I 12 R 0.1 V 0.8V: Eepc21: Power Electronics
I 12 R 0.1 V 0.8V: Eepc21: Power Electronics
I 12 R 0.1 V 0.8V: Eepc21: Power Electronics
1. A composite switch used in a power converter is shown in Fig. 1 (a). The periodic current through
the switch is also shown in Fig.1 (b). Evaluate,
(A) The average current and RMS current through the composite switch.
(B) The power loss in the MOSFET and the diode of the composite switch. (2M)
RDS=0.1Ω 12
Fig. 1 (a)
0 5 10 20 25 t in μsec
Fig.1 (b)
2. The datasheet of a MOSFET specify the following switching times corresponding to the
characteristics shown in Fig.2: tr =159ns; tf =35ns.
(a) Calculate the average power dissipation in the switch for a duty cycle of 70%.
(b) Find out the minimum temperature that can be possible to maintain at the junction
without heat sink. Take Switching frequency fs = 20kHz, Ɵ = 35oC, RDS (on)
=6.1mΩ, Leakage current as 1μA. (Assume Vd =50V, and Io= 15A). Thermal
characteristics is also given below. (4M)
Control signal
0 TS t
ton =0.7TS toff
Vd =50V
Io = 15A
tr t
3. During turn-on and turn-off of a power transistor the current-voltage relationships are as shown in
Fig.3. Calculate the energy loss during both turn-on and turn-off periods and the mean power loss
if the transistor is being switched at a frequency of 10 kHz. What is the maximum instantaneous
power dissipated? IC
5μs (Turn-off)
2μs (Turn –on)
100 A
5. A power MOSFET (IRFP4768) carries a current as shown in Figure.5. Evaluate the average
conduction loss in the device (Refer Datasheet). (3M)
i 15A
10 15
0 t in μsec