Product Guide: Rough Terrain Hydraulic Crane
Product Guide: Rough Terrain Hydraulic Crane
Product Guide: Rough Terrain Hydraulic Crane
Product Guide
MAX. CAPACITY (Outriggers) - 40.0 Tonnes at n
BOOM - 4 SECTION Trapezoidal 10.6m - 33.5m
3m Radius (85% Rating) 360° Slew n
MAX. ROAD SPEED - 26 km/hr
MAX. CAPACITY (On Tyres) - 17.35 Tonnes at n
CARRIER - 4 X 4 Wheel Drive with 4 Wheel Steer
3m Radius (85% Rating) Over Front
Superstructure Specifications
9 78.0 *4,030
1716 mm
12 74.0 3,475 76.0 3,015 78.0 *2,630 75.0 2,270 78.0 *1,950 76.5 1,810
14 71.0 3,175 73.0 2,775 75.5 2,435 72.5 2,210 76.0 1,935 78.0 *1,495 74.5 1,770 78.0 *1,500
16 68.0 2,870 70.5 2,540 72.5 2,160 70.0 2,110 73.5 1,820 76.0 1,470 72.5 1,725 76.0 1,450
18 65.0 2,545 67.5 2,325 69.5 2,010 67.0 1,970 71.0 1,715 73.5 1,415 69.5 1,685 73.5 1,335 78.0 *1,040
20 62.0 2,170 64.0 2,125 66.5 1,915 64.5 1,805 68.0 1,610 70.5 1,355 67.5 1,635 71.5 1,240 75.0 990
22 58.5 1,825 61.0 1,825 63.5 1,825 61.5 1,620 65.5 1,500 68.0 1,295 65.0 1,555 69.0 1,160 72.5 935
24 55.5 1,540 58.0 1,540 60.0 1,540 58.5 1,435 62.5 1,380 65.0 1,235 62.5 1,405 66.5 1,095 70.0 890
26 52.0 1,150 54.5 1,150 56.5 1,150 55.5 1,260 59.5 1,260 62.0 1,175 60.0 1,125 63.5 1,040 67.0 850
28 48.0 810 50.5 810 53.0 810 52.5 1,045 56.5 1,045 58.5 1,045 57.0 850 61.0 850 64.5 810
RT 740B
30 44.5 515 47.0 515 49.0 515 49.0 755 53.5 755 55.5 755 54.5 615 58.0 615 61.5 615
32 46.0 500 50.0 500 51.5 500 51.5 385 55.0 385 58.5 385
* This capacity is based upon the maximum boom angle.
RT 740B
On Rubber 18.00 x 25-32 PR (Pick & Carry Capacities upto 4.0 KPH - Boom Centered Over Front)
17,350 14,250
(66) (69.5)
15,600 13,400 12,825
(63) (67) (72)
13,950 12,750 12,075
(60) (64.5) (70)
12,575 12,550 11,425 10,450
(56.5) (61.5) (68) (72)
11,425 11,425 10,850 9,545
(53) (58.5) (66) (70.5)
10,000 9,580 9,455 7,980 6,330
(45) (52.5) (61.6) (67) (70.5)
8,000 8,000 7,890 6,730 5435
(36) (46) (57) (63.5) (67.5)
6,820 6,770 6,740 5,710 4,755 4,755 4,485
(23) (38.5) (52) (59.5) (64.5) (68.5) (71.5)
5,780 5,705 4,900 4,275 4,275 4,250
(29) (47) (56) (61.5) (66) (69)
4,900 4,785 4,400 3,920 3,920 3,920
(11.5) (41) (51.5) (58.5) (63) (66.5)
3,170 3,045 3,210 3,210 3,210
(26) (42.5) (51.5) (57.5) (62)
2,000 1,995 1,995 1,995
(31.5) (44) (51.5) (57)
1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125
(11) (35) (45) (51.5)
715 715 715
(22.5) (37.5) (46)
Note : ( ) Boom angles are in degrees.
*18.2 m boom length is with inner-mid extended and outer-mid & fly retracted.
RT 740B
Notes for Lifting Capacities 10. For Pick & Carry operation, boom must be
centered over front of machine, mechanical swing
lock engaged and load restrained from swinging.
below are for illustration only and should not be
When handling loads in the structural range
relied upon to operate the crane. The individual
with capacities close to max. rating, travel should
crane’s load chart, operating instructions and other
be reduced to creep speeds (not over 61m of
Instruction plates must be read and understood
movement in 30 min, not exceeding 1.6 KPH).
prior to operating the crane.
11. Axle lockouts must be functioning before lifting
1. All rated loads have been tested to and
on rubber.
meet minimum requirements of IS 4573-1982
Specification for Power Driven Mobile Cranes 12. 9.8 m Fixed off settable boom extension warning:
and do not exceed 85% of the tipping load on For main boom length greater than 24.4 m with
outriggers (85% of the tipping load on rubber) as 9.8 m tele, boom extension in working position,
determined by SAE J765 OCT80 Crane Stability the boom angle must not be less than 40° since loss
Test Code. of stability will occur causing a tipping condition.
2. The weight of hookblock, slings and all similarly 13. 9.8 m - 17.1 m tele, off settable boom extension
used load handling devices must be added to the warning: For main boom length greater than
weight of the load. When more than minimum 24.4 m with 9.8 m - 17.1m tele, boom extension
required reeving is used, the additional rope in working position, the boom angle must not
weight shall be considered part of the load. be less than 40° since loss of stability will occur
causing a tipping condition.
3. Capacities appearing above the bold line are based
on structural strength and tipping should not be 14. Radii listed are for a fully extended boom with the
relied upon as a capacity limitation. boom extension erected. For main boom length
less than fully extended, the rated loads are
4. All capacities are for crane on firm, level surface.
determined by boom angle. Use only the column
It may be necessary to have structural supports
which corresponds to the boom extension length
under the outrigger floats or tyres to spread the
and offset for which the machine is configured.
load, to a larger bearing surface.
For boom angles not shown, use the rating of the
5. When either boom length or radius or both are next lower boom angle.
between values listed, the smallest load shown at
WARNING: Operation of the machine with
either the next larger radius or boom length shall
heavier load than the capacities listed is strictly
be used.
prohibited. Machine tipping occurs without
6. On rubber, lifting with boom extensions is not advance warning.
reduction hubs rigidly mounted to the chassis frame. Man Carrying Basket
Rear: Drive-steer with differential and planetary reduction 360° Beacon lights
hubs, pivot mounted at centre of the chassis frame. Cab Spot Light
Turning Radius
2 Wheel Steer : 10,955
4 Wheel Steer : 6,390
Dimensions during Normal Travelling Order
Overall Length - 12710 mm
Dimensions in mm Overall Height - 4500 mm
Overall Width - 2997 mm
Constant improvement and engineering progress make it necessary that we reserve the right to make specification, equipment and price changes without
notice. The photographs/drawings in this document are just for Illustrative purpose which may include optional equipment and accessories, which can be
provided at an additional cost on request.
RT 740B
TIL Limited
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Phone: +91 044 6670 3000 / 3010
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Fax: +91 44 2827 9681
TIL Limited
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TIL Limited
302 Ansal Bhawan
16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi 110 001
Phone: +91 11 2331 1607 / 8046 / 9248 | 2335 0250 / 0255
Fax: +91 11 2331 3263
TIL Limited
517, Barrackpore Trunk Road
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Phone: +91 33 2553 1352 / 1882 | 6633 4000
Fax: +91 33 2553 2546 / 5971
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TIL Limited
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Dist: Paschim Medinipur 721 301, West Bengal
Phone: +91 32 2266 1101 engineers located in the close proximity of jobsites.
TIL Limited
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Phone: + 91 22 4969 1169
Mobile: +91 8850971609
Email: | Technical Specification TIL/RT740B/1218. This cancels Technical Specification TIL/RT740B/0818