1st Paper
1st Paper
1st Paper
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Purpose – The paper aims to report on a new welding technology, TIP TIG.
Design/methodology/approach – The principle of operation and benefits of the technology are described together with a typical application.
Findings – The study finds that the technology provides the quality of TIG welding at the speeds of MIG welding, providing significant cost savings to
the user.
Practical implications – TIP TIG provides a good opportunity for all users of robotic MIG welding to improve the quality of their product and reduce
their costs.
Originality/value – The paper introduces a new and useful technology to the robot industry.
Downloaded by Chinese University of Hong Kong At 04:31 23 March 2016 (PT)
TIP TIG: new technology for welding Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Mike Wilson Volume 34 · Number 6 · 2007 · 462 –466
to achieve TIG welding at triple the normal speed and recognised as having particular expertise in welding and is
approaching the speed of pulsed MIG welding. There is no often called upon to solve difficult welding problems.
spatter producing excellent cosmetic results and very limited One recent success was the MIG brazing on the Jaguar X150.
fume generation improving the environment. At the same A robot system with vision guidance had been installed to
time, there is low-heat input and little or no distortion. perform this weld on the roof joint. As this was a visible weld
In addition to good cosmetic results the welds provide the quality of the finish was critical and the system supplier
excellent metallurgical and mechanical properties for all had not been able to achieve the quality required by Jaguar
materials. The same performance can also be achieved in despite working on the problem for a number of months.
all welding positions providing more flexibility for both Cyberweld were called in and, given their specific expertise,
manual and robotic applications. they were able to achieve the required result in a few weeks.
Comparison tests have been conducted in Germany to The robot system using TIP TIG has been supplied to weld
illustrate the enhanced performance of TIP TIG. The results brackets for the automotive industry. This consists of a simple
are shown in Table I. two station cell (Figure 2) based on a FANUC ARC Mate
These tests demonstrated that TIP TIG could achieve over 100i B robot with Kemppi welding equipment and a Binzel
20 per cent cost savings over pulsed MIG for every metre of torch. Cyberweld tends to offer systems based on FANUC,
weld and therefore provide very quick paybacks as well as Kemppi and Binzel because they have found this equipment
improved weld quality. to be easy to use and reliable. The TIP TIG feeder unit is
The TIP TIG equipment is basically for a wire feed unit shown in Figure 3.
The layout for the system is shown in Figure 4. In front of
Downloaded by Chinese University of Hong Kong At 04:31 23 March 2016 (PT)
TIP TIG: new technology for welding Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Mike Wilson Volume 34 · Number 6 · 2007 · 462 –466
TIP TIG: new technology for welding Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Mike Wilson Volume 34 · Number 6 · 2007 · 462 –466
TIP TIG: new technology for welding Industrial Robot: An International Journal
Mike Wilson Volume 34 · Number 6 · 2007 · 462 –466
Downloaded by Chinese University of Hong Kong At 04:31 23 March 2016 (PT)
The need to achieve the highest levels of quality is pushing installations as more customers wish to gain the benefits of
users towards cleaner welding processes and TIP TIG this technology.
provides achieves the quality required at the speed of MIG
welding and also at a cost effective price. Therefore, we
Corresponding author
should expect to see an increasing number of TIP TIG Mike Wilson can be contacted at: [email protected]