Ha 11225

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HAI 1225 FM IF System The HITACHI HANI225 is an FN IF Amplifier and Detector developed for HI FI Tuners. This IG és encapyulated in DIP-1G pin. FUNCTIONS Fu HF Amplifier ‘Quadrature Detector Axidio Amplifier Daurting Circuit 'AFC, Tuning Meter Driver ‘AGE Contral Valtege Generator Muting Controt Voltage Generator ‘Signal Metor Driver = FEATURES Many on-chip funetions as above will result in smaller-sized ‘ets, sliminate eastrietion in designing, and save labor. Low Distortion: 0.03% typ. High Sighal-te- Noise Ratio: @4cB typ, High Limiting Sensitivity: 314Bu typ. Large Muting Attenuation: 85 dB typ. Prowides specifie signal for direct drive of 3 signal meter with good linearity ee eee BLOCK DIAGRAM (0P-16) © Muting level is variable by adjusting the external resistor ‘connected to pin 16. © High stability against abnormal ovcllation. Note) 1. Testing conditions: Inpute100dBy, tm=400Hz, 1-75kHe, (o=10.7MHE 2. This IC i compatible with the HATIZ7W except pin 16 (pin for muting lovel adjustment. Rygcann Bigs tog ee we cad i Ot Lev. Be te Riser dre Mane a . j | Show Vitae UNS te | Ba a i! ovat | - a oe | BIABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS: Tier Taine Tam Supaly Wolrare % v Power Dissipatipa® - = a Operating Temperature we Storage Temperatere 35 wo 115 © HAII225. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS | Ta~25U) '@ Static (DC) Characteristics {Voe—13V, no signal) Item Fin 10 Voltage 107MM, fon 400H2, 0.J= 75KHHr dev.) @AG Characteristics (Vee“L3V, / Seats Test Condition =] Tar Tapply Garzent [Oa Fi 16 to Growd open 6 = eee eee may [rata) [Heri™ aa nnn ter BB om || ay | Tae Ffezaeeret AF Vole [Youn | Va= 1003 6s “a0 Total — ri = Siar si ie AM Reiection Tae ral ‘Muting Atteauation Mutecarrs nw! 6 | iowa ew he’ put Tevel with possible muting level — avn | ies ae | ™ Vig Pia TS aliage = ¥ __Pin 1F voltage TS volteze TAGE Control Voltage Mog Hevel ean be atusted wy (0 #54 q aod seal be rt within le range TEST CIRCUIT HAII225 # CHARACTERISTICS “The following characteristics have been achieved by giving careful consideration tothe designing, (© FMIF Amp/Detector Requirements for high performance FM tuners are satisied boy high SIN, low THD, and wide low-THD bandwidth ‘The signal-to-noise ratio has reached 8408 typ; the HA11225 is designed for minimizing FM-demodulated noise converted at the quadrature detector) and audible noise of ‘the post stage audio amp. "Also, the optimized design in 90° phase-shift circuit has brought out low THD of 0.03% typ (Vin=65~12008u) and wide low THD bandwidth of 10.7MHz:B0kH2 (THD=0.1%) In contrast to the conventional ones, this IC has removed the pin IF output signal detection used for muting, The Getection independent muting operation can eleminete much restriction in designing a phase shift transformer, EXTERNAL COMPONENTS ‘© Audio Muting Section Mating under weakinput or detuning is allowed by applying mute control voltage into pin from pin-12. Internal crosstalk of audio signal is minimized by connect ing an external 100UF to pin-10 to obtain a large muting “attenuation of 85dB typ. The 100UF capacitor also com- tributes to S/N improvement. ‘¢ Mating Control/Driver Muting function starts at 44€B typ of input voltage when bin-16 is open (i2,, Ror). Therefore by simply changing ‘an external reistor at pin-16, the mute starting point can be “djsted up t0 75dBH. This feature enables low noise stereo reception. Even when the mute starting point is set variable by controling VAer (an external resistor at pin-16), the circuit design wil not cause any temperature dependent problems T T Tisace — : Recommended value_| Recommended vale rapelance matching 3th | Pe ea eek - = = Bee | 800 | ceramie titer —— Row 10k | Normal operation of AGC | - i - Vs | oon Adusinen’ of signal meter = emitined resistor ce | eeeerreae| sonics ta oak = Measure to reduce pop ‘Smoothing Cin and maine ae |e Lareer time constant | none uring sting “Wer [2k [operon ae i termination of size of AFC | OWS? = c Row rau | Beteminion of we of AEC| Wider mang | tromet muting lw peter, Row . Psst ed mating antl aiid | endstth "| canes, Ci ae = in| Ran oT str |r ter er me | Seen em a | oie | Pane ope ier Titi alee pape = Ra) daa | Damme of phase sifer | peeened TAD | Ineresed TLD | 7 Bo | PANO | secondary sie) _—_|!vevenred TD En a 1 Smocthing Cow and muting | or prevention of k pata cnet EnteDecennnation| Lower time constant | Larger tine constant chattering of pn 12 ale Sting ime costa) Hee som vA ema nage ara ae eapacior with 0.007 | Bypass caneitor Pe ae - |e ean : co ee eristiess [TF Feeaueney 18.7 = = Con | 0.0aF | Smetingo AGE whone [Fe GE aage | I oo Cos 0.047 4F | Bypass capacitor Le kagivlllena am cat = Poorer Bypass capacitor seequeney | Couniing capacitor For detector outat MIF Cut of tow bands @HITACHI stability tobe continued) HA11225, Pat | Eee | Parpose [Smaller than Larger th Remarks Cu |e air euetone! - [Sage eter a a J esr he eae [ey sip | Bopass capacitor OOM WE | Ciigh Erequenes) Bypass capacitor ‘Low frequency ‘Bypass capacitor (ih freqverey Smoothing Rio and Cu | O.0t7a Gm | TMHF | control voltage cape TSosting i a wine fe a.2ym | Decoupling Cox and power ‘22pH1 | Detector phase shifter col IBPC-BOARD LAYOUT PATTERN ago Ls pnt Sa sheeked Redaceddeuplien effec | Slower A} Deterioration of 16 by large current flowing then charging * Error in wing by AC part | Slower mating | sf ating cael voltage a AC pat) Slower mating rrr i ite Normal detector characteristics not ‘btained, Large voltage ett in pin 12 @HITACHI Normal detector (Top View) Use both Cin and Con | | Use ome with pod feegnney eaters | Nowe bation stability. HAII225 DETECTOR OUTPUT, SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO. MUTE CONTROL VOLTAGE, AGC CONTROL VOLTAGE AND AM REJECTION VS. INPUT VOLTAGE AND METER DRIVE VOLTAGE VS. INPUT VOLTAGE ‘TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION AFC VOLTAGE VS. INPUT VOLTAGE VS. INPUT VOLTAGE : Rae CO] Vr-Vo, Vi DETUNING FREQUENCY TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION CHARACTERISTICS. VS. DETUNING FREQUENCY 36 @HITACHI OUTPUT VOLTAGE AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION VS. MODULATION FREQUENCY INPUT VOLTAGE VS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE HA11225 MUTE ATTENUATION, ‘OUTPUT VOLTAGE, AM REJECTION RATIO AND SUPPLY CURRENT VS. ‘SUPPLY VOLTAGE MUTING BANDWIOTH, Vi-Vs. AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION VS. SUPPLY VOLTAGE Palas BANDWIDTH AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE. PCO ws + {Je ine + | geld Face OT fetealalalal an | H fad coo bse praia ol elrto ee ole a a J Gap MUTE ATTENUATION, SIGNAL-TO- NOISE RATIO, AM REJECTION RATIO AND OUTPUT VOLTAGE VS. AMBIENT ‘TEMPERATURE maith is Moe(ATT S/N. AMR 4B) INPUT VOLTAGE VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Teresi a hp] et Token teams PN @HITACHI 37

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