Assigment Oum1203
Assigment Oum1203
Assigment Oum1203
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Essay Outline 2
Introduction 3
Cyberbullying definition 4
Types of cyberbullying 4- 6
Conclusion 9
Reference 10 - 11
Essay Outline
No doubt technology has a lot of benefits, however, it also comes with a negative side such as
cyberbullying. To put it simply, cyberbullying refers to the misuse of information technology
with the intention to harass others.
-Cyberbullying definition
-Types of cyberbullying
I. Topic sentence 1
III. Conclusion
It can be horrific to go through such a difficult period in cyberbullying but do not give up.
Learn about the privacy settings of the social media apps.
Nowadays we are living in the technological era. Our lifestyle has since completely
changed because of technological innovations. One of the most popular in technological era
is the social media. Social media is the term often used to refer to new forms of media that
involve interactive participation. (Manning, J. 2014.) It is also the medium where social
communication takes place online. A social media is an online platform which people use to
build social networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or
career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. (W.Akram, 2017). There is
no denying that the social media has given a lot of positive impact in our daily lives which
including all everyone not only for younger generation but for all people with computers,
tablet or mobile phone. In 2019, a research has been conducted in a website named stated that the most top ten social media platforms in
Malaysia can be seen through the chart below.
Youtube Whatsapp Facebook Instagram FB WeChat Twitter
Chart 1: The most active social media platforms in Malaysia, 2019
There is no doubt about the advantages of social media in the community today. The
list goes on. Moreover, we all are aware of what it can benefits to us but it also comes with
disadvantages. In this essay, I would like to express my opinion about how social media is
actually can give more harm to the community too. In my opinion it is necessary to know
about the negative aspects in using the social media. Therefore with the topic given, I have
chosen an issue that is strongly related with the negative side of social media which is the
cyber bullying. I would like to focus more on this issue with the hope it can give us more
knowledge about the danger of cyberbullying and how to deal with it.
First of all, cyberbullying is the act of bullying in the form of digital media or devices.
It is a modern term for bullying, which has since brought bullying to a whole new and more
dangerous level. There are users in social media that often misuse the information technology
with the intern to harass others. Mostly hide in the name of an anonymous behind their
mobile phone or computer screen. Cyberbullying comes in various forms. According to
Nancy Willard, the authors of Cyber-Safe Kids and Cyber-Savvy Teens, there are seven
forms of cyberbullying that I had combined into the chart as below.
k Chart 2: Seven Types of Cyberbullying
Exclusion is the act of leaving someone out intentionally. For example, there is a
party that will be held next week in one of your classmate’s house, she or he deliberately
made a Whatsapp group and invite all of your classmate but guess who is not being invited?
You, yes you. Worst is they then leave malicious comments and harass you in that online
group. Some will screen shot the conversation and might send it to you just to hurt your
feeling and making you feel insecure. When you feel insecure, worst part is it will lead you to
Doxing is an internet slang that quiet popular in Twitter and Facebook. It means
‘droping the documents’ and happened when someone collects your private personal
information, such as a home address, contact information, work place and the people
surround you. Doxxing is scary because once your private contact details are put inside the
social media it is hard to remove it. An example of how doxxing happened long time ago in
Facebook, where there was this lady known as Kiki went viral after a video of her knocking
on an uncle’s car with her car's steering wheel lock and in just few hours people were posting
of her picture from the magazine, her home address and her car’s plate number even after she
apologized to that uncle. Imagine if a bad person went to her place and do something bad to
her that is how dangerous doxxing is.
Harassment in social media happens when the bully sending offensive and malicious
messages to you, continue threating you with rude comments and sometimes with the
intention of doing harm. This behaviour is usually intentional and repetitive. We often can
see this in Instagram’s or Facebook’s comment section. Some users were hidden using fake
profile while some are not. There are different types of harassment too which is based on
gender, race, religion and just to name a few. All those offensive comments can be read by
the netizen if your social media is set to public which can hurt your loved ones too by reading
After that is dissing. This mostly happened when the bully are actually friend with
you. They know a lot about you, they have your information or your dirty little secret that
you have been trying to hide your entire life in the back of their hand. Any private photos,
videos or screenshots will be published online by the ‘disser’ to either ruin your reputation or
relationships with other people.
Meanwhile fraping means impersonate a victim in social media by creating fake and
duplicate account and then posting inappropriate posts, photos or videos. Impersonation tends
to happen with famous people or brand. There is one reality show in MTV channel called the
Catfish: The Tv Show. It is one of the perfect example of fraping where the bully pretending
to be someone that they are not just to get what they want from their victim.
Last is trolling. We used to hear and see this word in any social media. Trolling is also
internet slang where it involves in making aggressive or offensive statements in an effort to
get attention and start arguments. In trolling it will highly including memes. Meme is
something imitated that typically funny but at the same time it is mean. The most famous
website with trolling, viral videos on the internet and memes is the 9GAG: Go Fun The
World. A webpage where you can experience the ‘did not know whether to laugh or cry’
All these types of cyberbullying can also take form of some illegal physical activities
and behaviour. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to name a few are
the most common platform for cyberbullying. Everything on social media spreads like
wildfire. The addiction and unorganized use of mobile phones has brought cyberbullying at
the tip of fingers and as everyone is caught up on the social media, it makes it very easy for
anyone to misuse this access and can be done from a distance and the bully doesn’t have to
see the victim’s response which somehow this gives the cyberbullying the belief that there are
little to no consequences.
We are aware that cyberbullying is a dangerous act but do we actually understand the
dangers of cyberbullying? Therefore I would discuss the issues in the danger of
cyberbullying. Firstly, is the anonymity. The stranger that we never being able to tell who the
culprit is. When they stay anonymous, they will feel powerful and maintain control by
threatening the victim. Just because the bullies can remain anonymous, this can increase
feelings of fear. Victim who are targeted have no idea who is causing them pain. When a
bully thinks they can continue remaining unknown to the victim and other people, ‘they are
less inhibited in saying things they never would say to a person face-to-face.’ (Beale and Hall
Next reason is permanence. This happen when the data and personal information has
been posted online, it is nearly impossible to rid of it because even if the authorized has taken
the material, others has been downloaded or sharing the contents.
Other than that is publicity, where your social networks or media are set to public.
The cyberbully can easily forward it further or to repost or retweet a bullying for the bullying
to “go viral” and reach a larger internet audience.
Then the omnipresence, where the cyberbully following you home. We often see this
kind of bullying in the movie. When the victims think that home is their only safe place from
getting bullied but turns out even at home they did not feel safe anymore because they feel
that people are still mocking about them online. Typically, this is because the bullying can
enter their home through a computer or mobile phone at any time of day. They no longer
have a place where they can escape. To a victim, it feels like bullying is everywhere. While
traditional bullying never goes beyond the public space into the home, cyberbullying follows
one right into their home and into whatever room they might ‘hide’ (Parker, 2014).
In recent articles I have read, there are few reasons why some become cyber bullies.
The first one is because they are the retaliating victim where they are also the victim on cyber
bullying in the past and they want other people to feel what they felt before. Sometimes
victims of cyberbullying will get angry about what is happening to them. As a result, they
plot revenge cyber bullying to help them cope with their own low self-esteem. Next is the
‘popular’ person. They do cyber bullying because they want to stay popular even by doing
the mean things online. Mostly they bullies for entertainment value and to lessen their
boredom and think it will help them fit in with their friends. The vengeful angel is the one
who seeks revenge on behalf of those who have been bullied, mostly to protect someone they
know and they did not see themselves as a cyber bully. Then, the online social norm. This is
where the cyber bullies think that if everyone is doing it then I should be doing it too. They
think that cyberbullying is a normal thing to do and if they did not follow the trend, they will
be left behind.
There are many effects on cyber bullying. One of it is the mental and physical effects.
Being continuously cyber bullied, the victim starts having insecurities, low self-esteem and
loses their inner peace where it will cause to unstable emotion. Some victim deal with their
emotion by abusing food, either they consume it in uncontrollable portion or did not consume
it at all which eventually will lead their body getting fat or skinny. Secondly is feel alone and
lonely where they did not want to mingle around because their reputation with the false
rumours spread about them. Little did we know one false rumour destroys people’s lives
because they lose interest in things they once enjoyed and spend less time interacting with
friends and family. Next effect is the victim might get ill. They will have headache, stomach
problem and tend to vomit due to the nervousness or anxiety. Anxiety will cause stress
insomnia and other sleeping disorders. Depress is the main effect with cyber bullying.
Victims of cyberbullying often succumb to anxiety, depression and other stress-related
conditions. ( Vaillancourt T, et al, 2017). When these negative emotions are not dealt with
properly, the victim feeling worthless, guilty, helpless, or hopeless and start thinking or
talking about death, such as saying that the world would be better without them or that they
wish that they were dead and in extreme cases it will lead to suicide.
We can prevent cyberbullying by seek help from someone you trust such as your
parents, a close family member or another trusted adult such as a counsellor. Learn not to
share personal information online. Try not to posting explicit photos or videos of yourself online
and keep the privacy information limited only to. You cannot really trust anyone when it comes
about personal data. Avoid discuss personal matters on social media and protect your account by
never sharing your passwords or account details. Be alert and do not click on mysterious links if
any as they often are scams. Consider blocking the bully and formally reporting their behaviour
on the media social itself but before you do, take evidences such as text messages and screen
shots of social media posts just to show what’s been going on when you report to the authorities.
If you are getting threats of physical harm, you should lodge a report to police and let them do the
rest because you deserve backup. Do not respond to the cyber bullying, because when you do,
they think it gives them power over you, and you don’t want to empower a bully.
In conclusion, cyberbullying is hurtful and harmful. Staying strong and fighting back is
the only option against these cyber bullies. Once again, educate the younger kids about the
disadvantages in misuse of social media. Awareness is the key to prevent online bullying. We
should make the children aware from an early age so they are always thoughtful and at least when
they get older they will not support the cyberbullying as they already know what harms can it
bring to the victims. Most importantly, cyberbullying must be reported immediately without
delay. This can prevent worst incidents such as depression and suicide from happen. Think twice
before posting or sharing anything online, it may stay online forever and could be used to harm
you later. Lastly, Life does not get over if you are a victim of cyberbullying and it is possible to
fight back.
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