Biology Materials
Biology Materials
Biology Materials
Ans: Three scientists – Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow formulated the cell theory as:
Protoplasm Cytoplasm
Protoplasm is the living substance of the cell Cytoplasm is a semi liquid, colourless and
Protoplasm = cytoplasm + nucleus translucent substance
Cytoplasm = protoplasm – nucleus
Cell membrane Cell wall
Thin, flexible, living, semi-permeable Freely permeable, non-living, rigid wall
membrane surrounding plasma membrane
Made up of lipoproteins Mainly composed of cellulose
Nucleus Nucleolus
Largest cell organelle consisting of thousands One or more round shaped nuclei inside the
of thread like structures called chromatin fibres nucleus
which contain DNA Participates in protein synthesis by forming and
Contains chromosomes, bearer of genes that storing RNA
control hereditary characteristics
Plant cell Animal cell
Size usually large Size is usually smaller
Plant cell has a definite cell wall No cell wall
Cytoplasm not so dense, only a thin layer of Cytoplasm denser and more granular. It fills
cytoplasm almost the entire cell
Vacuoles prominent one or more Vacuoles, if any, are small and temporary,
Contains plastids concerned with excretion or secretion
Do not contain plastids
Chloroplast Chlorophyll
Cell organelle Pigment
Living Non-living
1. Put a tick against the most appropriate alternative in the following sentences:
i. Identify the part which contains pigment:
Cell membrane
Cell wall
ii.The organelle that controls all the activities in a cell:
iii.A cell that is spherial in shape is:
White blood cell
Nerve cell
Red blood cell
iv.The vacuole contains:
Cell sap
6. List the major differences between plant cell and animal cell?
Ans: As done before.