Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Mncs in Bangladesh: A Case Study On Grameenphone LTD

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of MNCs in Bangladesh: A Case Study on

GrameenPhone Ltd.

Article · July 2010


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3 authors:

sm shafiul Alam Shah Md. Safiul Hoque

Ahsanullah University of Science & Tech Sohar University


Md. Zakir Hosen

Patuakhali Science and Technology University


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of MNCs in Bangladesh:
A case study on GrameenPhone Ltd.
*S M Shafiul Alam
**Shah Md. Safiul Hoque
***Md. Zakir Hosen
Abstract: This paper examines how multinational companies manage corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Bangladesh. It
considers how the concept has come to be framed within business in Bangladesh, which is increasingly globalized. The
discussion is based on interviews with managers who deal with CSR issues and strategy and an analysis of published reports such
as annual reports of consecutive five years. In looking at how CSR practice is being adopted and adapted by MNCs in
Bangladesh, we can begin to see what implications arise from the fact that CSR is a Western-led concept and Bangladesh can be
thought to be lagging behind in its understanding and adoption of CSR, in part because corporations do not necessarily state their
policies as formally as might be expected. The paper also tries to explore current practices in CSR by the MNC GrameenPhone.


Business is an inseparable and embedded part of the society. In addition to its

economic role in society, business also has several other roles and responsibilities
towards society (Preston and Post, 1975; Davis and Blomstrom, 1971), viz.
responsible conduct of business activities while pursuing economic gains; the social
and environmental responsibilities of the business towards its stakeholders; and
business’s contributions that would benefit the society at large (Margolis and Walsh,
2001; Sethi, 1975). It is mandatory for companies to conform to the legal
responsibilities as they are prescribed by law. So, organizations have no alternative
but to comply with the basic law of the land (Carrol, 1979). On the other hand, Ethical
responsibilities of corporations are taken as additional responsibilities going beyond
legal compliance and profit making and include those that firms believe are the right
things to do. Ethical responsibility originates from humanistic, religious and moral
orientation of corporations (Lantos, 2001). The voluntary responsibilities to the
society refer to the discretionary nature of obligations rooted in the altruistic
principles which are not required by law. The motivation for such sense of
responsibilities arises from the reciprocal obligation of giving back to the society in
exchange of profit and power that companies receive from society. This school of
thought gave rise to CSR which is seen as continuing commitment by business to
behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality
of life of the workforce, their families, local community, and society at all, including
the environment. Even though Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest countries, CSR
activities in Bangladesh have risen significantly in importance. It is believed that the
interest in CSR initiatives in Bangladesh has been fuelled by MNCs’ global activities.

Review of literature

CSR is still an evolving concept that enables corporate executives to create and apply
self determined policies to best meet the needs and demands of its stakeholders. As
stated by the department of Trade and Industry in the United Kingdom, CSR
represents “the integrity with which a company governs itself, fulfils its mission, lives
by its values, engages with its stakeholders, measures its impact and reports on its
activities”. The argument around CSR is based on examining relationships between
business and society. Companies can enhance their legitimacy through environmental
* Senior Lecturer, School of Business Studies, Southeast University
** Assistant Professor, School of Business Studies, Southeast University
*** Assistant Professor, Patukhali Science and Technology

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In the normal course of business, MNCs put no or little concern on
social/environmental issues, even if they do so they may not adhere to them.
Companies are now expected to perform well in non-financial areas such as human
rights, business ethics, environmental policies, corporate contributions, community
development, corporate governance, and workplace issues. Some examples of CSR
are safe working conditions for employees, environmental stewardship, and
contributions to community groups and charities. This peculiar nature of CSR
practices makes their cross-border management difficult. Achieving consistent CSR
practices across global operations involves not only the transfer of the CSR practice,
but also the transfer of its underlying value and meaning. While, at the same time,
faced with contextually diverse stakeholder expectations and local CSR requirements,
MNCs also need to practice differentiated CSR at their local sites, in response to the
local context. How MNCs meet these competing demands for managing CSR in their
global operations and what determines their choices remains less discussed. Foreign
direct investment flowing to developing countries has the potential to make important
contributions to the development of local economies, including creating jobs, capacity
building, and the transfer of technology. Multinational corporations (MNCs) can
therefore have a positive impact in developing countries, especially through corporate
social responsibility (CSR) initiatives focusing on sustainable development and co-
operation with civil society. However, for many MNCs, CSR is an outcome of public
pressure arising from their operations in developing countries in relation to human
rights, environmental pollution and labour issues. In other words, it has generally
been a pragmatic response to consumer and civil society pressures (Raynard and
Forstater, 2002). CSR is a process driven by globalization, deregulation and
privatization. Proponents of CSR are keen to demonstrate that business has
responsibilities beyond the production of goods, services and profit making, and that
socially responsible business can help to solve important social and environmental
problems. On the other hand, counterarguments on CSR attempt to show that CSR
distorts the market by deflecting business from its primary role of profit generation
(Henderson, 2001), and this is seen as potentially quite dangerous (Wolf, 2001). Such
arguments further maintain, for example, that the role of business determines its
responsibilities. As such, business has no social responsibility beyond compliance
with the law. As Bendell and Shah (2002, p. 5) put it, the critics make it more
important for us to be clear on what we believe to be the business case for corporate

MNCs and CSR

In recent times, there has been an acceleration of multinational corporate activity,

generating wide attention and criticism. In the era of globalization, Multinational
corporations (MNCs) that conduct business across national boundaries in many
countries are no longer able to conduct destructive and unethical practices under
protective radar. With a dramatic proliferation of media attention, propagation of non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) and global information sharing, there is a surging
demand from civil society, consumers, governments and shareholders for corporations
to conduct sustainable business practices. The corporate response has often meant an
adoption of ‘a new consciousness’. (Anupama Mohan, 2006)

The corporate response has often meant an adoption of ‘a new consciousness’ and this
has been known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) since the 1970s. MNCs are
complex differentiated networks marked with internal heterogeneity and with the

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complexity of managing across globally dispersed, diverse units (Bartlett and
Ghoshal, 1989; Ghoshal and Nohria, 1989). MNCs are faced with diverse stakeholder
environments across their international operations. This has several implications for
MNCs’ management of stakeholder relations across the multiple levels and diverse
contexts of its operations. Global CSR management also involves cross-border
transfer and management of CSR practices, from one part of the MNC to another, as
well as the management of local CSR practices suited to the local context of the
subsidiary units.
The analysis of self-reported CSR practices in these MNCs revealed the globally-
managed CSR practices and their transnational management processes, as well as
several CSR practices not transnationally managed across multiple units and levels of
the MNC and also several local CSR practices.

The international business domain offers a challenging context for inquiry into firm’s
CSR and ongoing stakeholder relationship management since there are many more
and diverse stakeholders of international business firms (Wood and Pasquero, 1997).
The MNCs are faced with wider CSR expectations, and MNCs are under increasing
pressure for socially responsible behaviour in their global operations. The complex
legitimacy issues faced by MNCs across these diverse political, economic,
institutional and sociological environments are also discontinuous and marked with
uncertainty and preclude universal corporate policies because what may be acceptable
in one country or at a time may run counter to public policies or acceptable norms
elsewhere or at other times (Logsdon and Wood, 2002).

Common CSR practices in Bangladesh by MNCs are centred around namely poverty
alleviation, healthcare, education, charity activities, cultural enrichment, youth
development, women empowerment, patronising sports and music etc. these activities
are devised to be the partners in development as responsible citizen. In describing
CSR policy GrameenPhone states at their policy statement:

“Our core strategy in this area is to be Bangladesh's partner in developing the country, particularly in its promise, as a United
Nations Millennium Declaration signatory, to meet the eight targets known as the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. We
have consolidated our social investment initiatives in four core areas related to the Millennium Development Goals namely,
Poverty alleviation, Healthcare, Empowerment, & Education.”

CSR practices in Bangladesh

Till today, most of the businesses in Bangladesh are family owned and first generation
businesses. Businesses are involved in community development work in the form of
charity without having any definite policy about the expenses or any solid motive
regarding financial gains in many instances. (Mondol, 2007). It is evident that the
importance of CSR in the first-world, questions regarding the extent to which
corporations operating in developing countries have CSR obligations are still to be
worked out. (Jamali and Mirshak, 2007). There has been increasing pressure on national
and multinational corporations in Bangladesh to consider the social implications of their
actions (Belal, 2001). CSR practices in Bangladesh is still in infancy. Companies are
getting aware of it because being a part of global market, it is really difficult to ignore
CSR standard particularly in the export sector. It is evident that CSR practices are
gradually getting integrated into cross-border business practices and consequently
becoming one of the determining factors for accessing market. It is becoming equally
instrumental for local acceptability as well. Bangladeshi firms are to focus on CSR
not only for improving corporate governance, labour rights, fair treatment of workers,
community development and environment management, but also for industrialisation

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and ensuring global market access. The government of Bangladesh is going to
undertake an initiative to promote CSR practices. The objective would be to
encourage the businesses to carry out the good citizen-like activities with the aim to
reversing the perceived trend of businesses to have little commitment to society.
(Ataur, 2008)

A number of corporations are now following an increased commitment to CSR beyond

just profit making and compliance with regulation. Organizations such as CARE
Bangladesh, Katalyst and Bangladesh Enterprises (BEI) are working at the forefront of
CSR activities in Bangladesh. These organizations are preparing Corporate Social Audit
catering to small/Medium enterprises. While these initiatives are more discretionary in
their nature, they have resulted in the creation of jobs and value-added services to
communities that BATA and CARE are showcasing as CSR programs in action.

It is also found that initiatives in CSR activities in Bangladesh are pioneered by MNCs.
Since Bangladesh is now exposed to global standards, it can be anticipated that the CSR
activities in Bangladesh will continue to be extended. Firms are now trying to uphold
their corporate image of socially responsible firms and consequently influence consumer
buying decisions in favour of the goods and services marketed by them.

Organisation of the paper

The CSR practices have a normative basis, and those practices are both values-based
and contextually determined. The CSR expectations, definitions and meanings are
drawn from the context within which these occur. The review of literature presents the
existing understanding of management of global CSR and several arising unanswered
questions. It notes that the management of CSR in global firms involves internal
coordination processes, as well as environmental influences at multiple levels of
MNC operations, however these are less understood.

This paper is organised around to reveal the importance of Corporate Social

Responsibility as a lawful tool for organisations; therefore three different subjects of
responsibility were met.
- How CSR is used by companies in order to expand their market share/profit and
- How companies are trying to balance both parties’ interests, shareholders (profit)
and stakeholders concerns for example reducing pollution omission.
- How companies are adapting to local (country where they operate) set laws and rules
and in this way trying to enhance sustainable development.

In this way companies are interpreting its social responsibility in business and
economical content; and when we look further in argumentation we recognise that
company’s business perspective is overriding its social concerns in practice.

On the other hand, the paper weighs information regarding the activities and
behaviour of others including counterparts for example the increasing illogical
demands of services by society. Also companies criticise some pressure groups’
certain behaviours when they use some narrow CSR topics to interrupt companies’
operational efficiency. In this way they are reducing the critical voice of pressure

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The management of CSR in the global operations of MNCs, discussed in this paper, is
an empirical in-depth investigation using multinational company ‘GrameenPhone’.
The analysis of self-reported CSR practices in this MNCs revealed the globally-
managed CSR practices and their transnational management processes, as well as
several CSR practices not transnationally managed across multiple units and levels of
the MNC and also several local CSR practices.
The exploratory study undertaken for this research, using the activities of
multinational Company ‘GrameenPhone’. The empirical findings of MNC’s
management of CSR in routine stakeholder relations, with employees, consumers,
environment and communities are presented. Influences of the home country
environment in the Bangladesh, as well as the global and local environments faced by
the MNC are analysed.

Study methodology

The empirical findings of MNCs’ management of CSR in routine stakeholder

relations, with employees, consumers, environment and communities are presented.
The case study design was adopted as a research strategy to study the CSR
phenomenon in Bangladesh because GrameenPhone Ltd. is the pioneer in the relevant

An in-depth study through multiple methods, for example: exploratory study,

interview, were conducted to organise data. The samples of the study for direct
interview consist of 34 managers mostly from top management or department head at
the corporate head office. The research is based on ‘non probability’ sampling
method. Sample units were selected based on the potential for information about CSR

Primarily Annual reports of last five years and various CSR publications were used to
analyse current practices in the field.


While the present study has supplied useful information about CSR Practices in
Bangladesh, it has several limitations that must be acknowledged. Annual Reports
analyzed did not provide sector specific (CSR) expenditure in the income statement.
Therefore, information was collected from interviewees with the manager which is to
some extent subjective. The study also relied on various CSR publication and relevant
web sites.

A brief profile of GrameenPhone Ltd

The company has so far invested more than BDT 10,700 crore (USD 1.6 billion) to
build the network infrastructure since its inception in 1997. Grameenphone is also one
the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed nearly BDT 7000 crore in
direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Since its
inception in March 1997, Grameenphone has built the largest cellular network in the
country with over 10,000 base stations in more than 5700 locations. GP has generated
direct and indirect employment for a large number of people over the years. The
company presently has more than 5,000 full and temporary employees.
GrameenPhone Ltd. Recognizes ‘Development is a journey, not a destination’. In this
connection, it is always believed that good development is good business. While it

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maintains business focus, taking the nation forward remains top priority. Thus its
relationship with Bangladesh is built on a partnership which strives to achieve
common economic and social goals. GrameenPhone Ltd. has consolidated social
investment initiatives in four core areas related to the Millennium Development Goals
namely, Poverty alleviation, Healthcare, Empowerment and Education.


The data reveal a variety of CSR practices within the MNC, as well as systematic
variation in global management of CSR practices. Several CSR practices were
globally managed across the MNC levels; and several CSR practices differed across
the MNC units or were specific to the local operations. CSR practices within the
MNC varied across the stakeholder dimensions and within stakeholder groups.

In the vision, mission and goals statements this MNC stated their business objectives
were to contribute to the wider societal benefit as well as to business returns. At the
policy level the MNC made a commitment to CSR in all their operations. For
example, addressed the future viability of its business; the caring role of the company
and stated its community relations and environment policy. Corporate citizenship was
considered as the part of the company's values statement. For example: In devising
business policy and profitability GrameenPhone stated their CSR as:
“Development is a journey, not a destination. Our work is not just about ensuring connectivity; it is about connecting with people
and building relationships, based on trust, with our subscribers, business partners, employees, shareholders, as well as the wider
community. We have always believed that good development is good business.”

Along with providing telecommunication services to over 9 million people, providing

direct income-earning opportunities a large number of people and being one of the top
corporate taxpayers in the country, GrameenPhone takes its CSR activities quite
seriously. Environment, health and safety performance for the group and its initiatives
to protect biodiversity, and transparency of R&D are taken into consideration while
devising company policies. CSR practices of the MNC addressed socio-political,
ecological, and environmental issues at the corporate level. The MNC does not have
synchronised collaboration and does not partner with governments and non-
government organizations substantially to address negative impacts of business
activities and to solve several social problems. This paper organizes discussion around
different dimensions of CSR; namely Employee Dimension, Customer Dimension,
Environment and community care Dimension.

Employee Dimension

While the HR functions tend to be largely decentralized and more locally managed in
GrameenPhone, the Head Quarter (HQ) have significant involvement in the
management of some HR-related CSR practices in their global operations, often to
varying extents of effectiveness. For example, GP’s global policies for equal
opportunities, bullying and harassment were available across the global operations
through the company’s intranet.

On the other hand, CSR in most HR practices was largely locally managed. For
example, in GrameenPhone equal opportunity practices, salary and benefits packages,
or training and development of employees were largely locally managed by local

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offices, often with a close involvement of the Regional Offices. In developing human
resources Grameenphone strives towards developing not only local but also global
competencies. It has a promise to provide a positive, friendly, productive, and
respectful work environment. GrameenPhone in their value statement says about
commitment towards its employees –
“The grameenPhone has consistently demonstrated its commitment towards its employees and the environment over the years. It
has been recognized as the practitioner and promoter of socially responsible business behaviour.”

Customer Dimension

Marketing, like human resource management, is often decentralized in the MNCs

(Rosenzweig & Nohria, 1994) in order for the local units to meet the differentiated
needs of the local customers. The MNCs in this study illustrate variety of integration
of CSR in global marketing practices. In GrameenPhone, CSR towards customers
significantly involved the HQ through centralized or integrated management.
Customer safety and security in GrameenPhone were centrally co-ordinated through
routines set by the HQ based on global regulations. In addition, the national
regulations and norms were followed by the units. Customer feedback procedures
comprised a mix of formal routines set by the HQ. Customer satisfaction and
customer relations were globally managed through centralized IT networked
processes. The brands and various point-of-contact practices were customised through
global and local manuals and guidelines alongside which the local norms and
approaches were also informally followed by GrameenPhone’s units.

Now a days customers and the business look beyond just the product and services.
GrameenPhone recognises essential correlation between connectivity and
development. They have connected more than 20 million people all over the country.
It made the access to information available to the people who had little access before
inturn which tends to transform lives in a holistic way. For example, the village phone
is believed to bring both social and economic empowerment to the rural women as it
contributed to gaining economic strength.

Environment and Community care Dimension

The existing discussions of environment care management in MNC operations

(Hansen, 2003; Shrivastava, 1987) place the responsibility for environment care
somewhere between the HQ’s and the local operations. The HQs took several
measures to ensure implementation of environment care at the local sites either
directly by the HQ, or by the local units. GrameenPhone’s central unit centrally
reports their global environment care performance. In addition, the company’s local
units reported their environment care initiatives locally.

Environment care in GrameenPhone is integrated by the HQ into functional areas, viz.

global procurement, product design, and technical operations. Company’s annual
report provided details of the regular monitoring and measure of the key
characteristics of its activities that may impact the environment in global operations.
These included reporting on compliance of international and local regulation several
local issues in Bangladesh, such as addressing local cultural influences.
GrameenPhone has involved in a variety of wider environment care activities, e.g.,
initiatives to promote responsible operation like free health care, tree plantation,
preservation of ecosystems and partnership with the government agencies for saving

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environment. These policies were directly managed centrally but considering
indigenous factors. Environment care in global operations of GrameenPhone involved
extensively integrated multilevel internal reporting and audit. These systems operated
alongside processes for participating voluntarily in numerous local environment care

Community care by firms is typically localized at the sites of operation, i.e., the HQ
and the subsidiaries in the case of MNCs. The MNC studied here revealed several
patterns of localization and centralization of community work. Operations in
Bangladesh of the MNC have several impressive community care activities to their
credit. GrameenPhone has considered Health is one of the key focus areas and
consolidated its social investments. In collaboration with USAID GrameenPhone has
established a network of 318 smiling sun clinics in 61 districts. They also launched
the GrameenPhone safe motherhood and infant care projects for economically
disadvantaged mothers and their infants nationwide.

GrameenPhone adopted several other community care initiatives throughout

Bangladesh. Its local unit conducts charity and community support activities locally
without much involvement of HQ. GrameenPhone reports centrally, its worldwide
community activities. Some CSR practices were shared across HQs and its
international units, e.g., the campaigns against counterfeit drugs, HIV-AIDS. CSR
practices were integrated into customer service, marketing, GrameenPhone
information services, and quality procedures. GrameenPhone’s units locally
undertook activities such as innovative rural marketing for providing access to avail
technology for the poor people in remote villages.

Considering education as the basic human rights GrameenPhone has considered it as

one of the key focus areas in social investment. GrameenPhone provides 100 merit
scholarships to meritorious but underprivileged students at different academic levels
in collaboration with ‘Grameen Shikkha’ a project of Grameen Bank. It also helps
financially a number of special schools with a view to support in the learning process
of the gifted children in our society. Grameenphone is also a proud partner of the
enrichment program of ‘Bishsho Shahitto Kendro’ through which free books are

In all countries, the law stipulated the conduct of employment relationships, but the
varying scope of regulation across countries resulted in diverse behaviour across the
units within the MNC. For example, the working time, pay determination, recognition
of employee unions, consultative structures, and redundancy provisions, were defined
by local legislation. Furthermore, many practices, though designed to be managed
transnationally, could not be implemented in the global operations, as these did not
appear to ‘fit’ with the cultural or institutional contexts of the subsidiaries.
GrameenPhone appears to be equal opportunity employer and find employee
counseling, bullying and grievance procedures, or the Customer Listening Forums
promoted by the HQ to ‘fit’ with the local business environment.

The above analysis of empirical findings across global and local CSR practices in the
MNCs reveals a fine-grained interplay of global, national-home country, host-country
level environmental factors, and firm’s strategic choices and design for the
management of CSR in global operations.

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This study suggests that the normative prescriptions for increased global CSR benefit
from the recognition that global management of CSR requires strategic and systematic
design for global management of CSR practices. Furthermore, the study suggests
global CSR requires supportive environmental factors throughout the MNCs’
multilevel environment, i.e., the regulatory, normative and cognitive elements of the
institutional environments at multiple levels of the MNC need to collectively support
CSR practices for their global management.

While the present study has supplied useful information about CSR Practices in
Bangladesh, it has several limitations that must be acknowledged. Annual Reports
analyzed did not provide sector specific (CSR) expenditure in the income statement.
Therefore, the researchers had to rely on interview and other CSR publications for


It can be concluded from the study that CSR is no longer exclusively practised in
developed countries; companies in the developing countries like Bangladesh are showing
interest and commitment to CSR as well.
Although most people appreciate the recent advancement of CSR, some argue that
corporations are still not doing enough or are only acting in self interest. These people
say that multinational corporations are acting ethically in areas that are highly
regulated, such as North America, but at the same time, they are acting in an opposite
manner in other parts of the world (such as using cheap or child labour). In addition,
while corporations must have good CSR policies in order to maintain their reputation,
they are also expected to maximize profits for stakeholders such as shareholders,
employees, and customers.
Therefore, people argue that businesses do not put in a sufficient amount of resources
to achieve what they have promised in their CSR policies. Because CSR is becoming
more commonplace among corporations, there are concerns that some companies
promote an image of CSR whether or not they have a true strategy in place and the
results to show for. Accountability and transparency are key to conducting business in
a responsible manner.
Furthermore, stakeholder expectations, critical social issues, norms, and values, and
institutional and sociological requirements also change over time. CSR is behaviour
that has to be congruent with prevailing social norms, values and expectations of the
society. As CSR practices and stakeholder expectations vary across countries as well
the MNCs must consider the indigenous factor while devising CSR policy matters.

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