Nursing Care Plan: Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Nursing Care Plan: Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Nursing Care Plan: Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Patient: ___RC____________
Medical Diagnosis: ___GI bleed, hematemesis, ETOH, depression _________
Co-Morbidities: __ pancreatitis, DM, alcohol abuse, prostate enlargement, active anal fistula, covid 2/21, HTN, PE on Xarelto
“My stomach hurts so VS (BP, HR, RR)
bad, 10/10” (then Assess prior experience with pain, Pt will have a Goal is met, pt
pointed at the effectiveness of prior interventions, responses decrease in pain said “I still feel
PAIN r/t mid/right upper to analgesic meds including SE level to a the pain, but
pancreatitis, quadrant of the Assess comfort-functional goal tolerable pain it’s just a little
hepatitis, GI abdomen) Comprehensive pain assessment PQRST, level of 7-8/10 by now”
bleed and “Can I have Morphine characteristics of pain before and after the end of the
anal fistula please?” administering opioid analgesics shift
“It’s hurting again, Monitor effectiveness of pain medications
when is the next time I Assess CNS status, sedation level, and Pt can relax/sleep Goal met, pt able
can get Morphine?” respiratory status at regular intervals, and 1-2 in bed without to relax in bed,
“My fistula in the hours after administering opioid analgesics being awakened slept
bottom is painful.” Assess for bowel elimination, appetite, ability by pain during intermittently
“The pain keeps me to rest and sleep my shift without
from sleeping” Labs: Lipase, LFT, H/H, WBC discomfort
from pain
OBJECTIVE: Manage: Pt’s BP, HR and Goal not met, VS
Constant pain 10/10 RR are at his are still higher
Upon palpation, Non-pharmacological interventions: baseline levels at than baseline,
tender abdomen in all Distraction (TV, music), imagery, reduce the end of my BP 161/99,
quadrants noise/light, relaxation, meditation, heat/cold shift P145, RR22.
Normoactive bowel applications Considering pt
sounds in L upper and Maintain bedrest with BRP is also going
both lower quadrants, Promote position of comfort on one side with through ETOH
hypoactive in R upper withdrawal
knees flexed, sitting up and leaning forward
quadrant with anxiety
Keep NPO to rest the bowel
NPO for bowel rest and tremors,
Cognitive-behavioral strategies, lifestyle pain
and abd pain Ativan IVP 1mg
BP148/88 P127 RR22 was given with
Perform nursing care when pt is comfortable
Moaning, constantly CIWA neuro
asking for pain meds (at the peak time of analgesics) checks q1hr
Diaphoresis after
Last BM 3 days ago, Pharmacological interventions: administering
constipation possibly Morphine IVP 2mg/ml q4hr PRN for moderate-
due to pain meds severe pain
CT-AP without Request orders to implement pain
contrast shows management interventions to achieve a
pancreatitis, no bowel satisfactory level of comfort
obstruction, hepatic Protonix continuous drip at 10ml/hr and
steatosis, Sandostatin continuous drip at 12.5ml/hr for
esophagitis/reflux GI bleed
Last time he vomiting Topical Lidocaine TID applied on anal fistula
blood was on 5/8 Obtain a prescription for stool
Dry heaving, indicating softener/peristaltic stimulant to prevent
nausea opioid-induced constipation
Hep panel: (+) HBV
Abnormal LFT: AST 58 Teach:
(H), albumin 3.5 (L), Explain the pain management approach
bilirubin 0.3 (H) including pharm and non-pharm interventions
Normal lipase (151) Report effectiveness of pain medications
On Morphine IVP Education and report if experiencing any
2mg/ml q4hr PRN for SE/addiction
moderate to severe Education about use of call light, get help when
pain needed
Topical Lidocaine TID Teach pt about alcohol cessation
applied on anal fistula
Protonix drip at
10ml/hr infusing at
72hr duration
Sandostatin 12.5ml/hr
continuous infusion
Nursing Supporting Assessment Nursing Interventions Expected Patient Evaluation
Diagnosis Data Outcome
“I can’t see clearly, it’s Neuro check q4hr routine, and q1hr after Pt’s cognitive Goal met, pt
blurry” administering Ativan, utilizing CIWA neuro status will return A&Ox4 at the
“I’m sweating” assessment tool with awareness of pt’s baseline to baseline by the end of the
Neurologic “Can I have 2 doses of mental status end of the shift shift
r/t ETOH Ativan?” Monitor LOC, orientation to time, place, person,
withdrawal “I can’t control my and purpose
shaking” Monitor overall appearance, manner, attitude Pt will be absent Goal met: no
Monitor behavioral characteristics, level of of seizure during seizure
OBJECTIVE: psychomotor behavior, attention span, mood, the shift occurs during
A&Ox3-4, confused at and affect the shift
times Monitor speech, language
Altered mental status Sedate pt carefully, monitor SE of sedatives Goal met:
Anxiety, tremors Monitor VS, CT Head result, EEG, labs: alcohol Pt will remain even though
Clear speech, but levels, CK, CBC calm with low pt still feels
pattern is abnormal levels of anxiety anxious and
d/t tremors Manage: and less periods has tremors
Unsteady, weak gait of tremors during periodically,
Ataxia Non-pharmacological interventions: the shift it happened
Weak hand grips, Reorient if pt becomes confused, or after seizure less
foot pushes Promote regulation of bowel and bladder frequently
Diaphoresis function and was
Hyperactive delirium Give clear, slow, short instructions with simple controlled
PERRLA terms to promote understanding after
No numbness, Repeat information and instruction as necessary administering
tingling Lower light/noise to reduce triggers Ativan.
No facial drooping, Seizure precautions: pad side rails, bed in lowest
CT head shows no position, locked
hemorrhage, no Suction setup at bedside
acute infarction Bed alarm on
Seizure precautions Frequent rounding
Neuro check q4hr
Ativan 1mg IVP q4hr Pharmacological interventions:
PRN for anxiety, Ativan 1mg IVP q4hr PRN for anxiety, tremors
tremors Treat underlying causes of delirium, AMS such as
dehydration with LF @100ml/hr, Banana bag
500ml over 6hrs.
Education pt and family about S/S of altered
mental status, seizures warning signs and report
when it happens
Educate pt and family about SE of sedatives
Teach pt about alcohol cessation