15.10 Off-Line DSA: 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
15.10 Off-Line DSA: 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
15.10 Off-Line DSA: 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
estimator is expected to interpolate or generalize to similar unstudied cases. For on-line application,
a pattern matching or interpolation method rather than analytic approaches may be most appropriate.
Among the alternative methods, ANNs seems very promising (Sobajic and Pao, 1989; Pao and Sobajic,
1992; Mansour et al., 1997) because they have excellent generalization capabilities, superior noise
rejection, and fast execution (with most of the calculations occurring during the initial off-line training).
A recent report with survey results (Sauer et al., 2004) quite clearly showed that there is a major gap in
the operations security tools. This gap is the lack of an ability to evaluate stability margins in real time.
This report also included results from a project that focused on this gap and investigated the feasibility of
a new technique for bringing dynamic analysis into the operations environment. The work started with
two of the most time-consuming aspects of stability margin analysis: time-domain simulation and static
voltage margin computations. In a previous Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
project (Tomsovic et al., 2003), it was shown that a system of estimators based on neural networks
could accurately and quickly estimate security margins for on-line application. This project produced a
number of contributions to the development of dynamic security analysis techniques.
. A comprehensive framework was developed for on-line estimation of security margins, calculated
based on current operating practices.
. The framework proposed families of estimators, each specialized for specific system limits and the
appropriate security criteria (i.e., static, dynamic, or voltage). The estimators can be combined to
provide an overall assessment of system operating conditions.
. A system of estimators was implemented and tested on a modified New England 39 bus system.
. On the basis of the insights from the New England system, a more sophisticated set of estimators
were implemented and tested on a 6000 bus model of the Western area system. The focus of this
study was the California–Oregon Intertie transfer limits.
. A number of software tools were developed to help automate the process of evaluating security
margins in off-line studies.
. The results show that it is possible to very accurately estimate security margins for large systems
on-line. The main limitation of the approach resides in the ability of time-consuming off-line
studies to accurately model system dynamics.
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