2002 - FSO For Next Generation
2002 - FSO For Next Generation
2002 - FSO For Next Generation
Abstract – Due to consistently growing demand for high- 2. FSO - System and Channel Measurement
speed wireless data access, future communication systems will
necessarily have to enable real-time data access, high Atmospheric losses in a free space laser system are mainly
reliability as well as superior weather resilience. Hybrid due to free space loss, clear air absorption, scintillation,
scattering and refraction [1]. Beam divergence is the main
communication networks that integrate free space optics and
contributor to the free space loss, with typical beam
RF systems are uniquely positioned to satisfy all the divergence attenuation values of 20dB/km. Scintillation,
bandwidth, reliability, security and ‘all-weather functionality’ caused by random variations in refractive index along the
requirements. Unfortunately, the technology has been growing propagation path due to solar heating, can also cause the
at a pace that far exceeds our understanding of the effect of received signal amplitudes to fluctuate rapidly by as much as
wireless propagation channels on these hybrid systems. This 30dB [1]. Elaborate FSO link operational requirements and
budget analysis are presented in [5]. This section of the
paper attempts to present some of the preliminary propagation paper focuses only on attenuation by refraction and scattering
measurement results for typical pico-cell scenarios and their of a free-space laser while it propagates through water
impact on the design of hybrid communication systems. In droplets (rain). The point-to-point propagation measurements
addition to clear-sky and rain attenuation measurements, the were performed in the Metro Manila, Philippines during
paper also presents frequency diversity measurements for moderate to heavy rain events.
fixed RF systems at 38GHz and 60GHz bands of frequencies. 2.1 System parameters
1. Introduction A simplistic schematic of the experimental setup is shown in
Figure 1. The semiconductor laser used in the experiments
The multibillion-dollar optical-fiber backbones for high-
operates at 830nm and has a maximum output power rating
performance data access, management, and Internet based
of 40mW. Collimation is performed with an objective lens
multimedia services have been around for quite some time
(0.25 NA) mounted on a micrometer stage and the detector is
now. While the service providers have been immensely
a high-speed silicon photodiode (185-1100 nm) with peak
successful at developing robust, high capacity networking
sensitivity at 850 nm. The FSO propagation measurements
backbones, a cost-effective solution to extend the high speed
were performed during clear-sky (for calibration and
data access to individual subscribers has not yet materialized.
reference path loss statistics) as well as rain conditions (for
Free-space optics (FSO) is an emerging, cost-
rain attenuation measurements). The weather statistics and
effective, and rapidly deployable last-mile wireless access
rain rates were collected from the POST-PARTNERS satellite
technology that can offer true broadband (data rates up to
station at the Ateneo de Manila for higher reliability and
tens of Gbps) to end-users in densely populated pico-cell
accurate system performance characterization.
environments. Unfortunately, the technology has been
growing at a pace that far exceeds our general knowledge of Mirror
FSO propagation characteristics in clear-sky and other
weather conditions. Adverse weather conditions such as mist, FREE SPACE
fog and rain are generally acknowledged to severely affect Collimated Detector
the performance of free-space laser links [1] and Beam
consequently, have prevented wide-scale acceptance of the
technology. Innovative hybrid architectures that exploit the
complementary nature of weather sensitivities of FSO and RF Lens
technologies are necessarily the only solution to extremely
high-speed and weather-resilient communication networks.
The significance, global applications, development and
performance evaluation of such hybrid communication Laser Diode
architectures and systems are presented in [2], [3] and [4].
This paper attempts to qualitatively and quantitatively Figure 1 Simplistic Schematic for the FSO measurements
characterize the performance of hybrid wireless links,
specifically FSO and MMW (millimeter wave - 38 & 60 GHz 2.2 Propagation Measurement Results
frequency bands) during different weather events for pico-cell
scenarios. The wireless channel statistics, calculated from This section reports propagation measurements conducted
extensive wideband propagation measurements during during heavy rain events. Due to heavy rain conditions (up to
different weather events, will enable accurate channel 80 mm/h), the FSO propagation link length was limited to
modeling and robust designs for weather-resilient hybrid about 20m for these first set of propagation measurements.
communication systems.
As can be seen from the figure above, at 79mm/h rain rate, In order to accurately model a wireless channel, one must
the average rain attenuation is 4.7dB and the maximum eliminate small-scale fading effects from the recorded
attenuation level is as high as 8.2dB. At about 30mm/h, the propagation data, before correct channel statistics can be
average rain attenuation is 3.8dB and as low as 1dB at calculated. Recording multiple snapshots of Power Delay
10mm/h. As a part of the experiment, individual fluctuations Profiles (PDPs) over a large period of time or over a local
in received signal strength, relative to the rain rate, were also area, and performing statistical average on the data,
recorded and a maximum of 284 spikes per second were facilitates accurate temporal characterization and removal of
observed at 79 mm/h. small-scale fading effects. In this measurement campaign,
These propagation measurement results assume the Sliding Correlator Channel Sounding system was
significance for two reasons – First, the performance of FSO configured to record multiple snapshots of Power Delay
links during moderate to heavy rain events have not been Profiles (PDPs) during each measurement sequence.
widely published in literature and second, - a general Specifically, the data acquisition software of the channel
perception among the FSO community is that rain does not sounder was configured to record 25 PDP snapshots back-to-
significantly affect the performance of FSO links. The back for every measurement sequence. The data post
statistics presented above clearly indicate that rain can processing software then performs temporal averaging of 25
severely affect the performance of laser links even over short PDP snapshots, eliminates small-scale signal fading effects,
link lengths and can be a limiting factor for the hybrid and calculates the desired statistics from the averaged PDP.
architecture in rain intensive regions of the world. For accurate localized recording of weather statistics, a rain
As the next step in accurate characterization of FSO links gauge and weather monitoring station was setup. The
during rain events, currently, there are some experiments monitoring station was used to record real-time rain rates,
being conducted at our facilities to record the rain attenuation atmospheric temperature, wind direction, wind velocity,
statistics over longer propagation links (500m). humidity and atmospheric pressure. It was directly connected
to a laptop computer to facilitate ease of configuration and
3. MMW - System Design and Channel Measurements automatic data recording for extended periods of time [6].
The high-speed MMW communication systems are crucial to 3.2 Measurement Plan
the design of future hybrid communication networks. The
complimentary functionality of millimeter wave (MMW), with The measurement locations and propagation links were
respect to optical wireless links in hybrid architectures chosen to emulate actual downtown pico-cell scenarios with
(parallel FSO and RF), facilitates extremely robust designs medium and high-rise buildings. The transmitter and receiver
and superior end-to-end connectivity statistics. channel sounding subsystems were placed significantly above
Elaborate propagation measurement campaigns were the ground level and highly directional antennas were used
planned and conducted at two important bands of frequencies for the measurements. The three point-to-point wireless links
– the 38GHz and the 60GHz band. These are the only license- chosen for propagation measurement were 531m, 418m and
free LMDS frequency bands (in U.S.) that can support Gbps 161m long corresponding to typical pico-cell scenarios. In
addition to simple path loss propagation measurements in
Measured Rain Attenuation
vs. CCIR/SAM Model
37.05 37.15 37.25 37.35 37.45 37.55 37.65 37.75 37.85 37.95 38.05 38.15 38.25 38.35 38.45
values with the CCIR/SAM model. The Global Crane model for
horizontal polarization tends to overestimate rain attenuation
at low and moderate rain levels by > 0.5dB for pico-cell radio
links. On the other hand, the Global Crane model for vertical
polarization tends to underestimate the attenuation values.
[5] Dodley, J.P. et. al., “Free Space Optical Technology and
Distribution Architecture for Broadband Metro and Local
Services”, Optical Wireless Communications III, November
2000, Boston, USA.