Core Values: Skype Greeting Quote
Core Values: Skype Greeting Quote
Core Values: Skype Greeting Quote
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your
actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you. your destiny.
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
• Today we will do Lesson 1: Core Values politician / activist
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. Whatever they are, these fundamental beliefs deeply impact our behavior, decisions, or actions,
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
which in turn can make or break anything we do. This rank aims to present different core values from
• Help the student organize his/her answers if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part. various businesspeople and how these values have greatly influenced their business success.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
ACT Share your thoughts.
Discuss three things you value most in your career and how these core values impact your success in
global business.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE I cannot remember a time when the Golden Rule was not my motto and precept, the torch that
guided my footsteps.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ James Cash Penney
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. entrepreneur
• Today we will do Lesson 2: A Store’s Golden Foundation
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE The original idea of the web was that it should be a collaborative space where you can
communicate through sharing information.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Timothy Berners-Lee
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. computer scientist
• Today we will do Lesson 3: No Patents, No Money
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
ACT 6. Have the student read and answer each question. standing, gender and race. Tim understood the value of information as a global currency and thus
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary. opened a whole new opportunity where people can communicate and collaborate freely.
• Help the student organize his/her answers if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
7. Have the student read the instruction.
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions.
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples. TRY Answer these questions.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. 1. What can you say about Tim’s values from which the Web was built upon?
8. Give the student feedback. 2. Would you consider him successful even though he never aspired for fame and fortune?
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box. 3. How has the Web changed the way we do business now?
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic.
4. What would your industry be like if the Web had not been invented?
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) ACT Share your thoughts.
Name a situation where you prefer not to be recognized nor rewarded for doing something good.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE The business of business should not be about money. It should be about responsibility. It should
be about public good, not private greed.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Anita Roddick
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. businesswoman / philanthropist
• Today we will do Lesson 4: Ethics Over Profit
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. there was something about The Body Shop that L’Oreal wanted to embrace.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Help the student organize his/her answers if necessary.
Anita’s company was driven by ethics rather than profit. It never occurred to her that these principles
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
would resonate with L’Oreal and influence the way they would do business. She sold her company for
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. 625 million pounds and gave her millions to charity, leaving her daughters with no inheritance. In
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions.
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples. hindsight, we must give credit to Anita for taking herself out of the equation just to see her business
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. make a bigger impact.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) ACT Share your thoughts.
In the modern business scene, what other values should be more important than profit? Explain.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE All human beings are born entrepreneurs. Some get a chance to unleash that capacity. Some
never got the chance, never knew that he or she has that capacity.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Muhammad Yunus
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. entrepreneur / banker/economist
• Today we will do Lesson 5: Hero or Heretic?
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. culture where the empowering of women is unheard of, Muhammad was labeled a heretic. But he
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions. doesn’t mind. He has better things to do other than to make his public image look good.
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging.
8. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic. TRY Answer these questions.
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call. 1. What can you say about Muhammad’s act of selflessness?
2. Would you have taken such a risk of being a guarantor for strangers? Why or why not?
3. Is it common for businesses in your society to challenge the norm? Why or why not?
SKYPE CLOSING 4. What are the pros and cons of going against established standards?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being
willing is not enough; we must do.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Leonardo da Vinci
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. renaissance polymath
• Today we will do Lesson 6: The Unquenchable Thirst For Knowledge
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. possibly as reference for future generations – all 13,000 pages of them.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Help the student organize his/her answers if necessary.
His achievements paved the way for modern art, engineering and anatomy. He may not have been a
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
business tycoon but he was definitely a visionary; a quality that successful business leaders share. His
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. success can be measured not by his net worth, but by the amount of contributions that man is
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions.
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples. currently benefitting from today. His quest for knowledge has encouraged us to open our eyes and
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. further explore the world around us. This is his legacy and this might have been his vision.
Bizmates Program Level 5 - Rank A - Lesson 6 – The Unquenchable Thirst For Knowledge
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 5 I RANK A I LESSON 7 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 03/29/2021
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Great artists don’t paint from other people’s descriptions or even from photographs; they like to
see the subject for themselves. The same is true for great strategists.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ W. Chan Kim
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. co-author of Blue Ocean Strategy
• Today we will do Lesson 7: The Fruit of Someone’s Labor
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability
to affect those around him positively.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Bob Marley
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. singer / songwriter
• Today we will do Lesson 8: Songs That Rattled Cages
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Many leaders of big organizations, I think, don't believe that change is possible. But if you look at
history, things do change, and if your business is static, you're likely to have issues.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Larry Page
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Co-founder of Google
• Today we will do Lesson 9: Great Just Isn’t Good Enough
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
Bizmates Program Level 5 - Rank A - Lesson 9 – Great Just Isn’t Good Enough
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 5 I RANK A I LESSON 10 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 03/29/2021
SKYPE GREETING TEST The list below is a summary of the core values found in the previous lessons. Select three items from
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you. the list based on importance and priority, then explain why you prioritized them in that order.
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• We are going to review all the points you learned from Lessons 1 to 9.
□ Lesson 2: A Store’s Golden Foundation – James Cash Penny
Treating others the way you'd like to be treated
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
Have the student read the instruction.
Ask the student to select three topics from the list.
□ Lesson 3: No Patents, No Money – Timothy Burners-Lee
• Have the student explain why he/she ranked the topics this way. Forgoing fame and fortune for the common good
Ask follow-up questions to make it more engaging.
3. Give the student feedback. Lesson 4: Ethics Over Profit – Anita Roddick
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box. Being driven by ethics rather than profit
• If the student passes the REVIEW, congratulate him/her and tell him/her that he/she may go onto
Lesson 11 next time.
• If the student fails the REVIEW, tell the student which lessons he/she needs to redo, and make note
of it for the next trainer.
□ Lesson 5: Hero Or Heretic? – Muhammad Yunus
Taking risks and challenging the norm to help others
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic.
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
□ Lesson 6: The Unquenchable Thirst For Knowledge – Leonardo DaVinci
Gaining and sharing knowledge to benefit people
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) Lesson 7: The Fruit Of Someone’s Labor – Ichitaro Kanie
Grabbing opportunities and taking risks to realize one's vision
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE I strongly believe that those of us, who are privileged to have wealth, should contribute
significantly to try and create a better world for the millions who are far less privileged.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Azim Premji
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. business tycoon / philanthropist
• Today we will do Lesson 11: A Billionaire in Economy Class
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Management that is destructively critical when mistakes are made kills initiative. And it's
essential that we have many people with initiative if we are to continue to grow.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ William L. McKnight
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. former 3M President
• Today we will do Lesson 12: Embracing “Sticky” Failures
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. success is that they gave their talented people time and resources to prove their worth.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
At 3M, mistakes are encouraged, even embraced. Take the Post-it Notes for example. It was a failed
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. glue project because the adhesive made was too weak for its purpose, but it was never discarded.
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions. Four years later, they reused the failed project to coat pieces of paper as bookmarks. This trivial
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. incident led to the production of the Post-it Notes. Since then, 3M went on to create a culture of
innovation that has been the hallmark of 3M’s growth.
8. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic. ▼▼▼
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. former Norwegian Prime Minister / WHO Director-General
• Today we will do Lesson 13: When Maternal Instincts Take the Lead
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
Bizmates Program Level 5 - Rank A - Lesson 13 – When Maternal Instincts Take The Lead
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 5 I RANK A I LESSON 14 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 03/29/2021
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Understanding the customer, feeling what they are feeling, seeing what competitors are doing,
you end up having a richer sense of the marketplace.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ John Flannery
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. former GE CEO
• Today we will do Lesson 14: We’re All Ears
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. and culture were given importance.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
In the end, GE’s release of white-goods, which were then ‘foreign’ to the Asian market, proved to be
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. successful. In this globally competitive society, it’s not so much about the survival of the fittest, but
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions. it’s more about who can read the market, adapt and innovate quickly. Customers have become much
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. wiser when making purchases. So, in order to endure the test of time, GE believes wholeheartedly
that a successful business stays close with customers and listens to what they want.
8. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic. ▼▼▼
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE It [the jeepney] describes everything about Filipinos. Being artistic, creative, our being resilient,
that in any situation, we always find a way. (translated to English)
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Edgardo Sarao
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. Son of L. Sarao and heir to the Sarao Motors family business
• Today we will do Lesson 15: The 4-Wheeled Icon
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Employees come number one, customers come number two. If you have a happy workforce they'll
look after your customers anyway.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Tony Fernandes
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. entrepreneur / aviation tycoon
• Today we will do Lesson 17: A Dream That Took Off
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. embraced it willingly in order to see what works well and what doesn’t.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
Tony believes that he is bound to make big mistakes if he were just to sit in his office and look at
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. financial reports. He needs to know exactly what is going on and he does this so well. Still, his
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions. purpose behind it isn’t just to improve efficiency but to break down the wall that divides employers
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. and employees. By working with people and experiencing their jobs firsthand, Tony was able to
understand his employees’ wants, needs, and feelings.
8. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic. ▼▼▼
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE What happens if you fund everyone's idea, sight unseen, inside a large company — which, as far
as we were able to determine, has never happened before?
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
~ Mark Randall
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. VP of Innovation, Adobe
• Today we will do Lesson 18: A Boxful of Ideas
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. Adobe’s success, grab a Kickbox and start cracking.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
Other companies might view this as something new and innovative, while others might see it as
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. something controversial and absurd. Whatever the case, Adobe found a way to foster man’s creativity
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions. even further. This core value has manifested itself in their products for many years, and this has
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. encouraged graphic artists, programmers, and editors to push their limits. From their staff to their
customers, Adobe has the word “creativity” flowing through its veins.
8. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic. ▼▼▼
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call.
SKYPE GREETING QUOTE Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes
the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you. teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. ~ Bruce Lee
• Today we will do Lesson 19: Words of Wisdom from a Dragon martial artist / actor
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
TRY 6. Have the student read and answer each question. of being like water is that you have the power to soothe or destroy.
• Throw in some follow-up questions if necessary.
• Try to engage in a brief discussion, but leave enough time for the ACT part.
Most of us cripple ourselves with anxiety or bind ourselves with rules and situations without realizing
ACT 7. Have the student read the instruction. that there’s something we can do too. We can either choose to become rigid and continue to be a
• Encourage the student to talk more by asking follow-up questions. square peg in a round hole, or become fluid and just go with the flow. We can either choose to
• Have the student discuss his/her answers by giving examples.
• Share your insights to make the discussion more engaging. stagnate or break through the walls that confine us. Be like water; understand its ways and become
the best person you are meant to be.
8. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• Tell the student to prepare for the Rank Up test. ▼▼▼
• Encourage the student to watch the video lesson for the next topic.
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
TRY Answer these questions.
1. What does this inspirational quote say about Bruce Lee?
2. How would being fearless help you achieve your goals? Being flexible?
3. Do you agree that leadership, like water, has the power to soothe or destroy? Explain.
SKYPE CLOSING 4. What philosophy do you live by? Discuss.
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
SKYPE GREETING TEST The list below is a summary of the core values found in the previous lessons. Select three items from
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you. the list that could help you succeed in your career/business, then explain why.
1. Greet the student and introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• We are going to review all the points you learned from Lessons 11 to 19.
□ Lesson 11: A Billionaire In Economy Class – Azim Premji
Choosing charity over a life of luxury
• Check if the student has seen the video lesson for this topic
Have the student read the instruction.
Ask the student to select three topics from the list.
□ Lesson 12: Embracing “Sticky” Failures – William L. McKnight
• Have the student explain how these topics can help him/her succeed in his/her career/business. Encouraging mistakes and failures
Ask follow-up questions to make it more engaging.
3. Give the student feedback. Lesson 13: When Maternal Instincts Take The Lead – Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box. Leading people as a parent would
• If the student passes the REVIEW, congratulate him/her and tell him/her that he/she may go onto Rank B
next time.
• If the student fails the REVIEW, tell the student which lessons he/she needs to redo, and make note of it
for the next trainer.
□ Lesson 14: We’re All Ears – John Flannery
Listening to customers
• Encourage the student to watch the first video lesson for the next rank.
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call
□ Lesson 15: The 4-wheeled Icon – Edgardo Sarao
Maximizing limited resources
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) Lesson 16: Tree Hugger – Vandana Shiva
Becoming the voice of the minority