Accuracy of Machine Tools
Accuracy of Machine Tools
Accuracy of Machine Tools
• Definition of Accuracy
• Accuracy Measurement Standards
• Classification of Errors
• Definition of Errors
Definition of Accuracy
• Accuracy is the ability to tell the truth or:
¾The maximum translational or rotational error
between any two points in the machine's working
¾The deviation of the measured value from the
‘true’ value.
¾Linear, planar, and volumetric accuracy can all
be defined for a machine.
Definition of Accuracy
• Repeatability (Precision) is the ability to tell the
same story over and over again or:
¾ The error between a number of successive attempts to
move the machine to the same position.
¾ Repeatability is often considered to be the most important
parameter of a computer controlled machine (or sensor).
¾ Often the intent is to map the errors and then compensate
for them.
• Minimize static friction and thermal variants to
get better repeatability.
• Note: mechanical accuracy for devices is costly,
whereas repeatability is not expensive.
Definition of Accuracy
• Resolution is how detailed your story is
¾ The smallest discernible change in the parameter of
interest that can be detected by the instrument,
¾ The smallest positional increment that can be
commanded of a motion control system,
¾ The smallest programmable step,
¾ The smallest mechanical step the machine can make
during point to point motion.
• Resolution gives a lower bound on the
• Minimize static friction to get better resolution.
Accuracy vs. Precision
Accuracy, Precision and Standard Deviation
• A measurement can be precise, but may not be
• The standard deviation (σ) is a statistical measure
of the precision in a x series of repetitive xi
measurements with n, the number of data, xi is
each individual measurement, and the mean of all
• The value xi − x is called the residual for each
( x − x ) 2
1 n
σ= i =1
; x = ∑i =1 xi
n −1 n 2-9
• ej is the uncorrected systematic error, at the point j,
with respect to the starting point of the calibration
• Hj is the uncorrected hysteresis error at point j.
• Pj is the unidirectional repeatability at the point j.
• Rj is the bidirectional repeatability at the point j,
which includes hysteresis effects, thus Rj=Pj+Hj. 2-11
where X i ↑=
∑ X ij
; Xi
∑ X ij ↓
n n
n is the number of measured points 2-16
Equations of Error in ISO 230-2
• E: Bidirectional Systematic Deviation of
Positioning of an Axis (單軸雙向系統偏差)
E = max[ X i ↑; X i ↓] − min[ X i ↑; X i ↓]
¾Forward Direction
σ i ↑=
n −1
∑ i( X ↑ − X i ↑ ) 2
¾Backward Direction
σ i ↓=
n −1
∑ ( X i ↓ − X i ↓) 2
Equations of Error in ISO 230-2
• R↑ or R↓: Unidirectional Repeatability of
Positioning of an Axis (單軸單向最大重現性
¾Forward Direction For High Precision
► 4σ is replaced
R ↑= max[4σ i ↑] by 6σ
¾Backward Direction
R ↓= max[4σ i ↓]
R = max[2σ i ↑ +2σ i ↓ + Bi ; R ↑; R ↓]
where Bi = X i ↑ − X i ↓
• For High Precision
¾2σ is replaced by 3σ
Equations of Error in ISO 230-2
• A↑ or A↓: Unidirectional Accuracy of
Positioning of an Axis (單軸單向最大精度誤
¾Forward Direction
Errors in Machine Tools (1/4)
• Positioning error of each axis
• Straightness of each axis in its
perpendicular axes
• Pitch, Yaw and Roll errors of each of the
• Squareness error between the axes
• Backlash error of each axis (Except for 21
• Contouring error of each axis (Except for
21 Errors)
Overall Part Error and Error Hierarchy
Classification of Errors
• Accuracy and Repeatability are limited by:
¾ Geometric errors of all components
¾ Kinematic errors
¾ Load induced errors
¾ Thermal errors
¾ Dynamic errors
¾ Calibration errors
¾ Computational errors
• Resolution is limited by
¾ Quality of sensors
¾ Quality of control system
¾ Friction (stick and slip effect)
¾ Backlash
Geometric Errors (1/4)
Geometric Errors (3/4)
¾Rotary motion axis:
&Radial error motion (2 components in fixed
coordinate frame, 1 component in rotating frame)
&Axial error motion
&Tilt motion (2 components)
&Angular motion about axis of rotation
Radial error motion
Axial error motion
Tilt error motion
Hysteresis Effect (遲滯效應)
Hysteresis error
• Hysteresis error - A deviation between the
actual and commanded position at the point
of interest caused by elastic forces in the
motion system. Hysteresis also affects bi-
directional repeatability. Accuracy and
repeatability errors caused by hysteresis for
Aerotech rotary stages are accounted for in
the stage specification tables. Elastic forces
in the machine base, load, and load coupling
hardware must also be examined and
minimized for optimal performance.
Backlash error
• Backlash error - An error in positioning caused by the
reversal of travel direction. Backlash is the portion of
commanded motion that produces no change in position
upon reversal of travel direction. Backlash is caused by
clearance between elements in the drive train. As the
clearance increases, the amount of input required to
produce motion is greater. This increase in clearance
results in increased backlash error. Backlash also affects
repeatability. Unidirectional repeatability refers to the
repeatability when approached from the same direction. It
does not take into account the effects of backlash.
Bidirectional repeatability specifies the repeatability when
approached from any direction and includes the effects of
backlash. ADR and AOM360 series tables are direct-drive
devices and therefore have zero backlash. 2-41
Feedback inaccuracy
• Feedback inaccuracy - Imperfections in the
operation of the encoder such as non-
uniform division of the grating scale,
imperfections in the photodetector signal,
interpolator errors, hysteresis, friction, and
noise can affect the positioning capabilities
of the rotary stage. For a rotary equipment,
the accuracy and repeatability information
in the specification tables takes all of these
errors into account.
Errors in form
Other Errors
• Kinematic Errors
¾Errors in an axis's trajectory that are caused by
misaligned or improperly sized components
&Squareness between axes
&Parallelism between axes
&Error motions in a closed kinematic chain
&External load induced errors:
¾Errors due to deformation of components
&Gravity load induced errors
&Cutting/probing force induced errors
&Axis acceleration load induced errors 2-44
Kinematic errors (1/3)
• Kinematic errors are due to the relative
motion errors of several moving machine
components that need to move with precise
functional requirements.
• These errors are particularly significant
during the combined motion of different
• Such errors occur during linear, circular or
other types of interpolation algorithms and
are more obvious during actual machining.
Kinematic errors (3/3)
Errors in motion due to shape:
• Improper offsets (translational) between
¾Spindle axis set too high above tailstock axis on a
• Improper component dimension.
¾Linkage length.
¾Bearing location on a kinematic vee and flat
Thermal Sources (4/6)
2. Ballscrews: ballscrew heat from high
feedrate levels by forcing chilled oil through
the core.
3. Hot chips, and chip-heated coolant are also
kept away by shields installed to protect the
machining center.
5. Environment:
¾But even with these safeguards in place, the shop
environment must be checked for external heat
¾From sunlight on the machining center to
external heat on the shop floor-any increase or
decrease in temperature can negatively impact
accuracy and repeatability.
Dynamic Errors
• Errors caused by vibration or control processes:
¾ Vibration:
&External environment (usually through the ground)
&Cutting process
&Rotating masses
¾ Control system:
&Algorithm type (e.g., PID, adaptive, etc.)
&Stick-slip friction
&Varying mass
&Varying stiffness
¾ Switching amplifiers
&Servo loop frequency excites a natural mode of the machine
Calibration Errors
• Errors associated with sensors:
¾Intrinsic accuracy
¾Mounting errors:
&Mounting stress
¾Calibration (error associated with the mastering
Additional Errors
• Computational errors:
¾ Error introduced in the analysis algorithms
¾ Rounding off errors due to hardware
• Additional sources of error (often very difficult to model):
¾ Humidity
¾ Loose Joints
¾ Dirt
• Variations in supply systems:
¾ Electricity
¾ Fluid pressure
¾ Operator inattention
¾ Fluid supply cleanliness
• Operators
• Home reference mark - the location on a linear scale which
provides an independent electrical output to locate the
home or zero reference position.
• Step - in a stepping motor drive, the minimum rotational
movement allowed by the system.
• Velocity - the rate of change of position with time.
• Holding torque - the amount of torque available from a
stepping motor when the windings are energized but the
rotor is stopped.
• Lead - the distance traveled by the leadscrew nut for each
revolution of the leadscrew.
• Leadscrew pitch - the number of revolutions required to
advance the leadscrew nut one inch.
• Squareness (Orthogonality) - the error from
true 90-degree perpendicularity of two axes.
• Open loop positioning - a positioning system
which does not employ feedback
• Closed-loop positioning - a positioning
system that employs an external feedback
element to measure stage position. Typically,
a linear encoder mounted to the axis will
eliminate hysteresis, backlash, and
leadscrew errors. 2-66
• Linear positioning accuracy - the error between the
desired move and the actual position achieved by a linear
positioning component or stage system.
• Error - the difference between the actual and the desired
• Accuracy - the deviation from the exact value of the
desired position or velocity.
• Repeatability
¾ a. Uni-directional repeatability - the ability of a system to repeat to a
desired location approaching that location from the same direction
each time.
¾ b. Bi-directional repeatability - the ability of a system to repeat to a
desired location approaching that location from both plus and minus
• Resolution - the smallest incremental positioning move that
a system can achieve or display.
• Backlash
¾ The amount of free play or clearance between two interactive components in
a drive train or leadscrew, often referred to as a “dead-band” when the
motion direction is reversed.
¾ Backlash error is an error in positioning caused by the reversal of travel
direction. Backlash is the portion of commanded motion that produces no
change in position upon reversal of travel direction. Backlash is caused by
clearance between elements in the drive train.
• Flatness of travel
¾ Flatness is a deviation from the true line of travel perpendicular to the
direction of travel in the vertical plane.
¾ Flatness is the vertical deviation of a single point moving horizontally along
a straight line.
¾ Flatness errors are caused by a combination of roll and pitch errors.
• Straightness of travel
¾ Straightness is a deviation from the true line of travel perpendicular to the
direction of travel in the horizontal plane.
¾ Straightness is the horizontal deviation of a single point moving horizontally
along a straight line.
¾ Straightness errors are caused by yaw and roll errors. 2-68
Yaw, Pitch and Roll
• The 3D rotations are made in following
¾Roll (Z axe rotation)
¾Yaw (Y axe rotation)
¾Pitch (X axe rotation)
• Pitch - rotation about the horizontal axis
perpendicular to the axis of travel.
¾ Pitch is a rotation around an axis in the horizontal plane
perpendicular to the direction of travel. If the position of
interest being measured is not located at the center of
rotation, then the pitch rotation will cause an Abbe error
in two dimensions.
¾ For the X-axis, a pitch rotation will cause an Abbe error
in both the X and Z direction. For the Y-axis, a pitch
rotation will cause an Abbe error in both the Y and Z
¾ The magnitude of these errors can be determined by
multiplying the length of the offset distance by the sine
and 1-cosine of the rotational angle.
E x = A0 sin θ E z = A0 (1 − cos θ ) A0 : offset distance 2-73
• Roll - rotation about the axis of movement while
translating along that axis.
¾ Roll is a rotation around an axis in the horizontal plane
parallel to the direction of travel. If the position of interest
being measured is not located at the center of rotation,
then the roll rotation will cause an Abbe error in two
¾ For the X-axis, a roll rotation will cause an Abbe error in
both the Y and Z direction. For the Y-axis, a roll rotation
will cause an Abbe error in both the X and Z direction.
¾ The magnitude of these errors can be calculated by
multiplying the length of the offset distance by the sine
and cosine of the rotational angle. 2-74
• Yaw - rotation about the vertical axis which is
perpendicular to the axis of travel.
¾ Yaw is a rotation around an axis in the vertical plane
perpendicular to the direction of travel. If the position of
interest being measured is not located at the center of
rotation, then the yaw rotation will cause an Abbe error
in two dimensions.
¾ For X- or Y-axis stages, yaw rotation will cause an Abbe
error in both the X and Y direction.
¾ The magnitude of these positioning errors can be
calculated by multiplying the length of the offset distance
by the sine and cosine of the rotational angle.
• Calculation:
¾Rx (Roll): Rotation about X by x radians
¾Ry (Yaw): Rotation about Y by y radians
¾Rz (Pitch): Rotation about Z by z radians
Calculate of Roll, Yaw, Pitch
(Given angles at three directions)
1 0 0 cos( z ) sin( z ) 0
Rx = 0 cos( x) sin( x) Rz = − sin( z ) cos( z ) 0
0 − sin( x) cos( x) 0 0 1
cos( y ) 0 − sin( y )
Ry = 0 1 0
sin( y ) 0 cos( y )
For Example:
0 0 0 1
Calculate of Roll, Yaw, Pitch
(Given errors at three directions)
where xl_x, xl_y are the values taken from the X-,
and Y-axis accelerometers; mx, my, mz are the
values of the X-, Y-, and Z-axis sensors.
• Concentricity - the difference between a rotating
member is centerline and the actual true
centerline of rotation.
• Encoder error (編碼器誤差)
¾ Imperfections in the operation of the encoder such as
absolute scale length, non-uniform division of the grating
scale, imperfections in the photo-detector signal,
interpolator errors, hysteresis, friction, and noise can
affect the positioning capabilities of the linear translation
stage. The accuracy and repeatability information in the
specification tables takes all of these errors into account
except absolute scale length. Absolute scale length is
affected by thermal expansion of the encoder scale.
Temperature considerations must be accounted for
during system design and specification.
• Hysteresis error (遲滯誤差)
¾ Hysteresis error is lost movement in the absolute
position of an object when motion is reversed. It
is caused by accumulated forces in elastic
¾Hysteresis error is a deviation between the actual
and commanded position at the point of interest
caused by elastic forces in the motion system.
¾Hysteresis also affects bi-directional repeatability.
Abbe error (2/4)
Abbe error (4/4)
Cosine Error (2/2)
E = Ls − L = Ls (1 − cos θ )
Errors from Motor (1/3)
• Positioning errors
¾They are caused by errors in the position
detecting scale and servo system in the case of a
closed-loop type NC (linear scale feedback type
NC). For a semi-closed-loop type NC (encoder
feedback type NC), they are caused by errors in
the servo control system and the ball screw
driving mechanism (nut, ball screw, coupling,
servo motor).
Errors from Motor (3/3)
• Angular motion error II
¾The magnitudes of angular motion errors are
determined by the magnitudes of the moment
added to the sliders by the gravity, counter
balance force, ball screw driving force, and
sliding friction during the motion of sliders. They
are also determined by the rigidity of the guide
ways that restrict the sliders. Inertial force should
also be considered when the acceleration of feed
motion is very high.
Classification of motion error
• Profile errors of guide way
¾ (g) squareness errors between 2 axes
¾ (h) straightness errors
&(h-1) produced during manufacturing and assembling
&(h-2) due to improper installation of base
&(h-3) due to shift of weight
¾ (i) moment
&(i-l) rolling of vertical axis
&(i-2) pitching of vertical axis
& (i-3) yawing of vertical axis
& (i-4) yawing of vertical axis with pre-compensated geometry
& (i-5) yawing of horizontal axis
¾ (j) parallelity error
¾ (k) collision of hose, friction of the sliding cover 2-95
Second Order Straightness Error of
Guide Way
Elastic Deformation Caused by Shift
of Weight
Movement of Spindle Head in the
Parallelity Error
Yawing of Narrow Guide
Lost Motion
Lost Motion-Stick-Slip
3. Y. Kakino, Y. Ihara, A. Shinohara, “Accuracy
inspection of NC machine tools by double ball
bar method,” Edited by Johannes Heidenhain
GmbH, Hanser Gardner Publications, Munich,
1993 .
4. Layton Carter Hale,” Principles and Techniques
for Designing Precision Machines,” Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.