PAPER-II - MPLRC Davv Syllabus
PAPER-II - MPLRC Davv Syllabus
PAPER-II - MPLRC Davv Syllabus
Unit-1-Concept .
1. Objcets and Reasons and Basic features of enacting Madhya Pradesh Land Revenuc Code, 1959.
2. Definitions : Abadi, Agriculture, Agriculture and Revenue years, Board, Bonafide Agriculturist, Co-
operative Society, Government Forest, Government Lesee, Folding, Improvement, Land, Landless
Person, Land Records, Mango grove, Orchard, Plot number, Rents, Revenue Officer. 3.Tenant, Tenurc-
3. Revenue Officers, Their Classes and Powers and Procedure of Revenue Officer and revenue courts.
6. Sub-Divisional Officers.
8. Conferral of Status of Courts, Inherent Powers and other Powers of Revenue Courts.
10. Appellate, Authorities and their powers and limitation for appeals.
11. Revision.
2. Assessment, Reassessment,
5. Revenue Survey,
6. Settlement of Rent,
8. Land Records.
Unit-III-Tenure Holders.
1. Bhuswami.
2. Right of Transfer, Forfeiture, lease, set aside of transfer, Reversion of land of members of aborigional
tribes, Diversion of land, Relinquishment, abandonment, disposal and partition of holding,
3. Occupancy Tenants,
Unit-IV-Government lesee and service land rights and liabilities of Government lesee .
3. Consolidation of Holding.
4. Village Officers.
5. Patels.
6. Kotwars.
Unit-V-Rights in Abadi and unoccupied Land.
1. Gram Sabha.
2. Wajib-ul-arz.
3. Nistar Patrak.
6. Miscellancous Provisions.