Biology Materials

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Divine Mercy School

First Term Unit – II

Session: 2021 – 22 Class – VI
Subject: Biology

Cell (The structure and functions)

Define the following:

1. Cell: the structural and functional unit of all living things.

2. Cytology: the branch of biology that deals with the study of cells is called cytology.
3. Protoplasm: protoplasm is the living substance of the cell. It is made up of cytoplasm and nucleus.

 What is cell theory? Who formulated it?

Ans: Three scientists – Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow formulated the cell theory as:

1. Every living Organism is made up of one or many cells.

2. The cell is the structural unit of all living organisms.
3. The cell is the functional unit of all living organisms.
4. All cells arise from the pre existing cells.

 Differentiate between the following pairs:

Unicellular organism Multicellular organism

 The organisms which are made up of just a  The organisms that are made up of millions and
single cell are called unicellular organisms, billions of cells, example hydra
example amoeba
Simple microscope Compound microscope
 It has a single biconvex lens  Have two lenses
 Antonie van leeuwenhoek developed a simple  Robert Hooke developed compound
microscope microscope

Protoplasm Cytoplasm
 Protoplasm is the living substance of the cell  Cytoplasm is a semi liquid, colourless and
 Protoplasm = cytoplasm + nucleus translucent substance
 Cytoplasm = protoplasm – nucleus
Cell membrane Cell wall
 Thin, flexible, living, semi-permeable  Freely permeable, non-living, rigid wall
membrane surrounding plasma membrane
 Made up of lipoproteins  Mainly composed of cellulose
Nucleus Nucleolus
 Largest cell organelle consisting of thousands  One or more round shaped nuclei inside the
of thread like structures called chromatin fibres nucleus
which contain DNA  Participates in protein synthesis by forming and
 Contains chromosomes, bearer of genes that storing RNA
control hereditary characteristics
Plant cell  Animal cell
 Size usually large  Size is usually smaller
 Plant cell has a definite cell wall  No cell wall
 Cytoplasm not so dense, only a thin layer of  Cytoplasm denser and more granular. It fills
cytoplasm almost the entire cell
 Vacuoles prominent one or more  Vacuoles, if any, are small and temporary,
 Contains plastids concerned with excretion or secretion
 Do not contain plastids
Chloroplast Chlorophyll
 Cell organelle  Pigment
 Living  Non-living

Answer the following questions:

Identify the cells by the cell shape:

i. Spherical shape - red blood cells

ii. Oval - egg cells
iii. Cylindrical - spirogyra
iv. Amoeboid – amoeba, white blood cells
v. Rectangular - plant cells
vi. Slipper shaped - Paramecium
vii. Spindle shaped - Human sperms, the smooth muscles.

Name the following:

i. The smallest cell – bacteria.
ii. The longest cell – Nerve cells.
iii. The largest cell – Ostrich egg.
iv. The cell that can contract and relax – Muscle cell.
v. The cell that conduct the messages in form of impulses – Nerve cells.
vi. The cell which secretes enzymes – Gland cells.
vii. The cell which protects our body – skin cells.
viii. The part of a cell which plays an important part during cell division – Nucleus.
ix. Darker body inside the nucleoplasm – nucleolus.
x. The unit of chromosomes – Genes.
xi. Green coloured plastids – Chloroplasts.
xii. Yellow coloured plastids – Chromoplasts.
xiii. Colourless plastids – Leukoplasts.
xiv. Network of dark stained thread like structures of nucleoplasm – Chromatin fibres.
xv. Thick, ribbon like structure of chromatin fibres during cell division – Chromosomes.
xvi. The structure which provide supportive frameworks of a cell – Endoplasmic reticulum.
xvii. The structure of a cell which helps in protein synthesis – Ribosomes.
xviii. The powerhouse of a cell – Mitochondria.
xix. Stacks of flattened membranous sac like structure of a cell which secrets enzymes – Golgi bodies.
xx. Suicidal bags of a cell – Lysosomes.
xxi. Organelle of an animal cell which initiates the cell division – Centrosome.
Name the parts of a cell and their main characteristics and chief fucntions:

Part of a cell Main characteristics Chief functions

Cell membrane (also called  Outermost in animal cells.  Regulates the entry of certain
Plasma membrane)  Lies next to cell wall in plant solutes and ions.
cells  Maintains the shape of the
 Very thin, living membrane. cell (in animal cells).
 Semi-permeable.
Cell wall (Plant cells only)  Non-living rigid layer  Gives rigidity and shape to
surrounding plasma- the plant cell.
membrane.  Provides protection.
 Mainly composed of
 Freely permeable.
Cytoplasm  All parts together inside the  Different organelles
plasma membrane excluding contained in it perform
nucleus. diffrent functions.
 All metabolic activities occur
in it.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)  Irregular network of tubular  Supportive framework for
double membrane. the cell.
 It is continuous with the  Synthesis and transportation
plasma membrane on the of proteins and fats.
outside and the nuclear
membrane on the inside.
Mitochondria  Various shapes but ususally  Rlease of energy in the form
sausage-like. of ATP (Adenosine –
 Double walled, inner wall Triphosphate).
thrown into folds (cristae).
Golgi apparatus (in animal  Stacks of flattened  Synthesis and secretion of
cells), called dictyosomes in membrane sacs enzymes, hormones, etc.
plant cells.
Ribosomes  Small granules either  Protein synthesis.
scattered in the cytoplasm or
attached to the outside of ER.
Lysosomes  Membranous sacs budded off  Intracellular digestion
from Golgi body.  Destroy foreign substances.
Centrosome (animal cells  A region surrounding the  Initiates and regulates cell
only) centrioles located near division.
 Contains one or two
Plastids  Several kinds, most common  Chloroplasts (green) trap
ones are chloroplasts solar energy for
containing the green pigment photosynthesis.
Nucleus  Largest cell organelle  Regulates cell functions.
 Mostly spherical and dense  If removed, cell dies.
 Contains network of thread  Contain chromosomes
like structures called (bearers of genes that control
chromatin fibres which hereditary characters).
contain DNA.
Nucleolus  One or more round shaped  Produces ribosomes.
nucleoli inside the nucleus.
Chromation fibres  The network in resting stage  Chromosomes carry
of the nucleus condenses into hereditary information or the
chromosomes during cell genes.
Vacuoles  Clear spaces with water or  Storage of water, food,
other substances in solution pigments and waste products
 Plant cells have larger  Gives turgidity to the plant
vacuoles, while the animal cells by pressing against the
cells have fewer or smaller cell wall.
 Covered by a covering –
Granules  Small particles, crystals and  Starch (in plant cells),
droplets. glycogen (in animal cells)
 Granules containing fat serve
as food for the cell.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Put a tick against the most appropriate alternative in the following sentences:
i. Identify the part which contains pigment:
 Cell membrane
 Plastid
 Centrosome
 Cell wall
ii.The organelle that controls all the activities in a cell:
 Nucleus
 Vacuole
 Plastids
 Cytoplasm
iii.A cell that is spherial in shape is:
 White blood cell
 Nerve cell
 Red blood cell
 amoeba
iv.The vacuole contains:
 Water
 Cell sap
 Salts
 food

Short answer questions:

1. Name the scientist who invented the first microscope.

Ans: Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek invented the first microscope.

2. Who coined the term ‘cell’?

Ans: Rovert Hooke was the first to coin the term ‘cell’.
3. Briefly describe the three different parts of a cell?
Ans:The essential parts are:
 The outer cell membrane
 The semi-fluid ground substance present inside a cell wall – cytoplasm
 The denser round structure present in the cytoplasm - Nucleus

4. The cell membrane is called selectively permeable, why?

Ans: It has fine pores in it, through which only certain substances can pass in and out, while others
cannot. Therefore the cell membrane is called selectively permeable.

5. State the differences between:

 Nucleus and nucleolus
 Cytoplasm and protoplasm
 Cell wall and cell membrane
Ans: As done before.

6. List the major differences between plant cell and animal cell?
Ans: As done before.

7. Briefly discuss the importance of chromosomes to an organism.

Ans: Chromosomes contain units called genes. These genes are responsible for transmitting
characteristics from parents to offspring.

8. Fill in the blanks:

i. The cell is the structural unit of all living things.
ii. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
iii. Animal cells have no cell wall.
iv. Plastids contain pigments.
v. Vacuoles are filled with water and dissolved substances.


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