Verbal Ability Handout: (Vocabulary - Roots-1) Ref: VAHO1002106

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(Vocabulary – roots-1)
Ref: VAHO1002106
Directions for questions 1 to 5: Each question has 12. COMMODIOUS : EXPANSIVE
a word followed by four choices. From the choices, (A) Decadent : Repulsive
select the most suitable synonym (word which means (B) Squalid : Alluring
the same) for the main word and mark its corresponding (C) Cloistered : Confined
letter as your answer. (D) Defiled : Pristine
(A) integrate (B) imbue (A) Debilitating : Enervating
(C) buttress (D) ostracize (B) Clamorous : Boisterous
2. CONFLUENCE (C) Defamatory : Complimentary
(A) crossroads (B) convergence (D) Incessant : Relentless
(C) intersection (D) conflagration
3. EXCULPATE (A) Malapropos : Infelicitous
(A) extirpate (B) excoriate (B) Lucid : Ambiguous
(C) exonerate (D) extradite (C) Gratuitous : Prudent
4. BELLICOSE (D) Disingenuous : Veracious
(A) astute (B) canny
(C) pugnacious (D) oppressive 15. ILLUSORY : DECEPTION
(A) Transitory : Permanence
5. INDOLENT (B) Judicious : Prudence
(A) docile (B) lugubrious (C) Grandiloquent : Deceit
(C) intransigent (D) slothful (D) Profound : Flippancy
Directions for questions 6 to 10: Each question has Directions for questions 16 to 20: Fill in the blanks in
a word followed by four choices. From the choices, the given sentences so as to make sense. Select the
identify the one which is opposite in meaning (antonym) correct pair of words from the answer choices and mark
to the main word and mark its corresponding letter as its corresponding letter as your answer.
your answer.
16. Issues of human environmental impacts today tend
to be _______, and opinions, about them tend to fall
(A) amiability (B) raucousness
on a spectrum between two _______ camps.
(C) tyranny (D) irascibility
(A) incontrovertible . . . antagonistic
7. BEMOAN (B) controversial . . . opposite
(A) berate (B) deplore (C) contradictory . . . inimical
(C) rejoice (D) bewail (D) incessant . . . polemical

8. CAPITULATE 17. As a first step towards improving bilateral

(A) elevate (B) surrender relationships, the two countries decided to resolve
(C) enumerate (D) resist the _______dispute in an _______ manner.
(A) ambiguous . . . amiable
9. INTERMITTENT (B) contradictory . . . execrable
(A) sporadic (B) steadfast (C) exasperating . . . artful
(C) fitful (D) incessant (D) acrimonious . . . amicable
10. DOCTRINAIRE 18. The team received huge _______ from the
(A) moderate (B) rebellious management for its _______ handling of the crisis.
(C) capricious (D) liberal (A) adulation . . . hamfisted
(B) flak . . . proficient
Directions for questions 11 to 15: Each question has
(C) applause . . . adept
a pair of CAPITALISED words followed by four pairs of
(D) commendation . . . slipshod
words. Choose the pair of words that best expresses
a relationship similar to that expressed by the capitalized 19. All hopes of the _______ of hostilities between the
pair. two rival nations were quelled by the defence
11. AUTOCRAT : BENEVOLENCE minister’s _______ speech.
(A) Recidivist : Compunction (A) cessation . . . inciting.
(B) Ascetic : Abstemiousness (B) termination . . . inflammatory.
(C) Criminal : Acrimony (C) resurrection . . . conciliatory
(D) Connoisseur : Taste (D) interruption . . . incendiary
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20. The two leaders belonging to rival parties 32. ACCOUNT
succeeded in devising a working relationship so as (A) The eye witness gave a full account of the
not to _______ the differences which had emerged incident to the media persons.
between them in the _______ election campaign (B) The teachers were asked to account for the
held recently. dismal results in the board exams.
(A) amplify . . . acerbic
(C) On no account should this information be
(B) incite . . . zealous
divulged to anyone.
(C) aggravate . . . fiery
(D) exacerbate . . . rancorous (D) On all accounts the scenic beauty of Kashmir
valley is breathtaking.
Directions for questions 21 to 24: State whether the
following statements are true or false.
(A) He got an opportunity to write for the screen
21. A person who is ambivalent is indecisive. Yes/No when he was fairly young.
(B) She suggested that we could screen of part of
22. Avionics is the science of electronics when used the room and use it as a makeshift office.
in designing and making aircraft. Yes/No (C) The investigation was conducted behind
a screen of secrecy.
(D) I have a strong feeling that he is trying to take
23. An abbot leads a cloistered existence. Yes /No
the blame on himself in order to screen
24. An agnostic is a person who does not believe in the
existence of god. Yes/ No
34. CUT
Directions for question 25: Find a one–word substitute (A) The young officer cut a fine figure in his army
for the following phrase. uniform.
(B) Her family cut up all ties with her because she
25. A person who is ungrateful married against their wish.
(A) infidel (C) She desperately wants to reduce her weight
(B) iconoclast so she has cut out fatty foods altogether from
(C) insurgent her diet.
(D) ingrate (D) A. R. Rehman has cut out a niche for himself in
the field of music.
Directions for questions 26 to 30: In each of the
following questions, four words are given. Three of them 35. PIN
belong to the same category. Mark the letter (A) She combed her hair backwards and secured it
corresponding with the ‘odd man’ as your answer. with a pin.
(B) Jack managed to grab the thief and pin him
26. (A) absolve (B) pardon against the wall until the police arrived on the
(C) abjure (D) reprieve
(C) You can’t pin the blame at anyone without
27. (A) armistice (B) armada
(C) truce (D) ceasefire verifying facts.
(D) It is imprudent to pin your hopes on someone to
28. (A) anarchy (B) mayhem help you out of this situation.
(C) cataclysm (D) lawlessness
36. FACE
29. (A) concord (B) harmony (A) The Japanese show great courage and fortitude
(C) accord (D) combat in the face of danger.
(B) Her parents have set their face against her
30. (A) approbation (B) approval decision to marry a foreigner.
(C) applause (D) appropriation (C) Several tribal communities living on these
islands have disappeared off the face off the
Directions for questions 31 to 38: In each of the earth.
following questions, the word at the top is used in four (D) John is very frank, if he has something to say,
different ways, A to D. Choose the option in which the he will say it to people’s face.
usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.
37. RANK
(A) Deepak rose through the rank to become the
(A) Students are bound to feel nervous before their
CEO of the company at a fairly young age.
exams even if they are well prepared.
(B) The United States is in the front rank of world
(B) There is bound to be stiff opposition from
people when the new bill is introduced. powers.
(C) He is bound and determined to start his own (C) The house was hidden from view by a serried
business someday. rank of trees.
(D) She is so bound in her work that she has no (D) It was rank stupidity on his part to invest all his
time for any sort of relaxation. money in the share market.

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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38. ACT what they consume, even as it (44) the assumption that
(A) Jane was chosen to act the part of Cindrella in we are separate from the earth. It is this strange and (45)
the school play. way of thinking about our relationship to the physical
(B) The trapeze act was the highlight of the world that is our real enemy.
scintillating performance put up by the circus
artists. 39. (A) revered (B) institutionalized
(C) His stint as the Head of the Department will be (C) condemned (D) denounced
a hard act to follow.
(D) The children tend to act out whenever they are 40. (A) restrained (B) exorbitant
left in the care of a nanny. (C) ravenous (D) unwarranted

Directions for questions 39 to 45: Fill in the blanks in 41. (A) injudicious (B) inordinate
the passage below, with the most appropriate word from (C) imprudent (D) insatiable
among the options given for each blank. The right words
are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the 42. (A) crises (B) cataclysms
author’s overall style and meaning when you choose (C) upheavals (D) incursions
your answer.
43. (A) viciously (B) amok
In Nazi Germany, dysfunctional thinking was (39) in the
(C) tempestuously (D) menacingly
totalitarian state, its dogma, and its war machine. Today
a different dysfunction takes the form of (40) and (41)
44. (A) champions (B) cultivates
consumption, its dogma, and the mechanisms by which
(C) endorses (D) fosters
ever more resources are obtained. Totalitarianism and
consumption have led to (42) peculiar to advanced
45. (A) quirky (B) calamitous
industrial civilization: both are examples of alienation and
(C) destructive (D) noxious
technology run (43). Just as totalitarianism collapses
individuals into “the state”, the new ideology of
consumption collapses individuals into the desire for

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : VAHO1002106/3

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