Arts 9: Second Quarter Worksheet No. 1 Pre-Test DIRECTION: Match The Artworks With The Artist's Name. Write Only
Arts 9: Second Quarter Worksheet No. 1 Pre-Test DIRECTION: Match The Artworks With The Artist's Name. Write Only
Arts 9: Second Quarter Worksheet No. 1 Pre-Test DIRECTION: Match The Artworks With The Artist's Name. Write Only
DIRECTION: Match the artworks with the artist’s name. Write only
the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
Renaissance art is the art of calm and beauty. Its creations are
perfect they reveal nothing forced or inhibited, uneasy or agitated.
Each form has been born easily, free and complete. Everything
breathes satisfaction, and we are surely not mistaken in seeing in
this heavenly calm and content the highest artistic expression and
spirit of that age.
2. Arrange the objects and different colors that will manifest the
characteristics of Renaissance Period.
We all know that we are now at the peak of this global pandemic. As
we experience this new normal, we have created a lot of realizations
and reflections in our head about what have been done in the past,
what we could do in our present, and what might happen to us and
our family members for the coming days of our lives while still
coping to the many changes happening around us.
Going back to the “Dark Ages” that is often branded as a time of
war, ignorance, famine and pandemics such as the Black Death,
the arrival of the Renaissance Period is the beginning of “light”,
“survival” or “rebirth”.
What are your plans that you wish to do after surviving this
pandemic as a sign of rebirth?
1. It means “rebirth”