividends and invest in future growth. return on stockholders’ equity
Auditors calculate these ratios to assess trends in profitability. If the ROA and ROE, and result- (ROE) ratio measures ability
to generate income from funds
ing cash flow, are falling, it will affect the ability of their client to pay dividends and interest,
invested by common stockholders
and repay loans, all of which depend on the client’s ability to generate cash.
Auditors compare the current year and previous years to identify trends in their client’s
profitability. Comparisons are also made with budgeted results and with competitors. When
comparing actual results with the budget, auditors assess how profitable the client is com-
pared to management’s expectations as outlined in the budget. Auditors discuss any signif-
icant variance with management. When comparing their client with competitors, auditors
assess their client’s profitability relative to companies of a similar size operating in the same
industry. Any significant trends that appear unusual when compared to previous years, bud-
get, or competitors are investigated further by the audit team as a possible indication of a risk
of a material misstatement.
Ratio Formula
Common liquidity and activity
Current assets ratios
Current ratio
Current liabilities
Cash + Short-term investments + Receivables (net)
Acid-test (quick) ratio
Current liabilities
Sustainable free cash flow Sustainable cash flow from operations – Capital expenditures
Ability of cash flow from operations Sustainable cash flow from operations
to cover current debt and dividends Current portion of financing debt + Dividends
how well liquid assets cover current liabilities. Liquid assets include cash, short-term invest-
ments, and receivables. Acceptable current and acid-test ratio benchmarks vary from one in-
dustry to another. Auditors compare the trend in both ratios over time to assess whether their
client’s liquidity situation is improving or deteriorating. Auditors also compare their client’s
ratios with the industry average to assess their client’s liquidity relative to close competitors. If
a client’s liquidity situation is deteriorating or is poor when compared to the industry average,
auditors may be concerned about the future viability of the company.
sustainable free cash flow Sustainable free cash flow measures the cash flow remaining after covering cash out-
measures cash flow remaining flows for operations and capital expenditures. Larger numbers indicate a company has the ca-
after covering cash outflows pacity to finance operations and capital expenditures with operating cash flow, and it has the
for operations and capital ability to take advantage of opportunities that may arise unexpectedly. For example, a large
expenditures free cash flow balance could indicate the client could acquire another company if the oppor-
ability of cash flow from tunity was available. The ability of cash flow from operations to cover current debt and
operations to cover current dividends estimates the company’s ability to cover current debt maturities and dividends
debt and dividends measures with operating cash flow. A larger number indicates an increased ability to cover current debt
ability to cover current debt maturities and dividends with operating cash flow.
maturities and dividends with
Inventory turnover in days measures how many days, on average, it takes a com-
operating cash flow
pany to sell its inventory. In general, the lower the number of days the better, because com-
inventory turnover in days panies prefer to sell their inventory quickly, and generate a profit, rather than have it sit
measures how many days, on on a shelf or in a warehouse. This ratio will vary widely from one industry to another. For
average, it takes a company to sell example, the inventory turnover in days for a supermarket would be much lower than for
its inventory
a luxury boat manufacturer. Auditors look at the trend in this ratio to determine whether
inventory is being sold more quickly or more slowly from year to year. They also compare
the inventory turnover in days for their client to the industry average to determine whether
their client is competitive with its rivals. If a client operates in a high-technology industry
or the fashion industry, where customer preferences change quickly, an increase in the in-
ventory turnover in days may indicate the client is not keeping up with change and products
are not being sold as quickly. When a client’s inventory turnover in days increases by more
than expected, auditors will spend more time testing the valuation of inventory. Inventory
may need to be written down in response to slowing demand. In this situation, auditors
will also investigate whether sales revenue has fallen in line with the slowing movement of
receivables turnover in days Receivables turnover in days measures how many days, on average, it takes a com-
measures how many days, on pany to collect cash from its customers. In general, a lower number of days is better. The
average, it takes a company to sooner a company can collect cash from customers, the sooner that cash can be used to pur-
collect its receivables chase more inventory, pay down debt, or finance new capital assets. The receivables turnover
in days should be compared to the client’s credit terms that it offers customers. For example,
if the credit terms are 3/10, net/30, auditors would expect the receivables turnover in days
to be about 30 days or maybe less. If the ratio is 41 days, it may indicate the client is making
sales to customers who are unable to pay for their goods on a timely basis or the client is not
following up with customers who are late in paying. In this example, auditors will spend more
time considering the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts.
payables turnover in days Payables turnover in days measures how many days, on average, it takes a company to
measures how many days, on pay its suppliers. A lower number of days means a company is paying off its short-term debt at
average, it takes a company to pay a faster rate. The payables turnover in days should be compared with the average time frame
its suppliers the client’s vendors allow for payment. For example, suppose most of the client’s vendors al-
low 30 days for the client to remit payment of an invoice. If the client’s ratio is 58 days, it may
indicate the client is struggling to make vendor payments and is consistently late. This could
lead to late fees and possibly vendors not wanting to sell to the client any more. It may also
gross operating cycle
indicate that controls over accounts payable are weak. In this example, auditors will spend
measures how many days, on
average, it takes to purchase more time considering controls over the accounts payable process to ensure all liabilities that
inventory, sell it, and collect the occurred are properly recorded in accounts payable.
receivable Gross operating cycle is an estimate of the number of days it takes for a company to
net operating cycle measures purchase inventory, sell it, and collect the receivable. A smaller amount of days represents
how many days, on average, it faster turnover of a company’s merchandise, which is desirable to maintain strong cash flow.
takes a company to purchase Net operating cycle is the gross operating cycle minus the payables turnover in days. The net
and sell inventory, collect the operating cycle reflects that a company may use credit to finance inventory purchases. It is an
receivable, and pay back creditors estimate of how long the company is waiting to sell inventory, collect on receivables, and then
Analytical Procedures 4-19
pay back creditors. A smaller number of days indicates a faster turnover of merchandise. It is
important to remember that different industries have different capital needs and product life
cycles; therefore, determining whether a company has a long or short operating cycle should
be made within the industry context.
Solvency Ratios
Solvency ratios are used to assess the long-term viability of a company. Liquidity ratios take
a short-term view of a company whereas solvency ratios have a long-term perspective. Com-
mon solvency ratios are the debt-to-equity ratio and times-interest-earned ratio, as shown in
Illustration 4.8.
Ratio Formula
Common solvency ratios
Total liabilities
Debt to equity
Total equity
Income before income taxes and interest expense
Times interest earned
Interest expense
The debt-to-equity ratio indicates the relative proportion of total assets being funded debt-to-equity ratio measures
by debt relative to equity. A high debt-to-equity ratio increases the risk that a client will not be the relative proportion of equity
able to meet principal and interest payments to lenders when due. Companies with long-term and debt used to finance total
debt are more likely to have debt covenants with a lender, which may restrict the company’s assets
activities. Auditors consider the trend in the client’s debt-to-equity ratio over time and gain
an understanding of the make-up of total liabilities (e.g., what percentage of debt is current
versus long-term). An increasing ratio may indicate a client will not be able to repay its loans
when they fall due and increases the risk a client will breach a debt covenant. Auditors also
compare a client’s debt-to-equity ratio with similar companies in the same industry, as this
ratio tends to vary across industries.
The times-interest-earned ratio measures the ability of earnings to cover interest pay- times-interest-earned ratio
ments. A low ratio indicates a client may have difficulty meeting its interest payments to lenders. measures ability of earnings to
Auditors consider how this ratio has changed over time. A downward trend is a concern as it indi- cover interest payments
cates lenders may charge the client a higher rate of interest on future borrowings. At the extreme,
lenders may demand the repayment of debt if the client does not make interest payments on time.
Sadie is conducting ratio analysis during the risk assessment phase for the audit of Bayou Sports
Shop. She has calculated the following ratios for Bayou and compared them to the industry
When compared to the industry averages, what areas appear to be risky for Bayou? Bayou is con-
sistent with the industry in terms of collecting receivables, turning over inventory, and maintain-
ing liquidity. In terms of solvency, Bayou’s debt-to-equity ratio is more than double the industry
average. Compared to others in the industry, Bayou has more debt, which means more cash is
being used to pay interest on the debt. Bayou has increased risk of not being able to pay interest
payments on time if the economy takes a downturn and sales decline. Sadie documents a fol-
low-up procedure to inspect loan documents to see if there are any debt covenants that require
Bayou to maintain certain ratios. If the debt-to-equity ratio continues to increase, Bayou could be
in violation of a debt covenant and be required to pay back borrowed funds immediately.
4-20 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
others (for example, an ice-cream seller earns more in warmer months), trends must be con-
sidered when annualizing half-year results.
When comparing actual financial results to budgeted results, auditors must con-
sider the reliability of the budget. This can be assessed by comparing budgets to actual
results for prior years. If the client continually overestimates earnings, for example, au-
ditors take this into account when comparing actual and budgeted results for the current
Auditors must be careful when benchmarking a client with industry data. If the client is
significantly smaller or larger than most companies in its industry, comparison may not be
valid. If competitors do not use the same accounting methods, the comparison is problematic.
If the client has very different results and ratios from the industry average, there may be a
problem with the industry data rather than with the client data.
In conducting analytical procedures, the following information sources are generally con-
sidered to be reliable:
Auditors document the results of the analytical procedures, including the accounts iden-
tified as being at risk of material misstatement. These results are used to further refine the
audit strategy and develop the audit plan.
Before You Go On
3.1 Why are liquidity ratios calculated? Develop an example of how a liquidity ratio might help
the auditor in risk assessment.
3.2 What is a trend analysis and why might an auditor use this form of analysis for risk
3.3 Explain the factors that the auditor should consider when performing analytical procedures
in the risk assessment process.
4-22 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
Related Parties
Lea rning O bjective 4
Define related party transactions and explain how they affect the auditor’s risk
Another risk assessment procedure is the search for related party relationships and transac-
related party an affiliate, tions. What is a related party? According to FASB ASC Topic 850, Related Party Disclosures,
principal owner, manager, or related parties of a company include the following:
other party that is not indepen-
• Affiliates of the entity.
dent of the entity
• Investments in other entities accounted for by the equity method.
• Trusts for employee benefit plans, such as pensions, that are managed by or under the
trusteeship of management.
• Principal owners of the entity and their immediate family members.
• Management of the entity and their immediate family members.
• Other parties that can significantly influence management or operating policies of the entity.
Financial reporting frameworks, such as GAAP, require disclosure of related party relation-
ships, transactions, and accounts so financial statement users can understand their potential
effects on the financial statements.
Companies can have transactions with related parties frequently in the normal course
of business, but because they are related parties, there is a risk that some of the transactions
may not be accounted for according to their true substance. In other words, transactions with
related parties may not be the same as “arm’s-length” transactions between independent and
unrelated buyers and sellers or borrowers and lenders. For example, a company may loan
money to an affiliated company, but have no scheduled terms for how or when the money will
be paid back. Should this be accounted for as a loan? Is that the true substance of the transac-
tion? If related party transactions are not accounted for properly, then one or more material
misstatements could occur in the financial statements.
AU-C 550 Related Parties and AS 2410 Related Parties provide audit guidance associated
with related party transactions and disclosures. During the risk assessment phase, the objec-
tive of the auditors is to gain an understanding of a client’s related party relationships and
transactions. The audit team should gain an understanding of the client’s procedures for iden-
tifying related parties, authorizing transactions with related parties, and disclosing the rela-
tionships and transactions in the financial statements. The client should have internal controls
in place to ensure related parties are identified and disclosed. Discussion among audit team
members should include an emphasis on maintaining professional skepticism and considering
how related parties may be involved in fraud. The existence of related parties is a fraud risk
factor because fraud may be more easily committed among related parties (see the section “Op-
portunities to Perpetrate a Fraud” in Chapter 3). For example, transactions between the client
and a known business partner of a key manager could be arranged for the purpose of misap-
propriating (stealing) assets. Another example would be a major stockholder paying back a
loan at period end, but the client lending the same amount of money back to the stockholder
shortly after period end. This is a scheme referred to as “period-end window dressing.”
Auditors use specific procedures to confirm related parties that have been identified by
management and to identify additional related parties that management’s processes may not
have identified. Some common procedures used by auditors to identify related parties are listed
in Illustration 4.9. Note these procedures are used during risk assessment and throughout
the remaining phases of the audit. Auditors should always be mindful of potential related par-
ties because client circumstances could change and new relationships could be created at any
time during the client’s year. Auditors should document all identified related parties and the
nature of the relationships. If any of the related party relationships or transactions are iden-
tified as posing a significant risk of material misstatement, auditors will plan to gather more
evidence or adjust audit procedures, as needed, during the risk response phase of the audit.
Corporate Governance 4-23
illustration 4.9
Procedures to identify related parties: Procedures used by auditors to
• Obtain a listing of related parties from management. identify related parties
• Read minutes of the board of directors’ meetings.
• Review client filings with the SEC, if applicable.
• Read contracts or other agreements related to significant unusual transactions.
• Review life insurance policies purchased by the client.
• Review conflict-of-interest statements from management.
• Review shareholder registers to identify the principal shareholders.
• Review correspondence from the client’s advisors, such as attorneys or consultants.
• Obtain a listing of the trustees of pension plans and other trusts for the benefit of employees.
Juan is assigned to the audit of MED Inc., a new client that manufactures medical supplies made
from fabrics, such as bandages, blankets, and head caps, for newborn babies. Throughout the year,
MED Inc. hires temporary workers as needed to meet demand when customers place large or un-
expected orders. MED Inc. uses the services of three personnel agencies to find temporary workers
and pays finder’s fees to the personnel agencies. While reviewing the amounts paid to the three per-
sonnel agencies, Juan notices that one agency is being paid considerably more than the other two.
Juan meets with the controller, Amanda, to gain a better understanding of the transactions with the
personnel agencies. Amanda says, “The primary agency we use is Any Time Workers. The agency
opened last year, and it’s actually owned by the wife of our VP of Operations. She has done a great job
keeping us supplied with workers so we can keep up with demand.” Back at his desk, Juan documents
his conversation with Amanda and notes this is a related party situation. What potential risks are
created by this situation? First, there is a disclosure risk. The audit team must ensure that MED Inc.
is disclosing the related party and the transactions. Second, the existence of related party transactions
is a fraud risk factor. Could the payments to MED Inc. be a misappropriation of assets? Is MED Inc.
paying Any Time Workers above-market prices for its services, or paying for services it has not actu-
ally received? Could inflated payments represent additional compensation for the VP of Operations,
via his wife’s company, to avoid payroll tax expenses associated with making bonus payments? This
type of thought process is an example of Juan using professional skepticism. He will keep these risks
in mind when planning the audit procedures related to the transactions with the personnel agencies.
Before You Go On
4.1 What is a related party? Provide at least two examples.
4.2 Why is an auditor interested in identifying related parties during the risk assessment phase
of an audit?
4.3 Are procedures to identify related parties only performed during risk assessment? Explain.
Corporate Governance
board of directors a group that and controlled by management and entity personnel. In publicly traded companies, the group
represents the shareholders and responsible for overseeing management is the board of directors. The board of directors rep-
is responsible for ensuring the resents the shareholders and is responsible for ensuring the company is being run to benefit the
company is being run to benefit shareholders. The board of directors will hold meetings at least once a quarter, but will meet
the shareholders
more often as needed. A board is comprised of a mixture of executive and non-executive direc-
executive directors employees tors. Executive directors are also part of the company’s management team, and they are full-
of the company who also hold a time employees of the company, such as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Fi-
position on the board of directors
nancial Officer (CFO). Non-executive directors are not part of the company’s management
non-executive directors board team, and their involvement is limited to preparing for and participating in board meetings and
members who are not employees of relevant board committee meetings. The audit partner will meet with members of the board
the company; their involvement on
when necessary throughout the audit. Illustration 4.10 depicts the composition of the board
the board is limited to preparing for
of directors and serves as a reference for the remaining discussion of corporate governance.
and attending board meetings and
relevant board committee meetings Board of Directors
Composition of a board of
directors Executive
directors Non-executive directors
Audit committee
to the audit teams’ planned procedures, and not restrict the scope of the auditor’s planned pro-
cedures. PCAOB and ASB standards also require that auditors communicate important details
about the audit to the audit committee during or towards the conclusion of the audit. These
required communications will be discussed in Chapter 14.
SOX requirements and duties for audit committees of public companies:
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
• Audit committee members must be independent members of the board of directors, not Section 301: Public company
executive directors or otherwise affiliated with the issuer. audit committees and Section
• Audit committee members cannot accept consulting or advisory fees from the issuer, beyond 407: Disclosure of audit
the normal director compensation. committee financial expert
• At least one audit committee member must be a “financial expert” as evidenced through
education or work experience.
• The audit committee is responsible for the appointment, compensation, and oversight of the
• Auditors report directly to the audit committee, and the audit committee is responsible for
resolving any disagreements between management and auditors over financial reporting.
• The audit committee establishes procedures for receiving complaints regarding accounting
or internal control matters of the company, including receipt of anonymous complaints from
• The audit committee has authority to engage legal counsel if necessary.
Before You Go On
5.1 What is the purpose of a board of directors?
5.2 What is the difference between executive directors and non-executive directors?
5.3 According to SOX, what are some duties of the audit committee of the board of directors?
R. Teitelbaum and K. Johnson, “Boards Face Recruiting Challenges,” Wall Street Journal (December 14, 2015),
4-26 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
According to AU-C 315, auditors must gain an understanding of the client’s system of internal
controls. The concept of control risk was discussed in Chapter 3. Recall that if strong internal
controls exist at the account or assertion level, then auditors may adopt a reliance on controls
approach and perform less extensive substantive testing. However, if the internal controls are
weak at the account or assertion level, then auditors will rely less on internal controls and
adopt a substantive approach. An in-depth discussion of the specific procedures used by audi-
tors to gain an understanding of a client’s system of internal controls is covered in Chapter 6.
information technology (IT) Auditors also consider the particular risks faced by the client associated with informa-
the use of computers to process, tion technology (IT). IT is a part of most companies’ accounting processes, which include
record, and store financial report- transaction initiation, recording, processing, correction as needed; transfer to the general led-
ing data and other information ger; and compilation of the financial statements. AU-C 315 and AS 2110 require that auditors
gain an understanding of the client’s IT system, the associated risks, and related controls.
Risks associated with IT include unauthorized access to computers, software, and data;
errors in applications; lack of backup; and loss of data. Unauthorized access to data can occur
when there is insufficient security or poor password protection procedures. Unauthorized ac-
cess can result in data being lost or distorted. Unauthorized access to application software can
result in either fraud or misstatements in the financial statements. Access can be limited in a
number of ways, including security protocols (such as locked doors) and frequent changes of
Errors in programming can occur if applications are not tested thoroughly. It is important
that new applications and changes to applications are tested extensively before being put into
operation. Errors can also occur if mistakes are made when writing an application or if appli-
cations are deliberately changed to include errors. Deliberate changes may be made by staff
or outsiders who gain unauthorized access to a client’s IT system. For example, unhappy staff
may purposefully change an application, causing errors to embarrass their boss or to perpe-
trate fraud. Therefore, it is important that access be limited to authorized staff. Errors can also
occur if application changes are not processed on a timely basis. Applications may need to be
changed due to changes in sales prices, updating of discounts being offered to customers, and
so on. It is important that these changes be made by authorized personnel on a timely basis to
avoid errors and that there are appropriate controls over such changes.
New applications can be purchased “off the shelf” from a software provider or developed
internally by a client’s staff. When a client purchases a general-purpose application off the
shelf, there is a risk it will require modification to suit the client’s operations, which can lead
to errors. An advantage of purchasing general-purpose applications from reputable companies
is they will have been tested before being made available for sale. In contrast, when a client’s
staff develops an application, the application is more likely to have the features required, but
there is a risk of errors if the application is written by inexperienced staff or it is not adequately
tested before being put into operation.
When a client installs a new IT system, there are a number of risks, such as the risk the
system may not be appropriate for the client and its reporting requirements. After installa-
tion, there is the risk that data may be lost or corrupted when transferring information from
an existing system to the new system, or the risk that the new system does not process data
appropriately. There is the risk that client staff are not adequately trained to use the new sys-
tem effectively. It is important that a client has appropriate procedures for selecting new IT
systems, changing from an existing system to a new system, training staff in using the new
system, and ensuring that a new system includes embedded controls to minimize the risk of
material misstatement. An in-depth discussion of IT controls is presented in Chapter 6. At
the risk assessment phase, and as part of assessing control risk, it is important for auditors to
identify significant risks, as well as any controls that mitigate those risks.
Closing Procedures 4-27
Before You Go On
6.1 What are some of the risks associated with the use of IT? Explain the risks and develop an
example of how they might be controlled.
6.2 What are two common sources of new application software? What risks are present when an
entity introduces a new application and how might those risks be controlled?
Closing Procedures
Auditors also consider the adequacy of the client’s closing procedures. If the client’s closing closing procedures processes
procedures are weak, there is increased risk that revenues and expenses will not be recorded used by a client when finalizing
in the proper period, which can lead to material misstatements on both the income statement the accounts for an accounting
and balance sheet of two consecutive periods. Revenue and expense items must include all period
transactions that occurred during the accounting period and exclude transactions that relate
to other periods. Asset and liability balances must include all relevant items, accruals must
be complete, and contingent liabilities must accurately and completely reflect potential future
Auditors are concerned that transactions and events have been recorded in the correct
accounting period. The client should have controls in place to ensure the closing procedures
are performed correctly. A common risk is that management may override controls when pre-
paring adjusting and allocating entries, especially if management is under pressure to meet
certain earnings targets. Oversight of this process is the responsibility of those charged with
governance. It is the responsibility of auditors to assess the internal controls over the closing
Auditors must determine the risk associated with the client’s closing procedures. In addi-
tion to the annual financial statements, clients prepare monthly, quarterly, and/or semiannual
financial statements for internal and/or external purposes. Auditors can review these state-
ments to assess the accuracy of the client’s closing procedures. If there are significant issues,
where closing procedures are inadequate and transactions are not always recorded in the ap-
propriate reporting period, auditors will plan to spend more time conducting detailed testing
of transactions and balances around year-end.
There are a number of ways auditors can assess the adequacy of their client’s clos-
ing procedures. Clients that prepare financial statements monthly are more likely to have
4-28 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
well-established closing procedures than clients that prepare financial statements only an-
nually. Auditors verify the accuracy of accrual and deferral calculations around year-end
and look at earnings trends to assess whether the reported income is in line with similar
prior-year periods (months or quarters). For example, revenues are generally higher for an
ice-cream seller in warmer months, and wages are generally higher during months when
extra staff are hired to help with the increased activity.
If auditors believe the client is under pressure to report strong results, there is risk
that revenues earned after year-end may be included in the current year’s income and
expenses incurred before year-end may be excluded. Alternatively, if auditors believe
their client is under pressure to smooth its income and not report any unexpected in-
creases, there is risk that revenues earned just before year-end will be excluded from cur-
rent income and expenses incurred after year-end will be included. In both cases, audi-
tors will perform procedures to confirm that transactions are recorded in the appropriate
accounting period.
A summary of the WorldCom scandal was provided in Chapter 2. The WorldCom case is an ex-
cellent example of the importance of gaining an understanding of the pressures faced by the cli-
ent, the corporate governance structure, and the client’s closing procedures. WorldCom was under
significant pressure to increase its stock price, which translated to incentive for management to
commit fraud. Scott Sullivan, the CFO, saw an opportunity to perpetrate fraud through quar-
ter-end journal entries. As the CFO, Scott used his authority to instruct his accounting staff to
make entries that resulted in capitalizing costs on the balance sheet that should have been ex-
pensed on the income statement. There was no accounting justification for the entries. Who was
supposed to have oversight of the closing process? Since WorldCom was a public company, the
audit committee should have had oversight of the closing process because closing entries impact
the financial statements as a whole. During the years the fraud was occurring, were the members
of the audit committee fulfilling their duties? Were they asking for verification and explanation
of the period-end entries? If they were, what type of information and documentation was Scott
providing them? Was the audit committee being skeptical or overly trusting of Scott? These same
questions can be directed at Arthur Andersen, WorldCom’s external auditor. Were the auditors
fulfilling their duties by gaining an understanding of the client’s processes for period-end closing
entries? Were the auditors using professional skepticism when interviewing Scott and other ac-
counting staff? Most likely, the answer is “no.”
Before You Go On
7.1 Explain how an auditor can assess the risk associated with the client’s closing procedures.
7.2 What is the particular risk when an auditor believes that the economy has taken a downturn
and the client has an incentive to overstate poor results to improve the picture for future
Key Terms Review 4-29
3 Demonstrate how auditors use analytical proce- 6 Explain how a client’s internal control and informa-
dures when assessing risk, including the use of audit tion technology (IT) can affect risk.
data analytics.
Auditors must gain an understanding of a client’s internal controls to
Analytical procedures are conducted at the risk assessment phase of assess control risk and develop an audit strategy. They must also iden-
the audit to identify unusual fluctuations, help identify risks when tify risks associated with information technology, such as unauthorized
gaining an understanding of a client, identify the accounts at risk of access to software applications or data, errors in programming, and in-
material misstatement, and reduce audit risk by concentrating audit adequate testing of new or changed systems. During the risk assessment
effort where the risk of material misstatement is greatest. Many pro- phase of the audit, the auditors will assess the likelihood that the client’s
cesses can be used when conducting analytical procedures. The pro- financial statements are misstated due to limitations of its IT system.
cesses discussed in this chapter include comparisons, trend analysis,
common-size analysis, and ratio analysis. 7 Discuss how client closing procedures can affect risk
and a client’s reported results.
4 Define related party transactions and explain how
they affect the auditor’s risk assessment. There are a number of risks associated with a client’s closing proce-
dures. Closing procedures are the processes used by a client at month-
A related party is an affiliate, principal owner, manager, or other party end, quarter-end, or year-end to ensure that appropriate adjusting
that is not independent of the client. Financial reporting frameworks, entries are made and transactions are recorded in the appropriate
such as GAAP, require that companies disclose related party relation- accounting period. From an audit perspective, the auditor should de-
ships and transactions. Transactions with related parties may not be termine the risk that a material misstatement may occur during the
at the same “arm’s length” as transactions between independent and client’s closing procedures.
Background Information released a new cell-phone product about four months ahead of
Your client, Baldwin Industries, manufactures personal comput- schedule to be the first to market with new technologies, despite
ers, tablets, and cell phones. Baldwin Industries has positioned having three months of inventory on hand of the current model.
itself to be very price competitive and, as a result, sales have grown The results of analytical procedures performed in planning the
by 50% over the last two years. At the beginning of the current audit are below. Given this information, explain the inherent risk
fiscal year, the board of directors approved a new compensation factors and risks of material misstatement that are present in the
structure for all high-level and executive-level employees, such audit. Be specific about the potential misstatements that may be
that bonuses are based on the company’s sales growth and profit present and connect the risk factors to the potential misstatements
margins. In the fourth quarter of the current fiscal year, Baldwin identified.
Specific risk factors identified include: i. Profit margins are stronger than the industry medians.
a. Compensation has changed for high-level and executive- Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives
level employees to reward increases in sales and profit Following is an analysis of the risk factors identified above:
a. Changes in compensation may increase the risk that
b. Baldwin has recorded significant sales growth over the
managers might push the limit on accounting issues or
last two years (50%).
engage in fraudulent financial reporting to secure better
c. Baldwin released a new product with new technology compensation.
when it had significant levels of the existing product on
b. The sales growth experienced over the last two years com-
bined with the slower collection period (e) may indicate
d. The industry is very price-competitive. revenue-recognition problems.
e. Accounts receivable turnover in days is increasing.
Multiple-Choice Questions 4-31
c., d. Releasing the new product to the market in a price- Conclusions Regarding Inherent Risk and Risk of
competitive industry (d) with significant quantities on Material Misstatement
hand of the old product increases the risk that the older
The following risks are considered significant (before considering
product may not be sold at a price that will recover the cost
any internal controls that may mitigate these risks):
of inventory on hand. This might require write-downs of
the value of inventory on hand. • Revenue recognition problems may exist based on the in-
e. The slower collection period may indicate an increased crease in sales to total assets, the increase in accounts re-
risk of collectibility of receivables. ceivable turnover in days, and the incentive for managers to
increase compensation based on sales.
f. Slower inventory turnover in days may indicate inven-
tory obsolescence or lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable-value • Inventory may have a lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable-value
problems with older models without new technology problem because Baldwin released new technology while it
features. still had significant inventories of the older technology and
because of the increase in inventory turnover in days.
g. Decreasing accounts payable turnover in days may indi-
cate potential for unrecorded liabilities and unrecorded • There may be a completeness problem with both liabilities
expenses. and expenses as evidenced by the decrease in accounts pay-
able turnover in days and the increase in the company’s
h. Sales growth may be the result of premature revenue rec-
profit margins.
ognition (see b above). Improved profit margin could be
the result of potential unrecorded liabilities. • There may be problems with the adequacy of the allowance
for doubtful accounts based on the increase in accounts re-
i. Strong profit margins may be the result of unrecorded
ceivable turnover in days.
expenses and liabilities.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) When gaining an understanding of the client, the auditor d. determines if the client is writing off uncollectible accounts
will consider: receivable.
a. related party identification. 4. (LO 1) When gaining an understanding of the client at the indus-
b. the appropriateness of the client’s system of internal controls try level, the auditor will:
to mitigate identified business risks. a. consider the level of demand for the goods provided by com-
c. controls over the technology used to process and store data panies in the industry.
electronically. b. determine if the client has centralized or decentralized
d. All of these answer choices are correct. operations.
c. assess the amount of faulty goods the client returns to suppliers.
2. (LO 1) When gaining an understanding of the client, the auditor
will identify the geographic location of the client because: d. determine if the client has a simple or complex capital structure.
a. more centralized clients are harder to control. 5. (LO 2) Companies use profitability measures to assess perfor-
mance and to:
b. the auditor will only visit one location to assess processes and
procedures. a. assess their ability to compete.
c. the auditor may plan to use staff from affiliated offices to visit b. maintain consistency in operations each month.
overseas locations. c. measure their ability to pay short term debts on time.
d. more decentralized clients are easier to control. d. measure their ability to pay long term debts on time.
3. (LO 1) When gaining an understanding of the client’s sources of 6. (LO 3) Common uses of analytical procedures include all of the
financing, the auditor: following except:
a. is not interested in debt covenants because most debt con- a. risk identification during the risk assessment stage.
tracts are the same. b. testing account balances derived from estimates during the
b. ignores the relative reliance on debt versus equity funding risk response stage.
because that is a management decision, not an audit issue. c. overall assessment of financial statements at the final review
c. determines if the client is meeting principal and interest pay- stage of the audit.
ments when they are due. d. test of internal controls.
4-32 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
7. (LO 3) Analytical procedures: b. the CFO and two other board members who are also
a. cannot be performed on interim data. shareholders.
b. a re not affected by different accounting methods between the c. the audit partner, the CFO, and a shareholder.
client and other members of the industry. d. m
embers of the board of directors who are independent
c. must take into account seasonal variation in the client’s directors.
business. 10. (LO 6) Risks of material misstatement that are associated with a
d. are only useful if the client’s variation from budget is low. client’s IT system include all of the following except:
8. (LO 4) Which of the following statements is false regarding re- a. failure to accrue for a contingent liability.
lated parties? b. a terminated employee who is still able to log on to the client’s
a. Management should have controls in place for identifying re- IT system.
lated parties. c. the installation of new software that still needs modifications
b. R
elated party transactions do not have to be disclosed if they to operate as needed.
are conducted at “arm’s length.” d. no schedule for backing up data.
c. A subsidiary company is considered a related party. 11. (LO 7) Client closing procedures:
d. The presence of related parties is considered a fraud risk a. are routine transactions that do not impact audit risk.
b. are the responsibility of those charged with governance who
9. (LO 5) An audit committee of a publicly traded company should must ensure that transactions are recorded in the correct ac-
be composed of: counting period.
a. executive and non-executive members of the board of c. affect expense accounts only.
directors. d. affect balance sheet accounts only.
Review Questions
R4.1 (LO 1) Explain the importance of the risk assessment phase of of these explanations is the most likely cause of the change in the
a financial statement audit. ratio?
R4.2 (LO 1) List and briefly explain the key factors the auditor R4.7 (LO 3) What is a time-series analysis? How could it be useful
would consider during risk assessment. to an auditor?
R4.3 (LO 1) When gaining an understanding of a client, an auditor R4.8 (LO 4) Why is it important to maintain professional skepti-
will be interested in an entity’s relationships with both its suppliers cism when gaining an understanding of related party transactions?
and customers. What aspects of these relationships will the auditor be R4.9 (LO 5) Do only publicly traded companies have good corpo-
interested in and how would they affect the assessment of audit risk? rate governance? Explain.
R4.4 (LO 2) What is the difference between liquidity and solvency? R4.10 (LO 5) Why is it important that an audit committee not have
Why does this difference matter to an auditor? any executive directors as members?
R4.5 (LO 3) Explain, using examples, how you could use analyti- R4.11 (LO 6) Why does an auditor need to understand a client’s IT
cal procedures in assessing the risk of material misstatement of sales system? Explain how IT affects the financial statements.
R4.12 (LO 7) Create an example of a client closing procedure. Us-
R4.6 (LO 3) What are some possible explanations of a change in ing your example, analyze the accounts that would be affected if the
the gross profit margin? How could the auditor investigate which closing procedure is performed inadequately.
Analysis Problems
AP4.1 (LO 1) Basic Risk assessment Michael has drafted an audit plan for a new client. The client
is Countrywide Capers, a party supplies rental business. Countrywide Capers earns 80% of its revenue from
renting marquees, tables and chairs, lights, and other party equipment and 20% from sales of disposable table-
ware, utensils, napkins, and tablecloths. Michael’s plan shows that audit time is divided to reflect this revenue
pattern (that is, 80% of the audit time is spent on the rental business and 20% of the time is spent on the retail
business). Michael believes that the significance of the revenue activities should be the only driver of the audit
plan because the client has no related parties and has a simple, effective corporate governance structure.
What questions would you have for Michael before accepting his audit plan?
Analysis Problems 4-33
AP4.2 (LO 1) Moderate Understanding the client and its risks—risk assessment Ivy Brown
is preparing a report for the engagement partner of an existing client, Scooter Inc., an importer of scooters
and other low-powered motorcycles. Ivy has been investigating certain aspects of Scooter’s business given
the change in economic conditions over the past 12 months. She has found that Scooter’s business, which
experienced rapid growth over its first five years in operation, has slowed significantly during the last
year. Initially, sales of scooters were boosted by good economic conditions and solid employment growth,
coupled with rising gas prices. Consumers needed transportation to get to work and the high gas prices
made the relatively cheap running costs of scooters seem very attractive. In addition, the low purchase
price of a small motorcycle or scooter, at between $3,000 and $8,000, meant that almost anyone who had
a job could obtain a loan to buy one.
However, Ivy has found that the sales of small motorcycles and scooters have slowed significantly,
and all importers of these products, not just Scooter, are being adversely affected. The onset of an eco-
nomic recession has restricted employment growth and those people who still have jobs are less certain
of continued employment. In addition, the slowdown in the world economy has made gas prices fall,
further reducing demand for this type of economical transportation. Ivy has also discovered that, due to
the global financial crisis, the finance company used by Scooter’s customers to finance the purchase of
scooters and motorcycles has announced that it will not be continuing to provide loans for any type of
vehicle with a purchase price of less than $10,000.
a. Identify industry and business environment issues that potentially impact the audit of Scooter Inc.
b. Evaluate how industry and business environment issues can impact risk assessment by identifying
specific financial statement risks and related accounts that would require closer examination.
AP4.3 (LO 1) Moderate Research Noncompliance with laws and regulations As part of
your intern training at a large public accounting firm, you have been asked to conduct research about
audit procedures related to client noncompliance with laws and regulations. You will report the findings
of your research to the other interns in your training class.
Access the Clarified Statements on Auditing Standards at the AICPA website ( Navigate
to AU-C 250 and answer the following questions:
a. What might be indicators that a client has committed an illegal act?
b. What are some specific procedures the auditor can use to obtain an understanding of an identified
or suspected illegal act?
c. In what situations might an auditor have a duty to notify external parties about a client’s noncom-
pliance with laws and regulations?
AP4.4 (LO 1, 3) Basic Understanding the client The audit team is preparing to audit a new client
in the fashion industry. The client imports garments from manufacturers in several Asian countries and
retails them in a chain of shops located throughout the United States.
You have access to the following information for the client:
a. Prior period financial statements.
b. Anticipated results for the current year.
c. Industry averages.
Discuss how you would use the information to understand your new client.
AP4.5 (LO 2, 3) Moderate Planning analytical procedures using profitability ratios Li Chen
has calculated profitability ratios using data extracted from his client’s pre-audit trial balance. He also has
the values for the same ratios for the preceding two years (using audited figures).
The data for the gross profit and profit margins are:
Li is a little confused because the profit margin shows declining profitability but the gross profit margin
has improved in the current year and is higher in 2022 than in the previous two years.
4-34 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
a. Create a list of possible explanations for the pattern observed in the gross profit and profit margins.
b. Which of your explanations suggest additional audit work should be planned? For each, discuss the
accounts and/or transactions that would need special attention in the audit.
AP4.6 (LO 2, 3) Challenging Analytical procedures for liquidity and solvency issues Bright
Spark Fashion has retail outlets in six large regional cities in the eastern United States. The shops are
run by local managers, but purchasing decisions for all stores are handled by Ray Bright, the owner of
the business. Fashion is an extremely competitive business. Bright Spark Fashion sells only for cash and
generates sales through a reputation of low prices for quality goods. The winter clothing moves quite
slowly, but summer fashion sells very well, providing a disproportionate amount of the business’s sales
and profits. Ray is constantly monitoring cash flow and negotiating with suppliers about payment terms
and with banks about interest rates and extensions of credit.
Jenna Kowalski has the tasks of assessing the liquidity and solvency of Bright Spark Fashion and
identifying the audit risks arising from this aspect of the business. She discovers a major long-term debt
is due to be retired two months after the close of the fiscal year, but Ray is having difficulty obtaining
approval from his current bank for a renewal of the debt for a further two-year term. In addition, interest
rates have risen since the last fixed rate was agreed to two years ago, adding an additional 2% to the likely
rate for the new debt (if it is approved).
The seasonality of the business means that inventory levels fluctuate considerably. At the end of
the year (January 31), Ray has placed prepaid orders for the summer fashion and the goods have started
arriving in the stores by March.
a. What liquidity and solvency issues does Bright Spark Fashion face? Evaluate the likely impact of
each issue on liquidity and solvency ratios.
b. Advise Jenna Kowalski about the audit risks for Bright Spark Fashion and propose how she could
take these into account in the audit plan.
AP4.7 (LO 4) Moderate Research Understanding related party transactions During the
risk assessment phase for a new client, you have been assigned the task of identifying related parties. You
need to refresh your memory regarding why identifying related parties is necessary in the audit.
Access the Clarified Statements on Auditing Standards at the AICPA website ( Navigate
to AU-C 550 and answer the following questions:
a. What is an “arm’s-length transaction” as defined by the standard?
b. Identify examples of how related party relationships and transactions may give rise to higher risks
of material misstatement than transactions with unrelated parties.
AP4.8 (LO 1, 5) Moderate Public Company Research Understanding the client and its
governance Ajax Inc. is a public company and a new client of Hawthorne Partners, a medium-sized
audit firm. Jeffrey Rush is the engagement partner on the audit and has asked the members of the audit
team to begin the process of gaining an understanding of the client, in accordance with AS 2110. One
audit manager leads the group investigating the industry and economic factors, and another helps Jeffrey
consider issues at the entity level. Jeffrey will hold discussions with members of the audit committee and
will discuss a wide range of issues. He has a meeting arranged for next week with the four members of
the audit committee, including the chair of the committee, Stella South, who, like the other members of
the audit committee, is an independent director.
a. Access AS 2110 at the PCAOB website ( Make a list of the main factors that will
be considered by each audit manager’s group.
b. Based on the information, can you conclude that Ajax Inc. complies with Section 301 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act regarding its audit committee? Explain.
AP4.9 (LO 6) Moderate IT risk assessment Genesis Physical Therapy has been providing out-
patient physical therapy services for 30 years. The owners, Jesse and Janice, have been slow to imple-
ment updated technology for the accounting system because it is costly. However, at the beginning of
the current year, they decided to install a new patient revenue system. It is an off-the-shelf product that
is marketed to the healthcare industry. The auditor asked one of Genesis’ accounting staff for feedback
about the new system. The staff member provided the following comments:
• “A frequent error has been occurring in which we invoice people who were past patients because
they happened to have the same last name as one of our current patients.”
Analysis Problems 4-35
• “We had a power outage a couple of weeks ago, and we had to re-enter all patient services that had
been provided for that week because they had not been saved.”
• “When we first starting using the system, we had a significant number of complaints from patients
because they were being billed for more than their insurance would allow. We discovered a month
later there was an error in the billing calculation formula in the system. We fixed the error and it
has been functioning properly.”
Evaluate the audit risks associated with the new patient revenue system.
AP4.10 (LO 6) Challenging Assessing the risks associated with information technology
Shane Woodrow is getting to know his new client Clarrie Potters, a large discount electrical retailer.
Shane discovers that toward the end of last year, Clarrie Potters installed a new IT system for inventory
control. The system was not operating prior to the end of the last financial year so its testing was not
included in the previous audit. The new system was custom-built for Clarrie Potters by a Chicago-based
software company by modifying another system it had designed for a furniture manufacturer and retailer.
Evaluate the audit risks associated with the installation of the new inventory IT system at Clarrie Potters.
AP4.11 (LO 1, 7) Challenging Public Company Impact of closing procedures on perfor-
mance Dunks Holdings Inc. (Dunks) is an importer of hardware goods and distributes the goods to
hardware retailers around the country. The growth in the do-it-yourself (DIY) market that has accompa-
nied the boom in house prices in most capital cities over the past five years has provided consistent sales
growth for both hardware retailers and wholesalers like Dunks. However, the recession, which began
last year, has cast doubt on the ability of this sector to keep growing. Some analysts believe the DIY mar-
ket will not be affected by the recession because in tough economic times home owners increase their
“nesting’’ behavior. They spend even more on improving their homes and retreat from outside activities
such as vacations, the theater, and restaurants. This view is disputed by other analysts who believe that
job losses and general pessimism in the economy will impact adversely on all company profits, including
Dunks’s share price has fallen over the last year as doubt about its ability to grow its profits in the
current year spreads. The CEO and other senior management have large bonuses linked to both share
prices and company profitability and there is a mood within the company that achieving sales and profit
targets this year is vital to avoid job losses at the company.
You have been brought into the audit team for Dunks this year and given the responsibility for audit-
ing Dunks’ closing procedures. Dunks has a monthly reporting system for internal management, but you
notice the reports are being issued later in each month this year than they were last year.
a. Evaluate why and how the circumstances described above could affect your risk assessment.
b. How would you audit Dunks’ closing procedures? Which potential errors would be of most interest?
Obtain the annual proxy statements of 10 publicly traded U.S. companies in the same industry. (Hint: Go
to, click on Fast Answers in the Education tab, and then search for an explanation on the
required disclosure of executive compensation as a fast way to find the information on the SEC’s website.)
Summarize the information on executive compensation and describe the data using graphs and/or tables.
Write a report addressing the following questions (justify your responses by referring to the data where
• How are the executives paid (cash, bonuses)?
• Which companies’ executives are paid the most and what is the range of pay?
• Which companies’ executives’ pay is most linked to the company’s profit and/or stock price perfor-
mance? (Explain any assumptions you have to make.)
• Overall, what do you conclude about how company executives are paid and how clearly the com-
pensation data is reported?
4-36 C h a pte r 4 Risk Assessment Part II: Understanding the Client
King Companies, Inc. (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. KCI has expanded from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years, and it plans
continued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the chairman of
the board of directors and CEO of KCI, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares not owned
by Eric and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started (Eric started the
company with one store after working in an auto parts store). To date, Eric has funded growth from an
inheritance and investments from a few friends. Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding by opening
three to five additional stores in the next few years.
In October 2021, Eric approached your accounting firm, Thornson & Danforth, LLP, to conduct an
annual audit of KCI for the year ended December 31, 2022. KCI has not been audited before, but this
year the audit has been requested by the company’s bank because of anticipated bank loans and by a new
private equity investor that has just acquired a 20% share of KCI.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts deliv-
ery, and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is regular
customers where KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account. During peak
periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
Eric is focused on growing revenues. Patricia trusts the company’s workers to work hard for the
company and she feels they should be rewarded well. The accounting staff, in particular, is very loyal to
the company. Eric tells you that the accounting staff enjoys their jobs so much they have never taken any
annual vacations, and hardly any workers ever take sick leave. There are two people currently employed
as accounting staff, the most senior of whom is Jonathan Jung. Jonathan heads the accounting depart-
ment and reports directly to Patricia. He is in his late fifties and hopes to retire in two or three years and
move away from Los Angeles. Jonathan keeps a close watch on accounting and does many activities
himself, including opening mail, cash receipts and vendor payments, depositing funds received, perform-
ing reconciliations, posting journals, and performing the payroll function. The second employee, Abby
Owens, is a recent college graduate who just passed the CPA exam. Abby is responsible for the payroll
functions and posting all journal entries into the accounting system. Jonathan and Abby often help each
other out in busy periods.
C4.1 (LO 1, 3) Challenging Gaining an understanding of a new client Gather information: You
have access to the following information for KCI:
1. Prior period financial statements.
2. Budgets for the current year.
3. Industry comparisons.
Plan, in detail, the types of analytical procedures the audit team will use to gain an understanding of KCI.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
The MSI board of directors consists of 12 members. The CEO and CFO are board members, and the
remaining 10 board members are not employees of MSI. One of the board members, who is part of the
audit committee, is stepping down next month, so MSI is looking to fill that spot.
b. Gather information: Go to and access AS 1301 Communication with Audit Com-
mittees. Discuss specific items the auditors must communicate with the audit committee before the audit
begins. (Note: Do not discuss the auditor’s requirements for communicating the results of the audit.)
Goodfellow & Perkins LLP is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across
Texas. During 2022, Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a pri-
vate, not-for-profit hospital. The fiscal year-end for BPH is June 30. Goodfellow & Perkins is performing
the audit for the fiscal year-end June 30, 2023.
BPH provides medically necessary care to patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Both uninsured
and underinsured patients are offered discounts of up to 100% of charges based on their income as a
percentage of the federal poverty-level guidelines. BPH does not pursue collection of these accounts;
therefore, they are not reported in patient service revenue and accounts receivable. The cost of providing
the charity care is included in operating expenses.
BPH’s investments consist of mutual funds, common equities, corporate and U.S. government debt
issues, state and municipal government debt issues, and trusts. A majority of the investments are the
result of charitable contributions to the hospital by generous donors. Earnings from the investments are
used to cover the costs of the charity care. BPH is also eligible for certain government grants to help cover
the costs of the charity care.
Selected financial statements and other financial information are provided below. Since BPH op-
erates as a non-for-profit, it reports assets, liabilities, and net assets. (Note: Net assets takes the place of
equity since there are no owners.)
Selected information from the cash flow statement is as follows (in thousands):
C4.3 (LO 1, 3) Challenging Analytical procedures Analysis: Using BPH’s financial data, perform
analytical procedures to gain an understanding of BPH. Conduct a trend analysis, common-size analysis,
and ratio analysis. Based on your analysis, document in a memo your understanding of the client, potential
problem areas (accounts at risk of material misstatement), and any other special concerns. (Note: Some
ratios provided in the text may need to be modified for a not-for-profit organization. If necessary, use the
internet for additional research about financial ratios used in the hospital industry.)
Audit Decision Cases 4-39
Answer the following questions based on the additional infor- a. Using analytical procedures and the information provided
mation about Cloud 9 presented in the appendix to this text and in the appendix, perform an analysis of Cloud 9’s financial
the current and earlier chapters. You should also consider your position and its business risks. Discuss the ratios indicating a
answer to the case study questions in earlier chapters where significant or an unexpected fluctuation.
relevant. b. Which specific areas do you believe should receive special
Your task is to research the retail and wholesale footwear in- emphasis during your audit? Consider your discussion of
dustries and report back to the audit team. Your report will form the analytical procedures results as well as your prelim-
part of the overall understanding of Cloud 9’s structure and its inary estimate of materiality. Prepare a memorandum to
environment. Suzie Pickering outlining potential problem areas (that
You should concentrate your research on providing findings is, where possible material misstatements in the financial
from those areas that have a financial reporting impact and are statements exist) and any other special concerns.
Chapter 5
Audit Evidence
The Audit Process
Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary
of the System of Internal Control
Risk Assessments
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
5-2 Ch a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Define management assertions about classes of LO 4 Evaluate when it is appropriate for auditors to use
transactions, account balances, and presentation and the work of others.
disclosure. LO 5 Document the details of evidence gathered in
LO 2 Discuss the characteristics of audit evidence. working papers.
LO 3 Apply the procedures for gathering audit evidence,
including the use of audit data analytics.
achieved. This chapter begins the discussion of obtaining audit evidence in response to iden-
tified risks. Once auditors have identified the key risk factors for their client, they will plan
“what” to test, “how” to test it, and “who” should test it. In this chapter, we explain “what”
the auditors are testing by defining and describing management assertions. Then, we discuss
characteristics of audit evidence, including traits that make some types of evidence more
appropriate than others.
Next, we discuss the “how” of gathering audit evidence. What specific procedures do audi-
tors perform to gather evidence? You have already been introduced to the broad categories of
risk assessment procedures, tests of controls, and substantive tests. This chapter will describe
specific actions auditors perform to gather evidence at the risk assessment and risk response
phases of the audit. In most audits, the audit team will perform all of the evidence gathering
procedures, but “who” else may perform evidence-gathering procedures for the audit? We
discuss situations in which auditors may use the work of others, such as specialists in a field
other than accounting or auditing, the client’s internal auditors, or auditors from another
accounting firm.
Finally, auditors document the details of their risk assessment, tests of controls, and sub-
stantive tests in their working papers. An auditor’s working papers provide proof of audit
work completed, procedures used, and evidence gathered. Each accounting firm has its own
working paper format and preferences. This chapter provides some examples of a typical audit
file and the types of working papers it may contain.
Management Assertions
Lea rning Objective 1
Define management assertions about classes of transactions, account balances,
and presentation and disclosure.
It is the responsibility of management and those charged with governance to ensure the finan-
cial statements are fairly presented. When preparing the financial statements, management
makes assertions about each account and related disclosures in the notes. An assertion is a assertion statement or rep-
statement or representation, explicit or implied, made by management regarding the recogni- resentation, explicit or implicit,
tion, measurement, presentation, and disclosure of items included in the financial statements made by management regarding
and notes. For example, when reporting inventory, management is claiming, or asserting, that the recognition, measurement,
the items exist, are owned by the entity, represent a complete list of the inventory owned, presentation, and disclosure of
items included in the financial
and are valued appropriately. When reporting sales, management is asserting that the amount
statements and notes
represents sales of the entity that occurred during the accounting period. Management also
asserts that sales are recorded at the correct amount, represent a complete list of all sales, and
are classified correctly.
During the risk assessment phase, auditors use management assertions as a guide
when determining the different types of potential material misstatements that could occur,
or what can go wrong in the financial statements. Assertions also guide auditors in the
collection of evidence, as the evidence used to evaluate many assertions is unique to that as-
sertion. For example, evidence the auditor will use to evaluate the completeness of revenues
is different from the evidence used to evaluate the occurrence of revenues. AU-C 315 Un-
derstanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
provides a summary of the assertions used by auditors. The assertions are divided into the
three categories of classes of transactions and events, account balances at the period-end,
and presentation and disclosure. The assertions are summarized in Illustration 5.1. Each
assertion in Illustration 5.1 is numbered and the following paragraphs provide more discus-
sion of each one.
5-4 Ch a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
Assertions About Classes of Transactions and Events for the Period Under Audit
(1) Occurrence Transactions and events that have been recorded have occurred and pertain to the
(2) Completeness All transactions and events that should have been recorded have been recorded.
(3) Accuracy Amounts and other data relating to recorded transactions and events have been
recorded appropriately.
(4) Cutoff Transactions and events have been recorded in the correct accounting period.
(5) Classification Transactions and events have been recorded in the proper accounts.
Let’s discuss these assertions in more detail, beginning with the assertions about
classes of transactions and events for the period under audit, and what can go wrong with
each assertion. When considering (1) occurrence, auditors gather evidence to verify that a
recorded transaction or event, such as revenue or an expense item, actually took place and
relates to the entity. This assertion is particularly important when auditors believe there is a
risk of overstatement and that some transactions are recorded but did not actually occur. For
example, a client may record revenues prematurely in error, or management might record
fictitious sales to overstate revenues and profit.
When considering (2) completeness, auditors gather evidence that all transactions have
been recorded and the financial statements are not understated or overstated because transac-
tions have been omitted. This assertion is particularly important when auditors believe there
is a risk of understatement and that some transactions or events that should have been re-
corded have not been recorded. For example, a client may have incurred an expense but not
recorded it because the vendor’s invoice had not been received, or because management in-
tended to understate expenses and overstate profit.
When considering (3) accuracy, auditors gather evidence that transactions and events
have been recorded at appropriate amounts. This assertion is important when auditors believe
there is a risk the reported amounts are not accurate. For example, a client might inadver-
tently use the wrong price on an invoice or may have complex foreign exchange calculations
where errors can easily occur.
When considering (4) cutoff, auditors search for evidence that transactions have been
recorded in the correct accounting period. This assertion is particularly important for transac-
tions close to year-end. For example, a client may record a sale before year-end that actually
occurred after year-end, or a client may record an expense after year-end that was actually
incurred before year-end. Unintentional cutoff mistakes may happen when internal controls
Management Assertions 5-5
are poor. Alternatively, a client may be motivated to record an expense or revenue in the wrong
period to manipulate net income for the period.
When considering (5) classification, auditors gather evidence that transactions and events
have been recorded in the proper accounts. For example, a client may have recorded a rou-
tine maintenance expense in a fixed asset account when it should be recorded in an expense
account. Auditors should be alert to misstatements that result in capitalizing an amount that
should be expensed.
Wells Fargo is an international banking giant headquartered in San Francisco. In 2016, news
broke that Wells Fargo employees had participated in various fraud schemes to increase reve-
nue. One of the schemes was charging auto loan customers for vehicle insurance without their
knowledge. Which assertion about classes of transactions is violated with this scheme? Did these
revenues actually occur? Wells Fargo was collecting actual payments from actual customers, so
this wasn’t a case of fictitious customers. But charging customers without their consent is fraud-
ulent and violates the occurrence assertion. Why did Wells Fargo employees participate in this
scheme? The company had very aggressive internal sales goals with compensation tied to sales
performance. Wells Fargo management encouraged cross-selling to existing customers as a way to
boost revenues, and employees felt pressure to meet the lofty sales goals. In July 2017, Wells Fargo
announced “it would issue $80 million in refunds or account adjustments to more than 570,000
auto loan customers who were charged for vehicle insurance without their knowledge.”1
Consideration of the occurrence assertion for revenues is a relevant assertion for all audits.
Historically, many accounting frauds have involved overstatement of revenues either through cre-
ation of fictitious revenue, improper period-end cutoff, and/or improper application of revenue
recognition rules. Auditors spend considerable time gathering evidence to support management’s
assertion that recorded revenue occurred and relates to the entity.
The next category of assertions focuses on account balances at the end of the period, which
is typically fiscal year-end. When considering (6) existence, auditors search for evidence to verify
that asset, liability, and equity items on the balance sheet actually exist. This assertion is import-
ant when auditors believe there is a risk of overstatement. For example, a client may miscount
inventory, resulting in an overcount and overstatement, or a client may attempt to overstate
inventory or accounts receivable to improve financial ratios for the period.
When considering (7) rights and obligations, auditors gather evidence to verify recorded assets
are owned by the entity and recorded liabilities represent commitments of the entity. This asser-
tion is particularly important when auditors believe there is a risk that recorded assets or liabilities
are not owned by the entity. This assertion is different from existence, as the assets and liabilities
may exist but not be owned by the entity. An example of inventory that physically exists but does
not satisfy the rights and obligations assertion is inventory held on consignment in the client’s
warehouse (and therefore not owned by the entity), which is incorrectly recorded as an asset.
When considering (8) completeness, auditors search for assets, liabilities, and equity items
to ensure they have been recorded. This assertion is particularly important when auditors be-
lieve there is a risk of understatement and the client has omitted some items from the balance
sheet. For example, a client may fail to record various accrued liabilities due to an error or an
attempt to improve reported financial ratios for the period.
When considering (9) valuation and allocation, auditors search for evidence that assets, lia-
bilities, and equity items have been recorded at appropriate amounts and allocated to the correct
general ledger accounts. With respect to assets, auditors need to be aware of both valuation at
historical cost and any fair value tests that may be relevant. This assertion is particularly import-
ant when auditors believe there is a risk of over- or undervaluation. For example:
• An auditor verifies that inventory has been appropriately recorded at the lower of cost or
net realizable value (risk of overstatement).
• An auditor tests for the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts (risk of under-
statement or overstatement depending on the client’s motivation).
K. McCoy, “Wells Fargo’s Legal Challenges Accumulate,” USA Today (August 9, 2017), p. 2B.
5-6 Ch a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
• An auditor verifies that equipment used in operations has been appropriately marked
down if it is impaired (risk of overstatement).
The last category of assertions focuses on presentation and disclosure in the financial
statements and the notes. You’ve probably noticed that most of the assertions in this category
are also listed in one or both of the other categories. That makes sense considering the note
disclosures and presentation in the financial statements are inherently tied with a client’s
transactions and year-end balances. Auditors gather evidence that disclosed items represent
events and transactions that occurred and pertain to the entity, (10) occurrence and rights
and obligations, and that all items that should have been disclosed are included in the fi-
nancial statements, which is (11) completeness. Auditors ensure items included in the finan-
cial statements are appropriately presented and disclosures are clearly expressed, which is
(12) classification and understandability, and financial and other information is disclosed
fairly and in appropriate amounts, which is (13) accuracy and valuation.
The PCAOB standards also address management assertions but in a more condensed manner
than the ASB standards. AS 1105 Audit Evidence lists just five assertions and does not use the three
categories of assertions like the ASB standard. The five assertions defined in AS 1105.11 are:
You can see there are similarities with the assertions listed in both sets of standards. The ASB
standard simply provides a more detailed description of the assertions, especially in the cat-
relevant assertion an assertion egory of presentation and disclosure.
that has a reasonable possibility
Recall from Chapter 4 that one of the risk assessment procedures is to identify significant
of containing a material misstate-
accounts and classes of transactions. Once these are identified, auditors assess the risk of
ment or misstatements that would
cause the financial statements material misstatement at the relevant assertion level for these significant classes of transac-
to be materially misstated and, tions and account balances. Relevant assertions are assertions that have a reasonable possibility
therefore, has a meaningful of containing a material misstatement that would cause the financial statements to be ma-
impact on whether the account is terially misstated and, therefore, have a meaningful impact on whether the account is fairly
fairly stated stated (AU-C 315.A131). All assertions may not be relevant for a particular account balance
Characteristics of Audit Evidence 5-7
or transaction. For example, the valuation of cash is typically not an issue, but the existence
of cash is always relevant because there is risk that a client may overstate its cash balance due
to the misappropriation of cash. Once the relevant assertions are identified for significant ac-
counts and classes of transactions, auditors can proceed with planning their audit procedures
to gather evidence in support of management assertions. The specific procedures auditors
audit program a listing of
will use to gather evidence are detailed in the audit program. The audit program is part of details of the audit procedures
the audit documentation that lists the details of the audit procedures to be used when testing to be used when testing controls,
controls and when conducting detailed substantive procedures. Audit procedures will be fur- conducting detailed substantive
ther discussed in this chapter in the section “Procedures for Gathering Audit Evidence.” Audit audit procedures, and completing
documentation is discussed in the section “Documentation—Audit Working Papers.” the audit
Before You Go On
1.1 When auditing accounts receivable, what will an auditor search for when testing for rights
and obligations?
1.2 What does the accuracy assertion mean? Develop an example in the context of purchases of
1.3 What is the auditor trying to ensure when considering the cutoff assertion? Develop an
example in the context of payroll transactions.
Audit evidence is the information auditors use when arriving at their opinion on the fair audit evidence information
presentation of the client’s financial statements (AU-C 500 Audit Evidence and AS 1105 Audit gathered by the auditor that is
Evidence). It is the responsibility of management and those charged with governance to ensure used when forming an opinion on
the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the appropriate financial reporting the fair presentation of a client’s
framework (usually GAAP). They are also responsible for ensuring that accurate accounting financial statements
records are maintained and any potential misstatements are prevented, or detected and cor-
rected. It is the responsibility of auditors to gather sufficient appropriate evidence to arrive at
their opinion. Before considering the different procedures auditors will use for gathering evi-
dence, we start with a discussion of what is meant by the phrase sufficient appropriate evidence.
Risk of material misstatement Level of High risk assertion
Audit risk = Detection risk
Inherent risk Control risk evidence
When the risk of material misstatement with an assertion is inherently low and the
client’s system of internal controls is considered effective at reducing risk, then detection risk is
set as high. First, the auditor will obtain evidence through risk assessment procedures to sup-
port the low inherent risk assessment, and perform tests of controls to support the low control
risk assessments. Second, since detection risk is high, that means auditors are willing to accept
a higher risk that their audit procedures may not detect a material misstatement. Therefore,
auditors would plan for substantive procedures that may result in lower quality evidence and
possibly a decreased quantity of evidence for that assertion. This scenario is demonstrated in
Illustration 5.4.
Risk of material misstatement Level of Low risk assertion
Audit risk = Detection risk
Inherent risk Control risk evidence
The risk patterns illustrated in Illustrations 5.3 and 5.4 are extremes. The risk of material
misstatement associated with most assertions falls somewhere in between. Ultimately, the
amount of evidence gathered when conducting substantive procedures is a matter for profes-
sional judgment and will vary from assertion to assertion and client to client. Nevertheless,
5-10 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
there is a direct relationship between the risk of material misstatement (inherent and control
risk) and the extent of sufficient appropriate evidence gathered when testing transactions and
Before You Go On
2.1 What are two characteristics of appropriate audit evidence? Develop an example of each.
2.2 What is a disadvantage of using evidence that is generated internally by the client? Explain
with an example.
2.3 Describe the relationship between the risk of material misstatement and sufficient appropri-
ate audit evidence. Develop an example in the context of auditing the occurrence of revenues.
Auditors spend a considerable amount of total audit time on the process of obtaining and
evaluating audit evidence in support of management assertions. The primary source of the
accounting records client’s evidence is the client’s accounting records. The accounting records consist of the records
records of the initial accounting of initial accounting entry and supporting documents such as checks, invoices, contracts, gen-
entry and supporting documents eral and subsidiary ledgers, and client-prepared spreadsheets and cost allocations. Auditors
also gather evidence from other sources independent of the client to corroborate, or confirm,
amounts recorded in the client’s accounting records. Audit evidence consists of any infor-
mation that supports and corroborates management’s assertions and any information that
contradicts the assertions. In some situations, the absence of information may also constitute
audit evidence (AU-C 500.A1). For example, suppose a client recorded the purchase of a new
piece of equipment, which increased total assets. Auditors would observe the tangible asset
and inspect the vendor’s invoice for the purchase in support of the existence assertion, and
make inquiries about how the equipment was financed. If there is no invoice to corroborate
the purchase of a new piece of equipment, then perhaps the client did not actually buy the
equipment. The equipment could be a short-term rental and therefore should not be recorded
as an asset. The absence of an invoice would serve as audit evidence that contradicts man-
agement’s assertion.
Procedures for Gathering Audit Evidence 5-11
Let’s now discuss “how” auditors gather audit evidence. Audit procedures are the
methods used by auditors in gathering evidence and they are classified into three general
1. Risk assessment procedures (discussed in Chapters 3 and 4)—Methods used to gain an
understanding of a client and its industry for the purpose of identifying risk of material
2. Tests of controls (discussed in Chapters 3 and 8)—Methods used to determine the op-
erating effectiveness of the client’s controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting,
material misstatements at the assertion level.
3. Substantive procedures (discussed in Chapters 3 and 9–14)—Methods designed to detect
material misstatements at the assertion level. Two categories of substantive procedures
are tests of details (of account balances, transactions, and disclosures) and substantive
analytical procedures.
We introduced these categories in Chapters 3 and 4 in the discussion of risk assessment, audit
risk, and audit strategy. We now detail the specific procedures auditors perform to gather suf-
ficient appropriate evidence. The specific procedures described in the rest of this section are
used as risk assessment procedures, tests of controls, or substantive procedures as determined
by the auditors.
Journal Ledger
Tracing Completeness
observation an evidence- Observation is an audit procedure that involves watching a process or procedure being
gathering procedure that involves carried out by client personnel or another party. It is used most often as a risk assessment
watching a process or procedure procedure or a test of controls. For example, auditors observe the opening of the mail to de-
being carried out by client person- termine whether the appropriate control procedures over the handling of cash receipts are
nel or another party being followed with appropriate segregation of duties. Keep in mind that observation only
provides evidence of a process at the time auditors observe it happening, and people tend to
alter behaviors when being watched. Auditors must determine whether there is evidence that
the procedures observed have been applied consistently throughout the period under audit.
inquiry an evidence-gathering Inquiry involves asking questions verbally or in written form of knowledgeable individuals in-
procedure that involves asking ternal or external to the client. Inquiry is used when gaining an understanding of the client and
questions verbally or in written to corroborate other evidence gathered throughout the audit. For example, during risk assess-
form to gain an understanding of ment, auditors will inquire of client management regarding various topics such as related par-
various matters throughout the ties, corporate governance, and major customers. The results of inquiries of client personnel
and third parties are documented by the auditor. If the evidence is particularly important, au-
ditors may document the information more formally and ask the other party (or parties) to the
discussion to sign their agreement that the auditors have recorded the discussion accurately.
As a test of controls or substantive procedure, inquiry of client personnel, on its own,
typically does not provide reliable evidence to reduce audit risk to a low-enough level for
a relevant assertion (AS 1105.17). Additional evidence needs to be gathered to corroborate
the client’s statements. For example, auditors ask the CFO about any new or updated lease
agreements. The CFO tells the auditors the company signed a lease agreement for a new
manufacturing facility. The auditors will document the response but will also follow up by
inspecting the actual signed lease agreement. This is an example of auditors using profes-
sional skepticism by verifying statements made by the client.
Procedures for Gathering Audit Evidence 5-13
Your client is Jane’s Apparel, a national chain of women’s clothing stores. There are 500 Jane’s
stores located in malls across the United States. Inventory is a key account for Jane’s, and the
existence assertion for inventory is always a relevant assertion. As part of your risk assessment
procedures, you meet with the national inventory manager, Carla, to inquire about internal con-
trols over inventory and other issues about inventory for the current-year audit. Carla says, “As
you know, one of our biggest problems is employee theft of our merchandise. We just recently
decided to hire an outside company to perform our annual physical inventory count rather than
having our own employees perform the count. Although it will be an additional cost for us, we
think the benefits of an independent inventory count will be worth it. It will deter employee theft
and hopefully detect instances of theft that are occurring.”
After your meeting, you document Carla’s responses to your inquiries. You are excited about
the news of an independent company performing the inventory count and discuss it with another
member of your audit team, John. You say to John, “Since an independent company is performing
the count, I guess that means we do not have to observe the physical inventory count anymore. We
can use the report from the independent company, right?” John thinks for a moment, then says, “I
agree that it is an improvement in internal controls to have an independent company physically
count the inventory. But remember, we have documented that the existence of inventory is a rel-
evant assertion. Therefore, we must gather an increased level of sufficient, appropriate evidence
to support our conclusion. Can we rely solely on inquiry of the client? Can we rely on the report
from the independent company that is counting the inventory? I recommend that we still observe
the physical inventory counting, even though it is being performed by an independent company.
As we have done before, we will select a sample of stores from across the country and have audi-
tors from our firm present while the inventory is being counted.” You agree with John that having
your auditors observe the physical inventory count provides more relevant and reliable evidence
to support the existence assertion for inventory.
AU-C 505 External Confirmations and AS 2310 The Confirmation Process provide guidance on
the use of external confirmations. External confirmation is an audit procedure in which external confirmation an
the auditor corresponds directly with a third party, either in paper or electronic form. The audit procedure in which the au-
third party is asked to respond directly to the auditor, not to the client, on the matter(s) in- ditor corresponds directly with a
cluded in the confirmation. Evidence obtained from external confirmations is considered re- third party, either in paper or elec-
liable because it is obtained from an independent source outside of the client. However, audi- tronic form, and the third party
responds directly to the auditor
tors must maintain control over the confirmations at all times. Specifically, auditors determine
on the matter(s) included in the
the following for the confirmations:
1. What information should be confirmed or requested?
2. Who is the appropriate confirming third party?
3. How should the confirmation request be designed?
4. How will the third party respond directly to the auditor?
5. When should the confirmation request be sent?
6. If applicable, how should auditors follow up on requests when the third party has not
External confirmations can be sent to any third parties the auditors deem necessary, but the
most common confirmations are with the client’s bank and customers.
A bank confirmation is a request for information about the amount of cash held in the bank confirmation correspon-
bank, details of any loans with the bank (e.g., interest rates and terms), and details of any pledges dence sent directly by the auditors
of assets made to guarantee loans. This information is used to confirm that the cash listed on to their client’s bank requesting
the client’s balance sheet actually exists, is recorded at the appropriate amount (valuation and information such as cash held in the
allocation assertion), is in the client’s name (rights and obligations assertion), and that all bank and details of any loans with
the bank and interest rates charged
loans with the bank are included in the liability section of the balance sheet (completeness as-
sertion). The bank confirmation also requests details of interest rates paid on the client’s cash
balances, if applicable, and interest rates charged on bank overdrafts and loans. This information
5-14 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
is used when auditing interest income and interest expense items (accuracy assertion). We will
cover the bank confirmation in depth in Chapter 13.
receivable confirmation Receivable confirmations can be sent to customers to verify amounts owed to the client.
correspondence sent directly Auditors select the customers to whom they will send confirmations. Criteria used when select-
by the auditors to their client’s ing the customer balances to confirm include materiality (large trade receivables), age (overdue
customers requesting information accounts), and location (if customers are dispersed, a selection from various locations). The
about amounts owed to the client primary assertion being tested when using receivable confirmations is existence. The confir-
by the customer
mations provide audit evidence that the customers exist. They also provide some evidence on
ownership (rights and obligations assertion), as customers confirm that they owe money to the
client. Customers are only asked to confirm they owe the amount outstanding at year-end (or
at an interim date). They do not confirm their intention to pay the amount due. Therefore, con-
firmations provide very little evidence regarding the valuation and allocation assertion.
positive confirmation There are two types of external confirmations: positive and negative. Positive confirmations
correspondence sent directly by ask recipients to reply in all circumstances. If a response cannot be obtained, auditors must perform
an auditor to a third party, who follow-up procedures. Negative confirmations ask recipients to reply only if they disagree
is asked to respond to the auditor with the information provided. If a recipient does not respond to a negative confirmation, it is
on the matter(s) included in the assumed they agree with the information provided. But could there be other reasons why there
letter in all circumstances (that
is no response? What if the customer never received the confirmation, perhaps because of an
is, whether they agree or disagree
address error? What if it is sitting on someone’s desk and has not been opened? Because of
with the information included in
the auditor’s letter) these “unknowns,” this form of request is of limited benefit when the assertion being tested is
existence. According to AU-C 505.15 and AS 2310.20, auditors should not use negative confir-
negative confirmation
mations as the sole audit procedure unless all of the following conditions are present:
correspondence sent directly by
an auditor to a third party, who 1. Auditors have assessed the risk of material misstatement for accounts receivable as low.
is asked to respond to the auditor
on the matter(s) included in the 2. Auditors have gathered sufficient appropriate evidence that internal controls are effective.
letter only if the party disagrees 3. The population of accounts receivable balances consists of a large number of small
with the information provided account balances.
4. Auditors expect a low exception rate.
5. Auditors are not aware of any circumstances that would cause the recipients to disregard
the confirmation request.
In practice, negative confirmations are not commonly used. Positive confirmations provide
superior evidence because auditors must follow up on any nonresponses by verifying the
appropriate recipient and sending a follow-up request or by completing alternative procedures.
When auditors send a positive receivable confirmation, they ordinarily include the amount
recorded in their client’s records for each customer to confirm. There is risk that a customer
may sign and return the confirmation to the auditor without checking the balance outstanding.
As the primary assertion being tested when using this audit procedure is existence, rather than
valuation and allocation, this issue is not of great concern. Auditors will rely on other proce-
dures to provide evidence on the valuation and allocation of the receivable balance. If auditors
were to send a confirmation to customers requesting they provide the balance outstanding,
there is risk that customers will not respond as locating the amount owed takes some effort to
find, which would reduce the overall response rate and the amount of evidence available for the
existence assertion. We will revisit the accounts receivable confirmation process in Chapter 11.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), AU Section 330 The Confirmation Process, www.
D. L. Goelzer, “Statement on Consideration of Concept Release on Possible Revisions to the Standard on Audit
Confirmations” (April 14, 2009),; WebCPA 2009, PCAOB Mulls Revising Audit Confirmation
Standards (April 14, 2009),
Goelzer, 2009.
Procedures for Gathering Audit Evidence 5-15
In the United States, the practice of audit confirmations is PCAOB included this issue in its request for public comment on
essentially mandatory, unlike the situation that typically prevails the new standard.
in the rest of the world where confirmations are an optional proce- The comment period for the proposed rule closed in Septem-
dure—a tool available for auditors to select as part of a package of ber 2010. The PCAOB received 27 comment letters, 19 of which
audit procedures.5 The U.S. requirement to use confirmations dates were from accounting firms and associations of accountants. There
back to a famous fraud case, McKesson Robbins, in the 1930s.6 In was general acknowledgment from the respondents that the exist-
that case, around $19 million of a total of $87 million in assets ing standard needs to be revised. However, there were two primary
were entirely fictitious and the fraud would probably have been recommendations from the respondents. One recommendation is
discovered if audit confirmations had been used appropriately.7 that the standard should be modified to be based more on princi-
More recent scandals, such as the Madoff, Satyam, and Parmalat ples and risk rather than being a hard rule that auditors must use
cases, have meant that the confirmation process is back in the confirmations. With a model based on principles and risk, auditors
spotlight.8 can rely more on their professional judgment when determining if
The PCAOB believes that a new confirmation standard confirmations are appropriate for a given client. The second rec-
should take into account today’s sophisticated security and en- ommendation is that additional research should be conducted to
cryption tools for email and online transactions. Specifically, some determine how additional confirmation requirements will affect
confirming parties have indicated that instead of responding to the confirming parties. Currently, the PCAOB has not issued any
confirmation requests, they prefer to allow the auditors to have updated standard on the confirmation process.11
electronic access to the company’s accounts so the auditor may The clarified standards of the Auditing Standards Board in-
directly check the confirming party’s records.9 Former PCAOB clude an updated standard on external confirmations that became
member Steven Harris believed “the standard should address effective for audit periods ending after December 31, 2012. Para-
the use and reliability of confirmations received electronically. It graph A15 of AU-C 505 addresses the issue of validating the source
should address the authenticity and accuracy of direct access to of replies received in electronic format, such as email. It may be
online account information.”10 In addition, auditors are continu possible for the auditor to establish a secure environment for elec-
ally faced with disclaimers—clauses inserted into a client’s cus- tronic responses, for example, by the use of encryption, electronic
tomer’s reply to a confirmation request disclaiming responsibility digital signatures, and procedures, to verify website authenticity.
for any inaccuracy in the information provided. In a litigious However, if this is not possible and the auditor has doubts about
society like the United States, these disclaimers are routinely used the reliability of any form of evidence obtained through the con-
to avoid legal liability for statements made. However, the auditor firmation procedure, AU-C 505 requires the auditor to consider
is then faced with a decision; that is, how much weight should be alternative procedures, for example, telephone contact with the
placed on a statement that is accompanied by a disclaimer? The respondent (AU-C 505.A14).
Recalculation is the audit procedure of checking the mathematical accuracy of documents recalculation an audit pro-
or records. Recalculation can be performed manually or electronically with the aid of software. cedure that involves checking
Some recalculations are simple, such as footing (adding/subtracting figures) a column in a client- the mathematical accuracy of
prepared spreadsheet. Other recalculations are more complex, such as foreign currency documents or records
translation, payroll taxes, interest on loans outstanding, and depreciation. When conducting
S. B. Harris, “Statement on Proposed Auditing Standard on Confirmation” (July 13, 2010),
WebCPA, 2009.
Harris, 2010.
WebCPA, 2009.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), “Transcript Excerpt and Slides: Standing Advisory
Group Meeting,” Docket 28 (October 14, 2010),
5-16 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
complex recalculations, auditors agree the amounts included in the calculations to externally
prepared documents, when available, and check that the formulas are used appropriately and
are free of errors.
reperformance an audit Reperformance involves the independent execution of procedures or controls that were
procedure that involves the inde- originally performed by client personnel. In other words, the auditors will “re-do” a proce-
pendent execution of procedures dure that was performed by the client to determine if the auditors get the same result. Reper-
or controls that were originally formance is commonly used as a test of controls. For example, a client’s control procedure
performed by client personnel over cash disbursements states that checks are prepared only after all source documents have
been independently approved in a voucher packet. Auditors can reperform this procedure by
looking at approved voucher packets awaiting check processing. Auditors reperform the act
of agreeing all of the source documents and verify that an approval signature is on the packet.
Another example is reperforming a bank reconciliation the client has prepared. Client
personnel prepare bank reconciliations for all bank accounts each month as an internal con-
trol procedure. Auditors will reperform the bank reconciliation to gather evidence that the
procedure was performed correctly.
Analytical Procedures
analytical procedures eval- Recall from Chapter 4 that analytical procedures are evaluations of financial information
uations of financial information through analysis of plausible relationships among both financial and nonfinancial data. Some
through analysis of plausible re- examples of analytical procedures include data comparisons, ratio analysis, and trend analysis.
lationships among both financial During risk assessment, analytical procedures are required and are used to identify accounts
and nonfinancial data at risk of material misstatement, which aids in planning the audit. They can also be used as a
substantive procedure to gather sufficient appropriate evidence, but auditing standards do not
require the use of analytical procedures during the risk response phase.
When properly designed and executed, analytical procedures may provide an efficient alter-
native to other audit procedures and, in some cases, may provide the most effective test of the ap-
propriateness of account balances. For example, when auditing management’s estimate of the al-
lowance for doubtful accounts or the accrual for warranty costs, auditors compare the current-year
estimates with prior-year estimates, taking into consideration any increases or decreases in sales.
Based on the results, auditors may decide that no further substantive testing is needed. In other sit-
uations, analytical procedures may provide the only method of gathering evidence. For example,
if the client does not maintain an effective costing system, auditors could estimate manufacturing
overhead in finished inventory by relating actual overhead for the year to actual direct labor. The
use of analytical procedures as a substantive procedure is covered in more depth in Chapter 9.
scanning a type of analytical Scanning is a type of analytical procedure in which auditors use their professional judgment
procedure in which auditors use to review accounting data to identify unusual or significant items that may be an indication
their professional judgment to of a material misstatement. Scanning includes the identification of unusual individual items
review accounting data to identify within an account balance or other accounting records such as journals, reconciliations, and
unusual or significant items to detailed transaction reports. Examples of unusual items include a large dollar amount for a
examine further
transaction, such as a very large cash receipt that might be evidence of a loan, or a nonstan-
dard journal entry. Once an unusual item is identified, auditors may decide to further examine
the item using other audit procedures, such as inspection or recalculation.
Auditors use software to perform procedures such as calculations (for example, the sum-
ming of a report) and logic tests (for example, sorting or comparing current-year amounts
with prior years), and to select key items and representative samples for testing. Audit data audit data analytics (ADA)
analytics (ADA) is using software to discover and analyze patterns, identify anomalies, using software to discover and an-
and extract other useful information from client data. Auditors then use “visualization” tech- alyze patterns, identify anomalies,
niques to draw conclusions and communicate the information. Visualization refers to the and extract other useful infor-
use of graphics to explain and communicate findings. Typical visualization techniques include mation in data underlying the
subject matter of an audit through
graphs, charts, trend lines, scatter diagrams, and dashboards. For example, traditional audit
analysis, modeling, and visualiza-
techniques would compare aggregate figures, such as current-year sales compared to prior-year
tion for the purpose of planning
sales, or quarterly sales totals in the current year to quarterly sales totals from the prior year. or performing an audit
ADA software can provide a deeper examination of sales activity by summarizing every sales
visualization using graphics
transaction for the year into a graph that shows a trend line with time on the x-axis and dollars
to explain and communicate
of sales on the y-axis. This deeper analysis shows more detailed trends with highs and lows findings
of sales activity. Knowing more about their clients helps auditors plan a more effective audit.
Using ADA software makes the audit (1) more comprehensive because each item in
a client’s file can be examined and subjected to a variety of tests and (2) more efficient
because the software can handle large volumes of data, thereby reducing time-consuming
clerical tasks. Using software also allows auditors to concentrate on designing the test cri-
teria and evaluating and interpreting the results, rather than on performing the detailed
audit procedures.
ADA can be used during risk assessment and risk response. The main considerations in
deciding whether to use ADA are the completeness of the client’s records and the reliability
of the client’s data. As with any audit procedure, the nature and extent of the procedures
performed with ADA will largely depend on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the client’s
information technology controls. The use of ADA will be covered in more depth in Chapters 7
and 11–13.
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain the procedures of vouching and tracing. Illustrate with an example in the context of
the revenue process.
3.2 What is a bank confirmation? Why is it an important confirmation?
3.3 How is a positive confirmation different from a negative confirmation?
3.4 Explain the audit procedure of reperformance. Illustrate with an example in the context of
revenue transactions.
5-18 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
We have covered a significant amount of information regarding the planning and design of
an audit. As you have probably concluded, an audit requires many hours of work by a team
of auditors. The size of an audit team will vary depending on the size and complexity of the
client. The composition of a general audit team is depicted in Illustration 5.6. You can think
of the composition of an audit team like a triangle, with more team members at the base
of the triangle and fewer at the top. The senior and associates perform the detailed testing
under the supervision of the manager. The partner holds ultimate responsibility for audit
decisions, supervision of the team members, and the issuance of the final audit report.
Throughout the engagement, as audit procedures are completed and documented, they are
reviewed by an audit team member with seniority over the team member who did the work.
Chapter 14 will provide more information about the review of audit documentation.
General structure of an 10 or more years’
Partner experience
audit team
In Illustration 5.6, the approximate years of experience for each level of team member
are also shown in the diagram. When assigning the audit team, an accounting firm will make
sure it assigns individuals with appropriate audit experience. An appropriate response to an
identified risk may be assigning an individual with the right experience. For example, when
fraud risk is high, the accounting firm may assign an individual with more audit experience in
a particular industry to audit an assertion than when fraud risk is low.
In some situations, the audit team will rely on the work of others during the risk assess-
ment and/or risk response phase of the audit. Some examples include relying on an industry
or technical specialist, the client’s internal auditors, and/or other auditors. These situations
will be discussed in the following sections.
AU-C 620 Using the Work of an Auditor’s Specialist and AS 1210 Using the Work of a
pecialist provide guidelines for auditors when using the work of a specialist. The first step
is for auditors to determine whether a specialist is required. The need to engage the services
of a specialist depends on the knowledge of the audit team, the significance and complexity of
the item, the risk of material misstatement of the account or assertion, and the availability of
appropriate alternative corroborating evidence. If the audit team has experience with the item
being audited and can draw on their knowledge from previous audits of that client or similar
companies in the same industry, there is less need to use a specialist. If auditors decide they
do not have the expertise necessary to test and evaluate the accuracy of reported information,
they can seek assistance in the form of a specialist’s opinion to corroborate other evidence
obtained. For example, a licensed appraiser may be engaged to provide an opinion on the
value of a client’s property, a geologist may be engaged to evaluate the quantity and quality of
mineral deposits, a vintner may be engaged to assess the quality and value of wine stocks, or
an actuary may be engaged to develop an estimate of a pension liability.
Once it has been determined that a specialist is required, the next step is for the audi-
tors to determine the scope of the work to be carried out and agreed to by the specialist. The
agreement can be in the form of a formal engagement letter with the specialist or recorded
in the audit planning documents when using a specialist from the accounting firm. Auditors
determine the nature, timing, and extent of work to be completed by the specialist. It is
important that auditors are involved in setting the scope of the work required because the
judgment of the specialist forms part of the audit evidence upon which auditors form their
audit opinion. Written instructions to the specialist can cover the (1) issues the specialist
is to report upon, such as the market price of properties owned by the client; (2) the details
to be included in the report, such as computations used in arriving at their conclusion;
(3) the sources of data to be used, such as market interest rates or market prices of shares;
(4) clarification of the way the auditors intend to use the information included in the specialist’s
report; and (5) notice that the specialist’s report and the data used in compiling the report
must remain confidential.
Before contacting a specialist, auditors should assess the competence, capability, and
objectivity of the specialist. Competence refers to the expertise of the specialist. What are
the qualifications of the specialist? Does he or she maintain a license or certification in
a relevant field? How many years of experience does the specialist have in the relevant
field? Capability refers to the ability of the specialist to perform the required work. For
example, does the specialist have the time and resources needed to complete the work? Is
the specialist located in the area or will significant travel be required? Objectivity refers
to the possible effects that bias, conflicts of interest, or the influence of others may have
on the professional judgment of the specialist (AU-C 620.A15). Auditors should inquire of
the client and of the specialist as to whether any interests or relationships exist between
the client and the specialist that would impair the specialist’s objectivity. For example,
does the specialist have any financial interests or outside business relationships with the
client? The specialist is not required to be completely independent of the client. If some
type of relationship does exist between the client and the specialist, auditors may decide
to perform some additional procedures with respect to the specialist’s work to determine
that the findings are reasonable.
Once the specialist’s work is complete, auditors will assess the specialist’s report. The
report should detail each stage of the process used in arriving at the overall conclusion in the
report, including information about the data sources or estimation models used, or calcula-
tions conducted. Auditors assess the consistency of any assumptions made with those made
in prior years and with other known information and with conclusions drawn with corrobo-
rating evidence gathered by the audit team.
The responsibility for arriving at an overall conclusion regarding fair presentation of a
client’s financial statements rests with the auditors. When auditors decide to use a specialist,
that responsibility is not reduced in any way. It is the responsibility of auditors to assess the
quality of the evidence provided by a specialist and determine whether it is reliable and objec-
tive. Auditors do this by following the process outlined above. They will determine the need
for a specialist, the scope of the specialist’s work, and the competence and objectivity of the
specialist. Finally, auditors will assess the quality of the specialist’s report and the reliability
of the information included in it.
5-20 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
J. F. Brazel, “How Do Financial Statement Auditors and IT Auditors Work Together?” The CPA Journal
(November 2008), pp. 38–41.
A. Kotb, C. Roberts, and S. Sian, “E-business Audit: Advisory Jurisdiction or Occupational Invasion?” Criti-
cal Perspectives on Accounting 23, no. 6 (2012), pp. 468–482.
Kotb et al., 2012.
Using the Work of Others 5-21
Using the Work of Internal Auditors and AS 2605 Consideration of the Internal Audit Function,
auditors may (1) use the work of internal auditors in gathering audit evidence and (2) use
internal auditors to provide direct assistance under the direction, supervision, and review of
the external auditors.
If external auditors intend to use the work of internal auditors, they must first assess the
objectivity, competence, and processes of the internal audit function. The concepts of objec-
tivity and competence discussed above in the context of a specialist also apply when consid-
ering internal auditors. Since internal auditors are employees of the client, they are not inde-
pendent. However, a well-designed internal audit function can operate free of bias and avoid
conflicts of interest. Illustration 5.7 lists factors for auditors to consider when assessing the
objectivity and competence of the internal audit function. Auditors should also consider the
processes of the internal audit function. Essentially, auditors want to determine if the internal
auditors follow a systematic and disciplined approach to their work and have quality control
procedures in place. Ideally, the internal audit function should plan, supervise, document, and
review its activities in a way that is distinct from other monitoring activities within the entity.
Factors that impact objectivity:
Factors that impact objectivity
• Internal auditors report directly to the board of directors, audit committee, or owner-manager. and competence of internal
• There is no assignment of managerial or operational duties that are outside of the internal auditors
audit function.
• Policies prohibit internal auditors from auditing areas where relatives are employed or areas
where the internal auditor was previously assigned before moving to the internal audit
• Internal auditors are members of a professional body that obligates compliance with
professional standards regarding objectivity.
If auditors determine that the internal auditors are objective, competent, and follow ap-
propriate procedures, then the next step is to determine how the internal auditors’ work may
affect the nature, timing, and extent of the audit. Procedures planned or already performed
by the internal audit function may be the same as, or very similar to, audit procedures the
external auditor would design and perform, particularly in the area of evaluation of the per-
formance of internal controls. Therefore, work already performed or planned to be performed
by the internal auditors can affect the auditors’ risk assessment procedures, testing of controls,
and/or substantive procedures performed. Here are some examples:
• The internal auditors have developed a flowchart for a new sales and receivables software
application. The external auditors obtain a copy and review the flowchart to gain an
understanding of the new application. If the auditors are satisfied with the quality of
the flowchart, they will not need to prepare their own flowchart, which improves the
efficiency of the audit.
• The internal auditors have tested relevant controls over the completeness assertion for
accounts payable. The results of the internal auditors’ procedures provide evidence that
controls are operating effectively. If satisfied that the controls are operating effectively,
auditors may reduce the extent of their testing of these controls.
5-22 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
• As part of their own work, the internal auditors confirm a sample of accounts receiv-
able balances to ensure a new sales and receivables software application is functioning
properly. Auditors may use this work as evidence obtained and then reduce the number
of additional receivable balances that would be confirmed.
When determining the extent to which the internal auditors’ work will affect the auditors’ pro-
cedures, auditors consider the materiality of the account balance or transaction; the risk of ma-
terial misstatement of the assertions related to the account balance, transaction, or disclosure;
and the amount of subjectivity involved in evaluating the evidence gathered (AU 2605.20). As
these factors increase, the need for auditors to perform their own tests of the related assertions
also increases. Remember, external auditors have sole responsibility for expressing an opinion
on the fair presentation of the financial statements. That responsibility is not decreased by the
use of work performed by internal auditors.
External auditors may also obtain direct assistance from internal auditors to carry out
audit procedures the external auditors would normally do themselves. In this scenario, inter-
nal auditors would be under the direction, supervision, and review of the external auditors.
When determining the nature of work to be assigned to internal auditors, external auditors
should follow the same guidelines as mentioned in the previous paragraph. As the factors
of materiality, risk of material misstatement, and subjectivity increase, the need for external
auditors to perform the procedures will increase. An example might be the valuation asser-
tion for assets that require significant accounting estimates. Areas involving less materiality,
lower risk of material misstatement, and less subjectivity are more appropriate to assign to
internal auditors. An example might be the existence assertion for prepaid expenses. External
auditors should obtain written acknowledgment from management, or those charged with
governance, regarding the use of internal auditors for direct assistance with the audit. This
written acknowledgment can be included within the audit engagement letter or prepared as
a separate document.
Audit evidence obtained from the internal auditors and the work performed by internal
auditors providing direct assistance are included in the external auditors’ documentation as
evidence of work completed. Also included is the evaluation of the objectivity, competence,
and procedures of the internal auditors. Audit documentation is discussed further in this
chapter in the section “Documentation—Audit Working Papers.”
One of your clients is Mary Lee’s Cookie Company. Mary Lee’s produces various types of cook-
ies and sells them at grocery stores and convenience stores across the United States. Mary Lee’s
is a family-run, private company, and it has experienced significant growth over the last six
years. The founder and chair of the board of directors, Mary Lee Nguyen, has a goal of taking
the company public one day, so she wants to start preparing the company to be run more like a
public company. Therefore, she has decided to create an internal audit function. Two months
after the conclusion of the prior-year audit, Mary Lee hired Kathy Bourgeois to lead the in-
ternal audit function. Kathy has three years of internal audit experience working at a public
company, and she is a certified internal auditor (CIA). To add to her department, Kathy has
hired a recent college graduate who has taken courses in internal auditing, and she also has a
current college student who is interning part-time. Kathy and her team will report directly to
Mary Lee and the board of directors.
One of Kathy’s first tasks has been to document Mary Lee’s transaction processes and
internal controls. Can your audit team use the work of Kathy’s team regarding the transaction
flows and internal controls documentation? Are Kathy and her team objective and compe-
tent? You consider objectivity. Kathy is a CIA and therefore must comply with professional
standards to maintain her certification. The internal audit function reports to the board of
directors, not to a member of management. No one in the internal audit function is assigned
managerial duties. Therefore, based on these factors, the internal audit function seems to be
objective. Now you consider competence. Kathy is a CIA, but she only has three years of work
experience. The rest of her department, a recent college graduate and an intern, is not experi-
enced. The internal audit department has only been functioning for a few months. Based on
Using the Work of Others 5-23
these factors, you do not consider the internal audit function highly competent at this time.
Therefore, for the current-year audit, you do not plan to use any of the work of Mary Lee’s in-
ternal auditors. However, over time, the internal audit function may develop more competence
and you may consider using the work of the internal auditors or obtaining direct assistance
from them.
is essentially the same as the ASB standard for private companies. The key difference is the
PCAOB standard uses different terminology. The term “principal auditor” is used instead of
“group engagement team” and “group engagement partner.” The term “other auditors” is used
instead of “component auditors.”
Before You Go On
4.1 What factors may influence an auditor’s decision on the need to use a specialist? Illustrate
with an example.
4.2 Why might an external auditor want to use the work of the internal audit function? Illustrate
with an example.
4.3 Who is the group engagement partner? Why is this position important?
4.4 What are some of the factors that a group engagement partner will consider when assigning
work to a component auditor?
In this chapter, we have discussed the characteristics of audit evidence, the procedures for
gathering audit evidence, and situations when others may be used to gather audit evidence
to support management assertions. Next, we cover procedures for documenting all of the
audit evidence that has been gathered. AU-C 230 Audit Documentation and AS 1215 Audit
working papers paper or Documentation require auditors to document each stage of the audit in their working
electronic documentation of the papers to provide a record of work completed and evidence gathered in forming their audit
audit created by the audit team as opinion. Determining what and how much to document is a matter of professional judg-
evidence of the work completed ment, but the documentation must be sufficient to enable an experienced auditor, having
no connection with the audit, to understand the procedures performed and the conclusions
Auditors document each stage of the audit and the procedures used. During the risk as-
sessment phase, auditors document their understanding of the client, the risks identified,
analytical procedures used to aid in risk identification, their materiality assessment, the
understanding of the client’s system of internal controls, the understanding of the client’s
information technology, related parties identified, and a preliminary audit strategy. During the
Documentation—Audit Working Papers 5-25
risk response phase, auditors develop an audit program, and document details of tests under-
taken, copies of significant documents referenced, correspondence with the client’s lawyers
and bankers, confirmations received from customers, and inquiries of management.
Documentation will vary from client to client. It will depend upon the audit procedures
used, the risks identified, the extent of judgment used, the persuasiveness of the evidence
gathered, the nature and extent of exceptions noted, and the audit methodology utilized
(AU-C 230). An audit working paper generally includes:
• Client name.
• Period under audit.
• Title describing the contents of the working paper.
• File reference indicating where the working paper fits in the audit file.
• Initials identifying the preparer of the working paper together with the date the working
paper was prepared.
• Initials identifying the reviewer(s) of the working paper together with the date(s) the
working paper was reviewed.
• Cross-referencing between working papers indicating where further work and evidence
is summarized elsewhere.
Working papers for each client consist of two main files called the permanent file and the
current file.
Permanent File
The permanent file includes client information and documentation that applies to mul- permanent file contains client
tiple audits. In the first year of a continuing audit, auditors gather information that will be information that is relevant for
relevant to future audits. The information included in the permanent file is checked and more than one audit
updated at the start of each annual audit. The permanent file usually contains the client’s
head-office address, other locations, and contact details (telephone, fax, and email). Infor-
mation about key personnel and an organizational chart are included in the permanent
file. A client’s organizational chart includes details of key roles within the organization and
the names of the people in those roles. The file may also include the details of the client’s
bank(s) and lawyer(s).
The permanent file includes copies of long-term contracts and agreements. These doc-
uments will be used to calculate interest payable on outstanding long-term loans, or enable
the assessment of any lease obligations. Debt covenants will be included in the permanent
file. Auditors can check the details of these agreements to assess the client’s compliance with
covenants. If a client has long-term commitments with customers and suppliers, auditors will
include the relevant documentation in the permanent file. Key long-term investments will be
detailed, including the details of the broker used for these transactions.
The permanent file includes details of the client’s board of directors and its subcommit-
tees, such as the audit committee. The file includes the minutes of significant meetings held
by the client, such as its board of directors’ meetings. It may include details of bonus and stock
option plans for the client’s senior staff.
The permanent file details a client’s primary accounting policies and methodologies.
Prior financial statements and audit reports are included in the permanent file. Details of
prior analytical procedures are included and added to so auditors can observe changing
trends. Flowcharts and narratives detailing a client’s system of internal controls are in-
cluded in the permanent file and amended as needed during the risk assessment phase of
each audit.
Reports sent to the client during previous audits will be included in the permanent file.
For example, letters to management that detail weaknesses in internal controls identified
by the auditors in previous years are included and referred to by the auditors. When plan-
ning future audits, auditors read these reports and discuss their contents with the client’s
5-26 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
Current File
current file contains client The current file is developed as audit work is performed and includes client information and
information that is relevant for documentation that apply to the current year’s audit. Contents of the current file vary from
the duration of one audit client to client depending on the accounts in the client’s financial statements and the client’s
activities. The current file includes the details of all testing and evidence gathered in prepara-
tion of the audit report.
The current file also includes correspondence among the auditors and the client, the
client’s bankers, and the client’s lawyers that pertain to the current audit period. Corre-
spondence with other auditors, specialists, and relevant third parties is also included.
The engagement letter is included in the current file, along with the management letter
detailing any weaknesses uncovered in the client’s system of internal control. Represen-
tation letters (discussed in Chapter 14) and confirmation letters are also included in the
current file.
The current file includes extracts from the minutes of meetings, such as the board of
directors’ meetings, that pertain to the current audit. The file includes details of the audit
planning process and the audit program. The current file also includes detailed descriptions
of evidence gathered, testing conducted, and audit procedures performed. It will detail the
analytical procedures, tests of controls, and detailed substantive testing undertaken, as well
as the conclusions drawn at the completion of testing. The current file includes testing of any
subsequent events (discussed in Chapter 14) and a copy of the final audit opinion.
alternative for environmentally conscientious customers. NME operates from three locations
and produces a wide range of household products that it sells to supermarkets and specialty
At the front of every audit file is a copy of the client’s trial balance that supports the fi-
nancial statements. The trial balance is then referenced into the appropriate lead and support-
ing schedules in the audit file where audit work is documented for each account in the trial
balance. At Bell & Bowerman, LLP, the trial balance is referenced using the letter “A”; cash
and cash equivalents in various banks are referenced into the C Lead; accounts receivable are
referenced into the E Lead; inventory accounts are referenced into the F Lead; property, plant
and equipment are referenced into the K Lead; and so on.
The first working paper example is the cash and cash equivalents lead schedule
(see Illustration 5.8). The purpose of this lead is to summarize all general ledger accounts
that are combined into the cash and cash equivalents account on the financial statements.
The lead schedule also has adjusting journal entries, if any, that are proposed by the auditor.
In the top-left corner of the lead schedule are the client name, period-end, and currency
unit (in this example, balances are rounded to the nearest thousand dollars). In the top
center of the lead schedule is section identification (C). In the top-right corner, details of
the working paper preparer and reviewers are documented. Next, details of the cash and
cash equivalents balance are listed. For each item listed in the lead schedule, the following
are noted:
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: KM 1/21/2023
Period-end: 12/31/2022 C–LEAD Reviewed by: SO 1/22/2023
Currency unit: $000 Reference: C-Lead Reviewed by: MM 1/24/2023
Lead schedule:
Pre- Adjusted
adjusted current-year Prior-year
Account balance balance balance %
no. Account name 12/31/2022 Adjustments 12/31/2022 12/31/2021 Variance Variance Ref
10100 Cash in Bank: Wells Fargo $ 11,000 $0 $ 11,000 TB $ 10,500 PY $500 5% C01
Background: No significant changes in banks or bank accounts from the prior period. Note: Analytical review on movements in the cash flows has
been performed on the cash flow schedule — see A1.1.
Comments: Cash and cash equivalents: In line with budget and change consistent with level of activity for the period (see also our review of the
statement of cash flows referenced in A1.1). Short-term deposits: Although the balance is very consistent with previous period, inclusion of
short-term deposits within cash and cash equivalents is acceptable (refer to C5).
5-28 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
• Variance and percentage change, the calculated difference between the prior-year and
current-year balances.
• The cross-reference to the working paper where supporting documentary evidence is
kept for each balance (e.g., C02).
The final section of the lead working paper includes any relevant background information
about the account and comments based upon completed testing.
The second working paper example relates to accounts receivable and would be found
in the “E” section of the audit file (see Illustration 5.9). As noted before, in the top left
corner are the client name, period-end, and currency unit ($000). In the top center are the
working paper reference (E02) and title (confirmations and related alternative procedures).
The upper-right corner of the working paper shows who performed and who reviewed
the audit procedures. Next, the date of the interim confirmation is noted. In this case, the
confirmation was conducted for the accounts receivable balance at two months prior to
year-end. The balance in the accounts receivable account on that date is noted ($9,500)
and cross-referenced to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger (SL) and another part
of the accounts receivable section of the audit file (E03). Receivable balances for a sample
of customers were confirmed as of October, 31, 2022. The date the confirmations were
sent is then noted. The first request was sent on November 5, 2022, and a second request
was sent on December 10, 2022, to customers that did not reply to the first request. The
table contains details of the customers who were sent confirmation requests. (This working
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: DM 12/14/2022
Period-end: 12/31/2022 E02– CONFIRMATIONS AND RELATED
Reference: E02 Reviewed by: SO 12/17/2022
Currency unit: $000 Reviewed by: MM 12/19/2022
Balance per procedures
Balance as of customer as of Subsequent other than
Account or confirmation confirmation cash subsequent
invoice Customer date Date date Variance receipts Date or cash receipts Total
number name [A] TM/Ref Received [B] TM/Ref [A – B] [C] source TM/Ref [D] TM/Ref [C + D] Comments
987654 Cleanair $500 SL 11/20/2022 $450 E02.3 $50 $50 11/1/2022 ✓ $50 A
– –
Comments: • A: OK payment made by customer prior to the confirmation date, but received by the client just after confirmation date. This timing difference does not affect the existence of
receivables as of the end of October.
Documentation—Audit Working Papers 5-29
paper shows audit work for only a few customers, just to provide an example.) The table
• The account or invoice number per the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger (SL).
• The customer name per the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger (SL).
• The balance at confirmation date per the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger (SL).
• The date the auditor received a response from the customer.
• The balance outstanding at the confirmation date according to the customer correspon-
dence (filed and cross-referenced E02.1, E02.2, E02.3).
• Any variance between the client records and the customer correspondence, which is cal-
culated and listed by the auditor.
• An explanation of alternative procedures used when a customer has not responded or if
the customer’s response varies from the client’s records.
by the auditor at the bottom of the page. In this case, the tick marks ✓ and β refer to audit
The table also includes several tick marks (✓, β) that cross-reference to explanatory comments
procedures performed on customers EcoFriend and Cleanair that are explained at the bottom
of the working paper.
The following discussion interprets the audit work documented on this working paper.
The table shows the following audit work was performed to evaluate the appropriateness of
the accounts receivable balances for four customers that were selected for confirmation.
The bottom part of the working paper includes the auditor’s comments related to the last
customer, Cleanair. The auditor concluded the timing difference did not affect the existence of
a receivable as of the end of October.
Before You Go On
5.1 What is a current file?
5.2 What is a permanent file and how does it relate to a current year’s audit?
5.3 What will an auditor document during the risk assessment phase of the audit?
5-30 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
Background Information • Risk of theft of the powder is low because it is not a prod-
You have been assigned to the audit of a new client, Acadian uct that is easy to steal or in demand (unlike jewelry or
Chemicals (AC), headquartered in southern Louisiana. AC produces cars).
a product called carbon black. It is a black powder that is used in • The client has a method of determining how much is in
making other products, such as toner for printers/copy machines the silo. The client uses a “strapping tool” to measure the
and vehicle tires. The powder is produced in four different grades, empty part of the silo. The strapping tool is basically a tape
from very fine powder to coarser powder. The finished powder measure on a reel with a weight on the end of the tape mea-
is stored in a large silo that has four compartments for the four sure. From the top of each compartment of the silo, the
different grades of powder. The silo is about two stories tall and client lowers, or reels, the tape measure down into each
can store a maximum of 700,000 pounds of powder. The bottom compartment. When the weight on the end of the tape hits
of the silo can be opened to fill 20-pound bags, 50-pound sacks, the powder, the client stops reeling and looks at the mea-
or entire train cars so the powder can be shipped to customers surement on the tape. Essentially, the client is measuring
for further refinement into other products. The 20-pound bags the empty part of the compartment. Once the measure-
and 50-pound sacks are stored in a large warehouse located on ment is obtained, it is entered into a client-prepared
the production premises. You have toured the production facility spreadsheet that contains a formula. The total volume of
and have seen the warehouse and the storage silo. There are no the silo, minus the strapping tool measurement (converted
windows in the silo to see how much powder is inside, and no into a volume amount), equals an estimate of volume of
lighting inside of the silo. At the top of the silo, there is a lid for powder in the silo.
each compartment that can be opened, but when you look in, all
you see is darkness. At any given time during the year, about 40%
Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives
of AC’s inventory is stored in the silo, waiting to be packaged and Analysis of risk and alternatives:
shipped. The production facility operates continuously, 24 hours
• Risk of material misstatement is high for the existence asser-
a day, 7 days a week.
tion of powder stored in the silo.
Identify the Audit Issue • Visually observing the amount of inventory in the silo is
One of the issues here is determining what assertion is most at not possible in this situation. However, you can reperform
risk with the inventory that is stored in the silo. Another issue is the client’s procedure of using the strapping tool to mea-
determining what audit procedures to use to gather sufficient ap- sure the empty part of the tank, and then use the client’s
propriate evidence regarding the inventory that is in the silo. spreadsheet formula to determine the volume of powder in
the silo.
Gather Information and Evidence • You may consider hiring a specialist to assist in the observa-
Important information includes: tion of inventory in the silo. The specialist can also inspect
the client’s spreadsheet formula to ensure it is mathemati-
• A material portion (40%) of the inventory is stored in the silo;
cally reasonable and consistent with what is used in the
therefore, it should be audited. However, there is no way to
see how much is actually in the silo.
• Since the production facility operates continuously, there is al- Audit Conclusion
ways powder being loaded into at least one compartment of the Since AC is a new client with a unique inventory situation, your
silo. It is not possible to stop production for purposes of deter- firm will hire a specialist in the carbon black industry to perform
mining what is in the silo. Even if production could be stopped, procedures on the client’s spreadsheet and measurement process
it is still not possible to see what or how much is in the silo. for inventory in the silo. The specialist will summarize his or her
• Fraud risk may be high because AC management could lie findings in a report that will be included in the audit documenta-
about how much is in the silo in an effort to overstate inven- tion for AC. If the specialist determines that AC’s procedures are
tory. Management could also put something different in the reasonable and consistent with the industry, then the specialist
silo, such as sand, thereby providing false information about probably will not be needed for future audits unless the client’s
the silo’s contents. process for storing the powder changes significantly.
5-32 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) The three categories of management assertions are: 8. (LO 3) When an auditor inspects loan documentation and traces
a. journal entries, ledgers, and trial balances. the details to recording in the client’s records, the auditor is gathering
evidence to support the:
b. journal entries, account balances, and financial statements.
a. completeness assertion.
c. transactions, ledgers, and account balances.
b. existence assertion.
d. classes of transactions, account balances, and presentation
and disclosure. c. valuation and allocation assertion.
d. rights and obligations assertion.
2. (LO 1) The assertion related to recording transactions in the cor-
rect accounting period is: 9. (LO 3) Which audit procedure is being used when an auditor
a. accuracy. checks the calculations in a client-prepared spreadsheet?
b. completeness. a. Analytical procedure.
c. cutoff. b. Recalculation.
d. occurrence. c. Reperformance.
d. Scanning.
3. (LO 1) A detailed listing of the specific audit procedures to be
used to gather evidence for an account is called the: 10. (LO 4) If a specialist is engaged to assist with the audit:
a. permanent file. a. it means the auditor does not have the requisite skill and
b. audit strategy. knowledge to assess the item.
c. audit program. b. it means the auditors should not have taken on the audit
because they are not qualified.
d. accounting records.
c. the PCAOB must be contacted and permission obtained
4. (LO 2) The quantity of evidence that an auditor will gather: before the specialist starts work.
a. varies with the assessed risk of material misstatement. d. the auditor does not have to take responsibility for the fair
b. is the same for most audits because it has to be appropriate. presentation of the item in the financial statements.
c. depends on the size of the audit team. 11. (LO 4) Before the external auditors decide to use the work
d. is the same for clients in the same industry. performed by the internal auditors, the external auditors must first
5. (LO 2) Which is generally the most reliable form of evidence?
a. the size of the internal audit function relative to the client.
a. Internally generated evidence from the client’s IT system.
b. the independence of the internal auditors.
b. Internally generated evidence based on discussions with
upper management. c. the supervision skills of the internal audit function.
c. Externally generated evidence held by the client. d. t he competence and objectivity of the internal audit
d. Externally generated evidence sent directly to the auditor.
12. (LO 5) The working papers for a client contain both a per-
6. (LO 3) An external confirmation sent to a bank:
manent and a current file. The difference between the two files
a. requests information about the bank balances and loan is that:
a. the permanent file is kept by the audit partner in charge and
b. requests information about interest rates paid on deposits and cannot be altered after the first audit engagement is com
charged on loans. pleted, but the current file can be updated.
c. is relevant to the audit of interest revenue and expense. b. the copy of the permanent file must be sent to a regulator
d. All of these answer choices are correct. (PCAOB or State Board of Accountancy) and the current file
is not.
7. (LO 3) When an auditor inspects a tangible asset to support a balance
in the client’s records, the auditor is gathering evidence to support the: c. the permanent file includes documents that relate to the cli-
ent and are relevant for more than one year’s audit, and the
a. completeness assertion.
current file includes the details of work completed and evi-
b. existence assertion. dence gathered that relate to the current year’s audit.
c. valuation and allocation assertion. d. the permanent file cannot be altered, but the current file can
d. rights and obligations assertion. be altered.
Analysis Problems 5-33
Review Questions
R5.1 (LO 1) Are financial statements considered statements of fact? R5.7 (LO 3) Differentiate between recalculation and reperformance,
Discuss in the context of management assertions. and provide an example of each.
R5.2 (LO 2) Explain why the quality of audit evidence is deter- R5.8 (LO 4) If an auditor does not have sufficient knowledge and
mined by the choice of audit procedure and the assertion most at risk skill in an area, the auditor can ask for the assistance of a specialist.
of material misstatement. Does this create a problem? Explain how an auditor knows if the spe-
R5.3 (LO 2) Discuss why an auditor must consider the reliability of cialist’s work is reasonable if the auditor is not also a specialist.
audit evidence. R5.9 (LO 4) Describe the general composition of an external audit
R5.4 (LO 3) Explain how inspecting a client’s tangible assets pro- team. Discuss whether a client’s internal auditors can be part of the
vides evidence about the completeness and existence assertions. external audit team.
R5.5 (LO 3) Differentiate between the “occurrence” and “exis- R5.10 (LO 4) Provide examples of situations in which an auditor
tence” assertions. How do both differ from “completeness”? would use the work of a component auditor.
R5.6 (LO 3) List and describe the procedures for gathering audit ev- R5.11 (LO 5) List some key elements that would be included in any
idence. At which stage(s) of the audit is each procedure appropriate? working paper document.
Analysis Problems
AP5.1 (LO 1) Basic Assertions at risk The inventory of a large grocery store client is material,
and it is the largest current asset on the balance sheet. The cost of inventory items ranges from very small
amounts (like individual candy at the checkout line) to larger amounts (like prime meat and specialty
deli items). Typical risks for a grocery store are theft and spoilage of inventory. During the second quarter,
the client caught three employees in a scheme of stealing produce and meats from the store and selling
them, at a discount, to friends and family. Based on an investigation by authorities and store manage-
ment, the scheme had been operating for about two months.
Based on the information, evaluate which accounts and assertions are at risk of misstatement.
AP5.2 (LO 1) Basic Assertions at risk Davis Do-It-Center (Davis) is a local hardware store with
five locations in southern Georgia. The company has been operating for over 70 years. In the last 15 years,
the two owners, who are brothers, have been working hard to transition from manual processes to elec-
tronic systems. Recently, one of the store managers had to fill in at the checkout register, which uses a
scanning system to capture the sales price of each item, and noticed that the scanned sales prices of some
items were incorrect. The manager alerted one of the brothers about the issue. Upon further investiga-
tion, this brother discovered that the scanning system was pulling sales prices from outdated price lists
for three inventory categories: lawn and garden, plumbing, and paint supplies.
Based on the information, evaluate which accounts and assertions are at risk of misstatement.
AP5.3 (LO 1, 2) Moderate Assertions and evidence Propel Equipment rents heavy equipment,
such as cranes, bulldozers, and dump trucks, to industrial contractors. One of Propel’s larger expenses
is repairs and maintenance on the rental equipment. The company’s policy is to capitalize repairs that
improve the useful life or increase the operating efficiency of the equipment. Routine repair and mainte-
nance costs should be expensed as incurred. Business has been slow for the last two quarters, so Propel is
taking advantage of the “down time” to catch up on repair and maintenance items.
Propel’s auditors have completed their risk assessment procedures and noted the increased activity
with repairs and maintenance. Since business is slow, auditors also noted there is increased risk that
management may try to understate expenses to inflate profit.
a. If Propel management incorrectly capitalizes repairs and maintenance expenses, evaluate which
accounts and assertions are at risk of misstatement.
b. If auditors determine there is increased risk for understatement of expenses, how does that impact
the sufficiency and appropriateness of the audit evidence?
5-34 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
AP5.4 (LO 1, 2, 3) Moderate Types and persuasiveness of audit evidence Jenna is working on the
audit of a client’s accounts receivable. During the last few weeks, she has conducted interviews with the ac-
counts receivable manager, the chief financial officer, and staff working in the accounts receivable depart-
ment. She has overseen the external confirmations of accounts receivable, 30% of which required the recipient
to respond whether or not the amount stated was correct. Jenna also inspected subsequent cash receipts from
the client’s customers. She vouched a sample of accounts receivable balances back to the underlying invoices,
cash receipts and sales returns, and traced a sample of these documents to the accounts receivable ledger.
a. List the audit procedures used by Jenna to gather evidence and comment on the reliability of the
b. Relate each type of evidence to the relevant accounts receivable assertions.
AP5.5 (LO 1, 2, 3) Moderate Audit evidence James Thomas is responsible for preparing bank recon-
ciliation statements at Ajax Inc. Ajax has many bank accounts, including separate accounts for each major
branch, accounts for payments of salaries and dividends, and accounts kept in foreign currency for overseas
divisions. James maintains records including bank statements and weekly bank reconciliations for each ac-
count. In addition, there are files containing correspondence with banks about disputed transactions, dis-
honored checks from Ajax’s customers, and other bank-initiated transactions such as fees and interest.
a. Comment on the appropriateness of the evidence in James’ files for Ajax’s financial statement audit.
b. Explain how an auditor would obtain more appropriate evidence for the relevant assertions for the
bank accounts at Ajax.
AP5.6 (LO 1, 2, 3) Basic Audit evidence An audit associate is preparing an audit program for the
audit of a client’s revenue transactions. To gather evidence in support of the occurrence assertion, the
associate included the following audit procedure in the audit program:
Select a sample of authorized shipping documents and approved customer orders and trace them
to recording in the sales journal.
a. Evaluate the relevance of the procedure in addressing the occurrence assertion.
b. Comment on the reliability of the evidence gathered using the procedure.
AP5.7 (LO 1, 2, 3) Moderate Audit evidence An audit associate is preparing an audit program
for the audit of a client’s inventory purchases transactions. To gather evidence in support of the cutoff
assertion, the associate included the following audit procedure in the audit program:
Select a sample of receiving reports in the warehouse for three days before and after year-end and
inspect related journal entries in inventory/accounts payable to determine that purchases were
recorded in the proper period.
a. Evaluate the relevance of the procedure in addressing the cutoff assertion.
b. Comment on the reliability of the evidence gathered using the procedure.
AP5.8 (LO 1, 2, 3) Basic Audit evidence An audit associate is preparing an audit program for the
audit of a client’s allowance for doubtful accounts. To gather evidence in support of the valuation asser-
tion, the associate included the following audit procedure in the audit program:
a. Evaluate the relevance of the procedure in addressing the valuation assertion.
b. Comment on the reliability of the evidence gathered using the procedure.
AP5.9 (LO 1, 2, 3) Challenging Gathering evidence Max Crowe is an associate auditor who
has just started with the team conducting the audit of a new client in the construction industry. Max is
shadowing Susan Wong, an experienced auditor. Susan is showing Max how to be a member of an audit
team and is trying to teach Max about the benefits of getting to know the client. Susan is also trying to
help Max develop experience in picking up subtle signals about the client’s problems and what the client
might be trying to hide from the auditor.
Analysis Problems 5-35
Max is getting a little frustrated with the “shadowing” assignment. He cannot understand why Susan
is spending so much time talking to the client’s staff and touring the various construction sites and
offices. When Susan is not doing this, she is working on a spreadsheet of the client’s previous financial
statements and unaudited interim data. Max wants to know when they are going to do some “real” work
and start gathering audit evidence. Susan tells Max that they have already started.
a. Discuss Susan’s comment that they have already started the audit. What evidence have they gathered
so far?
b. Explain what work is being done with the spreadsheets of financial data. Give some specific exam-
ples for this client. How is this type of work relevant to different phases of the audit?
c. When Susan is touring the client’s premises, she is taking notes of equipment and furniture she sees, es-
pecially anything that looks either newly purchased or older and unused. Explain why she is doing this.
AP5.10 (LO 4) Moderate Using the work of internal auditors Theobald Inc. has an internal audit
department that primarily focuses on audits of the efficiency and effectiveness of its production depart-
ments. The other main role of the internal audit department is auditing compliance with various govern-
ment regulations surrounding correct disposal of waste and storage of raw materials at its five factories.
Theobald’s internal audit department is run by Harry Potts, a CPA and a member of the Institute of Internal
Auditors. There are three other members of the department, all of whom have experience in performance
auditing and, in addition, have completed industry-run training courses in waste management and han-
dling dangerous goods. Harry meets regularly with the chief production manager and sends monthly re-
ports to the CEO and the board of directors. Your initial investigations suggest that Harry is highly regarded
within Theobald, and his reports are often discussed at board meetings. In most cases, the board authorizes
the actions recommended in Harry’s reports with respect to major changes to production and logistics.
Evaluate the extent of reliance the external auditor should place on the work of the internal audit department
at Theobald Inc. Explain the likely impact of the internal audit department’s work on the audit plan.
AP5.11 (LO 4) Challenging Research Using a specialist SolarTubeGen is a start-up company in
the renewable energy sector. The founder of SolarTubeGen, Fritz Herzberg, has developed cutting-edge tech-
nology to convert the energy in the sun’s rays to electricity via a novel system of mirrors designed to focus
the sun’s rays onto tubes containing a patented type of gas, which then heats and expands to drive turbines.
Ramirez & Walker LLP has won the contract for the first audit of SolarTubeGen on the basis of its expertise in
the energy sector. However, the lead partner, Mark Ramirez, recognizes the success of the audit is dependent
on the correct assessment of the technology being used at SolarTubeGen. Mark specified in the successful au-
dit bid documents that the audit will use an external specialist to help with valuation of the company’s assets.
Fritz Herzberg is very protective of his company’s intellectual property and is resistant to Mark’s
first suggested specialist, Manfred Hamburg. Fritz believes that Manfred Hamburg is hostile toward him
because they clashed when they both worked for a German company making photovoltaic cells in the
1990s. Fritz has suggested another specialist, Lily Beilherz, with whom he has had good working rela-
tions over the last 20 years.
a. Advise Mark Ramirez about the choice of a specialist for the audit of SolarTubeGen. What must
he consider when making his choice? Refer to AU-C 620 Using the Work of an Auditor’s Spe-
cialist to support your answer. (ASB standards can be accessed at
b. SolarTubeGen takes over another renewable energy company during the second-year audit. The
new subsidiary is based in another country and has previously been audited by a local audit firm.
Evaluate how Mark should handle the new audit responsibilities brought about by the client’s
AP5.12 (LO 3, 5) Moderate Research Documentation Jennifer Jones is reading documents
prepared by the members of the team working on the audit of receivables for a private company audit
client. Jennifer is the senior manager assisting the engagement partner, Ruby Rogers. Jennifer and Ruby
have worked together on many audits, and Jennifer knows the types of questions Ruby will ask about the
working papers if they are not up to the standard required by AU-C 230. Jennifer is trying to make sure
that all documents are up to the required standard before Ruby sees them tomorrow.
Jennifer is particularly concerned about the documents relating to the receivable confirmations.
This is because the audit assistant who wrote the confirmation results recommended that no further
work was required. On review of the results, Jennifer discovered the audit assistant had incorrectly
5-36 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
treated “no reply” results as acceptable for a positive confirmation, when they are acceptable only for a
negative confirmation. Jennifer had ordered further work be done to follow up on these “no reply” results.
a. What is the minimum standard that audit documentation must meet?
b. Propose how you would treat the corrections made to the audit assistant’s recommendations and the
additional work on receivable confirmations in the working papers. Refer to both AU-C 505 External
Confirmations and AU-C 230 Audit Documentation in your answer.
AP5.13 (LO 4, 5) Challenging Fraud Public Company Research Overstating revenue—
Satyam Computer Services, Ltd In April 2011, the SEC charged Satyam Computer Services Ltd.,
an India based-company, with fraudulently overstating the company’s revenue, income, and cash balances
by more than $1 billion over five years. The SEC also sanctioned the company’s auditors for conducting
deficient audits that allowed the fraud to go undetected for years. The auditors were five India-based
affiliates of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The SEC stated that “PW India’s failure to properly execute
third-party confirmation procedures resulted in the fraud at Satyam going undetected for years.”15
a. Go to and research the Satyam fraud scandal. Briefly summarize the fraud, such as
the time period over which it took place, who was involved, and how it was conducted.
b. Go to and search for PCAOB Release No. 105-2011-002. Summarize the audit
deficiencies noted by the PCAOB in the audit of the cash and receivables balances. Also summarize
how the auditors violated Auditing Standard No. 3 Audit Documentation. (Note that the Auditing
Standards have since been reorganized. The documentation standard is now AS 1215.) What penalties/
punishment was levied on the PwC affiliate firms?
King Companies, Inc. (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles, Califor-
nia. KCI has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years, and it plans continued growth.
Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the chairman of the board of directors and
CEO of KCI, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares not owned by Eric and Patricia are owned by
friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric started the company with one store after working in
an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth from an inheritance and investments from a few friends.
Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding by opening three to five additional stores in the next few years.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts deliv-
ery, and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is made up
of regular customers for whom KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account.
During peak periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
As part of gaining an understanding of KCI, you inspect (1) the accounts receivable trial balance that lists
amounts owed by each customer and (2) an aging of accounts receivable schedule. One customer, Tire Repair
Specialists (TRS), has a large material balance that is more than 90 days past due. You discuss the TRS balance
with Jonathan, one of KCI’s accounting staff, and he says there are rumors that TRS is having serious financial
difficulty. Jonathan says no adjustment or allowance has been made regarding the TRS account.
You just completed a continuing professional education (CPE) course at your firm, Thornson &
Danforth, about audit documentation. AU-C 230 has specific requirements about documenting audit
work. In particular, paragraph 9 states:
“In documenting the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures performed, the auditor
should record:
a. the identifying characteristics of the specific items or matters tested;
b. who performed the audit work and the date such work was completed; and
c. who reviewed the audit work performed and the date and extent of such review.”
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), “SEC Charges India-Based Affiliates of PWC for Role in Satyam
Accounting Fraud,” Release 2011-82 (April 5, 2011),
Audit Decision Cases 5-37
“The auditor shall document discussions of significant findings or issues with management,
those charged with governance, and others, including the nature of the significant finding or
issues discussed, and when and with whom the discussions took place.”
C5.1 (LO 1) Moderate Assertions at risk Analysis and evaluation: Based on the information, evaluate
which accounts and assertions are at risk of misstatement.
C5.2 (LO 5) Moderate Documentation Analysis: Describe how you would apply the manda-
tory requirements of AU-C 230 when documenting your understanding related to the potential bad
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is
a small, publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-
tech unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security
equipment. MSI’s products are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions,
but there is growing demand for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through
an extensive bidding process for large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of
government contracts and military product designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be
highly secured.
MSI has a small internal audit department that is led by Lorenzo Mandella, a former audit senior
of Leo & Lee who worked on the MSI audit. Lorenzo never took the time to sit for the CPA exam and
therefore was not able to advance to manager at Leo & Lee. He was thankful that the opportunity at MSI
became available. Lorenzo was hired by MSI five years ago as MSI’s first internal auditor. He was tasked
with establishing the internal audit function and hiring more internal audit staff as needed. Over the
past five years, he has hired three additional internal audit staff. Two of his staff are CPAs and one is a
certified internal auditor (CIA). The two CPAs have 2-3 years of external audit experience from working
at a mid-size public accounting firm. The CIA is a recent college graduate whose only work experience
was an internal audit internship for a health insurance company.
On a day-to-day basis, Lorenzo works closely with the CFO and other accounting personnel as part
of internal control monitoring. The CFO will ask Lorenzo’s group to perform audits of accounts if errors
are suspected. Lorenzo reports to the audit committee as needed, particularly if there are issues with
internal controls that the audit committee should be made aware of. Lorenzo and the rest of his group do
not have any managerial duties outside of their internal audit role.
C5.3 (LO 4) Moderate Public Company Research Considering the work of internal
auditors Analysis and evaluation: Using AS 2605 as a guide, discuss how Leo & Lee would evalu-
ate the internal audit function of MSI. Based on the information, make a decision regarding the use
of MSI’s internal auditors and defend your decision. (PCAOB auditing standards can be accessed at
Goodfellow & Perkins LLP is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across
Texas. During 2022, Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a pri-
vate, not-for-profit hospital. The fiscal year-end for BPH is June 30. Goodfellow & Perkins is performing
the audit for the fiscal year-end June 30, 2023.
BPH provides medically necessary care to patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Both uninsured
and underinsured patients are offered discounts of up to 100% of charges based on their income as a
percentage of the federal poverty level guidelines. BPH does not pursue collection of these accounts;
therefore, they are not reported in patient service revenue and accounts receivable. The cost of providing
the charity care is included in operating expenses.
BPH’s investments consist of mutual funds, common equities, corporate and U.S. government debt
issues, state and municipal government debt issues, and trusts. A majority of the investments are the
result of charitable contributions to the hospital by generous donors. Earnings from the investments are
used to cover the costs of the charity care. BPH is also eligible for certain government grants to help cover
the costs of the charity care.
5-38 C h a pte r 5 Audit Evidence
The breakdown by payor of BPH’s accounts receivable balance approximates the following:
Medicare 16%
Medicaid 12%
Blue Cross 19%
Other insurance providers 33%
Patients 20%
C5.4 (LO 1, 2, 3) Challenging Assertions and audit procedures Analysis: Select three asset ac-
counts that you consider significant accounts for BPH and explain why they are significant. For each
significant account that you identify, determine the two most relevant assertions for that account and
select one audit procedure that would provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence related to each of the
relevant assertions.
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
6-2 Ch a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Define internal control and describe the COSO LO 5 Discuss the different techniques used to document
framework. internal controls.
LO 2 Explain and evaluate internal controls at the entity LO 6 Explain the importance of identifying strengths
level. and weaknesses in a system of internal control.
LO 3 Explain and evaluate internal controls at the LO 7 Explain how to communicate internal control
transaction level. weaknesses to those charged with governance.
LO 4 Explain and evaluate information technology (IT)
(COSO).1 This framework enables organizations to effectively and efficiently develop systems
of internal control. It also provides a common framework for users to understand audits of
internal control over financial reporting. When internal controls put in place by management
conform to the COSO framework and function effectively, internal control is described as
strong. When they do not agree closely to the COSO framework, or they do not operate effec-
tively, the internal control is described as weak. Recall from Chapter 1 that if a public company
has one material weakness in ICFR, the company will receive an adverse opinion on ICFR. In
audits of private companies, not-for-profit entities, and governments, where the auditor does
not have to issue a report on ICFR, the auditor must still understand the system of internal
control, evaluate control risk, and assess the impact of internal controls on audit strategy.
In this chapter, we begin with a discussion of how the client’s system of internal controls
relates to an integrated audit. This involves understanding:
Next, we focus on information technology (IT) controls and how they work. This chapter
concludes with a discussion of identifying strengths and weaknesses in a system of internal
control and how weaknesses are communicated to both management and those charged with
COSO, Internal Control—Integrated Framework (AICPA: Durham, NC, 2013).
6-4 Ch a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Organizational structure
The relationship among the
three dimensions of internal
control: objectives, components,
and organizational structure
Operating unit
Control environment
Risk assessment
Control activities
Monitoring activities
• Operations objectives. These pertain to the effectiveness and efficiency of the entity’s op-
erations, including operational and financial performance goals, and safeguarding assets
against loss.
• Reporting objectives. These pertain to internal and external financial and nonfinancial
reporting and may encompass reliability, timeliness, transparency, or other terms as set
forth by regulators, recognized standard setters, or the entity’s policies.
• Compliance objectives. These pertain to adherence to laws and regulations to which the
entity is subject.
These three objectives of internal control help the auditor understand why the controls are
important and the problems they are designed to prevent. Without understanding the in-
tention of management in implementing internal controls, it is harder to understand how
controls prevent, or detect and correct, financial statement misstatements. Management
and those charged with governance are concerned about adequately controlling the entity’s
operations, its financial reporting, and its compliance with laws and regulations. The exter-
nal auditor, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with the reporting objectives and the
operations objectives related to safeguarding of assets.
• Control environment.
• Risk assessment.
• Control activities.
Internal Control Defined 6-5
Within the five components of internal control, the 2013 COSO framework clearly articulates
17 principles that are essential to evaluating whether the five components of internal con-
trol are present and operating effectively. The principles also apply to an entity’s operations,
reporting, and compliance internal control objectives. These components and principles are
summarized in Illustration 6.2.
illustration 6.2
Control Environment Seventeen COSO principles of
1. The organization demonstrates a commitment to integrity and ethical values. internal control
Risk Assessment
6. The organization specifies objectives with sufficient clarity to enable the identification and
assessment of risks relating to objectives.
7. The organization identifies risks to the achievement of its objectives across the entity and
analyzes risk as a basis for determining how the risks should be managed.
8. The organization considers the potential for fraud in assessing the risks to the achievement
of objectives.
9. The organization identifies and assesses changes that could significantly impact the system
of internal control.
Control Activities
10. The organization selects and develops control activities that contribute to the mitigation of
risks to the achievement of objectives to acceptable levels.
11. The organization selects and develops general control activities over technology to support
the achievement of objectives.
12. The organization deploys control activities through policies that establish what is expected
and procedures that put policies into actions.
13. The organization obtains or generates and uses relevant, quality information to support the
functioning of internal control.
14. The organization internally communicates information, including objectives and
responsibilities for internal control, necessary to support the functioning of internal
15. The organization communicates with external parties regarding matters affecting the func-
tioning of internal control.
16. The organization selects, develops, and performs ongoing and/or separate evaluations to as-
certain whether the components of internal control are present and functioning.
17. The organization evaluates and communicates internal control deficiencies in a timely man-
ner to those parties responsible for taking corrective action, including senior management
and the board of directors, as appropriate.
(COSO, Internal Control—Integrated Framework, 2013)
6-6 Ch a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Organizational Structure
The third dimension of the COSO framework depicted in Illustration 6.1 describes an
entity’s organizational structure. While some private companies or not-for-profit organi-
zations may have simple organizational structures, and some multinational organizations
have complex organizational structures, the key issue is that some controls are imple-
mented at the entity level, while other controls may be implemented at a division, operat-
ing unit, or function level. All three internal control objectives (operations, reporting, and
compliance) should be accomplished throughout the organizational structure of the en-
tity. When understanding a client’s system of internal control, the auditor must consider
the client’s objectives and the five components of internal control (control environment,
risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring).
Within this context, the auditor must understand the scope of the control implemented
by the client and the number of transactions that may be affected by the control imple-
mented by the client. The controls related to financial reporting and to the safeguarding
of assets are most relevant to an audit of ICFR as well as to an audit of the financial state-
ments. Other controls related to operations, other types of reporting, and compliance may
be relevant when they affect the data or evidence used by the auditor when performing
audit procedures.
Inherent Limitations
Internal control, no matter how effective, can only provide an entity with reasonable assur-
ance in achieving its financial reporting objectives. For example, people may have effective
alarm systems in their homes, but if they are in a hurry and leave the house without activating
the alarm system, the control is ineffective. Common inherent limitations in internal control
Another example is a person may receive a daily exception report but not know what to
do with it. If potential errors are not investigated and corrected, the programmed control that
flags items for review loses its effectiveness.
Before You Go On
1.1 What is the purpose of a system of internal control?
1.2 Why is it important to understand the client’s system of internal control?
1.3 Explain the three objectives of internal control.
1.4 Identify the five components of internal control.
1.5 Explain the relationship between internal control objectives, internal control components,
and organizational structure.
1.6 Describe the inherent limitations of internal control.
Entity-Level Internal Controls 6-7
committee members. The board of directors oversees the entity’s accounting and financial
reporting policies and procedures, including its system of internal control. As a result, those
charged with governance have an obligation to be concerned with the entity’s system of
internal control, internal and independent (external) audit processes, and financial reporting
to shareholders and the investing public.
In determining the effectiveness of the participation of those charged with governance,
in particular the board of directors, auditors consider the board’s independence from manage-
ment, the experience of its members, the extent of its involvement and scrutiny of manage-
ment’s day-to-day activities, and its interactions with the internal and/or external auditors. For
example, if the board has regular and open communications with its auditors, management
may be more willing to inform the board of issues arising in the system of internal control on
a timely basis (to avoid “surprises”).
i nformation that flows from the accounting system. If a manager is not held accountable for
the results of his or her operating unit, there is little incentive to correct errors in accounting
for transactions. Although written job descriptions should delineate specific duties and re-
porting relationships, it is important for the auditor to understand informal structures that
may exist and how individuals are held accountable for their actions. The auditor should
also be aware of how management assigns authority and responsibility for IT, and how in-
dividuals responsible for IT are held accountable, particularly with respect to procedures for
authorizing and approving system changes. A lack of accountability over making changes in
programmed control procedures creates an environment that is conducive to utilizing IT to
cover employee fraud.
When gaining an understanding of the control environment, the auditor considers each
of the five principles just discussed and their interrelationships. In particular, the auditor
needs to understand whether there are any significant deficiencies related to one principle
that may have an impact on the effectiveness of other principles or other components of inter-
nal control. If the control environment is weak, it decreases the likelihood that other compo-
nents of internal control will be effective.
The assessment of internal controls, as well as the impact of weaknesses in or exceptions
to internal controls, is discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.
Susan Larson, a senior manager, was having lunch with Linh Sun (an audit senior) and Peter
Miller (a new audit staff). All three were working on an audit of a pharmaceutical client. Both
Linh and Peter were focused on understanding the client’s system of internal control for a new
audit client. Susan commented, “I want you to get a good feel for the control environment and the
tone at the top about financial reporting by talking to employees at all levels of the organization,
particularly in accounting. Wells Fargo has been in the news recently because the tone at the top
focused on hitting targets at any cost, and there were significant negative consequences for those
who did not meet artificially high expectations. At one end of the spectrum, you have companies
like Wells Fargo with a poor tone at the top. At the other end of the spectrum, I had a client that
I approached with a misstatement that was significant, but probably had not met our materiality
threshold. After the controller understood the underlying cause of the misstatement, and how
their control system failed to detect the problem, the controller announced that the company
would book the adjustment, even though it decreased unaudited earnings that had previously
been announced. When I asked the controller about his reasoning, he stated, ‘We are more con-
cerned about our credibility with investors than one earnings announcement.’ These are the two
ends of the spectrum, and our new audit client may be somewhere in between these two exam-
ples. I want you to determine where on this control environment spectrum this new client is.”
6-10 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Risk Assessment
All entities, regardless of their size, structure, nature, or industry, encounter risks at all lev-
els within the organization. Risk is defined as anything that can keep an organization from
achieving its objectives (operations, reporting, or compliance). Therefore, an entity’s risk
risk assessment process the assessment process is its process for identifying and responding to risks that an organiza-
entity’s process for identifying tion will not achieve its objectives. Risks will affect the entity’s ability to survive, compete,
and responding to risks that an grow, and improve the quality of its products, services, and people. It follows that objectives
organization will not achieve its must be set and threats to achieving those objectives must be identified before the risks can be
objectives assessed. It is not possible to reduce these risks to zero; however, management (in conjunction
with those charged with governance) needs to determine how much risk is acceptable to the
organization. Some organizations have a risk committee, which is responsible for ensuring
that all of these risks are identified, managed, and reported to the board of directors.
An organization’s risk assessment process is different from the auditor’s consideration of risk.
The purpose of the entity’s risk assessment process is to identify, analyze, and manage the risks
that affect its ability to achieve its operational effectiveness. If a risk is not properly identified, it is
likely there will be no control designed to mitigate the risk. In an audit, the purpose is to assess the
combined inherent, control, and detection risks to evaluate the likelihood that material misstate-
ments could occur in the financial statements (see discussion in Chapter 3 of the audit risk model).
An effective risk assessment process requires management and the board of directors to
implement the following four principles.
Principle 6. The organization specifies objectives with sufficient clarity to en-
able the identification and assessment of risks relating to objectives. If risk
is defined as anything that can keep an organization from achieving its operations, reporting, or
compliance objectives, risk assessment begins with clearly articulating the entity’s objectives.
Objectives must be clearly set so that threats to achieving those objectives can be identified, and
risks can be assessed. It is important for management (and auditors) to understand the relation-
ship between the entity’s objectives and risks that can affect financial reporting. For example,
a company may plan on introducing new technology. However, if it introduces the new tech-
nology to the marketplace while it still has a significant inventory of older technology on hand,
the introduction of new technology may cause existing inventory to become obsolete or have a
lower-of-cost-or-net realizable value problem. The auditor needs to be alert to make sure that the
financial consequences of business risks are fairly presented in an entity’s financial statements.
Principle 7. The organization identifies risks to the achievement of its objec-
tives across the entity and analyzes risk as a basis for determining how the
risks should be managed. The identification and analysis of risk involves several steps.
Management should establish a process for (1) identifying risk relevant to the achievement of
the entity’s objectives, (2) estimating the significance of the risks, (3) assessing the likelihood
of their occurrence, and (4) deciding about actions to address those risks. For example, new
legislation or regulation might force changes to operating policies or strategies. Illustration 6.3
provides some examples of external and internal risk factors that an entity might consider.
Principle 8. The organization considers the potential for fraud in assessing
the risks to the achievement of objectives. Fraud risk was discussed in Chapter 3.
In a strong system of internal control, management should be alert to financial reporting
frauds, misappropriation of assets, and various types of corruption associated with fraud or
other types of misconduct. When assessing fraud risks, management should consider the
three elements of the fraud triangle: (1) incentives and pressures to commit fraud, (2) oppor-
tunities to perpetrate fraud, and (3) attitudes and rationalization. A good system of internal
control should significantly reduce or eliminate the opportunity to perpetrate a fraud. There-
fore, management should consciously assess the risk of fraud and put appropriate controls in
place to reduce fraud risk to an acceptable level.
Principle 9. The organization identifies and assesses changes that could signifi-
cantly impact the system of internal control. Risks can arise or change as a result of
changes to the organization and the environment in which it operates. These include changes in
the operating environment, personnel, technology, growth, business structures, and accounting
pronouncements. It is important for the auditor to understand the risks identified by the entity,
Entity-Level Internal Controls 6-11
External Risk Factors
Examples of risk factors
• Technological development can affect the nature and timing of research and development, or
lead to changes in procurement.
• Changing customer needs or expectations can affect product development, production
processes, customer service, pricing, or warranties.
• Competition can alter marketing or service activities.
• New legislation and regulation can force changes in operating policies and strategies.
• Natural catastrophes can lead to changes in operations or information systems and highlight
the need for contingency planning.
• Economic changes can have an impact on decisions related to financing, capital expenditures,
and expansion.
as this will assist the auditor in considering where (and if) a material misstatement in the finan-
cial statements might exist. The overall potential for risks to have a material impact on financial
reporting is increased when management appears willing to accept unusually high risks in mak-
ing business decisions, enters into major commitments without sufficient consideration of the
risks, and fails to closely monitor and control the risks associated with commitments.
Control Activities
control activities policies
Control activities are policies and procedures that help ensure management’s directives are and procedures that help ensure
carried out and that necessary actions are taken to address risks impacting the achievement of that management directives are
the organization’s objectives. Control activities, whether automated or manual, have various carried out
6-12 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
objectives and are applied at various organizational and functional levels. Effective control
activities require management and the board of directors to implement the following three
Principle 10. The organization selects and develops control activities that
contribute to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to ac-
ceptable levels. Management, with the oversight of the board of directors, selects and
develops control activities to ensure that the entity achieves its objectives. Control activities
often use a combination of IT and manual controls. AU-C 315.A99 provides the following
examples of control activities:
• Authorization controls.
• Performance reviews.
• Information-processing controls.
• Physical controls.
• Segregation of duties.
Each of these categories of control activities is discussed below.
Authorization controls. A major purpose of proper authorization procedures is to ensure
that every transaction is authorized by management personnel acting within the scope of their
authority. Each transaction should be properly authorized and approved in accordance with
management’s general or specific authorization. General authorization relates to the general
conditions under which transactions are authorized, such as standard price lists for products
and credit policies for charge sales. Specific authorization relates to the granting of the autho-
rization on a case-by-case basis. When transactions are individually processed, authorization
is usually provided in the form of a signature or stamp on the source document or in the form
of electronic authorization that leaves a computerized audit trail.
Proper authorization procedures often have a direct effect on control risk for existence
and occurrence assertions, and in some cases, the valuation and allocation assertion, such
as the authorization of an expenditure or the authorization of a customer’s credit limit. The
board of directors may authorize capital expenditures at a designated amount. Expenditures
in excess of that amount might indicate existence problems (an invalid transaction) or classi-
fication problems (expenses classified as assets).
Performance reviews. Examples of performance reviews include management review and
analysis of:
• Reports that summarize the detail of account balances such as an aged trial balance of
accounts, reports of cash disbursements by department, or reports of sales activity and
gross profit by customer or region, salesperson, or product line.
• Actual performance versus budgets, forecasts, or prior-period amounts.
• The relationship of different sets of data such as nonfinancial operating data and finan-
cial data (for example, comparison of hotel occupancy statistics with revenue data).
Management’s use of reports that drill down and summarize the transactions that make
up sales or cash disbursements may provide an independent check on the accuracy of the ac-
counting information. For example, a university department chair might review the details of
the payroll that was charged to his or her department on a monthly basis. The quality of this
review may provide control over the occurrence, completeness, and accuracy of payroll trans-
actions. Management’s analysis of operating performance may serve another purpose similar
to the auditor’s use of analytical procedures in audit planning. That is, management may de-
velop nonfinancial performance measures that correlate highly with financial outcomes, and
those measures may allow management to detect accounts that might be misstated.
Information-processing controls. Information-processing controls address both IT risks
and risks related to financial statement assertions. These controls are particularly relevant to
the financial statement audit. Most entities, regardless of size, now use IT for data processing
in general and for accounting systems in particular. In such cases, it is useful to further catego-
rize information-processing controls as general controls and application controls. IT general
controls are the subject of Principle 11 and are discussed in detail in this chapter in the section
“Information Technology (IT) Controls.”
Entity-Level Internal Controls 6-13
Physical controls. Physical controls are concerned with limiting the following two types
of access to assets and important records: (1) direct physical access and (2) indirect access
through the preparation or processing of documents such as sales orders and disbursement
vouchers that authorize the use or disposition of assets. Physical controls pertain primarily
to security devices and measures used for the safekeeping of assets, documents, records, and
software programs or files. Security devices include on-site safeguards such as fireproof safes
and locked storerooms, and off-site safeguards such as bank deposit vaults and certified public
warehouses. Security measures also include limiting access to storage areas to authorized per-
sonnel. Such controls reduce the risk of theft or misappropriation of assets.
Physical controls also involve the use of mechanical and electronic equipment in execut-
ing transactions. For example, cash registers help to ensure that all cash receipt transactions
are rung up, and they provide locked-in summaries of daily receipts. Finally, physical control
activities include periodic counts of assets and comparison with amounts shown on control
records. Examples include petty cash counts and physical inventory counts.
Segregation of duties. Illustration 6.4 depicts strong segregation of duties.
Failure to maintain strong segregation of duties makes it possible for an individual to com-
mit an error or fraud and then be in a position to conceal it in the normal course of his or
her duties. For example, an individual who processes cash remittances from customers (has
access to the custody of assets) should not also have authority to approve and record credits
to customers’ accounts for sales returns and allowances or write-offs (authorize transactions).
In such a case, the individual could steal a cash remittance and cover the theft by recording a
sales return or allowance or bad-debt write-off.
Sound segregation of duties also involves comparing recorded accountability with assets
on hand. For example, sound internal control involves independent bank reconciliations com-
paring bank balances with book balances for each bank account. Perpetual inventory records
should also be periodically compared with inventory on hand. Sound segregation of duties
limits the opportunity for individuals to perpetrate fraud.
Principle 11. The organization selects and develops general control activities
over technology to support the achievement of objectives. IT general controls
are policies and procedures that relate to many software applications and support the effective
functioning of IT application controls. IT general controls function at an entity level to control
a wide variety of IT risks. IT general controls maintain the integrity of information and secu-
rity of data. They commonly include controls over:
If IT general controls are weak, it is less likely that IT application controls will be effective,
which would lead the auditor to assess control risk as high. These controls are discussed in
more detail later in this chapter in the section “Information Technology (IT) Controls.”
Principle 12. The organization deploys control activities through policies that
establish what is expected and procedures that put policies into actions. A
good system of internal control needs to be both properly designed and placed in operation.
At the entity level, management (with board of director oversight) needs to address both the
effectiveness of the design of internal controls and the effectiveness of how internal controls
actually operate. Management and the board of directors should oversee the testing of inter-
nal controls to determine whether they prevent material misstatements or detect and correct
material misstatements on a timely basis.
In understanding the client’s control activities at the entity level, consideration is given
to factors such as:
Compared to other types of entity-level controls, the auditor finds control activities the
easiest to test because their operation is readily verifiable. For example, the controls surround-
ing the counting of inventory can be observed, while management’s integrity is not observable
or easily verified. This concept is covered in more detail in Chapter 8.
financial reporting, operating, and compliance objectives. An array of information is used. Fi-
nancial information, for instance, is used not only in developing financial reports for external
dissemination; it may also be used for operational decisions, such as monitoring performance
and allocating resources. Similarly, operating information (for example, airborne particle
emissions, personnel data) may be needed to achieve compliance and financial reporting ob-
jectives, as well as operating objectives. However, certain operating information (for example,
purchases and sales data) is essential for developing financial reports. As such, information
developed from internal and external sources, both financial and nonfinancial, is relevant to
all three objectives.
Information is identified, captured, processed, and reported by information systems. Infor-
mation systems may be computerized, manual, or a combination thereof. The term “informa-
tion systems” is frequently used in the context of processing internally generated data relating to
transactions (for example, sales) and internal operating activities (for example, production pro-
cesses). However, information systems as they relate to internal controls are much broader—
they also deal with information about external events, activities, and conditions.
Auditors are most interested in the information systems that are relevant to the financial
reporting objective. AU-C 315.A92 states that the information systems relevant to financial
reporting objectives, which includes the accounting system, consist of the procedures and
records designed and established to:
• Initiate, authorize, record, process, and report entity transactions (as well as events and
conditions) and maintain accountability for the related assets, liabilities, and equity.
• Resolve incorrect processing of transactions (for example, automated suspense files and
procedures followed to clear suspense items out on a timely basis).
• Process and account for system overrides or bypasses to controls.
• Transfer information from the transaction-processing system to the general ledger.
• Capture information relevant to financial reporting for events and conditions other than
transactions, such as the depreciation and amortization of assets and change in the recov-
erability of accounts receivable.
• Ensure information required to be disclosed by the applicable financial reporting frame-
work is accumulated, recorded, processed, summarized, and appropriately reported in
the financial statements.
An entity may also want to communicate its code of conduct with vendors, so that ven-
dors understand the entity’s values and ethical culture prior to doing business. Ultimately,
public companies need to communicate with stakeholders and the SEC regarding any mate-
rial weaknesses in ICFR.
Monitoring Activities
After establishing and maintaining internal controls, management must monitor the controls to
assess whether they are operating as intended. Over time, systems of internal controls change,
and the way controls are applied may evolve. Also, the circumstances for which the system of
internal controls was originally designed may change, causing it to be less effective in warning
management of risks brought about by new conditions. Accordingly, management needs to de-
termine whether its internal controls continue to be relevant and able to address new risks.
Effective processes to monitor controls require management and the board of directors to
implement the following two principles.
Principle 16. The organization selects, develops, and performs ongoing and/
or separate evaluations to ascertain whether the components of internal con-
monitoring a process that trol are present and functioning. Monitoring is a process of assessing the quality
assesses the quality of internal of internal control performance over time, considering whether controls are operating as in-
control performance over time. tended, and making sure controls are modified as appropriate for changes in conditions. It
It involves assessing the design involves assessing the design and implementation of controls on a regular basis and taking
and operation of controls on a necessary corrective actions. This process is accomplished through ongoing activities and sep-
timely basis and taking necessary
arate evaluations, or a combination of the two.
corrective actions
Ongoing monitoring procedures are built into the normal recurring activities of the entity
and include regular management and supervisory activities. For example, managers of sales,
purchasing, and production at divisional and corporate levels should understand the entity’s
operations and question the accuracy of reports that differ significantly from their knowledge
of operations. Monitoring activities may include using information obtained from communica-
tions with external parties. For example, an entity’s customers ordinarily verify and corroborate
their billing data by paying their invoices or by complaining about overcharging or other errors.
Much of the information used in monitoring is produced by the entity’s information sys-
tems. If management assumes that data used for monitoring is accurate without having a basis
for the assumption, errors may exist in the information, potentially leading management to
incorrect conclusions about its monitoring activities.
One of the most common monitoring activities is the internal audit function. In many
organizations, internal auditors (or personnel performing similar functions) contribute to
the monitoring of the client’s activities through separate evaluations. They regularly provide
information about the functioning of internal controls, focusing considerable attention on
the evaluation of the design and implementation of controls. They communicate information
about strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for improving internal control.
The importance that a company places on its internal audit function also provides evidence
about its overall commitment to internal control. Refer to Chapter 5 for a discussion of how
external auditors may use the work of internal auditors.
Principle 17. The organization evaluates and communicates internal control
deficiencies in a timely manner to those parties responsible for taking correc-
tive action, including senior management and the board of directors, as ap-
propriate. As discussed above, an entity may learn about deficiencies in internal control
from sources such as outside customers or vendors, managers evaluating the accuracy of the
Entity-Level Internal Controls 6-17
information about the objectives for which they are held accountable, information that may
surface through hotlines, and regular ongoing evaluation by management or internal audi-
tors. The monitoring function is most effective when deficiencies are reported to those respon-
sible for taking corrective action on a timely basis. It is also common for any deficiency to be
reported to management at least one level above the individuals responsible for taking correc-
tive action. Senior management and the board of directors should get a report of deficiencies
noted and corrective actions taken on a regular basis.
When the auditor obtains an understanding of the client’s monitoring processes at the
entity level, the auditor considers factors such as the following:
Before You Go On
2.1 What are the five components of internal control?
2.2 Briefly explain the important aspects of a strong control environment.
2.3 Explain the key elements of the client’s risk assessment process and how they interact with
other components of internal control.
2.4 What are the five common categories of control activities? Why is segregation of duties im-
portant when understanding internal control?
2.5 Briefly explain the information and communication component of internal control.
2.6 Develop several examples of monitoring activities that an auditor might expect to find in
entity-level controls.
R. Jackson, “The Human Side of Risk,” Internal Auditor, vol. 64, no. 5 (October 2007), pp. 38–44.
Ernst & Young, 2008 Global Human Resources (HR) Risk: From the Danger Zone to the Value Zone, Accelerat-
ing Business Improvement by Navigating HR Risk (2008), p. 5,
Ernst & Young, 2008.
S. Steffee, “HR Risks Are Largely Ignored,” Internal Auditor, vol. 65, no. 6 (December 2008), pp. 14–15.
Ernst & Young, 2008.
Transaction-Level Internal Controls 6-19
Now that we have discussed entity-level controls, we will briefly overview transaction-level
controls. Transaction-level controls are discussed in more detail in Chapters 8, 11, 12, and 13.
As explained previously, entity-level controls are at the entity-wide or whole-organization
level and have the potential to impact all of the processes management puts in place for the
entire organization.
As its name suggests, transaction-level controls are controls that affect a particular transaction-level controls
transaction or group of transactions. Transactions in this sense refer to transactions that are controls that affect a particular
ordinarily recorded in the general ledger for the client and span from initiation of the transac- transaction or group of
tion through to the reporting of the transaction in the financial statements. Transaction-level transactions
controls are those controls that respond to things that can go wrong with transactions. They
need to be sensitive enough to either prevent an error from occurring, or to detect the error,
report it, and have it corrected on a timely basis. These controls are referred to as preventive
and detective controls and are explained further in Chapter 8.
An important process used for developing an audit strategy for various assertions involves
the following steps:
Steps 2–5 focus significant attention on understanding internal controls at the transaction
level. The auditor often obtains this understanding by performing a walkthrough of a transac-
tion cycle, such as the sales process or a cash receipts process. A walkthrough involves fol- walkthrough following a
lowing a transaction from initiating the transaction until it is recorded in the financial records. transaction from initiating the
The auditor will understand the documents used by the client, as well as the entity’s use of transaction until it is recorded in
information technology. The auditor will often ask questions of the entity’s personnel about the financial records
their understanding of their responsibilities and controls that they are involved in. Through
inquiry and observation, the auditor obtains an understanding of transaction-level controls
as well as the adequacy of segregation of duties. The discussion below provides examples of
the flow of a transaction from initiating the transaction, to exchanging the title to a good or
service, to recording the transaction in the general ledger.
• Customer master file—An electronic file containing the customer shipping and billing
information and the customer credit limit.
6-20 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
This chapter will discuss sales in the context of a client that sells goods. Examples of risks
and controls that can be put in place relating to sales are described in Illustration 6.5.
Transaction Documents and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control Key Assertion*
Initiating Credit Customer master file Sales may be made Only a limited number of individuals Occurrence,
Sales to unauthorized can change the customer master file Valuation and
customers and all file changes are reviewed by allocation
appropriate levels of management
Sales order Sales may be made The software application matches Occurrence,
to unauthorized the customer on the sales order with Accuracy
customers the customer master file
Sales order Sales may be The software application matches Occurrence,
made without amount of sales order with credit Valuation and
credit approval authorization on the customer allocation
master file
Delivering Goods Perpetual inventory Goods may be The software application matches Occurrence
released from all goods pulled from inventory
warehouse for (perpetual inventory) to approved
unauthorized sales order
Bill of lading and packing Products are Application control generates Accuracy,
slip shipped without packing slip and delivery Completeness
shipping doc- documentation when order is
uments being processed
Goods ordered The software application prints a Completeness
may not be report of all unfilled sales orders
Recording Sales Sales invoice Some shipments The software application prints Completeness
may not be billed a report of all bills of lading not
matched with sales invoices
Invoices are prenumbered and
accounted for
Sales invoice Billing may be The software application matches Occurrence
made for fictitious sales invoice information with
transactions, or underlying shipping information
duplicate billing
may be made
Transaction-Level Internal Controls 6-21
Transaction Documents and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control Key Assertion*
Sales invoice Sales invoices may The software application matches Cutoff
be recorded in the sales invoice date with accounting
incorrect account- period in which goods are shipped
ing period
Sales invoice Sales invoices may The software application matches Accuracy
be recorded in the sales invoice quantities with ship-
incorrect amount ping information and prices with
master price list
Sales invoice Invoices may not The software application checks run- Accuracy,
Sales cycle database be journalized to-run total of beginning receivables, Completeness
or posted to cus- plus sales transactions with the sum
tomer accounts of ending receivables.
Sales invoice Sales invoices may The software application matches Accuracy
be billed to the customer number on sales invoice
wrong customer with customer number of sales order
and bill of lading
Monthly statements of Customers may Mailing of monthly statements with Completeness,
receivable balances be billed incorrect independent follow-up on customer Occurrence,
amounts complaints Accuracy, Cutoff
*Most assertions may apply. However, this example has focused on the key assertion(s) for each WCGW.
Transaction Documents and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control Key Assertion*
Receiving Prelist of cash receipts Cash sales may not Use of cash registers or Completeness
Cash be recorded point-of-sale devices
Prelist of cash receipts Mail receipts may Immediate preparation of prelist of Completeness
be lost or misappro- mail receipts; restrictive endorsement
priated after receipt of checks immediately upon receipt
Prelist of cash receipts Checks received Independent check of agreement of Completeness,
Remittance advices may not agree with remittance advices with prelisting of Occurrence,
prelist of cash cash received Accuracy
Depositing Bank deposit slip Cash may not be Independent check of agreement of Completeness,
Cash Prelist of cash receipts deposited intact prelisting of cash receipts or bank Accuracy
Bank remittance report daily remittance report with validated
deposit slip
Recording Sales database Cash receipts may Software application agreement of Completeness,
Cash Receipts Prelist of cash receipts be recorded in error amounts journalized and posted with Occurrence,
Bank remittance report the prelist of cash receipts or bank Accuracy, Cutoff
remittance report
Independent bank Errors may be Preparation of periodic independent Completeness,
reconciliation made in journaliz- bank reconciliations Occurrence,
ing cash receipts Accuracy, Cutoff
Monthly statement to Receipts may be Mailing of monthly statements to Completeness,
customers posted to the wrong customers Occurrence,
customer account Accuracy, Cutoff,
*Most assertions may apply. However, this example has focused on the key assertion(s) for each WCGW.
Jonathan Briggs (an audit manager) was talking with Marisa Sherwani (an audit senior) about the
audit of a private company with retail hardware operations in thirty states. Jonathan states: “I have
reviewed the work that you and the team have done to document the revenue process, purchases
process, and payroll process. While you have documented the transaction flow from initiating the
transaction to the general ledger, now I want you to turn your attention to the period-end financial
reporting process. Adjusting journal entries and consolidating entries can have a material impact
on the client’s financial statements. Specifically, I want you to pay attention to:
Before You Go On
3.1 What is the difference between entity-level controls and transaction controls?
3.2 Explain the process of a system walkthrough.
3.3 Explain one risk, and corresponding control to address the risk, for each assertion related to
credit sales transactions.
3.4 Explain one risk, and corresponding control to address the risk, for each assertion related to
cash receipt transactions.
Information Technology (IT) Controls 6-23
• IT systems can provide greater consistency in processing than manual systems because
they uniformly subject all transactions to the same controls.
• More timely software-generated accounting reports may provide management with
more effective means of analyzing, supervising, and reviewing the operations of the
• IT systems enhance the ability to monitor the entity’s performance and activities.
• The IT system may produce a transaction trail that is available for audit for only a short
period of time.
• There is often less documentary evidence of the performance of control procedures in
IT systems.
• Files and records in IT systems are usually in machine-sensible form and cannot be read
without a computer.
• The decrease of human involvement in IT processing can obscure errors that might be
observed in manual systems.
• IT systems may be more vulnerable to physical disaster, unauthorized manipulation, and
mechanical malfunction than information in manual systems.
• Various functions may be concentrated in IT systems, with a corresponding reduction in
the traditional segregation of duties followed in manual systems.
• Changes in the system are often more difficult to implement and control in IT systems
than in manual systems.
• IT systems are vulnerable to unauthorized changes in programs, systems, or data in
master files.
• Reliance is placed on systems that process inaccurate data, process data inaccurately, or
• Unauthorized access to data may result in the destruction of data or improper changes to
data, including the recording of unauthorized or nonexistent transactions, or inaccurate
recording of transactions.
• There may be inappropriate or unauthorized manual intervention.
Many IT risks are controlled by layering control activities. Illustration 6.7 provides an
important overview of IT control activities and describes how controls function in IT systems,
regardless of the methods of input, data organization, data processing, or output devices. The
following paragraphs describe the control procedures depicted in Illustration 6.7.
IT general controls at the entity level control program development, program changes,
computer operations, and access to programs and data. They represent a higher level of con-
trols designed to provide reasonable assurance that individual software applications oper-
ate consistently and effectively. General controls will be discussed in more detail in the next
section, “IT General Controls.”
6-24 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Data input
Information technology
IT application
controls during
general controls
processing of transaction
IT General Controls
IT general controls controls of The purpose of IT general controls is to control program development, program changes,
program development, program computer operations, and to secure access to programs and data. The following five types of
changes, computer operations, IT general controls are widely recognized:
and access to programs and data;
these entity-level controls are 1. Data center and network operations controls address the segregation of duties within the
designed to provide reasonable IT department and between IT and user departments. A critical component is segregating
assurance that individual software access to programs from access to data files. Weakness in these controls usually affects all
applications operate consistently IT applications.
and effectively
2. System software acquisition, change, and maintenance controls relate to software programs
that are designed to operate and control the hardware and to provide a platform for run-
ning application software. The controls focus on both acquiring new operating systems
and ensuring the integrity of operating systems over time. If system software is subject to
unauthorized changes or poor maintenance, there is an increased risk that IT application
controls will not function as designed.
3. Program change controls are designed to provide assurance that changes to software
applications are introduced in a controlled and coordinated manner. Unauthorized
changes create a significant risk that software applications will not function consistently
Information Technology (IT) Controls 6-25
over time. Programs should be changed with forethought, and changes should be tested
and reviewed by users before they are approved for use with live data.
4. Access controls are designed to prevent unauthorized use of IT equipment, data files, and
software programs. The specific controls include a combination of physical, software
(password controls), and procedural safeguards.
5. Application system acquisition, development, and maintenance controls focus on con-
trolling specific software applications, such as a sales or inventory application. The con-
trols focus on the acquisition of new application software, controlling changes to that
software, and ensuring that the software is maintained without unauthorized changes.
IT Application Controls
The purpose of IT application controls is to use the power of information technology to IT application controls
control transactions in individual transaction cycles. Therefore, IT application controls will controls designed to provide
differ for each transaction cycle (e.g., sales vs. inventory controls). reasonable assurance that the
The following three groups of application controls are widely recognized: recording, processing, and
reporting of data by IT are
• Input controls. properly performed for specific
• Processing controls.
• Output controls.
These controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the recording, processing,
and reporting of data by an IT system are properly performed for specific applications. Thus,
the auditor must consider these controls separately for each significant accounting applica-
tion, such as billing customers or preparing payroll checks.
In today’s IT environment, IT application controls execute the function of independent
checks by (1) using programmed application controls to identify transactions that contain pos-
sible misstatements and (2) having people follow up and correct items noted as an exception.
The following discussion explains how programmed controls may be used to identify items
that should be reported as exceptions.
6-26 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Input controls are program controls designed to detect and report errors in data that are
input for processing. They are of vital importance in IT systems because most of the errors
occur at this point. Input controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that data re-
ceived for processing have been properly authorized and converted into machine-sensible
form. These controls also include the people who follow up on the rejection, correction, and
resubmission of data that were initially incorrect.
Controls over the conversion of data into machine-sensible form are intended to ensure
that the data are correctly entered and converted data are valid. Examples of input controls
are provided in Illustration 6.8. The correction and resubmission of incorrect data are vital
to the accuracy of the accounting records. If the processing of a valid sales invoice is stopped
because of an error, both accounts receivable and sales will be understated until the error
is eliminated and the processing completed. Furthermore, strong controls create a log of
potential misstatements, and the data control group is required to periodically review their
Processing controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the IT processing
has been performed as intended for the particular application. Thus, these controls should
prevent data from being lost, added, duplicated, or altered during processing. Processing con-
trols take many forms, but the most common ones are programmed controls incorporated
into the individual application’s software. Examples of processing controls are also provided
in Illustration 6.8.
Output controls are designed to ensure that the processing results are correct, that ex-
ceptions are addressed on a timely basis, and that only authorized personnel receive the out-
put. The accuracy of the processing result includes both updated machine-sensible files and
printed output. In addition, a data control group usually controls who can have access to data
in a database and maintains control over any centrally produced reports for the distribution
of output. This group maintains a high level of control over reported exceptions to ensure that
they are addressed and corrected on a timely basis. Finally, this group should exercise special
Information Technology (IT) Controls 6-27
care over the access to, or distribution of, confidential output. To facilitate control over the
disposition of output, systems documentation should include reports of who has access to
various aspects of a database or some form of a report distribution sheet.
Dave Bartlett is the senior on the audit of a manufacturer of automobile engines that has union
labor, managers, and executives. The company has four plants that operate two shifts, six days a
week. Each plant has approximately the same number of employees. The CFO has been with the
company for 10 years, and thoroughly understands the company business process and payroll
processes. She reviews weekly payroll summary reports prepared by the centralized accounting
function. With the company’s flat organizational structure and smaller size; the CFO’s extensive
background with the company; her understanding of seasonal fluctuations, business cycles, and
workflows; and her close familiarity with the budget and reporting processes, the CFO quickly
identifies any signs of improprieties with payroll and their underlying cause, whether related to
a project, overtime, hiring, or layoffs. The CFO investigates as needed to determine whether mis-
statements have occurred and whether any internal controls have not operated effectively. Based
on the results of audit procedures related to the control environment and controls over manage-
ment override, Dave observes that the CFO demonstrates integrity and commitment to effective
internal control over financial reporting.
6-28 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Dave is in the process of determining whether he can rely on the reviews conducted by the
CFO to detect material misstatements related to payroll processing because the CFO’s threshold
for investigating significant differences from expectations, and her follow-up, is adequate. As Dave
goes through his mental checklist, he realizes that additional evidence and testing are important.
The CFO’s reviews are only as strong as the reports produced by the company’s IT system. The
CFO’s review can be effective only if the IT controls over the completeness and accuracy of those
reports are effective. Therefore, the auditors will need to test the company’s IT general controls, as
well as IT application controls over the completeness and accuracy of software application reports.
Before You Go On
4.1 Explain the risks and benefits of information technology (IT) compared with manual systems.
4.2 Explain the overall purpose of IT general controls. Provide two examples of IT general con-
trols and the types of situations that can occur if the IT general control is ineffective.
4.3 Explain the overall purpose of IT application controls. Provide two examples of IT applica-
tion controls that might be found in a revenue process and the types of misstatements that
can occur if the IT application control is ineffective.
4.4 Explain the overall purpose of IT-dependent manual controls. Provide two examples of
IT-dependent manual controls and identify the assertion that is controlled by the example
IT-dependent manual control.
Documenting Internal Controls 6-29
Before the auditor tests specific internal controls, he or she needs to document his or her
understanding of the system of internal control. AU-C 315.33 requires auditors to document
their understanding of each of the internal control components. The most common forms of
documentation include the following.
A customer sales order is received by fax or email. The sales staff checks customer details to see
Example narrative for
that it is on the customer master list. If not, it is referred to the credit department to obtain required
documenting credit sales
customer approvals. Sales staff also checks the customer account balance to see if the customer
has exceeded its credit limit. If the customer has exceeded its limit, staff refers the sales order to the
credit manager (S. Fitzpatrick) for approval. If approval is denied, staff refers the order back to the
sales manager to discuss with the customer and notify customer. If customer has not exceeded its
credit limit or the credit manager (S. Fitzpatrick) has provided an approval to exceed the limit, an
internal sales order is generated to initiate the shipment of goods.
• Flowcharts and logic diagrams. This form of documentation is used in larger and more
complex environments. It involves the auditor summarizing (in flowcharts or logic dia-
grams) each step of the flow of a transaction from start to finish (that is, from initiation
to reporting in the general ledger). Logic diagrams are more common than flowcharts.
Logic diagrams provide a visual perspective of the flow of the transaction and key con-
trols throughout the flow that is often simpler for the reader or reviewer to understand.
The key to a good logic diagram is to keep it as simple as possible, with as few words as
possible so as not to overload the reader with information. Refer to Illustration 6.10 for
an example.
• Combinations of narratives and flowcharts. This form of documenting internal controls
is typically a page divided into two sections with the process flowchart on the left-hand
side, and the narrative describing each step in the flow on the right-hand side. The flow-
chart side highlights the key activities from initiation to reporting, while the narrative
column contains the details about what happens in the flow of the transaction. Refer to
Illustration 6.11 for an example.
• Checklists and preformatted questionnaires. An internal control checklist or questionnaire
is another technique used to systematically identify the most common types of internal
control procedures that should be present. This is particularly helpful in industries that
the auditor may not personally be familiar with, or when less experienced auditors find
it difficult to identify which are the critical controls (for example, when documenting
entity-level controls). Refer to Illustration 6.12 for an example.
Regardless of which of the above approaches is used to document internal controls, the
extent of the documentation will increase as the complexity of the client, its systems, and its
internal controls increases.
6-30 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
Process internal
sales order
Refer to credit dept. The sales staff check customer details to see
Approved that it is on the customer master file. If not,
NO to obtain required
customer? it is referred to the credit department to
customer approvals
obtain required customer approvals.
IT/Reliance on
Electronic Data?
Process Step Performed by Yes/No
Customer places sales order and order is input into the sale order program.
Customer is compared with approved master customer list.
Credit and/or credit terms approved.
Order filled and prepared for shipment.
Shipping/delivery documents prepared.
Order shipped, delivered to, or picked up by customer.
Sale invoice prepared.
Prices (or deviations from standard prices) are approved.
Invoices reviewed for accuracy and emailed/delivered to customers.
Sales journal produced.
Sales journal summarized and posted to general ledger and trade receivables detail.
Provide any other details that are necessary to understand the initiation, processing, recording, and reporting of the transactions:
Briefly describe the client’s revenue recognition policy, including standard billing and collection terms:
Briefly describe the client’s credit terms and credit authorization procedures:
Briefly describe the client procedures for sales returns and allowance and for issuance of credit memos:
Before You Go On
5.1 Explain the different techniques used to document internal controls.
5.2 What is the difference between a narrative and a flowchart or logic diagram?
5.3 Explain the benefits of combining a flowchart with a narrative to document internal controls.
An important outcome of understanding the system of internal controls that a client puts
in place is the ability to make observations, draw conclusions, and offer recommendations
6-32 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
r egarding the strengths and weaknesses observed. When the auditor identifies internal control
strengths, the auditor will consider a reliance on controls approach for assertions influenced by
these strengths. If the auditor identifies internal control weaknesses, the risk of material misstate-
ments being undetected by management’s processes and controls increases. Further, the areas of
weakness are where the auditor typically performs additional substantive testing to quantify the
(potential) material misstatement. The link between weaknesses in internal controls and the level
of substantive procedures required to address these exceptions is explained further in Chapter 9.
Internal control weaknesses are commonly categorized into three groups by both PCAOB
auditing standards and ASB auditing standards. These three groups are:
deficiency in internal control 1. Deficiency in internal control (or control deficiency). A deficiency in internal con-
(control deficiency) a trol exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or em-
deficiency in the design or ployees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect
operations of a control does not and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A deficiency in the design exists when (a) a
allow management or employees, control necessary to meet the control objective is missing or (b) an existing control is not
in the normal course of perform-
properly designed so that, even if the control operates as designed, the control objective
ing their assigned functions, to
would not be met. A deficiency in the operation exists when a properly designed control
prevent, or detect and correct,
misstatements on a timely basis does not operate as designed or the person performing the control does not possess the
necessary authority or competence to perform the control effectively.
material weakness a
deficiency, or a combination of 2. Material weakness. A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control
deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s finan-
such that there is a reasonable cial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. It takes
possibility that a material mis- only one material weakness for a public company to receive an adverse opinion on ICFR.
statement of the entity’s financial
3. Significant deficiency. A deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal con-
statements will not be prevented,
trol that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention
or detected and corrected, on a
timely basis by those charged with governance. Further, having numerous significant deficiencies
could add up to a material weakness.
significant deficiency a
deficiency, or a combination of Note that the term “deficiency in internal control” or “control deficiency” is a broad term that
deficiencies, in internal control encompasses all types of internal control problems. Material weaknesses and significant deficiencies
that is less severe than a material are examples of deficiencies in internal control, but they are classified separately because they are
weakness, yet important enough more serious control deficiencies. A material weakness is the most severe type of deficiency in inter-
to merit attention by those
nal control. An easy way to remember that a material weakness is the most severe is to focus on the
charged with governance
word “material.” A “material” weakness means increased risk of a “material” misstatement occur-
ring in the financial statements because it was not prevented or detected by the internal control sys-
tem. As the definition above explains, a significant deficiency is not as severe as a material weakness,
but it must still be reported to those charged with governance. If a significant deficiency is not cor-
rected by management in a timely manner, it could develop into a material weakness in the future.
PCAOB AS 2201 requires that, in an audit of ICFR, material weaknesses are reported to the
public in the auditor’s report on ICFR. The auditor’s report on ICFR was introduced in Chapter
1 and will be revisited in Chapter 15. Both PCAOB AS 2201 and AU-C 265 Communicating In-
ternal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit require the auditor to provide those charged
with governance with timely observations regarding both material weaknesses and significant
deficiencies in internal control. It is for these key reasons that the auditor prepares a manage-
ment letter. For audits of private companies, AU-C 265 states that the auditor should not issue
a written communication stating that no significant deficiencies in internal control were identi-
fied during the audit. If the auditor has not audited internal controls over financial reporting for
a private company client and is only issuing an opinion on the financial statements, the scope
of the work required to understand internal control may be sufficient to determine an audit
strategy, but not sufficient to determine if no significant deficiencies in internal control exist.
Before You Go On
6.1 Why is it important to identify both the strengths and weaknesses in a system of internal controls?
6.2 How does the auditor’s audit strategy vary depending on whether the auditor finds a strength
or weakness in internal controls related to an assertion?
6.3 What obligations does the auditor have regarding communicating strengths or weaknesses
in internal controls?
Management Letters 6-33
Management Letters
Lea rning Objective 7
Explain how to communicate internal control weaknesses to those charged with
March 15, 2023 Example of a management
To the Management and the Board of Directors of New Millennium Ecoproducts:
In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of New Millennium Ecoproducts (the
Company) as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022, in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States of America, we considered the Company’s internal control
over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropri-
ate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but
not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.
Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control.
Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the preceding para-
graph and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material
weaknesses or significant deficiencies and therefore, material weaknesses or significant deficien-
cies may exist that were not identified. However, as discussed below, we identified certain deficien-
cies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses and significant deficiencies.
A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow manage-
ment or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect
and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of
deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement
of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis.
We consider the following deficiency in the Company’s internal control to be a material weakness.
During our audit procedures, we observed that there was limited segregation of duties in the
accounts payable and cash payments process. We understand that due to the size of the Company’s
finance team, lack of segregation of duties will exist. This is largely due to the small number of
employees. However, limited segregation of duties increases the risk of loss through error or fraud. We
recommend that the directors undertake a periodic review of a selection of cash payments to ensure
that there is adequate supervision, and that the degree of reliance upon employees is warranted.
Alternatively, a director could be selected to review and approve all payments over a specified limit.
During our observation of the inventory count, we noted that two of the items counted as part of
our sample did not reconcile to the quantities stated in the system. Upon investigation, this was
6-34 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
found to be the result of a sale that had been invoiced the previous day that had not yet been
dispatched. This was caused by the delivery not being physically separated from the year-end in-
ventory on hand. This resulted in a risk that inventory, sales, and cost of sales could be misstated
due to incorrect cutoff of deliveries of goods sold. We encourage New Millennium Ecoproducts
to implement a control requiring the physical segregation of deliveries from remaining stock on
hand as soon as the sale has been picked and packaged.
This communication is intended solely for the information and use of management and the Board of
Directors, and it is not intended to be, and should not be, used by other than these specified parties.
Will B. Ready
Bell & Bowerman, LL
P rtland, Oregon
Before You Go On
7.1 Do auditors always communicate internal controls deficiencies to those charged with gover-
nance? Explain your answer.
7.2 Can the content ordinarily included in a management letter be delivered verbally to those
charged with governance? Explain your answer.
7.3 Why should communications with those charged with governance be done in writing?
Key Terms Review 6-35
Internal control is the process designed, implemented, and main- Information technology controls are often grouped into three catego-
tained by those charged with governance as well as management ries: IT general controls, IT application controls, and IT-dependent
and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the manual controls. IT general controls are designed to control program
achievement of the entity’s objectives with regard to reliability development, program changes, computer operations, and access to
of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, programs and data. IT application controls are designed to provide
and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The term reasonable assurance that the recording, processing, and reporting of
“controls” refers to any aspects of one or more of the components data by IT are properly performed for specific applications. Finally,
of internal control. The COSO framework is three-dimensional. IT-dependent manual controls are controls performed by individuals
The first dimension is the objectives of internal control, which in- to check the completeness and accuracy of IT-generated information.
clude operations objectives, reporting objectives, and compliance
objectives. The second dimension is the components of internal 5 Discuss the different techniques used to
control, which include the control environment, risk assessment,
internal controls.
control activities, information and communication, and moni-
toring. The final dimension addresses the entity’s organizational
structure. The most common forms of documentation include narratives, flow-
charts, logic diagrams, combinations of narratives and flowcharts,
and checklists and preformatted questionnaires.
2 Explain and evaluate internal controls at the entity
6 Explain the importance of identifying strengths and
weaknesses in a system of internal controls.
There are 17 principles of internal control that guide the auditor’s
understanding of internal control at the entity level. These are
summarized in Illustration 6.2. It is important that management When the auditor identifies internal control strengths, the auditor
and those charged with governance of the entity pay attention to will be able to consider a lower assessed level of control risk approach
entity-level controls because if controls are weak at the entity level, for assertions influenced by these strengths. If the auditor identifies
it reduces the likelihood that transaction-level controls will be internal control weaknesses, the risk of material misstatements being
effective. undetected by management’s processes and controls increases, which
has a direct effect on audit strategy and audit testing. Further, pro-
3 Explain and evaluate internal controls at the transac- fessional standards require auditors to communicate material weak-
nesses and significant deficiencies in internal control to those charged
tion level.
with governance of an entity. This is generally done through a man-
agement letter.
Transaction-level controls are controls that impact a particular trans-
action or group of transactions. Transactions in this sense refer to
7 Explain how to communicate internal control weak-
transactions that are ordinarily recorded in the general ledger for the
client and span from initiation of the transaction through to the re- nesses to those charged with governance.
porting of the transaction in the financial report. Transaction-level
controls are those controls that respond to things that can go wrong A management letter is a deliverable prepared by the audit team and
with transactions. The auditor will often obtain an understanding of provided to those charged with governance of an entity. It informs the
transaction-level controls by performing a system walkthrough for client of the auditor’s recommendations for improving its system of
each transaction cycle. internal control.
Background Information • The CFO has a hands-off approach and is not paying signifi-
Simmons Optics Company (SOC) is a private company manufac- cant attention to internal controls.
turing medical devices in Florida. Through a network of whole- • The CEO and CFO have put significant emphasis on maxi-
salers and medical supply warehouses, it sells various instru- mizing sales.
ments used by optometrists. SOC has a number of new products • The combination of realigned responsibilities (moving credit
at various stages of development, with various investments in its and collections from treasury to sales) and the development
research and development budget aimed primarily at taking ad- of the Guaranteed Profit Agreement will likely increase re-
vantage of tax credits. It is also experiencing competition from ceivables and inventory on hand at the distributors’ ware-
a new entrant to the industry, Bright Eyes Instruments, Inc., houses, and slow cash flow into the business.
which is taking a significant percentage of the optical instru-
• The responsibility for internal controls rests with the sales
ments market. As a result, SOC’s CEO is pushing supervisors to
reduce product development time from 24 months to 10 months,
but without any new capital expenditures. He is also focused on • The company has no information system to track when in-
increasing sales; he has set aggressive sales budgets and wants ventory has been sold through to end customers.
weekly sales reports. The board of directors almost always agrees • No internal controls appear to be in operation to monitor
with the CEO’s initiatives and has rubber-stamped this course revenue recognition or collectibility of receivables.
of action. • No significant monitoring controls are in place.
Six months ago, SOC hired a new CFO. He is a hands-off
CFO, is concerned about maximizing sales, and spends significant Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives
time networking with customers in the sunshine, at the country
club, and at the ocean. During his first six months he realigned • The control environment is weak. The tone at the top, from
the reporting responsibilities of the company so that the credit both the CEO and CFO, is focused on meeting aggressive
and collections department reports to the sales manager, rather sales targets, not on accuracy of reported financial state-
than to the treasury department. He gave the sales manager in- ments. In addition, the board of directors is not independent.
creased authority to develop business by negotiating the terms The CFO is not focused on internal controls or the integrity
of sales transactions. The sales manager is also responsible for of financial reporting.
establishing effective internal controls. The sales manager devel- • There are significant external risk factors, including signifi-
oped and negotiated a new type of agreement, called a Guaran- cant competition from a new entrant to the market. There are
teed Profit Agreement, that relieves Simmons’s distributors of any also significant internal risk factors, including a lack of at-
obligation to pay for goods until they are sold through to the end tention to internal controls and the entity’s information and
users (optometrists). Under these agreements, Simmons records communication system. Also, changes in business processes
the revenue when the goods are shipped to wholesalers and med- may slow down collections and cash flows.
ical supply warehouses. The CFO is not aware of any reversals for • Due to the weak control environment, there is a risk that con-
unsold goods, but he admits that the information systems are not trol activities may not be effective.
designed to keep track of goods in Simmons’s distributors’ ware-
• SOC’s information and communication system is not geared
houses. Finally, plans to hire an internal auditor have been put on
up to appropriately recognize revenue. There is a problem
hold due to budget constraints.
with the occurrence of revenue and the existence of receiv-
Identify Audit Issues ables. Revenue should not be recognized until the product is
sold through to end customers.
Identify entity-level risk factors in the above scenario and poten-
tial implications for audit strategy. • There are no significant monitoring systems in place. The
company has put off hiring an internal auditor.
Gather Additional Information and Evidence
Important information includes: Audit Conclusion
Due to a number of weaknesses in entity-level controls, it is un-
• Research and development is primarily aimed at taking ad-
likely that transaction-level controls will function effectively. In
vantage of tax credits rather than new revenue potential.
addition, risk factors point to particularly high risk regarding reve-
• Simmons is losing market share to a new entrant to the in- nue recognition. The auditor should consider a primarily substan-
dustry, representing a significant external risk. tive approach for all assertions, planning the audit for after year-
• The board of directors is not independent. end, with larger sample sizes.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions 6-37
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) Internal control is defined as: 7. (LO 2) Which of the following represent a common categoriza-
a. the entity’s system to prevent, or detect and correct, misstate- tion of control activities?
ments in the financial statements. a. A
uthorization controls, control over human error, information-
b. a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, manage- processing controls, physical controls, and segregation of
ment, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable duties.
assurance regarding the achievement of the objectives related b. Authorization controls, control over human error, information-
to operations, reporting, and compliance. processing controls, and segregation of duties.
c. a process, implemented by management, to ensure the integ- c. Authorization controls, information-processing controls,
rity of the entity’s management information system. physical controls, and segregation of duties.
d. t he entity’s system to ensure that management and those d. Authorization controls, performance reviews, information-
charged with governance of the entity have quality informa- processing controls, physical controls, and segregation of
tion for decision making. duties.
2. (LO 1) It is important for an auditor to understand a public com- 8. (LO 2) In a good system of segregation of duties, which of the
pany’s system of internal control in order to: following duties should be segregated?
a. audit internal control over financial reporting.
a. A
uthorization of transactions, physical access to assets, and
b. make a preliminary assessment of control risk. recording transactions.
c. develop an audit strategy. b. Authorization of transactions, physical access to assets, and
d. All of these answer choices are correct. management.
3. (LO 1) The objectives of internal control include: c. Physical access to assets, recording of transactions, and
a. operations objectives, internal control objectives, and finan-
cial reporting objectives. d. Authorization of transactions, recording transactions, and
b. operations objectives, control environment objectives, and
financial reporting objectives. 9. (LO 3) An auditor normally obtains an understanding of
c. operations objectives, reporting objectives, and compliance transaction-level controls by:
objectives. a. conducting an interview with senior management.
d. r isk assessment objectives, compliance objectives, and report- b. performing a system walkthrough.
ing objectives.
c. reading the prior year’s management letter.
4. (LO 2) The control environment:
d. testing the entity’s risk assessment process.
a. sets the tone of an entity with respect to internal control and
influences the control consciousness of its people. 10. (LO 4) Which of the following is a good example of an IT appli-
cation control over the occurrence of revenue transactions?
b. is focused on how the entity addresses information-
technology risks. a. P
hysical access to IT systems is limited only to specific
personnel who work in the revenue cycle.
c. only applies to public companies.
b. The software application compares information on a sales in-
d. directly addresses adequacy of segregation of duties.
voice with information from the bill of lading to ensure that
5. (LO 2) An entity’s risk assessment process: sales invoices are only prepared for actual shipments. Any
a. is designed to help an entity think about risk in the same way exceptions are not processed and are set aside for manual
that an auditor thinks about risk. follow-up.
b. is established only if the entity is subject to unusually high c. The software changes to the revenue program must be tested
risk. and authorized before they may be used with live data.
c. is the entity’s process for identifying and responding to busi- d. Strong segregation of duties exists between IT operations and
ness risks and the results of those risks. IT program development.
d. n
ever allows management of an entity to decide to accept a 11. (LO 4) If the auditor is able to collect evidence that IT general
risk without taking any action. controls are strong, then the auditor can conclude that:
6. (LO 2) The internal control component that addresses how an a. a pplication controls function properly and put the correct
organization holds an individual accountable for his or her internal transactions on exception reports.
control responsibilities in pursuit of objectives is related to:
b. software applications are more likely to operate consistently
a. the control environment. over time.
b. risk assessment. c. IT transactions are adequately supported by source documents.
c. control activities. d. the risk of batch totals failing to detect misstatements is
d. information and communication. low.
6-38 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
12. (LO 5) Documenting internal controls: c. Deficiencies and significant deficiencies in internal control.
a. is always handled through the use of checklists and prefor- d. Significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in internal
matted questionnaires. control.
b. is done after internal controls are tested so that the results can 14. (LO 7) A management letter:
be included in the documentation.
a. lists only the material weaknesses discovered during the
c. can be handled with a combination of narratives and flow- audit.
charts or logic diagrams.
b. is written by management to the auditor at the start of the
d. is not done for smaller clients because of the risk of manage- audit.
ment override.
c. contains recommendations for improving significant defi-
13. (LO 6) When an auditor identifies internal control deficiencies, ciencies and material weaknesses in internal control discov-
what levels of internal control deficiencies must be reported to those ered during the course of the audit.
charged with governance of the entity? d. is only required for public company audits.
a. Material weaknesses only.
b. Significant deficiencies only.
Review Questions
R6.1 (LO 1) If an auditor does not intend to rely on internal con- R6.8 (LO 3) Explain eight steps that an auditor follows when under-
trols in the audit, does the auditor need to obtain an understanding of standing internal controls at the transaction level and developing an
internal control? Explain. audit strategy.
R6.2 (LO 1) What are the three internal control objectives? Illus- R6.9 (LO 4) Identify four risks associated with IT systems in ac-
trate each with an example. counting. For each of the four risks, identify whether they are miti
gated by IT general controls or IT application controls. Identify a
R6.3 (LO 2) Discuss the idea that the control environment is the
specific control that mitigates the risk (for each of the four IT risks
most important part of a system of internal control.
identified) and explain how it mitigates the risk identified.
R6.4 (LO 2) Explain why an auditor would be interested in the func-
R6.10 (LO 5) Four approaches to internal control documenta-
tioning of the human resources department within an organization.
tion are discussed in this chapter. List the advantages and disad-
R6.5 (LO 2) For a retail entity, give some examples of risks that vantages of each. How would documentation assist the auditor to
should be considered in the risk assessment process. Which of these identify strengths and weaknesses of an entity’s system of internal
risks would be relevant to a retailer’s financial reporting? Explain. controls?
R6.6 (LO 2) Explain the importance of segregation of incom- R6.11 (LO 6) If an auditor identifies an internal control weakness
patible duties. What duties should be segregated within the sales for an assertion, how does it affect the audit strategy? If the auditor
process? Why? identifies an internal control strength for an assertion, how does it
affect the audit strategy?
R6.7 (LO 2) Why would an auditor be interested in a client’s mon-
itoring processes? R6.12 (LO 7) Why do auditors prepare management letters?
Analysis Problems
AP6.1 (LO 1) Basic Understanding client controls Parsons & Co, LLC, an audit firm, has au-
dited Cascade Motors, a manufacturer of auto parts, for the last two years. Dereck Miller, a first-year
auditor, has noted that the IT auditor has evaluated IT general controls (ITGC) as strong. Dereck notes
that because ITGC’s are strong, controls over program changes are strong. Therefore, Dereck concludes
they don’t need to do additional work to understand internal controls at Cascade Motors.
Evaluate Dereck’s comments about the need to do additional work to understand internal controls.
AP6.2 (LO 2) Basic Understanding components of internal control Internal controls can be
categorized using the following framework:
a. Indicate the category of internal control applicable to each procedure using the framework above.
b. Identify the assertion or assertions to which each procedure pertains.
AP6.3 (LO 2) Basic Understanding segregation of duties in a small business Big State Com-
puters has premises on the main street of a large regional city. The business is owned by Max and Betty
Waldup, who purchased it three years ago. Betty has an extensive background in IT and has a talent for
diagnosing and solving problems with computers that are brought in for repair. Max also has an IT back-
ground and oversees the sales and administration staff. They employ three people: a computer techni-
cian who assists Betty, a part-time salesperson, and a part-time bookkeeper. Sally, the bookkeeper, enters
transactions into a simple computerized accounting system. Sally is also responsible for issuing invoices
and monthly statements to customers who have service contracts with the business. These customers are
generally other businesses who ask Betty to visit their premises for routine and emergency repairs and
who purchase software and hardware from the business.
Max and Betty have worked diligently over the last three years, but they are having cash flow prob-
lems. Their bank manager has requested a meeting to discuss the business’s poor cash balances. The
bank manager asks Max and Betty to prepare for the meeting by analyzing their accounts receivable
and customer receipts. Max and Betty review the accounts receivable ledger and find that it is not up to
date. They also discover that customer statements have not been printed or mailed to customers for four
months. They are unable to identify from the cash receipts journal which clients have paid their accounts.
6-40 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
a. Discuss the attitude and control consciousness of Big State Computers’s management.
b. Which duties should be segregated in this business? Recommend an appropriate allocation of duties
for the personnel at Big State Computers.
AP6.4 (LO 2) Basic Public Company Understanding the control environment Peterson,
CPA, is auditing the financial statements of a publicly held manufacturing company, Amalgamated
Products, Inc. In complying with the PCAOB standards, Peterson seeks to obtain an understanding of
Amalgamated’s control environment.
a. Identify the control environment factors that can impact the effectiveness of the other components
of internal control.
b. What effect may the preliminary audit strategy have on the required level of understanding of the
control environment factors?
AP6.5 (LO 2) Moderate Control environment at a large company A large international
bank is experiencing bad publicity surrounding huge fraud losses in its foreign currency department.
Accusations are being made in the press that a rogue trader blamed for the losses was operating
outside the official bank guidelines, with the tacit approval of senior management in the department
because of the large profits made by this trader in previous years. The press claims it was common
knowledge in the foreign currency department that strict policies and procedures surrounding the
size of trades and the processes for balancing out trades at the end of each day were not to be followed
if the trader had verbally informed his supervisor of the trade. The press is also suggesting that the
problems are not confined to the foreign currency department.
Discuss the control environment at this large international bank assuming the press reports are correct.
Which parts appear to be most deficient?
AP6.6 (LO 2) Moderate Control activities and related assertions Several categories of control
activities are identified in the chapter using the following framework:
A. Authorization
B. Performance reviews
C. Information-processing controls
C1. IT general controls
C2. IT application controls
C3. IT-dependent manual controls
D. Physical controls
E. Segregation of duties
Following are specific control procedures prescribed by Trusty Inc., a public company:
1. The software application must match information from a vendor’s invoices with information from
receiving and information from the purchase order before a check is issued.
2. Two authorized signatures are required on every check for payment of purchases over $100,000.
3. Each month the credit manager carefully reviews the computer-generated aged trial balance of
accounts receivable to identify past-due balances and follows up for collection.
4. A supervisor must approve overtime work.
5. The software application assigns sequential numbers to sales invoices used in the billing system.
6. The software application verifies the mathematical accuracy of each voucher and prints an excep-
tion report for items with mathematical errors.
7. Employee payroll records are kept on an electronic file that can only be accessed by certain terminals
and are password-protected.
8. An accounting supervisor reviews journal entries periodically for reasonableness of account
9. Two individuals open the mail and prepare a prelisting of checks received. Then the checks received
from customers and related remittance advices are separated in the mailroom and subsequently
processed by different individuals.
Analysis Problems 6-41
a. Indicate the category of control activities applicable to each procedure using the framework above.
b. Identify an assertion to which each procedure pertains.
AP6.7 (LO 3) Basic Expense transaction risk Sinha Airways owns many of its aircraft. The useful
lives and residual values may be influenced by external changes to economic conditions, demand, and new
technology. Analytical procedures show that depreciation expense is down by 8% compared to prior years.
a. Evaluate inherent risk for depreciation expense.
b. Discuss what can go wrong.
c. Suggest an internal control that management might put in place to control the appropriate recording
of depreciation expense.
AP6.8 (LO 3) Moderate Research Public Company Revenue fraud risk Omega Airways
is a public company and a new client of your audit firm. Its accounting policy for revenue is to credit
unearned revenue when cash is received, and subsequently transfer to revenue in the income statement
when passengers or freight are transported.
Your review of last year’s financial statements reveals that realized revenue from passengers rep-
resents 80% of total revenue, and that this year there is little change in realized revenue from passengers
but an 11% decrease in unearned revenue from passengers. You have also read articles in the financial
press that suggest an increased incidence of fraud due to a global decrease in the number of passenger
air miles. At quarter-end, Omega Airway’s controller evaluates the unearned revenue account and re-
lated revenue recognition. This adjusting journal entry is later reviewed by the CFO and the company’s
disclosure committee.
a. Research PCAOB AS 2201 and summarize the auditor’s responsibility to address the risk of fraud
when understanding the entity’s system of internal control.
b. Consider what you know about Omega Airways and explain why the revenue in the income state-
ment is at significant risk of fraudulent financial reporting by management.
c. Evaluate the internal controls Omega has established over unearned revenue and revenue recognition.
AP6.9 (LO 3) Moderate What can go wrong at the transaction level Carmel Harrison owns
and runs Emerald Spa, a business providing women-only hairdressing, beauty, relaxation massage, and
counseling services in a small tourist town. Ninety percent of the clients using the beauty and massage
services at Emerald Spa are weekend visitors, but 80% of the hairdressing and counseling clients are
locals. The masseuse and counselor have appropriate qualifications and licenses, allowing clients to
claim the cost of the service(s) with their private health insurer, if an appropriate receipt is provided
when the client pays.
Emerald Spa has just opened another branch of the business in a town 100 miles away, and there are
plans to open a third branch nearby next year. Carmel has been very busy establishing each new branch and
relies on staff in each office to run the day-to-day operations, including ordering supplies and depositing
cash receipts. In addition, the branch manager organizes the staff and authorizes their time sheets. Carmel
makes the payments for rent, power, salaries, and large expenditures, such as furniture purchases.
a. Give examples of transactions that would occur at Emerald Spa.
b. Explain what could go wrong with these transactions if the system of internal control is not effective
for each transaction class assertion.
AP6.10 (LO 3, 5) Moderate Segregation of duties and documentation Lisa Curtis is document-
ing the purchasing and cash payments processes at Hardies Wholesaling, Inc. (HWI), a company in Iowa.
HWI distributes garden and landscaping items such as pots, furniture, fountains, mirrors, and sculptures.
6-42 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
All items are made from materials such as stone, concrete, metal, and wood, and are distributed to retail-
ers throughout the country.
Purchases are denominated in U.S. dollars. The purchasing department initiates a purchase order
when inventory levels reach reorder points or sales staff notify the department of large customer orders that
need to be specially filled. The purchase order is approved and sent to suppliers selected from an approved
supplier list. Goods are transported from Southeast Asia by ship and are delivered by truck to the HWI cen-
tral warehouse in Des Moines. A receiving report is generated by the receiving department and forwarded
to the accounts payable department to be matched with the copy of the original purchase order and the
supplier’s invoice. When the package of documents is completed, a purchase is entered into the purchases
journal that debits an appropriate account and credits accounts payable. When the cash payment is due,
the cash payments department reviews the supporting documentation and requests payment of the invoice
according to the supplier’s payment terms. The payment is approved and the cash payment is made.
a. Create a flowchart or logic diagram to represent the flow of transactions from initiating a purchase
order to cash payment.
b. Which duties in the above process should be segregated?
AP6.11 (LO 2, 7) Challenging Risk assessment Recent reports have warned of climate change
impacts on the Florida coastline, including a rise in sea levels, more frequent storms, flooding, and
coastal erosion. Assume you are a member of senior management at a large property development com-
pany in Florida that owns a material amount of undeveloped ocean front property, which the company
expects to develop over the next 15 years.
Write a report identifying the main risks to your company that you believe should be considered at
the next meeting of the risk assessment committee. Include risks to the company’s operations, assets,
finances, and personnel.
King Companies, Inc (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. King Companies has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years,
and it plans continued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the
chairman of the board of directors of KCI and CEO, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares
not owned by Eric and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric
started the company with one store after working in an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth
from an inheritance and investments from a few friends. Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding
by opening three to five additional stores in the next few years.
In October 2021, Eric approached your accounting firm, Thornson & Danforth, LLP, to conduct an
annual audit of KCI for the year ended December 31, 2022. KCI has not been audited before, but this
year the audit has been requested by the company’s bank because of anticipated bank loans and by a new
private equity investor that has just acquired a 20% share of KCI.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts deliv-
ery, and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is regular
customers where KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account. During peak
periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
Eric is focused on growing revenues. Patricia trusts the company’s employees to work hard for the
company, and she feels they should be rewarded well. The accounting staff, in particular, is very loyal
to the company. Eric tells you that accounting staff enjoy their jobs so much they have never taken any
annual vacations and hardly any workers ever take sick leave.
There are two people currently employed as accounting staff, the most senior of whom is Jonathan
Jung. Jonathan heads the accounting department and reports directly to Patricia. He is in his late fif-
ties and hopes to retire in two or three years and move away from Los Angeles. Jonathan keeps a close
watch on accounting and does many activities himself including opening mail, cash receipts and vendor
Audit Decision Cases 6-43
payments, depositing funds received, performing reconciliations, posting journals, and performing the
payroll function. His second employee, Abby Owens, is a recent college graduate who just passed the CPA
exam. Abby is responsible for the payroll functions and posting all journal entries into the accounting
system. Jonathan and Abby often help each other out in busy periods.
C6.2 (LO 7) Challenging Communication with management Conclusion: Write a management
letter to Eric and Patricia King and the board of directors. Address your findings, your recommendations,
and how you believe your recommendations would benefit the company.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
In October 2022, MSI installed a new cloud-based inventory costing system to replace a system that
had been developed in-house. The old system could no longer keep up with the complex and detailed
manufacturing costing process that provides information to support competitive bidding. MSI’s IT de-
partment, together with the consultants from the software company, implemented the new inventory
costing system which went live on December 1, 2022. Key operational staff and the internal audit team
from MSI were significantly engaged in the selection, testing, training, and implementation stages.
The inventory costing system uses various manufacturing costing and unit of production inputs to
calculate and produce a database of all product costs and recommended sales prices. It also integrates
with the general ledger each time there are product inventory movements such as purchases, sales, waste,
and damaged inventory losses.
It is now February 2023, and you are beginning the audit planning for the June 30, 2023, annual
financial statement audit. You are assigned to assess MSI’s IT controls with particular emphasis on the
recent implementation of the new inventory costing system.
C6.3 (LO 2, 3, 4) Challenging Public Company Components of internal control Analysis:
Explain how the external auditors would evaluate each of the following components with respect to the
new inventory costing system.
a. The control environment.
b. Management’s risk assessment process.
c. IT general controls.
Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-profit
hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit for the 2023
fiscal year end, and the audit is currently in the risk assessment phase.
The healthcare industry can be very complicated, especially in the area of billing for services pro-
vided. BPH contracts with private physician groups who use the hospital facilities, equipment, and nurs-
ing staff to treat patients. The physicians in the private group are not employees of the hospital; they are
simply using the hospital facilities to treat patients. For example, a group of urologists have their own
practice, separate from the hospital, where they treat patients. If one of these patients needs a surgical
procedure that must be done at a hospital, then the attending urologist will approve the paperwork re-
quired to admit the patient to BPH. BPH offers inducements to the urologists so they will refer patients
to BPH rather than a competing hospital. One of the inducements BPH offers is free office space in the
hospital for the doctors to use when they are treating patients in the hospital.
6-44 C h a pte r 6 Gaining an Understanding of the Client’s System of Internal Control
After the doctor and hospital services are provided to the patient, the patient and/or the patient’s
insurance company is billed. The doctor will bill for the services he or she provided, and the hospital
will bill for the use of hospital facilities and staff. Doctors and hospitals bill using a coding system that is
standardized across the healthcare industry and consists of three main code sets: ICD, CPT, and HCPCS.
Using a coding system is more efficient and data-friendly compared to writing a narrative about the
procedures performed. However, the coding system is very complex, with thousands of different codes
for medical procedures and diagnoses. To complicate matters even more, for patients who are covered by
government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid, doctors and hospitals must adhere to complicated govern-
ment regulations surrounding billings to Medicare and Medicaid.
As healthcare costs continue to rise each year, BPH administrators struggle to maintain consistent
profitability. They look for ways to keep costs low and also to collect outstanding payments from patients
and insurance companies as quickly as possible. In addition, BPH must have a strong risk management
team to handle unique situations that may occur in hospitals such as malpractice lawsuits and periodic
inspections by the state regulators. Negative publicity for BPH could lead to decreased revenues if physi-
cians decide to contract with a competing hospital.
a. Gather information: You have been assigned to evaluate revenue from patients who are covered by
government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid programs. What questions do you want to ask about
BPH’s risk assessment controls?
b. Analysis: Assume that you are focused on the occurrence of revenue recognized from patients who
are covered by government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid programs. What controls do you expect
to be in place regarding this assertion?
Gaining an Understanding
Make Preliminary Risk
of the System of Internal Control
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
7-2 Ch a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Explain the five-step process associated with LO 4 Apply audit data analytics as a risk assessment
planning, performing, and evaluating results from audit procedure and evaluate the results.
data analytics. LO 5 Explain how audit data analytics is used as a
LO 2 Apply steps associated with accessing and substantive test.
preparing data for audit data analytics. LO 6 Apply audit data analytics as a substantive test
LO 3 Explain how audit data analytics is used as a risk and evaluate the results.
assessment procedure.
audit.”1 Audit data analytics (ADA) is an additional tool available to the auditor that makes
the audit more effective given the right circumstances. In some audit applications, ADA may
replace a sampling technique, and in some audit applications it may not. This is discussed
further in Chapter 10.
In this chapter, we begin with an introduction to audit data analytics and a discussion
of the five-step process suggested in the AICPA Guide to Audit Data Analytics. Prior to con-
sidering how to implement audit data analytics, the auditor uses his or her business acumen,
knowledge of the business and industry, and an understanding of the availability of relevant
and reliable data to evaluate where audit data analytics might be successful and cost-effective.
Next, the chapter explores issues associated with preparing the data for analysis. The au-
ditor needs to consider both the relevance and reliability of the data, just as in any other audit
test. In some cases, the auditor may need to take steps to prepare the data for analysis or con-
sider procedures needed to determine whether the data is sufficiently reliable for analysis.
The chapter then focuses on two areas in some depth, starting with the use of audit data
analytics as a risk assessment procedure. Here, the auditor focuses on identifying and assessing
the risk of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Audit data analytics may ef-
fectively identify subpopulations with a high risk of material misstatement. In this discussion,
we explain how the auditor may use various sorting and clustering techniques, regression
analysis, or various matching techniques to identify items with a high likelihood of material
misstatement. The chapter also discusses the risks and benefits of using visualization techniques
to analyze the risk of material misstatement.
Second, the chapter addresses using audit data analytics as a substantive test. In this sec-
tion of the chapter, we describe how the auditor might use audit data analytics to examine
100% of a population and identify misstatements in the population. This section also illus-
trates a process of matching key information to identify revenue recognition problems, as well
as techniques for identifying duplicate payments to a vendor.
Auditors have been using software-assisted audit techniques for some time to investigate client
databases and perform audit procedures. However, a recent review of big data in accounting and
finance revealed that auditing is lagging behind other disciplines in the use of data analytics, per-
haps due to a lack of policy guidance and related professional standards.2 In response, the
International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board now has a Data Analytics Working
Group. In 2017, the AICPA published the AICPA Guide to Audit Data Analytics. The follow-
ing year, the International Accounting Education Standards Board published an exposure draft
addressing updated learning objectives related to information and communication technologies
and professional skepticism. These learning objectives emphasize the overlap of skills related to:
• Business acumen.
• Behavioral competence.
• Digital acumen.
• Data interrogation, synthesis, and analysis.
• Communication skills.
AICPA, Guide to Audit Data Analytics (AICPA: Durham, NC, 2017).
A. Gepp, M.K. Linnenluecke, T.J. O’Neill, and T. Smith, “Big Data Techniques in Auditing Research and
Practice: Current Trends and Future Opportunities,” Journal of Accounting Literature (2018), pp. 102–115.
7-4 Ch a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
Finally, the Big 4 firms all now have pages on their websites that promote their use of data ana-
lytics, demonstrating an emphasis on utilizing ADA. Mid-sized firms are expanding their uses
of software-assisted audit techniques to include the regular use of ADA, and many smaller
audit firms are using various forms of ADA in current audits.
Data analytics is increasingly discussed in businesses, even at the board of directors’ level.
As clients continue to adopt data analytics in their business, they expect auditors to do the
same. Auditors need to understand ADA to have effective conversations with clients. Further,
auditors need to adopt ADA in the world of big data so they avoid information overload and
improve the quality of audit decisions. It is imperative for auditors to understand ADA and the
insights data analytics can provide.
Finally, simply utilizing a small team of data analysts is not recommended when attempting
to utilize ADA on a large scale and in new ways. Individuals with data analytics skills need to be
fully integrated with the rest of the audit team so new opportunities for risk analysis and substan-
tive testing can be identified and utilized. An understanding of what data analytics techniques
can offer audit firms is essential for every member of the audit firm that influences the audit.
The use of ADA is providing opportunities to rethink how an audit is performed. In some
ways, the audit does not change. The auditor must still audit the same assertions, must still
understand the business and industry, and must still understand an entity’s system of internal
control. However, ADA allows the auditor to rethink how risk is assessed and how substantive
tests might be performed.
Audit data analytics can be used at virtually any phase of the audit. ADA can be used as
a risk assessment tool, as a test of controls, as a test of details, or to help form a conclusion
regarding virtually any audit assertion. In this chapter, ADA is discussed in the contexts of a
risk assessment tool and as a substantive test of details.
As with all audit procedures, auditors must carefully plan the nature, timing, and extent
of ADA to be used for each client. In its Audit Guide for Audit Data Analytics, the AICPA out-
lines a five-step process, shown in Illustration 7.1, to follow when planning, performing, and
evaluating results from ADA.
illustration 7.1
Five-step process for planning Step 1: Plan the ADA
and performing audit data
The following discussion addresses each of these steps in detail. The discussion of these
five steps will be illustrated in the context of auditing a retailer of consumer electronics and
appliances. Assume the client has a very heterogeneous inventory, and preliminary analytical
procedures indicate that in aggregate, inventory moves slower than the industry average. The
intent of the ADA is to analyze inventory turnover for each item in inventory (e.g., for each
SKU number) to determine if there is a problem with the net realizable value of inventory
(valuation and allocation assertion) as of the company’s fiscal year-end. Illustration 7.2
indicates the key characteristics of this ADA application.
Steps in Performing Audit Data Analytics 7-5
illustration 7.3
Key questions for an audit team to consider when planning an ADA application: Key issues to consider
• What financial statement items, accounts, or disclosures and related assertions are being audited? when planning an ADA
• What is the overall purpose of the ADA application and how will it contribute to the balance of application
the audit? For example, is ADA being used as a risk assessment procedure or as a substantive
• What is the audit population being analyzed or tested using ADA? The auditor should also
consider the relevance of the data to the audit assertion(s) being tested, and the availability
and reliability of the data.
• What ADA tool is best suited for the audit purpose? Here the auditor selects the techniques,
tools, graphics, tables or other analytical techniques to be used.
Initially, an audit staff member thought the audit team should determine inventory
turnover by comparing sales revenue for each item in inventory with the underlying cost of
each item in inventory. However, after discussing this approach with a colleague, the staff
member realized that the revenue includes a markup for gross margin, while the inventory
data is at cost. As a result, it would be like comparing apples with oranges. Further, the
client uses a perpetual inventory method and does not have cost of sales for each item in
inventory. The client does have data on the quantity of each item sold and the quantity and
location of each item in inventory. The audit team can calculate inventory turnover in days
by comparing quantities sold with quantities on hand. Internal controls over this data have
previously been tested as part of tests of controls, and the audit team assessed control risk
as low. The auditor is also satisfied with the quality of the company’s IT general controls.
In this example, the auditor wants to use ADA to combine the quantities at each location
and sort each SKU number by the number of days sales in inventory (comparing quantity sold
to quantity on hand). Once ADA has been used to develop an appropriate aging for each item,
the auditor will examine the slowest-moving inventory using traditional substantive tests to
determine whether a material amount of inventory may need to be written down to its net
realizable value.
7-6 Ch a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
illustration 7.4
Key issues to consider when Is the data complete?
preparing data for ADA • Does the data agree with the general ledger and the financial statements?
• The auditor should check the numerical continuity of the data. Are there missing numbers (e.g.,
missing numbers in the sequence of invoices)?
Does the data need to be cleaned?
• Are there fields with missing data?
• Is the data appropriately and consistently formatted?
In our example of the audit of a consumer electronics and appliances retailer, the auditor,
in investigating inventory turnover, will want to ensure that ending inventory quantities match
ending inventory used to prepare the financial statements. The auditor will also want to test the
completeness of the data regarding inventory sold. Finally, the auditor needs to make sure that
information about inventory SKU numbers and inventory quantities are in a consistent format,
and that there are no fields with missing data.
• A given set of procedures may provide audit evidence that is relevant to certain assertions
but not to others.
• Designing substantive procedures includes identifying conditions relevant to the purpose
of the test that constitute a misstatement in the relevant assertion.
It is particularly important that the data be relevant to the assertion being tested. The data
that will help the auditor determine that all transactions are recorded (completeness) is not
the same data that will help the auditor determine that recorded transactions are valid (occur-
rence). Further, the mere fact that the data set agrees to the general ledger does not mean that
the data set is complete. Transactions may be missing from both the data set and the general
As discussed in Chapter 5, AU-C 500.A32 provides the following guidance regarding the
reliability of the data.
• The reliability of audit evidence that is generated internally is increased when the related
controls imposed by the entity, including those over its preparation and maintenance, are
• Audit evidence obtained directly by the auditor (for example, observation of the applica-
tion of a control) is more reliable than audit evidence obtained indirectly or by inference
(for example, inquiry about the application of a control).
• Audit evidence in documentary form, whether paper, electronic, or other medium, is
more reliable than evidence obtained orally (for example, a contemporaneously written
record of a meeting is more reliable than a subsequent oral representation of the matters
• Audit evidence provided by original documents is more reliable than audit evidence
provided by photocopies, facsimiles, or documents that have been filmed, digitized, or
otherwise transformed into electronic form, the reliability of which may depend on the
controls over their preparation and maintenance.
illustration 7.6 ADA ranking of inventory by decile groups including the cost of inventory on hand
Analysis of this information shows that the 20% of inventory that takes over 270 days to sell
represents almost 30% of the cost of inventory (29.5%). When the auditor calculates the average
number of days to sell inventory based on the financial statements (using dollars instead of
quantities), it calculates 76.1 days compared to 59.9 days. On one hand, the client’s inventory
may just turn over slowly. On the other hand, the client may need to mark down inventory
in order to sell it. It is possible that the audit client has a lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable-value
problem with inventory. The next step for the auditor will be to compare the cost of items in
inventory with the evidence of what that inventory has sold for to determine if there is a net
realizable value problem with inventory. Given that almost 30% of the dollar value of inven-
tory is very slow-moving, the auditor needs to investigate this issue further.
The auditor also needs to evaluate the client’s past experience selling inventory and the
underlying business model. If the client has a history of taking significantly longer to sell
high-priced goods but gets a better margin on those items when they do sell, net realizable
value may not be a problem. However, if the client has ventured into selling higher-cost and
higher-priced items for the first time, and those items are not selling in the client’s market,
it is more likely that a write-down of inventory to its net realizable value is necessary. This is
where the auditor’s business acumen and experience, both with the audit client and with the
client’s industry, becomes so important.
Audit Documentation
Recall from Chapter 5 that AU-C 230.08 states that the auditor should prepare audit documen-
tation that is sufficient to enable an experienced auditor, having no previous connection with
the audit, to understand (a) the nature, timing, and extent of the audit procedures performed
to comply with GAAS and applicable legal and regulatory requirements; (b) the results of the
audit procedures performed, and the audit evidence obtained; and (c) significant findings or
issues arising during the audit, the conclusions reached thereon, and significant professional
judgments made in reaching those conclusions.
Paragraph 1.51 of the AICPA Guide to Audit Data Analytics suggests that the documenta-
tion of ADA might include the following:
• The evaluation of matters identified as a result of applying the ADA and actions taken
regarding those matters.
• The identifying characteristics of the specific items or matter tested.
• The individual who performed the audit work and the date such work was completed.
• The individual who reviewed the audit work performed and the date and extent of such
The discussion in the AICPA Guide to Audit Data Analytics also states that GAAS do not re-
quire, and it may not be practicable, to include in the audit file all the data analyzed or tested
using an ADA audit procedure (paragraph 1.50). The illustrations used in this chapter provide
partial examples of what might be documented in an audit file. They are not intended to pro-
vide complete examples of the documentation that might be created in an audit file.
Before You Go On
1.1 Explain each of the five steps associated with performing audit data analytics.
1.2 Develop two examples where client data might not be ready to use for audit data analytics. In
each instance, suggest a strategy to correct the deficiencies.
1.3 In the inventory turnover example for a retailer of consumer electronics and appliances dis-
cussed in the chapter, what is the red flag in the data showing that there might be a net
realizable value problem?
Steps Associated with Accessing and Preparing Data for Audit Data Analytics 7-11
Before using client data for audit data analytics, the auditor needs to address several issues. First,
the auditor needs to make a copy of the client’s data for purposes of the auditor’s analysis. The
auditor should never perform any functions or procedures that would modify or change the
client’s actual data. All analysis should be done on a copy of the client’s data. Next, the auditor
needs to determine if the data obtained from the client is complete. The auditor also needs to
determine if the data is in a consistent format and whether it needs to be cleaned before it can
be used. Finally, the auditor must evaluate the relevance and reliability of the client’s data before
it is ready to be used for audit data analytics. These topics are discussed in more detail below.
of day/month/year. The date 10/4/22 in Australia would be the same as 4/10/22 in the
United States. Dates must be in a consistent format before the auditor can begin the ADA
Also, data problems may arise when the auditor compares data over several years. Key
identifiers such as customer or employee numbers should not change from year to year. If an
existing customer number is taken from an old customer that no longer does business with
the company and is assigned to a new customer, it may cause problems with the underlying
It is common for data problems to arise when a company acquires another company.
When a new company is acquired, there is frequently a period of transition and integration
of accounting and IT systems when different formats are introduced. The acquired subsidiary
may not have data fields that are consistent with the parent company, and it may take time
to migrate the acquired company onto the parent’s accounting system. Auditors should also
be alert to problems that may arise if a subsidiary company outsources part of its accounting
system to an external service provider (such as an external payroll service). Finally, the auditor
should be alert to similar problems that arise when an entity, of its own volition, transitions
from one accounting system to another. These are common problems that may require the
auditor to take extra care in ensuring the data is clean and in a consistent format across the
entire ADA application.
• W
hat is the nature of the data? For example, is it financial or nonfinancial? Is it economic
or business sector data? Is it original data or summarized data?
• W
hat is the source of the data? For example, does it come from the client’s accounting
system? Is it internal or external data?
• W
hat is the process used to produce the data? For example, is the data subject to the en-
tity’s system of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR)?
• W
hat matters might the auditor consider in determining the nature, timing, and extent
of procedures to perform regarding whether the data is sufficiently reliable? For example,
will tests of controls confirm that the controls over data reliability are strong? Alterna-
tively, have substantive tests already been performed that may indicate that the data is
• W
hat procedures regarding data reliability will the auditor consider performing? For
example, when auditing revenues, the auditor will often perform a test of missing invoice
numbers or breaks in the prenumbered sequence. The auditor might also look for dupli-
cate invoice numbers.
The AICPA Guide for Audit Data Analytics also provides some examples of how the
auditor might document the answers to these questions. Illustration 7.7 provides an ex-
ample of this documentation in the context of the ADA inventory application shown in
Illustration 7.6.
Using Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-13
ILLUSTRATION 7.7 Documenting the reliability of data used in audit data analytics: An inventory illustration
Nature of the data Data on quantities of inventory on hand and quantities of inventory sold.
Source of the data The data comes from the company’s inventory system.
Process used to produce the data Data is produced by the client’s inventory management system, which interacts with
the purchases of inventory (purchases process) and sale of inventory (revenue process).
The company tests inventory on hand through a process of cycle counts. Quantities of
purchases and sales are reviewed by purchasing managers and sales staff.
Matters the auditor might consider in determining The audit team tested internal controls over cycle counts and inventory quantities
the nature, timing, and extent of procedures to per- and found the controls effective. Controls over purchases and sales were also found
form regarding whether data is sufficiently reliable to be effective.
Procedures regarding data reliability an auditor This is a planned risk assessment procedure. Based on tests of controls, the data is
may consider performing considered reliable for identifying slow-moving items in inventory that may be at
risk of being written down to net realizable value. In addition, audit team members
will talk with inventory managers about slow-moving inventory as part of inventory
observation procedures.
Before You Go On
2.1 Develop two examples of how an auditor might obtain an incomplete data set.
2.2 Develop two examples of a data set that needs to be cleaned before it is ready for an ADA
2.3 Describe how the auditor evaluates the relevance of a data set for an ADA application.
2.4 List five key questions that help the auditor in evaluating the reliability of a data set for ADA.
AU-C 315 Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement defines risk assessment procedures as “audit procedures performed to obtain
7-14 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control,
to identify and assess the risk of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, at the
financial statement level and relevant assertion levels.” Often when performing ADA as a risk
assessment procedure, the auditor will have first obtained an understanding of the entity and
its environment because it takes a significant understanding of the entity to identify misstate-
ments and anomalies. It is also likely that the auditor has obtained an understanding of the
system of internal control, and perhaps performed tests of controls, to assess the reliability of
data used in performing ADA.
In this example, the population is inventory on hand, and the auditor is focused on de-
termining if there is a net realizable value problem with inventory. The auditor has obtained
data on inventory quantities on hand for each item in inventory, as well as the quantities of in-
ventory sold during the year. Using this data, the auditor has ordered items in inventory from
the fastest-moving inventory to the slowest-moving inventory. The auditor must then decide
what constitutes a “slow-moving item” that represents a net realizable value problem. In other
words, which items in inventory are outside the auditor’s expectation in the context of inven-
tory turnover? The auditor must use his or her business acumen, knowledge of the business,
and knowledge of the industry and economy in which the audit client operates.
The auditor might know that on average it takes 90 days for a retailer of consumer elec-
tronics and appliances to sell inventory, and that some inventory regularly turns more slowly
than every 90 days. As a result, the audit team plans to pay particular attention to inventory
if there is more than a 120-day supply of inventory on hand. In the context of Illustration 7.8,
the auditor might conclude that any inventory items with more than a 120-day supply of
inventory on hand initially do not fit the auditor’s expectation.
However, the auditor might also know that some items in inventory regularly take more
than 120 days to sell. For example, the client may make a business decision to carry items that
are high-price and high-margin, but on average turn over only twice a year, or every 180 days.
Based on prior evidence and the auditor’s experience, these items do not represent a net realiz-
able problem with these particular products. Therefore, these would be acceptable variations
from what the auditor expects.
Ultimately, the auditor must determine the items in inventory that represent an unaccept-
able variation from the client’s experience and the auditor’s expectations (e.g., items where
there is a significant risk of net realizable value issues). The auditor pays particular attention
to inventory where changes in technology might result in an oversupply of inventory that will
Using Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-15
likely need to be marked down. Alternatively, the client may have overestimated the demand
for a particular product, and the inventory will need to be marked down significantly in order
to sell that inventory on hand. The auditor might choose to look at sales of these items after
year-end to evaluate the client’s ability to reduce its inventory of slow-moving items without
incurring a loss. At this point, the auditor will engage in traditional audit tests of these high-
risk items to determine if it is reasonably possible that a material misstatement exists with
respect to the net realizable value of inventory.
3. Statistical analysis, such as regression analysis, whereby the notable items are identified
using statistics (e.g., transactions or balances that are more than three standard devia-
tions from a mean).
4. Visualization, where the auditor plots certain characteristics of a population of account
balances or transactions looking for unusual characteristics.
Each of these methods will be discussed in more detail later in the chapter.
use additional data analytics to determine what proportion of these items were sold in a period
of eight weeks after year-end (10 days before the anticipated report date), whether the items
were marked down to speed up the sale of these items, and whether the client had to sell these
items at a loss to move them out of inventory. For items that have been sold, the auditor can
determine with hindsight if an allowance for net realizable value is material to the financial
statements. If inventory has not been sold in the eight weeks after year-end, the auditor needs
to use his or her knowledge of the industry to determine if the value of inventory is materi-
ally overstated. In determining the need for a proposed audit adjustment, the auditor must
also consider any allowance for the lower-of-cost-or-net-realizable-value that the client may
already have recorded in preparing the financial statements.
Before You Go On
3.1 Assume you are using ADA to conduct a risk assessment regarding the allowance for doubt-
ful accounts for a company that manufactures sunscreen and other skincare products and
sells to many retail outlets. How would you apply the risk analysis decision tree to this
3.2 Explain the role of business acumen in applying the risk analysis decision tree.
3.3 Describe a “notable item” and why it is important to audit data analytics.
3.4 Assume that you are auditing the manufacturer of sunscreen and other skincare products
and you find a large quantity of customers that have long-outstanding receivables that qual-
ify as notable items. Determine whether the auditor needs to audit each customer that rep-
resents a notable item. Why or why not?
Auditors can use a wide variety of data analytics techniques in a risk assessment ADA. In
fact, it may not be reasonable for a single auditor to be aware of all possible techniques. Recall
that the initial planning stages may involve brainstorming sessions with all members of the
audit team. One advantage of such team sessions is pooling together the knowledge about
7-18 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
data analytics techniques so the team can discuss which techniques are most appropriate
to use. In this section, four particularly useful techniques for risk assessment ADA are dis-
cussed, as shown in Illustration 7.9. Different examples are used to illustrate how each
technique might be helpful and integrated into the five-step ADA process.
Cluster Analysis
cluster analysis the process Cluster analysis is the process of discovering groups (termed clusters in data science) of
of discovering groups (termed similar items in a set of data; items in the same group are similar, while items in different
clusters in data science) of similar groups are not as similar. The characteristics of the groups need not be known beforehand;
items in a set of data; items in they are determined by the data. For this reason, it is a particularly useful technique when the
the same group are similar, while auditor does not know much about the data set. However, in the audit environment, cluster-
items in different groups are not
ing is often informed by the auditor’s knowledge of the business and industry, knowledge of
as similar
the client, and an understanding of the accounts, transactions, and assertions being audited.
Consequently, the creation of groups should be guided by a combination of the data and the
auditor’s expert knowledge. The auditor is generally not advised to outsource clustering work
without active communication with the person performing the clustering.
There are numerous algorithms available in software packages that perform clustering:
k-means and hierarchical clustering are two of many popular clustering techniques.3
Most data science and data analytics texts contain more information about modern clustering techniques.
Provost and Fawcett (2013, pp. 163–183) is one such example that is directed at a business
audience, not mathematicians and statisticians. F. Provost and T. Fawcett, Data Science for Business
(O’Reilly Media: Sebastopol, United States, 2013).
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-19
Clustering can also be performed by graphing data in a way that allows for visual identi-
fication of groups. For example, the auditor might use clustering to search for customers
who are taking longer than usual to pay, or inventory that is taking abnormally long to sell.
Clustering could also be used in the audit of a construction company to look for work in
progress with unusually high gross profit margins. Unusual items may be uncovered by
clustering because individual items do not belong to a group, or because an entire group
is identified as abnormal. In either case, unusual items should be treated as notable items
and be investigated further according to the risk analysis decision tree (Illustration 7.8) to
determine whether (i) their unusual characteristics are acceptable because they are under-
pinned by a valid business reason that can be substantiated or (ii) whether there is a risk of
a material misstatement.
Clustering is illustrated in the context of an audit client that specializes in eco-friendly,
solar-dried fruit. Illustration 7.10 identifies key characteristics of this ADA application. The
client is involved in the production of dried fruit, the wholesale distribution to retailers, and
retail sales through farmers’ markets. The client purchases fruit from the wholesale markets
and dries it using patented solar driers. Its patented drier results in a product with a lower
moisture content than its competitors, which allows the client to have a 24-month best before
date on all products. Although the products can still be sold at a discount (usually more than
50%) after the best before date, commercial customers usually only accept products with at
least 6-months until the best before date.
With the social aim of reducing food waste, the client performs a number of fruit rescues
each year. The first way a fruit rescue occurs is when weather conditions damage fruit so it
can no longer be sold as fresh fruit. The fruit is, however, often well-suited for drying, and the
client is able to purchase damaged crops at a discount. Fruit rescues can also occur when the
yield of fresh fruit is too high for all of it to be sold as fresh fruit. In this case, the client offers
to buy the excess at a discount from the price for fresh fruit. Fruit rescues benefit the client
because the price per pound is substantially lower than in wholesale markets. At historical
production levels, the client has substantial spare capacity to dry more fruit should additional
attractive fruit rescue opportunities present themselves.
The client has a December 31 year-end, and the audit report is expected in March of
the following year. At December 31, 2022, the client had $10,180,954 of inventory; a year
earlier, it had $3,883,046. Performance materiality for inventory and cost of sales is set
at $500,000.
inventory is properly valued and is likely to be sold well before the best before date to avoid heavy
The production process first involves purchasing fresh fruit. Regardless of the method
of obtaining the fresh fruit (raw materials), it is always dried in a matter of days to maintain
product flavor. The dried fruit is then immediately packaged into bags (ranging from ¼ pound
to 3 pounds) and then individually barcoded. These are sold to distributors and retailers.
The business model suggests that fresh fruit (raw materials) quickly becomes bags of
dried fruit of varying weight (finished goods). Because of the business cycle, no raw materials
(fresh fruit) or inventory-in-process (fruit currently being dried) are on hand at year-end. This
is consistent with expectations. Assume that, at this stage, the auditor has observed inventory
and that inventory observation confirms a substantial increase in finished goods inventory.
The auditor has also audited the production process, addressed the issues associated with
decreases in weight during the production process, and is satisfied with a value of inventory
at cost of $10,180,954.
The unique nature of the business means that the client’s inventory levels are likely to
be notably different from other food production, distribution, and retail companies. Conse-
quently, comparisons to industry averages are not very beneficial. Instead, the auditor plans to
use ADA to investigate the large increase in inventory, specifically focusing on the age of fin-
ished goods and turnover of finished goods for each product in inventory. Graphical clustering
techniques will be used with both the current and prior years’ data to identify abnormalities
that might be notable items. The information from the ADA will be used to help the auditor
evaluate the valuation and allocation assertion and determine whether the large increase in
inventory is justified or whether inventory should be written down.
ILLUSTRATION 7.11 Documentation of relevance and reliability of information obtained from the client
Nature of the data Data categorized by product name was obtained from the client regarding:
• Quantity of finished goods on hand at December 31, 2021 and 2022.
• Cost of finished goods on hand at December 31, 2021 and 2022.
• Quantity sold during the year ending December 31, 2021.
• Quantity sold during the year ending December 31, 2022.
• Sales transactions from January 1 to December 31, 2022.
• Records of finished goods produced from January 1 to December 31, 2022.
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-21
Source of the data All the data comes from the client.
Process used to produce the data The client’s perpetual inventory system collects finished goods data.
The client’s revenue system collects quantity sold data.
Matters the auditor might consider in determining As part of tests of internal controls, the audit team assessed control risk as low for
the nature, timing and extent of procedures to both the revenue system and the inventory system, including records of finished
perform regarding whether data is sufficiently goods. The auditor is also satisfied with the quality of the company’s IT general
reliable controls.
The client conducts cycle counts of approximately 5 to 10% of inventory every 14 days.
This control was also tested and found to be effective. Further, the client carefully
stores inventory in order of age, so that the oldest inventory is sold first. Any
inventory older than 15 months is flagged to sell quickly. Any inventory older than
18 months is sold through retail outlets only. This process has been tested and
verified by the auditor.
Procedures regarding data reliability an auditor The audit team determined that the total cost of inventory matched the general
may consider performing ledger, and the inventory quantities on hand matched the data used to prepare the
financial statements. The audit team has also already tested and found no issue with
the existence assertion for inventory.
The data about quantity sold during the year ending December 31, 2022, was rec-
onciled with a sales transaction file provided by the client that in turn matched the
general ledger.
The following also reconciles:
Quantity of finished goods at December 31, 2021 866,444
+ Total quantity of bagged products of finished goods
produced during 2022 5,237,416
– Quantity sold during 2022 (3,538,720)
Quantity of finished goods at December 31, 2022 2,565,140
2021 2022 Increase Finished goods and quantity
sold for 2021 and 2022
Cost of finished goods at year-end $3,883,046 $10,180,954 162%
Quantity of finished goods at year-end 866,444 2,565,140 196%
Weight (pounds) of finished goods at year-end 921,327 2,613,676 184%
Average cost per pound $4.21 $3.90 −8%
Quantity sold during year 2,521,694 3,538,720 40%
The initial analysis presented averages over 240 products. Illustration 7.13 presents the
results from a more detailed analysis that considers each product separately. Recall that al-
though the products have a 2-year best before date, distributors generally do not purchase
inventory that is older than 1.5 years (that is, with less than 6 months remaining of best be-
fore). Therefore, for products to be sold through distributors (as well as retail), the estimated
number of days to sell is expected to be less than 547.5 days [(18 ÷ 12) × 365]. Consequently,
as per the first level of the risk analysis decision tree (Illustration 7.8), any products with
estimated days to sell greater than 547.5 have been highlighted in yellow, indicating “Does
Not Fit the Auditor’s Expectation.” Any products with values of more than $500,000 have also
been flagged if they have days to sell greater than 182.5 (half a year). The shorter expectation
is because of the importance of these products in value terms, as they are individually over the
performance materiality threshold limit of $500,000.
Preliminary analysis shows many interesting facts that are observable in Illustration 7.13.
Looking first at the previous year (2021), it is clear that finished goods on hand for most prod-
ucts is below $100,000, but that estimated days to sell can range up to just over one year (365).
The majority of the products in 2022 have similar characteristics. However, in 2022 there are
also a number of products that have much higher cost of finished goods on hand, as well as
some with a notably longer estimated selling time. Further, all the products that are outside
of expectations in the yellow highlighted region are from 2022. In 2022, there are 51 products
out of 240 (21.2%) that have fallen outside of the auditor’s expectations. Furthermore, some
are well outside of expectations with more than 730 (2 years) estimated days to sell, longer
than the best before duration. It is now clear that the changes in finished goods are driven by a
minority of products, rather than a common increase in all products. In fact, the 51 products
only represent a small number of fruits: 30 Apple products, 9 Blueberry products, 8 Apricot
products, and 1 Banana, 1 Mango, 1 Tomato, and 1 Cherry product. This is consistent with the
client’s statement that it undertook large-scale fruit rescue opportunities for specific fruits
in 2022.
The 51 products identified as notable items now need to be processed through the next
level of the risk analysis decision tree to determine whether each of them is an acceptable
or unacceptable variation from expectation. When the results were presented to the client,
management commented that many of its products are expected to have substantial increases
in sales volume in 2023 because until now supply has not met demand. The auditor noted that
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-23
100% of the inventory on hand at December 31, 2021, was sold during 2022. Evidence was also
found in the sales department of orders that could not be filled during the first six months of
the year. It can also be seen from Illustration 7.14 that the total production of finished goods
in 2022 primarily occurred late in the year, which means that the business is quite seasonal,
and a significant amount of the 2022 production would be expected to be sold in 2023.
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Because the audit report was not expected until March 2023, the audit team decides to
look at notable items with hindsight, so they extract additional information to determine what
sales in the first two months of 2023 indicate about the rates of sale for 2023. Illustration 7.15 is
the same as Illustration 7.13 with the exception that the items indicated in dark blue represent
items that should sell within 365 days based on sales in the first two months of 2023. These
represent 25 of the 51 notable items.
Of the remaining 26 notable items in the yellow highlighted region, the item with the
highest total cost and the other 25 items sum to a total cost of $373,748.90. The notable
item with the highest total cost is found to be 3-pound bags of Organic Cherry; its key
details are described in Illustration 7.16. The cost per pound has dropped by 20%, which
matches the cost motivation for conducting large fruit rescues. In the first two months
of 2023 (59 days), 4,238 of these products have been sold. If this rate were to continue,
it would take 540 days [(38,750 ÷ 4,238) × 59] to sell the finished goods inventory from
December 31, 2022. Although high, this period is marginally within the initial threshold
of 18 months (547.5 days) to allow for a product to be sold through distributors as well as
Finished goods and sales 2021 2022 2023
summary for 3-pound bags of
Organic Cherry Cost of finished goods at year-end $145,555 $892,800
Quantity of finished goods at year-end 5,054 38,750
Cost per pound $9.60 $7.68
Quantity sold during the period 30,500 31,000 4,238
Estimated number of days to sell 60.5 456.3 539.5
Bill Cannon is working on an audit of an advertising agency. The entity’s primary expenditure is
purchased advertising (radio, TV, online, billboard, and other physical advertising) for clients. De-
partment managers are able to purchase advertising at their own discretion below a $1,000 threshold.
Advertising purchases above $1,000 need a second level of approval. When Bill analyzes advertising
expenditures for the agency, he finds the following frequency of purchases in the first nine months.
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-25
Histogram of Invoices
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 $6,000
Invoice amounts ($000)
While many of the advertising agency’s clients are small and have limited budgets, Bill is surprised
to find such a large number of small purchases. Further investigation reveals the following:
Histogram of Invoices Less than $1,000
0 200 400 600 800 $1,000
Invoice amounts
This further analysis shows a normal distribution of expenditures less than $800, and 32% of
the expenditures are between $900 and $999. Bill subsequently finds that 95% of the advertising
purchases are made by one advertising manager, with one online advertiser. What questions does
this raise? Bill is concerned about the risk that the advertising manager may be intentionally cir-
cumventing internal controls by breaking up large purchases (greater than $1,000) into smaller
purchases. Further, is the advertising manager getting any kickback from the online advertiser?
As Bill talks this over with Shannon (the audit manager), Shannon is impressed with the level of
professional skepticism that Bill has exhibited. Bill is pleased that audit data analytics allowed
him to dig deeper to answer questions with evidence, rather than accepting a representation from
the client. At this point, Bill and Shannon decide to bring this to the attention of the CFO of the
advertising agency, and let management take the next step in the investigation.
With respect to the audit of advertising expenses, Bill and Shannon believe that they cannot
rely on the internal controls. After management completes its investigation, Bill and Shannon
plan to proceed with a primarily substantive approach, completing their tests of transactions at
year-end. In addition, they must look more carefully at other transactions approved by the adver-
tising manager, as fraud risk just went up.
matching information in
Matching Information in Key Data Fields key data fields the process
whereby the auditor uses audit
Matching information in key data fields is a process whereby the auditor uses audit data data analytics to search for key
analytics to search for key characteristics that may exist in several different databases. Often, characteristics that may exist in
the auditor uses this process with an expectation that there should be no matches. For example, several different databases
7-26 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
the auditor would not expect an overlap between addresses in a vendor database and a payroll
database as shown in Illustration 7.17. However, if segregation of duties is weak, there may
be an opportunity for an employee to create a fictitious vendor, and the vendor address may
match an employee’s address. Using audit data analytics to search for this type of evidence of
fraud may be a useful technique if fraud risk is assessed as high.
Example of searching for and
finding unexpected matches is
two data fields Vendor Addresses
Address Matches
Business Broad ADA
Overview of matching Environment Concern Account(s) Audit Objective
example performed by
a state government internal U.S. state To ensure that government employees • Payroll Uncover fraud
audit department government are not receiving a paycheck and a Expenses
internal audit government benefit; if an employee is • Benefit
department receiving both at the same time, this Expenses
is considered fraud
Nature of the data The following data sets were obtained and imported into IDEA:
• Salaried employee list from each of the 20 divisions.
• Hourly employee list from each of the 20 divisions.
• Benefit recipient list for each of the 17 benefit plans from the
Welfare division.
• Payroll Wages, Payroll Salaries, and Benefits Paid from the Finance
Source of the data All the data comes from the 20 divisions within the state government.
Process used to produce the data IDEA was used to perform all data preparation and analysis.
7-28 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
Matters the auditor might consider in determining the The IT general controls have previously been tested and found effective
nature, timing, and extent of procedures to perform for all 20 divisions by the internal audit team.
regarding whether data is sufficiently reliable
Procedures regarding data reliability an auditor may The internal audit team has:
consider performing • Verified that the payment data obtained is the same data used to
prepare the financial statements.
• Checked for and found no duplicates in the data sets used in this
• Checked for and found no people in the data sets with missing
SSNs nor payments made to people not on the payroll master
ILLUSTRATION 7.20 Match SSN employee benefit data set—the result of matching employee
master list and beneficiaries master list by SSN
Given that matches have been found, the next step is to analyze payments to the matching
SSNs during the 2021–2022 fiscal year. The result is 119 payments that include only seven
people. These 119 payments are notable items as they do not fit the auditor’s expectation that
benefits and wages/salary would not be paid to the same SSN. These notable items are now
investigated further to determine whether they are acceptable variations consistent with the
second level of the risk analysis decision tree. This was done by visual analysis of the dates
of the payments; if there is no overlap between benefit payments and wage/salary payments,
then it is acceptable. For example, a person might have switched from being initially eligible
for benefits to later working for the state government, or vice versa.
Illustration 7.21 shows all the payments to Vanessa Rodreges during 2021–2022 and
some of the payments to Adrian Queen. Note that all types of payments are made on the 15th
or 30th of every month (28th in February), and benefits and wages are also paid on the 15th of
each month. Vanessa Rodreges’ payments are acceptable as she receives benefits for a while
and then receives wages as an hourly employee. Adrian Queen’s case (Adrian McQueen), on
the other hand, is very different. He receives salary every month as an employee while at the
same time receiving benefits under a slightly different name. This is clearly an issue that must
be investigated. After conducting similar visual analysis for all seven employees, problems
are identified with Adrian Queen and Alana Hopman, while the other five have acceptable
payment patterns.
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-29
ILLUSTRATION 7.21 Selected rows from the created payments match SSN 2021–2022 data set
Payment type: Benefit Salary Wage Salary and benefit ILLUSTRATION 7.22
Visualization of 2021–2022
Steve Roger payments to matching SSNs
Vanessa Rodreges
Adrian Queen
Taylor Blue
Mark Muller
John Molman
Alana Hopman
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
7-30 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
The two unacceptable cases of Adrian Queen and Alana Hopman were thoroughly
investigated at the end of this ADA because false payments can easily amount to material
sums of money over time. As shown in the visualization, Adrian Queen starts and ends the
fiscal year receiving only salary, but in the middle receives benefits and salary at the same
time. The investigation revealed that Adrian works as a salaried employee in the Welfare
division and had been approving benefit payments to himself. In an interview, he disclosed
that he thought avoiding receiving benefits in the first and last period of the fiscal year
reduced his likelihood of getting caught. The name change to Adrian McQueen for receiving
benefits was another attempt to conceal his wrongdoing. Alana Hopman, another salaried em-
ployee in the Welfare division, discovered Adrian’s wrongdoing in October. She confronted
Adrian, who in an attempt to avoid being reported taught Alana how to do it to receive extra
money. This explains why, from the end of November, Alana also started to receive both
benefits and salary.
In addition to following through on Adrian’s and Alana’s cases of wrongdoing, the audit
team also concluded that an investigation is needed immediately into the control system fail-
ure that allowed these two employees to make changes to the benefit master file and approve
benefit payments to themselves. In this case, the matching process utilized by a state internal
audit department identified fraud on the part of two state employees.
Regression Analysis
regression analysis a Regression analysis is a statistical process that involves estimating a prediction equation
statistical process that involves that expresses an item of interest (commonly known as the y or dependent variable) in
estimating a prediction equation terms of other data fields (the x or independent variables). Auditors can use such a prediction
that expresses an item of interest equation to inform their expectations and then compare them against actual figures in
(commonly known as the y or search of notable items. Consider an auditor analyzing revenue as part of a risk assess-
dependent variable) in terms
ment procedure. Revenue might be strongly seasonal, as it is for many retailers, in which
of other data fields (the x or
case the auditor might expect revenue to follow a time-series regression that is based on
independent variables)
the trend and seasonality in historical revenue figures. On the other hand, revenue might
be strongly related to the level of internet traffic for a purely online business, in which case
the auditor might expect revenue to follow a regression that is based on the numbers of
page views or hits.
As part of ADA, the following steps should be used for regression analysis:
1. Estimate the prediction equation using data that is not currently being audited (usually
historical data).
2. Validate the prediction equation from a business logic point of view based on the auditor’s
knowledge of the client, the industry, and the data being analyzed. Make modifications
to Step 1 as needed.
3. Validate the prediction equation from a statistics point of view. Make modifications to
Step 1 as needed.
4. Use the regression equation to make predictions for the data currently being audited.
5. Compare the predicted values (auditor’s expectation) with the actual values.
6. Any values that are unacceptable variations should be treated as notable items and be
investigated further according to the risk analysis decision tree (Illustration 7.8) to de-
termine whether (i) their unusual characteristics are acceptable because they are under-
pinned by a valid business reason that can be substantiated or (ii) whether there is a risk
of a material level of misstatement.
Notice how business acumen is a key part of this analytical procedure (in Steps 2 and 6).
Estimating a linear (straight-line) regression is the most common approach. There are
also a vast number of more complex regression models should a linear regression not be appro-
priate. All well-known analytics packages can perform linear regression, and more advanced
packages are also able to perform other regressions, such as logistic regression and other gen-
eralized linear regressions, local regression, time-series regressions, and more. Ultimately,
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-31
the auditor should choose the most appropriate regression model for the problem—a more
complex model will provide worse results if it is not the most suitable model. In fact, simple
models often perform very well.
The simplest regression is where the prediction equation is the average of the data. Even
this model can be useful. Insurance premiums for a large, mature company are likely akin to
fixed costs that could be predicted well by their average. In this case, the auditor might flag any
observations that fall outside of two standard deviations as notable items. About 95% of the
data falls within two standard deviations of the mean if the data is approximately normally
distributed, and even if it is not, there should still be at least 75% of the data (using Chebyshev’s
The use of regression analysis as an ADA technique can be illustrated in the context of an
analysis of passenger service expenses in the audit of G&J Airlines. Illustration 7.23 identi-
fies key characteristics of this ADA application. Once again, the five-step process for ADA will
be used in conjunction with the risk analysis decision tree. Here, regression analysis is used
as a general risk assessment tool. The focus is on transactions recorded during the year, and
misstatements could arise from any assertion. The audit period covered by this ADA is the
year ended December 31, 2022.
Business Concern for Risk of Material Statement Broad ADA
Environment Misstatement Account(s) Assertion Objective
Regional airline Potential for under- or overstatement Passenger Completeness, Search for unac-
in the United of passenger expenses based on Service occurrence, accuracy, ceptable variations
States relationship to number of passengers Expenses cutoff, or classification from expected
(using information in the database on of passenger service patterns
number of passengers). expenses
G&J Airlines is a regional airline in the United States. Over the past five years, the
average quarterly revenue was $660 million. Although the airline is not a public com-
pany, its financials are audited annually to support debt financing. G&J Airlines has a
December 31 year-end, and the audit associated with this application of ADA focuses on
the year 2022. In this example, the five-step process for ADA will be used in conjunction
with the risk analysis decision tree (Illustration 7.8) to investigate the level of passenger
service expenses. Examples of such expenses include costs associated with cleaning air-
craft, handling luggage, and passenger check-in. In total, all costs relating to processing
and servicing passengers before, during, and after the flight should be coded as passenger
service expenses.
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q4
2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
Historical data prior to the financials to be audited (2022) was used to develop a linear re-
gression model that predicts passenger service expenses based on an intercept term (fixed cost)
and the number of passengers (variable cost). This model would then be used to predict the pas-
senger service expenses in 2022 based on the passenger numbers. These predictions represent
the audit team’s expectation and are compared to the actual figures as per the risk analysis deci-
sion tree (Illustration 7.8). Performance materiality for this analysis has been set at $15 million.
For this ADA, the audit team used the R data science programming language that is avail-
able for free. Other spreadsheet and statistical programs are also able to complete the analysis.
ILLUSTRATION 7.25 Evaluation of relevance and reliability of information obtained from the client
Nature of the data Quarterly data from the first quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2022 was obtained
from the client regarding:
• Passenger service expenses.
• Passenger numbers.
Source of the data All the data comes from the client.
Process used to produce the data The client’s accounting database for costs contained the expense information, while
the database of operational information housed the passenger numbers data.
Matters the auditor might consider in determining The client has a well-defined process of recording the number of passengers
the nature, timing, and extent of procedures to per- on each flight in the database of operational information and then aggregating
form regarding whether data is sufficiently reliable them for a reporting period. This process has been tested and verified by the
The audit team has also previously tested and found effective the IT general controls
and internal controls over the accounting and operational databases.
Procedures regarding data reliability an auditor The audit team verified that the quarterly expense data supplied reconciled with the
may consider performing annual data being audited.
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-33
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
Quarterly passenger numbers (’000)
The next step after visually observing a linear relationship is to confirm by estimating a linear
regression. The regression model must be estimated based only on the historical data to ensure it
can be used to make predictions for the current period. The resulting regression equation is:
This regression indicates that quarterly passenger service expenses has a fixed-cost compo-
nent that is almost $10 million and a variable cost component of approximately $2.48 per pas-
senger. It is important to verify that the model makes logical sense to the auditors given their
knowledge of the business and the industry. In this case, the model is suitable and consistent
with expectations formed in the planning stage (see “Plan the Audit Data Analytics” earlier
in this section). Furthermore, both coefficients are highly statistically significant (meaning
that they are reliably not zero) as shown by the t-statistics and p-values in Illustration 7.27.
The auditors also conducted appropriate tests and did not find any clear violation of linear
regression model assumptions.
The auditors then proceeded to use the model to calculate expectations for 2022. As an
example, if there were 3 million passengers in a quarter, then using the regression model the
auditor would expect just over $17 million in passenger service expenses:
However, performing an exact comparison between expectations and actual figures results
in every quarter being a notable item, because they do not match the auditor’s expectation
exactly (even if they are very close). Thus, the concept of acceptable variations from the risk
analysis decision tree needs to be introduced. In this case, the audit team calculated a 95% pre-
diction interval for each quarter in 2022. If the actual value fell outside of that interval, then it
was deemed an “Unacceptable Variation from Auditor’s Expectation.” Illustration 7.28 shows
the results.
7-34 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
Quarterly passenger numbers (’000)
visualization the representation Visualization is the representation of a data set, or key information, as a chart or another
of a data set, or key information, as image. Computers do not need visualizations. Instead, visualizations are produced to reveal
a chart or other image information to people. “Visualization is a fundamentally human activity” is how Garrett
Grolemund and Hadley Wickham put it in their recent data science book.4 Good visualizations
have the following characteristics:
• F
acilitate people making visual comparisons between data elements. This can help auditors
to identify patterns, deviations from patterns, and outliers in the analysis stage of ADA.
• Are generally understood by a wider audience. Visualizations reduce the message to its
core components and use minimal, or no, jargon. This is particularly useful to auditors
because they have to present findings to business people with varied backgrounds. This
benefit is also applicable to auditors sharing the results of ADA with the rest of the audit
team who will not be as familiar with ADA as the auditor who performed it.
G. Grolemund and H. Wickham, R for Data Science (O’Reilly, 2017), Chapter 2.
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Risk Assessment Procedure 7-35
• Communicate a lot of information efficiently. There is truth to the saying a picture is worth
a thousand words. A popular statistics textbook5 refers to a research finding that man-
agers in meetings reach a consensus 25% faster when shown presentations that include
graphics. Managers are extremely busy people, and so auditors will benefit from being
able to communicate their findings efficiently. Once again, a similar logic applies to audi-
tors communicating findings within an audit team.
• Are likely to be better remembered. In the book Brain Rules, John Medina6 talks of vision be-
ing the top-ranked sense and that the human brain excels at remembering pictures. Having
a strong recollection of the findings from ADA is useful to the auditor when combining the
large number of findings to make sense of the audit as a whole. It is also useful for clients
(and any other stakeholders) to better remember what auditors are trying to tell them.
In the context of ADA, a visualization can be used to assist with the analysis, to communicate
findings effectively and efficiently, or both.
Just as is the case for the benefits, the risks associated with visualizations are related to
their association with people. There are risks when visualizations are created in isolation.
Visualizations are excellent at summarizing results, but they generally do not provide precise
figures or tests of statistical significance that are often needed in ADA. That is, they should
be used in combination, not isolation. An excellent visualization of an otherwise poor ADA is
not useful. Even a beautiful visual as part of a good ADA is useless if it has no purpose. On the
other hand, an excellent visualization that is integrated into a well-defined and well-executed
five-step ADA can add tremendous value.
There is also a risk that the pretty visualization will be remembered rather than the mes-
sage it was intended to convey. Auditors need to focus viewers on the substance, not the form,
of the visualization. Current software makes it very easy to create complex visualizations, but
they are not always appropriate. For example, three-dimensional graphs are rarely needed
because they are relatively difficult to interpret. Usually, all the information can be displayed
in a standard two-dimensional graph. The lesson is to use the graph that is best suited to the
need of the ADA. This requires business acumen and equally applies to simple cases. In the
advertising agency example (see Audit Reasoning Example “Multiple Transactions Below a
Key Threshold” from earlier in the chapter), a simple histogram was a well-suited visualization.
Even then, without the proper business acumen, the ADA could have concluded that there
were no notable items based on the first histogram. However, what was needed was a more
detailed analysis of smaller amounts, so a second histogram was produced. The most appro-
priate visualization to use and the best parameters to use for that chosen visualization should
be decided on a case-by-case basis. It is also important to acknowledge that there are inherent
limitations with visualizations because people can only view three dimensions, but it is easily
possible to have a regression or clustering based on four, or more, data fields.
Visualizations can also easily be misleading. Illustration 7.29 presents an alarming
picture of revenue dropping.
G. Keller, Statistics for Management and Economics 11e (Cengage Learning: Stamford, CT, 2017), p. 14.
J. Medina, Brain Rules (Updated and Expanded): 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and
School, Second Edition (Pear Press: Seattle, WA, 2014).
7-36 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
However, using identical data, Illustration 7.30 reveals that revenue is in fact extremely
stable and that the misleading figure was produced by manipulating the vertical axis and then
removing the information that would reveal the manipulation. Auditors need to guard against
this by using professional skepticism whenever viewing visualizations produced by others.
When producing visualizations, it is important to remember that a good visualization is clear
and well-labeled, concise and informative, accurate and not misleading.
30 49.6
20 49.4
10 49.2
0 49.0
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Let us consider some of the visualizations already presented in this chapter to see these
benefits and risks in practice.
The dried fruit case was an example of visualizations being used to enhance analysis and
communicate results to the client (Illustrations 7.13, 7.14, and 7.15). As part of the analysis,
the auditor used this visualization to help identify common patterns in inventory turnover
and outliers from those patterns. Even though the visualization was useful as an analysis tool,
the auditor still needed numbers for precise analysis, which were presented in tables in the
example. The visualization helped to understand the bigger picture—it helped to see the forest
but was not the correct tool for viewing individual trees (individual dried fruit products in this
Visualizations were also used for dual purposes in the G&J Airlines example (Illustra-
tions 7.26 and 7.28). The results of the regression and the prediction intervals were shown
visually for the auditor to easily identify notable items, but it was also used to tell the story to
the client. This visualization (Illustration 7.28) effectively presents a lot of information: the
historical data, current data being audited, the expectations as per the regression’s predictions,
and the prediction intervals that clearly identify any points with unacceptable variations from
expectation. None of this needs to be explained in text, as it is evident from the visualization.
Another key lesson from this ADA is that not all visualizations are useful. Initially, a time-
series graph was produced, but it was not appropriate for this ADA. When additional business
acumen was applied, the more suitable regression analysis was chosen.
In contrast to the other examples, no visualizations were used to conduct the analysis
matching welfare benefit disbursements with payroll disbursements as part of a state govern-
ment internal audit. In that example, IDEA software was used to process hundreds of thousands
of records looking for matches; that is, to “find the needle in the haystack.” A visualization was
still useful as a means of reporting the results to superiors. When viewing the visualization
(Illustration 7.22), it is easy to learn the payment patterns of all people with matching SSNs in
the employee and beneficiary databases. These patterns would be difficult, and cumbersome,
to describe in only text. As an exercise, you might like to try describing the payment patterns
shown in Illustration 7.22 and see how difficult it is to convey all the information in that graph.
This ADA is an example where a visualization was not useful in the analysis stage, but a well-
suited visualization was an effective and efficient way to communicate the results.
Overall, a successful ADA is accomplished by all five steps in the process being done
well and with sound reasoning. It is clear that visualizations are a necessity in the ADA tool
box. They can help with analysis and communicate results, but they are not the correct tool
to solve every ADA challenge. Visualizations are tools to enhance the five-step ADA process,
not replace it.
Using Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 7-37
Before You Go On
4.1 What is clustering? How is clustering used as a risk assessment tool?
4.2 What is the goal of using ADA to find matches in two large populations?
4.3 Explain how the auditor would use regression analysis to identify notable items.
4.4 What should be accomplished with good visualizations?
Before You Go On
5.1 Develop an example of a traditional manual comparison of information in a substantive test
where the same process can be done electronically with ADA.
5.2 What conditions are normally present when an auditor plans to use ADA as a substantive
test of details?
5.3 What should the auditor consider when ADA performed as a substantive test of details iden-
tifies misstatements?
The use of ADA as a substantive test is illustrated in the context of an analysis of reve-
nues and receivables at an electric power cooperative. Illustration 7.31 identifies key
characteristics of this ADA application. Once again, the five-step process for ADA will
be used as a substantive test. The focus is on validating revenue transactions recorded
during the year and accounts receivable at December 31, 2022. Therefore, the assertions
being tested are the occurrence of revenue transactions and the existence of receivables.
It is possible that the test could uncover problems with the accuracy of revenues or the
valuation of receivables at their gross amount.
The auditor then obtained a sales transaction file, a cash receipts transaction file, and an
accounts receivable file from the client. The accounts receivable files matched the information
above that was taken from the general ledger. The sales file also matched the general ledger.
The auditor then prepared the information in Illustration 7.33, which reconciled the above
information to the cash receipts journal.
For the Year Ended For the Two Months ILLUSTRATION 7.33
December 31, 2022 Ended February 28, 2023 Reconciliation of Cash
Cash collected from members $236,369,269 $39,965,046 collected from members to
total cash receipts
Cash received from bank loan 3,000,000 –
Cash received from sale of assets 142,837 28,771
Cash received per cash reciepts journal $239,512,106 $39,993,817
7-40 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
The auditor was able to reconcile the data files received from the client to the client’s
general ledger. All the data was clean and in a consistent format, so the auditors proceeded to
document their evaluation of the relevance and reliability of the data used.
ILLUSTRATION 7.34 Evaluation of relevance and reliability of information obtained from the client
Nature of the data Data was obtained from the client regarding:
• Accounts receivable at December 31, 2021.
• Accounts receivable at December 31, 2022.
• Accounts receivable at February 28, 2023.
• Power sales for the 14 months ended February 28, 2023.
• Cash receipts for the 14 months ended February 28, 2023.
Source of the data The data came from the electric cooperative’s financial database.
Process used to produce the data The client’s accounting information system (database) collects information on revenue and
cash receipt transactions, as well as journal entries made. This database is also used to produce
accounts receivable balances.
Matters the auditor might consider The audit team tested internal controls related to the cooperative’s control environment. The
in determining the nature, timing, following controls were also tested and found effective:
and extent of procedures to perform • IT general controls.
regarding whether data is
• I T application controls related to occurrence of revenues, accuracy of revenues,
sufficiently reliable
completeness of cash receipts, and the existence and valuation of accounts receivable.
Procedures regarding data reliability The audit team reconciled the following information received from the client with the general
an auditor may consider performing ledger:
• Accounts receivable as of December 31, 2021, December 31, 2022, and February 28, 2023.
• T
otal power sales to members for the periods ending December 31, 2022, and February 28,
• Total cash receipts for the periods ending December 31, 2022, and February 28, 2023.
• S
ales adjustments for the provision for bad debts and the write-off of accounts receivable
for the year ended December 31, 2022.
ILLUSTRATION 7.35 Summary of matching of power billings with subsequent cash receipts
for the year ended December 31, 2022, and matching receivables at December 31, 2022, with
subsequent cash receipts
Number of
Members Dollars Percentage
Power billings 1/1/2022–12/31/2022 subject to matching procedures 193,629 $ 237,166,939 100.0%
Cash collection equals billing 188,023 $ 209,167,026 88.2%
Cash collection greater than billings subsequently offset by
cash collections less than billings 1,978 1,805,948 0.8%
Cash collections greater than billings 482 454,445 0.2%
Applying Audit Data Analytics as a Substantive Test 7-41
Number of
Members Dollars Percentage
Cash collection less than billings subsequently offset by
cash collections greater than billings 1,714 $ 1,643,710 0.7%
Cash collections less than billings 1,127 965,353 0.4%
Total cash received from customers $ 214,036,482 90.2%
No cash received 23,130,457 9.8%
Total billings subject to matching procedures 193,324 $ 237,166,939 100.0%
Ending receivables at 12/31/2022 191,839 23,044,787
Billings for 2022 subsequently written off 305 85,670
Total of no cash received on 2022 billings $ 23,130,457
The auditor determined that the potential misstatement of revenues and receivables amounted
to $467,402 ($455,876 + $11,526) which was less than performance materiality. In the cases where
members overpaid or underpaid but brought themselves current in a short period of time there-
after, the auditor determined that there was not a breakdown in internal controls. However, the
auditor was concerned about the extent of the CFO review of the allowance for doubtful accounts
on a quarterly basis. At year-end, the allowance for doubtful accounts was only $13,261, and the
estimate for bad debt was only $97,000. After discussion with the CFO, it was determined that,
while net receivables were not materially misstated, the auditor did not believe that internal con-
trols related to the estimate for bad debts and the allowance for doubtful accounts were adequate.
The audit team included a discussion of a significant deficiency in internal controls related to these
items in a management letter to the board of directors of the electric cooperative.
Before You Go On
6.1 What was the evidence in the electric cooperative case supporting the conclusion that power
sales for the year ended December 31, 2022, actually occurred and the billings were accurate
in their amount?
6.2 What was the evidence in the electric cooperative case supporting the conclusion that
accounts receivable at December 31, 2022, existed and were valued correctly at the amount
due from members?
6.3 If ADA shows that an account balance is materially correct, can a weakness in internal controls
exist? Explain your reasoning.
Today, much of the evidence that was previously in the form of paper
documents has been transferred to electronic form. It is appropriate 6 Apply audit data analytics as a substantive test and
for the auditor to compare electronically what was previously com- evaluate the results.
pared manually. This discussion explains what the auditor should
know about the risk of material misstatement, including the system
of internal control when evaluating the relevance and reliability of This section illustrates the use of ADA as a substantive test. The
data used for ADA. Further, if the auditor finds misstatements when five-step process is illustrated in the context of validating revenue
performing the ADA, the auditor should evaluate (1) the materiality by matching electronic information, rather than manually compar-
of the misstatements found and (2) whether the misstatements provide ing information. The example in this section of the chapter uses
evidence of a weakness in internal controls. If the evidence about ADA to match information about customer billings with information
internal controls does not support a previous conclusion regarding about cash receipts and payment of billings. While this is often done
internal controls, the auditor should reassess control risk at a higher manually, it can also be done electronically. The example also walks
level, and re-evaluate the implications of a high control risk assess- through the evaluation of results when not every customer billing can
ment on detection risk and the auditor’s audit strategy. be matched with subsequent cash receipts.
• The number of units in each of the company’s 10 apartment • Average monthly vacancy rates in that marketplace (external
buildings (internal data from a source outside the financial data).
reporting system).
• The size (square footage) and number of rooms of the units
(internal data from a source outside the financial reporting
Oc r
No ber
De ber
Se gus
Background information taken from AICPA, Guide to Audit Data Analytics (AICPA: Durham, NC, 2017),
Appendix D.
7-44 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
on et
Pa et
Av t
52 Ave
rb tree
No Plac
Ri nd
Expected Actual
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) What step follows planning the ADA? 2. (LO 1) A key aspect of preparing the data for ADA is:
a. Evaluating results and concluding whether the purpose of the a. determining the source of the data.
ADA has been achieved. b. determining if the data is complete.
b. Considering the relevance and reliability of data used. c. e valuating the reliability of internally generated evidence.
c. Accessing and preparing the data for ADA. d. determining the validity of data obtained from an external
d. Performing the ADA. source.
Review Questions 7-45
3. (LO 2) Which of the following is an example of data that needs to receivable. The auditor is most likely auditing which of the following
be cleaned before it can be analyzed? a ssertions?
a. The data has dates in two different formats (MM/DD/YY and a. E
DD/MM/YY). b. Rights and obligations.
b. The data has information from customers in data files from c. Valuation and allocation.
two different divisions.
d. Completeness.
c. The data comes from a system with poor internal controls.
8. (LO 4) An auditor is using regression analysis to investigate bat-
d. T
he data contains misstatements. tery expense for a computer manufacturer that purchases batteries.
4. (LO 2) A key aspect of testing the completeness of a data set is: Which of the following would be a good choice of independent vari-
a. determining that every customer has a transaction. able for the regression?
a. R
b. the data has information from customers in data files from
two different divisions. b. Number of employees.
c. checking the numerical continuity of the data. c. Square footage of manufacturing space.
d. t he data contains misstatements. d. Number of computers sold.
5. (LO 3) When performing ADA as a risk assessment procedure, a 9. (LO 5) When performing ADA as a substantive test, the auditor:
notable item: a. u
ses ADA to match electronic information that otherwise
a. is indicative of a risk of material misstatement not previously would have been audited manually.
identified by the auditor. b. uses ADA to identify high-risk transactions and balances
b. is indicative of a higher risk of material misstatement than and then audits those high-risk items with traditional audit
anticipated by the auditor. tests.
c. provides information useful in designing procedures to ad- c. relies solely on the client’s system of internal controls.
dress the risk of material misstatement. d. uses ADA to identify breakdowns in the client’s system of
d. A
ll of these answer choices describe notable items. internal control.
6. (LO 3) A “false positive” is: 10. (LO 6) An auditor is using ADA as a substantive test to validate
a. another term for a notable item. accounts receivable because consumers are poor at responding to con-
b. indicative of a higher risk of material misstatement. firmations. In this case, the auditor validates the receivable by:
c. incorrectly identified as a notable item and requires no fur- a. v ouching the receivable back to sales orders.
ther response to identify new or higher risks. b. tracing shipping documents to bills of lading.
d. a notable item that requires further investigation. c. finding electronic evidence that the receivable is supported by
7. (LO 4) An auditor is performing a cluster analysis and sorts subsequent cash receipt in the same amount.
a client’s customers into groups based on the aging of accounts d. finding electronic evidence of strong internal controls.
Review Questions
R7.1 (LO 1) Identify and briefly describe the five steps of perform- example should be an acceptable variation and the other an unac-
ing ADA and place them in the proper order. ceptable variation.
R7.2 (LO 1) Describe three key issues to consider when planning R7.7 (LO 4) Explain how visualizations can be used as part of ADA
ADA. and why they are important.
R7.3 (LO 2) Are the quality of internal controls relevant when eval- R7.8 (LO 4) Describe two risks associated with using visualizations
uating the reliability of data to be used in ADA? Explain why or why as part of ADA.
not, and provide an example.
R7.9 (LO 4) Identify two analytical techniques that could be used as
R7.4 (LO 2) How does each of the following influence the reliability part of risk assessment ADA and how they could be useful.
of the data: (1) data obtained from external versus internal sources,
(2) data obtained directly versus indirectly, (3) data from original doc- R7.10 (LO 5) Explain why strong IT general controls and strong IT
uments versus electronic scans, and (4) and data from written infor- application controls are important when an auditor plans to use ADA
mation sources versus records of verbal conversations? as a substantive test of details.
R7.5 (LO 3, 4) Explain how the risk analysis decision tree can be R7.11 (LO 5, 6) What should an auditor do if the conclusion from
used in conjunction with the five-step process for ADA. Provide an performing ADA as a substantive test does not agree with a previous
example. conclusion regarding internal controls?
R7.6 (LO 3, 4) Provide two examples of items that “Do Not Fit R7.12 (LO 6) Explain how applying ADA as a substantive test dif-
the Auditor’s Expectation” per the risk analysis decision tree. One fers from ADA as a risk assessment procedure.
7-46 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
Analysis Problems
AP7.1 (LO 1) Basic Planning an ADA application You are auditing Quick Technologies, Inc.
(QTI). QTI is a manufacturer of various computer technologies and works hard on bringing new technol-
ogies to market. QTI has approximately 4,000 customers (some with multiple locations). On average, QTI
sells its inventory every 45 days, and it takes approximately 33 days to collect receivables. QTI has also
experienced a high degree of competitiveness and technological obsolescence. The company has found
that the average product life is between 9 and 15 months.
a. Identify a potential application for ADA in the audit of QTI. Explain the account and the assertion(s)
tested by the application.
b. What is the population being analyzed and tested using ADA?
c. Is ADA being used as a risk assessment procedure or as a substantive test?
d. Explain the ADA application that is planned and how it will contribute to the evaluation of the
assertion being audited.
e. Explain the role of business acumen in the application of ADA.
AP7.2 (LO 2) Basic Planning an ADA application Timothy Steele, a recent college gradu-
ate and new audit staff member, is having lunch with Michael Watts, an audit senior. Both are work-
ing on the audit engagement of a retailer that has operations in North America and Europe. Timothy
says to Michael, “I have been doing some reading about audit data analytics, and there is something
I don’t understand. While I understand the importance of internal controls to the reliability of the
client’s data, I also keep reading that the auditor needs to clean the data before it can be analyzed.
I don’t understand what people are talking about with when they talk about ʻcleanʼ data. Is there a dif-
ference between ʻcleanʼ and ʻdirtyʼ data? Can you explain this to me with a practical illustration? I just
don’t get what the discussion of ʻcleanʼ data is about.”
Answer Timothy’s questions. As Timothy asks, explain the concept of “clean” versus “dirty” data with a
practical illustration.
AP7.3 (LO 2) Moderate Preparing data for ADA Emma Reed, an audit partner at Gung & Ho,
CPAs, is auditing a company in the music industry that owns multiple record labels and sells music in
North America and Europe. Emma is currently performing ADA as a risk assessment procedure investi-
gating sales. Emma has asked you, a junior auditor at Gung & Ho, to assist her with the second step of the
five-step ADA process. The client maintains two separate sales transaction files—one for North America
(NAsales.csv) and one for Europe (EUsales.csv).
Emma has specifically asked you to create one sales transaction file in a consistent format (data files are
available in WileyPLUS).
AP7.4 (LO 3) Moderate ADA as a risk analysis procedure McCaffery, CPA, is the auditor of
the Raleigh Corporation. Raleigh is a construction company that builds single-family homes and low-
rise apartment buildings. Raleigh uses the percentage-of-completion method to recognize revenues on
projects. Percentage of completion is based on discussion with project managers and the percentage of
expenditures versus budget for each project. McCaffery has decided to use ADA as a risk analysis tool to
evaluate revenue recognized on various projects.
a. Identify the assertion being audited.
b. How would an auditor set an expectation regarding percentage-of-completion for each project?
c. What would be an acceptable deviation from the auditor’s expectation? Explain the role of business
acumen in evaluating an acceptable deviation from the auditor’s expectation.
d. What would be an unacceptable deviation from the auditor’s expectation? Explain the role of busi-
ness acumen in evaluating an unacceptable deviation from the auditor’s expectation.
AP7.5 (LO 4) Basic Visualizing the results of ADA using Tableau Illustration 7.6 presented
the analysis of using clustering as an ADA technique to identify inventory that was at a high risk of not
Analysis Problems 7-47
being properly valued at the inventory’s net realizable value. The information contained in this illustration
is presented in an Excel file (Illustration 7.6.xls), available in WileyPLUS.
Using Tableau, develop visualizations to present to the client illustrating the potential problems and risks
associated with slow-moving inventory.
AP7.6 (LO 4) Challenging Performing ADA involving matching A team from More & Less
CPAs are auditing SportsLovers, a U.S. sporting goods manufacturer and distributor. The audit team
recently had a meeting to discuss how to perform the current ADA, which is designed to investigate the
risk of employees stealing by shipping products to their home address. The team has already completed
the first three steps of the five-step ADA process. The discussion point in the meeting was how to com-
pare the addresses in the Employee Master File with the addresses in the Shipment List File. The relevant
fields in each database are shown below.
During the meeting, the following ideas were proposed for a criterion to identify notable items:
a. Critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four suggestions.
b. Recommend a criterion to identify notable items and justify your choice.
c. Evaluate the risk of missing truly notable items given your recommendation in (b).
AP7.7 (LO 4) Challenging Role of assertions and risk analysis decision tree in ADA The
audit firm you work for is auditing the 2022 financial statements for a national clothing retailer. As part
of the audit, ADA is being used to assess risk associated with accrued wages. Regression-based ADA was
developed, and the first four steps of the five-step ADA process have already been completed. The regres-
sion was developed using monthly data from 2019, 2020, and 2021. The regression model was validated
from a statistics and a business logic point of view.
The results from the regression analysis are summarized in the following visualization, where the blue
dots outside the confidence interval represent November and December 2022. The independent variable is
monthly number of employees. The dependent variable is payroll payable at the end of the month.
7-48 C h a pte r 7 Audit Data Analytics
4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000
Monthly number of employees
a. Evaluate the results of the ADA. In your answer, be sure to state what assertions might be misstated.
b. What tests would you perform next to determine whether any notable items identified have a valid
business reason supporting them?
AP7.8 (LO 5) Basic ADA as a risk assessment procedure versus a substantive test Timothy
Steele, a recent college graduate and new audit staff member, is having lunch with Michael Watts, an au-
dit senior. Both are working on the audit engagement of a retailer that has operations in North America
and Europe. Timothy has another question for Michael: “In my reading I have seen a number of exam-
ples of audit data analytics. However, I am having a difficult time distinguishing between ADA as a risk
assessment procedure and ADA as a substantive test.” Can you explain the difference to me and illustrate
with a practical example?”
Answer Timothy’s questions. Explain the difference between ADA as a risk assessment procedure and
ADA as a substantive test. Illustrate your explanation with practical illustrations.
AP7.9 (LO 6) Challenging ADA as a substantive test Assume that you are auditing a real estate
company that owns and rents several apartment buildings. In total, the company owns 22 buildings and
has over 1,000 apartments that it rents out on annual leases. You are auditing accounts receivables. From
past experience, it has been difficult to get renters to confirm receivables at the end of the year. As an
alternative, you choose to use ADA to investigate the relationship between accounts receivable and sub-
sequent cash receipts. Using ADA, you get the following results.
a. What assertion(s) is the auditor investigating?
b. How do you interpret the results presented above?
c. What tests would you perform next to determine whether any notable items identified have a valid
business reason supporting them?
Audit Decision Case 7-49
AP7.10 (LO 4, 6) Moderate Research False positive analysis Read the following article,
available online: G. Baader and H. Krcmer, “Reducing False Positives in Fraud Detection: Combining
the Red Flag Approach with Process Mining,” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
(December 2018).
Prepare a two-page summary of the article outlining the definition of a false positive, the solution
proposed, and the performance of that solution on the tested data set.
C7.1 (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) Challenging Using regression analysis to search for notable items in
revenue Perform the following as part of the 2022 audit of G&J Airlines. The dependent variable is
revenue. The independent variable is passenger miles.
a. Plan an ADA as a risk assessment procedure that uses regression to investigate revenue.
b. Prepare the data for your ADA
c. Document the relevance and reliability testing that would need to be performed for this ADA to be
effective and efficient. Assume all tests are satisfied.
d. Perform your planned regression analysis using the six steps outlined in the chapter section
“Regression Analysis.”
e. Create a visualization to describe the results of the ADA and evaluate the results of the ADA.
f. Recommend procedures that should be taken because of your findings in (e).
C7.2 (LO 1, 2, 3, 4) Challenging Using regression analysis to search for notable items in an
expense Perform the following as part of the 2022 audit of G&J Airlines. The dependent variable is sal-
aries and wages expenses. You should determine which independent variable(s), if any, are appropriate
from the data set provided.
a. Plan an ADA as a risk assessment procedure that uses regression to investigate salaries and wages
b. Prepare the data for your ADA.
c. Document the relevance and reliability testing that would need to be performed for this ADA to be
effective and efficient. Assume all tests are satisfied.
d. Perform your planned regression analysis using the six steps outlined in “Regression Analysis.”
Looking for Notable Items.
e. Create a visualization to describe the results of the ADA and evaluate the results of the ADA.
f. Recommend procedures that should be taken because of your findings in (e).
Required b. What information are you comparing electronically for each
Plan a substantive test of purchase transactions using ADA as a assertion?
substantive test. When planning the substantive test, identify the c. What electronic evidence would represent a misstatement for
following: each assertion?
a. What is (are) the assertion(s) being tested?
Chapter 8
Risk Response
Performing Tests of Controls
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
8-2 Ch apt e r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Describe the steps in assessing control risk. LO 4 Determine how to select and design tests of
LO 2 Explain the different types of controls that an
auditor might encounter. LO 5 Evaluate the results of tests of controls.
LO 3 Explain the types of evidence that can be used to LO 6 Document the results of tests of controls.
support a test of controls.
that will provide the most efficient and effective audit (that is, provide the assurance required
that the controls are working). Also, auditors test only those controls they believe are critical
to their opinions on both the financial statements and on internal control over financial re-
porting (ICFR) for public company audits. Auditors select those controls that are extensive
and sensitive enough to provide reasonable assurance that the controls operated effectively
throughout the period covered by the audit report. Deciding which controls to test will be in-
fluenced by whether the control covers the “what can go wrongs” associated with the relevant
account assertions, and the level of assurance the auditor wants to gain that the control has
been designed and implemented effectively.
The auditor must then make decisions about how to test the control. The auditor’s tests
of controls depend on the nature of the control and the evidence that may be available to con-
clude on the operating effectiveness of the control. Many procedures are available to test the
controls identified when planning the audit. In this chapter, we include examples of audit de-
cisions about (1) what controls should be selected for testing, (2) the extent of tests of controls
(depending on the type of control being tested), and (3) the timing of tests of controls. The
chapter will also address how the extent of control testing will influence the auditor’s decision
about control risk. Finally, the chapter will discuss the auditor’s response to any exceptions
or errors found in their testing of controls, as well as how to document the results of tests of
The steps associated with assessing control risk are depicted in Illustration 8.1. Each of these
steps is discussed briefly below.
illustration 8.1
Steps in assessing control risk 1. Understand entity-level controls
process, the transaction is executed when a service is completed. In a payroll process, the
transaction takes place when individuals work.
• Recording the transaction. On an accrual basis, transactions are recorded after title passes
(for goods) or services are completed. In the sales process, the transaction is recorded
with a sales invoice. In the purchases process, the transaction is normally recorded with
an internally prepared voucher.
• Consideration. A transaction is completed when consideration (usually cash or electronic
transfer of funds) is received or paid. A sales transaction is completed when cash is received
from a customer. A purchase transaction is normally completed when a vendor is paid.
It is important for the auditor to understand the flow of transactions and the documentary
audit trail for each business process.
Reporting Findings
Recall from Chapter 6 that if an auditor finds a breakdown in the system of internal control,
the auditor must classify any breakdown as a deficiency in internal controls, a significant
8-6 Ch apt e r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
deficiency, or a material weakness. If the auditor is auditing a public company in the United
States and must report on ICFR, the identification of one or more material weaknesses will
result in an adverse opinion on ICFR. If, however, internal control breakdowns are not as severe
as a material weakness, and are classified as either a control deficiency or a significant
deficiency, the auditor can issue an unqualified opinion on ICFR.
Both PCAOB AS 2201 An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Inte-
grated with an Audit of Financial Statements and AU-C 265 Communicating Internal Control
Related Matters Identified in an Audit require the auditor to provide those charged with gover-
nance with timely observations regarding both material weaknesses and significant deficiencies
in internal control. This is normally accomplished when the auditor issues a management letter
to those charged with governance of the entity with the auditor’s observations and potential
ways to correct the deficiencies.
A Brief History of PCAOB Standards and Inspection Activities
Professional Environment 1
Related to Internal Control over Financial Reporting
On March 26, 2014, Jeanette Franzel, a member of the Public Com- the most important audit matters. It also eliminated unnecessary
pany Accounting Oversight Board, delivered a speech to the Insti- audit procedures and was designed to be scalable to the size and
tute of Internal Auditors in which she recounted a brief chronology complexity of the business.
of the PCAOB standards and inspection activities. Students should 2008: The PCAOB’s 2008 inspections of ICFR audits focused
note that, while the PCAOB was created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on whether auditors were effectively transitioning to AS 5. During
of 2002, it took several years to appoint the board and board staff, inspections fieldwork, inspections teams communicated specific
and go through a due process in creating the first standards for au- observations to the audit teams and discussed overall observa-
dits of ICFR. Following is Jeanette’s brief chronology. tions for each firm with the firm’s leadership. Inspection findings
2004: The Board adopted Auditing Standard No. 2, An Audit related to ICFR were not reported in individual firm inspection
of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Performed in Conjunc- reports, but were summarized in a general report issued by the
tion with an Audit of Financial Statements (AS 2), to govern the Board.
newly required audit of internal controls. 2009–2010: The Board continued to monitor the execution of
2006: On May 1, the Board issued a statement announcing AS 5 and its inspections focused on whether firms had obtained
it would focus on how efficiently the firms performed audits ac- sufficient audit evidence to support audit opinions on the effec-
cording to AS 2. At that time, PCAOB inspections were focused on tiveness of ICFR. Beginning primarily in the 2010 inspections
efficiency including (1) the degree of integration between the au- cycle, when inspections staff found deficiencies in the auditor’s
dit of ICFR and the financial statements; (2) the auditor’s use of a testing of the design and/or the operating effectiveness of internal
top-down approach; (3) the proper assessment of and response to controls, those deficiencies were communicated to the audit firms
identified risks; and (4) using the work of others. Through inspec- primarily through comment forms and then reported, as appropri-
tions and other monitoring, the PCAOB determined that, although ate, in the firms’ inspection reports.
the audit of internal control over financial reporting produced 2013: The PCAOB issued Staff Audit Practice Alert No. 11,
benefits, those benefits came at a significant cost. Considerations for Audits of Internal Control over Financial Report-
2007: On June 12, the Board adopted Auditing Standard ing, in light of significant ICFR audit practice issues observed by
No. 5, An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That PCAOB inspection staff from 2010–2012. (The results of this Staff
Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements (AS 5), to im- Audit Practice Alert are discussed later in this chapter.)
prove implementation of ICFR audits. AS 5 became effective for
audits for fiscal years ended on or after Nov. 15, 2007, and em- Authors’ note: Guidance provided by PCAOB Auditing Standard No.
phasizes a top-down, risk-based audit approach that focuses on 2 and No. 5 is now covered in PCAOB AS 2201.
Before You Go On
1.1 Explain each of the seven steps associated with assessing control risk.
1.2 Explain each of the four steps commonly involved with a transaction, from start to finish.
Provide an example in the context of selling goods to a customer.
1.3 How do auditors identify WCGW in the flow of transactions?
1.4 An auditor might commonly identify multiple controls related to an assertion. What factors
should an auditor consider when determining which control(s) should be tested during the audit?
1.5 What steps should an auditor take if the auditor determines that a key control is not
operating effectively?
J. M. Franzel, “Effective Audits of Internal Control in the Current ‘Perfect Storm’, ” Speech delivered to the
Institute of Internal Auditors (March 26, 2014).
Types of Controls 8-7
Types of Controls
Lea rning Objective 2
Explain the different types of controls that an auditor might encounter.
There are a number of ways to categorize the specific controls that a client may use. As
described previously, there are two levels of internal control: entity-level controls and
transaction-level controls. This chapter focuses on transaction-level controls. Transaction-level
controls relate to two of the five components of entity-level internal controls as set out in
the COSO Framework: information and communication and control activities. Transaction-
level controls are implemented by businesses to reduce the risk of misstatement due to error
or fraud, and to ensure that business processes are operating effectively.
Controls have two main objectives: (1) to prevent or detect misstatements in the finan-
cial statements, (2) control operations objectives, and (3) control compliance objectives. The
method by which controls are applied to achieve these objectives can be broadly classified
as either manual or automated controls. Automated controls are commonly referred to as IT
controls and include IT general controls (ITGC), IT application controls, and IT-dependent
manual controls, as discussed in Chapter 6. Now let’s look more closely at how both manual
and automated controls are used to prevent or detect misstatements.
When designing controls, consideration is given to WCGW with the transaction (the risk
of material misstatement) at the assertion level. Preventive controls do not always have phys-
ical evidence indicating whether the control was performed, who performed it, or how well
it was performed. Many preventive controls result in error messages that require employees
to enter valid information before the transaction is processed; however, these controls do
not leave a documentary audit trail. In other cases, there may be evidence that the control
8-8 Ch apt e r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
was performed, but evidence as to the effectiveness of the control may not be available. For
example, the signature of a staff member on a receiving report indicates the signer agreed
the goods were physically received into the warehouse, but it does not guarantee that the
person carefully reviewed the report, or the person agreed the quantities of each item on the
receiving report. The documentation may have been signed based on only a quick glance or
without any review at all. Thus, goods may be recorded that do not exist, excess goods may
have been received but not recorded, or the goods received may not match the goods ordered
and recorded. Having a staff member’s signature, without the ability to reperform the control,
does not provide the quality of evidence for the auditor to conclude that the control operated
effectively throughout the reporting period.
An absence of effective preventive controls increases the risk that errors or fraud may
occur and therefore increases the need for controls that are sensitive enough to detect these
errors should they occur.
Detective Controls
Most companies design detective controls to ensure that if preventive controls are not effective,
detective controls controls errors or fraud are detected and corrected on a timely basis. Detective controls are those ap-
applied after transactions have plied after transactions have been processed to identify whether fraud or errors have occurred,
been processed to identify and to rectify the fraud or errors on a timely basis. Companies put detective controls in place to
whether fraud or errors have assist management in ensuring WCGWs do not occur in financial reporting and that the busi-
occurred, and to rectify the fraud ness is functioning as planned through the design and implementation of its business processes.
or errors on a timely basis
Often detective controls are applied using IT application controls. For example, to gen-
erate sales invoices, a software application may electronically match every sales order with
an underlying shipping document to ensure a sales transaction that is about to be recorded
actually occurred. If the software application is not able to match the sales order with the
underlying shipping document, the transaction is not processed and it is reported on an
exception report for manual follow-up. It is important to note that the effectiveness of the
control depends both on the effectiveness of design of the software and the effectiveness of
the manual follow-up.
Detective controls vary from client to client to a greater extent than preventive con-
trols. Detective controls can depend on the nature of the client’s business processes and
on the competence, preferences, and imagination of the people who perform the controls.
Detective controls may be formally established procedures such as the preparation of a
monthly reconciliation and the subsequent follow-up of unusual items. Alternatively, an ac-
countant may keep a list of standard month-end journal entries to post monthly to use as the
basis for identifying and following up on any exceptions.
It is important that detective controls:
• IT application controls and manual follow-up. Reports are automatically produced show-
ing transactions that fall outside a set of parameters selected by the client. These excep-
tions are then reviewed, and appropriate action must be taken on each item. For example,
a report may be produced that shows all sales orders written to customers who have ex-
ceeded their credit limits. The credit manager then follows up on these sales orders with
the salesperson to ensure no further sales are made until the balance is brought below
the credit limit. In rare cases, the credit manager might allow the customer to go over its
credit limit.
• R
econciliations are prepared, unusual items are then investigated, and issues are resolved
or corrections made, if necessary. The performance of reconciliations without following
up on reconciling or unusual items is not a control. The control is the follow-up. Typical
Types of Controls 8-9
reconciliations are performed between the general ledger and some other form of ex-
ternal evidence or a subsidiary ledger. For example, the bank reconciliation reconciles
the bank statement to the cash account recorded in the general ledger, and accounting
personnel make adjustments for transactions identified in the bank statement that have
not been recorded (e.g., recording bank service charges).
• Management level reviews consist of actual performance versus budgets, forecasts, prior
periods, competitors (if available), or industry averages (if available). Management’s
actions in analyzing and following up on unexpected variances is a detective control. For
example, the financial controller may review the monthly results and compare the num-
ber of days’ sales outstanding to previous periods to ensure the allowance for doubtful
accounts is reasonable.
• Performance indicators relate different sets of data, operational or financial, to each other.
These indicators, together with an analysis of the relationships and the subsequent
follow-up of anomalies, are also control activities. The auditor needs to understand
whether the client uses the information for operational purposes only (to assist in mak-
ing operating decisions), or whether the client uses it to also follow up on unexpected
results in the financial reporting system. If the information is only used for operational
purposes, it is unlikely that the auditors will gather a significant amount of audit evi-
dence to assist them in the integrated audit. Performance indicators include, for example,
purchase price variances, inventory ordered but not yet manufactured, and percentage
of sales returned compared to total sales orders. By investigating unexpected results or
unusual trends, the client may identify issues in the underlying procurement or manu-
facturing processes.
Illustration 8.3 shows examples of detective controls and some of the WCGWs each control
is designed to address.
When assessing detective controls it is not necessary for the auditor to reperform all of the
steps in, for example, preparing a reconciliation to gain sufficient evidence that the control is
operating effectively. It is normally enough to make inquiries of staff and examine evidence
that the reconciliation was properly completed and that the appropriate reviews and follow-
ups were carried out by the client in a timely manner.
8-10 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
controls and review automated, or IT, controls that were covered in Chapter 6. Illustration 8.4
shows the types of controls and how they are interrelated. The illustration also shows
that both manual and automated controls have the potential to be preventive or detective
Manual Application
Manual Controls
Purely manual controls are those that do not rely on the client’s IT environment for their
operation. An example is a locked inventory cage for high dollar-value items to which only
a few authorized staff have a key to access. However, manual controls may use IT-produced
information from third parties. For example, a client may reconcile the amount of inventory
held on consignment that was manually counted during its inventory count to the amounts
listed in the third party’s IT-generated consignment inventory statement.
There are very few, if any, companies that do not use some form of IT to assist in transac-
tion processing, and most controls rely on IT in some way (refer to the section “IT-Dependent
Manual Controls” below). In most situations, purely manual controls are preventive controls
and, therefore, the considerations for an effective preventive control, listed in the section “Pre-
ventive Controls,” are particularly important.
Automated Controls
Controls generally rely on the client’s IT applications (or software) in some way, as discussed
in the Chapter 6 section “Information Technology Controls.” It is important to identify the
extent of reliance a control places on IT to determine the effect of IT on the evaluation of
controls. The key consideration for relying on automated aspects of controls is to determine
whether or not the client has effective ITGCs.
IT General Controls (ITGCs) ITGCs support the ongoing functioning of the automated
(programmed) aspects of preventive and detective controls and also provide the auditor with a
basis for relying on electronic audit evidence. The auditor needs to identify, understand, walk-
through, test, and evaluate the ITGCs that have been implemented for software applications
the auditor plans to rely on, as is done for any other type of control.
Ordinarily, an entity has five types of ITGCs in place (as explained in Chapter 6):
ITGCs are important because they impact the effectiveness both of IT application controls
and IT-dependent manual controls, as well as potentially affect the reliability of electronic au-
dit evidence the auditor may wish to rely upon during the audit. For example, if a client relies
on an application that records a sale and then automatically records and updates the accounts
receivable ledger for that particular customer, the client also relies on its IT program change
procedures and security to verify that the program and this specific control is not changed
without appropriate approval and testing.
IT Application Controls IT application controls are the fully automated controls that
apply to the processing of individual transactions. They are the controls that are driven by the
particular software application being used for different business processes, hence the name
“application” controls. They include controls such as edit checks, validations, calculations,
and authorizations. Application controls may also be important in enforcing the segregation
of incompatible duties, particularly in large organizations.
A common test of IT application controls involves the auditor entering test data into
the client’s software application while the application is under the auditor’s control. For
example, if the client has an authorization control that checks that (1) the customer is an
authorized customer, and (2) that the customer has not exceeded its credit limit, the auditor
will submit test data involving both valid and invalid customers and test data where one
customer is over, and another customer is under, its credit limit. The software application
should accept appropriate transactions and reject other transactions that do not meet the
control criteria. However, as noted in Chapter 6, the effectiveness of the software applica-
tion also depends on the effectiveness of manual follow-up of items that the software iden-
tifies as exceptions.
PCAOB, Observations from 2010 Inspections of Domestically Annually Inspected Firms Regarding Deficiencies
in Auditors of Internal Control over Financial Reporting (Washington, DC, December 10, 2012).
Procedures for Testing Controls 8-13
Subsequently, in 2013, the PCAOB issued Staff Audit Prac- • Obtain sufficient evidence to update the results of testing of
tice Alert No. 11, Considerations of Audits of Internal Control controls from an interim date to the company’s year-end (i.e.,
over Financial Reporting.3 This report summarized audit practice the roll-forward period).
issues observed by the PCAOB inspections staff over the three • Sufficiently test controls over the system-generated data and
previous years. Significant auditing deficiencies that had been reports that support important controls.
cited frequently in PCAOB inspection reports included the fol-
• Sufficiently perform procedures regarding the use of the
lowing deficiencies in which audit firms did not:
work of others.
• Identify and sufficiently test controls that were intended to • Sufficiently evaluate identified control deficiencies.
address the risks of material misstatement.
As you read the remainder of this chapter, it would be helpful
• Sufficiently test the design and operating effectiveness of
to focus on the types of activities that would prevent these types of
management review controls that were used to monitor the
audit deficiencies.
results of operations.
Before You Go On
2.1 What are the different types of controls?
2.2 Which type of control, preventive or detective, is usually a more effective control type to test?
Explain your answer.
2.3 What is the difference between an IT application control and an IT general control?
Tests of controls (or controls testing) are the audit procedures performed to test the operat- tests of controls or controls
ing effectiveness of controls in preventing, or detecting and correcting, material misstatements testing audit procedures
at the assertion level. designed to evaluate the operating
Tests of controls include inquiry, observation, inspection of physical evidence, reper- effectiveness of controls in
formance, and various data analytics techniques. Ordinarily, a combination of these testing preventing, or detecting and
correcting, material misstatements
procedures provides the evidence that the control operated as intended throughout the
at the assertion level
period for which the auditor wishes to place reliance on the control. Each of these tests is
discussed below.
This procedure involves the auditor using questioning skills to determine how the control is
completed and whether it appears to have been carried out properly and on a timely basis. For
example, the auditor may ask the employee who prepares the bank reconciliation how recon-
ciling items are identified, the reasons for them, and the procedures in place to ensure that
the accounting records are corrected on a timely basis. The auditor may also ask management
how it ensures the reconciliation is prepared correctly and on a timely basis. In addition, the
auditor might ask questions of employees who follow up on exception reports about the types
of misstatements that employees find and how exceptions are cleared. Finally, while inquiry
is helpful, it does not stand on its own in terms of quality of evidence. Important information
obtained through inquiry should be corroborated with other evidence.
PCAOB, Staff Audit Practice Alert No. 11, Considerations for Audits of Internal Control over Financial
eporting (Washington, DC, October 24, 2013).
8-14 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
This procedure involves the auditor observing the actual control being performed. For example,
the auditor may observe the preparation of the bank reconciliation. The limitation with this
technique is that employees often perform procedures more diligently when they know they are
being observed. Observation is also important to identifying appropriate segregation of duties.
This procedure involves the auditor reperforming the control to test its effectiveness. For
example, the auditor may test the effectiveness of manual follow-up by reperforming the
follow-up procedures to see that items put on an exception report were appropriately cleared.
In some smaller organizations, the auditor might find manual controls where an independent
person checks the accuracy of the software program’s output to its input. If the auditor wants
to test this control, the auditor must find evidence that the control was performed on a timely
basis and then reperform the control to make sure it was performed correctly.
1. Test data that shows that the program properly identifies exceptions.
2. Evidence that IT general controls are strong, to conclude that the program has not been
subject to unauthorized changes.
3. Evidence that manual follow-up procedures are effective and correct items flagged by the
IT application control on a timely basis.
In addition, in various circumstances the auditor might use a form of ADA to test
controls. For example, let’s assume that transactions are both authorized and approved elec-
tronically, and the software electronically tracks the individuals authorizing or approving
transactions. Subsequently, the auditor might use audit software to identify any transactions
for which the individual authorizing the initiation of a transaction and the approval of the
transaction for payment were the same. Alternatively, let’s say that the policy in a private
company is that all purchases over $500,000 must be approved by the CEO. The audit soft-
ware can identify all transactions over $500,000 and extract any that do not have the CEO’s
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-15
Elena Hauge (an audit senior) is talking with Tonya Tran (a seasoned audit staff member) about
testing controls on the audit of Midwest Wholesale Foods. The client produces a daily report list-
ing each sales invoice and gross margins for each sale. Each morning, the sales manager reviews
the report and investigates invoices with unusually high or low gross margins. Elena asks Tonya,
“How do you want to test this control?” Tonya responds, “Inquiry of the sales manager about what
he finds and how he resolves discrepancies might be an option, but it does not, by itself, provide
sufficient evidence to conclude that the control is operating effectively. I am also concerned about
reviewing the reports and looking for the initials of the sales manager. Based on the initials of the
sales manager, we cannot conclude that a thorough review and appropriate follow-up was per-
formed. In addition to the initials, we would also need to reperform the control on a sample basis.
If we identify transactions with high and low gross margins, and determine they were handled
appropriately, this provides additional corroboration that the control operated effectively.” Elena
responds, “It sounds like you have done this before. I like your logic.”
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain five different techniques for testing controls and provide an example for each.
3.2 When would an auditor most likely perform observation and inquiry procedures on a
3.3 Give an example of the package of evidence that is needed to test an IT application control
that matches every sales invoice to an underlying bill of lading to ensure that revenue is
properly recognized.
The section “Procedures for Testing Controls” discussed different procedures used to collect evi-
dence that internal controls are operating effectively. The auditor needs to match the appropriate
procedure to the control that has been selected for testing. Three additional areas that require
8-16 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
a large degree of professional judgment are deciding (1) which controls should be selected for
testing, (2) the extent of tests of controls, and (3) the timing of when to perform tests of con-
trols. These areas are explained in the following sections.
Factors to consider when identifying controls to test:
Factors commonly considered
when identifying controls to • Points at which error or fraud could occur.
test • The nature of the control implemented by management.
• The significance of each control in achieving the objectives of the control and whether more
than one control achieves a particular objective.
• Factors that affect the risk that the control might not be operating effectively, such as:
º Whether there have been changes in the volume or nature of transactions that might
adversely affect control design or effectiveness.
º Whether there have been changes in the design of the controls.
º The degree to which the control relies on the effectiveness of other controls (e.g., the control
environment or IT general controls).
º Whether there have been changes in key personnel who perform the control or monitor its
º Whether the control relies on the performance by an individual or it is automated.
º The complexity of the control.
When looking for controls that are reliable, and have a high likelihood of operating as
intended, the auditor considers the following factors:
• The competence (and integrity) of the person who performs the control.
• The quality of the control environment, such as the potential for management to override
the control or for the control to be bypassed.
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-17
In the audit of a private company (when an auditor is only issuing an opinion on the
financial statements), an auditor’s tests of controls are largely dictated by the planned audit
strategy. When auditing a private company, it may sometimes be more efficient to forgo tests of
controls and test an assertion substantively. For other assertions, performing tests of controls
may allow the auditor to change the timing of substantive tests from year-end to an interim
date, change the nature of substantive tests, and reduce the extent of substantive testing. Also,
the best controls to test are those that address the WCGWs most effectively with the least
amount of testing required (efficient testing strategy).
illustration 8.6 Factors that influence the sample size when testing controls
First, the tolerable deviation rate is the maximum rate of deviation from a prescribed tolerable deviation rate the
control that an auditor is willing to accept and still use the planned control risk. The AICPA maximum rate of deviation from
Audit Guide: Audit Sampling includes the guidelines presented in Illustration 8.7 for quan- a prescribed control that an
tifying an acceptable range for the tolerable deviation rate. Note the relationship between the auditor is willing to accept and
tolerable deviation rate and the planned assessed level of control risk. If the auditor plans to still use the planned assessed level
of control risk
assess control risk as low, for example, the tolerable rate should be between 2% and 7%. The
auditor will not be able to tolerate many deviations if the planned control risk is low.
desired level of assurance Next, the auditor should consider the desired level of assurance that the tolerable rate
the confidence that the evidence of deviation is not exceeded by the actual rate of deviation in the population. This addresses
obtained is representative of the assurance the auditor wants from the performance of the controls, or confidence that
the underlying population from the evidence is representative of the population. There is a direct relationship between assur-
which the sample was taken
ance and sample size. The more assurance the auditor wants, the more representative a sample
should be of the population, and the more testing the auditor needs to do. That is, if the auditor
intends to assess control risk at a low level, he or she performs more testing than if he or she is
planning to obtain only limited assurance from tests of controls. Therefore, the assurance that
the tolerable rate of deviation is not exceeded by the actual rate of deviation is influenced by:
• The degree to which the auditor intends to rely on the control as a basis for limiting sub-
stantive tests or for supporting an opinion on ICFR.
• The existence of a combination of controls that may reduce the level of assurance that
might be needed from any one of the controls.
• The relative importance of the WCGW issues being considered.
expected rate of deviation in The expected rate of deviation in the population is the rate at which the auditor
the population the rate at expects controls to not function as planned. This is usually based on prior experience with
which the auditor expects the entity, evidence obtained through a system walkthrough, and the auditor’s professional
controls not to function as judgment. Auditors often perform tests of controls only when the expected deviation rate is
planned very low (e.g., less than 1% or 2%). This may seem counterintuitive, but consider this. If you
expect a high rate of deviation in the population for a certain control, then why waste time
testing the control only to find out that you are right and the control fails at a high rate? In this
situation, it is more efficient for the auditors to take a primarily substantive strategy and focus
on auditing transactions and account balances instead of testing controls. Auditors only test
controls if the expected deviation rate in the population is very low. The control test will con-
firm (or deny) that the control is indeed working as expected. If the testing confirms that the
control can be relied upon, then the auditors can continue with a reliance on controls strategy.
When considering the size of the population, the auditors should determine how often
the control is performed. Not all controls are applied to every transaction. Some controls may
operate daily, monthly, or quarterly. Illustration 8.8 provides an example of how many tests
of each control might be performed depending on the frequency of the control in question,
and the assurance that the auditor wants that the tolerable rate of deviation is not exceeded
by the actual rate of deviation in the population. The selection of how many instances of a
control to test involves significant professional judgment. Illustration 8.8 is only an example,
and two different auditors are likely to design two different plans for determining sample size.
Also note that this illustration is based on an expectation that internal controls are strong, and
More Assurance Less Assurance
Example of an extent of
testing table Reasonable More Than Limited Limited Assurance
Frequency of the Assurance from Assurance from from Tests of
Control Tests of Controls Tests of Controls Controls
Expected number of
deviations from the None None None
prescribed control
> 5,000 instances 45–50 25–30 10–15
Daily or multiple times 45–50 25–30 10–15
a day
Weekly 8 5 2
Monthly 3 2 1
Quarterly 2 2 1
Annually 1 1 1
IT application control 2 2 2
(effective ITGCs)
IT application control 45–50 25–30 25–30
(ineffective ITGCs)
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-19
no deviations are expected. The sample size varies depending upon the assurance the auditor
wants from tests of controls. In other words, must the auditor issue an opinion on ICFR (for a
public company client), and to what degree does the auditor want to reduce substantive test-
ing based on reliance on controls relevant to an assertion?
For example, bank reconciliations are a monthly control. If the auditor wants to obtain
reasonable assurance that bank reconciliations are functioning as designed, the auditor might
select three bank reconciliations for tests of controls from throughout the year. If, however,
only a limited level of assurance from the controls testing is required, only one occurrence of
the control would be tested from throughout the year. In the latter case, the auditor will do
more substantive testing of cash balances.
Tests of various manual controls that are accompanied by an initial or signature of some-
one who performed the control would require (1) testing to see that the person performed
the control by leaving their initial and then (2) reperforming the checking routine itself (for
example, reperforming that the price, extensions, and totals have been checked). The extent
of such tests is a matter of professional judgment but, as seen in Illustration 8.8, very large
sample sizes are not necessary.
When the client has a strong system of internal control and the auditor expects that no
control exceptions or deviations will be observed, a random sample of, say, 45 to 50 items
provides evidence that controls operated as intended (that is, the control was effective). The
example sample sizes in Illustration 8.8 have been calculated using audit risk tables and a
technique called attribute sampling, a sampling technique used to reach a conclusion about attribute sampling a
a population in terms of a rate (frequency) of occurrence. For instance, a sample of purchase sampling technique used to reach
vouchers can be examined for signatures of a manual control that the voucher was checked a conclusion about a population
for occurrence, accuracy, and account classification. Exceptions would be represented by in terms of a rate (frequency) of
either a missing signature, or by a voucher with a signature but with evidence that the good occurrence
or service received was recorded in incorrect quantities, the voucher had incorrect amounts,
or the voucher had an incorrect account classification. Each sample item provides one of only
two possible outcomes: (1) the attribute being tested (a signature, evidence of occurrence,
correct prices, and correct account coding) functioned effectively, or (2) it did not operate as
For example, let’s say a local government has a manual control where each purchase
transaction is reviewed by a second individual before payment is made, and there are approx-
imately 750 to 1,000 transactions a month (more than 5,000 transactions a year). The auditor
plans to rely on this control and assess control risk as low. The auditor can take a sample of
45 transactions out of the year to test this control. Note that the auditor expects no deviations,
based on the table in Illustration 8.8. If one deviation is found, the auditor cannot assess con-
trol risk as low. Depending on the number of deviations found, the auditor may have to assess
control risk as moderate or high.
Consider another example. The audit client may have an IT application control that com-
pares each purchase with underlying purchase order and receiving information. If there are
any discrepancies, the software should reject the transaction. The auditor can use test data
and test the programmed control with a sample size of two: one transaction that the software
should accept and one transaction that it should reject. If the software fails to properly process
either transaction, the control cannot be relied upon.
Attribute sampling by itself does not provide a direct estimate of dollar values, such as
the dollar amounts of exceptions. That is why attribute sampling is used for tests of controls
(rather than for a substantive test of account balances). Nevertheless, the auditor is able to
determine with a certain level of confidence (90% or more) that the error rate for control control exception (deviation)
exceptions (deviations) is acceptably low. If the audit objective is to obtain evidence directly an observed condition that
about a dollar amount being examined, the auditor is performing a substantive test, not a test provides evidence that the control
of controls. When determining whether there is a control exception or not, the auditor should being tested did not operate as
focus on whether the control functioned as designed, or not. If the control did not function intended
as designed, irrespective of whether the control failure resulted in a monetary misstatement,
there is a control exception and a deviation from the prescribed control.
The small sample sizes noted in Illustration 8.8 are based on the assumption that inter-
nal controls are strong, and the auditor does not expect any deviations from the prescribed
control procedures. If the auditor expects deviations, the auditor will use larger sample sizes.
Regardless of the size of the sample, all control exceptions (deviations), including those
8-20 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
accompanied by monetary misstatements, are investigated by the auditor. The auditor should
be careful not to dismiss an observed control exception as a random or a nonsystematic oc-
currence. The detection of one control exception should result in the auditor extending the
sample size, amending the auditor’s decision to rely on that control, or considering whether
another control is available that can be substituted for the control being tested (often referred
to as a compensating control).
IT Application Controls
When the auditor decides to rely on IT application controls, the auditor must use a more com-
plex testing strategy. As noted in Illustration 8.8, the auditor can often test a key decision point
in a software application with a sample size of two. For example, if the auditor is testing an IT
application control that notes an exception of an employee who is not on the master payroll
file, the auditor can test the software with test data. Recognizing that IT application controls
operate in a systematic manner, the auditor will submit one transaction where an employee
is on the master payroll file and the software should process the transaction, and a second
transaction where an employee is not on the master payroll file and the transaction should be
rejected. This is sufficient to determine that the IT application control was functioning when it
was tested. However, the auditor must also test the operating effectiveness of:
1. Controls over program changes, and/or access to data files. Here the auditor is testing the
ITGCs. The auditor may choose to test controls over any changes to the payroll program
to ensure changes are tested and appropriately approved.
2. Manual follow-up procedures that support the application control. The auditor must focus
on how the client follows up on exceptions. For example, if an employee is rejected be-
cause he or she is not on the master payroll file, what documentary follow-up is generated
to determine why the transaction was submitted to begin with?
If this combined testing strategy is not feasible, the auditor can still rely on IT application
controls by testing them throughout the period of reliance. Using the master payroll file exam-
ple above, assume the payroll is processed weekly. The auditor may choose to select a sample
of employees for weekly payroll processing from throughout the period and compare the em-
ployees with the master payroll file, instead of just testing at a single point in time. (Note: This
obtains assurance that the software is functioning correctly. The auditor must also test the
effectiveness of manual follow-up of any exceptions noted by the software.)
When the client relies on controls over program changes and/or access to data files
(ITGCs), it is efficient for the auditor to test these controls as they may support reliance on
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-21
s everal other application controls (e.g., sales, purchases, payroll). For example, the auditor
may decide to do a system-wide test of access to data files for controls that apply to more than
one software application.
Regardless of which testing strategy is selected, the auditor establishes a basis for conclud-
ing that the underlying processing of data is complete and accurate. The procedures to test con-
trols over program changes and/or access to data files are similar to those used to test manual
controls, and they usually involve inquiry, observation, and examination of physical evidence.
When auditing a private company, the auditor does not need to issue an opinion on ICFR.
Therefore, the auditor may plan to obtain only a limited level of assurance from tests of con-
trols and obtain additional evidence from substantive testing. For example, the auditor may
plan to obtain evidence from a combination of substantive analytical procedures as well as
from substantive tests of details. Using more of a substantive strategy will be discussed in
depth in Chapter 9.
Tonya Tran is planning to test controls over cash disbursements for Midwest Wholesale Foods
(MWF). MWF has manual controls over accounts payable, where a payable clerk matches the
vendor invoice with the underlying purchase order and receiving report before booking the lia-
bility. This control happens on every transaction so there are approximately 500 to 750 instances
of the control in a month, and over 7,000 in a year. Tonya would like to assess control risk as low,
so she decides to test controls by taking a random sample of 45 purchase transactions during the
first 9 months.
Tonya finds two transactions where the client cannot produce vendor’s invoices. Tonya also
determined that there were no compensating controls. Tonya’s expected error rate was zero; with
two errors in 45 transactions, Tonya has determined that control risk should be assessed as high,
rather than low, and that substantive tests should be expanded based on the resulting decrease
in detection risk. Tonya also determines that this is a material weakness in internal controls that
should be reported to those charged with governance of the entity.
Year-end Issue
Risk assessment Interim substantive audit
and audit planning testing testing report
The auditor will also want to complete control testing in time to allow for substantive
testing at an interim date. For example, if the auditor is able to conclude that internal controls
related to the occurrence of sales and the existence of receivables operated effectively during
the first nine months of the year, the auditor is likely to perform substantive tests related to the
existence of receivables (sending confirmations to customers) at the end of October.
When the auditor concludes that control risk is low at an interim date, the auditor also
needs to update that conclusion through to the year-end date. When updating a control risk
conclusion, the auditor should update the evaluation by identifying changes, if any, in the con-
trol environment and in the controls themselves. If changes are identified, consideration is
given to the effect of such changes on their evaluation of the controls. This update is often done
by inquiry, observation, and testing the control again at year-end. In most cases, a client may
not have made significant changes in the control environment or controls between completion
of the interim work and year-end. When this is the case and the auditors have noted an effective
control environment and strong monitoring controls, they may satisfy themselves by inquiry,
observation, and limited reperformance that controls continued to function throughout the
remainder of the period without the need for significant additional detailed tests of controls.
In summary, when the auditor decides on a reliance on controls strategy, tests of controls
are often performed at an interim date (often about three months prior to year-end). If tests of
controls demonstrate that internal controls are strong and function effectively at an interim
date, the auditor still must test the remaining period to ensure that controls functioned effec-
tively throughout the year.
benchmarking an audit testing Benchmarking is an audit testing strategy that can be used to allow evidence obtained in
strategy that can be used to allow prior audit periods to support a conclusion about IT application controls in the current audit
evidence obtained in prior audit period. It can also assist in reducing or eliminating certain substantive audit procedures in
periods to support a conclusion the current and following audit periods. Benchmarking is based on the premise that software
about IT application controls in will continue to perform any given procedure in exactly the same way until such time as the
the current audit period
program (or application) is changed. If the auditor can verify that a given program that executes
an application control has not changed since last tested by the auditor, he or she may decide
not to repeat direct tests of the application control in a subsequent period. This period might
extend, for example, from interim through to year-end, or beyond into future audit periods.
The auditor establishes the benchmark at a point in time (for example, at an interim date)
by performing a test of the application control using normal tests of controls (e.g., test data).
Then, at a later point in time (for example at year-end), the auditor determines that the appli-
cation has not been changed or modified since he or she performed the benchmark test of the
application control. In order to verify that there have been no changes, it may be necessary for
the audit team to use a team member with specialist IT assurance skills.
Benchmarking is appropriate when:
• A programmed control can be matched to a defined program within an application (for
example, the auditor may be able to benchmark the specific program that performs the
invoice extension calculation or interest computation).
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-23
• The application is stable (that is, few changes have happened or are expected to happen
from period to period).
• A reliable trail of program changes exists (refer to the previous discussion on ITGCs).
This record or trail of program changes is used to identify each change that has been
made to the application and how these changes might impact the audit approach.
It is a matter of professional judgment as to when it is necessary to re-benchmark an
application. Factors to consider in making this assessment are the effectiveness of the ITGCs,
the nature and timing of other related audit tests, and the consequence of misstatements asso-
ciated with application controls that are benchmarked. In some cases, the auditor may choose
to rely on benchmarked controls from year to year. In other instances, the auditor may choose
only to rely on benchmarked controls between interim and year-end.
It is worth noting that while the auditor may not directly test the application in the current
period, the auditor must still perform tests of ITGCs and tests of manual follow-up procedures.
Frequency of to Effective
Entity-Level What Can Go Example Operation of Example Test Evidence Operation of
Controls Wrong Control the Control of Controls Obtained the Control
Control Poor ethics in Management sets Operates daily Make inquiries of Primarily inquiry Evidence from
Environment financial a strong tone at as important management and a of a variety of lower levels of
reporting. the top about the accounting variety of others in personnel to the organization
importance of decisions arise, or accounting about determine if about weak tone
accuracy in monthly as part the tone at the top answers are at the top. Also,
financial of accounting regarding accuracy consistent. Also any evidence of
reporting. decision making in financial report- inspection of pushing the
during month- ing. Also read any physical evidence envelope with
end closing memos regarding regarding any aggressive
procedures. important account- memos on accounting
ing decisions. important positions.
8-24 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
Frequency of to Effective
Entity-Level What Can Go Example Operation of Example Test Evidence Operation of
Controls Wrong Control the Control of Controls Obtained the Control
Risk Management Management Quarterly, or Make inqui- Inspection of Evidence of
Assessment has not properly reviews risks between quarters ries about risks physical evidence failure to consider
assessed risk and quarterly (or as as significant identified between documenting significant risks,
may not have significant risks risks arise. quarters and ac- management’s or evidence of
effective controls emerge), and tions taken. Select risk assessment failure to place
for risks faced by documents con- two quarters and and implementa- internal controls
the entity. trols intended to inspect documenta- tion of any new in place to control
respond to risks. tion of formal quar- controls. significant risks.
terly risk assess-
ment to determine
the effectiveness of
the control.
Monitoring Management Internal auditor Various tests Randomly select Reperformance. In reperforming
does not know performs of control are tests of controls The auditor will tests of controls,
how effective regularly performed on a performed during reperform the the auditor
controls are. scheduled tests monthly sched- three months to tests performed reaches a different
of controls. ule, on rotating reperform the test by internal decision about the
basis throughout of controls per- auditors and effectiveness of
the year. formed by internal determine if the internal control
auditors. same conclusion based on the inter-
is reached. nal audit evidence.
Information Software All application By reviewing logs Randomly select Inspection of Any evidence
Technology applications changes are of application three application physical evidence that shows that
General (e.g., revenue monitored. All changes, the changes, interview including inspec- application
Controls application) may changes must auditor identifies, the personnel tion of logs of ap- changes were
not operate as be tested with for example, 10 involved in the plication changes, not appropriately
designed. test data and changes affecting change, and inquiry of person- approved, such
approved by user the accounting reperform controls nel involved in as lack of ap-
departments system through to confirm that reviewing and ap- proval of user
before the change the interim date. changes were ap- proving changes, departments.
is put into propriately tested and reperfor-
production with and approved. mance of controls
live data. over changes to
determine that
were changed as
Transaction- Frequency of to Effective
Level What Can Go Example Operation of Example Test Evidence Operation of
Controls Wrong Control the Control of Controls Obtained the Control
IT Application Unauthorized Authorization of Each transaction. Test IT general con- Software-based Evidence that the
Control sales may be sales. The soft- trols to determine audit techniques. software applica-
made to cus- ware application that the program is Document the tion authorized
tomers that are checks to see that operating effec- results of sub- sales that should
significant credit the customer is tively. Submit two mitting test data not have been
risks. on the master transactions to test to test the sales authorized, or
customer file and the program itself: program. evidence that the
compares account one transaction to program rejected
balance to credit ensure the program transactions that
limit on the appropriately ac- should have been
customer master cepts a transaction, authorized based
file. and one to ensure on authorization
that the program criteria.
appropriately rejects
a transaction.
Selecting and Designing Tests of Controls 8-25
Transaction- Frequency of to Effective
Level What Can Go Example Operation of Example Test Evidence Operation of
Controls Wrong Control the Control of Controls Obtained the Control
Manual Software may Accounting Daily. Select one excep- Reperformance. Evidence that
Follow-Up of identify control assistant manager tion report from Document results items noted as
Exceptions failures or errors receives excep- each of 45 days, of tests of con- exceptions were
in processing that tion reports and and reperform the trols in a memo not appropriately
are not corrected. clears items on manual follow-up explaining sample corrected or
exception reports, procedures to deter- selected, reperfor- resolved on a
noting resolution mine that any errors mance performed, timely basis.
of each item. are appropriately and results of tests
corrected. of controls.
Segregation of Fraud risk is Segregation of Segregation of Observed segrega- Observation and Evidence that
Duties increased without duties between duties must be tion of duties while inspection of duties were
segregation of authorization of maintained for on the client’s documents. Write not adequately
duties. sales, shipping each transaction. premises. Also a memo explain- segregated, or
goods, and re- inspect documents ing results of that collusion
cording sales and showing evidence observation and or management
receivables. of appropriate seg- any inspection of override resulted
regation of duties documents show- in a breakdown
in the sales process. ing results of tests of segregation of
of segregation of duties.
Level Exception
Controls in Frequency of to Effective
a Private What Can Go Example Operation of Example Test Evidence Operation of
Company Wrong Control the Control of Controls Obtained the Control
IT -Dependent Revenue may be Accountant Each transaction. Select a sample Reperformance. Evidence that a
Manual recognized in the matches of 25 sales Document transaction was
Control wrong accounting software- transactions and results of tests not reviewed or
period. produced sales reperform the of controls in a tested for proper
invoices with manual control to memo explaining revenue recogni-
underlying bill validate that rev- sample selected, tion, or evidence
of lading and enue recognition reperformance that the employee
terms of sale on controls functioned performed, and review was incor-
sales order to effectively on each results of tests of rectly performed.
validate revenue sample item. controls.
Before You Go On
4.1 Name five factors to consider when deciding the extent of tests of controls to be performed.
Give an example of how each factor would result in an increased sample size.
4.2 Explain the audit strategy for testing IT application controls. Why is a sample size of two
sufficient for testing an IT application control? What other tests allow the auditor to use this
smaller sample size?
4.3 Why does the auditor update the interim evaluation of controls at year-end?
4.4 Explain the concept of benchmarking. Why might it be appropriate not to test a key control
that is an IT application control every year?
4.5 Assume that you plan to test the following transaction-level control. In order to ensure that
revenue recognized on each sales invoice is accurate and in the correct amount, the software
application matches the sales invoice quantities with shipping information and prices with
the master price list. Discuss the following: (1) what can go wrong, (2) the frequency of oper-
ation of the control, (3) the sample size for tests of controls, and (4) the procedure you would
use to test the control.
When performing tests of controls, the auditor makes a “yes or no” decision. For each sample
item, was the control effective or ineffective? As discussed previously, the auditor uses smaller
sample sizes when the auditor expects no deviations from the prescribed control procedures. Nev-
ertheless, the auditor must be alert for evidence that the control might be ineffective, even if only
once or twice. A control would be ineffective if it was not performed, or if it failed to function as
designed. An IT application control will be ineffective if it fails to put an invalid transaction on
an exception report. Manual follow-up procedures are ineffective if they are not acted upon on a
timely basis, or if client personnel fail to clear items noted on an exception report. For example,
when performing a bank reconciliation, an accountant might determine that interest received for
the month has not been recorded and note it as a reconciling item on the bank reconciliation. If,
however, an adjusting journal entry is not made to record the interest earned, the bank reconcili-
ation has not resulted in correcting the error noted (failure to record interest earned). The auditor
would conclude this is a control exception.
Illustration 8.11 illustrates the decision tree or thought process auditors go through
when assessing the results of their controls testing. If the results of tests of controls confirm
the auditor’s preliminary evaluation of controls, and control risk for the relevant assertion, the
planned substantive audit procedures are not modified.
If the test results do not confirm the preliminary evaluation of controls, the auditor will
consider whether there is a compensating control that might detect and correct a misstatement
missed by the original control being tested. If tests of controls demonstrate that a preventive
control that screens every transaction is not as effective as originally planned, it is possible that
a reconciliation control might detect and correct the same misstatement on a timely basis. For
example, the auditor tested a control that compared every sales bill of lading with each sales
invoice to ensure that all sales were recorded, but exceptions were noted—the control did
not function as planned. However, the auditor later determined that an independent client
employee reconciled total shipments with total billings on a daily basis, and this compensat-
ing control should have identified any unrecorded transactions. In this case, the auditor might
choose to perform tests of controls on the reconciliation control. If the compensating control
proves effective, the evidence now supports the auditor’s preliminary evaluation of controls,
and control risk and planned substantive audit procedures need no modification.
Results of the Auditor’s Testing 8-27
Do tests of Results of testing controls
controls show
that controls are
For internal
control exceptions,
do compensating NO
Do tests of
controls show
YES that compensating NO
controls are
If the auditor extends the testing and another control exception is identified, the auditor
should change the decision to rely on that control. If another (compensating) control is not
available to be substituted for the control being tested, or it is not considered efficient to con-
tinue testing controls, the auditor should modify (and potentially increase) the nature, timing,
and extent of the planned substantive procedures. That is, the audit strategy is altered, and
detection risk is reduced.
In trying to determine whether there is a need for additional detailed tests of controls, the
following factors are considered:
• Results of inquiries and observations. If, during inquiries or observations later in the audit
process, the auditor identifies that significant changes to processes and controls have
occurred, the auditor’s previous tests of controls may no longer provide a basis for relying
on those controls. Therefore, the auditor may need to identify and test other controls,
perform additional tests of controls, or change the nature or extent of substantive testing
performed at year-end. Changes to processes or controls are significant only if they have
implications for the continued functioning and effectiveness of controls on which the
auditor is relying in the first place.
• Evidence provided by other tests. Tests of account balances (substantive testing) can often
provide evidence about the continued functioning of controls. For example, when the au-
ditor evaluates the results of confirmations of accounts receivable, and no exceptions are
found, the auditor has circumstantial evidence that controls over the occurrence of credit
sales and the existence of receivables continue to function. To the extent that the auditor’s
other audit procedures provide evidence of the effectiveness of controls from the date of
interim work to the end of the period under audit, additional tests that otherwise might
be necessary can be reduced.
• Changes in the overall control environment. An effective entity-level control environ-
ment may allow the auditor to limit tests of controls to inquiry and observation during
the period between when they tested the controls (interim) and year-end. If the audi-
tor becomes aware of adverse changes in the overall control environment of the entity,
such as a loss of employees or management who perform key controls and who provide
8-28 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
evidence as to the effectiveness of the overall entity control environment, additional tests
of controls may be necessary.
If the auditor determines that an effective compensating control does not exist, or tests
of controls show that the compensating control is not functioning as designed, the auditor
revises the overall audit risk assessment for the related account and assertion, and revises the
planned audit strategy. For example, if the tests of controls indicate that a detective control re-
lated to the occurrence of sales did not function as prescribed and compensating controls are
not available or were not effective, the auditor should revise his or her audit risk assessment
(increase control risk), reduce or eliminate the intended reliance on the control, and reduce
detection risk by designing more extensive substantive audit procedures related to the occur-
rence of revenues and the existence of accounts receivable.
The auditor always needs to investigate any control exceptions that he or she identifies
during testing to find out, to the extent practical, the causes, the amounts involved, the
financial statement accounts affected, and the potential effect on other audit procedures. The
auditor is required to document the resolution of any control exceptions, including the impact
on the remaining audit strategy.
Recall from Chapter 6 that the auditor must also determine whether an exception
represents a significant deficiency or a material weakness. As noted in Illustration 8.12, the
auditor determines the severity of a control exception based on a combination of the like-
lihood of the control failing to prevent or detect a misstatement and the magnitude of the
potential misstatement to the financial statements. A material weakness and a significant
deficiency are defined as follows:
• A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control
such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s
financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis.
• A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control
that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by
those charged with governance.
Control exceptions that are not severe enough to be classified as a significant deficiency or a
material weakness would be categorized simply as a control deficiency.
Those charged with
Material Material weakness governance of the entity
Opinion on ICFR
and to management.
Remote Reasonably possible or probable
(5% to 10%) (more than 5% to 10%)
If the auditor is engaged to perform an integrated audit and identifies either a significant
deficiency or a control deficiency, the auditor can issue an unqualified opinion on ICFR. How-
ever, if the auditor determines that a control deficiency is a material weakness, the auditor will
Documenting Conclusions 8-29
issue an adverse opinion on the company’s ICFR if the material weakness is not remediated by
the fiscal year-end date. Remember, the auditors are performing most of the controls testing
during interim. Therefore, if a material weakness is identified, there is time for management
to correct the material weakness before year-end. Once corrected, management and the audi-
tors would test the control again to ensure it is operating effectively by year-end. If the auditors
are satisfied that enough time has passed to provide sufficient appropriate evidence that the
control is now operating effectively, the auditors can then issue an unqualified opinion.
Auditors of both public companies and private entities have a responsibility to report
internal control issues to those charged with governance of the entity. This is a requirement
of both PCAOB AS 2201 and AU-C 265 and is usually done through a management letter as
described in Chapter 6. The auditor includes a discussion of both material weaknesses and
significant deficiencies in the management letter. It is also important to note that all control
deficiencies should be reported to management. If a control deficiency is sufficiently small
that it is not reported to those charged with governance, it should still be verbally reported to
management at least one level above where the deficiency occurred.
Elena Hauge (an audit senior) and Tonya Tran (a seasoned audit staff member) are continuing their
tests of controls on the audit of Midwest Wholesale Foods (MWF). This time, Tonya is testing inter-
nal controls over accounts payable when she brings an issue to Elena. “MWF has a manual control
where every payable is double-checked. I took a sample of 45 transactions, and now I have two trans-
actions that have been signed off, but MWF cannot produce the vendor invoices. I’m concerned.
With two exceptions, we cannot assess control risk as low.” Elena chimes in, “This may be a bigger
issue. If the client cannot produce the vendor invoices, there may be an increased risk of fraud. You
need to dig deeper on these transactions. Follow through to the cash disbursements. MWF uses
electronic funds transfers. We need to make sure the disbursements actually went to the vendor. Dig
deeper and get back to me. Ultimately, we may need to communicate this to the board of directors.”
Before You Go On
5.1 What does the auditor do when he or she identifies control exceptions? Develop an example
of an internal control exception.
5.2 What is a compensating control? Develop an example of a compensating control.
5.3 Why does the auditor always investigate control exceptions?
5.4 What internal control deficiencies are communicated in an auditor’s report on ICFR?
5.5 What level of internal control deficiencies are reported to management? Explain your
reasoning. What level of internal control deficiencies are reported to those charged with gov-
ernance of the entity? Explain your reasoning.
Documenting Conclusions
Lea rning Objective 6
Document the results of tests of controls.
Once controls have been tested, the auditors document their work in a working paper.
Working paper documentation should include:
In preparing a working paper for tests of controls, the auditor would ordinarily set out
the purpose of the tests of the controls identified. This assists in carrying out the testing by re-
minding the auditor of the overall purpose in testing the controls. If the auditor identifies any
exceptions or issues, the auditor should determine if there is an impact on the testing strategy
by considering whether the control exception means that the control no longer meets the ob-
jective of the test. For example, assume that the control selected for testing is a bank reconcili-
ation and the objective of the test is to verify that a review by the financial controller occurred
on a timely basis. When performing the testing, it was noted that while there was evidence of
the review (a signature), there was no date, so timeliness could not be verified. Therefore, the
auditor is able to conclude that the control operated but the auditor is not able to conclude as
to whether it operated on a timely basis. It would need to be determined whether a compen-
sating control should be tested, or whether the timeliness of the review is not critical to the
auditor’s ability to rely on the bank reconciliation as audit evidence.
The auditor also documents the test performed, the actual controls selected for testing,
and the results of the testing. There needs to be enough detail regarding the controls selected
to allow another auditor to review the working paper, reperform the steps (if necessary), and
reach the same conclusion as the auditor who prepared the working paper. The results are
often set out in a table to make it easier to review and identify quickly what (if any) exceptions
were identified during the testing. Prior to an overall conclusion being reached for each sec-
tion of work performed, the test results table also assists the person reviewing the working pa-
per to determine if enough work has been performed and if the right conclusion regarding the
controls testing has been reached. The working paper should also include a conclusion spe-
cific to whether the test results support the overall purpose of the test. This is the documenta-
tion standard required by AU-C 230 Audit Documentation and AS 1215 Audit Documentation.
Regardless of how the working papers are prepared and documented, the extent of the au-
ditor’s documentation will increase as the complexity of the client’s operations, systems, and
controls increases. Also, the more complex the client’s operations and its internal controls,
the more experienced the auditor who performs the work needs to be. Illustration 8.13 is an
example of a working paper relating to controls testing. Note that the working paper clearly
lays out the purpose of the test of the control, the nature and extent of the work performed at
an interim date, the results of the audit tests, and the auditor’s conclusion about control risk.
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: DM 10/14/2022
Purpose of test:
The purpose of this test is to verify that the bank reconciliation control was adequately designed and implemented through the date of interim
Work performed:
Selected three bank reconciliations from different months, tied the balance as per the bank statement on the bank reconciliation to the bank
statement, tied the balance as per the general ledger to the trial balance, and vouched all reconciling items between the bank statement and
the trial balance greater than $5,000 to supporting documentation to ensure valid reconciling items and that the reconciliation had been
performed correctly. Ensured the reconciliations had been prepared and reviewed on a timely basis, based on dates on the reconciliation,
inquiry, and observation of procedures in October 2022.
Findings/results of testing:
Selected bank reconciliations for the months of February, April, and September 2022. No errors noted in the preparation of the reconciliation.
All were dated and reviewed within seven days of month-end. Considered this to be on a timely basis.
Based on testing performed, the bank reconciliations appear to have been designed, implemented, and operated effectively for the nine
months ended September 30, 2022. Control risk is assessed as low for the following assertions: existence of cash, completeness of cash, and
valuation of cash.
Learning Objectives Review 8-31
After the auditor has completed testing controls, and drawn a conclusion about control
risk, the auditor will want to make decisions about the nature, timing, and extent of substan-
tive testing. These topics are discussed in Chapter 9.
Before You Go On
6.1 What information does the auditor need to include in the audit working papers when
documenting the results of the controls testing?
6.2 Which auditing standard sets the minimum level of documentation required in the working
papers stored in the audit files?
6.3 What is the impact on the extent of required substantive testing if inherent risk is high and
no assurance has been obtained from controls testing?
and Illustration 8.8 provides an example of how sample size is influ- deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses. Illus-
enced by the frequency at which the control is performed during the tration 8.12 summarizes how these classifications affect the auditor’s
year (e.g., some controls may function only monthly or quarterly). decisions about what should be reported to those charged with gov-
Auditors usually perform tests of controls at an interim date, and ernance of the entity, and what should be reported in the auditor’s
then they update their conclusions at year-end to ensure that the report on ICFR.
controls continued to function as designed during the remainder of
the year. In some cases, the auditor may be able to use a benchmark- 6 Document the results of tests of controls.
ing technique to test use of software applications from prior years,
if the auditor is able to obtain evidence that the software application
has not changed. The purpose of the tests of controls, selection of controls to test, re-
sults of the controls testing performed, and conclusion regarding
the design and implementation of the controls are all documented
5 Evaluate the results of tests of controls. in a working paper. This working paper is then reviewed by a more
experienced auditor to determine if sufficient work was performed
When performing tests of controls the auditor must determine in each and if the appropriate conclusion was reached. Ultimately, the results
instance whether the control did or did not function as designed. If of tests of controls should influence the auditor’s audit strategy. If
tests of controls reveal exceptions (the control did not function as de- the controls are effective, the auditor may continue with a reliance
signed), the auditor should consider whether compensating controls on controls approach. If controls are ineffective, the auditor must
exist, and whether the compensating control is likely to be effective. decide how to modify the nature, timing, and extent of substantive
If control exceptions are found, they should be classified as control tests.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1, 4) The auditor decides which controls to test by b. impact the effectiveness of manual controls.
considering: c. prevent the reliability of electronic audit evidence.
a. the points at which fraud or error can occur. d. allow client staff to change programs without needing to
b. the nature of controls implemented by management. receive authorization for the change.
c. the significance of each control in achieving its control 6. (LO 2) Which of the following represents an example of an IT
objective. application control?
d. All of these answer choices are correct. a. T
he assistant controller performs a monthly bank reconcilia-
2. (LO 1, 4) When obtaining an understanding of internal controls, tion and follow-up of unexpected outstanding items.
the auditor identifies important programmed application controls b. The accounts receivable manager reviews credit balances in
over the occurrence of sales. However, the auditor also has serious accounts receivable quarterly to determine their causes.
concerns about the adequacy of the control environment due to a
c. The software application compares all sales invoices with
weak tone at the top about control consciousness. Which of the fol-
underlying shipping information on the bills of lading and
lowing best describes how the auditor should respond to this situation
packing slips with sales invoices. If differences are revealed,
when planning tests of controls related to the occurrence of sales?
a report is generated for review and follow-up by the billing
a. The auditor could assess control risk as low for an assertion supervisor.
after performing software-based audit techniques on controls
d. All changes to software applications must be reviewed and
relevant to that assertion.
approved by the department affected by the application.
b. The auditor could assess control risk as low for an assertion
after performing software-based audit techniques on controls 7. (LO 3) An auditor is going to test the client’s controls over bank
relevant to that assertion and assessing the adequacy of seg- reconciliations. The auditor will perform which of the following audit
regation of duties. procedures for this test of controls?
c. The auditor will probably assess control risk at the maximum a. Software-based audit techniques using test data.
irrespective of the quality of the programmed application b. Inquiry of the person performing the bank reconciliation.
controls. c. Reperformance of the bank reconciliation procedure.
d. T
he auditor could assess control risk as low for an assertion if d. Inquiry of the person performing the bank reconciliation and
ITGCs are tested and shown to be strong. reperformance of the bank reconciliation procedure.
3. (LO 2) A software application will not allow a sale to be pro-
8. (LO 4) Which of the following would require the auditor to
cessed if a customer is over its credit limit. This is an example of a(n):
increase the level of control testing for a particular control?
a. detective control.
a. The control is performed monthly instead of daily.
b. preventive control.
b. There are several controls relating to a particular audit
c. IT general control. objective.
d. IT-dependent manual control. c. The WCGW addressed by the control is not very important.
4. (LO 2) The software application compares all sales invoices with d. A high degree of reliance is to be placed on the control to
underlying shipping information on the bills of lading and packing limit the amount of substantive testing required.
slips with sales invoices. If differences are revealed, a report is gen-
erated for review and follow-up by the billing supervisor. This is an 9. (LO 4) Benchmarking is a process that involves:
example of a(n): a. comparing the effectiveness of one control with another
a. detective control. control.
b. preventive control. b. an audit strategy that allows an auditor to rely on IT applica-
tion controls if manual follow-up procedures are strong.
c. IT general control.
c. an audit strategy that allows the auditor to use evidence from
d. IT-dependent manual control.
testing an IT application control in a prior period, if the appli-
5. (LO 2) ITGCs are important because they: cation has not been changed.
a. prevent unauthorized personnel from having access to data d. an audit strategy that allows the auditor to test only identified
and applications. key controls rather than all controls used by the client.
8-34 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
10. (LO 4) If an auditor decides to assess control risk as low based c. Perform tests of controls on compensating controls.
on IT application control procedures, which of the following would d. Document the results of tests of controls and proceed with
not be part of the auditor’s strategy for testing controls? the planned audit strategy.
a. Testing the effectiveness of IT general control procedures.
12. (LO 6) Working papers:
b. Testing the effectiveness of management review controls
a. document the auditor’s conclusion about control risk and the
used to monitor the results of operations.
basis for that conclusion.
c. Testing the effectiveness of manual follow-up procedures.
b. are necessary for the first-year auditor to keep track of the
d. Testing the effectiveness of the application with test data. daily work but are not important to the overall audit.
11. (LO 5) If an auditor performs tests of controls and determines c. document the results of the tests but not the purpose of the
that the control is not effective, what should the auditor’s next step in control selected for testing.
testing controls be? d. document the purpose of the control selected for testing and
a. Document the results of tests of controls and proceed with a the conclusion made by the auditor but not the results of
primarily substantive approach. the test.
b. Determine if a compensating control exists.
Review Questions
R8.1 (LO 1) Identify the eight steps performed in assessing control R8.7 (LO 4) Does an auditor have to test every control? Explain
risk and place them in the proper order. your answer.
R8.2 (LO 2) Explain the purpose of (a) preventive controls and R8.8 (LO 4) What factors do auditors consider when deciding how
(b) detective controls. Why would it be important for an entity to have much control testing to do?
both types of controls?
R8.9 (LO 4) Explain the concept of benchmarking and its benefits
R8.3 (LO 2) Explain why reconciliations, such as bank reconciliations, to the auditor.
are classified as detective controls.
R8.10 (LO 4) Identify the factors that influence sample size in a test
R8.4 (LO 2) Explain the difference between automated and manual of controls. Provide an example related to each factor in terms of how
controls. it would potentially increase the level of control testing.
R8.5 (LO 2) Explain the three types of ITGCs. Why are they “general” R8.11 (LO 5) Explain the relationship between the results of tests
controls? Explain why they are important controls. of controls and substantive testing.
R8.6 (LO 3) What are the five procedures used for tests of controls? R8.12 (LO 6) Explain the process of documenting the auditor’s
Explain them and comment on the reliability of the evidence obtained conclusions. What must be documented?
from each.
Analysis Problems
AP8.1 (LO 1) Basic Assessing control risk and audit strategy As an audit manager at Gung &
Ho, CPAs, you have been scheduled to serve as the discussion leader for an in-office training session on
consideration of the internal control structure in a financial statement audit. Gung & Ho’s audit practice
consists of audits of privately owned companies and not-for-profit organizations.
Prepare an outline of comments you plan to make to indicate similarities and differences in how each
of the following items is handled under a primarily substantive approach versus a reliance on controls
AP8.2 (LO 2) Basic IT controls—password The client company assigns each new employee
a user profile and password for the client’s IT system. The first time new employees log onto a company
desktop computer, they are automatically forced to change their password. Passwords must be changed
every 30 days.
Explain what type of control the above information describes. Discuss the control’s strengths and
AP8.3 (LO 2) Basic IT controls—suppliers Within the client’s IT system, supplier information is
contained in a supplier master file (SMF). Each supplier has a unique supplier code. If the purchasing
clerk attempts to place an order from a supplier not in the SMF, the order cannot be processed.
Explain what type of control the above information describes. Discuss the control’s strengths and
AP8.4 (LO 2) Moderate Preventive controls Alabama Industries manufactures and wholesales
small tools. It sells the tools to a large group of regular customers and makes most sales by telephone to
this group. Additionally, it receives orders online by its sales team who signs up new customers within the
sales area. In the past, Alabama Industries has had trouble with customers who do not pay their accounts
on time. Despite instructing the sales team not to make sales to customers before their creditworthiness
has been assessed, sales are still being made to new customers before their limits have been set and to
existing customers beyond their credit limit. Also, an economic downturn has started to impact its cus-
tomers, and Alabama’s management is concerned about the possibility of increasing bad debts.
a. What sort of preventive control could be used to deal with the problems faced by Alabama
Industries? Explain how the control would work.
b. Assume the preventive control is implemented, and during this year there have been no sales to
customers that have taken any customer beyond its credit limit. What are two possible explanations
for this that the auditor must consider?
c. If an auditor finds two sales transactions during the year that exceed a customer’s credit limit at the
time of the sale, what conclusion would the auditor draw from this evidence? What other evidence
could the auditor consider before concluding that the preventive control has failed?
AP8.5 (LO 2, 3, 4) Moderate Testing bank reconciliation controls You are testing the controls
over bank accounts for your audit client, Louisiana Liquidators. You note that the responsibility for bank
reconciliations has changed due to a corporate reorganization halfway through the current fiscal year.
Both the staff member performing the bank reconciliations and the supervisor have changed. You are
able to talk only to the current staff member and supervisor because the prior staff members took a vol-
untary severance package and left the client’s employment three months ago.
a. What procedures are available for you to gather evidence about the bank reconciliations? Explain
how you would use each procedure and comment on the quality of the evidence obtained from each.
b. When you ask the employee responsible for bank reconciliations about how bank reconciliations are
performed, there is a possibility that you will not be told the whole truth about the performance of
the reconciliations. Given this, will you bother to ask? Explain.
c. Explain the impact of the staff changes on your controls testing program.
AP8.6 (LO 2, 4) Moderate Inventory program controls Dakota Drapers supplies custom-fitted
curtains and blinds to retail customers. It has recently expanded to offer a wide variety of home decorat-
ing products through its six stores across the state. After some initial problems with inventory control, the
client installed a new automated inventory system in April this year (the fiscal year end is December 31).
The system replaced another automated system that had been modified so often over the years that the
auditors had advised Dakota’s management that they did not regard it as reliable. That is, in the past, the
auditors were unable to rely on the old system sufficiently to assess control risk for inventory as anything
less than high.
a. Explain the normal process an auditor would expect to find in the client’s system governing changes
to software applications. Why is an auditor concerned about application changes?
8-36 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
b. Dakota Drapers’ fiscal year-end is December 31. Does the auditor need to obtain evidence about
the performance of the inventory control system from every month in the year or from a sample of
months? Explain.
c. If the auditor conducts tests of the inventory controls at an interim date, is it appropriate to conclude
that the controls are effective up through the end of period date? Explain your reasoning.
AP8.7 (LO 4, 5) Moderate Internal controls from prior year The first-year auditor on the en-
gagement has suggested that since no exceptions were detected in previous years, no work on internal
controls is required because last year’s evidence will be sufficient.
a. Explain why the first-year auditor’s suggestion may or may not be appropriate and outline what
work is required.
b. Explain the concept of benchmarking. Why is it appropriate for an auditor to use a benchmarking
audit strategy that uses information from tests of controls performed in prior years?
AP8.8 (LO 5) Basic Public Company Results of testing controls The lead auditor was review-
ing the results of testing controls in the payroll expense area for a public company. The documentation
for the testing showed that there was one instance of a part-time staff member being paid an incorrect
hourly rate.
a. Explain why the result shows a control exception (deviation).
b. Does the materiality of the exception influence the auditor’s conclusion about whether there is a
c. If the auditor selects a sample size of 45 for an IT-dependent manual control over payroll and finds
one exception, what should the auditor conclude?
AP8.9 (LO 6) Challenging Research Comparison of standards Explain the differences be-
tween an audit of internal controls as required by PCAOB AS 2201 and the testing of internal controls
for the purposes of expressing an opinion on the financial statements as mandated by AU-C 315. Refer to
the standards in your answer.
Arne Adams, the audit senior, is reviewing the working papers written by the audit staff on the audit
of Virginia Creepers, a garden nursery and retailer of garden accessories. Arne reads the following
description of the results of testing of inventory controls written by the audit staff member:
The inventory manager advises that no changes have been made to the inventory programs
during the current fiscal year. There are no documents on file authorizing program changes,
so I conclude the inventory manager’s statement is true. The inventory manager also advises
that management did not attempt to override any controls relating to inventory. There are
no memoranda or emails from management on file instructing the inventory manager to go
against procedures, so I conclude the inventory manager’s statement is true. The audit staff
member concludes that the inventory controls have not been changed or overridden during the
fiscal year, so the results of the interim testing of controls can be relied upon.
a. Analysis: Examine the statements by the audit staff member. What deficiencies in the testing can
you identify?
b. Evaluation: If the results of testing one control show that the control is not effective, does the auditor
have to increase substantive testing? What other options are available to the auditor?
Audit Decision Cases 8-37
Frankel Factors
Question C8.2 is based on the following case.
The audit senior on the audit of Frankel Factors is preparing the audit plan for the year ended June 30,
2023. The following notes relate to the payroll application system that went live on January 1, 2023:
1. The new payroll application is more complex than the old system, but its reporting function pro-
vides more detail. For example, the new application calculates leave, pension, payroll tax, and em-
ployee benefit expenses, as well as the corresponding accruals.
2. Due to the brief time available to implement the new system, the previous application ceased opera-
tion on December 31, 2022, and the new application went live on January 1, 2023, without running
parallel with the previous application. Staff training and testing of the new application was limited.
3. Access to the master files is restricted to the payroll supervisor and her assistant. Access to transaction
files is restricted to payroll staff who are responsible for the processing of bi-weekly and monthly pay.
Prior to the introduction of the new payroll application system, the payroll master file and transaction
files were kept in a separate database from the general ledger application. At the end of each month,
the IT staff imported transaction data from the database into the general ledger. Management decided
to upgrade the existing accounting system due to the frequent problems encountered by IT staff when
importing data into the general ledger.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
In October 2022, MSI installed a new cloud-based inventory costing system to replace a system that
had been developed in-house. The old system could no longer keep up with the complex and detailed
manufacturing costing process that provides information to support competitive bidding. MSI’s IT de-
partment, together with the consultants from the software company, implemented the new inventory
costing system which went live on December 1, 2022. Key operational staff and the internal audit team
from MSI were significantly engaged in the selection, testing, training, and implementation stages.
The inventory costing system uses various manufacturing costing and unit of production inputs to
calculate and produce a database of all product costs and recommended sales prices. It also integrates
with the general ledger each time there are product inventory movements such as purchases, sales, waste,
and damaged inventory losses.
It is now February 2023 and you are beginning the audit planning for the June 30, 2023, annual
financial statement audit. You are assigned to assess MSI’s IT controls with particular emphasis on the
recent implementation of the new inventory costing system.
C8.3 (LO 3, 4) Challenging Public Company IT application controls Analysis: MSI’s new
inventory costing system integrates with its sales system. MSI integrated an IT application control that
checks each sales transaction to ensure that it is supported by shipping documents, packing slip and bill
of lading, before a sales invoice is created.
a. How would you test the IT application control described above?
b. What assertion is controlled by the IT application control described above?
c. In order to rely on the IT application control, what other evidence is needed if the auditor wants to
assess control risk as low?
8-38 C h apte r 8 Risk Response: Performing Tests of Controls
Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-profit
hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit for the 2023
fiscal year-end, and the audit is currently in the risk assessment phase.
The healthcare industry can be very complicated, especially in the area of billing for services pro-
vided. BPH contracts with private physician groups who use the hospital facilities, equipment, and nurs-
ing staff to treat patients. The physicians in the private group are not employees of the hospital; they are
simply using the hospital facilities to treat patients. For example, a group of urologists have their own
practice, separate from the hospital, where they treat their patients. If one of their patients needs a sur-
gical procedure that must be done at a hospital, then the attending urologist will approve the paperwork
required to admit the patient to BPH. BPH offers inducements to the urologists so they will refer patients
to BPH rather than a competing hospital. One of the inducements BPH offers is free office space in the
hospital for the doctors to use when they are treating their patients in the hospital.
After the doctor and hospital services are provided to the patient, the patient and/or the patient’s
insurance company is billed. The doctor will bill for the services he or she provided, and the hospital
will bill for the use of hospital facilities and staff. Doctors and hospitals bill using a coding system that is
standardized across the healthcare industry and consists of three main code sets: ICD, CPT, and HCPCS.
Using a coding system is more efficient and data-friendly compared to writing a narrative about the
procedures performed. However, the coding system is very complex, with thousands of different codes
for medical procedures and diagnoses. To complicate matters even more, for patients who are covered by
government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid, doctors and hospitals must adhere to complicated govern-
ment regulations surrounding billings to Medicare and Medicaid.
As healthcare costs continue to rise each year, BPH administrators struggle to maintain consistent
profitability. They look for ways to keep costs low and also to collect from patients and insurance compa-
nies as quickly as possible. In addition, BPH must have a strong risk management team to handle unique
situations that may occur in hospitals such as malpractice lawsuits and periodic inspections by the state
department of health and hospitals. Negative publicity for BPH could lead to decreased revenues if phy-
sicians decide to contract with a competing hospital.
C8.4 (LO 2, 3, 4) Challenging Evaluating internal control Analysis: Brookwood Pines has a
large number of employees and it is important for the payroll system to have controls to ensure that em-
ployees actually worked the hours they are paid for. Answer the following items:
a. Determine the key assertion at risk.
b. Describe a practical preventive internal control that would directly address the risk.
c. Describe a practical detective internal control that would directly address the risk.
d. Explain the test of controls you would perform to test the control in your answer to (b), including
the evidence that you would obtain.
e. Describe the evidence of an exception to the internal control in your answer to (b).
f. Explain the test of controls you would perform to test the control in your answer to (c), including
the evidence that you would obtain.
g. Describe the evidence of an exception to the internal control in your answer to (c)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
9-2 Ch apt e r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Demonstrate how audit risk, management LO 4 Explain and analyze factors that impact the timing
assertions, and substantive procedures are linked. of substantive procedures at the assertion level.
LO 2 Describe methods of risk response at the financial LO 5 Explain and analyze factors that impact the extent
statement level. of substantive procedures at the assertion level.
LO 3 Explain and analyze factors that impact the LO 6 Explain and apply audit procedures used to audit
nature of substantive procedures at the assertion level, accounting estimates.
including the use of audit data analytics.
LO 7 Describe how auditors document the results of
substantive procedures.
As discussed in Chapter 3, an audit strategy is developed in response to the risk assessment for
each significant account and assertion using the formula for audit risk. An audit strategy can
take a reliance on controls approach, a substantive approach, or a combination of both. With a
substantive approach, auditors will rely more on substantive procedures. The term substantive substantive procedures audit
comes from substantiate, which means auditors gather evidence to support the transactions, procedures designed to detect
account balances, and disclosures provided by management in the financial statements. material misstatements at the
After auditors have completed testing controls and drawn a conclusion about control risk assertion level and to gather
(Chapter 8), they make decisions about the nature, timing, and extent of substantive testing. evidence to support management
Illustration 9.1 diagrams the relationship between the risk of material misstatement (RMM)
and decisions about the nature, timing, and extent of substantive procedures. Recall that an
Combined assessed levels of inherent risk and control risk (RMM) ILLUSTRATION 9.1
Maximum High Moderate Low Impact of risk of material
misstatement (RMM) on level
of substantive testing
Substantive tests:
Nature (what evidence)
More effective Less effective
inverse relationship exists between the auditors’ assessed RMM (combined inherent and con-
trol risk) and detection risk. For example, when RMM is assessed as low, detection risk is high.
Look over the figure and then let’s consider an example.
As we discuss an example, refer to Illustration 9.1 and follow along. Let’s say the auditor
is auditing the existence of accounts receivable, and revenue recognition is a significant risk.
The auditor decides to assess inherent risk at the maximum. If internal controls are strong,
the auditor assesses control risk as low. Therefore, RMM is moderate to low, and detection risk
is moderate to high. This combination would fall on the right side of Illustration 9.1. When
making decisions about substantive testing, the auditor might send positive confirmations (a
more effective audit procedure), use smaller sample sizes, and perform the substantive test at
an interim date. When internal controls are strong and the auditor can obtain the appropriate
relevant and reliable data, the auditor might also consider using ADA as a substantive test. For
example, when auditing a hotel chain, an auditor obtains reliable electronic information about
room occupancy and compares room occupancy with revenue recognized on a daily basis.
However, if the auditor determines that internal controls are not functioning as designed
and a compensating control does not exist, the auditor will assess control risk and RMM as high
and set detection risk as low. This combination would fall on the left side of Illustration 9.1. The
auditor would send positive confirmations to customers using larger sample sizes at year-end.
Later sections of this chapter provide more in-depth discussion about the nature, timing, and
extent of substantive procedures.
As discussed in previous chapters, risk assessment is required to be performed at an asser-
tion level. Chapter 5 introduced and defined each of the management assertions as outlined
in AU-C 315 Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement. The 13 assertions are reproduced in Illustration 9.2 and grouped to show the
assertions that have common objectives across each category of classes of transactions and
events, account balances at year-end, and presentation and disclosure.
Illustration 9.2 shows how similar assertions across categories are related to each
other. Let’s look at row 1 and use the sales process as an example. The auditor needs to verify
that sales transactions recorded in the income statement occurred and relate to the entity (the
occurrence assertion) and that the sales transactions have been recorded in the correct ac-
counting period (the cutoff assertion). Those same sales transactions flow through to the cash
flow statement and to the accounts receivable balance on the balance sheet. Verifying that
the sales transactions occurred also provides evidence that the balance of accounts receivable
at year-end exists and the client holds the rights to those receivables (the existence and rights
and obligations assertions). The auditor can also use that evidence to verify that the balances
disclosed in the financial statements as sales revenue and accounts receivable occurred and
relate to the entity (the occurrence and rights and obligations assertions).
It is clear from this example that testing performed on the occurrence of sales transactions
also provides evidence on the existence of accounts receivable on the balance sheet and the finan-
cial statement disclosures. Rows 2 and 3 show the remaining assertions that still need to be tested
for the sales transactions and related accounts receivable balance and related disclosures.
Risk Response at the Financial Statement Level 9-5
Be careful and do not assume that similar assertions across all three categories are exactly
the same. For example, classification for income statement accounts is not exactly the same as
classification and understandability in the financial statement disclosures. Classification as it
relates to transactions requires verification that transactions have been recorded in the proper
accounts within the general ledger. Classification and understandability as they relate to dis-
closures requires verification that information included in the financial statements is appro-
priately presented and described according to the applicable financial reporting framework,
and disclosures are clearly expressed.
The objective of auditors is to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the
assessed risks of material misstatement. This is accomplished by designing and implementing
appropriate responses to those risks at both the financial statement level and the assertion
level. Chapter 8 focused on responding to risk through the use of tests of controls. This chapter
continues the risk response discussion through the use of substantive procedures.
Before You Go On
1.1 Explain the relationship between the risk of material misstatement and detection risk.
1.2 Describe why management assertions are important in the determination of detection
We have discussed how important it is that auditors are knowledgeable about their client’s
operations for the purpose of identifying risks (refer to Illustration 4.2 for a refresher). Some
identified risks could impact the financial statements as a whole. For example, if a client is
relying heavily on debt financing and struggling to make debt payments, management may
feel pressure to maintain debt covenants. That pressure could lead to fraudulent financial re-
porting that is pervasive in the financial statements. Auditors should respond to that risk with
procedures that have an overall effect on how the audit is conducted. AU-C 330 Performing
Audit Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks and Evaluating the Audit Evidence Obtained and
AS 2301 The Auditor’s Responses to the Risks of Material Misstatement provide the following
examples of responding to risk at the financial statement level:
Risk response at the financial statement level is affected by (1) the auditor’s understand-
ing of the entity’s control environment and (2) the assessed risk of material misstatement due
to fraud. An effective control environment suggests that management and those charged with
governance demonstrate a commitment to ethical values and strong internal control. Auditors
will have more confidence in internal controls and audit evidence generated internally with a
client that maintains an effective control environment. If the control environment is assessed
to be weak, auditors may respond by altering the audit plan to include more audit procedures
and expanding the scope of the audit to include more of the client’s locations.
After auditors have assessed control risk, they are in an ideal position to evaluate the risk
of fraud. Auditors will seriously consider the risk of fraud if control risk is high. They will
assess the risk of fraud by considering fraud risk factors that may be present, such as pres-
sure and opportunities for management to commit fraud (see “Fraud Risk” in Chapter 3).
If significant fraud risk exists, auditors should respond by including elements of unpredict-
ability in their audit plan. For example, auditors could perform audit procedures related to
accounts, assertions, or disclosures that they normally would not test because they are im-
material or considered low risk. They could also perform some procedures on a “surprise”
basis and vary the timing of when the procedures are performed. For clients with multiple
locations, auditors could vary which locations are tested each year and the type of audit
procedures that are performed at the different locations. Ultimately, auditors must exercise
professional skepticism and be prepared to modify the planned audit procedures, as needed,
to obtain more reliable evidence. They may also need to expand audit procedures to gather
evidence from independent sources to corroborate management’s explanations and other
internally generated evidence.
Xiao Wang is the manager on the audit of Superior Corp., an oil and gas company located in
Houston. The price of oil has dropped due to an excess supply of oil in the market. A drop in
oil prices has caused a dramatic decrease in revenue for Superior, which in turn has caused a
significant drop in Superior’s stock price. To stay afloat, Superior has implemented some drastic
cost-cutting measures and laid off one-fifth of its workforce. Superior has also announced it will
suspend matching its employees’ 401(k) contributions until further notice. Xiao knows that when
a client is experiencing stressful times such as this, the audit team should be especially mindful of
an increased risk of fraud, particularly the risk of fraudulent financial reporting.
Xiao has worked on the Superior audit for the last five years and notes that Superior has an
effective control environment, and upper management has consistently shown a commitment
to integrity and ethical values. However, Xiao knows that even good people can be pushed to
extreme action in times of stress. What if management tries to overstate revenues or understate
expenses in an effort to improve profitability? Xiao calls a meeting with the audit team members
to discuss the situation. “Team, you are aware of the stress that Superior and other oil and gas
companies are feeling in this current market. I want to remind you to use professional skepticism
in all of your work, even in areas that we deem to be low risk. If you see anything unusual, please
let me know. Also, I will be more involved with testing revenue and closely supervising the work
in that area. We will assess inherent risk at the maximum level for revenue so that we are verifying
more transactions. Let’s get to work and please don’t hesitate to ask questions.”
In addition to considering risk response at the overall financial statement level, auditors
must plan to respond to risk at the assertion level for accounts, classes of transactions, and dis-
closures. This involves designing and implementing the nature, timing, and extent of specific
audit procedures to be performed at the assertion level.
Nature of Substantive Procedures 9-7
Before You Go On
2.1 What factors affect the auditor’s risk response at the financial statement level?
2.2 How could auditors modify their audit procedures if there is increased risk of fraud?
2.3 How could auditors modify their audit procedures if a client has a poor control environment?
The nature of an audit procedure refers to its purpose (test of controls or substantive pro-
cedure) and its type. The different types were covered in Chapter 5 and include inspection,
observation, inquiry, confirmation, recalculation, reperformance, analytical procedures, scan-
ning, and ADA. When analytical procedures are used to obtain audit evidence during the risk
response phase, they are referred to as substantive analytical procedures. This will be discussed
further in the section “Substantive Analytical Procedures.” When the other types of proce-
dures are used to gather audit evidence, they are referred to as tests of details of classes of
transactions, account balances, and disclosures. Tests of details will be discussed further in
the section “Tests of Details.” Consideration of the nature of the audit procedure is the most
important factor when responding to the assessed risks (AU-C 330.A5).
Auditing standards provide guidance regarding the performance of substantive procedures.
AU-C 330 and AS 2301 state that auditors are required to perform substantive procedures for
all relevant assertions that have been identified during the risk assessment phase. Recall relevant assertions assertions
from Chapter 5 that relevant assertions have a reasonable possibility of containing a mate- that have a reasonable possibility of
rial misstatement that would cause the financial statements to be materially misstated and, containing a material misstatement
therefore, have a meaningful impact on whether the account is fairly stated. Every audit will that would cause the financial
involve some amount of substantive testing because auditing standards require it for relevant statements to be materially
misstated and, therefore, have a
meaningful impact on whether the
Further substantive testing for all other assertions will be based on the auditor’s overall
account is fairly stated
assessment of risk. For some assertions, an effective response may be for the auditor to per-
form primarily tests of controls. This would be following a reliance on controls strategy. For
other assertions, an effective response may be for auditors to only perform substantive proce-
dures. This would be following a substantive strategy. Auditors may choose a substantive strat-
egy because they have not identified any effective controls that are relevant to that assertion or
because testing controls would be inefficient. In many cases, auditors use a combined strategy
in which they use both tests of controls and substantive procedures to respond to identified
risks. If appropriate, auditors may design a test of controls and a substantive test of details
to be performed at the same time on the same transaction. This is called a dual-purpose dual-purpose test a substantive
test. For example, auditors inspect a sample of vendor invoices for inventory purchases to test of a transaction and a test of
determine if they were properly authorized to be paid (test of controls). On the same sample control relevant to that transaction
of invoices, they can inspect and recalculate the cost of inventory items purchased to test the that are performed concurrently
valuation and allocation assertion (substantive test of details). Designing dual-purpose tests
helps improve the efficiency of the audit.
Once auditors have determined that using substantive procedures is the appropriate risk
response, the next step is to determine the type of procedure to use. What factors do auditors
consider when determining the type of substantive procedure to use? One factor is the as-
sessed level of risk for the assertion. When the risk of material misstatement for an assertion
is high, auditors must gather more reliable and persuasive evidence. Some types of procedures
9-8 Ch apt e r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
lend themselves to gathering more reliable evidence. For example, to test the completeness
assertion for a contract, auditors decide to send a confirmation to the outside party on the
contract. Confirming the details of the contract with an outside third party provides more
reliable evidence than just inspecting the document and inquiring of management regarding
the details. For any risks that have been identified as significant risks, auditors are required to
perform substantive procedures that are specifically responsive to the significant risk. Recall
significant risk an identified from Chapter 3 that a significant risk is an identified and assessed risk of material misstate-
and assessed risk of material ment that, in the auditor’s judgment, requires special audit consideration. For example, if the
misstatement that, in the auditor’s client has complex derivative transactions that auditors have identified as being a significant
judgment, requires special audit risk for material misstatement, the auditors’ response may be to use a specialist to perform
consideration inquiry and recalculation procedures to test the accuracy assertion.
Another factor auditors consider is that certain types of procedures are more suited for
testing some assertions than others. For example, performing a recalculation of depreciation
expense for a newly acquired fixed asset may provide evidence for the accuracy and valuation
and allocation assertions, but it does not provide evidence that a newly acquired fixed asset
actually exists. To test the existence assertion for a fixed asset, auditors should personally
inspect the fixed asset and inspect supporting documentation of the purchase.
Auditors also consider the reasons for the level of assessed risk for an assertion when de-
termining the type of substantive procedures to use. For example, auditors may assess risk as
low for an assertion for a class of transactions because inherent risk is low. The class of trans-
actions may be uniform and tend to be predictable over time. A good example is the accuracy
assertion for interest expense on outstanding loans that have fixed interest rates with interest
payments due monthly. Even if controls do not exist for the transactions, the risk of material
misstatement is low due to the characteristics of the transactions. Auditors may determine
that performing only substantive analytical procedures will be sufficient to reduce audit risk
for the accuracy assertion to an acceptably low level. The section “Substantive Analytical Pro-
cedures” goes more in depth regarding the use of substantive analytical procedures to obtain
audit evidence.
Initial Procedures
When auditing an account balance, auditors perform several initial procedures before apply-
ing other substantive procedures. First, auditors should simply recall their understanding of
the client’s business and industry and think about how those factors may impact the account
balance being audited. For example, a client that is a technology retailer faces a higher risk
of inventory obsolescence because technology items such as computers and smartphones be-
come obsolete if they are not sold quickly. Therefore, when applying substantive procedures
for the audit of inventory, auditors should keep the risk of inventory obsolescence in mind,
particularly when performing audit procedures related to the valuation and allocation and
existence assertions. Extensive knowledge of the client provides the appropriate context for
evaluating the results of substantive procedures.
Other initial procedures are fairly routine steps performed for all account balances. For
illustrative purposes, let’s consider a prepaid insurance account that includes the transactions
Nature of Substantive Procedures 9-9
for all of a client’s insurance policies. The client must pay insurance premiums in advance as
required by the insurance provider, which creates the asset account of prepaid insurance. The
following initial procedures are performed:
1. Trace the beginning balance of the prepaid insurance account to the auditor’s working
papers from the prior year’s audit. The beginning balance should match the ending audited
balance reflected in last year’s working papers. (Note: If the auditors did not audit the cli-
ent last year, refer to AU-C 510 Opening Balances—Initial Audit Engagements, Including
Reaudit Engagements.)
2. Scan the transactions in the account for unusual items. An amount could be unusual be-
cause of its large dollar amount, its timing, or its source. For example, the client typically
pays its insurance premiums annually in the first quarter of the year. A large payment
made to an insurance provider in the third quarter would be unusual and warrant further
3. Obtain a trial balance or other detailed report for the account. A trial balance shows the
balances of prepaid insurance for each insurance provider. The trial balance is typically
in electronic form and compiled from the client’s information system. It should be footed
for mathematical accuracy. If the detailed report is in another form, such as an Excel
spreadsheet, auditors should review the formulas and recalculate to ensure the formulas
are working as intended. The total on the trial balance should agree to the total in the
subsidiary ledger from which it was prepared, and it should agree to the total in the gen-
eral ledger. A sample of the individual insurance provider balances from the trial balance
should be compared to the corresponding detail in the subsidiary ledger and vice versa.
This procedure may seem redundant, but it helps to ensure the trial balance or report is
an accurate and complete representation of the account balance.
Once these initial procedures are completed and documented in the working papers, auditors
continue with the remaining substantive procedures detailed in the audit program.
Auditors use their professional judgment when deciding which substantive procedures to
use and will consider the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedures in reducing the
assessed risk of material misstatement to an acceptably low level. Factors that impact the
effectiveness and efficiency of using a substantive analytical procedure to respond to risk
9-10 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
include (1) the nature of the assertion, (2) the plausibility and predictability of the rela-
tionship, (3) the availability and reliability of the data used to develop the expectation, and
(4) the precision of the expectation (AU-C 520.A8 and AS 2305.11). Each of these factors
will be discussed next.
The use of a substantive analytical procedure may be more appropriate and provide more
persuasive audit evidence depending on the nature of the assertion. With some assertions,
potential misstatements may not be discovered by examining detailed evidence or detailed ev-
idence may not be available. For example, consider the accuracy and occurrence assertions for
salaries expense for the year. Auditors need to gather evidence that the amount recorded for
salaries expense transactions has been recorded appropriately and the transactions have oc-
curred. A substantive analytical procedure can be used by comparing the number of employ-
ees at fixed salaries to the total salaries expense for the period. If the actual salaries expense is
significantly more than the expectation from the comparison, it could indicate a misstatement
caused by error or unauthorized payments. This comparison may be more effective for the
accuracy and occurrence assertions then performing a detailed test of a sample of individual
payroll transactions. When using a sample, none of the transactions in the sample may reflect
any misstatements.
If the assessed risk of material misstatement for an assertion is high, auditors need to
gather more persuasive audit evidence. Results from substantive analytical procedures will
be more persuasive if relationships among data are more predictable. For example, rela-
tionships in a stable industry environment are usually more predictable than relationships
in an industry environment that is unstable or changing rapidly. Large volumes of similar
transactions tend to be more predictable over time than smaller volumes of more unique
transactions that may vary in occurrence and amount. Relationships involving income state-
ment accounts are usually more predictable than relationships involving only balance sheet
accounts because income statement accounts represent transactions over a period of time.
Balance sheet accounts represent an amount at a specific point in time (AU-C 520.A10 and
AS 2305.14). Relationships involving transactions that are subject to management discretion
are typically less predictable. For example, rather than incurring advertising expense on a
routine monthly basis, management may decide to only advertise when special sales are
being offered. Illustration 9.3 provides examples of substantive analytical procedures that
typically provide persuasive evidence.
Before auditors can use substantive analytical procedures, they must consider the avail-
ability and reliability of data to be used to develop their expectation. Data may not be readily
available to develop expectations for some assertions. For example, to develop an expecta-
tion to test the completeness assertion for sales, auditors use data from budgets, forecasts,
or square feet of selling space. If this type of data is not available, it may be more effective to
perform a test of details using the client’s shipping records. Auditors should also consider the
reliability of the data being used to develop the expectation for the analytical procedure. If the
underlying data is not reliable, the expectation will not be reliable, and any evidence gathered
would not be considered reliable. Illustration 9.4 lists factors that auditors consider regard-
ing the reliability of data to be used for substantive analytical procedures.
Finally, auditors must determine if the expectation that will be developed is precise
enough to identify misstatements at the assertion level. The amount of precision needed de-
pends on whether the substantive analytical procedure is being used as the only substantive
test of an assertion or if it is being used in conjunction with tests of details. If it is being used
as the only substantive test, then the expectation needs to be more precise to provide more re-
liable audit evidence. Expectations that are developed at a detailed level are more precise than
expectations developed at a broad level. For example, using monthly amounts will generally
provide a more precise expectation than using yearly amounts, or using data by business unit
will be more precise than using company-wide data. The level of detail needed to develop the
expectation will vary by client and depends on the size and complexity of the client.
9-12 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
If, after considering the factors discussed above, auditors decide that using a substantive
analytical procedure is appropriate for testing an assertion, next they consider how much of a
difference between the expectation and the client’s recorded amount they can accept without
performing further investigation. Auditors will consider materiality of any differences and
how persuasive the evidence needs to be. For example, if the substantive analytical proce-
dure is the only substantive test being performed for an assertion, then the evidence needs
to be persuasive. Therefore, the amount of difference auditors could tolerate decreases. If the
substantive analytical procedure is being used in conjunction with tests of details, then the
amount of difference auditors could tolerate would increase since other procedures would
also be used to gather evidence. If the difference is large enough to warrant further investi-
gation, auditors should first review the factors used in developing the expectation. They can
also inquire of management as to the reasons for the difference. However, any information
obtained from management should be corroborated with other evidence. If the differences
cannot be explained after performing additional procedures, auditors should consider it an
indication of increased risk of material misstatement for the assertion.
Auditors must document in the working papers the use of substantive analytical procedures.
This includes documenting the factors considered in developing the expectation, the results of the
comparison of the expectation with the client’s recorded amount, and any additional procedures
performed to investigate differences between the expectation and the client’s recorded amount.
W. Green, “Are Auditors’ Analytical Procedures Judgements Affected by Receiving Management Explana-
tions?” Australian Accounting Review 15, no. 3 (2005), pp. 67–74.
Green 2005, p. 71.
Nature of Substantive Procedures 9-13
Tests of Details
The phrase tests of details refers to the substantive procedures auditors use to test the details of
account balances, transactions, and disclosures. Recall that these tests of details are inspection,
observation, inquiry, confirmation, recalculation, reperformance, scanning, and ADA. One or
more tests of details may be used to test an assertion. Also, one or more tests of details may be
used in conjunction with a substantive analytical procedure for testing an assertion. Which
procedure or procedures to use will depend on auditor judgment, the assessed risk of material
misstatement, and the nature of the assertion being tested. The following paragraphs provide
some examples and other guidelines for using tests of details.
As we have already discussed, when an assertion has a higher assessed risk of material
misstatement, auditors need to gather more reliable and persuasive evidence. For example, due
to poor internal controls over accounts receivable, auditors have determined there is increased
risk that some recorded accounts receivable balances do not exist for a client. Auditors could
inspect the underlying documentation in support of recorded receivables, such as sales orders,
shipping documents, and customer invoices. But since these documents are generated internally
by the client, does inspection provide the most reliable evidence? No, it does not. Evidence that
is gathered from an independent source from outside of the client is considered more reliable.
Therefore, a more effective test of details would be to send confirmations to customers to verify
the existence of the accounts receivable balances. If a customer notes a discrepancy on the re-
turned confirmation, auditors can follow up with additional tests of details as needed, such as
recalculation of the balance, inspection of documents, and inquiry of management.
The nature of the assertion being tested affects the type of test of details that auditors
use. For example, what procedures will provide evidence that a client’s recorded inventory
balance actually exists? Auditors can observe the client counting the physical inventory at
year-end. Recall that the auditor’s direct knowledge through observation is more reliable than
indirect knowledge. Auditors can also inspect supporting documents by vouching a sample of
inventory purchases to receiving reports and purchase orders (requisitions). Would recalculat-
ing the mathematical accuracy of a sample of inventory purchases (price × quantity) provide
evidence for the existence assertion? No, it would not. Recalculation provides evidence for the
accuracy assertion, not the existence assertion. When selecting which tests of details to use,
auditors must select procedures that are appropriate for the assertion being tested.
Tests of details are also used to evaluate assertions related to the disclosures of the finan-
cial statements, referred to as the notes. It is management’s responsibility to prepare the note
disclosures. The objective of auditors is to determine if the notes are prepared in accordance
with the applicable financial reporting framework. Refer to Illustration 9.2 for the assertions
related to disclosures. Auditors should read and inspect the notes and recalculate amounts, as
needed, to gather sufficient appropriate evidence that:
• Management has adequately disclosed the significant accounting policies applied in the
financial statements.
• Information in the notes is accurate and does not contain errors or inconsistencies with
information presented in the financial statements.
• Appropriate and understandable terminology is used, as prescribed by the applicable
financial reporting framework.
• All disclosures that are required by the financial reporting framework have been included.
You may recall from your financial accounting courses that some note disclosures, such as
pensions, deferred income taxes, and stock options, require extensive detail. Therefore, it is
critical that auditors are very knowledgeable about the financial reporting framework used by
their client. That knowledge provides a context for auditors to evaluate whether the financial
statements and notes are presented fairly.
the findings of an ADA procedure used during risk assessment. For example, during risk assess-
ment an auditor may have used ADA to identify slow-moving inventory. For the notable items in
inventory identified by ADA, the auditor may perform traditional substantive procedures regard-
ing the net realizable value of inventory. In other words, for these items the auditor might look at
how many of the items were sold between year-end and a date near the end of fieldwork. During
that period the auditor can determine if the company had to mark down items below cost in order
to sell them. The auditor might also identify that a significant portion of inventory has not sold and
may look at sales prices of similar items in the marketplace to determine the need to write down
inventory to its net realizable value. Essentially, the auditor uses ADA to identify items that are at
a high risk of material misstatement and will use traditional substantive tests to evaluate the high
risk balances or transactions.
At the risk response stage the auditor may have identified a specific fraud risk. For example, if
there is a weakness in access controls over a master vendor file, the auditor might use ADA to com-
pare vendor addresses with employee addresses. A match might be an indication that an employee
has put a fictitious vendor in the master vendor file, and invoices might be paid to a fictitious vendor.
Also, the auditor might use ADA as a substantive procedure. For example, a local trans-
portation district may hire primarily hourly workers under a union contract to drive and main-
tain buses. The transportation district has good internal controls over the master payroll file
and over capturing hours worked electronically. All hourly workers are paid every two weeks,
and all hourly pay is classified in the same payroll expense account. The auditor may use ADA
to recalculate gross payroll for hourly employees and this classification of payroll expense. The
auditor will still have to perform other payroll cutoff tests, but the auditor may use ADA to
substantiate the vast majority of payroll expense for the transportation district.
ADA, substantive analytical procedures, and tests of details are all powerful tools, but
they do not replace the need for professional judgment and skepticism. Auditors must use pro-
fessional judgment when designing the procedures, interpreting the results, and determining
how the results influence the nature, timing, and extent of other audit procedures. Auditors
must use their professional skepticism, being careful to prevent confirmation bias when inter-
confirmation bias the tendency preting results. Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek or interpret evidence in ways that
to seek or interpret evidence in support pre-existing beliefs or expectations.3 If client management has already explained why
ways that support pre-existing a transaction was an outlier or why an analytical procedure did not align with the auditor’s
beliefs or expectations expectation, auditors must be careful not to seek evidence that solely confirms management’s
explanation. Auditors need to exercise professional skepticism and consider all information,
whether it supports or contradicts the original explanation provided by management.
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain a dual-purpose test. Provide an example.
3.2 What factors impact the effectiveness and efficiency of using substantive analytical proce-
dures to respond to risk?
3.3 What are some advantages of using audit data analytics in the audit process?
3.4 How could confirmation bias impact an audit? Provide an example.
Chapters 3 and 8 have addressed the timing of performing both tests of controls and substantive
procedures. Recall that testing of internal controls is performed during an interim period, which
may be two or three months before the client’s year-end. Some substantive procedures can also
R. Fay and N. Montague, “I’m Not Biased, Am I?” Journal of Accountancy 2019, no. 2 (2015), pp. 26–31.
Timing of Substantive Procedures 9-15
be performed at interim. For assertions that have a lower risk of material misstatement, it may
be more efficient for auditors to perform substantive procedures on those assertions prior to
year-end to allow more time for testing higher risk assertions at year-end. For example, during
the risk assessment phase, auditors determined that the occurrence assertion for a client’s pre-
paid expense transactions have a low risk of material misstatement. The auditors also tested
the effectiveness of internal controls over the recording of transactions in the prepaid expenses
account and concluded that controls are effective. Therefore, during the interim period, auditors
perform test of details by selecting a sample of prepaid expense transactions from the ledger
and vouching the transactions to supporting documentation to test the occurrence assertion for
the transactions. Note that since the vouching is being performed at interim, the transactions
available for testing are those that occurred from the beginning of the year through the interim
period, which is usually through the client’s third quarter. Illustration 9.5 lists factors auditors
consider when deciding to perform substantive tests at an interim date.
Factor More Likely to Perform Substantive Tests at Interim If… ILLUSTRATION 9.5
Factors to consider regarding
Internal controls Internal controls, including the control environment, are effective.
the performance of substantive
Assessed risk of material Assessed risk of material misstatement is low. procedures at an interim date
Availability of information to Information is available during the interim period that may not be
perform procedures readily available at year-end.
Nature of the substantive The type of procedure can be performed at interim. For example, inquiry
procedure of management and inspection of fixed assets can be performed during
interim, but observation of the physical inventory count can only be per-
formed at the time scheduled by the client, which is typically at year-end.
Nature of the account and Little change is expected in an account balance during the period
relevant assertions from interim to year-end.
Auditor’s ability to perform Additional procedures can be performed during the period after
additional procedures to interim and after year-end, if necessary.
cover the remaining period
When substantive procedures are performed during an interim period, auditors perform
roll-forward procedures to update their audit findings from the time of the interim proce- roll-forward procedures
dures through to year-end. The nature and extent of these roll-forward procedures are matters procedures performed at year-end
of judgment and are responsive to the risk assessment. When the entity’s control environ- on transactions occurring between
ment has been assessed as effective, controls have been tested, and no significant changes in an interim date and year-end (the
the control environment and controls have occurred, limited roll-forward procedures, such roll-forward period) to provide suf-
ficient appropriate audit evidence
as substantive analytical procedures or limited tests of details of transactions occurring be-
on which to base conclusions
tween the interim period and year-end, may be all that are necessary. For example, auditors
at year-end when substantive
used inspection of supporting documents, observation of physical assets, and inquiry of client procedures are performed at an
personnel to test the existence and completeness of fixed asset additions and disposals during interim date
the interim period, which was the end of the client’s third quarter. At year-end, auditors could
perform roll-forward procedures on any fourth-quarter activity by scanning fixed asset trans-
actions, inquiring about any unusual or large transactions and, if necessary, performing fur-
ther tests of details on fourth quarter transactions. Illustration 9.6 shows a timeline of when
9/30/2022 1/31/2023
1/1/2022 12/31/2022
the interim substantive testing is performed and when the roll-forward procedures are per-
formed for a December 31 year-end client.
Some substantive procedures can only be performed at year-end due to the nature of the
assertion or the timing of the transactions. For example, the client makes final adjusting en-
tries and closing entries at year-end to prepare the annual financial statements. Auditors will
inspect and recalculate the entries at year-end. They also reconcile the annual financial state-
ments with the underlying accounting records. Substantive tests of details to test the cutoff
assertion for sales transactions are also performed at year-end. The cutoff assertion for sales
means that transactions have been recorded in the proper accounting period. Auditors inspect
supporting documentation for sales transactions that occurred just before and after the year-
end date. They compare the dates on sales invoices with the dates of shipment of inventory
and the dates of recording the transaction in the sales journal to ensure that sales are recorded
in the proper accounting period.
Finally, if during risk assessment auditors have identified risks of material misstate-
ment due to fraud, they may consider changing the timing of audit procedures. For exam-
ple, the auditor may decide that due to the heightened risk, performing substantive pro-
cedures at interim would not be effective. Gathering evidence at year-end would provide
more reliable evidence in response to the assessed risk of material misstatement due to
Before You Go On
4.1 What types of assertions are more likely to be tested at interim? Provide an example.
4.2 Explain roll-forward procedures.
4.3 Why can some substantive procedures only be performed at year-end? Provide an example.
The extent of substantive procedures refers to how much testing will be performed within a
class of transactions or account balance. A key issue for the auditor to decide is whether to
screen 100% of the transactions using ADA, or whether to use an audit sampling approach.
Audit sampling is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10. In general, an auditor is more likely
to use ADA when the following conditions exist:
• P
rofessional standards expect the auditor to perform certain audit procedures (e.g., ob-
serve inventory or confirm receivables).
• Evidence to support the audit test is not available in electronic form.
Extent of Substantive Procedures 9-17
• The audit population is small and can efficiently be tested using traditional audit tests.
• Relevant data is not reliable and internal controls over the reliability of data are weak.
• Relevant data may be in different formats and is not easy to use.
When the auditor chooses to engage in audit sampling, Illustration 9.7 shows the link
between the assessment of inherent risk and control risk and how it impacts the amount
of substantive testing required to reduce detection risk to an acceptable level. For example,
if the combined inherent risk and control risk are high (bottom right shaded corner), the
amount of detection risk the auditor is willing to accept is very low and therefore extensive
substantive procedures are necessary to reduce detection risk. If the combined inherent risk
and control risk are low (top left shaded corner), the amount of detection risk the auditor is
willing to accept is high and therefore few substantive procedures are necessary to reduce
detection risk.
no controls in required
DR = High DR = Medium
place DR = Low
Higher risk of Some substantive Considerable Extensive substantive
material errors procedures required substantive procedures procedures required
the acquisitions, the client has a material increase in intangible assets such as copyrights and
trademarks. Determining the useful life of some intangibles involves judgment which poses a
significant risk. Therefore, auditors may decide to audit 100% of the amortization transactions
for the intangible assets account.
If it is not feasible to select all items, auditors may decide to select specific items from a
population. Which items to select depends on auditor judgment, but a common method is
selecting high dollar value items or key items. Items may be selected because they have a high
dollar value or for some other characteristic, such as being unusual, suspicious, or having a
history of error. For example, to test the existence assertion of a client’s $3 million accounts
receivable balance, auditors will send confirmations to customers. The client has two key cus-
tomers whose accounts make up $2.1 million of the balance. By selecting these two key cus-
tomers to confirm, and assuming the customers’ replies, auditors can conclude that 70% of the
accounts receivable balance does exist.
Another method of selecting specific items from a population is to select items that are
over a certain dollar amount when testing for overstatement. By selecting items over a certain
amount, auditors are ensuring that a large portion of the account balance or class of trans-
actions is being included in the testing. For example, a client has 200 customers with a total
accounts receivable balance of $3 million. Thirty of the customers carry balances of at least
$75,000 while the remaining 170 customers have balances of less than $75,000. If auditors
send confirmations to the 30 customers with balances of at least $75,000, then at least 75%
of the accounts receivable balance is being confirmed ($75,000 × 30 = $2,250,000). Selecting
specific items involves auditor judgment, which means nonsampling risk is a factor. Non-
sampling risk is discussed in Chapter 10.
Finally, auditors can use statistical audit sampling to select a sample of items to test. By
using statistical sampling, auditors can draw conclusions about an entire population based on
the results of the sample testing. Statistical sampling can be used in addition to testing specific
items from a population. Chapter 10 continues a more in-depth discussion of statistical sam-
pling with substantive procedures.
Before You Go On
5.1 Describe two situations in which the auditors may decide to test 100% of a population.
5.2 What techniques can an auditor use to select specific items from a population to test?
5.3 What is an advantage of using statistical sampling?
Auditing Accounting Estimates 9-19
Financial statements include a variety of items that cannot be measured precisely and must
be estimated by client management. An accounting estimate is an approximation of a mon- accounting estimate an
etary amount when a precise means of measurement is not available. In your studies of fi- approximation of a monetary
nancial accounting you encountered examples of accounting estimates such as uncollectible amount when a precise means of
receivables, useful lives and residual values of fixed assets, and future warranty liabilities. measurement is not available
What is the auditor’s responsibility regarding accounting estimates made by management?
AU-C 540 Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Re-
lated Disclosures states the objective of the auditor is to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence
that (1) accounting estimates are reasonable and (2) related disclosures are adequate (AU-C
540.06). This section discusses the nature of accounting estimates, risk assessment procedures
related to estimates, and the auditor’s procedures for responding to risks associated with ac-
counting estimates. (Note: The PCAOB has two standards related to accounting estimates and
fair value measurements: AS 2501 Auditing Accounting Estimates and AS 2502 Auditing Fair
Value Measurements and Disclosures.)
Once the final outcome of the transaction or event occurs, it is expected that there will be
a difference between the outcome of the accounting estimate and the amount originally
recognized or disclosed in the financial statements. This difference does not necessarily
constitute a misstatement, but rather the outcome of estimation uncertainty. Estimation estimation uncertainty the
uncertainty is the susceptibility of an accounting estimate and related disclosures to an susceptibility of an accounting
inherent lack of precision in its measurement. For example, a client sells commercial-grade estimate and related disclosures
lawn mowers and offers a one-year warranty for any repairs that may be needed on the to an inherent lack of precision in
mowers. Based on past experience, the client estimates a future warranty liability of 5% of its measurement
sales revenue and records that on the balance sheet. Suppose over the next year the client
performs warranty repairs that total 6% of sales revenue, which is more than was estimated
on the prior-year balance sheet. Does that mean the prior-year balance sheet is misstated?
No, it just means that actual warranty repairs were more than originally estimated. Some
years the warranty repairs will be less than estimated. The most important factor is that
management monitors the amount of actual warranty repairs and adjusts its estimate each
year as needed.
Some accounting estimates involve more estimation uncertainty than others. The amount
of estimation uncertainty is affected by the nature of the accounting estimate, the subjectivity
of the assumptions used to make the estimate, and the extent to which a generally accepted
method or model is available to aid in developing the estimate. Illustration 9.8 provides ex-
amples of estimates that have lower estimation uncertainty and estimates that have higher
9-20 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
• Changes in an accounting estimate, or the method for making it, that are based on sub-
jective assumptions.
• Using management’s own assumptions for fair value estimates when they are inconsis-
tent with readily observable market assumptions.
• Selecting or developing significant assumptions that yield an estimate more favorable for
management’s objectives.
• Selecting an estimate that indicates a pattern of optimism or pessimism.
Auditors must exercise their professional skepticism and question management’s methods,
assumptions, and motivations for the accounting estimates included in the financial state-
ments and disclosures.
Auditing Accounting Estimates 9-21
1. Gain an understanding about what is required by the client’s financial reporting framework.
The financial reporting framework may specify conditions or methods for making accounting
estimates, require measurement of certain items at fair value, and require specific disclosures.
2. Inquire of management regarding the process for identifying the need for accounting
estimates. The process of identifying the need for accounting estimates is influenced by
management’s knowledge of the industry, management’s business strategies being imple-
mented during the period, and prior experience with management’s preparation of the
entity’s financial statements.
3. Inquire of management regarding how accounting estimates are made. Auditors want to
gain a thorough understanding of management’s process for making the accounting esti-
mates. Specific examples of inquiries are:
a. What is the method of measurement? In some cases, the financial reporting framework
may dictate the method of measurement, such as the use of a specific model. If the
financial reporting framework does not specify a method or model, then auditors con-
sider if management is using a method commonly used in its industry. If management
has developed its own model or has departed from what is commonly used in its indus-
try, there could be a greater risk of material misstatement for the accounting estimate.
b. What controls are in place? Auditors should inquire about the data being used to de-
velop the estimate. Are there controls to ensure the data is complete, relevant, and
accurate? The members of management tasked with making the estimate should be
competent and experienced, and there should be a review and approval process by ap-
propriate levels of management. There should be segregation of duties between those
tasked with making the estimate and those responsible for committing the entity to
the related transactions or events triggering the estimate. For example, sales staff who
interact with current and new customers to generate revenue should not also be tasked
with estimating bad debt allowances. If you are the salesperson who generated the
sale and related account receivable, you may not be objective when determining if the
account receivable is at risk of being a bad debt.
9-22 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
c. W
hat assumptions are used and how are they developed? Auditors should focus on the
most significant assumptions used by management. How does management deter-
mine the assumption is relevant and complete? Management may have information to
support assumptions that are used. Supporting information may come from external
sources, such as published interest rates, or from internal sources, such as previous
conditions experienced by the client. Management should fully document the assump-
tions used along with information supporting the use of the assumptions.
d. Has there been a change, or should there be a change, in the methods or assumptions
used to make an accounting estimate? Sometimes circumstances change, which brings
about change in the way an estimate is made. The change may be required by the
financial reporting framework or it may be caused by changes in the industry or eco-
nomic environment. If a change has been made, management must document support
for the change. If a change needs to be made but management has not altered its
method of estimation, then management should document its reasons for not altering
its estimation method.
e. Has management considered the effect of estimation uncertainty? There are several
ways management could assess the effect of estimation uncertainty on its estimates.
For example, management should consider alternative assumptions or outcomes to
determine how sensitive the estimate is to changes in assumptions. If there are several
different outcome scenarios for an accounting estimate, how does management deter-
mine which one to use? Also, management should monitor the outcomes of account-
ing estimates from the prior period and use information from that monitoring process
to improve upon future accounting estimates.
4. Inspect the outcome of prior period accounting estimates. Since many accounting estimates
arise from routine and recurring transactions, such as estimating uncollectible accounts
receivable, it may not be necessary for auditors to review every accounting estimate from
the prior period. But for prior-period accounting estimates that had a high degree of esti-
mation uncertainty, auditors should review the outcome of the accounting estimate in the
current year or review the re-estimation of the item if the outcome has not yet occurred.
A review of prior period accounting estimates is also required by AU-C 240 Consideration
of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit. If management bias is detected in prior-period
accounting estimates, it could represent an increased risk of material misstatement due
to fraud for the current year financial statements.
After performing these risk assessment procedures, auditors assess the risk of material
misstatement related to the client’s specific accounting estimates. Remember, every client is
unique, so the types of accounting estimates made by each client will vary. Auditors should
evaluate the degree of estimation uncertainty for each accounting estimate. Typically, those
with more estimation uncertainty will have a higher risk of material misstatement and be
more susceptible to management bias. Auditors must use their professional judgment and
professional skepticism to determine if any of the accounting estimates are considered signif-
icant risks. The level of assessed risk of material misstatement for each accounting estimate
will determine how auditors plan their risk response.
applicable, by those charged with governance. Auditors would test the control by inspecting
documentation that shows approval by the appropriate level of management.
If testing the operating effectiveness of controls alone does not provide sufficient appro-
priate audit evidence, auditors also conduct substantive procedures on the reasonableness of
accounting estimates. Some specific procedures include the following:
• Inquire about the method of measurement. If the financial reporting framework does not
specify a method of measurement, then the method selected is a matter of professional
judgment. Auditors should inquire about management’s rationale for the method selected,
if the method is consistent with what is used in the industry, and if management consid-
ered other alternative methods.
• Inquire about assumptions used by management. Auditors should evaluate the assump-
tions used by management in developing the accounting estimate. Items that auditors
should consider include reasonableness, consistency with assumptions used in prior
periods and, in the case of fair value accounting estimates, whether the assumptions
appropriately reflect observable market conditions.
• Recalculate the accounting estimate. If management used a model recommended by the
financial reporting framework to develop the accounting estimate, auditors should also
use that model and recalculate the accounting estimate. If applicable, they may need
to test the data that is used as input for the model to ensure it is reliable and complete.
Performing a recalculation procedure provides evidence that the model was used cor-
rectly and that management’s estimate is reasonable.
• Inspect events occurring after year-end and up to the date of the auditor’s report. Financial
statements are prepared after the client’s year-end with management using the best
information available near, or shortly after, the end of the year to prepare accounting
estimates. Since year-end audit work takes place during the six to eight weeks after the
client’s year-end date, events may occur after year-end, but before the audit is completed,
that provide more information regarding the accounting estimate. Sometimes, the
accounting estimate may even be resolved before the audit is complete. For example, a
client has three large accounts receivable balances that have been outstanding for over
90 days. Three weeks after year-end, two of the three accounts receivable balances are
paid in full, which provides audit evidence relating to the appropriateness of the estimate
of the allowance for doubtful accounts. In situations like this one, no further procedures
may be needed because sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained.
For accounting estimates that have been identified as significant risks, auditors may perform
further substantive procedures. For example, the auditor should inquire how management
has addressed the effect of estimation uncertainty on the accounting estimate. Has manage-
ment used different methods or different assumptions to see how the accounting estimate is
impacted? If there is a large monetary difference in the estimate when different assumptions
are used, how did management choose which estimate to use? For accounting estimates that
are very specialized, such as some fair value accounting estimates, auditors have the option of
using a specialist to gather sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the accounting estimate
is reasonable. (See “Using the Work of a Specialist” in Chapter 5 for more information.)
1. Gain an understanding about what is required by the client’s financial reporting framework.
Your client is based in the United States and uses GAAP as the financial reporting frame-
work. Normally, inventory is recorded at cost. However, if net realizable value (NRV)
drops below cost, GAAP requires that inventory be written down to NRV. NRV is defined
as the net amount a company expects to realize from the sale of inventory. NRV is calcu-
lated as estimated selling price less costs associated with making the sale, such as adver-
tising, transportation costs, or further completion costs. The difference between cost and
NRV is recorded as a loss.
2. Inquire of management regarding the process for identifying the need for an accounting
estimate. You have a meeting with the controller to discuss inventory valuation. Since the
IT industry is very competitive and quick to change, inventory obsolescence is a major
risk for Hi-Tech. New technologies are always being introduced to the market, which puts
current technologies at risk of being outdated and no longer preferred by consumers. The
controller is aware of the LCNRV rule and knows it must be considered in the preparation
of the financial statements.
3. Inquire of management regarding how the accounting estimate is made. The controller
goes on to tell you that every month he meets with the inventory manager, production
manager, and sales manager to discuss inventory valuation. If necessary, they meet
more often than once a month. The goal is to produce just enough inventory to meet
sales orders. To accomplish this goal, the sales team communicates frequently with
customers regarding how much inventory they need and any modifications Hi-Tech
should make to existing inventory items to keep them relevant. The sales team then
communicates with the production team to maintain tight control over production to
minimize producing items that cannot be sold or are at risk of being sold below cost.
Even with this process in place, Hi-Tech occasionally has inventory that becomes
obsolete if it is not sold fast enough or if it is returned by a customer. Inventory
warehouse personnel tag inventory that is slow-moving or deemed obsolete, and move
it to a designated area in the warehouse. Each month, the inventory manager sends an
“obsolete report” to the controller with details about any inventory that is tagged as
obsolete. At the monthly meeting with the inventory, sales, and production managers,
the controller discusses the inventory on the obsolete report. As a team, they determine
the estimated NRV of the inventory shown on the report. Based on customer demand
for the product, the sales manager provides input on the estimated selling price. The
production manager provides input on any further costs to complete the inventory
item, and the inventory manager provides information on transportation costs. If the
estimated NRV is less than inventory cost, the controller calculates the difference and
proposes an adjusting entry to debit a loss and credit an inventory allowance account.
The proposed adjusting entry is then sent to the CFO for approval. Minutes are kept
at all of the monthly meetings to document the process of determining if inventory is
obsolete and for estimating NRV.
4. I nspect the outcome of prior period accounting estimates. In the prior-year audit of
Hi-Tech, the financial statements included a write-down of some inventory to NRV.
However, the amount of last year’s write-down was not material to the overall inven-
tory account. The inventory that was written down in the prior year is no longer in the
warehouse for the current year. It was either sold at a price below cost or disposed of as
recycling. The client’s estimate of last year’s NRV was very close to the actual selling price
or disposal costs, which is to be expected since estimating NRV for inventory is a fairly
routine estimate that Hi-Tech makes in the ordinary course of business.
Auditing Accounting Estimates 9-25
After performing these risk assessment procedures, you assess the risk of material mis-
statement related to Hi-Tech’s estimate of NRV for inventory items. Since the technology
industry exhibits a fast rate of change and fierce competition, it may be challenging to esti-
mate a reasonably accurate NRV for some inventory. On the other hand, inventory transac-
tions are routine and each year there are usually some items that have to be written down
to NRV. Therefore, you assess inherent risk for this estimate as medium. Hi-Tech appears
to have strong controls in place for how the estimate is determined, so your preliminary
assessment of control risk is low. These risks combined would equal a low to medium risk
of material misstatement for the estimate of NRV.
A couple of months later, your audit team is performing interim procedures at Hi-
Tech at the end of the third quarter. You are assigned to test controls over the estimate of
NRV for inventory. You inspect the minutes from the monthly meetings of the controller,
sales manager, inventory manager, and production manager. The minutes are very de-
tailed and provide good explanations for how the team determined the estimate of NRV.
You also inspect the monthly obsolete inventory reports from the beginning of the year
through the third quarter. There has been some obsolete inventory each month, but it has
been immaterial. You also inspect the controller’s proposed journal entries and see the
CFO’s signed approval for each month’s entry. You document your findings on the con-
trols testing and conclude that control risk is low for the process of estimating the NRV
for inventory.
Your team returns to conduct year-end fieldwork after Hi-Tech’s fiscal year is over. The
time frame for completing year-end work is six weeks. One of your tasks is to perform sub-
stantive procedures on the estimate of NRV for inventory. During the last month of the year,
Hi-Tech had identified more obsolete inventory than all previous months combined. The pri-
mary inventory item identified as obsolete in the last month was a lower-grade screen used in
some tablets. The companies that buy this part from Hi-Tech are phasing out the lower-grade
screens and using stronger screens that are more resistant to damage. Hi-Tech has halted pro-
duction of the lower-grade screen but has a large number of them on hand. After year-end,
the controller, sales manager, inventory manager, and production manager held the monthly
meeting to discuss the situation and prepare the estimate of NRV. The controller prepared an
adjusting entry, and the CFO approved it. You perform the following substantive procedures
on the year-end estimate:
1. I nquire about the assumptions used by management. You are already familiar with the
process used by management to determine the estimate. Since this was a larger amount
of obsolete inventory than any other month, you speak with the controller about the sit-
uation. He provides you with the minutes of the meeting in which his team determined
the estimate. The sales manager had communicated with several customers to see if there
was any interest in the lower-grade screens. Based on feedback from the customers and
changing preferences for more durable screens, the sales manager recommended a NRV
that is 25% of cost. There are no further costs for completion and a minimal packaging
cost if they are sold.
2. Recalculate the estimate. You recalculate the estimate of NRV as 25% of cost and agree to
the amount calculated by the controller. You trace the adjusting entry from the general
ledger to inclusion in the financial statements.
3. I nspect events occurring after year-end and up to the date of the auditor’s report. One
week before the audit fieldwork is completed, the controller tells you the entire stock
of lower-grade screen inventory was sold. A company that does tablet repairs and refur-
bishing bought all of the lower-grade screens. The final selling price was for 20% of cost.
Since the obsolete inventory situation is resolved before the financial statements are
issued, the controller can refine the estimate to 20% of cost for reporting in the year-end
financial statements. The controller prepares the adjusting entry, it is approved by the
CFO, and you verify the entry is made and the updated amounts appear in the financial
You thoroughly document all of your work in the working papers. You conclude that Hi-Tech’s
estimate of LCNRV is fairly stated in all material respects.
9-26 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
Before You Go On
6.1 Describe the concept of estimation uncertainty.
6.2 What are some indicators of possible management bias in accounting estimates?
6.3 Briefly describe some audit procedures that can be used as substantive tests for accounting
AU-C 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During the Audit and AS 2810 Evaluating
Audit Results state the auditor’s objective is to evaluate the effect of identified misstatements
on the audit and the effect of uncorrected misstatements, if any, on the financial statements.
Auditors document and accumulate the misstatements identified during the audit. Ma-
terial, and in some cases immaterial, misstatements are accumulated. A misstatement may
be classified as material because of its quantity or because of a qualitative factor. Recall from
Chapter 3 that an item may be material because of its nature, not its magnitude. For exam-
ple, the discovery of fraud, no matter how small, is qualitatively material and would warrant
further investigation by the auditors. Many misstatements discovered by auditors may be im-
material on their own, but when aggregated with other misstatements could have a material
impact on the financial statements. AU-C 450.A3 provides guidance to auditors when evalu-
ating the type of misstatements accumulated during the audit. The standard includes three
categories of misstatements as follows:
• F
actual misstatements. There is no doubt it is a misstatement because there is no element
of judgment involved.
• J udgmental misstatements. These differences are caused by management judgment
regarding accounting estimates the auditors feel are unreasonable or the selection of
accounting policies the auditors feel are inappropriate.
• P
rojected misstatements. These are the auditor’s best estimate of the misstatement in a
population based on the misstatement found in a sample drawn from the population.
(See Chapter 10 on audit sampling.)
The identification and resolution of misstatements is one of the auditor’s most important
responsibilities in an audit and is a critical step in the formulation of the audit opinion
Learning Objectives Review 9-27
on the fairness of the client’s financial statements. This is discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 14.
When auditors perform substantive procedures and identify misstatements they did not
expect, they reconsider their audit strategy and audit plan, and determine if the nature, tim-
ing, or extent of substantive procedures need to be modified. For example, suppose auditors
tested a client’s controls over accounts receivable processing and collections and determined
that controls were effective. If controls are effective, auditors would expect few misstatements
in the accuracy of the customer account balances. As a substantive procedure, auditors se-
lect a small sample of customer accounts to confirm. On half of the returned confirmations,
customers have notated that a difference exists in the balance as compared with their own
records. If controls are effective, why are so many of the confirmations returned as being in-
correct? Perhaps the controls are not effective as originally determined. Auditors would revisit
their audit strategy by reviewing their controls testing to see if something was missed or not
performed correctly. They would also consider increasing the sample size on the substantive
procedure and send out more accounts receivable confirmations to determine if the first sam-
ple results were an anomaly or if the issue is widespread.
All substantive audit procedures performed are documented in the working papers. Doc-
umentation should include the objective of the test, the substantive procedure performed,
what items were selected for testing, and the results of the testing. How much detail to in-
clude is a matter of professional judgment, but there needs to be enough detail regarding the
procedures performed to allow another auditor to review the working paper, re-perform the
steps (if necessary), and reach the same conclusion as the auditor who prepared the working
paper. Typically, the more judgment that is involved in conducting the substantive procedures
and evaluating the results, such as with some accounting estimates, the more documentation
is needed.
Before You Go On
7.1 What is a misstatement?
7.2 List some possible causes of misstatements.
7.3 What information about substantive procedures should be documented in the working papers?
Some identified risks could have a pervasive effect on the financial 5 Explain and analyze factors that impact the extent of
statements as a whole, such as the risk of fraudulent financial report- substantive procedures at the assertion level.
ing. Risk response at the financial statement level is affected by (1) the
auditor’s understanding of the entity’s control environment and (2) the
The extent of substantive procedures refers to how much testing will
assessed risk of material misstatement due to fraud. Some methods of
be performed, which essentially refers to sample size. A key question
responding to risk at the financial statement level include emphasizing
involves whether the auditor wants to use ADA and audit 100% of
professional skepticism, having more supervision of the audit team,
a large population to identify notable items, or whether the auditor
assigning more experienced audit staff, and including more elements
wants to use audit sampling. This topic is discussed briefly in this sec-
of unpredictability in the selection and timing of audit procedures.
tion, and it is discussed in more depth at the beginning of Chapter 10.
The assessed risk of material misstatement for the account balance
3 Explain and analyze factors that impact the nature of or class of transactions will have the most influence on sample size.
substantive procedures at the assertion level, including If the risk of material misstatement is high, then a larger sample size
the use of audit data analytics. should be selected. If the risk of material misstatement is low, then a
smaller sample size can be selected. When selecting a sample, audi-
tors may decide to perform tests of details on all items (testing 100%),
The nature of an audit procedure refers to its purpose (test of controls select specific items, or use audit sampling.
or substantive procedure) and its type. Consideration of the nature
of the audit procedure is the most important factor when respond-
6 Explain and apply audit procedures used to audit
ing to the assessed risks. Auditors are required to perform substan-
tive procedures for all relevant assertions that have been identified accounting estimates.
during the risk assessment phase. When auditing an account balance,
auditors perform initial procedures before applying other substantive An accounting estimate is an approximation of a monetary amount
procedures, such as substantive analytical procedures and tests of de- when a precise means of measurement is not available. Two types of
tails. When conducting a substantive analytical procedure, auditors accounting estimates are forecasting the outcome of a transaction or
develop an expectation, or estimate, using data in the client’s records event and determining the fair value of an item or transaction that is
or data from reliable outside sources, and then compare the expecta- required to be included in the financial statements. Accounting es-
tion with the client’s recorded amount. Analytical procedures may be timates are subject to management bias and estimation uncertainty.
the only substantive procedures used to test an assertion, or they may During risk assessment, auditors gain an understanding of what is re-
be used in conjunction with tests of details. It is possible that the au- quired of the financial reporting framework, inquire of management
ditor performed ADA as a risk assessment procedure. In this case, the regarding the process for identifying and determining the accounting
auditor often uses traditional substantive tests to follow up on notable estimates, and inspect the outcome of the prior year’s accounting
items. The nature of the substantive test will depend on the assertion estimates. During risk response, auditors inspect events occurring
being tested. The auditor might also use ADA to follow up on a spe- after year-end that may provide more information about accounting
cific fraud risk and ADA may be effective at identifying if it is likely estimates made at year-end, recalculate estimates, and inquire
that fraud has occurred. Finally, the auditor may use ADA as a sub- about management’s methods and assumptions used to prepare the
stantive test. In this case, the auditor is using electronic information estimate.
to identify transactions or balances that are misstated.
7 Describe how auditors document the results of sub-
4 Explain and analyze factors that impact the timing of stantive procedures.
substantive procedures at the assertion level.
All substantive audit procedures performed are documented in the
Some substantive procedures can be performed at interim. Illustra- working papers. The documentation should include the objective of
tion 9.5 lists factors that impact the decision to perform substantive the test, the substantive procedure performed, what items were se-
procedures at an interim date. When substantive procedures are per- lected for testing, and the results of the testing. Auditors document
formed during an interim period, auditors perform roll-forward pro- and accumulate the misstatements identified during the audit. When
cedures to update their audit findings from the time of the interim auditors identify misstatements they did not expect, they will recon-
procedures through to year-end. Some substantive procedures can sider their audit strategy and audit plan, and determine if the nature,
only be performed at year-end due to the nature of the assertion or the timing, or extent of substantive procedures need to be modified.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) Designing substantive procedures responds to: 2. (LO 1) Which assertion is typically related to income statement
a. the risk of material misstatement at the entity level. accounts rather than balance sheet accounts or presentation and
b. the risk of material misstatement at the assertion level.
a. Completeness. c. Rights and obligations.
c. the risk of all types of misstatements at the assertion level.
b. Accuracy. d. Cutoff.
d. t he risk of all types of misstatements at the entity level.
9-30 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
3. (LO 2) Which of the following would be the most likely reason c. c onfirmation bias.
to include more unpredictability in the selection and performance of d. weak internal controls.
audit procedures?
9. (LO 4) Which of the following situations would most likely pre-
a. Client has a strong internal control environment.
clude an auditor from performing substantive procedures during an
b. Client was not audited in the previous year. interim period?
c. There is heightened risk of fraud. a. Internal controls are weak and the risk of material misstate-
d. Unpredictability provides the audit team with more ment is high.
variety. b. Internal controls are weak and the risk of material misstatement
is low.
4. (LO 3) The nature of an audit procedure refers to:
c. Internal controls are strong and the risk of material misstate-
a. when the procedure is performed. ment is high.
b. the assessed level of detection risk. d. Internal controls are strong and the risk of material misstate-
c. the sample size required to perform the procedure. ment is low.
d. its purpose and its type. 10. (LO 5) Which of the following would not be a reason to increase
the extent of a substantive test?
5. (LO 3) All of the following are initial procedures performed on
an account balance except: a. The risk of material misstatement is high.
a. agreeing the opening balance to the audited ending balance b. Qualitative factors suggest there may be errors in the account.
from the prior year’s working papers. c. Internal controls are weak.
b. footing a trial balance for mathematical accuracy. d. Auditors have time to test more items.
c. vouching items from the trial balance to supporting docu- 11. (LO 6) Which of the following characteristics of an accounting
mentation. estimate would lead to lower estimation uncertainty?
d. scanning account details for unusual items. a. Estimate is related to routine transactions.
6. (LO 3) Analytical procedures: b. Estimate is derived from a model developed by the client.
a. are required during the planning and substantive testing c. Estimate is related to complex transactions.
phases of the audit. d. Estimate involves assumptions that cannot be observed in a
b. are substantive procedures and cannot be used at any other public market.
stage of the audit. 12. (LO 6) Which of the following can be used as both a risk assess-
c. are used to test controls and are not substantive procedures. ment procedure and a substantive procedure for the audit of account-
ing estimates?
d. can be used as substantive tests but cannot be used as primary
tests of a balance. a. Gain an understanding of what is required by the applicable
financial reporting framework.
7. (LO 3) Which of the following situations increases the reliability
b. Inquire of management about the methods and assumptions
of data being used for substantive analytical procedures?
used in developing the estimate.
a. The source of the data is the client’s internal budget
c. Inspect documentation for proper approval of the accounting
b. During the prior-year audit, the data was subjected to audit
d. Inspect events happening after year-end and up to the date of
the auditor’s report.
c. Controls over the data have not been tested.
13. (LO 7) The auditor’s best estimate of the misstatement in a pop-
d. Broad industry averages will be used in comparison with the ulation based on the misstatement found in a sample drawn from the
client’s data. population is called a:
8. (LO 3) When analyzing the results of substantive procedures, a. factual misstatement.
auditors should beware of: b. judgmental misstatement.
a. professional skepticism. c. confirmation misstatement.
b. audit engagement deadlines. d. projected misstatement.
Review Questions
R9.1 (LO 1) Explain how the nature of a substantive test could R9.2 (LO 2) Differentiate risk response at the financial statement
affect the decisions about when and how much substantive testing is level with risk response at the assertion level.
performed. How do these decisions relate to the overall risk assess-
R9.3 (LO 3) What are substantive procedures designed to obtain
ment for the item being tested?
evidence about? What are the main types of substantive procedures?
Analysis Problems 9-31
R9.4 (LO 3) Using the inventory trial balance as an example, ex- R9.9 (LO 3) What is confirmation bias? How can auditors minimize it?
plain the initial procedures that will be performed.
R9.10 (LO 4) When is it appropriate to use roll-forward procedures?
R9.5 (LO 3) What are analytical procedures? Describe how they can
R9.11 (LO 5) Using the inventory trial balance as an example, ex-
be used as substantive procedures in an audit.
plain different techniques for selecting a sample of items for testing.
R9.6 (LO 3) Why is it important to consider the quality of the data What are the advantages and disadvantages of each technique?
used in analytical procedures? How important to this question are cli-
R9.12 (LO 6) Using the allowance for doubtful accounts as an ex-
ent controls over financial data?
ample, briefly explain the risk assessment procedures that would be
R9.7 (LO 3) Develop an example of the type of substantive test performed on the accounting estimate.
an auditor might use to investigate notable items when ADA is per-
R9.13 (LO 7) Provide an example of (1) a factual misstatement and
formed as a risk assessment procedure.
(2) a judgmental misstatement that could affect the balance of prop-
R9.8 (LO 3) Does using audit data analytics remove the need to test erty, plant, and equipment.
the client’s internal controls?
Analysis Problems
AP9.1 (LO 1) Basic Public Company Designing substantive procedures Carla has been
asked to join the team responsible for designing the audit program for a new client, Gaskin Industries
Inc. (Gaskin), a manufacturing and wholesaling firm. Gaskin recently went public and is now listed on
the New York Stock Exchange. Carla has worked for the audit firm for a year and received a very high
performance rating from her supervisors on last year’s audit of Bryson LLP (Bryson), a private firm that
provides marketing and other consulting services. Gaskin and Bryson have total revenue of approxi-
mately the same amount, so Carla feels confident she can apply her knowledge to the new audit. She
takes a copy of the audit program for Bryson along to the first meeting, intending to suggest they use it
as the basis for the audit program for Gaskin. Carla thinks the Gaskin audit program could use the same
substantive procedures that were used on the Bryson audit.
Discuss the problems with Carla’s idea of using Bryson’s audit program as a basis for designing substan-
tive procedures for Gaskin.
AP9.2 (LO 1) Basic Sales invoices and journal James and Katie will be auditing the revenue ac-
count for their retail client, Go Big Tires. They disagree about how to test the occurrence assertion for the
revenue account. James thinks they should use Procedure A, while Katie thinks Procedure B is appropriate.
A. Select a sample of sales from the sales journal and agree the details in the journal to the invoices sent
to customers, shipping documents, and customer orders.
B. Select a sample of invoices sent to customers, shipping documents, and customer orders and agree
to the details recorded in the sales journal.
Who do you agree with, James or Katie, and why? Which assertion does the other procedure provide
evidence about?
AP9.3 (LO 3) Moderate Payroll testing Anna has the task of designing the audit program for the
payroll area. There have been no recent changes to the payroll system or to its interface with the general
ledger. Among other tests, Anna is considering using the following substantive analytical procedures to
gather evidence:
1. Compare payroll tax expenses (such as state and federal unemployment taxes) to the annual payroll
multiplied by the statutory tax rates.
2. Compare the relationship between direct labor costs and number of employees with prior periods.
Evaluate the persuasiveness of the evidence obtained from each substantive analytical procedure.
AP9.4 (LO 1, 2, 3) Moderate Data for substantive analytical procedures North West Paper Inc.
(North West) provides cardboard, paper, and plastic packaging materials to a large number of manufac-
turers and distributors in all states. The cardboard and paper division is a well-established business, but
9-32 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
North West has been providing plastic products only since its takeover of Plastic Products Inc. 18 months
ago. The takeover doubled North West’s revenue and caused changes in its management structure, add-
ing another two divisional managers. These new divisional managers are in charge of plastic product
sales to different areas of the country, Plastic (Eastern) and Plastic (Western), and they join the Paper
(Eastern) and Paper (Western) division managers in reporting directly to the CEO.
All internal operating reports are now structured along the four divisional reporting lines, al-
though external financial statements continue to be produced for the whole business. All purchasing
and billing systems are fully integrated, although it is possible to extract data along divisional lines,
and by state (as before). North West purchases bulk supplies of raw plastic and paper and makes boxes,
rolls, and sheets of these materials to fill customer orders. Production processes in the paper divisions
have not changed, and North West has made minimal changes to the production processes used by
Plastic Products Inc.
a. Identify the inherent risks at the financial statement level caused by the takeover of Plastic Products
Inc. What procedures could the auditors take to respond to risk at the financial statement level?
b. Discuss the factors that would increase or decrease the reliability of data used in substantive analyt-
ical procedures at North West.
AP9.5 (LO 3, 4) Challenging ADA Persuasiveness of evidence from substantive analytical
procedures Iman has the task of reviewing the evidence from substantive analytical procedures con-
ducted by the audit associates on the audit of Smalley Services Inc. The audit associates have reported the
results of these substantive analytical procedures:
1. Comparison of depreciation expense with the closing balance of each depreciable asset class in prop-
erty, plant, and equipment.
2. Recalculation of sales commission expenses using the standard sales commission rate and total sales.
3. Comparison of payroll expense with previous year payroll.
a. If you were Iman, what review comments/questions would you have for each procedure? Comment
on the persuasiveness of evidence provided by each one.
b. For each item, describe one test of details that would provide additional evidence.
c. For each item, discuss how ADA could be used as a risk assessment procedure or as a substantive
test. Explain the evidence used to support an audit conclusion.
AP9.6 (LO 3, 5) Moderate ADA Tests of details Marty has to audit the sales transactions of
Okawa Inc. Okawa supplies tools to the mining industry and carries a large number of different makes
and models of standard mining tools. Okawa also designs and manufactures tools for special purposes
and for miners operating in difficult conditions. The custom-designed tools are made only on the signing
of a contract and receipt of a deposit, whereas standard tools are supplied to regular customers on receipt
of a phone or email order. Okawa’s sales transactions vary from a few dollars to millions of dollars de-
pending on the number of items sold, whether the individual items are large or small tools, and whether
the tools are standard items or custom designed.
Marty is instructed to gather evidence about the sales transactions using sampling and vouching.
This is explained in detail in the audit program.
a. Explain how Marty would select a sample of sales transactions as well as vouch the sales transactions.
What primary assertion is Marty testing with the vouching procedure?
b. How could Marty use ADA as a substantive procedure? (You may want to refer to Illustration 7.8 to
help formulate your response.)
AP9.7 (LO 1, 3, 4, 5) Challenging Timing of substantive tests Connie is the recently appointed
engagement partner of the audit of Camel Inc. Connie has just taken over the audit from Mathew Pate, a
partner who will be retiring soon. Mathew had a small portfolio of clients and completed most substan-
tive testing for Camel at year-end. Connie is unable to do this because she is facing difficulties with two of
her other large clients. These clients have just been advised that their financing arrangements with banks
may not be renewed, raising doubts about their ability to continue as going concerns. The banks will
make their financing decisions very close to the clients’ year-end, forcing Connie to spend considerable
time in this period with these clients.
Analysis Problems 9-33
The financing problems at Connie’s existing clients have created demands on Connie’s audit
team that she must resolve. The accounting firm cannot provide her with the additional staff she has
requested for the year-end period because several other partners’ clients are also facing financing
It is too late to find new partners for any of her other clients, so Connie must find a way to con-
tinue with the audit and still meet all professional standards. So far, the audit team has conducted the
preliminary risk assessment for Camel and early control testing results confirm that Camel has excellent
Connie calls a meeting with her senior audit team members to discuss the issue.
Explain how Connie could vary the timing of the substantive testing at Camel to help her meet her audit
obligations. Specifically:
a. Propose different substantive procedures that could be performed prior to year-end.
b. Discuss how Connie will use roll-forward procedures to complete the audit.
c. Explain any other considerations that would affect the timing of substantive procedures for Camel.
AP9.8 (LO 4, 5) Challenging Selecting customers for substantive testing Crescent City Fun
Park (Crescent City), an amusement park with thrilling rides and a water park, sells tickets onsite and
has a website that allows customers to purchase tickets in advance and bypass the long lines. Customers
who use the website include the general public and travel agents. Both individuals and travel agents can
purchase tickets online using a major credit card. Some travel agents prefer the option of using the web-
site to purchase tickets, but rather than pay with a credit card, be billed at the end of each month. To use
the billing option, a travel agent must contact a sales agent with Crescent City and complete a detailed
application with at least two references. Once an application is complete, the sales manager verifies the
information, contacts the references, and either approves or denies the application. If the application is
approved, the sales manager decides on a credit limit for the travel agent. Terms of payment for all travel
agent customers is 30 days from the invoice date.
The auditor performs tests of controls on the credit-granting process and gathers sufficient appro-
priate audit evidence to conclude that the process is working effectively. Credit is only granted after a
thorough credit check. However, Crescent City has continual problems collecting from the larger travel
agents within the 30-day period. Some of the largest travel agents regularly take 90 or more days to pay
an invoice. Crescent City allows this late payment habit to continue simply because of the volume of
business generated by the large travel agents. Crescent City has 398 travel agents as customers, with 42 of
them representing 81% of accounts receivable.
a. Recommend which customers should be selected for further testing and why.
b. Explain when the testing of accounts receivable would take place and why.
AP9.9 (LO 6) Moderate Auditing accounting estimates Crescent City Fun Park (Crescent City),
an amusement park with thrilling rides and a water park, sells tickets onsite and has a website that allows
customers to purchase tickets in advance and bypass the long lines. Customers who use the website in-
clude the general public and travel agents. Both individuals and travel agents can purchase tickets online
using a major credit card. Some travel agents prefer the option of using the website to purchase tickets,
but rather than pay with a credit card, be billed at the end of each month. To use the billing option, a
travel agent must contact a sales agent with Crescent City and complete a detailed application with at
least two references. Once an application is complete, the sales manager verifies the information, con-
tacts the references, and either approves or denies the application. If the application is approved, the sales
manager decides on a credit limit for the travel agent. Terms of payment for all travel agent customers is
30 days from the invoice date.
The auditor performs tests of controls on the credit-granting process and gathers sufficient appro-
priate audit evidence to conclude that the process is working effectively. Credit is only granted after a
thorough credit check. However, Crescent City has continual problems collecting from the larger travel
agents within the 30-day period. Some of the largest travel agents regularly take 90 or more days to pay
an invoice. Crescent City allows this late payment habit to continue simply because of the volume of
business generated by the large travel agents. Crescent City has 398 travel agents as customers, with 42 of
them representing 81% of accounts receivable.
Accounts receivable for the theme park consists of balances from travel agents only, not individual
customers. The accounts receivable (A/R) manager estimates bad debt expense and the allowance for
doubtful accounts each quarter, and then performs a final evaluation for the year-end financial state-
ments. The A/R manager submits the estimates to the controller for approval.
9-34 C h apte r 9 Risk Response: Performing Substantive Procedures
a. Compile a list of questions you would ask the A/R manager and controller during risk assessment to
gain an understanding of the process for estimating bad debt expense and the allowance for doubtful
b. What specific substantive procedures would you perform at interim and/or year-end on the bad debt
expense and allowance estimates?
c. Evaluate the level of estimation uncertainty that is associated with this estimate. What factors im-
pact your assessment of estimation uncertainty?
AP9.10 (LO 6, 7) Moderate Evaluating substantive testing results The following items are doc-
umented in the working papers:
1. A sales transaction is included in the year ended December 2022, but evidence from the cutoff pro-
cedure suggests the sale should be dated January 1, 2023 ($1,250,000).
2. At December 31, 2021, the balance of the Liability for Warranty Claims account was $100,000 (credit
balance). During 2022, $150,000 of warranty claims was processed. Inspection of correspondence
suggests that an additional $200,000 in warranty claims could result from ongoing disputes with
customers. No adjustment for these claims has been made. Management has booked a warranty
liability accrual at the end of December 2022 of $120,000.
3. Restructuring expenses related to reorganization of head office administration were incorrectly
charged to rental expenses ($578,920).
4. No expense for impairment of assets has been made by management. A drought-induced recession
has adversely impacted property values in regional cities where seven branch offices are located
(head office and two branch offices are located in the capital city). Total land and buildings in the
trial balance is $5,500,000.
Evaluate each item and explain whether it is a factual misstatement or a judgmental misstatement.
Which accounts would be affected, and how, if an adjustment is made for each item?
AP9.11 (LO 1, 6, 7) Moderate Public Company Research PCAOB inspections The PCAOB
staff prepares documents called Staff Inspection Briefs. The purpose of the briefs is to help auditors, audit
committees, investors, and preparers to understand the PCAOB inspection process and its results. Each
year, one of the briefs provides information about that year’s inspections of registered audit firms and their
audits of issuers. For example, for 2017, there is a brief entitled, “Staff Inspection Brief, Vol. 2017/3: Infor-
mation about 2017 Inspections (August 2017).” Go to the PCAOB website ( In the top
menu, hover over Inspections and click on Staff Inspection Briefs to go to the Staff Inspection Briefs page.
For the most current year presented, select the brief that provides information about that year’s inspections.
Read the brief and answer the following questions.
a. How many firms was the PCAOB planning to inspect during the year? Does the brief provide any
descriptive characteristics of the firms being selected?
b. What were the key areas of inspection focus for the year? For those related to substantive proce-
dures, documentation, or auditing accounting estimates, briefly summarize the PCAOB’s findings.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
Audit Decision Cases 9-35
MSI is known as being an innovator in the industry and holds 25 patents on its products. One
of its older patents is for the Covert Recorder, a listening device for land-line phones. Sales of the
Covert Recorder have slowly declined in the last decade, primarily due to increased use of smart
phones and other advances in technology. For the last few years, management has debated whether
the patent, which currently has a carrying value of $500,000, should be impaired. Management
conducted an analysis by estimating the future cash flows that will be generated from sales of
the Covert Recorder. Based on the analysis, management believes an impairment loss of $400,000
should be recorded and the patent balance written down for the current year.
Goodfellow & Perkins LLP is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across
Texas. During 2022, Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital, a private, not-
for-profit hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit field
work for the June 30, 2023, fiscal year-end.
When doctors and other medical personnel provide services to patients, they record the procedures
performed in the patient’s medical chart using a code. The codes are standardized across the healthcare
industry and consist of three main code sets: ICD, CPT, and HCPCS. Using a coding system is more effi-
cient and data friendly compared to writing a narrative about the procedures performed.
The doctors and nurses that staff the emergency room department are all employees of BPH. They
are not contracted to use hospital facilities like specialty doctors. In September 2022, a nurse from the
emergency room unit reported to the accounting department that she suspected two doctors were “up-
coding.” Upcoding is a fraud that occurs when medical providers use codes for more complex procedures
than those that were actually performed. The result is the patient and/or patient’s insurance are charged
for the more complex and more expensive procedures. The hospital performed an internal investigation
and discovered that the doctors were upcoding. The two doctors were fired in early October 2022.
b. Scan the line items on the prior-year financial statements and estimates or fair value measurements. For each item, state
the current-year trial balance for Cloud 9. Using your knowl- whether estimation uncertainty is low or high and briefly
edge of financial accounting, identify line items that require explain why.
Chapter 10
Risk Response
Evaluating Audit Data Analytics and
Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
10-2 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Evaluate when to use audit data analytics versus LO 6 Determine how sample size for substantive testing
audit sampling. is influenced by various factors.
LO 2 Define audit sampling and explain how audit LO 7 Explain a basic framework for selecting and
sampling is applied for substantive tests. evaluating an audit sample for substantive testing.
LO 3 Differentiate between sampling and nonsampling LO 8 Apply probability-proportionate-to-size sampling
risk. for a substantive test to draw an audit conclusion.
LO 4 Differentiate between statistical and nonstatistical LO 9 Apply nonstatistical sampling for a substantive
sampling. test to draw an audit conclusion.
LO 5 Explain various sampling methods available to LO 10* Apply classical variables sampling for a
auditors. substantive test to draw an audit conclusion.
The remainder of the chapter focuses on two types of audit sampling for substantive tests:
statistical probability-proportionate-to-size sampling and nonstatistical sampling. The appendix
to this chapter discusses a third type, applying classical variables sampling for substantive tests.
• Data is available that is relevant to an audit assertion of interest, whether as a risk assess-
ment procedure or a substantive test.
• The available data is reliable and comes from a strong system of internal controls.
• The available data is relatively clean and does not require significant work to make it usable.
• ADA appears to be more effective or more efficient than using traditional audit tests.
Recall from Chapter 7 that when the auditor uses ADA as a risk assessment procedure
and the auditor identifies high-risk items, the auditor’s response may include applying a dif-
ferent ADA or another procedure that might more clearly identify those items that represent
a misstatement. The auditor often is sorting, screening, and analyzing the entire population
rather than performing traditional auditing procedures such as vouching, tracing, or confirm-
ing each item in the entire population.
For example, when auditing a construction company, the auditor might use ADA to deter-
mine the gross margin on each construction contract, including work in progress, and identify
contracts with unusually large or small gross margins for further investigation. Traditional
vouching or tracing might be used to further investigate construction contracts that are at
a high risk of material misstatement. Alternatively, the auditor might use ADA to identify
customers with a weak payment history when evaluating the allowance for doubtful accounts.
For example, an auditor might use ADA to screen every customer, looking for customers with
both past-due accounts and a deteriorating payment history. The auditor will audit these specific
customers in more detail to determine if the allowance for doubtful accounts is adequate.
A common characteristic of each of these applications is that the auditor has reliable
client data and the audit population is large. In addition, the auditor has a good understand-
ing of the underlying business processes, and the auditor uses that business knowledge to
evaluate an expected relationship or to look for a specific attribute within the population that
represents something that is unusual and of audit interest. ADA that might be used for one
client may not necessarily apply to another client because of the differences in business models
and processes. As a result, ADA is often customized to an audit situation. However, given that
auditors often develop specializations in certain industries, an audit firm may develop certain
ADA that might be used with many audit clients within a given industry.
usually use audit sampling when certain audit procedures are required by professional standards.
Current professional standards normally require that the auditor physically inspect inventory to
determine that inventory recorded in the accounting records actually exists. Current professional
standards also recommend that the auditor confirms receivables. In these cases, the auditor will
select a sample of inventory to observe, or a sample of customers to send confirmations to.
Second, the auditor is more likely to use audit sampling when internal controls are weak
(as discussed in Chapters 6, 7, and 8) and reliable data does not exist to support ADA. An under-
lying requirement of ADA is that the client’s data is reliable. Client data is most reliable when
internal controls are strong. However, when internal controls are weak, the auditor will often
validate the client’s records by reference to reliable information, such as vouching a transaction
to a vendor’s invoice, or vouching a sale to underlying shipping documents.
Third, the auditor will need to have data that is relevant to the audit test. For example,
when auditing cost of goods sold, an audit client may have perpetual inventory information
for quantities of inventory, but not for the value of each item sold because the client calculates
cost of goods sold using a periodic inventory method. This will limit the audit questions that
might be answered using ADA.
Finally, the use of audit sampling may be a function of the efficiency and effectiveness of the
audit procedure. For example, when testing internal controls related to bank reconciliations, it
might be most effective to reperform the control on a sample basis. Further, some audit popula-
tions are also relatively small and easy to audit. For example, an audit client may have relatively
few notes payable, and confirming notes payable is an effective and efficient way to determine
the amount of notes payable that should be reported on the balance sheet. In contrast, a public
utility may have a very large population of small accounts receivable from consumers who are
unlikely to respond to a confirmation. These customers often pay their bills in full on a monthly
basis. Therefore, rather than sending a confirmation to a consumer, ADA might be a more
effective procedure to evaluate the appropriateness of revenue recognized by correlating billings
with subsequent cash receipts. In many cases, the choice of using audit sampling is a matter of
determining which audit procedure will be most effective and efficient in the circumstances.
Illustration 10.1 summarizes the settings in which the auditor might choose to use ADA
or to use audit sampling.
ILLUSTRATION 10.1 Situations When the Auditor Situations When the Auditor
Factors that influence the Is Likely to Use ADA Is Likely to Use Audit Sampling
choice of ADA versus audit • Evidence to support the audit test is available • Evidence to support the audit test is not available
sampling in electronic form. in electronic form (e.g., observing the existence
of inventory).
• The audit population is large, and the auditor’s
tests are supported by reliable and relevant • The audit population is small and can efficiently
data in electronic form, making ADA efficient. be tested using traditional audit procedures.
• Relevant data is reliable and internal controls • Relevant data is not reliable and internal controls
over the reliability of data are strong. over the reliability of data are weak.
• Relevant data is clean or can be cleaned up • Relevant data may be in different formats and
easily. is not easy to use.
However, it is not always a choice of using ADA or audit sampling. In some cases, the audi-
tor may use both audit techniques. For example, the auditor may use ADA to identify abnormal
transactions or balances in a particular data set and then perform audit procedures on 100% of the
abnormal transactions or balances. In addition, the auditor may draw a sample from the transac-
tions or balances that fill in the normal range and perform audit procedures on the sample.
case sampling is both appropriate and an effective audit technique quantities sold and on hand for each location. ADA may be a way
to draw a conclusion about the existence of inventory. to investigate a large amount of inventory, to look at how much
On the other hand, we are thinking about using ADA to inventory is on hand for each item in inventory, and to see how
audit inventory obsolescence. Cloud 9 has a large amount of fast each inventory item is being sold. This can be an effective way
inventory. Most of it turns over pretty fast, but we need to be alert to identify slow-moving inventory or inventory with lower-of-cost-
to slow-moving inventory. Cloud 9 has good data on inventory or-net-realizable-value problems.”
Before You Go On
1.1 Explain when ADA might be most efficient and effective, and illustrate with an example.
1.2 Explain when audit sampling might be most efficient and effective, and illustrate with an
AS 2315 Audit Sampling and AU-C 530 Audit Sampling provide guidance on audit sampling.
When creating an audit program and designing audit procedures, an auditor also decides how
to select appropriate items for testing. When an audit procedure is tested on an entire group of
transactions (for example, all borrowing activities) or 100% of items within an account balance
(for example, all loan balances), sampling is not required. However, when there are numerous
transactions or items within an account balance, an auditor must decide how best to select a
sample that is representative of the entire population of items. Audit sampling occurs when audit sampling the selection
an auditor selects less than 100% of a population (on a basis where the sample is representative and evaluation of less than 100% of
of the population) that the auditor expects is likely to provide a reasonable basis for drawing a the population of audit relevance
conclusion about an entire population. For example, an auditor might take a sample of inven- such that the auditor expects the
tory for the purpose of drawing a conclusion about the existence of all of the inventory recorded items selected (the sample) to be
representative of the population
in the client’s accounting records.
and, thus, likely to provide a
In some cases, it is feasible to audit the entire population. This decision depends on
reasonable basis for conclusions
the assertion and the evidence available to support the assertion. Sometimes, an audit pop- about the population
ulation may be sufficiently small that the auditor can audit every item in the population.
For example, a client may have a large balance of notes payable but with only a few banks.
The auditor might audit the outstanding balance on each note payable as there are just a
small number of banks, and it is easy to send confirmations to each bank holding a note
payable. As a result, the auditor is able draw a conclusion about the notes payable balance
with certainty.
Alternatively, it may be more efficient to select a sample of receivables to confirm the
existence of receivables. Similarly, it may be more efficient to select a sample of inventory for
validating the existence of inventory. Whenever the auditor draws a conclusion about the entire
population (total accounts receivable) based on a sample (a selection of receivables from a limited
number of customers), there is some level of uncertainty about the auditor’s conclusion. The au-
ditor’s conclusion based on the sample may be different than the conclusion drawn if the auditor
had audited the entire population. This uncertainty is referred to as sampling risk and is discussed
in the following section.
10-6 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Before You Go On
2.1 What is audit sampling?
2.2 When is it appropriate to use audit sampling?
2.3 How does audit sampling relate to audit risk?
sampling risk the risk that the Sampling risk is the risk that the sample chosen by the auditor is not representative of the
auditor’s conclusion based on a population of transactions or items within an account balance and, as a consequence, the
sample may be different from the auditor arrives at an inappropriate conclusion (AU-C 530, AS 2315). There are two conse-
conclusion if the entire popula- quences of sampling risk: (1) the risk that the audit will be ineffective (fail to find material
tion were subjected to the same
misstatements) and (2) the risk that the audit will be inefficient (the auditor will do more
audit procedure
audit work than is necessary).
When conducting substantive tests, sampling risk is the risk that an auditor concludes that
a material misstatement does not exist when it actually does, or an auditor concludes that a
material misstatement exists when it actually does not. Illustration 10.2 provides details of
sampling risk when conducting substantive tests and the implications of that risk for the audit.
risk of incorrect acceptance The risk of incorrect acceptance represents a situation where the auditor has conducted
the risk that the auditor concludes substantive procedures on a sample and concluded that there is no material misstatement, when
that a material misstatement does in fact there is a material misstatement. As a consequence, the auditor will conclude that an
not exist when it does assertion is presented fairly in all material respects, when the assertion is actually materially
misstated (i.e., the audit is ineffective). For example, a client has warehouses in four major cities.
The auditor chose to select a sample of inventory items for testing from two warehouses near the
client’s corporate office and concluded that the client’s inventory balance is materially correct
based on that sample. The auditor did not test material inventory items held at the other two
warehouses. As a consequence, the auditor did not detect a significant error in valuing inventory
at one of the warehouses. If the auditor had selected a sample for testing from each warehouse,
the risk of arriving at an incorrect conclusion would have been reduced, though not eliminated.
The auditor uses the audit risk model and decisions about detection risk to determine the appro-
priate risk of incorrect acceptance when using audit sampling for substantive tests.
risk of incorrect rejection The risk of incorrect rejection represents a situation where the auditor has conducted
the risk that the auditor concludes substantive procedures on a sample and concluded that there is a material misstatement in
that a material misstatement an assertion, when in fact there is no material misstatement. This usually happens when the
exists when it does not known misstatements in the sample are immaterial, but they project to a material amount
of misstatements in the population. Often, the client will ask the auditor to conduct more
Sampling Risk and Nonsampling Risk 10-7
extensive testing as the client believes that material misstatements do not exist, and only
immaterial misstatements have been found in the sample. If the auditor expands audit testing
only to find that there is not a material misstatement, the audit is inefficient. For example, an
auditor may find a few misstatements when confirming receivables that project to a material
misstatement in receivables. As a consequence, the auditor increases the testing of receivables
to determine if additional misstatements exist. If the known misstatements are unique and
not repeated throughout the population, the audit will be inefficient due to the increased audit
work, but the auditor will eventually reach the correct conclusion about the audit population.
Once again, the more significant risk for the auditor is the risk of incorrect acceptance,
as this risk results in an ineffective audit. This important audit judgment is directly related to
decisions about detection risk in the audit risk model. The risk of incorrect acceptance is not
related to audit risk. Rather, the risk of incorrect acceptance should consider the auditor’s
assessment of inherent risk, control risk, and the assurance obtained from other substantive
tests. Therefore, the risk of incorrect acceptance for a substantive test is related to the auditor’s
determination of detection risk in the audit risk model.
Nonsampling risk is the risk that an auditor arrives at an inappropriate conclusion for a nonsampling risk the risk
reason unrelated to sampling issues. One nonsampling risk is the risk that an auditor relies too that the auditor reaches an
heavily on less persuasive or unreliable evidence. For example, an auditor may rely too heavily on erroneous conclusion for any
management representations through inquiry without gathering independent corroborating evi- reason not related to sampling
dence. Another nonsampling risk is when an auditor spends most of his or her time testing asser- risk
tions where the risk of material misstatement is modest, and ignores or spends insufficient time
testing assertions most at risk of material misstatement. For example, a client sells diamonds.
There is a significant risk that recorded inventory does not exist, yet the auditor spends more
time testing the completeness assertion. A third nonsampling risk occurs when the auditor uses
an inappropriate audit procedure or performs the procedure incorrectly. For example, an auditor
sends accounts receivable confirmations to 30 customers of the client. When three immaterial
customers fail to reply, the auditor concludes that the customers are immaterial and no further
work is required in relation to the accounts receivable confirmations. When a customer fails to
reply and the auditor is unable to obtain other evidence about the existence of the receivable,
the auditor must conclude that those customer balances are 100% misstatements and project the
misstatements on the remaining portion of the population. The fact that three customers did not
respond means that further testing for the existence of customer receivables may be warranted.
Nonsampling risk is typically controlled by a firm’s quality control procedures and the
review of audit work performed by a manager or partner on the audit team or an engagement
quality control reviewer.
Before You Go On
3.1 What is sampling risk?
3.2 How does sampling risk relate to substantive testing? Illustrate with an example related to
sales and accounts receivable.
3.3 What is nonsampling risk? Illustrate with an example related to sales and accounts receivable.
statistical sampling an According to AU-C 530, “statistical sampling is an approach to sampling that involves a
approach to sampling that random selection of sample items and the use of an appropriate statistical technique to deter-
involves a random selection of mine sample size and evaluate sample results, including measurement of sampling risk.” As a
sample items and the use of an result, sample size is determined objectively, or quantitatively, using appropriate statistics. The
appropriate statistical technique sample should be selected randomly, which is the auditor’s best estimate of a representative
to determine sample size and
sample. Finally, the sample results should be evaluated mathematically, using the appropriate
evaluate the sample results,
statistical technique (examples are provided later in the chapter). This evaluation includes
including a measurement of
sampling risk both an estimate of the audited value of the population (or the amount of misstatements
in the population) and an estimate of a statistical confidence interval associated with the
estimate. Any sample selection method that does not have these characteristics is not statisti-
cal sampling, for example, an auditor using judgment alone to select a sample for testing. An
advantage of statistical sampling is that it allows an auditor to measure sampling risk. Using
statistical sampling also involves some modest cost and time to set up, select, and evaluate
the sample. However, this is often relatively easy to do with generalized audit software if the
client’s data is in electronic form. Using statistical sampling also requires learning the statisti-
cal technique and professional judgments involved in planning and setting up the sample, as
well as in evaluating sample results.
nonstatistical sampling Nonstatistical sampling involves any sample selection and evaluation method for
involves any sample selection which the auditor does not use a formal statistical technique to select the sample or to eval-
method and evaluation method that uate the sample results. In nonstatistical sampling, the auditor determines sample size and
does not have the characteristics of selection methods and evaluates the sample results entirely on the basis of professional judg-
statistical sampling ment and the auditor’s own experience. The auditor cannot quantify sampling risk when
using a nonstatistical sampling technique. Nonstatistical sampling is considered easier to
Sampling Methods 10-9
use than statistical sampling, requires less staff training, and allows an auditor to select a
sample he or she believes is appropriate. Most audit firms use a combination of statistical
and nonstatistical sampling (discussed in the next section). In any case, the auditor should
attempt to choose a random sample, as that is the auditor’s best estimate of a sample that is
representative of the population. It is also important that the auditor understand how to use
professional judgment to estimate a confidence interval when evaluating sample results. This
is discussed further in the section “Applying Probability-Proportionate-to-Size Sampling for
Substantive Testing.”
Before You Go On
4.1 What is statistical sampling? What are the specific characteristics of a statistical sample?
4.2 What is nonstatistical sampling? How does a nonstatistical sample differ from a statistical
Sampling Methods
Explain various sampling methods available to auditors.
An important aspect of selecting a sample involves determining the population and sampling
unit. When performing a substantive test, the population consists of the class of transactions population the class of
or the account balance to be tested. For each population, the auditor should decide whether all transactions or the account
the items should be included. For example, when auditing accounts receivable balances, ac- balance to be tested
counts receivable could be divided into four possible groups based on account balances in the
accounts receivable ledger: (1) all balances, (2) only debit balances, (3) only credit balances,
and (4) zero balances.
Alternatively, the auditor could break down an accounts receivable population into
sampling units. A sampling unit is a subset of a population that is the basis for sampling. Ac- sampling unit a subset of the
counts receivable could be broken down in two different ways. First, the auditor could define population that is the basis for
the population as each customer account balance and the account balance would be the sam- sampling
pling unit. Second, the auditor could define the population as each outstanding invoice and
the unpaid invoice from a customer would be the sampling unit. In some cases, it is easier for
customers to confirm individual invoices than the entire account balance outstanding. Ulti-
mately, auditors start with defining the population that they want to draw a conclusion about,
and then they can determine the appropriate sampling unit. Then auditors can move on to
determine the method of selecting the sampling units from the entire population. Different
sampling techniques available to the auditors include random selection, systematic selection,
haphazard selection, and block selection.
Random Selection
As explained earlier, statistical sampling requires a sample be selected randomly and the results
of the test be evaluated using probability theory. Random selection requires that the person random selection involves
selecting the sample does not influence the choice of items. For example, when inspecting selecting a sample that is free
the contents of inventory in stacks of boxes, the auditor does not want to just select the top from bias and for which each
item in each stack of boxes. This may be easy, but it is systematically biased, and it may not be item in a population has an equal
representative of the population. A random sample is free from bias and each item within the chance of selection
population has an equal chance of being selected for testing. Random number generators can
be used to select a sample.
10-10 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
stratification a process of Stratification can be used prior to random selection to improve audit efficiency. This
dividing a population into groups means that an auditor subdivides a population before sampling. Consider the example in
of sampling units with similar Illustration 10.3. In this case, the auditor partitions the population of accounts receivable
characteristics that are more into three groups: (1) all receivables with balances over $50,000, (2) receivables with balances
between $15,000 and $50,000, and (3) all receivables with balances less than $15,000. The
auditor tests all of the receivables over $50,000, selects a random sample of 15 items out of
110 in the second stratum, and selects a random sample of 25 items out of 500 items in the
third stratum. Notice that no sampling is being used in stratum 1 because all items are being
tested. The auditor is only sampling out of strata 2 and 3 and can draw a conclusion about
two strata were combined. Finally, the auditor has audited 38% ($2,850,000 ÷ $7,500,000) of
stratum 1 with certainty. Also, stratum 2 and stratum 3 are more homogeneous than if the
the dollars by auditing 9.5% (60 ÷ 630) of the items in the population. This strategy might be
particularly effective if the auditor is concerned about the population being overstated.
% of $ % of
Dollar Value of Book Value (BV) % of Items in BV of Sample Stratum Items
Stratum Receivables of Stratum Popn $ Popn (N) % of N Sample Items (n) Audited Audited
1 Greater than $50,000 $2,000,000 26.7% 20 3.2% $2,000,000 20 100% 100.0%
2 $15,000 to $50,000 3,000,000 40.0% 110 17.5% 600,000 15 20% 13.6%
3 Less than $15,000 2,500,000 33.3% 500 79.4% 250,000 25 10% 5.0%
$7,500,000 100.0% 630 100.0% $2,850,000 60 38% 9.5%
Stratification can be used to ensure the sample includes items that have the characteristics
required by the auditor, such as the inclusion of material or risky items in the sample (e.g., large
dollar-value items). Stratification can be used with both statistical and nonstatistical techniques.
Systematic Selection
systematic selection involves Systematic selection involves the selection of a sample for testing by dividing the number
the selection of a sample for of items in a population by the sample size, resulting in the sampling interval (n). Once the
testing by dividing the number sampling interval has been determined, a starting point is selected, which is an item in the
of items in a population by population below the sampling interval. Then, the sample is selected by selecting the first item
the sample size, determining a and then every nth item after that.
sampling interval (n), and then
For example, a client has 600 customers. The auditor has decided that the sample size
selecting every nth item in the
when testing customer receivables is 20. To determine the sampling interval, the following
formula is used.
Sampling interval =
Population size
Sample size
= 30
This means that every 30th item will be selected for testing. An item within the first 30
in the list of customers is selected as the starting point. From then, every 30th item is selected
for testing. The first item is usually randomly selected. If the randomly selected first item is
customer number 15, then the following items will be tested: 15, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165, 195, 225,
255, 285, 315, 345, 375, 405, 435, 465, 495, 525, 555, and 585. If the starting item is selected
randomly and the population is not arranged in any particular order, systematic selection can
be considered a statistical sampling technique.
The risk in using systematic selection is that items will be listed in such a way that by select-
ing every nth item, the auditor is selecting items that are somehow related. For example, assume
a company pays 100 employees each week, and you select payroll for testing from the entire year
with a sampling interval of 50. If employees are ordered by employee number, it is possible that
Factors That Influence the Sample Size—Substantive Testing 10-11
the auditor will select the same two employees every time. This risk can be reduced by reviewing
the items in a population for any systematic bias before selecting a sample. If the auditor iden-
tifies systematic bias, the audit might use haphazard (see below) or random sampling instead.
Haphazard Selection
Haphazard selection involves the selection of a sample by an auditor without using a me- haphazard selection the
thodical technique. While this technique appears to have much in common with random se- selection of a sample without use
lection, there is a risk that an auditor will avoid selecting some items or ensure other items are of a methodical technique
included in the sample. For example, an item that is going to be difficult to test because the
documentation is held in another location may be purposefully omitted by the auditor, while an
item that looks unusual and catches the auditor’s eye may be purposefully included. This is both
a nonstatistical and a non-random technique because human bias impacts the sample selected.
Before You Go On
5.1 How should the auditor go about defining the population and sampling unit?
5.2 What is the difference between random and haphazard sample selection?
The auditor must recognize when the concepts associated with audit sampling apply or do
not apply to substantive tests. In a few instances, the logic behind audit sampling does not
apply to substantive tests. For example, audit sampling does not apply to initial procedures,
substantive analytical procedures, and many tests of details of accounting estimates and tests
of details of disclosures. For instance, an auditor might audit the allowance for doubtful
10-12 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
accounts by using ADA to identify and analyze the payment history of every customer with
receivables more than 30 or 60 days past due.
It is common to use audit sampling when performing substantive tests on a population
of transactions or account balances, such as taking a sample of total sales or a sample of total
receivable balances. AU-C 530.A13 identifies a number of factors that will influence the sam-
ple size when testing transactions and balances. These are summarized in Illustration 10.4.
High variability in an audit Stratification of the Stratification of a population into
population that is not stratified population when relatively homogeneous subgroups
will result in larger sample appropriate is an effective way to reduce
sizes. sample size for substantive tests.
desired level of assurance The first factor listed in Illustration 10.4 is the auditor’s desired level of assurance that
the level of assurance that the tolerable misstatement is not exceeded by the actual level of misstatement in the population. High
sample is representative of the levels of assurance mean lower levels of sampling risk that the sample is not representative of
population; the auditor wants the population. Auditors use the audit risk model to guide them on making decisions about the
to choose a level of assurance
levels of assurance needed from substantive tests. If the risk of material misstatement is low (e.g.,
so tolerable misstatement is less
the combined inherent risk and control risk assessments are low), then the auditor does not need
likely to be exceeded by the actual
misstatement in the population as much assurance from substantive tests, and the auditor can reasonably accept a lower level
of assurance from substantive tests and use smaller sample sizes for substantive testing. Alter-
natively, if the risk of material misstatement is high due to a combined assessment of inherent
risk and control risk as high, the greater is the risk that a material misstatement exists and the
more an auditor must rely on substantive tests of transactions and balances to identify potential
material misstatements. When an auditor decides to increase his or her reliance on substantive
procedures, he or she will increase the sample size.
When considering the desired level of assurance that the auditor should obtain from tests
of details of transactions or account balances, the auditor will also consider the assurance
obtained from other substantive procedures directed toward the same assertion. When testing
transactions and balances, an auditor will use a number of audit procedures. The more proce-
dures that are directed to the same audit assertion, the less an auditor will need to rely on the
evidence provided by one test alone and the smaller the sample size required. For example,
when testing interest expense, the auditor may use analytical procedures to evaluate the over-
all fairness of interest expense given average principal balances and average interest rates. If
analytical procedures provide evidence that interest expense is presented fairly, the auditor
Factors That Influence the Sample Size—Substantive Testing 10-13
can appropriately limit the assurance needed from tests of details of transactions and decrease
sample size when testing interest expense.
The second factor listed in Illustration 10.4 is the auditor’s assessment of tolerable misstate- tolerable misstatement
ment, which is the maximum dollar amount of misstatement that an auditor is willing to accept in (TM) the maximum dollar
a transaction class or an account balance, and still conclude that the population is presented fairly. amount of misstatement that
Tolerable misstatement is the application of performance materiality to a particular sampling pro- an auditor is willing to accept
cedure. Hence, tolerable misstatement is equal to or less than the performance materiality level within the population tested, and
conclude that the population is
set for the class of transactions or balances being tested. For example, if a receivable population
presented fairly when performing
amounts to $100 million, the auditor’s sample size will be larger if tolerable misstatement is set at
a substantive test
$4 million than if it is set at $5 million, in order to support a more precise conclusion.
The third factor listed in Illustration 10.4 is expected misstatement, or the amount of expected misstatement (EM)
misstatement the auditor expects to find in the population. When an auditor believes that there the amount of misstatement the
is likely to be a material misstatement in the population of transactions or amounts making auditor expects in a transaction
up an account balance, he or she will increase the sample size to gain a better estimate of the class or account balance when
actual misstatement in the population. This will occur when an account is at risk of material performing a substantive test
misstatement, such as when it requires estimation (for example, the allowance for doubtful
accounts), when it requires complex calculations (for example, foreign exchange translations),
or when it requires difficult valuation techniques (for example, fair market values). This will
also occur when the auditor has assessed that control risk is high and the client’s control pro-
cedures are inadequate. The auditor may be able to estimate the amount of misstatement that
the auditor expects to find in the population based on prior audit experience with the entity.
The fourth factor listed in Illustration 10.4 is stratification of the population. When there
is a wide range in the monetary size of items in the population (e.g. the population has a high
degree of variability), stratification of the population is a way to group the population into
more homogeneous subgroups, which will result in more efficient sampling and reduce the
sample size required.
Before You Go On
6.1 What are the factors that influence sample size when conducting substantive procedures?
6.2 What influences an increase in the auditor’s assessment of desired level of assurance that
tolerable misstatement is not exceeded by the actual misstatement in the population?
6.3 Explain why effective stratification reduces sample size.
10-14 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Many aspects of planning and evaluating a sample are not affected by the choice of statis-
tical or nonstatistical sampling. The choice of statistical or nonstatistical sampling does not
affect the selection of procedures or the competence of evidence obtained about individual
sample items. These matters require the exercise of professional judgment when applying
either statistical or nonstatistical sampling. The relationship between statistical and non-
statistical sampling is shown graphically in Illustration 10.5. The following discussion
focuses on the first four steps. These steps are common to all sampling methods. Steps 5 to
10 are discussed in the next sections, which discuss probability-proportionate-to-size sam-
pling and nonstatistical sampling for substantive tests. Appendix 10A discusses classical
variables sampling.
Determine the objectives
Step 1 Steps in planning and
of the substantive test
executing a statistical or
nonstatistical sample
Determine the
Step 2 substantive audit
procedures to perform
whether to audit a All items
Step 3
sample or the entire
A sample
Step 10
electronic form and controls over the data are strong, then ADA could be used to analyze
data and search for anomalies. If electronic data is not available and/or not reliable and
controls over the data are weak, then the auditor is more likely to use audit sampling.
These and other factors that influence the choice of ADA versus audit sampling were
summarized in Illustration 10.1. The remainder of the discussion of a basic framework
for audit sampling focuses on when the auditor chooses to use audit sampling rather than
testing an entire population.
Before You Go On
7.1 List the 10 steps associated with planning, selecting, and evaluating a sample for substantive
7.2 Explain the importance of determining the objectives of the substantive test.
7.3 Assume that you are auditing accounts payable. Identify and explain several different ways
you might define the population being tested.
The following discussion applies the framework described in Illustration 10.5 to probability-
proportionate-to-size (PPS) sampling. Steps 1 through 4 were discussed previously. The
following discussion focuses on Steps 5 through 10, and focuses on the audit judgments
involved in applying PPS sampling for substantive tests.
Applying Probability-Proportionate-to-Size Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-17
Audit Guide: Audit Sampling (AICPA: New York, NY, 2017).
10-18 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
In PPS sampling, the sampling unit is the individual dollar, and the population is consid-
ered a number of dollars equal to the total dollar amount of the population. Each dollar in the
population is given an equal chance of being selected in the sample. Although individual dol-
lars are the basis for sample selection, the auditor does not actually examine individual dollars
in the population. Rather, the auditor examines the account, transaction, document, or line
item associated with the dollar selected. In the case developed in the following discussion, the
auditor will select individual dollars and use that information to “hook” individual customers
when auditing accounts receivable. The item snagged (e.g., a customer receivable) is known
as a logical sampling unit. It is this feature that gives PPS sampling its name. The more dollars
associated with a logical unit, the greater its chance of being chosen. Thus, the likelihood of
selection is proportional to its size.
This feature is also responsible for two limitations of PPS sampling. First, in testing assets,
zero and negative balances should be excluded from the population because such balances
have no chance of being selected in the sample. The example below will use customers with
debit balances only. Customers with zero balances or credit balances will have to be audited
Second, PPS sampling is not suitable in testing liabilities (when the auditor is con-
cerned about looking for understatements) because the more an item is understated, the
less likely it is to be included in the sample. PPS sampling is biased against selecting very
small items that might, if understated, be very large. As a result, many auditors using PPS
sampling think about how to identify a reciprocal population that will be overstated if the
account balance being audited is understated. For example, if accounts payable at year-end
is understated, the voucher register for the period subsequent to year-end will likely be
overstated because liabilities that are unrecorded at year-end are normally recorded in the
subsequent period.
The item chosen (e.g., individual customer receivable) and tested by the auditor is
logical sampling unit the item known as the logical sampling unit. If the auditor intends to seek confirmation of customer
snagged by the sampling plan account balances, he or she would ordinarily choose the customer account as the logical unit.
for audit, such as an individual Alternatively, the auditor might choose to seek confirmation of specific transactions with cus-
customer or individual sales tomers. In that case, the auditor might choose sales invoices as the logical unit. The auditor
invoice; auditing procedures are
then selects the sample items from a physical representation of the population, such as the in-
performed on the logical sampling
voices making up the client’s accounts receivable trial balance. Audit software (such as Idea)
may be used to select the sample items directly from a machine-readable form of the physical
representation. Before selecting the sample, the auditor should determine that the physical
representation is complete. Using the software to reconcile a machine-readable file to a gen-
eral ledger control total usually accomplishes this task.
In the following discussion, we will develop an example for New Millennium Ecoprod-
ucts where:
ILLUSTRATION 10.6 Factors that influence sample size for PPS sampling
Larger Samples (Relationship to Sample Size) Smaller Samples
Larger populations with higher book values Book value of the population Smaller populations with lower book values
should result in a larger sample size. should result in a smaller sample size.
Smaller amounts of sampling risk should result in Risk of incorrect acceptance Larger amounts of sampling risk should result in
a larger sample size. a smaller sample size.
The smaller the amount of misstatement that the Tolerable misstatement The larger the amount of misstatement the
auditor can tolerate, the larger the sample size. auditor can tolerate, the smaller the sample size.
The closer tolerable misstatement and expected Expected misstatement The greater the difference between tolerable
misstatement are to each other, the larger the misstatement and expected misstatement, the
sample size. smaller the sample size.
Once the auditor has made professional judgments about these factors, the following
formula is used to determine sample size (n) in PPS sampling:
TM − (EM × EF)
BV = book value of population tested
RF = reliability factor for the specified risk of incorrect acceptance
TM = tolerable misstatement
EM = expected misstatement
EF = expansion factor for expected misstatement
Risk of incorrect acceptance =
AR = audit risk
IR = inherent risk
CR = control risk
Further, the risk of incorrect acceptance has an inverse effect on sample size—the lower
the specified risk, the larger the sample size. For example, the auditor concludes that inherent
risk is at the maximum, and control risk is low. If other substantive procedures provide mod-
erate assurance that the book value being tested is not materially misstated, the auditor will be
willing to accept a higher risk of incorrect acceptance, perhaps up to 40%, for the PPS sample.
Now suppose the auditor concludes inherent risk is maximum, and control risk is high. If other
substantive procedures provide little assurance about the account being tested, then greater as-
surance must be obtained from the test and the auditor will specify a low risk, perhaps as low as
5%, of incorrect acceptance. The audit risk model, experience, and professional judgment must
be used in making these determinations.
Risk of incorrect acceptance is used to determine the reliability factor (RF), and this is
obtained from Illustration 10.7. It is based on the risk of incorrect acceptance specified by
the auditor and zero number of misstatements, regardless of the number of misstatements
expected. In New Millennium Ecoproducts, the auditor specifies a 5% risk of incorrect
acceptance, implying that the auditor is not relying on internal controls and is getting all of
the assurance from substantive tests of details. Therefore, the reliability factor is 3.0.
Tolerable Misstatement
Tolerable misstatement (TM) is the maximum misstatement that can exist in an account be-
fore it is considered materially misstated. Some auditors use the term performance materiality
(or material amount) as an alternative to TM. In specifying this factor, the auditor should real-
ize that misstatements in individual accounts, when aggregated with misstatements in other
accounts, may cause the financial statements as a whole to be materially misstated.
TM has an inverse effect on sample size—the smaller the TM, the larger the sample size. For
New Millennium Ecoproducts, the auditor specifies a TM equal to 5% of book value, or $30,000.
$600,000 × 3.0
n= = 88
$30,000 − ($6,000 × 1.6)
SI =
selected is the item with the cumulative dollar value of $11,900 (5082 + 6818 = 11,900).
Selected column represent every 6,818th dollar after 5,082. For example, the second item
This was customer 1004. The first dollar of this customer was $9,834 and the last dollar
of this customer was $13,108. Since $11,900 falls between these numbers, customer 1004
was the second customer selected for confirmation. The dollar unit selected causes the
entire book value of the related logical sampling unit (customer) to be included in the
sample. It is important to note that the selection process will result in the selection of all
logical units with book values equal to or greater than the sampling interval ($6,818 in
this case). These items become a certainty stratum, and the auditor can draw a conclusion
about that sampling interval with certainty as the auditor will audit every dollar in the
sampling interval. Most auditors use generalized audit software (e.g., Idea) to accom-
plish this task.
10-22 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Accounts Receivable
Logical Unit Dollar Unit Selected Book Value of
(Customer Book Cumulative First Dollar of Last Dollar of Random Start = $5,082 “Hooked”
Number) Value Balances Logical Unit Logical Unit Sampling Interval = $6,818 Sample Item
1001 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1 $ 1,200
1002 6,443 7,643 1,201 7,643 $ 5,082 $6,443
1003 2,190 9,833 7,644 9,833
1004 3,275 13,108 9,834 13,108 11,900 ($5,082 + $6,818) 3,275
1005 980 14,088 13,109 14,088
1006 1,647 15,735 14,089 15,735
1007 4,260 19,995 15,736 19,995 18,718 ($11,900 + $6,818) 4,260
1008 480 20,475 19,996 20,475
1009 7,150 27,625 20,476 27,625 25,536 ($18,718 + $6,818) 7,150
Total $600,000
of incorrect acceptance. If the UML is less than TM, then the auditor accepts the population
as being materially correct. The auditor may also want to consider whether the UML may
aggregate with other misstatements found in the audit in a way that aggregates to a material
The upper misstatement limit (UML) is calculated as follows:
ASR = a llowance for sampling risk which measures the uncertainty associated with not
tion based on the findings in the sample a projection of the misstatement
in the population based on the
sampling the entire population findings in the sample
allowance for sampling
risk (ASR) a measure of the
No Misstatements Found in the Sample uncertainty associated with not
sampling the entire population
The results of the sample are used to estimate the total projected misstatement (PM) in the
population. When no misstatements are discovered in the sample, the PM factor in the for-
mula above is zero dollars.
In the case of no misstatements, the allowance for sampling risk (ASR) factor consists of
one component sometimes referred to as basic precision (BP), which is the amount of esti- basic precision (BP) the
mated misstatement in the population, even if no misstatements are detected in the sample. amount of estimated misstate-
The amount is obtained by multiplying the reliability factor (RF) for zero misstatements at ment in the population, even if no
the specified risk of incorrect acceptance (Illustration 10.7) times the sampling interval (SI). misstatements are detected in the
Ordinarily, the auditor uses the same risk of incorrect acceptance in this calculation that was sample
specified in determining sample size (5%). Thus, in the New Millennium Ecoproducts exam-
ple, basic precision is $20,454, computed as follows:
Now we know ASR, and PM is zero if no misstatements were found. We can then calculate
the UML as follows:
= 0 + $20,454
= $20,454
The UML of $20,454 is less than the $30,000 TM specified in the sample design. As a
general rule, if no misstatements are in found in the sample and expected misstatement (EM)
was specified as zero, the ASR and the UML will always equal TM. If EM was greater than
zero, as was the case for New Millennium Ecoproducts, the ASR and the UML will be less
than TM. When making this statistical calculation, if no misstatements were found for New
Millennium Ecoproducts, the auditor could conclude that the book value of the population is
not overstated by more than $20,454 at a 5% risk of incorrect acceptance.
For each logical unit with a book value less than the sampling interval that contains a mis-
statement, a tainting percentage (TP) and projected misstatement are calculated as follows:
The calculations recognize that each logical unit included in the sample represents one sam-
pling interval of the dollars in the population’s book value. Thus, the degree to which a logical
unit is “tainted” with misstatement is projected to all of the dollars in the sampling interval
it represents.
For each logical unit where the book value is equal to or greater than the sampling interval,
the projected misstatement is the amount of misstatement found in the logical unit (Book value –
Audit value). Because the logical unit itself is equal to or greater than the sampling interval, a
tainting percentage to project the misstatement to the interval is unnecessary. Rather, the ac-
tual amounts of such misstatements are used in arriving at PM for the population as a whole.
Illustration 10.10 shows the calculation of projected misstatement for the five misstate-
ments in the New Millennium Ecoproducts example.
*Book value of the logical sampling unit is greater than sampling interval; therefore, projected misstatement
equals actual misstatement (BV – AV).
Note that the first, second, and fourth logical units containing misstatements have book
values less than the sampling interval of $6,818. Accordingly, the tainting percentages (TP) have
been calculated and used to determine the projected misstatements. The third and fifth units
have book values greater than the sampling interval. Therefore, the projected misstatement for
each is the difference between the book value and the audit value. The total misstatement in
the sample is $10,375 ($24,400 – $14,025), and the total PM in the population is $13,197.
The allowance for sampling risk (ASR) for samples containing misstatements has two
components as indicated in the following formula:
BP = basic precision
The calculation of BP is the same whether or not misstatements are found in the sample.
Thus, in New Millennium Ecoproducts, this component is again $20,454, based on the RF of
3.0 (for zero errors and a 5% risk of incorrect acceptance) multiplied by the SI of $6,818.
To calculate the incremental allowance for sampling risk (IA), the auditor must consider
separately the logical units with book values less than the sampling interval and those with
book values equal to or greater than the sampling interval. For all logical units equal to or
greater than the sampling interval, the auditor has examined 100% of the sampling interval,
and the auditor can draw a conclusion about these sampling intervals with certainty. There
is no sampling risk associated with these items. Consequently, the calculation of IA involves
only misstatements related to logical units with book values less than the sampling interval.
Applying Probability-Proportionate-to-Size Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-25
Number of Reliability Incremental Change Incremental Change in Incremental change for
Overstatements Factor in Reliability Factor Reliability Factor Minus One allowance for sampling risk
0 3.00 — —
1 4.75 1.75 0.75
2 6.30 1.55 0.55
3 7.76 1.46 0.46
4 9.16 1.40 0.40
The data in the first two columns in Illustration 10.11 are taken from Illustration 10.12 for
the specified risk of incorrect acceptance (5% in this illustration). Each entry in the third column
in Illustration 10.11 is the reliability factor on the same line less the reliability factor on the previ-
ous line. The factors calculated in the fourth column are obtained by subtracting one from each of
the third column factors.
Incremental Change
Ranked Projected in Reliability Incremental
Misstatements Factor Minus One Allowance
$3,409 0.75 $2,557
682 0.55 375
341 0.46 157
10-26 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Observe that (1) only the projected misstatements from Illustration 10.10 for logical units with
book values less than the sampling interval are ranked, and (2) the appropriate reliability factor is
obtained from the fourth column of Illustration 10.11. The incremental allowances for the projected
misstatements are then added to determine the total incremental allowance of $3,089. Thus, the
total allowance for sampling risk for New Millennium Ecoproducts is $23,543, computed as follows:
= $20,454 + $3,089
= $23,543
= $13,197 + $23,543
= $36,740
The auditor may conclude (a quantitative conclusion) that the book value is not overstated
by more than $36,740 at a 5% risk of incorrect acceptance. For New Millennium Ecoproducts,
the UML exceeds the TM of $30,000 specified in designing the sample. When this occurs, the
auditor should consider several possible reasons and alternative courses of action. These mat-
ters are discussed next.
Qualitative Considerations
Whether UML is less than, equal to, or greater than TM, certain qualitative considerations
should be made prior to reaching an overall conclusion. Misstatements may be due to (1) dif-
ferences in principle or application, (2) errors, or (3) fraud. Consideration should also be given
to the relationship of the misstatements to other phases of the audit. For example, if misstate-
ments are discovered in substantive tests in amounts or frequency that provide evidence that in-
ternal controls are not functioning as expected, and the control risk assessment used in arriving
at the risk of incorrect acceptance specified for the sample is inconsistent with the subsequent
evidence, the auditor should consider whether that assessment of control risk is still appropriate.
If it is not appropriate, the auditor should redesign the sampling plan. If the auditor detects fraud
in the sample, the auditor may want to perform additional procedures, even if the amount of
the UML is less than tolerable misstatement. The nature of the fraud, particularly evidence of
management fraud, may also have implications for other aspects of the audit (see Chapter 4).
The auditor uses professional judgment in combining evidence from several sources to
reach an overall conclusion about whether an account balance is free of material misstatement.
When (1) the results of a PPS sample reveal the UML to be less than or equal to TM, (2) the
results of other substantive tests do not contradict this finding, and (3) analysis of the qualita-
tive considerations reveals no evidence of fraud, the auditor can generally conclude that the
population is not materially misstated. However, if the UML is greater than TM, if the results
of other tests contradict the results of the PPS sample, or if qualitative issues arise in the sam-
ple evidence, further evaluation of the circumstances is necessary.
For example, if the UML is greater than TM, the auditor should consider the following
possible reasons and actions:
• The sample is not representative of the population. The auditor might suspect this is the
case when the sample contains immaterial misstatements that result in a projected UML
that exceeds tolerable misstatement. In this case, the auditor might examine additional
sampling units or perform alternative procedures to determine whether the population
is misstated. (Note: A simple way to expand the sample is to divide the sampling interval
in half. This will produce a sample containing all the units in the original sample plus an
equal number of additional units.)
• The amount of expected misstatement specified in designing the sample may not have
been large enough relative to tolerable misstatement to adequately limit the allowance
for sampling risk. That is, the population may not be misstated by more than TM, but
because the amount of misstatement in the population is greater than expected, more
precise information is needed from the sample. In this situation, the auditor may examine
Applying Probability-Proportionate-to-Size Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-27
additional sampling units and reevaluate or perform alternative audit procedures to de-
termine whether the population is misstated by more than TM.
• The population is misstated by more than TM. In this case, the auditor may request the client
investigate the misstatements found in the sample and, if appropriate, adjust the book value.
As a result of any of these courses of action, the client’s book value might be adjusted. If
the UML after adjustment is less than TM, the sample results would support the conclusion
that the population, as adjusted, is not misstated by more than TM at the specified risk of incor-
rect acceptance. For example, in the New Millennium Ecoproducts sample, one receivable with
a book value of $8,000 was found to have an audit value of zero. If this account was adjusted to
the audited value, the PM for the population would be $5,197 ($13,197 – $8,000). The allowance
for sampling risk would remain the same at $23,543, and UML would become $28,740 ($5,197 +
$23,543), which is less than the $30,000 TM specified in designing the sample.
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLPrepared by: A.J.D. 1/7/23
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reference: B-2 Reviewed by: C.W.B. 1/9/23
Evaluation of Confirmation Results
Objective: To obtain evidence to determine whether the aggregate book value of customer accounts with debit balances as of 12/31/22 is,
or is not, materially misstated. See W/P B-4 for procedures performed on zero and credit balances, which found no exceptions.
Population and Sampling Unit: The population is defined as the total book value of accounts receivable with debit balances per master
file. The logical sampling unit is the customer account.
Sample Size: Book Value of the Population $600,000 (BV)
Risk of Incorrect Acceptance GF - 8 5% RF = 3.00
Tolerable Misstatement GF - 4 $30,000 (TM)
Expected Misstatement $6,000 (EM) EF = 1.60
Sample Size 88 (n)
Sample Selection: Sampling Interval = BV/n $6,818
Random Start $5,082
Logical Sampling Units Selected Listed on W/P B-3
Evaluation of Audit Procedures Applied Listed on W/P B-1
Sampling Plan: Book and Audit Values for Sample Items with Misstatements Listed Below
Evaluation of Projected Misstatement
Sample Results:
Tainting Projected
Book Value Audit Value Percentage (TP) Sampling Misstatement
Customer Number (BV) (AV) (BV − AV)/BV Interval (SI) TP * SI or (BV − AV)
1031 $ 950 $ 855 10.0% $6,818 $ 682
1042 2,500 1,250 50.0% 6,818 3,409
1098 7,650 6,885 N/A N/A 765
1157 5,300 5,035 5.0% 6,818 341
1210 8,000 – N/A N/A 8,000
13,197 (PM)
Allowance for Sampling Risk:
Basic Precision = RF * SI $20,454 (BP)
10-28 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Conclusion: The UML of $36,740 exceeds TM of $30,000. Client subsequently agreed to adjust customer number 1210 to the audited value
of $0. This item was larger than the sampling interval and the misstatement was known with certainty. This reduces both PM and UML
by $8,000, making UML $28,740 which is less than TM. See adjusting entry on w/p AE-1. After the client adjustment, the results support a
conclusion that the aggregate book value of customer accounts with debit balances, as adjusted, is materially correct.
Before You Go On
8.1 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using PPS sampling.
8.2 Distinguish between the sampling unit and the logical sampling unit in PPS sampling.
8.3 Explain why, when auditing accounts receivable with PPS sampling, zero balances and credit
balances must be audited separately.
8.4 Give the formula for calculating sample size in PPS sampling. Explain what each element in
the formula represents and how a change in each element, holding other elements constant,
affects sample size.
8.5 Explain the terms tainting percentage and projected misstatement as they pertain to PPS sampling.
8.6 Explain the two components of allowance for sampling risk in PPS samples.
The basic steps associated with any sampling plan are summarized in Illustration 10.5. This
section picks up the unique aspects of applying Steps 5 through 10 in the context of executing
a nonstatistical sample for a substantive test.
Number of Percent of
Book Value Percent Sampling Sampling Sample
Dollar Value of of the of Book Units in the Units in the Selected Percent of
Stratum Receivables Population Value Population (N) Population (n) the Sample
1 Greater than $150,000 $1,750,000 23% 10 2% 10 20% (10/50)
2 $15,000 to $150,000 3,000,000 40% 90 18% 15 30% (15/50)
3 Less than $15,000 2,750,000 37% 400 80% 25 50% (25/50)
$7,500,000 100% 500 100% 50 100%
In this case, the auditor will confirm 10% (50 ÷ 500) of the customers in the population,
and the auditor is auditing 38% ($2,830,000 ÷ $7,500,000) of the dollars in the population.
The estimated audited value for each stratum using the ratio method is summarized as follows:
Total Estimated
Dollar Value Book Value of Book Value of Audited Value Estimated Value Overstatement
Stratum of Receivables the Population the Sample of the Sample of the Population of Population
1 Greater than $150,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $1,740,000 $1,740,000 $ 10,000
2 $15,000 to $150,000 3,000,000 910,000 900,000 2,967,033 32,967
3 Less than $15,000 2,750,000 170,000 160,000 2,588,235 161,765
$7,500,000 $7,295,268 $204,732
Applying Nonstatistical Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-31
Under the difference method the auditor would determine the audited value (AV) of each
stratum using the following formula (as illustrated for the second stratum).
Audited Audited Total Estimated
Dollar Value Book Value of Book Value Value of Value of the Overstatement
Stratum of Receivables the Population N n of the Sample the Sample Population of Population
1 Greater than $150,000 $1,750,000 10 10 $1,750,000 $1,740,000 $1,740,000 $ 10,000
2 $15,000 to $150,000 3,000,000 90 15 910,000 900,000 2,940,000 60,000
3 Less than $15,000 2,750,000 400 25 170,000 160,000 2,590,000 160,000
$7,500,000 500 50 $7,270,000 $230,000
One hundred percent of stratum 1 was audited, so the projected misstatement under each
method was $10,000. The auditor knows this conclusion with certainty because 100% of this
stratum was audited.
Under both the ratio and difference methods, the $10,000 misstatement in stratum 2 proj-
ects to a smaller estimated misstatement than in stratum 3 because a higher proportion of
stratum 2 is sampled and the auditor is projecting the misstatement on a smaller unsampled
portion of the stratum.
Recall that an allowance for sampling risk (ASR) is a measure of the uncertainty associated
with not sampling the entire population. In nonstatistical samples, the auditor cannot calculate
an allowance for sampling risk for a specific measurable level of risk of incorrect acceptance.
However, the difference between projected misstatement (or estimated overstatement in this
case) and tolerable misstatement may be viewed as an allowance for sampling risk. If tolerable
misstatement exceeds projected misstatement by a large amount, the auditor may be reasonably
assured that there is an acceptable low sampling risk that the actual misstatement exceeds tolera-
ble misstatement. In the above example, tolerable misstatement exceeds projected misstatement
by $170,268 ($375,000 – $204,732) using the ratio method, and by $145,000 ($375,000 – 230,000)
using the difference method. Most auditors would conclude that these differences are sufficient to
conclude that with respect to the assertions being audited (existence of receivables and valuation
of receivables at their gross amount), the book value is materially correct.
However, what would the auditor conclude if he or she found different results that
showed an estimated overstatement of $345,000? In this case, while this overstatement is less
than tolerable misstatement of $375,000, $345,000 of misstatement is so close that it does not
allow for a reasonable allowance for sampling risk. In this case, the auditor is likely to extend
the sample size and perform additional audit procedures to obtain a higher level of certainty
(lower level of sampling risk) with respect to the auditor’s conclusion.
When the results of a nonstatistical sample do not appear to support the book value, the audi-
tor may (1) examine additional sample units and reevaluate, (2) apply alternative auditing proce-
dures and reevaluate, or (3) ask the client to investigate and, if appropriate, make an adjustment.
In audit sampling, prior to reaching an overall conclusion, consideration should be
given to the qualitative characteristics of the misstatements. If evidence of fraud is found,
the auditor must not only consider the implications for the account balance and transaction
class being audited, but the auditor should also consider whether fraud may have occurred
in other audit areas. Given the nature of the fraud and the perpetrators of the fraud, the
auditor needs to consider what other audit issues might be influenced by the perpetrators of
the discovered fraud. In addition, the auditor should consider whether the evidence is con-
sistent with previous assessments of inherent and control risks. For example, if the auditor
assesses control risk as low but finds multiple misstatements when performing substantive
tests, the auditor should reassess control risk, and increase the degree of substantive testing
10-32 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Client: G.J. Manufacturing Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: W.M.F. 2/8/23
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reference: B-2 Reviewed by: C.W.B. 2/18/23
Evaluation of Confirmation Results
Objective: To obtain evidence regarding the existence of accounts receivable and the valuation of receivables at their gross amount.
Population and Sampling Unit: Total book value of accounts receivable is $7,500,000 per the customer master file. Logical sampling unit is
the customer account.
Sample Size and Selection: We are planning moderate reliance on this sample. No reliance is placed on internal controls, and moderate
reliance is placed on substantive analytical procedures. Receivables were confirmed as of year-end. Tolerable misstatement is set at $375,000,
and individually significant items were determined to be $150,000 or greater.
The population was sorted into three strata: (1) all receivables greater than $150,000, (2) all receivables between $150,000 and $15,000, and
(3) all receivables less than $15,000 (including zero balances and credit balances). All individually significant items were confirmed 100%. A
total sample size was judgmentally determined to be 50, with 10 items in stratum 1, 15 items haphazardly selected from stratum 2, and 25
items haphazardly selected from stratum 3 to include zero balances and credit balances.
Confirmation procedures were applied to 38% of the dollars in the population, and 10% of the customers in the population.
Audit Procedures Applied: The results of confirmation procedures are documented on workpaper B-3.
Evaluation of Sample Results:
Ratio Method
Estimated Expected
Stratum BV N n $ $ AV Audited Value Misstatement
1 > $150,000 $1,750,000 10 10 $1,750,000 $1,740,000 $1,740,000 $ 10,000
2 $15,000 - $150,000 3,000,000 90 15 910,000 900,000 2,967,033 32,967
3 < $15,000 2,750,000 400 25 170,000 160,000 2,588,235 161,765
$7,500,000 500 50 $2,830,000 $7,295,268 $204,732
% of $ audited 37.7%
% of customers audited 10.0%
Difference Method
Estimated Estimated
Stratum BV N n $ $ AV Audited Value Difference
1 > $150,000 $1,750,000 10 10 $1,750,000 $1,740,000 $1,740,000 $ 10,000
2 $15,000 - $150,000 3,000,000 90 15 910,000 900,000 2,940,000 60,000
3 < $15,000 2,750,000 400 25 170,000 160,000 2,590,000 160,000
$7,500,000 50 $7,270,000 $230,000
Conclusion: The estimated misstatement in the population is $204,732 using the ratio method and $230,000 using the difference method.
This is sufficiently below tolerable misstatement to allow for a judgmental determination of an allowance for sampling risk and conclude
that there is not more than $375,000 in misstatement in the population. As a result, I conclude that audit objectives cited above for accounts
receivable are presented fairly in all material respects.
Before You Go On
9.1 How does the process of determining sample size differ in a statistical versus a nonstatistical
sampling plan for substantive tests?
9.2 Explain two acceptable methods for projecting misstatements found in a nonstatistical sample.
9.3 Explain how the auditor evaluates an allowance for sampling risk in a nonstatistical sample.
Appendix 10A: Applying Classical Variables Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-33
Substantive Testing
Apply classical variables sampling for a substantive test to draw an audit conclusion.
After studying this appendix, you should be able to apply classical variables sampling for sub-
stantive tests following Steps 5 to 10 in Illustration 10.5, and draw an audit conclusion.
• The ability to design a stratified sample. Stratification may significantly reduce sample size
under the MPU method but may not materially affect sample size under the difference
or ratio techniques.
• The expected number of differences between audit and book values. A minimum number
of differences must exist between these values in the sample to use either the difference
or ratio techniques.
• The available information. Book values must be available for each sampling unit in ratio
and difference estimation. Book values are not required with the MPU technique.
When all the constraints can be satisfied by any of the methods, the auditor ordinarily
will prefer either difference or ratio estimation because these methods generally require a
smaller sample size than the MPU method. Thus, they are more cost-effective in meeting the
auditor’s objectives. The sampling plan for each technique involves the same steps required
in PPS sampling.
Mean-per-Unit Estimation
MPU estimation sampling involves determining an audit value for each item in the sample. MPU estimation a sampling
An average (or mean) of these audit values is then calculated and multiplied by the number method that involves determining
of units in the population to obtain an estimate of the total population value. An allowance an audit value for each item in
for sampling risk associated with this estimate is also calculated for use in evaluating the the sample; an average (or mean)
sample results. The mean-per-unit method is illustrated by the audit of loans receivable for of these audit values is then
calculated and multiplied by the
Ace Finance Company. The population is defined as 3,000 individual loans receivable, the
number of units in the population
recorded book value of these receivables is $1,340,000, individual loans are defined as the
to obtain an estimate of the total
sampling unit, and the physical representation from which sample items are selected is an population value
electronic file listing all loans receivable.
10-34 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Illustration 10A.1 Factors that influence sample size for classical variables sampling using MPU estimation
Larger Samples (Relationship to Sample Size) Smaller Samples
Larger populations with larger numbers of Population size in number of units Smaller populations with fewer number of units
units should result in a larger sample size. (Direct) should result in a smaller sample size.
The larger the standard deviation in the Estimated population The smaller the standard deviation in the
population, the larger the sample size. standard deviation population, the smaller the sample size.
Smaller amounts of sampling risk should result Risk of incorrect rejection Larger amounts of sampling risk should result
in a larger sample size. The risk of incorrect (Inverse) in a smaller sample size. The risk of incorrect
rejection influences sample size through the rejection influences sample size through the
planned allowance for sampling risk. planned allowance for sampling risk.
Smaller amounts of sampling risk should Risk of incorrect acceptance Larger amounts of sampling risk should result
result in a larger sample size. The risk of incor- (Inverse) in a smaller sample size. The risk of incorrect
rect acceptance influences sample size through acceptance influences sample size through the
the planned allowance for sampling risk. planned allowance for sampling risk.
If the auditor desires more precise estimates, the Planned allowance for sampling risk If the auditor can tolerate less precise estimates,
sample size will be larger. (Inverse) the sample size will be smaller.
The smaller the amount of misstatement that the Tolerable misstatement The larger the amount of misstatement that the
auditor can tolerate, the larger the sample size. (Inverse) auditor can tolerate, the smaller the sample size.
Population Size
It is critical to have accurate knowledge of the number of units in the population because
this factor enters into the calculation of both the sample size and sample results. Population
size directly affects sample size—that is, the larger the population, the larger the sample
size. As noted earlier, the population for Ace Finance Company consists of 3,000 loans
If it must be calculated manually, the formula for calculating the standard deviation is:
( x j − x )2
Sx j = ∑ n –1
∑ = sum of sample values; j = 1 means the summary should begin with the first item and
j =1
n means that the summary should end with the last item in the sample
xj = audit values of individual sample items
x = mean of the audit values of sample items
n = number of items audited
A primary concern of the auditor in MPU sampling is whether the population should be
stratified into relatively homogeneous groups or strata. A homogeneous group in this context
is one that has little variability in the values of the items comprising the group or stratum.
Sampling is performed separately on each stratum, and sample results for each stratum are
subsequently combined to evaluate the total sample.
Stratification may be advantageous because the combined sample size often will be sig-
nificantly less than a single sample size based on an unstratified population. This follows
from the fact that sample size decreases as the variability of the population decreases. In fact,
a change in the variability of a population affects sample size by the square of the relative
change. Consequently, when the variation in the population changes from 200 to 100 (i.e.,
halved), the sample size required to meet the same statistical objectives is decreased by a factor
of 4 (one-half squared equals one-fourth).
The optimal number of strata depends on the pattern of variation in the population
values and the additional costs associated with designing, executing, and evaluating each
stratified sample. Because of the complexity of the procedure, stratification is generally
used only when appropriate software is available. To simplify subsequent illustrations in
this appendix, unstratified samples are used. In practice, when population values are highly
variable and stratification is not feasible, the auditor may choose another sampling method.
Ace Finance Company limits loans to a maximum of $500 per customer. Thus, variability
is low and the auditor concludes there is no need to stratify the population. Based on the prior
year’s audit, the auditor estimates a standard deviation of $100.
The auditor decides to specify a 5% risk of incorrect rejection in the Ace Finance Com-
pany audit. Thus, the UR factor is 1.96.
Tolerable Misstatement
The considerations applicable to tolerable misstatement (TM) are the same in MPU sampling
as in PPS sampling. TM has an inverse effect on sample size. In the Ace Finance Company
example, the auditor specifies a TM of $60,000.
N = population size
UR = the standard normal deviate for the desired risk of incorrect rejection
S x j = estimated population standard deviation
A = desired or planned allowance for sampling risk
In the Ace Finance Company example, these four factors are 3,000, 1.96, $100, and
$42,000, respectively. Thus, the sample size is 196, computed as follows:
3,000 × 1.96 × $100
n= = 196
This formula assumes sampling with replacement (i.e., an item once selected is put back into
the population and is eligible for selection again). When sampling without replacement, a
finite correction factor is recommended when the relationship between n (sample size) and N
(population size) is greater than 0.05. The adjusted sample size (n′) is determined as follows:
n′ =
1 +
Because n/N is greater than 0.05 (196 ÷ 3,000 = 0.065) in Ace Finance, the adjusted sam-
ple size is
n′ = = 184
1 +
The average and standard deviation statistics for the sample may be computed manually
or with software.
For the Ace Finance sample, the sum of the audit values is determined to be $81,328,
resulting in an average audit value of $442 ($81,328 ÷ 184). The standard deviation of the audit
values is determined to be $90.
10-38 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Quantitative Assessment
In making this evaluation in an MPU sampling plan, the auditor calculates:
$90 1 −
A ′ = 3,000 × 1.96 × = $37,798
The range for the estimated total population value is calculated by adding and subtracting
the achieved allowance for sampling risk to the estimated total population value. The range is:
Xˆ ± A ′
For Ace Finance Company, the calculation is as follows:
Range = $1,326,000 ± $37,798
= $1,288,202 to $1,363,798
If the book value falls within this range, the sample results support the conclusion that the
book value is not materially misstated. The book value of loans receivable for Ace Finance
is $1,340,000. Therefore, the auditor can conclude that the population is fairly stated in all
material respects.
It should be recognized that the sample results may support the conclusion that the book
value is not materially misstated but not within the level of risk of incorrect acceptance spec-
ified by the auditor. To stay within the desired risk, achieved allowance for sampling risk ( A ′)
must be equal to or less than planned allowance for sampling risk (A). A ′ will be greater than
A whenever the standard deviation of audit values is greater than the estimated population
standard deviation used in determining sample size. For example, if the standard deviation of
audit values in the Ace Finance example had been $110, A ′ would have been $46,197, which
is greater than the $42,000 specified for A. In such a case, the auditor computes the adjusted
Appendix 10A: Applying Classical Variables Sampling for Substantive Testing 10-39
achieved allowance for sampling risk ( A ′′) by the following formula where TM is the tolerable
misstatement specified in the sampling plan:
A ′′ = A ′ + TM 1 −
A ′′ = $46,197 + $60,000 1 −
A ′′ = $40,197
Note that A ′′ ($40,197) is less than A, ($42,000). A ′′ is then substituted for A ′ in the for-
mula used to calculate the range for the estimated population value. Using A ′′, the estimated
population range is $1,326,000 ± $40,197, or $1,285,803 to $1,366,197. Because the book value
of $1,340,000 falls within the range, the sample results indicate that the book value is not
materially misstated at the planned risk of incorrect acceptance.
The book value may fall outside the range because the achieved allowance for sampling
risk is significantly smaller than the planned allowance. When this occurs, the auditor (1) cal-
culates the difference between the book value and the far end of the range and (2) compares
the difference to TM. If the difference is equal to or less than TM, the sample results indicate
that the book value is not materially misstated. For example, if the achieved allowance in
Ace Finance Company is $12,000, the range becomes $1,314,000 to $1,338,000 and the book
value ($1,340,000) falls outside the precision interval. The difference between the book value
and the far end of the range is $26,000 ($1,340,000 – $1,314,000). Because this is less than the
TM of $60,000, the book value is supported.
Qualitative Assessment
Prior to reaching an overall conclusion, the auditor should consider the qualitative aspects of
the sample results. These considerations are the same in MPU sampling as in PPS sampling,
and the auditor should consider the underlying cause of all misstatements found. For ex-
ample, misstatements may be due to (1) differences in principle or application, (2) errors, or
(3) fraud. Consideration should also be given to the relationship of the misstatements to other
phases of the audit.
Causes Actions
1. The sample is not representative of the Expand the sample and reevaluate the results.
2. The achieved allowance for sampling risk Expand the sample and reevaluate the results.
may be larger than the desired allowance
because the sample size was too small.
3. The population book value may be misstated Have client investigate and, if warranted, adjust
by more than tolerable misstatement. the book value and reevaluate the sample results.
Client: Ace Finance Company Bell & Bowerman, LLPrepared by: W.M.F. 2/22/23
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reviewed by: C.W.B. 2/25/23
Reference: C-2
MPU Sample – Loans Receivable
Objective: To obtain evidence that the aggregate book value of loans receivable as of 12/31/22 was not materially misstated.
Population and Sampling Unit: 3,000 loans on electronic listing prepared from master file. The sampling unit was the individual loan
Sample Size: Population Size 3,000 (N)
Estimated Standard Deviation $100 (S ) xj
N ⋅ UR ⋅ S x
n = j
196 (n)
n 184 (n′)
n′ =
1 + N
Sample Selection: Simple random using software-generated random numbers list C-5
to correspond to loan numbers. Sampling units selected are listed
on W/P C-5
Execution of Audit Procedures Applied Listed on W/P C-6
Sampling Plan Audit Values of Sample Items Shown on W/P C-6
Sum of Sample Audit Values $81,328
Average of Sample Audit Values $442.00 X
Standards Deviation of Sample Audit Values $90.00 Sx
Before You Go On
10.1 What information must the auditor have about the population to be audited in order to use
classical variables sampling?
10.2 Identify the factors that influence sample size in a classical variables sample, and explain
how each factor influences sample size, holding other factors constant.
10.3 After calculating the achieved allowance for sample risk, explain how the auditor uses this
value when evaluating sample results.
Learning Objectives Review 10-41
3 Differentiate between sampling and nonsampling risk. This section of the chapter discusses how each of these factors influ-
ences sample size (while holding other factors constant).
Sampling risk is the risk that the auditor’s conclusion based on a
sample may be different from the conclusion if the entire population 7 Explain a basic framework for selecting and evaluat-
were subjected to the same audit procedure. Sampling risk is caused ing an audit sample for substantive testing.
by a sample not being representative of the entire population. Non-
sampling risk involves any risk that is not due to sampling, such as
Illustration 10.5 outlines a basic framework that is used in the re-
collecting evidence that is not relevant to the assertion, or incorrectly
mainder of the chapter for selecting and evaluating a sample. This
evaluating audit evidence. Nonsampling risk is typically controlled by
framework involves 10 steps, which are:
a firm’s quality control procedures and the review of audit work per-
formed by others in the audit firm. 1. Determine the objectives of the substantive test.
2. Determine the substantive audit procedures to perform.
4 Differentiate between statistical and nonstatistical
3. Determine whether the auditor will audit a sample or the entire
Background Information Gregory now needs to develop a preliminary audit plan for
Gregory Ness has been assigned to the audit of Mainstream Kayak, the audit of the revenue process. He has not performed tests of
Inc. Mainstream is a privately owned company that manufactures controls over receivables and therefore has determined receivables
kayaks from one location in Minnesota and ships its products to re- should be confirmed as of year-end. Gregory plans on using a non-
tailers throughout the United States and Canada. Mainstream has statistical sampling plan. Following his audit firm’s methodology,
had a good year. Sales amounted to $35.1 million, which represents tolerable misstatement for accounts receivable has been set at
almost a 25% growth over the previous year. Mainstream has approx- $190,000 (4.8% of accounts receivable).
imately 1,500 customers. Individual accounts receivables at year- Identify Audit Issues
end range from Mainstream’s largest account receivable of $250,000
What should Gregory consider when making a decision about sam-
to its smallest receivable of $500. Receivables have grown by only
ple size for testing the existence of accounts receivable? Discuss
20% to $3,950,000, so receivable collections have been strong.
each factor that influences sample size, what Gregory knows about
Gregory has completed a system walkthrough for the rev-
Mainstream, and how this should influence his decision.
enue process and has determined the company has very consci-
entious accounting staff. However, the owner has not invested in Gather Additional Information and Evidence
significant internal controls. There is weak segregation of duties, The key factors that influence sample size in a substantive test are:
but the owner regularly reviews receivables, cash balances, and
• The desired level of assurance that tolerable misstatement is
cash disbursements on a timely basis. The owner also monitors
not exceeded by actual misstatements in the population.
inventory levels carefully. In the prior year, confirmations showed
misstatements in accounts receivable and a proposed audit ad- • Tolerable misstatement.
justment in the amount of $680,000 (reducing receivables and • Expected misstatement.
revenues). • Stratification of the population (if appropriate).
Multiple-Choice Questions 10-43
Analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives experience, expected misstatements are significant and may ex-
Inherent risk is high due to the fact that receivables would be af- ceed tolerable misstatement. Each of these factors leads to se-
fected if revenue recognition problems exist. Control risk is depen- lecting a larger sample size. The population appears to have a
dent on the strength of owner controls and review of receivables high degree of variance, with receivables ranging from $500 to
and cash balances. If owner controls are not tested, control risk $250,000. Hence, Gregory should consider using a stratified sam-
should also be set at maximum given the problems with weak seg- pling plan. Gregory might select the 10–20 largest accounts for
regation of duties. As a result, detection risk should be set at low. 100% confirmation and then stratify the remaining receivables
into two or three relatively homogeneous groups. Using this for-
Audit Conclusion mat, Gregory might be able to audit 50% to 60% of the total dol-
The auditor needs a high level of assurance that tolerable mis- lars of accounts receivable while only confirming 10% to 15% of
statement is not exceeded by actual misstatement in the pop- the customer receivables, or perhaps sending confirmations to
ulation given that detection risk is set at low. Based on prior 200 out of 1500 customers.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) Which of the following factors would most likely cause an d. is the risk that an auditor arrives at an inappropriate conclu-
auditor to use audit sampling versus audit data analytics? sion for a reason unrelated to sampling issues.
a. Evidence to support the audit test is not available in electronic 5. (LO 4) The critical difference between statistical and nonstatisti-
form. cal sampling is:
b. The audit population is large, and the auditor’s tests are a. the required use of judgment in nonstatistical sampling.
supported by reliable and relevant data in electronic form,
b. the elimination of nonsampling risk with statistical
making ADA efficient.
c. Relevant data are reliable and internal controls over the
c. the use of the laws of probability in statistical sampling to de-
reliability of data are strong.
termine sample size and develop a confidence interval around
d. Relevant data are clean or can be cleaned up easily. the results of the sample.
2. (LO 2) Audit sampling is defined as a situation where: d. that more representative samples are attained with statistical
a. the auditor tests a subset of the population to draw a sampling.
conclusion about a subset of the population. 6. (LO 5) An auditor is testing accounts receivable for a client
b. the auditor screens 100% of the population to identify a subset that has 1,000 customers with customer balances that range from
with particular risk traits. $150 to $185,000. The auditor subdivided the receivables into three
groups: group 1 has all customers with receivable balances between
c. the auditor tests a representative group that is less than 100%
$185,000 and $100,000, group 2 has all customers with receivable
of the population for the purpose of drawing a conclusion
balances between $100,000 and $25,000, and group 3 has all custom-
about the entire population.
ers with receivable balances less than $25,000. The auditor then ran-
d. the auditor screens less than 100% of the population to domly selects customers out of each group. This is known as:
identify a subset with particular risk traits.
a. random selection.
3. (LO 3) Sampling risk: b. stratified sampling.
a. is the risk that the sample chosen by the auditor is not c. haphazard selection.
representative of the population of transactions.
d. block selection.
b. is the risk that the results of the test will be misinterpreted
by the auditor. 7. (LO 6) Holding all other factors constant, which of the following
factors results in an increase in sample size for substantive tests?
c. can be eliminated by taking a random sample.
a. A decrease in the amount of expected misstatement in the
d. applies only to samples for substantive testing.
population to be tested.
4. (LO 3) Nonsampling risk: b. Stratifying the population when appropriate.
a. only occurs if you test every item of the population. c. An increase in the amount of tolerable misstatement.
b. only applies to samples taken for the purposes of substantive d. An increase in the desired level of assurance that the toler-
testing. able misstatement is not exceeded by the actual amount of
c. does not occur if an auditor relies on unreliable evidence. misstatement in the population.
10-44 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
8. (LO 7) When defining the population and sampling unit, some- 10. (LO 9) An auditor uses nonstatistical ratio estimation to evalu-
times an auditor must look for a reciprocal population. A reciprocal ate the results of a sample. The population book value was $2,000,000
population is: and contained 350 items. The auditor selected 100 items with a book
a. a class of transactions or the account balance to be tested. value of $500,000. The audited value of the sample was $480,000. The
estimated audited value of the population is:
b. a class of transactions related to the account balance being
tested (e.g., sales to accounts receivable). a. $1,980,000.
c. a subset of the population that is the basis for sampling. b. $1,930,000.
Review Questions
R10.1 (LO 1) Assume that you are auditing inventory for a com- R10.7 (LO 4) Explain the advantages of statistical sampling over
puter manufacturer with strong internal controls. Identify one assertion nonstatistical sampling.
where the auditor is likely to use audit sampling. Explain your reason-
R10.8 (LO 5) Explain the risk associated with using systematic
ing. Then identify another assertion where the auditor is likely to use
sample selection.
audit data analytics. Explain your reasoning.
R10.9 (LO 5, 7) Explain the role of professional judgment in select-
R10.2 (LO 2) Using your example of audit sampling in the answer ing and evaluating a sample.
to R10.1, what items make up the population? What items are subject
to being sampled? When the sample is complete, is the auditor draw- R10.10 (LO 6) What influences the auditor’s assessment of tolera-
ing a conclusion about the sample or the population? Explain your ble misstatement?
reasoning. R10.11 (LO 6) What influences the auditor’s assessment of expect-
ed misstatement in the population?
R10.3 (LO 3) Assume an auditor finds total errors of $25, 300 in a
sample of sales invoices. Why is it not appropriate to conclude that R10.12 (LO 7) Explain the importance of determining the appropri-
sales are misstated by $25, 300? ate audit procedure to perform. What is the risk if the audit procedure
is not appropriate for the assertion being tested? Does this step relate
R10.4 (LO 3) Explain the difference between the two types of to sampling risk or nonsampling risk?
sampling risk for substantive tests: the risk of incorrect accep-
R10.13 (LO 8) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using
tance and the risk of incorrect rejection. What are the errors’ dif-
probability-proportionate-to-size sampling when testing the existence
ferent implications for the audit? Which is the more serious risk?
of accounts receivable.
R10.14 (LO 9) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using
R10.5 (LO 3) Why does nonsampling risk exist for all types of tests nonstatistical sampling when testing the existence of accounts receivable.
in all audits? Explain.
(LO 10) What conditions should exist if the auditor plans to
R10.6 (LO 4) What are the advantages of nonstatistical sampling use difference estimation or ratio estimation techniques with classical
over statistical sampling? variables sampling?
Analysis Problems
AP10.1 (LO 1) Basic ADA Audit data analytics and audit sampling You are auditing
Northeastern Food Wholesalers (NFW). NFW purchases a full line of various grocery products and sells
them to independent grocery stores in six Northeastern states. NFW has one distribution center and
approximately 900 customers. On average NFW turns its inventory approximately every 21 days, and it
takes approximately 35 days to collect receivables.
Analysis Problems 10-45
a. Identify a potential application for audit data analytics in the audit of NFW. Explain the application
and the assertion(s) tested by the application.
b. Identify a potential application for audit sampling in the audit of NFW. Explain the application and
the assertion(s) tested by the application.
AP10.2 (LO 3) Basic Uncertainties in audit sampling One of the generally accepted auditing
standards states that sufficient competent evidential matter is to be obtained through inspection,
observation, inquiries, and confirmation to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion regarding the
financial statements under examination. Some degree of uncertainty is implicit in the concept of
“a reasonable basis for an opinion,” because the concept of sampling is well established in auditing
a. Explain the auditor’s justification for accepting the uncertainties that are inherent in the sampling
b. Discuss the uncertainties that collectively embody the concept of audit risk.
c. Discuss the nature of sampling risk and nonsampling risk. Include the effect of sampling risk on
tests of controls in the auditor’s study and evaluation of the internal control structure.
(AICPA adapted)
AP10.3 (LO 3) Moderate Sampling and nonsampling risk for substantive testing Fred
Hutchinson is auditing revenue for Urban Homes, a home builder in California. Urban Homes usually
has between 450 and 600 home construction projects going at any point in time, for between 300 and 500
customers. Urban Homes recognizes revenue on a percentage-of-completion basis. Fred has to determine
the appropriateness of revenue recognition for Urban Homes. Fred has previously tested controls and
assessed control risk as moderate.
a. What population(s) would be relevant to Fred’s substantive tests of revenue recognition?
b. Explain the potential implications of sampling risk for the audit of revenue recognition.
c. What possible nonsampling risks exist in this case?
AP10.4 (LO 2, 3, 4, 5) Basic Judgment in statistical sampling The use of statistical sampling
techniques in an audit of financial statements does not eliminate judgmental decisions.
a. Identify and explain four areas in which judgment may be exercised by a CPA when planning a sta-
tistical sampling for testing the existence of inventory.
b. Assume that a CPA’s sample shows two differences between inventory counted in the sample and
the inventory recorded on the books for those items. Describe the various actions that he or she may
take based on this finding.
c. A nonstratified sample of 80 accounts payable vouchers is to be selected from a population of 3,200.
The vouchers are numbered consecutively from 1 to 3,200 and are listed, 40 to a page, in the voucher
register. Describe two different techniques for selecting a sample of vouchers for substantive tests
of transactions.
(AICPA adapted)
AP10.5 (LO 6) Moderate Factors that influence sample size. Jennifer Jones has been assigned to
audit inventory for Consumer Home Electronics Warehouse. Consumer Home Electronics Warehouse is a
retailer of a variety of home electronics and appliances (ranging from refrigerator and stoves, washers and
dryers, televisions, computers, and cell phones). Consumer Home Electronics Warehouse has 25 locations
located in larger cities in the midwestern United States. Jennifer plans to audit the existence of inventory.
The book value of inventory is $35 million, which is very material to the company’s financial statements.
A few items in inventory are very high in dollar value, but there is no individual item larger than tolerable
misstatement. About 5% of the items in inventory have costs over $1,000. About 45% of the individual items
in inventory have a cost between $500 and $1,000. The remainder of the inventory has individual costs of less
than $500. Tolerable misstatement is set at $1,600,000. Jennifer has determined that Consumer Electronics
has excellent internal controls over inventory and tests of controls noted no deviations or exceptions.
10-46 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
a. Identify the factors that influence sample size for a substantive test.
b. In the case of Consumer Home Electronics Warehouse, identify how each item might influence
sample size (while holding the other items constant).
AP10.6 (LO 7) Basic Steps in executing a substantive sampling plan Jennifer Jones has been
assigned to audit inventory for Consumer Home Electronics Warehouse. Consumer Home Electronics
Warehouse is a retailer of a variety of home electronics and appliances (ranging from refrigerator and
stoves, washers and dryers, televisions, computers, and cell phones). Consumer Home Electronics Ware-
house has 25 locations located in larger cities in the midwestern United States.
Jennifer plans to audit the existence of inventory. Put the following steps associated with planning and
executing a sample of inventory in the proper order.
a. Choose the number of items to be examined.
b. Document conclusions.
c. Select a representative sample.
d. Determine the objectives of the substantive test.
e. Determine the type of sampling to be used.
f. Determine the substantive procedures that will meet objectives.
g. Determine sample size.
h. Apply audit procedures.
i. Define the population and sampling unit.
j. Evaluate results of the sample.
AP10.7 (LO 8) Challenging PPS sampling Edwards has decided to use probability-proportion-
al-to-size (PPS) sampling in the audit of a client’s accounts receivable balance. Few, if any, errors of
overstatement are expected.
Edwards plans to use the following PPS sampling table:
a. Identify the advantages of using PPS sampling over classical variables sampling.
b. Calculate the sampling interval and the sample size Edwards should use, given the following
Tolerable misstatement $15,000
Risk of incorrect acceptance 5%
Number of misstatements allowed 0
Recorded amount of accounts receivable $300,000
c. Calculate total projected misstatement if the following three misstatements were discovered in a
PPS sample:
(AICPA adapted)
Audit Decision Cases 10-47
AP10.8 (LO 8) Challenging Evaluating a PPS sample Assume the following misstatements were
found in a PPS sample:
a. Calculate the projected misstatement assuming:
1. The sampling interval was $1,800.
2. The sampling interval was $2,000.
b. If a risk of incorrect acceptance of 15% is specified in the sample design, the sampling interval is
$2,000, and five misstatements are found as enumerated above, calculate:
1. Basic precision.
2. The incremental allowance for sampling risk.
3. The upper misstatement limit.
c. If tolerable misstatement were $50,000 and expected misstatement were $10,000, what conclusion
would you reach based on your results in (b) above?
AP10.9 (LO 5, 6, 7, 9) Challenging Fraud Research Fine Host Corporation (FHC) The
following research question focuses on the audit of Fine Host Corporation (FHC), a Connecticut-
based company that provided food and beverages concession, catering, and other services in ap-
proximately 400 facilities in 38 states. Start by locating and reading SEC Accounting and Auditing
Releases 1482 and 1483 related to the audit of FHC.
a. How were the financial statements of FHC misstated?
b. Make a list of the defects in the audit of FHC as it relates to audit sampling. For each defect
that you note, suggest an alternative that would have allowed the auditor to follow professional
Bob Downe is auditing Red Cedar Office Furniture (RCOF), a manufacturer of office furniture and
custom cabinets. RCOF was founded 25 years ago by a husband-and-wife team and has grown rapidly
in the last five years as solid, environmentally friendly, wooden furniture has grown in popularity. The
company has inventory consisting of raw materials, work in process, and finished goods with a book
value of $6,719,028.95. You have been assigned the task of testing the accuracy of the final inventory
compilation for RCOF. You may assume that you have separately observed the inventory and that you
are satisfied that the inventory was accurately counted. However, you need to test that quantities were
accurately transcribed to the final accumulation and valuation of inventory and that the inventory is
correctly priced and accumulated. A file showing the client’s accumulation of inventory is available in
This case will guide you through the process of selecting a sample from the client’s inventory,
comparing audited values with book values, and drawing a conclusion about the fair presentation of
10-48 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
Part 3. Develop a scenario that supports the auditor’s conclusion that the appropriate risk of incorrect
acceptance is 37%.
Audit Decision Cases 10-49
Part 4. Select a sample and apply audit procedures. Select the PPS sample using the sample size deter-
mined in Part 2 above. Choose your own random start based on the size of the sampling interval (each
student should have a different random start). Determine the book value and audited value for each item
in your unique sample. Document your sample, the book values and the audited values.
Part 5. Compute the upper misstatement limit (UML) for the sample you selected. Follow the procedures
outlined in the chapter. You can use the Reliability Factors for Overstatements table to determine the
factors to use for the “Upper Misstatement Limit.” Document your calculation of UML.
Part 6. Evaluate your results both quantitatively and qualitatively. Develop both a statistical conclu-
sion and an audit conclusion based on your sample. Document your conclusions about your inventory
Assume that you have selected the following nonstatistical sample for selecting accounts receivable
for confirmation. The total book value of the population is $9,000,000, and tolerable misstatement is
$350,000. You have decided to audit every item over $50,000 and randomly select items in two groups
under $50,000, as the following shows. You selected the following sample.
Fabrication Holdings, Inc. (FHI) has been a client of McDonald and McGee LLP for many years. You
are an audit senior and have been assigned to the FHI audit for the first time for the financial year
ending June 30, 2022. During March 2022, you are completing the audit planning for the property,
plant, and equipment (PPE) account class, which is one of FHI’s most material balances. You are
also aware that FHI has made a large investment in a new manufacturing process to place itself
in a more competitive position. Your analytical procedures indicate an increase in acquisitions
of PPE.
You are testing the appropriateness of the depreciation rate assigned to PPE, and whether it is
consistent with the present condition and expected use of the assets over their remaining lives. You
have sampled 35 PPE items, with a total dollar value of $1, 145, 000. The results show that, for the
sample items, some depreciation rates were too low and/or the remaining useful life of the equipment
was overstated by management. Together, these issues produce an error in the sample of $48, 500. FHI
has a profit before tax for the current year of $1, 875, 000, and a PPE account balance at the end of the
year of $11, 345, 000.
C10.3 (LO 4, 5) Challenging Sampling methods and risk analysis Analysis: Discuss the ap-
propriate method of sampling PPE for the planned tests of depreciation. Define the population. What
assertions are most at risk?
C10.4 (LO 9) Challenging Projecting errors for PPE Evaluation and conclusion: What conclu-
sion would you draw about valuation and allocation of PPE from the above information? Justify your
10-50 C ha pte r 10 Risk Response: Evaluating ADA and Audit Sampling for Substantive Tests
1 2 3
Tolerable misstatement $110,000 $140,000 $170,000
Size of population 5,000 6,000 8,000
Risk of incorrect rejection 10% 5% 10%
Estimated population standard deviation $80 $105 $125
Risks that misstatements accumulating to greater than tolerable
misstatements will not be detected by:
Internal control 50% 40% 40%
Analytical and other substantive
procedures (excluding this test of details) 25% 50% 85%
Desired overall audit risk 5% 5% 5%
Inherent risk 100% 100% 100%
(LO 10) Challenging Classical variables mean-per-unit sampling
a. Analysis: Determine an appropriate risk of incorrect acceptance for each population.
b. Determine sample size: Calculate sample size in each of the plans. Show computations.
Company X, Company Y
Question C10.6 is based on the following case.
Data relevant to the December 31, 2022, audit of accounts receivable in two of your clients is presented
in the tabulation below.
Company X Company Y
Client’s book value $90,000 $200,000
Population size 1,000 2,000
Desired risk of incorrect acceptance 20% 30%
Desired risk of incorrect rejection 10% 5%
Tolerable misstatement $9,000 $10,000
Estimated standard deviation $50 $25
(LO 10) Challenging Mean-per-unit sampling
a. Determine sample size: Determine sample size for each company using classical variables MPU
estimation sampling.
b. Analysis and evaluation: Assume the total audited value of the Company X sample is $13,600 and the
standard deviation is $52. Evaluate the sample results.
c. Analysis and evaluation: Assume the average of the sample audit values in the Company Y sample is
$90 and the standard deviation is $30. Evaluate the sample results.
Gaining an Understanding of
Make Preliminary Risk
the System of Internal Control
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
11-2 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Explain the nature of the revenue process. LO 6 Evaluate control activities for sales adjustment
transactions and revenue process disclosures.
LO 2 Evaluate how an auditor’s understanding of
an entity and its environment affects audit planning LO 7 Determine how to design and perform tests of
decisions in the revenue process. controls in the revenue process and connect the results
of control testing to audit strategy.
LO 3 Determine inherent risk for various assertions in
the revenue process. LO 8 Assess detection risk and design substantive
LO 4 Evaluate control activities for credit sales tests, including audit data analytics, to address various
transactions. assertions in the revenue process.
An entity’s revenue process consists of activities related to credit sales with customers
and the collection of accounts receivable. For a merchandising company, the classes of
transactions in the revenue process include (1) credit sales, (2) cash receipts (collection
of receivables and cash sales), and (3) sales adjustments (discounts, sales returns and
allowances, and adjustments for bad debts). These transactions are depicted in Illustra-
tion 11.1.
For companies that sell goods or services on account, there is significant interaction be-
tween sales and accounts receivable. If revenue is recognized prematurely, both sales and
accounts receivable will be overstated. The same interaction also exists between cash receipt
transactions and accounts receivable, and a misstatement of cash receipts will result in a mis-
statement of accounts receivable. Further, if discounts are given for early payment, sales dis-
counts are recorded when recording the cash receipt and reducing a customer’s receivable.
The highest volume of transactions usually occurs with credit sales and cash receipts, as well
as a series of transactions that fall under the broad category of sales adjustment transactions:
sales returns and allowances, the provision for bad debts, and the write-off of bad debts. Usu-
ally, sales returns represent a much smaller volume of transactions. Further, a critical aspect of
sales return transactions is the receipt of returned goods in the warehouse. Transactions pro-
viding for bad debts, or the write-off of receivables, often occur during month-end or quarter-
end adjustments. Finally, three of these accounts, inventory, cost of goods sold, and cash, are
also affected by transactions in other processes. The audit of these accounts is deferred to
Chapter 13.
The auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate evidence for the transaction classes,
balances, and disclosures outlined in Illustration 11.2. While the auditor must obtain
sufficient appropriate evidence for all assertions, the auditor is often concerned about the
overstatement of revenues and receivables. Hence, the auditor is particularly concerned
about the occurrence, accuracy, and cutoff of revenues, and the existence, right to, and
valuation and allocation of receivables. The discussion in this chapter will focus primarily
on credit sales transactions (rather than on cash sales).
11-4 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Before You Go On
1.1 Identify two major transaction classes with significant volumes of transactions in the revenue
1.2 Explain the interaction of sales and cash receipts with accounts receivable. Further, if cash
receipts are understated, what are the implications for accounts receivable?
1.3 What is the usual timing of recording charges to bad debt expense?
Chapters 3 and 4 explained the importance of understanding the entity and its environment,
and how this understanding is important to assessing inherent risk. As inherent risk factors
vary from industry to industry, from client to client, and from year to year, each audit must be
custom-made to address unique risks. The following discussion will address the importance of
understanding the entity and its environment in the context of the revenue process, analytical
procedures commonly used in the revenue process, other issues associated with the entity and
its environment, and the resultant assessment of inherent risk.
In addition, the process of generating revenues drives many expenses (e.g., cost of goods sold
or selling expenses), so understanding the revenue process assists in developing expectations
of the entity’s expenses associated with other transaction processes and assessing the risk that
unaudited earnings contain material misstatements.
Illustration 11.3 illustrates the importance of understanding the revenue process for
five different industries, which will be discussed in this chapter, as well as Chapters 12 and
13. These industries were chosen for their variety based on the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS). These include the manufacture of oil and gas field machin-
ery and equipment (NAICS 333132), the manufacture of electronic computer equipment
(NAICS 334111), supermarkets and other grocery stores (NAICS 445110), hotels and motels
(NAICS 721110), and colleges, universities, and professional schools (NAICS 611310). These
examples define a wide spectrum of underlying business practices and an equally wide spec-
trum of risk for the auditor. The auditor would normally obtain this understanding through
previous experience with the entity; information from trade associations, business period-
icals, and newspapers; and from publishers of industry information such as Robert Morris
Associates or Value Line.
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s
Financial Statements (Median Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Industry Data) Misstatement
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Sales to Total Assets: 1.6 • Concerns about terms of sales and moving
Equipment Manufacturing Sales to Net Fixed Assets: 10.3 inventory during a period of low oil prices
• Tied to extract industries that are depen- Gross Profit: 36.9% • Sales may be dependent on policies of foreign
dent on oil prices Net Operating Profit: 12.0% governments
Collection Period: 61 days
• Depends on opportunities for export and • Collection risk associated with selling to foreign
competitive pricing entities
Electronic Computer Manufacturing Sales to Total Assets: 2.7 • Significant revenue recognition issues associated
• Sells products ranging from network Sales to Net Fixed Assets: 49.2 with bundled products
servers to personal computers and tablets Gross Profit: 39.2% • Cash collection may precede revenue recognition
Net Operating Profit: 5.2% resulting in unearned revenues
• Consulting services may represent a
Collection Period: 41 days
significant component of revenues • Competitive environment significantly affects
• Margins depend on competing technologies selling prices and gross margins
• Normal concerns about collection risk
Supermarkets and Other Grocery Stores Sales to Total Assets: 2.7 • Sales volume coverage of fixed costs
• Numerous products where product Sales to Net Fixed Assets: 5.3 • Gross margins related to product mix and space
differentiation is difficult Gross Profit: 26.7% utilization
Net Operating Profit: 1.5%
• Companies are improving margins by leasing • Receivables usually relate to pharmacy
Collection Period: 4 days
space to banks and coffee companies receivables from insurance companies and
• Intense competition from club stores and miscellaneous trade receivables
other competitors
Hotels and Motels Sales to Total Assets: .5 • Revenue recognition for accounting for hotel
• Importance of brand development Sales to Net Fixed Assets: .6 transactions versus property management
Gross Profit: Not Reported • Revenue tied to sales volumes, prices, and
• Generates revenues from hotel occupancy
Net Operating Profit: 17.2% occupancy rates
and services (food and conferences),
Collection Period: 2 days
franchise fees, and property management • Major hotel companies that enter into agreements
to manage properties for others experience a
higher degree of collection risk
11-6 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s
Financial Statements (Median Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Industry Data) Misstatement
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Sales to Total Assets: .5 • Revenue recognition is straightforward
Schools Sales to Net Fixed Assets: 1.0 • Low collection risk if accredited
• Concerns about the degree of tuition Gross Profit: Not Reported
• Business risk associated with high fixed costs and
discounting through scholarships Net Operating Profit: 10.2%
enrollment declines
Collection Period: 16 days
• Importance of accreditation and access to
federal student loans
• Enrollment sensitive to demographics and
unemployment levels
It is important for the auditor to understand the nature of the client’s revenue process. The
demand for oil and gas field machinery equipment can be significantly impacted by (1) oil
prices or decisions made by foreign countries to invest in or support oil and gas extraction, or
(2) political factors that influence a government’s ability to sell oil and gas. The companies
that manufacture computers may bundle services and service contracts with their products
resulting in more complex revenue recognition accounting. While the accounting for revenues
in the grocery industry might be uncomplicated, hotel and motel operations may include man-
aging properties for others, which requires recognition of only the management commission
and not the gross receipts of the managed properties. Therefore, the audit of each company
must be custom-made, and inherent risks will often differ from one audit to the next. Finally,
understanding an entity's revenue process provides the basis for developing expectations about
revenue and receivables that an auditor uses in performing analytical procedures.
Analytical Procedures
Analytical procedures are required in every audit as part of the risk assessment process
during audit planning, which often occurs during the client’s second or third quarter. They
are cost-effective, and they are often effective in identifying potential misstatements in the
financial statements. The most effective analytical procedures rely on the auditor’s knowl-
edge of the business and industry. Some example analytical procedures that may apply to
the revenue process are presented in Illustration 11.4.
ILLUSTRATION 11.4 Analytical procedures commonly used for the revenue process
( SalesCurrent Year
SalesPrior Year )
− 1
Understanding the Entity and Its Environment 11-7
• Revenue per number of manufacturing employee labor hours, for a labor-intensive man-
ufacturing process.
• Revenue to plant assets in a capital-intensive manufacturing process.
• Revenue per square foot of retail space for a grocer.
• Revenue compared to occupancy rates for industries such as hotels or airlines.
• Revenue per student for a college.
When evaluating these trends, the auditor must also be sensitive to seasonal demand or
other trends in the marketplace for the client’s products. For example, the auditor must be able
to assess the reasonableness of revenue increases for a household appliance manufacturer when
national housing starts are declining, or the reasonableness of occupancy rates and room prices
for a hotel chain when new competitive properties have entered key markets. One important
analytical procedure is understanding the client’s market share, which compares the client’s
revenues with total revenues in the market for the client’s product. This is particularly important
because companies with dominant market shares often obtain premium gross margins.
Finally, it is important for the auditor to evaluate the client’s accounts receivable turnover
in days, or average collection period, and be able to compare the collection period with indus-
try norms. Companies may be able to speed up collection times when products are in high
demand. Increases in the client’s collection period indicate that receivables are growing faster
than sales volumes, which consumes operating cash flows and may lead to liquidity problems.
It is particularly important in growth companies for auditors to monitor the entity’s collection
period because any growth in sales is usually accompanied by receivable growth that con-
sumes operating cash. If receivables are growing faster than sales, it may be an indication that
the company is accomplishing sales growth by taking on increased credit risk.
Other analytical procedures an auditor might assess in the revenue process include:
ILLUSTRATION 11.5 Understanding the entity and its environment in the revenue process
Chris Spenser is the senior on the audit of Cloud Materials, Inc. (CMI). CMI manufactures a va-
riety of computer hardware used in server farms and computer networks, and this year it started
bundling software with the products to more seamlessly handle the problems associated with large
data storage and retrieval. CMI is also starting to invest in data analytics software to better serve
its clients. Chris has noticed two significant warning signs: (1) the company has improved its gross
margins to a point where they are significantly above industry averages, and (2) the company is sig-
nificantly lagging behind the rest of the industry in collecting its receivables. Chris wonders if this
makes sense in a price-competitive industry. Is the combination of increasing gross margins and
increasing collection periods a sign of premature revenue recognition? As Chris talks about this
with his audit manager, they decide that these are warning signs that need specific investigation.
They need to determine if the system of internal control kept up with changes in business prac-
tices. Also, they need to focus attention on how revenue is recognized on bundled hardware and
software sales, as well as whether there have been significant profit increases in the fourth quarter.
Inherent Risks in the Revenue Process 11-9
Before You Go On
2.1 Explain how auditing the revenue process might be different for a hotel client than for an oil
and gas field equipment manufacturer.
2.2 Assume that, when performing analytical procedures, an auditor notices that revenue grows
10% while receivables grow at a 30% rate. What assertions might be misstated?
2.3 Explain how quarter-end closing procedures might increase inherent risk in the revenue
In assessing inherent risk for revenue process assertions, the auditor should consider pervasive
factors that may affect assertions in several processes, including the revenue process, as well as
factors that may pertain only to specific assertions in the revenue process. Accounting for var-
ious revenue transactions under ASC 606 Revenue from Contracts with Customers is complex;
revenue should only be recognized when a company satisfies its performance obligations. This
is particularly true when there are multiple performance obligations, such as when the sale
of goods and services are bundled together. Further, management often has more incentive to
overstate revenues than to understate revenues. Factors that incentivize management to mis-
state revenue process assertions and commit fraudulent financial reporting include:
• Pressures to overstate revenues to achieve revenue or profitability targets that were not
achieved in reality owing to such factors as global, national, or regional economic condi-
tions; the impact of technological developments on the entity’s competitiveness; or poor
• Pressures to overstate cash and gross receivables or understate the allowance for doubt-
ful accounts in order to report a higher level of working capital in order to meet debt
bill-and-hold transactions a Bill-and-hold transactions. These are transactions in which a company bills cus-
customer is billed for goods, but tomers without shipping goods. Sunbeam Corporation was the first to use this method to
goods are not shipped; account- inflate revenue. For example, assume that a manufacturer leases a portion of its facility
ing principles have very narrow to a customer and records revenue on sales to this customer when products are delivered
criteria for when revenue can be
to the customer’s portion of the facility. The SEC now has very strict rules for revenue
recognized for a bill-and-hold
recognition related to bill-and-hold sales. ASC 606 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
transaction; the transaction must
be initiated by the customer, and also has specific conditions that must be met for the seller to recognize revenues.
the customer must have a sound Problems associated with booking consignment sales, refund rights, and bill-and-hold
economic reason for purchasing transactions usually result in problems associated with the occurrence of revenues and the
the goods and asking the seller to existence of receivables.
continue to hold the goods An additional problem that auditors have experienced involves the correctness of gross
gross sales total revenues sales. Many companies, particularly growth companies, pay considerable attention to top-
before any deductions, such as line revenues. Companies may award bonuses based on gross revenues, and companies have
deductions for sales returns and been valued based on multiples of revenues. Consider the hotel chain that manages proper-
allowances ties that it does not own. It should not record revenues from managed properties in a simi-
lar fashion to owned properties and then record related expenses of property management.
Rather, management should record revenue only in the amount of the commission earned.
Recently, Groupon restated earnings when it went public because it had booked revenue
in the amount of the gross value of products sold through Groupon, rather than merely
the commission that Groupon received on the sale of the product for customers. In this
case, there was an overstatement of revenues and an overstatement of expenses. Operating
income was correctly reported, but significant misreporting of the amounts of revenues and
expenses existed. In the Groupon case, the problem is with the occurrence of revenue and
the occurrence of expenses.
Other factors that contribute to misstatements in the revenue process include the
• The volume of sales, cash receipts, and sales adjustment transactions is often high, result-
ing in numerous opportunities for errors to occur.
• The timing and amount of revenue to be recognized (occurrence and cutoff of revenues)
may be contentious owing to factors such as complex accounting standards, the need
to make estimates, the complexity of the calculations involved, and purchasers’ rights
of return.
• When receivables are factored with recourse, the classification of the transaction as a sale
may be incorrect.
• Receivables may be misclassified as current or noncurrent owing to difficulties in esti-
mating the likelihood of collection within the next year or events upon which collection
is contingent.
• Cash receipt transactions generate liquid assets that are particularly susceptible to misap-
propriation (completeness of revenues or cash receipts).
• Sales adjustment transactions may be used to conceal thefts of cash received from cus-
tomers by overstating discounts, recording fictitious sales returns (occurrence or accuracy
of discounts or sales returns), or writing off customers’ balances as uncollectible (occur-
rence of write-off of accounts receivable).
Because of the variety and potential magnitude of the misstatements that can occur
in the absence of effective controls, the auditor must always give careful consideration to
inherent risks in the revenue process. Risks associated with revenue recognition are such
that auditors often consider the occurrence of revenues and the existence of receivable
assertions to be a significant inherent risk. In many cases, management adopts extensive
internal controls to address these issues through its own risk assessment procedures.
Finally, when auditors perform analytical procedures during risk assessment, they should
develop a skill in analyzing the likely assertions that might be misstated based on the data. For
example, consider the information in Illustration 11.6. Take a moment, study the data, and
consider what assertions might be at an increased risk of misstatement.
Inherent Risks in the Revenue Process 11-11
The data show a company that is clearly experiencing rapid growth. Revenues have
grown by nearly 50%, receivables are growing faster than sales, and gross margins are improv-
ing. This fast growth, combined with the slow accounts receivable turnover, should cause the
auditor to heighten professional skepticism with respect to revenue recognition. Recognizing
revenues without shipping goods will cause gross margins to improve and accounts receivable
turnover in days to slow. The significant accounts receivable growth should also cause con-
cerns about the collectibility of receivables. In summary, significant inherent risks exist for
the occurrence of revenues, the existence of receivables, and for the valuation of receivables
at their net realizable value.
Don Whalen, Olga Usvyatsky, and Dennis Tanona, 2017 Financial Restatements, A Seventeen Year Comparison
(Audit Analytics: Sutton, MA, 2018).
11-12 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Disclosure Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Revenue restatements 169 194 226 173 173 120 86 86 89 90 119 104 90 96 77
% of all financial 21.4% 20.4% 14.3% 9.3% 13.5% 12.4% 10.4% 10.1% 10.5% 10.6% 13.6% 12.1% 11.9% 14.1% 13.9%
statement restatements
Overall, restatements due to revenue recognition problems amounted to only about 10.5% of all restatements, and from 2013
were the second most common source of restatements during onward revenue restatements have increased, ranging from 11.9%
the 17-year period. In the early years of this time series, revenue to 14.1% of all restatements. Based on restatements of earnings
restatements amounted to over 20% of all restatements. In the due to revenue recognition problems, revenue recognition contin-
subsequent period, revenue restatement declined as a percent- ues to be a significant inherent risk.
age of total restatements. From 2009–2012, revenue restatements
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain how sales adjustment transactions may be used to conceal thefts of cash.
3.2 Ron Fisher owns Fisher’s Bar and Grill. Ron is particularly concerned about generating ad-
equate cash flow but also places a real emphasis on minimizing the entity’s income taxes.
If you were to audit Fisher’s Bar and Grill, address the inherent risks that might exist in the
revenue process.
Recall from the section “Entity-Level Internal Controls” in Chapter 6 that when evaluating
internal controls in the revenue process, it is important to understand a number of entity-
level controls. Entity-level controls establish a background and environment for transaction-
level controls. For example, the control environment may enhance or negate the effective-
ness of transaction-level controls. A key control environment factor in reducing the risk
of fraudulent financial reporting through the overstatement of revenues and receivables is
management’s adoption of and adherence to high standards of integrity and ethical values.
Control Activities for Credit Sales 11-13
One related aspect is eliminating incentives that encourage dishonest reporting, such as man-
agement’s undue emphasis on meeting unrealistic sales or profit targets. Another related as-
pect is the supporting activities of an effective board of directors and audit committee. The
auditor might also be interested in how the entity’s risk assessment process responds to risks
that arise from changed circumstances, such as implementing new accounting standards for
revenue transactions. The discussion for the remainder of the chapter focuses on transaction-
level controls.
Recall from Chapter 6 that the process used for developing an audit strategy for various
assertions involves the following six steps:
Now think about the five industries that were mentioned at the beginning of this chap-
ter. Is it reasonable to expect that the flow of transactions would be the same for a manufac-
turer of oil and gas field equipment as for a grocery store or a hotel? The following examples
are more likely to fit a manufacturing company that sells manufactured goods on credit.
However, be alert to comments that might apply to a retail grocer, a hotel chain, or a college/
university. Auditors usually understand the flow of transactions in a given process by per-
forming a walkthrough of a transaction process, such as the sales process or the cash re-
ceipts process. The walkthrough is important as different companies often have different
documents and transaction flows. During a walkthrough, the auditor will interview client
personnel, review the documents and electronic files used by the client, and understand
how the entity uses information technology to support transaction-level controls. The
auditor will ask questions of the entity’s personnel about their understanding of their
responsibilities. Through inquiry and observation, the auditor obtains an understanding
of transaction-level controls as well as the adequacy of segregation of duties. The discus-
sion below provides examples of the flow of transactions in the credit sales process from
initiating a transaction, to exchanging title to a good or service, to recording the transac-
tion in the general ledger. This is followed by a discussion of the flow of transactions in
the cash receipts processes. These two transaction streams often have a high volume of
• Customer master file—Usually part of the sales process database with information on
approved customers, customer shipping and billing information, and the customer credit
limit. Access to the customer master file and changes to this file should be tightly con-
trolled by the entity.
• Master price file—Usually part of the sales process database with information on approved
prices and discounts, such as volume discounts, that are allowed for any customer.
11-14 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Recording Document
• Sales process database—Electronic files that accumulate data on sales, cash receipts, and
accounts receivables.
• Monthly statements of receivable balances—Client-prepared report sent to each customer
showing the beginning receivable balance, transactions during the month, and the end-
ing receivable balance (even if it is zero).
Prepare shipping
Sales process
documents and Packing slip Bill of lading
and G/L database
ship goods
Prepare sales invoice
Sales invoice
to bill customer
Sales process
and G/L database
Record in sales
Post to general
on each document. The flow of transactions that is visualized in this illustration might be
represented by documents being received from, or sent to, the customer in either paper or
electronic form (by way of electronic data interchange). Nevertheless, the following functions
are standard functions in the revenue process.
Shipping Goods
Delivery of goods or services is the economic event that results in a change in title and estab-
lishes revenue recognition and the right to a receivable.
Filling sales orders. Company policy generally prohibits the release of any goods from
the warehouse without an approved sales order. Further, the software may be programmed to
match items taken from the perpetual inventory with items on an approved sales order. This
control procedure is designed to prevent the unauthorized removal of items from inventory.
The warehouse may receive an electronic copy of the approved sales order as authorization to
fill the order and release the goods to the shipping department. When goods are pulled from
inventory, a packing slip is normally produced to detail the items that will be shipped to the
customer and the quantity of each item shipped.
Shipping sales orders. Segregating the responsibility for shipping from approving and fill-
ing orders helps to prevent shipping clerks from making unauthorized shipments. In addition,
an important manual control requires that shipping clerks make independent checks to de-
termine (1) that goods pulled from the warehouse are accompanied by appropriate authoriza-
tion, and (2) that the order was properly filled (goods taken from the warehouse agree with the
details of the sales order). The shipping function also involves preparing multicopy shipping
documents, such as a bill of lading. Shipping documents are often produced by the software
application using order information already in the program and adding appropriate shipping
data such as quantities shipped, carrier, freight charges, and so on. Daily software application
checks are often run to (a) account for all shipping documents, (b) determine that all sales
11-16 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
orders result in shipments, and (c) determine that a sales invoice was subsequently prepared
for each shipping document. These checks provide an important control for the completeness
Recording Sales
The process of recording sales involves preparing and sending prenumbered sales invoices
to customers (billing customers) and recording sales invoices accurately and in the proper
accounting period (recording sales). The auditor’s primary concerns regarding recording
sales are that sales invoices are recorded accurately and in the proper period. The latter
pertains to when the revenue is earned, which is usually when the goods are shipped. The
auditor’s primary concerns regarding billing are that customers are billed (1) for all ship-
ments, (2) only for actual shipments (no duplicate billings or fictitious transactions), and
(3) at authorized prices.
Transaction and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control
Initiating credit Customer master Sales may be made to Only a limited number of individuals can change the
sales file unauthorized customers. customer master file and all file changes are reviewed
by appropriate levels of management. These duties
should be segregated from shipping goods or recording
Sales order Sales may be made to The software application matches the customer on
unauthorized customers. the sales order with the customer master file.
Sales order Sale may be made without The software application matches amount of sales
credit approval. order with credit authorization on the customer
master file.
Appropriate level of regular review of sales analysis
(by product, division, salesperson or region) and
comparisons with budgets.
Delivering goods Perpetual inventory Goods may be released from The software application matches all goods pulled
warehouse for unauthorized from inventory (perpetual inventory) to approved
orders. sales orders.
Bill of lading and Products may be shipped The software application generates packing slip and
packing slip without shipping documents delivery documentation when order is processed.
being generated.
Bill of lading and Goods ordered may not be The software application prints a report of all unfilled
packing slip shipped. sales orders.
Control Activities for Credit Sales 11-17
Transaction and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control
Recording sales Sales invoice and Some shipments may not be The software application prints a report of all goods
sales process billed. shipped but not billed.
database Invoices are prenumbered and accounted for.
The software application prints a report of all bills of
lading not matched with sales invoices.
Sales invoice and Billing may be made for ficti- The software application matches sales invoice
sales process tious transactions, or duplicate information with underlying shipping information.
database billing may be made.
Sales invoice and Sales invoices may be recorded The software application matches sales invoice date
sales process in the incorrect accounting with accounting period in which goods are shipped.
database period.
Sales invoice and Sales invoices may be recorded The software application matches sales invoice
sales process in the incorrect amount quantities with shipping information and prices
database (incorrect quantities or prices). with master price list.
Sales invoice and Invoices may not be The software application checks run-to-run total of
sales process journalized or posted to beginning receivables, plus sales transactions with the
database customer accounts. sum of ending receivables.
Sales invoice and Sales invoices may be billed to The software application matches customer number
sales process the wrong customer. on sales invoice with customer number of sales order
database and bill of lading.
Monthly receivable Customers may be billed An individual reviews monthly statements to custom-
statements incorrect amounts. ers before they are mailed, reporting any exceptions
to a designated accounting supervisor not otherwise
involved in the execution or recording of revenue
process transactions.
Statements are mailed monthly, with follow-up on
customer complaints independent from the recording
Many clients build in redundant controls such that if one control does not find a mis-
statement, another control will detect the problem. However, auditors cannot efficiently test
all controls that exist. The auditor will find a key control by identifying the most important
control for each assertion. Following are example key controls that auditors often identify. The
examples rely significantly on IT application controls to flag potential misstatements. The au-
ditor should understand the logic behind the IT application controls and how client personnel
manually follow up on exceptions on a timely basis.
Completeness of sales. The software application starts with a population of daily shipping
documents and develops a one-for-one match with sales invoices to ensure that each shipment
results in a sales invoice. A report is generated daily of any shipments that have not resulted
in a recorded sales invoice.
Occurrence of sales. The software application starts with the population of daily sales in-
voices and develops a one-for-one match with underlying shipping documents to ensure that
each sales invoice is supported by a bill of lading. A report is generated daily of any sales
that are not supported by shipments. Many larger companies that are heavily computerized
have a control that does a three-way match. A “three-way match” means matching a sales
invoice with underlying shipping documents and the customer’s sales order. In many compa-
nies where title passes when goods are shipped, revenue is appropriately recognized when all
three sets of documents match. Nevertheless, the auditor should always be alert to changes in
the terms of sale that might mean revenue should not be recognized, even though goods have
been shipped.
Accuracy of sales. The software application starts with the population of daily sales in-
voices and compares quantities with the underlying packing slips, compares prices to the un-
derlying sales order, and checks the mathematical accuracy of the sales invoice. A report is
11-18 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
generated daily of any prices or quantities on the sales invoices that are not supported by
underlying documents or files.
Cutoff of sales. The software application starts with the population of daily sales invoices and
compares the date on the sales invoice with the date on the underlying bill of lading. A report is
generated daily of any sales invoices not recorded in the same accounting period as the shipment.
Classification of sales and receivables. The software application starts with the population
of daily sales invoices and compares customer numbers with the sales order. Both customer
account coding and general ledger coding are compared with the sales order if a sales invoice
bills for both goods and services, as these need to be recorded in separate accounts. A report
is generated daily of any sales invoices showing incorrect account coding, for example, billing
the wrong customer or recording revenue for selling goods when services are sold.
Existence of receivables, valuation of receivables at historic cost, and possible completeness of
accounts receivable. Monthly statements are sent to customers. An independent process is set
up so that customers can lodge a complaint with a person in the company who is independent
of recording sales and receivables. Customers will complain if they are billed for items that
were not ordered or not received.
Rights and obligations of accounts receivable. If receivables are factored or sold with re-
course, an independent process is set up to monitor monthly statements received from the
factoring agent and monitor payments made by customers to the factoring agent (or payments
made to the client in error).
Before You Go On
4.1 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the complete-
ness assertion regarding credit sales? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
4.2 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the occurrence
assertion regarding credit sales? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
4.3 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the existence of
accounts receivable? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
The cash receipts function involves the following subfunctions: (1) receiving cash, (2) deposit-
ing cash, and (3) recording the receipts. As in the case of credit sales transactions, segregation
of duties in performing these subfunctions is an important internal control. Today, many cash
receipts involve the electronic transfer of funds. Funds are received directly by the bank, and
the bank establishes controls over receiving cash. Alternatively, customers may send checks to
a client, and the client sets up a lockbox opened by the bank. In this case, the checks are once
again received directly by the bank, which is responsible for both receiving and depositing cash.
This system is described in the following section, “Example Transaction Flows—Cash Receipts.”
If a company receives cash or checks directly from customers (such as at a college/university),
it must establish initial control over the receipt of cash. In this case, the client creates its own
remittance report (independent of the process of recording cash) and makes a detailed list of
customers who paid via cash or check and the amounts received. A major risk in processing
cash receipt transactions is the possible theft of cash before a record is made of the cash receipt;
thus, control procedures should provide reasonable assurance that documentation establishing
accountability is created at the moment cash is received and cash is subsequently safeguarded.
Control Activities for Cash Receipts 11-19
Check sent to
report Remittance
lockbox Deposit
from bank advice
Record in cash
receipts journal
Post to general
Receiving Cash
A major risk in processing cash receipt transactions is the possible theft of cash before or after
a record of the receipt is made. Control procedures should provide reasonable assurance that
documentation establishing accountability is created at the moment cash is received and that
the cash is subsequently safeguarded.
Electronic funds transfer and lockboxes. Today, the most common form of cash receipts
involves either electronic funds transfer (EFT) or physical checks received directly by the
lockbox system cash is bank through a lockbox system. With an electronic transfer of funds, cash goes from the
received at a post office box that customer’s bank account to the client’s bank account. However, the U.S. economy still uses
is controlled by the client’s bank; written checks in significant amounts. Companies that receive checks often receive them
the bank picks up the mail daily through a lockbox (a post office box that is controlled by the company’s bank). The bank
(or more frequently) and deposits picks up the mail daily, deposits the checks in the client’s bank account, and sends to the
the checks in the company’s bank
client the remittance advices, a remittance report listing each individual cash receipt, and a
deposit slip. When the bank receives electronic funds transfers, the bank also prepares a re-
mittance report listing each individual cash receipt and a deposit slip. The remittance report
is used by the client as a source document to record cash receipts and update accounts receiv-
able. These systems expedite the depositing of funds from customers, permit the company to
receive credit for the receipts sooner, and provide external evidence of the existence of the
transactions. They also eliminate the risk of theft of the receipts by company employees or
the failure to record cash receipts.
Cash received by the company. It is less common for larger companies to process their
own mail receipts, but this continues to occur in small businesses, governments, and not-
for-profit organizations. In these cases, an independent individual with cashier responsi-
bilities should (1) immediately restrictively endorse checks for deposit only (increasing the
likelihood that receipts will be deposited and recorded) and (2) list the checks on a remit-
tance report. The latter may be done manually or using software. Immediate preparation
of the remittance report establishes accountability for the receipts and provides a batch or
control total for use in independent checks on the completeness and accuracy of processing
cash receipts. Remittance advices received with the checks, and a copy of the remittance re-
port, are then forwarded to the client’s accounting department for use in updating customer
Over-the-counter receipts. For over-the-counter receipts, a cash register or point-of-sale
terminal is indispensable. These devices provide:
• Immediate visual display for the customer of the amount of the cash sale and the cash
• A printed receipt for the customer and an internal record of the transaction on an elec-
tronic file or a tape locked inside the register.
• Printed control totals of the day’s receipts processed on the device.
Transaction and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control
Receiving and Remittance advice Mail receipts may be lost or Electronic funds transfer directly to bank or
depositing from customer, bank misappropriated after receipt. establish a lockbox arrangement with the bank.
cash remittance report, Cash may be taken (skimmed) or not
deposit slip be deposited intact daily.
Inappropriate cash discounts may be The client’s software application can recalculate
taken by customers. cash discounts taken by customers.
Cash received Cash sales may not be recorded. Use of cash registers or point-of-sale devices.
by the client
Prelist of cash receipts Mail receipts may be lost or Immediate preparation of prelist of mail
misappropriated after receipt. receipts. Restrictive endorsement of checks
immediately upon receipt.
Prelist of cash receipts, Checks received may not agree with Independent check of agreement of remittance
remittance advices prelist of cash. advices with prelist of cash received.
Cash depos- Bank deposit slip, Cash may not be deposited intact daily. Independent check of agreement of prelist of
ited by the prelist of cash receipts, cash receipts or bank remittance report with
client bank remittance report validated deposit slip.
Recording Sales database, prelist Cash receipts may be recorded in error. Software agreement of amounts journalized
cash receipts of cash receipts, bank and posted with the prelist of cash receipts or
remittance report bank remittance report.
Independent bank Errors may be made in journalizing Preparation of periodic independent bank
reconciliation cash receipts. reconciliations.
Monthly statement to Receipts may be posted to the wrong Mailing of monthly statements to customers.
customers customer account.
11-22 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
As noted earlier, auditors cannot efficiently test all controls that exist. Instead, auditors
will find a few key controls and attempt to identify the most important control for each asser-
tion. Following are example key controls auditors often test for cash receipts transactions. The
examples rely significantly on IT application controls to flag potential misstatements. In this
case, the auditor must understand both the IT control and how clients manually follow up on
exceptions on a timely basis.
Completeness of cash receipts. The software application compares each item in the bank re-
mittance report (or the prelist of cash receipts if cash and checks are received by the client) to de-
velop a one-for-one match with recorded cash receipts in the daily remittance report. An exception
report is generated daily of any cash receipts that have not been recorded. However, the strength
of these controls depends on adequate segregation of duties and controls establishing immediate
recorded accountability for all cash receipts to prevent the diversion or skimming of cash receipts.
Occurrence of cash receipts. The software application starts with the population of daily cash
receipts recorded in the daily remittance report (daily cash receipts journal) and develops a one-
for-one match with the bank remittance report (or prelist of cash received). An exception report
is generated daily of any recorded cash receipts not supported by the bank remittance report.
Accuracy of cash receipts. The software application starts with the population of daily cash re-
ceipts recorded in the daily remittance report (daily cash receipts journal) and compares the dollar
amount of each recorded cash receipt with the bank remittance report (or prelist of cash received).
The accuracy of any discounts for early payment by customers is double-checked by the software
application. An exception report is generated daily for any recorded values of cash received not sup-
ported by a remittance report or for inappropriate discounts taken by customers for early payment.
Cutoff of cash receipts. The software application starts with the population of daily cash
receipts recorded in the daily remittance report (daily cash receipts journal) and compares the
date recorded in the daily remittance report with the date received and deposited by the bank
(or date on the prelist of cash receipts). An exception report is generated daily for any cash
receipts recorded in the incorrect time period.
Classification of cash receipts. The software application starts with the population of daily
cash receipts recorded in the daily remittance report (daily cash receipts journal) and com-
pares customer account numbers on the daily remittance report (cash receipts journal) with
the customer numbers on the bank remittance report. An exception report is generated daily
of any cash receipts posted to the incorrect customer.
Before You Go On
5.1 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the completeness
assertion regarding cash receipts? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
5.2 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the cutoff
assertion regarding cash receipts? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
Control Activities for Sales Adjustments and Revenue Process Disclosures 11-23
Sales adjustments involve adjustments for goods returned by the customer, discounts given
to customers associated with defects in goods received by the customer, and period-end
adjustments to record a provision for bad debt expense or to record the write-off of accounts
receivable. Important documents and records used in processing sales adjustments include
the following:
• Sales return authorization—A form showing the description, quantity, and other
data pertaining to goods the customer is authorized to return. It serves as the basis
for initiating the sales return and internal processing of the customer return by the
• Authorization for accounts receivable write-off—A form showing the procedures taken to
attempt collection and to document authorization of accounts receivable write-off.
• Receiving report—A report prepared on the receipt of goods from customers showing the
kinds and quantities of goods received.
• Credit memo—A form stating the particulars of a credit to accounts receivable,
including the specific items returned, prices, and amount credited to a customer’s
account. It provides the basis for recording the sales return or a sales adjustment for
damaged goods.
• Journal entry—A document used to record adjustments such as a provision for bad debt
expense or an accounts receivable write-off in the general ledger.
• Cash receipts journal—A journal listing cash receipts from cash sales and collections on
accounts receivable.
In many companies, the number and dollar value of sales adjustments is immaterial. How-
ever, in some companies, the potential for misstatements resulting from errors and fraud in
the processing of these transactions is considerable.
Further, there should be adequate segregation of duties for authorizing sales returns, receiv-
ing goods, and recording credit memos. Usually, the business unit that makes the sale will
have the responsibility of authorizing sales adjustment transactions.
When there is the potential for material misstatements from sales adjustments trans-
actions, the auditor should obtain an understanding of all relevant aspects of the internal
control components and consider the factors that affect the risk of such misstatements. If a
provision for sales returns is estimated at quarter-end, management should establish controls
to ensure adjustments are made based on reliable information and adjustments are consistent
disclosure committee a from quarter to quarter. In larger public companies, a disclosure committee reviews these
committee often led by the CFO estimates if they could aggregate with other adjustments to an amount that is material to the
or chief legal officer with the financial statements. A disclosure committee is typically led by the CFO and includes individ-
purpose of helping ensure that uals in management who are knowledgeable about the condition of the company and required
financial statement disclosures financial reporting disclosures relevant to the revenue process.
are accurate, complete, and fairly
presented in all material respects
of disclosures, and the accuracy and valuation of information included in disclosures. Com-
mon disclosures in the revenue process include:
• Reclassification of material credit balances in accounts receivable as accounts payable.
• Segregation of short-term trade receivables from long-term trade receivables.
• Disclosure of major customers.
• Disclosure of sales by geographic regions or major product lines.
• Disclosure of receivables from officers, directors, employees, or related parties.
Public companies normally accomplish this task with a disclosure committee that works with
the CFO or controller to review disclosures. Many companies use a current GAAP disclosure
checklist to assist in this process.
Before You Go On
6.1 Explain the fraud that might be covered up by granting inappropriate sales adjustments or
by inappropriately writing off accounts receivable. Describe an internal control to detect and
correct this problem.
6.2 Explain appropriate controls over journal entries to provide for bad debt expense.
6.3 Explain an appropriate control over revenue process disclosures.
The following discussion identifies potential tests of controls that may be used to determine if
a client’s controls in the revenue process are effective. Once the auditor has evaluated the
quality of the system of internal control, the audit team is in a good position to evaluate the
opportunity for fraud risk. The fraud risk assessment should be approached with professional
skepticism. Finally, this section focuses on the links between risk of material misstatement
(RMM) and subsequent strategy for substantive testing.
The auditor will usually test the effectiveness of IT general controls as part of testing
entity-level controls. For example, when testing the control environment, the auditor might
pay particular attention to making inquiries and collecting supporting evidence regarding
employee awareness of IT security issues. If the auditor is testing issues regarding controls
over program changes, the auditor might determine how program access is controlled and
monitored, look at logs of program access or incident reports, and talk to users about their
involvement in program changes affecting their responsibilities. The auditor will want to pay
attention to segregation of duties regarding access to programs and access to data, the effec-
tiveness of password controls, and the follow-up of any incident reports regarding unautho-
rized access. The auditor will also want to understand controls over back-up and recovery of
programs and data, and test the effectiveness of these controls. These tests are often performed
by an IT audit specialist.
Auditors often use test data to test IT application controls and determine whether ex-
pected results appear on exception reports. For example, in the revenue process, the auditor
might submit:
The auditor might also use generalized audit software to perform sequence checks and
print lists of sales orders, shipping documents, or sales invoices whose numbers are missing
in designated sequences of prenumbered documents.
Finally, the auditor will need to test the appropriateness of manual follow-up of excep-
tions noted by the software application. If exception reports are printed daily, the auditor
might select a sample of exception reports to determine if exceptions are cleared on a timely
basis. The auditor might make inquiries of personnel responsible for clearing exceptions to de-
termine their awareness of the types of misstatements that might appear on exception reports.
The auditor should also follow through on previously noted exceptions to determine they were
cleared appropriately and on a timely basis.
complaining, when $1,500 is received from Customer B, it is accounted for as $1,000 from
Customer A and $500 from Customer B. Subsequently, the accounts receivable clerk must
cover the shortage from Customer B with funds from another customer, and so on. Sometimes
the fraudster can solve the problem of keeping this going by falsifying a sales adjustment to re-
duce the receivable, or by writing off part of a customer’s balance through a journal entry. The
auditor should be alert to the possibility of fraud when a cash receipt is credited to the wrong
customer, or there is little or no justification for a sales adjustment or receivable write-off.
Toni Koyama is working on the audit of a construction company. Shortly after the fourth quarter
ended, Toni ran some data analytics and has the following information:
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Gross margin on work in progress 15.5% 15.9% 16.6% 18.9%
Gross margin on completed contracts 20.8% 20.1% 12.3% 6.9%
Toni notes the gross margin on completed contracts declines quarter by quarter. Gross mar-
gin on work in progress actually increases in the fourth quarter. Toni wonders where to look next.
Receivables from customers are increasing, and work in progress inventory is also increasing. Toni
is now concerned in two ways. Does the client have a problem with (1) premature revenue recog-
nition, (2) the capitalization of costs that should be expensed, or (3) both? Two risks have clearly
been identified. Now, more tests of details of revenues recognized along with work in progress
inventory are warranted.
if fraud risk is increased as a result of the internal control deficiency, and determine how to
revise planned substantive tests for the revenue process. The auditor may need to change
the timing of planned substantive tests related to an assertion from interim testing to testing
year-end balances. The auditor may also have to consider increasing sample sizes when
sampling is involved. If internal controls related to an assertion are ineffective, the auditor
will need to communicate significant deficiencies or material weaknesses to management
and to those charged with governance of the entity.
Before You Go On
7.1 If the auditor has identified an IT application control related to the completeness of revenues,
and IT general controls have already been determined to be effective, suggest how the auditor
might test the effectiveness of such IT application controls and related manual follow-up.
7.2 Explain lapping. What might be evidence that lapping has occurred?
7.3 Assume an auditor is auditing a private company that sells computer hardware and offers
servicing contracts to maintain the computer. If internal controls are weak, what are the
implications for developing an audit strategy in the revenue process?
At this stage the auditor has evaluated inherent risks, evaluated and tested the system of inter-
nal control in the revenue process, and developed an audit strategy. What remains is perform-
ing substantive tests. The following discussion focuses on identifying the appropriate substan-
tive tests for relevant assertions in the revenue process. It further addresses performing initial
procedures, performing analytical procedures as a substantive test, considering when the au-
ditor would want to audit an entire population, performing tests of details of transactions,
performing tests of details of account balances, and performing tests of details of presentation
and disclosure assertions. Illustration 11.11 presents a suggested audit program for substan-
tive tests of revenue process assertions, which is followed by a discussion of each of the steps.
The audit procedures in Illustration 11.11 are most likely to be associated with manufac-
turing companies or wholesalers. If the auditor is auditing a retail grocery store, it is unlikely
to have significant receivables. A hotel is more likely to have significant unearned revenue
than accounts receivable, and the auditor will have to determine the best way to evaluate un-
earned revenues. Finally, a college is less likely to have significant receivables from students.
In many cases, students use student loans from sources other than the college or university.
Substantive Tests for the Revenue Process 11-29
Category Substantive Test Assertion
Initial 1. Obtain an understanding of the business and industry and determine: All
procedure a. the significance of revenues and accounts receivable to the entity
b. key economic drivers that influence the entity’s sales, margins, and collections
c. standard trade terms in the industry, including seasonal dating, collections period, etc.
d. the extent of concentration of activity with customers
2. Perform initial procedures on accounts receivable balance and records that will be subjected to Valuation and
further testing. allocation, Rights
a. Trace beginning balance for accounts receivable to prior year’s working papers. and obligations
b. Scan the activity in the general ledger account for accounts receivable and investigate entries
that appear unusual in amount or source.
c. Obtain accounts receivable trial balance and determine that it accurately represents the Valuation and
underlying accounting records by: allocation
i. footing the trial balance and determining agreement with (1) the total of the subsidiary led-
ger or accounts receivable master file, and (2) the general ledger balance
ii. verifying agreement of customer balances listed on the trial balance with those included in
the subsidiary ledger or master file
Analytical 3. Perform analytical procedures: All
procedures a. Develop an expectation for accounts receivable using knowledge of the entity’s business
activity, market share, normal trade terms, and its history of accounts receivable turnover
in days.
b. Calculate ratios:
i. compare sales to the entity’s capacity
ii. compare sales growth and receivable growth
iii. accounts receivable turnover in days
iv. uncollectible accounts expense to net credit sales
v. uncollectible accounts expense to accounts receivable write-offs
c. Analyze ratio results relative to expectations based on prior years, industry data, budgeted
amounts, or other data.
Tests of 4. Vouch a sample of recorded revenue process transactions to supporting documentation. Occurrence,
details of a. Vouch recorded revenue transactions to supporting sales invoices, shipping documents, and sales Accuracy,
transactions orders. Cutoff,
b. Vouch cash receipt transactions to supporting bank remittance reports and remittance
c. Vouch sales adjustment transactions to authorizations for sales returns and allowances or
uncollectible account write-offs.
5. Trace a sample of revenue transactions from shipments to recording in the sales journal. Also trace Completeness
a sample of cash receipts and sales returns to their recording in the accounting records.
6. Perform cutoff test for sales and sales returns. Cutoff
a. Select a sample of recorded sales transactions from several days before and after year-end and
examine supporting sales invoices and shipping documents to determine sales were recorded in
the proper period.
b. Select a sample of credit memos issued after year-end, examine supporting documentation such
as dated receiving reports, and determine that returns were recorded in the proper period. Also
consider whether volume of sales returns after year-end suggest possibility of unauthorized
shipments before year-end.
7. Perform cash receipts cutoff test. Cutoff
a. Observe that all cash received through the close of business on the last day of the fiscal year is
included in cash on hand or deposits in transit and that no receipts of the subsequent period are
included, or
b. Scan documentation such as daily cash summaries, duplicate deposit slips, and bank statements
covering several days before and after year-end for proper cutoff.
11-30 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Category Substantive Test Assertion
Tests of details 8. Confirm accounts receivable. Existence,
of balances a. Determine the form, timing, and extent of confirmation requests. Valuation and
b. Select and execute sample and investigate exceptions.
c. For positive confirmation requests for which no reply was received, perform alternative
follow-up procedures:
• Vouch subsequent cash receipts identifiable with items comprising account balance at
confirmation date to supporting documentation.
• Vouch items comprising balance at confirmation date to documentary support such as sale
orders and shipping documents.
9. a. Inquire about the sale, factoring, or pledging of accounts receivable. Rights and
b. Send confirmations to entities that have purchased accounts receivable or hold accounts obligations
receivable as collateral.
10. Evaluate adequacy of allowance component for each aging category and in the aggregate. Valuation and
a. Foot and crossfoot the aged trial balance of receivables and agree total to the general ledger. allocation
b. Vouch amounts in aging categories for a sample of accounts to supporting documents.
c. For past–due accounts:
• Examine evidence of collectibility, such as correspondence with customers and outside
collection agencies, credit reports, and customers’ financial statements.
• Inquire about collectibility of accounts with appropriate management personnel.
d. Evaluate management’s process for estimating the allowance for doubtful accounts using
e. Evaluate the adequacy of the allowance given information about
• industry trends
• aging trends
• collection history for specific customers
Tests of 11. Compare statement presentation with GAAP.
details of a. Compare disclosures related to existence and rights and obligations of receivables to the results Occurrence and
presentation of tests performed above. rights and
and obligations
b. Verify that receivables are properly identified and classified as to type and expected period of Classification and
realization. understandability
c. Verify whether there are credit balances that are significant in the aggregate and that should Classification and
be reclassified as liabilities. understandability
d. Verify the appropriateness of disclosures and accounting for related party, pledged, assigned, or Occurrence and
factored receivables. rights and
e. Verify the need for disclosures regarding significant customers or sales by line of business. Completeness
f. Evaluate the completeness of presentation and disclosures for receivables in drafts of financial Completeness
statements to determine conformity to GAAP by reference to disclosure checklist.
g. Read disclosures and independently evaluate their understandability.
h. Vouch the accuracy of receivable disclosures to tests performed above. Classification and
Accuracy and
Initial Procedures
The starting point for every audit test is obtaining an understanding of the business and industry.
As previously discussed, it is important to understand the entity’s policies regarding revenue rec-
ognition, as well as the entity’s underlying economic drivers that impact total revenues and gross
margin. The auditor should also understand standard trade terms, industry and client collection
Substantive Tests for the Revenue Process 11-31
experience, seasonal aspects of the industry, and the extent of concentration of business with
particular customers. This knowledge provides the context for evaluating the results of analyti-
cal procedures, tests of controls, and substantive tests. For example, the evidence obtained when
performing detail tests of transactions and balances, such as invoice prices or size of receivables
for particular customers, should be consistent with expectations about industry competitiveness,
the entity’s productive time capacity, and the existence of major customers.
An important initial procedure for verifying accounts receivable and the related allow-
ance account is tracing the current period’s beginning balances to the ending audited balances
in the prior year’s working papers (when applicable). Next, the current period’s activity in the
general ledger control account and related allowance account should be scanned for any signif-
icant entries that are unusual in nature or amount and that may require special investigation.
For example, the auditor should investigate any receivables and revenues that are not booked
by way of recording sales invoices in the sales journal. In addition, a listing of all customer
balances, called an accounts receivable trial balance, is obtained (usually in digital form). The
auditor uses generalized audit software to foot the accounts receivable trial balance and the
total should be compared with (1) the total of the subsidiary ledger or master file from which
it was prepared and (2) the general ledger control account. The auditor should also compare a
sample of the customer balances shown on the trial balance with that in the subsidiary ledger
and vice versa to determine that the trial balance is an accurate and complete representation
of the underlying accounting records. It can then serve as the physical representation of the
population of accounts receivable to be subjected to further substantive testing.
Alternatively, the auditor can produce the accounts receivable trial balance directly from
the client’s master file using audit software. If the auditor can obtain the client’s records in
machine-readable form, the auditor can also use generalized audit software to identify sig-
nificant customers, analyze the volume of transactions with customers, and identify unusual
transactions or a high volume of transactions near year-end. The initial procedures in verify-
ing the accuracy of the trial balance and determining its agreement with the general ledger
balance relate primarily to the valuation and allocation assertion.
If a merchandising client has strong internal controls, the auditor might consider matching
electronic information from the sales order, the shipping documents, and the sales invoice to
test the occurrence and completeness of revenue. The effectiveness of this procedure might
depend on how often items are backordered. Each time an item must be backordered, and an
order is not shipped in its entirety, the transaction will likely require further investigation.
numbers in the audit documentation. The auditor can subsequently determine that each sales
transaction recorded prior to year-end is supported by a shipping document with a number is-
sued in the current period and that each sales transaction recorded after year-end is supported
by a shipping document with a number issued in the subsequent period. Illustration 11.12
provides some examples of potential sales cutoff issues, assuming the shipping terms are FOB
shipping point. For a calendar-year client, if January sales are recorded in December, there is
a misstatement of the occurrence assertion. Conversely, if December sales are not recorded
until January, there is a misstatement of the completeness assertion.
The sales return cutoff test is similar and is particularly directed toward the possibility
that returns made prior to year-end are not recorded until after year-end, resulting in the
overstatement of receivables and sales. The correct timing can be determined by examining
dated receiving reports for returned merchandise and correspondence with customers. The
auditor should also be alert to the possibility that an unusually heavy volume of sales returns
after year-end (perhaps up to the end of fieldwork and report date) could signal unauthorized
shipments before year-end to inflate recorded sales and receivables.
• The auditor’s assessed level of risk of material misstatement at the relevant assertion
level is low, and the other planned substantive procedures address the assessed risk.
An auditor who does not request confirmation of receivables should document in the
working papers how he or she overcame the presumption that confirmations should be re-
quested. For example, the auditor might state the conclusion, based on the prior year’s audit
experience on that engagement, that it is expected the responses would be unreliable or the
response rates would be inadequate in the current year.
Occasionally, clients have prohibited auditors from confirming any or certain accounts
receivable. Complete prohibition represents a serious limitation on the scope of the audit that
generally results in a disclaimer of opinion on the financial statements. The effect of partial
prohibition should be evaluated on the basis of management’s reasons and whether the audi-
tor can obtain sufficient evidence from other auditing procedures. Finally, the auditor must
make a decision about the use of positive or negative confirmations. The section “Confirmation”
in Chapter 5 discussed the difference between positive and negative confirmations, and the
desirability of using positive confirmations in most circumstances.
Illustration 11.13 provides an example of a positive confirmation. While confirmations
are signed by the client, they should be controlled and mailed by the auditor. Today, there are
services that can assist the auditor in providing electronic delivery and receipt of confirmations.
A positive confirmation sent electronically will be similar to the confirmation shown in Illustra-
tion 11.13. However, the service allows for the customer to send an electronic response securely
and confidentially to the audit firm. The use of electronic confirmations is increasing rapidly.
Example positive confirmation G.J. Manufacturing
P.O. Box 1922, Denver, Colorado 80123
Industrial Automotive
P.O. Box 131
Spring Green, Wisconsin 53558
This request is being sent to you to enable our independent auditors to confirm the correctness of
our records. It is not request for payment.
Our records on December 31, 2022, showed an amount of $16,421.08 receivable from you. Please
confirm whether this agrees with your records on that date by signing and returning this form
directly to our auditors. An addressed envelope is enclosed for this purpose. If you find any differ-
ence, please report details directly to our auditors in the space provided below.
Emily Paulson
Chief Financial Officer
Please examine this carefully and advise our auditors as to any exceptions at the following
Bell & Bowerman, LLP
Certified Public Accountants
822 17th St., Suite 2200
Denver, CO 80202
A self-addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience.
Timing and Extent of Requests When the level of detection risk is low, the auditor
ordinarily requests confirmation of receivables as of the balance sheet date. If the risk of
material misstatement is low, the auditor is willing to accept a higher level of detection risk,
and the confirmation date may be one or two months earlier. In such a case, the auditor is
expected to evaluate material changes between the confirmation date and balance sheet date.
In some cases, the auditor may elect to reconfirm accounts with unusual changes during the
roll-forward period.
The extent of confirmation requests, or sample size, is related to the factors discussed
in Chapter 10 (Illustration 10.4). Stratification may also affect sample size. For example, au-
ditors frequently seek confirmation of all accounts in excess of a certain dollar amount (less
than or equal to tolerable misstatement) and select a random sample of all other accounts.
Sample size may be determined judgmentally or with the aid of a statistical sampling plan, as
explained in Chapter 10.
• There are no unusual qualitative factors or systematic characteristics related to the non-
responses, such as that all nonresponses pertain to year-end transactions.
• The nonresponses, projected as 100% misstatements to the populations and added to the
sum of all other unadjusted differences, would not affect the auditor’s decision about
whether the financial statements are materially correct.
Summarizing and Evaluating Results The auditor’s working papers should contain a
summary of results from confirming accounts receivable. The summary should provide data
• The number and dollar value of confirmations sent and responses received.
• The proportion of the population total covered by the sample.
• The relationship between the audited and book values of items included in the sample.
Statistical and nonstatistical procedures may be used to project misstatements found in the
sample to the population, as explained in Chapter 10. The combined evidence from the confir-
mations, alternative procedures performed on nonresponses, and other tests of details and ana-
lytical procedures are evaluated to determine whether sufficient evidence has been obtained to
support management’s assertions about gross accounts receivable. Illustration 11.14 provides
an abbreviated example of a working paper evaluating confirmations. (Note: This supports the
analysis working paper shown in Illustration 10.14.)
Client: G.J. Manufacturing Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: W.M.F. 2/8/23
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reviewed by: C.W.B. 2/18/23
Evaluation of Confirmation Results Reference: B-3
Objective: Evaluation of Accounts Receivable Confirmations
Confirmation # Book Value Confirmed Value Audited Value Misstatement Explanation
1 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000
2 310,000 300,000 300,000 $10,000 $10,000 of goods returned. Received on
Stratum 1
12/29/22. Credit memo issued 1/3/23.
10 187,500 NR 187,500 ¥,€
11 42,000 NR 42,000 ¥,€
12 20,000 20,000 20,000
Stratum 2
or disputed items that affect the proper valuation of the amount due. While confirmations
may provide indications of collectibility problems, the confirmation of accounts receivable
relates only to the valuation and allocation assertion for gross accounts receivables. When a
customer’s response indicates agreement with the book balance, there is evidence that the bal-
ance is complete. However, the evidence about the completeness assertion is limited because
(1) unrecorded receivables cannot be confirmed and (2) customers are more likely to report
errors of overstatement than errors of understatement.
• Using generalized audit software to foot and crossfoot the aged trial balance of accounts
receivable and agreeing the total to the general ledger balance.
• Testing the accuracy of the client’s aging by vouching to underlying sales invoices and
shipping documents.
• Considering evidence concerning the collectibility of past-due amounts by, for example,
inspecting correspondence from customers.
• Identifying customers with past-due balances and calculating credit histories for custom-
ers with past-due balances.
• Evaluating prior estimates of uncollectible accounts with subsequent experience and the
benefit of hindsight.
• Using the evidence obtained above to assess the reasonableness of the percentages used
to compute the allowance component required for each aging category and the adequacy
of the overall allowance.
Auditing the allowance for doubtful accounts may be a good place to use ADA to
evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts. Consider this example in
the context of Illustration 7.8. The auditor can use generalized audit software to generate
an aging of the client’s master file. The auditor can then use the same aging to identify
customers that do not fit the norm for the client’s normal collection history (e.g., over
90 past due). Within this population of customers taking over 90 days to pay, the audi-
tor might identify customers that normally take 90 to 120 days to pay, but pay regularly.
This would be an acceptable variation from the norm. Alternatively, the auditor wants to
pay close attention to customers that demonstrate deteriorating payment history as the
year progresses. For this final grouping, auditors might also examine correspondence with
customers or correspondence with outside collection agencies, review customers’ credit
reports and financial statements, and discuss the collectibility of specific accounts with
appropriate management personnel. Ultimately, the auditor must determine if the poten-
tial misstatement of the allowance for doubtful accounts could aggregate to an amount
greater than or equal to tolerable misstatement. Finally, the auditor may want to use as
much hindsight as possible to evaluate whether outstanding receivables are subsequently
The allowance for uncollectible accounts is an accounting estimate made by manage-
ment that involves both objective and subjective considerations. In essence, it is a prospective
estimate of receivables that will not be collected in the future. The auditor’s responsibility
is to judge the reasonableness of the allowance and the related provision for uncollectible
accounts expense. From the aging data, information about collectibility, and analysis of the
client’s prior experience with uncollectible accounts, the auditor can assess the reasonable-
ness of management’s method used to determine an appropriate allowance. An important
aspect of evaluating prior experience with the entity involves using hindsight to evaluate prior
estimates of the allowance and subsequent experience in collecting receivables outstanding
at the date of the estimate. When the client’s controls over (1) granting credit and (2) writing
off uncollectible accounts are strong, fewer substantive tests will be required in making this
assessment than when controls are weak.
11-38 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Before You Go On
8.1 What is involved in vouching sales transactions to supporting documentation? What docu-
ments would the auditor look at when vouching sales transactions and what assertions are
met by vouching sales?
8.2 What cutoff tests are performed for sales and cash receipts? How are they performed and
what assertions are met by these tests?
8.3 When positive confirmations are used, how does the auditor deal with nonresponses?
8.4 What steps should the auditor perform when auditing the accounting estimate associated
with the allowance for doubtful accounts?
8.5 List several common disclosures required for sales or accounts receivable.
Learning Objectives Review 11-39
The revenue process includes three major classes of transactions: 5 Evaluate control activities for cash receipt transac-
(1) credit sales, (2) cash receipts, and (3) sales adjustments. The pri- tions.
mary balance sheet account in the revenue process is accounts re-
ceivable, net of the allowance for doubtful accounts. Illustration 11.1
This section continues the discussion of understanding the flow of
summarizes the transactions that go through the revenue process,
transactions related to cash receipts. While many companies now re-
and Illustration 11.2 identifies the assertions relevant to the revenue
ceive cash either by electronic funds transfer or a lockbox, this section
process. Remember, the auditor must obtain sufficient appropriate
also discusses how a company should establish initial control over
evidence for each material assertion, and an audit strategy for one as-
cash and checks if they are received directly from customers. Illus-
sertion may be different from the audit strategy for another assertion.
tration 11.10 summarizes what can go wrong in the process of receiv-
ing cash along with common controls that might mitigate these risks.
2 Evaluate how an auditor’s understanding of an entity This section concludes with a discussion of key controls that might be
and its environment affects audit planning decisions in found related to relevant cash receipt transaction assertions.
the revenue process.
6 Evaluate control activities for sales adjustment trans-
Different companies in different industries experience various risks actions and revenue process disclosures.
associated with the revenue process. Revenue recognition is more
problematic in some industries, and some industries have signifi- The final section on revenue transactions discusses common docu-
cant transactions that result in cash collection in advance of earning ments found when goods are returned, and credit is given to custom-
revenues. Illustration 11.3 provides examples of five different indus- ers. Common controls over granting credit for sales returns and allow-
tries and how knowledge of the entity and its environment can be ances, controls over determining uncollectible accounts, controls over
used to develop expectations of the financial statements and to as- selling receivables, and controls over disclosures are also discussed in
sess the risk of material misstatement. This section also addresses this section of the chapter.
common analytical procedures that (1) help the auditor understand
the business and (2) may identify significant inherent risks in the 7 Determine how to design and perform tests of con-
financial statements. Illustration 11.5 provides examples of other
trols in the revenue process and connect the results of
key factors associated with understanding the entity and its envi-
ronment and how these factors may influence inherent risk in the control testing to audit strategy.
revenue process.
This final section related to controls in the revenue process discusses
the process of testing the controls identified for relevant assertions in
3 Determine inherent risk for various assertions in the
the financial statements. Remember, when the entity relies on signifi-
revenue process. cant IT application controls, the auditor must test (1) the effectiveness
of IT general controls, (2) the effectiveness of the IT application con-
Common inherent risks in the revenue process relate to the occur- trols, and (3) the effectiveness of manual procedures to follow up on ex-
rence of revenue and the existence of receivables. This section reviews ceptions. Once the auditor has evaluated controls, the auditor should
a number of methods that have been used by companies to overstate consider fraud risk in the revenue process. The discussion related to
revenues. This section also provides an example of how analytical fraud risk addresses the risk of lapping techniques, its tie to misappro-
procedures might flag an increased risk of material misstatement for priation of cash, and various risks of fraudulent financial reporting
some revenue process assertions. In using professional skepticism, an techniques that the auditor should be alert to. Once the auditor has
auditor should be able to recognize factors that increase inherent risk determined the risk of material misstatement of each assertion, the
in the revenue process, so that the audit is responsive to these risks. auditor can make decisions about what substantive tests to perform,
the timing of substantive tests, and the extent of substantive tests.
4 Evaluate control activities for credit sales transac-
tions. 8 Assess detection risk and design substantive tests,
including audit data analytics, to address various asser-
Each entity has a unique system of internal control that is tailored to tions in the revenue process.
the entity’s business model and how it brings in revenues. It is impor-
tant for the auditor to (1) understand the flow of transactions in the The final section of this chapter outlines common substantive tests in
revenue process, (2) identify what can go wrong in the revenue pro- the revenue process. Illustration 11.11 provides a common audit pro-
cess, and (3) assess whether the client has controls to mitigate what gram for substantive tests that might be found in the revenue process,
can go wrong. Illustration 11.7 provides an example of the flow of and this section explains the importance of each of these tests. The
transactions for credit sales; Illustration 11.8 addresses what can go section also reviews professional standards related to sending con-
wrong in the process of making credit sales and common controls that firmations to customers and the importance of follow-up procedures
might be found to mitigate these risks. This section concludes with when customers fail to respond to confirmations.
11-40 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
Conclusions Regarding Internal Controls and Audit customers disputing items on monthly statements indicating
Strategy in the Revenue Process a breakdown in internal control.
• Detection risk. Plan to send confirmations to customers
• Inherent risk assessment. Assess inherent risk at the maxi- at an interim date if preliminary assessment of internal
mum due to right-of-return issues and incentives for man- controls is confirmed. Receivables confirmed also repre-
agement to overstate revenues (and receivables). sent a test of transactions for sales confirmed. Plan to use
• Control risk and planned tests of controls. Plan to test the fol- ADA to match cash receipts with all sales made during
lowing IT application controls related to revenues and sales: the last two months. Any sales in the last two months
(1) comparison of date on sales invoice with date on shipping that have not been sold through by customers (for which
records, (2) match of every sales invoice with underlying bill cash has been received), should be treated as consignment
of lading, (3) sending of monthly statements to customers. sales. Revenue cannot be booked and inventory should be
Also, plan to test manual follow-up of exceptions noted by placed back on the books using information from the sales
the software application. Review any correspondence with system.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) An auditor wants to determine that all sales adjustments b. Sales declined by 2% and receivables declined by 7% from year
are recorded. This relates to which of the following transaction-class one to year two.
assertions? c. Sales grew by 10% and receivables declined by 2% from year
a. Occurrence. one to year two.
b. Completeness. d. Sales grew by 5% and receivables grew by 17% from year one
c. Accuracy. to year two.
d. Classification. 5. (LO 3) An audit client that manufactures and sells goods to a net-
work of authorized dealers may create the equivalent of a consign-
2. (LO 1) If a customer pays its receivable in full but a client fails to
ment sale if the client:
record cash received from the customer, which of the following ac-
count balance assertions related to accounts receivable is misstated? a. only allows goods to be returned if they are damaged.
a. Completeness. b. allows a cash discount if the receivable is paid within
30 days.
b. Rights and obligations.
c. allows an unconditional right of return at any time until the
c. Valuation at net realizable value.
goods are sold by the dealer.
d. Existence.
d. ships goods only on a collect on delivery (C.O.D.) basis.
3. (LO 2) Assume that an auditor is auditing a public company cli- 6. (LO 4) Which of the following control activities would most
ent that manufactures computer hardware and markets significant likely assure that no fictitious billings have been posted to the sales
maintenance and consulting services. The auditor should be con- journal?
cerned about which of the following?
a. The accounts receivable master file is compared with the
a. Appropriate accounting for commissions on sales. general ledger control account.
b. Significant revenue issues associated with bundling products b. Each shipment on credit is supported by a prenumbered sales
and services. order.
c. More than the usual concern about collection risk. c. The software application compares each sales invoice
d. Significant concerns about the completeness of revenues. with the supporting shipping documents and notes any
4. (LO 2) An auditor is studying a ratio of accounts receivable discrepancies.
growth rate to sales growth rate. Which of the following indicates a d. The software application compares prices on the sales in-
potential risk of collection problem in accounts receivable? voices with prices on the master price list and notes any
a. Sales grew by 10% and receivables grew by 11% from year one discrepancies.
to year two.
11-42 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
7. (LO 4) Which of the following control activities would be a rea- b. the sales manager.
sonable control over the accuracy of recorded sales? c. the accounts receivable supervisor.
a. The software application matches sales invoice quantities with d. the credit manager.
the underlying packing slip and prices with the sales order.
11. (LO 7) Which of the following situations increases the risk of
b. The software application prints a report of unfilled sales
fraud due to “lapping?”
a. The sales manager can approve credit limits for customers.
c. The software application prints a report of all bills of lading
not matched with a sales invoice. b. The accounts receivable clerk also has responsibilities for
writing a sales invoice.
d. The software application matches the customer number
on the sale invoice with the customer number on the sales c. The shipping clerk in the warehouse has read-only access to
order. sales orders.
8. (LO 4) Which of the following is a good example of an IT applica- d. The accounts receivable clerk also has responsibilities for
tion control over the occurrence of revenue transactions? receiving cash.
a. Physical access to computer systems is limited only to specific 12. (LO 8) A cutoff test designed to detect credit sales made before
personnel who work in the revenue process. the end of the fiscal year that have been recorded in the subsequent
year provides assurance about which of the following management
b. The software application compares information on a sales in-
voice with information from the bill of lading to ensure that sales
invoices are only prepared for actual shipments. Any exceptions a. Completeness.
are not processed and are set aside for manual follow-up. b. Occurrence.
c. Computer system changes to the revenue program must be c. Accuracy.
tested and authorized before they are allowed to be used with
live data. d. Classification.
d. Strong segregation of duties exists between computer opera- 13. (LO 8) When sending positive confirmations, which of the fol-
tions and computer program development. lowing would not be an appropriate way to address nonresponse by
a customer?
9. (LO 5) A small manufacturing company makes only credit sales.
If cash receipts from sales are misappropriated, which of the follow- a. Search for evidence of subsequent cash receipt from the
ing acts would most likely conceal this fraud? customer.
a. Understating the accounts receivable control account. b. Match open invoices to underlying bills of lading and
customer orders.
b. Understating the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
c. If the customer’s account balance is individually im-
c. Overstating the sales journal.
material, conclude that no further work or analysis is
d. Understating the cash receipts journal. necessary.
10. (LO 6) Sound control activities dictate that defective merchan- d. Assume that the nonresponse is 100% in error and project the
dise returned by customers should be presented initially to: misstatement on the population.
a. the receiving department.
Review Questions
R11.1 (LO 1) If there is a completeness problem with cash receipts, ucts on credit. Identify the documents involved and explain the process
are accounts receivable overstated or understated? Explain. from authorizing the transaction through recording in the general ledger.
R11.2 (LO 1) List three common revenue recognition problems. Il- R11.7 (LO 4) Explain a sound control over revenue recognition in
lustrate each with an example. the process of making credit sales for a manufacturing company.
R11.3 (LO 2) How might the risk of material misstatement in the R11.8 (LO 4) Identify a risk of fraudulent financial reporting in the
revenue process differ for a manufacturer of oil and gas field machin- revenue process. Describe a sound internal control that would detect
ery equipment and a retail grocer? and correct the misstatement on a timely basis.
R11.4 (LO 2) Identify one or two financial ratios that you believe R11.9 (LO 5) Identify a risk of misappropriation of assets in the rev-
would be useful in identifying revenue recognition problems. Explain enue process. Describe a sound internal control that would detect and
your reasoning. correct the misstatement on a timely basis.
R11.5 (LO 3) Explain two common inherent risks in the revenue R11.10 (LO 5) Briefly explain a likely flow of transactions related
process and explain how each risk is likely to affect the financial state- to receiving cash from a customer received by way of electronic funds
ments (e.g., identify the accounts that are likely to be overstated or transfer, from the customer’s payment being made through recording
understated and explain why). in the general ledger.
R11.6 (LO 4) Briefly explain a likely flow of transactions related to au- R11.11 (LO 5) Explain a sound control over the completeness of cash
thorizing and recording credit sales for a manufacturer that sells its prod- receipts associated with the situation described in the previous question.
Analysis Problems 11-43
R11.12 (LO 6) Explain a sound control over a public company’s process R11.15 (LO 8) Explain an effective substantive test related to the
for controlling the appropriateness of the allowance for doubtful accounts. cutoff of sales at year-end.
R11.13 (LO 7) Assume you are auditing a public company with R11.16 (LO 8) Develop an example of the use of audit data analyt-
sound IT controls over the occurrence of revenue. Describe the IT con- ics in the audit of accounts receivable.
trol over the occurrence of revenue and how you would test the control.
R11.17 (LO 8) Explain the audit procedures used to test the adequacy
R11.14 (LO 8) Explain several important initial procedures in the of the allowance for doubtful accounts.
revenue process. Why should these be performed prior to other sub-
stantive procedures?
Analysis Problems
AP11.1 (LO 1, 2) Basic Understanding the entity and its environment Your client is a regional
motel chain. It owns 27 properties in your region and manages another 40 properties for absentee owners.
All the motels are located on interstate highways and achieve at least 60% of capacity on a regular basis. In
the past, many motels have been fully booked during the summer travel season; however, the economy
has taken a turn for the worse and people are traveling less.
Explain how your knowledge of the business and industry would impact your audit of total revenues and
accounts receivable for the client.
AP11.2 (LO 2) Moderate Analytical procedures The following data was taken from the produc-
tion and accounting records for Casuccio Manufacturing, Inc.
a. Calculate the following ratios for 2023, 2022, and 2021:
1. Sales to total assets.
2. Sales to production.
3. Revenue per unit sold.
4. Accounts receivable growth to sales growth.
5. Uncollectible accounts expense to net credit sales.
6. Uncollectible accounts expense to accounts receivable written off.
7. Accounts receivable turnover in days.
b. 1. Describe the implications of the resulting ratios for the auditor’s audit strategy for the year 2023.
2. What specific assertions are likely to be misstated?
3. How should the auditor respond in terms of potential audit tests?
AP11.3 (LO 5) Moderate Controls over cash receipts You have been asked by the board of trust-
ees of a local church to review its accounting procedures. As a part of this review, you have prepared the
11-44 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
following comments relating to the collections made at weekly services and recordkeeping for members’
1. The church’s board of trustees has delegated responsibility for financial management and audit of
the financial records to the finance committee. This group prepares the annual budget and approves
major disbursements but is not involved in collections or recordkeeping. No audit has been con-
sidered necessary in recent years because the same trusted employee has kept church records and
served as financial secretary for 15 years.
2. The collection at the weekly service is taken by a team of ushers. The head usher counts the col-
lection in the church following each service. He then places the collection and a notation of the
amount counted in the church safe. The next morning, the financial secretary opens the safe and
counts the collection again. She withholds about $100 to meet cash expenditures during the coming
week and deposits the remainder of the collection intact. To facilitate the deposit, members who
contribute by check are asked to make their checks payable to “cash.”
Describe the weaknesses and recommend improvements in procedures for collections made at weekly
services. Organize your answer using the following format:
AP11.4 (LO 8) Moderate Substantive tests of accounts receivable The following situations were
not discovered by an inexperienced staff auditor in the audit of the Parson Company.
1. Several accounts were incorrectly aged in the client’s aging schedule.
2. The accounts receivable turnover ratio was far below expected results.
3. Goods billed were not shipped.
4. Some year-end sales were recorded in the wrong accounting period.
5. Several sales were posted for the correct amount but to the wrong customers in the accounts
receivable ledger.
6. The allowance for uncollectible accounts was understated.
7. Several sales were entered and posted at incorrect amounts.
8. Mathematical errors were made in totaling the accounts receivable ledger.
9. An unrecorded sale at the balance sheet date was collected in the next month.
10. Several fictitious sales were recorded.
11. The pledging of some customer accounts as security for a loan was not reported in the balance
12. Some year-end cash receipts were recorded in the wrong accounting period.
(Use a tabular format for your answers with one column for each part.)
a. Identify the substantive test that should have detected each error.
b. For each substantive test identified in a., indicate the account balance assertion to which it
Find and read the 2003 AAER related to Homestore, Inc. Explain the scheme that the company used to
inflate advertising revenues. What is meant by the term “round-trip” transactions? How were the com-
pany’s vendors involved?
Audit Decision Cases 11-45
King Companies, Inc (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. KCI has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years, and it plans con-
tinued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the chairman of the
board of directors of KCI and CEO, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares not owned by Eric
and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric started the company
with one store after working in an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth from an inheritance
and investments from a few friends. Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding by opening three to
five additional stores in the next few years.
In October 2021, Eric approached your accounting firm, Thornson & Danforth, LLP, to conduct an
annual audit of KCI for the year ended December 31, 2022. KCI has not been audited before, but this year
the audit has been requested by the company’s bank because of anticipated bank loans and by a new
private equity investor that has just acquired a 20% share of KCI.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts delivery,
and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is regular
customers where KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account. During peak
periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
Eric is focused on growing revenues. In his opinion, revenue growth is particularly important to
obtaining bank financing. Patricia trusts the company’s workers to work hard for the company, and she
feels they should be rewarded well. The accounting staff, in particular, is very loyal to the company. Eric
tells you that accounting staff enjoy their jobs so much they have never taken any annual vacations, and
hardly any workers ever take sick leave.
There are two people currently employed as accounting staff, the most senior of whom is Jonathan
Jung. Jonathan heads the accounting department and reports directly to Patricia. He is in his late fifties
and hopes to retire in two or three years and move away from Los Angeles. Jonathan keeps a close watch
on accounting and does many activities himself; including opening mail, cash receipts and vendor pay-
ments, depositing funds received, performing reconciliations, posting journals, and performing the payroll
function. His second employee, Abby Owens, is a recent college graduate who just passed the CPA exam.
Abby is responsible for the payroll functions and posting all journal entries into the accounting system.
Jonathan and Abby often help each other out in busy periods.
C11.2 (LO 8) Challenging ADA Audit data analytics for revenue Analysis: You have been
asked by your audit manager to consider how the audit firm might audit revenues by using audit data
analytics to evaluate 100% of the revenue transactions. Where do you feel that it would be most effective
to audit 100% of the transactions using ADA? In addition to the sales information, what other informa-
tion should you consider in your analysis? Develop a specific audit strategy for how you would screen
100% of the revenues, how you would identify exceptions, and how you might consider what would be
acceptable variations from your expectation norm versus unacceptable variations.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
11-46 C h a pte r 11 Auditing the Revenue Process
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
In October 2022, MSI installed a new cloud-based inventory costing system to replace a system that
had been developed in-house. The old system could no longer keep up with the complex and detailed
manufacturing costing process that provides information to support competitive bidding. MSI’s IT de-
partment, together with the consultants from the software company, implemented the new inventory
costing system which went live on December 1, 2022. Key operational staff and the internal audit team
from MSI were significantly engaged in the selection, testing, training, and implementation stages.
The inventory costing system uses various manufacturing costing and unit of production inputs to
calculate and produce a database of all product costs and recommended sales prices. It also integrates
with the general ledger each time there are product inventory movements such as purchases, sales, waste,
and damaged inventory losses.
The following list of sales invoices are entered in the sales journal for the months of June 2023 and
July 2023, respectively. All goods are shipped FOB shipping point.
C11.3 (LO 8) Challenging Public Company Sales cutoff tests Analysis and evaluation: Analyze
the eight transactions shown above. Based on a sales cutoff analysis, record necessary adjusting journal
entries at June 30 in connection with the foregoing data.
Goodfellow & Perkins LLP is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Texas.
During 2022, Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-
profit hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit for the 2023
fiscal year-end.
The healthcare industry can be very complicated, especially in the area of billing for services pro-
vided. BPH contracts with private physician groups who use the hospital facilities, equipment, and nurs-
ing staff to treat patients. The physicians in the private group are not employees of the hospital; they are
simply using the hospital facilities to treat patients. For example, a group of urologists have their own
practice, separate from the hospital, where they treat patients. If one of the patients needs a surgical pro-
cedure that must be done at a hospital, then the attending urologist will approve the paperwork required
to admit the patient to BPH. BPH offers inducements to the urologists so they will refer patients to BPH
rather than a competing hospital. One of the inducements BPH offers is free office space in the hospital
for the doctors to use when they are treating patients in the hospital.
After the doctor and hospital services are provided to the patient, the patient and/or the patient’s
insurance company is billed. The doctor will bill for the services he or she provided, and the hospital
will bill for the use of hospital facilities and staff. Doctors and hospitals bill using a coding system that is
standardized across the healthcare industry and consists of three main code sets: ICD, CPT, and HCPCS.
Using a coding system is more efficient and data-friendly compared to writing a narrative about the
procedures performed. However, the coding system is very complex, with thousands of different codes
for medical procedures and diagnoses. To complicate matters even more, for patients who are covered by
government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid, doctors and hospitals must adhere to complicated govern-
ment regulations surrounding billings to Medicare and Medicaid.
As healthcare costs continue to rise each year, BPH administrators struggle to maintain consistent
profitability. They look for ways to keep costs low and also to collect from patients and insurance companies
Audit Decision Cases 11-47
as quickly as possible. In addition, BPH must have a strong risk management team to handle unique situations
that may occur in hospitals such as malpractice lawsuits and periodic inspections by the state department
of health and hospitals. Negative publicity for BPH could lead to decreased revenues if physicians decide to
contract with a competing hospital.
C11.4 (LO 8) Challenging ADA Auditing the existence of accounts receivable Analysis:
Brookwood Pines Hospital has receivables from both insurance companies and from consumers. In the
past, only one in four confirmations has been returned. Internal controls have been tested and are strong.
How might audit data analytics be used to collect evidence regarding the existence of accounts receiv-
able? Develop a specific audit strategy for how you would screen 100% of the revenues (of a particular
type), how you would identify exceptions, and how you might consider what would be acceptable varia-
tions from your expectation norm versus unacceptable variations.
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
12-2 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Explain the nature of purchasing transactions and LO 9 Assess detection risk and design substantive
balances. tests, including audit data analytics, to address various
assertions in the purchasing process.
LO 2 Evaluate how an auditor’s understanding of
an entity and its environment affects audit planning LO 10* Explain the nature of payroll transactions and
decisions related to purchases. balances.
LO 3 Determine inherent risk for various assertions in LO 11* Evaluate how an auditor’s understanding of
the purchasing process. an entity and its environment affects audit planning
LO 4 Evaluate control activities for purchase transactions. decisions in the payroll process.
LO 5 Evaluate control activities for cash disbursement LO 12* Determine inherent risk for various assertions in
transactions. the payroll process.
LO 6 Evaluate control activities in an evaluated receipt LO 13* Evaluate control activities for payroll
settlement system. transactions.
LO 7 Evaluate control activities for purchase LO 14* Determine how to design and perform tests of
adjustment transactions and purchasing process controls in the payroll process and connect the results of
disclosures. control testing to audit strategy.
LO 8 Determine how to design and perform tests of LO 15* Assess detection risk and design substantive
controls in the purchasing process and connect the tests, including audit data analytics, to address various
results of control testing to audit strategy. assertions related to payroll.
entity-level controls, understanding the document trail, evaluating what can go wrong (WCGW),
identifying controls to test, performing tests of controls, and evaluating control risk and the risk
of fraud. The discussion of the audit trail begins with a more traditional system that includes a
combination of electronic and paper documents. It is followed by a similar discussion involving
a paperless evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) process. At this point, the auditor should be able
to confirm or revise his or her preliminary audit strategy and then execute substantive tests
to reduce audit risk to an acceptable level. The chapter is supplemented by an appendix that
addresses similar issues in the payroll process.
An entity’s purchasing process consists of activities related to the acquisition of, and payment
for, goods and services. The core purchases transactions are (1) purchasing goods and services
(purchase transactions), (2) making payments (cash disbursement transactions), and (3) pur-
chase adjustments. These transactions are depicted in Illustration 12.1.
Purchasing Transactions Debit Credit
Purchasing transactions
Purchases on credit Merchandise Inventory Accounts Payable
Raw Materials Inventory
Plant Assets
Other Assets
Various Expenses
Cash disbursements (primarily Accounts Payable Cash
focused on payment of payables) Purchase Discounts
Purchase adjustment transactions
Purchase returns and allowances Accounts Payable Purchase Returns and
For companies that purchase goods on account, the transaction should record purchases
and accounts payable upon the receipt of goods. Purchases and accounts payable may be
understated if a company receives goods but then waits to record the transaction until a
vendor’s invoice is received. If discounts are taken for early payment, purchase discounts
are recorded when recording the cash disbursement. In some cases, a company will return
defective goods or claim an allowance for goods that are damaged but still usable upon re-
ceipt. This is included in a discussion of purchase returns and allowances. The discussion of
inventory, cost of goods sold, and cash is deferred to Chapter 13.
Recall that the auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate evidence for each asser-
tion related to the purchasing process. Therefore, the auditor should obtain sufficient
appropriate evidence for the transaction classes, balances, and disclosures outlined in
Illustration 12.2. Finally, the rights and obligations assertion with respect to accounts pay-
able relates to whether accounts payable reflect the recorded liability of the entity. This is
usually tested as part of the existence assertion.
12-4 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Before You Go On
1.1 Identify two major transaction classes with significant volumes of transactions in the pur-
chasing process.
1.2 Explain the interaction of purchases and cash disbursements with accounts payable. Further,
if cash disbursements are understated, what are the implications for accounts payable?
Chapters 3 and 4 explained the importance of understanding the entity and its environ-
ment, and how this understanding is important to assessing inherent risk. As inherent
risk factors vary from industry to industry, from client to client, and from year to year,
each audit must be custom-made to address unique risks. The following discussion will
address the importance of understanding the entity and its environment in the context of
the purchasing process, analytical procedures commonly used in the purchasing process,
other issues associated with the entity and its environment, and the resultant assessment
of inherent risk.
cash flow. An entity’s net operating cycle represents the time from using cash to purchase goods
or services to collecting cash from the sale of goods or services. For a manufacturer or retailer, the
gross operating cycle is estimated by the average number of days it takes to turn over inventory
and collect receivables. The net operating cycle represents the gross operating cycle reduced by
accounts payable turnover in days, which is the amount of time that an entity’s suppliers will let it
use trade credit before requiring payment for goods and services. Some companies are very adept
at using vendor financing (accounts payable) to finance a significant portion of their operating
cycle. For example, before Dell Computers went private in 2013, it was turning over its inven-
tory approximately every 8 days. Further, Dell Computers was taking approximately 30 days to
collect from its customers (mostly business customers). This adds up to a gross operating cycle of
38 days. However, Dell Computers was taking 41 days to pay its vendors; that is, it used vendor
funds to finance its operating cycle. It is critical for auditors to understand the economic drivers
in the purchasing process and how cash flows through the entity.
Illustration 12.3 illustrates the importance of understanding the purchasing process for
the five different industries that were introduced in Chapter 11. These industries were cho-
sen for their variety based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
They include the manufacture of oil and gas field machinery and equipment (NAICS 333132),
the manufacture of electronic computer equipment (NAICS 334111), supermarkets and other
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s
Financial Statements (Median Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Industry Data) Misstatement
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Accounts Payable Turnover in Days: 34 • Concerns about recording purchases in the correct
Equipment Manufacturing Accounts Payable as a % of Total time period
• Purchases range from raw materials (where Assets: 13.7% • Concerns about increased fraud risk with a high
quality is essential) for the production of Current Ratio: 1.8:1 number of vendors
drill bits, drilling pipes, valves, or derricks, Quick Ratio: .9:1
• Concerns about potential for unrecorded liabilities
to motors used in a variety of oil and gas
field equipment
• Wide variety of vendors
Electronic Computer Manufacturing Accounts Payable Turnover in Days: 30 • Vendors often offer price concessions or terms
• Purchases must be managed aggressively Accounts Payable as a % of Total such that goods do not have to be paid for until
to minimize inventory obsolescence Assets: 18.1% purchased product is sold, leading to concerns
Current Ratio: 1.8:1 about consignment traits of inventory
• Significant subcontracting or outsourcing
Quick Ratio: 1.0:1 • Concerns about purchasing cutoff at year-end
of the manufacturing process
• Concerns about potential unrecorded liabilities
Supermarkets and Other Grocery Stores Accounts Payable Turnover in Days: 16 • Concerns about accounting for advertising
• Purchase a wide array of products including Accounts Payable as a % of Total allowances and other price concessions to stock
products with perishable characteristics Assets: 3.4% merchandise
Current Ratio: 1.2:1 • Concerns about recording purchases in the correct
• Purchasing and supply chain management
Quick Ratio: .5:1 time period
is an important aspect of profitability
• Wide variety of vendors • Concerns about potential unrecorded liabilities
Hotels and Motels Accounts Payable Turnover in Days: • Purchases, including food, cleaning of linens,
• Purchases include food for restaurant and Not Reported and purchases of other supplies that are moderately
convention business Accounts Payable as a % of Total material to the entity
Assets: 2.4%
• Purchases are less significant operating costs
Current Ratio: .7:1
compared to retailers or manufacturers
Quick Ratio: .6:1
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Accounts Payable Turnover in Days: • Purchases and accounts payable are not central
Schools Not Reported to the core business, resulting in reduced
• Purchases are incidental to the core product, Accounts Payable as a % of Total potential for unrecorded liabilities
educating students Assets: 3.3%
Current Ratio: 1.6:1
• Core process may not be significantly
Quick Ratio: 1.4:1
affected by price increases for purchased
12-6 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
grocery stores (NAICS 445110), hotels and motels (NAICS 721110), and colleges, universities,
and professional schools (NAICS 611310). These examples define a wide spectrum of under-
lying business practices and an equally wide spectrum of risk for the auditor. The auditor
would normally obtain an understanding of the client’s business and its economic environ-
ment through previous experience with the entity; information from trade associations, busi-
ness periodicals, and newspapers; and from publishers of industry information such as Robert
Morris Associates or Value Line.
It is important for the auditor to understand the nature of the client’s purchasing pro-
cess. The oil and gas field machinery equipment industry produces products such as drill bits,
drilling pipes and motors, derricks, valves, portable rigs, well-monitoring instruments, tubing,
wellheads, blowout preventers, and oil and gas separators. Therefore, manufacturers may have
a wide range and large number of suppliers, which heightens the attention to internal controls
over vendors. Manufacturing computer components can be very capital-intensive, and the
quality of raw materials is very important. However, the actual manufacturing of computers
or tablets may be outsourced, and supply chain management may be a key component of the
purchasing system. The retail grocery industry usually has a very large number and variety
of vendors; control over the supply chain and vendors in the supply chain is critical to prof-
itability in this industry. Purchases of products are less important in the hotel industry, and
purchases of supplies may be even less significant to the operations of a college or university.
The auditor should also consider the industry-related factors of the availability and price
volatility of raw materials. For example, a computer assembler, who may be dependent on a
single vendor for a unique component critical to an assembled product, may face significant
price increases if key components are in demand. An airline’s demand for fuel is another ex-
ample of a key purchase that cannot be substituted and is extremely vulnerable to price swings
or shortages. Alternatively, a retail grocer deals with numerous vendors and prices where in-
tense market competition tends to stabilize prices, and substitute products are available. A
retail grocer may be able to choose among a variety of produce providers, resulting in more
limited exposure to inventory shortages or sudden price swings. Once again, the audit of each
company must be custom-made. Inherent risks differ from one client to the next, and inherent
risks may often differ from one audit to the next for an existing client. Auditors must be alert
to the potential issues unique to a specific audit client. Hence, understanding the nature of
the purchasing process will help auditors identify and assess the inherent risk of material mis-
statement in the purchasing process. Assessing inherent risk related to the purchasing process
is discussed later in the chapter.
Carla has been working as an auditor for about six months. She was assigned to the audit of a
Howard’s Hardware (a local hardware and lumber company that has six stores in small com-
munities in a midwestern state). Carla prepared some of the initial planning documents because
the senior on the engagement was moved to another engagement, and the audit firm believed she
could step up and do the work. Brandon, the audit manager, has just reviewed some of Carla’s plan-
ning documentation. Brandon comments, “It looks like you cut and pasted a lot of the planning
documentation from last year, which is a place to start. But let’s discuss and think deeper about
planning for the current year. What do you think has changed?” Carla replies, “The company has
not opened any new stores, and sales have dropped at a couple of stores, but otherwise it seems to
be doing about the same.” Brandon then asks, “Why is this planning documentation important?”
Carla responds, “The documentation is required by professional standards.” Brandon responds,
“Yes, but it is more than compliance with professional standards. I don’t think an auditor can look
at data and draw appropriate conclusions without having a broader context of what is happening
in the client’s industry. For example, a major lumber company with stores in 20 states has just
entered two markets to compete with Howard’s Hardware. How will new and major competition
change business for Howard’s Hardware? Does Howard’s Hardware have plans for how it will
respond? I know you are not familiar with this industry, but it is important that you and the entire
team be up to speed about how this, and other changes, might influence Howard’s Hardware’s
business. This sets the context for our ability to look at, and understand, the variety of information
we will review during the audit.”
Understanding the Entity and Its Environment 12-7
Analytical Procedures
As noted previously, performing analytical procedures as part of risk assessment is cost-
effective and often useful in identifying potential misstatements in the financial statements.
The most effective analytical procedures rely on the auditor’s knowledge of the business and
industry. Some example analytical procedures that may apply to the purchasing process are
presented in Illustration 12.4.
( )
Accounts Cost of sales Prior experience in accounts payable turn- Analytical procedures
payable turnover 365 ÷ over in days combined with knowledge of commonly used to audit
Average accounts payable
in days current purchases can be useful in estimating purchases
current payables. A reduction of the period
may indicate completeness problems.
Cost of goods Cost of goods sold Unless the company has changed its
sold to average Average accounts payable payment policy, this ratio should be about
accounts payable the same percentage from year to year.
Payables as a Accounts payable Common-sized percentages in accounts
percentage of Total assets payable are useful to compare with industry
total assets data. A significant decline in payables
as a percent of total assets may indicate
completeness problems.
Current ratio Current assets A significant increase in the current ratio
Current liabilities compared to prior years may indicate a
completeness problem. However, this
ratio may also be influenced by changes in
current asset accounts.
Many analytical procedures focus on the relationship between purchases and accounts pay-
able. If a company is growing, it is common to expect purchases, inventory, and accounts payable
to grow at approximately the same rates. The auditor’s knowledge of the volume of purchases,
combined with prior experience in terms of accounts payable turnover in days (the average num-
ber of days it takes to retire payables), is useful in estimating current year’s payables. While ratios
like the current ratio are easy to calculate, they may fluctuate based on influences from processes
other than the purchasing process, such as sales or investments. The auditor needs to bring an
appropriate level of professional skepticism to reviewing the results of analytical procedures, and
auditors should be particularly alert to the risk that purchases and payables may be understated
(a problem with the completeness of purchases and payables).
Emily White, an audit manager, is reviewing with Steve McKinley, audit staff, the results of
his analytical procedures. Emily notes Steve picked up on the fact that a client’s current ratio
improved significantly, from 1.5:1 to 2.5:1. “However, does this mean that the company is per-
forming better?” Steve responds that he is not quite sure what Emily’s concern is. Emily then
points out that the company’s receivables and inventory have grown about 3–5%, consistent with
sales growth. However, payables are down significantly. Emily goes on, “We need to bring an
appropriate level of professional skepticism to our analytical procedures and analyses. From my
perspective, the improvement in the current ratio is largely due to a significant decline in payables.
We could have a potential problem in unrecorded liabilities and expenses. This needs to be high-
lighted for further investigation. Do you understand my concern now?”
and key factors related to an entity that might lead to either a higher or lower assessment
of inherent risk for the purchasing process. Each audit should be viewed independently
from previous audits when an auditor updates his or her understanding of the entity and
its environment.
illustration 12.5 Understanding the entity and its environment related to purchases
Before You Go On
2.1 Explain how auditing the purchasing process might be different for a retail grocer than for a
college or university.
2.2 Assume that, when performing analytical procedures during risk assessment, an auditor notices
that purchases have grown by 10% while payables have declined by 15%. What assertions
might be misstated?
2.3 Explain how month-end closing procedures might decrease inherent risk in the purchasing
In assessing inherent risk for purchasing process assertions, the auditor should consider perva-
sive factors influencing the understatement or overstatement of payables and expenses. Perva-
sive factors that might motivate management to misstate purchasing process assertions include:
Both of these pressures lead to a greater risk of understatement of expenses and payables.
Inherent Risks in the Purchasing Process 12-9
The expenditure process is also particularly prone to the risk of employee fraud through
unauthorized disbursements of cash, misappropriation (theft) of purchased assets, and col-
lusion with vendors to win bids or set prices. If managers, or the auditors, are sufficiently
familiar with industry practices and prices, they might be able to spot these types of problems
at early stages. Other factors that may contribute to misstatements in the purchasing process
Professional Environment Duplicate Payments Are a Problem for Companies and Governments
Imagine paying a $40,000 invoice from a vendor twice. What does • Poor review of vendor master files allowing duplicate
that do to a company’s cash flow? In its 2014 Annual Report,1 the vendors.
U.S. Government Accountability Office disclosed that it was involved • Failure to double-check for mis-keying or misreading prob-
in preventing such improper payments in the amount of $124.7 bil- lems similar to those noted above.
lion within just 22 federal agencies. Infor, Inc., a company that helps
• Entities being too responsive to vendors who request rushed
other companies prevent or detect duplicate payments estimates that
checks (e.g., payment before receiving an invoice).
0.05% to 0.1% of invoices paid are typically duplicate payments.2 For
a company with $50 million in annual payments, this could repre- • Payment from multiple source documents.
sent a loss of $150,000. Infor, Inc. suggests some of the most common • Multiple methods for processing an invoice.
data entry errors resulting in duplicate payments include: • Failure to have all invoices sent to a central location.
• Misreading a number or letter (e.g., 0 instead of O, or 5 in- • Failure of vendors to provide purchase order numbers on an
stead of S). invoice, making it difficult to match invoices with purchase
• Transposing numbers (e.g., 45 instead of 54). orders.
• Mis-keying or omitting punctuation (such as hyphens or • Failure to make appropriate approval of a vendor invoice a
slashes). company priority.
• Omitting leading or trailing zeros (e.g., entering an invoice • Dispute resolution being a low priority.
one time as 456 and the next time as 000456). • Failure to pay only from original invoices or to mark original
invoices “paid.”
Pyrus, a company that engages in workflow automation, suggests
the following problems may be at the root of many duplicate
Finally, when auditors perform analytical procedures during risk assessment, they should
develop a skill in analyzing the likely assertions that might be misstated based on the data. For
example, consider the following information. Take a moment, study the data, and consider
what assertions might be at an increased risk of misstatement.
U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2014 Annual Report: Additional Opportunities to Reduce Fragmenta-
tion, Overlap, and Duplication and Achieve Other Financial Benefits (Washington, DC, April 2014).
2, White Paper, Detecting and Preventing Duplicate Invoice Payments (New York, NY, 2015).
3, (accessed December 15, 2018).
12-10 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
The data show a company that is clearly experiencing rapid growth. While cost of
goods sold has grown by 36%, payables have only grown by 9%, and gross margins have
improved. The lack of growth in accounts payable should heighten the auditor’s profes-
sional skepticism with respect to the completeness of payables and cutoff of purchases and
payables. In summary, significant inherent risks exist for the completeness of purchases
and payables.
Audit Analytics4 recently reported a summary of restatements or calculation associated with the expensing of assets or under-
due to expense recording and liability issues for a 17-year period statement of liabilities. These issues can arise from any number
ending in 2017. Two categories of restatements are relevant to the of areas, including failure to record certain expenses, reconcile
purchasing and payroll processes. The first category is entitled certain amounts, or record certain payables on a timely basis.
Expense (Payroll, SGA, Other) Recording Issues. Expense record- Issues with payroll and SG&A expenses are also identified in this
ing issues consist of errors or irregularities in approach, theory, category.
Disclosure Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Expense recording issues 144 153 286 236 135 114 124 95 61 78 104 81 77 959
% of all financial 15.6% 9.7% 15.5% 18.5% 14.0% 13.8% 14.6% 11.2% 7.2% 8.9% 12.1% 10.7% 11.3% 10.7%
statement restatements
The second category is entitled Liabilities, Payables, Reserves, isstatements ranges from failures to record pension obligations to
and Accrual Estimate Failure. This category consists of errors, irreg- problems with establishing the correct amount of liabilities for leases
ularities, or omissions associated with the accrual or identification and other liabilities. The category also includes the failures to record
of liabilities on the balance sheet. The underlying cause of these deferred revenue obligations or normal accruals.
Disclosure Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Liabilities, payables, 151 224 237 237 101 87 102 86 76 89 97 89 78 63
reserves, and accrual
estimate failure
% of all financial 15.9% 14.2% 12.7% 18.5% 10.5% 10.5% 12.0% 10.2% 8.9% 10.2% 11.3% 11.8% 11.5% 11.4%
statement restatements
In the last four years of this period, the expense recording failure have also leveled out in the last four years of the period,
issues have leveled out between 10.7% and 12.1% of all restate- ranging between 11.3% and 11.8% of all restatements.
ments. The liabilities, payables, reserves, and accrual estimate
Don Whalen, Olga Usvyatsky, and Dennis Tanona, 2017 Financial Restatements, A Seventeen Year Comparison
(Audit Analytics: Sutton, MA, 2018).
Control Activities for Purchases 12-11
Before You Go On
3.1 Identify several pervasive factors that might motivate management to misstate assertions in
the purchasing process.
3.2 Why are auditors more concerned about the understatement of liabilities rather than the
overstatement of liabilities?
3.3 Identify several analytical procedures the auditor might use to assess the likelihood that a
material misstatement might exist in the purchasing process. Would the analysis of accounts
payable turnover in days provide for more accurate analysis of accounts payable than analyz-
ing the current ratio? Explain.
Now think about the five industries that were mentioned at the beginning of this chapter.
It is likely the demands in the purchasing process will be different for a computer manufac-
turer than for a retail grocery chain or a college and university. Today, many larger companies
use a heavily automated system with electronic data interchanges between a company and
its suppliers. However, many governments and private companies continue to use a more
paper-intensive environment to provide an audit trail for transactions recorded in a computer-
ized accounting system. The following discussion of purchases and cash disbursements begins
with illustrations of systems that use a higher level of documentation in the audit trail. Subse-
quently, the chapter has a section on evaluated receipt settlement (ERS). ERS and electronic
invoice presentment and payment (EIPP) systems are highly automated with significant elec-
tronic data interchange. A comparison of the two systems displays very different methods of
recording and controlling purchases, payables, and cash disbursements. The paper-intensive
system is discussed in this chapter in “Control Activities for Purchases” and “Control Activities
for Cash Disbursements,” while the automated system is discussed in “Evaluated Receipt Set-
tlement (ERS).”
Many of the controls discussed in this section focus on IT application controls im-
plemented by a company. The assumption is made that IT general controls are strong,
and the auditor will need to understand and eventually test the effectiveness of manual
follow-up of exceptions noted by IT application controls.
Recording Document
• Voucher—An internal document used to record a purchase on account. The voucher has
information about the vendor, the amount due, the payment date, and due date. Many
purchase systems require a complete packet of purchase information (e.g., purchase
order, receiving report, and vendor invoice) before approving a purchase for payment.
This is also referred to as a three-way match.
• Purchases journal—The journal of original entry where each purchase is recorded.
Control Activities for Purchases 12-13
Receive Receiving Purchasing
goods report and G/L database
Receive Vendor’s
vendor invoice invoice
Prepare voucher to
record purchase
Post to general
Controls over an authorized vendor list. The process of approving vendors for the delivery
of goods and services is a critical control. If management establishes strong controls over
putting authorized vendors on an authorized vendor list, it is difficult for employees to initiate
transactions with fictitious vendors. The master vendor file should also be reviewed on a reg-
ular basis to remove old vendors or potential duplicate vendors. For example, a vendor might
show up twice in a master vendor file, once with an address of 1800 Southwest Fifth Avenue,
and again with an address of 1800 SW 5th Ave. Having the same vendor with the same address
written in two different ways increases the risk of duplicate payments.
Requisition goods and services. The purchase requisition is often prepared electroni-
cally and represents the start of the transaction trail of documentary evidence in support
of management’s assertion of occurrence of purchase transactions. Purchase requisitions
usually are initiated from the warehouse for inventoried items or any department for items
that are not in inventory. Most companies permit general authorizations for regular oper-
ating items included in a department’s operating budget. The permitted dollar amount is
often tied to the employee’s responsibilities within the entity. In contrast, company policy
frequently requires specific, high-level authorizations for capital expenditures and lease
In an IT system, unique purchase requisitions should be sequentially numbered regard-
less of the originating department. Creation of electronically prepared requisitions should
require entry of a valid employee number. The software uses that number to confirm that
the requisition is within the authorization limit set for that employee. The software will also
screen the input fields for errors such as negative numbers, characters in a numeric field,
and so on. Rejected data often must be dealt with immediately in online systems. A report
of missing or out-of-sequence requisitions should be routinely produced, and any exceptions
promptly investigated.
Preparing purchase orders. The purchasing department should have the authority to issue
purchase orders only on the receipt of properly approved purchase requisitions. Preparing
the purchase order continues the process of initiating a transaction. The role of purchasing
is to ascertain the best source of supply. Purchase orders should contain a precise description
of the goods and services desired, quantities, price, and vendor name and address. Purchase
orders should be prenumbered and accounted for, which enables the tracking of each trans-
action from initiation, to receipt of goods or services, to recording the purchase, and to final
payment. The original purchase order is usually sent to the vendor and copies are electroni-
cally distributed internally to the receiving department, the accounts payable department, and
the department that submitted the requisition. The quantity ordered is generally omitted on
the receiving department’s copy so that receiving clerks will make careful counts when the
goods are received. Depending on the extent of the IT system, the only hard copy document
generated would be the purchase order that is sent to the vendor. Many companies eliminate
this hard copy by using electronic data interchange with their suppliers.
c ompleteness assertion for purchases and accounts payable. The information on the receiving
report is forwarded to accounts payable via a paper copy of the receiving report or electroni-
cally. Receiving reports are rarely prepared for the receipt of services (e.g., utility bills, rent, or
accounting services) and management usually documents receipt of a service by approving a
copy of the vendor invoice for payment.
Recording Purchases
The receipt of a good or service usually establishes an obligation for an entity to record
a transaction as a liability. Many companies create a voucher (an internal, prenumbered
document) to recognize the liability and record it in the purchases journal or voucher
register. Usually, the accounts payable department is responsible for ensuring that pur-
chases are accurately recorded. Controls over the recording of the payables are particu-
larly important because once a liability is established, it also authorizes the payment of
the liability.
Transaction and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control
Authorizing Vendor master file Purchases may be made from Only a limited number of individuals can change the
purchases unauthorized vendors. vendor master file, and these duties are segregated
from receiving goods or recording transactions. All
file changes are reviewed by appropriate levels of
management. The master vendor file is also reviewed
to remove old vendors or duplicate vendors.
Purchase requisition Unauthorized purchases may The software application determines individuals
be made. who have authority to initiate a purchase. Budgetary
responsibility and account numbers for items
purchased are established at this time.
Purchase requisitions are prenumbered and
accounted for.
Purchase order Unauthorized purchases may Purchases can only be made from approved vendors.
be made. Purchase order establishes evidence of items ordered
and price agreed with vendor.
Purchase orders are prenumbered and accounted for.
Receiving Perpetual inventory Goods received may not have The software application matches all goods received to
goods been ordered. approved purchase order.
Receiving report Products may be received The software application prints a report of all unfilled
without generating a receiving purchase orders for follow-up by ordering depart-
report. ment. Receiving reports are also prenumbered and
accounted for.
Receiving report Goods ordered may not be The software application prints a report of all unfilled
received. purchase orders for follow-up by ordering department.
12-16 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Transaction and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control
Recording Voucher and Purchases may not be recorded. The software application prints a report of goods
purchases purchasing database received that have not resulted in a voucher.
A month-end accrual is made for items received in
the warehouse, but the vendor’s invoice has not been
Vouchers are prenumbered and accounted for.
Voucher and Purchases may be made for Vouchers are only recorded when a vendor’s invoice
purchasing database fictitious transactions, or is received. The software application matches voucher
duplicate payments may be and vendor invoice information with the receiving
made. report. The purchase order and vendor’s invoice are
marked as recorded, so they cannot be recorded again.
Voucher and Purchases may be recorded The software application matches the voucher date
purchasing database in the incorrect accounting with the accounting period in which goods are
period. received.
Voucher and Purchases may be recorded The software application matches voucher quantities
purchasing database in the incorrect amount with receiving information and prices with the
(incorrect quantities or purchase order.
Voucher and Vouchers may be posted to The software application checks account numbers on
purchasing database incorrect accounts. the voucher to underlying purchase requisition and
purchase order.
Voucher and Payable may be posted to the The software application matches vendor number on
purchasing database wrong vendor. voucher with vendor number on the purchase order.
Vendor’s monthly Vendors invoices may be Monthly statements from vendors are compared with
statements recorded in incorrect amounts. the accounts payable subsidiary ledger.
Many clients build in redundant controls such that if one control does not find a mis-
statement, another control will detect the problem. Many clients put both preventive
and detective controls in place. However, auditors cannot efficiently test all controls that
exist. The auditor will find a key control by identifying the most important control for
each assertion. Following are example key controls auditors often identify. The examples
rely significantly on IT application controls to flag potential misstatements. The auditor
should understand the logic behind the IT application controls and how client personnel
manually follow up on exceptions on a timely basis. Note that the direction of the control
is important. For completeness, the control will start with receiving reports and compare
that population with the recorded payable. For other assertions, the control will normally
validate the recorded purchase by comparing the purchase information with information
documented previously in the system.
Completeness of purchases. The software application starts with a population of daily
receiving reports and develops a one-for-one match with vouchers to ensure each receiving
report results in a voucher (the recording of a payable). A report is generated daily, reporting
any goods received that have not resulted in a recorded voucher.
Occurrence of purchases. The software application starts with the population of daily
vouchers and develops a one-for-one match with the underlying receiving report to ensure
each purchase voucher is supported by a receiving report (or an approved vendor’s invoice in
the case of services). A report is generated daily of any purchases not supported by documen-
tation of receiving goods. Once the match is made, the vendor invoice and receiving report are
cancelled so they cannot be used with a subsequent voucher.
Accuracy of purchases. The software application starts with the population of daily vouchers
and compares quantities with the underlying receiving report, compares prices to the underlying
purchase order, and checks the mathematical accuracy of the voucher. A report is generated daily
of any prices or quantities on the voucher that are not supported by underlying documents or files.
Control Activities for Purchases 12-17
Purchases cutoff. The software application starts with the population of daily vouchers
and compares the date on the voucher with the date on the underlying receiving report. A
report is generated daily of any vouchers not recorded in the same accounting period as the
receiving report.
Classification of expenses and payables. The software application starts with the popula-
tion of daily vouchers and compares the vendor number with the purchase order. Both vendor
account coding and general ledger coding are compared with the purchase order and purchase
requisition, as a variety of accounts could be debited when the payable is recorded. A report is
generated daily of any vouchers showing incorrect account coding.
Completeness of payables, valuation of payables at historic cost, and existence of accounts
payable. Monthly statements received from vendors are reconciled to the accounts payable
subsidiary ledger.
In addition, department managers should be asked to review the transactions that have
been charged to their accounts. These managers should be familiar with the underlying busi-
ness reasons for the transactions and review such reports to ensure transactions are valid, the
obligation of the entity, correctly valued, and charged to correct accounts. If management has
not established controls over accountability for the use of resources, it is evidence of a weak
control-consciousness in the organization and reduces the likelihood that other controls will
function effectively.
Ron and Vincent are working on a new audit engagement. The client has not been audited be-
fore. Ron is a junior member of the audit staff, and he is clearly frustrated when he comes in to
talk with Vincent, the senior on the audit engagement. Ron recounts for Vincent, “I just finished
talking with the company’s accounts payable clerk. When I asked about a voucher, she had no
idea what I was talking about. On the last two clients I worked on, the companies used vouchers to
record accounts payable. That doesn’t seem to be the case here. Does that mean accounts payable
is a high-risk audit area? What should I do next?”
Vincent responds, “There are several possible explanations. First, determine if our client
has a purchases journal to record purchases and payables when goods are received. If so, what do
they call the document recorded in each line of the purchases journal? They may just use another
name. However, I have seen companies that don’t use a purchases journal. These companies just
have a cash disbursements journal, and they pay vendor invoices when they come due. At the end
of the month, these companies have a formal process for determining items received that have
not been paid. Once the amount of unrecorded purchases is determined, they write an entry to
accrue the purchase and payable. Further, they write a reversing entry at the beginning of the
next month. It is just a different process for accruing purchases and liabilities. There is also a third
possibility. The company may pay vendor invoices when they come due, and they may not have a
formal process for accruing purchases and payables. If this is the case, then there is a significant
risk that purchases and payables are understated.”
Before You Go On
4.1 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the com-
pleteness assertion regarding purchases? Describe a key control to detect and correct this
4.2 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the occur-
rence assertion regarding purchases? Describe a key control to detect and correct this
12-18 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
The cash disbursements process involves the following subprocesses: (1) approving cash dis-
bursements and (2) recording cash disbursements. Segregation of duties in performing these
subprocesses is an important internal control. Today, many disbursements involve the elec-
tronic transfer of funds. However, in the United States, many businesses continue to write
checks to vendors.
Supporting Documents
• Voucher—An internal document indicating the vendor, the amount due, and pay-
ment terms for the purchases received. It is used to authorize recording and paying a
• Report of vendor invoices due—A report of vendor invoices listed by due date.
• Report of cash balances—A report of daily cash balances.
• Check or electronic funds transfer (EFT)—A formal order to a bank to pay the payee the
indicated amount.
• Cash disbursements journal—A daily report showing checks written or electronic funds
transferred to vendors and amounts paid.
• P
urchasing database—Electronic files that accumulate data on purchases, accounts
payable, and cash disbursements.
• Monthly bank statement—Statement from the bank showing transactions in the bank
• B
ank reconciliation—A reconciliation of the cash amount shown in the general ledger
with the cash amount shown on the bank statement. Often, there are differences due to
deposits in transit, outstanding checks, or bank charges.
• M
onthly statements received from vendors—A monthly statement often sent by vendors
that shows the beginning payable balance, transactions during the month, and the end-
ing payable balance (even if it is zero).
An example of how these documents commonly flow through the cash disbursements process
is illustrated in Illustration 12.8, followed by a brief discussion of how cash disbursements
may be processed in many companies.
Control Activities for Cash Disbursements 12-19
Record in cash and G/L database
Purchasing process Checks (EFT) may be issued The software application compares check information
database for unauthorized purchases. with purchase order and receiving information or other
The software application performs a limit test on any large
disbursement and checks for such disbursements must be
manually signed.
Purchasing process A vendor’s invoice may be The software application has a field that identifies a vendor’s
database paid twice. invoice has been paid and the voucher number cannot be
Purchasing process A check (EFT) may be issued Manual control requires check signers control the mailing
database for the wrong amount. of checks.
Bank reconciliation There is an independent bank reconciliation.
Purchasing process A check (EFT) may be posted The software application compares information on check
database to the wrong account. summary with related voucher information.
Recall that many clients build in redundant controls such that if one control does not find
a misstatement, another control will detect the problem. However, auditors cannot efficiently
test all controls that exist. The auditor will identify a key control for each assertion. Follow-
ing are example key controls auditors often identify for cash disbursement transactions. The
examples rely significantly on IT application controls to flag potential misstatements. The
auditor should understand the logic behind the IT control and how client personnel manually
follow up on exceptions on a timely basis.
Completeness of cash disbursements. The software application compares the daily total in
the cash disbursements journal with the total of vouchers submitted for payment.
Occurrence of cash disbursements. The software application compares the check (EFT)
information with purchase order, receiving, and voucher information. Once the voucher is
paid, it is cancelled so that it cannot be paid twice.
Accuracy of cash disbursements. The software application compares the check (EFT) in-
formation with the underlying information on the voucher. The software application must
calculate discounts taken for early payment.
Cutoff of cash disbursements. Run-to-run totals compare beginning daily cash balances
with cash disbursed from the cash disbursements journal, plus cash receipts, and the ending
daily cash balances. Therefore, a run-to-run total starts with the beginning balance, adds and
subtracts transactions, and should match the ending balance in a balance sheet account. Also,
the software application compares the vendors approved for payment with the total of the
daily cash disbursements journal.
Classification of cash disbursements. The software application compares information on
the cash disbursements journal with the related voucher information.
Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) 12-21
Completeness, existence, and valuation of cash balances. The client performs an indepen-
dent bank reconciliation.
Before You Go On
5.1 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the complete-
ness assertion regarding cash disbursements? Describe a key control to detect and correct
this problem.
5.2 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the accuracy
assertion regarding cash disbursements? Describe a key control to detect and correct this
5.3 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the classifi-
cation assertion regarding cash disbursements? Describe a key control to detect and correct
this problem.
Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) is a highly automated business process between evaluated receipt settlement
suppliers and purchasers to exchange data electronically and execute a purchase trans- (ERS) a highly automated busi-
action electronically. In larger public companies, ERS transactions represent 75–90% of ness process between suppliers
all transactions. In smaller, privately owned companies, not-for-profit organizations, or and purchasers to exchange data
governments, ERS transactions are rare. ERS recognizes the key elements of a purchase electronically and execute a pur-
chase transaction electronically
transaction involve:
In an ERS system, the purchaser and supplier agree to exchange data about a transaction electron-
ically and use an ERS process for paying purchases. While ERS systems are often custom-made
to accommodate the supplier’s and purchaser’s information systems, the following discussion
addresses the common elements of many ERS systems.
The next step involves the purchasing company initiating a purchase order. The pur-
chase order is prenumbered to establish control over the population of purchases. The
purchase order is usually sent electronically to the vendor (although it may be faxed or
sent by mail).
The supplier will normally acknowledge the transaction electronically by sending an
advance shipping notice advance shipping notice (ASN) indicating the goods to be shipped, prices, and other infor-
(ASN) an electronic acknowl- mation (e.g., freight costs or taxes). Upon shipment, the vendor will create normal shipping
edgement of a transaction by a documents such as a bill of lading and packing slip.
supplier indicating goods shipped,
prices, and other information
such as freight costs or taxes
Receiving Goods
The receipt of goods in an ERS system is similar to any other system. A prenumbered, elec-
tronic receiving report should be created, noting the items received and the condition of goods
including any defective items. Often, the goods are counted using barcodes, and once the quan-
tity received of each item is known, the purchaser has sufficient information to book a liability.
Recording Payables
Upon the receipt of goods, the purchaser should match the goods received, per the receiv-
ing report, to the purchase order and ASN. Once all the documents match, an entry should
be made to the purchases journal to record the purchase and accounts payable. Normally, a
unique, prenumbered document (similar to a voucher) should be created to record the pur-
chase and establish control over the recording process. Since this is an internal document,
it is usually created only in electronic form in an ERS system. The ERS system often records
the purchase and liability created concurrently with the receiving report, as all information is
known about the transaction at time of receipt of goods (e.g., the type of goods received, the
quantity of goods received, the price for goods received, and payment terms).
When a vendor’s invoice is presented electronically, it is matched to determine that the
purchase order, receiving report, and vendor’s invoice agree (a three-way match). In some
systems, a vendor’s invoice is never generated. Rather, all the information needed to establish a
transaction is embedded in the ASN and the receiving report. A liability is created when goods
are received and the purchase is paid based on contractual terms. In these cases, a two-way
match is performed to agree the recorded liability to the receiving report and purchase order.
Electronic Payment
electronic invoice present- Many ERS systems use electronic invoice presentment and payment (EIPP) systems.
ment and payment (EIPP) EIPP systems use an independent third party to settle the business-to-business (B2B) trans-
systems an electronic system action. An independent third-party payment processor, such as a bank or payment
that uses a third-party payment processor, is used to make the payment from the purchaser to the supplier. A third-party pay-
process to settle a business-
ment processor is often used to make payments because entities that store checking account
to-business transaction
number information must be Payment Card Industry (PCI) security compliant according
third-party payment processor to federal regulations, which requires investing in secure IT systems and paying for regular
an independent third party such recertification.
as a bank or payment processor In an EIPP system, the purchasing entity:
that processes a payment from the
purchaser to the supplier; federal • Receives an electronic invoice from the vendor.
regulations require that the third- • Validates the invoice (using a three-way match).
party payment process is PCI
security compliant • Cancels the vendor’s invoice so it is not paid twice.
• Approves the invoice for payment (usually taking advantage of early payment discounts).
Once the invoice is approved for payment, the third-party payment processor transfers funds
from the purchasing entity to the vendor on the due date.
Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) 12-23
Following is a list of key controls that are often found in the purchaser’s ERS system for
cash disbursements, categorized by relevant assertion.
• C
ompleteness of cash disbursements. The software application generates a daily report
comparing the daily total in the cash disbursements journal with the total of payables
submitted to the third-party payment processor for payment and any discrepancies are
• O
ccurrence and accuracy of cash disbursements. The vendor’s invoice is cancelled so that
it is not paid twice. The software application develops a daily report that compares the
EFT information submitted to the third-party payment processor with the payable and
invoice information and that identifies any discrepancies. Any duplicate payments or
potential payments with discrepancies are rejected and not forwarded to the third-party
payment processor for payment.
• C
utoff of cash disbursements. The software application generates a daily report comparing
the time period of when vendors are approved for payment with the time period they are
recorded in the cash disbursements journal.
• C
lassification of cash disbursements. The software application generates a daily report
comparing account classification in the cash disbursements journal with the related
voucher information.
• C
ompleteness, existence, and valuation of cash balances. The purchasing entity performs
an independent bank reconciliation.
12-24 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Before You Go On
6.1 Explain the flow of a transaction from initiating a purchase to paying for the purchase in an
ERS system.
6.2 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the complete-
ness assertion regarding the recording of purchases? Describe a key control to detect and
correct this problem in an ERS system.
6.3 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the occurrence
assertion regarding cash disbursements? Describe a key control to detect and correct this
problem in an ERS system.
• Purchase return authorization—Form showing the description, quantity, and other data
pertaining to the goods the vendor has authorized the purchaser to return. It serves as the
basis for initiating the purchase return.
• Shipping report—Report prepared on the shipment of goods to vendors showing the
kinds and quantities of goods shipped.
• Debit memo—Form stating the particulars of a debit to accounts payable, including the
specific items returned, prices, and amount debited. It provides the basis for recording
the purchase return.
Further, there should be adequate segregation of duties between obtaining authorization for
purchase returns, shipping goods, and recording debit memos.
When there is the potential for material misstatements from purchase adjustments
transactions, the auditor should obtain an understanding of all relevant aspects of the
internal control structure components and consider the factors that affect the risk of such
misstatements. If purchase adjustments are estimated at quarter-end, management should
establish controls to ensure adjustments are based on reliable information and that adjust-
ments are consistent from quarter to quarter. A disclosure committee should review these
estimates if they could aggregate with other adjustments to an amount that is material to the
financial statements.
Public companies normally accomplish this task with a disclosure committee that
works with the CFO or controller to review disclosures. The disclosure committee often
includes individuals in management who are knowledgeable about the condition of the
company and knowledgeable about appropriate GAAP for disclosures relevant to the pur-
chasing process. Many companies use a current GAAP disclosure checklist to assist in this
Before You Go On
7.1 Explain the economic substance of purchase returns and allowances. Explain the appropriate
controls over purchase returns and allowances.
7.2 Explain the appropriate controls over the purchasing process disclosures.
12-26 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
The following discussion identifies potential tests of controls that may be used to determine
if a client’s controls in the purchasing process are effective. Once the auditor has evaluated the
quality of internal controls, the audit team is in a good position to evaluate the opportunity
for fraud risk. The fraud risk assessment should be approached with professional skepticism.
Finally, this section focuses on the links between risk of material misstatement and subsequent
strategy for substantive testing.
As discussed in previous chapters, the auditor will usually test the effectiveness of IT general
controls as part of testing entity-level controls. For example, when testing the control environ-
ment, the auditor might pay particular attention to making inquiries and collecting supporting
evidence regarding employee awareness of IT security issues. If the auditor is testing issues re-
garding controls over program changes, the auditor might determine how program access is con-
trolled and monitored, look at logs of program access or incident reports, and talk to users about
their involvement in program changes affecting their responsibilities. The auditor will want to
pay attention to segregation of duties regarding access to programs and access to data, the effec-
tiveness of password controls, and the follow-up of any incident reports regarding unauthorized
access. Many of these tests are performed by an IT audit specialist.
Auditors often use test data on IT application controls to determine whether expected results
appear on exception reports. For example, in the purchasing process the auditor might submit:
Finally, the auditor will need to test the appropriateness of manual follow-up of excep-
tions noted by the software application. If exception reports are printed daily, the auditor
might select a sample of exception reports to determine if exceptions are cleared on a timely
basis. The auditor might make inquiries of personnel responsible for clearing exceptions to de-
termine their awareness of the types of misstatements that might appear on exception reports.
The auditor should also follow through on previously noted exceptions to determine they were
cleared appropriately by authorized personnel on a timely basis.
Tests of Controls in the Purchasing Process and Audit Strategy 12-27
Cecily has just returned from a staff training session on audit data analytics. She is auditing a mining
company with a high volume of purchases, and she is concerned about the risk of her client paying
a fictitious vendor. She asks herself, “How would I determine if an employee is submitting invoices
from a fictitious vendor to pay himself or herself extra money?” Eventually, Cecily thinks about
merging two key files: the client’s vendor master file and the client’s employee master file. Each file
has fields for addresses, tax ID numbers, phone numbers, and bank routing numbers. She thinks to
herself, “If I use audit data analytics to compare the two files, I should find no matches. However, if
I find a match of any one of these fields in both databases, further investigation is clearly warranted.”
For example, Cecily would not expect to find the same tax ID number or bank routing number for
a vendor and an employee.
12-28 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Before You Go On
8.1 If the auditor has identified an IT application control related to the completeness of pur-
chases, and IT general controls have already been determined to be effective, suggest how the
auditor might test the effectiveness of such IT application and the related manual follow-up.
8.2 Explain the fraud associated with a phantom vendor. What controls might prevent this from
8.3 Assume an auditor is auditing a small city or county with poor segregation of duties in the
purchasing process. What are the most significant risks in this case? What are the implica-
tions for developing an audit strategy in the purchasing process?
At this stage, the auditor has evaluated inherent risks, evaluated and tested the system of
internal control in the purchasing process, and developed an audit strategy. What remains is
Substantive Procedures for the Purchasing Process 12-29
performing substantive tests. The following discussion focuses on identifying the appropriate
substantive tests for relevant assertions in the purchasing process. Illustration 12.10 presents
a suggested audit program for substantive tests of purchasing process assertions, including ini-
tial procedures, substantive analytical procedures, and tests of details. A discussion of each
of these steps follows the illustration. The audit procedures in Illustration 12.10 are most
likely to be associated with manufacturing companies, wholesalers, or retailers.
Category Substantive Test Assertion
Initial 1. Obtain an understanding of the business and industry to determine: All
procedures a. The significance of purchases and accounts payable to the entity.
b. Key economic drivers that influence the entity’s purchases, margins, and cash disbursements.
c. Standard trade terms in the industry, including seasonal dating, payment period, etc.
d. The extent of concentration of activity with vendors.
2. Perform initial procedures on accounts payable and records that will be subjected to further testing. Valuation and
a. Trace beginning balance for accounts payable to prior year’s working papers. allocation,
Rights and
b. Scan activity in the general ledger account for accounts payable and investigate entries that
appear unusual in amount or source.
c. Obtain the accounts payable subsidiary ledger and determine that it accurately represents the Valuation and
underlying accounting records by footing the subsidiary ledgers and comparing the total to the allocation
general ledger balance.
Analytical 3. Perform analytical procedures: All
procedures a. Develop an expectation for accounts payable using knowledge of the entity’s business activity,
market share, normal trade terms, and its history of accounts payable turnover in days.
b. Calculate ratios:
i. Compare purchases activity to the entity’s sales.
ii. Compare purchases growth and payable growth.
iii. Accounts payable turnover in days.
c. Analyze ratio results relative to expectations based on prior years, industry data, budgeted
amounts, or other data.
Tests of 4. Vouch a sample of recorded purchasing process transactions to supporting documentation. Occurrence,
details of a. Vouch recorded purchase transactions to supporting vendor’s invoices, receiving documents, and Accuracy,
transactions purchase orders. Cutoff,
b. Vouch disbursement transactions to underlying vouchers and supporting documents.
c. Vouch purchase returns to supporting shipping documents and subsequent recognition of return
by the vendor.
5. Trace a sample of purchase transactions from goods received to their recording in the purchases Completeness
journal. Also trace a sample of cash disbursements and purchase returns to their recording in the
accounting records.
6. Perform cutoff tests for purchases and purchase returns. Cutoff
a. Select a sample of goods received in the warehouse for several days before and after year-end and
examine supporting vouchers to determine that purchases were recorded in the proper period.
b. Select a sample of purchase returns from the shipping dock for several days before and after
year-end to determine that debits to accounts payable were recorded in the proper period.
7. Perform cash disbursements cutoff tests by observing that all cash disbursed through the close of Cutoff
business on the last day of the fiscal year is included in the cash disbursements journal.
8. Perform a search for unrecorded liabilities.
a. Examine subsequent payments between balance sheet date and end of fieldwork, and when re-
lated documentation indicates payment was for an obligation in existence at balance sheet date;
trace to accounts payable listing.
12-30 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Category Substantive Test Assertion
b. Examine documentation for payables recorded at year-end that are still unpaid at end of
c. Inspect unmatched purchase orders, receiving reports, and vendor invoices at year-end.
d. Inquire of accounting and purchasing personnel about unrecorded payables.
e. Review capital budgets, work orders, and construction contracts for evidence of unrecorded
Tests of 9. Evaluate the effectiveness of confirming accounts payable. Existence,
details of a. Identify major vendors by reviewing the voucher register or accounts payable subsidiary ledger Valuation and
balances or master file and send confirmation requests to vendors with large balances, unusual activity, allocation,
small or zero balances, and debit balances. Completeness
b. Investigate and reconcile differences.
10. Reconcile unconfirmed payables to monthly statements received by client from vendors.
Tests of 11. Compare statement presentation with GAAP.
details of a. Determine that payables are properly identified and classified as to type and expected period of Classification and
presentation payment. understandability
and disclosure
b. Determine whether debit balances in accounts payable are significant in the aggregate and Classification and
should be reclassified as accounts receivable. understandability
c. Determine the appropriateness of disclosures pertaining to related party payables. Classification and
d. Inquire of management about potential undisclosed commitments or contingent liabilities. Completeness
e. Evaluate the completeness of presentation and disclosures for payables in drafts of financial Completeness
statements to determine conformity to GAAP by reference to disclosure checklist.
f. Read disclosures and independently evaluate their understandability. Classification and
Initial Procedures
The starting point for every audit test is obtaining an understanding of the business and
industry. Understanding the significance of the purchasing process to the entity provides a
context for important risk assessments. Understanding the company’s economic drivers, stan-
dard trade terms, and the extent of concentration of business with certain suppliers provides
the context for evaluating the results of analytical procedures, tests of controls, and substantive
tests. Procedures performed to obtain this understanding were discussed earlier in this chapter.
Another initial procedure for substantive tests of accounts payable is tracing the beginning
balance to the prior year’s working papers, using generalized audit software to scan the general
ledger account for any unusual entries, and developing a list of amounts owed at the balance
sheet date. Ordinarily, the client provides a listing of the unpaid voucher file or the accounts
payable subsidiary ledger in electronic form. The auditor can also use generalized audit
software to determine the mathematical accuracy of the listing by refooting the total and by
verifying that it agrees with the general ledger account balance.
purchases or inventory. For example, an abnormal decrease in the accounts payable turnover in
days or unexpected increase in the current ratio may provide indicators of understated liabilities.
determine the last check written by the client. Subsequent tracing of this evidence to the ac-
counting records will verify the accuracy of the cutoff. Alternatively, the auditor can trace “paid”
checks dated within a period of several days before and after the balance sheet date to the dates
the checks were recorded. Evidence from this test also pertains to the existence or occurrence
and completeness assertions for accounts payable.
Purchase return cutoff tests are similar to other cutoff tests. First, the auditor should start
with the shipping records for a period of five to ten days before and after year-end to ensure
that purchase returns are accurately recorded in the accounting records. Then, the auditor
should go from the accounting records back to evidence in shipping records to verify the accu-
racy of the last purchase returns recorded by the entity.
payable, the auditor prefers to have the creditor indicate the amount due because that is the
amount to be reconciled to the client’s records. The confirmation may also request informa-
tion regarding purchase commitments of the client.
This test produces evidence for all accounts payable assertions. However, evidence pro-
vided for the completeness assertion is limited because of the possible failure to identify and
send confirmation requests to vendors with whom the client has unrecorded obligations.
Before You Go On
9.1 Which assertion is of primary importance to the auditor in auditing accounts payable? Why?
9.2 Your classmate believes the auditor’s responsibility for confirming accounts payable is the
same as for accounts receivable. Do you agree with your classmate? Explain.
9.3 Explain the following audit test and the assertion(s) that are evaluated with this audit
procedure: Vouch recorded payables to supporting documents.
9.4 Explain the following audit test and the assertion(s) that are evaluated with this audit
procedure: Perform a search for unrecorded liabilities.
9.5 Explain the following audit test and the assertion(s) that are evaluated with this audit
procedure: Determine that payables are properly identified and classified.
9.6 List several common disclosures required for purchases and accounts payable.
12-34 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
This appendix focuses on auditing payroll transactions and balances and follows the same
format as the previous discussions of the revenue and purchasing processes. The presen-
tation in this appendix is abbreviated compared to the chapter discussions, with a focus
on understanding the business and industry, inherent risks, expected controls and control
risk, and substantive tests in the payroll process. For many businesses, the payroll process
payroll process transactions includes a significant volume of routine transactions. The payroll process includes trans-
and balances related to the actions and balances related to the payment of salaries, hourly and incentive compensation,
payment of salaries, hourly commissions, and bonuses. The following discussion does not include additional payroll
and incentive compensation, transactions such as stock options, pension benefits, or other benefits tied to payroll, such
commissions, and bonuses as health insurance or paid vacations. In many companies, payroll is recorded when paid,
and payroll taxes are accrued at the same time. If the pay period does not coincide with
the end of month, end of quarter, or end of fiscal year, accruals should be made for payroll
The payroll process interfaces with the expenditure process. Payment of payroll and pay-
roll taxes relates to cash disbursements transactions in the expenditure process. Many com-
panies create an imprest payroll bank account used for payroll disbursements. An imprest
imprest payroll bank account payroll bank account means that only payroll transactions go through this bank ac-
a bank account that only processes count and, each pay period, only the exact amount necessary to clear net payroll transac-
payroll transactions; only the tions is transferred into the account. Then the payroll disbursements are made (often by
exact amount needed to clear net electronic funds transfer) and the book balance in the account is zero. If payroll is paid
payroll transactions is transferred
by check, then the balance in the bank account relates only to outstanding checks. The
into this account, and after payroll
transactions in the payroll process are depicted in Illustration 12A.1. Payroll expenses
disbursements are made the
balance in the account is zero might be charged to manufactured inventory via direct or indirect labor accounts, or they
might be charged to various accounts associated with selling, general, and administrative
Sufficient and appropriate evidence for the payroll process should be obtained for the
following assertions outlined in Illustration 12A.2. The rights and obligations for payroll and
payroll taxes payable relate to whether the payable reflects the recorded liability of the entity.
This may not be a significant assertion, and it is often tested as part of testing the existence or
occurrence assertions.
Appendix 12A: Auditing Payroll 12-35
Before You Go On
10.1 E
xplain what should be accrued at month-end if payroll is paid in cash and payroll pay
periods do not coincide with month-end.
10.2 Explain what an imprest payroll bank account is and how it works.
• The importance of human resources to the overall entity (i.e., is the entity labor-intensive
or capital-intensive?).
• The nature of compensation, as hourly compensation requires a different control system
than salaried compensation.
• The importance of various compensation packages, such as bonuses or other compensa-
tion arrangements.
development of audit strategy. If compensation expenses are based on hourly pay and show a
high degree of variability throughout the period, the auditor may emphasize testing controls.
Analytical Procedures
The auditor usually will perform analytical procedures as part of risk assessment procedures
because they are cost-effective. Examples of analytical procedures the auditor might use for
the payroll process are presented in Illustration 12A.3. Analytical procedures may be useful
in identifying potential fraud, such as when gross payroll per employee exceeds the auditor’s
expectations. This type of procedure is most effective when the auditor uses generalized audit
software to sort employees by category and then evaluates the average pay by category of em-
ployees. For example, if the auditor were performing this test for a professional baseball team,
professional ballplayers should be segregated from front-office personnel, who in turn should
be segregated from employees who sell hot dogs at the ball games. If every class of employee
is lumped together, the analytical procedure becomes ineffective.
illustration 12A.3 Analytical procedures commonly used to audit the payroll process
Payroll tax expense as a percent of Total payroll tax expenses Reasonableness test of payroll taxes. This can often be compared
gross payroll Gross payroll with standard tax rates.
Compare payroll expenses (salaries Current-year payroll expenses Reasonableness test for payroll expenses if the ratio is
and wages, commissions, bonuses) Prior-year payroll expenses significantly different from 1.0.
with prior-year balances or budgets
Compare current-year payroll Current-year payroll tax liability Reasonableness test for payroll liability if the ratio is significantly
liability with prior-year payroll Prior-year payroll tax liability different from 1.0.
liability adjusted for growth in payroll volume
Employee benefits expenses as a Total benefits expenses Reasonableness test of benefits expenses. This is often compared
percent of gross payroll Gross payroll with industry statistics.
In some cases, the auditor may be able to develop accurate expectations regarding an or-
ganization’s payroll. In a university, for example, the auditor can develop accurate estimates of
the number of full-time faculty and gross pay for those faculty in a school or college given the
number of full-time-equivalent students. As the auditor develops more reliable expectations,
he or she may place more assurance on that evidence than if expectations are rather broad
and general. The use of generalized audit software may allow for the development of more
accurate expectations when auditing the payroll process.
aspects of the payroll process that an auditor should understand. The illustration provides
examples of the settings in which these factors might lead to either a higher assessment of
inherent risk or a lower assessment of inherent risk. As stated before, each audit should
be viewed independently from previous audits when an auditor updates his or her under-
standing of the entity and its environment, as entity traits and characteristics may change
over time.
illustration 12A.4 Understanding the entity and its environment in the payroll process
Before You Go On
11.1 Explain how auditing the payroll process might be different for a manufacturer in a capital-
intensive manufacturing business than for a college or university.
11.2 Explain how the timing of pay periods not aligning with month-end influences inherent
The auditor is rarely concerned about the completeness assertion in the payroll process as
most employees quickly follow up with their employers if they are not paid. However, payroll
fraud (occurrence of payroll expense) is a major concern for the auditor. Fraud may occur at
two levels. First, employees involved in preparing and paying the payroll may process data for
fictitious employees and then divert the payroll payments to their own use. When there is fre-
quent turnover of personnel in a company, there is the risk that a terminated employee might
be continued on the payroll. Second, there is a risk that management may overtly misclassify
or “pad” labor costs in government contract work to defraud the agency.
12-38 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Pay periods may be weekly, bimonthly, or monthly. If pay periods do not align well
with month-end, quarter-end, or year-end, then the risk of cutoff problems associated with
accruing unpaid payroll increases. If factory workers are paid based on time and/or pro-
ductivity, or if payroll computations are subject to complex rules, inherent risk for accuracy
may be high.
Before You Go On
12.1 Why are auditors less concerned about the understatement of payroll liabilities and expenses?
12.2 Explain two significant inherent risks in the payroll process.
Post to general
Month-end journal
In the flowchart, observe that responsibility for (1) authorizing payroll, (2) recording hours
worked, and (3) paying and recording payroll should be segregated. This segregation of duties
contributes significantly to reducing the risk of payments to fictitious employees or excessive
payments to actual employees due to inflated rates or hours.
the change forms are the same as discussed above for new hires. These controls over payroll
changes help to ensure the accuracy of the payroll. The HR department should also issue a
termination notice on completion of an individual’s employment. Prompt updating of the
personnel data master file is vital in preventing terminated employees from continuing on the
payroll. Thus, this control relates to the occurrence assertion.
Transaction and Files Risks (WCGW) Example Control
Authorizing Payroll master file Payroll may be paid to Only a limited number of individuals can change the payroll
payroll fictitious employees. master file, and this duty should be segregated from recording
payroll transactions. All file changes are reviewed by appropriate
levels of management. The personnel master file is also reviewed
to remove employees no longer working for the organization.
Hours are Electronic time cards Employees may be paid Supervisory review of hours worked for hourly and salaried
worked for hours not worked. employees.
Recording Payroll database Payroll may not be The software application prints a report of all hours that have
payroll recorded. not been paid. A month-end accrual is made for payroll worked
between the last pay period and period end. Employees will
complain if they work and are not paid.
Payroll database Payroll may be paid to Each payroll is matched with the payroll master file. The software
fictitious employees. application matches payroll disbursement to hours worked.
Payroll database Payroll may be recorded The software application matches hours with the time card
in the incorrect amount information and wage rate with the master payroll file.
(incorrect hours or
wage rates).
Payroll database Payroll may be recorded At month-end, the software application generates a report of
in the incorrect hours worked but not paid. This report is the basis of end-of-
accounting period. period journal entries reviewed and approved, and reversed in
the subsequent period.
Payroll database Vouchers may be The software application checks wage classification against the
posted to incorrect master payroll file. Wage classification is also reviewed and
accounts. approved by a supervisor when approving hours worked.
Payroll database Payroll may be paid to The software application matches employee number on the time
the wrong employee. card with employee number on the master payroll file. Employees
will complain if they work and are not paid.
As noted in other transaction classes, when choosing controls for control testing, the auditor
will find a key control (the most important control) for each assertion. Following are example
controls that auditors often look for when identifying key controls. The examples rely sig
nificantly on IT application controls to flag potential misstatements. In this case, the auditor
must understand both the IT control and how client personnel follow up on exceptions on a
timely basis.
Completeness of payroll. The software application starts with a population of hours
worked and develops a one-for-one match with hours paid. A report is generated for hours
worked that does not result in a payroll disbursement. At the end of the month, a report is
prepared of hours worked that need to be accrued. This report is compared to any adjusting
journal entry to accrue payroll expenses.
Occurrence of payroll. The software application starts with the population of pay-
roll disbursements and develops a one-for-one match with underlying approved hours
worked. A report is generated each pay period of any payroll that is not supported by
hours worked. The employee number is also compared with the approved master payroll
file. A report is generated of any transactions that are not supported by underlying docu-
ments or files.
Accuracy of payroll. The software application starts with the population of payroll dis-
bursements and compares hours worked with underlying time approved, and compares wage
rates with the master payroll file. A report is generated of any transactions that are not sup-
ported by underlying documents or files.
Payroll cutoff. At month-end, the software application generates a report of hours worked
but not paid. This report is the basis of end-of-period journal entries that are reviewed and
independently approved.
12-42 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Classification of expenses and payroll. The software application checks wage classification
against master payroll file. Wage classification is also reviewed and approved by a supervisor
when approving hours worked. A report is generated each pay period of any payroll showing
incorrect account coding.
Completeness of payroll payables, existence of payroll payable, and valuation of payables
at historic cost. At month-end, the software application generates a report of hours worked
but not paid. This report is the basis of an end-of-period journal entry that is reviewed and
independently approved.
Shelly is auditing a large construction company and is doing a system walkthrough. Shelly talked
to Frank, a client employee responsible for following up on exceptions flagged by the IT system.
Shelly wanted to know if Frank had seen any exceptions where the system identified employees
who had not worked during the current time period. Frank responded, “It is very rare, and I only
remember one instance. About two months ago, the payroll system flagged over 25 employees for
further investigation. It turned out that we had settled a union contract and employees were given
a retroactive pay raise. At that time, we had about 25–30 employees who did not work during the
current pay period but had previously worked and earned pay for the retroactive pay raise.” Shelly
was impressed that Frank understood what the IT system was looking for, and it appeared that the
internal control was placed in operation. Shelly documented the conversation and made a point
to test some of Frank’s follow-up on the exceptions to make sure the entire control system was
working effectively.
Before You Go On
13.1 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the oc-
currence assertion regarding payroll? Describe a key control to detect and correct this
13.2 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the accuracy
assertion regarding payroll? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
13.3 How are financial statements misstated if there is a material misstatement in the classifica-
tion of payroll? Describe a key control to detect and correct this problem.
The following discussion identifies potential tests of controls to be used to test a client’s con-
trols in the payroll process. Once the auditor has evaluated the quality of the system of in-
ternal control, the audit team is in a good position to evaluate the opportunity for fraud risk.
The fraud risk assessment should be approached with professional skepticism. Finally, this
section focuses on the links between risk of material misstatement and subsequent strategy
for substantive testing.
Appendix 12A: Auditing Payroll 12-43
As discussed in previous chapters, the auditor will usually test the effectiveness of IT
general controls as part of testing entity-level controls. For example, when testing the control
environment, the auditor might pay particular attention to making inquiries and collecting
supporting evidence regarding employee awareness of IT security issues. If the auditor is
testing issues regarding controls over program changes, the auditor might determine how
program access is controlled and monitored, look at logs of program access or incident re-
ports, and talk to users about their involvement in program changes affecting their respon-
sibilities. The auditor will want to pay attention to segregation of duties regarding access to
programs and access to data, the effectiveness of password controls, and the follow-up of any
incident reports regarding unauthorized access. Many of these tests are performed by an IT
audit specialist.
Auditors often use test data to test IT application controls and determine whether ex-
pected results appear on exception reports. For example, in the payroll process the auditor
might submit:
The auditor may also want to test important manual controls, such as supervisor ap-
proval of time and account classifications, by reperforming these controls. Finally, the auditor
will need to test the appropriateness of manual follow-up of exceptions noted by the soft-
ware application. If exception reports are printed each pay period, the auditor might select
a sample of exception reports to determine if exceptions are cleared before payroll is paid.
The auditor might make inquiries of personnel responsible for clearing exceptions to deter-
mine their awareness of the types of misstatements that might appear on exception reports,
and their sensitivity to issues that result in the overpayment of payroll or paying fictitious
employees. The auditor should also follow through on previously noted exceptions to
determine they were cleared appropriately and on a timely basis.
Payroll fraud can be reduced with strong controls over the payroll master files and by
ensuring there is strong underlying support for payments to employees. Ultimately, a key
aspect of fraud risk relates to the way effective internal controls minimize the opportunity
to commit fraud. An auditor’s concerns are heightened when the control environment is
weak or control activities are nonexistent. In not-for-profit organizations, smaller compa-
nies, or smaller governments, segregation of duties may be weak or nonexistent. In these
cases, the auditor with appropriate professional skepticism should consider fraud risk to
be high and design effective substantive tests to provide reasonable assurance of detecting
material fraud.
• Multiple employees with the same information in the payroll system such as bank ac-
count routing number, Social Security number, or same home address.
• Employees on the payroll register prior to their start date or after their termination date.
• Multiple paychecks issued to an employee within a single pay period.
• Bonuses paid to employees who are not eligible.
• Inappropriate wage levels given the employee’s classification.
As with any use of ADA, the auditor’s knowledge of the client helps refine the auditor’s
ability to identify potential anomalies, and there may be legitimate business reasons for some
anomalies. Nevertheless, the auditor should investigate items flagged for further investigation
with appropriate professional skepticism.
deficiencies exist in internal controls over payroll, the auditor will need to communicate
significant deficiencies or material weaknesses to management and to those charged with
governance of the entity.
Before You Go On
14.1 If the auditor has identified an IT application control related to the occurrence of payroll
transactions, and IT general controls have already been determined to be effective, sug-
gest how the auditor might test the effectiveness of such IT controls and related manual
14.2 Explain the fraud associated with payments to fictitious employees. What controls might
prevent this from happening?
14.3 Assume an auditor is auditing a rural fire district with poor segregation of duties in the
payroll process. What are the most significant risks in this case? What are the implications
for developing an audit strategy in the payroll process?
Substantive tests of payroll transactions are often performed at an interim date as part of a
dual-purpose test. Interim substantive tests of payroll balances may be performed if internal
controls are strong, or at year-end if internal controls are weak. Payroll balances normally in-
clude accrued liabilities for salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, employee benefits, payroll
taxes, and related expense accounts. Suggested substantive tests of payroll transactions and
balances are shown in Illustration 12A.7. Each of the substantive tests is discussed with
selected comments about how the procedures can be tailored based on the acceptable level of
detection risk to be achieved.
12-46 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Initial Procedures
An essential initial procedure involves obtaining an understanding of the entity’s business
and industry and expected payroll costs. This allows the auditor to develop a knowledgeable
perspective about the entity and set the context for the evaluation of analytical procedures
and tests of details. If the client is a manufacturer, it is particularly important to understand
the mix of payroll costs versus other manufacturing costs and how this interacts with the
production process. It is also important to understand incentive compensation agreements
and the degree to which these agreements might influence behavior related to other processes
(e.g., compensating executives only on the level of revenues). Finally, the auditor also needs
to understand the nature of pension agreements, stock options, and other employee benefit
In tracing beginning payroll and payroll tax payable balances to the working papers
in prior years, the auditor should make certain that any audit adjustments agreed upon in
the prior year did in fact get recorded. In addition, current period entries in the general
ledger payroll accounts should be scanned to identify any postings that are unusual in
amount or nature and require special investigation. Initial procedures also involve deter-
mining that the detailed subsidiary ledgers for payroll liabilities tie in with the general
ledger balances.
Appendix 12A: Auditing Payroll 12-47
Tracing transactions from time cards or other evidence of employees working to the payroll
register provides evidence for the completeness and accuracy of payroll costs.
Officers’ compensation may be audit sensitive for the following two reasons: (1) separate
disclosure of officers’ compensation is required in 10-K reports that public companies file
with the SEC, and (2) officers may be able to override controls and receive salaries, bonuses,
stock options, and other forms of compensation in excess of authorized amounts. For these
reasons, board of directors’ authorizations for officers’ salaries and other forms of compen-
sation should be compared with recorded amounts. This test pertains to objectives related to
each category of assertions.
Depending on how pay periods are determined, there may be a risk of material misstate-
ment associated with cutoff problems. If employees are paid every two weeks and payroll is
recorded when paid, it is possible that almost two weeks’ worth of payroll costs have not been
recorded at month-, quarter-, or year-end. The auditor should determine management’s pro-
cedures for accruing payroll costs, including the costs of gross payroll, payroll taxes, and other
benefits and test the completeness and accuracy of payroll accruals.
12-48 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
Tests of Disclosures
The most significant disclosures for payroll transactions are not covered as part of this dis-
cussion of routine payroll transactions. More complex payroll transactions involving stock
options, stock appreciation rights, and defined benefit pension plans require significant dis-
closures. However, these transactions are not covered as part of this appendix, which focuses
primarily on internal controls and substantive testing of a large volume of routine transac-
tions, which rarely generate significant disclosures.
Before You Go On
15.1 Which assertion is of primary importance to the auditor in auditing payroll expenses? Why?
15.2 Explain the following audit test and the assertion(s) that are evaluated with this audit pro-
cedure: Vouch payroll expenses to supporting documents.
15.3 Explain the following audit test and the assertion(s) that are evaluated with this audit
procedure: Recalculate accrued payroll tax liabilities and vouch to subsequent cash
Learning Objectives Review 12-49
kickbacks, bid rigging, and personal purchases with entity funds. Once Common inherent risks in the payroll process relate to the complete-
the auditor has determined the risk of material misstatement of each ness of payroll expenses and payables, particularly when pay periods
assertion, the auditor can make decisions about what substantive tests do not align with month-end. The accuracy assertion may be at risk
to perform, the timing of substantive tests, and the extent of substan- depending on the complexity of payroll calculations (e.g., complex
tive tests. bonus schemes), Finally, fraud risks relate to paying fictitious em-
ployees or keeping employees on the payroll after they leave the
9 Assess detection risk and design substantive tests, organization.
including audit data analytics, to address various asser-
tions in the purchasing process. 13* Evaluate control activities for payroll transactions.
This section outlines common substantive tests in the purchasing pro- Each entity has a unique system of internal control tailored to the
cess. Illustration 12.10 provides a common audit program for substan- entity’s business model and its payroll process. It is important for
tive tests that might be found in the purchasing process, and this section the auditor to (1) understand the flow of transactions for payroll,
explains the importance of each of these tests. Given the risk of un- (2) identify what can go wrong in the payroll process, and (3) as-
derstatement of payables, auditors should understand procedures to sess whether the client has controls to mitigate what can go wrong.
search for potential unrecorded liabilities. Further, given the risk of Illustration 12A.5 provides an example of the flow of transactions
understatement of payables, if auditors choose to confirm accounts for payroll. Illustration 12A.6 addresses what can go wrong in
payable, they need to give equal attention to payables with small or the payroll process and common controls that might be found to
zero balances as they do to larger payables. mitigate these risks. This section concludes with a discussion of
key controls that are often found related to relevant assertions for
10* Explain the nature of payroll transactions and
14* Determine how to design and perform tests of con-
trols in the payroll process and connect the results of
The payroll process includes two major classes of transactions:
control testing to audit strategy.
(1) paying payroll and (2) accruing payroll and payroll taxes at the
end of the period. The primary balance sheet account in the pay-
roll process is payroll and payroll taxes payable. Illustration 12A.1 This final section related to controls in the payroll process discusses
summarizes the transactions that go through the payroll process, testing the controls identified for relevant assertions in the finan-
and Illustration 12A.2 identifies the assertions relevant to the payroll cial statements. Remember, when the entity relies on significant IT
process. Remember, the auditor must obtain sufficient, appropriate application controls the auditor must test (1) the effectiveness of
evidence for each material assertion, and an audit strategy for one as- IT general controls, (2) the effectiveness of the IT application con-
sertion may be different from the audit strategy for another assertion. trols, and (3) the effectiveness of manual procedures to follow-up
on exceptions. Once the auditor has evaluated controls, the auditor
11* Evaluate how an auditor’s understanding of an en- should consider fraud risk in the payroll process. Once the auditor
has determined the risk of material misstatement of each asser-
tity and its environment affects audit planning decisions
tion, the auditor can make decisions about what substantive tests
in the payroll process. to perform, the timing of substantive tests, and the extent of sub-
stantive tests.
Different companies in different industries experience various risks
associated with the payroll process. It is important for the auditor 15* Assess detection risk and design substantive tests,
to understand the importance of human resources to the overall
including audit data analytics, to address various asser-
entity (i.e., is the entity labor-intensive or capital-intensive?), the
nature of compensation (hourly compensation requires a different tions related to payroll.
control system than salaried compensation), and the importance of
various compensation packages such as bonuses or other compen- This section outlines common substantive tests in the payroll pro-
sation arrangements. cess. Illustration 12A.7 provides a common audit program for sub-
stantive tests that might be found in the payroll process. Given the
12* Determine inherent risk for various assertions in risk of understatement of payroll payables, auditors should under-
the payroll process. stand procedures to evaluate payroll accruals at the end of the ac-
counting period.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) The purchasing process normally includes all of the fol- billed was received. Assume the software application prepares an ex-
lowing transactions: ception report and follow-up procedures are effective. IT application
a. purchases, inventory transactions, and cash receipts. edit checks compare:
b. purchases on account, purchase returns, and cash receipts. a. quantities and prices on the voucher with quantities and
prices on the purchase order.
c. purchases on account, purchase returns, and cash disburse-
ments. b. quantities on the vendor’s invoice with quantities entered in
d. purchases of inventory, plant and equipment, and deprecia- receiving.
tion. c. quantities and prices on the voucher with quantities and
prices on the vendor’s invoice.
2. (LO 2) Which of the following industries would have the greatest
concerns about purchases cutoff at month end, unrecorded liabilities, d. quantities times price on the voucher with the amount of
and accounting for advertising allowances provided by vendors? cash disbursements.
a. Manufacturer of construction equipment. 7. (LO 4) Which of the following IT application control procedures
b. Retail grocer. would be most effective in assuring that recorded purchases are accu-
c. Hotel. rately recorded for transactions that actually occurred?
d. Local school district. a. The software application compares the quantity ordered from
purchase order information with the quantity received from
3. (LO 3) If the auditor is concerned about the risk of fraud in the the receiving department.
purchasing process, which of the following best describes the audi-
b. Vendor invoice information is compared with purchase order
tor’s potential fraud risk assessments?
a. Fraudulent financial reporting–high risk; misappropriation
c. Receiving reports require the signature of the individual who
of assets–high risk.
authorized the purchase.
b. Fraudulent financial reporting–high risk; misappropriation
of assets–low risk. d. The software application matches voucher information with
information supporting purchase orders, receiving reports,
c. Fraudulent financial reporting–low risk; misappropriation of
and vendor invoices.
assets–high risk.
d. Fraudulent financial reporting–low risk; misappropriation of 8. (LO 5) Which of the following controls would most likely prevent
assets–low risk. a vendor’s invoice from being paid twice?
4. (LO 3) The auditor is studying a ratio of accounts payable turn- a. An independent bank reconciliation is prepared.
over in days. Which of the following indicates a potential risk of un- b. The software application compares information on the check
recorded liabilities? with information on the receiving report.
a. Accounts payable turnover in days increased from 28 days to c. The software application compares the daily total in the cash
45 days from year one to year two. disbursements journal with the total vouchers submitted for
b. Accounts payable turnover in days increased from 28 days to payment.
30 days from year one to year two. d. The software application has a field that identifies a vendor’s in-
c. Accounts payable turnover in days decreased from 28 days to voice has been paid and the voucher number cannot be reused.
15 days from year one to year two. 9. (LO 6) An evaluated receipt system is:
d. Accounts payable turnover in days decreased from 30 days to
a. a highly automated business process between suppliers and
25 days from year one to year two.
purchasers to exchange data electronically to execute a pur-
5. (LO 4) The internal document commonly used to record a credit chase transaction.
purchase in the purchases journal is a: b. a highly automated business process between retailers and
a. purchase requisition. customers to receive payment electronically for a purchase
b. purchase order. transaction.
c. vendor’s invoice. c. a highly automated process between suppliers and purchasers
d. voucher. to manage the receipt of goods.
d. a highly automated process associated with the initiation of a
6. (LO 4) Describe the IT application control procedure that pro-
purchase transaction.
vides assurance that all the merchandise for which the client was
Review Questions 12-53
10. (LO 7) The key documents involved in recording a purchase ad- d. a bank account where a company only deposits sufficient
justment involve: funds to process gross payroll amounts.
a. a purchase return authorization, a shipping report, and a *15.
(LO 11) When auditing the payroll process, the auditor will nor-
debit memo. mally want to understand:
b. a vendor’s invoice, a receiving report, and a credit memo. a. the relationship between payroll and significant customers.
c. a purchase order, a vendor’s invoice, and a voucher. b. the extent to which a company is capital-intensive or labor-
d. a purchase return authorization, a shipping report, and a intensive.
credit memo. c. the predictability of the relationship between payroll expense
11. (LO 8) Assume an auditor is testing an IT application control and capital expenditures for the year.
over the accuracy of purchases. The auditor is most likely to submit d. the relationship between net payroll and the company’s tax
test data for a: liability.
a. voucher with different quantities than on the receiving report. *16.
(LO 12) An inherent risk of major concern to the auditor in the
b. purchase order without appropriate authorization. payroll process is:
c. voucher with no receiving report. a. the completeness of payroll.
d. purchase order with an invalid vendor number. b. the occurrence assertion for payroll.
12. (LO 9) Which of the following procedures is best for identifying c. the occurrence and cutoff assertions for payroll.
unrecorded trade accounts payable? d. the completeness and occurrence assertions for payroll.
a. Examining unusual relationships between monthly accounts *17.
(LO 13) A client just read about a business paying extraordinary
payable balances and recorded cash payments. sums of money to a variety of employees. How would the client com-
b. Reconciling vendors’ statements to the file of receiving reports pany use an IT application control to prevent this type of valuation
to identify items received just prior to the balance sheet date. problem?
c. Investigating payables recorded just prior to and just subse- a. Test a check digit embedded in the employee number.
quent to the balance sheet date to determine whether they are b. Perform a limit test related to the class of employee.
supported by receiving reports.
c. Check the employee number against the master payroll file.
d. R
eviewing cash disbursements recorded subsequent to the
balance sheet date to determine whether the related payables d. Compare the total number of payroll disbursements with a
apply to the prior period. predetermined batch total.
(LO 14) An auditor may plan to test controls in the payroll pro-
13. (LO 9) An auditor decided to confirm accounts payable to ac-
cess because, among other factors:
complish a low level of detection risk for the completeness assertion.
Which of the following is the most reasonable sampling plan? a. the chance of employee fraud is remote.
a. Confirm accounts payable with an emphasis on all vendors b. outside governmental auditors spend considerable time in-
including zero and small balances. vestigating the payroll area in most companies.
b. Confirm accounts payable with an emphasis on the largest c. audit risk in the area relates primarily to the hiring of com-
account payables. petent personnel.
c. Confirm accounts payable using probability-proportionate- d. payroll transactions are generally routine and processed in
to-size sampling. a high volume, which makes controls effective for manage-
d. C
onfirm accounts payable with an emphasis on new vendors, ment to employ.
irrespective of the size of the account balance. *19.
(LO 15) Which of the following audit assertions is least likely
(LO 10) An imprest payroll bank account is: to be accomplished by vouching payroll transactions to supporting
documentation (e.g., time cards and employee contracts)?
a. a bank account where a company only deposits sufficient
funds to process net payroll transactions. a. The occurrence of payroll transactions.
b. a bank account that processes all payroll withholding b. The completeness of payroll transactions.
transactions. c. The accuracy of payroll transactions.
c. a bank account devoted to all payroll transactions. d. Proper cutoff related to payroll transactions.
Review Questions
R12.1 (LO 1) Explain the transactions in the purchasing process. R12.3 (LO 3) What are the greatest inherent risks in the purchas-
ing process? Explain the assertions that are at risk and the underlying
R12.2 (LO 2) Explain how the risk of material misstatement in the
drivers causing an increase in inherent risk.
purchasing process is different for a hotel than it is for a manufacturer
of gas and oil field equipment. R12.4 (LO 4) Assume that your client is a private company that
manufacturers wedding rings. The company’s raw materials are gold,
12-54 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
silver, platinum, and gem stones. Explain the expected flow of trans- *R12.11
(LO 11) Explain how the risk of material misstatement in
actions, the documents, and accounting system from purchasing raw the payroll process is different for a manufacturer of gas and oil field
materials to paying for raw materials. equipment than it is for a university.
R12.5 (LO 5) Explain a typical control preventing, or detecting and *R12.12
(LO 12) What are the greatest inherent risks in the payroll
correcting, duplicate payment of a vendor’s invoice in a purchasing process? Explain the assertions that are at risk and the underlying
system. drivers causing an increase in inherent risk.
R12.6 (LO 5) Explain a typical control preventing, or detecting and *R12.13
(LO 13) Assume that you are auditing a software compa-
correcting, payments to a fictitious vendor. ny that has mostly salaried employees. Explain the expected flow of
transactions, documents, and accounting system from hiring a new
R12.7 (LO 6) Assume that your client is a major grocery chain that
employee to paying payroll.
uses evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) for 75% of its purchases. Ex-
plain the flow of transactions from the purchasing of products (e.g., *R12.14
(LO 13) Explain a typical control preventing, or detecting
various household cleaning supplies) for various grocery stores to the and correcting, payments to a fictitious employee.
payment for products using an ERS system.
(LO 13, 14) Explain a typical IT application control to pre-
R12.8 (LO 7) Explain the flow of transactions for purchase vent paying an inappropriate wage rate. Also, explain how you would
returns. test the control.
R12.9 (LO 9) Explain how examining subsequent payments paid *R12.16
(LO 15) Explain how an auditor might use ADA when
after the balance sheet date (or a cutoff date) is a useful test of the auditing payroll. Explain the assertions being analyzed and what
completeness of purchases and payables. might be considered an outlier given the test that you suggest.
(LO 10) Assume that a company has numerous hourly em-
ployees that it pays every Friday. Explain the transactions expected in
this payroll process.
Analysis Problems
AP12.1 (LO 2) Basic Knowledge of the entity and its environment Your client is a local
independent grocer with five stores which competes with a number of large grocery chains. It pur-
chases goods from several large grocery supply chains as well as from various vendors that sell
directly to the store. Some vendors offer various advertising rebates or other price concessions for
stocking goods.
Explain how your knowledge of the business and industry would impact your audit of total purchases
and accounts payable for the client.
AP12.2 (LO 2) Moderate Analytical procedures The following information was taken from the
accounting records for Aurora Manufacturing, Inc.:
Industry Median
Accounts payable turnover days 31 30 29 30
Cost of goods sold to average 10.7 11.2 10.9 11.1
accounts payable
Current ratio 1.9 2.2 2.3 2.1
Analysis Problems 12-55
a. Calculate the following information and ratios for years 2, 3, 4, and 5:
1. Purchases.
2. Accounts payable turnover in days.
3. Cost of goods sold to average accounts payable.
4. Current ratio.
b. Describe the implications of the resulting ratios for the audit strategy in year 5. What specific audit
objectives are likely to be misstated? How should the auditor respond in terms of potential audit
AP12.3 (LO 6) Moderate Internal control evaluation—cash disbursements Management has
requested a review of internal control over cash disbursements for parts and supplies purchased at
manufacturing plants. Cash disbursements are centrally processed at corporate headquarters based on
disbursement vouchers prepared and approved at manufacturing plants. Each manufacturing plant
purchases parts and supplies for its own production needs.
In response to management’s request, a thorough evaluation of internal control over disbursements
for manufacturing plant purchases of parts and supplies is being planned. As a preliminary step in plan-
ning the engagement, each plant manager has been requested to provide a written description of his or
her plant’s procedures for processing disbursement vouchers for parts and supplies. Presented below are
some excerpts from one of the written descriptions.
1. The purchasing department acts on purchase requisitions issued by the parts department.
2. A software application generates prenumbered purchase orders based on information submitted by
buyers in purchasing.
3. Receiving has complete access to purchase order information in the IT system.
4. When goods are received, the receiving department logs the shipment in the IT system by indicating
that the purchase order was received and forwards this electronically to accounts payable.
5. When the vendor invoice is received, it is entered into the IT system and matched electronically
with purchase order and receiving information. Discrepancies are printed on an exception report for
follow-up by accounts payable personnel.
6. The software application checks the clerical accuracy of information on vendor invoices. Discrepan-
cies are printed on an exception report for follow-up by accounts payable personnel.
7. A prenumbered disbursement is prepared and forwarded along with supporting documentation to
the plant controller who reviews and approves the voucher.
8. Supporting documents are returned to accounts payable for filing, and approved disbursement
vouchers are forwarded to corporate headquarters for payment.
9. A report listing checks issued by corporate headquarters is received and promptly filed by accounts
For each of the disbursement system procedures listed above, state whether the procedure is consis-
tent with good internal control and describe how each procedure strengthens or weakens internal
AP12.4 (LO 9) Moderate Accounts payable assertions/confirmations Mincin, CPA, is the au-
ditor of the Raleigh Corporation. Mincin is considering the audit work to be performed in the accounts
payable area for the current year’s engagement.
The prior year’s papers show that confirmation requests were mailed to 100 of Raleigh’s 1,000 sup-
pliers. The selected suppliers were based on Mincin’s sample that was designed to select accounts with
large dollar balances. A substantial number of hours were spent by Raleigh and Mincin resolving rela-
tively minor differences between the confirmation replies and Raleigh’s accounting records. Alternative
auditing procedures were used for those suppliers who did not respond to the confirmation requests.
12-56 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
a. Identify the accounts payable assertions that Mincin must consider in determining the substantive
tests to be performed.
b. Identify situations when Mincin should use accounts payable confirmations and discuss whether
Mincin is required to use them.
c. Discuss why the use of large dollar balances as the basis for selecting accounts payable for confirma-
tion might not be the most efficient approach and indicate what more efficient procedures could be
followed when selecting accounts payable for confirmation.
(AICPA adapted)
AP12.5 (LO 9) Moderate Search for unrecorded liabilities You were in the final stages of
your audit of the financial statements of Ozine Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2022,
when you were consulted by the corporation’s president, who believes there is no point in your
examining the 2023 voucher register and testing data in support of 2023 entries. He stated that
(a) bills pertaining to 2022 that were received too late to be included in the December voucher register
were recorded as of the year-end by the corporation by journal entry, (b) the internal auditor made
tests after the year-end, and (c) he would furnish you with a letter certifying that there were no un-
recorded liabilities.
a. Should a CPA’s search for unrecorded liabilities be affected by the fact that the client made a journal
entry to record 2022 bills that were received late? Explain.
b. Should a CPA’s search for unrecorded liabilities be affected by the fact that a letter is obtained in
which a responsible management official certifies that to the best of his knowledge all liabilities have
been recorded? Explain.
c. Should a CPA’s search for unrecorded liabilities be eliminated or reduced because of the internal
audit tests? Explain.
d. Assume that the corporation, which handled some government contracts, had no internal auditor
but that an auditor for a federal agency spent three weeks auditing the records and was just complet-
ing his work at this time. How would the CPA’s unrecorded liability search be affected by the work
of the auditor for a federal agency?
e. What sources, in addition to the 2023 voucher register, should the CPA consider to locate possible
unrecorded liabilities?
(AICPA adapted)
AP12.6 (LO 9) Moderate Substantive tests for accounts payable Taylor, CPA, is engaged in the
audit of Rex Wholesaling for the year ended December 31, 2022. Taylor performed a proper study of
the internal control structure relating to the purchasing, receiving, trade accounts payable, and cash
disbursement processes, and has decided not to proceed with tests of controls. Based on analytical pro-
cedures, Taylor believes that the trade accounts payable balance on the balance sheet as of December 31,
2022, may be understated.
Taylor requested and obtained a client-prepared trade accounts payable schedule listing the total
amount owed to each vendor.
What additional substantive procedures should Taylor apply in auditing trade accounts payable?
(AICPA adapted)
AP12.7 (LO 9) Challenging Fraud Research SEC In 2003, the Securities and Exchange
Commission released an Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release (AAER) describing charges and
discipline against TruServ Corporation and the company’s chief financial officer. The charges claim
that TruServ underestimated the accrual for merchandise payable.
Find and read the 2003 AAER related to TruServ Corporation. Explain the scheme that the company used
to understate the accrual for merchandise payable. Finally, what audit procedures might an auditor use
to uncover this misstatement?
(LO 13) Moderate Internal control questionnaire—payroll Butler, CPA, has been
engaged to audit the financial statements of Young Computer Outlets, Inc., a new client. Young is a
Analysis Problems 12-57
privately owned chain of retail stores that sells a variety of software and video products. Young uses an
in-house payroll department at its corporate headquarters to compute payroll data and to prepare and
distribute payroll checks to its 300 salaried employees.
Butler is preparing an internal control questionnaire to assist in obtaining an understanding of
Young’s internal control structure and in assessing control risk.
Prepare a “Payroll” segment of Butler’s internal control questionnaire that would assist in obtaining an
understanding of Young’s internal control structure and in assessing control risk. Focus on preparing
questions about payments based on hourly rates and payroll tax accruals other than withholdings.
Use the format in the following example:
Questions Yes No
1. Are paychecks prenumbered and accounted for?
(LO 13) Moderate Control activities in payroll processing As part of the audit of
Beach Land Construction, you are assigned to review and test the payroll transactions. Beach Land Con-
struction is a privately owned company, which has about 30 full-time employees, and another 30 to 60
part-time employees, depending on the company’s needs. All employees, job foreman, and other work-
ers are paid hourly wages. Your procedures show the payroll register was properly footed, totaled, and
posted. The company keeps a separate bank account for payroll transactions, which normally carries a
balance between $2,000 and $10,000.
Based on your conversations with the owner and bookkeeper, you determine the following:
1. Any new employee is interviewed by and hired by the owner of the company. Upon being hired,
the new employee must complete appropriate IRS and other withholding forms. This information is
given to the bookkeeper.
2. At the end of every day, the job foreman phones the owner to report the number of hours worked by
each employee on the job. The owner then reports this information to the bookkeeper.
3. Each Friday at the end of the day, the bookkeeper prepares payroll based on the number of hours
reported by the owner for each employee, the employee’s wage rate, and withholdings. The book-
keeper then prepares payroll checks.
4. The owner gives checks a cursory scan and signs the checks at the end of the day on Friday. On
Monday morning, the owner has a meeting with all job foremen. Payroll checks are given to each
job foreman who then distributes the checks to employees every Monday.
5. At the end of the month, the bookkeeper performs a monthly bank reconciliation on the payroll
bank account, and writes and posts any needed adjusting journal entries.
a. Identify any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in the payroll procedures used in the
payroll system for Beach Land Construction.
b. For each significant deficiency or material weakness you identify, recommend an improvement to
correct the deficiency.
(LO 14) Moderate Potential misstatements/tests of controls—payroll The following
questions are included in the internal control questionnaire on control procedures for payroll transac-
tions in the Pena Company:
1. Are pay rates, payroll deductions, and terminations authorized by the personnel department?
2. Are time clocks and clock cards used?
3. Is there supervisory approval of time worked by each employee?
4. Are electronic payroll deposits appropriately authorized?
5. Is there internal verification of payroll checks with payroll register data?
6. Is access restricted to personnel and employee earnings master files?
7. Is hiring of new employees authorized by personnel department?
8. Are payroll tax returns and payment of payroll taxes reviewed for accuracy and for timely filing?
12-58 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
a. Identify a misstatement that may occur if a NO answer is given to each question.
b. Identify a possible test of controls assuming a YES answer is given to each question. (Present your
answers in tabular form using separate columns for each part.)
You have been assigned to the audit of the building supplies division, specifically the purchasing
process, which consists primarily of the acquisition of inventories (many of which are delivered directly
to building sites), the inventory process, and accounts payable.
1. There is a segregation of duties problem in cash disbursements as Craig has access to the supply of
unused checks, he signs checks, and he performs the monthly bank reconciliations.
2. A similar segregation of duties issue has been raised regarding the activities of Wendy Roberts, who
authorizes credit, maintains accounts receivable records, and follows up on bad debts. However,
Craig has responsibility for writing off bad debts.
3. There is no formal system and review associated with adding new vendors or new customers to
master vendor and customer files.
Les and the other owners have not taken action on these issues as no significant audit adjustments
have been proposed related to these problems that they believe are due to a company with a small ac-
counting staff. The owners have viewed the audit adjustments to the allowance for doubtful accounts as
an issue where they welcome the oversight provided by outside auditors.
A major change in the accounting system was planned last year and implemented at the beginning of the
current year (2022) when one of CIRI’s major suppliers, Contractors Wholesale Supply (CWS), approached
CIRI about implementing a purchasing system with electronic data interchange (EDI). Les was eager to move
forward with the system as it would keep CIRI on the cutting edge. In general, the EDI system allows CIRI to
order goods electronically. CWS sends electronic sales invoices, and CIRI makes weekly payments by electronic
funds transfer through a bank where both CWS and CIRI have accounts. Les sees that the process expedites
shipments to customers, and CIRI receives a 1% discount on all shipments ordered through the system. Craig
was also willing to make the change, as a significant portion of the operating system was resident with the
supplier, and only modest programming changes were necessary at CIRI.
Craig delegated implementation of the EDI system to Dennis Brewer. Dennis has been with the
company for several years and has demonstrated strong technology skills. Dennis is also responsible for
accounts payable and accounting for inventories. Dennis looks at the systems project as a real oppor-
tunity to demonstrate his skills. Dennis has been disappointed that he has not advanced faster in the
organization. He has commented to colleagues about his frustration that most of his college friends have
achieved management roles in their jobs, and they are earning good salaries and bonuses. Dennis has
several children in private school and feels that this is his opportunity to earn advancement, status, and
the salary he wants and needs.
Following is a brief description of how the new EDI purchasing system functions at CIRI:
Initiating purchases. Several buyers are responsible for purchasing inventory, managing store in-
ventories, and making sales to general contractors and the larger builders in the metropolitan area.
The buyers determine inventory to order based on their review of inventory on hand and requests from
customers. Based on perceived inventory needs, the buyer can log onto the CSW/CIRI system using
passwords, and electronically place a CIRI prenumbered purchase order directly with CWS online in real
time. CWS confirms the order electronically, and an electronic sales order is sent from CWS to Dennis.
Dennis receives exception reports each morning of any mismatches between CIRI purchase orders and
CWS sales orders. (CWS writes sales orders based on inventory that they have in stock.) Dennis tracks
all purchases based on the prenumbered purchase orders. Buyers have restricted access to only the order
side of the system. (Buyers can also monitor all inventory quantities.) Receiving access has been given
only to the warehouse clerks at each store. Dennis has full access to the system.
Receiving goods. When shipments are received from CWS, they are counted by the warehouse clerk
at each of CIRI’s three stores. The clerk then logs into the CWS/CIRI system and enters quantities re-
ceived in the electronic equivalent of a prenumbered receiving report. The electronic receiving report is
sent from each store to Dennis. Further, approximately 35% of purchases are drop-shipped directly to
customer locations. In other words, a building contractor will call a CIRI buyer, who will order the goods
from CWS and have them shipped directly to the building site. The warehouse clerk at each store has
responsibility for following up on drop shipments with customers and filing electronic receiving reports
for drop shipments. Experience shows that this is a low priority for these warehouse clerks, and it often
12-60 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
takes nagging by Dennis each week to get these reports filed. This had also been a problem in the manual
system in that on-site project managers were not good about signing delivery reports. When the ware-
house clerk at the responsible store files an electronic receiving report for drop shipments, the clerk also
has responsibility for filing a shipping report to initiate CIRI’s customer billing process.
The receiving information updates the perpetual inventory records for all items received at one
of the three stores. The perpetual inventory is not updated for drop shipments. The buyers informally
review the accuracy of the perpetual inventory for reasonableness. A full physical inventory is done at
year-end, and the stores are closed for that event.
Recording payables. When CWS ships goods, an invoice is electronically sent to Dennis. Each day,
Dennis receives a system-generated report of items that have been ordered from CWS, a report of items
ordered that have not been received, and a list of all billings that have not been matched with prenum-
bered receiving reports. Dennis pays the most attention to these reports on Wednesdays and Thursdays so
that all billings are cleared for electronic payment on Friday. He particularly follows up on items where
electronic invoices have been received from CWS that have not yet been matched with receiving reports
sent from the stores. He then files these exception reports by date with his notations on the various re-
ports. Once the electronic receiving report is electronically matched with the sales invoice, a payable is
established and Dennis approves payment of the invoice.
Electronic funds transfer. Every Friday, the total of approved invoices is paid via electronic funds
transfer though a national bank from CIRI to CWS. Craig is responsible for reviewing and approving a
list of cash disbursements before they are run. With respect to the EDI system, Craig performs an overall
reasonableness check on the volume of activity with CWS.
Craig feels that the system has greatly reduced the paperwork, made the office more efficient, and
allowed the company to maintain margins in a very competitive marketplace. Dennis was happy to work
on the project and was pleased to be given the increased responsibility. However, Dennis was overheard
in the lunchroom to have been disappointed that neither pay nor promotion advances were received as
he expected, and that he is not earning what he deserves. Dennis expressed frustration that his career was
going nowhere and that Craig and Les were too tight-fisted with promotion and recognition for making
the transition go smoothly.
C12.1 (LO 1, 3, 4, 6, 7) Challenging Understanding internal control, fraud risk assessment,
and substantive tests
a. Analysis and evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the CIRI’s control environment. You may
evaluate each individual component of the control environment but then develop an overall
conclusion regarding the control environment and its influence on other aspects of internal
b. 1. Analysis and evaluation: Using the table below, evaluate the factors associated with the risk of
fraud and the effectiveness of control activities with respect to the occurrence assertion for pur-
chases and payables associated with the EDI purchasing system.
2. Analysis: Identify internal control deficiencies that you find in the EDI purchasing system.
c. Evaluation: Prepare a letter with the two most important internal control recommendations that
you have for management. Each specific recommendation should describe the current system,
explain the risk involved, and make specific recommendations for improvement. Focus on issues
raised by the new system and not on issues that have been raised in prior audits.
Of the 30 transactions selected at random, 19 represented transactions shipped directly to stores, and
11 represented drop shipments. The following table summarizes the nature of this sample of 30.
$ BV of # of Sample $ BV of
Popn. Transactions Size Sample
Drop shipments $ 5,756,077 1,391 11 $ 80,530
Shipped to stores 10,615,018 1,737 19 188,455
Purchases through the EDI system $ 16,371,095 3,128 30 $ 268,985
• You find one item that shipped directly to the stores with an invoice total of $9,775, for which the
price on the invoice per the purchase order was $67 per unit but was billed at $76 per unit. The com-
pany purchased 100 units of the SKU number on that invoice and paid the invoice in full as billed.
• The company was closed from Thursday, June 30, 2022, through Monday, July 4, 2022. Inventory
was taken on Thursday, June 30, 2022. During the inventory count, a truck came in with a shipment
from CWS. The value of the invoice was $9,875. The units were segregated from the rest of the in-
ventory and not counted. At the end of the inventory, the shipment was added to the overall value of
the inventory. During the closing of the books after July 4, the purchase was recorded as an account
payable in the amount of $9,875 with a date of June 30, 2022.
• Auditing drop shipments has been a problem in past audits, as CIRI has not always had receiving
documents to support deliveries to construction sites. However, your firm has been able to verify that
shipments had been billed to customers and subsequently cash was received associated with these de-
liveries. In the current year, not only did you verify that the item was supported by electronic receiving
reports, but you also followed up to find that they were billed to customers who paid for the goods. All
11 of the electronic invoices from CWS for drop shipments included in the sample were supported by
electronic receiving reports and they were paid in the correct amounts and on time. However, Dennis
could not show where one transaction with an invoice amount of $4,323 had been billed to, and had
been paid by, customers. He suggested two possibilities. First, he suggested that some customers had
prepaid for the shipments. Second, he complained that he often had to follow up with the stores about
filing receiving reports because someone at the store level failed to file a shipping report. However,
his primary responsibility was only for the purchasing system, not the billing system and ensuring
that vendors were paid on time. He could not verify what caused the problem with this transaction.
Further follow-up failed to identify the underlying sales invoice for this transaction.
C12.2 (LO 1, 3, 4, 6, 7) Challenging Understanding internal control, fraud risk assessment,
and substantive tests
a. Analysis and evaluation: What concerns, if any, are raised by the evidence noted above? Assuming that
the problems found in the sample are representative of problems in the population, determine any
relevant amount of projected misstatement based on your finding, assuming that the ratio of misstate-
ments to book value found in the strata from which they were selected are representative of the entire
strata. After considering your findings, what additional audit procedures should be performed, if any?
b. Evaluation: What issues do you want to discuss with management? Draft the issues that you want to
discuss with CIRI management, including with whom in management discussions should be held.
Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-profit
hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit for the 2023
fiscal year-end.
The healthcare industry can be very complicated, especially in the area of billing for services pro-
vided. BPH contracts with private physician groups who use the hospital facilities, equipment, and nurs-
ing staff to treat patients. The physicians in the private group are not employees of the hospital; they are
simply using the hospital facilities to treat patients. For example, a group of urologists have their own
practice, separate from the hospital, where they treat patients. If one of the patients needs a surgical pro-
cedure that must be done at a hospital, then the attending urologist will approve the paperwork required
to admit the patient to BPH. BPH offers inducements to the urologists so they will refer patients to BPH
12-62 C h a pte r 12 Auditing the Purchasing and Payroll Processes
rather than a competing hospital. One of the inducements BPH offers is free office space in the hospital
for the doctors to use when they are treating patients in the hospital.
After the doctor and hospital services are provided to the patient, the patient and/or the patient’s
insurance company is billed. The doctor will bill for the services he or she provided, and the hospital
will bill for the use of hospital facilities and staff. Doctors and hospitals bill using a coding system that is
standardized across the healthcare industry and consists of three main code sets: ICD, CPT, and HCPCS.
Using a coding system is more efficient and data-friendly compared to writing a narrative about the
procedures performed. However, the coding system is very complex, with thousands of different codes
for medical procedures and diagnoses. To complicate matters even more, for patients who are covered by
government-sponsored Medicare or Medicaid, doctors and hospitals must adhere to complicated govern-
ment regulations surrounding billings to Medicare and Medicaid.
As healthcare costs continue to rise each year, BPH administrators struggle to maintain consistent
profitability. They look for ways to keep costs low and also to collect from patients and insurance compa-
nies as quickly as possible. In addition, BPH must have a strong risk management team to handle unique
situations that may occur in hospitals such as malpractice lawsuits and periodic inspections by the state
department of health and hospitals. Negative publicity for BPH could lead to decreased revenues if phy-
sicians decide to contract with a competing hospital.
You are completing the planning of the audit of accounts payable and payments system. A prenum-
bered voucher is used to record all payables. An IT application control performs the following procedures:
• T
he vendor details, item numbers, quantities, and prices on the voucher are matched to information
on the supplier’s invoice and the appropriate receiving report.
• T
he vendor details, item numbers, and quantities on the voucher are matched to information on an
authorized purchase order.
• M
anual follow-up procedures are performed daily by a data control group. Any exceptions are cor-
rected within 24 hours.
C12.3 (LO 9) Challenging Evaluating internal controls Given the information you have collected
above about internal controls in the purchases process:
a. Evaluation: Evaluate the quality of internal controls for each assertion related to purchase transactions.
b. Analysis: For assertions where internal controls are determined to be strong, design appropriate tests
of controls to test the assertion. You may assume that IT general controls have previously been tested
and found effective.
c. Analysis and evaluation: For assertions where internal controls are weak, prepare a recommendation
to management identifying the weakness, the risk of misstatement associated with the weakness, and
a recommended control to correct the weaknesses.
The Vane Corporation is a manufacturing concern that has been in business for the past 18 years. During
this period, the company has grown from a very small family-owned operation to a medium-sized manu-
facturing concern with several departments. Despite this growth, a substantial number of the procedures
employed by Vane have been in effect since the business was started. Just recently, Vane has computer-
ized its payroll function.
The payroll function operates in the following manner. Human resources is responsible for hiring or
firing workers. HR also maintains an employee master file with the employee number, pay rates, infor-
mation about the department in which an employee works, and payroll withholding information. Only
the HR manager and two of her assistants have the ability to access and change the employee master file
database. The HR manager reviews a report of all changes weekly. Each worker has a personal swipe card
to record hours worked electronically. Each Friday evening, the factory foreman reviews an electronic
file of hours worked and approves the hours or raises questions with employees about what has been
recorded. This information is submitted to payroll by Monday at noon for processing.
In payroll, the approved time worked is imported electronically to process weekly payroll. Later on
Monday, a final payroll file is sent to the company controller for approval. Once the controller approves
the payroll, direct deposits of payroll are made to employee bank accounts.
Further analysis of the payroll function reveals the following:
The following problems surfaced when the new payroll system was placed in operation:
1. A worker received a direct deposit for $1,531.80 when it should have been $153.81. It was deter-
mined that the wage rate was overstated by a magnitude of 10 because it was entered incorrectly in
the payroll system.
2. One worker complained that a direct deposit was not made to his account, and this error was not
detected. As it turned out, the payment was made to another individual because the wrong bank
account number was on file.
3. One worker received a paycheck for an amount considerably larger than she should have. Investi-
gation revealed that a worker was paid $21.75 per hour rather than $12.75 per hour because of an
input error when changing the employee’s wage rate on the master file.
4. In processing non-routine changes, an HR assistant included a pay rate increase for one of his
friends in the factory. This was discovered by chance when a foreman was reviewing charges to his
(LO 13) Challenging Internal control evaluation—payroll Analysis and evaluation:
Identify the control deficiencies in the payroll process for The Vane Corporation. Recommend the
changes necessary to improve the control structure. Arrange your answer in the following columnar
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
13-2 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
Learning Objectives
LO1 Evaluate how an auditor determines and executes for property, plant, and equipment, and depreciation
an audit strategy for cash and cash equivalents. expense.
LO2 Evaluate how an auditor determines and executes LO4 Evaluate how an auditor determines and executes
an audit strategy, including the use of ADA, for inventory an audit strategy for long-term debt and interest
and cost of goods sold. expense, and stockholders’ equity.
LO3 Evaluate how an auditor determines and
executes an audit strategy, including the use of ADA,
1. Understanding the flow of transactions involving the balance sheet and income statement.
2. Understanding the entity and its environment.
3. Understanding the results of analytical procedures.
4. Assessing inherent risk.
5. Assessing controls risk and fraud risk.
6. Determining an audit strategy.
7. Completing substantive tests.
Auditing Cash and Cash Equivalents 13-3
• Cash in the bank. An example is the primary bank account for the company.
• Imprest bank accounts. An example is an imprest payroll bank account (see the appendix to
Chapter 12). These are bank accounts that will have a specific book balance, such as zero
or $10,000. At each payroll date, the exact amount needed to clear net payroll transactions
is transferred into this account. After payroll disbursements are made, the balance in the
account reverts to the specific expected balance.
• Cash equivalents. Examples are commercial paper, Treasury bills, or money market funds.
These are highly liquid investments having a maturity of three months or less. These ac-
counts usually result in the recognition of interest income.
Chapter 11 discussed cash receipt transactions and internal controls over cash receipts.
Chapter 12 discussed cash disbursement transactions and internal controls over cash dis-
bursements. The following discussion focuses primarily on testing cash balances on the
balance sheet.
Some companies, such as Apple, Inc., have significant positive cash flow from opera-
tions and positive free cash flow, which result in significant cash and cash equivalents, and
significant investments in marketable securities. Other companies, such as Sears Holding
Corporation, have experienced negative cash flow from operations and have had to manage
cash by selling assets, issuing debt, and repaying debt; cash balances are a small percentage of
total assets. While Apple and Sears may be extreme examples, it is important for the auditor
to understand how management budgets and manages cash balances, and to tailor the audit
of cash accordingly.
13-4 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
performs tests of controls. In the case of larger public companies where the internal auditor
tests controls over cash and cash budgeting, or the internal auditor performs some level of
substantive tests of cash, the external auditor will determine if it is appropriate to use the work
of the internal auditor to support the audit conclusion.
ILLUSTRATION 13.1 Example preliminary audit strategies for cash assuming strong internal controls
In some cases involving private companies, a small business owner may want the au-
ditor to extend the scope of the engagement to provide assurance about the validity of cash
balances. As a result, the auditor will follow a primarily substantive approach emphasizing
tests of details even when the audit risk model might indicate that such an approach is not
necessary because of the effectiveness of internal controls. As previously discussed, when seg-
regation of duties is weak, the auditor will plan a primarily substantive approach for obtaining
assurance about cash balances and cash transactions.
Initial Procedures
Before proceeding with tests of details of cash balances, the auditor should ensure that an
understanding has been obtained regarding the entity and its environment and the impor-
tance of cash balances to the entity. For example, the auditor might understand the volume
of transactions going through various cash accounts, the entity’s ability to generate positive
cash flow from operations, policies for forecasting or budgeting cash, and policies for investing
surplus cash.
The starting point for verifying cash balances is tracing the current period’s beginning
balances to the ending audited balances in the prior year’s working papers (when applicable).
Next, the current period’s activity in the general ledger cash accounts should be reviewed for
any significant entries that are unusual in nature or amount that require special investigation.
In addition, any schedules prepared by the client showing summaries of undeposited cash
receipts at different locations and/or summaries of bank balances should be obtained. The
mathematical accuracy of any such schedules should be determined and their agreement with
related cash balances in the general ledger checked. This test provides evidence about the
valuation and allocation assertion.
An auditor requires evidence on the validity and accuracy of bank transfers. This is obtained
by preparing a bank transfer schedule. Data for the schedule is obtained from an analysis of the
cash entries per books and applicable bank statements and cutoff bank statements. The schedule
lists all transfer checks issued at or near the end of the client’s fiscal year, and shows the dates that
the checks were recorded by the client and the bank, as illustrated in Illustration 13.3. If we as-
sume all checks are dated and issued on December 31, check 4100 in Illustration 13.3 was handled
properly because both book entries were made in December and both bank entries occurred in Jan-
uary. This check would be listed as an outstanding check in reconciling the general bank account
at December 31 and as a deposit in transit in reconciling the payroll bank account. Check 4275
illustrates a transfer check in transit at the closing date. Cash per books is understated by $10,000
because the check has been deducted from the balance per books by the issuer in December, but
has not been added to the Branch #1 account per books by the depositor until January. To correct
this error, an adjusting entry is required at December 31 to increase the branch balance per books.
Checks 4280 and B403 illustrate the likelihood of kiting because these December checks
were not recorded as disbursements per books until January, even though they were deposited
in the receiving banks in December. Check 4280 results in a $20,000 overstatement of cash in
bank because the receipt per books occurred in December, but the corresponding book de-
duction was not made until January. Check B403 may illustrate an attempt to conceal a cash
shortage because the bank deposit occurred in December, presumably to reconcile the bank
and book balances, and all other entries were made in January.
Kiting is possible when weaknesses in internal controls allow one individual to issue and
record checks (i.e., improper segregation of duties), or there is collusion between individuals
who are responsible for the two functions. In addition to tracing bank transfers, kiting may
be detected by (1) obtaining and using a cutoff bank statement (as discussed in the following
section) because the kited check clearing in January will not appear on the list of outstanding
checks for December, and (2) performing a cash cutoff test because the last check issued in
December will not be recorded in the check register.
ASB-CL-6.1: Standard Form to Confirm Account
Example bank confirmation
Balance Information with Financial Institutions
[ ]
To be mailed to CUSTOMER NAME
1. At the close of business on the date listed above, our records indicated the following deposit
2. We were directly liable to the financial institution for loans at the close of business on the date
listed above as follows:
The information presented above by the customer is in agreement with our records. Although we
have not conducted a comprehensive, detailed search of our records, no other deposit or loan
accounts have come to our attention except as noted below.
Approved 1990 by American Bankers Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,
and Bank Administration Institute.
13-10 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: C.J.B. 1/15/23
Review of client-prepared
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reference: A-1 Reviewed by: R.E.Z. 1/25/23
bank reconciliation
Acct # 110
Bank Account No. 12345-642
Balance per Bank $120,262.47 (a)
Deposits in Transit Per Books Per Bank
12-30 1-2 $ 8,425.15 (b)
12-31 1-7 17,844.79 (b) 26,269.94 (F)
The auditor agreed the balance per bank to the bank confirmation. The auditor vouched
deposits in transit and outstanding checks to a cutoff bank statement obtained from the bank
or by way of secure online access to the client’s bank account information for the cutoff period.
cutoff bank statement A cutoff bank statement is a bank statement as of a date subsequent to the balance sheet
a bank statement for the period date. The date should be at a point in time that will permit most of the year-end outstanding
subsequent to the date of the checks to clear the bank. Usually, the date is seven to 10 business days following the end of
balance sheet that the client the client’s fiscal year. The client must request the cutoff statement from the bank and instruct
requests the bank to send directly that it be sent directly to the auditor. On receipt of the cutoff statement, the auditor should:
to the auditor
• T
race a sample of all checks dated in the prior year to the outstanding checks listed on
the bank reconciliation.
• V
ouch a sample of deposits in transit on the bank reconciliation to deposits on the cutoff
• Scan the cutoff statement and enclosed data for unusual items.
Auditing Inventory on the Balance Sheet 13-11
The extent of this testing depends on the level of detection risk associated with tests of
details. The auditor will test the mathematical accuracy of the client-prepared bank reconciliation
and agree the final balance per books to the general ledger.
Proof of cash. When fraud risk is high, the auditor might consider performing a proof of cash.
A proof of cash not only reconciles the ending balance, it also reconciles cash receipt transactions
between the accounting records and the bank, and the cash disbursement transactions between
the accounting records and the bank. Consider the following situation. A controller who is a check
signer withdraws $5,000 in cash without approval and replaces the cash before the end of the
month. This would not be picked up by a bank reconciliation, but it would be picked up by a proof
of cash. An end-of-chapter problem explores the topic of proof of cash in more depth.
Before You Go On
1.1 When auditing cash, how might the auditor’s procedures change when a client has poor
segregation of duties and weak controls over cash balances?
1.2 What is meant by the term kiting? Explain how kiting results in misstated financial statements.
Explain the audit procedures that can be used to detect misstatements due to kiting.
1.3 What information does the auditor seek on a standard bank confirmation form? Explain how
the bank confirmation is used in the audit of cash.
1.4 What is a cutoff bank statement? How is the cutoff bank statement used in the audit of cash?
Chapter 11 discussed the revenue process, including the sale of inventory. Chapter 12 discussed
the purchasing process, including the purchase and payment for many costs associated with the
production of inventory. This chapter will focus on auditing the ending balance for inventory
13-12 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
reported on the balance sheet. It will focus primarily on auditing inventory for a company that
purchases and resells inventory. However, the discussion of auditing the valuation and alloca-
tion assertion will also address valuation of inventory for a manufacturing company.
Auditors need to be aware that any changes to inventory reported on the balance sheet will
also result in changes to cost of goods sold reported on the income statement.
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Financial Statements Misstatement
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Inventory as a % of Total Assets: 28% • Inventory is very material to the financial
Equipment Manufacturing Inventory Turnover in Days (upper quartile): statements.
• Relatively slow inventory turnover 52 days • Inventory valuation is subject to industry
Inventory Turnover in Days (median): 85 days volatility.
Inventory Turnover in Days (lower quartile): • Products are less subject to significant
131 days obsolescence risk.
Electronic Computer Manufacturing Inventory as a % of Total Assets: 26% • Inventory is very material to the financial
• Moderate inventory turnover Inventory Turnover in Days (upper quartile): statements.
• Gross margins depend on technological 31 days • The valuation of inventory is a significant
superiority of products Inventory Turnover in Days (median): 66 days inherent risk due to the technological
obsolescence issue.
• Companies outsource significant aspects Inventory Turnover in Days (lower quartile):
of the manufacturing process 114 days
Auditing Inventory on the Balance Sheet 13-13
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Financial Statements Misstatement
Supermarkets and other Grocery Stores Inventory as a % of Total Assets: 30% • Inventory is very material to the financial
• Very competitive environment and one Inventory Turnover in Days (upper quartile): statements.
product may be substituted easily for other 16 days • The valuation of inventory is a significant
products Inventory Turnover in Days (median): 24 days inherent risk due to complexity of applying
the retail method for valuing inventory.
Inventory Turnover in Days (lower quartile):
31 days • Modest risk associated with perishable
• Supply chain management is the key to
profitability in a competitive industry.
Hotels and Motels Inventory as a % of Total Assets: Less than 1% • The risk of material misstatement is low
• Inventory is usually insignificant in this Inventory Turnover in Days (upper quartile): N/A due to the immateriality of inventory for
industry this industry.
Inventory Turnover in Days (median): N/A
Inventory Turnover in Days (lower quartile): N/A
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Inventory as a % of Total Assets: Less than 1% • The risk of material misstatement is low
Schools Inventory Turnover in Days (upper quartile): N/A due to the immateriality of inventory for
• Inventory is usually insignificant in this this industry.
Inventory Turnover in Days (median): N/A
Inventory Turnover in Days (lower quartile):
Inventory is a material asset for the other three industries. Inventory in the manufacture
of oil and gas field machinery and equipment is less subject to significant obsolescence risk,
but in some economic environments when prices are down due to lower demand, growing
inventories may be a concern. The computer manufacturing industry is subject to technological
obsolescence, and laptops face significant competition from phones and tablets. When consid-
ering the valuation and allocation assertion for manufacturing companies, the auditor needs to
understand how capital-intensive the manufacturing process is, and the expected costs associ-
ated with raw materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead. The grocery industry is extremely
competitive, margins are low, and supply-chain management is critical to a retailer’s success.
Further, a significant amount of inventory may be in the supply chain or in the warehouse,
rather than in stores.
Finished goods produced to Finished goods quantities Useful in estimating the efficiency of the manufacturing process. May be
raw material used Raw material quantities helpful in evaluating the reasonableness of production costs.
Finished goods produced to Finished goods quantities Useful in estimating the efficiency of the manufacturing process. May be
direct labor Direct labor hours helpful in evaluating the reasonableness of production costs.
Product defects per million Number of product defects Useful in estimating the effectiveness of the manufacturing process.
Each million produced May be helpful in evaluating the reasonableness of production costs and
warranty expenses.
• The volume of purchases, manufacturing, and sales transactions that affects these ac-
counts is generally high, increasing the opportunities for misstatements to occur.
• Contentious issues often surround the use of professional judgment in the identification,
measurement, and allocation of costs related to inventory such as indirect materials,
labor, and manufacturing overhead, joint product costs, and the accounting for cost
variances, scrap, or inventory shrinkage.
• The wide diversity of inventory items sometimes requires the use of special procedures to
determine inventory quantities, such as geometric volume of stockpiles, aerial photogra-
phy, and estimation of quantities by experts.
• Inventories are often stored at multiple sites, adding to the difficulties associated with
maintaining physical controls over theft and damages, and properly accounting for goods
in transit between sites.
• The wide diversity of inventory items may present special problems in determining their
quality and market value.
• Inventories are vulnerable to spoilage, obsolescence, and other factors such as general
economic conditions that may affect demand and sales price, and thus the proper valua-
tion of the inventories.
Auditing Inventory on the Balance Sheet 13-15
Disclosure Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Expense recording issues 91 145 133 72 54 47 36 46 49 71 78 60 59 35
% of all financial 9.6% 9.2% 7.2% 5.6% 5.6% 5.7% 4.2% 5.4% 5.8% 8.1% 9.1% 7.9% 8.7% 6.3%
statement restatements
Don Whalen, Olga Usvyatsky, and Dennis Tanona, 2017 Financial Restatements, A Seventeen Year Comparison
(Audit Analytics: Sutton, MA, 2018).
13-16 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
Illustration 13.9 summarizes what can go wrong (WCGW) with respect to inven-
tory, and key controls the auditor might expect to find related to inventory. As you review
Illustration 13.9, try to associate particular controls with the assertions being controlled.
The following illustration assumes there is good segregation of duties and strong entity-
level controls.
Alphanumeric SKU#: V4C3D5R2 SKU or UPC inventory label
Numeric only
8 10 2 9 5 0 0 1 16 9
Existence of inventory. The client conducts regular cycle counts, typically monthly or cycle counts the client will
quarterly. The client will frequently identify a small portion of items in the perpetual inven- frequently identify a small
tory, go to the inventory location and count the inventory, and investigate and correct any portion of items in the perpetual
discrepancies that are found. Clients that do not cycle-count should count inventory at least inventory, count actual inventory,
once a year, preferably near the balance sheet date. and investigate discrepancies;
the client will usually vouch
Completeness of inventory. As part of regular cycle counts, the client begins by counting
items in the perpetual records
items in inventory and comparing them with the perpetual inventory records. Any discrep-
to the actual inventory on hand
ancies between the physical count and the perpetual records are investigated and corrected. (testing existence), and also count
Valuation of inventory at historical cost. The client regularly compares costs with recent inventory on hand for other
purchases when using FIFO. The client also regularly compares accumulated manufacturing items and then trace results to
costs with standard costs and investigates variances. the perpetual records (testing
Valuation of inventory at net realizable value. The client regularly conducts a review of completeness)
obsolete inventory. This usually involves evaluating the amount of inventory on hand, investi-
gating slow-moving items, and comparing inventory cost with sales prices.
Rights and obligations. An important rights and obligations issue involves consignment consignment inventory
inventory. Consignment inventory is inventory that is sent by its owner (consignor) to an agent inventory that is sent by its
(consignee) who agrees to sell the goods. The consignee has an obligation to pay the consignor owner (consignor) to an agent
when the goods are sold by the consignee. If the client holds inventory on consignment from a (consignee) who undertakes to
consignor, it should be segregated from other inventory in the warehouse or store, counted sepa- sell the goods; the consignee has
an obligation to pay the consignor
rately, and not included in any final inventory count. If the client owns inventory on consignment
when the goods are sold by the
to a consignee, the client should regularly visit the consignee’s locations and count consignment
inventory that has not been sold for comparison with perpetual inventory records.
On April 19, 2016, the SEC issued Accounting and Auditing On September 22, 2015, the SEC issued Accounting and
Enforcement Release 3765 involving Logitech International. Auditing Enforcement Release 3704 involving Stein Mart, Inc.,
In October 2010, Logitech launched a product called “Revue,” a a retailer of discounted clothing and accessories. In May 2013,
set-top device that connected to televisions allowing internet us- Stein Mart had to restate its financial results for the first quarter
age and video streaming. The product was not well-received and of 2012, all reporting periods in fiscal year 2011, and its annual
Logitech missed a number of internal sales projections. Based reporting period for 2010. The primary reason was that it failed
on the sales rate for the fourth quarter of 2011, Logitech had to appropriately account for permanent markdowns of inventory.
over a year’s supply of Revue. Based on the quarter-end sales Unlike temporary markdowns, permanent markdowns were
rate to retailers, Logitech had over three years of inventory of never returned to their original prices. While the retailer regu-
Revue. However, management used optimistic sales forecasts larly marked down inventory, it did not record the permanent
when considering whether there was a lower-of-cost-or-market inventory markdowns until the inventory was actually sold. The
problem, in spite of internal discussions that noted if Logitech failure to decrease the value of inventory for permanent inven-
needed to scrap inventory and components, Logitech should as- tory markdowns was so significant that, in the first quarter of
sume the recoverable value of zero. The SEC findings concluded 2012, Stein Mart overstated its pretax income by almost 30%. The
that at the time Logitech filed its 2011 financial statements, the SEC concluded that not only were earnings materially misstated,
company overstated its operating income by $30.7 million, i.e., but that Stein Mart did not have adequate internal controls over
over 27%. inventory markdowns.
of inventory on hand, and the potential need to adjust inventory for lower-of-cost-or-
NRV issues.
When the risk of material misstatement (the combined assessment of inherent risk and
control risk) is low, the auditor is likely to perform substantive tests at an interim date with
smaller sample sizes. However, when the risk of material misstatement is high, the auditor
is more likely to perform substantive tests directly on year-end balances with more extensive
audit procedures.
13-20 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
Initial Procedures
An essential initial procedure involves obtaining an understanding of the entity’s business
and industry. This allows the auditor to develop a knowledgeable perspective about the entity
and set the context for the evaluation of analytical procedures and tests of details.
In tracing beginning inventory balances to the prior year’s working papers, the auditor
should make certain that any audit adjustments agreed upon in the prior year did in fact get
Auditing Inventory on the Balance Sheet 13-21
recorded. In addition, current period entries in the general ledger inventory accounts should
be scanned to identify any unusual adjustments in amount or nature and require special inves-
tigation. Initial procedures also involve determining that the compilation of inventory values
agrees with the general ledger balance.
Tests of purchases and sales may be performed during testing of the purchasing process
(Chapter 12) and revenue process (Chapter 11).
Recall that vouching entries that increase inventory balances provides evidence about the
existence and valuation of the inventory at the time of the transaction. Vouching entries that
decrease inventory balances to determine the propriety of the inventory reductions provides
13-22 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
evidence about the valuation and allocation assertion for cost of goods sold. Tracing documen-
tation for purchases and the cost of factors added to production to entries in the inventory
accounts provides evidence for the completeness and valuation and allocation inventory asser-
tions. Tracing documentation of transactions that decrease inventory balances, such as sales,
provides evidence for the existence and valuation and allocation assertions for inventory, since
the evidence helps determine that entries were recorded and entered at the correct amounts.
Test cutoff of purchases, manufacturing, and sales transactions. The purpose and nature
of sales and purchases cutoff tests are explained in Chapters 11 and 12 in connection with
the audit of accounts receivable and accounts payable balances. Both tests are important in
establishing that transactions occurring near the end of the year are recorded in the correct
accounting period. In a manufacturing company, it must also be determined that entries are
recorded in the proper period for the transfer of costs for goods moved (1) between stores and
production departments, (2) between one production department and another, or (3) between
production departments and finished goods.
In each case, the auditor must determine, through inspection of documents and phys-
ical observation, that the paperwork cutoff and the physical cutoff for inventory counts are
coordinated. For example, if the auditor determines that an entry transferring the cost of the
period’s last lot of completed production to finished goods has been recorded, the auditor
should determine that the goods, even if in transit, were included in the physical inventory of
finished goods only. That is, they were neither counted as part of work in process, nor double
counted, nor missed altogether. Evidence from these cutoff tests relates to both the existence
and completeness assertions for inventory balances and cost of goods sold.
Timing and extent of inventory observations. The timing of an inventory observation de-
pends on the effectiveness of the client’s internal controls over inventory. In a periodic in-
ventory system, quantities are determined by a physical count, and all counts are made as of
a specific date. The date should be at or near the balance sheet date, and the auditor should
ordinarily be present on the specific date.
In a perpetual inventory system with effective internal controls, physical counts may be
compared with inventory records at interim dates. When the perpetual records are well kept
and comparisons with physical counts are made periodically by the client, the auditor should
be present to observe a representative sample of such counts. In such cases, this procedure
may occur either during or after the end of the period under audit. In companies where in-
ventories are at multiple locations, the auditor will use his or her knowledge of sampling to
determine the number of locations at which to observe inventory.
Inventory-count plans. The counting of a physical inventory by a client is done according
to a plan or a list of instructions. The client’s instructions should include such matters as the:
• Scrutinize the care with which client employees are following the inventory plan.
• See that all merchandise is counted once and only once. If inventory is tagged, no items
should be double-tagged.
• Determine that the electronic count media, prenumbered inventory tags, or compilation
sheets are properly controlled.
• Make some test counts and trace quantities to final count.
• Be alert for empty containers and hollow squares (empty spaces) that may exist when
goods are stacked in solid formations.
• Identify the last receiving and shipping documents used and determine that goods re-
ceived during the count are properly segregated.
• Watch for damaged and obsolete inventory items and evaluate the general condition of
the inventory (e.g., inventory caked with dust or cobwebs).
• Inquire of employees about the existence of slow-moving inventory items.
The extent of the auditor’s test counts depends, in part, on the care exercised by client
employees in counting the inventory, the nature and composition of the inventory, and the
effectiveness of controls pertaining to the physical safeguarding of the inventory and the main-
tenance of perpetual records. Ordinarily, the auditor will stratify the inventory items to include
the items of highest dollar value in the count, as well as count a representative sample of other
items. The auditor may refer to perpetual inventory records to identify the high-value items and
select the sample items.
In making test counts, the auditor should record the count and give a complete and accurate
description of the item (identification number, unit of measurement, location, etc.) in the working
13-24 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
papers as shown in Illustration 13.12. Such data are essential for the auditor’s comparison of the
test counts with the client’s counts, the subsequent tracing of the counts to the perpetual inventory
records, and the compilation of inventory values. After the inventory has been counted, the auditor
should obtain a copy of the electronic count media, or make a listing of all tags (used or unused) or
summary sheets and obtain sufficient information so no inventory can be added to the count after
the auditor has observed inventory. Several significant frauds have occurred, overstating inventory,
when the auditor has not adequately controlled the electronic media or count sheets.
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: W.C.B. 1/15/23
Inventory test counts working
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reviewed by: R.E.Z. 1/25/23
Raw Materials Test Counts Reference: F-2
Tag No. Sheet No. Number Description Count Count Difference
6531 15 1-42-003 back plate 125 125 (a) 0
8340 18 1-83-012 1/4″ copper plate 93 93 (a) 0
1483 24 2-11-004 Single end wire 1325 yds. 1321 yds. (a) 4 yds. (b)
4486 26 2-28-811 Copper tubing 220 220 (a) 0
3334 48 4-26-204 Side plate 424 424 (a) 0
8502 64 7-44-310 1/2″ copper wire 276 ft. 276 ft. (a) 0
8844 68 7-72-460 3/8″ copper wire 419 ft. 419 ft. (a) 0
6295 92 3-48-260 Front plate 96 69 (a) 27 (b)
(a) Traced to clientʼs electronic count media (F-4), noting corrections for all differences.
(b) Each difference was corrected by the client. The net effect of the corrections was to increase
inventory by $840. If similar errors existed in the unsampled portion of the population (F-5),
the projected misstatement would amount to $26,460, which is considered to be immaterial to
the current fiscal year. Pass further investigation.
At the conclusion of the observation procedure, a designated member of the audit team should
prepare an overall summary. The summary should include a description of such matters as
(1) departures from the client’s inventory-count plan, (2) the extent of test counts and any
material discrepancies resulting therefrom, (3) conclusions on the accuracy of the counts, and
(4) conclusions regarding slow-moving or obsolete inventory noted while at the client’s location.
Ken has been assigned to the audit of a regional company that sells household appliances (e.g., wash-
ers and dryers, refrigerators, televisions). Ken is meeting Jennifer, the audit manager, before going out
to perform an inventory observation at the company’s warehouse. Jennifer says, “Ken, the inventory
observation is particularly important. If errors happen during the inventory observation and we don’t
get the appropriate evidence, we will have to observe the inventory again— at our own cost! This
must be done right the first time. First, it is essential that you observe how the client is counting
the inventory, and how client personnel are double-checking their counts. Test the client’s controls
over counting all of the inventory. If the client has good controls you can reduce the extent of your
test counts. All of the inventory is bar coded, so they should be comparing actual counts with the
company’s perpetual inventory. Make sure you document your tests of the client’s controls and your
conclusions. Second, you will need to test-count the inventory; have the client open boxes to make
sure the boxes actually contain the appropriate inventory. This is important to testing the existence
of inventory. Third, look for any evidence of the inventory being damaged, or boxes with a lot of dust
on them. On average, the company turns over its inventory about every two months, so inquire of
workers in the warehouse about inventory that has been around for three months or more. Fourth,
when you are talking with the warehouse personnel, determine if they are aware of inventory that is
held on consignment. I don’t expect that they should have any consignment inventory, but we need
to ask the employees that work with inventory on a day-to-day basis about this. Finally, in addition
to your test counts, make sure you leave with a copy of all of the counts made by the client. This will
most likely be in electronic form, so obtain a copy of the electronic file the client has with 100% of the
counts of inventory. This will be essential for our later work. It goes without saying that you need to
document all of your tests and your audit findings.”
Auditing Inventory on the Balance Sheet 13-25
are used, the auditor should test the calculation of the standards, and evaluate whether the stan-
dards approximate actual costs by examining the variance accounts. When variance accounts have
large balances, the auditor must consider whether fair presentation requires a pro rata allocation to
inventories and costs of goods sold, rather than simply charging the variances to cost of goods sold.
When the inventory is specialized or highly technical, the auditor may require the
assistance of an outside expert. This might occur, for example, in an oil company with
different grades of gasoline and motor oil, or in a jewelry store with different carat dia-
monds and different jeweled watches. The auditor may use the work of a specialist as an
auditing procedure to obtain competent evidential matter when the auditor is satisfied
about the qualifications and objectivity of the expert. The use of a specialist is discussed
in Chapter 5.
Confirm inventories at locations outside the entity. When client inventories are stored in
public warehouses or with other outside custodians, the auditor should obtain evidence as
to the existence of the inventory by direct communication with the custodian. This type of
evidence is deemed sufficient except when the amounts involved represent a significant pro-
portion of current or total assets. When this is the case, the auditor should apply one or more
of the following procedures:
• Test the owner’s procedures for investigating the warehouse company and evaluating the
warehouse company’s performance.
• Obtain an independent accountant’s report on the warehouse company’s control pro-
cedures relevant to custody of goods and, if applicable, pledging of receipts, or apply
alternative procedures at the warehouse to gain reasonable assurance that information
received from the warehouse company is reliable.
• Observe physical counts of the goods, if practicable and reasonable.
• If warehouse receipts have been pledged as collateral, confirm with lenders pertinent
details of the pledged receipts (on a test basis, if appropriate).
This test also provides evidence about the rights and obligations assertion. In addition, it
will result in evidence as to the completeness assertion if the custodian confirms more goods
on hand than stated in the confirmation request. Confirming inventories does not provide any
evidence about the value of the inventory because the custodian is not asked to report on the
cost, condition, or market value of the goods stored in the warehouse.
Examine consignment agreements and contracts. Goods on hand may be held on consign-
ment by a consignee. Thus, the consignee’s management is requested to segregate goods not
owned during the inventory count. In addition, the auditor often requests a written assertion
on ownership of inventories. When consignments exist, the agreement should be examined
for terms and conditions. If the client (consignor) has shipped goods on consignment, the
auditor should review the documentation to determine that goods held by the consignee are
included in the consignor’s inventory at the balance sheet date. The evidence obtained from
this procedure relates to the rights and obligations assertion.
Tests of accounting estimates. When auditing inventory, the auditor must determine
whether it is appropriate to write down the value of inventory below cost because the in-
ventory is obsolete or slow-moving, and whether conditions would cause the client to sell
inventory at such a price that it would experience a loss. The audit of accounting estimates is
particularly challenging because of their prospective nature. The auditor (and the client) must
estimate what inventory will sell for after year-end.
The auditor’s responsibility for quality is limited to that of a reasonably informed
observer. This means the auditor is expected to determine whether the inventory appears
to be in condition for sale, use, or consumption, and whether there are any obsolete,
slow-moving, or damaged goods. The auditor obtains evidence of general condition or
obsolescence by:
In addition, the auditor will use hindsight and review the sale of inventory after year-end
to determine the reasonableness of costs compared to subsequent sales prices. For example,
the auditor will usually:
• Compare the cost of inventory items with the entity’s current sales catalog and sales reports.
• Review inventory turnover after year-end.
• Consider whether a change in replacement costs indicates changing market conditions.
• Make inquiries of the client about slow-moving and obsolete inventory and the realizable
value of inventory through sales.
Before You Go On
2.1 Explain how the audit of inventory would be different for an oil and gas field equipment
manufacturer than it would be for a retail grocer.
2.2 Assume that, when performing analytical procedures, an auditor notices inventory turnover
in days slowing from 33 days to 43 days, and gross margin increasing from 40% to 47%. What
assertions might be misstated?
2.3 Explain the concept of the client’s cycle counts and how they relate to management’s assertions.
2.4 Assume that you are auditing an oil and gas field equipment manufacturer. Explain several
key controls that you would expect to find related to the valuation and allocation assertion.
2.5 Determining the value of inventory as reported on the balance sheet is normally a three-step
process. Explain the three steps.
2.6 Explain the importance of the auditor’s inventory observation. Further, explain three audit
procedures performed during an inventory observation related to three different assertions.
2.7 Explain how the auditor will audit the lower-of-cost-or-NRV of inventory.
The following section focuses on a material aspect of a company’s investing activities: the
investing activities the acquisition, use, and sale of property, plant, and equipment. Investing activities include the
purchase and sale of land, purchase and sale of land, buildings, equipment, and other long-term assets not generally held
buildings, equipment, and other for resale. In addition, investing activities include the purchase and sale of financial instru-
long-term assets not generally ments not intended for trading purposes. The primary focus of this section will be on the audit
held for resale; in addition, of property, plant, and equipment. An entity acquires property, plant, and equipment assets
investing activities include the
because they support its operations and core processes.
purchase and sale of financial
instruments that are not intended
for trading purposes
Understanding the Flow of Transactions
During the audit of inventory, an auditor expects that inventory has turned over several times
during the year and that none of the inventory that was on hand during the prior audit would
Auditing Property, Plant, and Equipment 13-29
still be present. However, with property, plant, and equipment, the auditor’s expectations are
just the opposite—most of the property, plant, and equipment that was on hand at the begin-
ning of the year will still be on hand at the end of the year. Therefore, substantive tests of
property, plant, and equipment often focus on:
• Agreeing the beginning balance in property, plant, and equipment to the prior year’s audit.
• Auditing the acquisition of new property, plant, and equipment.
• Auditing the disposal of property, plant, and equipment.
• Auditing the depreciation of property, plant, and equipment.
ILLUSTRATION 13.13 Understanding the importance of property, plant, and equipment, and debt for various industries
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Financial Statements Misstatement
Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Net Fixed Assets as a % of Total Assets: 22.9% • There is little risk of asset obsolescence.
Equipment Manufacturing Sales ÷ Net Fixed Assets: 8.4 • Debt tends to be stable and concentrated
• Fixed assets are a modest portion of total Profit Before Tax as a % of Total Assets: 3.4% with a few sources.
assets for these companies.
Operating Debt as a % of Total Assets: 28.1%
• Financing debt is slightly more than the
Financing Debt as a % of Total Assets: 23.8%
amount of fixed assets.
Equity as a % of Total Assets: 48.1%
Electronic Computer Manufacturing Net Fixed Assets as a % of Total Assets: 11.6% • Chip manufacturers, rather than computer
• Fixed assets are a smaller proportion of Sales ÷ Net Fixed Assets: 35.2 manufacturers, have a higher degree of
total assets as a significant amount of obsolescence of production technology.
Profit Before Tax as a % of Total Assets: 5.2%
production is outsourced. • Debt tends to be stable and concentrated
Operating Debt as a % of Total Assets: 39.4%
• Financing debt is significant relative to the with a few sources.
Financing Debt as a % of Total Assets: 22.9%
investment in fixed assets.
Equity as a % of Total Assets: 37.7%
13-30 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
Developing a Knowledgeable
Perspective About the Entity’s Assessing the Risk of Material
Example Industry Traits Financial Statements Misstatement
Supermarkets and Other Grocery Stores Net Fixed Assets as a % of Total Assets: 33.1% • Significant use of long-term operating
• Fixed assets and having key locations are Sales ÷ Net Fixed Assets: 21.2 leases. Expect a significant increase in net
important for grocery retailers. Currently, fixed assets and financing debt under the
Profit Before Tax as a % of Total Assets: 9.2%
retail grocers have significant operating new accounting rules for leased assets.
Operating Debt as a % of Total Assets: 37.5%
leases associated with locations. • Property, plant, and equipment is material
Financing Debt as a % of Total Assets: 29.2% and capital expenditures are often also
Equity as a % of Total Assets: 33.3% material.
Hotels and Motels Net Fixed Assets as a % of Total Assets: 69.6% • Property, plant, and equipment is material
• Properties are a key asset for many hotels Sales ÷ Net Fixed Assets: 0.8 and capital expenditures are often also
and motels. Operating leases are likely to material.
Profit Before Tax as a % of Total Assets: 5.8%
be significant. • Long-term operating leases may be
Operating Debt as a % of Total Assets: 22.5%
significant. Expect a significant increase in
Financing Debt as a % of Total Assets: 62.0% net fixed assets and financing debt under
Equity as a % of Total Assets: 15.5% the new accounting rules for leased assets.
• Many properties are financed with long-
term debt.
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Net Fixed Assets as a % of Total Assets: 50.7% • Property, plant, and equipment is material.
Schools Sales ÷ Net Fixed Assets: 0.8 • More recent investments are often
• P
roperty, plant, and equipment is a key Profit Before Tax as a % of Total Assets: 1.1% investments in technology more than
asset. bricks and mortar.
Operating Debt as a % of Total Assets: 13.3%
Financing Debt as a % of Total Assets: 29.3%
Equity as a % of Total Assets: 57.4%
• Existence. Inherent risk for the existence assertion may be low because fixed assets are
not vulnerable to theft. However, the appropriate classification of transactions may be
an issue when companies make decisions about whether a transaction should be directly
expensed versus capitalized as an asset. WorldCom and other companies managed earn-
ings by capitalizing transactions rather than appropriately expensing items. The existence
of assets is called into question if they should be directly expensed.
• Completeness. Inherent risk may be high or maximum if it is difficult to determine if the
economic substance of a lease is an operating lease or a finance (capital) lease. However,
beginning in 2019, most leases will be treated as finance leases for public companies.
• Rights and obligations. Inherent risk is often high because assets are usually pledged as
collateral for underlying debt.
• Valuation and allocation. Inherent risk may be high or maximum depending on the industry,
the degree of difficulty associated with estimating useful lives and salvage values for depreci-
ation methods, and the extent to which the value of long-lived assets is impaired.
• Presentation and disclosure assertions. Fixed assets disclosures are relatively straightfor-
ward and misstatements represent only a moderate inherent risk.
Disclosure Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014
Expense recording issues 130 208 183 95 61 49 63 70 63 50 61 49 49 39
% of all financial 13.7% 13.2% 9.8% 7.4% 6.3% 5.9% 7.4% 8.3% 7.4% 5.7% 7.1% 6.5% 7.2% 7.1%
statement restatements
Don Whalen, Olga Usvyatsky, and Dennis Tanona, 2017 Financial Restatements, A Seventeen Year Comparison
(Audit Analytics: Sutton, MA, 2018).
13-32 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
new accounting standards for lease recognition), as well as reviewing depreciation policies for
new assets and the reasonableness of assumptions about useful lives and salvage values. Once
depreciation polices are determined, software applications are used to calculate depreciation
expense and these programs usually include reasonableness tests such as limit tests to ensure
that assets are not overdepreciated (e.g., the book value of assets should be greater than zero).
Controls over the disposition of assets should include specific authorization controls for
the sale or trade-in of fixed assets. Because the sale or trade-in of fixed assets is less routine,
an entity may develop specific controls to test the completeness and accuracy of accounting
for these transactions.
Controls over fixed asset balances often include physical controls over fixed assets as well as the
maintenance of a fixed asset inventory that is periodically checked against existing assets. Controls
over the valuation of assets at historic costs are directly related to the controls over the valuation
of recorded transactions. The disclosure committee should also review any rights or obligations
issues and issues surrounding asset impairment on a regular basis. Finally, the disclosure com-
mittee should review all financial statement disclosures before they are presented to the auditor.
• Searching the audit population for significant gains or losses on the disposal of assets.
This may be an indication of poor decisions about useful lives or salvage values affecting
depreciation calculations.
• Analyzing capital expenditures versus expenditures for repair and maintenance.
• Analyzing the most common requests for maintenance.
• Analyzing construction costs to determine the amount of work allocated to various con-
tracts. An excessive amount of work allocated to one contractor may surface problems
with bid rigging or kickbacks.
Initial Procedures
An important initial procedure involves obtaining an understanding of the importance of
property, plant, and equipment to the business and industry. As discussed earlier, it is import-
ant for the auditor to understand how assets support core activities of the entity and the
generation of earnings. This understanding of the economic substance behind plant asset
transactions provides the context for evaluating the reasonableness of evidence collected
during the audit.
Before performing other substantive tests in the audit program, the auditor determines
that the beginning general ledger balance for plant asset accounts agrees with the prior peri-
od’s working papers. Among other things, this comparison will confirm that any adjustments
determined to be necessary at the conclusion of the prior audit that were reflected in the prior
period’s published financial statements were properly booked and carried forward. Next, the
auditor should test the mathematical accuracy of client-prepared schedules of additions and
disposals and reconcile the totals with changes in the related general ledger balances for plant
assets during the period. In addition, the auditor should test the schedules by vouching items
on the schedules to entries in the ledger accounts and tracing ledger entries to the schedules
to determine that they are an accurate representation of the accounting records from which
they were prepared. The schedules may then be used as the basis for several of the other audit
procedures. Illustration 13.16 illustrates an auditor’s lead sheet schedule for plant assets and
accumulated depreciation.
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: W.C.B. Date: 2/4/23
Property, Plant, and Equipment, and Accumulated Depreciation Reference: G - Lead Reviewed by: R. E. Z. Date: 2/12/23
Period-end: 12/31/22
(✓) (✓) (✓) (✓) (✓✓) (✓) (✓) (✓) (✓) (✓✓)
• Analyze the miscellaneous revenue accounts for proceeds from sales of plant assets.
• Investigate the disposition of facilities associated with discontinued product lines and
• Review insurance policies for termination or reductions of coverage.
• Make inquiry of management as to retirements.
Evidence that all retirements or disposals have been properly recorded relates to the exis-
tence and valuation and allocation assertions. Evidence supporting the validity of transactions
that reduce plant asset balances relates to the completeness assertion. Finally, evidence ob-
tained while auditing disposals of plant assets may assist in the audit of depreciation expense.
Significant losses on the disposal of assets may indicate that depreciation estimates may be in-
adequate. Significant gains may indicate the client is overly aggressive in depreciating assets.
When you look at Illustration 13.16, testing of the disposals of Machinery and Equipment, and
Furniture and Fixtures would be found on working papers G-3 and G-4, respectively.
Inspect entries to repairs and maintenance expense. The purpose of the auditor’s test of repair
and maintenance expense is to determine the propriety and consistency of these charges. Pro-
priety involves a consideration of whether the client has made appropriate distinctions between
items that should be capitalized or expensed. Accordingly, the auditor should scan the individ-
ual charges to identify those that are sufficiently material are capitalized. For these items, the
auditor should examine supporting documentation, such as the vendor invoice, company work
order, and management authorization, to determine the propriety of the charge or the need for
an adjusting entry. The auditor should also consider other expenses that an entity might have
capitalized, such as the capitalization of interest costs related to self-constructed assets.
Consistency refers to a determination of whether the company’s criteria for distinguish-
ing between capital items and expenditures are the same as in the preceding year. This sub-
stantive procedure provides important evidence concerning the completeness assertion for
plant assets because it should reveal expenditures that should be capitalized. Inspecting the
entries to repairs expense also results in evidence about the valuation of the plant assets.
Examine entries for depreciation expense. In this test, the auditor seeks evidence on the
reasonableness, consistency, and accuracy of depreciation expense for the period. An essential
starting point for the auditor is determining the depreciation methods used by the client during
the year under audit. The methods can be identified from a review of depreciation schedules
prepared by the client and inquiry of the client. The auditor must then determine whether the
13-36 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
methods currently in use are consistent with the preceding year. During a recurring audit, this
can be established by a review of the prior year’s working papers.
Determination of the reasonableness of depreciation expense involves a consideration
of such factors as (1) the client’s past history in estimating useful lives and (2) the remaining
useful lives of existing assets. The auditor’s verification of accuracy is achieved through recal-
culation. Ordinarily, this is done on a selective basis by recomputing the depreciation on major
assets and testing depreciation recorded on additions and retirements during the year. Evi-
dence of unusual gains and losses on the retirement or sale of assets may indicate that depre-
ciation estimates may be misstated. Illustration 13.16 shows that testing depreciation expense
would be found on working paper G-5.
David, an audit manager, was reviewing Kristina’s work in auditing plant assets for a construction
company that did a great deal of road building and repair work. David comments, “I see that there
were significant gains when the company replaced a variety of equipment this year. You have
correctly tested the calculation of the gains. Do you think there are other issues for this year’s au-
dit?” Kristina is a bit puzzled. “If the gains are correct, what other issues might there be?” David
comments, “If there are so many gains, and they are relatively large, is that an indication of un-
derdepreciating these assets? If these assets are underdepreciated, could we have a similar prob-
lem with other assets on the books? Let’s go back and look at the current depreciation methods
for these classes of assets. If we recalculated depreciation for the existing assets, using different
assumptions, would we find a material difference from our current depreciation calculations? I
think we need to look carefully at this issue.”
company uses an asset, or changes in the business climate that could affect an asset’s value.
An auditor will normally test an asset for recoverability by comparing its estimated future
undiscounted cash flows with its carrying value. The asset is impaired when the future cash
flows are less than the carrying amount.
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain how the audit of property, plant, and equipment would be different for a computer
manufacturer than for a hotel and motel chain.
3.2 Assume that, when performing analytical procedures, an auditor notices a material
increase in repair and maintenance expense as a percent of net sales. What assertions
might be misstated?
3.3 Explain the relationship between internal controls over the acquisition of fixed assets and
internal controls found in the purchases process. What additional controls might you expect
to find related to the acquisition of fixed assets?
3.4 Explain the general audit strategy for auditing property, plant, and equipment.
3.5 Explain the evidence that would show a company is underdepreciating plant, and equipment.
bonds, or issuing preferred or common stock. Financing activities would also include payments
to retire debt, reacquisition of stock (treasury stock), and payment of dividends. If the auditor
knows that changes have occurred in investing activities, changes in financing activities often
are predictable. If, for example, an entity finances equipment with a finance lease, the value of
the additions to assets and debt are directly related.
The population of debt and equity instruments is usually small. For example, a public
company may have fewer than 50 different notes payable, or only one to three classes of equity
securities, which are small population sizes. As a result, audit strategy often focuses on audit-
ing the entire population of debt and equity at year-end.
Audit data analytics software is most often used with large populations of data, such
as inventory or sales transactions. Since borrowing and equity transactions usually represent
relatively small populations, audit data analytics are typically not used to audit financing
T. Shumsky, “Three Stubborn Types of Mistakes Dog Financial Reporting,” The Wall Street Journal (April 11, 2016).
13-40 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
significant new debt or equity transactions, the auditor should be prepared to study a sig-
nificant volume of legal documents related to the financing transaction, and determine the
impact of any legal requirements (such as debt covenants) on the entity.
Disclosure Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014
Expense recording issues 171 331 502 297 200 140 182 177 143 195 204 162 121 87
% of all financial 18.0% 21.0% 27.0% 22.9% 20.7% 16.9% 21.4% 20.9% 16.8% 22.3% 23.8% 21.4% 17.8% 15.7%
statement restatements
• Authorizing bonds and capital stock. The board of directors usually authorizes financing
transactions based on the entity’s strategic plans and investing activities.
• Issuing bonds and capital stock. Issues are made in accordance with board of directors’
authorizations and legal requirements, and proceeds are promptly deposited intact. Often
bond trustee a bond trustee bond and stock transactions are handled by a bond trustee or transfer agent.
is usually a commercial bank • P
aying bond interest and cash dividends. Payments are made to proper payees in accor-
or a trust company that is given
dance with board of directors’ or management authorizations.
fiduciary powers by a bond issuer
to enforce the terms of a bond • R
edeeming and reacquiring bonds and capital stock. Transactions are executed in accor-
indenture; the trustee sees that dance with board of directors’ authorizations; treasury stock certificates are physically
bond interest payments are made safeguarded.
as scheduled and protects the • R
ecording financing transactions. Transactions are correctly recorded as to amount,
interests of the bondholders if the
classification, and accounting period based on supporting authorizations and documen-
issuer defaults
tation. The duties of executing and recording financing transactions are usually seg-
transfer agent a trust regated. Periodic independent checks are made by agreement of subsidiary ledgers to
company, bank, or similar
control accounts.
financial institution assigned by
a corporation to maintain records Major financing transactions usually require involvement of the board of directors. Con-
of investors and account balances; trols over the routine payment of principal and interest are usually subject to the standard
the transfer agent records internal controls in the expenditure process. Paying dividends requires board of directors’
transactions, cancels or issues
authorization and is typically handled by an outside transfer agent. Controls over the com-
stock certificates, and processes
pleteness of transactions involve regular review by the disclosure committee, particularly with
investor mailings
respect to accounting for any complex debt or equity security transactions. An independent
review of the amortization of bond premiums or discounts also falls within the responsibilities
of a disclosure committee.
Management maintains subsidiary records of loan balances. It is common for management
to establish an independent check of such balances against monthly statements sent by lenders.
Public companies usually outsource these transactions to a transfer agent. Often a quarterly or
annual reconciliation with the records of a transfer agent provide a key control.
Don Whalen, Olga Usvyatsky, and Dennis Tanona, 2017 Financial Restatements, A Seventeen Year Comparison
(Audit Analytics: Sutton, MA, 2018).
Auditing Financing Activities 13-41
However, as noted in the Professional Environment discussion above, many debt or eq-
uity transactions may involve complex accounting issues. When convertible debt is issued,
converted, repurchased, or paid off, GAAP requirements can be challenging. Entities may en-
gage in interest-rate swaps or other derivative financial instruments that involve complex ac-
counting. In these situations, an entity’s internal control may involve a separate independent
review of the accounting for complex transactions. Finally, the disclosure committee should
review all financial statement disclosures before they are presented to the auditor. If these
controls are not present, control risk should be assessed at high or maximum.
Initial Procedures
As shown in Illustration 13.18, the familiar initial procedures are applicable to long-term debt
balances. It is important to obtain an understanding of the business and industry, determine
the entity’s need for external financing, and determine the entity’s ability to service debt.
Because financing is so clearly linked to investing activities, the auditor may perform these
procedures together. For example, the same auditor may be assigned to audit purchases of
plant, and equipment, long-term debt, various lease agreements, and equity. The schedules
associated with long-term debt may include separate schedules of long-term notes payable to
banks, obligations under finance leases, and listings of registered bondholders prepared by
bond trustees.
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: W.C.B. Date: 2/5/23
Long-Term Debt Payable and Accrued Interest Reference: G - Lead Reviewed by: R. E. Z. Date: 2/12/23
Period-end: 12/31/22
(a) Long-term investments in securities portfolio are pledged as security for the loan. See confirmation received from bank W/P A-4.
(b) Land and building pledged as security for the loan. See confirmation received from First Trust Co. W/P A-5.
(g) Examined copy of note payable agreement and vouched to the cash receipts journal.
(✓) Footed.
Initial Procedures
The auditor should obtain an understanding of the business and industry and determine
(1) the entity’s need for external financing and (2) the desirability of using equity financ-
ing to support the growth of the entity. Equity financing might be used either to support
investing activities or to support needed investments in working capital (e.g., growth in
inventories and receivables needed to grow the entity). The schedules referred to in Illus-
tration 13.20 for this group of procedures might include a trial balance of the stockhold-
ers’ equity ledger or listings of stockholders supplied by the registrar and transfer agent.
The auditor should test the agreement of the data in the schedules with any underlying
accounting records and verify that the schedules or subsidiary ledgers agree with general
ledger control accounts.
informative. Often such disclosures are made both in the financial statements and the notes.
Disclosures related to the equity section include details of stock option plans, dividends in
arrears, par or stated value, and dividend and liquidation preferences. The auditor obtains evi-
dence about the presentation and disclosure assertion from substantive procedures and from a
review of the corporate minutes for provisions and agreements affecting the stockholders’ eq-
uity accounts. In reviewing the minutes, the auditor should note whether any shares of stock
have been reserved for stock options or similar plans, commitments for future issuance of
stock in the purchase of or merger with another company, and restrictions limiting dividend
payments. Relevant evidence may also be obtained from discussions and communications
with legal counsel. When evaluating the appropriateness of the client’s classification and dis-
closure of stockholders’ equity, the auditor should be alert for some equity instruments used
by companies that behave more like debt than equity (e.g., preferred stock with a mandatory
redemption date), which therefore should not be classified as stockholders’ equity.
Before You Go On
4.1 Explain what an auditor should consider when developing an expectation for changes in
long-term financing and changes in equity.
4.2 Explain why calculating a company’s sustainable growth might be a good analytical proce-
dure for long-term financing or equity accounts.
4.3 Identify a more complex aspect of auditing stockholders’ equity that auditors should be alert
to when considering inherent risk for these long-term financing and equity accounts.
4.4 Explain important internal controls an auditor would expect to find before a company entered
into a new loan agreement or it issues new common stock.
4.5 Explain the general audit strategy for auditing long-term debt.
4.6 Explain the general audit strategy for auditing stockholders’ equity.
Background Information costs for the year. At year-end, the company shuts down produc-
You have been assigned to the audit of Tama Manufacturing. In tion such that it has only raw materials and finished goods on
performing substantive analytical procedures, you have developed hand. There is no work-in-process inventory.
the following information regarding the company’s production
Unaudited 2022 Audited 2021 Audited 2020
Sales $12,005,336 $10,291,333 $8,892,132
Cost of raw materials used $3,539,595 $3,173,333 $2,800,952
Direct labor cost $1,496,230 $1,364,309 $1,191,009
Cost of payroll taxes and benefits $480,411 $439,309 $383,184
Indirect costs $1,309,180 $1,094,931 $962,099
Total production costs $6,825,416 $6,071,887 $5,337,244
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) Which of the following cash transfers results in a mis- 2. (LO 1) Which of the following is one of the better auditing tech-
statement of cash at December 31, 2022? niques that might be used by an auditor to detect kiting?
a. Review authenticated deposit slips.
Cash Disbursement Cash Paid Cash Receipt Cash Received
b. Review subsequent bank statements and canceled checks
per Books by the Bank per Books by the Bank
received directly from the bank.
a. 12/31/22 1/5/23 12/31/22 1/4/23
c. P
repare a schedule of bank transfers from the client’s
b. 12/31/22 1/4/23 12/31/22 12/31/22 books.
c. 1/4/23 1/4/23 12/31/22 12/31/22 d. Prepare year-end bank reconciliation.
d. 1/3/23 1/5/23 1/4/23 1/4/23
13-50 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
3. (LO 1) When detection risk is low, the auditor is likely to: 9. (LO 3) From year one to year two, the ratio of sales to fixed assets
a. prepare the bank reconciliation using bank data in the declined significantly. This is a possible indication that:
client’s possession or audit the bank reconciliation using a a. the client is overdepreciating fixed assets.
cutoff bank statement obtained from the bank.
b. the client is capitalizing costs that should be expensed.
b. scan bank reconciliations and test items on bank reconcilia-
c. the client has used debt to finance acquisitions of fixed assets.
tions on a sample basis.
d. the client has treated finance leases as operating leases.
c. test the client’s internal controls over the preparation of bank
reconciliations. 10. (LO 3) When auditing a fixed asset account such as land, build-
d. confirm bank balances with the Federal Deposit Insurance ings, and equipment, the auditor will normally:
Corporation. a. vouch the book value of fixed assets to underlying purchase
4. (LO 2) A client maintains perpetual inventory records in both
quantities and dollars. If the assessed level of control risk is low, an b. place the greatest emphasis on tests of balances at year-end.
auditor would probably: c. trace transactions from receiving documents to recording of
a. insist that the client perform physical counts of inventory the purchase.
items several times during the year. d. use a combination of of agreeing beginning balances to prior year
b. observe the client’s inventory count at an interim date. working papers and then testing transactions during the year.
c. increase the extent of tests of controls over inventory. 11. (LO 3) An auditor analyzes repairs and maintenance primarily
d. request the client to schedule the physical inventory count at to obtain evidence in support of the assertion that all:
the end of the year. a. non-capitalizable expenditures have been recorded.
5. (LO 2) For which of the following companies would the auditor b. expenditures for property and equipment have not been
have the least concern about the existence of inventory? charged to expense.
a. A retail grocer. c. non-capitalizable expenditures for repairs and maintenance
b. A computer manufacturer. have been recorded in the proper period.
c. An oil and gas field equipment manufacturer. d. expenditures for property and equipment have been recorded
in the proper period.
d. A hotel.
12. (LO 3) If an auditor performs analytical procedures on rent ex-
6. (LO 2) The primary objective of a CPA’s observation of a client’s
pense and finds that rent expense has increased 50%, he or she is
physical inventory count is to:
most likely to perform which of the following additional procedures?
a. discover whether a client has counted a particular inventory
a. Test rent cutoff to determine if all rent has been recorded.
item or group of items.
b. Vouch rent payments to underlying documents to determine
b. obtain direct knowledge that the inventory exists and has
that all vouchers have receiving reports.
been properly counted.
c. provide an appraisal of the quality of the merchandise on c. V
ouch larger items in rent expense in a search for unrecorded
hand on the day of the physical count. finance leases.
d. allow the auditor to supervise the conduct of the count to d. Perform tests of controls to ensure that all rent transactions
obtain assurance that inventory quantities are reasonably are authorized.
accurate. 13. (LO 4) An auditor’s program to examine long-term debt most
7. (LO 2) In the audit of inventory, selecting inventory items from a likely would include steps that require:
perpetual master file, going to the locations, and obtaining test counts a. correlating interest expense recorded for the period with out-
is intended to produce evidence for which audit assertion? standing debt.
a. Completeness. b. comparing the carrying amount of the debt to its year-end
b. Rights and obligations. market value.
c. Existence. c. v erifying the existence of the holders of the debt by direct
d. Valuation and allocation.
d. inspecting the accounts payable subsidiary ledger for unre-
8. (LO 2) Which of the following would represent the best evidence corded long-term debt.
for testing the net realizable value of inventory?
14. (LO 4) When a client does not maintain its own stock records,
a. Investigate sales prices on the sale of inventory made after
the auditor should obtain a written confirmation from the transfer
agent and registrar concerning:
b. Vouch inventory prices to vendor invoices at an interim
a. restrictions on the payment of dividends.
b. guarantees on preferred stock liquidation value.
c. Vouch inventory prices to the perpetual inventory.
d. Investigate all prices that have decreased by more than 5% c. t he number of shares subject to agreements to repurchase.
during the year. d. the number of shares issued and outstanding.
Analysis Problems 13-51
Review Questions
R13.1 (LO1) How can an auditor use results from procedures per- R13.7 (LO3) Explain the relationship between the repairs and
formed during the control risk assessment phase to affect the nature maintenance expense account and the PPE asset account. Why is
of substantive testing when testing cash balances? the auditor interested in examining debits to both accounts when
auditing PPE? Explain your answer with reference to the assertions
R13.2 (LO1) Explain the difference between the audit of the pro-
at risk.
cesses impacting cash and the substantive testing of the cash balance.
How is audit testing for each affected by the outcome of controls R13.8 (LO3) Why is an auditor interested in PPE that is not cur-
testing? rently being used or could become idle in the near future?
R13.3 (LO1) What information is obtained by sending a bank con- R13.9 (LO4) Explain why completeness is a more critical assertion
firmation? Explain the importance of a bank confirmation to the au- for long-term debt than for cash, inventory, or PPE. What procedures
dit of cash balances, including the assertions that are addressed by are primarily designed to address the completeness assertion for long-
obtaining a bank confirmation. term debt?
R13.4 (LO2) In the context of auditing inventory, explain why an R13.10 (LO4) Explain the importance of obtaining confirmations
audit team cannot use the same combination of audit procedures for regarding notes payable.
every audit.
R13.11 (LO4) Explain how an auditor will usually test interest ex-
R13.5 (LO2) How would an auditor test the existence of inventory pense when auditing notes payable.
on hand in a public warehouse? R13.12 (LO4) What considerations apply in determining the appro-
R13.6 (LO2) Explain the difference between year-end counting of priate level of detection risk for stockholders’ equity?
inventory and cycle counts. What conditions should exist at a client
that conducts cycle counts and uses the perpetual inventory to value
inventory at quarter-end?
Analysis Problems
AP13.1 (LO 1) Basic Designing audit procedures for cash Julie is designing the audit program
for cash for her client, Onslow Services Corp. (Onslow). Onslow is a property management services com-
pany. It deals with six major clients and several smaller clients, each with a number of properties for
rent in the central business district of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Onslow finds tenants, conducts credit
checks, negotiates tenancy agreements, and arranges cleaning and maintenance services for each prop-
erty. Onslow has a staff of 15 and operates from an office in downtown Minneapolis. Other than a small
petty cash amount, no cash is kept on the premises because rents are directly deposited by the tenants
to Onslow’s bank account. After the relevant fees are deducted, Onslow remits the rents monthly to the
property owners. These transactions pass through a bank account kept solely for this purpose. In addi-
tion, Onslow maintains a trust account (for any client moneys held on trust) and a general operating
account (for salaries and other expenses).
a. Advise Julie about the controls over cash that should be maintained by Onslow.
b. Assuming these controls are present and operating effectively, suggest the appropriate substantive
procedures for Onslow’s cash balance.
AP13.2 (LO 1) Moderate Finding fraud related to cash Patricia Company had poor internal con-
trol over its cash transactions. Facts about its cash position at November 30, 2022, were as follows:
The cash ledger showed a balance of $18,901.62, which included undeposited receipts which
were on hand at November 30. A credit of $100 on the bank’s records did not appear on the books
of the company. The balance per bank statement was $15,550. Outstanding checks were #62 for
$116.25, #183 for $150, #284 for $253.25, #8621 for $190.71, #8623 for $206.80, and #8632 for
13-52 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
The cashier subtracted undeposited receipts of $3,794.41 and prepared the following
Balance per books, November 30, 2022 $18,901.62
Add: Outstanding checks
8621 $190.71
8623 206.80
8632 145.28 442.79
Less: Undeposited receipts (3,794.41)
Balance per bank, November 30, 2022 15,500.00
Deducted: Unrecorded credit 100.00
True cash, November 30, 2022 $15,450.00
a. Prepare a working paper showing how much the cashier embezzled.
b. How did the cashier attempt to conceal this theft?
c. Using only the information given, name two specific features of internal control that were appar-
ently lacking.
(AICPA adapted)
AP13.3 (LO 1) Moderate Review of client-prepared bank reconciliation The following client-
prepared bank reconciliation is being examined by Kautz, CPA, during an audit of the financial statements
of Cynthia Company:
Cynthia Company
Bank Reconciliation Village Bank Account 2
December 31, 2022
Balance per bank (a) $ 18,375.91
Deposits in transit (b)
12/30 $1,471.10
12/31 2,840.69 4,311.79
Subtotal 22,687.70
Outstanding checks (c)
837 6,000.00
1941 671.80
1966 320.00
1984 1,855.42
1985 3,621.22
1987 2,576.89
1991 4,420.88 (19,466.21)
Subtotal 3,221.49
NSF check returned 12/29 (d) 200.00
Bank charges (e) 550.00
Error check No. 1932 (f) 148.10
Customer note collected by the bank
($2,750 plus $275 interest) (g) (3,025.00)
Balance per books (h) $ 1,094.59
Indicate one or more auditing procedures that should be performed by Kautz in gathering evidence in
support of each of the items (a) through (h) above.
(AICPA adapted)
AP13.4 (LO 1) Moderate Bank transfer schedule, kiting LMN Company has a June 30 year-end
and maintains three bank accounts: City Bank–Regular, City Bank–Payroll, and Metro Bank–Special.
Analysis Problems 13-53
Your analysis of cash disbursements records for the period June 23 to July 6 reveals the following bank
Check No. Date of Check Bank Drawn On Payee Amount
2476 June 23 Regular Payroll $100,000
2890 June 25 Regular Payroll 200,000
3140 June 28 Regular Special 100,000
A1006 June 29 Special Payroll 50,000
A1245 June 30 Special Regular 25,000
3402 June 30 Regular Special 125,000
You determine the following facts about each of the first five checks: (1) the date of the cash disburse-
ments journal entry is the same as the date of the check, (2) the payee receives the check two days later,
(3) the payee records and deposits the check on the day it is received, and (4) it takes five days for a depos-
ited check to clear banking channels and be paid by the bank on which it is drawn. Check 3402 was not
recorded as a disbursement until July 1. This check was picked up by the payee on the date it was issued,
and it was included in the payee’s after-hours bank deposit on June 30.
a. What are the purposes of the audit of bank transfers?
b. Prepare a bank transfer schedule as of June 30 using the format shown in Illustration 13.3.
c. Prepare separate adjusting entries for any checks that require adjustment.
d. In the reconciliation for the three bank accounts, indicate the check numbers that should appear as
(1) an outstanding check or (2) a deposit in transit.
e. Which check(s) may be indicative of kiting?
AP13.5 (LO 1) Moderate Research Proof of cash Look up and watch a YouTube video on “proof
of cash.”
Answer the following questions.
1. Explain how a proof of cash differs from a bank reconciliation.
2. If internal controls are weak and segregation of duties are poor, what benefits are obtained by per-
forming a proof of cash versus a bank reconciliation?
3. Does performing a proof of cash eliminate the need to perform tests of transactions for cash receipts
and cash disbursements?
AP13.6 (LO 2) Moderate Inventory valuation The following is a copy of the auditor’s working
paper for auditing inventory balances for the client Zack’s Electrical Supply. It shows the details of the
net realizable value (NRV) tests.
Client: Zack’s Electrical Supply Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: R.E.J. Date: 2/8/23
a. Why does an auditor test for NRV?
b. Find the details of the inventory items selected for NRV testing. What is a “key item”? Explain how
the auditor has decided whether or not the inventory items should be shown at NRV or cost.
c. Are any inventory items to be written down to NRV in this example? If so, by how much?
1. Raw materials, which consist mainly of high-cost electronic components, are kept in a locked store-
room. Storeroom personnel include a supervisor and four clerks. All are well-trained, competent,
and adequately bonded. Raw materials are removed from the storeroom only on written or oral
authorization of one of the production managers.
2. There are no perpetual inventory records; therefore, the storeroom clerks do not keep records of
goods received or issued. To compensate for the lack of perpetual records, inventory is counted
monthly by the storeroom clerks, who are well-supervised. Appropriate procedures are followed in
making the inventory count.
3. After the physical count, the storeroom supervisor matches quantities counted against a prede-
termined reorder level. If the count for a given part is below the reorder level, the supervisor
enters the part number on a materials requisition list and sends this list to the accounts pay-
able clerk. The accounts payable clerk prepares a purchase order for a predetermined reorder
quantity for each part and mails the purchase order to the vendor from whom the part was last
4. When ordered materials arrive at Alden, they are received by the storeroom clerks. The clerks count
the merchandise and agree the counts to the shipper’s bill of lading. All vendors’ bills of lading are
initialed, dated, and filed in the storeroom to serve as receiving reports.
Describe the deficiencies in internal control and recommend improvements in Alden’s procedures for the
purchase, receipt, storage, and issue of raw materials. Organize your answer sheet as follows:
(AICPA adapted)
AP13.8 (LO 2) Moderate Inventory Brompton Hardware runs a network of small hardware
retail outlets across the state. All sales are paid by cash or credit card, and are processed through
electronic cash registers. A wide range of goods are held in inventory by the stores, meaning that
the business deals with a large number of suppliers. All goods are purchased on credit with varying
terms, depending on the supplier. Invoices are paid by check after a package of documen ts is col-
lated and approved for payment. Ordering of goods and subsequent payments are processed by the
central office with delivery direct from supplier to the stores—no central warehouse is used. Bromp-
ton uses a perpetual stock system to track inventory quantities and conducts test counts at regular
periods throughout the year.
a. What controls would you expect to see over inventory movements at the local store level and the
central office?
b. Explain how you would audit the physical inventory count for Brompton Hardware. What details
would you focus on most?
AP13.9 (LO 2) Moderate ADA Inventory data analytics An auditor is conducting an audit of
the financial statements of a wholesale cosmetics distributor with an inventory consisting of thousands
of individual items. The distributor keeps its inventory in its own distribution center and two public
Analysis Problems 13-55
warehouses. An inventory database is maintained and updated after each transaction. The database
contains the following information:
The auditor is planning to observe the distributor’s physical count of inventories as of an interim date.
The auditor will have access to the inventory as of the date of the physical count and will use a gener-
al-purpose audit software package.
The auditor is planning to perform inventory substantive tests. Identify the inventory tests and describe
how the use of audit software and the database might be helpful to the auditor in performing such tests.
Organize your answer as follows:
1. Observe the physical count, making and 1. Determine which items are to be test-counted
recording test counts when applicable. by selecting a random sample of a representative
number of items from the inventory file as of
the date of the physical count.
(AICPA adapted)
AP13.10 (LO 3) Basic PPE additions and disposals The following is a copy of the auditor’s work-
ing paper for auditing additions and disposals relevant to the balance of property, plant, and equipment
(PPE) for the client New Millennium Ecoproducts.
Client: New Millennium Ecoproducts Bell & Bowerman, LLP Prepared by: W.C.B. Date: 2/4/23
Period-end: 12/31/22 Reference K02 Reviewed by: R.E.Z. Date: 2/12/23
K02 – Additions and Disposals
Currency unit: $000
Section 1: Additions
Depreciation AssetLife
Asset Code Description Category Starting Date TM/Ref (years) Amount TM/Ref
700025 Delivery van (15) Equipment 5/1/22 (c) 10 $2,750 ✓
N/A CPX 120 Asset under construction N/A (c) N/A $ 500 ✓
Section 2: Disposals
Gross Book Accumulated Net Book Selling Gain/(Loss)
Asset Code Description Category Value Depreciation Value Price TM/Ref on Disposal
600662 Delivery van Equipment $350 $280 $70 $75 ✓ $5
• No issue from testing of additions.
• Gain on disposal of item tested is not material and confirms relevance of depreciation rate used by company.
13-56 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
a. What assertions are relevant to additions and disposals of PPE?
b. Find the details of the additions. Explain the difference between the two items, particularly with
respect to depreciation.
c. Find the details of the disposal. How much was the gain on sale? Why is the auditor interested in
the amount of the gain? Explain the comment by the auditor about the disposal in the working
AP13.11 (LO 3) Moderate Substantive testing of PPE Fabrication Holdings Inc. (FH) has been
a client of KFP LLP for many years. You are an audit senior and have been assigned to the FH audit for
the first time for the financial year-end June 30, 2022. During March 2022, you are completing the risk
assessment for PPE, which is one of FH’s most material accounts. You are also aware that FH has made
a large investment in a new manufacturing process to place itself in a more competitive position. Your
analytical procedures indicate an increase in acquisitions of PPE.
a. What is the key assertion at risk for the PPE additions? Why is it at risk? Explain.
b. Identify the relevant substantive tests of details that would be appropriate to address the assertion
at risk identified in (a) above.
c. How would your answers to the previous questions change if the PPE additions had been manufac-
tured in-house by FH’s engineers and toolmakers, rather than purchased?
AP13.12 (LO 4) Challenging Substantive tests, assertions, and types of evidence for financing
activities The following transactions and events relate to financing transactions at Weber Inc.
1. Declare cash dividend on common stock.
2. Issue bonds.
3. Pay bond interest.
4. Purchase 500 shares of treasury stock.
5. Pay cash dividend declared in 1 above.
6. Issue additional common stock for cash.
7. Accrue bond interest payable at year-end.
8. Redeem outstanding bonds.
9. Establish appropriation for bond retirement.
10. Announce a two-for-one stock split.
a. Identify the substantive test that should verify each transaction or event.
b. For each test, indicate the financial statement assertion(s) to which it pertains.
c. Indicate the source of evidence obtained from the substantive test (i.e., outside party, client-generated,
auditor personal knowledge or observation, documented, oral. (Use a tabular format for your answers
with one column for each part.)
AP13.13 (LO 4) Moderate Substantive tests and disclosures for long-term debt Andrews,
CPA, has been engaged to audit the financial statements of Broadwall Corporation for the year ended
December 31, 2022. During the year, Broadwall obtained a long-term loan from a local bank pursuant to
a financing agreement that provided that the:
1. Loan was to be secured by the company’s inventory and accounts receivable.
2. Company was to maintain a debt-to-equity ratio not to exceed 2:1.
3. Company was not to pay dividends without permission from the bank.
4. Monthly installment payments were to commence July 1, 2022.
In addition, during the year the company borrowed from the president of the company, on a short-term
basis, including substantial amounts just prior to the year-end.
Audit Decision Cases 13-57
a. For purposes of Andrews’ audit of the financial statements of Broadwall Corporation, what sub-
stantive tests should Andrews employ in examining the described loans? Do not discuss internal
b. What are the financial statement disclosures that Andrews should expect to find with respect to the
loans from the president?
(AICPA adapted)
AP13.14 (LO 4) Moderate Confirmation of stock outstanding You are engaged in doing the au-
dit of a corporation whose records you have not previously audited. The corporation has both an inde-
pendent transfer agent and a registrar for its capital stock. The transfer agent maintains the record of
stockholders, and the registrar checks that there is no over-issue of stock. Signatures of both are required
to validate certificates.
It has been proposed that confirmations be obtained from both the transfer agent and the registrar
as to the stock outstanding at the balance sheet date. If such confirmations agree with the books, no ad-
ditional work is to be performed as to capital stock.
If you agree that obtaining the confirmations as suggested would be sufficient in this case, give the jus-
tification for your position. If you do not agree, state specifically all additional steps you would take and
explain your reason for taking them.
(AICPA adapted)
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is
a small, publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-
tech unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security
equipment. MSIʼs products are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions,
but there is growing demand for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an
extensive bidding process for large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of govern-
ment contracts and military product designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly
In October 2022, MSI installed a new cloud-based inventory costing system to replace a system
that had been developed in-house. The old system could no longer keep up with the complex and
detailed manufacturing costing process that provides information to support competitive bidding.
MSIʼs IT department, together with the consultants from the software company, implemented the
new inventory costing system which went live on December 1, 2022. Key operational staff and the
internal audit team from MSI were significantly engaged in the selection, testing, training, and im-
plementation stages.
C13.1 (LO 2) Challenging ADA Public Company Substantive testing of inventory
a. Gather information: What inventory items would you expect to see in MSIʼs accounts? How would
the cost of each item be calculated?
b. Analysis: Suggest substantive procedures for each account balance assertion that you would use in
the audit of inventory for MSI.
c. Analysis: What are the implications, if any, of the new inventory costing system for planned uses of
audit data analytics as a substantive test?
13-58 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
This case has two phases. Question C13.2 is based on Phase I. Question C13.3 is based on Phase II.
requested audited financial statements. Further, First State Bank established the following debt
• Dividends are restricted to 90% of net income.
• CTI must keep a minimum current ratio of 2.50:1.
• CTI must keep a minimum quick ratio of 1.2:1.
• CTI’s debt-to-equity ratio cannot exceed 1.00:1.
Rob keeps a tight control on cash. An independent bank reconciliation is performed monthly. Fur-
ther, Rob closely tracks when vendor payments are due. With the exception of 2020, he has been able
to keep the accounts payable turnover somewhere between 30 and 38 days. Rob would like to collect
receivables faster, but the nature of the company’s service, which involves installation of hardware and
software to the customer’s satisfaction, results in collection periods approaching 90 days. The company
does not rely on programmed control procedures to monitor individual transactions. CTI does not have
the staff to follow up on exception reports that might be generated by the accounting system. The pri-
mary controls in place involve Rob’s independent review of transactions on a monthly basis. In addition,
Jessica keeps a close eye on revenues, expenses, and profit margins, and she demands explanations from
Rob when actual results deviate from her expectations.
C13.2 (LO 2) Challenging Risk assessments and substantive tests for inventory
a. Evaluate the effectiveness of CTI’s control environment.
b. Assess risk at the financial statement level.
1. Evaluate inherent risk at the financial statement level.
2. Evaluate the risk of fraud. Specifically, consider each aspect of the fraud triangle; (i) incentives
and pressures, (ii) opportunity, and (iii) attitudes and rationalization.
c. What is the potential for the effectiveness of the management performance reviews performed by
Rob and Jessica with respect to the following assertions?
1. Existence of inventory.
2. Valuation of inventory and cost of sales.
d. Prepare a letter with any internal control recommendations that you have for management. Each
specific recommendation should describe the current system, explain the risk involved, and make
specific recommendations for improvement. You may assume that issues have already been discussed
with management regarding the audit adjustments found in prior audits, so focus your attention on
other issues that are of concern to you.
Phase II
CTI prices its inventory at FIFO. You select a random sample of 35 items for price testing and find the
following results as of year-end 2022. The total book value of inventory is $1,027,000. You should assume
that errors exist in the unsampled portion of the population in the same proportion that they exist in the
Inventory Inventory
Quantity Price Cost per Quantity Price Cost per
SKU # per Client per Client Client per Auditor per Auditor Auditor
1 10001 6 $1,252.00 $ 7,512.00 6 $1,252.00 $ 7,512.00
2 10269 4 $1,275.00 $ 5,100.00 4 $1,275.00 $ 5,100.00
3 10537 7 $1,279.00 $ 8,953.00 7 $1,279.00 $ 8,953.00
4 10805 8 $2,200.00 $ 17,600.00 8 $1,200.00 $ 9,600.00
5 11073 3 $1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 3 $1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
6 11341 8 $1,410.00 $ 11,280.00 8 $1,410.00 $11,280.00
7 11609 4 $1,400.00 $ 5,600.00 4 $1,400.00 $ 5,600.00
8 11877 9 $ 810.00 $ 7,290.00 9 $ 510.00 $ 4,590.00
9 12145 10 $ 750.00 $ 7,500.00 10 $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00
10 12413 9 $ 750.00 $ 6,750.00 9 $ 750.00 $ 6,750.00
11 12681 8 $ 800.00 $ 6,400.00 8 $ 800.00 $ 6,400.00
12 12949 7 $1,800.00 $ 12,600.00 7 $ 800.00 $ 5,600.00
13 13217 4 $2,750.00 $ 11,000.00 4 $1,750.00 $ 7,000.00
13-60 C h a pte r 13 Auditing Various Balance Sheet Accounts (and Related Income Statement Accounts)
In addition, you find a journal entry where Rob has capitalized half of December’s payroll for
six network installers’ work on two contracts as part of work in progress. The amount of gross payroll
amounts to $15,600 plus 35% for the cost of payroll taxes and benefits. The total of payroll included in
work in process amounted to $21,060. Further investigation shows that the client was billed for all work
performed on those contracts as of December 31, 2022.
C13.3 (LO 2) Challenging Further risk assessments and substantive tests for inventory
a. Evaluate the implications of the evidence you noted above.
1. What are the implications of your direct findings for fair presentation in the financial statements?
You may assume that it is your best guess that errors found in your sample are representative of
errors that would exist in items that you did not sample.
2. Based on your findings, what additional audit procedures should be performed, if any?
b. What additional issues do you want to discuss with company management and the board of directors?
Draft your additional management letter comments regarding the issues that you want to discuss
with CTI management, and indicate (in the margin) who you would have the conversations with.
c. As the auditor for CTI, what conversations or correspondence, if any, should you have with First
State Bank?
Goodfellow and Perkins LLP is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across
Texas. During 2022, Goodfellow and Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital, a private, not-
for-profit hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are performing the audit field
work for the 2023 fiscal year-end. The field work must be completed in time for the audit report to be signed on
August 21, 2023. The balance sheet for Brookwood Pines includes the caption “Property, Plant, and Equip-
ment.” Goodfellow and Perkins has been asked by the company’s management if audit adjustments or
Audit Decision Cases 13-61
reclassifications are required for the following material items that have been included in or excluded
from property, plant, and equipment:
1. A tract of land was acquired during the year. The land is the future site for expansion of the hospital,
which will be constructed in the following year. Commissions were paid to the real estate agent used
to acquire the land, and expenditures were made to relocate the previous owner’s equipment. These
commissions and expenditures were expensed and are excluded from property, plant, and equipment.
2. Clearing costs were incurred to make the land ready for construction. These costs were included in
property, plant, and equipment.
3. During the land-clearing process, timber and gravel were recovered and sold. The proceeds from the
sale were recorded as other income and are excluded from property, plant, and equipment.
4. A group of diagnostic machines was purchased under a royalty agreement that provides royalty
payments based on how often the machines were used to deliver diagnostics services. The cost of the
machines, freight costs, unloading charges, and royalty payments were capitalized and are included
in property, plant, and equipment.
Is Audit Adjustment or
Reclassification Reasons Why Audit Adjustment or
Item Number Required? (Yes or No) Reclassification Is Required or Not Required
(AICPA adapted)
Lewis Company is a biotechnology company that recently received U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) approval for a new drug that treats Parkinson’s disease. Sales are showing early signs of success.
On the wave of this success, Lewis Company acquired a patent for a related drug that is designed to treat
Alzheimer’s disease from Brown and Harley, another biotechnology company. Brown and Harley has
completed successful animal tests with the patented drug, known as AZH. Now that Lewis has acquired
the patent, Lewis will have to take the drug through human trials and obtain FDA approval, a process
that could last two to four years.
Lewis agreed to pay Brown and Harley $10 million for the patent on February 29, 2022. Brown and
Harley’s book value associated with the patent was only $500,000. Lewis acquired the patent from Brown
and Harley for $1 million in cash and $9 million in 9%, preferred stock redeemable on February 29, 2026.
Lewis accounted for the transaction by debiting an asset account for the patent in the amount of $10 mil-
lion, with an intent to amortize the patent over 16 years, the remaining legal life of the patent, crediting
cash for $1 million and crediting stockholders’ equity accounts for $9 million.
Accumulated Depreciation
Beginning Depreciation Ending
January 31, 2022 Expense Disposals January 31, 2023
Accumulated depreciation $37,803,894 $5,576,162 $1,153,117 $42,226,939
Gaining an Understanding of
Make Preliminary Risk
the System of Internal Control
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
14-2 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Apply the audit procedures used to search for loss LO 3 Describe engagement wrap-up procedures
contingencies. performed at the conclusion of the audit.
LO 2 Distinguish between the two types of material LO 4 Evaluate the going concern assumption for a client.
subsequent events and evaluate what effect they have LO 5 Discuss what reporting is required to management
on the financial statements, if any. and those charged with governance.
Every company, no matter how big or how small, faces risk of events happening today that
have consequences in the future. For example, the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon
offshore oil rig (operated by BP) in 2010 resulted in worker injuries and fatalities and dam-
age to the environment in the Gulf of Mexico. Many lawsuits against BP followed, and some
are still not resolved almost a decade after the incident. What is the proper accounting treat-
ment for a situation like this one in which the company could still be liable to many differ-
ent groups over an extended period of time? FASB ASC Topic 450, Contingencies, provides
accounting guidance for events, or potential events, that create uncertainty for a company.
FASB defines a loss contingency as an existing condition or situation involving uncertainty loss contingency an existing
as to possible loss that will ultimately be resolved when one or more future events occur condition or situation involving
or fail to occur. Some other examples of a loss contingency include income tax disputes uncertainty as to possible loss that
with the IRS, guarantees of debt of others, threat of expropriation of assets, and pending or will ultimately be resolved when
threatening litigation with employees, customers, vendors, or shareholders. one or more future events occur
or fail to occur
To account for a loss contingency, company management must determine the likelihood
that the future event will trigger a loss. FASB ASC Topic 450 classifies the likelihood of loss
contingencies into three categories:
1. Probable. The future event is likely to occur.
2. R
easonably possible. The chance of the future event occurring is more than remote but
less than likely.
3. Remote. The chance of the future event occurring is slight.
If management determines the loss contingency is probable and an amount can be reasonably
estimated, then the company must record a liability and a related expense or loss and disclose
the relevant details of the event in the notes to the financial statements. If the loss contingency
is reasonably possible or the amount cannot be reasonably estimated, then only a disclosure in
the notes is required. If the likelihood of a loss contingency is remote, then nothing needs to
be disclosed in the notes.
Since there is no crystal ball to see into the future, you can appreciate that determining
the likelihood of a loss contingency occurring and trying to estimate a reasonable amount for a
future loss involves significant judgment by management. Therefore, the role of auditors is to
14-4 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Risk assessment and risk Risk assessment and risk response procedures that can reveal the potential risk for loss
response procedures that may contingencies:
identify loss contingencies 1. Confirming with financial institutions, including guarantees of debt of others.
2. Inspecting the minutes of board of directors’ meetings.
3. Inspecting contracts, leases, and correspondence from governmental agencies.
4. Inspecting tax returns and correspondence with the IRS.
5. Inquiring of management regarding the completeness of recorded liabilities.
6. Inquiring of client’s legal counsel.
Toward the end of the audit, auditors perform an inquiry procedure specifically designed to
gather information about loss contingencies arising from litigation, claims, and assessments. Audi-
tors will communicate directly with the client’s external legal counsel by sending a letter of inquiry,
legal letter an audit inquiry often referred to as a legal letter. If the client has in-house legal counsel responsible for litigation,
sent to a client’s external and claims, and assessments, a legal letter will also be sent to the in-house legal counsel. Attorneys and
in-house legal counsel to obtain their clients have a privileged relationship. That means attorneys cannot talk about their client’s
information about litigation, cases to anyone without permission from the client. Therefore, before auditors can communicate
assessments, and claims with the client’s legal counsel, client management must give permission to the attorneys to discuss
their cases with the auditors. The client grants permission to the attorneys by signing the legal letter.
Legal letters are sent to all attorneys the client paid for legal services. AU-C 501 Audit
Evidence—Specific Considerations for Selected Items and AS 2505 Inquiry of a Client’s Lawyer
Concerning Litigation, Claims, and Assessments provide guidance for the content of the legal
letter. The objective of the legal letter is to gather audit evidence regarding the existence of
uncertainties arising from litigation, claims, and assessments; the time period in which the
cause for the legal action occurred; the probability of an unfavorable outcome for the client;
and an estimate of the potential loss. A legal letter used for the Cloud 9 audit is presented in
Illustration 14.2, followed by explanations of the bracketed numbers. The format and wording
of the letter is dictated by auditing standards, so all auditors will follow the same basic format.
Example of legal letter used [1] Cloud 9 Inc.
for Cloud 9 audit
[2] March 1, 2023
To Legal Counsel:
[4] In connection with an audit of our financial statements as of January 31, 2023, and for the year
then ended, please furnish our auditors, W&S Partners, P.O. Box 525, Seattle, WA 95688, with the
information requested below concerning contingencies involving matters with respect to which
you have devoted substantial attention on behalf of the company in the form of legal c onsultation
or representation.
Audit Procedures for Loss Contingencies 14-5
[5] Regarding pending or threatened litigation, claims, and assessments, please include in your ILLUSTRATION 14.2
response: (1) the nature of each matter, (2) the progress of each matter to date, (3) how the Com- (continued)
pany is responding or intends to respond (for example, to contest the case vigorously or seek an
out-of-court settlement), and (4) an evaluation of the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome and an
estimate, if one can be made, of the amount or range of potential loss. Accordingly, please furnish
to our auditors such explanation, if any, that you consider necessary to supplement the foregoing
information, including an explanation of those matters for which your views may differ from those
of management.
[6] We understand that whenever, in the course of performing legal services for us with respect
to a matter recognized to involve an unasserted possible claim or assessment that may call for
financial statement disclosure, you have formed a professional conclusion that we should disclose
or consider disclosure concerning such possible claim or assessment, as a matter of professional
responsibility to us, you will so advise us and will consult with us concerning the question of such
disclosure and the applicable requirements of FASB ASC 450. Please specifically confirm to our
auditors that our understanding is correct.
[7] Your response should include matters that existed as of January 31, 2023, and during the period
from that date to the effective date of your response. Please specifically identify the nature of and
reasons for any limitations on your response. Our auditors expect to have the audit completed
about March 15, 2023. They would appreciate receiving your reply by that date with a specified
effective date no earlier than March 7, 2023.
[8]James W. Harley
Chief Executive Officer
Cloud 9 Inc.
Sections of the letter in Illustration 14.2 are numbered to correspond with the following
1. Client letterhead—The legal letter is prepared on the client’s letterhead because the client
must grant permission for the attorneys to respond. Auditors oversee the preparation and
content of the letter and have control over the mailing and receipt of the letter.
2. Date of the letter—The letter is sent about mid-way through the completion of year-end
3. Name and address of attorneys—A legal letter should be sent to all attorneys the client
hired during the year for legal services. Auditors can obtain a listing by inspecting the
transactions and invoices related to the client’s legal services expense account.
4. Request for information—This paragraph identifies the financial statements under audit
and states a request to supply information directly to the auditors.
5. Response regarding pending or threatened litigation—This paragraph requests that the
attorneys provide a list and description of pending or threatened litigation, claims, and
assessments. Notice auditors are seeking the attorney’s evaluation of the likelihood of an
unfavorable outcome and an estimate, if possible, of the potential loss.
6. Response regarding unasserted claims or assessments—This paragraph requests that the
attorneys confirm their responsibility to inform management of situations that may in-
volve possible unasserted claims or assessments that may require disclosure. Notice the
reference to the applicable financial reporting framework, which for Cloud 9 is GAAP.
7. Time frame for preparing the response—This paragraph specifies the time parameters for
the attorney’s response. The response should include matters that existed at January 31,
2023, and any matters after year-end up to the date of the attorney’s response letter. Ide-
ally, the date of the attorney’s response should coincide with the end of fieldwork, in this
case March 15, 2023, or very close to that date. Also, this paragraph requests the attorneys
state any reasons for limitations on their response.
8. Signature—The letter is signed by the client’s chief executive officer.
14-6 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
The nature of the legal environment in the United States is such that it could take years
for a lawsuit or other action to be settled and/or resolved. Therefore, it may not be possible for
the legal counsel to evaluate the time frame of an outcome or a reasonable amount for a loss.
In many cases, just disclosure of the pending litigation, rather than accrual in the financial
statements, is the appropriate way to account for the uncertainty. (See the following Profes-
sional Environment segment for a real-world example.) If the attorneys refuse to respond
appropriately to the legal letter, then it is considered a limitation on the scope of the audit,
which may impact the opinion in the auditor’s report. If auditors cannot gather sufficient
appropriate evidence regarding loss contingencies, then it may not be possible to issue an
unmodified opinion. Situations causing modifications to the audit report will be discussed
in Chapter 15.
In the Starbucks fiscal year 2013 financial statements, another the estimated payment date, and attorneys’ fees to be
update of the dispute with Kraft was provided in Note 15. The re- approximately $556.6 million. As a result, we recorded
sults from the arbitration were released. When two parties agree a litigation charge (expense) of $2,784.1 million in our
to let a dispute be settled with arbitration, the decision from the fiscal year 2013 operating results.
arbitration is considered final. In other words, there is no appeal
The dispute was settled after being disclosed for two years. The
process by either party. Here is an excerpt from Note 15, fiscal
outcome was definitely unfavorable for Starbucks since it was
year 2013:
ordered to pay cash of $2.2 billion plus interest and attorney’s
On November 12, 2013, the arbitrator ordered Starbucks fees to Kraft. This is a great example of the uncertainty involved
to pay Kraft $2,227.5 million in damages plus prejudg- with litigation disputes and the subjectivity involved with deter-
ment interest and attorney’s fees. We have estimated pre- mining if a potential loss contingency should be accrued or just
judgement interest, which includes an accrual through disclosed.
Before You Go On
1.1 What is a loss contingency? Provide an example.
1.2 Explain the audit procedures used to identify loss contingencies.
1.3 List three items that are included in a legal letter and explain why each is important.
Subsequent Events
The financial statements are prepared by client management on the basis of conditions
existing at year-end, which would be December 31 for a calendar-year entity. As you have
learned in previous chapters, many of the substantive audit procedures are performed af-
ter the year-end date and up through the date of the audit report. How long is this period
of time between year-end and the audit report? The answer depends on whether the au-
dit is for a public company or private company. For public companies, the SEC has strict
deadlines for the filing of Form 10-K, which is the document that contains the company’s
audited annual financial statements. Illustration 14.3 summarizes the SEC’s filing dead-
lines for Form 10-K. For private companies, the timeline for completion of an audit varies
widely, depending on the needs of the users of the financial statements. The most com-
mon user of a private company’s financial statements is a bank or other lender. Typically,
debt covenants require audited financial statements anywhere from 90–120 days after the
company’s year-end.
14-8 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Since auditors usually conduct part of the audit during the 60–90 day period after year-
subsequent events events end, they should be alert to certain subsequent events that may occur between the date of
occurring between the date of the the financial statements and the date of the auditor’s report. Illustration 14.4 illustrates an
financial statements and the date example of the subsequent period for a calendar-year client whose audit is completed no more
of the auditor’s report than 60 days after year-end. Some subsequent events may affect amounts that are included in
the year-end financial statements. AU-C 560 Subsequent Events and Subsequently Discovered
Type I subsequent events
Facts and AS 2801 Subsequent Events address the auditor’s responsibilities related to subse-
conditions that existed at the
quent events. The standards distinguish between two types of subsequent events as follows:
date of the financial statements
and require adjustment to the
• T
ype I subsequent event—event that provides evidence of conditions that existed at
financial statements
the date of the financial statements. A Type I event requires an adjustment to the finan-
Type II subsequent events cial statements.
conditions that arose after the
date of the financial statements • T
ype II subsequent event—event that provides evidence of conditions that arose after
and may require disclosure in the the date of the financial statements. A Type II event does not require an adjustment to the
notes to the financial statements financial statements but may require disclosure in the notes to the financial statements.
An example of a Type I event would be the bankruptcy of a client’s customer after year-
end as a result of poor financial condition that existed as of the balance sheet date. If the
customer has a large accounts receivable balance on the client’s year-end balance sheet, then
management needs to reconsider the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts. The al-
lowance balance and the related bad debt expense may need to be increased. Another example
would be the client receiving payment from an insurance company after year-end in resolu-
tion of a claim that was still in negotiations at year-end. Since the outcome of the negotiation
was in favor of the client, management should establish a receivable at year-end.
Type II subsequent events represent conditions and events that did not exist as of the
balance sheet date and do not require adjustment to the financial statements, but may be of
such significance as to require disclosure in the financial statements. For example, shortly
after year-end, management commits to purchasing another business. Purchasing another
business will probably add significant assets and debt to the balance sheet and may result in
changing the capital structure of the client. This commitment is significant and should be
mentioned in the notes. Another example would be the loss of a building or inventory as a
result of a fire or flood after year-end, and the client is underinsured. The situation, and an
estimate of the amount of loss not covered by insurance, should be disclosed in the notes.
Subsequent Events 14-9
Imperial Coffees, Inc. is a coffee roaster and direct sells its coffee through grocery stores, restau-
rants, and corporate-owned coffee cafes. For almost a decade, Imperial has experienced explosive
growth and has acquired smaller coffee roasters all over the United States and some international
locations. Imperial’s most recent fiscal year just ended, and its auditors are completing year-end
fieldwork. Jorge is an audit manager on the audit team and meets with Stephanie, Imperial’s
CFO, one month after year-end. Jorge says, “I know the board of directors just had its monthly
meeting. Are the minutes from the meeting available for me to review?” “Yes, I have them right
here,” says Stephanie. “I’ll go ahead and tell you the most important item that was discussed. The
board has decided to acquire the largest coffee roaster in Nicaragua, Central America. The acqui-
sition process will take several months, but should be completed this year. The board feels this is
an excellent strategic move because Nicaragua is the twelfth-largest coffee producer in the world.
Having operations in Nicaragua could help form strategic alliances with the coffee growers there,
which could lead to reduced costs for some of our coffee supply.”
Jorge relays this news to his audit team. Jorge asks Lincoln, a first-year audit associate, if
this event impacts the financial statements they are currently auditing. Lincoln says, “Well, it is
definitely important news that stakeholders should know about. But since the acquisition hasn’t
happened yet, I don’t think it should affect any accounts on the financial statements for the most
recent fiscal year. I do think it should be disclosed in the financial statements since the board has
made the decision and the financials have not yet been issued. Imperial management should draft
a disclosure to include in the notes to the financial statements.” “You are correct, Lincoln,” says
Jorge. “This is called a Type II subsequent event. Management will draft the disclosure and we
will review it.”
The objective of the auditors is to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about
whether events occurring after the balance sheet date but before the auditor’s report date have
been identified and properly accounted for, if necessary. In the course of performing planned
substantive procedures after year-end, auditors may identify subsequent events. Auditing
standards require auditors to also conduct specific audit procedures to identify subsequent
events that may occur up through the date of the auditor’s report. Specific audit procedures to
identify subsequent events include:
When conducting inquiries of management and those charged with governance, auditors in-
quire about the current status of items that were accounted for on preliminary or estimated
data at the date of the financial statements. Circumstances or events may have occurred
after year-end that would affect estimates or assumptions used at the financial statement
date. Illustration 14.5 provides examples of inquiries of management on specific matters.
The nature of the specific procedures performed for the subsequent events review will
depend on the individual circumstances of each client. Auditors will also rely heavily on their
knowledge of the client’s business gained during the risk assessment phase of the audit. If audi-
tors identify subsequent events that require adjustment to, or disclosure in, the financial state-
ments, they must determine if each event has been properly reflected in the financial state-
ments as required by the appropriate financial reporting framework. If management refuses
14-10 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Examples of inquiries of Inquiries of management regarding subsequent events:
management regarding • Has the company entered into new commitments, borrowings, or guarantees?
subsequent events
• Have sales occurred or are sales planned that may affect the carrying value or classification
of assets?
• Are there any plans to issue new shares or debt instruments (debentures)?
• Have any assets been seized (or appropriated) by the government or destroyed by natural
• Has any change in ownership occurred or is it contemplated?
• Have any unusual accounting adjustments been made or are they contemplated?
• Have any developments occurred regarding risk areas and contingencies?
• Have there been any significant assessments by tax authorities regarding tax assessments,
fines, and penalties?
• Have any events occurred that are relevant to the measurement of estimates or provisions
made in the financial statements?
to make an adjustment or a disclosure that is required for the financial statements to be fairly
presented, auditors would not be able to issue an unmodified audit report. Situations that pre-
vent the issuance of an unmodified audit report will be covered in more depth in Chapter 15.
Before You Go On
2.1 Describe the two types of subsequent events that must be considered as part of the audit of
the financial statements. Explain each type of subsequent event with an example.
2.2 Explain two types of subsequent events procedures an auditor may perform to identify a
subsequent event.
Engagement Wrap-Up
After performing audit procedures related to loss contingencies and subsequent events, au-
ditors are in a position to start wrapping up the audit. This is the audit team’s last chance to
Engagement Wrap-Up 14-11
evaluate audit evidence before forming an opinion on the financial statements and determin-
ing the appropriate independent auditor’s report to issue. This section will address conducting
final analytical procedures, final evaluation of audit findings, completion of working paper
reviews, engagement quality review, and completion of documentation.
Upon further examination, the audit team discovers that a purchasing clerk and accounts pay-
able clerk colluded to create a fictitious vendor for the purpose of misappropriating assets. The ad-
dress for the fictitious vendor belonged to the brother of the accounts payable clerk. Although the
checks that were written to the fictitious vendor were not material, the audit team reconsiders the
assessment of control risk. If controls were assessed as strong during interim testing, then how were
employees able to override the controls and create a fictitious vendor? Could there be a significant
deficiency or material weakness in internal control? Could other transactions be fraudulent? The au-
dit team will perform additional work regarding the controls over purchasing and accounts payable.
AS 2401 Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit and AU-C 240 Consid-
eration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit require auditors to report fraud to a level of
management at least one level above the level where the fraud occurred. If the fraud involves
senior management, auditors report it to those charged with governance, such as the audit
committee of the board of directors. From there, the responsibility falls on management or
those charged with governance to take action to address the fraud. Action may include calling
the proper law enforcement agency and/or firing the employee(s) involved in the fraud. If
management or those charged with governance fail to take action in a timely manner, auditors
should consider withdrawing from the engagement.
In some cases, auditors may determine that fraud is so pervasive in the business they
are unable to complete their audit procedures, or the fraud will have such an impact on the
client’s reputation they no longer wish to have the company as a client. In these rare cases,
any decision to withdraw from the engagement is not taken lightly, and extensive consultation
both internally within the audit firm and externally with the audit firm’s legal counsel will
occur before any action is taken. If the auditors withdraw, they will inform the appropriate lev-
el of management or those charged with governance and provide reasons for the withdrawal.
If the client is a public company, management must report a change of auditors, and the rea-
son for the change, to the SEC using Form 8-K.
C. Long, “Forensic Frenzy,” Charter, 78, no. 5 (June, 2007), pp. 20–22.
Long, 2007.
See for example, information about forensic accounting at
Long, 2007.
Long, 2007.
Long, 2007.
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners 2010,
G. Zuckerman, “For Group of Skeptics, the truth is Out There,” The Wall Street Journal (August 8, 2009).
14-14 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Conclusion: The likely misstatements listed above are deemed to be immaterial, either individually or in their aggregate effects on the
individual accounts, the financial statements categories, or the financial statement totals to which they relate.
assets of $400,000. The result is 2.0%, which means the aggregate likely misstatement for cur-
rent assets is 2.0% of the total current assets. The conclusion of the auditors is at the bottom of
the working paper and states that all of the likely misstatements are deemed to be immaterial.
If uncorrected, immaterial misstatements do not exceed materiality for the financial
statements as a whole or at the class of transactions, account balance, or disclosure level,
there may be qualitative characteristics that cause auditors to evaluate them as material. For
example, if an immaterial misstatement is the result of fraud, auditors consider the impact on
other areas of the audit, as discussed in the above section “Reconsider Assessment of Control
Risk and Risk of Fraud.” Qualitative characteristics will vary by client and by circumstance.
Illustration 14.7 lists examples of situations that cause auditors to consider an uncorrected
misstatement material based on a qualitative characteristic.
Qualitative characteristics of immaterial misstatements:
Examples of qualitative
• Affects compliance with regulatory requirements. characteristics of immaterial
• Has the effect of increasing management compensation. misstatements
• Relates to items involving particular parties, such as individuals related to management.
• Changes a loss to income or income to loss.
• Affects compliance with debt covenants or other contracts.
• Results from the occurrence of fraud.
• Relates to the incorrect application of an accounting policy that is likely to have a material
effect on future periods.
• Affects whether the company meets a financial benchmark, such as analyst forecasts of earnings
per share.
The working papers include documentation of all misstatements accumulated during the
audit and whether they have been corrected. For the uncorrected misstatements, auditors
should thoroughly document the basis for their conclusions about whether the uncorrected
misstatements are material individually or in the aggregate. In Chapter 15, we discuss the
effect on the auditor’s report of uncorrected misstatements that are material to the financial
statements as a whole.
Items to consider when Working paper reviewer should consider whether:
reviewing working papers • Work has been performed in accordance with appropriate auditing standards.
• Significant findings or issues have been raised for further consideration or audit testing.
• Consultations among team members and others within or outside of the audit firm have taken
place, as needed, and the resulting conclusions have been documented.
• The nature, timing, and extent of the work performed are appropriate and do not need
• Work performed supports the conclusions reached and is appropriately documented.
• Evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to support the auditor’s report.
• Objectives of the engagement procedures have been achieved.
Once an audit team member has responded to the review notes, the appropriate supervisor
reviews the work to ensure the review item was satisfactorily addressed. If satisfied the reviewer
signs off on the working paper. Once completed, the review notes are removed from the audit file
because the working papers are required to stand on their own in terms of the conclusions reached
and the underlying evidence supporting those conclusions. Ultimately, auditors rely on their pro-
fessional judgment to determine if sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained.
you have completed. However, there are a few instances in which you have not sufficiently doc-
umented your follow-up procedures. For example, to gather evidence about the client’s past due
accounts, the audit procedures from the audit program are:
You notated in the working papers that you examined the client’s correspondence with customers
who had large overdue balances. However, you did not put a copy of the correspondence in the
working papers to substantiate that your examination procedure was completed. You also docu-
mented that you spoke with an accounts receivable clerk about the status of overdue accounts. It
is more appropriate to inquire of the accounts receivable manager, someone with more authority,
regarding the status of the overdue accounts. You need to schedule a meeting with the accounts
receivable manager today, and be sure you take good notes so you can thoroughly document your
discussion in the working papers. Also, remember that inquiry alone is not sufficient. You will
need to corroborate any discussions with additional evidence.”
The engagement partner is responsible for the audit engagement and its performance and engagement partner partner
for the auditor’s report that is issued on behalf of the firm. As the audit is being performed, the or other person in the firm
engagement partner should conduct timely reviews of work completed on accounts, transactions, who is responsible for the audit
or disclosures that require extensive judgment or involve significant risks. If an item is considered engagement and its performance
a critical audit matter or is perhaps a contentious matter with management, it should be reviewed and for the auditor’s report that is
issued on behalf of the firm
as soon as possible so it is resolved on a timely basis. The engagement partner is not required to
review all audit documentation, but may choose to do so. The working papers should adequately
document that all reviews, including those performed by the partner, were completed.
Completion of Documentation
As we have discussed throughout the text, the working papers serve as documentation that the
audit work was completed. The working papers are the property of the audit firm and act as sup-
port for the auditor’s opinion. AU-C 230 Audit Documentation and AS 1215 Audit Documentation
provide guidance for the assembly and retention of the documentation. The working papers do
not have to be completely assembled and archived before the audit report release date. However,
the standards do provide a deadline for the complete assembly of the audit file and a time frame
for how long the audit file should be retained by the firm. Illustration 14.9 summarizes the time
frames for assembly and retention of the audit file for both public and private company audits.
After the audit report release date, no more audit procedures are performed. Assem-
bling the completed file includes administrative tasks such as sorting and organizing working
14-18 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
papers, discarding old documentation that was replaced with updated documentation, and
signing off on completion of checklists related to assembling the file. After the audit file
assembly completion deadline, nothing should be deleted or removed from the audit file.
However, documentation can be added to the file after the assembly completion deadline. If
documentation is added, auditors must indicate who prepared the documentation, the date of
the addition, and the reason for adding it. For example, a firm’s documentation of the audit of
a public company client may be inspected by the PCAOB. If results from the inspection reveal
the need to add further explanation to an audit procedure that was performed, auditors could
add the documentation, noting who prepared it and the reason for adding it (AS 1215.16).
For firms that have multiple office locations, the office that issued the audit report is
responsible for retaining the audit file. Reasonable measures should be taken to ensure the
security of the data, both electronic data and any hard copies retained by the firm, especially
since it contains confidential client information.
Before You Go On
3.1 Explain why it is important to reassess materiality at the end of the audit.
3.2 What are some qualitative characteristics of misstatements that would cause auditors to
classify them as material?
3.3 What is an engagement quality control review? Why is this review important to the public
3.4 What is meant by “assembly and retention” of the audit files?
Going Concern
business for the foreseeable future with neither the intention nor the need for liquidation. As
a result, assets and liabilities are recorded on the basis that the entity will realize its assets and
discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.
Management is responsible for evaluating going concern in accordance with the applica
ble financial reporting framework. Under GAAP, FASB ASC 205-40 Presentation of Financial
Statements—Going Concern requires management to make an assessment of the entity’s abil-
ity to continue as a going concern for the future period of one year beyond the issuance date
of the financial statements. Illustration 14.10 provides a timeline example to illustrate man-
agement’s responsibility. If the financial statements are dated December 31, 2022, the issuance
date will be 45 days or more after December 31, depending on when the audit is completed.
Supposing the financial statements are issued on March 1, 2023, the future period for man-
agement’s assessment of the risk of not being a going concern would be from March 1, 2023,
to March 1, 2024. If management determines there is substantial doubt about continuing as
a going concern, then management must make a note disclosure about the circumstances,
including any plans management may have to mitigate the situation.
Management’s evaluation period Management’s going concern
evaluation period
3/1/2023 3/1/2024
12/31/2022 Date the 12/31/2023
Financial financial
statement statements
date/fiscal are issued
Auditors have a responsibility to gather evidence regarding management’s process for eval-
uating going concern status and the appropriateness of management’s conclusions regarding it.
If management does not have a formal process in place, it could be considered a weakness in
internal control. Auditors also draw their own conclusions about whether there is substantial
doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time reasonable period of time
and, if applicable, evaluate the adequacy of any disclosure related to the entity’s circumstances. the period of time required by
What would be a reasonable period of time for the auditor’s evaluation? AU-C 570 The Auditor’s the applicable financial reporting
Consideration of an Entity’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern defines a reasonable period of framework, or if no such
time as the same period required by the client’s financial reporting framework. Therefore, under framework exists, for one year
after the date that the financial
GAAP, a reasonable period of time is one year from the date the client issues financial statements,
statements are issued
as shown in Illustration 14.10. (Current PCAOB AS 2415 defines a reasonable period of time as
one year from the date of the financial statements. Therefore, for public company audits, the time
frame for the auditor’s evaluation is shorter than for a private company client.)
According to AU-C 570, auditors do not have a responsibility to perform any audit pro-
cedures to identify going concern issues beyond the time period evaluated by management.
However, AU-C 570 does require that auditors inquire of management about any conditions
or events beyond the period of management’s evaluation that may have an effect on the
entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. For example, using Illustration 14.10, auditors
must inquire of management if there are any known conditions or events after March 1, 2024,
that could have an impact on going concern.
AU-C 570 and AS 2415 provide guidance for the auditor’s evaluation of the entity’s ability
to continue as a going concern. Audit procedures that are performed throughout the audit as
part of risk assessment and risk response should identify events or conditions that could sig-
nify going concern issues. Illustration 14.11 provides a list of audit procedures and examples
of the types of going concern issues that may be identified through the performance of routine
audit procedures. If one or more going concern issues are identified at any point during the
audit, auditors will use their professional judgment and consider the need to revise their risk
assessments and alter the nature, timing, or extent of audit procedures.
14-20 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
If auditors determine there is substantial doubt about the entity continuing as a going
concern, the next step is obtaining information about management’s plans to mitigate or min-
imize the adverse effects of the situation. For example, if a client is experiencing a severe cash
shortage but has a letter from its bank agreeing to provide additional financing, the letter
reduces, but does not remove, the risk that the going concern assumption may be in doubt.
Other examples of mitigating factors include:
Auditors perform audit procedures to gather evidence about the mitigating factors and con-
sider whether the plans can be effectively implemented. For example, if management plans
to sell assets that have been used in operations, is there a market for the assets? How quickly
could they be sold and for how much? Would the sale of the assets be sufficient to enable the
entity to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time? Auditors draw upon
their knowledge of the entity, the industry, and their professional judgment when evaluating
the information to arrive at a conclusion.
After considering management’s plans, if auditors determine there is substantial doubt
about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, the next steps are to consider the
possible effects on the financial statements and on the auditor’s report. Regarding the finan-
cial statements, auditors evaluate the adequacy of management’s note disclosure about the
going concern issue. The disclosure should include a description of the conditions or events
causing the substantial doubt, management’s evaluation of the significance of those condi-
tions or events, and management’s plans to minimize the effects of the situation. Auditors
consider modifying the auditor’s report to further emphasize the substantial doubt about the
entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. This is something that investors or other key
stakeholders should know. You can understand that the client might not want any more atten-
tion brought to the situation because, in fact, it could make it more difficult for the client to
implement its plans for mitigating the situation. For example, obtaining alternative financing
may be more difficult if the auditor’s report is modified for a going concern issue. Noting these
conditions could also negatively impact the stock price for a public company. Given these
Management Representation and Communication with Those Charged with Governance 14-21
serious implications, auditors consider this decision very carefully. The specific modifications
that would be made to the auditor’s report are discussed in Chapter 15.
The final step is to communicate with those charged with governance. Those charged
with governance, such as a board of directors, probably already know about the situation, but
auditors still communicate the nature of the events that are causing doubt about the entity’s
ability to continue as a going concern. Auditors also discuss the note disclosure and other ef-
fects on the financial statements. If the auditors decide to issue a modified auditor’s report, it
should be communicated to those charged with governance.
Before You Go On
4.1 Explain the going concern assumption. How does it affect a company’s accounting?
4.2 List three factors that might indicate the going concern assumption may be at risk. What
audit procedures would detect the factors?
4.3 Explain some mitigating factors that could offset possible going concern issues.
Throughout the entire audit, auditors communicate often with management and other client
personnel in the process of gathering audit evidence. As the audit draws to a conclusion,
some required communications must take place with management and those charged with
governance, and the communications must be documented. The remainder of this section will
explain the management representation letter and the required communications with those
charged with governance.
written representation a
Management Representation Letter written statement by management
provided to the auditor to confirm
AU-C 580 Written Representations and AS 2805 Management Representations provide guid- certain matters or to support
ance about using written representations as audit evidence. A written representation is other audit evidence
14-22 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Management representation [1] Cloud 9 Inc.
letter for Cloud 9 audit
[2] March 15, 2023
[4] We are providing this letter in connection with your audit of the consolidated financial state-
ments of Cloud 9 Inc. as of January 31, 2023, and for the year then ended for the purpose of ex-
pressing an opinion as to whether the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all mate-
rial respects, the financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of Cloud 9 in conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We confirm that
we are responsible for the fair presentation in the consolidated financial statements of financial
position, results of operations, and cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting
[5] Certain representations in this letter are described as being limited to matters that are material.
Items are considered material, regardless of size, if they involve an omission or misstatement of
accounting information that, in the light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the
judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would be changed or influenced by
the omission or misstatement.
[6] We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, as of March 15, 2023, the following repre-
sentations made to you during your audit:
1. The financial statements referred to above are fairly presented in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Management Representation and Communication with Those Charged with Governance 14-23
[7] To the best of our knowledge and belief, no events have occurred subsequent to the
balance-sheet date and through the date of this letter that would require adjustment to or
disclosure in the aforementioned financial statements.
James W. Harley
[8] Chief Executive Officer
David Collier
[8] Chief Financial Officer
14-24 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
appens at the beginning of the engagement (refer to the section “Corporate Governance” in
Chapter 4). Auditors also provide a general overview of the planned scope and timing of the
audit to those charged with governance. During this communication, auditors do not reveal in-
depth detail about the planned audit procedures because they do not want to compromise the
effectiveness of the audit. But this dialogue can open a discussion about risks the client faces
and can assist the auditor in gaining a better understanding of the entity and its environment.
Communication with those charged with governance, with management, and with third
parties, when applicable, is also covered in several other auditing standards. For example, if
auditors have identified a fraud, or have information that indicates the existence of a fraud,
they are required to communicate these matters to an appropriate level of management by
AU-C 240 Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit. Similarly, when auditors
have identified material noncompliance with laws and regulations, they are required to com-
municate their findings to those charged with governance in accordance with AU-C 250
Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements.
Toward the end of the audit, auditors communicate significant findings or issues from
the audit to those charged with governance. This communication should take place before the
audit report is issued. The communication may be oral or written, but either way it must be
documented in the working papers. Illustration 14.13 lists the matters to be communicated
with those charged with governance near the end of the audit.
For a public company audit, the items in Illustration 14.13 should be communicated with
the audit committee of the board of directors. In addition, the PCAOB’s AS 1301 includes
some unique terminology that is not included in AU-C 260. AS 1301 specifies that critical
critical accounting policies accounting policies and practices and critical accounting estimates must be commu-
and practices accounting nicated to the audit committee. An entity’s critical accounting policies and practices are most
policies and practices that are important for the portrayal of the company’s financial condition and results, and require man-
most important to the portrayal of agement’s most difficult, subjective, or complex judgments. For example, a large bank might
the company’s financial condition make a record number of new loans during the year, which could mean increased profits.
and results, and require manage-
However, management must also determine how many of those new loans may go unpaid in
ment’s most difficult, subjective,
the future. That could involve subjective and complex judgments. Critical accounting policies
or complex judgments
and practices are often unique to the industry or to the entity and are typically more subjective
critical accounting estimates
than common situations that affect most entities. Auditors must discuss their assessment of
accounting estimates whose na-
management’s application of and disclosure of the critical accounting policies and practices,
ture and impact on the financial
statements are material because including any recommended modifications that management did not make.
of the high levels of subjectiv- Critical accounting estimates are accounting estimates that possess the following two
ity and judgment necessary to characteristics:
account for highly uncertain
matters 1. The nature of the estimate is material due to the levels of subjectivity and judgment nec-
essary to account for highly uncertain matters or the susceptibility of such matters to
2. The impact of the estimate on financial condition or operating performance is material.
For example, estimating the amount of a loss contingency from a material litigation sit-
uation, such as the Starbucks example in the Professional Environment box earlier in the
chapter, is a critical accounting estimate. The outcome of litigation may be highly uncertain,
and the circumstances may change over the course of a long court battle that spans several
years. In addition, the circumstances that led to the litigation are unique to the entity and
generally cannot be compared to situations of other companies. Auditors must communicate
how they concluded that the estimate is or is not reasonable.
Recall from Chapter 6 that material weaknesses and significant deficiencies in ICFR are
also required to be communicated to those charged with governance. The communication
must be in writing and is required for both public and private company clients. Refer to the
section “Management Letters” in Chapter 6 for an example of a management letter used to
communicate internal control deficiencies.
Before You Go On
5.1 What is the purpose of the management representation letter?
5.2 Name five items of governance interest that would be communicated to those charged with
governance. Explain why each is important to be communicated to those charged with
5.3 What characteristics of an estimate would classify it as a critical accounting estimate?
Provide an example of a critical accounting estimate for a computer manufacturing company.
Key Terms Review 14-27
Background Information deposit for the digital cable box. The audit team discovered
Your client, Broadcast Cable, Inc. (BC), is a large, privately owned multiple instances of duplicate refunds being processed to
company that offers digital television, internet, telephone, and customers.
home automation services. BC has been operating for 55 years. • Several factual misstatements were identified that were col-
Your audit team is busy wrapping up the audit in the final days of lectively immaterial. They were all corrected by management.
fieldwork and completing the review of the working papers. The • BC has some equipment that appears to be obsolete and
audit partner and audit manager are preparing to meet with BC’s no longer used in operations, but BC management has not
audit committee as required by AU-C 260, and they call a meeting recorded any impairment loss related to the equipment. Net
of the entire audit team to discuss what should be communicated property, plant, and equipment represents 31% of BC’s total
to the audit committee. The team agrees that the following items assets. Equipment such as trucks, cables, and wires are crit-
are key issues that emerged from the audit: ical items that BC uses to provide its services. The obsolete
• The digital home entertainment industry is experiencing equipment consists of wiring, cable, and conduits related to
rapid change, and customers’ choice of products for their residential phone services and legacy analog cable services.
homes is changing. The audit team recommended that management mark
down the obsolete items to fair market value and record a
• Controls testing revealed a significant deficiency in controls loss. The book value of the obsolete items is $1,059,500. The
over the processing of returns of customer deposits. items can be sold for scrap, so once they are marked down
• Several factual misstatements were identified that were col- to fair market value, BC would record an impairment loss of
lectively immaterial. $400,000. The materiality level for the financial statements
• BC has some equipment that appears to be obsolete and as a whole is $500,000. Management did not agree with the
no longer used in operations, but BC management has not assessment and has not made any adjustments for obsolete
recorded any impairment loss related to the equipment. equipment.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions 14-29
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 (LO 1) If management considers a material loss contingency to c. the employee who is committing the fraud.
be probable but an amount cannot be reasonably estimated, the prop- d. an appropriate level of management or those charged with
er accounting treatment is: governance.
a. note disclosure only.
8. (LO 3) The audit firm must retain the audit file of a public
b. accrual in the financial statements only. c ompany client for:
c. accrual in the financial statements and note disclosure. a. 7 years.
d. no adjustment or disclosure necessary. b. 6 years.
2. (LO 2) Subsequent events occur after: c. 5 years.
a. the start of the fiscal year. d. 4 years.
b. the appointment of the auditor.
9. (LO 4) The going concern assumption means:
c. the end of the fiscal year.
a. the entity is facing difficulties continuing as a viable business
d. the going concern assumption. entity.
3. (LO 2) Which of the following is an example of a subsequent b. the entity is viewed as continuing in business for the foresee-
event? able future with no need for liquidation.
a. A
bond issuance after the balance sheet date but prior to issu- c. assets and liabilities are stated at liquidation values.
ance of the financial statements. d. the auditor is concerned whether the entity is going to change
b. A cybersecurity attack that occurred in the third quarter of locations.
the fiscal year.
10. (LO 4) For a private company client that follows GAAP, audi-
c. Legal action that was settled in the last month of the fiscal year. tors must consider the going concern assumption for a reasonable
d. A major customer declaring bankruptcy two months before period of time, which is:
the client’s year-end. a. o ne year from the date the financial statements are
4. (LO 2) Which of the following is a Type II subsequent event? issued.
a. B
ankruptcy of a customer subsequent to year-end, which b. one year from the completion of fieldwork.
would be considered when evaluating the adequacy of the c. one year from the date of the financial statements.
allowance for uncollectible accounts. d. one year from the completion of interim audit procedures.
b. Loss of plant as a result of fire or flood after year-end.
11. (LO 5) All of the following statements are included in a man-
c. Deterioration in financial results after year-end, which may agement representation letter except:
indicate doubt about the ability to continue as a going concern.
a. there have been no violations of laws or regulations.
d. An amount received related to an insurance claim that was in
the course of negotiation at year-end. b. no subsequent events have occurred that require adjustment
to or disclosure in the financial statements.
5. (LO 3) At the conclusion of the audit, the wrap-up process
c. the auditor’s fee for completing the audit.
involves all of the following except:
d. the effects of uncorrected misstatements are immaterial,
a. r eview of proper and complete execution of planned audit both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial
procedures. statements.
b. determination that all necessary matters have been appropri-
12. (LO 5) Communication with those charged with governance
ately considered.
must occur:
c. revisiting assessments for materiality, control risk, and risk
a. after the audit report is issued.
of fraud.
b. before the audit report is issued.
d. sending confirmations to financial institutions.
c. before legal letters are sent to attorneys.
6. (LO 3) All of the following are examples of qualitative character-
istics of a misstatement except: d. after the financial statements are released.
a. affects management’s compensation for the period. 13. (LO 5) Accounting policies and practices that are most import-
b. exceeds the amount for performance materiality. ant to the portrayal of the company’s financial condition and results,
and require management’s most difficult, subjective, or complex
c. changes a net loss to a net income for the period.
judgments are called:
d. affects compliance with debt covenants.
a. critical accounting policies and practices.
7. (LO 3) If auditors discover fraud during the audit, it should first b. critical accounting estimates.
be reported to:
c. significant accounting policies and practices.
a. the SEC.
d. material contingencies.
b. the PCAOB.
14-30 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
Review Questions
R14.1 (LO 1) Describe the auditor’s process for preparing, sending, R14.8 (LO 3) What are the audit file assembly deadlines and the
and receiving responses from legal letters, including at what point audit file retention policies for public and private company audits?
during the audit the letters are sent. Provide an analysis of why you think the deadlines and policies are
different for public and private company audits.
R14.2 (LO 2) Differentiate between the two types of subsequent
events. List some audit procedures that may identify subsequent events. R14.9 (LO 4) Evaluate why the accounting assumption of “going
concern” is of interest to auditors. Are there specific audit procedures
R14.3 (LO 2) Discuss the auditor’s responsibility for detecting sub-
that must be performed related to the going concern assumption?
sequent events prior to the completion of fieldwork.
Why or why not?
R14.4 (LO 3) Explain the process of “engagement wrap-up.” Why
R14.10 (LO 5) Why is the management representation letter ob-
is it important?
tained at the end of the audit? Discuss the impact on the audit if man-
R14.5 (LO 3) Provide an example of why an auditor would reevaluate agement refused to sign the management representation letter.
control risk near the end of the audit. Provide a different example of
R14.11 (LO 5) AU-C 260 stresses the importance of communica-
why an auditor would reevaluate fraud risk near the end of the audit.
tion with “those charged with governance.” Who are “those charged
R14.6 (LO 3) Discuss actions an auditor would take when misstate- with governance?” Discuss why it is important that the auditor com-
ments identified during the audit are not corrected by the client. municate with them (and not others).
R14.7 (LO 3) Explain the process of an engagement quality control R14.12 (LO 5) Discuss the items an auditor communicates at the
review. end of the audit to those charged with governance.
Analysis Problems
AP14.1 (LO 1) Basic Communication with lawyers Conversations between the board of direc-
tors of Acme Inc. and the engagement partner of the audit, Angelo Del Santo, have revealed that Acme
uses three law firms. Ball & Partners performs all legal work related to property transfers, mortgages,
and leases. Brown & Associates handle all employment matters, such as claims for unfair dismissal and
complex employment contracts. Zimmerman & Co. are retained for all other matters, such as agreements
relating to products and suppliers and any international matters.
a. Discuss the information that Angelo wants to obtain from the attorneys and how this information
is obtained.
b. What procedures could Angelo perform to discover if any other law firms have performed work for
Acme during the fiscal year?
AP14.2 (LO 2) Moderate Reporting subsequent events Brad Scarlett is reviewing the results of
the subsequent events audit procedures. Brad is writing a report for the audit partner based on these
results and will be attending a meeting tomorrow with the partner and representatives of the company to
discuss them. The issue will be whether the financial statements should be amended or additional notes
included for these subsequent events.
Many of the items are not material and Brad will recommend that no action be taken with respect
to these. However, there are several items that Brad believes are material and should be discussed at the
meeting. These are:
The year-end for the company is December 31 and the audit report is due to be signed on February 20.
Analysis Problems 14-31
For each item, discuss what type of subsequent event it is and the appropriate treatment in the financial
AP14.3 (LO 2) Basic Events after balance date Martin Rorke is reviewing the results of the
review of subsequent cash receipts. There are several receipts listed from customers that were con-
sidered doubtful at the end of the year (December 31). Martin is also reviewing evidence showing
that another customer that had a large balance at year-end unexpectedly declared bankruptcy on
January 10.
Analyze how this information should be reflected in the financial statements.
AP14.4 (LO 2) Moderate Reporting subsequent events On October 14, Montevista Inc. made
deposits with an overseas supplier totaling $500,000 for the production of specialty items. On October
27, the supplier closed due to political unrest in the country. Montevista hired an international trade
consultant to gain more information about the situation. The consultant concluded on January 11 that
it is unlikely that the deposit will be recovered. Montevista purchases over $3 million worth of items
from this supplier every year. Year-end for the Montevista audit is December 31, and the audit report is
due to be signed on February 26.
a. Discuss what audit procedures would be used to gather evidence about this situation.
b. What is the appropriate treatment of this item in the December 31 financial statements?
AP14.5 (LO 3) Basic Audit wrap-up Lucy Huang has just finished her first audit assignment. She
is now assisting her audit manager, Tom Lucas, with the wrap-up of the engagement. He has asked Lucy
to make a list of all open review notes, to-do items, and audit procedures, and note for each whether the
matter requires more attention, has been resolved (but not yet noted on file), or is no longer relevant
because of other events.
Tom has also asked Lucy to go through the files and remove all unnecessary documentation, drafts,
and review notes. Lucy is very nervous about this task because she believes her inexperience will mean
she will not be able to distinguish “unnecessary” from “necessary.” She remembers learning about
Arthur Andersen being prosecuted because it shredded files related to the Enron audit that should
have been kept.
a. What types of “additional attention” would open matters require?
b. Explain why documents in a client’s audit file would be “unnecessary.” Provide two examples.
AP14.6 (LO 4) Basic Going concern Mark Jackson is the partner on the audit team for a new client,
Central Companies (CC). The client hired Mark’s firm in August 2022, in preparation for the December 31,
2022, audit. Mark’s firm is replacing the predecessor firm that audited CC for the last 12 years. Since January
2022, CC has experienced a slowdown in sales as evidenced by lower inventory turnover ratios. Slower in-
ventory turnover has negatively impacted operating cash flow, which has resulted in CC paying some of its
suppliers late. Some of the smaller suppliers are demanding that CC pay cash on delivery of inventory items.
Mark is also aware of correspondence between CC and its bank that indicates the company started having
cash flow problems as far back as 2021. CC’s management is convinced that business will pick up and
therefore has not laid off any employees or made any other strategic changes to try and improve cash flow.
Discuss any significant events or conditions that Mark will consider when evaluating if there is substan-
tial doubt about CC’s ability to continue as a going concern.
AP14.7 (LO 4) Moderate Research Assessing going concern Columbia Metal Fabricators
(CMF) makes steel components for the construction industry. It specializes in extreme precision manu-
facturing where tolerances are measured in distances of less than one millimeter. Its products are used in
revolving restaurants, automatic doors, and similar construction components. In the past, the majority of
its sales have been to international construction companies, particularly in the Middle East. A drop in the
price of oil has slowed construction in the Middle East, and the extremely expensive buildings requiring
high-precision steel components are becoming less popular. In addition, some of the technology used
14-32 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
by CMF has been copied by companies in Southeast Asia, resulting in extreme price competition in this
section of the construction industry for the first time.
CMF is highly leveraged. Two years ago, the company borrowed a large sum of money to fund the
purchase of new office headquarters and the latest laser-cutting equipment. The loan is due for renewal
three months after year-end. One week before signing the audit report, the bank has still not agreed to
renew the loan and CMF’s management has begun negotiations with another bank.
a. Evaluate factors that would raise substantial doubt about the going concern assumption for CMF.
Discuss any mitigating factors.
b. If there is a substantial going concern issue, what details should be disclosed in CMF’s notes to the
financial statements? (Note: You may want to access AU-C 570 for more details about auditing the
adequacy of the disclosure.)
AP14.8 (LO 5) Challenging Misstatements and the audit report Katrina Ellis is the engage-
ment partner of the audit of Champion Securities, an investment company. Most of Champion’s
assets and liabilities are financial and their valuation is critical to the assessment of the company’s
solvency and profitability. Katrina has employed two outside experts to value the financial assets and
liabilities because they are extremely complex to value, particularly the energy market derivatives
and the instruments traded in foreign markets. In addition, the valuations are highly dependent on
market conditions and the specific and detailed requirements of the recently revised accounting
Throughout this year’s audit, Katrina has had difficulties with the CEO of Champion Securities.
He is vehemently opposed to any asset write-downs she has suggested. The CEO has the backing of the
chairman of the board, and Katrina has been unable to get the CEO to agree with her concerns about the
valuations of the financial assets and liabilities the company has made. In past years, Katrina has had
an amicable relationship with both the CEO and the chairman, and the audits have run very smoothly.
Katrina now realizes that this harmonious relationship was mainly due to the boom in the market. It
was unlikely there would be arguments about writing up the value of the company’s assets during these
good times.
Katrina, with the help of the experts, has prepared a summary of the relevant items, detailing the
revised values for the assets and liabilities and the associated effects on income and retained earnings.
The CEO has dismissed this summary and the audit recommendations with the comment, “The market
has hit the bottom and is recovering. There is no need to show these write-downs because by the time the
financial statements are published, the values will be back to where they were before the market fell. It
is all a waste of time. In fact, I think you are just being difficult. I think we need an auditor who is a bit
more realistic.”
a. Katrina has planned a meeting with the audit committee of the board of directors. Draft a report that
she would discuss with the audit committee.
b. Katrina is also drafting the management representation letter that the CEO will need to sign. If he
refuses to sign the letter, discuss the implications for the audit.
AP14.9 (LO 5) Basic Public Company Research Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
As discussed in the “Management Representation Letter” section of this chapter, Section 302 of SOX
requires the CEO and CFO of public companies to sign a certification statement when the financial
statements are filed with the SEC. You can access these documents through a public company’s website.
For example, in your web browser, search “Starbucks Investor Relations.” The website link will be the
first item in the search. Select SEC Filings. On the SEC Filings page you can search for all of Starbucks’
filings with the SEC. In the Year filter, select the most current year or you can leave it as All Years, and
in the Groupings Filter, select Annual Filings, then click Submit. The 10-K filings will appear. You can
download the 10-K in Word, PDF, or Excel format. Once downloaded, scroll to the end of the document.
(It is very long, usually about 200 pages.) The certification statements are the last pages of the Starbucks
10-K. (Note that you can use this same procedure to access the 10-K for any public company.)
Read the certification statements and compare them to the management representation letter in
Illustration 14.12. Differentiate between the certification statement and the management representation
letter. Be specific with your responses.
Audit Decision Cases 14-33
King Companies, Inc. (KCI) is a private company that owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. KCI has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years, and it plans con-
tinued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the chairman of the
board of directors of KCI and CEO, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares not owned by Eric
and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric started the company
with one store after working in an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth from an inheritance
and investments from a few friends. Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding by opening three to
five additional stores in the next few years.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts deliv-
ery, and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is regular
customers where KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account. During peak
periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
In mid-February 2023, while the December 31, 2022, audit was nearing the final wrap-up stage, KCI
was contacted by the manufacturer of its most popular line of brake pads and rotors. The manufacturer
notified KCI of a major defect recently discovered with its brake pads and rotors produced during August
2022 through November 2022. Several deadly car accidents have been attributed to the faulty brake parts,
and the manufacturer is moving as quickly as possible to recall the affected parts. The manufacturer
stated that KCI should pull the affected products off its shelves immediately and notify as many custom-
ers as possible who may have purchased the defective product. KCI management acts quickly and starts
looking through its sales records to see which customers purchased the affected parts. KCI also contacts
its attorney about the situation to begin discussions on how this might adversely affect KCI.
C14.1 (LO 1) Challenging Loss contingency Information gathering and analysis: Does KCI have
a potential loss contingency? Discuss procedures the auditors should perform to gather evidence about
this situation.
C14.2 (LO 2) Challenging Subsequent event Evaluation and conclusions: Evaluate whether the
recall qualifies as a subsequent event and its impact on the 2022 financial statements, if any.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
The auditors are nearing the final wrap-up stages of the audit for the year ended June 30, 2023. The
following table shows final financial information for all four quarters of fiscal year end June 30, 2023
(amounts in millions).
In October 2022, MSI installed a new cloud-based inventory costing system. During interim work,
the audit team found some errors with the costing calculations in the new system, which led to errors
in recommended sales prices used in MSI’s competitive bidding process. There were also problems with
proper inventory cutoff at year-end. Some raw materials that were in transit were not recorded in inven-
tory when they should have been. The audit team has a meeting scheduled for the afternoon to discuss
the findings and next steps to wrap up the engagement.
14-34 C h a pte r 14 Completing the Audit
For the past five years, the engagement quality control reviewer was Sally Pickering, a partner with
Leo & Lee. Sally retired three months ago. For the past month, the firm has been considering who would
take Sally’s place as the engagement quality control reviewer for the MSI audit. The industry and opera-
tions of MSI are very specialized. Unfortunately, no other partner in the firm, other than the engagement
partner on the audit team, has experience in the industry or with MSI.
C14.3 (LO 3) Challenging Public Company Final evaluation of audit evidence
a. Analysis and evaluation: Evaluate the impacts the costing errors and inventory cutoff errors have
on the audit and the assessments of control risk, fraud risk, and materiality. Does your evaluation
change depending on whether the errors are material or immaterial?
b. Evaluation and conclusions: Refer to C3.4 in Chapter 3 in which you calculated planning materiality
for MSI based on results from the first two quarters and estimates for the last two quarters. Now
that you have the results of all four quarters (see table above), evaluate your calculation of planning
materiality from C3.4. Would you have adjusted your planning materiality during the year-end field-
work based on the actual results from the third and fourth quarters? If so, what would be the ad-
justed amount? What effect, if any, would your adjustment have on your planned audit procedures
for year-end fieldwork?
C14.4 (LO 3) Moderate Public Company Research Engagement quality control review
Information gathering: If Leo & Lee does not have an internal qualified individual to serve as engagement
quality control reviewer, what options does the firm have? Research AS 1220 to provide a full response
( What characteristics should the engagement quality control reviewer possess? De-
scribe the actual engagement quality control review process, such as when it is conducted and the primary
tasks of the reviewer.
Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-profit
hospital. The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are the audit partner reviewing the
working papers for the BPH audit for the fiscal year end June 30, 2023. Today is August 2, 2023, and it is
expected that fieldwork will be completed in three weeks.
BPH provides medically necessary care to patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Both uninsured
and underinsured patients are offered discounts of up to 100% of charges based on their income as a
percentage of the federal poverty level guidelines. BPH does not pursue collection of these accounts;
therefore, they are not reported in patient service revenue and accounts receivable. The cost of providing
the charity care is included in operating expenses.
BPH’s investments consist of mutual funds, common equities, corporate and U.S. government debt
issues, state and municipal government debt issues, and trusts. A majority of the investments are the
result of charitable contributions to the hospital by generous donors. Earnings from the investments are
used to cover the costs of the charity care. BPH is also eligible for certain government grants to help cover
the costs of the charity care.
During your review, you note that during the third and fourth quarters the financial markets per-
formed well and BPH recorded strong returns for its equity investments. However, beginning toward the
end of the fourth quarter through today, the financial markets have taken a hit. Enacted future tax law
changes, increasing interest rates, higher unemployment, and trade conflicts with other countries are
negatively impacting the economy and the financial markets. Analysts are predicting a continued drop
in the overall market performance and a bear market for some time. Since BPH relies on investment re-
turns to cover the costs of charity care, you consider how smaller investment returns could impact BPH’s
ability to operate. Also, in times of economic downturns, individuals may not be as charitable. Therefore,
BPH could see a drop in donations.
Another situation that is on your mind is a kitchen fire that occurred at BPH last week. Thankfully
no one was seriously injured, but BPH did not have full insurance coverage for the accident. The kitchen
was badly damaged and had to be shut down along with the cafeteria seating area used for hospital visi-
tors. Until the kitchen can be repaired, BPH is paying an outside catering service to deliver meals daily to
patients and employees only. Visitors can no longer purchase items from the cafeteria. You are concerned
that negative publicity from the kitchen fire incident could lead to decreased revenues if physicians de-
cide to contract with a competing hospital.
You spoke with BPH’s controller yesterday about the fire incident. The controller said they do have
the funds to repair the kitchen and are currently accepting bids from contractors for the repair work.
They hope to have a contractor selected by next week so work can get started quickly. They are antici-
pating having the kitchen open in about six weeks. The controller did express concern over the added
expense of the repairs and the high cost of having an outside service provide daily meals to patients and
Audit Decision Cases 14-35
employees. He also said they have received concerned calls from many of the doctors who use BPH for
their patient services. BPH administration is working very hard at “damage control” to assure the doctors
that the hospital is safe and abiding by all codes required by the state department of health and hospitals.
C14.6 (LO 4, 5) Challenging Final review issues—going concern and communicating with
those charged with governance Evaluation: You are drafting a document with items to discuss with
BPH’s audit committee closer to the end of the audit. In addition to the kitchen fire incident, what else
should you communicate to the audit committee?
(Chapter 7)
Performing Tests of Controls Performing Substantive Procedures
(Chapter 8) (Chapter 9)
15-2 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
Learning Objectives
LO 1 Explain the components of the standard LO 5 Analyze how subsequently discovered facts
unqualified/unmodified audit report for public and may affect the auditor’s report on the financial
private companies. statements.
LO 2 Evaluate situations requiring an additional paragraph LO 6 Explain the components of the standard
in the unmodified report on the financial statements. unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR for
LO 3 Discuss modifications required to the auditor’s public companies and evaluate situations that cause
report on the financial statements when the opinion is modifications to the unqualified opinion.
based in part on the report of another auditor. LO 7 Explain compilation and review engagements
LO 4 Evaluate situations requiring a departure from an performed on unaudited financial statements of a
unmodified opinion on the financial statements. private company.
AS 2201 An Audit of Internal Control over Financial AU-C 570 The Auditor’s Consideration of an Entity’s
Reporting That Is Integrated with an Audit of Financial Ability to Continue as a Going Concern
Statements AU-C 600 Special Considerations—Audits of Group
AS 2415 Consideration of an Entity’s Ability to Continue Financial Statements (Including the Work of a
as a Going Concern Component Auditor)
AS 2905 Subsequent Discovery of Facts Existing at the AU-C 705 Modifications to the Opinion in the
Date of the Auditor’s Report Independent Auditor’s Report
AS 3101 The Auditor’s Report on an Audit of Financial AU-C 706 Emphasis-of-Matter Paragraphs and Other-
Statements When the Auditor Expresses an Unqualified Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s
Opinion Report
AS 3105 Departures from Unqualified Opinions and AU-C 708 Consistency of Financial Statements
Other Reporting Circumstances AU-C 940 An Audit of Internal Control That Is Integrated
with an Audit of Financial Statements
a first-year associate, has learned a great deal about the pro- Ian remembers from his college auditing class that situa-
cess of conducting an audit by working on the Cloud 9 engage- tions may happen in which auditors add another paragraph to the
ment. Based on his knowledge of the audit work completed, he unqualified report or modify their opinion. Ian asks Sharon to
feels confident that Cloud 9 will receive an unqualified report refresh his memory on these situations. He asks her, “Do you
on the financial statements, but it will ultimately depend on think there will be any modifications to Cloud 9’s audit report?”
the outcome of Jo’s meetings with management and the audit Sharon replies, “Let’s do a quick review of situations that require a
committee. modification to the audit report.”
The purpose of an audit is to provide financial statement users with an opinion by the au-
ditor on whether the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with an appli-
cable financial reporting framework. The audit process enhances the degree of confidence
that intended users place in the financial statements. The audit report is the “end product”
of the financial statement audit. Once auditors have gathered sufficient appropriate audit
evidence, evaluated uncorrected misstatements, and completed the required communications
with those charged with governance (Chapter 14), the final step is to prepare and issue the
independent auditor’s report.
15-4 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
You were introduced to the standard unmodified auditor’s report in Chapter 1. AU-C
unmodified opinion the opin- 700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements defines an unmodified
ion expressed by the auditor when opinion as the opinion expressed by the auditor when the auditor concludes the financial
the auditor concludes that the statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applica-
financial statements are presented ble financial reporting framework (AU-C 700.11). The auditor’s report must be in writing,
fairly, in all material respects, in in either hardcopy or electronic form. Illustrations 15.1 and 15.2 provide examples of an
accordance with the applicable
unmodified auditor’s report for a private company and an unqualified auditor’s report for a
financial reporting framework
public company. These are the same example reports used in Chapter 1 in Illustrations 1.6
and 1.7. The components of each report are detailed as in Chapter 1. Take a few moments
to refresh your memory with the components of each report, as well as the similarities and
differences between each report.
illustration 15.1
Example of an unmodified [1] Independent Auditor’s Report
audit report on the financial
statements of New Millen- [2] To the owners of New Millennium Ecoproducts:
nium Ecoproducts, a private
company [3] Report on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of New Millennium Ecoproducts, which
comprise the balance sheets as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the related statements of
income, changes in equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the
financial statements.
[6] Opinion
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of New Millennium Ecoproducts as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the
results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Here is a quick summary of the components of an unmodified opinion for a private com-
pany audit:
illustration 15.2
audit report for the financial
[2] To the shareholders and the Board of Directors of The Boeing Company statements of The Boeing
Company, a public company
Opinion on the Financial Statements
[3] We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial position of The Boeing
Company and subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the related consol-
idated statements of operations, comprehensive income, equity, and cash flows, for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 2017, and the related notes (collectively referred to
as the “financial statements”). In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, and the results
of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
2017, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
[4] We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company’s internal control over financial reporting
as of December 31, 2017, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework
(2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and
our report dated February 12, 2018, expressed an unqualified opinion on the Company’s internal
control over financial reporting.
[6] We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our au-
dits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the finan-
cial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those
risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting prin-
ciples used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
15-6 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
resentation of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
for our opinion.
[9] We have served as the Company’s auditor since at least 1934; however, an earlier year cannot
be reliably determined.
Here is a quick summary of the components of an unqualified opinion for a public com-
pany audit:
1. Title—Must include the terms “registered” and “independent.”
2. Address—Addressed to the board of directors and shareholders of the company.
3. Opinion paragraph—Identifies the statements being audited and states the auditor’s opinion.
4. Paragraph referencing the audit of internal control—References the auditor’s report on the
effectiveness of ICFR.
5. Basis for opinion paragraph—States responsibilities and references registration with the
PCAOB and adherence to independence requirements of the SEC.
6. Scope paragraph—Briefly explains the process of conducting an audit and that the PCAOB
standards were followed.
7. Signature—Includes the firm name and location.
8. Date—Date of the end of fieldwork.
9. Auditor tenure—States the year in which the firm began serving consecutively as the
company’s auditor.
The next three sections of this chapter will discuss special situations in which auditors may
need to add a paragraph to the standard unmodified/unqualified audit report and situations in
which auditors will modify their opinion. We will use the private company standard audit report
(Illustration 15.1) as the basis for examples of adding a paragraph or modifying the opinion.
Professional Environment Critical Audit Matters in the Audit Reports for Public Companies
The PCAOB standard for the new audit report, AS 3101, went into ecember 15, 2016. Therefore, audit reports issued under the
effect for audits of fiscal years ending on or after December 15, 2017.1 IAASB standards in 2017 include the discussion of KAM, which
The Boeing Company unqualified audit report in Illustration 15.2 is effectively the same as CAMs under PCAOB standards. The
reflects the new audit report. As mentioned in Chapter 1, a signif- audit standard-setting body in New Zealand follows the IAASB
icant change to the audit report is the communication of critical standards, so we can look to a New Zealand-based public company
audit matters, or CAM. A CAM is any audit matter that was com- to see an example of an audit report that incorporates a discus-
municated to or required to be communicated to the audit commit- sion of KAM. Air New Zealand, an airline company, is a public
tee. The PCAOB recognized that including CAMs in the auditor’s company audited by Deloitte. Access the company’s website to see
report is a significant change and decided the requirement to the latest annual report and navigate to the auditor’s report in the
include CAMs would go into effect for fiscal years ending on or annual report. For the June 30, 2017, audit, the auditor’s report
after June 30, 2019. Therefore, we will not see CAMs included in the included discussion of three KAMs in the areas of revenue recog-
audit reports for U.S. public companies until late 2019 and beyond. nition, aircraft lease return costs, and aircraft residual values and
At the international level, the International Auditing and useful lives. For each KAM, the report includes a list of the audit
Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issued a similar standard procedures that addressed the key audit matter and the results of
requiring that auditors include key audit matters, or KAM, in the the auditor’s work. The Air New Zealand audit report provides a
audit reports of listed entities. International Standard on Auditing great example of what the audit reports for U.S.-based public com-
(ISA) 701, Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent panies will look like when the CAM requirement goes into effect
Auditor’s Report, became effective for periods ending on or after in late 2019.
PCAOB Release No. 2017-001, The Auditor’s Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor
Expresses an Unqualified Opinion.
Additional Paragraph for the Standard Unmodified Report 15-7
Before You Go On
1.1 Compare the titles of the two audit reports in Illustrations 15.1 and 15.2. How are they simi-
lar? How are they different?
1.2 Both reports in Illustrations 15.1 and 15.2 briefly describe an audit. How are the descriptions
similar? How are they different?
1.3 Why does the report in Illustration 15.2 reference another auditor report that the report in
Illustration 15.1 does not?
There are certain situations in which the auditor issues an unmodified opinion but may in-
clude an additional paragraph in the report to draw attention to important information that is
already presented or disclosed in the financial statements. This additional paragraph is called
an emphasis-of-matter paragraph. The emphasis-of-matter paragraph is placed after the emphasis-of-matter paragraph
opinion paragraph in the standard unmodified report. AU-C 706 Emphasis-of-Matter Para- a paragraph included in the
graphs and Other-Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report addresses the general auditor’s report that is required by
use of the emphasis-of-matter paragraph, and other AU-C sections specifically require it. The generally accepted auditing stan-
rest of this section discusses circumstances in which the auditor is required to use or is per- dards, or is included at the audi-
tor’s discretion, and that refers to
mitted to use an emphasis-of-matter paragraph.
a matter appropriately presented
The reporting standards for private and public company audits are quite similar. The
or disclosed in the financial
following discussion provides examples from the auditing standards that apply to private statements that, in the auditor’s
company audits. In a public company audit, the auditing standards for adding an empha- professional judgment, is of such
sis-of-matter paragraph are the same. One minor difference is the PCAOB standard refers to importance that it is fundamental
an emphasis-of-matter paragraph as an “explanatory paragraph.” PCAOB AS 3101 The Audi- to users’ understanding of the
tor’s Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor Expresses an Unqualified financial statements
Opinion lists situations in which an explanatory, or emphasis-of-matter, paragraph would be
added after the opinion paragraph in the public company auditor’s report.
the heading “Emphasis of Matter.” The paragraph should also include a reference to the note
in the financial statements that provides more information about the going concern circum-
stances. Illustration 15.3 provides an example of an unmodified opinion with a going concern
emphasis-of-matter paragraph. If the client refuses to properly disclose the going concern issue in
the notes as required by the financial reporting framework, the auditor should modify the opinion
for a material departure from the financial reporting framework. Modifications to the opinion will
be discussed in this chapter in “Modifying the Audit Opinion.”
illustration 15.3
Example of an unmodified [Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 6, of the standard unmodified audit report,
opinion with a going concern then add the paragraph below.]
emphasis-of-matter paragraph
Emphasis of Matter
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will con-
tinue as a going concern. As discussed in Note X to the financial statements, the Company has
suffered recurring losses from operations, has a net capital deficiency, and has stated that sub-
stantial doubt exists about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Management’s
evaluation of the events and conditions and management’s plans regarding these matters are also
described in Note X. The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result
from the outcome of this uncertainty. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter.
If a public company client has a going concern issue, AS 2415 Consideration of an Entity’s
Ability to Continue as a Going Concern also requires that an explanatory paragraph be added
after the opinion paragraph. The wording in the explanatory paragraph is virtually identical
to that shown in Illustration 15.3 for a private company client.
illustration 15.4
[Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 6, of the standard unmodified audit report, Example of an unmodified
then add the paragraph below.] opinion with a consistency
emphasis-of-matter paragraph
Emphasis of Matter for adoption of a new account-
As discussed in Note X to the financial statements, in 2021 the Company adopted new accounting ing standard
guidance for revenue recognition as required by FASB Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No.
2014-09 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this
illustration 15.5
[Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 6, of the standard unmodified audit report, Example of an unmodified
then add the paragraph below.] opinion with a consistency
emphasis-of-matter paragraph
Emphasis of Matter for a voluntary change in
As discussed in Note X to the financial statements, in 2022 the Company elected to change its accounting principle
method of calculating depreciation on fixed assets from the double-declining balance method to
the straight-line method. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter.
If the client refuses to properly disclose a material change in accounting principle or the ma-
terial change is not justifiable as dictated by the applicable financial reporting framework, the au-
ditor should modify the opinion for a material departure from the financial reporting framework.
Modifications to the opinion will be discussed in this chapter in “Modifying the Audit Opinion.”
the prior year’s cash flow statement. Cash flows that were listed in the operating activities
category should have been listed in the financing activities category. This error is corrected,
and the prior year financial statements are restated and issued in comparative form with
the current year’s audited financial statements. The client would include a note disclosure
in the current year financial statements that describes the correction.
AU-C 708 requires auditors to include an emphasis-of-matter paragraph in the current-
year audit report that states the previously issued financial statements have been restated
for the correction of a material misstatement that was discovered in the current year. The
emphasis-of-matter paragraph should also reference the note disclosure that describes the
correction. Illustration 15.6 provides an example of an unmodified opinion with a consis-
tency emphasis-of-matter paragraph for a correction of a material misstatement in previously
issued financial statements. The emphasis-of-matter paragraph would not need to be included
in the following year’s audit report. It is only included in the year the material misstatement
is identified and corrected.
illustration 15.6
Example of an unmodified [Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 6, of the standard unmodified audit report,
opinion with a consistency then add the paragraph below.]
emphasis-of-matter paragraph
for a correction of a material Emphasis of Matter
misstatement in previously As discussed in Note X to the financial statements, the 2021 financial statements have been restat-
issued financial statements ed to correct a misstatement. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter.
You may be wondering, if the prior year’s financial statements were audited, why was
the material misstatement not found in the prior year? If the same auditors are auditing
the current-year financial statements, does it mean they did not do a thorough audit in the
prior year? We will discuss this type of situation in this chapter in “Subsequently Discovered
Public companies face the same types of consistency issues as private companies. AS 2820
Evaluating Consistency of Financial Statements also requires that an explanatory paragraph be
added after the opinion paragraph to draw attention to material consistency issues. The word-
ing in the explanatory paragraph is virtually identical to the examples shown in Illustrations
15.4, 15.5, and 15.6 for a private company.
illustration 15.7
[Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 6, of the standard unmodified audit report, Example of an unmodified
then add the paragraph below.] opinion with an emphasis-
of-matter paragraph to draw
Emphasis of Matter attention to a material matter
As discussed in Note X to the financial statements, the Company is involved in litigation, and there
is uncertainty as to when the litigation will be resolved and the extent of its impact on the company.
Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter.
Darnell Becker is the senior manager on the audit of the December 31, 2022, financial statements
of Escape Airlines. The audit team has completed the audit, and it is time to draft the audit report.
An unmodified audit report will be issued because the auditors concluded that Escape’s financial
statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with GAAP. Will Phillips,
the partner, has called a meeting with Darnell to discuss some final items. “As you know, at the
beginning of 2022, Escape invested in Top Notch Paper & Cleaning Supplies and now has a 32%
ownership in the company,” says Will. “Top Notch is now Escape’s only supplier of paper goods
and cleaning supplies.” “Yes, that was a major investment for Escape,” says Darnell. “Our team
spent considerable time auditing the investment, which is appropriately accounted for using the
equity method. We also audited transactions between Top Notch and Escape. Since the two are
now considered related parties, we increased the extent of our audit procedures to more closely
scrutinize the form and substance of the transactions. Additionally, Escape is required to disclose
that Top Notch is a related party. We inspected the note disclosure prepared by Escape’s manage-
ment and concluded the disclosure was in accordance with GAAP. Has something else come up re-
lated to this issue?” Will shakes his head no, and says, “There is no new information, but I feel we
should emphasize this matter in our audit report. It is a material, new investment for Escape, and it
has changed the supply situation since Top Notch is now the only supplier of paper goods and clean-
ing supplies for Escape. I recommend we add an emphasis-of-matter paragraph to our unmodified
report, after the opinion paragraph, and refer the financial statement readers to the note disclosure
that describes the related party situation between Escape and Top Notch. Adding the paragraph will
help ensure that interested users are aware of the new situation.” “I agree,” says Darnell, “I will add
the emphasis-of-matter paragraph to our report and have a copy for you to review shortly.”
Before You Go On
2.1 What wording is required in the going concern emphasis-of-matter paragraph?
2.2 Provide two examples of a change in accounting principle.
2.3 Where is an emphasis-of-matter paragraph placed in the auditor’s report? Why is placement
of the paragraph important?
As discussed in Chapter 5 (in the section “Using the Work of Another Auditor”), sometimes
auditors must rely on work performed by auditors from a different firm. This occurs most
frequently when a group audit is being performed on the group financial statements of more
than one entity, such as consolidated financial statements prepared by a parent company. The
group engagement team audits the parent company and is responsible for the overall audit
strategy for all of the components. A component auditor, which is a different accounting firm,
audits a component or subsidiary of the parent company. It is the responsibility of the group
engagement partner to ensure the work completed by a component auditor meets the group
engagement partner’s requirements and standards.
In the audit of a private company, AU-C 600 Special Considerations—Audits of Group
Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors) states the group engage-
ment partner is responsible for issuing the audit report on the group financial statements. The
following discussion and example are based on AU-C 600 as it relates to private company au-
dits. The group engagement partner must decide whether to make reference to the audit of a
component auditor in the auditor’s report on the group financial statements. If the subsidiary
audited by the component auditor is a material amount of the group financial statements, the
group engagement partner typically decides to reference the work completed by the compo-
nent auditor in the audit report. By making this reference to the component auditor, the group
engagement partner is not assuming responsibility for the work of the component auditor.
Illustration 15.8 provides an example of an unmodified opinion based in part on the
report of another auditor. When reference is made to a component auditor, the auditor’s
responsibility paragraph is modified to include the portion of the group financial statements
that were audited by the component auditor. The portion audited by the component auditor
can be expressed in dollar amounts or percentages of total assets, total revenues, or other
appropriate criteria (AU-C 600.A58). If more than one component auditor was used to audit
multiple subsidiaries, then the portion audited by all component auditors can be aggregated
together and expressed as a single dollar amount or percentage. The name of the component
audit firm is typically not stated in the audit report, but it is allowed under AU-C 600. If the
group engagement partner wants to name the component audit firm, then he or she must
receive permission from the component auditor, and the component auditor’s report on the sub-
sidiary must be presented together with the auditor’s report on the group financial statements.
illustration 15.8
Example of an unmodified [Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 4, of the standard unmodified audit report.
opinion based in part on the In this example, the added verbiage is in italics.]
report of another auditor
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on
our audits. We did not audit the financial statements of B Company, a wholly owned subsidiary, which
statements reflect total assets constituting 20 percent and 22 percent, respectively, of c onsolidated
Opinion Based in Part on the Report of Another Auditor 15-13
total assets at December 31, 2022 and 2021, and total revenues constituting 18 percent and 20 per-
cent, respectively, of consolidated total revenues for the years then ended. Those statements were
audited by other auditors, whose report has been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates
to the amounts included for B Company, is based solely on the report of the other auditors. We con-
ducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assur-
ance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclo-
sures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s
judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor
considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the consoli-
dated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circum-
stances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal
control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriate-
ness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, based on our audits and the report of the other auditors, the consolidated financial
statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of New
Millennium Ecoproducts and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the results
of their operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
As noted in Illustration 15.8, the opinion paragraph is also slightly modified with a ref-
erence to the component auditor. No emphasis-of-matter paragraph is required when there is
a reference to a component auditor. If the component auditor is not referenced in the audit
report, the standard unmodified audit report, like the one in Illustration 15.1, can be used. Not
referencing the component auditor means the group engagement partner is assuming respon-
sibility for the work of the component auditor. If the subsidiary audited by the component
auditor is an immaterial portion of the group financial statements, then it is likely the group
engagement partner would assume responsibility for all of the work completed.
In the audit of a public company client, the same situation may occur in which other in-
dependent firms assist with the audit of a subsidiary. The related PCAOB standard is AS 1205
Part of the Audit Performed by Other Independent Auditors. The requirements are essentially
the same as the ASB standard, but AS 1205 uses slightly different terminology. The firm of the
group engagement team is referred to as the “principal auditor” and the component auditor is
simply referred to as the “other auditor.”
Before You Go On
3.1 Describe a situation that would require the use of a component auditor.
3.2 Explain how the component auditor’s share of the audit can be quantified in the auditor’s
report on the financial statements.
3.3 Explain whether the name of the component audit firm can be used in the audit report of the
group financial statements.
Now we will discuss situations in which the auditor cannot issue an unmodified opinion on
the financial statements. There are two scenarios that would cause auditors to modify the
opinion for both private and public company clients:
1. The auditor concludes the financial statements are not presented fairly in accordance
with the applicable financial reporting framework because of one or more material mis-
statements. Essentially, the client has departed from accounting standards and will not
correct the departure.
2. The auditor is not able to gather sufficient appropriate audit evidence to draw a conclusion
about the fair presentation of the financial statements. In other words, the auditor cannot com-
plete some portion of the planned audit procedures. This is referred to as a scope limitation.
modified opinion a qualified In these scenarios, auditors would issue a modified opinion. AU-C 705 Modifications
opinion, an adverse opinion, or a to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report and AS 3105 Departures from Unqualified
disclaimer of opinion Opinions and Other Reporting Circumstances state the types of modified opinions are a quali-
fied opinion, an adverse opinion, and a disclaimer of opinion.
The concept of materiality is a key factor in determining which type of modified report
to issue. Recall that if immaterial misstatements are discovered and left uncorrected, or if an
immaterial scope limitation occurs, auditors can still issue an unmodified report. If a misstate-
ment is considered material, it could affect decisions that users make if the users are made
aware of the misstatement. If a scope limitation is material, auditors cannot state a conclusion
pervasive a description of the without evidence to support the conclusion. AU-C 705 introduces the term pervasive to help
impact or possible impact of a auditors further clarify the magnitude of a material misstatement or a material scope limita-
material misstatement or material tion. Characteristics of a pervasive misstatement or scope limitation are as follows:
scope limitation on the financial
statements as a whole • It is not confined to specific elements, accounts, or items of the financial statements.
• If it is confined, it represents or could represent a substantial portion of the financial
• In the context of disclosures, it is fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial
statements (AU-C 705.06).
In essence, if a misstatement or a scope limitation has a pervasive effect on the financial
statements, it means it is “super material.” Auditors must use their professional judgment
to distinguish if a misstatement or scope limitation is material or pervasively material (super
material). The level of materiality will determine which modified opinion should be issued.
The different modified reports are discussed next using example reports that would be used
for a private company client. At the end of this section (just after Illustration 15.15), we will
discuss modified reports for a public company client.
Modifying the Audit Opinion 15-15
illustration 15.9
Appropriateness of selected accounting policies: Examples of departures from
• Selected policies are not in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. the applicable financial
• Financial statements and notes do not represent the underlying transactions and events in a reporting framework
manner that achieves fair presentation.
• The change in accounting policy is unjustified and inappropriate.
Application of selected accounting policies:
Management has not applied the selected accounting policies consistently to similar
transactions and events.
• An unintentional error was made in the application of the accounting policy.
Appropriateness and adequacy of financial statement presentation and disclosures:
• Required disclosures are missing or incomplete.
• Disclosures are not presented in accordance with the financial reporting framework.
• Information required to be presented is omitted either because a required financial statement
has not been included or the information has not been disclosed in the financial statements.
If a misstatement is material, but not pervasive, a qualified opinion is issued. In a qualified qualified opinion auditors
opinion, auditors are stating the financial statements are fairly presented, except for a material de- state the financial statements are
parture from the applicable financial reporting framework. Illustration 15.10 provides an exam- fairly presented except for a mate-
ple of a qualified opinion for a material, but not pervasive, departure from the financial reporting rial departure from the applicable
financial reporting framework or
framework. The title, address, introductory paragraph, management’s responsibility paragraph,
a material scope limitation
and auditor’s responsibility paragraph are the same as an unmodified report. A “Basis for Qual-
ified Opinion” paragraph is added before the opinion paragraph. The basis for qualified opinion
paragraph provides a description of the situation causing the modified opinion and quantifies the
financial effects of the misstatements, if applicable. Placement before the opinion paragraph is
important because it alerts the reader to a material situation so the reader is not “surprised” when
reading the modified opinion in the next paragraph. The opinion paragraph is titled as “Qualified
Opinion.” The only change to the opinion paragraph is the addition of the phrase “except for the
effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph,” which is italicized
in Illustration 15.10. By using the phrase “except for,” auditors state the financial statements are
presented fairly, except for the situation that is described in the basis for qualified opinion para-
adverse opinion auditors state
graph. No other phrases or wording should be used in the opinion paragraph. the financial statements are not
If a misstatement is material and pervasive, an adverse opinion is issued. In an ad- fairly presented due to a perva-
verse opinion, auditors are stating the financial statements are not presented fairly due to one sively material departure from
or more pervasively material departures from the applicable financial reporting framework. the applicable financial reporting
Illustration 15.11 provides an example of an adverse opinion. The title, address, introductory framework
15-16 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
illustration 15.10
Qualified opinion for a materi- [Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 5, of the standard unmodified audit report,
al, but not pervasive, departure then add the paragraphs below. In this example, the added verbiage is in italics.]
from the financial reporting
framework Basis for Qualified Opinion
The Company has stated inventories at cost in the accompanying balance sheets. Accounting princi-
ples generally accepted in the United States of America require inventories to be stated at the lower-
of-cost-or-net-realizable-value. If the Company stated inventories at the lower of cost or net realiz-
able value, a write down of $XXX and $XXX would have been required as of December 31, 2022 and
2021, respectively. Accordingly, cost of sales would have been increased by $XXX and $XXX, and net
income, income taxes, and stockholders’ equity would have been reduced by $XXX, $XXX, and $XXX,
and $XXX, $XXX, and $XXX, as of and for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
Qualified Opinion
In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion para-
graph, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the finan-
cial position of New Millennium Ecoproducts as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the results of
its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.
Adverse Opinion
In our opinion, because of the significance of the matter discussed in the Basis for Adverse O
paragraph, the consolidated financial statements referred to above do not present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of New Millennium Ecoproducts as of December 31, 2022
and 2021, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accor-
dance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
are italicized in Illustration 15.11. The result of a material and pervasive misstatement is the
financial statements as a whole are not presented fairly.
Scope Limitation
A scope limitation occurs when auditors cannot perform planned audit procedures to gather
sufficient appropriate evidence. What situations would prevent auditors from doing their
work? AU-C 705.A8 lists three scenarios that may cause a material scope limitation:
1. Circumstances beyond the control of the entity. A natural disaster could occur that destroys
some or all of a client’s accounting records. Another example would be if a significant
subsidiary located in a foreign country had its accounting records seized by the foreign
government for an indefinite period of time.
2. Circumstances related to the nature or timing of the auditor’s work. The timing of when the
auditor is hired may impact the performance of some audit procedures. For example, if
the auditor is hired after the client conducts its physical inventory count, then the auditor
cannot observe the physical inventory count.
3. Scope limitation imposed by management. Management may prevent auditors from per-
forming certain procedures, such as confirming financial information with third parties
or observing the physical inventory count.
If auditors cannot perform a specific procedure, they may be able to perform an alterna-
tive audit procedure. For example, if auditors could not observe the physical inventory count,
they could gather evidence about the existence and occurrence assertions by confirming pur-
chases of inventory from vendors and sales of inventory to customers. If the scope limitation
can be overcome with alternative procedures, auditors can still issue an unmodified opinion.
If the scope limitation is imposed by management, auditors should question manage-
ment’s motivations and integrity. Auditors may need to reconsider the risk of material mis-
statement and the risk of fraud. Auditors should communicate the situation to those charged
with governance so appropriate action can be taken. If the management-imposed scope limita-
tion is material and pervasive, the auditors should consider withdrawing from the engagement.
If a scope limitation is material, but not pervasive, a qualified opinion is issued.
Illustration 15.12 provides an example of a qualified opinion for a material, but not perva-
sive, scope limitation. The title, address, introductory paragraph, management’s responsibility
paragraph, and auditor’s responsibility paragraph are the same as an unmodified report. A
“Basis for Qualified Opinion” paragraph is added before the opinion paragraph. The basis for
qualified opinion paragraph describes the situation causing the scope limitation. Similar to
the qualified opinion in Illustration 15.10, the only change to the opinion paragraph is the
addition of the phrase “except for the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified
Opinion paragraph.”
illustration 15.12
[Note to reader: Use the same components, 1 through 5, of the standard unmodified audit report, Qualified opinion for a
then add the paragraphs below. In this example, the added verbiage is in italics] material, but not pervasive,
scope limitation
Basis for Qualified Opinion
New Millennium Ecoproducts’ investment in XYZ Company, a foreign affiliate acquired during
the year and accounted for under the equity method, is carried at $XXX on the balance sheet at
December 31, 2022, and New Millennium Ecoproducts’ share of XYZ Company’s net income of $XXX
is included in New Millennium Ecoproducts’ net income for the year then ended. We were unable
to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the carrying amount of New Millennium Eco-
products’ investment in XYZ Company as of December 31, 2022, and New Millennium Ecoproducts’
share of XYZ Company’s net income for the year then ended because we were denied access to the
financial information, management, and the auditors of XYZ Company. Consequently, we were
unable to determine whether any adjustments to these amounts were necessary.
Qualified Opinion
In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion
paragraph, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the
15-18 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
financial position of New Millennium Ecoproducts as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the re-
sults of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
disclaimer of opinion auditors If a scope limitation is material and pervasive, a disclaimer of opinion is issued. With a
provide no opinion on the finan- material and pervasive scope limitation, auditors cannot gather enough evidence to determine
cial statements due to a pervasively if the financial statements are presented fairly or not. Therefore, a disclaimer of opinion is no
material scope limitation or lack of opinion. Illustration 15.13 provides an example of a disclaimer of opinion for a material and
independence from the client
pervasive scope limitation. The title, address, and management’s responsibility paragraph are
the same as an unmodified report. The introductory paragraph is slightly modified to state “we
were engaged to audit” the financial statements instead of “we have audited.” The auditor’s
responsibility paragraph is also modified by stating the auditors were not able to obtain suf-
ficient appropriate audit evidence to form an opinion. The second paragraph of the auditor’s
responsibility section is completely eliminated so as not to confuse users. It could be mislead-
ing to describe the procedures of conducting an audit when auditors were not able to apply all
of the required procedures.
illustration 15.13
Disclaimer of opinion for a [Note to reader: Use the same components, 1, 2, and 4, of the standard unmodified audit report. In
material and pervasive scope this example, the added verbiage is in italics.]
Report on the Financial Statements
We were engaged to audit the accompanying financial statements of New Millennium Ecoprod-
ucts, which comprise the balance sheet as of December 31, 2022, and the related statements of
income, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related
notes to the financial statements.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on conduct-
ing the audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America. Because of the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraph, how-
ever, we were not able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an
audit opinion.
Disclaimer of Opinion
Because of the significance of the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion para-
graph, we have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for
an audit opinion. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on these financial statements.
A “Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion” paragraph is added before the opinion paragraph. The
basis for disclaimer of opinion paragraph describes the situation causing the scope limitation.
The opinion paragraph is titled as “Disclaimer of Opinion.” This paragraph is different from
the other modified reports. It clearly states the auditor does not express an opinion on the
financial statements.
Another situation in which auditors must disclaim an opinion is if the audit team discovers
that an audit team member is not independent from the client. As discussed in Chapter 3 (in
the section “Client Acceptance and Continuance Decisions”), independence is a critical factor
when an accounting firm is considering performing an audit for a new or continuing client.
The accounting firm carefully considers and investigates any threats to the firm’s independence
before accepting an engagement. But there may be a rare situation in which the team discovers
an independence issue after the audit team has started the audit. If safeguards cannot be put in
place to limit or remove the threat, then the firm should withdraw from the engagement and
issue a disclaimer of opinion report. For an independence issue, there is no distinction being
material and pervasive. When it comes to independence, the auditor is either independent or
not. Therefore, the only appropriate modified opinion for an independence problem is a dis-
claimer of opinion. Illustration 15.14 provides an example of a disclaimer of opinion when
the firm is not independent. Notice the report is only two sentences. According to AU-C 705.16,
the firm is not required to provide the reason for the lack of independence. If the firm does
include the reason for the lack of independence, then all reasons must be included if there is
more than one.
illustration 15.14
Auditor’s Report Example of a disclaimer of
To the owners of New Millennium Ecoproducts: opinion when the audit firm
is not independent
We are not independent with respect to New Millennium Ecoproducts. Accordingly, we do not
express an opinion on the accompanying balance sheet as of December 31, 2022, and the related
statements of income, changes in equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related
notes to the financial statements.
Aabida Barr, a senior associate, is auditing Golden Yacht Company, a client that sells yachts.
Golden reports short-term investments on its balance sheet that consist primarily of certificates
of deposit and other highly liquid investments held in banks located in various Caribbean islands.
A standard procedure for the audit is to confirm the balances of the short-term investments
directly with the financial institutions. Aabida prepares the confirmations and takes them to the
controller, Jamal, to sign before Aabida sends them to the financial institutions.
15-20 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
Surprisingly, Jamal does not sign the confirmations. He laughs and says to Aabida, “Why
would you want to confirm these small accounts? Seems like a waste of time to me. I think
your time is better spent auditing accounts that are material to our financial statements. For
the fee we are paying your firm to complete this audit, I recommend you spend your time
more wisely.” Jamal hands the confirmations back to Aabida and turns his attention to his
computer screen. Surprised by the response, Aabida leaves Jamal’s office and returns to the
conference room where the rest of her audit team is working.
Aabida tells the manager of the team, Janna, about the unsigned confirmations. Janna is vis-
ibly shocked and says, “This could be a serious situation. I agree that the short-term investments
account is not material to the financial statements as a whole, but the fact that Jamal does not
want us to confirm those accounts is very concerning. Why would he prevent us from completing
our work? The client should not be preventing us from completing our procedures or telling us
which procedures we should and shouldn’t do. I will alert the partner of the situation and discuss
how to proceed on this issue. If Jamal, or other members of management, refuse to sign the con-
firmations, that is a reflection on management integrity and a scope limitation. If the situation
cannot be resolved it could lead to a qualified opinion or a disclaimer of opinion.”
illustration 15.15
Situation Giving Rise to Auditor Uses Professional Judgment to Determine:
Summary of situations causing the Modified Opinion Material but Not Pervasive Material and Pervasive
modified opinions
Departure from financial
Qualified opinion OR Adverse opinion
reporting framework
Scope limitation Qualified opinion OR Disclaimer of opinion
Not independent Disclaimer of opinion
In our illustrations of the different modified opinions, we have used the private company
auditor’s report format. What about modified opinions for a public company audit? Illus-
tration 15.15 also applies to public company audits. AS 3105 Departures from Unqualified
Opinions and Other Reporting Circumstances provides examples of the modified opinions for
the public company audit report. The modified reports follow the same format as the unqual-
ified report in Illustration 15.2. If the opinion is being modified, an explanatory paragraph
is added before the basis for opinion paragraph. However, public company audits present a
unique situation. When a public company files its annual audited financial statements with
the SEC, the SEC will not accept modified opinions. That means management must make
the auditor-recommended adjustments to the financial statements to receive an unqualified
opinion to complete the filing with the SEC. If there is a pervasive scope limitation, such as
the company’s accounting records being destroyed, the company should alert the SEC and
request guidance for how to proceed.
Modifying the Audit Opinion 15-21
PCAOB Release No. 2015-008, Improving the Transparency of Audits: Rules to Require Disclosure of Certain
Audit Participants on a New PCAOB Form and Related Amendments to Auditing Standards, p. 34.
“News Digest: Firms to Disclose Engagement Partners Under PCAOB Rules,” Journal of Accountancy 222,
no. 1 (July 2016), p. 12.
15-22 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
Before You Go On
4.1 Explain the term “pervasive” in the context of audit reports.
4.2 If the auditor issues a qualified opinion for a material departure from the financial reporting
framework, explain how the format of that report is different from a standard unmodified
4.3 If the auditor issues a qualified opinion for a material scope limitation, how is the format of
that report different from a standard unmodified opinion.
You learned about subsequent events in Chapter 14 (see the section “Subsequent Events”).
Recall that a subsequent event is an event that occurs between the date of the financial
statements and the date of the auditor’s report. The date of the auditor’s report is the date
of the completion of fieldwork. Sometimes, there may be a time gap from the date of the au-
ditor’s report to the date the client actually releases the report with the financial statements
to external users. For example, in Illustration 15.16, the end of fieldwork date, or the date
of the auditor’s report, is February 15, 2023. The client does not release the report with the
financial statements until February 28, 2023. According to AU-C 560 Subsequent Events and
Subsequently Discovered Facts and AS 2905 Subsequent Discovery of Facts Existing at the Date
of the Auditor’s Report, auditors are not required to perform any audit procedures after the
subsequently discovered
date of the auditor’s report. Using Illustration 15.16, that means auditors would not perform
facts facts that become known
to the auditor after the date of the any audit procedures after February 15, 2023. But what if a subsequently discovered fact
auditor’s report that, had they been becomes known to the auditors after the date of the auditor’s report that, had they known the
known to the auditor at that date, fact at the audit report date, might have caused them to modify the audit report? Do auditors
might have caused the auditor to have a responsibility regarding the subsequently discovered fact? The answer is yes. How au-
revise the auditor’s report ditors respond depends if the fact is discovered before or after the report release date.
report release date. For example, auditors discover that an important business deal of the
client has gone bad or the client discovers a material misstatement caused by fraud. The
question becomes, had the auditor known this information before the audit report date,
would the financial statements have been adjusted and would the audit report have been
AU-C 560 and AS 2905 state the first step is to discuss the matter with the appropriate
level of management and, if appropriate, those charged with governance. Auditors must
determine if the new information is reliable, material, and if it existed at the date of the au-
ditor’s report. If so, the next step is to determine whether the financial statements need to be
revised. If revision is necessary, auditors should inquire of management as to how manage-
ment will address the situation in the financial statements, either through adjustment and
disclosure or only disclosure. If management revises the financial statements, auditors should
perform audit procedures on the changes made by management. The types of audit proce-
dures performed will depend on the circumstances and type of revision made to the financial
Performing audit procedures after the end of fieldwork impacts the dating of the au-
dit report. Illustration 15.17 shows an example with an audit report date of February
15, 2023, and a subsequently discovered fact on February 20, 2023. Since additional pro-
cedures have been performed after the end of fieldwork, auditors have two options for
how to date the audit report. The first option is to date the audit report as of the date of
the subsequently discovered fact, which is February 20, 2023. Effectively, auditors are
extending fieldwork by five additional days and extending their responsibility period for
subsequent events.
The second option is to show two dates on the report, which is called dual dating. The dual dating showing two dates
report would show the original end of fieldwork date, February 15, 2023, and a reference to a on an audit report; one date is the
note that is dated February 20, 2023. The date at the bottom of the auditor’s report would look end of fieldwork and the other is
like this: the date of a revision to the finan-
cial statements that occurred after
the end of fieldwork
February 15, 2023, except as to Note X, which is as of February 20, 2023.
The dual dating conveys that sufficient appropriate evidence was obtained by February 15,
and the auditor’s responsibility after that date is limited to the subsequent note disclosure that
is dated as of February 20, 2023. The auditor is not taking responsibility for any other events
after February 15.
Whether auditors choose to dual date or extend the end of fieldwork, they must request
written representation from management as of the new date of the auditor’s report. Recall
from Chapter 14 (in the section “Management Representation Letter”) that auditors obtain a
written representation letter from management dated the same as the auditor’s report. There-
fore, the auditor would update the management representation letter with the new date, or in
15-24 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
the case of dual dating include the date the financial statements were revised, and have man-
agement sign the updated letter. If management refuses to sign the updated representation
letter or refuses to revise the financial statements as needed for the subsequently discovered
fact, the auditor should consider modifying the opinion as discussed earlier in “Modifying the
Audit Opinion.”
Jung Park is the senior manager on the audit of ATX Industries. ATX is a chemical plant that
produces a variety of chemicals and sells them to other companies. Ammonia is the best-selling
product of ATX and is sold to companies that produce fertilizer. ATX follows a calendar year, and
the audit team just concluded fieldwork on February 27 and will issue an unmodified audit report.
ATX is a private company and plans to release its audited financial statements and audit report to
its lenders and investors on March 10.
On the morning of March 5, Jung receives a call from Shane, the CFO of ATX. Shane says,
“Hi Jung, I have some unfortunate news to share with you. Our largest customer for our ammonia
sales, Gautreaux Green (GG), had a terrible accident at its plant facility last night. There was an
explosion that damaged two-thirds of the facility. Thankfully, no one was killed, although some
employees were injured. I’m sure you will be reading about this in the news. I’m hearing that it
could take three to four months for GG to rebuild and be up and running again. The company is
fully insured, so we should receive payment on GG’s outstanding accounts receivable balance.
However, our big concern is the impact on our business. GG accounts for approximately 30% of
our ammonia sales. We will be hurting until GG is up and running again.” Jung thanks Shane for
the call and says she will discuss the situation with her team.
Jung asks for a meeting with the partner, Rachel. Jung says, “Clearly this qualifies as a subse-
quent event, and since the client has not yet released the financial statements or the audit report,
we have time to gather information about the event and determine the impact to ATX’s financial
statements and our audit opinion.” Rachel agrees and says, “Let’s set up a meeting with ATX’s
management for tomorrow afternoon. We need to gather evidence regarding (1) GG’s ability to
pay what it currently owes to ATX, (2) an estimate of how long GG will be unable to operate, and
(3) ATX’s plans to manage the loss of revenue from a major customer. Once we evaluate the evi-
dence, we can recommend to ATX the proper financial statement treatment, either an adjustment
to the financial statements or a note disclosure. If ATX management makes the required changes,
then we will not need to modify our opinion. However, we will need to dual date our opinion to
reflect the additional audit work related to this event that occurred after the end of fieldwork date.”
illustration 15.18
Subsequently discovered fact
discovered fact
after the report release date
requiring revision
Subsequent period
are released on February 28, and new information is discovered on March 16. Auditors would
follow the same initial steps that were discussed in the section “Subsequently Discovered Facts
That Become Known Before the Report Release Date.” First, they would discuss the matter with
an appropriate level of management and, if appropriate, those charged with governance. Then
they would determine if the new information is reliable, material, and if it would have impacted
the financial statements and auditor’s report had the information been known at the date of the
auditor’s report. If so, they would determine whether the financial statements need revision and
inquire how management plans to address the situation in the financial statements. The audi-
tors would perform audit procedures on the revisions made by management and then reissue
the auditor’s report along with the revised financial statements. The revised auditor’s report
would have a new date or follow the dual dating procedure discussed earlier.
If the auditor’s opinion on the revised financial statements is different from the previously
issued audit report, then an emphasis-of-matter paragraph should be added to the revised au-
dit report after the opinion paragraph. The emphasis-of-matter paragraph would include the
date of the auditor’s previous report, the type of opinion previously expressed, the key reasons
for the different opinion, and a statement that the opinion on the revised financial statements
is different from the previous opinion.
One complication with this situation is that since the original financial statements had
already been issued, external users, such as lenders and investors, are relying on the origi-
nal financial statements and auditor’s report. Management should act in a timely manner to
inform users that the original financial statements are not to be relied upon. Management
can accomplish this by direct notification to known users and other users who management
knows are likely to rely on the financial statements.
What if management does not take appropriate steps to inform external users? Auditors
should notify management and those charged with governance that they will take action to pre-
vent further reliance on the original auditor’s report. If this does not spur management to take
action, auditors should seek legal advice from their own attorneys. (You can imagine this is not a
situation auditors want to be in.) After seeking legal advice, auditors would inform management
and those charged with governance not to rely on the auditor’s report, which effectively means
the auditors are withdrawing their report on the previously issued financial statements. Next,
auditors would notify regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction over the client that the audi-
tor’s report is not to be relied upon. From that point, the regulatory agency would take whatever
steps are appropriate to ensure revised financial statements are issued. Auditors should also
notify any known third parties who are relying on the financial statements. This is not always
practical because auditors typically do not know the identities of individual investors.
Before You Go On
5.1 What is a subsequently discovered fact? Provide an example.
5.2 Explain a situation in which an auditor would dual date an auditor’s report.
5.3 Explain the steps an auditor would take if a subsequently discovered fact occurred after the
report release date.
15-26 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
According to PCAOB AS 2201, publicly traded companies are required to have an audit of
the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR). Auditors of public
integrated audit an audit that companies can perform an integrated audit, which means performing the financial state-
combines the financial statement ment audit and the audit of the effectiveness of ICFR at the same time. We discussed inter-
audit with an audit of the nal controls in Chapter 6 and the audit of internal controls in Chapter 8. In this section, we
effectiveness of ICFR review the standard unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR for public companies
and discuss situations that cause auditors to modify their opinion on the effectiveness of
illustration 15.19
on the effectiveness of ICFR
for The Boeing Company, a [2] To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of The Boeing Company
public company
[3] Opinion on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
We have audited the internal control over financial reporting of The Boeing Company and sub-
sidiaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2017, based on criteria established in Internal
Control—Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the
Treadway Commission (COSO). In our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects,
effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2017, based on criteria estab-
lished in Internal Control—Integrated Framework (2013) issued by COSO.
[4] We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated financial statements as of and for
the year ended December 31, 2017, of the Company and our report dated February 12, 2018, ex-
pressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements.
[6] We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards
r equire that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective
Reports on the Audit of icfr 15-27
internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included
obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a
material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal
control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered nec-
essary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
We will discuss each of these scenarios and look at examples of the modified reports.
In Chapter 8, we discussed the testing of internal controls. If an internal control exception
is identified, auditors must use their professional judgment to determine if the exception is
15-28 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
illustration 15.20
Adverse opinion on the [Note to reader: In this example, the added verbiage is in italics.]
effectiveness of ICFR for a
public company [1] Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
[2] To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of Access National Corporation, Reston, Virginia.
[4] We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”), the consolidated balance sheets of the Corporation as
of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive
income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2017, and the related notes (collectively referred to as “the financial state-
ments”) and our report dated April 4, 2018, expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
[6] We conducted our audit of internal control over financial reporting in accordance with the stan-
dards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reason-
able assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained
in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over
financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating
the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audit
also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Reports on the Audit of icfr 15-29
A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial re-
porting, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the company’s annual
or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. A material weakness
relating to internal controls surrounding the general ledger account reconciliations to timely identify and
account for stale-dated and other uncollectable reconciling items has been identified and described in
management’s assessment. This material weakness was considered in determining the nature, timing,
and extent of audit tests applied in our audit of the 2017 financial statements, and this report does not
affect our report dated April 4, 2018, on those financial statements.
If a company receives an adverse opinion on ICFR, will it also receive an adverse opinion
on the financial statements? The answer is no. Even though a material weakness was discov-
ered in internal control, it does not mean the company did not fairly present its financial state-
ments in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. The company can
follow financial reporting standards but have a weak internal control system. A weak internal
control system means there is heightened risk for misstatements in the financial statements.
This is important information for investors and other interested users that may affect the de-
cisions they make regarding the company. Note in Illustration 15.20 that Access National re-
ceived an unqualified opinion on its financial statements (section 4 of the report).
A scope limitation occurs when auditors cannot perform planned procedures to gather
sufficient appropriate evidence regarding the design and effectiveness of a client’s internal
controls. If a scope limitation is material, the appropriate report to issue would be a disclaimer
of opinion. A disclaimer of opinion states the auditor does not express an opinion on the ef-
fectiveness of ICFR. A separate paragraph is added to the report that describes the situation,
or situations, causing the scope limitation. Also, the paragraph that explains the process of
conducting an audit of ICFR is not included in the disclaimer report.
As we know, auditors of public company clients must perform an integrated audit in
accordance with the PCAOB standards. What if a private company client requested an inte-
grated audit? Could auditors perform an integrated audit for a private company client? The an-
swer is yes. In October 2015, the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) issued AU-C 940 An Audit of
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated With an Audit of Financial State-
ments. The standard is effective for integrated audits of private companies for periods ending
on or after December 15, 2016. There were existing attestation engagements that required an
integrated audit, so the ASB felt it made sense to move the content of the existing attestation
standards to the auditing standards. In drafting AU-C 940, the ASB wanted to adhere closely
to the existing attestation standards and to PCAOB AS 2201. The result is that AU-C 940 is
very similar to AS 2201, so that performing an integrated audit for a private company client is
virtually the same as an integrated audit for a public company client.
15-30 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
Before You Go On
6.1 What is an integrated audit?
6.2 What situation would cause the auditor to issue an adverse opinion on the effectiveness of
6.3 Explain how the unqualified report on the effectiveness of ICFR would be modified for a
scope limitation.
This entire text has focused on the performance of audit engagements of historical financial
statements. Public companies are required to have an audit of financial statements and some-
times private companies may be required by a lender or regulator to have audited financial state-
ments. For small and medium-sized private companies, an audit can be very costly. There are
other services that accounting firms can provide for private company clients that are less in scope
than an audit but are often accepted by lenders to small businesses. Two services that we discuss
in this section are a compilation of financial statements and review of financial statements.
A committee of the AICPA, called the Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC),
issues standards for compilation and review engagements. The standards are called Statements on
Standards for Accounting and Review Services, or SSARS. SSARS No. 23 and 24 provide guidance
on compilation and review engagements. Similar to the ASB standards, the SSARS are arranged
by topical content using the AR-C numbering system. The “AR” stands for Accounting Review
standards, and the “C” refers to the recent clarification and revision of the standards in 2014.
compilation engagement an
engagement in which a CPA
applies accounting and financial
expertise to assist management
Compilation of Financial Statements
in the presentation of financial
Small private companies may not have the financial reporting expertise to prepare financial
statements without undertaking
statements from their accounting records. A private company can hire a CPA to perform a
to obtain or provide any assurance
that there are no material modifi- compilation engagement. In a compilation engagement, the CPA will assist management
cations that should be made to the in the presentation of financial statements but will not provide assurance as to whether the
financial statements for them to be financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
in accordance with the applicable framework. Since the CPA is not providing assurance, a compilation engagement is not an
financial reporting framework assurance or attest service.
Compilation and Review Engagements 15-31
illustration 15.21
Management is responsible for the accompanying financial statements of XYZ Company, which Example of standard
comprise the balance sheets as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the related statements of compilation report
income, changes in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related
notes to the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States of America.
illustration 15.22
Level of assurance provided by
different engagements
Reasonable: Audit
Level of
Limited: Review
None: Compilation
• The CPA must be independent of the client. Any time a CPA is engaged for an attest ser-
vice, the CPA must be independent.
• The CPA must be professionally competent to perform the engagement, which means
having knowledge of the client’s industry and accounting practices.
• The financial reporting framework selected by management must be acceptable in the
circumstances. For example, management uses the appropriate financial reporting
framework as specified by laws or regulations that apply to the industry.
• The CPA must obtain an agreement from management that it acknowledges its responsi-
bility for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance
with the applicable financial reporting framework. This agreement is documented in an
engagement letter if the CPA accepts the review engagement.
• Management must agree to provide a representation letter at the conclusion of the re-
view engagement that confirms management’s representations made during the review.
(This is essentially similar to the management representation letter required in an audit
engagement discussed in Chapter 14.)
It is especially important that the CPA have a sufficient understanding of the client’s industry
and accounting practices to identify areas of the financial statements that have a greater risk
for material misstatement.
To provide limited assurance, the CPA must perform procedures to gather evidence that
no material modifications are needed for the financial statements to be in accordance with the
financial reporting framework. However, since the CPA is only providing limited assurance,
the CPA will perform fewer procedures as compared to an audit. According to AR-C 90, the
only required procedures a CPA must perform are analytical procedures and inquiry of man-
agement. The inquiry and analytical procedures should be designed to focus on areas the CPA
Compilation and Review Engagements 15-33
believes to have increased risks of material misstatements. As with an audit, each review en-
gagement is unique and will vary by client and may be different each year as circumstances of
the client change. Illustration 15.23 provides examples of analytical procedures and inquiries
that are commonly used in review engagements. If results of analytical procedures are differ-
ent from what the CPA expects, or if management is unable to provide adequate responses to
inquiries, the CPA is permitted to perform other procedures as needed. However, in a review
engagement, the CPA is not required to corroborate management’s responses. Ultimately, it is a
matter of professional judgment as to whether the CPA should perform additional procedures.
illustration 15.23
Examples of analytical procedures used in a review engagement: Examples of analytical
• Compare current year financial statements with previous year financial statements procedures and inquires in a
• Compare current year financial statements with budgets or forecasts review engagement
• Compare key current year ratios with expectations based on prior periods, such as current
ratio, receivables and inventory turnover, debt to equity, and gross profit percentage
• Compare current financial statements with relevant nonfinancial information
• Compare disaggregated data, such as profit by location, product line, or period (monthly,
Examples of inquiries used in a review engagement:
• New or complex revenue recognition methods
• Changes in litigation or contingencies
• Unusual or infrequently occurring transactions
• Compliance with debt covenants
• Changes in major contracts with suppliers or customers
• Changes in related parties or significant new related party transactions
At the conclusion of a review engagement, the CPA provides a written review report.
Illustration 15.24 provides an example of a standard review report. The report identifies the
financial statements that were reviewed, confirms that management is responsible for the
financial statements, and states the engagement was performed in accordance with SSARS.
Note in the first paragraph the report clearly states a review is less in scope than an audit and,
therefore, the CPA does not express an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. In the
Accountant’s Conclusion paragraph, the CPA provides limited assurance by stating that “we
are not aware of any material modifications that should be made for the financial statements
to be in accordance with” the financial reporting framework.
illustration 15.24
Independent Accountant’s Review Report Example of standard review
[Appropriate addressee]
We have reviewed the accompanying financial statements of XYZ Company, which comprise the
balance sheets as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the related statements of income, changes
in stockholders’ equity, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the
financial statements. A review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s
financial data and making inquiries of company management. A review is substantially less in
scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial
statements as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
Accountant’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to conduct the review engagements in accordance with Statements on Stan-
dards for Accounting and Review Services promulgated by the Accounting and Review Services
Committee of the AICPA. Those standards require us to perform procedures to obtain limited as-
surance as a basis for reporting whether we are aware of any material modifications that should
be made to the financial statements for them to be in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America. We believe that the results of our procedures
provide a reasonable basis for our conclusion.
Accountant’s Conclusion
Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the
accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in accordance with accounting princi-
ples generally accepted in the United States of America.
In the course of performing review procedures, if the CPA becomes aware of a material
departure from the financial reporting framework, it should be communicated to manage-
ment. If management takes appropriate action to correct the material departure, the CPA can
issue the standard review report. If management does not appropriately revise the financial
statements, the CPA should consider modifying the standard review report by adding a sepa-
rate paragraph to the report titled “Known Departures From (insert the application financial
reporting framework).” AR-C 90 provides an example of a modified review report.
Before You Go On
7.1 What standards are followed for compilation and review engagements? Who issues those
7.2 Is a CPA required to be independent for a compilation engagement? Explain.
7.3 Is a CPA required to be independent for a review engagement? Explain.
by component auditors, the group engagement partner may decide not not to rely on the original financial statements. If management does
to take responsibility for the work of the component auditors and ref- not take proper steps to notify external users, the auditors should take
erence them in the audit report. The auditor’s report would include steps to prevent reliance on the original financial statements.
a reference to the component auditor in the auditor’s responsibility
paragraph and the opinion paragraph. No emphasis-of-matter para-
graph would be required. If the component auditors are not referenced 6 Explain the components of the standard unqualified
in the audit report, then the group engagement partner is assuming opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR for public compa-
responsibility for all of the audit work. nies and evaluate situations that cause modifications to
the unqualified opinion.
4 Evaluate situations requiring a departure from an un-
modified opinion on the financial statements. The standard unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR for
public companies has nine components as shown in Illustration
There are two situations that cause auditors to modify the opinion 15.19. If one or more material weaknesses in ICFR are identified, the
on the financial statements: (1) the financial statements are not pre- auditors issue an adverse opinion and state that the company did not
sented fairly with the applicable financial reporting framework, and maintain effective ICFR for the period, as shown in Illustration 15.20.
(2) the auditors cannot gather sufficient appropriate audit evidence If the auditors are limited in their scope and cannot gather sufficient
to state an opinion on the financial statements (scope limitation). If appropriate evidence, they issue a disclaimer of opinion.
either of these situations occur, the auditors use their professional
judgment to determine if the issue is immaterial, material, or per-
7 Explain compilation and review engagements per-
vasively material. The level of materiality will determine which type
of modified opinion to issue: a qualified opinion, adverse opinion, or formed on unaudited financial statements of a private
disclaimer of opinion. Illustration 15.15 summarizes the situations company.
giving rise to the different types of modified opinions.
Private companies, which are not required to have an audit, may hire
a CPA to perform a compilation or review engagement. A CPA must
5 Analyze how subsequently discovered facts may af-
follow Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services
fect the auditor’s report on the financial statements. (SSARS) when performing compilation and review engagements. In
a compilation engagement, the CPA assists management in the pre-
A subsequently discovered fact is a fact that becomes known to the sentation of financial statements without providing assurance as to
auditor after the date of the auditor’s report that, had it been known at whether material modifications are needed for the financial state-
the audit report date, might have caused the auditor to revise the au- ments to be in accordance with the financial reporting framework.
ditor’s report. The auditors should discuss the fact with management A compilation engagement is not an assurance or attest engagement.
and those charged with governance to determine if the information is Illustration 15.21 provides an example of a standard compilation re-
reliable, material, and if it existed at the date of the auditor’s report. port. In a review engagement, the CPA performs analytical procedures
If necessary, management should revise the financial statements, and and inquiries to provide limited assurance that no material modifica-
the auditors should perform audit procedures on management’s tions are needed for the financial statements to be in accordance with
revisions. The auditors would issue a revised audit report and might the applicable financial reporting framework. A review engagement is
choose to extend the end of fieldwork date or dual date the audit an attest engagement since limited assurance is provided by the CPA;
report. If the financial statements are revised after they have been therefore, the CPA must be independent from the client. Illustration
released to external users, management should notify external users 15.24 provides an example of a standard review report.
Background Information off thousands of employees. Lowrys has also experienced turnover
Lowrys is a department store that has been in business for 75 years. in upper management in both the CEO and CFO positions. In the
At its peak, it had locations in every major city in the United States last 10 years, Lowrys has had four different CEOs. The current
and usually served as an anchor store for large malls. In the last 15 CEO has been at the helm for 11 months, but there is speculation
years, business has been tough for Lowrys. With more consumers that he may resign because current year sales have dropped 30%
switching to online shopping, Lowrys has seen a decrease of in- compared to the previous year. Lowrys is reporting losses, running
store shoppers, which has resulted in steadily decreasing sales. In low on cash, showing negative operating cash flow, and struggling
the last decade, Lowrys has closed one-third of its locations and laid to make debt payments on time.
15-36 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
Your firm has been the auditor for Lowrys for over 20 years Analysis and Evaluation
and is wrapping up the current year audit. The audit team is After considering the information, the audit team evaluates both
meeting to discuss the audit conclusions and the type of audit situations.
report to issue. No scope limitations impacted the audit, but there
is a situation that could be a material departure from the financial • It seems that the move to having all leases as 12-month
reporting framework. The situation relates to the accounting for leases is a tactic to avoid the proper accounting for the true
Lowrys’ leases of retail space for all of its stores. The accounting substance of the leases. The renegotiated leases do include
standard requires lessees to account for all leases as finance leases a renewal option. The standard states that a lease can have
and record an asset and liability for each lease; however, there is a renewal option and still be accounted for as an operating
an exception for short-term leases that have a term of 12 months lease; however, there must be reasonable certainty that the
or less. A short-term lease can be accounted for as an operating lessee is not going to exercise the renewal option. If Lowrys
lease as long as it does not include an option to purchase the as- wants to keep its stores in the same locations, then presum-
set at the end of the lease and does not include a renewal option ably it will have to renew the leases. The manager and part-
that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise. At the beginning ner on the audit team advised management that the leases
of the year, Lowrys renegotiated all of its leases of retail space to should be recorded as finance leases. The CFO argued that
be 12 months or less. Lowrys’ management accounted for all of because of the uncertainty surrounding store closures, his
the leases as operating leases and avoided having to record leased management team thinks there is reasonable certainty the
assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. The leases include a renewal options will not be exercised; therefore, the account-
renewal option, but management argues that with the current ing for leases as operating leases is justified. The manager
financial situation of the company, it is not reasonably certain that and partner agreed that the CFO’s argument could be valid
the leases will be renewed. for the most underperforming stores, but for a majority of
the locations, the stores will most likely stay open beyond a
Identify the Audit Issue one-year period. Therefore, the majority of leases should be
The audit team must determine what type of audit report is recorded as finance leases. The manager and partner agree
appropriate for Lowrys. The primary issues to consider are that it is a material departure from the applicable financial
whether there is a material departure from the applicable fi- reporting framework if management refuses to record the
nancial reporting framework and if there is a going concern leases as finance leases.
issue. • With continued operating losses, decreases in sales, and no
clear strategic vision, the future for Lowrys is very uncer-
Gather Information and Evidence tain. Management has included a note disclosure describing
Lowrys’ current financial situation and the plans to continue
The audit team discusses more details of the primary issues:
downsizing and streamlining operations in an effort to con-
• The accounting standard requires lessees to account for tinue operating. Including a note disclosure is in accordance
most leases as finance leases, which means an asset and a with the applicable financial framework; therefore, manage-
liability must be recorded on the balance sheet. If Lowrys ment has applied the proper accounting treatment for this
records all its leases on the balance sheet, the additional li- situation. The manager and audit partner discuss whether to
ability would cause Lowrys to violate debt covenants relat- add a going concern paragraph to the audit report. Consider-
ed to its long-term debt. If the debt covenants are violated, ing the high turnover in upper management and the lack of
the lender can require that Lowrys pay back the debt im- a clear strategic vision for Lowrys’ future, the manager and
mediately. Because of the downturn in sales, Lowrys does audit partner agree that a going concern emphasis-of-matter
not have enough cash to pay back the debt. This situation paragraph should be added to the audit report.
is what prompted Lowrys to renegotiate all its leases to be
12 months or less and avoid recording the leases on the Audit Conclusion
balance sheet. If Lowrys’ management does not adjust the accounting for leases
• Lowrys has experienced deteriorating sales for almost 15 to comply with the applicable financial reporting framework, then
years. Cost-cutting, streamlining, and lay-offs have been the audit team will issue a modified report to reflect a qualified
the norm during this time period. Upper management has opinion for the material departure from the financial reporting
experienced significant turnover, and no one has been able framework. The basis for the qualified opinion paragraph will be
to develop a strategic plan that can propel Lowrys back to inserted before the opinion paragraph. In addition, the report will
its former glory. Currently, management does not have any include a going concern emphasis-of-matter paragraph inserted
plans to restructure its debt. Management’s current strategy after the opinion paragraph. The going concern paragraph will ref-
is to close underperforming stores and lay off employees, as erence the note disclosure that provides more information about
needed, to keep the company afloat. the going concern issue.
CPAexcel questions and other resources are available in WileyPLUS.
Multiple-Choice Questions 15-37
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. (LO 1) All of the following phrases would be found in the stan- 6. (LO 3) When the audit opinion is based in part on the work of
dard unmodified audit report for a private company except: another auditor, all of the following changes are made to the standard
a. in our opinion, the financial statements referred to above are unmodified audit report except:
correct, in all material respects. a. the auditor’s responsibility paragraph has added wording
stating that other auditors completed a portion of the audit.
b. management is responsible for the preparation and fair pre-
sentation of the financial statements. b. the opinion paragraph references the other auditors.
c. standards require that we plan and perform the audit to ob- c. the portion of the audit conducted by the component auditor
tain reasonable assurance. is stated in the report.
d. w
e believe the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient d. an emphasis-of-matter paragraph is added after the opinion
and appropriate. paragraph.
b. an extreme limitation of the scope of the audit exists. a. a title that includes the term “independent.”
c. there is a disagreement with those charged with governance b. a statement about the inherent limitations of ICFR.
regarding the selection of accounting policies. c. t he definition of internal control over financial reporting.
d. a client has an unjustified change in accounting principle. d. the definition of a material weakness.
15-38 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
12. (LO 6) If auditors identify only one material weakness in 13. (LO 7) In an engagement to review financial statements of a
a client’s internal control system, the appropriate report to issue private company, the auditor will do all of the following except:
is a(n): a. confirm key account receivable balances.
a. qualified opinion. b. inquire of management regarding key revenue recognition
b. adverse opinion. policies.
c. disclaimer of opinion. c. calculate key ratios relevant to the client.
d. unqualified opinion with an emphasis-of-matter paragraph. d. issue a report at the conclusion of the engagement.
Review Questions
R15.1 (LO 1) Why does the standard unmodified report on the fi- R15.7 (LO 4) Which would auditors consider to be more serious: a
nancial statements of a private company contain paragraphs outlining client-imposed scope limitation or a situation-imposed scope limita-
(1) management’s responsibility for the financial statements and (2) tion? Provide an example of each to support your answer.
the auditor’s responsibility for the financial statements? What is con-
R15.8 (LO 5) Distinguish between a subsequent event and a sub-
tained in these paragraphs?
sequently discovered fact. What is the auditor’s responsibility for
R15.2 (LO 1) What is the significance of the date on the auditor’s each?
report on the financial statements?
R15.9 (LO 5) What factors should the auditor evaluate when decid-
R15.3 (LO 2) In what circumstances is an auditor required or al- ing whether to dual date the audit report on the financial statements
lowed to include an emphasis-of-matter paragraph in the audit report for a subsequently discovered fact?
on the financial statements?
R15.10 (LO 6) List and briefly explain the components of the un-
R15.4 (LO 2) Explain the term “consistency” in the context of fi- qualified report on the effectiveness of ICFR.
nancial statements. Provide examples of situations that affect consis-
tency of financial statements. R15.11 (LO 6) What factors do auditors consider when determin-
ing if an identified control deficiency is a significant deficiency or a
R15.5 (LO 3) Explain how the standard audit report on the financial material weakness?
statements would be modified if reference is made to a component
auditor. R15.12 (LO 6) Explain how the standard unqualified report on the
effectiveness of ICFR would be modified for an adverse opinion.
R15.6 (LO 4) Distinguish between a limitation of scope and a de-
parture from the financial reporting framework. Provide an example R15.13 (LO 7) Compare and contrast a compilation engagement
of each. and review engagement.
Analysis Problems
AP15.1 (LO 1, 2) Basic Going concern Mark Jackson is the partner on the audit team for a new
client, Central Companies (CC). The client hired Mark’s firm in August 2022 in preparation for the
December 31, 2022, audit. Mark’s firm is replacing the predecessor firm that audited CC for the last
12 years. Since January 2022, CC has experienced a slowdown in sales as evidenced by lower inventory
turnover ratios. Slower inventory turnover has negatively impacted operating cash flow, which has re-
sulted in CC paying some of its suppliers late. Some of the smaller suppliers are demanding that CC pay
cash on delivery of inventory items.
Mark is also aware of correspondence between CC and its bank that the company started having
cash flow problems as far back as 2021. CC has attempted to obtain short-term financing from its bank
but has not been successful. CC’s management has adequately disclosed these issues in the 2022 financial
statements. Based on the audit evidence, CC’s financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with
the financial reporting framework, but Mark has concluded that CC has a substantial going concern issue.
Prepare the appropriate audit report for Central Companies.
AP15.2 (LO 1, 2) Moderate Research Special purpose framework Your firm has been en-
gaged to audit a private company that uses a tax basis of accounting to prepare the financial statements
rather than using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). You remember learning about spe-
cial purpose frameworks in one of your college courses. You decide to research the issue and access AU-C
800 through the AICPA website at
Analysis Problems 15-39
a. Can your firm accept the engagement if the client does not use GAAP in the preparation of financial
statements? Cite where you found the answer in the standard (the paragraph number).
b. When a client uses a special purpose framework, will the format of an unmodified audit report be
different than when a client uses GAAP? Research AU-C 800 and then copy and paste an example
of an auditor’s report on a set of financial statements prepared in accordance with the tax basis of
accounting. Discuss the similarities and differences of the report with the unmodified audit report
from Illustration 15.1.
AP15.3 (LO 3) Moderate Audit report based in part on the report of another auditor Marco
Ramirez is the partner on the audit engagement of Sun Products, a private company based in New
Mexico. Sun Products manufactures outdoor patio furniture and yard decorations. Sun Products recently
acquired another company, Al Aire Libre, which is based in Argentina. Al Aire Libre represents 13%
of Sun Products’ assets on the consolidated financial statements. Al Aire Libre has been audited by an
Argentina-based accounting firm for the last five years. Marco and his team decide Al Aire Libre should
continue to be audited by the Argentina-based accounting firm.
a. Discuss the factors Marco should consider when deciding whether to refer to the Argentina-based
accounting firm in the audit report on the consolidated financial statements of Sun Products.
b. If Marco decides not to assume responsibility for the work of the Argentina-based accounting firm,
draft the audit report for Sun Products assuming an unmodified opinion is being rendered.
AP15.4 (LO 2, 4) Basic Modified opinion Waveland South, a private company, is a new audit
client for 2022. Waveland’s financial statements for 2021 were audited by the previous auditor. An
unmodified audit opinion with an emphasis-of-matter paragraph was included in the previous auditor’s
report because of a going concern issue. The issue identified by the previous auditor was that a material
amount of debt, which Waveland could not pay, was coming due in the next year. Waveland was in nego-
tiations with Gulf State Bank, but the bank was not willing to modify or extend the existing financing.
Waveland took no other action to secure financing from other lenders. In the 2021 financial statements,
Waveland did not disclose any information about the debt situation.
Debate whether the opinion in the previous year’s audit report was appropriate. If you disagree with the type
of report issued by the previous auditors, what type of report do you think should have been issued and why?
AP15.5 (LO 2, 4) Moderate Emphasis-of-matter paragraph Billy’s Burger House, a private com-
pany, is a chain of fast-food restaurants that has experienced fast growth in the last decade. The restau-
rant chain has been successful because it focuses on the three core foods of hamburgers, French fries, and
milkshakes rather than trying to offer a wide range of options. Billy’s Burger House has a loyal customer
base because of the high quality and consistency of its three core foods.
In the last nine months of 2022, Billy’s Burger House locations have been opening inside of AllMart
supermarkets. The vice president of operations of AllMart is the brother of the CEO and founder of
Billy’s Burger House. The two brothers have been working on this plan for the last three years. With this
new alliance with AllMart, Billy’s Burger House expects to see more growth in the next four years than it
has experienced in the last 10 years. In its December 31, 2022, financial statements, Billy’s Burger House
has disclosed the alliance with AllMart as a related party transaction.
a. The auditors of Billy’s Burger House intend to issue an unmodified opinion on Billy’s financial
statements and add an emphasis-of-matter paragraph to highlight the related party situation. Draft
the audit report.
b. If management of Billy’s Burger House had refused to disclose the material related party transaction in
the financial statements as required by the financial reporting framework, evaluate the auditor’s report-
ing options. What factor or factors would auditors consider in determining what type of report to issue?
AP15.6 (LO 4) Moderate Audit reports and other communication at the end of an audit
Steven Edwards has had difficulties throughout the audit of Kingston Catering. The company is a
long-standing client of the audit firm and there have been no problems in the past. However, four months
into the start of the fiscal year, the company’s IT systems failed. Subsequent diagnostic tests revealed that
a particularly nasty virus had infected the IT system and corrupted all the processed data. The IT man-
ager called in an IT specialist for advice as soon as the problem was discovered. The specialist installed a
15-40 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
new IT system and additional security programs, and the IT manager is confident that the problem will
not recur.
The processed data had been backed up and stored in a secure location, but when a restoration was
attempted it was discovered that the virus also corrupted the backups. The Kingston Catering staff tried to
reconstruct the files based on paper records, but the reconstruction was incomplete because some paper
documents had been inadvertently destroyed.
Steven is particularly concerned about sales and accounts receivable. Kingston Catering has many
“one-time” customers as well as several large accounts. The first four months of the year corresponded to
the busiest time of the year for the company. Staff attended many corporate and private functions during
this time and made numerous sales of catering equipment to wholesale and retail customers (or at least
they think they did). They believe that they collected all the accounts. Steven is not so sure. He thinks the
chaos caused by the computer virus meant that deliveries were being made in a rush without the com-
pletion of the appropriate paperwork, and the attempts to collect accounts were ineffective as customers
took advantage of the situation to claim they had either already paid or had returned goods for credit.
Other customers simply “fell off” the system and were never billed.
a. Evaluate Steven’s audit report options and draft the audit report that you would recommend be
b. Make a list of matters Steven would include in the communication to those charged with governance
at Kingston Catering.
AP15.7 (LO 5) Moderate Subsequently discovered facts Mitch Jackson and Rosie Punter are
part of the audit team for Hexagon Industries, a large manufacturing, private company client. The client’s
year-end was December 31, 2022, the end of fieldwork date on the unmodified report was February 28,
2023, and the financial statements and auditor’s report will be released on March 9, 2023. The primary
lender for Hexagon Industries, First Union Bank, requires that Hexagon be audited each year as a con-
dition of borrowing funds.
Today is March 5, 2023, and Mitch and Rosie are working on assembling the audit file for archiving.
Shortly before lunch, they receive an instant message through the firm’s intranet from Elizabeth Morgan,
the partner on the Hexagon audit. She says to report to her office immediately as there has been a new
development on the Hexagon audit.
Elizabeth informs Mitch and Rosie that she received a call from Hexagon’s CFO an hour ago. It was
discovered that Hexagon’s controller and human resource director were embezzling funds through an elab-
orate payroll fraud. The CFO suspects the fraud has been going on for several years. Elizabeth says, “Eat a
quick lunch, and then we are headed to Hexagon for a meeting with the CEO and CFO at 1:00 p.m.”
a. Explain the auditor’s responsibilities for events that arise after the date of the audit report.
b. List the steps Elizabeth and her team should take regarding this situation.
c. Since fraud was discovered, what implication does that have for the client’s internal controls?
Evaluate the effect of the discovered fraud on the work auditors performed on internal controls and
the substantive procedures performed.
AP15.8 (LO 6) Basic Public Company Research Audit reports for a public company You
are completing an internship with a Big Four accounting firm and have worked on one client, a public
company, during the entire internship. In your college class, you learned that an audit firm conducts
an integrated audit and renders two opinions, one on the fair presentation of the financial statements
and another on the effectiveness of ICFR. You see one draft audit report prepared by the manager on
the audit team. You wonder why there is only one report, so you ask the manager, “Shouldn’t there be
another report since we are giving two opinions?” The manager replies with a smile, “Look closely, our
two opinions are in that one report.”
Research the PCAOB Auditing Standards to find an example of a combined report on the company’s
financial statements and on ICFR. Go to the PCAOB’s website ( and navigate to
the auditing standards. Open AS 2201 An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is
Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements. Copy and paste an example of a combined report and
cite where it is found in the standard (the paragraph number). Read through the report and highlight the
components of both reports (refer to Illustrations 15.2 and 15.19 for the components). Does the combined
report have all the required components of both reports?
AP15.9 (LO 6) Moderate Public Company Reporting on effectiveness of ICFR Phillips &
Craig LLP was hired by Richards Manufacturing, a public company, to perform an integrated audit of the
Analysis Problems 15-41
December 31, 2022, financial statements and internal controls. Phillips & Craig was hired just after year-
end, on January 3, 2023. Because of the tight deadline to complete the audit before the SEC filing deadline,
Phillips & Craig focused more time on performing substantive procedures for the financial statement audit
and was not able to complete a full audit of ICFR. The tests of controls that were completed provided evi-
dence that internal controls were effective. The audit manager for Phillips & Craig tells the partner, “I feel
certain if we had the time to complete all of the planned tests of controls, we wouldn’t identify any material
weaknesses. We already decided to issue an unqualified opinion on the financial statements based on the
evidence gathered from our substantive procedures, so I’m sure the internal controls are effective.”
What type of opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR should Phillips & Craig issue? Evaluate the situation
and provide support for the type of opinion selected.
AP15.10 (LO 6) Moderate Public Company Audit reports and subsequent events Industrial
Holdings Inc. (IH), a public company, has been a client of Walker LLP for several years. Walker has com-
pleted the integrated audit of IH for the year ended December 31, 2022. In February 2022, IH upgraded
to a new inventory management system that should make IH’s inventory recording more efficient and
more paperless. The change to the new system required IH to make significant changes to internal con-
trols over inventory recording. IH management has worked hard to make the needed changes to internal
control and test the changes during the year. For example, in early April 2022, management identified a
material weakness regarding the number of employees who had access to edit transactions in the new
inventory system. Management quickly took steps to correct the weakness so that from late April through
the rest of the year the control was effective.
The auditors conducted extensive controls testing on the new inventory management system in
September and October 2022. Although three control deficiencies were identified, the auditors deter-
mined there was a remote possibility that a material misstatement would not be prevented, or detected
and corrected, on a timely basis. The auditors concurred with management that the material weakness
that was identified in early April was remediated and was no longer a material weakness.
a. What type of opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR should the auditors issue? Draft the report.
b. Suppose management had not identified the material weakness in April. Instead, auditors identified
the material weakness during their controls testing in October 2022. By year-end, management had
not remediated the material weakness. What type of opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR should the
auditors issue? Draft the report.
c. Suppose management had not identified the material weakness in April. Instead, auditors identified the
material weakness during their controls testing in October 2022. Management corrected the material
weakness in early November and auditors concurred that the material weakness was remediated. What
type of opinion on the effectiveness of ICFR should the auditors issue? Defend your choice of opinion.
AP15.11 (LO 6) Moderate Research Documents accompanying financial statements You
have learned that the auditor is responsible for expressing an opinion on the financial statements. The
term “financial statements” includes the four financial statements and the notes that accompany the
financial statements. A company’s financial statements are often included as part of a larger document,
such as the annual report. Does the auditor have any responsibility related to the other information in the
documents containing the audited financial statements?
Research the ASB and PCAOB standards online to determine if auditors have any responsibility for other
information in documents containing the audited financial statements. Write a summary of your find-
ings, and also discuss if the auditor’s responsibility is different depending on if the client is a public
company or private company.
AP15.12 (LO 7) Moderate Research Review engagement You are a first-year staff at a regional
accounting firm. The firm primarily services private company clients and performs more review engage-
ments than audit engagements. Your first assignment is a review engagement on a small private company
that specializes in manufacturing team sports apparel. You decide to do some research to refresh your
memory on review engagements.
a. Discuss the similarities and differences of a review engagement and an audit engagement.
b. You remember learning about the standard review report from your college course, but you are not
familiar with modifications to the standard report. Go to to
access SSARS No. 24, AR-C 90, Review of Financial Statements. Copy and paste an example of a
review report that is modified for a departure from the applicable financial reporting framework.
15-42 C h a pte r 15 Reporting on the Audit
King Companies, Inc. (KCI) is a private company which owns five auto parts stores in urban Los Angeles,
California. KCI has gone from two auto parts stores to five stores in the last three years, and it plans
continued growth. Eric and Patricia King own the majority of the shares in KCI. Eric is the chairman of
the board of directors of KCI and CEO, and Patricia is a director as well as the CFO. Shares not owned
by Eric and Patricia are owned by friends and family who helped the Kings get started. Eric started
the company with one store after working in an auto parts store. To date, he has funded growth from
an inheritance and investments from a few friends. Eric and Patricia are thinking about expanding by
opening three to five additional stores in the next few years.
KCI employs 20 full-time staff. These workers are employed in store management, sales, parts delivery,
and accounting. About 40% of KCI’s business is retail walk-in business, and the other 60% is regular
customers where KCI delivers parts to their locations and bills these customers on account. During peak
periods, KCI also uses part-time workers.
Your accounting firm, Thornson & Danforth, LLP, is conducting the annual audit of KCI for the year
ended December 31, 2022. Your audit team discovers numerous misstatements, mostly caused by human
error and weak internal controls. In aggregate, the misstatements are material, but management agrees
to make your recommended adjustments to correct the misstatements. Also, during 2022, KCI changed
its method of valuing inventory from a weighted-average method to FIFO. When Eric and Patricia opened
their first store, they thought the easiest way to value inventory was to use an average cost for each cate-
gory of inventory items. As the company grew, they never revisited this practice. Now that the company is
significantly larger with multiple stores, Eric and Patricia realize they need to be more focused on track-
ing inventory costs because that impacts their profit margins. The change was made to FIFO because it is
more commonly used in the industry.
Your team concludes fieldwork on March 1, 2023, and Eric and Patricia are planning to provide the
audited financial statements and audit report to its lenders on March 6, 2023.
C15.2 (LO 4) Challenging Modified opinion Analysis and evaluation: Suppose management
does not agree to make adjustments to correct the material misstatements and does not properly
present the change in accounting principle in the financial statements. What reporting options does
Thornson & Danforth have? Analyze the factors Thornson & Danforth will consider when determin-
ing what type of report to issue. Draft the audit reports for each reporting option that Thornson &
Danforth is considering.
Mobile Security, Inc. (MSI) has been an audit client of Leo & Lee, LLP for the past 12 years. MSI is a small,
publicly traded aviation company based in Cleveland, Ohio, where it manufactures high-tech unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, and other surveillance and security equipment. MSI’s prod-
ucts are primarily used by the military and scientific research institutions, but there is growing demand
for UAVs for commercial and recreational use. MSI must go through an extensive bidding process for
large government contracts. Because of the sensitive nature of government contracts and military prod-
uct designs, both the facilities and records of MSI must be highly secured.
In October 2022, MSI purchased a small company in Brazil, Jungle Max, that manufactures small,
unmanned vehicles that can maneuver through jungle terrain. The subsidiary represents 15% of MSI’s
assets on the consolidated financial statements. For the last 20 years, Jungle Max has been audited by a
Brazilian accounting firm. After meeting with representatives from the Brazilian firm and researching
the firm’s history, Leo & Lee decide it would be most efficient to have the Brazilian firm continue to
audit Jungle Max. Therefore, for the audit of MSI for the year ended June 30, 2023, the Brazilian firm
conducted the audit of Jungle Max.
Audit Decision Cases 15-43
C15.3 (LO 3) Moderate Public Company Research Use of another auditor
a. Information gathering and analysis: What factors should Leo & Lee consider when deciding whether
to use the Brazilian accounting firm? (Refer back to the section “Using the Work of Another Auditor”
in Chapter 5 when preparing your answer.)
b. Information gathering and analysis: What are the responsibilities of the Leo & Lee partner on the
MSI audit as they relate to the Brazilian accounting firm? (Refer back to the section “Using the Work
of Another Auditor” in Chapter 5 when preparing your answer.)
c. Conclusions: Draft the audit report for MSI assuming an unqualified opinion based in part on the
work of another auditor. (Access AS 1205 at to see an example report.)
Goodfellow & Perkins gained a new client, Brookwood Pines Hospital (BPH), a private, not-for-profit hospital.
The fiscal year-end for Brookwood Pines is June 30. You are the audit partner on the BPH audit for the year
ended June 30, 2023. The audit is finished, and the date on the unmodified audit report is August 21, 2023.
BHG provided the audited financial statements and the auditor’s report to its banks on August 25, 2023.
Today is August 28, 2023. As you are drinking your morning coffee at your desk, you get a phone call
from BPH’s controller. He has some bad news: BPH just received notice from Infinity Health Insurance,
the largest health insurance provider in Texas, that it will no longer list BPH as a preferred, in-network
provider for its insurance members. Infinity Health Insurance is cancelling the contract with BPH
because of the following reasons:
• Perception that BPH has poor internal controls because in September 2022, two ER doctors were
caught upcoding, which is a type of fraud that causes insurance companies and patients to pay for
services they did not receive.
• Closure of the hospital kitchen/cafeteria because it was badly damaged by fire.
• Increased complaints from Infinity Health Insurance members about outdated facilities at BPH.
You tell the controller that you’d like to have a meeting with the executive management team that afternoon
to further discuss the new development. You thank him for the call and hang up.
In preparation for your afternoon meeting, you review some evidence that was gathered in the last
few days before the completion of fieldwork. The fire that occurred in the hospital kitchen a month
ago was not adequately covered by insurance, but BPH has the funds to have the kitchen repaired. The
original time frame to have the kitchen and cafeteria re-opened was 6 weeks. However, by the end of the
audit, the controller stated it would be closer to three months before the kitchen would be fully repaired
and open for operations.
• Partner: Jo Wadley
• Audit manager: Sharon Gallagher
• Audit senior: Josh Thomas
• IT audit manager: Mark Batten
• Experienced staff: Suzie Pickering
• First-year staff: Ian Harper
Prior-year audits were conducted by Ellis & Associates. As part of the transfer of records pro-
cess, Jo Wadley met with RJ Ellis (managing partner, Ellis & Associates) to discuss acceptance
of Cloud 9 as a client and to inquire about access to Ellis & Associates’ working papers. In the
discussion, RJ Ellis stated that there were no issues that W&S Partners should be aware of
before accepting the client or beginning the work.
To further establish the brand, the first Cloud 9 retail store was opened in San Francisco,
California, on June 1, 2022. The store operates on a just-in-time inventory system linked with
a series of warehouses and distribution centers throughout the United States and Canada.
However, the management team reports that there have been a few hiccups in determining
ideal stock quantities for the store to allow optimum availability of merchandise to its custom-
ers. Because some thefts of merchandise from the store have also occurred, the company has
installed closed-circuit television cameras.
The Cloud 9 corporate office has 358 full-time employees. In the retail store, the company em-
ploys two full-time managers and some part-time staff, with seasonal employees enhancing
staff levels in the busier retail period.
Some key positions in the accounting and IT area are as follows:
These three employees are entitled to participate in the employee stock-purchase plan and
receive stock options in Cloud 9 if revenue targets are met.
Financial Information
Cloud 9 set a goal to increase revenue by 3% for the 2022 fiscal year. One of the critical success
factors for the company to achieve this 3% increase is to grow its share of the U.S. footwear
market. However, with the new store opening and the subsequent increase in costs, as well
as the costs related to the sponsorship deals, the management team is projecting a decline in
earnings for the year.
In addition, to build customer loyalty and promote sales in the retail store, Cloud 9 in-
troduced a loyalty program whereby customers earn one point for every $10 that they spend.
Customers can then redeem points by going online to receive coupons that can be exchanged
for merchandise in the store. On August 1, 2022, the company took out an additional loan of
$7 million with Windsor Bank to help fund the store costs and to purchase additional delivery
trucks and vans. This loan is repayable over five years. The company’s other debt relates to
loans issued more than five years ago from various lending institutions.
All inventory is purchased in U.S. dollars, which the company acquires under forward
exchange contracts. The company provides a 12-month warranty on all footwear. Historical
claims have been 0.2% of total sales.
The most recent financial statements for Cloud 9 are as follows. (Note that these financial
statements are also available in Excel format in WileyPLUS.)
JT: How do customers decide the quantity and know the price?
DC: The customers complete a purchase order online through a site that is linked to Swift. The
site will tell customers the price for each item in inventory, as well as the quantity we have
in stock.
JT: How often are prices changed?
DC: Price changes really depend on the market. While they don’t change that often, our mar-
keting management meets weekly to discuss price changes. Price changes are initiated
after that meeting. Only the marketing manager and a few of her staff members have
access to update the master price list.
JT: What if a customer logs on and you don’t have the products?
DC: The system doesn’t allow a customer to place an order greater than our current inven-
tory levels. If a customer needs more inventory, the customer should fill out a separate
request for inventory not on hand. The request gets e-mailed to our production manager
and our marketing manager, who determine if we need to manufacture more goods. The
decision about manufacturing more goods is complex as it integrates with our production
decisions, or whether we can purchase additional inventory from a subcontractor that
manufactures for us.
JT: OK. This is helpful. Let’s stay focused on the sales process. Once a customer’s
purchase order is complete, then what?
DC: The submitted purchase order goes through a credit check and then becomes a sales or-
der. If a customer exceeds his or her credit limit, there are a few people in my office that
can approve a credit override, on a case-by-case basis. We tend to allow this only for good
customers with good payment history. Then, the purchase order becomes our sales order.
JT: I guess this electronic process saves a lot of time and trees!
DC: Yes, there’s so much that we rely on the system to do for us, it’s scary. I worry about things
like what happens if we are hit by a storm or lose power. We do have the whole system
backed up off-site.
JT: That is nice to know, and probably gives you some comfort. What happens to the
sales order – how does it get filled?
DC: Every day, the system assigns shipments to the warehouse location nearest to the custom-
er’s location that can fulfill the entire order. The warehouse manager then downloads the
outstanding sales orders to these little handheld computer/scanners. It’s very Star Trek.
Warehouse personnel use these to identify inventory in the warehouse, then the warehouse
personnel put boxes of ordered shoes onto pallets. The pallets are taken to a staging area
where each product is then scanned.
JT: Are the shipping documents approved before the goods go out the door? How do
you know that what got sent is what was ordered?
DC: Swift matches the quantities and products on the packing slip to the sales order. If they
don’t match, the order is set aside for follow-up to ensure that the order is accurately
filled. Once they match, the approval box is activated, and the shipping supervisor can
enter his or her passcode. This officially approves the packing slip and bill of lading, and
each gets printed.
JT: OK, so once the goods are shipped to the customer, how do you bill for this
DC: We go into the billing system and pull up a draft invoice that was generated when the
shipping document was approved. At this point, Swift performs a number of checks.
The system matches the quantities in the invoice against the packing slip and sales order.
Prices are also matched to the sales order. The customer number should also match on the
sales order, shipping documents, and draft invoice. A report is run daily of any shipments
that have not resulted in invoices. The reverse is also true. A report is run of any invoices
that are not supported by shipping documents. At month-end, we run a report to compare
dates on shipping documents with the month that transactions are recorded in the sales
journal. If there are any discrepancies, the transaction is reported for manual follow-up.
I believe discrepancies are rare as the system is very tight, and we ship only what was
A-6 A p p e n di x A Cloud 9 Inc. Audit
ordered. Then, the sales invoice is processed. Processing the sales invoice enters the trans-
action in a database from which we build the sales journal and accounts receivable subsid-
iary ledger. Also, at the end of each day, we compare the totals for accounts receivable with
the total of each customer’s balance in the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
JT: When you do have discrepancies, who follows up on them and how are they
DC: We have a data control group that follows up on discrepancies in a variety of systems.
Discrepancies have to be cleared daily. Once the reason for the discrepancy is identified,
changes to the underlying data must be approved by a manager in the data control group.
The data is then corrected, and the invoice is processed. As I noted, discrepancies are very
rare. We don’t ship goods unless the order is completely filled.
JT: Does finance ever go back to the sales order?
DC: No. Since the shipping document can’t be generated unless it agrees to the sales order,
Swift only looks at the sales order for prices. Do you think we should do otherwise?
JT: I wouldn’t say so at this stage. But you’d have to be sure to have some tight con-
trols around Swift, given that it seems to do everything.
DC: Yes, good IT general controls over the Swift program, and other programs, are extremely
important. I meet with the IT manager monthly, to talk about the few discrepancies
found, reasons for discrepancies, and the importance of controls. I think you will find
that our IT manager understands the importance of strong IT general controls, and strong
controls over clearing any discrepancies identified in transaction streams.
JT: Let’s talk about accounts receivable. Who follows up on past-due receivables?
DC: That is the sales manager’s responsibility. In my opinion, we do a good job of screening
credit upfront so we don’t have a significant problem with past-due receivables. We send
statements to customers with their receivable balances monthly. The sales manager and I
discuss past-due accounts on a regular basis. The sales manager, controller, and I review
the allowance for doubtful accounts monthly. A monthly adjusting journal entry is made
by the controller, which I review and approve. You will find that our allowance for doubt-
ful accounts is only about 1% of outstanding receivables as we do a good job of screening
customer’s credit upfront.
JT: What is the cash receipts process?
DC: We get most payments via EFT. If a customer pays by check, it goes to a lockbox where it
also is directly received by our bank. Our AR clerk is able to download the previous day’s
cash receipts from online banking. She then merges this information with our account-
ing system, which first screens the data, matching customer numbers with the master
customer file. On occasion, the bank has made errors in entering customer numbers, and
we have to follow up on these transactions before they are processed in our accounting
system. This is done the same day. Once the transaction is processed, it is posted to the
database from which we build our cash receipts journal and accounts receivable subsid-
iary ledger. Finally, every morning someone reconciles what was posted to cash receipts
with what has been deposited in various bank accounts. I believe it is critical that all cash
receipts are posted timely and accurately.
JT: Are bank reconciliations done in a timely manner?
DC: Yes, someone in my office does bank recs every month for the main operating account and
other bank accounts. Our standard is to complete this by the fifth business day of each
month. My assistant reviews and approves the bank reconciliations. Keep in mind that what
I explained is for the wholesale transactions. We have separate procedures for the retail store
regarding daily cash balance reconciliations to the deposits in the operating bank account.
JT: Yes, we have another auditor who will be handling the retail store side of the
sales-to-cash-receipts process. She or he will probably come and talk to you in
a day or two. Well, I think that should do it for now. I may have some follow-up
questions for you as I start getting my head around the revenue process.
DC: The door is always open.
JT: Thanks for your time.
Ability of cash flow from operations to information, or its context, for decision mak- nal controls and conducting detailed testing of
cover current debt and dividends Meas- ers. (p. 1-5). transactions and account balances. (p. 3-21).
ures ability to cover current debt maturities Attestation services Services performed
and dividends with operating cash flow. when an independent practitioner, or CPA, Bank confirmation Correspondence sent
(p. 4-18). is engaged to issue a report on subject mat- directly by the auditors to their client’s bank
Accounting estimate An approximation ter that is the responsibility of another party. requesting information such as cash held in
of a monetary amount when a precise means (p. 1-4). the bank and details of any loans with the
of measurement is not available. (p. 9-19). Attribute sampling A sampling tech- bank and interest rates charged. (p. 5-13).
Accounting records Client’s records of nique used to reach a conclusion about a Basic precision (BP) The amount of esti-
the initial accounting entry and supporting population in terms of a rate (frequency) of mated misstatement in the population, even if
documents. (p. 5-10). occurrence. (p. 8-19). no misstatements are detected in the sample.
Audit committee A committee of the (p. 10-23).
Acid-test (quick) ratio Measures ability
to meet short-term obligations with liquid board of directors responsible for oversight of Benchmarking An audit testing strategy
assets such as cash, short-term investments, internal controls, financial reporting and dis- that can be used to allow evidence obtained
and receivables. (p. 4-17). closure in the financial statements, regulatory in prior audit periods to support a conclu-
compliance, and the company’s independent sion about IT application controls in the
Advance shipping notice (ASN) An
auditors. (pp. 2-20, 4-24). current audit period. (p. 8-22).
electronic acknowledgement of a transac-
tion by a supplier indicating goods shipped, Audit data analytics (ADA) The sci- Bid rigging An employee assists a vendor
prices, and other information such as freight ence and art of discovering and analyzing in winning a competitive bid for a contract;
costs or taxes. (p. 12-22). patterns, identifying anomalies, and extract- employee is compensated, usually in the
ing other useful information in data under- form of a cash payment. (p. 12-27).
Adverse interest threat The threat that a
CPA will not act with objectivity because the lying or related to the subject matter of an Bill-and-hold transactions A customer
CPA’s interests are opposed to the client’s audit through analysis, modeling, and vis- is billed for goods, but goods are not shipped;
interests. (p. 2-8). ualization for planning and performing the accounting principles have very narrow cri-
audit. (pp. 4-20, 5-17, 7-2). teria for when revenue can be recognized for
Adverse opinion Auditors state the finan-
Audit evidence Information gathered by a bill-and-hold transaction; the transaction
cial statements are not fairly presented due
the auditor that is used when forming an must be initiated by the customer, and the
to a pervasively material departure from
opinion on the fair presentation of a client’s customer must have a sound economic reason
the applicable financial reporting frame-
financial statements. (p. 5-7). for purchasing the goods and asking the seller
work. (p. 15-15).
to continue to hold the goods. (p. 11-10).
Advocacy threat The threat that a CPA Audit program A listing of details of
the audit procedures to be used when test- Board of directors A group that repre-
will promote a client’s interests or position to
ing controls, conducting detailed substan- sents the shareholders and is responsible for
the point that his or her objectivity or inde-
tive audit procedures, and completing the ensuring the company is being run to benefit
pendence is compromised. (p. 2-8).
audit. (p. 5-7). the shareholders. (p. 4-24).
Allowance for sampling risk (ASR) A Bond trustee A bond trustee is usually
Audit risk The risk that an auditor
measure of the uncertainty associated a commercial bank or a trust company that
expresses an inappropriate audit opinion
with not sampling the entire population. is given fiduciary powers by a bond issuer to
when the financial statements are materially
(p. 10-23). enforce the terms of a bond indenture; the trus-
misstated. (pp. 1-20, 3-9).
Analytical procedures Evaluations of tee sees that bond interest payments are made
Audit sampling The selection and evalu-
financial information through analysis of as scheduled and protects the interests of the
ation of less than 100% of the population of
plausible relationships among both financial bondholders if the issuer defaults. (p. 13-40).
audit relevance such that the auditor expects
and nonfinancial data; analytical procedures Breach of contract A binding agreement
the items selected (the sample) to be repre-
also encompass such investigation, as is nec- is not honored by one or more parties to a
sentative of the population and, thus, likely
essary, of identified fluctuations or relation- contract. (p. 2-27).
to provide a reasonable basis for conclusions
ships that are inconsistent with other relevant
about the population. (p. 10-5).
information or that differ from expected
Cash earnings per share (CEPS) ratio
values by a significant amount. (pp. 4-14, Audit services Services by an independent
Shows cash flow capacity of a company for
5-16, 9-9). CPA that provide financial statement users
each common share issued. (p. 4-13).
with (1) an opinion on whether the financial
Appropriate Refers to the quality of audit *Classical
variables sampling A sam-
statements are presented fairly, in all material
evidence gathered. (p. 5-8). pling method that uses normal distribution
respects, in accordance with an applicable
Assertions Statements or representations, financial reporting framework and, in some theory to select a sample from a population
explicit or implied, made by management cases, (2) an opinion on the effectiveness of and evaluate the characteristics of a pop-
regarding the recognition, measurement, ICFR, which enhances the degree of confi- ulation based on the results of the sample.
presentation, and disclosure of items included dence that intended users can place in the (p. 10-33).
in the financial statements. (pp. 3-16, 5-3). financial statements. (p. 1-4). Close relative A covered member’s par-
Assurance services Independent profes- Audit strategy The determination of the ents, nondependent children, brothers and
sional services that improve the quality of amount of time spent testing the client’s inter- sisters, or stepbrothers or stepsisters. (p. 2-15).
Closing procedures Processes used by a Control activities Policies and proce- perpetual records (testing completeness).
client when finalizing the accounts for an dures that help ensure that management (p. 13-17).
accounting period. (p. 4-27). directives are carried out. (p. 6-11).
Cluster analysis The process of discov- Control environment The attitudes, aware- Debt-to-equity ratio Measures the rel-
ering groups (termed clusters in data sci- ness, and actions of management and those ative proportion of equity and debt used to
ence) of similar items in a set of data; items charged with governance concerning the enti- finance total assets. (p. 4-19).
in the same group are similar, while items in ty’s internal control and its importance in the Deficiency in internal control (control
different groups are not as similar. (p. 7-18). entity. (p. 6-7). deficiency) A deficiency in the design or
Common law Law based on justice, rea- Control exception (deviation) An operations of a control does not allow man-
son, and common sense, rather than on observed condition that provides evidence agement or employees, in the normal course
absolute rules. (p. 2-27). that the control being tested did not operate of performing their assigned functions, to
Common-size analysis A comparison as intended. (p. 8-19). prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements
of account balances to a single line item. Control risk The risk that a client’s system on a timely basis. (p. 6-32).
(p. 4-15). of internal controls will not prevent or detect Desired level of assurance The level
Compilation engagement An engage- a material misstatement on a timely basis. of assurance that the sample is represent-
ment in which a CPA applies accounting (p. 3-16). ative of the population; the auditor wants
and financial expertise to assist manage- Corporate governance The people, to choose a level of assurance so tolerable
ment in the presentation of financial state- systems, and processes within companies misstatement is less likely to be exceeded by
ments without undertaking to obtain or used to ensure that companies are well- the actual misstatement in the population.
provide any assurance that there are no managed and that risks are identified and (pp. 8-18, 10-12).
material modifications that should be made controlled by management and entity per- Detection risk The risk that the auditor’s
to the financial statements for them to be sonnel. (p. 4-23). testing procedures will not be effective in
in accordance with the applicable financial Covered member A person in a position detecting a material misstatement. (p. 3-17).
reporting framework. (p. 15-30). to potentially influence attest decisions Detective controls Controls applied after
Compilation of inventory values The or the outcome of an attest engagement. transactions have been processed to identify
client’s documentation behind the value for (p. 2-14). whether fraud or errors have occurred, and
inventory in the general ledger; this shows Criminal liability Subjects auditors to to rectify the fraud or errors on a timely basis.
the quantity of each item in inventory and penalties of fines or imprisonment or both; (p. 8-8).
the values assigned to each item in inven- the only entities that can bring charges for Difference method A method of estimat-
tory. (p. 13-15). criminal causes of action are federal or state ing the audited value of the population where
Compliance audit An audit to determine governments. (p. 2-39). the auditor adds (or subtracts) the projected
whether the entity has conformed with regu- Critical accounting estimates Account- difference between the audited value and
lations, rules, or processes. (p. 1-7). ing estimates whose nature and impact book value of the sample to the book value of
Component An entity or business activ- on the financial statements are material each stratum. (p. 10-30).
ity whose financial information is required because of the high levels of subjectivity and Direct and material effect A situation
by an applicable financial reporting frame- judgment necessary to account for highly in which noncompliance with laws and reg-
work to be included in group financial state- uncertain matters. (p. 14-26). ulations impacts amounts and disclosures
ments. (p. 5-23). Critical accounting policies and prac- already included in the financial statements.
Component auditor An audit firm that tices Accounting policies and practices (p. 4-10).
performs work on the financial information that are most important to the portrayal Disclaimer of opinion Auditors provide
of a component that will be used as audit evi- of the company’s financial condition and no opinion on the financial statements due to
dence for the group audit. (p. 5-23). results, and require management’s most a pervasively material scope limitation or lack
difficult, subjective, or complex judgments. of independence from the client. (p. 15-18).
Confirmation bias The tendency to
(p. 14-26).
seek or interpret evidence in ways that Disclosure committee A committee
support pre-existing beliefs or expectations. Current file Contains client information often led by the CFO or chief legal officer
(p. 9-14). that is relevant for the duration of one audit. with the purpose of helping ensure that
(p. 5-26). financial statement disclosures are accurate,
Consignment inventory Inventory that
is sent by its owner (consignor) to an agent Current ratio Measures ability to meet complete, and fairly presented in all material
(consignee) who undertakes to sell the goods; short-term obligations as they come due. respects. (p. 11-24).
the consignee has an obligation to pay the (p. 4-17). Dual dating Showing two dates on an
consignor when the goods are sold by the Cutoff bank statement A bank state- audit report; one date is the end of field-
consignee. (p. 13-17). ment for the period subsequent to the date work and the other is the date of a revision
Consignment sales May occur in a of the balance sheet that the client requests to the financial statements that occurred
transaction between a manufacturer and a the bank to send directly to the auditor. after the end of fieldwork. (p. 15-23).
wholesaler, when the seller retains title to (p. 13-10). Dual-purpose test A substantive test of a
inventory in the wholesaler’s possession, Cycle counts The client will frequently transaction and a test of control relevant to that
and the sale is completed when the whole- identify a small portion of items in the per- transaction that are performed concurrently.
saler sells the inventory forward; a con- petual inventory, count actual inventory, and (p. 9-7).
signment sale may be created in economic investigate discrepancies; the client will usu- Due care defense The auditor’s docu-
substance when the terms of sale create ally vouch items in the perpetual records to mentation should provide evidence that the
uncertainties about whether the wholesaler the actual inventory on hand (testing exist- audit was performed in accordance with
assumes risk of ownership upon receipt of ence), and also count inventory on hand auditing standards generally accepted in the
goods. (p. 11-9). for other items and then trace results to the United States. (p. 2-32).
Due diligence defense An audit firm disclosures to an inherent lack of precision concealment, or nondisclosure of a mate-
must show that it made a reasonable inves- in its measurement. (p. 9-19). rial fact, that results in injury to another.
tigation, that the firm followed auditing Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) A (p. 2-28).
standards, and accordingly had reasonable highly automated business process between Fraud (client management) An inten-
grounds to believe, and did believe, that suppliers and purchasers to exchange data tional act through the use of deception
the statements certified were true at the electronically and execute a purchase trans- that results in a misstatement in financial
date of the statements and as of the time action electronically. (p. 12-21). statements that are the subject of an audit.
the registration statement became effective. (p. 3-25).
Examining subsequent payments Exam-
(p. 2-34).
ining vouchers paid after the balance sheet Fraud risk factors Conditions that indi-
Due professional care Exercising due date (or an interim date) to determine if the cate an incentive or pressure to commit fraud,
professional care expected of other CPAs in payment is for an obligation that existed provide an opportunity to commit fraud, or
the performance of professional services. as of the balance sheet date (or an interim indicate rationalizations to justify fraudulent
(p. 2-23). date) and whether the obligation was in fact actions. (p. 3-26).
recorded as of the balance sheet date (or an Fraudulent financial reporting Inten-
Earnings per share (EPS) ratio Meas- interim date). (p. 12-32). tional misstatements, including omissions of
ures the earnings return on each common Executive directors Employees of the amounts and disclosures in financial state-
share issued. (p. 4-12). company who also hold a position on the ments, to deceive financial statement users.
Electronic invoice presentment and pay- board of directors. (p. 4-24). (p. 3-26).
ment (EIPP) systems An electronic system Expected misstatement (EM) The
that uses a third-party payment process to amount of misstatement the auditor Going concern assumption The viabil-
settle a business-to-business transaction. expects in a transaction class or account bal- ity of an entity to remain in business for the
(p. 12-22). ance when performing a substantive test. foreseeable future. (p. 14-18).
Emphasis-of-matter paragraph A par- (p. 10-13).
Gross negligence Failure to use even
agraph included in the auditor’s report that Expected rate of deviation in the pop- slight care in the circumstances. (p. 2-28).
is required by generally accepted auditing ulation The rate at which the auditor
Gross operating cycle Measures how many
standards, or is included at the auditor’s expects controls not to function as planned.
days, on average, it takes to purchase inventory,
discretion, and that refers to a matter (p. 8-18).
sell it, and collect the receivable. (p. 4-18).
appropriately presented or disclosed in the Extent of an audit procedure The deter-
financial statements that, in the auditor’s mination of the quantity of audit procedures to Gross profit margin Measures whether
professional judgment, is of such importance be performed. (p. 3-21). a seller of goods has sufficient markup on
that it is fundamental to users’ understand- goods sold to pay other expenses. (p. 4-16).
External confirmation An audit pro-
ing of the financial statements. (p. 15-7). cedure in which the auditor corresponds Gross sales Total revenues before any
Engagement letter Sets out the terms of directly with a third party, either in paper or deductions, such as deductions for sales
the audit engagement, to avoid any misunder- electronic form, and the third party responds returns and allowances. (p. 11-10).
standings between the auditor and the client. directly to the auditor on the matter(s) Group audit An audit of group financial
(p. 3-6). included in the confirmation. (p. 5-13). statements. (p. 5-23).
Engagement partner Partner or other Group engagement partner The part-
person in the firm who is responsible for False positives Items incorrectly identi- ner who is responsible for the group audit
the audit engagement and its performance fied as notable items. (p. 7-16). engagement and its performance and for the
and for the auditor’s report that is issued on Familiarity threat The threat that, due to auditor’s report on the group financial state-
behalf of the firm. (p. 14-17). a long or close relationship with a client, a ments that is issued on behalf of the firm.
Engagement quality control reviewer CPA will become too sympathetic to the cli- (p. 5-23).
A partner or other person in the firm, who ent’s interests or too accepting of the client’s Group engagement team Partners and
is not part of the engagement team, who work or product. (p. 2-8). staff who establish the overall group audit
has sufficient and appropriate experience Financing activities Transactions and strategy, communicate with component
and authority to objectively evaluate the events whereby cash is obtained from, or auditors, perform work on the consolida-
significant judgments that the engage- repaid to, lenders (debt financing) or owners tion process, and evaluate audit evidence to
ment team made and the conclusions it (equity financing). (p. 13-37). form an opinion on the group financial state-
reached in formulating the auditor’s report. ments. (p. 5-23).
FOB destination Title passes from seller
(p. 14-17). Group financial statements Financial
to buyer when goods arrive at the customer’s
Entity-level controls The client’s con- warehouse. (p. 11-32). statements that include the financial infor-
trol environment, risk assessment process, FOB shipping point Title passes from mation of more than one entity, or compo-
information system, control activities, and seller to buyer when goods are shipped. nent. (p. 5-23).
monitoring of controls that exist at the (p. 11-32).
organizational level. (p. 6-7). Haphazard selection The selection of
Foreseeable parties Individuals or enti-
Entity-level risk Client risk that affects ties who the auditor either knew, or should a sample without use of a methodical tech-
multiple financial statement accounts, asser- have known, would rely on the audit report. nique. (p. 10-11).
tions, and transaction classes. (p. 4-4). (p. 2-30).
Error An unintentional misstatement Foreseen class A limited class of third Illegal acts Violations of laws or govern-
in amounts or disclosures in the financial parties known to be relying on the financial mental regulations. (p. 4-10).
statements. (p. 3-25). statements. (p. 2-30). Immediate family member A covered
Estimation uncertainty The suscepti- Fraud (auditor legal liability) Inten- member’s spouse, spouse equivalent, or
bility of an accounting estimate and related tional deception, such as misrepresentation, dependent. (p. 2-15).
payroll bank account A bank Internal audit A function within an entity Lapping A scheme where an accounting
account that only processes payroll trans- which generally evaluates and improves risk clerk incorrectly classifies cash receipts from
actions; only the exact amount needed to management, internal control procedures and one customer to another in order to cover up
clear net payroll transactions is transferred elements of the governance process. (p. 1-8). the diversion of funds from a customer for
into this account, and after payroll disburse- Internal auditors Employees of the cli- personal gain. (p. 11-26).
ments are made the balance in the account is ent who perform assurance and consulting Lead schedule Summarizes the detail
zero. (p. 12-34). activities designed to evaluate and improve included in a specific account on the financial
Independence A member in public prac- the effectiveness of the entity’s governance, statements. (p. 5-26).
tice shall be independent in the performance risk management, and internal control pro- Legal letter An audit inquiry sent to a cli-
of professional services as required by stand- cesses. (p. 5-20). ent’s external and in-house legal counsel to
ards promulgated by bodies designated by Internal control A process, effected by an obtain information about litigation, assess-
Council. (p. 2-12). entity’s board of directors, management, and ments, and claims. (p. 14-4).
Independent in appearance Avoiding other personnel, designed to provide reason- Liquidity The ability of a company to
potential conflicts of interest that can be able assurance regarding the achievement of pay its current debts when they fall due.
observed by others. (p. 2-13). the objectives related to operations, report- (p. 4-13).
Independent in fact Acting with integ- ing, and compliance. (p. 6-3).
Lockbox system Cash is received at a post
rity and objectivity, being honest, and not Interpretations Provide additional guid- office box that is controlled by the client’s
subordinating the public trust to personal ance regarding the scope and applicability of bank; the bank picks up the mail daily (or
gain and advantages. (p. 2-12). the rules of conduct. (p. 2-6). more frequently) and deposits the checks in
Indirect effect A situation in which non- Inventory turnover in days Measures the company’s bank account. (p. 11-20).
compliance with laws and regulations does how many days, on average, it takes a com- Logical sampling unit The item snagged
not have a direct impact on amounts and pany to sell its inventory. (p. 4-18). by the sampling plan for audit, such as an
disclosures in the financial statements, but Investing activities The purchase and individual customer or individual sales
could require the creation of a contingent sale of land, buildings, equipment, and invoice; auditing procedures are performed
liability or an additional disclosure. (p. 4-10). other long-term assets not generally held on the logical sampling unit. (p. 10-18).
Information and communication The for resale; in addition, investing activities
Loss contingency An existing condition
information and communication system rel- include the purchase and sale of financial
or situation involving uncertainty as to pos-
evant to financial reporting objectives, which instruments that are not intended for trading
sible loss that will ultimately be resolved
includes the accounting system, consists of purposes. (p. 13-28).
when one or more future events occur or fail
methods and records established to iden- IT application controls Controls designed to occur. (p. 14-3).
tify, assemble, analyze, classify, record, and to provide reasonable assurance that the
report entity transactions (as well as events recording, processing, and reporting of data
and conditions) and to maintain account- Management bias A lack of neutrality
by IT are properly performed for specific
ability for the related assets and liabilities; by management in the preparation and fair
applications. (p. 6-25).
communication involves a clear understand- presentation of information. (p. 9-20).
IT-dependent manual controls Controls
ing of individual roles and responsibilities Management letter A document pre-
that involve manual review of the complete-
pertaining to ICFR. (p. 6-14). pared by the audit team and provided to the
ness and accuracy of computer-generated
Information technology (IT) The use client that discusses internal control weak-
information. (p. 6-27).
of computers to process, record, and store nesses and other matters discovered during
IT general controls Controls of program the course of the audit. (p. 6-33).
financial reporting data and other informa- development, program changes, computer
tion. (p. 4-26). operations, and access to programs and data; Management participation threat The
Inherent risk The susceptibility of an these entity-level controls are designed to threat that a CPA will take on the role of cli-
assertion to a misstatement that could be provide reasonable assurance that individual ent management or otherwise assume man-
material, either individually or when aggre- software applications operate consistently agement responsibilities. (p. 2-8).
gated with other misstatements, before con- and effectively. (p. 6-24). Management representation letter A
sideration of any related controls. (p. 3-16). letter from management to the auditor
Inquiry An evidence-gathering procedure Key performance indicators (KPIs) acknowledging management’s responsibility
that involves asking questions verbally or in Measurements, agreed to beforehand, that for the preparation of the financial statements
written form to gain an understanding of var- can be quantified and reflect the success fac- and details of any verbal representations made
ious matters throughout the audit. (p. 5-12). tors of an organization. (p. 4-12). by management during the course of the
audit. (p. 14-22).
Inspection An evidence-gathering proce- Key position A position with an attest cli-
dure that involves examining documents and ent where an individual can exercise influ- Matching information in key data
physical assets. (p. 5-11). ence over the financial statements. (p. 2-15). fields The process whereby the auditor
uses audit data analytics to search for key
Integrated audit An audit that combines Kickback The entity pays inflated prices
characteristics that may exist in several
the financial statement audit with an audit to the vendor, and the employee receives a
different databases. (p. 7-25).
of the effectiveness of ICFR. (pp. 1-6, 15-26). payment for facilitating the inflated transac-
Integrity and objectivity In the perfor- tions with vendor. (p. 12-27). Materiality The ability of information to
mance of any professional service, a mem- influence decisions that users make on the
Kiting A method often used to conceal
ber shall maintain objectivity and integrity, basis of the financial information of a spe-
a cash shortage or to overstate cash; kiting
shall be free of conflicts of interest, and cific reporting entity. (pp. 1-7, 3-10).
involves recording a transfer between bank
shall not knowingly misrepresent facts or accounts as a deposit while failing to record Material weakness A deficiency, or com-
subordinate his or her judgment to others. the cash disbursement in the same time bination of deficiencies, in ICFR, such that
(p. 2-11). period. (p. 13-7). there is a reasonable possibility that a material
misstatement of the financial statements will or tailoring procedures to address risks of Principles Express the basic tenets of
not be prevented or detected on a timely basis. material misstatement. (p. 7-15). ethical conduct and provide the framework
(pp. 1-28, 6-32). for the rules that govern the performance of
Misappropriation of assets Intentional Observation An evidence-gathering pro- the member’s professional responsibilities.
theft of a company’s assets by employees. cedure that involves watching a process or (p. 2-6).
(p. 3-26). procedure being carried out by client person- Privity of contract A contractual rela-
nel or another party. (p. 5-12). tionship that exists between two or more
Misstatement A difference between the
amount, classification, presentation, or Operational (performance) audit An contracting parties. (p. 2-27).
disclosure of a reported financial state- assessment of the economy, efficiency and Probability-proportionate-to-size (PPS)
ment item and the amount, classification, effectiveness of an organization’s operations. sampling An approach to sampling that
presentation, or disclosure that is required (p. 1-7). uses attribute sampling theory to express a
for the item to be in accordance with the Ordinary negligence Failure to exercise conclusion in dollar amounts; with this sam-
applicable financial reporting framework; the degree of care a reasonable person would pling technique, the probability that a par-
misstatements can arise from error or fraud. exercise under the same circumstances. ticular sampling unit will be chosen in the
(p. 9-26). (p. 2-28). sample is proportionate to the monetary size
Modified opinion A qualified opinion, an Other beneficiaries Unnamed third par- of the item. (p. 10-17).
adverse opinion, or a disclaimer of opinion. ties, such as creditors, stockholders, and poten- Professional competence Undertaking
(p. 15-14). tial investors, who use the auditor’s report. only those professional services that a CPA
Monitoring A process that assesses the (p. 2-29). or a CPA’s firm can reasonably expect to com-
quality of internal control performance over plete with professional competence.(p. 2-23).
time. It involves assessing the design and Payables turnover in days Measures Professional judgment The application
operation of controls on a timely basis and how many days, on average, it takes a com- of relevant training, knowledge, and expe-
taking necessary corrective actions. (p. 6-16). pany to pay its suppliers. (p. 4-18). rience in making informed decisions about
estimation A sampling method *Payroll
process Transactions and balances the courses of action that are appropriate in
that involves determining an audit value related to the payment of salaries, hourly and the circumstances of the audit engagement.
for each item in the sample; an average (or incentive compensation, commissions, and (p. 1-12).
mean) of these audit values is then calcu- bonuses. (p. 12-34). Professional skepticism An attitude that
lated and multiplied by the number of units includes a questioning mind, being alert to
Performance materiality Amount or
in the population to obtain an estimate of the conditions that may indicate possible mis-
amounts set by the auditors at less than the
total population value. (p. 10-33). statement due to fraud or error, and a criti-
materiality level for particular classes of
transactions, account balances, or disclo- cal assessment of audit evidence. (pp. 1-12,
Nature of an audit procedure The deter- sures. (p. 3-13). 3-15).
mination of what type of audit procedure to Profitability The ability of a company to
Permanent file Contains client infor-
use, such as tests of controls or substantive earn a profit. (p. 4-12).
mation that is relevant for more than one
procedures. (p. 3-21).
audit. (p. 5-25). Profit margin Measures profitability after
Negative confirmation Correspondence
Pervasive A description of the impact or taking into account all operating expenses.
sent directly by an auditor to a third party,
possible impact of a material misstatement (p. 4-16).
who is asked to respond to the auditor on the
matter(s) included in the letter only if the or material scope limitation on the financial Projected misstatement (PM) A pro-
party disagrees with the information pro- statements as a whole. (p. 15-14). jection of the misstatement in the popula-
vided. (p. 5-14). Planning and supervision Adequately tion based on the findings in the sample.
plan and supervise the performance of pro- (p. 10-23).
Net operating cycle Measures how many
days, on average, it takes a company to pur- fessional services. (p. 2-23). Proportionate liability Defendants who
chase and sell inventory, collect the receiva- Population The class of transactions or are not found to have “knowingly commit-
ble, and pay back creditors. (p. 4-18). the account balance to be tested. (p. 10-9). ted a violation” of the securities law are
Non-executive directors Board members liable based on the defendant’s percentage
Positive confirmation Correspondence of responsibility. (p. 2-37).
who are not employees of the company; their
sent directly by an auditor to a third party,
involvement on the board is limited to prepar- Purchasing process (procurement pro-
who is asked to respond to the auditor on the
ing for and attending board meetings and rel- cess) Involves selecting vendors, estab-
matter(s) included in the letter in all circum-
evant board committee meetings. (p. 4-24). lishing payment terms, negotiating contracts,
stances (that is, whether they agree or disagree
Nonsampling risk The risk that the audi- purchasing goods, receiving goods, and
with the information included in the auditor’s
tor reaches an erroneous conclusion for any recording purchases and payment of liabil-
letter). (p. 5-14).
reason not related to sampling risk. (p. 10-7). ities. (p. 12-4).
Preventive controls Controls applied to
Nonstatistical sampling Involves any each transaction that stop fraud or errors
sample selection method and evaluation Qualified opinion Auditors state the finan-
from occurring. (p. 8-7).
method that does not have the characteris- cial statements are fairly presented except
tics of statistical sampling. (p. 10-8). Price–earnings (PE) ratio Measures for a material departure from the applicable
how much a stockholder is willing to pay per financial reporting framework or a material
Notable item An item identified from
dollar of earnings. (p. 4-12). scope limitation. (p. 15-15).
the population being analyzed that has one
or more characteristics that, for a relevant Primary beneficiary Anyone identified Qualitative materiality Information or
assertion, may do the following: (a) be indic- to the auditor by name prior to the audit misstatements that impact a user’s decision-
ative of a risk of material misstatement, or who is a recipient of the auditor’s report. making process for a reason other than its
(b) provide information useful in designing (p. 2-29). magnitude. (p. 3-11).
Quantitative materiality Information or Reperformance An audit procedure that tion were subjected to the same audit proce-
misstatements that exceed the magnitude of involves the independent execution of pro- dure. (p. 10-6).
an auditor’s preliminary materiality assess- cedures or controls that were originally per- Sampling unit A subset of the population
ment, which is a percentage of an appropri- formed by client personnel. (p. 5-16). that is the basis for sampling. (p. 10-9).
ate benchmark. (p. 3-11). Reporting phase Evaluation of the results Scanning A type of analytical procedure
of the detailed testing in light of the auditor’s in which auditors use their professional
Random selection Involves selecting a understanding of the client and forming an judgment to review accounting data to identify
sample that is free from bias and for which opinion on the fair presentation of the cli- unusual or significant items to examine fur-
each item in a population has an equal ent’s financial statements. (p. 3-8). ther. (p. 5-16).
chance of selection (p. 10-9). Return on assets (ROA) ratio Measures Scienter The auditor either had actual
Ratio method A method of estimating ability to generate income from average knowledge of the falsity of the representa-
the audited value of the population where investment in total assets. (p. 4-17). tion, or had a reckless disregard for the truth
the auditor estimates the audited value of Return on stockholders’ equity (ROE) or falsity of the representation. (p. 2-36).
the population based on the ratio of the ratio Measures ability to generate income
audited value in each stratum divided by the Search for unrecorded liabilities Pro-
from funds invested by common stockhold- cedures designed specifically to detect sig-
book value of the sample in each stratum. ers. (p. 4-17).
(p. 10-30). nificant unrecorded obligations as of the
Review engagement An engagement balance sheet date (or as of an interim date).
Reasonable assurance A high, but not in which a CPA uses inquiry and analytical (p. 12-32).
absolute, level of assurance. (p. 1-19). procedures to provide limited assurance that Self-interest threat The threat that a
Reasonable period of time The period no material modifications should be made CPA could benefit, financially or otherwise,
of time required by the applicable financial to the financial statements for them to be from an interest in, or a relationship with, a
reporting framework, or if no such frame- in accordance with the applicable financial client or persons associated with the client.
work exists, for one year after the date reporting framework. (p. 15-32). (p. 2-9).
that the financial statements are issued. Risk assessment phase Gaining an
(p. 14-19). Self-review threat The threat that a CPA
understanding of the client, identifying risk will not appropriately evaluate the results
Recalculation An audit procedure that factors, developing an audit strategy, and set- of a previous judgment made by, or service
involves checking the mathematical accu- ting planning materiality. (p. 3-8). performed by, an individual in the member’s
racy of documents or records. (p. 5-15).
Risk assessment process The entity’s firm, and that the CPA will rely on that work
Receivable confirmation Correspondence process for identifying and responding to in forming a judgment as part of an engage-
sent directly by the auditors to their client’s risks that an organization will not achieve its ment. (p. 2-9).
customers requesting information about objectives. (p. 6-10). Significant deficiency A deficiency, or
amounts owed to the client by the customer.
Risk of incorrect acceptance The risk that a combination of deficiencies, in internal
(p. 5-14).
the auditor concludes that a material misstate- control that is less severe than a material
Receivables turnover in days Measures ment does not exist when it does. (p. 10-6). weakness, yet important enough to merit
how many days, on average, it takes a com- attention by those charged with governance.
Risk of incorrect rejection The risk that
pany to collect its receivables. (p. 4-18). (p. 6-32).
the auditor concludes that a material mis-
Reciprocal population A population that statement exists when it does not. (p. 10-6). Significant risk An identified and assessed
is overstated if the population of interest is risk of material misstatement that, in the
Risk of material misstatement (RMM)
understated (or vice versa). (p. 10-16). auditor’s judgment, requires special audit
The risk that the financial statements are
Refund rights A sale is made with the materially misstated prior to the audit; a consideration. (pp. 3-16, 9-8).
right to return the goods for a full refund, combination of inherent risk and control risk. Solvency The ability of a company to meet
even if the goods are not defective. (p. 11-9). (p. 3-17). its long-term financial obligations. (p. 4-13).
Regression analysis A statistical pro- Risk response phase Performing tests Specialist An individual or organization
cess that involves estimating a prediction of controls and detailed substantive testing with expertise in a field other than account-
equation that expresses an item of interest of transactions and accounts, concentrating ing or auditing whose work in that field is
(commonly known as the y or dependent effort where the risk of material misstate- used by the auditors to assist in obtaining
variable) in terms of other data fields (the ment is greatest. (p. 3-8). sufficient appropriate evidence. (p. 5-18).
x or independent variables). (p. 7-30).
Roll-forward procedures Procedures per- Statistical sampling An approach to
Related party An affiliate, principal formed at year-end on transactions occurring sampling that involves a random selection
owner, manager, or other party that is not between an interim date and year-end (the of sample items and the use of an appro-
independent of the entity. (p. 4-22). roll-forward period) to provide sufficient priate statistical technique to determine
Relevance Refers to the logical connec- appropriate audit evidence on which to base sample size and evaluate the sample results,
tion with the assertion being tested. (p. 5-8). conclusions at year-end when substantive including a measurement of sampling risk.
Relevant assertions Assertions that have procedures are performed at an interim (p. 10-8).
a reasonable possibility of containing a date. (p. 9-15). Statutory law Law established by state
material misstatement that would cause Rules of conduct Establish minimum and federal legislative bodies that specifi-
the financial statements to be materially standards of acceptable conduct in the per- cally addresses the auditor’s liability under
misstated and, therefore, have a meaning- formance of professional services. (p. 2-6). certain circumstances. (p. 2-33).
ful impact on whether the account is fairly
Stratification A process of dividing a pop-
stated. (pp. 5-6, 9-7). Sampling risk The risk that the auditor’s ulation into groups of sampling units with
Reliability Refers to the source, form, or conclusion based on a sample may be differ- similar characteristics that are more homo-
nature of the audit evidence. (p. 5-8). ent from the conclusion if the entire popula- geneous. (p. 10-10).
Subsequent events Events occurring Those charged with governance Persons statements and may require disclosure
between the date of the financial statements with responsibility for overseeing the strate- in the notes to the financial statements.
and the date of the auditor’s report. (p. 14-8). gic direction of the entity and the obligations (p. 14-8).
Subsequently discovered facts Facts related to the accountability of the entity.
that become known to the auditor after the (pp. 1-8, 4-24).
Undue influence threat The threat that
date of the auditor’s report that, had they Times-interest-earned ratio Measures a CPA will subordinate his or her judgment
been known to the auditor at that date, ability of earnings to cover interest pay- to an individual associated with a client or
might have caused the auditor to revise the ments. (p. 4-19). any relevant third party due to that individ-
auditor’s report. (p. 15-22). Timing of an audit procedure The ual’s reputation or expertise, aggressive or
Substantive procedures (substantive determination of when an audit procedure is dominant personality, or attempts to coerce
testing or tests of details) Audit proce- to be performed. (p. 3-21). or exercise excessive influence over the CPA.
dures designed to detect material misstate- Tolerable deviation rate The maximum (p. 2-9).
ments at the assertion level and to gather rate of deviation from a prescribed control Unmodified opinion The opinion
evidence to support management assertions. that an auditor is willing to accept and still expressed by the auditor when the auditor
(pp. 3-21, 9-3). use the planned assessed level of control concludes that the financial statements are
Sufficient Refers to the quantity of audit risk. (p. 8-17). presented fairly, in all material respects, in
evidence gathered. (p. 5-7). Tolerable misstatement (TM) The max- accordance with the applicable financial
imum dollar amount of misstatement that reporting framework. (p. 15-4).
Sufficient relevant data Obtain suffi-
an auditor is willing to accept within the
cient relevant data to afford a reasonable Upper misstatement limit A statisti-
population tested, and conclude that the
basis for conclusion or recommendation cal estimate of the maximum misstatement
population is presented fairly when perform-
in relation to any professional services in the population based on the sample.
ing a substantive test. (p. 10-13).
performed. (p. 2-23). (p. 10-22).
Tort A wrongful act that injures another
Sustainable cash flow from operations
person’s property, body, or reputation.
Cash flow from operations adjusted for one- Visualization The representation of a data
(p. 2-28).
time influences. (p. 4-13). set, or key information, as a chart or other
Tracing A type of inspection in which
Sustainable free cash flow Measures image to explain and communicate find-
auditors select source documents and work
cash flow remaining after covering cash ings. (pp. 5-17, 7-34).
forward to follow the transaction through
outflows for operations and capital expendi- to recording in the journal and ledger; trac- Vouching A type of inspection in which
tures. (p. 4-18). ing provides evidence for the completeness auditors select transactions from a journal
Systematic selection Involves the selec- assertion. (p. 5-11). or ledger and work backward to examine the
tion of a sample for testing by dividing the Transaction-level controls Controls that underlying source documents. Vouching pro-
number of items in a population by the sam- affect a particular transaction or group of vides evidence for the occurrence or existence
ple size, determining a sampling interval transactions. (p. 6-19). assertion. (p. 5-11).
(n), and then selecting every nth item in the
Transaction-level risk Client risk that
population. (p. 10-10). Walkthrough Following a transaction
affects only one transaction class, account,
or assertion. (p. 4-4). from initiating the transaction until it is
recorded in the financial records. (p. 6-19).
Tests of controls (controls testing) Audit Transfer agent A trust company, bank,
procedures designed to evaluate the operating or similar financial institution assigned by What can go wrong (WCGW) Describes
effectiveness of controls in preventing, or a corporation to maintain records of inves- where material misstatements due to error
detecting and correcting, material misstate- tors and account balances; the transfer agent or fraud could occur in a flow of transactions
ments at the assertion level. (pp. 3-21, 8-13). records transactions, cancels or issues stock or source and preparation of information
certificates, and processes investor mail- that affects a relevant financial statement
Third party An individual or collective
ings. (p. 13-40). assertion. (p. 8-4).
group who is not in privity with the parties
to a contract. (p. 2-29). Trend analysis A comparison of account Working papers Paper or electronic doc-
balances over time. (p. 4-15). umentation of the audit created by the audit
Third-party payment processor An inde-
Type I subsequent events Conditions team as evidence of the work completed.
pendent third party such as a bank or pay-
that existed at the date of the financial state- (p. 5-24).
ment processor that processes a payment
from the purchaser to the supplier; federal ments and require adjustment to the finan- Written representation A written state-
regulations require that the third-party cial statements. (p. 14-8). ment by management provided to the audi-
payment process is PCI security compliant. Type II subsequent events Conditions tor to confirm certain matters or to support
(p. 12-22). that arose after the date of the financial other audit evidence. (p. 14-21).
1136 Tenants’ Corp v. Max completeness of, 11-18 some misstatements found, AS 2110, 3-2, 3-16, 3-25, 3-30, 4-4,
Rothenberg & Co. (1971), confirmation of, 11-33–11-37 10-23 6-3, 8-7
2-28–2-29 estimates of, 11-7 American Institute of Certified AS 2201, 1-2, 1-6, 1-25–1-26, 1-27,
rights and obligations of, 11-18 Public Accountants. See 6-7, 6-32, 8-6, 8-29, 15-26,
trial balance, 11-31 AICPA 15-29
Ability of cash flow from
validating with subsequent cash Analytical procedures AS 2301, 3-2, 3-22, 9-5, 9-7
operations to cover current
receipts, 7-38–7-42 audit data analytics (ADA), 4-20 AS 2305, 9-2, 9-9
debt and dividends, 4-18
WCGW, 11-16–11-18 to audit long-term debt, 13-39 AS 2310, 11-2, 11-33
Absolute assurance, 1-19
write-off authorization, 11-23 as audit procedure, 5-16 AS 2315, 10-2, 10-5
Access controls, 6-25
Accuracy cash and cash equivalents and, AS 2401, 3-2, 14-13
of cash disbursements, 12-20, 13-4 AS 2405, 4-2, 4-10
forensic, 14-13
12-23 common-size analysis, AS 2410, 4-2, 4-22
professionalism and, 2-3–2-5
of payroll, 12-41 4-15–4-16 AS 2415, 14-2, 14-19, 15-8
Accounting estimates
of purchases, 12-16, 12-23 comparisons, 4-14–4-15 AS 2501, 9-2, 9-19
assumption used by
of sales, 11-17–11-18 defined, 4-14, 5-16, 9-9 AS 2502, 9-2, 9-19
management, 9-23, 9-25
Accuracy and valuation assertion, factors to consider when AS 2505, 14-2, 14-4
critical, 14-26
5-4, 5-6 conducting, 4-20–4-21 AS 2605, 5-2, 5-21
defined, 9-19
Accuracy assertion, 5-4 final, 14-11 AS 2610, 3-4
estimation uncertainty, 9-19
Acid-test (quick) ratio, 4-17–4-18 financing activities, 13-39 AS 2801, 14-2, 14-8
example of, 9-24–9-25
Activity ratios, 4-17–4-19 interpreting results of, 9-12 AS 2805, 14-2, 14-21–14-22
fair value, 9-23
ADA. See Audit data analytics for inventory, 13-13–13-14 AS 2810, 9-2, 9-26, 14-11
how they are made, 9-21, 9-24
Advance shipping notice (ASN), multidimensional analysis, AS 2820, 15-2, 15-10
inspecting events and, 9-23, 9-25
12-22 4-20 AS 2905, 15-2, 15-22, 15-23
inventory, 13-26–13-27
Adverse interest threat, 2-8 payroll process, 12-36 AS 3101, 1-2, 1-24, 15-6, 15-7
management bias and, 9-20
Adverse opinion. See also Opinions property, plant, and equipment, AS 3105, 15-2, 15-14, 15-20
method of measurement, 9-23
basis for, 15-16–15-17 13-30 ASN (advance shipping notice),
nature of, 9-19–9-21
defined, 15-15 purchasing process, 12-7 12-22
prior period, inspecting
on effectiveness of ICFR, ratio analysis, 4-16–4-19 ASR. See Allowance for sampling
outcome of, 9-22, 9-24
15-28–15-29 regression analysis, 4-20 risk
process for identifying need for,
illustrated, 15-16 reliable information sources, Assertions
9-21, 9-24
Advocacy threat, 2-8 4-21 audit strategy for, 6-19
recalculating, 9-23, 9-25
AICPA (American Institute requirement, 4-14 by category, 9-4
risk assessment procedures for,
of Certified Public results of, 9-12 defined, 3-16, 5-3
9-21–9-22, 9-24
Accountants) for revenue process, 11-6–11-8 in guiding procedures, 3-16
risk response procedures for,
ASB, 1-15–1-17 review engagement, high risk, 3-18–3-19, 5-9
9-22–9-23, 9-25
Audit Guide: Audit Sampling, 15-32–15-33 low risk, 3-19–3-20, 5-9
as significant risks, 9-23
8-17, 10-17 substantive, 9-9–9-12 management, 5-3–5-7
types of, 9-19
Code of Professional Conduct, time-series analysis, 4-20 related to physical assets,
Accounting firms, as assurance
2-3–2-26 trend analysis, 4-15 5-12
providers, 1-12
committees, 1-15 use of, 4-14 Assurance
Accounting principles
Conceptual Framework for Apple, Inc., 13-3 absolute, 1-19
change in, 15-8–15-9
Members in Public Practice, Applicable financial reporting desired level of, 8-18,
client refusal to disclose
2-7–2-26 framework, 1-4 10-12–10-13
material change in, 15-9
defined, 1-15 Application system acquisition, illegal acts and, 4-10
client selection and application
PPS sampling model, 10-17 development, and relative, 1-19–1-20
of, 4-5, 4-6
role of, 1-15–1-17 maintenance controls, 6-25 Assurance services
Accounting principles rule, 2-25
tolerable deviation rate, 8-17 Appropriate audit evidence, 5-8, defined, 1-5
Accounting records
AICPA Guide to Audit Data 5-9–5-10 demand for, 1-8–1-11
as audit evidence, 5-10–5-11
Analytics, 7-2–7-3, 7-9, Approved payroll master file, providers of, 1-12
defined, 5-10
7-15, 7-16 12-38 sources of demand for, 1-10
Accounts payable
Allied Crude Vegetable Oil, 13-22 Arthur Andersen LLP, 3-4 Attest clients
confirmation of, 12-32
Allowance for doubtful accounts, AS 1015, 3-2 employment or association
relationship between purchases
evaluating, 11-37 AS 1101, 3-2, 3-15 with, 2-17–2-18
and, 12-7
Allowance for sampling risk (ASR) AS 1105, 5-2, 5-6, 5-7, 7-7 rule for, public versus private,
substantive tests for, 12-30
classical variables sampling, AS 1201, 14-2, 14-16 2-17
WCGW and key controls,
10-36 AS 1205, 5-2, 5-23, 15-13 working in key position, 2-15
defined, 10-23 AS 1210, 12-2, 12-48 Attestation services
Accounts receivable growth to
incremental, calculating, 10-24 AS 1215, 5-2, 5-24, 8-30, 14-17 defined, 1-4
sales growth ratio, 11-6
incremental change for, 10-25 AS 1220, 14-2, 14-17 relationship of assurance and
Accounts receivable turnover in
no misstatements found, 10-23 AS 1301, 3-2, 3-6, 4-2, 4-24, 14-24, audit services, 1-3–1-4
days, 11-6, 11-7
planned, 10-36 14-26 Attitudes and rationalization to
Accounts receivables
ratio to tolerable misstatement, AS 2101, 3-2, 3-9 justify fraud, 3-29
comparison to receivables
10-36 AS 2105, 3-10, 3-11 Attribute sampling, 8-19
estimate, 11-8
I-2 In d e x
AU-C 200, 1-2, 1-4, 1-6–1-7, 1-19, conclusions, drawing, 7-8–7-9 risk analysis decision tree and, applying, classical variable
3-2, 3-15 conclusions, drawing (cluster 7-14–7-15 sampling, 10-37
AU-C 210, 3-2, 3-4, 3-6 analytics), 7-21–7-24 as risk assessment procedure, applying, nonstatistical
AU-C 220, 14-2, 14-16, 14-17 conclusions, drawing (matching 7-13–7-17 sampling, 10-30
AU-C 230, 5-2, 5-24, 7-9, 8-30, information), 7-29–7-30 software use, 5-17 applying, PPS sampling, 10-22
14-17 conclusions, drawing steps associated with accessing audit data analytics (ADA),
AU-C 240, 3-2, 3-25, 3-30, 9-22, (regression analysis), 7-34 and preparing data for, 5-16–5-17
14-13, 14-25 data completion and, 7-6, 7-11 7-11–7-13 bank confirmation, 5-13–5-14
AU-C 250, 4-2, 4-10, 14-25 data formats, 7-6 steps in performing, 7-3–7-10 extent of, 3-21
AU-C 260, 4-2, 4-24, 14-24, 14-26, defined, 4-20, 5-17, 7-2–7-3 substantive procedures and, external confirmation, 5-13
14-28 documentation, 7-9–7-10 9-13–9-14, 11-31–11-32 in gathering evidence, 5-11
AU-C 265, 6-2, 6-32, 6-34, 8-6, factors that influence use as substantive test, 12-31 identifying going concern
8-29 decision, 10-4 successful, 7-36 issues, 14-20–14-21
AU-C 300, 3-2, 3-4 five-step process for planning use of, 7-4 inquiry, 5-12
AU-C 315, 3-2, 3-16, 4-4, 4-14, and performing, 7-4 visualization, 5-17, 7-34–7-36 inspection, 5-11–5-12
4-26, 5-3, 6-3, 6-12, 6-15, in fraud risk assessment, 12-27, when to use, 10-3 for loss contingencies,
6-29, 7-13–7-14, 7-37, 8-7, 9-4 12-44 Audit data analytics as 14-3–14-7
AU-C 320, 3-2, 3-11, 3-13 inventory and, 13-18 substantive test nature of, 3-21
AU-C 330, 3-2, 3-22, 9-5, 9-7 issues in planning data for, 7-6 accessing and preparing the negative confirmation, 5-14
AU-C 450, 9-2, 9-26, 14-14 large number of notable items data for, 7-39–7-40 observation, 5-12
AU-C 500, 5-2, 5-7, 5-8, 7-6–7-7, and, 7-16–7-17 applying, 7-38–7-42 performing in response to
7-37 matching information in key evaluating the relevance and assessed risks, 9-5
AU-C 501, 13-2, 13-22, 14-4 data fields, 7-25–7-30 reliability of data for, 7-40 positive confirmation, 5-14
AU-C 505, 5-2, 5-13, 11-33 notable items and, 7-15–7-17 evaluating the results and property, plant, and equipment,
AU-C 510, 9-2, 9-9 overview of, 4-20, 7-3 drawing conclusions, 13-32
AU-C 520, 9-2, 9-9, 14-11 overview of applying, 7-5 7-41–7-42 recalculation, 5-15–5-16
AU-C 530, 10-2, 10-5, 10-8, 10-12, payroll process and, 12-47 overview, 7-38 receivable confirmation,
10-29 performing, 7-7–7-8 performing, 7-40–7-41 5-13–5-14
AU-C 540, 9-2, 9-19, 9-20 performing (cluster analytics), planing, 7-38–7-39 reperformance, 5-16
AU-C 550, 4-2, 4-22 7-21–7-24 using, 7-37–7-38 risk assessment, 5-11
AU-C 560, 14-2, 14-8, 15-22, 15-23 performing (matching validating sale revenue and scanning, 5-16
AU-C 570, 14-2, 14-19, 15-7 information), 7-28–7-29 accounts receivable, in subsequent event
AU-C 580, 14-2, 14-21–14-22 performing (regression 7-38–7-42 identification, 14-9
AU-C 600, 5-2, 5-23, 15-12 analysis), 7-33 Audit evidence subsequently discovered facts,
AU-C 610, 5-2, 5-20–5-21 personal views on the use of, accounting records as, 5-10–5-11 15-23
AU-C 620, 5-2, 5-19, 12-48 7-10 appropriate, 5-8, 5-9–5-10 substantive, 3-21, 3-22, 5-11,
AU-C 700, 1-2, 15-4 planning, 7-5 audit procedures and, 9-1–9-36
AU-C 705, 15-2, 15-14, 15-17, 15-19 planning (cluster analysis), 5-10–5-17 tests of controls, 3-21, 5-11
AU-C 706, 15-2, 15-7, 15-10 7-19–7-20 audit program and, 5-7 those charged with governance
AU-C 708, 15-2, 15-8, 15-9, 15-10 planning (matching audit risk and, 5-9–5-10 and, 14-21
AU-C 940, 15-2, 15-29 information), 7-26 characteristics of, 5-7–5-10 timing of, 3-21
Audit committee planning (regression analysis), defined, 5-7 types of, 3-21
communication with, 4-24–4-25 7-31–7-32 management assertions and, “year-end,” 3-21
defined, 2-20, 4-24 property, plant, and equipment 5-3–5-7 Audit program, 5-7
disclosures to, 2-22 and, 13-32 procedures for gathering, Audit report
recruiting, 4-25 in purchasing cycle, 12-27 5-10–5-17 on audit of ICFR,
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and, purchasing process and, 12-27 relevance of, 5-8 15-26–15-30
4-25 questions in planning, 7-5 reliability of, 5-8 as end product, 15-3
Audit data analytics (ADA) ranking of inventory, 7-8 of risk of material misstatement standard unmodified,
accessing and preparing the regression analysis, 7-30–7-34 (RMM), 9-5 15-3–15-12
data for, 7-6 relevance and reliability of data sufficient, 5-7, 5-9–5-10 unqualified, 15-5–15-6
accessing and preparing the data for, 7-6–7-7 using the work of others and, Audit report on financial
for (cluster analysis), 7-20 relevance and reliability of 5-18–5-24 statements
accessing and preparing data for (cluster analysis), working papers, 5-24–5-29 conclusions, 1-24
the data for (matching 7-20–7-21 Audit expectations gap format, 1-20–1-21
information), 7-27 relevance and reliability of data cause of, 1-28–1-29 new, PCAOB release of, 1-24
accessing and preparing for (matching information), defined, 1-28 situations causing modified
the data for (regression 7-27–7-28 graphical representation, 1-29 options, 1-24
analysis), 7-32 relevance and reliability of data reducing, 1-29 unmodified, 1-21–1-22,
application as risk assessment for (regression analysis), Audit phases 15-4–15-5
procedure, 7-17–7-37 7-32 illustrated, 3-9 unqualified, 1-22–1-23,
application of, 10-3 results, evaluating, 7-8–7-9 reporting phase, 3-8, 3-10 15-5–15-6
application purpose results, evaluating (cluster risk assessment phase, 3-8, 3-9 Audit report on internal controls
consideration, 7-11 analytics), 7-21–7-24 risk response phase, 3-8, 3-9 over financial reporting
as audit procedure, 5-16–5-17 results, evaluating (matching Audit plan, 3-21 (ICFR)
audit sampling versus, information), 7-29–7-30 Audit principles, 1-15–1-16 adverse opinion, 1-28
10-3–10-5, 10-16 results, evaluating (regression Audit procedures elements of, 1-27–1-28
clean data and, 7-6, 7-11–7-12 analysis), 7-34 analytical procedures, 4-14–4-21, example of, 1-26–1-28
cluster analysis, 7-18–7-25 in revenue process, 11-27 5-16 material weakness and, 1-28
Index I-3
reasonable assurance and, Audit standards, 1-24 threats identification, 2-8–2-9 Blockchain, 6-28
1-25–1-26 Audit strategy using work of another, 5-23 Board of directors, 4-24
unqualified, 1-26–1-27 for assertions, 6-19 Audits Boeing Company, 1-20, 3-9
Audit risk. See also Risk basis of, 3-21 compliance, 1-7 Bond trustee, 13-40
assessment phase for cash and cash equivalents, financial statement, 1-6–1-7 Bonds
control risk, 3-16, 3-17, 3-19 13-4–13-5 integrated, 1-6, 15-26, 15-29 authorizing, 13-40
defined, 1-20, 3-9 financing activities, 13-41 internal, 1-8 issuing, 13-40
detection risk, 3-17–3-18, 3-21 high RMM and, 3-24 operational (performance), redeeming and reacquiring,
high risk assertions, “interim” period and, 3-21 1-7–1-8 13-40
3-18–3-19, 5-9 for inventory, 13-18–13-19 Authorization controls, 6-12 BP (basic precision), 10-23, 10-24
inherent risk, 3-16, 3-17, 3-19, low RMM and, 3-22 Authorization of transactions, 8-3 “Brainstorming session,” 3-30
3-20, 3-24, 4-3 preliminary, determining, 8-5 Authorized vendor list controls, Breach of contract, 2-27–2-28
low risk assertions, process at account or assertion 12-13–12-14 Burden of proof, common law
3-19–3-20, 5-9 level, 3-23 Automated controls. See also defenses and, 2-32
model and components, process for developing, 11-13 IT application controls; IT Business relationships, SEC rules
3-17–3-20 reliance on controls approach, general controls (ITGCs); on, 2-22
planning audit to keep 3-22–3-23 IT-dependent manual
acceptable, 3-18 risk of material misstatement controls C
reduction of, 3-15–3-16 (RMM) and, 11-27–11-28, defined, 8-11 Capital stock
results of determination of, 3-21 12-28, 12-44–12-45 types of, 8-11–8-12 authorizing, 13-40
in risk assessment phase, 3-9 substantive approach, 3-24 issuing, 13-40
significant risk, 3-16 timeline of audit activities, 3-22 B redeeming and reacquiring,
substantive procedures and, Audit team Balance sheet, auditing inventory 13-40
9-3–9-5 member not independent from on, 13-11–13-28 Cash
sufficient appropriate audit client, 15-19 Balances. See also Cash balances; in the bank, 13-3
evidence and, 5-9–5-10 questions when planning ADA Tests of details of balances discounts, 11-21
Audit sampling application, 7-5 clustering, 7-15 pressure to overstate, 11-9
audit data analytics (ADA) size of, 5-18 factors that influence sample proof of, 13-11
versus, 10-3–10-5, 10-16 structure of, 5-18 size in testing, 10-12 receiving, 11-20
audit procedures application, work of others and, 5-18–5-23 payroll process, 12-34–12-35 recording, 11-21
10-22, 10-30 Auditing standard setting, in purchasing process, 12-3–12-4 Cash and cash equivalents
audit sample or entire United States, 1-17 Bank accounts, imprest, 12-34, audit strategy, 13-4–13-5
population determination, Auditing Standards Board (ASB). 13-3 auditing, 13-3–13-11
10-14–10-15 See also specific standards Bank confirmation, 5-13–5-14 control risk and fraud risk
defined, 10-5 AU-C topical content, 1-16 Bank deposit slip, 6-21 assessment, 13-4
documentation, 10-27–10-28, defined, 1-15 Bank deposits, confirmation of, entity and its environment, 13-3
10-32 on integrated audits, 15-29 13-8, 13-9 flow of transactions, 13-3
factors that influence use Auditors Bank reconciliations, 6-21, 8-19, inherent risk assessment, 13-4
decision, 10-4 audit risk, 1-20 12-18, 13-10 results from analytical
framework for, 10-14–10-16 component, 5-23 Bank statements, cutoff, 13-10 procedures, 13-4
as function of audit procedure, control deficiencies and, 8-28 Bank transfers Cash balances
10-4 defined, 1-4 auditing, 13-7 auditing bank transfers, 13-7
guidance on, 10-5 detection risk control, schedule, 13-8 completeness, existence, and
population and sampling unit 3-17–3-18 validity and accuracy of, 13-8 valuation of, 12-21, 12-23
definition, 10-16 emphasis-of-matter paragraph Basic precision (BP), 10-23, confirmation of, 13-8, 13-9
representative sample selection, use, 15-10–15-11 10-24 cutoff tests, 13-7
10-21–10-22, 10-29–10-30 fraud inquiry, 3-30 BDO USA LLP, 1-12, 3-12 initial procedures, 13-6, 13-7
sample results evaluation, independence, 2-12–2-13, 15-19 Beginning balance, tracing as kiting and, 13-7, 13-8
10-22, 10-30–10-31 internal, using work of, initial procedure, 9-9, 11-31 proof of cash, 13-11
sample size determination, 5-20–5-22 Benchmarks report of, 12-18
10-18, 10-29, 10-34–10-37 inventory observation, 13-22 appropriate circumstances for, scan or test bank reconciliations
statistical, 9-18 IT, 5-20 8-22–8-23 and, 13-10
steps in, 10-14–10-16 legal liability, 2-26–2-40 auditing standards, 3-12 substantive analytical
substantive procedures legal responsibilities, 2-3 balance-sheet, 3-12 procedures, 13-6, 13-7
determination, 10-14 liability under common law, defined, 8-22 substantive tests of, 13-5–13-11
substantive test objectives 2-27–2-33 establishment of, 8-22 tests of details of balances, 13-6,
determination, 10-14 liability under statutory law, industry data, 4-21 13-8–13-11
technique, choosing, 2-33–2-40 selection of, 3-11–3-12 tests of details of transactions,
10-17–10-18, 10-28–10-29 opinion, 1-19, 1-20 in setting materiality, 3-11–3-12 13-6, 13-7–13-8
use of, 9-16–9-17 predecessor, 3-5 tests of controls, 8-22–8-23 tests of presentation and
when to use, 10-3–10-4 professional judgment, 1-12 Bias disclosure, 13-6, 13-11
Audit services professional skepticism, 1-12 confirmation, 9-14 Cash disbursements
analogy of, 1-3 report from another, opinion management, 9-20 accuracy of, 12-20, 12-23
defined, 1-4 based in part on, 15-12–15-14 Bid rigging, 12-27 classification of, 12-20, 12-23
demand for, 1-8–1-11 responsibility of, 1-11–1-12 Big 4 firms, 7-4 completeness of, 12-20, 12-23
relationship of attestation and responsibility regarding illegal Bill of lading, 6-20, 11-14 cutoff of, 12-20, 12-23
assurance services, 1-3–1-4 acts, 4-10 Bill-and-hold transactions, 11-10 databases, 12-18
sources of demand for, 1-10 safeguards in guiding, 2-9 Bily v. Arthur Young & Co. (1992), example of flow of transactions
types of, 1-4 SOX changes for, 2-37–2-38 2-31–2-32 for, 12-19
I-4 In d e x
Cash disbursements (Cont’d) documentation, 10-39–10-40 evaluating the relevance and critical accounting estimates,
occurrence of, 12-20, 12-23 estimated population standard reliability of data for, 14-26
paying the liability, 12-19, 12-20 deviation, 10-34 7-20–7-21 critical accounting policies and
recording, 12-18, 12-19, 12-20 mean-per-unit estimation, example of applying, 7-19 practices, 14-26
subprocesses, 12-18 10-33, 10-34–10-35 graphing data in, 7-19 matters in, 14-25
supporting documents, 12-18 planned allowance for sampling looking for notable items and, overview, 14-24–14-25
transaction flows, 12-18–12-19 risk, 10-36 7-18–7-25 Comparisons, 4-14–4-15
WCGW and key controls, population size, 10-34 overview of applying, 7-19 Compilation engagement
12-19–12-21 random sample selection, 10-37 perform the ADA, 7-21–7-24 conditions to accept, 15-31
Cash disbursements journal, 12-18 ratio method, 10-33 plan the ADA, 7-20 defined, 15-30
Cash discounts, 11-21 risk of incorrect acceptance, relevance and reliability of data guidance on, 15-31
Cash earnings per share (CEPS) 10-36 for, 7-20–7-21 Compilation of inventory values,
ratio, 4-13 risk of incorrect rejection, Clustering transactions, 7-15 13-15
Cash equivalents, 13-3. See also 10-35–10-36 Code of Professional Conduct. Compilation report, 15-31
Cash and cash equivalents sample results evaluation, See also AICPA (American Completeness
Cash receipts 10-38–10-39 Institute of Certified Public of accounts receivable, 11-18
classification of, 11-22 sample size determination, Accountants) of cash and cash equivalents,
common documents and files, 10-34–10-37 accounting principles rule, 13-5
6-21 sample size formula, 10-37 2-24–2-26 of cash balances, 12-21, 12-23
completeness of, 11-22 for substantive testing, application to all CPAs in of cash disbursements, 12-20,
control activities for, 10-33–10-40 state, 2-6 12-23
11-18–11-22 techniques, 10-33 Conceptual Framework for of cash receipts, 11-22
cutoff of, 11-22 tolerable misstatements, 10-37 Members in Public of inventory, 13-17
cutoff test for, 11-33 working paper, 10-40 Practice, 2-7 of payables, 12-17, 12-23
databases, 11-19 Classification confidential information, 2-26 of payroll, 12-41
depositing cash, 6-22 of cash disbursements, 12-20, due professional care, 2-23, 2-24 of property, plant, and
diverting, 11-22 12-23 fees and other types of equipment, 13-31
example controls, 11-21 of cash receipts, 11-22 renumeration, 2-25–2-26 of purchases, 12-16, 12-23
example transaction flows, category, 5-4 general standards, 2-23–2-24 of revenues, 11-10
6-21–6-22, 11-19–11-21 defined, 5-5 independence rule, 2-12–2-23 of sales, 11-17
flow of transactions illustration, of expenses, 12-17, 12-23, 12-42 integrity and objective rule, Completeness assertion, 5-4, 5-5,
11-19 of expenses and payroll, 12-42 2-11–2-12 5-6, 12-37
granting cash discounts and, for income statement accounts, interpretations, 2-6 Complexity, 1-10
11-21 9-5 other rules, 2-24–2-26 Compliance audits, 1-7
initial control over, 11-18 of payables, 12-17, 12-23 overview, 2-3 Compliance with laws and
lapping, 11-26 of receivables, 11-18 planning and supervision, regulations, 4-10
lockbox system, 11-20 of sales, 11-18 2-23, 2-24 Component auditors, 5-23
occurrence of, 11-22 verification, 9-5 principles, 2-6 Components, 5-23
over-the-counter, 11-20 Classification and professional competence, 2-23 Conceptual Framework for
prelist of, 6-21 understandability, 5-6, 9-5 provisions, 2-6 Members in Public
process risks and controls, 6-22 Client acceptance retention rules of conduct, 2-6 Practice. See also Code of
receiving cash, 6-22 decision structure of, 2-6–2-7 Professional Conduct
receiving cash and, 11-20 communication with sufficient relevant data, 2-23 accounting principles rule,
recording, 6-22, 11-19, 11-21 predecessor auditor and, 3-5 Code of professional ethics, 2-3 2-24–2-26
source documents, 11-19 engagement letter and, 3-6–3-7 Combination documentation, confidential information,
subfunctions, 11-18 factors that influence, 3-3–3-4 6-29, 6-30 2-26
transactions, 11-20–11-22 as first stage of audit, 3-3 Committee on Sponsoring fees and other types of
what can go wrong (WCGW), gathering information on Organizations of the renumeration, 2-25–2-26
11-21 factors, 3-4–3-5 Treadway Commission flowchart, 2-8
Cash receipts journal, 11-23 management integrity and, 3-4 (COSO), 1-18. See also general standards, 2-23–2-24
CBIZ/Mayer Hoffman McCann special circumstances/risks COSO framework independence rule, 2-12–2-23
PC, 1-12 and, 3-5 Common law integrity and objective rule,
Certified Public Accountant staff availability and, 3-5 auditor liability graphic, 2-27 2-11–2-12
(CPA), 1-4, 1-5, 2-26. See threats to compliance and, 3-5 burden of proof and, 2-32 other rules of conduct,
also Auditors Close relatives, 2-15 cases illustrating liability to 2-24–2-26
Change in accounting principle, Closing procedures client, 2-28–2-29 overview, 2-7
15-8–15-9 assessing adequacy of, 4-27–4-28 contract law, 2-27–2-28 safeguards effectiveness
Checklists, 6-29, 6-31 defined, 4-27 defined, 2-27 evaluation, 2-9
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), period-end closing entries, 4-28 duty of care and, 2-32–2-33 safeguards identification and
4-24 pressure for strong results and, foreseen class concept, 2-30 application, 2-9
Chief Financial Officer (CFO), 4-28 legal liability under, 2-27–2-33 threat significance evaluation,
4-24, 5-12 risk associated with, 4-27 liability to clients, 2-27 2-9
Classical variables sampling Cluster analysis liability to third parties, threats and safeguards
applying, 10-33 access and prepare the data for 2-29–2-32 documentation, 2-10
audit procedures application, ADA, 7-20 tort law, 2-28 threats identification, 2-8–2-9
10-37 algorithms for, 7-18–7-19 Common-size analysis, 4-15, 4-16 Confidential information, rules of
constraints, 10-33 defined, 7-18 Communication with those conduct, 2-26
defined, 10-33 evaluating results and drawing charged with governance Confirmation of accounts
difference method, 10-33 conclusions, 7-24 auditing standards, 14-25 payable, 12-32–12-33
Index I-5
Confirmation of accounts for revenue process disclosures, understanding entity-level obtaining and generating
receivable 11-24–11-25 controls, 8-3 relevant and quality
applicability to assertions, for sales adjustments, understanding flow of information (principle 13),
11-36–11-37 11-23–11-24 transactions, 8-3–8-4 6-14–6-15
clients prohibiting auditors segregation of duties, 6-13 what can go wrong (WCGW) ongoing and/or separate
from, 11-34 through policies (principle 12), identification, 8-3 evaluations (principle 16),
defined, 11-33 6-14 Controls testing. See Tests of 6-16
disposition of exceptions, 11-35 for uncollectible accounts, 11-24 controls organizational structure, 6-4,
evaluating exceptions, 11-35 Control deficiencies. See also Corporate and Criminal Fraud 6-6
positive confirmation, 11-34 Internal control(s) Accountability Act, 2-38 principles of internal control,
procedures for dealing with auditor action and, 8-28 Corporate governance 6-5
nonresponses, 11-35 categorization of, 8-28 audit committee, 4-24 reporting lines, authorities, and
reasons for not requesting, communication regarding, 6-34 board of directors, 4-24 responsibilities (principle 3),
11-33–11-34 defined, 6-32 defined, 4-23–4-24 6-8
summarizing and evaluating material weakness, 1-28, 6-32, those charged with governance, risk analysis and management
results, 11-36 8-28–8-29 4-24 (principle 7), 6-10
timing and extent of requests, non-reported, 8-29 COSO framework risk assessment process
11-35 professional judgment and, 6-34 acceptance, 6-4 principles, 6-10–6-11
Confirmations reporting findings and, 8-5–8-6 board of directors Costs of goods sold, auditing, 13-27
bank, 5-13–5-14 significant deficiency, 6-32, 8-28 independence (principle 2), Counting period, 9-4
external, 5-13–5-14 Control environment. See also 6-7–6-8 Covered members, 2-14–2-15
negative, 5-14 COSO framework; commitment to attract, develop, Credit Alliance Corp. v. Arthur
positive, 5-14 Entity-level controls and retain competent Andersen & Co. (1985), 2-31
practice of, 5-15 board of directors individuals (principle 4), Credit memos, 11-23
receivable, 5-14 independence (principle 2), 6-8 Credit sales
updating standards, 5-14–5-15 6-7–6-8 communication with external accepting customer orders,
Consideration, 8-4 commitment to attract, develop, parties (principle 15), 11-15
Consignment agreements and and retain competent 6-15–6-16 approving credit, 11-15
contracts, 13-26 individuals (principle 4), 6-8 components of internal control, authorizing, 11-15
Consignment inventory, 13-17 defined, 6-7 6-4–6-5 control activities for,
Consignment sales, 11-9 gaining an understanding of, 6-9 control activities over 11-12–11-18
Consistency individual accountability for technology (principle 11), databases, 11-14
emphasis-of-matter paragraph, internal control (principle 6-13–6-14 example transaction flows,
15-9, 15-10, 15-11 5), 6-8–6-9 control activities principles, 11-13–11-16
of financial statements, integrity and ethical values 6-11–6-14 initiating, 11-15
15-8–15-10 (principle 1), 6-7 control activities through recording, 11-16
public and private companies principles, 6-7–6-9 policies (principle 12), 6-14 recording document, 11-14
and, 15-10 principles overview, 6-5 control environment principles, shipping goods, 11-15
Constructive fraud, 2-28 reporting lines, authorities, and 6-7–6-9 source documents and
Contingent fee, SEC rules on, 2-22 responsibilities (principle 3), defined, 6-2–6-3 electronic files, 11-13–11-14
Contract 6-8 evaluation and communication transactions, 11-15–11-18
breach of, 2-27–2-28 selecting and designing, 8-23 of deficiencies (principle WCGW and example controls,
privity of, 2-27 tone at the top and, 6-9 17), 6-16–6-17 11-16–11-17
Contract law, 2-27–2-28 Control exceptions (deviations) fraud in risk assessment Criminal liability, 2-39–2-40
Control activities. See also COSO defined, 8-19 (principle 8), 6-10 Critical accounting estimates,
framework; Entity-level detection of, 8-20 identification and assessment 14-26
controls non-expectations of, 8-19 of changes (principle 9), Critical accounting policies and
authorization controls, 6-12 Control risk. See also Audit risk 6-10–6-11 practices, 14-26
for cash receipts, 11-18–11-22 defined, 3-16 identification and assessment of Crowe Horwath LLC, 1-12, 3-12
for credit sales, 11-12–11-18 final evaluation of, 14-12–14-13 risks (principle 6), 6-10 Current file, 5-25–5-26
defined, 6-11 low, 3-19 individual accountability for Current ratio, 4-17
effective, 6-11–6-12 reevaluation of, 14-12 internal control (principle Customer master file, 6-19, 11-13
information processing RMM and, 3-17 5), 6-8–6-9 Customers, as financial statement
controls, 6-12 substantive procedures and, 9-17 information and user, 1-9
mitigation of risks with Control risk assessment communication principles, Cutof, payroll, 12-41
(principle 10), 6-12–6-13 cash and cash equivalents, 13-4 6-14–6-16 Cutoff assertion, 5-4–5-5
or cash disbursements, determine preliminary audit integrity and ethical values Cutoff bank statement, 13-10
12-18–12-21 strategy, 8-5 (principle 1), 6-7 Cutoff tests
over technology (principle 11), evaluate evidence, 8-5 internal communication of cash balances, 13-7
6-13–6-14 financing activities, 13-40–13-41 information (principle 14), cash disbursements, 12-17,
performance reviews, 6-12 identification of relevant 6-15 12-23, 12-31
physical controls, 6-13 controls to test, 8-5 internal control definition, 6-3 cash receipts, 11-33
principles, 6-11–6-14 illustration of steps, 8-4 mitigation of risks with control inventory, 13-22
principles overview, 6-5 inventory, 13-15–13-17 activities (principle 10), purchase return, 12-32
for purchase adjustments, perform tests of controls, 8-5 6-12–6-13 purchases, 12-17, 12-23,
12-24–12-25 property, plant, and equipment, monitoring principles, 12-31–12-32
for purchases, 12-11–12-17 13-31–13-32 6-16–6-17 sales, 11-32–11-33
for purchasing process reporting findings, 8-5–8-6 objectives of internal sales returns, 11-33
disclosures, 12-25 steps in, 8-3–8-6 control, 6-4 Cycle counts, 13-17
I-6 In d e x
D Direct and material effect, 4-10, Emphasis-of-matter paragraph reasoning example, 2-19
Data. See also Audit data 4-11 auditor use of, 15-10–15-11 rules for members in private
analytics (ADA) Disclaimer of opinion, consistency, 15-9, 15-10, 15-11 practice, 2-10
accessing and preparing, 7-6, 15-18–15-19, 15-29 defined, 15-7 of WorldCom, 2-4–2-5
7-20–7-21, 7-26–7-27, 7-32, Disclosure committee, 11-24 examples of, 15-8, 15-9, 15-10, Ethics and Independence Rules,
7-39–7-40 Disclosures. See also Tests of 15-11 PCAOB, 2-2, 2-20–2-21
availability of, 9-11 details of presentation and placement of, 15-11 Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS)
company acquisition and, 7-12 disclosure requirement, 15-11 advance shipping notice (ASN),
comparing over several years, to audit committee, 2-22 Employee Retirement Income 12-22
7-12 cash and cash equivalents, Security Act (ERISA), 12-48 automation of, 12-12
complete determination, 13-5 Employees defined, 12-21
7-6, 7-11 engagement partners, 15-21 as financial statement user, 1-9 electronic payment, 12-22
documentation of reliability of, property, plant, and equipment, fraud, 12-9 initiating transaction,
7-13, 7-20–7-21 13-31 hiring, 12-39 12-21–12-22
electronic, from outside the purchasing process, 12-25 receive services from, 12-40 internal controls of system, 12-23
entity, 7-7 revenue process, 11-23–11-25 relations with, 4-5, 4-6 key transaction elements, 12-21
graphing, 7-19 Discounts, 4-6 Employment relationships, SEC receiving goods, 12-22
internal controls over, 7-7 Documentation. See also Working rules on, 2-21 recording payables, 12-22
need for cleaning determination, papers Engagement letter Examining subsequent payments,
7-6, 7-11–7-12 assembly and retention of, defined, 3-6 12-32
relevance and reliability of, 14-17, 14-18 example of, 3-6–3-7 Executing transactions, 8-3–8-4
7-6–7-7, 7-12–7-13, audit data analytics (ADA), purpose of, 3-6 Executive directors, 4-24
7-20–7-21, 7-32, 7-40 7-9–7-10 Engagement partners, 14-17, 15-21 Existence assertion
reliability, factors affecting, 9-11 checklists and preformatted Engagement quality control cash and cash equivalents, 13-5
steps associated with accessing questionnaires, 6-29, 6-31 reviewer, 14-17 cash balances, 12-21, 12-23
and preparing, 7-11–7-13 classical variables sampling, Engagement wrap-up category, 5-4
Data center and network 10-39–10-40 completion of documentation, confirmations in meeting,
operations controls, 6-24 combination, 6-29, 6-30 14-17–14-18 11-36–11-37
Debit-to-equity ratio, 4-19 completion of, 14-17–14-18 completion of working paper defined, 5-5
Dell Computers, 12-5 credit sales process, 6-30 review, 14-16–14-17 inventory, 3-23, 13-17
Deloitte & Touche LLP, 1-12, 3-12 data reliability, 7-13 engagement quality review, property, plant, and equipment,
Departures from applicable flowcharts and logic diagrams, 14-17 13-31
financial reporting 6-29, 6-30 final analytical procedures, 14-11 Expansion factor, for PPS
framework, 15-15–15-17, internal controls, 6-29–6-30 final evaluation of findings, sampling, 10-20
15-34 narratives, 6-29 14-11–14-16 Expectations, 9-11
Depreciation nonstatistical sampling, 10-32 overview, 14-10–14-11 Expected misstatements, 10-13,
expense, examining entries for, old, discarding, 14-18 Enron, 2-4, 3-4 10-20
13-35–13-36 PPS sampling, 10-27–10-28 Entity-level controls. See also Expenses, classification of, 12-17,
reasonableness of, 13-36 in quality control system, 3-27 Internal control(s) 12-23, 12-42
Desired level of assurance substantive analytical control activities, 6-11–6-14 Extent of audit procedures, 3-21
consideration of, 10-12–10-13 procedures use, 9-12 control environment, 6-7–6-9 External confirmation, 5-13, 5-14
defined, 8-18, 10-12 substantive procedure results, defined, 6-7
Detection risk. See also Audit risk 9-26–9-27 information and F
as controlled by auditor, tests of controls, 8-29–8-31 communication, 6-14–6-16 Factual misstatements, 9-26,
3-17–3-18 as varied from client to client, monitoring activities, 6-16–6-17 14-14
defined, 3-17 5-24 risk assessment process, False positives, 7-16
sample size decisions and, 3-21 vouch recorded payables to 6-10–6-11 Familiarity threat, 2-8, 2-10
substantive procedures and, 9-17 supporting, 12-31 in small entities, 6-17–6-18 FASB. See Financial Accounting
Detective controls. See also Doubtful accounts, evaluating understanding, 8-3 Standards Board (FASB)
Internal control(s) allowance for, 11-37 ERISA (Employee Retirement Federal Accounting Standards
application of, 8-8, 8-10 Dual dating, 15-23–15-24 Income Security Act), 12-48 Advisory Board (FASAB),
assessing, 8-9 Dual purpose test, 9-7 Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder (1976), 2-25
defined, 8-8 Due care defense, 2-32 2-35, 2-36 Fees and renumeration, rules of
examples of, 8-8–8-9 Due diligence defense, 2-34 Ernst & Young (EY), 1-12, 3-12 conduct, 2-25–2-26
IT application controls and Due professional care, AICPA ERS. See Evaluated receipt Filtering or grouping process, 7-16
manual follow-up, 8-8 Code, 2-23, 2-24 settlement Final analytical procedures, 14-11
as “key controls,” 8-10 Duplicate payments, 12-9 Escott v. BarChris Construction Final evaluation
management level reviews, 8-9 Duty of care, 2-32–2-33 Corp (1968), 2-34–2-35 of audit findings, 14-11–14-16
performance indicators, 8-9 ESM Government Securities v. of control risk, 14-12–14-13
preventative controls E Alexander Grant & Co of fraud risk, 14-12–14-13
comparison, 8-10 Earnings per share (EPS) ratio, (1987), 2-40 of inherent risk, 14-12–14-13
reconciliations, 8-8–8-9, 8-10 4-12 Estimation uncertainty. See also of materiality, 14-11
variation of, 8-8 Economic upturns and Accounting estimates of misstatements, 14-14
Deviation rate downturns, 4-9 amount of, 9-19–9-20 of uncorrected misstatements,
accurate, 8-18 Electronic funds transfer, 11-20, defined, 9-19 14-14–14-16
expected, 8-18 12-18 higher, 9-20 Financial Accounting Standards
tolerable, 8-17 Electronic invoice presentment lower, 9-20 Board (FASB)
Difference method, 10-30, 10-31, and payment (EIPP) Ethics accounting principles, 2-25
10-33 systems, 12-12, 12-22 code of professional, 2-3 role of, 1-17–1-18
Index I-7
Financial reporting First Data Corporation, 13-39 General standards, AICPA Code, Imprest bank accounts, 13-3
applicable framework, 1-4 Flowcharts, 6-29 2-23–2-24 Imprest payroll bank account,
departure from applicable FOB destination, 11-32, 12-31 Generally accepted accounting 12-34
framework, 15-15–15-17 FOB shipping point, 11-32, 12-31 principles (GAAP), 1-4, 1-6, Incentive and pressures to
fraudulent, 3-26 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1-11, 2-25, 13-41 commit fraud, 3-27–3-28
information systems relevant 1977, 2-36 Generally accepted auditing Independence
to, 6-15 Forensic accounting, 14-13 standards (GAAS) activities that impair, 2-14,
internal controls over. See Foreseen class, 2-30 on ADA tested data, 7-10 2-15
internal controls over Form 10-K filing deadline, 14-7, audit principles, 1-15–1-16 close relatives and, 2-15
financial reporting (ICFR) 14-8 defined, 1-15 covered members, 2-14–2-15
international standards (IFRS), Fraud Going concern critical nature of, 2-16
1-4 attitudes and rationalization to assumption, 14-18–14-19 defined, 2-12
Financial statement audits justify, 3-29 audit procedures that may employment or association
conducting, 1-11 constructive, 2-28 identify issues, 14-20 with attest client and,
limitations of, 1-6–1-7 defined, 2-28, 3-25 auditor’s evaluation of, 14-19 2-17–2-18
purpose of, 1-6 determination of, 14-12 with emphasis-of-matter facets of, 2-12–2-13
Financial statements discovery of, 14-12–14-13 paragraph, 15-8 immediate family members
adjustment to correct a material examples of, 3-26 management evaluation, 14-19 and, 2-15, 2-16
misstatement and, incentive and pressures to reasonable period of time and, independent in appearance,
15-9–15-10 commit, 3-27–3-28 14-19 2-13
audit report on, 1-19–1-25 as intentional act, 3-25 substantial doubt of entity independent in fact, 2-12–2-13
change in accounting principle inventory, SEC settlements, 13-18 continuing as, 14-20 key individuals and
and, 15-8–15-9 misappropriation of assets, 3-26 Goods and services requirements, 2-13–2-17
compilation of, 15-30–15-31 opportunities to perpetrate, receipt of, 12-14–12-15 key position and, 2-15
consistency of, 15-8–15-10 3-28–3-29 requisition of, 12-14 nonattest services and,
defined, 1-4 payroll, reducing, 12-44 Government Accounting 2-18–2-20
group, 5-23 in payroll process, 12-37 Standards Board (GASB), PCAOB Ethics and
issuance date of, 15-7 pervasive, 14-13 2-25 Independence Rules,
materiality and, 1-20 red flags, 3-25–3-26 Governments, as financial 2-20–2-21
preparation of, 1-11 responsibility of preventing and statement user, 1-9 rule, 2-12–2-23
purpose of audit of, 1-4 detecting, 3-26 Grant Thornton LLP, 1-12, 3-12 rule interpretation, 2-16
reasonable assurance and, risk factors, 3-26 Gross negligence, 2-28 SEC rules, 2-21–2-22
1-19–1-20 Fraud risk Gross operating cycle, 4-18 Independent bank reconciliation,
review of, 15-32–15-34 auditor consideration of, 9-6 Gross profit margin, 4-16 6-21
SEC rules on, 2-22 defined, 3-25 Gross sales, 11-10 Independent concept, 1-5, 1-23,
users of, 1-9–1-10 final evaluation of, 14-12–14-13 Group audit, 5-23 1-27
Financing activities incentives and pressures that Group engagement team, 5-23 Independent in appearance,
analytical procedures, 13-39 increase, 3-27–3-28 Group financial statements, 5-23 2-13
audit strategy determination, internal control deficiency and, Grouping or filtering process, Independent in fact, 2-12–2-13
13-41 11-28 7-16 Indirect effect, 4-10, 4-11
bond trustee and, 13-40 lapping, 11-26 Groupon, 11-10 Information
control risk assessment, opportunities to increase, confidential, 2-26
3-28–3-29 defined, 1-5
Haphazard selection, 10-10–10-11
defined, 13-37 professional skepticism and, 3-27 matching, 7-26–7-30, 7-37
HealthSouth (2003), 2-40
flow of transactions, 13-38 reevaluation of, 14-12 materiality, 1-7
High risk assertions
fraud risk assessment, Fraud risk assessment reliable sources, 4-21
audit evidence and, 5-9, 9-7
13-40–13-41 audit data analytics (ADA) in, Information and communication.
with qualitative analysis, 3-18
inherent risk assessment, 12-27, 12-44 See also COSO framework;
with quantitative analysis, 3-19
13-39–13-40 cash and cash equivalents, 13-4 Entity-level controls
Horizontal analysis, 4-15
initial procedures, 13-41, 13-42, financing activities, 13-40–13-41 communication with external
Human risks, 6-18
13-44, 13-45 fraud risk actors in, 3-26 parties (principle 15),
substantive analytical inventory, 13-17–13-18 I 6-15–6-16
procedures, 13-42, payroll process, 12-43–12-44 IASB (International Accounting defined, 6-14
13-45–13-46 process, 3-30 Standards Board), 2-25 internal communication of
substantive tests of long-term property, plant, and equipment, IDEA software, 7-26, 7-27 information (principle 14),
debt, 13-41–13-44 13-32 Illegal acts 6-15
substantive tests of purchasing process, 12-27 assurance and, 4-10 principles, 6-14–6-16
stockholders’ equity, revenue process, 11-26–11-27 auditor responsibility regarding, principles overview, 6-5
13-44–13-47 Fraud risk factors, 3-26 4-10 relevant and quality
tests of details of balances, 13-42, Fraudulent financial reporting, defined, 4-10 information (principle 13),
13-44, 13-45, 13-46 3-26 direct and material effect, 4-10, 6-14–6-15
tests of details of presentation Funds of Funds, Ltd. v. Arthur 4-11 Information processing controls,
and disclosure, 13-42, 13-44, Andersen & Co. (1982), 2-29 material but indirect effect, 6-12
13-45, 13-46–13-47 4-10, 4-11 Information technology (IT)
tests of details of transactions, G Immaterial misstatements, benefits and risks of systems,
13-42, 13-43, 13-45, 13-46 GASB (Government Accounting qualitative characteristics 6-23
transfer agent and, 13-40 Standards Board), 2-25 of, 14-15 defined, 4-26
understanding the entity and its General public, as financial Immediate family members, 2-15, risks, 4-26
environment and, 13-38 statement user, 1-10 2-16 system installation, 4-26
I-8 In d e x
Information technology (IT) Integrity and objective rule, preventative, 8-7–8-8, 8-10 entity and its environment,
controls. See also Internal 2-11–2-12 principles of, 6-5 13-12–13-13
control(s) Intended users, 1-4 reasonable assurance and, evaluation of client’s past
application, 6-24, 6-25–6-27 Interest-rate swaps, 13-41 1-25–1-26 experience selling, 7-9
dependent-manual, 6-27–6-28 “Interim” period, 3-21 redundant, 12-16 example industry traits and,
general, 6-23, 6-24 Interim period, substantive reporting objectives of, 6-4 13-12–13-13
illustrated, 6-24 procedures at, 9-15 segregation of duties, 6-13 existence of, 3-23, 13-17
payroll process, 12-43 Internal auditors significant deficiency, 6-32, 8-28 flow of transactions, 13-12
purchasing process, 12-26 audit evidence from, 5-22 strong system of, 8-19 fraud risk assessment,
revenue process assertions and, consideration example, 5-22 to test, identifying, 8-5 13-17–13-18
11-25–11-26 defined, 5-20 transaction-level, 6-19–6-22 inherent risk assessment,
Information-processing, 6-12 direct assistance from, 5-22 types of, 8-7–8-13 13-14
Inherent risk. See also Audit risk objectivity and competence walk-through, 6-19 initial procedures, 13-19,
in blended approach, 3-24 of, 5-21 Internal controls over financial 13-20–13-21
defined, 3-16 using the work of, 5-20–5-22 reporting (ICFR) inspecting entries in accounts,
example traits of, 3-16 work use determination, audit report on, 1-25–1-28 13-21–13-22
final evaluation of, 14-12–14-13 5-21–5-22 material weakness in, 1-28 items representing
high, 3-19 Internal audits modified opinion on, unacceptable variation,
low risk assertions, 3-20 defined, 1-8 15-27–15-29 7-14–7-15
reevaluation of, 14-12 determined by those charged purpose of audit of, 1-4 key controls, 13-16–13-17
relationship to business risk, with governance, 1-8 reasonable assurance and, manufactured, testing costs of,
4-3 function, 6-16 1-25–1-26 13-25–13-26
RMM and, 3-17 Internal control(s). See also Tests reports on the audit of, misstatements, SEC
substantive procedures and, of controls 15-26–15-30 settlements, 13-18
9-17 adverse opinion on the unqualified opinion on phantom, indicators of, 13-14
understanding purchasing effectiveness of, 15-28–15-29 effectiveness of, 15-26–15-27 pricing, testing, 13-25
process and, 12-6 audit strategies for cash with, International Accounting restatements related to, 13-15
Inherent risk assessment 13-5 Standards Board (IASB), 2-25 rights and obligations, 13-17
cash and cash equivalents, auditor understanding of, 6-3 International Auditing and risk of material misstatement
13-4 authorization, 6-12 Assurance Standards Board (RMM), 13-19
factors, 3-16 automated, 8-11–8-12 (IAASB), 1-17, 7-3 SKU or UPC label, 13-17
financing activities, 13-39–13-40 compliance objectives of, 6-4 International Federation of specialized or highly technical,
inventory, 13-14 components of, 6-4–6-5 Accountants (IFAC), 1-17 13-26
property, plant, and equipment, COSO framework and, 6-4–6-6 International financial reporting steps in accounting for, 13-16
13-31 data, 7-7 standards (IFRS), 1-4 substantive analytical
in purchasing process, deficiency in, 6-32, 6-33–6-34 Interpretations, 2-6 procedures, 13-19, 13-21
12-8–12-11 detective, 8-8–8-10 Inventory substantive tests for,
in revenue process, 11-9–11-12 documenting, 6-29–6-30 accounting estimates, tests of, 13-19–13-28
Initial procedures. See also effectiveness of, 3-17 13-26–13-27 test counts working paper,
Substantive procedures entry-level, 6-7–6-18 ADA as risk assessment 13-24
cash balances, 13-6, 13-7 of ERS system, 12-23 procedure, 13-18 tests of details of balances,
defined, 9-8 evaluation and communication ADA ranking of, 7-8–7-9 13-20, 13-22–13-27
inventory, 13-19, 13-20–13-21 of deficiencies, 6-16–6-17 analytical procedures for, tests of details of transactions,
long-term debt, 13-41, 13-42 exceptions, investigation of, 13-13–13-14 13-19, 13-21–13-22
payroll process, 12-45, 12-46 8-28 assessing risk of material tests of presentation and
property, plant, and equipment, history of PCAOB standards misstatement and, disclosure, 13-20, 13-27
13-33, 13-34 and inspection activities, 8-6 13-12–13-13 underlying cost of, 7-8
purchasing process, 12-29, identifying strengths and audit strategy determination, valuation at historical cost,
12-30 weaknesses in, 6-31–6-32 13-18–13-19 13-17
revenue process, 11-29, importance of, 6-3 auditing, 13-11–13-28 valuation at net realizable
11-30–11-31 information technology (IT), binding contracts for future value, 13-17
shareholders’ equity, 13-44, 4-26, 6-23–6-28 purchases of goods, 13-27 valuation of, 3-24
13-45 inherent limitations of, 6-6 clerical accuracy, testing, 13-25 WCGW and example controls,
tracing beginning balance as, IT application controls, 8-12 compilation of values, 13-15 13-16
9-9, 11-31, 12-46 IT general controls (ITGCs), completeness of, 13-17 Inventory observation
trial balance as, 9-9, 11-31 8-11–8-12 confirming, 13-26 auditor, 13-22
types of, 9-8–9-9 IT-dependent manual controls, consignment, 13-17 of beginning inventories, 13-25
Input controls, 6-26 8-12 consignment agreements and conclusion of, 13-24
Inquiry procedure, 5-12, 8-13 management letters and, contracts, 13-26 performing, 13-23–13-24
Inspection 6-33–6-34 control overlap, 13-15 preparing for, 13-24
for assertions, 5-12 manual, 8-11 control risk assessment, timing and extent of, 13-23
defined, 5-11 material weakness, 6-32 13-15–13-17 Inventory turnover in days, 4-18
inventory entries, 13-21–13-22 objectives of, 6-4 controls, testing, 13-17 Inventory-taking plans, 13-23
procedure, 8-14 operation objectives of, 6-4 costs of goods sold, 13-27 Investing activities, 13-28. See
tracing, 5-11–5-12 organizational structure, 6-4, cutoff tests, 13-22 also Property, plant, and
vouching, 5-11 6-6 cycle counts, 13-17 equipment
Integrated audit overview, 6-2–6-3 developing a knowledge Investors, as financial statement
defined, 1-6, 15-26 performance reviews, 6-12 perspective and, user, 1-9
requirement to perform, 15-29 physical, 6-13 13-12–13-13 IT. See Information technology
Index I-9
IT application controls. See also L Letter of recommendations. See rights and obligations, 5-4, 5-5,
Information technology (IT) Lapping, 11-26 Management letters 11-24, 11-36–11-37, 13-5,
controls Laws, compliance with, 4-10 Liability. See Legal liability 13-17, 13-31
as automated controls, 8-12 Lead schedules, 5-26, 13-34 Limited assurance, 1-4 risk of material misstatement
common test of, 8-12 Legal cases Liquidity (RMM), 5-22
credit sales, 11-17–11-18 1136 Tenants’ Corp v. Max defined, 4-13 risk of misstatement, 12-9
defined, 6-25 Rothenberg & Co. (1971), ratios, 4-17–4-19 types by category, 5-4
example, 6-26 2-28–2-29 Litigation contingencies, valuation and allocation, 5-4,
independent checks, 6-25 Bily v. Arthur Young & Co. 14-6–14-7 5-5–5-6, 13-5, 13-31
input controls, 6-26 (1992), 2-31–2-32 Loan balances, confirmation of, Management bias, 9-20
manual follow-up procedures Credit Alliance Corp. v. Arthur 13-8 Management letters
that support, 8-20 Andersen & Co. (1985), 2-31 Lockbox system, 11-20 defined, 6-33
output controls, 6-26–6-27 Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder Logic diagrams, 6-29, 6-30 example, 6-33–6-34
over program changes and/or (1976), 2-35, 2-36 Logical sampling unit, 10-18 professional judgment in, 6-34
access to data files, 8-20 Escott v. BarChris Construction Logitech International, 13-18 Management level reviews, 8-9
overview, 6-24 Corp (1968), 2-34–2-35 Long-term debt. See also Management participation threat,
payroll process, 12-43 ESM Government Securities Financing activities 2-8
processing controls, 6-26 v. Alexander Grant & Co analytical procedures to audit, Management representation
purchasing process, 12-26 (1987), 2-40 13-39 letter
revenue process, 11-26 Funds of Funds, Ltd. v. Arthur initial procedures, 13-41, 13-42 defined, 14-22
selecting and designing, 8-24 Andersen & Co. (1982), 2-29 substantive analytical example, 14-22–14-23
tests of, 8-20–8-21 HealthSouth (2003), 2-40 procedures, 13-42 explanations, 14-24
types of, 6-25 liability to clients, 2-28–2-29 substantive tests of, 13-41–13-44 management refusal to sign,
IT auditors, 5-20 Rosenblum v. Alder (1983), tests of details of balances, 14-24
IT general controls (ITGCs). See 2-30–2-31 13-42, 13-44 Manual controls. See also Internal
also Information technology Rusch Factors v. Levin (1968), tests of details of presentation control(s)
(IT) controls 2-30 and disclosure, 13-42, 13-44 defined, 8-11
access controls, 6-25 Ultramares Corp. v. Touche tests of details of transactions, tests of controls, 8-19
application system acquisition, (1931), 2-29–2-30 13-42, 13-43 Manual follow-up of exceptions,
development, and United States v. Natelli (1975), Loss contingencies 8-25
maintenance controls, 6-25 2-39–2-40 audit procedures for, 14-3–14-7 Market share, 11-6
auditor testing of, 8-20–8-21 United States v. Simon (1969), defined, 14-3 Master price file, 11-13
data center and network 2-39 identification of, 14-4 Matching information in key data
operations controls, 6-24 United States v. Weiner (1978), legal letters and, 14-4–14-5 fields
defined, 6-24, 8-11 2-40 likelihood categories, 14-3 accessing and preparing the
importance of, 8-12 Legal letters litigation, 14-6–14-7 data for ADA, 7-27
overview, 6-23 defined, 14-4 probable, 14-3 audit data analytics (ADA),
program change controls, example, 14-4–14-5 reasonably possible, 14-3 7-25–7-30
6-24–6-25 explanations, 14-5 remote chance of, 14-3 defined, 7-25
in revenue process, 11-26 Legal liability risk assessment and, 14-4 evaluating results and drawing
selecting and designing, burden of proof and, 2-32 Low risk assertions conclusions, 7-29–7-30
8-24 cases illustrating liability to audit evidence and, 5-9 evaluating the relevance and
system software acquisition, client, 2-28–2-29 examples of, 3-19–3-20 reliability of data for,
change, and maintenance to clients, 2-27 with quantitative analysis, 3-20 7-27–7-28
controls, 6-24 under common law, 2-27–2-33 Lower-of-cost-or-NRV problem, example of, 7-26
types of, 8-11 contract law, 2-27–2-28 13-18 IDEA software, 7-26, 7-27
IT-dependent manual controls. criminal liability, 2-39–2-40 overview of example, 7-26
See also Information due care defense, 2-32 M performing the ADA, 7-28–7-29
technology (IT) controls due diligence defense, 2-34 Management assertions planning the ADA, 7-26
blockchain, 6-28 duty of care and, 2-32–2-33 accuracy, 5-4 Material misstatements. See also
defined, 6-27, 8-12 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act accuracy and valuation, 5-4, 5-6 Misstatements
evaluation of, 8-12 of 1977 and, 2-36 categories of, 5-3 adjustment to correct,
example, 6-27–6-28 Private Securities Litigation classification, 5-4, 5-5 15-9–15-10
selecting and designing, 8-25 Reform Acts of 1995 and classification and discovery of, 1-7
ITGCs. See IT general controls 1998 and, 2-36–2-37 understandability, 5-4, 5-6 inventory and, 13-12–13-13
proportionate liability, 2-37 completeness, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, pervasive, 15-14
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and, 12-37 unmodified opinion with
Judgmental misstatements, 9-26,
2-37–2-38 cutoff, 5-4–5-5 consistency emphasis-
scienter and, 2-36 defined, 5-3 of-matter paragraph for
K Securities Act of 1933 and, effective responses to, 9-7 correction of, 15-10
Key performance indicators 2-34–2-35 existence, 5-4, 5-5, 11-36–11-37, Material weakness
(KPIs), 4-12 Securities Act of 1934 and, 12-21, 12-23, 13-17, 13-31 control deficiency as, 8-28–8-29
Key position, working for attest 2-35–2-36 as guide, 5-3 defined, 1-28, 6-32, 8-28
client in, 2-15 under statutory law, 2-33–2-40 occurrence, 5-4 in ICFR, 1-28, 6-32
Kickbacks, 12-27 to third parties, 2-29–2-32 occurrence and rights and management correction of, 8-29
Kiting, 13-7, 13-8 tort law, 2-28 obligations, 5-4, 5-6, 12-25 Materiality
KPIs (key performance Legal responsibilities, 2-3 PCAOB standards, 5-6 of account balance or
indicators), 4-12 Lenders, as financial statement relevant, 5-6–5-7, 5-12, 5-13, transaction, 5-22
KPMG, 1-12, 2-5, 3-12 user, 1-9 9-7, 12-29 concept use, 3-10–3-11
I-10 In d e x
Materiality (Cont’d) scope limitation and, Notable items fraud, reducing, 12-44
defined, 1-7, 3-10 15-17–15-20 characteristics of, 7-15 occurrence of, 12-41
example, 3-14–3-15 situations that cause, 1-24 cluster analysis and, 7-18–7-25 recording and paying, 12-40
final evaluation of, 14-11 summary of situations causing, defined, 7-15 Payroll accounts, 12-47
financial statements and, 1-20 15-20 examples of, 7-15 Payroll authorization, 12-38
level at starting point, 3-13 Monitoring. See also COSO false positives, 7-16 Payroll changes, authorizing,
performance, 3-13 framework; Entity-level high-margin items removal 12-40
planning, 3-11–3-13 controls from, 7-16–7-17 Payroll disbursement, 12-38
practices in major public defined, 6-16 large number of, 7-16–7-17 Payroll journal, 12-38
accounting firms, 3-12 internal audit function, 6-16 tools for searching for, 7-15–7-16 Payroll preparation, 12-40
qualitative, 3-11 ongoing procedures, 6-16 Payroll process
quantitative, 3-11
principles, 6-16–6-17 analytical procedures, 12-36
Observation procedure, 5-12, 8-14
results of determination of, principles overview, 6-5 audit data analytics (ADA),
3-21 selecting and designing, 8-24 12-47
of cash disbursements, 12-20,
setting, 3-11–3-13 Monthly statements of receivable audit data analytics (ADA) in
McGladrev LLP (RSM), 3-12 balances, 6-20, 6-21, 11-19 fraud risk assessment, 12-44
of cash receipts, 11-22
McKesson & Robbins Company, Monthly statements received client’s, understanding,
of payroll, 12-41
13-22 from vendors, 12-13, 12-18 12-35–12-36
of purchases, 12-16, 12-23
Mean-per-unit estimation, 10-33, Multidimensional analysis, 4-20 completeness assertion in,
of revenues, 11-10
10-34–10-35 12-37
of sales, 11-17–11-18
Misappropriation of assets, 3-26 N controls activities for, 12-38
Occurrence and rights and
Misclassified receivables, 11-10 Narratives, 6-29 database, 12-38
obligations assertion, 5-4,
Misleading visualization, 7-35 National Association of State defined, 12-34
5-6, 12-25
Misstatements Boards of Accountancy entity and its environment,
Occurrence assertion, 5-4
defined, 9-26 (NASBA), 1-18 12-35–12-37
Operational (performance)
evaluation of, 9-26–9-27 Nature of audit procedures, 3-21 flows, 12-38–12-42
audits, 1-7–1-8
examples of causes of, 9-26 Negative confirmation, 5-14 fraud in, 12-37
expected, 10-13 Net operating cycle, 4-18–4-19 fraud risk assessment,
adverse, 15-15–15-17,
expected misstatement and, Net realizable value (NRV), 13-18 12-43–12-44
10-20 New product revenues to total higher inherent risk and, 12-37
adverse, effectiveness of ICFR,
factual, 9-26, 14-14 revenues ratio, 11-7 imprest payroll bank account
final evaluation of, 14-14 Nonattest services and, 12-34
defined, 1-19
identification of, 9-26–9-27 AICPA rule for, 2-18–2-20 initial procedures, 12-45, 12-46
disclaimer of, 15-18–15-19
immaterial, 14-15 client functions in connection initiating transactions,
modified, 1-24, 15-14–15-20
indicators in revenue process, with, 2-18–2-19 12-39–12-40
modifying, 15-14–15-22
11-8 defined, 2-18 key assertions, 12-35
qualified, 15-15, 15-16
inventory, 13-18 ethics reasoning example, 2-19 lower inherent risk and, 12-37
on revised financial statements,
judgmental, 9-26, 14-14 independence and, 2-18–2-20 nature of transactions and
margin of error for, 3-12–3-13 for non-public clients, 2-20 balances, 12-34–12-35
unmodified, 15-4–15-14
material, 1-7, 13-12–13-13, before performing, 2-19 pay periods and, 12-38, 12-47
unqualified, 8-28, 15-5–15-6,
15-9–15-10 SOX and, 2-37–2-38 receive services from
none found, 10-23 Non-audit fees, 2-22 employees, 12-40
wrong, 1-20
performance materiality and, Non-executive directors, 4-24 recording and paying payroll,
Opportunities to perpetrate fraud,
3-13 Nonsampling risk, 10-7 12-40
pervasive, 15-14 Nonstatistical sampling risk of material misstatement
Ordinary negligence, 2-28
projected, 9-26, 10-23, 14-14 advantages of, 10-28–10-29 (RMM) and audit strategy,
Other beneficiaries, 2-29
resolution of, 9-26–9-27 applying for substantive testing, 12-44–12-45
Output controls, 6-26–6-27
risk of material (RMM), 3-17, 10-28–10-32 substantive analytical
Over-the-counter receipts, 11-20
3-18, 3-22, 3-24 audit procedures application, procedures, 12-46, 12-47
some found, 10-23–10-26 10-30 P substantive tests for,
tolerable, 10-13, 10-20, 10-36, audit sampling technique Packing slip, 6-20, 11-14 12-45–12-48
10-37 selection, 10-28 Pay periods, 12-38, 12-47 tests of controls for, 12-43
uncorrected, 14-14–14-16 defined, 10-8 Payables tests of details of balances,
upper limit, 10-22–10-23 disadvantages of, 10-29 classification of, 12-17, 12-23 12-46, 12-48
working paper analysis of, document conclusions, 10-32 completeness of, 12-17, 12-23 tests of details of transactions,
14-14–14-15 representative sample selection, recorded, vouch, 12-31 12-46, 12-47
Modified opinions. See also 10-29–10-30 recording, 12-22 tests of presentation and
Opinions results do not support book turnover in days, 4-18 disclosure, 12-46, 12-48
adverse, 15-15–15-17 value, 10-31 unconfirmed, reconciling, WCGW and key controls,
defined, 15-14 sample results evaluation, 12-33 12-40–12-42
departures from applicable 10-30–10-31 valuation of, 12-17 Payroll tax returns, 12-38, 12-40
financial reporting sample size determination, 10-29 Payroll Payroll transactions
framework and, 15-15–15-17 steps in planning and accuracy of, 12-41 databases, 12-38
disclaimer of opinion and, executing, 10-8–10-9 auditing, 12-34–12-48 example flow of, 12-39
15-18–15-19 use of, 10-8–10-9 classification of expenses and, initiating, 12-39–12-40
on ICFR, 15-27–15-29 working paper, 10-32 12-42 recording document, 12-38
for public company, 15-20 North American Industry completeness of, 12-41 source documents and
qualified, 15-–15-18 Classification System completeness of payables, 12-42 electronic files, 12-38
scenarios, 15-14 (NAICS), 12-5–12-6 cutoff, 12-41 types of, 12-34
Index I-11
PCAOB (Public Company substantive procedures and, Professional skepticism tests of details of balances,
Accounting Oversight 9-17–9-18 appropriate application of, 3-27 13-33, 13-36–13-37
Board). See also specific two, matching characteristics client management honesty tests of details of transactions,
standards of, 7-15 and, 3-15 13-33, 13-35–13-36
auditing standards topical Positive confirmation, 5-14 defined, 1-12, 3-15 tests of presentation and
organization, 1-14 PPS sampling. See Probability- elements that might cause, 3-15 disclosure, 13-33, 13-37
confirmation standard, proportionate-to-size (PPS) example of, 3-15 understanding the entity and its
5-14–5-15 sampling fraud risk and, 3-27 environment and, 13-29
defined, 1-13–1-14 Practitioner, 1-4 impediments to application valuation and allocation, 13-31
disclosure of engagement Predecessor auditors, 3-5 of, 3-27 vouch plant asset additions and,
partners, 15-21 Prelist of cash receipts, 6-21 importance of, 3-27 13-35
Ethics and Independence Rules, Preparers, responsibility of, 1-11 planning and performing audit vouch plant asset disposals and,
2-2, 2-20–2-21 Preventative controls. See also with, 1-12 13-35
internal control over financial Internal control(s) Professionalism, accounting and, Proportionate liability, 2-37
reporting, 8-6 defined, 8-7 2-3–2-5 Public Company Accounting
management assertions, 5-6 designing, 8-7–8-8 Professionals, 2-4 Oversight Board. See PCAOB
material weakness definition, detective controls comparison, Profit margin, 4-16–4-17 Purchase orders, 12-12, 12-14
1-28 8-10 Profitability, 4-12–4-13 Purchase requisition, 12-12
release of new audit report, 1-24 effective, absence of, 8-8 Profitability ratios, 4-16–4-17 Purchases
role of, 1-13–1-14 examples of, 8-7 Program change controls, accuracy of, 12-16, 12-23
Staff Audit Practice Alerts, 3-27 Price-earnings (PE) ratio, 4-12 6-24–6-25 audit strategy for assertions,
in using the work of another PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Projected misstatements (PM). 12-11–12-12
auditor, 5-23 1-12, 3-12 See also Misstatements completeness of, 12-16, 12-23
Performance Primary beneficiary, 2-29 calculation of, 10-23–10-24 control activities for, 12-11–12-17
appraisal, promotion, and Principles, 2-6 defined, 9-26, 10-23 cutoff, 12-17, 12-23
compensation processes, Private Securities Litigation determination example, 10-24 databases, 12-13
3-27 Reform Acts of 1995 and evaluation of, 14-14 example flow of transactions
indicators, 8-9 1998, 2-36–2-37 in UML calculation, 10-23 for, 12-13
materiality, 3-13 Privity of contract, 2-27 Property, plant, and equipment initiating and authorizing,
Performance measurement Probability-proportionate-to-size ADA as risk assessment 12-12–12-13
(client approaches) (PPS) sampling procedure, 13-32 occurrence of, 12-16, 12-23
cash earnings per share (CEPS) advantages of, 10-17 analytical procedures, 13-30 receipt of goods and services,
ratio, 4-13 AICPA, 10-17 audit strategy determination, 12-14–12-15
earnings per share (EPS) ratio, applying to substantive testing, 13-32 recording, 12-15, 12-16
4-12 10-16–10-28 collateral for loans and, 13-36 recording document, 12-12
key performance indicators audit procedures application, completeness, 13-31 redundant controls, 12-16
(KPIs), 4-12 10-22 control risk assessment, returns and allowances,
liquidity, 4-13 defined, 10-17 13-31–13-32 12-24–12-25
price-earnings (PE) ratio, 4-12 disadvantages of, 10-17 depreciation expense entries, source documents and
profitability, 4-12–4-13 documentation, 10-27–10-28 13-35–13-36 electronic files, 12-12
solvency, 4-13 expansion factors for, 10-20 depreciation reasonableness, transaction flows, 12-12–12-15
sustainable cash flow from limitations of, 10-18 13-36 WCGW and key controls,
operations, 4-13 population in, 10-17 developing a knowledge 12-15–12-17
Performance reviews, 6-12 reliability factors for evaluating, perspective and, 13-29–13-30 Purchases journal, 12-12
Performing substantive 10-25 disclosures, 13-31 Purchasing database, 12-18
procedures, 9-3 representative sample selection, example industry traits and, Purchasing process
Permanent file, 5-25 10-21–10-22 13-29–13-30 analytical procedures, 12-7
Pervasive misstatements, 15-14 sample results evaluation, existence, 13-31 audit data analytics (ADA) and,
Physical controls, 6-13 10-22 flow of transactions, 13-28–13-29 12-27
Planning and supervision, AICPA sample selection, 10-18 fraud risk assessment, 13-32 client’s, understanding, 12-4–12-6
Code, 2-23, 2-24 sample size determination, impairment, examining, control activities for
Planning materiality, 3-11–3-13 10-18–10-21 13-36–13-37 adjustments and
PM. See Projected misstatements sampling unit in, 10-18 importance, understanding, disclosures, 12-24–12-25
Population uses for, 10-17 13-29–13-30 control activities for cash
auditing every item in, 10-5 Processing controls, 6-26 inherent risk assessment, 13-31 disbursements, 12-18–12-21
book value of, 10-21 Procurement process. See initial procedures, 13-33, 13-34 control activities for purchases,
defined, 10-9 Purchasing process as investing activities, 13-28 12-11–12-17
defining, 10-16 Professional competence lead schedule, 13-34 defined, 12-4
estimated standard deviation, AICPA Code, 2-23 plant assets inspection, 13-36 disclosures, 12-25
10-34–10-35 in quality control system, 3-27 repairs and maintenance duplicate payments, 12-9
expected rate of deviation in, Professional judgment expense entries and, 13-35 employee fraud and, 12-9
8-18 in combining evidence, 10-26 restatements of, 13-31 entity and its environment and,
in probability-proportionate-to- defined, 1-12 rights and obligations, 13-31 12-4–12-8
size (PPS) sampling, 10-17 in PPS sampling use, 10-17 risk of material misstatement evaluated receipt settlement
reciprocal, 10-16 in sample size determination, (RMM) assessment, (ERS), 12-21–12-24
selecting specific items from, 10-18–10-21, 10-29 13-29–13-30 example industry traits and, 12-5
9-18 in selecting and evaluating substantive analytical factors that misstate assertions,
size of, 8-18, 9-17, 10-34 sample items, 10-11 procedures, 13-33, 13-34 12-8
stratification of, 10-13 Professional responsibilities, 2-3 substantive tests for, 13-32–13-37 fraud risk assessment, 12-27
I-12 In d e x
Purchasing process (Cont’d) current, 4-17 steps for, 7-30 Revenue process
importance of understanding, debit-to-equity, 4-19 use of, 4-20 analytical procedures for,
12-5 earnings per share (EPS), 4-12 Regulations, compliance with, 11-6–11-8
industry-related factors in, 12-6 gross operating cycle, 4-18 4-10 audit data analytics (ADA) as
inherent risks in, 12-8–12-11 gross profit margin, 4-16 Related parties. See also Risk substantive test,
initial procedures, 12-29, 12-30 inventory turnover in days, 4-18 assessment 11-31–11-32
key assertions, 12-4 liquidity and activity, 4-17–4-19 audit guidance with, 4-22 audit data analytics (ADA) in,
nature of transactions and net operating cycle, 4-18–4-19 company transactions with, 4-22 11-27
balances, 12-3–12-4 payables turnover in days, 4-18 defined, 4-22 auditing, 11-1–11-47
in operating cycle, 12-5 price-earnings (PE), 4-12 example, 4-23 bill-and-hold transactions and,
purchase returns and profit margin, 4-16–4-17 procedures to confirm, 11-10
allowances, 12-24–12-25 profitability, 4-16–4-17 4-22–4-23 client’s, understanding,
relevant assertions in, 12-29 receivables turnover in days, 4-18 Relevance of audit evidence, 5-8 11-4–11-6
risk of material misstatement return on assets (ROA), 4-17 Relevant assertions consignment sales, 11-9
(RMM) and, 12-28 return on stockholders’ equity defined, 5-6, 9-7 consignment sales and, 11-9
substantive analytical (ROE), 4-17 evidence for, 5-13 control activities for cash
procedures, 12-29, solvency, 4-19 identification of, 5-6–5-7 receipts, 11-18–11-22
12-30–12-31 sustainable free cash flow, 4-18 in purchasing process, 12-29 control activities for credit
substantive procedures for, times-interest-earned, 4-19 Reliability sales, 11-12–11-18
12-28–12-33 Reasonable assurance of audit evidence, 5-8 control activities for sales
tests of controls in, 12-26 defined, 1-19 data, 7-6–7-7, 7-13, 7-20–7-21, adjustments and revenue
tests of details of balances, financial statements and, 7-27–7-28, 7-40 process disclosures,
12-30, 12-32–12-33 1-19–1-20 as need for audit and assurance 11-23–11-25
tests of details of presentation and internal controls, 1-25–1-26 services, 1-10 disclosures, control activities
and disclosure, 12-30, 12-33 use in definition, 1-27 Reliability factor over, 11-24–11-25
tests of details of transactions, Reasonable period of time, 14-19 determination of, 10-20 entity and its environment and,
12-29–12-30, 12-31–12-32 Recalculation, 5-15–5-16 PPS samples, 10-25 11-4–11-8
Purchasing transactions, 12-3 Receivable confirmation, for risk of incorrect acceptance, example industry traits and,
5-13–5-14 10-19–10-20 11-5–11-6
Receivables for zero overstatements, 10-20 factors that contribute to
QC10, 3-2
classification of, 11-18 Reliance on controls approach, misstatements in,
Qualified opinion. See also
existence of, 11-18 audit strategy, 3-22–3-23 11-9–11-12
misclassified, 11-10 Remittance advice, 6-21, 11-19 fraud risk assessment,
defined, 15-15
overstatement of, 11-12 Remittance report, 6-21, 11-19 11-26–11-27
for departure from financial
turnover in days, 4-18 Remoteness, 1-10 gross sales and, 11-10
reporting framework, 15-16
valuation, at historic cost, 11-18 Repairs and maintenance inherent risks in, 11-9–11-12
for scope limitation, 15-17–15-18
Receiving report expense, 13-35 initial procedures, 11-29,
Qualitative analysis
defined, 11-23, 12-12 Reperformance, 5-15–5-16, 8-14 11-30–11-31
classical variables sampling,
importance of, 12-14–12-15 Report of cash balances, 12-18 key assertions, 11-4
preparing, 12-14–12-15 Report of vendor invoices due, nature of, 11-3
high risk assertion with, 3-18
Reciprocal population, 10-16 12-18 refund rights and, 11-9
Qualitative materiality, 3-11
Reconciliations Reporting phase, 3-8, 3-10 risk of material misstatement
Quality, 1-5
bank, 6-21, 8-19, 12-18, 13-10 Reputation, 4-5, 4-6, 4-8, 4-9 (RMM) and, 11-27–11-28
Quantitative analysis
detective controls, 8-8–8-9, 8-10 Requisition goods and services, substantive analytical
classical variables sampling,
unconfirmed payables, 12-33 12-14 procedures, 11-29, 11-31
Recording cash disbursements, Restatements substantive tests for,
high risk assertion with, 3-19
12-18, 12-19, 12-20 of long-lived assets, 13-31 11-28–11-38
low risk assertions with, 3-20
Recording payables, 12-22 related to expense recording tests of controls in, 11-25–11-26
Quantitative materiality, 3-11
Recording payroll, 12-40 and liabilities, 12-10 tests of details of balances,
Questionnaires, preformatted,
Recording purchases, 12-15, related to inventory, 13-15 11-30, 11-33–11-37
12-16 of revenues, 11-11–11-12 tests of details of presentation
R Recording sales, 11-16 Results of analytical procedures, and disclosure, 11-30,
Random selection, 10-9–10-10, Recording transactions, 8-4 interpreting, 9-12 11-38
10-21, 10-37 Redundant controls, 12-16 Results of testing controls. See tests of details of transactions,
Ratio analysis Refund rights, 11-9 also Tests of controls 11-29, 11-32–11-33
defined, 4-16 Regression analysis additional tests of controls transaction classes for, 11-3
example, 4-19 access and prepare the data for determination, 8-27–8-28 Revenue recognition, 11-11
liquidity and activity ratios, ADA, 7-32 audit risk assessment revision Revenues
4-17–4-19 defined, 7-30 and, 8-28 classes of transactions of, 11-3
profitability ratios, 4-16–4-17 evaluating the relevance and control risk conclusions and, completeness of, 11-10
solvency ratios, 4-19 reliability of data for, 7-32 3-22 occurrence of, 11-10
Ratio method, 10-30, 10-31, 10-33 evaluating the results and decision tree, 8-26, 8-27 overstatement of, 11-12
Ratios drawing conclusions, 7-34 example, 8-29 premature recognition of, 11-3
ability of cash flow from linear, estimating, 7-30–7-31 investigation of exceptions and, pressure to overstate, 11-9
operations to cover current overview of example, 7-31 8-28 process of earning and
debt and dividends, 4-18 perform the ADA, 7-33 Return on assets (ROA) ratio, recognizing, 11-4–11-5
acid-test (quick), 4-17–4-18 plan the ADA, 7-31–7-32 4-17 process of generating, 11-5
cash earnings per share (CEPS), in searching for notable items, Return on stockholders’ equity restatements of, 11-11–11-12
4-13 7-16 (ROE) ratio, 4-17 trends, 11-7
Index I-13
Review engagement Risk assessment process. See also RMM. See Risks of material Sample results evaluation
analytical procedures and COSO framework; Entity- misstatement classical variables sampling,
inquiries in, 15-32–15-33 level controls ROA (return on assets) ratio, 4-17 10-38–10-39
conclusion of, 15-33–15-34 defined, 6-10 ROE (return on stockholders’ difference method, 10-30, 10-31
conditions for acceptance of, principles, 6-10–6-11 equity) ratio, 4-17 no misstatements found, 10-23
15-32 principles overview, 6-5 Roll-forward procedures, PPS sampling, 10-23–10-27
defined, 15-32 selecting and designing, 8-24 9-15–9-16 qualitative assessment, 10-39
departures from applicable Risk factors Rosenblum v. Alder (1983), qualitative considerations,
financial reporting examples of, 6-11 2-30–2-31 10-26–10-27
framework and, 15-34 external, 6-11 RSM LLP, 1-12 quantitative assessment,
guidance on, 15-32 fraud, 3-26 Rules of conduct, 2-6 10-38–10-39
Review report, 15-33–15-34 internal, 6-11 Rusch Factors v. Levin (1968), 2-30 ratio method, 10-30, 10-31
Right of return, 11-11 Risk of incorrect acceptance some misstatements found,
Rights and obligations assertion classical variables sampling, S 10-23–10-27
cash and cash equivalents, 13-5 10-36 Safeguards upper misstatement limit
category, 5-4 defined, 10-6 documenting, 2-10 (UML), 10-22–10-23
confirmations and, 11-36–11-37 determination of, 10-19 evaluating the effectiveness Sample size
controls over, 11-24 reliability factor for, 10-19–10-20 of, 2-9 calculation of, 10-21
defined, 5-5 results of, 10-7 in guiding CPA, 2-9 detection risk and, 3-21
inventory, 13-17 Risk of incorrect rejection identifying and applying, 2-9 expected misstatement and,
property, plant, and equipment, classical variables sampling, Sale returns, 11-23 10-20
13-31 10-35–10-36 Sales factors that influence,
Risk. See Audit risk defined, 10-6–10-7 accuracy of, 11-17–11-18 10-11–10-13
Risk analysis decision tree, sample size and, 10-20 classification of, 11-18 risk of incorrect rejection and,
7-14–7-15 selected percentages, 10-36 completeness of, 11-17 10-20
Risk assessment. See also specific Risk of material misstatement cutoff of, 11-18 substantive procedures and,
types of risk (RMM) cutoff test for, 11-32–11-33 9-17
ADA use as procedure, assessing, 11-5–11-6 occurrence of, 11-17–11-18 tests of controls and, 8-17
7-13–7-17 audit strategy and, 11-27–11-28, Sales adjustment transactions, tolerable misstatements and,
analytical procedures in, 12-28, 12-44–12-45 11-10 10-20
4-14–4-21 inventory and, 13-19 Sales adjustments Sample size determination
applying ADA as procedure, property, plant, and equipment defined, 11-23 audit decision-making example,
7-17–7-37 and, 13-29–13-30 disclosure committee and, 11-24 10-42–10-43
audit risk in, 3-15 purchasing process and, 12-28 documents and records, 11-23 book value of population tested
audit strategy and, 3-21 revenue process and, sales returns and allowances, and, 10-19
closing procedures and, 11-27–11-28 11-24 calculation, 10-21
4-27–4-28 Risk response uncollectible accounts, 11-24 classical variables sampling,
control risk, 8-3–8-6 elements affecting, 9-6 Sales cycle database, 6-20, 6-21 10-34–10-37
corporate governance and, at financial statement level, Sales invoice, 6-20 estimated population standard
4-23–4-25 9-5–9-6 Sales orders deviation, 10-34
decision tree, 7-14–7-15 procedures for accounting defined, 6-20, 11-14 expansion factors and, 10-20
fraud risk in, 3-25–3-30 estimates, 9-22–9-23, 9-25 filling, 11-15 expected misstatement and,
graphic illustration of, 4-3 Risk response phase shipping, 11-15–11-16 10-20
internal control and audit data analytics (ADA) use Sales process factors that influence, 10-29
information technology and, in, 5-17 common documents and files, formula, 10-19
4-26–4-27 defined, 3-8 6-19–6-20 in nonstatistical sampling, 10-29
loss contingencies and, 14-4 overview, 3-9 credit sales initiation, 6-20 planned allowance for sampling
materiality in, 3-10 Risks database, 11-19 risk, 10-36
procedures for accounting analysis and management of, delivering goods, 6-20 population size, 10-34
estimates, 9-21–9-22, 9-24 6-10 example transaction flows, in PPS sampling, 10-18–10-21
professional skepticism in, 3-14, human, 6-18 6-19–6-21 professional judgment in,
3-15 identification of, 6-10 recording sales, 6-20–6-21 10-18–10-21, 10-29
related parties and, 4-22–4-23 information technology (IT), risks and controls, 6-20–6-21 risk of incorrect acceptance
understanding the client and, 4-26 Sales returns, cutoff test for, and, 10-19–10-20, 10-36
4-3–4-12 Risks of material misstatement 11-33 risk of incorrect rejection and,
Risk assessment phase (RMM) Sales revenue and accounts 10-35–10-36
audit data analytics (ADA) use assessment of, 3-17 receivable validation tolerable misstatement and,
in, 5-17 audit evidence of, 9-5 accessing and preparing the 10-19–10-20
audit risk in, 3-9 in audit risk model, 3-18 data for ADA, 7-39–7-40 tolerable misstatements and,
auditor access to results, defined, 3-17 evaluating results and drawing 10-37
4-20–4-22 high, 3-24, 9-8, 9-10 conclusions, 7-41–7-42 Samples
defined, 3-8 identification of, 9-16 evaluating the relevance and decision to audit, 10-15–10-16
illustrated, 3-10 impact on level of substantive reliability of data for, 7-40 PPS systematic selection
as iterative process, 3-9 testing, 9-3 overview, 7-38 process, 10-22
management assertions in, 5-3 low, 3-22 performing the ADA, 7-40–7-41 random, selecting, 10-21
overview, 3-9 of management assertions, 5-22 planning the ADA, 7-38–7-39 representative, selecting,
setting planning materiality in, reliance on controls approach, Sales to capacity ratio, 11-6 10-21–10-22, 10-29–10-30
3-11–3-13 3-22 Sales to total assets ratio, 11-6 steps in planning and
Risk assessment procedures, 5-11 substantive approach, 3-24 Sales turnover, 11-7 executing, 10-15
I-14 In d e x
Sampling. See also Audit Securities and Exchange Statistical audit sampling, 9-18 Substantive approach, audit
sampling Commission (SEC) Statistical sampling, 10-8 strategy, 3-24
classical variables, 10-33–10-40 audit committee disclosure, Statutory law Substantive procedures
haphazard selection, 2-22 auditor liability under, ADA and, 9-13–9-14
10-10–10-11 Form 10-K filing deadline, 14-7, 2-33–2-40 for audit of inventory, 9-8
methods, 10-9–10-11 14-8 criminal liability, 2-39–2-40 audit risk and, 9-3–9-5
nonstatistical, 10-8–10-9, general standard of auditor defined, 2-33 confirmation bias and, 9-14
10-28–10-31 independence, 2-20 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act control risk and, 9-17
probability-proportionate-to- independence rules, 2-21–2-22 of 1977 and, 2-36 defined, 3-21, 5-11, 9-3
size (PPS), 10-16–10-28 prohibited relationships, legal liabiliity under, 2-33–2-40 detection risk and, 9-17
professional judgement in 2-21–2-22 Private Securities Litigation determining, 10-14
selection of sample items, role of, 1-13 Reform Acts of 1995 and documenting results of,
10-11 Segregation of duties, 6-13, 8-25 1998, 2-36–2-37 9-26–9-27
random selection, 10-9–10-10 Selection Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and, dual purpose test, 9-7
statistical, 10-8 haphazard, 10-11 2-37–2-38 extent of, 9-16–9-18
stratification, 10-10 random, 10-9–10-10, 10-21, Securities Act of 1933 and, impact o RMM and, 9-3
systematic selection, 10-37 2-34–2-35 inherent risk and, 9-17
10-10–10-11 systematic, 10-10–10-11, 10-22 Securities Act of 1934 and, initial procedures, 9-8–9-9
Sampling interval Self-interest threat, 2-9 2-35–2-36 at interim date, 9-14–9-16
book value equal or greater to, Self-review threat, 2-9 Stratification, 10-10, 10-13 low RMM and, 3-22
10-24 Shareholders’ equity. See also Subordination of judgment, nature of, 9-7–9-14
calculating, 10-21 Financing activities 2-12 performance factors, 9-15
Sampling risk initial procedures, 13-44, 13-45 Subsequent events performing, 9-1–9-36
allowance for, 10-23, 10-36 substantive analytical audit procedures to identify, reliability of data and, 9-11
defined, 10-5, 10-6 procedures, 13-45–13-46 14-9 roll-forward procedures and,
risk of incorrect acceptance, substantive tests of, 13-44–13-47 auditor objective, 14-9 9-15
10-6, 10-7 tests of details of balances, defined, 14-8 sample size and, 9-17
risk of incorrect rejection, 13-45, 13-46 examples of, 14-8–14-9 significant risk and, 9-8
10-6–10-7 tests of details of presentation inquiries of management tests of details, 9-13
when conducting substantive and disclosure, 13-45, regarding, 14-10 timing of, 9-14–9-16
tests, 10-6 13-46–13-47 nature of procedures for, in working papers, 9-27
Sampling unit tests of details of transactions, 14-9–14-10 at year-end, 9-16
defined, 10-9 13-45, 13-46 period illustration, 14-8 Substantive tests
defining, 10-16 Shipping goods, 11-15–11-16 Type I, 14-8 for accounts payable, 12-30
logical, 10-18 Significant deficiency, 6-32, 8-28 Type II, 14-8 audit data analytics (ADA) as,
in probability-proportionate-to- Significant risk Subsequently discovered facts 7-37–7-42, 12-31
size (PPS) sampling, 10-18 accounting estimates as, 9-23 audit procedures, 15-23 audit data analytics (ADA) as,
Samsung, 4-7 defined, 3-16, 9-8 become known after report applying, 7-38–7-42
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) substantive procedures and, 9-8 release date, 15-24–15-25 audit data analytics (ADA) as,
attest clients and, 2-17 SKU or UPC inventory label, become known before report using, 7-37–7-38
audit committee and, 2-20, 4-25 13-17 release date, 15-22–15-24 for cash balances, 13-5–13-11
changes for auditors, 2-37–2-38 Small entities defined, 15-22 classical variables sampling for,
changes for management of internal control in, 6-17–6-18 dual dating and, 15-23–15-24 10-33–10-40
public companies, 2-38 risk of management override, example, 15-24 determining objectives of, 10-14
Corporate and Criminal Fraud 6-18 time gap illustration, 15-22 factors that influence the
Accountability Act, 2-38 Software-based audit techniques, Substantive analytical procedures sample size, 10-11–10-13
creation of, 2-4 8-14 audit reasoning example, 9-11 at interim date, 7-37
defined, 2-37 Solvency cash balances, 13-6, 13-7 for inventory, 13-19–13-28
independence guidelines, 2-18 defined, 4-13 conducting, 9-2 of long-term debt, 13-41–13-44
non-audit fees and, 2-22 ratios, 4-19 decision to use, 9-9 matching information, 7-37
Scanning, 5-16 Specialists defined, 9-7, 9-9 nonstatistical sampling for,
Scienter, 2-36 defined, 5-18 documentation in working 10-28–10-32
Scope limitation IT auditors, 5-20 papers, 9-12 for payroll process, 12-45–12-48
characteristics of, 15-14 report assessment, 5-19 examples that provide probability-proportionate-to-size
defined, 15-17 scope determination, 5-19 persuasive evidence, 9-10 sampling for, 10-16–10-28
disclaimer of opinion, using work of, 5-18–5-19 factors impacting effectiveness for property, plant, and
15-18–15-19 Starbucks, 14-26 and efficiency, 9-9–9-10 equipment, 13-32–13-37
example, 15-19–15-20 State boards of accountancy, 1-18 interpreting results of, 9-12 for purchasing process,
imposed by management, 15-17 Statements on Auditing inventory, 13-19, 13-21 12-28–12-33
modified opinion on ICFR, Standards (SASs), 1-15, 1-16 long-term debt, 13-42 for revenue process,
15-29 Statements on Quality Control payroll process, 12-46, 12-47 11-28–11-38
qualified opinion for, Standards (SQCSs), 1-16 property, plant, and equipment, sampling risk when conducting,
15-17–15-18 Statements on Standards for 13-33, 13-34 10-6
scenarios, 15-17 Accounting and Review purchasing process, 12-29, of stockholders’ equity,
Search for unrecorded liabilities, Services (SSARSs), 1-16 12-30–12-31 13-44–13-47
12-32 Statements on Standards for revenue process, 11-29, 11-31 tests of details of balances,
Sears Holding Corporation, 13-3 Attestation Engagements shareholders’ equity, 11-30
Securities Act of 1933, 2-34–2-35 (SSAEs), 1-16 13-45–13-46 tests of details of presentation
Securities Act of 1934, 2-35–2-36 Statistical analysis, 7-16 use of, 9-10 and disclosure, 11-30
Index I-15
tests of details of transactions, tolerable deviation rate, 8-17 substantive tests, 11-29 sales process, 6-19–6-21,
11-29 top-down approach, 8-16 vouch recorded payables, 12-31 11-13–11-16
Sufficient audit evidence, 5-7, working paper, 8-29–8-30 vouch revenue transactions, understanding, 8-3–8-4
5-9–5-10 “yes or no” decision, 8-26 11-32 Transaction-level internal
Sufficient relevant data, AICPA Tests of details, 9-13. See also Third parties controls
Code, 2-23 specific types of tests of defined, 2-29 audit strategy for assertions,
Sunbeam Corporation, 2-4, 11-10 details liability to, 2-29 6-19
Suppliers, as financial statement Tests of details of balances payment processor, 12-22 defined, 6-19
user, 1-9 cash balances, 13-6, 13-8–13-11 Those charged with governance example, 6-22
Sustainable cash flow from confirmation of accounts communication with, for purchases, 12-11
operations, 4-13 payable, 12-32–12-33 14-24–14-26 transaction flows—cash
Sustainable free cash flow, 4-18 confirmation of accounts continuing as going concern receipts, 6-21–6-22
System software acquisition, receivable, 11-33 and, 14-21 transaction flows—sales
change, and maintenance evaluating the allowance for defined, 1-8, 4-24 process, 6-19–6-21
controls, 6-24 doubtful accounts, 11-37 management representation walk-through, 6-19
Systematic selection, 10-10–10-11 long-term debt, 13-42, 13-44 letter and, 14-22–14-24 Transactions
payroll process, 12-46, 12-48 written representation and, authorization of, 8-3
T procedures, 11-33 14-21–14-22 bill-and-hold, 11-10
Tainting percentage (TP), 10-24 property, plant, and equipment, Threats cash disbursement, 12-18–12-21
Technology. See also Information 13-33, 13-36–13-37 adverse interest threat, 2-8 cash receipts, 11-20–11-22
technology (IT) purchasing process, 12-30, advocacy threat, 2-8 clustering, 7-15
changes in, 4-4 12-32–12-33 documenting, 2-10 credit sales, 11-15–11-18
control activities over, 6-13–6-14 reconcile unconfirmed payables evaluating the significance of, executing, 8-3–8-4
Test counts, working paper, 13-24 to vendor statements, 12-33 2-9 factors that influence sample
Tests of controls. See also Internal revenue process, 11-30, familiarity threat, 2-8, 2-10 size in testing, 10-12
control(s) 11-33–11-37 identifying, 2-8–2-9 financial, recording, 13-40
additional, determination of, shareholders’ equity, 13-45, management participation multiple, below key threshold,
8-27–8-28 13-46 threat, 2-8 7-24–7-25
attribute sampling, 8-19 substantive tests, 11-30 self-interest threat, 2-9 payroll, 12-34
benchmarking, 8-22–8-23 Tests of details of presentation self-review threat, 2-9 purchase, 12-15–12-16
control exceptions (deviations), and disclosure undo influence threat, 2-9 purchasing, 12-3
8-19–8-20 cash and cash equivalents, 13-5, Time cards, 12-38 recording, 8-4
defined, 3-21, 5-11, 8-13 13-11 Time-series analysis, 4-20 revenue, 11-3
desired level of assurance, 8-18 inventory, 13-20, 13-27 Times-interest-earned ratio, 4-19 sales adjustment, 11-10
documenting conclusions, long-term debt, 13-42, 13-44 Timing scanning, as initial procedure,
8-29–8-31 payroll process, 12-46, 12-48 of audit, 8-22 9-9
example of process, 8-15 property, plant, and equipment, of audit procedures, 3-21 screening decision, 9-16
examples of selecting and 13-33, 13-37 of substantive procedures, subject to management
designing, 8-23–8-25 purchasing process, 12-30, 9-14–9-16 discretion, 9-10
expected rate of deviation in the 12-33 of tests of controls, 8-21–8-22 tests of details of, 11-29,
population, 8-18 revenue process, 11-30, 11-38 Tolerable deviation rate, 8-17 11-32–11-33
extent of, 8-17–8-21 shareholders’ equity, 13-45, Tolerable misstatements. See also trace revenue, 11-32
extent of testing table, 8-18 13-46–13-47 Misstatements vouch revenue, 11-32
factors in identifying, 8-16–8-17 substantive tests, 11-30 classical variables sampling, Transfer agent, 13-40
factors that influence sample Tests of details of transactions 10-37 Trends
size, 8-17 audit data analytics (ADA), 7-37 defined, 10-13 analysis of, 4-15
inquiry procedure, 8-13 cash balances, 13-6, 13-7–13-8 ratio of desired allowance for in grows margins compared
inspection procedure, 8-14 cutoff tests for cash receipts, sampling risk to, 10-36 with market share, 11-7
at interim date, 8-22 11-33 sample size and, 10-20 revenue, 11-7
inventory, 13-17 cutoff tests for sales and sales upper misstatement limit Trial balance, obtaining as initial
IT application controls, returns, 11-32–11-33 (UML) and, 10-26–10-27 procedure, 9-9, 11-31
8-20–8-21 examining subsequent Top-down approach, 8-16 Type I subsequent events, 14-8
manual controls, 8-19 payments, 12-32 Tort law, 2-28 Type II subsequent events, 14-8
observation procedure, 8-14 inventory, 13-19–13-20, Toshiba, 3-28, 3-29–3-30
for payroll, 12-43 13-21–13-22 Trace revenue transactions, 11-32 U
PCAOB evidence on, 8-12–8-13 long-term debt, 13-42, 13-43 Tracing, 5-11–5-12 Ultramares Corp. v. Touche (1931),
performing, in control risk payroll process, 12-46, 12-47 Transaction flows 2-29–2-30
assessment, 8-5 property, plant, and equipment, authorization, 8-3 UML. See Upper misstatement
procedures for, 8-13–8-14 13-33, 13-35–13-36 cash and cash equivalents, 13-3 limit
in purchasing process, 12-26 purchase cutoff test, cash receipts, 6-21–6-22, Uncollectible accounts
reperformance, 8-14 12-31–12-32 11-19–11-21 allowance for, evaluating, 11-37
results of, 8-26–8-29 purchasing process, 12-29–12-30, consideration, 8-4 determining, 11-24
in revenue process, 11-25–11-26 12-31–12-32 credit purchases, 12-12–12-15 Uncollectible accounts expense
selecting and designing, revenue process, 11-29, execution, 8-3–8-4 to accounts receivable write-offs
8-16–8-17 11-32–11-33 financing activities, 13-38 ratio, 11-7
software-based techniques, 8-14 search for unrecorded inventory, 13-12 to net credit sales ratio, 11-7,
summary of selecting and liabilities, 12-31 property, plant, and equipment, 11-8
designing, 8-23–8-25 shareholders’ equity, 13-45, 13-28–13-29 Uncorrected misstatements,
timing of, 8-21–8-22 13-46 recording, 8-4 evaluation of, 14-14–14-16
I-16 In d e x
Understandability, management Undo influence threat, 2-9 Upper misstatement limit (UML). What can go wrong (WCGW)
assertion, 5-4, 5-6 United States v. Natelli (1975), See also Sample results cash receipts, 11-21
Understanding the client 2-39–2-40 evaluation credit sales, 11-16–11-18
compliance with laws and United States v. Simon (1969), calculation example, 10-26 defined, 8-4
regulations and, 4-9 2-39 calculation of, 10-23 identifying, 8-4
entity and, 4-3–4-7 United States v. Weiner (1978), defined, 10-22 inventory, 13-16
industry and business 2-40 tolerable misstatements and, payroll process, 12-40–12-42
environment and, 4-8–4-9 Unmodified audit report 10-26–10-27 purchases, 12-15–12-17
performance measurement addition paragraph for, use of, 10-22–10-23 in selecting controls for
approaches and, 4-12–4-13 15-7–15-12 testing, 8-16
in risk assessment, 4-3 components of, 1-22, 15-5 Work of others
Understanding the entity and its defined, 1-21 another auditor, 5-23
cash balances, 12-21, 12-23
environment, 4-4–4-6 emphasis-of-matter paragraph, internal auditors, 5-20–5-22
of inventory, 3-24, 13-17
cash and cash equivalents, 13-3 15-7–15-8 specialist, 5-18–5-20
of payables, 12-17
changes in technology and, example of, 1-21–1-22, 15-4 using, 5-18–5-23
of receivables, 11-18
4-4–4-6 illustrated, 1-21 Working paper review
Valuation and allocation
client’s reputation and, 4-5, 4-6 standard, 15-3–15-12 defined, 14-16
discounts and, 4-5, 4-6 unmodified opinion, 15-4 engagement partner and,
cash and cash equivalents,
factors that influence, 4-4–4-7 Unmodified opinion 14-17
financing activities, 13-39 based in part on report example, 14-16–14-17
category, 5-4
guidance in, 4-4 of another auditor, items to consider in, 14-16
defined, 5-5–5-6
importer or exporter of goods 15-12–15-13 Working papers
property, plant, and equipment,
and, 4-4, 4-5 with consistency emphasis- classical variables sampling,
inventory, 13-12–13-13 of-matter paragraph, 15-9, 10-40
Vendor invoice, 12-12
major customers and, 4-4, 4-5 15-10, 15-11 current file, 5-25–5-26
Vendors, fictitious or phantom,
major suppliers and, 4-4, 4-5 defined, 15-4 defined, 5-24
operations and, 4-5, 4-6 with going concern emphasis- elements of, 5-24
ownership structure and, 4-5, 4-7 of-matter paragraph, 15-8 examples of, 5-26–5-29
audit data analytics (ADA),
payroll process, 12-35–12-37 Unqualified audit report on illustrated, 5-27, 5-28
property, plant, and equipment effectiveness of ICFR inventory working paper,
characteristics of, 7-34–7-35
and, 13-29 components of, 1-27 13-24
defined, 5-17, 7-34
relations with employees and, defined, 1-26 lead schedules, 5-26
for dual purposes, 7-36
4-5, 4-6 example of, 1-26–1-28 likely misstatement,
misleading, 7-35
selection/application of illustrated, 1-26–1-27 14-14–14-15
in searching for notable items,
accounting principles and, unqualified opinion on, 8-28 nonstatistical sampling, 10-32
4-5, 4-6 Unqualified audit report on permanent file, 5-25
undistorted, 7-36
significant accounts and classes financial statements PPS sampling, 10-27–10-28
use of, 7-35
of transactions and, 4-5, 4-6 components of, 1-23 preparation and storage, 5-26
sources of financing and, 4-5, defined, 1-22 substantive analytical
defined, 12-12, 12-18
4-6–4-7 example of, 1-22–1-23, procedures use, 9-12
purpose of, 12-17
warranties and, 4-4–4-6 15-5–15-6 substantive procedures in, 9-27
Understanding the industry and illustrated, 1-22–1-23 tests of controls, 8-29–8-30
defined, 5-11
business environment summary of components of, WorldCom, 2-4–2-5, 3-4, 4-28,
for revenue transactions, 11-32
demand and, 4-8, 4-9 15-6 13-31
economy and, 4-8, 4-9 unmodified audit report and, W Written representation,
legal, political, and regulatory 1-22 Walk-through 14-21–14-22
environment and, 4-8, 4-9 Unqualified opinion on defined, 6-19
level of competition and, 4-8, effectiveness of ICFR performing, 11-13 Y
4-9 defined, 15-26 Warranties, 4-4–4-6 Year-end, substantive procedures
overview, 4-8 example, 15-26–15-27 Waste Management, 2-4 at, 9-16
reputation and, 4-8, 4-9 summary of components, 15-27 Wells Fargo, 5-5 “Year-end” period, 3-21, 3-22
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