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ID: 152-15-5571

ID: 152-15-5823


ID: 152-15-5641


ID: 152-15-5727

This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree
of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.

Supervised By

Md. Riazur Rahman

Senior Lecturer
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University

Co-Supervised By

Md. Jueal Mia

Department of CSE
Daffodil International University


MAY 2019
©Daffodil International University i
©Daffodil International University ii

This Project is our cordial effort and our supervisor’s initiative and constant motivation. But
First of all we would like to be grateful to the Almighty, who gives us the effort to work on
this project for the last two semester. Special thanks goes to our honorable Supervisor Md.
Riazur Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Department of CSE, Daffodil International University
[DIU] for this enormous support, inspiration and helpful criticism in the field of “Web
Application”. His excellent supervision and constant support make this project possible. We
are very grateful to him for giving us the opportunity to work with him.

We also convey our thanks to our honorable Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Professor and Head,
Department of CSE, for this kind help to finish our project and also to other faculty member
and the staff of CSE Department of Daffodil International University.

Next, we must thank and acknowledge our university, Daffodil International University. We
also want to thank our beloved classmates and other students of the university who took part
in research purpose for our project and appreciated our work.

Last but not least we thank our respectable parents for educating us with aspect from both arts
and science, for their unconditional support and encouragement to pursue out interests, even
when interests went out of boundary.

©Daffodil International University iii


As technology is growing rapidly, most of the manual systems are being replaced and
becoming automated. In this context, we are going to create an easy, faster and smooth
appointment system between doctor and patient.

Though Bangladesh is a developing country, a number of internet users are in here. So, through
internet if people want to get connected to their desired doctors there is a nexus will be needed.
For that purpose, we have planned to build a website to get an appointment. This will help
common people to get instant support without wasting time and effort even they will get this
service from home and abroad.

By using this system people can easily get to know about the timing of doctor’s counselling
period and make their meeting whenever they want. Proper categorized list will make people
more comfort to browse their expected doctors.

©Daffodil International University iv


Board of Examiners i
Declaration ii
Acknowledgements iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Objectives 2
1.4 Expected Outcome 3
1.5 Report Layout 4


2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Related Works 5
2.3 Comparative Studies 6
2.4 Scope of the Problem 6
2.5 Challenges 7


3.1 Business Process Modeling 8
3.2 Requirement Collection and Analysis 8
3.3 Use Case Modeling and Description 10
3.4 Activity Diagram 13
3.5 E-R Diagram 16
3.6 Design Requirement 16

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4.1 Front-end Design 17
4.2 Back-end Design 17
4.3 Interaction Design and UX 17
4.4 Implementation and Requirements 18


5.1 Implementation of Database 19
5.2 Implementation of Front-end Design 20
5.3 Implementation of Interactions 26
5.4 Testing Implementation 26
5.5 Test Results and Reports 27


6.1 Discussion and Conclusion 28
6.2 Scope for Further Developments 28

Appendix A: Project Reflection 29
Appendix B: Related Diagrams 29-30


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Figure 3.1: Business Process Modeling of Medicate 8

Figure 3.2: Use Case Modeling of Medicate 10
Figure 3.3: Activity Diagram of Patient from Medicate 13
Figure 3.4: Activity Diagram of Doctor from Medicate 14
Figure 3.5: Activity Diagram of Admin from Medicate 15
Figure 3.6: E-R Diagram of Medicate 16
Figure 4.1: UX 17
Figure 5.1: Database Implementation 19
Figure 5.2: Homepage of “Medicate” 20
Figure 5.3: Registration page of “Medicate’’ 21
Figure 5.4: Login page of “Medicate” 21
Figure 5.5: Patient Dashboard of “Medicate” 22
Figure 5.6: Search Doctor 22
Figure 5.7: Doctor Appointment Submission 23
Figure 5.8: Pending Request 23
Figure 5.9: Approved and Cancellation by Patient 23
Figure 5.10: Patient Profile 24
Figure 5.11: Doctor getting Request 24
Figure 5.12: Approval and Cancellation by Doctor 25
Figure 5.13: Ambulance Service 25
Figure 5.14: Search Blood Donor 26

©Daffodil International University vii



Table 1: Registration and Login Test case 27

Table 2: Input User Information Test case 27

©Daffodil International University viii



1.1 Introduction

In our daily life we face a lot of problems. Disease is one of most common issues for a person’s
life. If anybody is ill and wants to visit a doctor for checkup, he or she needs to visit the hospital
and waits until the doctor is available. The patient also waits in a queue while getting
appointment. If the doctor cancels the appointment for some emergency reasons then the
patient is not able to know about the cancelation of the appointment unless or until he or she
visits the hospital. So, it's necessary to get a consultation with Doctors whenever we got
affected with various diseases. As the internet is now available for everyone therefore anyone
can use the online appointment system to overcome such problems and inconvenience for the

Vision of this project is to create doctor patient handling management system that will help
patients to book doctor appointment and fulfil their prospects. In this system doctors are
allowed to manage their booking slots in online, patients can make their appointment to book
empty slots too. This is the system of reservation for counselling by patients name. This system
manages different kinds of doctors at a time and patients can choose their expected one for
booking. The system also remains of the blood donor module which is allowed for blood
donation registration as well as finding blood group for future use.

1.2 Motivation

As a patient we face many difficulties when we want to get an appointment for a doctor in their
chambers or places. When people get affected by illness they need to visit a doctor for checkup
but they have to visit their chambers or hospital to get appointment. It is a lengthy process and
wasting people’s time. Sometimes people do visit doctor’s chamber for health check but the
doctor is not available some various reason. It’s the only way to get to know when people just
visited their places. It harasses people a lot. Besides people need an ambulance service to carry
on patient to hospitals. Merely, people need to visit hospitals or clinics to hire ambulance, it is
a time consuming process. Our motivation is, if we have an option to get this appointment very

©Daffodil International University 1

easy that can be more precious for us. Then we have planned to implement a Web-based doctor
appointment system.

1.3 Objectives

Helping people to search for doctors and get appointment is our main objectives. User can
search doctors which can make sure to find specific doctor an easy task. A platform where
doctors can check patient previous medical history for better checkup.

To build a system with perfection, requirement collection is a must. The study will gives a
clearer idea of people’s need and the system that we are planning to build as well as how much
we are going to cover. The document will also describe all the interactions between patients,
doctors and admin. By above document anyone will be able to understand the project at a
glance. In this project.

A doctor can
❏ Get appointment request
❏ Access to this request
❏ Check previous medical history
❏ Able to get patient profile
❏ Give appointment

And Patient can

❏ View doctors list
❏ Easily take doctor appointment
❏ See when his/her expected doctor available
❏ Able to see categorized doctors department
❏ Purchase medicine
❏ Hire ambulances
❏ Get blood from donors

©Daffodil International University 2

1.4 Expected Outcome

There is an online scheduling system is commonly referred a Web-based pattern that allows
individuals to conveniently and securely book people appointments and reservations online
through any web connected devices such as computer, laptop, smart phone, tablets etc. Once a
date and time are selected the system will give booking confirmation and recorded documents
for next requirement.

The flexibility of our system enables it to be utilized for a variety of different services and
activities for a patient and doctor, such as,

Time saving

Staff spends much time on the phone booking and can’t maintain appointment properly so
booking through online by individuals save time as they no longer have to commit a part of
their busy schedule to calling their medical, healthcare or wellness provider. As an example,
typically phone booking system spends an average of four minute for booking hundred patients.
Where our system is will take less time.

Monetary saving

In Doctor’s chambers the staffs are always ready to take money for giving appointment to
patients. It is an unethical way to get the faster appointment. In our system people will able to
see the whole slots of any doctor so he/she can make an easy appointment for them whenever
they need without paying extra money to the staffs.

Sustain tranquility

If people gets ill and wants to visit a doctor for checkup, he or she needs to visit the chambers
and waits until the doctor is available. The patient also waits in a queue while getting
appointment. So there is a mess environment is possible. If the doctor cancels the appointment
for some emergency reasons then the patients are try to make uproar in that places. In this
system, no need to wait for a while in queue and as patient will be able to see when doctors are
available so that people will easily avoid the massing situation.

©Daffodil International University 3

1.5 Report Layout

We developed the Web-based system which name is “Medicate”. We tried to make sure the
project have completed in time. We have designed our workflow follows by above:

In chapter 2, brief discussion on related works that are already implemented. And we made
comparison with other. We have figured out the problem of current system and tried to solve.
What kind of Challenges we have faced for completing this project also discussed on this

In chapter 3 named Requirement Specification where we focused about business process

modeling, requirement collection and analysis, use case modeling and descriptions, logical data
model, design requirements.

On chapter 4 named Design Specification we have tried to show the front-end design, back-
end design and Interaction design and UX. As well as we listed the component that we used to
build the system.

In chapter 5 named Implementation and testing where we discuss about the Implementation of
Database, Implementation of Front-end Design, Testing Implementation, Test Result and

On chapter 6 we have discussed about the present condition and future scope of our project.
Also we have tried to cover the whole things what we have done in our project is referred as

©Daffodil International University 4



2.1 Introduction

For developing a system we need to cover some initial study. It helps to investigate a system’s
background information. Also it helps to find the fault of this system so that necessary steps
can be taken here to improve the project by adding and updating new features.

Our main goal of this project to get the appointment within a less time and without getting any
trouble of any patient. We developed this projects for common people when they need to
consultation of any doctors by getting their appointment within a short time by booking in
online and get checkup at their desired time. Besides some blood donors profile is included
there to get any purpose of donating also ambulance service is there for hiring and hospitalized

On the other hand, user can purchase their required medicine at a time from this system. So
they won’t be tensed about the purchasing of any medicine whenever they need. If people get
those all solution at a time by a web it will be very helpful for them. So, people will now get
interested to use internet and get all medical solution in a web-based system.

2.2 Related works

There are some related system is available right now but not a large number and no one is
totally similar. Many of the system has some limitations. From the study of this similar project
we got interested to develop our system. Some of the related systems of our project are
mentioned below.

We have explored many websites which are related to medical health consciousness, first our
attention caught in ‘Doctorola.com’. In their system user need to search for doctor or hospital
from different location and get them for booking appointment. There is no user login option
and personal profile so users are totally detached from getting extra facilities in future purpose.

©Daffodil International University 5

Another project is ‘Doctorsbd.com’. This site provides only doctors list. Users can only able
to know their service location from here.

2.3 Comparative Studies

Our modern age of technology is greatly dependent on internet. An online system is also known
as a Web-based system. As the world is going so faster so there is always a desire to
communicate faster and effectively. There are no such things that comes out without any
limitations but we focused to overcome the best we could do. Our main focus was to determine
the features for the patients. They are the large community of this system and they deserve to
get the most out of this system. By using this system both doctors and patients become

A lot of patient’s daily visit to healthcare clinic or hospital and facing problem regarding have
no knowledge about doctor specialty, wait for a long time to get doctor appointment and
patients have no about doctor fee. There are several way to booking an appointment. A person
can either go to the hospital directly for consultation or make an appointment from home
through internet by Web-based system. To solve this problem we have developed an
appointment system which improve the patient’s satisfaction like patient can get reliable and
timely access. So that we wish to offer such a system which will help them a lot. Our system
will provides best result and save their valuable time too.

2.4 Scope of the Problem

As we said, patients face some difficulties to appointment with doctors. Our present system
isn’t as the requirement is going. So, we can recapitulate some problem here;

➢ Using different numbers of platform may not be enough for every patients to
appointment with a doctor.
➢ There is some manual system to appointment, but this is fully online based.
➢ The people are not fully trusted on online system so that they will not get proper benefit
from this system.

©Daffodil International University 6

According to these problem, our system offers solutions that will help patients. User can easily
access the system anytime and anywhere. This system is very simple and user friendly;
Few of them are:

For Patients, help

❏ There is huge collection of doctor information
❏ Anyone can get blood on time.
❏ Smart way of appointment
❏ Medicine purchase system
❏ Find ambulance based on area
❏ Find doctor based on rating or area
❏ Reduce the appointment delay
❏ Can upload prescription for future
❏ Reduce cost

For Doctors, helps

❏ No need any assistant for appointment
❏ Easily access to history of medication of a patient.
❏ Can know acceptability by rating of patient

2.5 Challenges

Every work has some challenges. So, we have to face small number of challenges too.

1. As it’s a Web-based system, so people need to appointments and reservations online

through any web connected devices such as computer, laptop, smart phone, tablets etc.
then the system will not help them.
2. If a doctor doesn’t check the notification for confirmation which is booking by patient
then the main motto of this system will be failed.

©Daffodil International University 7


3.1 Business Process Modeling


Send Get
Registration Login Find Blood Find
Find Doctor Appointment Notification of
Request Approval Donor Ambulance



Check Details


Receive Approve

Registration Login Appointment Appointment

Request Request

Delete Delete Add

Post Article
Patient Doctor Ambulance

Figure 3.1: Business Process Modeling of Medicate

3.2 Requirement Collection and Analysis

Requirement collection and analysis is very crucial part of any project. Without analysis,
collecting data or a good planning, a project will never complete properly. When we are
developing on a project, a delivery time of the project has already given. That’s why project
work must be planned and executed to the deliver time.

©Daffodil International University 8

Our project is an online Web-based doctor appointment system. Analysis and requirement
collection was our big challenge, when we start thinking about this project. After start analysis
we figure out some significant features that boost our project.

Hardware and Software Requirement for our system:

Whenever you install a software or a hardware for your computer, you should first make
ensure that your computer supports the system requirements. We need a internet
connection based system hardware’s such as computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones
and so on.

We have used some software tools and platform for development is describe below:

❏ Bootstrap
❏ Laravel framework
❏ Phpstorm 2019.1

©Daffodil International University 9

3.3 Use Case Modeling and Description

Sign In <<extend>> Display Error

Blood Donor Send Notification of Approval

Post Article

Doctor Approve Appointment <<include>> <<extend>>


Edit Post

Modify Info Cancel Appointment Delete Post

Medicine Purchase

Find Doctor

Add Ambulance

Request for Appointment

Find Blood Donor Delete Patient and Doctor Profile

Figure 3.2: Use Case Modeling of Medicate

©Daffodil International University 10

Use case 1: Login
Primary Actor: Blood Donor, Doctor, User
Precondition: Must have to complete registration
Main Success Scenario:
1. Actor puts email id in the email section
2. Actor puts password in the password section
3. Actor presses the login button
Exception Scenario:
1. Password is wrong
2. Password is empty

Use case 2: Find Doctor

Primary Actor: User
Precondition: Actor has must logged in
Main Success Scenario:
1. Actor search doctor
2. Actor views doctor
Exception Scenario:
1. Doctors list can’t be empty

Use case 3: Make appointment

Primary Actor: User
Precondition: Actor has must logged in
Main Success Scenario:
1. Actor views appointment
2. Actor selects appointment
3. Actor books appointment
Exception Scenario:
1. Appointment can’t be empty

©Daffodil International University 11

Use case 4: Approval appointment
Primary Actor: Doctor
Precondition: Actor has must logged in
Main Success Scenario:
1. Actor views request
2. Actor makes approval
3. Actor cancels approval
Exception Scenario:
1. Approval request can’t be empty

Use case 5: Find Blood Donor

Primary Actor: Doctor, User, System
Precondition: Actor has must logged in
Main Success Scenario:
1. Actors search donor
2. Actors view donor list
Exception Scenario:
1. User have to find them

Use case 6: Post Articles

Primary Actor: System
Precondition: Actor has must logged in
Main Success Scenario:
1. Actor can edit post
2. Actor delete post
Exception Scenario:
1. Post can’t be empty

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3.4 Activity Diagram

Figure 3.3: Activity Diagram of Patient from Medicate

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Log In Registation

Username &


Modify Info Appointmont View prescription

Approval Cancellation


Log Out

Figure 3.4: Activity Diagram of Doctor from Medicate

©Daffodil International University 14

Figure 3.5: Activity Diagram of Admin from Medicate

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3.5 E-R Diagram

userId u_name
u_Bdate u_phone a_id

u_gender Patient Does


Find Can Delete

donorId doctorId
d_name doc_name

d_Bdate doc_phone
Blood Donor Can Delete
d_email Doctor doc_Bdate
d_gender doc_address
doc_gender doc_email doc_department


Admin Does
ad_email Id




hospitalName phoneNumber

Figure 3.6: E-R Diagram of Medicate

3.6 Design Requirements

When we design a software or a system, we consider some requirements to make the project
efficient. We have tried to build a user friendly web application. Our system user interface is
very simple that everyone can use it without facing any problem. For better knowing, we have
drawn business process model, use case diagram, activity diagram and logical data model. We
have used to MySQL for designing our database. For front end design we have used
HTML,CSS. We have used OOP, Laravel framework and PHP for back end design.

©Daffodil International University 16


4.1 Front-end Design

The front end normally designed by two parts. The web design and front end web development.
We use HTML, CSS and JavaScript for our front end design. These include things like fonts,
drop-down menus, contract forms etc. In this section we include some home page front end

4.2 Back End Design

The backend normally designed by three parts. A server, an application and a database. User
input the data that needed the application stores it in a databases that was create on a server.
We basically used Laravel framework, phpstorm 2019.1 etc.

4.3 Interaction and Design and UX

Figure 4.1: UX

©Daffodil International University 17

4.4 Implementation Requirements
The main task of this part is to ensure or make all the things easier, useful and user friendly.
The implementation Requirement was given us a very good idea. The list of implementation
requirement is given below:

❏ Easier to create
❏ Easier to interact
❏ User-friendly
❏ delightful
❏ Dynamic pages
❏ Easier to manage

©Daffodil International University 18


5.1 Implementation of Database

We have used “MySQL” for designing our database. MySQL is an open source relational
database management system. It runs as a server and allows multiple users to manage and
create numerous databases. It is a central component in the LAMP stack of open source web
application software that is used to create websites. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL,
and PHP.

Figure 5.1: Database Implementation

©Daffodil International University 19

5.2 Implementation of Front-end Design

This is the Home page of “Medicate”. A user needs to be log in to get access in the wed site as
well as for using.

Figure 5.2: Homepage of “Medicate”.

©Daffodil International University 20

This is the registration page of “Medicate”. Doctor, patient and blood donor have to registration
for access and using.

Figure 5.3: Registration page of “Medicate’’.

This is the login page of “Medicate”. To login user have to enter valid email and password .If
user forget password then here is an option to recover password.

Figure 5.4: Login page of “Medicate”

©Daffodil International University 21

This is the patient dashboard of “Medicate”. Here patient can find doctor, view appointment,
find blood donor and also find ambulances.

Figure 5.5: Patient Dashboard of “Medicate”.

This is the doctor search option for patient. Patient can search doctor by area, name and

Figure 5.6: Search Doctor

©Daffodil International University 22

Here, Patient can select the time schedule for their appointment.

Figure 5.7: Doctor Appointment Submission

Patient can see their appointment pending if doctor approved or not.

Figure 5.8: Pending Request

After Doctor approved pending request patient can see the approval and cancel their approval
at any emergency cases.

Figure 5.9: Approved and Cancellation by Patient

©Daffodil International University 23

This is Patient profile. Patients can edit their information.

Figure 5.10: Patient Profile

Doctors can find here the approving requests from patients

Figure 5.11: Doctor getting Request

©Daffodil International University 24

After Doctor approved pending request then cancel the approval at any emergency cases.

Figure 5.12: Approval and Cancellation by Doctor

This is the ambulance search option for patient. Patient can search ambulances by area.

Figure 5.13: Ambulance Service

©Daffodil International University 25

Patient can search Blood Donor for their need.

Figure 5.14: Search Blood Donor

5.3 Implementation of Interactions

Interactions are the common thing in today’s system. It is a key to make a system dynamic and
attractive to user. And it is very necessary to make a system interactive. Like we said before
we tried to build a user friendly and an interactive platform. It should be done such a way that
attracts the user.

5.4 Testing Implementation

The purpose of this test to evaluate our system’s compliance with the specified requirement.
We tried to make this system secured. Every single data that a user input on our system must
pass the test.

©Daffodil International University 26

5.5 Test Result and Reports

Table 1: Registration and Login Test Case

Table 2: Input User Information Test Case

©Daffodil International University 27


6.1 Discussion and Conclusion

Doctor and patient appointment system is a very exciting topic to work. After going through
the work, we faced many challenging tasks. Day by day healthcare system become an important
part of our society. So we have decided to build this system.

We researched so many system that showed us the direction how to develop our system. We
interact with the people that what type of problem they facing. They were very happy to take
this system as it is give them some relief in modern age.

Despite everything we achieved, we faced many challenges to finish this project. After all it’s
an online web-based system so in real life both doctor and patient need to follow the using
rules otherwise its goal will be failed.

6.2 Scope of Further Development

Online system is always a changeable system. It develops day by day, getting better and better
to easier for peoples. This could be a revolutionary web application that may help bonding
between doctor and patient. We believe we can make this system more advanced in future.
Advance features and User interface will be updated in future. Our system is already user
friendly but we will try to make this system more user friendly in future.

©Daffodil International University 28


Appendix A: Project Reflection

In our daily life we face a lot of problems. Disease is one of most common issues for a person’s
life. If anybody is ill and wants to visit a doctor for checkup, he or she needs to visit the hospital
and waits until the doctor is available. When people get affected by illness they need to visit a
doctor for checkup but they have to visit their chambers or hospital to get appointment. It is a
lengthy process and wasting people’s time. Sometimes people do visit doctor’s chamber for
health check but the doctor is not available some various reason. It’s the only way to get to
know when people just visited their places. It harass people a lot. Besides people need an
ambulance service to carry on patient to hospitals. Merely, people need to visit hospitals or
clinics to hire ambulance, it is a time consuming process. Day by day healthcare system become
an important part of our society. So we have decided to build this system.

Appendix B: Related Diagrams

Figure A.1: Business Process Model

©Daffodil International University 29

Figure A.2: Use case Model

©Daffodil International University 30


[1]. Business process modeling <<https://kissflow.com/bpm/business-process-modeling/ last

access 25/02/2019
[2]. HTML, CSS, PHP<<https://www.w3schools.in//>> last access 11/01/2019 at 9:40 AM
[3]. Use Case Diagram<<https://about.draw.io/uml-use-case-diagrams-with-draw-io/>>last
access 29/02/2019 at 8:00 PM
[4]. Bootstrap<< https://getbootstrap.com/>> last access 29/01/2019 at 3:12 PM
[5]. GitHub <<https://github.com/patrickkunka/easydropdown>> last access 5/02/2019 1:25
[6]. Animate.CSS <<https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/ >> last access 15/01/2019 at 3:20
[7]. Data-Driven Documents <<https://d3js.org/ >> last access 26/02/2019 at 6.09 PM
[8]. Front Awesome<<https://fontawesome.com/>> last access 21/01/2018 at 11:07 PM

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