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Sample Paper – 2011

Class – X
Subject – Computer Applications
Time: 2 Hrs. FM: 100

This paper is divided into two Sections

Attempt all questions from Section – A and any four from Section – B
The intended marks for each question is provided within the ( )

Section – A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this section
Question 1 (2x5=10)

a) Name any two types of Java programs.

b) State the difference between a Constructor & a Method.
c) What does the following mean? Also state the significance of the constant ‘99’.
Ferrari F50 = new Ferrari (99);
d) State the difference between an ‘Instance Variable’ & ‘Class Variable’
e) What is a Wrapper class? Give 2 examples.

Question 2 (2x5=10)

a) Differentiate between ‘Operator’ & ‘Expression’

b) What is the value of ( (1.0 / 0.0) – (1/ – 0.0) ).
c) Give one difference & one similarity between ‘switch case’ and ‘if…else’.
d) How many times does the loop iterate? Also give the output for the following code snippet.
int x;
for(x = 1; x< =10; x + +)
x + +;
System.out.println(x + +);
e) What is the difference between ‘= =’ and ‘equalsIgnoreCase( )’

Question 3 (2x5=10)

a) If the value of a = 3, what does the expression below evaluate to,

a + = a + + + + + a + a;
System.out.println (a);

b) Find error in the following code snippet,

int a; b ;
for (a=1; b=1;a<=10;a++;b++)

c) Give the output after invocation of the following method,

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i. x (28,29)
ii. x (27,39)

public boolean x (int a, int b)

boolean c = false;
while (a>1 && b>1)
if (a>b)
a – = b;
b – = a;
if (a = = 1 || b = = 1)
c = true;

return c;

d) Evaluate the following if the value of n = 400,

n – –;
m = n= =399?3:99;
Transform the above Conditional Statement into if…else statement.

e) What is the output of the following

char chars [ ] = {‘c’, ‘h’, ‘a’, ‘r’};
String s = new String (chars);
String strng = s;
System.out.print (strng);
System.out.print (strng.concat(“s”));

Question 4 (2x5=10)

a) i. Write the Java expression for the following: y = tan (log (√13x9 ) )
ii. Evaluate the following if the value of x = 10 and y = 21,
System.out.println (Math.sqrt((Math.pow((double)(Math.abs(Math.max(Math.min(x, y),y))),4))));

b) int x = 10, y = 21;

System.out.println (x|y);
System.out.println(x>>(y – x – x));

c) String s1 = “MINORITY”;
String s2 = “REPORT”;
System.out.println(s2.replace(‘p’ , ‘s’));
System.out.println(s1.charAt(s1.indexOf(‘R’) + s2.indexOf(‘R’)));
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d) Give any three uses of break statement.

e) How are the following passed to a method?

i) Primitive type
ii) Reference type

Section – B (60 Marks)

Attempt any four questions from this section
The answers in this section should consist of programs in either Blue – J environment or any
other environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable
Description / Mnemonic Codes such that the logic of the program is clearly depicted.
Flowcharts and Algorithms NOT required
Question 5 [15]

Write a program to enter a line of text from the user, extract each word and put them inside a String type
array and sort the array in alphabetical order (Lexicographically) and re-display the array elements.

Question 6 [15]

Write a program to input multiple digited numbers in a single subscripted array of size 10 in the main ( )
method. Pass the array into a function named void remove_sort( ) that will remove the zeros from each
array element and sort the array elements in ascending order using Selection Sort Technique, and re-
display the elements within the same method.
Question 7 [15]

A company has employees, who are divided into four grades depending on their Basic pay per month as
Basic(Rs./month) Grade DA HRA

10,001 or more 1 40% 30%

5,001 to 10,000 2 40% 25%
2001 to 5,000 3 30% 20%
2,000 or less 4 30% 15%

If the Net salary which is the total of Basic, DA, and HRA, is above Rs.50, 000 per month then Income
Tax at the rate of 30% of the annual salary exceeding 50,000 is deducted on monthly basis. Taking name
of the employee and the Basic (monthly) pay as inputs, prepare & print a pay slip, which contains
Name, Grade, Basic monthly pay, DA, HRA, Monthly Income Tax and Net Monthly Salary, for

Question 8 [15]

Write a program in Java to accept a line of text from the user and create a new word formed out of the
first letter of each word. After creating the new word reverse it and check whether it is a Palindrome or
E.g. If the user enters Mangoes Are Delivered After Midnight
Output: MADAM
Reverse: MADAM
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Yes, it is a Palindrome

E.g. If the user enters A Brick In The Wall

Output: ABITW
Reverse: WTIBA
No, it is not a Palindrome

Question 9 [15]

1. Write a program to generate the sum of the following series

2. Write a program to generate the following pattern

B *C *
D *E *F *
G *H *I *J *
K *L *M *N *O *

Question 10 [15]

Create overloaded methods named void calc_volume ( ), that has been overloaded to perform the
following functions

• Volume of Sphere
• Volume of Cylinder
• Volume of Cone

Write a menu driven program in Java to display the above 3 menus and execute the overloaded methods
and display the volume in the respective functions,
calc_volume (double) for sphere,
calc_volume (double, double) for cylinder and
calc_volume (float, float) for cone.

Paper Submitted By:

Name: Mr. Nilabja Sarkar (Neel)

Email Id:[email protected]
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Telephone No. 09934183218

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