Layer of Protection (Lop)
Layer of Protection (Lop)
Layer of Protection (Lop)
Consider the following flash drum system shown in FIGURE Q1. The purpose of the V-40 flash drum is to separate
multiple mixture of mostly A and B plus some other heavy components to produce main products leaving the top at
90 mol% of A. Steam at 5 bar is used to bring the temperature at the desired saturation temperature. As a process
safety engineer, you a required to perform a HAZOP study on the V-40 by focusing on the process parameters of
LEVEL and PRESSURE, using the guide words of LESS and MORE. Suggest all possible causes, consequences and
actions for each guide word.
In order to get more evaporation in flashdrum pressure should be less and level should be also less. As less pressure
gives low boiling pont and more evaporation. Which give High quality rate product
Process Fluid (Feed) – Liquid stream containing several components is partially vaporised in a ”flash drum” at a
certain pressure and temperature. This result in two phases: a vapor phase, enriched in the more volatile
components, and a liquid phase, enriched in the less volatile components. Top Low boiling point, Bottom High
boiling point
Steam –
V40 –
E-20 –
E-30 –
Recording Prof AA
Thermodynamics – When material in an enclosed vessel, an adjustment of pressure will affect the condition. Pada
keadaan saturated liquid, if we increase temp., it will vaporize. But if we not increase temp, but reduce pressure, the
material still vaporize.
When material masuk ke dalam vessel, it will flash (tersebar) dan pressure V40 < FCV7 dan some vapor will be
V40 – Flash evaporation/separation process to separate material A & B (Benzen to top (low bp), Toluene to bottom
(high bp))
E20 –
E30 – Utility heat exchanger (e.g. using steam/hot water/hot oil/flu gas)