An Outcomes-Based Learning Program (Syllabus)

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Criminal Justice Education


VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.

MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for improved
quality of life.

QUALITY POLICY: The LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, sustainable extension and productive services. Thus, we
are committed with continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient, and effective services to the university stakeholders’ highest
level of satisfaction through an excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and innovation.


Program: Bachelor of Science in Criminology Academic Year: 2020-2021

Course Title: CA2 Non-Institutional Correction Semester: 2nd Summer: ______

Pre-Requisites: CA1 No. of Units: 3 No. of Hours: 3hrs./week

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

Part 1.Course Description

The course focuses on Presidential Decree 968, otherwise known as the “Probation Law of 1976 as amended”, establishing a probation system in the
Philippines, its historical background, philosophy, concepts and operation as a new correctional system, investigation, selection and condition and other forms of
executive clemency, total involvement of probation in the administration of the criminal Justice System. This course also treats the study of Act 4103, as amended
otherwise known as the “Indeterminate sentence Law” that created the Board of Pardons and Parole, system of releasing and recognizance, execution, clemency
and pardon.

Part2. Outcomes-based Macro Curriculum Framework

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Program Intended Course Intended

Institutional (ILOs)
Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
LSPU Graduate Attributes
When you have fully completed the When you have fully completed the Course Non-
Bachelor of Science in Criminology, you should institutional Correction, you should be graduates who
be graduates who: can:
LSPU Graduates is expected to be a:
Act as efficient, effective credible, God fearing  Instill the practices and principles of community
and productive citizen in public safety and based treatment of a client.
1. Responsible and Upright Citizen, who is

capable of achieving high level personal well-
being contributive to the harmony and
betterment of the profession, family, society,
and nation.

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

Apply the doctrine and principle of criminal  Capable of analyzing cases or issues re-integration of
jurisprudence and practice competency on offenders to the community.
2. Professionally Skilled, who applies
their chosen field of specialization in forensic
technological as worker-leader in the field of
science and public safety with professionalism.
expertise apt to the global needs.

3. Creative and Critical Thinker, who articulates Develop and introduce programs and/or  Recognize and enrich the existing community based
and produces entrepreneurial resources policies addressing the needs of the programs that will improve the reintegration of
extended to families and community for community. offenders to the community.

 Conduct research studies that deal with current
4. Competent Research Oriented Individual,
trends and issues under the Parole and Probation
who is able to analyze facts methodically,
discover and establish new theory to use in Produce criminological research towards the
solving problems and decision making sustainability of the dynamic needs of the
contributory to the sustainability of the needs community.
of the community.

Part 3. Curriculum Mapping

Program Outcomes

A. Conduct criminological research on crimes , crime causation, victims, and offenders to include deviant behavior;
B. Internalize the concepts of human rights and victim welfare;
C. Demonstrate competence and understanding law enforcement administration, public safety and criminal justice;
D. Utilize criminalistics or forensic science in the investigation and detection of crime;
E. Apply the principles and jurisprudence of criminal law, evidence and criminal procedure; and
F. Ensure offender’s welfare and development for their re-integration to the community.


LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018


Institutional Corrections P P
Non-Institutional Corrections P I P P

Therapeutic Modalities P P


I – Introduced

P – Practiced skills with supervision

D – Demonstrated skills without supervision

Part 4. Teaching and Learning Matrix

Intended Learning Outcomes

Course Contents Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Tasks

• Remember and understand the • LSPU Vision, Mission, Quality Policy,  Orientation on the University  Oral Presentation of
University Vision, Mission, and Goals and Objectives. Vision, Mission, Quality LSPU Vision, Mission,
Quality Policy, and Goals and Policy, and Goals and Quality Policy, and
Objectives. Objectives. Goals and Objectives.
LESSON 1: Foundation of Probation  Lecture  Quizzes
 Discuss the concepts underlying
 Collaborative Learning  Rubrics Assessment
the foundation of probation as 1.1. Introduction
1-4  Read articles @ this website:  Oral Recitation
an integral device of correctional
1.2. Origin of Probation www.weprogram2019.wordp  Article Analysis
1.3. The Four Forerunners of Probation
 Trace the historical accounts of 1. The life of John Augustus
probation as an important tool in
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
the promotion of justice and in 1.4. Pioneers and Founders of Probation 2. Forerunners of
the rehabilitation of offenders. Probation
1.5. History of probation in England

1.6. History of probation in U.S.A.

1.7. Advantages of Probation

1.8. Benefits of Probation

 Discuss the parole and LESSON 2: The Parole and Probation  Lecture with PowerPoint  Quizzes
probation system in the Administration Presentation  Rubrics Assessment
Philippines and recognize its  Interactive Discussion  Oral Recitation
important role as non- 2.1. Developmental Records of Probation  Watch video presentation @  Video Analysis
institutional machinery of in the Philippines this website:
corrections. www.weprogram2019.wordpr
2.2. The Parole and Probation
 Explain the principles and role
of the Parole and Probation 1. Video Presentation
5-6 Administration (PPA) 2.3. The PPA Organizational Structure

2.4. The PPA Services

2.5. PPA Rehabilitation Program

2.6. Linkages of the PPA with the other

components of the criminal justice

 Relate cases or issues base on LESSON 3: Part One- The Adult Probation
 Lecture with PowerPoint  Quizzes
the provisions of the Adult Law of the Philippines (Probation
Presentation  Rubrics Assessment
Probation Law of the Philippines Requisites)
 Case Study  Assignment
and its amendments. 3.1. Founding Principles of P.D. no. 968
 Interactive Discussion  Oral Recitation
 Distinguish the Parole and 3.2. General Provisions
 Case Reading  Case Analysis
Probation Administration (PPA) 3.3. Application for Probation
Omnibus Rules on Probation 3.4. Grant of Probation
7-9 Methods and Procedures and 3.5. Post- Sentence Investigation and
other Supplemental Rules. Reports
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
3.6. Criteria and Disqualifications
3.7. Conditions, Effectivity and
Modification of Probation
3.8. Probation Order
1. Del Rosario vs. Hon. Rosero (G.R. No.
2. Llamado vs. CA et. Al (174 SCRA 566)
3. Pablo C. Francisco v. Court of Appeals
and the Honorable Maximo C.
Contreras (G.R. No. 108747)

Mustapha Dimakuta Maruhom vs. Pp.

(G.R. No. 206513)

 Relate cases or issues base on LESSON 4: Part Two- The Adult

 Lecture with PowerPoint  Quizzes
the provisions of the Adult Probation Law of the Philippines
Presentation  Rubrics Assessment
Probation Law of the Philippines (Probation Supervision)
 Interactive Discussion  Oral Recitation
and its amendments. 4.1. Supervision of Probationers
 Case Readings:  Case Analysis
 Distinguish the Parole and 4.2. Violation of Probation Condition
 Read the following cases @
Probation Administration (PPA) 4.3. Early Termination
this website:
Omnibus Rules on Probation 4.4. Confidentiality of Records
Methods and Procedures and 4.5. Termination of the Probation
other Supplemental Rules. Supervision Case 1. Pp vs. Lumague, (111 SCRA
4.6. Closing of the Probation Case 515)
4.7. Probation Reports 2. Prosecutors v. Muro (236
SCRA 505)
3. Villa v. Lazaro, (189 SCRA 34)
4. Bala v. Martinez (181 SCRA


LESSON 5: The Indeterminate Sentence

 Compute and determine the  Lecture with PowerPoint  Quizzes
possible release of persons
LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018
deprived of liberty. 5.1. Terminologies Presentation  Rubrics Assessment
 Discuss the provisions of the 5.2. Brief History of Parole System in the  Interactive Discussion  Oral Recitation
Indeterminate Sentence law and Philippines  Case Readings  Case Analysis
13-15 its legal application in the 5.3. The Indeterminate Sentence Law (Act  Video Analysis
administration of justice. 4103)
5.4. The Board of Pardon and Parole (BPP)
5.5. Executive Clemency
5.6. Proceedings of the BPP

5.7 2019 Revised Implementing Rules and

Regulations of Republic Act (RA) No.

1. Pp v. Ducosin (59 Phil 109)

2. Sales v. Director of Prisons (G.R. No. L-
 Discuss the Revised Rules and  Lecture with PowerPoint  Quizzes
Regulations of the Board of Presentation  Rubrics Assessment
 Video Presentation:
Pardons and Parole and relate it  Interactive Discussion  Assignment
1. Parole vs Probation
to the Rules and Regulations of  Video Presentation:  Oral Recitation
2. What is Executive Clemency?
the PPA on Parole Supervision. 1. Parole Supervision  Case Analysis
16-18 What is Pardon?
 Review related issues on 2. Debate Rules (Oxford-
LESSON 6: Parole Supervision Oregon Group Debate)
probation and parole.
6.1. The PPA Rules and Regulations on
Parole Supervision
6.2. BPP Rules on Parole Supervision
6.3. Parole Supervision
6.4. Infraction of Terms of Supervision
6.5. Termination and Closing of Parole
Supervision and Reports


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Part 5. References:

 Guerrero, B., (2019) , Community –Based Correction in the Philippines ( Non-Institutional Correction), Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

 Foronda, M.A. (2014) Correctional Administration 1 (Non-institutional based Correction) Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

 Manwong, R.K. (2014) Corrections and restorative justice. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

 Bautista & Guevara (2013) Comprehensive Penology ‘Institutional & Non- Institutional Corrections. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

 Señar & Tancangco (2013) Philippine Correctional Administration. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

 Villaluz (2012) Institutional Correction w/ addendum on R.A. no. 4103. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

 Abadinsky, H. (2010) Probation and Parole: 7th Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: 07458

 Miguel, A. & Argoso, M.L. (1998) Compilation on Probation and Parole Systems in the Philippines. Superprint Lithographic (Bicol) Corporation, Naga City,

 Act No. 4103, otherwise known as the “Indeterminate Sentence Law in the Philippines”

 Presidential Decree 968, otherwise known as the “Adult Probation Law in the Philippines”

 Presidential Decree 1257, amended Presidential Decree No. 968

 Presidential Decree 1990, amended Presidential Decree No. 968

 Parole and Probation Administration Omnibus Rules On Probation Methods and Procedures

 Supplemental Rules to the Omnibus Rules on Probation Methods and Procedures

 Rules and Regulations of the Parole and Probation Administration on Parole Supervision

 Websites:





LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

 website:

 LCD, Laptop, slide presentations, Videos for Interactive Lectures, Books,

Part 6. Learners’ Assessment (Grading System)


(Quizzes, Research works, Oral participation,

Group activities, Case study)

1. Midterm
2. Finals

Total 100%

Part 7. Course Policies

1. Regular attendance is required for all students; three (3) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course.
2. Wearing of the University students’ ID and uniform at all times is required for all the students except during field activities.
3. Active participation individually or in group is expected.
4. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence.
5. Student shall abide to the instructor/professor’s policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given.

6. Grave misconduct and/or cheating during examinations are a ground for a failing grade.

7. A failing academic standing; and graded exams and/or failure to take graded exams is also a ground for a failing grade.
8. Students should maintain orderliness and cleanliness of the classroom before, during and after class.
9. Other Prohibitions:

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

 Any materials or gadget that are not part of the subject, unless allowed, should be turned off and kept.
 Talking or chatting to anyone unless called upon or allowed during class discussions and activities.
 Making unnecessary movements, roaming around, going in and out of the classroom for any reason unless emergency warrants.

Prepared by: Reviewed : Approved:


Faculty Program Coordinator Dean, CCJE

LSPU-ACAD-SF-015 Rev 1 17 April 2018

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