Oracle Apps Tech

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c Oracle Apps Tech-stack (11i+ & R12), Java/J2EE and Oracle database,

PL/SQL, SQL experience and presently working with Avvas InfoTech Pvt

Option class
Product family

Bill of material information will be stored in BOM_BILL_OF_MATERIALS



BOM_RESOURCES-STORES Information on resources




Will store department and department resource information



BOM_OPERATION_RESOURCES are used to store information about routings

Project Mgmt

x Take full responsibility and accountability for the project

x Apply lessons learned from recent project
x Define project roles and responsibilities
x Lead the Project Start Up activities
x Perform project tracking
x Adopt project management best practices
x Manage to project priorities
x Perform risk management
x Communicate project status upward and to the client
x Drive decision-making to lowest possible level
x Promote client involvement
x Encourage and supports escalations
x Enforce effective change control
x Mentor project members
x Promote good working relationships
x Make things happen

o Time (How are we going against schedule)

o Cost (How are we going against budget):

- Project Cost Management :By calculating the expected expenditure versus

actual expenditure at any point, we can calculate how we are
performing against our budget.This requires some special handling if accrued costs are

o Resources (How much time are we spending on the project)

o Scope (Is the scope creep in line with expectations)

o Quality (Are we reviewing and fixing quality problems)

o Actions (Do we have action items outstanding)

1)Project Integration Management

2)Project Scope Management

3)Project Quality Management

4)Project Schedule Management

5)Project Cost Management

6)Project Risk Management

7)Project Communication Management

8)Organizational Impact Management

9)Project Human Resource Management

10)Project Procurement Management

Project Charter:A description of major project deliverables including the final product(s)

the hardware, software, and documentation required to produce the final

product(s). The documentation should be descriptive at a high level, not

detailed listings of each piece of hardware and software

Project Intiation Activity:

1)Identify all project stakeholders

2)Communicate with stakeholders

3)Acquire/set up space, equipment

4)Organize the assignment/recruitment/transfer of employees and/or contractors to the

project team.

5)Conduct project/phase kickoff meeting

6)Conduct initial team orientation/training

Project Planning:

1)It defines the scope of the project, consisting of the end products that will be

2)It identifies the project activities that will be performed

3)It describes the interdependencies between the activities and when the activities will
be accomplished

4)It defines the resources necessary to acquire/develop and implement the end

5)It describes the processes and procedures that will be used for managing schedule,
cost, quality, procurement and risk
Project Planning activities:

Core Plannin Process:

1)Scope Planning

2)Scope Definition--wbs

3)Activity Definition

4)Activity Sequencing

5)Resource Planning

6)Activity Duration Estimating

6)Schedule Development

7)Cost Estimating

8)Cost Budgeting

9)Project Plan Development

Facilitating Planning Processes

1)Quality planning

2)Organization planning

3)Staff Acquisition Planning

4)Communications Planning

5)Risk Planning

6)Procurement Planning including Solicitation Planning

Scope planning is the process of developing a written scope statement as the basis

for future project decisions including, in particular, the criteria used to determine if

the project or phase has been completed successfully.

Scope Statement:

Project description

Phase description

Project deliverables

Project objectives

The business justification for the project

A description of functional scope

A description of the organization/user scope

A description of the geographical scope

A description of the technical scope

A description of the potential risk factors for the project

Validating the Scope Statment:

Prepare a brief presentation for the project stakeholders;

2. Present the project Scope Statement and obtain feedback;

3. Make necessary changes and obtain sign-off from the project sponsor and


Scope Management Plan

A good and complete definition of project scope at each layer, i.e. Scope

Planning, Scope Definition and Activity Definition. Precision in the definition

of scope is critical or control of scope creep is impossible

A scope verification process to monitor the project scope. Scope

verification involves inspection and formal approval of project deliverables

such as design documents to ensure they are consistent with the approved

project scope, and monitoring of the project plan to watch for the addition of

out-of-scope activities.

A change control process and approval procedure for any significant

changes in the project scope that may affect quality, schedule or cost.

Scope definition involves identifying the major tasks required to produce the project
deliverables and meet the

objectives defined in the project budget proposal and the project charter, and the in-
process or intermediate

deliverables associated with these tasks. For example, whereas the final project
deliverable may be an implemented

system with hardware, software, and user documentation, there is a whole set of in-
process deliverables that must be

prepared and approved appropriately. Some examples are:

â Requirements document

â Installation hardware and software for the development team

â System design document

â Program specifications

â Work plan

â Test plans

The profile options areƦ

ƥ Utilities: Diagnostics = Yes/No

ƥ Hide Diagnostics = Yes/No

The form mainly contains four sections. They areƦ

ƥ Rules:Defining rules doesnƞt identify when the rule should get evaluated or applied.
For each rule,

there should be conditions attached which power the execution of the rule.

ƥ Conditions:Conditions decide the event the rule to be executed. Each condition mainly
contains three sections i.e. Trigger Event, Trigger Object and Condition





ƥ Context:




ƥ Actions:


message:ƠError, Warning, Hint, Question and Debug


special:Select the SPECIAL menu which is not used by the form. Menu label is the
prompt which

appears to the users when Tools menu is invoked, block specifies the blocks for which
the special

menu should be activated and Icon name is the .ico file name.

object type:Item,window,block,tab canvas,Canvas,radio button,View,gloabl variable

ONƛERROR: This trigger is executed when an error occurs and it processes all errors,
server or client side, using Message Dictionary calls.
enter-Query Mode:Does not allow out of current data block,exiting run time

Master-detal :non-isolated,isolated,cascading

Block co-ordination:Imeediate,deferred(with autoqurey/without-autoqury)


non-displayitem:Display item,Image item,Calculated Item,Hierarichal Tree Item,Push-

button,Sound tiem.

Summrized item:Ths same blcok as summrized item,A control block with single record
proprety set to YES.

A datablock with query ALL records property

Type of content canvas,stacked canvas,Toolbar Canvas,Tab canvas

Triggers:Item Interaction,erros/messages quries,validation,Navigation,mouse




qyeying process->pre-query,post-query,validate the record

Base a data block on FROM clause sub query

Base a data block on a stored procedure

Return a REF cursor from a stored procedure

Return a table of records from a stored procedure

Select the appropriate data source for a

data block

On-Clear-Details: Implements the Clear phase

On-Populate-Details: Implements the

Populate phase

On-Check-Delete-Master: Implements the restricted-delete rule

Effect of trigger failure


You can only change what Oracle Forms allows at runtime. For example, the following
cannot be


âYou cannot create new items

âYou cannot move items between canvases

âYou cannot display an item which is not on a canvas (thus, individual flexfield

segments cannot be displayed)

âYou cannot set certain properties such as the Datatype of an Item.

âYou cannot change frames, graphics, or boilerplate

âYou cannot hide the item that currently has focus

Form Personalization can only respond to events that are centrally processed and
dispatched by

APPCORE. These are limited to:


INSTANCE, WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE. These events occur as the

user moves focus within the form.

âWHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD (in many but not all forms). This event occurs

whenever changes have been made to the current record in the current block.

âMENU1 through MENU15 menu entries, available in the Tools pulldown menu. These

are guaranteed not to be used by Oracle and are exclusively for customer use,

therefore we strongly encourage you to use these entries as opposed to the SPECIAL

menu entries in order to avoid collisions of code. When the user selects the entry, it

will fire the corresponding MENU# trigger. You must also create another rule that traps

this Trigger Event and performs the desired functionality.

fnd_form_custom_rules rul

, fnd_form_custom_scopes sco

, fnd_form_custom_actions act








# KEY-NEXT-ITEM (This trigger is present on the item level).

# POST-CHANGE (This trigger is present on the item level).

# WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM (This trigger is present on the item level).

# POST-TEXT-ITEM (This trigger is present on the item level).

# WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE (Block Level Trigger).





RFq tables






Purchase order

How to restrict the item in INV?

Latest Answer: You have to uncheck the STOCKABLE Check box in the inventory tab.

Oracle application Reports.SRW.USER_EXIT( 'FND SRWINIT')srw.user_exit( 'FND


Mandatory parameters:P_concurrent_request_id

What is the table column link between PO and AP ?

po_req_distributions_all.code_combination_id =
If the Iinvoice Distribution is matched to a Purchase Order then

ap_invoice_distributions_all.PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID is the link to po_distributions_all


APPLSYS is the owner of FND tables

oe_order_lines_all.header_id =

ra_customer_trx_lines.sales_order = oe_order_headers.order_number

What is a segment qualifier and how is it set for the segments of a KFF ?

Latest Answer: Segment qualifiers contain information about a value rather than the
segment that uses the value

Quote to order captue module

1. BOM

2 Inventory

3. Order entry (OE)

4. Order Managemnet (ONT)

5. ASO (Order Capture)

6. WF (workflow )

How to submit concurrent program through pl/sql


conc_id number(10);


FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE (user_id resp_id resp_appl_id);

conc_id:=submit_request('application' 'program');






what are the plls attached to 11.5.10 version


What are different types of transactions in AR ?

1) Invoice.2) Deposit.3) Debit Memo.4) Credit Memo.5) Gurantee.6) Charge Back.


GL: Account Flex field

Account Combinations,Period Types, Define Calendar,efine Currency,Define Set of

Books,Assign Set of Books to Responsibility,Daily Conversion Rate Types,Rates

JE Sources,Categories,System Controls,Profile Options,Open and Close

Accounting Period

AP: Define Payables Lookups.Define Purchasing Lookups.Define payment

programs.Define your payment terms.Define bank accounts.Define Suppliers.Define
invoice approval codes.

Open your Payables accounting period.

AR: Define Payment Terms, Open and Close Period,Auto Accounting,Transaction

Types,Transaction Source,Collectors,Approval Limit,Remittance Bank,Payment
Method,Receipt Source

Aging Bucket,Customer Profile Classes,Customers,Customer Sites,Uses of Customer

Sites (Ship to /Bill to),Remit-to Address

setup---->suppliers....>invoices..>payments.....>reports......>periods.....>transfer to
What are different types of invoices and what is a recurring invoice?

1)standard invoice,2)pre-payment,3)debit memo,4)credit-memo, 5)with-holding

tax,6)PO DEFAULT 7) Quick Match 8)Expense ReortRecurring Invoices: Recurring

AR Transaction Type Validation : Check if the Transaction type provided in data file is
defined in AR transaction types(RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL)

Transaction Batch Source Validation: Check if the source provided in data file is defined
in AR transaction Batch source (RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL).

Invoice Currency Validation: Check if the currency provided in data file is defined in AR

Customer Validation: Check if the Bill to Customer Number Ship to Customer Number
Bill to Custom Location Ship to Customer Location provided in the data file is defined in
AR Customer(ra_customers).

Primary Sales Representative Validation: Sales representative number to be hardcode to

-3 for No Sales Credit.

Term Name : Check if the Term name provided in the data file is defined in Payment
terms (RA_TERMS)

Validate Sales Credit Type : Sales Credit to hardcode to Quota Sales Credit
Inventory Item Validation: Check if the Item provided in data file is defined in Inventory

Unit of Measurement validation: Check if the UOM provided is defined in


Invoice Tax Code Validation : Check if the Tax Code provided in data file is defined in

Invoice GL Date Validation : Check if the GL Data of provided invoices is in open

period.Used ARP_UTIL.IS_GL_DATE_VALID API to validate.

adpatch utility


from AD_BUGS

where BUG_NUMBER in ( list of bugs from README)

Patch Wizard functionality is available from System Administrator responsibility under

OAM > Patching and Utilities.

webcebter suite belongs mainly has four sections

portlets,c ompoiste applications, social collabartion,Content Management


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