EN10250-3 - Otkovi

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EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 10250-3 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM Ostober 1999 les 77,140.20, 77.140.85 English version Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 3: Alloy special steels Pieces forgées en acer pour usage général - Parti & Freltomachridesticte aus Sih fir aigomaine ‘Aciersepéciou lies \Verwondung - Tel 3:Legierie Edelstanlo ‘This European Standard was appteved by CEN on 9 September 1999, CEN members ere bound to comply wih the CENICENELEG Internal Regulations which stiplate the conditions for giving ts European ‘Sanco the statue of a national stancars wehnout any alteration. Upo-éate its and bidbogrephicel references cancering sich national ‘standards may be obtained of applcaton othe Central Secretariat ort any CEN membes. This European Standard exists in three offal versions (English, French, German). A version in anyother language made by ranslaton Under te responsibilty of CEN memter inf iis own language and nabfed Ia the Cental Secretariat has the some ass asthe offical CEN members ore the national standards bodies of Austia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Danmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, ‘eolane roland, aly, Luxembourg, Neterands, Norway, Portugal, Span, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. am EUROPEAN COMMIFTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITE EUROPEEN DE NORMALISATION UROPAISCHES KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG Central Secretariat: ue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels ©1998 CEN All gts of explain in any frm and by any means raserved Rf No EN 10250.3:4999 © ‘worldwide for CEN national Nombors Page 2 EN 10250-3:1999 Contents Page Foreword 3 1 Scope 4 2 Normative references 4 3 Chemical composition 4 4 Heat treatment 5 5 Mechanical properties 5 Annex A (informative) Heat treatment 12 85102-2000 Page 3 EN 10250-3:1999 Foreword ‘This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 28, Stee! forgings, the Secretariat of which is held by BSI. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2000, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by April 2000, This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association. This European Standard is considered to be a supporting standard to those application and product standards which in themselves support an essential safety requirement of a New Approach Directive and which make reference to this European Standard, ‘The titles of the other parts of this European Standard are: Part 1 General requirements Part 2: ‘Non-alloy quality and special steels, Part 4: Stainless steels According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ieeland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ‘ons 02.2000 Page 4 EN 10250-3:1999 1 Scope This part of this European Standard specifies the technical delivery requirements for open die forgings, forged bars and products pre-forged and finished in ring rolling mills, manufactured from alloy special steel and supplied in the quenched and tempered condition, NOTE: The majority of steels listed in this part of EN 10250 are identical to steels specified in EN 1083-1 and more extensive information on hardenability and technological properties is given in that European Standard, General information on technical delivery conditions is given in EN 10021. 2 Normative references This part of EN 10250 incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications, These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies, EN 10021 General technical delivery requirements for iron and steel products EN 1083-1 Quenched and tempered steels ~ Part 1: Technical delivery conditions for special steels, EN 10250-1 Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes ~ Part 1: General requirements 3 Chemical composition 3.1 Cast analysis ‘The chemical composition of the steel shall be determined by cast analysis and shall conform to the analysis given in Table I (sec A.7 and A.8, of EN 10250-1), Measures should be taken to prevent the addition from the scrap, or other material used in the manufacture of the steels, of such elements which affect the hardenability, mechanical properties and applicability of the steel 3.2, Product analysis ‘The product analysis shall not deviate from the specified cast analysis (see Table 1) by more than the values specified in Table 2 (see 9.2 of EN 10250-1), ‘68102-2000 Page S EN 10250-3:1999 4 Heat treatment Heat treatment details are not given in Table AJ for guidance. 5 Mechanical prope The mechanical properties determined on test pieces selected, prepared and tested in accordance with clauses 11 and 12 of EN 10250-1 shall conform to the property requirements given in Table 3 ‘22st 02-2000 00e-z0 1980 os'orroe'o | ors | oe'oorze'o| exeot | _91omsoinoe os'orroeo | vos | peoosco} sso | — soWENIOOE osoroso| ors Se'OM0E'0 | Z8STT | —_ 9OWINIOPE 5 Orr erog'e | sr'oorszo | ao'z ovo9'1 | szo'o 7 oz'zoros't | os'o oso | occ ovos't | seo‘ L'LONOET | O€'OOST'O| OLTOOET | SEO‘ a OTL 1060 | OE'OMST'O | OT O06'O | Seo'o os‘oooso | oro Orozco} Tso | FOWINID9E 5 : osorsro | OL 060 | sEoo oxoroso| or'o> | rsomoro| szzt powwigos : ae osoorsro | ocr 1060 | seo‘ sooo | ores | sromsco| szzt bOWLOTE i f 7 oeorsto | ocr 060 | seo‘ ds'orros' | _or0S | ee'omoco| ozz' ponsope i : ~_[oromsro] ocroso| soo] seoo| osomo| ores | evomeco| sicri PoWOST Feet 7 : oc eoso | seo'o| seo'o| acorn | oro> | sromsco| sort HOlP ree : ; oct oros'o | seo'o| seo'o| asomo'o| oros | iromrco| peou'T HOLE tHe 7 7 ocioros'o | seo'o| seo] acoso) ovos | eeomoco| ceou't sObE 7 7 : os'ocror'o | seoo| seo'o| as‘omoso} or'os | osomzr'o} 90001 7 7 : oso or | seo‘o} seo'o| os'omaso} ov'os | cromse'o}| eooe't % % % % % % % % sequin # i A OW 4a s d uN iS 2 uoneuatsap [2a1g 3 t jHon|sodwios [wanwoys pur sopead oars 21 aque, 6661:€-0S201 NA geBeg i ouce-za is STRISSHLUDE St IN % OO'T OF dn SuOTIDaS-Ss0I0 saqNAIe Jog ,, ‘yray ayp Senystu Jo asodind atp 1oy adooxa ‘saseyoumd axp Jo uaursaue alp mous j2ers ayy OF A\jouOHTUaIU pappe ag tou [eYS Z PUP T SAIqEL, HH paronb you swsowo|g ‘sasodind Joo ures 10j uoNeUIquIOD UL 40 AjsMIS pape aq eu UMIgOLE puE CaMUpeUEA ‘uMMUEYT ‘uMTUTUMYE SOO} owp JOMMIORINURLL 94) Jo WoHKTO 94 IY (, sroorso'o | or'zorost | ssoorse’o | os‘ oot | seo’ | seo'o | ov'osr'o ov'os | ceva | e091 | _S-RAOWADINET fe 09°0= | oso roe'o | os'eovos'z | seo'o | seo'o | o1'0 % 0F'0 oro | seooreco}| 19821 TlOWADTE, ocomor'o 0905] scoorsi'o | oczovoez | seo'o| seo'o | ov'omor'0 oros| reomezo] Loe 6AOWDOE - 080 ov'0 | 09°00 sro os'os | seo'o | seo'o | ost 01001 oros| scomcro| tre9t| — s-rINoWUWOZ Fe Zl SZ'01 S10 | Oz'1 9060 | Seo'O | S€o'o | 06'0 09'0 or'os | Iwomsio] eet POWs! 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Caution shud ord hee of aera ec me omc ik fence ‘8! 02-2000

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