Quality Control Methods For Medicinal Plant Materials OMS
Quality Control Methods For Medicinal Plant Materials OMS
Quality Control Methods For Medicinal Plant Materials OMS
September 2005
The need for a revision of the general methods included in Quality control methods for medicinal
plant materials, Geneva, World Health Organization, 1998, was expressed on various occasions
by experts collaborating in the Traditional Medicines Programme.
The attached draft document summarizes the above-mentioned group's discussions. It was
further discussed at a WHO consultation on 11-13 July 2005, and is now being mailed outside
the Organization for comment. We should appreciate receiving any comments you may have
thereon by 30 November 2005.
Title: Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials - Revised Draft Update, September 2005
© World Health Organization 2005
All rights reserved.
This draft is intended for a restricted audience only, i.e. the individuals and organizations having received this draft. The draft
may not be reviewed, abstracted, quoted, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, translated or adapted, in part or in whole, in any
form or by any means outside these individuals and organizations (including the organizations’ concerned staff and member
organizations) without the permission of WHO. The draft should not be displayed on any website.
The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or
recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.
Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.
The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information contained in this draft is complete and correct and shall not
be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 2
The test methods described in this document are presented as examples of suitable methods in the
detection of selected contaminants and residues in medicinal plant materials. Where available, test
methods applicable to different products and stages of herbal medicines, such as extracts and finished
herbal products, are also described. In addition to the test methods, some suggestions regarding
general limits for contaminants are included, where applicable. Both should be considered as the basis
for establishing national and regional requirements for limits and methodologies. WHO is currently
not able to recommend limits for contaminants since these are too diverse and there is a lack of
consensus. Also the test procedures cannot take into account all possible impurities but where such
impurities occur, validated methods should be developed and appropriate toxicological consideration
should be applied.
The analysis of medicinal plant materials is not restricted to those methods discussed or recommended
here and other techniques are also available. Details of analytical methods, such as volumetric
analysis, are described in international pharmacopoeias. (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
When considering the choice of one of these methods the level of detection and the plant product
matrix used for the testing e.g. seeds containing oils, finished products, etc., must be taken into
account and modifications of the method made if required. The method of the determination has to be
validated for the respective matrix.
Sections Page
Determination of pesticide residues (currently Chapter 16) ……………………………... 3
Determination of arsenic and toxic metals (currently Chapter 17) ……………………………... 19
Determination of microorganisms (currently Chapter 18)……………………………… 27
Determination of aflatoxins (currently included in Chapter 18)…………………. 38
Determination of radioactive substances (currently Chapter 19)……………………………… 41
[Subsequently, Annex 1 (List of culture media and strains used for microbiological analysis) and
Annex 2 (List of reagents and solutions) will be updated by WHO accordingly.]
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 4
Chromatography (mostly column and gas) is recommended as the principal method for the
determination of pesticide residues. These methods may be coupled with MS. Samples are extracted
by a standard procedure, impurities are removed by partition and/or adsorption, and the presence of a
moderately broad spectrum of pesticides is measured in a single determination. However, these
techniques are not universally applicable. Some pesticides are satisfactorily carried through the
extraction and clean-up procedures, others are recovered with a poor yield, and some are lost entirely.
In chromatography, the separations may not always be complete, pesticides may decompose or
metabolise, and many of the metabolic products are still unknown. Consequently, as a result of
limitations in the analytical technique and incomplete knowledge of pesticide interaction with the
environment, it is not yet possible to apply an integrated set of methods that will be satisfactory in all
Generally the methodology should be adapted to the type of herbal material being tested and
modifications may be necessary for different samples including seeds, leaves, oils, extracts, finished
products and for samples with different quantities of moisture present. Also the spectrum of
pesticides to be tested for is dependent on the specific pesticides used on the plant material and the
historical use of persistent pesticides in the regional or national area.
It is, therefore, desirable to test plant materials of unknown history for broad groups of compounds
rather than for individual pesticides. A variety of methods meet these requirements. Pesticides
containing chlorine in the molecule, for example, can be detected by the measurement of total organic
chlorine; insecticides containing phosphate can be measured by analysis for total organic phosphorus,
while pesticides containing arsenic and lead can be detected by measurement of total arsenic or total
lead, respectively. Similarly, the measurement of total bound carbon disulfide in a sample will provide
information on whether residues of the dithiocarbamate family of fungicides are present.
Importantly, where such general methods are employed care must be taken to ensure that results are
not adversely affected by contributions from certain plant constituents containing these targeted
If the pesticide to which the plant material has been exposed is known or can be identified by suitable
means, an established method for the determination of that particular pesticide residue should be
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The samples should be tested as quickly as possible after collection, before any physical or chemical
changes occur. If prolonged storage is envisaged, the samples should preferably be stored in airtight
containers under refrigeration.
Water content of samples can also be problematic and in the USP 27 method (USP 27/NFD 22-2004)
and the EP Fifth Edition, content is limited to 15% and below for the determination of organochlorine
and pyrethroid insecticides.
Light can cause degradation of many pesticides, and it is therefore advisable to protect the samples
and any extracts or solutions from undue exposure.
The type of container or wrapping material used should not interfere with the sample or affect the
analytical results.
Solvents and reagents used in the analytical method should be free from substances that may interfere
with the reaction, alter the results or provoke degradation of the pesticide residue in the sample. It is
usually necessary to employ specially purified solvents or to distil them freshly in an all-glass
apparatus. Blank determinations with the solvents should be carried out, concentrating and testing
them as specified in the test procedure for the plant material concerned.
The simplest and quickest procedure should be used to separate unwanted material from the sample
(clean-up procedure) in order to save time when many samples have to be tested.
The process of concentrating solutions should be undertaken with great care, especially during the
evaporation of the last traces of solvent, in order to avoid losses of pesticide residues. For this reason,
it is often not advisable to remove the last traces of solvent. Agents, such as mineral oil or other oils
of low volatility that may help to preserve the solution could be added to retard the loss of the
relatively volatile pesticides, especially when the last traces of solvent are being evaporated.
However, these agents, while satisfactory in colorimetric procedures, are usually not desirable in gas
chromatographic methods. It may be necessary to evaporate heat-labile compounds using a rotary
vacuum apparatus.
Some examples of national and regional limits set for various types of pesticide residues are shown in
Table 1, below.
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page 6
Recommended procedure
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Preparation of samples
Reduce the plant material to a fine powder, and extract with a mixture of water and acetonitrile R.
Most pesticides are soluble in this mixture, while most cellular constituents (e.g. cellulose, proteins,
amino acids, starch, fats and related compounds) are sparingly soluble and are thus removed. A
number of polar and moderately polar compounds may also be dissolved; it is therefore necessary to
transfer the pesticides to light petroleum R. For pesticides containing chlorine, further purification is
seldom required, but for those containing phosphorus, further purification by column chromatography
may be necessary, eluting with mixtures of light petroleum R and ether R.
Prepare a Florisil column (external diameter, 22 mm), which contains, after settling, 10 cm of
activated Florisil topped with about 1 cm of anhydrous sodium sulfate R. Pre-wet the column with 40-
50 ml of light petroleum R. Place a graduated flask under the column to receive the eluate.
Grind the material to pass through a sieve no. 710 or 840 and mix thoroughly. Place 20-50 g of the
ground sample into a blender, add 350 ml of acetonitrile R with a water content of 35 % (to 350 ml of
water add sufficient acetonitrile R to produce 1000 ml). Blend for 5 minutes at a high speed. Filter
under vacuum through an appropriate funnel, diameter 12 cm, fitted with filter paper, into a 500-ml
suction flask.
Transfer the filtrate to a 250-ml measuring cylinder and record the volume. Transfer the measured
filtrate to a 1-litre separating funnel and carefully add 100 ml of light petroleum R. Shake vigorously
for 1-2 minutes, add 10 ml of sodium chloride (400 g/l) TS and 600 ml of water. Hold the separating
funnel in a horizontal position and mix vigorously for 30-45 seconds. Allow to separate, discard the
aqueous layer and gently wash the solvent layer with two 100-ml portions of water. Discard the
washings, transfer the solvent layer to a 100-ml glass-stoppered cylinder, and record the volume. Add
about 15 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate R and shake vigorously. The extract must not remain in
contact with this reagent for longer than 1 hour. Transfer the extract directly to a Florisil column; if
necessary, reduce the volume first to 5-10 ml. Allow it to pass through the column at a rate of not
more than 5 ml per minute. Carefully rinse the cylinder with two portions, each of 5 ml, of light
petroleum R, transfer them to the column, rinse with further small portions of light petroleum R if
necessary, and then elute at the same rate with 200 ml of ether/light petroleum TS1. Change the
receiver and elute with 200 ml of ether/light petroleum TS2. Again change the receiver and elute with
200 ml of ether/light petroleum TS3. Evaporate each eluate to a suitable volume, as required, for
further testing.
- The first eluate contains chlorinated pesticides (aldrin, DDE, TDE (DDD), o,p'-and p,p'-DDT,
HCH, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, lindane, methoxychlor), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB),
and phosphated pesticides (carbophenothion, ethion, and fenchlorphos).
- The second eluate contains chlorinated pesticides (dieldrin and endrin) and phosphated pesticides
(methyl parathion and parathion).
The combustion is carried out in a 1-litre conical flask made of borosilicate glass, into the stopper of
which is fused one end of a piece of platinum wire about 1 mm in diameter. To the free end of the
wire is attached a piece of platinum gauze measuring about 1.5 x 2 cm to provide a means of holding
the sample clear of the absorbing liquid during combustion.
Manually pin the two edges together to form a cone. Seal the joined edges using heat to form a seam
about 5 mm wide. Immerse the seam in acetone R to about one half of its width for 10 seconds.
Remove and dry it immediately in a stream of hot air. Using forceps, wash the cone by dipping in a 1-
litre beaker containing warm sodium hydroxide (~240 g/l) TS for 10 seconds at a temperature of about
60 °C. Rinse the cone thoroughly with water and allow to drain dry on a piece of aluminium foil.
Place each cone in a clean funnel (diameter 65 mm).
place it in the centre of the platinum gauze. Insert a strip of filter paper, about 1 x 3 cm, as a fuse into
the top of the holder, between the folds of the packet. Add 10 ml of sulfuric acid (~37 g/l) TS to the
combustion flask and continue with the combustion as described above. Transfer the solution and the
liquid used for rinsing to a 25-ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume with water.
B. Determination of chlorides
The determination is made with a spectrophotometer capable of measuring absorbance at 460 nm
using absorption cells with path-lengths of 2 cm and 10 cm.
Place 15 ml of the solution obtained after combustion in a 50-ml conical flask together with 1 ml of
ferric ammonium sulfate (0.25 mol/l) VS and 3 ml of mercuric thiocyanate TS. Swirl the contents of
the flask and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Transfer a portion of the solution to a 2-cm cell and
measure the absorbance at 460 nm using water in the reference cell. The reading should be made
promptly to minimize absorption of chloride from the air.
Prepare a standard solution of sodium chloride R containing 5 µg of chloride per ml. Transfer aliquots
of this solution (0 ml, 2 ml, 4 ml, 6 ml, 8 ml, and 10 ml) into a series of 50-ml conical flasks and
dilute to 15 ml with water. Develop the colour and measure the absorbances as described above. Plot
the absorbances against the chloride content of the dilutions in µg per ml and interpolate the chloride
content of the solutions of the material tested.
C. Determination of phosphates
The phosphomolybdate method is based on the reaction of phosphate ions with ammonium molybdate
to form a molybdophosphate complex, which is subsequently reduced to form a strongly blue-
coloured molybdenum complex. The intensity of the blue colour is measured spectrophotometrically.
This method is applicable for the determination of any phosphates that have undergone a prior
separation procedure.
Naturally occurring phosphates are present in most samples, and are often not removed during the
clean-up procedure. In order to obtain background values, therefore, it is necessary to proceed with
the determination for all samples, even those with no phosphate-containing pesticides. These
background values should be subtracted from the results obtained on testing pesticide residues.
Extracts of most uncontaminated materials contain about 0.05-0.1 mg/kg of phosphorus. Therefore,
no contamination with organophosphate pesticides can be assumed for results in this range.
The determination is made with a spectrophotometer capable of measuring absorbance at 820 nm
using an absorption cell with a path-length of 1 cm.
Place 7 ml of the solution obtained after combustion in a calibrated 10-ml test-tube. Add 2.2 ml of
sulfuric acid (300 g/l) TS and mix the solution well. Add 0.4 ml of ammonium molybdate (40 g/l) TS
and swirl the mixture. Then add 0.4 ml of aminonaphtholsulfonic acid TS and swirl again. Heat the
solution to 100°C for 12 minutes (±2 minutes), cool, and transfer a portion to a 1-cm cell. Measure the
absorbance at 820 nm using water in the reference cell.
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Prepare standard dilutions with a known content of phosphate and measure the absorbance as
described above. Plot the absorbances against the phosphate content of the dilutions in µg per ml and
interpolate the phosphate content of the solutions of the material tested.
Preparation of sample
Place 20 g of powdered plant material (sieve no. 180), accurately weighed, in a 500-ml beaker (tall
form), mix with 98 ml of water and allow to macerate for at least 30 minutes. Add 200 ml of acetone
R; the resulting volume of extraction solvent will be 295 ml. Extract for 5 minutes, while cooling and
using a high-speed mixer. Filter the homogenized mixture through a porcelain filter (Büchner funnel,
diameter 70 mm) fitted with a filter paper, using a slight vacuum, into a 250-ml graduated cylinder,
allowing the process to last no longer than 1 minute, and then measure the volume (V) of the filtrate in
Transfer the filtrate prepared as above to a 500-ml separating funnel. Add a quantity of sodium
chloride R equivalent in grams to one-tenth of the volume of the filtrate, then add 100 ml of
dichloromethane R. Shake vigorously for 5 minutes, allow the phases to separate and discard the
lower (aqueous) layer. Dry the acetone-dichloromethane phase, transfer it to a 500-ml conical flask,
add 25 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate R and swirl occasionally. Next, filter the solution into a 500-ml
flask with a ground-glass stopper using a glass funnel (diameter 100 mm) containing purified glass-
wool and anhydrous sodium sulfate R. Rinse the separating funnel, the conical flask and the glass
funnel twice with 10 ml of ethyl acetate R. Add 5 ml of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane R, and concentrate the
crude extract to about 2 ml in a rotary vacuum evaporator in a water-bath at 30-40 °C. Expel the
remaining solvent in a gentle stream of air.
To purify by gel chromatography, macerate 50 g of suitable beads (e.g. S-X3 bio-beads) in an elution
mixture of cyclohexane R and ethyl acetate R (1:1) and pour them into a chromatographic column
(length 600 mm, diameter 25 mm) adapted for use with a vacuum pump. Rinse the gel bed with the
elution mixture under air-free conditions. Dissolve the extract in the flask with 5 ml of ethyl acetate R.
Add 2 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate R, swirl gently and add 5 ml of cyclohexane R. Filter the
completely dissolved crude extract through a rapid filter into a 10-ml test-tube with a ground-glass
stopper and close the tube immediately. Then transfer 5 ml of the filtrate onto the gel column. Elute
with the elution mixture at an average rate of 5 ml/minute. Plant material components leave the gel
column first, followed by the active ingredients of pesticides. Fractionation must be determined for
each column, using appropriate reference substances.
Discard the first fraction (about 100 ml) containing the impurities. Collect the organochlorine
pesticides appearing in the next eluate (about 70 ml) in a flask with a ground-glass stopper. Add l0 ml
of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane R and concentrate the solution to about 5 ml in a rotary vacuum evaporator
and a water-bath at 30-40 °C. Pipette another 5 ml of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane R into the flask and
carefully evaporate the solution to about 1 ml (do not allow to become completely dry).
Calculate the amount of plant material in grams in the purified extract using the following formula:
V x Sample weight in g
where V = volume of filtrate.
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To purify further, transfer 1 g of previously deactivated silica gel for column chromatography (70-230
mesh) containing 1.5 % of water, to a chromatographic column (length 25 cm, internal diameter 7
mm). Put 10 mm of anhydrous sodium sulfate R on top of the content of the column and cover with
purified glass wool. Before use rinse the column with 5 ml of hexane R. Allow the solvent to reach
the surface of the column filling, then transfer quantitatively, by means of a pipette, the purified
extract obtained by gel chromatography from the flask to the prepared silica gel column and rinse
with 1 ml of hexane R. Set the flask aside for subsequent elutions.
Using a 10-ml volumetric flask as the receiver, elute any residues of polychlorinated biphenyls from
the column with 10 ml of hexane R (eluate 0). Add 2 ml of an elution mixture composed of toluene
R/hexane R (35:65) to the flask and swirl. Quantitatively transfer the solution to the column. Using
another 10-ml volumetric flask as the receiver, elute the majority of the organochlorine pesticides
from the silica gel column using 6 ml of the same elution mixture. Dilute the contents of the flasks to
volume with the elution mixture (eluate 1).
Rinse the flask with 2 ml of toluene R and transfer it quantitatively to the column. Collect the eluate
in a third 10-ml volumetric flask. Add 8 ml of toluene R to the flask, swirl and transfer the solution to
the silica gel column; elute the remaining organochlorine pesticides using the same receiver. Dilute
the contents of the flask to volume with toluene R (eluate 2).
Evaluate the test solutions by capillary gas chromatography using an electron capture detector (ECD).
Confirm the findings obtained for the main column (first separation system) with a second capillary
column of different polarity (second separation system).
Use a "split/split-free" injector to inject the sample solution and maintain the injection port at a
temperature of 240 °C. Inject a volume of 1 µl at a rate of 30 seconds ("split-free"). The detector
temperature should be 300 °C.
Use an on-column injector to inject a volume of 1 µl of the sample solution. The detector temperature
should be 300 °C.
Use the "external standard" method for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the
organochlorine pesticides in the test solutions with reference solutions of the following pesticides: α-,
β-, γ- and δ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH); hexachlorobenzene; quintozene; aldrin; dieldrin; endrin;
α- and β-endosulfan; endosulfan sulfate; heptachlor, heptachlorepoxide; camphechlor; TDE, DDE and
DDT (both o,p'- and p,p'-isomers); methoxychlor.
Measure the peak height of the pesticides obtained in the chromatograms and calculate the
concentration of the residues in mg/kg using the following formula:
ht x 10 wr
w hr
The extraction and the clean-up procedures can be performed as described above, but the detection
requires a phosphorus flame ionization detector (P-FID).
Prior to the quantitative determination of the material to be tested, check whether there is a linear
relationship between the values obtained for the reference substance and its concentration over the
range 0.1-2 times the standard concentration. Otherwise, prepare another concentration range or
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 13
evaluate the results using a reference curve. Use any suitable mechanical or manual technique for the
chromatographic determination.
Store the reference solutions protected from light to prevent decomposition. Use glass vessels closed
with glass stoppers and keep them in a container saturated with the solvent employed to avoid any
increase in concentration due to evaporation. Check the loss by evaporation by interim weighing of
the vessels.
Rate of recovery
The rate of recovery (R) is the percentage of the reference material, originally added to the plant
material that is determined using the method described below.
Concentrate the combined filtrates to a volume of 3-5 ml using a rotary vacuum evaporator and a
water-bath at 40 °C. Transfer the extract to a chromatographic column as prepared below, rinsing the
round-bottomed flask twice with 5 ml of chloroform R.
Evaporate the eluate to dryness using a rotary vacuum evaporator and a water-bath at 40 °C. To the
residue add 10 ml of light petroleum R and transfer the mixture to a chromatographic column
containing a layer of purified aluminium oxide R, 50 mm thick, in light petroleum R. Elute the
mixture with 90 ml of light petroleum R, using this to rinse the round-bottomed flask, at a rate of 1-2
drops per second. Discard the eluate. Dissolve any remaining residue, which has not dissolved in light
petroleum R in 10 ml of a mixture composed of 60 volumes of chloroform R, and 40 volumes of light
petroleum R and transfer the solution to the column. Rinse the round-bottomed flask twice more with
10 ml of the solvent mixture. Transfer the liquid used for rinsing to the column. Elute with 120 ml of
the same solvent mixture, at a rate of 1-2 drops per second and collect the eluate in a round-bottomed
flask. The second purifying process is completed when no further eluate drips from the column.
Evaporate the eluate to dryness using a rotary vacuum evaporator and a water-bath at 40 °C. To
prepare a purified extract for the determination by gas chromatography, dissolve the residue in
sufficient acetone R to produce a volume of 10 ml. If an especially purified extract is required,
proceed as described below.
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To the residue add 10 ml of light petroleum R and 10 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide R. Shake the mixture
and transfer it to a separating funnel. Extract the dimethyl sulfoxide layer twice with 10 ml of light
petroleum R. Discard the petroleum ether extract. Then add 100 ml of water to the dimethyl sulfoxide
layer and extract 3 times, each with 20 ml of chloroform R. Extract the combined chloroform extracts
twice with 20 ml of water and evaporate them to dryness using a rotary vacuum evaporator and a
water-bath at 40 °C. Transfer the residue along with a mixture of 10 ml of light petroleum R and 10
ml of hydrochloric acid (1 mol/l) VS to a separating funnel and extract the mixture first with 10 ml
and then with 5 ml of hydrochloric acid (1 mol/l) VS. Discard the petroleum ether layer and adjust the
pH of the combined aqueous solutions to a value between 7 and 8 using sodium hydroxide (1 mol/l)
VS. Extract the solution 3 times, each with 20 ml of chloroform R. Dry the combined chloroform
extracts with anhydrous sodium sulfate R and filter into a round-bottomed flask, rinsing the funnel 3
times with 10.0-ml portions of chloroform R. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness using a rotary vacuum
evaporator and a water-bath at 40 °C. Dissolve the residue in sufficient acetone R to produce 10 ml of
especially purified extract to be used for the determination by gas chromatography.
Use the extracts as indicated below for the following plant materials:
For materials no. 1 and 2, use an especially purified extract (see above pages); for materials no. 3-17,
use a purified extract (see above pages).
1. To prepare solution S2, first dissolve separately 0.04 g of each of the reference substances,
desmetryn R, prometryn R and simazine R, in sufficient acetone R to produce 100 ml. Then place 5
ml of each solution into a 100-ml volumetric flask and dilute the mixture to volume with acetone R
(S2). Place 10 g of powdered plant material into a 500-ml conical flask and add 1 ml of solution S2.
Shake this mixture mechanically for 60 minutes; if necessary, repeat the operation manually and then
proceed as described under "Preparation of the plant material extract". Use either the purified or
especially purified extract for the determination by gas chromatography, as specified in the test
procedure for the plant material concerned.
2. Treat 10 g of powdered plant material as described under "Preparation of the plant material
extract". Use either the purified extract or the especially purified extract for the determination by gas
chromatography, as specified in the test procedure for each individual plant material.
where a = average quantity in mg/kg of the 5 residues obtained using procedure 1,
b = average quantity in mg/kg of the 5 residues obtained using procedure 2,
c = quantity of reference substances in mg contained in solution S2 during procedure 1.
The rate should be within the range 70-120 %. It is specific for each drug.
The equipment consists of:
- a glass column 1.2 m long, internal diameter 2 mm;
- a suitable stationary liquid phase;
- a suitable diatomaceous support.
Use nitrogen R as the carrier gas with a flow rate of 30 ml/min. The sample injection block should be
maintained at 230 °C, the column at 190 °C and the detector, which should be nitrogen-selective, at
300 °C. In addition:
- volume of sample solution to be injected: 2.0 µl;
- separation characteristics: h. 1.2 x 10-3 for desmetryn R; RS . 1.2 for prometryn R and simazine R;
- relative standard deviation (precision of chromatographic system): sr. 0.05 for desmetryn R,
prometryn R and simazine R.
Chromatogram T. To determine the separation characteristics, inject solution S2 (for the preparation of
solution S2 see "Determination of the rate of recovery" above). Chromatograms A1-A5. To determine
the relative standard deviation, inject solution S2 and repeat the determination 5 times.
Chromatogram S2. Inject 1 ml of solution S2 for the determination of the rate of recovery. Dilute 1 ml
of solution S2 to 10 ml with acetone R and inject it for the chromatographic determination. On the
chromatogram the peaks occur in the following sequence: prometryn, simazine, desmetryn.
Chromatogram P2. Inject the purified extract or the especially purified extract. Determine using an
external standard: a = 0.0005. To convert the values obtained to percentage by weight, multiply the
concentration in mg/kg by 104.
The total maximum permissible amount of residues due to desmetryn, prometryn and simazine is 2
mg/kg of plant material.
This procedure is valid only for the analysis of samples of medicinal plant materials containing less
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 16
than 15 per cent of water. Samples with a higher content of water may be dried, provided it has been
shown that the drying procedure does not affect significantly the pesticide content.
Preparation of sample
1. Extraction.
To 10 g of the substance being examined, coarsely powdered, add 100 ml of acetone R and allow to
stand for 20 min. Add 1 ml of a solution containing 1.8 µg/ml of carbophenothion R in toluene R.
Homogenise using a high-speed blender for 3 min. Filter and wash the filter cake with two quantities,
each of 25 ml, of acetone R. Combine the filtrate and the washings and heat using a rotary evaporator
at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. To the
residue add a few millilitres of toluene R and heat again until the acetone is completely removed.
Dissolve the residue in 8 ml of toluene R. Filter through a membrane filter (45 µm), rinse the flask
and the filter with toluene R and dilute to 10.0 ml with the same solvent (solution A).
2. Purification
— a stainless steel column 0.30 m long and 7.8 mm in internal diameter packed with styrene-
divinylbenzene copolymer R (5 µm),
Performance of the column. Inject 100 µl of a solution containing 0.5 g/l of methyl red R and 0.5 g/l
of oracet blue 2R R in toluene R and proceed with the chromatography. The column is not suitable
unless the colour of the eluate changes from orange to blue at an elution volume of about 10.3 ml. If
necessary calibrate the column, using a solution containing, in toluene R, at a suitable concentration,
the insecticide to be analysed with the lowest molecular mass (for example, dichlorvos) and that with
the highest molecular mass (for example, deltamethrin). Determine which fraction of the eluate
contains both insecticides.
Purification of the test solution. Inject a suitable volume of solution A (100 µl to 500 µl) and proceed
with the chromatography. Collect the fraction as determined above (solution B). Organophosphorus
insecticides are usually eluted between 8.8 ml and 10.9 ml. Organochlorine and pyrethroid
insecticides are usually eluted between 8.5 ml and 10.3 ml.
to dryness and dilute to a suitable volume with toluene R (200 µl to 1 ml according to the volume
injected in the preparation of solution B). Transfer quantitatively onto the column and proceed with
the chromatography using 1.8 ml of toluene R as the mobile phase. Collect the eluate (solution C).
Quantitative analysis
1. Organophosphorus insecticides.
Examine by gas chromatography, using carbophenothion R as internal standard. It may be necessary
to use a second internal standard to identify possible interference with the peak corresponding to
Test solution. Concentrate solution B in a current of helium for chromatography R almost to dryness
and dilute to 100 µl with toluene R.
Reference solution. Prepare at least three solutions in toluene R containing the insecticides to be
determined and carbophenothion at concentrations suitable for plotting a calibration curve.
— a fused-silica column 30 m long and 0.32 mm in internal diameter the internal wall of which is
covered with a layer 0.25 µm thick of poly(dimethyl)siloxane R,
— hydrogen for chromatography R as the carrier gas. Other gases such as helium for
chromatography R or nitrogen for chromatography R may also be used provided the
chromatography is suitably validated.
maintaining the temperature of the column at 80 °C for 1 min, then raising it at a rate of 30 °C/min to
150 °C, maintaining at 150 °C for 3 min, then raising the temperature at a rate of 4 °C/min to 280 °C
and maintaining at this temperature for 1 min, and maintaining the temperature of the injector port at
250 °C and that of the detector at 275 °C. Inject the chosen volume of each solution. When the
chromatograms are recorded in the prescribed conditions, the relative retention times are
approximately those listed in Table 2. Calculate the content of each insecticide from the peak areas
and the concentrations of the solutions.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 18
Table 2
Substances Relative retention times
dichlorvos 0.20
fonofos 0.50
diazinon 0.52
parathion-methyl 0.59
chlorpyrifos-methyl 0.60
pirimiphos-methyl 0.66
malathion 0.67
parathion 0.69
chlorpyrifos 0.70
methidathion 0.78
ethion 0.96
carbophenothion 1.00
azinphos-methyl 1.17
phosalon 1.18
[Note: Relative retention times are very close. If distinction needed further development of a method
is needed]
Reference solution. Prepare at least three solutions in toluene R containing the insecticides to be
determined and carbophenothion at concentrations suitable for plotting a calibration curve.
— a fused silica column 30 m long and 0.32 mm in internal diameter the internal wall of which is
covered with a layer 0.25 µm thick of poly(dimethyl)(diphenyl)siloxane R,
— hydrogen for chromatography R as the carrier gas. Other gases such as helium for
chromatography R or nitrogen for chromatography R may also be used, provided the
chromatography is suitably validated,
— an electron-capture detector,
maintaining the temperature of the column at 80 °C for 1 min, then raising it at a rate of 30 °C/min to
150 °C, maintaining at 150 °C for 3 min, then raising the temperature at a rate of 4 °C/min to 280 °C
and maintaining at this temperature for 1 min, and maintaining the temperature of the injector port at
250 °C and that of the detector at 275 °C. Inject the chosen volume of each solution. When the
chromatograms are recorded in the prescribed conditions, the relative retention times are
approximately those listed in Table 3. Calculate the content of each insecticide from the peak areas
and the concentrations of the solutions.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 19
Table 3
A. Introduction/background
Quantitative Tests and Limits Tests in general accurately determine the concentrations of toxic metals
as impurities and contaminants. The latter are unavoidably present in these samples being tested i.e.
herbals and their herbal products. Member States can elect to use either of these types of tests and
their choices would be influenced by the nature of the sample and the contaminants or residue, on a
case-by-case basis. Another factor would be that the identified and chosen method(s) that can be
applied to control heavy metals should be relevant and acceptable to the requirements at a regional
and national level.
Some examples of proposed national limits for arsenic and toxic metals in various types of herbal
products are shown in Table 4, below. Country figures were based on information provided by
respective national health authorities.
raw medicinal plant 5 ppm 10 ppm 0.3 ppm 2 ppm 0.2 ppm
Canada materials
finished herbal products 0.01mg/day 0.02mg/day 0.006mg/day 0.02mg/day 0.02mg/day
China to be medicinal plant materials 2 ppm 10 ppm 1 ppm 0.5 ppm 20 ppm
Malaysia finished herbal products 5 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 0.5 mg/kg
Singapore finished herbal products 5 ppm 20 ppm 0.5 ppm 150 ppm
*Dietary supplements - NSF International Draft Standard (Draft Standard NSF 173-2001), National Sanitation Foundation International, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, USA, 2001
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 21
The metals are widely distributed throughout nature and occur freely in soil, water and as mentioned
before are often components of certain pesticides.
In general, during analyses of the metals one should always aim to use the best and latest methods
whenever possible. However, it is crucial to ensure that all methods are fully validated, not forgetting
the need to validate the integrity of the starting matrix of plant product. This imperative should apply
to both governments and companies/applicants submitting these methods as part of their applications
to the country’s regulatory authority for market authorization.
Limit Tests find wide application in the world of pharmaceutical medicines where it is common to test
for substances such as chlorides, sulfates, arsenic and heavy metals. Thus they will be very useful in
the testing of herbals and their products. Limit Tests can also be modified in many instances to
function as true limits test where the actual amount of toxic metal can be estimated with great
The need for inclusion of tests for toxic metals and acceptance criteria should be studied during
development and based on knowledge of the plant species, its growth and or cultivation and the
manufacturing process. The choice of procedures for control should take account of this information:
the use of a limit test versus a specific quantitative method will depend on the level of control
required on a particular material, e.g. starting material, etc., and should be justified.
In general, where the burden of the plant material with heavy metals is unknown it is suggested that it
be identified qualitatively and quantitatively on several batches collected preferably over several
years. These data should be used to establish acceptance limits that should be checked by appropriate
limit tests.
A popular method relies on the digestion of the plant matrix and then subjection of the digestate to a
comparative colorimetric test in a special apparatus.
A suitable type of apparatus is constructed as follows. A wide-mouthed bottle of about 120-ml
capacity is fitted with a rubber bung through which passes a glass tube. The tube, made from ordinary
glass tubing, has a total length of about 200 mm and an internal diameter of exactly 6.5 mm (external
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 22
diameter about 8 mm). The lower end of the tube is drawn out to an internal diameter of about 1 mm,
and there is a hole not less than 2 mm in diameter blown in the side of the tube, near the constricted
part. The tube is positioned so that when the bottle contains 70 ml of liquid the constricted end is
above the surface of the liquid and the hole in the side is below the bottom of the bung. The upper
end of the tube has a flat, ground surface at a right angle to the axis of the tube, with slightly rounded-
off edges.
One of two rubber bungs (about 25 mm x 25 mm), each with a central hole of exactly 6.5 mm
diameter, is fitted onto the upper end of the tube. The other bung is fitted with a piece of glass tube
about 3 mm long and with an internal diameter of exactly 6.5 mm and with a similar ground surface.
One end of each of the tubes is flush with the larger end of the bungs, so that when these ends are held
tightly together with a rubber band or a spring clip, the openings of the two tubes meet to form a true
tube. Alternatively, the two bungs may be replaced by any suitable construction satisfying the
conditions described in the test.
Moisten some cotton-wool with lead acetate (80 g/l) TS, allow to dry, and lightly pack into the tube
which fits into the wide-mouthed bottle to not less than 25 mm from the top. Between the flat
surfaces of the tubes, place a piece of mercuric bromide paper AsR that is large enough to cover their
openings (15 mm x 15 mm). The mercuric bromide paper AsR can be fitted by any other means
provided that:
- the whole of the evolved gas passes through the paper;
- the portion of the paper in contact with the gas is a circle 6.5 mm in diameter; and
- the paper is protected from sunlight during the test.
Place an aliquot (25-50 ml) of the solution being tested, prepared as described above, in the wide-
mouthed bottle, add 1 g of potassium iodide AsR and l0 g of granulated zinc AsR, and place the
prepared glass tube assembly quickly in position. Allow the reaction to proceed for 40 minutes.
Compare any yellow stain that is produced on the mercuric bromide paper AsR with a standard stain
produced in a similar manner with a known quantity of dilute arsenic AsTS. Examine the test and
standard stains without delay in daylight; the stains fade with time.
The most suitable temperature for carrying out the test is generally about 40 °C but, as the rate of
evolution of the gas varies somewhat with different batches of granulated zinc AsR, the temperature
may have to be adjusted to obtain an even evolution of gas. Placing the apparatus on a warm surface,
care being taken to ensure that the mercuric bromide paper AsR remains dry throughout may
accelerate the reaction.
Between successive tests, the tube must be washed with hydrochloric acid (~250 g/l) AsTS, rinsed
with water and dried.
The amount of arsenic in the medicinal plant material is estimated by matching the depth of the colour
on the sample paper with that of the standard stain.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 23
The equipment consists of a digestion vessel, consisting of a vitreous silica crucible (DIN 12904),
"tall form", height 62 mm, diameter 50 mm, capacity 75 ml, with a vitreous silica cover.
Clean scrupulously with nitric acid (~1000 g/l) TS the digestion vessel and all other equipment to be
used for the determination rinse thoroughly several times with water and dry at 120 °C.
Heat slowly to 100 °C and maintain at this temperature for up to 3 hours; then heat to 120 °C and
maintain at this temperature for 2 hours. Raise the temperature very slowly to 240 °C, avoiding losses
due to possible violent reactions especially in the temperature range of 160-200 °C, and maintain at
this temperature for 4 hours. Dissolve the remaining dry inorganic residue in 2.5 ml of nitric acid
(~1000 g/l) TS and use for the determination of heavy metals.
The contents of lead and cadmium may be determined by inverse voltametry or by atomic absorption
BCR reference material CRM No. 62 Community Bureau of Reference, obtainable from BCR, Directorate-General X11,
Commission of the European Communities, 200 rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium.
Obtainable from IAEA/V-10, International Atomic Energy Agency, Analytical Quality Control Services, Laboratory
Geibersdorf, P.O. Box 100, A-Vienna, Austria.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 24
minutes. Then add 1 drop of phenolphthalein TS, add ammonia TS drop-wise until the solution
develops a pale red colour, add 2 ml of dilute acetic acid, filter, if necessary, and wash with 10 ml of
water. Transfer the filtrate and washings to a Nessler tube, and add water to make 50 ml. Designate it
as the test solution.
The control solution is prepared as follows: Evaporate a mixture of 2 ml of nitric acid, 5 drops of
sulphuric acid, and 2 ml of hydrochloric acid on a water-bath, further evaporate to dryness on a sand-
bath, and moisten the residue with 3 drops of hydrochloric acid. Hereinafter, proceed as directed in
the test solution, and then add the volume of standard lead solution directed in the monograph and
water to make 50 ml.
Add 1 drop of sodium sulfide TS to each of the test solution and the control solution, mix thoroughly,
and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Then compare the colours of both solutions by viewing the tubes
downward or transversely against a white background. The test solution has no more colour than the
control solution.
Add 1 drop of sodium sulfide TS to each of the test solution and the control solution, mix thoroughly,
and allow to stand for 5 minutes. Then compare the colours of both solutions by viewing the tubes
downward or transversely against a white background. The test solution has no more colour than the
control solution.
Caution must be exercised when using the recommended closed high-pressure digestion vessels and
microwave laboratory equipment, and there should be full familiarity with the safety and operating
instructions given by the manufacturer.
The apparatus consists of the following:
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 25
Usually the apparatus consists of a light source, a sample atomiser, a spectroscope, a photometer and a
recording system.
ii. a digestion flask, polytetrafluoroethylene flask with a volume of about 120 ml, fitted with an
airtight closure, a valve to adjust the pressure inside the container and a
polytetrafluoroethylene tube to allow release of gas(1), A good example is the Digestion Vessel
Assembly P/N ZZ 1000
iii. a system to make flasks airtight, using the same torsional force(2), an example is the CEM
Capping station calibration
iv. a microwave oven, with a magnetron frequency of 2450 MHz, with a selectable output from 0
to 630 ± 70 W in 1 per cent increments, a programmable digital computer, a
polytetrafluoroethylene-coated microwave cavity with a variable speed exhaust fan, a rotating
turntable drive system and exhaust tubing to vent fumes
v. an atomic absorption spectrometer, equipped with an appropriate lamp for each element as
source of radiation and a deuterium lamp as background corrector; the system is fitted with a
sample atomiser of which there are three types with: the flame type, the electrochemical type
and the cold-vapour type.
(a) a graphite furnace (in the electrochemical type) as atomisation device for cadmium, copper,
iron, lead, nickel, zinc. An example is the Vapour Generation Accessory
(b) an automated continuous-flow hydride vapour generation system for arsenic and mercury(3).
Digestion Vessel Assembly P/N ZZ 1000 is suitable.
CEM Capping station calibration is suitable.
Vapour Generation Accessory is suitable.
Clean all the glassware and laboratory equipment with a 10 g/l solution of nitric acid R in water R
before use.
Test solution. In a digestion flask place the prescribed quantity of the substance to be examined (about
0.5 of powdered drug or 0.5 g of fatty oil). Add 3 ml of nitric acid R, 1 ml hydrogen peroxide R and
1 ml of hydrochloric acid R. Seal the flask so that it is airtight. Place the digestion flasks in the
microwave oven. Carry out the digestion in 3 steps according to the following programme, used for 7
flasks each containing the test solution: 80 per cent power for 15 min, 100 per cent power for 5 min,
80 per cent power for 20 min. At the end of the cycle allow the flasks to cool in air and to each add 4
ml of sulphuric acid R. Repeat the digestion programme. After cooling in air, open each digestion
flask and introduce the clear, colourless solution obtained into a 50 ml volumetric flask. Rinse each
digestion flask with 2 quantities, each of 15 ml, of water R and collect the rinsings in the volumetric
flask. Add 1 ml of 10 g/l solution of magnesium nitrate R and 1 ml of 100 g/l solution of ammonium
dihydrogen phosphate R and dilute to 50 ml with water R.
Blank solution. Mix 3 ml of nitric acid R 1 ml hydrogen peroxide R (30%) and 1ml of hydrochloric
acid R in a digestion flask. Carry out the digestion in the same manner as for the test solution.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 26
B. 1 Detection of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni)
and zinc (Zn)
Measure the content of cadmium, copper, iron, lead, nickel and zinc by the standard additions method
using reference solutions of each heavy metal and the instrumental parameters that may be used are
described in Table 5.
The absorbance value of the compensation liquid (blank solution) is subtracted from the value
obtained with the test solution.
Table 5
Cd Cu Fe Ni Pb Zn
Wavelength nm 228.8 324.8 248.3 232 283.5 213.9
Slit width nm 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5
hollow-cathodeLamp mA 6 7 5 10 5 7
Ignition temperature αC 800 800 800 800 800 800
Atomisation temperature αC 1800 2300 2300 2500 2200 2000
Background corrector On On On On On On
Nitrogen flow Litre/min 3 3 3 3 3 3
The absorbance value of the compensation liquid (blank solution) is automatically subtracted from the
value obtained with the test solution.
Sample solution. To 19 ml of the test solution or of the blank solution as prescribed above, add 1 ml
of a 200 g/l solution of potassium iodide R possibility to stabilize adding ascorbic acid. Allow the test
solution to stand at room temperature for about 50 min or at 70 °C for about 4 min.
Acid reagent. Hydrochloric acid R.
Reducing reagent. A 6 g/l solution of sodium tetrahydroborate R in a 5 g/l solution of sodium
hydroxide R.
The instrumental parameters in Table 6 may be used.
Sample solution. Test solution or blank solution, as prescribe above.
Acid reagent. A 515 g/l solution of hydrochloric acid R.
Reducing reagent. A 10 g/l solution of stannous chloride R or sodium tetrahydroborate in dilute
hydrochloric acid R.
The instrumental parameters in Table 6 may be used.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 27
Table 6
As Hg
Wavelength nm 193.7 253.7
Slit width nm 0.2 0.5
Hollow-cathode Lamp current mA 10 4
Acid reagent flow rate ml/min 1.0 1.0
Reducing reagent flow rate ml/min 1.0 1.0
Sample solution flow rate ml/min 7.0 7.0
Absorption cell Quartz (heated) Quartz (unheated)
Background corrector on on
Nitrogen flow rate litre/min 0.1 0.1
The total viable aerobic count (TVC) of the plant material being examined is determined, as specified
in the test procedure, using one of the following methods: membrane-filtration, plate count or serial
dilution. Aerobic bacteria and fungi (moulds and yeasts) are determined by this TVC method.
Usually a maximum permitted level is set for certain products but whenever the TVC exceeds this
level then it is unnecessary to proceed with determination of specific organisms; the material should
then be rejected without being subjected to further testing.
Depending on the nature of the crude medicinal plant material, grind, dissolve, dilute, suspend or
emulsify it using a suitable method and then eliminate any antimicrobial properties by dilution,
neutralization or filtration. Either Phosphate Buffer pH 7.2, Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone
Solution. pH 7.0 or fluid medium, used for the test, is used to suspend or dilute this test specimen.
Different materials have special requirements, which have to be met for acceptable pre-treatment to be
performed. Some examples follow:
Plate count
For bacteria use Petri dishes 9-10 cm in diameter. To one dish add a mixture of 1 ml of the pre-
treated plant material and about 15 ml of liquefied casein-soybean digest agar at a temperature not
exceeding 45 °C. Alternatively, spread the material on the surface of the solidified medium in a Petri
dish. If necessary, dilute the material to obtain an expected colony count of not more than 300.
Prepare at least two dishes using the same dilution, invert them and incubate them at 30-35 °C for 48-
72 hours, unless a more reliable count is obtained in a shorter period of time. Count the number of
colonies formed and calculate the results using the plate with the largest number of colonies, up to a
maximum of 300.
For fungi use Petri dishes 9-10 cm in diameter. To one dish add a mixture of 1 ml of the pre-treated
material and about 15 ml of liquefied Sabouraud glucose agar with antibiotics (also used is Potato
Dextrose Agar with antibiotics) at a temperature not exceeding 45 °C. Alternatively, spread the
pretreated material on the surface of the solidified medium in a Petri dish. If necessary, dilute the
material as described above to obtain an expected colony count of not more than 100. Prepare at least
two dishes using the same dilution and incubate them upright at 20-25 °C for 5 days, unless a more
reliable count is obtained in a shorter period of time. Count the number of colonies formed and
calculate the results using the dish with not more than 100 colonies.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 30
Membrane filtration
Use membrane filters with a nominal pore size of not greater than 0.45 µm, and with a proven
effectiveness of retaining bacteria, e.g. cellulose nitrate filters are used for aqueous, oily and weakly
alcoholic solutions, while cellulose acetate filters are better for strongly alcoholic solutions. The
technique below uses filter discs of about 50 mm in diameter. Where filters of a different diameter are
used, adjust the volumes of the dilutions and washings accordingly. Sterilize, by appropriate means,
the filtration apparatus and the membrane as the solution is introduced, filtered and examined under
aseptic conditions, and the membrane then transferred to the culture medium.
Serial dilution
Prepare a series of 12 tubes each containing 9-10 ml of soybean-casein digest medium. To each of
a. first group of three tubes add 1 ml of the 1:10 dilution of dissolved, homogenized material
(containing 0.1 g or 0.1 ml of specimen) prepared as described later in the guideline
b. second group of three tubes add 1 ml of a 1:100 dilution of the material and to the
c. third group of three tubes add 1 ml of a 1:1000 dilution of the material
d. last three tubes add 1 ml of the diluent.
Incubate the tubes at 30-35 °C for at least 5 days. No microbial growth should appear in the last three
tubes. If the reading of the results is difficult or gives an uncertain reading, owing to the nature of the
material being examined, prepare a subculture in a liquid or a solid medium, and evaluate the results
after a further period of incubation. Determine the most probable number of microorganisms per g or
ml of the material using Table 7.
If, for the first column, the number of tubes showing microbial growth is two or less, the most
probable number of microorganisms per g or per ml is less than 100.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 31
Number of tubes with microbial Growth Most probable number of
100mg or 10mg or 1mg or microorganisms per g or ml
0.1 ml per tube 0.01 ml per tube 0.001 ml per tube
3 3 3 >1100
3 3 2 1100
3 3 1 500
3 3 0 200
3 2 3 290
3 2 2 210
3 2 1 150
3 2 0 90
3 1 3 160
3 1 2 120
3 1 1 70
3 1 0 40
3 0 3 95
3 0 2 60
3 0 1 40
3 0 0 23
Amounts in mg or ml are quantities of original plant material.
The following strains are normally used (see also Annex 2):
Staphylococcus aureus NCIMB 8625 (ATCC 6538-P, CIP 53.156) or NCIMB 9518 (ATCC
6538, CIP 4.83, IFO 13276)
Bacillus subtilis NCIMB 8054 (ATCC 6633, CIP 52.62, IFO 3134)
Escherichia coli NCIMB 8545 (ATCC 8739, CIP 53.126, IFO 3972)
Candida albicans ATCC 2091 (CIP 1180.79, IFO 1393) or ATCC 10 231 (NCPF 3179,
CIP 48.72, IFO 1594)
Allow the test strains to grow separately in tubes containing Soybean-Casein Digest Medium at 30-35
°C for 18-24 hours for aerobic bacteria and between 20-25 °C for Candida albicans, for 48 hours.
[Antibiotics are often added to the culture medium to attain a certain selectivity]
Dilute portions of each of the cultures using Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0 or
Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2 to prepare test suspensions containing about 50 to 200 viable cfu
(microorganisms) per ml. Growth-promoting qualities are tested by inoculating 1 ml of each
microorganism into each medium. The test media are satisfactory if clear evidence of growth appears
in all the inoculated media after incubation at the indicated temperature for 5 days. When a count of
test organisms with a test specimen is less than one-fifth of that without the test specimen, any such
effect must be eliminated by dilution, filtration, neutralization or inactivation.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 32
To confirm the sterility of the medium and of the diluent and the aseptic performance of the test, carry
out the TVC method using sterile Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0 or Phosphate
Buffer, pH 7.2 as a control. There should be no growth of microorganisms.
To validate the method, a count for the test organism should be obtained differing by not more than a
factor of 10 from the calculated value for the inoculum.
The conditions of the tests for microbial contamination are designed to minimize accidental
contamination of the materials being examined and thus precautions must be taken to ensure
conditions do not adversely affect any microorganisms that are to be measured.
Detection of bacteria
Homogenize the pretreated material appropriately and incubate at 30-37 °C for a length of time
sufficient for revivification of the bacteria but not sufficient for multiplication of the organisms
(usually 2-5 hours). Shake the container, transfer aliquots equivalent to 1g or 1ml of the homogenized
material to 100ml of Enterobacteriaceae enrichment broth-Mossel and incubate at 35-37 °C for 18-48
hours. Prepare a subculture on a plate with violet-red bile agar with glucose and lactose. Incubate at
35-37 °C for 18-48 hours. The material passes the test if no growth of colonies of Gram-negative
bacteria is detected on the plate.
Quantitative evaluation
Inoculate a suitable amount of Enterobacteriaceae enrichment broth-Mossel with quantities of
homogenized material prepared as described under "Detection of bacteria" above, appropriately
diluted as necessary, containing 1g, 0.1 g and 10 µg, or 1 ml, 0.1 ml and 10 µl, of the material being
examined. Incubate at 35-37 °C for 24-48 hours. Prepare a subculture of each of the cultures on a
plate with violet-red bile agar with glucose and lactose in order to obtain selective isolation. Incubate
at 35-37 °C for 18-24 hours. The growth of well-developed colonies, generally red or reddish in
colour, of Gram-negative bacteria constitutes a positive result. Note the smallest quantity of material
that gives a positive result. Determine the probable number of bacteria using Table 8.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 33
Escherichia coli
Transfer a quantity of the homogenized material in lactose broth, prepared and incubated as described
above, and containing 1 g or 1 ml of the material being examined, to 100 ml of MacConkey broth and
incubate at 43-45 °C for 18-24 hours.
Prepare a subculture on a plate with MacConkey agar and incubate at 43-45 °C for 18-24 hours.
Growth of red, generally non-mucoid colonies of Gram-negative rods, sometimes surrounded by a
reddish zone of precipitation, indicates the possible presence of E. coli. This may be confirmed by the
formation of indole at 43.5-44.5 °C or by other biochemical reactions. The material passes the test if
no such colonies are detected or if the confirmatory biochemical reactions are negative.
Salmonella spp.
Incubate the solution, suspension or emulsion of the pretreated material prepared as described above
at 35-37 °C for 5-24 hours, as appropriate for enrichment.
Primary test
Transfer 10 ml of the enrichment culture to 100 ml of tetrathionate bile brilliant green broth and
incubate at 42-43 °C for 18-24 hours. Prepare subcultures on at least two of the following three agar
media: deoxycholate citrate agar; xylose, lysine, deoxycholate agar; and brilliant green agar. Incubate
at 35-37 °C for 24-48 hours. Carry out the secondary test if any colonies are produced that conform to
the description given in Table 9.
Secondary test
Prepare a subculture of any colonies showing the characteristics described in Table 9 on the surface of
triple sugar iron agar using the deep inoculation technique. The latter is done by first, inoculating the
inclined surface of the culture medium, followed by a stab culture with the same inoculating needle
and then, incubating at 35-37 °C for 18-24 hours. The test is positive for the presence of Salmonella
species. if a change of colour from red to yellow is observed in the deep culture (but not in the surface
culture), usually with the formation of gas with or without production of hydrogen sulfide in the agar.
Confirmation is obtained by appropriate biochemical and serological tests.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 34
The material being examined passes the test if cultures of the type described do not appear in the
primary test, or if the confirmatory biochemical and serological tests in the secondary test are
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pretreat the material being examined as described under A.1 but using buffered sodium chloride-
peptone solution, pH 7.0, or another suitable medium shown not to have antimicrobial activity under
the conditions of the test, in place of lactose broth. Inoculate 100 ml of soybean-casein digest medium
with a quantity of the solution, suspension or emulsion thus obtained containing 1 g or 1 ml of the
material being examined. Mix and incubate at 35-37 °C for 24-48 hours. Prepare a subculture on a
plate of cetrimide agar and incubate at 35-37 °C for 24-48 hours. If no growth of microorganisms is
detected, the material passes the test. If growth of colonies of Gram-negative rods occurs, usually with
a greenish fluorescence, apply an oxidase test and test the growth in soybean-casein digest medium at
42 °C. The following method may be used. Place 2 or 3 drops of a freshly prepared 0.01 g/ml solution
of N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride R on filter-paper and apply a smear of
the suspected colony; the test is positive if a purple colour is produced within 5-10 seconds. The
material passes the test if cultures of the type described do not appear or if the confirmatory
biochemical test is negative.
Staphylococcus aureus
Prepare an enrichment culture as described for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Prepare a subculture on a
suitable medium such as Baird-Parker agar. Incubate at 35-37 °C for 24-48 hours. The material passes
the test if no growth of microorganisms is detected. Black colonies of Gram-positive cocci often
surrounded by clear zones may indicate the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. For catalase-positive
cocci, confirmation may be obtained, for example, by coagulase and deoxyribonuclease tests. The
material passes the test if cultures of the type described do not appear or if the confirmatory
biochemical test is negative.
Add 10 g (10 ml) of the herbal materials, preparation or product to be examined into two suitable
vessels, each containing 100 ml of Cooked-Meat Medium, previously heated just prior to use, to 100
°C for a few minutes and cooled to 37 °C. To distinguish between sporing and non-sporing organisms,
immediately seal one vessel with a layer of sterile paraffin or agar, heat the other vessel at 65 °C for
30 minutes, and then similarly seal.
Incubate both vessels at 35 °C to 37 °C and examine every 24-hours up to 4 days. Growth of sporing
organisms alone will take place in the vessel which was heated after inoculation.
If no growth occurs in both vessels, the sample passes the test for absence of Clostridia and other
anaerobic bacteria.
If sporing anaerobic organisms (Table 10) are found inoculate the cultures, each in duplicate, on one
half the surface of 5% defibrinated Sheep Blood Agar Medium plates. Incubate at 37 °C for 48 hours,
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 35
one plate anaerobically and the other aerobically, to check that the organisms will not grow under
aerobic condition.
After 24 and 48 hours examine the appearance of the colonies together with the type and extent of
hemolysis, and also examine microscopically for spore formation using Gram stain or spore stain
techniques. Match the result with the description in Table 11, and proceed for further identification of
specified clostridia.
Table 11. Characteristics of clostridium species on 5% defibrinated Sheep Blood Agar Medium
Clostridium botulinum Clostridium perfringens Clostridium tetani
Colonies Irregular, translucent with a Large, circular, convex, Transparent with long
granular surface and semitranslucent, smooth feathery spreading
indefinite fimbriated with an entire edge. projections.
spreading edge
Hemolysis + Double zone +
Spores Oval, central, subterminal Absent Spherical and terminal
distend bacilli (drum stick)
The method described below is adopted from WHO guidelines for the control of epidemics due to
Shigella dysenteriae type 1.
Inoculate a general purpose plating medium of low selectivity and one of moderate or high selectivity.
MacConkey agar is recommended as a medium of low selectivity. MacConkey agar with 1 mcg/ml of
potassium tellurite has been reported to be particularly useful for S. dysenteriae type 1 (Sd1). Use a
small inoculum. Incubate at 35-37 °C for 18-24 hours.
Each new batch of medium should be controlled for quality before routine use by inoculating it with
known reference strains and observing their growth and colony characteristics.
Identify well-separated colonies of typical appearance to be transferred from each of the plating media
for further testing by making a mark on the bottom of the Petri plate.
Whenever possible a person experienced with the identification of Shigella should train laboratory
workers who are unfamiliar with its identification.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 36
Triple sugar iron agar (TSI) can also be used for the identification of Shigella. It will give the same
reactions as KIA.
If necessary, grow separately the test strains listed in Table 12 on the culture media indicated at
30-35 °C for 18-24 hours. Dilute portions of each of the cultures using buffered sodium chloride-
peptone solution pH 7.0 so that the test suspensions contain about 103; microorganisms per ml. Mix
equal volumes of each suspension and use 0.4 ml (approximately 102 microorganisms of each strain)
as an inoculum in tests for Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Staphylococcus aureus, in the presence of the material being examined, if necessary. The test method
should give a positive result for the respective strain of microorganism.
Table 12. Validation of tests for detection of specific microorganisms in the herbal sample
Microorganism Strain numbera Medium
Escherichia coli e.g. NCIMB 8545 lactose broth
(ATCC 8739, CIP 53.126, IFO 3972)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa e.g. NCIMB 8626 soybean-casein digest
(ATCC 9027, CIP 82.118) medium
Salmonella typhimurium No strain number is recommended. Species not lactose broth
pathogenic for humans, such as Salmonella abony
(NCTC 6017, CIP 80.39), may be used
Add from Thailand
See Annex 2
a. For contamination of raw medicinal plant, and medicinal plant materials intended for further
processing (including additional decontamination by a physical or chemical process) the limits,
adapted from the provisional guidelines established by an international consultative group (26), are
given for untreated medicinal plant material harvested under acceptable hygienic conditions:
- Escherichia coli, maximum 104 per gram;
- mould propagules, maximum 105 per gram
- shigella, absence per gram or ml.
b. For medicinal plant materials that have been pretreated (e.g. with boiling water as used for
herbal teas and infusions) or that are used as topical dosage forms:
- aerobic bacteria, maximum 107 per gram;
- yeasts and moulds, maximum 104 per gram;
- Escherichia coli, maximum 102 per gram;
- other enterobacteria, maximum 104 per gram;
- clostridia, absence per 1 gram;
- salmonellae, absence per 1 gram;
- shigella, absence per 1 gram .
Determination of Aflatoxins
Whenever testing for aflatoxins is required they should be determined after using a suitable clean-up
procedure, during which great care should be taken not to be exposed or to expose the working or
general environment to these dangerous and toxic substances. Thus Member States should adapt their
GLP and GMP accordingly. Only products that have a history of aflatoxin contamination need to be
Some examples of proposed national limits for Aflatoxin in various types of herbal products are
described as below.
• Any materials used in manufacture of medicinal products (including medicinal herbal products)
2 µg/kg* for aflatoxin B1 or 4 µg/kg* for total sum of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2
(the determination of the level of aflatoxin content has to be based on sampling procedures taking into
account a potential heterogenic distribution in the material)
Test Method
The method described below does not require the use of toxic solvents, such as chloroform and
dichloromethane. It uses a multifunctional column, which contains lipophilic and charged active sites,
and HPLC using fluorescence detection to determine aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2. The advantages
of employing a multifunctional column are: (1) high total recoveries of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2
(more than 85%) and (2) the column can be kept (stocked) at room temperature and for a fairly long
time prior to use.
Standard solution: Take 1.0 ml of Working standard solution was added with toluene-acetonitrile
(9:1) solution to 20 ml [Final standard solution (2.5 ng/ml)].
Preparation of sample
A medicinal plant material for test was ground to uniform consistency using the coffee mill, and 50g
test sample was extracted with 400 ml of acetonitrile-water (9:1) by shaking vigorously in a glass
flask fitted with a stopper for 30 min or by using a mechanical blender for 5 min. The solution was
filtered through a filter paper or centrifuged. A 5 ml portion of the filtrate or the top clean layer was
transferred to a multifunctional column [such as a MultiSep #228 cartridge column (Romer Labs) or
an Autoprep MF-A (Showa-denko)] and passed through at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The aflatoxins
existing in a sample passed through the column as the first elute. Obtain the first 1ml elute as the test
0.5 ml of the test solution in a centrifuge glass tube was evaporated to dryness at 40 °C or by using
nitrogen air stream to exclude solvent.
To derivatize aflatoxins B1 and G1 (precolumn derivatization), add 0.1 ml of trifluoro acetic acid
(TFA) solution to the residue in the tube, tightly close the tube and shake strongly. Allow the tube to
stand at room temperature for 15 min in the dark. Add 0.4 ml of acetonitrile-water (1:9) solution to
the tube. A 20 µl portion of the sample solution in the tube was subjected to liquid chromatography
Liquid Chromatography (LC) conditions:
The mobile phase was acetonitrile-methanol-water (1:3:6)4. The mobile phase was degassed by
sonication. An Octadesyl-Sylica gel (ODS) column (4.6 mm I.D. X 250 mm, 3 –5 µm), such as
Inertsil ODS-3 (4.6 mm I.D. X 250 mm, 3 µm) was connected as the liquid chromatography column.
The column was maintained at 40 °C with a flow rate of 1 ml/min. The aflatoxin and derivatives were
detected at the excitation and emission wavelengths of 365 nm and 450 nm, respectively. The
injection volume was 20µl.
If an impurity peak overlaps the peaks corresponding to aflatoxins, the second liquid chromatography
conditions described below are recommended.
Alternative LC conditions:
The mobile phase was methanol-water (3:7). The mobile phase was degassed by sonication. A
fluorocarbonated column, such as Wako-pack Fluofix 120E (4.6 mm I.D. X 250 mm, 5 µm) was
connected as the liquid chromatograph column. The column was maintained at 40 °C with a flow rate
If the sample solution contains a lot of impurity, the column should be washed by acetonitrile for 5-10 min and
reconditioned with the mobile phase for 10 min before the next analysis.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 40
of 1 ml/min. The aflatoxin and its derivatives were detected at the excitation and emission
wavelengths of 365 nm and 450 nm, respectively. The injection volume was 20 µl.
Comparison of retention time of peak area or peak heights of respective aflatoxin in chromatograms:
if they are bigger or higher than one obtained in respective standard aflatoxin solution, it should be
regarded positive for respective aflatoxin in the sample solution.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 41
Method of measurement
Plant materials may be contaminated for a long period of time with airborne radioactive materials.for
example following a severe nuclear accident. These materials may deposit on leaves of vegetables
and medicinal plants as well. Their activity concentration and type of radioactive contamination can
be measured by Radiation monitoring laboratories of most of the WHO Member States. The activity
concentration of radioisotopes in herbs should be assessed by the competent national radiohygiene
laboratories accounting for the relevant recommendations of the international organization, such as
Codex Alimentarius - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), FAO and WHO) .
Since radionuclides from accidental discharges vary with the type of facility involved, a generalized
method of measurement is so far not available. However, should such contamination be of concern,
suspect samples can be analysed by a competent laboratory. Details of laboratory techniques are
available from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).5
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Analytical Quality Control Services, Laboratory Seibersdorf, PO Box 100,
Vienna, Austria.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 42
8. Bibliography
(1) WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy: 2002–2005. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2002 (document
(2) Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1998.
(3) WHO guidelines on good agricultural and field collection practices(GACP) for medicinal plants. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 2003
(4) International pharmacopoeia, Third edition, Volume 1. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1979 - update
to 4th edition…
(5) International pharmacopoeia, Third edition, Volume 2. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1981
(6) International pharmacopoeia, Third edition, Volume 3. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1988
(7) International pharmacopoeia, Third edition, Volume 4. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1994
(8) International pharmacopoeia, Third edition, Volume 5. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003
(9) Good manufacturing practices: main principles for pharmaceutical products. Annex 4 of WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, Report of the thirty-seventh session.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2003 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908). (These
guidelines are also included in Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: a compendium of guidelines
and related materials, Vol. 2, Updated edition: good manufacturing practices and inspection. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 2004).
(10) Good manufacturing practices supplementary guidelines for manufacture of herbal medicinal
products. Annex 8 of WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations.
Thirty-fourth report. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1996 (WHO Technical Report Series, No.
863), (These guidelines are also included in Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: a compendium
of guidelines and related materials, Vol. 2, Updated edition: good manufacturing practices and
inspection. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2004). [These supplementary guidelines are being
(11) Good storage practices of pharmaceutical products. Annex 9 of WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, Report of the thirty-seventh session, Geneva,
World Health Organization, 2003 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908) .
(12) Good trade and distribution practices (GTDP) of pharmaceutical starting materials. Annex 2 of WHO
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations. Report of the thirty-eighth
session. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2004 (WHO Technical Report Series, NO. 917).
(13) General guidelines for methodologies on research and evaluation of traditional medicine.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2000 (document WHO/EDM/TRM/2000.1).
(14) Guidelines for assessment of herbal medicines. Annex 11 of WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations. Thirty-fourth report. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1996 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 863), (These guidelines are also
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 43
(15) WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants, Vol. 1. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1999.
(16) WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants, Vol. 2. Geneva, World Health Organization,
(17) Codex Alimentarius Code of Practice, General Principles of Food Hygiene, 2nd ed. Rome, Joint
FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, 2001 (document Codex Alimentarius GL 33).
(18) Codex Alimentarius Guidelines for the production, processing, labelling and marketing of
organically produced food. Rome, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, 2001 (document
Codex Alimentarius GL 32, Rev. 1).
(19) Codex Alimentarius Code for hygienic practice for spices and dried aromatic plants. Rome, Joint
FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, 1995 (document Codex Alimentarius CAC/RCP 42).
(20) Pesticide Residues in Food – Methods of Analysis and Sampling. Codex Alimentarius. Vol. 2A, Part
1, 2nd Edition, Rome, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, 2000
(21) Facts about low-level radiation. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1986.
(22) Derived intervention levels for radionuclides in food. Guidelines for application after widespread
radioactive contamination resulting from a major radiation accident. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1988.
(23) Codex Alimentarius Commission. Guide. Codex maximum limits for pesticide residues, Part 2, April
1992. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1992 (unpublished FAO
document CX/PR2-1992; available in hard copy and electronic format from FAO).
(24) Public health impact of pesticides used in agriculture. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1990.
(25) Official herbicide recommendations for vegetable crops, herbs and medicinal plants. The Hague,
International Society for Horticultural Science, 1981.
(26) International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation. Consultation on microbiological criteria for
foods to be further processed including by irradiation. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1989: 21
(unpublished WHO document WHO/ EHE/FOS/89.5; available on request from Office of Global and
Integrated Environmental Health, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland).
(27) Quality control methods. In: Remington: the science and practice of pharmacy, 19th ed. Easton, PA,
MACK, 1995: 118-119.
(28) Lachman L et al. Quality control charts. In: The theory and practice of industrial pharmacy.
Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1986: 817-824.
(29) Sampling procedures for industrially manufactured pharmaceuticals. In: WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations. Thirty-first report. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1990 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 790) Annex 2, pp. 34-47. [These guidelines
are being updated]
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 44
(30) Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on the validation of manufacturing processes. In: WHO
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations. Thirty-fourth report. Geneva,
World Health Organization, 1996 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 863): 80-96. (These guidelines
are also included in Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: a compendium of guidelines and related
materials, Vol. 2, Updated edition: good manufacturing practices and inspection. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2004).
(31) Lowe DA. Guide to international recommendations on names and symbols for quantities and on units
of measurement. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1975.
(32) The SI for the health professions. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1977
Farmacopea Argentina, Volume 1, 7th edition, Buenos Aires, Ministry of Health, 2003
The Japanese pharmacopoeia, 14th ed.(English edition.). Tokyo, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare,
The Korean Pharmacopoeia, 7th edition. (English edition.). Seoul, Korea Food and Drug Administration, and
Korean Association of Official Compendium for Public Health, 1998.
The Korean Pharmacopoeia, 8th edition. (English edition.). Seoul, Korea Food and Drug Administration, and
Korean Association of Official Compendium for Public Health, 2004.
Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China. Volume I (English edition). Beijing, Chemical Industry
Press, 2000.
Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China. Volume 2 (English edition). Beijing, Chemical Industry
Press, 2000
Thai herbal pharmacopoeia, Volume 1, Bangkok, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health,
Thai herbal pharmacopoeia, Volume 2, Bangkok, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health,
Thai pharmacopoeia, Volume 1, Bangkok, Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, 1987
The United States pharmacopoeia 27 and the National Formulary 22. Rockville, MD, The United States
Pharmacopoeia Convention, Inc., 2003.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 45
Annex 1. List of Culture Media and Strains used for Microbiological Analysis
Culture media
The following media are satisfactory, but other media may be used if they have similar nutritive and selective
properties for the microorganisms to be tested.
Baird-Parker agar
Procedure. Dissolve 10 g of pancreatic digest of casein R, 5 g of beef extract R, 1g of water-soluble yeast
extract R, 5 g of lithium chloride R, 20 g of agar R, 12 g of glycine R and 10 g of sodium pyruvate R in
sufficient water to produce 950 ml. Heat to boiling for 1 minute, shaking frequently and adjust the pH to 6.6-
7.0 using sodium hydroxide (0.5 mol/l) VS. Sterilize in an autoclave at 121 °C for 15 minutes, cool to 45-50 °C
and add 10 ml of a sterile 0.01 g/ml solution of potassium tellurite R and 50 ml of egg-yolk emulsion.
Cetrimide agar
Procedure. Dissolve 20 g of pancreatic digest of gelatin R, 1.4 g of magnesium chloride R, 10 g of potassium
sulfate R, 0.3 g of cetrimide R, 13.6 g of agar R and 10 ml of glycerol R insufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
Heat to boiling for 1 minute with shaking. Using sodium hydroxide (0.05 mol/l) VS adjust the pH to 7.0-7.4.
Sterilize in an autoclave at 121 °C for 15 minutes.
Lactose broth
Procedure. Dissolve 3 g of beef extract R, 5 g of pancreatic digest of gelatin R and 5 g of lactose R in sufficient
water to produce 1000 ml. Using sodium hydroxide (0.05 mol/l) VS adjust the pH to 6.7-7.1. Sterilize in an
autoclave at 121 °C for 15 minutes.
MacConkey agar
Procedure. Dissolve 17 g of pancreatic digest of gelatin R, 3 g of dried peptone R (meat and casein), 10 g of
lactose R, 5 g of sodium chloride R, 1.5 g of bile salts R, 13.5 g of agar R, 30 mg of neutral red R and 1 mg of
crystal violet R in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml. Using sodium hydroxide (0.05 mol/l) VS adjust the pH
to 6.9-7.3. Heat to boiling for 1 minute with constant shaking then sterilize in an autoclave at 121 °C for 15
MacConkey broth
Procedure. Dissolve 20 g of pancreatic digest of gelatin R, 10 g of lactose R, 5 g of dehydrated ox bile R and
10 mg of bromocresol purple R in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml. Using sodium hydroxide (0.05 mol/l)
VS adjust the pH to 7.1-7.5. Sterilize in an autoclave at 121 °C for 15 minutes.
Strains of microorganisms
The strains of microorganism referred to throughout the text are suitable, but others may be used if they have
similar properties. The designations of the strains and the addresses from which they may be obtained are as
ATCC American Type Culture Collection, 12301 Park Lawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852, USA.
IFO Institute for Fermentaion, Osaka (IFO) microorganism strains, The Culture Collection
Division, The NITE Biological Resource Center (NBRC), Department of Biotechnology,
National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (NITE), 2-5-8, Kazusa-kamatari, Kisarazu
City, Chiba 292-0818, Japan
NCIMB National Collection of Industrial and Marine Bacteria, 23 St Machar Drive, Aberdeen AB24
3RY, Scotland, United Kingdom.
NCPF National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi, PHLS Mycology Reference Laboratory, Public
Health Laboratory, Kingsdown, Bristol BS2 8EL, England, United Kingdom.
NCTC National Collection of Type Cultures, Central Public Health Laboratory, 61 Colindale Avenue,
London NW9 5HT, England, United Kingdom.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 48
The reagents, test solutions and volumetric solutions mentioned in this publication are described blow.
Reagents are denoted by the abbreviation R, test solutions by the abbreviation TS, and volumetric
solutions by the abbreviations VS. The concentration of the reagents solutions is expressed in g/l, that
is, grams of anhydrous substance per litre of water or solvent, as indicated. Where no solvent is
indicated, demineralized water should be used. The procedures for the preparation f test solutions that
require special attention are given in detail. The designation of d denotes the relative density d 20 :,
i.e. measured in air at 20 °C in relation to water at 20 °C. Colour Index (C.I.) numbers are provided
for strains.
Acetic acid (~300 g/l) TS. A solution of glacial acetic acid R containing about 300g of C2H4O2 per litre
(approximately 5 mol/l); d ~ 1.037.
Acetic acid (~60g/l) TS. Acetic acid (~300g/l) TS, diluted to contain about 60g of C2H4O2 per litre
(approximately 1 mol/l); d ~ 1.008.
Acetone R. C3H6O.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Agar R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Ammonia TS.
To 400 ml of ammonia solution add water to make 1000 ml (10%).
Ammonia (~100g/l) TS. Ammonia (~260g/l) TS, diluted to contain about 100g of NH3 per litre (approximately
6 mol/l); d 0.956.
Ammonium iron(III) citrate, brown, R. Ferric ammonium citrate, brown; soluble ferric citrate.
Contains about 9% of NH3, 16.5-18.5% of Fe, and about 65% of hydrated citric acid.
Description. Reddish brown granules, garnet-red transparent scales, or brownish yellow powder; odourless or
slight odour of NH3. Very deliquescent.
Solubility. Very soluble in water; practically insoluble in ethanol (~750g/l) TS.
Storage. Store in a well closed container, protected from light.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Ammonium molybdate (40g/l) TS. A solution of ammonium molybdate R containing about 40g of (NH4)
Mo7O24,4H2O per litre.
Ammonium oxalate (25 g/l) TS. A solution of ammonium oxalate R containing about 27g of C2H8N2O4 per
Ammonium thiocyanate (75 g/l) TS. A solution of ammonium thiocyanate R containing about 75 g of
CH4N2S per litre (approximately 1 mol/l).
Procedure. Dilute 1 ml of strong arsenic AsTS with sufficient water to produce 100 ml.
Note. Dilute arsenic AsTS must be freshly prepared.
Beef extract R. A residue from beef broth obtained by extracting fresh, sound, lean beef by cooking with water
and evaporating the resulting broth at a low temperature, usually under reduced pressure until a thick
pasty residue is obtained.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Bile salts R.
Description. A concentrate of beef bile, the principal constituent of which is sodium desoxycholate, determined
as cholic acid.
Solubility. Soluble in water and in ethanol ( 750g/l) TS.
Acidity. pH of a 0.02 g/ml solution 5.8-6.2.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Bromine AsTS.
Procedure. Dissolve 30g of potassium bromide R in 40 ml of water, add 30g of bromine R and dilute with
sufficient water to produce 100 ml. The solution complies with the following test: Evaporate 10 ml
nearly to dryness on a water-bath, add 50 ml of water, 10ml of hydrochloric acid ( 250g/l) AsTS, and
sufficient stannous chloride AsTS to reduce the remaining bromine, and apply the general test for
arsenic. The colour of the stain produced is not more intense than that produced from a 1-ml standard
stain, showing that the amount of arsenic does not exceed 1 µg/ml.
Cetrimide R. Contains not less than 96.0% and not more than 101.0% of alkyltrimethylammonium bromide,
calculated as C17H38BrN with reference to the dried substance.
Description. A white or almost white, voluminous, free-flowing powder; slight characteristic odour.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 51
Solubility. Soluble in two parts of water; freely soluble in ethanol ( 750g/l) TS.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Chloroform R. CHCl3.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Cyclohexane R. C6H12.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Ethanol R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 52
Ether R. C4H10O.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Ferric ammonium sulfate (0.25 mol/l) VS. Ferric ammonium sulfate R, dissolved in nitric acid ( 750 g/l) TS
to contain 120.5 g of . FeH4NO8S2,12H2O in 1000 ml.
Procedure. Dissolve 120.5 g of ferric ammonium sulfate R in a sufficient quantity of nitric acid ( 750g/l) TS
to produce 1000ml. The reagent should be free of chlorides.
Florisil R.
A suitable commercially available material for column chromatography.
Glucose hydrate R. Monohydrate of α-D-glucopyranose, C6H12O6, H2O. Contains not less than 99.0% and not
more than 101.5% of C6H12O6, calculated with reference to the dried substance.
Description. Colourless crystals or a white crystalline or granular powder; odourless.
Solubility. Soluble in about 1 part of water and in about 60 parts of ethanol ( 750 g/l) TS; more soluble in
boiling water and in boiling ethanol ( 750g/l) TS. Acidity. Dissolve 5g in 50ml of carbon-dioxide-free
water R. Neutralization requires not more than 0.5ml of carbonate-free sodium hydroxide (0.02mol/l)
VS, phenolphthalein/ethanol TS being used as indicator.
Specific optical rotation. Dissolve 100 mg, previously dried to constant weight, in 1 ml of water, and add a few
drops of ammonia ( 100g/l) TS;
= +52 to +53°.
Soluble starch or sulfites. Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of water and add 1 drop of iodine TS; the liquid is coloured
Loss on drying. Dry to constant weight at 105°C; loses not less than 80mg/g and not more than 100mg/g.
Sulfated ash. Not more than 1.0mg/g.
Assay. Dissolve about 0.1 g, accurately weighed, in 50 ml of water, add 30 ml of iodine (0.1 mol/l) VS and 10
ml of sodium carbonate (50g/l) TS, and allow to stand for 20 minutes. Add 15 ml of hydrochloric acid
( 70g/l) TS and titrate the excess of iodine with sodium thiosulfate (0.1 mol/l) VS, using starch TS as
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 53
indicator. Perform a blank determination and make any necessary corrections. Each ml of iodine (0.1
mol/l) VS is equivalent to 9.008 mg of C6H12O6.
Glycerol R. Propane- 1,2,3-triol with small amounts of water, C3H8O3. Contains not less than 970g/kg of
Description. A clear, almost colourless, syrupy and hygroscopic liquid; odourless.
Miscibility. Miscible with water and ethanol ( 750g/l) TS; practically immiscible with ether R and chloroform
Mass density (ρ20). Not less than 1.256kg/l.
Refractive index ( n D20 : ). Not less than 1.469.
Acrolein and other reducing substances. Mix 1 ml with 1 ml of ammonia ( 100g/l) TS and heat in a water-
bath at 60°C for 5 minutes; the liquid is not coloured yellow. Remove from the water-bath and add 3
drops of silver nitrate (40g/l) TS; the liquid does not become coloured within 5 minutes.
Sulfated ash. Not more than 0.5 mg/ml.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Hexane. C6H14.
A colourless, flammable liquid, practically insoluble in water, miscible with ethanol and with ether.
d 2020 : 0.659 to 0.663.
n D20 : 1.375 to 1.376
Distillation range. Not less than 95 per cent distils between 67 °C and 69 °C.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Hydrochloric acid (1 mol/l) VS. Hydrochloric acid ( 250g/l) TS, diluted with water to contain 36.47g of HCl
in 1000 ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the 1 mol/l solution in the following manner:
Dissolve about 1.5g, accurately weighed, of anhydrous sodium carbonate R (previously dried at 270°C
for 1 hour) in 50 ml of water and titrate with the hydrochloric acid solution, using methyl orange/ethanol
TS as indicator. Each 52.99 mg of anhydrous sodium carbonate R is equivalent to 1 ml of hydrochloric
acid (1 mol/l) VS.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 54
Hydrochloric acid (~250 g/l) AsTS. Hydrochloric acid ( 250g/l) TS that complies with the following tests A
and B:
A. Dilute 10ml with sufficient water to produce 50ml, add 5ml of ammonium thiocyanate (75g/l) TS and stir
immediately; no colour is produced.
B. To 50 ml add 0.2 ml of bromine AsTS, evaporate on a water-bath until reduced to 16 ml, adding more
bromine AsTS if necessary to ensure that an excess, as indicated by the colour, is present throughout the
evaporation. Add 50 ml of water and 5 drops of stannous chloride AsTS and apply the general test for
arsenic. The colour of the stain produced is not more intense than that produced from a 0.2-ml standard
stain, showing that the amount of arsenic does not exceed 0.05 µg/ml.
Hydrochloric acid (~250 g/l) TS. A solution of hydrochloric acid ( 420g/l) TS in water, containing
approximately 250g of HCl per litre; d 1.12.
Iodine R. I2.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Iodine TS.
Procedure. Dissolve 2.6 g of iodine R and 3 g of potassium iodide R in sufficient water to produce 100 ml
(approximately 0.1 mol/l).
Iodine (0.1 mol/l) VS. Iodine R and potassium iodide R, dissolved in water to contain 25,38g of I2 and 36.0 g
of KI in 1000 ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the 0.1 mol/l solution by titrating 25.0 ml with
sodium thiosulfate (0.1 mol/l) VS, using starch TS as indicator.
Lactose R. C12H22O11.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Lead acetate (80 g/l) TS. A solution of lead acetate R in freshly boiled water containing about 80g/l of .
C4H6O4Pb (approximately 0.25mol/l).
L-Lysine R. C6H14N2O2.
Description. Crystalline needles or hexagonal plates.
Solubility. Soluble in water; very slightly soluble in ethanol (~750g/l) TS; insoluble in ether R.
Melting point. About 213°C with decomposition.
Specific optical rotation. Dissolve 0.2g in 10ml of hydrochloric acid (~250g/l) TS;
= about +21.5°.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Mercuric thiocyanate TS. A saturated solution of mercuric thiocyanate R in ethanol (~750g/l) TS.
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 56
Mercury R. Hg.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Methane R. CH4.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Methanol R. CH4O.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Nitrogen. N2.
Nitrogen, washed and dried.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Nitrogen, oxygen-free.
Nitrogen R which has been freed from oxygen by passing it through alkaline pyrogallol solution R.
Nitrogen R. N2.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Peptone, dried, R. A variety of peptones are available from casein, meat, beef or a mixture of these.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Petroleum, light, R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Phenolphthalein R. C20H14O4.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Phenolphthalein TS.
Dissolve 1g of phenophthalein in 100ml of ethanol R.
Phenolphthalein/ethanol TS.
Procedure. Dissolve 1.0g of phenolphthalein R in sufficient ethanol (~750g/l) TS to produce 100 ml.
Contains 95 per cent of methyl groups and 5 per cent of phenyl groups. DB-5, SE52. Stationary phase for gas
A suitable commercially available material for column chromatography.
Silicone gum rubber (methyl). Organosilicon polymer with the appearance of a semi-liquid, colourless gum.
A suitable commercially available material for column chromatography.
Polysorbate 20 R. Quality conforms to the monograph in The international pharmacopoeia, Vol. 4, p. 202.
Polysorbate 80 R. Quality conforms to the monograph in The international pharmacopoeia, Vol. 4, p. 202.
Potassium iodide AsR. Potassium iodide R that complies with the following test: Dissolve 10g of potassium
iodide R in 25 ml of hydrochloric acid (~250g/l) As TS and 35 ml of water, add 2 drops of stannous
chloride As TS and apply the general test for arsenic; no visible stain is produced.
Prometryn R. C10H19N5S.
A commercially available reagent suitable for use as a reference material.
Silica gel G
Description. A fine, white, homogeneous powder with an average particle size of between 10 and 44 µm
containing about 130g of calcium sulfate, hemihydrate per kg.
Content of calcium sulfate. Place about 0.25 g, accurately weighed, in a flask with a ground-glass stopper, add
3 ml of hydrochloric acid (~70g/l) TS and 100 ml of water and shake vigorously for 30 minutes. Filter
through a sintered-glass filter and wash the residue. Using the combined filtrate and washings, carry out
the assay for calcium by complexometry (The international pharmacopoeia, Vol. 1, page 128). Each ml
of disodium edetate (0.05 mol/l) VS is equivalent to 7.26 mg of CaSO4,1/2H2O (MW 145.1).
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 59
pH. Shake 1 g with 10 ml of carbon-dioxide-free water R for 5 minutes. Measure the pH potentiometrically
(The international pharmacopoeia, Vol. 1, page 96); pH is about 7.
Preparation. Suspend 30g in 60 ml of water, shaking vigorously for 30 seconds. Carefully coat the cleaned
plates with a layer 0.25 mm thick using a spreading device. Allow the coated plates to dry in air.
Separating power. Apply separately to the adsorbent layer 10 µl of 0.10 mg/ml solutions containing
respectively indophenol blue R, sudan red G R and dimethyl yellow R in toluene R. Develop the plate
with the same solvent over a distance of 10 cm. The chromatogram shows three clearly separated spots,
the spot of indophenol blue near the points of application, that of dimethyl yellow in the middle of the
chromatogram, and that of sudan red G between the two.
Silica gel R.
A suitable commercially available material for column chromatography.
Silver nitrate (40 g/l) TS. A solution of silver nitrate R containing about 42.5g of AgNO3 per litre
(approximately 0.25 mol/l).
Simazine R. C7H12CIN5.
A commercially available reagent suitable for use as a reference material.
Soda lime R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Sodium carbonate (50 g/l) TS. A solution of sodium carbonate R containing about 50g of Na2CO3 per litre
(approximately 0.5 mol/l).
Sodium chloride (400 g/l) TS. A solution of sodium chloride R containing about 400g of NaCl per litre.
Sodium hydroxide (1 mol/l) VS. Sodium hydroxide R dissolved in water to produce a solution containing
40.01g of NaOH in 1000 ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the 1 mol/l solution in the following manner:
Dry about 5g of potassium hydrogen phthalate R at 105°C for 3 hours and weigh accurately. If the
Working document QAS/05.131/Rev.1
page 60
potassium hydrogen phthalate is in the form of large crystals, they should be crushed before drying.
Dissolve in 75ml of carbon-dioxide-free water R and titrate with the sodium hydroxide solution, using
phenolphthalein/ethanol TS as indicator. Each 0.2042g of potassium hydrogen phthalate is equivalent to
1 ml of sodium hydroxide (1 mol/l) VS. Standard solutions of sodium hydroxide should be
restandardized frequently.
Storage. Solutions of alkali hydroxides absorb carbon dioxide when exposed to air. They should therefore be
stored in bottles with suitable non-glass, tightly-fitting stoppers, provided with a tube filled with soda
lime R.
Sodium hydroxide (0.5 mol/l) VS. Sodium hydroxide R dissolved in water to produce a solution containing
20.00g of NaOH in 1000 ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the solution following the method described
under sodium hydroxide (1 mol/l) VS.
Sodium hydroxide (0.05 mol/l) VS. Sodium hydroxide R, dissolved in water to produce a solution containing
2.000g of NaOH in 1000ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the solution following the method described
under sodium hydroxide (1 mol/l) VS.
Sodium hydroxide (0.02 mol/l), carbonate-free, VS. Sodium hydroxide R, dissolved in water to produce a
solution containing 0.8001 g of NaOH in 1000 ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the solution following the method described
under sodium hydroxide (1 mol/l) VS.
Sodium hydroxide (~240 g/l) TS. A solution of sodium hydroxide R containing about 240g of NaOH per litre
of carbon-dioxide-free water R.
Sodium thiosulfate (0.1 mol/l) VS. Sodium thiosulfate R, dissolved in water to produce a solution containing
15.82g of Na2S2O3 in 1000 ml.
Method of standardization. Ascertain the exact concentration of the 0.1 mol/l solution in the following manner:
transfer 30.0ml of potassium dichromate (0.0167 mol/l) VS to a glass-stoppered flask and dilute with
50ml of water. Add 2g of potassium iodide R and 5ml of hydrochloric acid (~250g/l) TS, stopper and
allow to stand for 10 minutes. Dilute with 100 ml of water and titrate the liberated iodine with the sodium
thiosulfate solution, using starch TS as indicator. Sodium thiosulfate solutions should be restandardized
Starch R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Starch, soluble, R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Starch TS.
Procedure. Mix 0.5 g of starch R or of soluble starch R with 5 ml of water, and add this solution, with constant
stirring, to sufficient water to produce about 100ml; boil for a few minutes, cool, and filter.
Note. Starch TS should be freshly prepared.
Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer.
Porous, rigid, cross-linked polymer beads. Several grades are available with different sizes of beads. The size
range of the beads is specified after the name of the reagent in the tests where it is used.
A suitable commercially available material.
Sucrose R. C12H22O11.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Sudan red G R. 1-(4-Phenylazophenylazo)-2-naphthol; sudan III; solvent red 23; C.I. 26100; C22H16N4O.
Description. A reddish brown powder.
Solubility. Practically insoluble in water; soluble in chloroform R.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Tetracycline R. C22H24N2O8.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane R. C8H18.
A suitable commercially available reagent.
Water, carbon-dioxide-free, R. Water that has been boiled vigorously for a few minutes and protected from
the atmosphere during cooling and storage.
Zinc, AsR, granulated. Granulated zinc R that complies with the following tests:
Limit of arsenic. Add 10ml of stannated hydrochloric acid (~250g/l) AsTS to 50ml of water, and apply the
general test for arsenic; use 10 g of granulated zinc R and allow the reaction to continue for 1 hour; no
visible stain is produced.
Test for sensitivity. Repeat the test for arsenic with the addition of 0.1 ml of dilute arsenic AsTS; a faint, but
distinct yellow stain is produced.