Sacrosanctim Concilium 1
Sacrosanctim Concilium 1
Sacrosanctim Concilium 1
It has been noticeable that some people no longer value the importance of prayers and
liturgy. For many years, people only go to church to brag their clothes, to take pictures, and
reunite with old friends. Due to many reasons, the number of people going to church constantly
decrease as days pass by. We neglect the real meaning of why we are inside the institution of the
Lord and sometimes forget the purpose why we are called by God, to unite and love one another.
With this, God uses the priests and all the members of the religious organization as an
instrument in encouraging the people of the Lord to participate during the liturgical celebration.
The Vatican Council then, started the reformation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy or
Sacrosanctum Concilium .
The first part of the article, The Nature of the Sacred Liturgy and Its Importance in the
Church’s Life, states Christ’s work of redemption during His Passion, Death, Resurrection, and
Ascension. It also tells us that Christ is present, being embodied with the people of God and
proclaiming the Gospel to the world. The Sacred Liturgy is the source and summit of life.
Chapter two states the Eucharistic celebration review that will foster the profound love of
God. It clearly tells us the God’s word was becoming a more dynamic part of the liturgy and
therefore, should be spread throughout the entire world. It also highlights the single act of
worship between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
In the third chapter of the article, the Vatican Council proposed the reformation of the
different sacraments and sacramentals. Proposals made in this chapter includes the catechumate
for adults, the revision of the rite of confirmation, and the recognition of the Extreme Unction,
making a more modern name called ‘Annointing of the Sick.’
The fourth chapter explains the divine office, which was the church’s sacred prayer.
Christians are encourage to pray, sing, and recite psalms and scriptural passages on a certain time
of a day. This is the most powerful instrument to help one remain faithful.
The fifth chapter states the liturgical year or the church calendar, referring to the different
mysteries of Christ starting from His birth to His death, resurrection, and ascension, and
celebrate the whole story of Jesus.
The last part of the article said that all music and art are incorporated to the liturgy to
promote and lift the hearts of those who want to be with God. It pays attention to the role of art
for promotion and encouragement to all.
God’s love was surely relentless and constant. He will never abandon His children even if
they were miles apart from them. It must be a lesson for everyone, to never forget where we
actually came from because it is our own will to follow, participate, and be one with the Lord.
Indeed, the reformation of the Sacred Liturgy is of great help and has a big role for the
active participation of the people which allows everyone to have a closer relationship with God.