Memorandum For Physical Inventory: Reconciliation
Memorandum For Physical Inventory: Reconciliation
Memorandum For Physical Inventory: Reconciliation
This memorandum shortly describes a general work method (recommended by us) for a
complete physical inventory (not continuous physical inventory) in MONITOR. Please read
through this document before you start your physical inventory. For company specific questions
regarding the inventory, please contact your Monitor instructor/consultant.
Before you perform a physical inventory you should perform several reconciliations to make
sure that all reports that affect the parts' stock balance have been executed. If not, then the
physical inventory will be carried out based on incorrect stock balances, and the reporting
carried out after the inventory will lead to inaccurate balances.
As a rule you should always report what have been delivery reported, delivered and
manufactured prior to the physical inventory. This should be done even if it means that you
have to partial report.
Has the arrived gods been delivery reported? Check the Order List - Purchas procedure.
Has the checked arrived gods been reported? Check this in the Receiving Inspection List
Has the delivered gods been arrival reported? Check this in the Order List - Sales procedure.
Has everything that is manufactured been reported? Check the Order List - Purchas
Has all material been deducted from balance for the manufacturing orders reported as
finished? Check the warnings in the Final Reporting procedure.
Are there any parts with negative balance? When there are parts with negative balances,
then there is an obvious inaccuracy in the balance. These should be corrected before you
begin the physical inventory. Check the Part List - Inventory procedure.
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It is important to enter status when printing physical inventory lists. There are then three
occasions that are important to consider:
1. Printing physical inventory list.
2. Performing inventory, the physical counting and making notes of the quantity on the
physical inventory list.
3. Registering the physical inventory in MONITOR.
If you select status None or Under inventory no transactions (arrival, delivery or reporting) can
take place in MONITOR between item 1 and 3.
If you select status Under inventory with saved balance you can start working again when item
2 has been completed. When you select this alternative the system will consider transactions
made and the physical inventory difference will be calculated based on the parts' balances at
the time of printing the lists. It is good to make a note of the time of printing the physical
inventory list so the physical inventory difference can be traced back, if needed.
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Physical Inventory Difference
Physical Inventory Difference – This procedure is used to calculate the value of the
differences that occur after a physical inventory. A difference can be positive or negative.
Inventory Value List – This list is used in order to see the inventoried value. Select to base
value on Inventoried balance and enter Last inventory date. These two alternatives are
always used together.
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