7 TH
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14.1. What kinds of marketing and sociocultural inputs would influence the purchase of: (a) HDTV set,
(b) concentrated liquid laundry detergent, and (c) fat-free ice cream? Explain your answers.
14.2. What are the differences among the three problem-solving decision-making approaches? What
type of decision process would you expect most consumers to follow in their first purchase of a new
product or brand in each of the following areas: (a) chewing gum, (b) sugar, (c) men’s aftershave lotion,
(d) carpeting, (e) paper towels, (f) smartphone, and (g) luxury car? Explain your answers.
14.3. Assume that this coming summer you are planning to spend a month touring Europe and looking
for an advanced digital camera. (a) Develop a list of product attributes that you will use as the purchase
criteria in evaluating various digital cameras. (b) Distinguish the differences that would occur in your
decision process if you were to use compensatory versus no compensatory decision rules.
14.4. How can Apple use its knowledge of customers’ expectations in designing a marketing strategy for
a new iPad?
14.5. How do consumers reduce post-purchase dissonance? How can marketers provide positive
reinforcement to consumers after the purchase to reduce dissonance?
14.6. Sony is introducing a 65” Ultra HD TV that has a higher screen resolution than other TVs and
advanced signal processing. The TV’s introductory price is $10,000. a. Who should be Sony’s initial
target market? What are the target consumers’ demographics and psychographics?
14.7. Describe how Sony can use the five product features that affect adoption in order to speed up
the diffusion of its new TV model.
Hands-on Assignments
14.8. Identify a product, service, or style that was recently adopted by you and/or some of your
friends. Identify what type of innovation it is and describe its diffusion process up to this time. What are
the characteristics of the people who adopted it first? What types of people did not adopt it? What
features of the product, service, or style are likely to determine its eventual success or failure?
14.9. Identify five friends who have recently purchased a new smartphone (with some features that
they consider to be “new”). Interview each person and ask him or her:
a. Why did you select this phone over other smartphones that you were looking at or considering?
b. Do you currently like the phone for the same reasons that caused you to purchase it, or have
you found additional reasons?
14.10. Describe the need recognition process that took place before you purchased your last can of soft
drink. How did it differ from the process that preceded the purchase of a new pair of sneakers? What
role, if any, did advertising play in your need recognition?
14.11. List three colleges that you considered when choosing which college or university to attend and
the criteria that you used to evaluate them. Describe how you acquired information on the different
colleges along the different attributes that were important to you and how you made your decision. Be
15.1. Some say that targeting any group of consumers who are willing and able to purchase a product is
simply good marketing. For example, advertising sweet and fatty foods to young children is perfectly
okay because children like sweets, and when parents buy these products at their children’s request, the
needs of both the kids and their parents are met and satisfied. What is your reaction to this view?
15.2. A soft-drink company distributed cell phones to preadolescents in low-income areas. The phones
routinely received advertising messages for the drink. Following criticism, the company said that the
benefits to the disadvantaged children from having the cell phones (e.g., safety) outweighed any
15.6. “exploitive targeting” considerations. Do you agree or disagree with the company’s position?
Explain your answer.
At a time when many consumers can avoid advertising messages via time-shifting devices, marketers
increasingly use product placements (also known as branded entertainment). In your view, is this a wise
strategy or not? Explain your answer.
What are the privacy implications of companies’ increasingly widespread monitoring of online
Hands-on Assignments
15.7. Find, and discuss ads that depict each of the following:
b. Overaggressive advertising
d. Cause-related marketing
15.8. Online, find three examples of advertising embedded within entertainment content and discuss
Key Terms 15.9. 15.10. Compile a list of consumption behaviors that you consider unethical.
For each behavior listed, explain why you view it as wrong. Also, for each behavior listed, discuss the
possible reasons a person engaging in that practice may use to justify it.
Visit the news section at www.caru.org . Select three of the press releases featured there (other than
those discussed in this chapter) and illustrate how they depict the unethical applications of learning or
perception (see Chapters 4 and 5) in targeting children.