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Potable Water

Small System Operation

and Maintenance Practices

This document is the ninth in a series of best

practices related to the delivery of potable water to
the public. For titles of other best practices in this and
other series, please refer to <www.infraguide.ca>.

National Guide to
Sustainable Municipal


Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Fédération canadienne des municipalités

Monitoring Water Quality in the Distribution System — October 2005 1

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Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices

Version 1.0

Publication Date: October 2005

© 2005 Federation of Canadian Municipalities and National Research Council

® All Rights Reserved. InfraGuide® is a Registered Trademark of the Federation of
Canadian Municipalities (FCM).

ISBN 1–897094–94–9

The contents of this publication are presented in good faith and are intended as general
guidance on matters of interest only. The publisher, the authors, and the organizations to
which the authors belong make no representations or warranties, either expressed or
implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of the contents. All information is presented on
the condition that the persons receiving it will make their own determinations as to the
suitability of using the information for their own purposes and on the understanding that the
information is not a substitute for specific technical or professional advice or services. In no
event will the publisher, the authors or the organizations to which the authors belong, be
responsible or liable for damages of any nature or kind whatsoever resulting from the use
of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication.

2 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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InfraGuide —
InfraGuide — Innovations and Best Practices Innovations and
Best Practices

Why Canada Needs InfraGuide A Knowledge Network of Excellence

Canadian municipalities spend $12 to $15 billion InfraGuide’s creation is made possible through
annually on infrastructure but it never seems to be $12.5 million from Infrastructure Canada, in-kind
enough. Existing infrastructure is ageing while demand contributions from various facets of the industry,
grows for more and better roads, and improved water technical resources, the collaborative effort of
and sewer systems responding both to higher municipal practitioners, researchers and other
standards of safety, health and environmental experts, and a host of volunteers throughout the
protection as well as country. By gathering and
population growth. The synthesizing the best
solution is to change the way Canadian experience and
we plan, design and manage knowledge, InfraGuide
infrastructure. Only by doing helps municipalities get the
so can municipalities meet maximum return on every
new demands within a fiscally responsible and dollar they spend on infrastructure—while being

environmentally sustainable framework, while mindful of the social and environmental implications

preserving our quality of life. of their decisions.

This is what the National Guide to Sustainable Volunteer technical committees and working

Municipal Infrastructure (InfraGuide) seeks to groups—with the assistance of consultants and other

accomplish. stakeholders—are responsible for the research and

publication of the best practices. This is a system of

In 2001, the federal government, through its

shared knowledge, shared responsibility and shared

Infrastructure Canada Program (IC) and the National

benefits. We urge you to become a part of the

Research Council (NRC), joined forces with the

InfraGuide Network of Excellence. Whether you are

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to create

a municipal plant operator, a planner or a municipal

the National Guide to Sustainable Municipal

councillor, your input is critical to the quality of

Infrastructure (InfraGuide). InfraGuide is both a new,

our work.

national network of people and a growing collection of

published best practice documents for use by decision Please join us.

makers and technical personnel in the public and Contact InfraGuide toll-free at 1-866-330-3350 or

private sectors. Based on Canadian experience and visit our Web site at www.infraguide.ca for more

research, the reports set out the best practices to information. We look forward to working with you.

support sustainable municipal infrastructure decisions

and actions in six key areas: decision making and
investment planning, potable water, storm and
wastewater, municipal roads and sidewalks,
environmental protocols, and transit. The best
practices are available online and in hard copy.

Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005 3

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The InfraGuide® Best Practices Focus

Potable Water
In keeping with the adage “out of sight, out of mind”, the water
distribution system has been neglected in many municipalities. Potable
water best practices address various approaches to enhance a
municipality’s or water utility’s ability to manage drinking water delivery
in a way that ensures public health and safety at best value and on a
sustainable basis. The up-to-date technical approaches and practices set
out on key priority issues will assist municipalities and utilities in both
decision making and best-in-class engineering and operational techniques.
Issues such as water accountability, water use and loss, deterioration and
inspection of distribution systems, renewal planning and technologies for
rehabilitation of potable water systems and water quality in the
distribution systems are examined.

Decision Making and Investment Environmental Protocols

Planning Environmental protocols focus on the interaction
Elected officials and senior municipal of natural systems and their effects on human
administrators need a framework for articulating quality of life in relation to municipal
the value of infrastructure planning and infrastructure delivery. Environmental elements
maintenance, while balancing social, and systems include land (including flora), water,
environmental and economic factors. Decision air (including noise and light) and soil. Example
making and investment planning best practices practices include how to factor in environmental
transform complex and technical material into considerations in establishing the desired level
non-technical principles and guidelines for of municipal infrastructure service; and
decision making, and facilitate the realization definition of local environmental conditions,
of adequate funding over the life cycle of the challenges and opportunities with respect to
infrastructure. Examples include protocols for municipal infrastructure.
determining costs and benefits associated with
desired levels of service; and strategic
benchmarks, indicators or reference points for
investment policy and planning decisions.

Storm and Wastewater Transit

Ageing buried infrastructure, diminishing financial Urbanization places pressure on an eroding,
resources, stricter legislation for effluents, ageing infrastructure, and raises concerns about
increasing public awareness of environmental declining air and water quality. Transit systems
impacts due to wastewater and contaminated contribute to reducing traffic gridlock and
stormwater are challenges that municipalities improving road safety. Transit best practices
have to deal with. Storm and wastewater best address the need to improve supply, influence
practices deal with buried linear infrastructure as demand and make operational improvements
well as end of pipe treatment and management with the least environmental impact, while
issues. Examples include ways to control and meeting social and business needs.
reduce inflow and infiltration; how to secure
relevant and consistent data sets; how to inspect
and assess condition and performance of
collections systems; treatment plant optimization;
and management of biosolids.

Municipal Roads and Sidewalks

Sound decision making and preventive maintenance are essential to managing
municipal pavement infrastructure cost effectively. Municipal roads and
sidewalks best practices address two priorities: front-end planning and decision
making to identify and manage pavement infrastructures as a component of the
infrastructure system; and a preventive approach to slow the deterioration of
existing roadways. Example topics include timely preventative maintenance of
municipal roads; construction and rehabilitation of utility boxes; and progressive
improvement of asphalt and concrete pavement repair practices.

4 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2.9 Implement Backflow

Prevention and Cross Connection

Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Control Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.2.10 Monitor Water Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

3.2.11 Maintain Comprehensive

1.2 Purpose and Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

1.3 How to Use This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

3.2.12 Ensure Repairs and New

1.4 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Construction Follow Procedures . . . . .24

2. Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.2.13 Monitor Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

2.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

3.2.14 Determine Water Losses

2.1.1 Records and Staffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

from the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

2.1.2 Water Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

3.2.15 Maintain Source Water Intakes,

2.1.3 Accountability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Dams, Wellhead Sites, and Aquifers . .26

2.1.4 Changing Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

3.2.16 Maintain the Water Treatment Plant,

Pumping Stations, and Storage

2.2 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

2.3 Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

3.2.17 Exercise and Inspect Valves

3. Work Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

and Hydrants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

3.1 What Should Be Done . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

3.2.18 Flush and Swab Water Mains . . . . . . . .27

3.2 How to do the Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

3.2.19 Use a Maintenance

3.2.1 Produce High-Quality, Safe,

Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Potable Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

3.2.20 Maintain a Spare Parts

3.2.2 Know and Understand All

Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Applicable Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

3.2.21 Prepare a Contingency

3.2.3 Become Knowledgeable

Plan for Emergencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

with the System Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

3.2.22 Prepare a Financial Plan

3.2.4 Become Knowledgeable

to Ensure System is Sustainable . . . . .29

with the System’s Condition . . . . . . . . . . . .19

3.2.23 Maintain Excellent Public

3.2.5 Determine What Is Needed

Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

For Intended Level of Service . . . . . . . . . .20

3.2.24 Maintain Adequate

3.2.6 Have a Plan to Upgrade

Staffing Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Inadequate Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

4. Applications and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2.7 Maintain Disinfection

4.1 Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Residuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

4.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

3.2.8 Maintain Positive Water

Pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
4.2.1 System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

4.2.2 Sound Engineering Practices . . . . . . . . . .31

4.2.3 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

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5. Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Appendix A: Standard Water
Table 3–1: Asset Identification:

Quality Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Components of the Small Water System . . . . 18

Appendix B: Adverse Water Quality

Table 3–2: Documentation tracking

Test Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

for Water System Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Appendix C: CT (Concentration x Time)

Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Appendix D: Sample Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Appendix E: “Boil Advisory” Sign,

Notice, and Volunteer List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

6 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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The dedication of individuals who volunteered their In addition, the Potable Water Technical Committee
time and expertise in the interest of the National Guide would like to express its sincere appreciation to the
to Sustainable Municipal Infrastructure (InfraGuide) is following individuals for their participation in working
acknowledged and much appreciated. groups.

This best practice was developed by stakeholders John Braam, Chair

County of Oxford, Woodstock, Ontario

from Canadian municipalities and specialists from

Rick Bomhof

across Canada, based on information from a scan of

City of Abbotsford

municipal practices and an extensive literature Abbotsford, British Columbia

review. The following members of the Potable Water Dave Duggan

Technical Committee provided guidance and direction Halifax Regional Water Commission

in the development of this best practice. They were Nova Scotia

assisted by InfraGuide Directorate staff and by R.V. Trail Grubert

Anderson Associates Limited. Town of Hudson, Quebec

R.A. (Bob) LeCraw

Carl Yates, Chairperson

RAL Engineering, Newmarket, Ontario

Halifax Regional Water Commission

Halifax, Nova Scotia Ervin McCurdy
Department of Environment
Fred Busch, Mayor
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
District of Sicamous, British Columbia
St-John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Sukhi Cheema
Doug Seargeant

Government of Northwest Territories


Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Edmonton, Alberta

Norm De Agostinis
George Terry

Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association

Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA)

Anjou, Quebec
Mississauga, Ontario

Tim Dennis
Engineering Services
Regional Municipality of Halton The Committee would also like to thank the following
Oakville, Ontario individuals for their participation in peer reviews:
David Green
Kim Barlishen

Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

Government of Manitoba

Raymond Leclerc Manitoba Water Stewardship

City of Montréal, Quebec Winnipeg, Manitoba

Piero Salvo John Forrest

WSA Trenchless Consultants Incorporated Public Works Coordinator

Ottawa, Ontario Municipality of Huron East

Doug Seargeant Huron East, Ontario

EPCOR Water Services Incorporated, Michael Wu

Edmonton, Alberta Government of British Columbia

Ernie Ting Northern Health Authority

Town of Markham, Ontario Prince George, British Columbia

Mike Tobalt
Technical Advisor
National Research Council Canada (NRCC)

Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005 7

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Acknowledgements This and other best practices could not have been Alec Waters

developed without the leadership and guidance of the Alberta Infrastructure Department

Edmonton, Alberta

InfraGuide Governing Council, the Relationship

Wally Wells

Infrastructure Committee and the Municipal

The Wells Infrastructure Group Inc.

Infrastructure Committee, whose members are as Toronto, Ontario

Municipal Infrastructure Committee:
Governing Council: Al Cepas

Joe Augé City of Edmonton, Alberta

Government of the Northwest Territories, Wayne Green

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories Green Management Inc., Mississauga Ontario
Mike Badham Haseen Khan
City of Regina, Saskatchewan Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Sherif Barakat St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
National Research Council Canada Ed S. Kovacs

Ottawa, Ontario City of Cambridge, Ontario

Brock Carlton Saeed Mirza

Federation of Canadian Municipalities McGill University, Montréal, Quebec

Ottawa, Ontario
Umendra Mital

Jim D’Orazio City of Surrey, British Columbia

Greater Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors

Carl Yates
Association, Ontario
Halifax Regional Water Commission, Nova Scotia
Douglas P. Floyd
Delcan Corporation, Toronto, Ontario Relationship Infrastructure Committee:
Derm Flynn
Geoff Greenough

Town of Appleton, Newfoundland and Labrador

City of Moncton, New Brunswick

John Hodgson
Joan Lougheed

City of Edmonton, Alberta

Councillor, City of Burlington, Ontario

Joan Lougheed
Osama Moselhi

Councillor, City of Burlington, Ontario

Concordia University, Montréal, Quebec

Saeed Mirza
Anne-Marie Parent

McGill University, Montréal, Quebec

Parent Latreille and Associates

Umendra Mital Montréal, Quebec

City of Surrey, British Columbia

Konrad Siu

René Morency City of Edmonton, Alberta

Régie des installations olympiques

Wally Wells

Montréal, Quebec
The Wells Infrastructure Group Inc.

Vaughn Paul Toronto, Ontario

First Nations (Alberta) Technical Services Advisory

Group, Edmonton, Alberta
Ric Robertshaw Founding Member:
Public Works, Region of Peel, Brampton, Ontario
Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA)
Dave Rudberg
City of Vancouver, British Columbia
Van Simonson
City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Basil Stewart, Mayor
City of Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Serge Thériault
Government of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Tony Varriano
Infrastructure Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

8 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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Executive Summary

The purpose of any potable water system is to ■ Become knowledgeable with the condition
deliver adequate volumes of consistently high of the water system.
quality, chemically and biologically safe ■ Determine what is needed to achieve the
water at adequate pressure to all customers intended level of service.
24 hours a day, seven days a week. This can ■ Have a plan to upgrade inadequate
only be achieved with good design, construction, components.
and inspection practices as well as proper
■ Maintain an adequate disinfection residual
operation and maintenance (O&M).
in all parts of the system.
Recent events contributed to reduced public ■ Maintain positive water pressures under
confidence in municipal water supplies, which foreseeable operating conditions. The purpose of any
led to extensive changes in government ■ Implement a backflow prevention and potable water
legislation and regulations across Canada. cross-connection control program.
system is to deliver
A comprehensive O&M program is required ■ Monitor the quality of the water. This
to ensure the continuous supply of clean and includes source water, treatment plant
adequate volumes
safe water to the customer’s tap. It also helps output, in the distribution system and at the of consistently high
raise public confidence in the water system, point of use (i.e., at the tap). quality, chemically
minimizes the frequency of system failures and ■ Maintain comprehensive system records and biologically
the duration of outages, reduces the life cycle and documents reporting water quality.
costs for the system, and promotes continuous safe water at
■ Ensure proper disinfection and flushing
improvement among operators. procedures are used for all repairs and new adequate pressure
construction. to all customers
This document outlines best practices for the
O&M of small water systems from the source ■ Monitor for internal and external corrosion 24 hours a day,
and, if necessary, implement measures to
water to the customer’s tap. It is based on a seven days a week.
literature review, a survey of selected reduce the rate of corrosion.
municipalities across Canada, and input from ■ Meter water supply and consumption to
Canadian water system O&M experts. For this quantify water losses from the system and,
best practice, a small water system is defined if necessary, implement a leak detection
as a potable water system that serves a program.
population of 5,000 or less. ■ Maintain the source water intake, dam or
wellhead site.
This best practice also provides references ■ Maintain the water source, treatment plant,
where more detailed information on specific pumping stations, water towers, and
practices can be found. These practices are reservoirs.
summarized as follows:
■ Exercise and inspect the distribution system
■ Produce high quality, stable water that valves and hydrants.
is biologically and chemically safe and ■ Flush and swab the water mains.
aesthetically acceptable. ■ Use a maintenance management system
■ Know and understand all provincial/ and geographic information system (GIS).
territorial regulations applicable to the ■ Maintain a spare parts inventory.
operation and maintenance of the water
■ Prepare a contingency plan for
■ Become knowledgeable with water system
■ Prepare a plan to ensure the financial
assets and their location.
sustainability of the water system.

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Executive Summary ■ Maintain excellent public relations through To ensure the O&M program is effective,
newsletters, public education, participation several performance measures should be
in public events, etc. monitored regularly (e.g., the number of
■ Maintain adequate staffing and funding adverse water quality test results, the number
levels to undertake best practice activities of water quality complaints, the number of
and provide training for staff. inoperable valves, the number of water main
breaks). All O&M practices should be
Note however, that this best practice is not reviewed periodically to ensure they
a replacement for proper engineering and adequately address the needs of the system.
should not preclude or supersede regulatory To facilitate these reviews, practices should
requirements. be documented and standard operating
procedures developed. Detailed records of
The operators of small water systems should
Detailed records the system inventory, O&M data, and condition
evaluate their current O&M practices against
and performance data are invaluable for
of the system these best practices and establish a priority
proper management of the water system.
inventory, O&M list for implementation of applicable best
practices. However, the first priority of any
data, and condition operator is water quality, and this aspect
and performance should guide the setting of priorities.
data are invaluable
for proper
management of the
water system.

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1. General
1. General

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Purpose and Scope

1.1 Introduction to describe specifics of implementing the
1.3 How to Use This
best practice (how to do the work).
Over 80 percent of Canadian municipalities1 Document
have a population of 5,000 or less. This best Section 4 — Applications and Limitations
practice outlines the best practice for describes those most likely to benefit from
operation and maintenance (O&M) of small the best practices in this document, and
water systems and should be a good notes limitations to the application of the
resource for O&M staff in small communities. best practices to a specific system.
It is based on a review of existing literature,
a survey of selected municipalities across Section 5 — Evaluation elaborates on This document
Canada, and input from small water system measures that can be taken to assess a provides guidance
experts. system’s performance following the to operators of
implementation of these best practices.
1.2 Purpose and Scope small water
InfraGuide has published several other best systems regarding
This document provides guidance to practice documents related to water systems.
operators of small water systems regarding
best practices for
Some of them include:
best practices for day-to-day activities. It day-to-day
■ Developing a Water Distribution System
covers most aspects of small water systems activities.
from the source water to the customer’s Renewal Plan (2003b) describes basic
tap. Throughout this document, the term approaches to planning the renewal of
“municipality” refers to the owner or water systems.
operator/maintainer of a small water system. ■ Deterioration and Inspection of Water
Distribution Systems (2002a) describes
1.3 How to Use This Document the reasons for deterioration and methods
for inspection of distribution facilities.
It is the purpose of this best practice to ■ Selection of Technologies for the
determine which recommendations are Rehabilitation or Replacement of Sections
applicable to a small water system, to help of a Water Distribution System (2003c)
develop a plan for improvements, and to describes available technologies and
implement these improvements in a methods for their implementation.
prioritized manner.
■ Water Use and Loss in Water Distribution
Sections 2 through 5 elaborate on why, what, Systems (2002c) describes the basics of
how, and when, with respect to best O&M water auditing, cost reduction, and
practices for a small water system. accountability.
■ Water Quality in Distribution Systems
Section 2 — Rationale provides justification (2003d) describes common water quality
for this best practice and describes benefits problems in water distribution systems
that can be achieved by following it. and how to address them.
■ Establishing a Water Metering Plan to
Section 3 — Work Description describes a Account for Water Use and Loss (2003e)
theoretical framework underlying this best describes how to establish and set up a
practice (what should be done) and goes on metering plan.

1. Municipality (or municipalities) mentioned in InfraGuide Best Practices, is intended to include all purveyors of public services
as well as utilities.

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1. General ■ Speed and Quality of Linear System Haloacetic acids (HAAs) — Commonly
Repairs (2004) describes how to improve occurring by-product of disinfection (with
1.3 How to Use This
on the speed of detecting leaks and how to chlorine).
carry out quality repairs on distribution
Maximum acceptable concentration (MAC)
1.4 Glossary systems.
— Established for parameters which, when
These documents, and others, are available present above a certain concentration, have
at InfraGuide’s Web site: known or suspected adverse health effects.
<http://www.infraguide.ca>. The length of time the MAC can be exceeded
without health effects will depend on the
1.4 Glossary nature and concentration of the parameter.
Chloramination — The process of disinfecting pH — The pH of an aqueous solution is a
with chloramines by the addition of ammonia measure of the acid-base equilibrium
to chlorinated water. achieved by various dissolved compounds.
A scale of 0 to 14 is used with 0 being
Chloramines — A disinfectant produced from
strongly acidic and 14 being strongly basic.
the mixing of chlorine and ammonia.
By definition, the pH of pure water at at
Chlorination — The process of adding temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is 7.0. pH
chlorine to water to kill disease-causing controls many chemical reactions, including
organisms or to act as an oxidizing agent. coagulation, disinfection, water softening,
Chlorine residual (CR) — The concentration corrosion, biochemical reactions, and
of chlorine remaining in water at the end of a ammonia removal.
specified contact time. The absence of Primary disinfection — A disinfection step,
chlorine residual or any significant reduction typically accomplished at the treatment plant,
is an immediate indication of potential water designed to destroy/inactivate pathogens in
quality or treatment process concerns, and raw water.
that water is not protected from
Secondary disinfection — Provisions for
contamination by microbiological organisms.
maintaining a disinfectant residual in the
Combined chlorine residual (CCR) — The distribution system, after primary disinfection
resultant compound from the reaction of at the treatment plant has occurred.
chlorine with ammonia.
Trihalomethanes (THMs) — Commonly
Cross-connection — A physical connection occurring by-product of disinfection (with
of a potable water system and a non-potable chlorine).
water system.
CT requirements — The product of the
disinfection concentration (C) and contact
time (T) required to achieve disinfection.

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2. Rationale
2. Rationale

2.1 Background

2.1 Background ensure the raw water supply is protected from

degradation from any source, including
Operation and maintenance activities do not
urbanization, industrial, or farming practices)
get as much attention from the public as new
is the first step in producing safe water now
construction. However, they are key to the
and in the future. After the source water is
reliable delivery of clean and safe drinking
protected, the next step is to treat the water
water. For many small water systems, current
correctly. The treated water must also be
practices achieve an acceptable level of
protected from degradation in the water
service, but problems may develop as the
distribution system to the point of use.
system ages or when changes occur in O&M
staff. In addition, operators of small water Distribution systems for most municipalities
systems often have limited funds to access are designed to supply fire flows and peak
engineering and technical support. Recent hour demands. As a result, during normal
events, which reduced public confidence in conditions, water can spend considerable
municipal water supplies, led to extensive time in the system before being delivered to
changes in government legislation and the customer. It also usually means the flow
regulations across Canada. These regulatory velocity in most water mains is very low,
changes and the desire to maintain public which allows particulate matter to settle in
confidence are forcing water purveyors, the pipe and biofilms to grow on the walls.
large and small, to modify their practices. These conditions are conducive to bacterial
growth, particularly if an adequate
2.1.1 Records and Staffing disinfectant residual is not maintained.
Good records of all aspects of a water
Long residence times can lead to the loss of
system are crucial. What was built and why?
disinfection residual and degradation of
How has it functioned in the past? Current
water quality. Long residence times can also
records provide proof of how the system is
increase the risk of regrowth of bacteria and,
complying with regulations.
if more chlorine is added, may result in higher
Small water systems need trained, diligent, concentrations of disinfection by-products.
and committed management and staff to run Occasional high flow rates or flow reversals
smoothly in normal times and to continue can cause re-suspension of settled solids or
functioning during extreme events. Good sloughing of biofilms, which can lead to
records also allow effective planning and water quality complaints from customers.
response during emergencies. Due diligence
makes the difference between mediocre and 2.1.3 Accountability
best practices. For several decades, potable water systems
were taken for granted in most of Canada.
2.1.2 Water Quality They were always there, thought to be safe,
The key measure of success in running a and usually inexpensive. The exceptions were
small water system is the delivery of adequate in small communities, often in northern
volumes of consistently high quality, regions, where it was difficult to treat the
chemically and biologically safe water, at available source water properly. However,
adequate pressure to all customers 24 hours a high-profile water system failures in Ontario
day, seven days a week. To maintain this high and Saskatchewan resulted in many people
level of service, care must be taken during all becoming very ill and some people dying.
stages of the supply and delivery of the water. These failures resulted in new regulations
Source water protection (i.e., measures to and a higher degree of public interest in the

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2. Rationale water supply. Municipal officials and maintenance practices. This may result
operations staff also became more aware in an increased awareness of required
2.1 Background
of their responsibilities, stewardship, and staffing levels, a reduction in unplanned
2.2 Benefits public trust. water supply outages, and a reduction
2.3 Risks of water quality incidents. Preventive
2.1.4 CHANGING REGULATIONS maintenance may also reduce staff
Most provinces and territories have recently costs as unscheduled, call-out, or
changed regulations or are in the process of overtime work is reduced;
doing so. Some jurisdictions have also ■ With proper record keeping over time
implemented regulations concerning and analysis of the records for trends,
operation certification. Other regulations for operators will be able to see if the overall
utility accreditation are under development. condition of their system is adequate, or
whether any rehabilitation or replacement
2.2 Benefits is required. This analysis may indicate the
need for additional investment (i.e., higher
Owners/operators will:
user rates) to ensure the system is
■ be able to reduce the risk to public
sustainable over the long term.
The best practice: health;
■ By following these best practices,
Water Quality in reduce the risk of failures/outages in the owners/operators will be better prepared
Distribution water system, (i.e., improve system to respond to emergency situations,
reliability); such as a major weather event, a supply
Systems (InfraGuide, interruption, a major break or an adverse
2003) provides ■ be in a better position to avoid litigation water quality test result.
against the municipality, its officers,
guidance on how to ■ Implementation of these best practices
and staff through demonstration of due
maintain water will enable owners/operators to better
accommodate changes in operation and
quality, and covers ■ be able to prolong the life of their maintenance staff.
many elements existing water system and maximize the
such as water value of any new investments. They may Communication of the best practices adopted
also experience lower power and
production, by the municipality will increase public
chemical costs; confidence and satisfaction in the water
■ be able to identify areas where their system, as rates are reset to reflect the
prevention, storage current practices are inadequate and sustainability of systems. It will also
facility, valve and where adoption of these best practices encourage public involvement in monitoring
hydrant operations, should be considered; system performance. This may result in faster
detection of problems, reduced risk, and a
and distribution ■ be able to describe the system
better overall integrated water quality
system operations. components, their condition, and when
management program.
they might need rehabilitation or
replacement; 2.3 Risks
■ be able to manage source water ■ Depending on current practices and the
protection and treatment processes to desired timeline for implementation of
produce clean, safe water; best practices, additional resources
■ be able to evaluate the effect of their (i.e., staff and financial) may be required.
distribution system on water quality ■ There could be a lack of support for
and the reliability of the water supply. changes to existing practices from
stakeholders (e.g., operators, politicians,
■ be better educated on the benefit of
and the public) for those systems that
preventive rather than reactive

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have not experienced significant problems in advance, revenue shortfalls. Where 2. Rationale
or if resources and funding have to be wastewater charges are based on metered
2.3 Risks
increased to pay for improvements. water consumption, any decrease in water
■ Some elements of this best practice consumption could also reduce revenues
depend on reliable information about generated from wastewater charges.
the existing system condition and ■ Reduced water demand, either because Monitoring can
performance. If data are lacking or if of increased rates, water conservation support additional
they are unreliable, then predicting trends measures, or reduced leakage from the
may be inaccurate and actions may not distribution system, will increase treated
endeavours, such as
be effective or efficient. water residence time in the distribution fulfilling regulatory
■ In metered systems, increases in water system, resulting in greater challenges requirements,
rates to support changes in practices in maintaining the chlorine residual and
could result in a decrease in water controlling disinfection by-products.
consumption and, if not accounted for
minimizing aesthetic
inquiries, developing
a pipeline
strategy, and many

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3. Work Description
3. Work Descriptiion

3.1 What Should

Be Done

3.1 What Should Be Done 16. Maintain the treatment plant, pumping
3.2 How to Do the Work
stations, water towers, and reservoirs.

The best practice for the O&M of small water

17. Exercise and inspect the distribution system
systems should include the following
valves and hydrants.
18. Flush and swab the water mains.
1. Produce high quality, stable water that

19. Use a maintenance management system

is biologically and chemically safe and

and geographic information system (GIS).

aesthetically acceptable.

20. Maintain a spare parts inventory.

2. Know and understand all provincial/
The first priority of
21. Prepare a contingency plan for

territorial regulations applicable to the

any operator should

operation and maintenance of the water

22. Prepare a financial plan to ensure the water be water quality,
3. Become knowledgeable with water system
system is sustainable. and this should
assets and their location. 23. Maintain excellent public relations through guide the
newsletters, public education, participation
4. Become knowledgeable with the condition prioritization of
in public events, etc.
of the water system. tasks.
24. Maintain adequate staffing and funding
5. Determine what is needed to achieve the

levels to undertake best practice activities

intended level of service.

and provide training for staff.

6. Have a plan to upgrade inadequate

3.2 How to Do the Work
7. Maintain an adequate disinfection residual Operators of small water systems should
in all parts of the system. evaluate their current practices against these
8. Maintain positive water pressures under
best practices and establish an implementation
foreseeable operating conditions.
priority list. However, the first priority of any
9. Implement a backflow prevention and
operator should be water quality, and this
cross-connection control program.
should guide the prioritization of tasks.
10. Monitor the quality of the water. This

3.2.1 Produce High-Quality, Safe,

includes source water, treatment plant

Potable Water
output, in the distribution system and at

the point of use (i.e., at the tap).

Operators should ensure that their water
treatment plant is capable of properly treating
11. Maintain comprehensive system records

the source water, recognizing that the quality

and documents reporting water quality.

of the source water could vary over a wide

12. Ensure proper disinfection and flushing

range. The quality of the water leaving the

procedures are used for all repairs and

water treatment plant should be constant

new construction.

over time, with low turbidity and a stable pH,

13. Monitor for internal and external corrosion and should consistently meet all regulatory
and, if necessary, implement measures to requirements. Water must be properly
reduce the rate of corrosion. disinfected using chlorine, ultraviolet light,
14. Meter water supply and consumption to and/or ozone, and have sufficient chlorine (or
quantify water losses from the system and, chloramine) to maintain an adequate residual
if necessary, implement a leak detection throughout all parts of the distribution system.
program. The water should be aesthetically acceptable,
15. Maintain the source water intake, dam or without offensive taste, odour, or colour.
wellhead site.

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3. Work Descriptiion When water quality changes, even if it 3.2.2 Know and Understand All
remains within allowable limits, there may be Applicable Regulations
3.2 How to Do the Work
implications for the distribution system. Water Each water system operator should be
Table 3–1 quality may affect the distribution system aware of and comply with the regulatory
Asset Identification: components along with residential requirements of the province or territory.
Components of the Small components such as taps, hot water tanks, Operators should review new regulations
Water System dishwashers, etc. Warmer water can lead and, if uncertain about their application, ask
to faster chlorine residual decay rates, and for clarification from the regulatory agency.
higher pH water can also reduce the Operators should keep copies of all
effectiveness of chlorine and chloramine as regulations, fact sheets, etc., readily available
a disinfectant. Higher pH water can increase for reference. When planning a new water
calcium carbonate precipitation (scaling) project, the operator should review the plan
with certain source waters. Varying pH can with the regulatory agency at an early stage.
contribute to changes in internal corrosion
rates, in some cases shortening the life of the 3.2.3 Become Knowlegeable with the
system or producing corrosion by-products, System Assets
which can be problematic from an aesthetic The operator of a small water system must
and possibly a health point of view. For be knowledgeable concerning all components
example, varying pH water in unlined iron of the system, including their location. When
mains may create rusty-looking or musty- they apply to a particular system, the following
tasting water, and can lead to unacceptably documents should be centrally located and
high concentrations of copper and lead. accessible at all times. The operator should
In addition, some groundwater may have to be familiar with the documents.
be treated to reduce sodium concentrations.

Table 3–1: Asset Identification: Components of the Small Water System

Assets O&M Engineering Regulatory & Financial

■ System maps ■ Source water, treatment ■ Engineer’s reports and ■ Provincial and federal
■ Valve location sheets plant and distribution condition assessments water regulations
■ Original construction system water quality ■ Feasibility studies and ■ Permits to take
record drawings/as- test results hydro geological water/water rights
built plans/blueprints/ ■ Operations and studies ■ Provincial/federal
shop drawings maintenance daily logs ■ Raw water quality ministry of environment
■ Operations and ■ Source water protection assessments/source approvals/certificate of
maintenance manuals plan water characterization approval (C of A)
■ Inventory records, ■ Wellhead protection reports ■ Capital investment plan
tools, and equipment plan and contaminant ■ Design reports ■ Operating permits and
records source inventory ■ Well drilling records conditions
■ Emergency response (drillers logs)
plans and contingency
■ Flow meter records,
pumpage records
■ Hydrant and pump
flow tests

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3.2.4 Become Knowlegeable with the Hydraulic studies (including pressure testing, 3. Work Description
System’s Condition flow testing, water loss studies, C–factor
3.2 How to Do the Work
The water system operator needs to be fully testing, and calibrated computer modelling for
aware of the condition of all the components pressure, transient analysis, residence time, Table 3–2
of the system. This is the first step in chlorine residual, and contaminant dispersion, Documentation
understanding any problems that may be as well as community complaints) can Tracking Water System
encountered during operation of the system all provide useful information regarding Conditions
and when planning upgrades or expansions. inadequacies in the existing system.
In many jurisdictions, regulations mandate the An operational performance assessment
need to monitor and document the condition of performed by a qualified person can identify
the system, and require that plans be in place weaknesses in current O&M activities. The
to upgrade any components not performing potable water best practice, Deterioration
satisfactorily or not meeting current regulation and Inspection of Water Distribution Systems
or code requirements. A well-operated small (InfraGuide, 2002a), provides guidance
regarding water distribution system condition In many
water system must have maintenance and
testing logs and log books, which are used assessments. Best Practices for Utility-Based jurisdictions,
to keep a record of all activities, routine and Data (InfraGuide, 2003a), provides additional regulations
non-routine, undertaken on the system. The recommendations regarding data collection
and management. (There is more discussion
mandate the need
documents and records listed in Table 3–2
should be obtained (as appropriate), reviewed, regarding record keeping in Section 3.2.11). to monitor and
and acted upon. Any missing information document the
should be taken into account when condition of the
determining what studies and inspections
need to be performed.
system, and require
that plans be in
Table 3–2: Documentation Tracking Water System Conditions place to upgrade
Documents Description any components
not performing
Reports ■ Engineering reports (mandated in some provinces): These describe the current
state of the system and any upgrades required to meet current regulations. satisfactorily or not
■ Inspection: Intake or wellhead (down hole and site), treatment plant, reservoirs, meeting current
dams, distribution system components (pipelines, valves, and hydrants). regulation or code
■ System reports: Loss reports, water audits, and leak detection studies. requirements.
■ Watershed management implemented plans.
■ Studies: Feasibility and hydrogeological.

Tests ■ Results: Well Water Level Step test, drawdown test, pump and motor tests
(capacity, vibration, megohmmeter), calibration, and electrical inspections.

Records ■ Outages, breaks, and repairs.

■ Hydrant flushing records, valve exercise records, maintenance logs, and
■ Maintenance records: Maintenance logs and diaries.
■ Water quality complaint records.
■ Water main flushing records.
■ Frozen water services list.
■ Well maintenance.
■ Reservoir cleaning.

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3. Work Description 3.2.5 Determine What is Needed for Intended When considering improvements to the
Levels of Service distribution system, operators should evaluate
3.2 How to Do the Work
Each small water system has a specific system reliability, the need for looping and
mandate, established by the owner or by main sizes to reduce residence times or
regulation. The service standards the system increase fire flows (determined by hydraulic
should be meeting—water quality standards, modelling and fire flow testing, chlorine
aesthetic standards, minimum pressure, residual testing, and water quality complaint
reliability, water main break repair response records). Other considerations include
time, standby capacity in case of source water rehabilitation or replacement of mains with
For most small a limited remaining useful service life. These
supply disruption (storage) or power supply
water systems, disruption (standby power)—must be topics are further elaborated in Developing
operators are the established so system performance can be a Water Distribution System Renewal Plan
measured against them and areas for improve­ (InfraGuide, 2003b) and Selection of
only people able to
ment can be determined. Additional recom­ Technologies for Rehabilitation or
understand all Replacement of Sections of a Water
mendations on this topic are available in
aspects of the Developing Levels of Service (InfraGuide, 2002b). Distribution System (InfraGuide, 2003c).
system and should 3.2.7 Maintain Disinfection Residuals
3.2.6 Have a Plan to Upgrade Inadequate
be consulted on the Components Primary disinfection in a water treatment plant
development of For most small water systems, operators are is standard practice to kill or inactivate micro­
plans for the only people able to understand all aspects biological organisms, thereby reducing the
of the system and should be consulted on the threat of waterborne disease outbreak. Once
investments in water is treated and enters the distribution
development of plans for investments in
system expansion system expansion and upgrade. Depending on system, many mechanisms can contribute to the
and upgrade. the condition of the system and the experience deterioration of the quality of the water and, in
and training of the operations staff, external some cases, the water can become unsafe to
expertise may be required to facilitate drink. Some of these mechanisms are discussed
development of the plan. Operators should below in the sections on maintaining minimum
have a plan to address employee and public system pressures and preventing backflow.
safety as well as protection of public health. The system may also contain bacteria or other
micro-organisms that are present as a biofilm
Improvements should be prioritized based on on the walls of pipes or in sediments within
their cost-benefit ratio in terms of providing the pipes.
safe, reliable water and complying with
current and anticipated regulations. The plan Maintaining an adequate disinfection residual
may have short- and long-term activities, (also known as secondary disinfection) and
depending on the situation. In the past, many positive pressure of greater than 140 kPa
operators paid insufficient attention to (20 psi) in all parts of the distribution system
protecting their source water, and did not have will help ensure that the water being
source or wellhead protection plans in place. delivered to customers is safe. Chlorination
Such plans should be completed as soon as or chloramination (the addition of ammonia
possible. One improvement that may arise or ammonium compounds to chlorinated
from these plans is a groundwater protection water) is recommended (and often mandated
policy. They are typically implemented through by regulations) to protect water quality after
the planning process, and restrict land uses it leaves the treatment plant and enters the
and activities in the capture zone of the well or distribution system. With an adequate
wells. For surface water sources, protection of disinfectant residual, the water should be as
the watershed can usually be achieved by safe as it was when it left the supply facility
working with other stakeholders and agencies. unless a backflow or breach of the system
occurs. Residual monitoring is, therefore,

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extremely valuable as a relatively quick and by-products is regulated in all provinces and 3. Work Description
inexpensive means to assess the micro­ territories because, in high concentrations,
3.2 How to Do the Work
biological safety of the water in the they can pose a risk to human health. If the
distribution system. operator maintains too high a chlorine residual
in portions of the distribution system, and
Regulations governing operations of water
high levels of organics are present, then
systems and best practices dictate that the
unacceptably high levels of disinfection by­
operator implement a set plan of action if a
products may result. The challenge for the
chlorine residual test fails (i.e., the residual
operator is to maintain an adequate chlorine
level of free chlorine measured in the sample
residual in the most remote parts of the
is below the regulatory minimum). It is
system (e.g., farthest from the water treatment
considered a best practice to maintain a target
plant) while not creating too high a chlorine
residual-free chlorine level, which is higher
level in the system. Occasionally, structural
than the regulatory minimum in all parts of the
changes, such as looping, automatic (or
water system. The action plan to be
manual) flushing, or chlorine booster stations,
implemented if a chlorine residual is lower
are required to achieve this balance.
than the regulatory minimum will be influenced
by regulations and operational permits, but The best practice, Water Quality in Distribution
should include retesting, flushing, and Systems (InfraGuide, 2003d) provides operations of water
notification of the medical officer of health, additional information and recommendations systems and best
ministry of the environment, and other regarding maintenance of water quality in practices dictate
appropriate regulatory agencies. The plan of distribution systems. Water Chlorination
action should also outline the procedure to Principles and Practices (AWWA, 1992a),
that the operator
restore the required chlorine residual in the provides more detail regarding the use of implement a set
system and prove its presence with retesting. chlorine in water systems. plan of action if a
In addition, this action plan should be
3.2.8 Maintain Positive Water chlorine residual
implemented when the chlorine residual
changes suddenly. The action plan should Pressures test fails (i.e., the
include an investigation of the causes of the If a part of the system experiences negative residual level of
reduction in chlorine residual. pressures (i.e., vacuum), groundwater or soil
free chlorine
may enter the system at the location of a leak.
Water quality management includes various
Negative pressure can be due to pump failure, measured in the
activities to ensure the water delivered to the
pressure transients from a pump starting and sample is below
customer meets all regulatory and aesthetic
stopping, valve operation, or electrical the regulatory
requirements set for the system. These
outages. Negative or reduced pressures may
activities could include monitoring, analyzing
also cause backflow (also known as back
test results for trends, modelling residence
siphonage). Backflow is a concern when
time and deterioration of disinfection residual,
chemicals or non-potable water are drawn
regular flushing of portions of the system with
back into the distribution system from a
excessive residence times, and system
customer’s premises. Negative pressure in one
improvements (such as the installation of
part of a system may result from pressure
looping mains and pressure-reducing valves)
transients, or abnormally high flows in another
to improve circulation and reduce residence
part of the system, such as a water main
time for water in the system.
break, opening several hydrants to fight a
When chlorine reacts with natural organic large fire, or improper valve operations that
material found in some source waters, can shut down supply to a portion of the
disinfection by-products, such as THMs2 and system. Pressure transients can also occur if
HAAs3 can form. The concentration of these hydrants are opened or closed too quickly.

2. Trihalomethanes (THMs) — Commonly occurring by-product of disinfection [with chlorine].

3. Haloacetic acids (HAAs) — Commonly occurring by-product of disinfection [with chlorine].

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3. Work Description Contractors should not be permitted to operate locations. Surge control devices include air
valves or hydrants without approval from the chambers, air/vacuum valves, surge relief
3.2 How to Do the Work
municipality, or diverge from accepted valves, check valves, pressure-reducing
operating practices. valves, elevated storage or hydro-pneumatic
tanks, pump control valves and variable
To prevent frequent occurrences of negative
speed pumps.
pressures in the distribution system, the
system needs to be designed to maintain at ■ Install and maintain backup pumps and a
least 140 kPa (20 psi) during maximum day backup power supply (usually diesel
demand operating conditions, including fire generator sets).
flows. If a portion of a distribution system ■ Ensure underground chambers are cleaned
cannot maintain at least 140 kPa, then a boost and dewatered to prevent water from
station or other measures may be required. entering a vacuum relief valve. Drain
Sudden pump stoppages due to a power chambers to a storm sewer.
failure are a common cause of pressure
A cross-connection transients. Some small water systems are 3.2.9 Implement Backflow Prevention
equipped with hydro-pneumatic tanks to and Cross Connection Control
occurs when a Programs
provide positive pressure until a backup
potable water generator can start. In other cases, elevated Backflow may occur if a customer has a water
supply line in a storage can maintain positive pressure line connected to a chemical mixing tank or
facility is without pumps running. These design issues dirty water sink without an air gap or suitable
should be considered if any upgrades or backflow prevention device. Backflow can
connected to a expansions are planned, or if negative also occur if a directly connected mixing pump
non-potable line, pressure situations have been identified as in a private facility generates higher pressures
such as wash a problem. than the water line pressure, and causes flow
from the plant into the water system. Private
water in a barn or The risk of contaminant intrusion into the
wells and cisterns can also be sources of
manufacturing water system is a function of the number of
contamination. A cross-connection occurs
leaks, the frequency and severity of negative
facility. pressure situations, and the presence of
when a potable water supply line in a facility is
connected to a non-potable line, such as wash
contaminants in the ground and groundwater
water in a barn or manufacturing facility.
surrounding the water mains. Certain
measures may be undertaken by the operator Backflow can also occur during improper
to minimize the risk of loss of system pressure. filling of a water truck. Filling should only be
done with a suitable air gap or a reduced
■ Carry out standard O&M procedures for
pressure backflow device. This, and other
valves and hydrants. Monitor pressure on
risks from hydrant usage, can be mitigated by
the upstream or downstream side of a
installing a bulk water station, where an air
hydrant during flow tests; operate valves
gap is maintained during all filling operations.
slowly to prevent pressure transients;
The fire department may also introduce
plug drain ports and vacuum out water in
contamination if it uses a fire truck in a rural
hydrants where the water table is high;
environment (drawing non-potable water) and
do not use antifreeze in hydrants since it
then hook up the same truck to a hydrant.
could be drawn into the distribution system.
■ Maintain the distribution system in a good The small water system operator should audit
state of repair, to minimize the size and the system for potential backflows and cross-
number of leaks and freezing incidents. connections, and implement a public/industrial
Have a plan to rehabilitate or replace user/agricultural user education program.
deteriorated mains. Many water systems require all new non­
■ Install and maintain surge control residential customers to install a backflow
equipment at pumps and other critical prevention device on their domestic sprinkler

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service lines. It is recommended that a institute special sampling and testing to 3. Work Description
municipality create a backflow bylaw as the assess non-routine events, such as power
3.2 How to Do the Work
first part of a backflow/cross-connection failure, flooding or very heavy rains in the
program. Recommended Practice for Backflow watershed, receipt of a water quality
Prevention and Cross-Connection Control complaint, a water main break, construction
(AWWA, 1999a) provides detailed information of a new water main, or connection of a new
on implementing a program of backflow customer.
prevention and cross-connection control.
3.2.11 Maintain Comprehensive Although this best
Methodologies for Setting a Cross Connection
Control Program (InfraGuide, forthcoming) is Programs practice deals
also an excellent reference document. Small water system operators need to specifically with
3.2.10 Monitor Water Quality
maintain water quality testing and complaint water quality
records (refer to Appendix D), analyze them, monitoring within
Regulatory Requirements
and act on the findings. They also need to
Most jurisdictions in Canada require the small
maintain records of water main breaks and
the distribution
water system operator to perform tests to system, it is highly
repairs, unusual events (e.g., extreme weather,
confirm the water delivered to customers is
chemically and biologically safe in
natural disasters, power outages), and records recommended that
of all studies, upgrades, and expansions of the
accordance with the Guidelines for Canadian continuous online
system (water source, treatment plant,
Drinking Water Quality. As noted earlier,
reservoir, distribution system). monitoring of both
testing to prove chlorine or chloramine
Operators must be able to refer to historical
chlorine residual
residual in all parts of the distribution system
is a surrogate method of confirming the test and repair data as well as previous and turbidity take
absence of microbiological contaminants and studies, reports, and drawings to identify place at the entry
waterborne disease. Specific conditions on trends over time. Ideally, a water system
point to the
the provincial ministry of environment operator would have a centralized database
certificate of approval or permit to operate containing water quality monitoring test distribution
may dictate more frequent testing or testing results (source water, treatment plant, and system.
for other parameters. Appendix A lists distribution), system information (drawings and
standard water quality tests and typical test maps), equipment and pipes (materials, ages,
frequency and maximum acceptable repairs), customer information (usage, contact
concentrations for various water quality numbers, complaints, responses to
parameters. complaints), as well as planning and financial
information (growth forecasts, capital and
Routine Monitoring Beyond Regulatory
operating budgets, and records of actual
operating costs including labour, electricity,
In some cases, the operator may need to
chemicals, supplies, and equipment).
monitor for other parameters (or at higher than
regulated frequency) to optimize the treatment Electronic storage of data is preferred over
processes to ensure delivery of high quality paper-based systems, because it is easier to
water to the customer. Reasons for additional store and analyze the data and maintain an
testing may include specific characteristics of off-site backup. Paper-based storage systems
source water (taste and odour), system layout, need to be secure, and consideration should
flows, materials, critical users (e.g., hospitals), be given to retaining copies of critical
contaminated areas (e.g., hydrocarbons can information at a second location.
permeate through some pipe and gasket Operations records, including test results,
materials under positive pressures) and areas should be retained for at least five years or
with a history of complaints. as specified in provincial regulations. Water
Non-Routine Monitoring quality complaints and repair records are
The small water system operator should often stored by street address and are

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3. Work Description sometimes referenced by map grid co­ 3.2.12 Ensure Repars and New
ordinates. Some water systems use a Construction Follow Prrocedures
3.2 How to Do the Work
geographic information system (GIS), which Repairing broken mains, valves, hydrants, and
links databases to computer-based mapping services must be done in a manner that is safe
so data can be retrieved by clicking with a for the worker, the public, and the water
computer mouse on a hydrant, valve, or customer. During a repair, if the water is turned
address shown on a map. Others use a global off, the isolated line is no longer pressurized,
positioning system (GPS) to record the and leaks and joints provide an opportunity for
location of new construction or repairs, contaminant intrusion. The specific site where
and map precisely the location of visible the break is exposed must be kept sanitary,
appurtenances, such as hydrants, valves, and and all water system components must be
curb stops. A GIS or GPS may be an option for disinfected by immersing or swabbing with a
a small water system if funds are available. chlorine solution or other disinfectant so the
A water system operator should review test risk of contamination is minimized.
Analysis of source results and water quality complaints to On completing the repair, an assessment must
determine any trends. Analysis of source be made as to how the line is to be returned
water changes over
water changes over time can indicate trends to service without risking contamination to
time can indicate that may require changes in the design or the rest of the system. Depending on the
trends that may operation of the water treatment plant. nature of the break, it may be necessary to
require changes in Analysis of treated water changes over time keep the line out of service long enough to
can indicate whether the treatment plant is disinfect it, charge it with potable water, and
the design or producing the desired water quality and may test for chlorine residual. As a minimum, the
operation of the also indicate problems with some of the line should be completely flushed through
water treatment equipment. available hydrants or other discharge outlets.
plant. A spatial and temporal analysis of break The water should then be tested to confirm an
records will provide an indication of the adequate disinfection residual before being
structural condition of water mains. Analysis reconnected to the potable water system.
of frozen water services and correlation with Standard operating procedures for preventing
air temperature records can be used to create contaminant intrusion, isolation of the work
a predictive model and allow the operator to area, repair, methods of disinfection, flushing,
issue instructions to specific customers to monitoring, safe disposal of flushing water
run their taps to prevent the occurrence of (i.e., the water may need to be dechlorinated
a frozen service. if discharging to sensitive streams),
bacteriological samples, and dechlorination
Records can also be analyzed for water should be developed and implemented.
main age and materials, break records and
inspection reports, along with information For new water mains in the system or for
about aggressive soils, to predict the connecting new plumbing to the system,
remaining service life of water main very stringent procedures for disinfection,
segments. This information can be used to removal of any construction debris following
plan replacements so they can be budgeted installation (by swabbing or other means),
for and co-ordinated with surface road charging the main, conducting leakage
reconstruction or sewer replacement. tests, proving the main is safe by testing for
microbiological quality and chlorine residual,
The Best Practice for Utility-Based Data and then connecting, are necessary.
(InfraGuide, 2003a), provides additional A co-ordinated approach between the water
information and recommendations regarding system operator and the plumbing inspector
collection and uses of water system data. will help ensure proper practices are followed
on private property.

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American Water Works Association (AWWA) Small water system operators should know the 3. Work Description
Standard C651–99 describes procedures for pipe age and materials in their system, and
3.2 How to Do the Work
disinfection of repairs, new mains, and monitor for problem areas, which may indicate
connections to existing mains. The best aggressive soils. Observing the external and
practice, Water Quality in Distribution internal condition of the pipe at any new
Systems (InfraGuide, 2003d), provides connection or break locations will also
additional recommendations. indicate the severity of corrosion in the
system. Where problems are encountered,
All repairs and construction should use
mitigation measures, such as cathodic
approved materials. Water system Where problems
protection, can be evaluated for cost
components are expected to provide service are encountered,
effectiveness. Internal corrosion needs to
for decades, and care should be taken to
ensure that approved, durable, and safe
be controlled to maintain water quality and mitigation
prolong the life of the unlined water mains. measures, such as
products are always used.
Internal corrosion of unlined cast iron water
The small water system operator will benefit mains can be addressed by corrosion control
cathodic protection,
from establishing a standard list of approved measures (including managing the pH of the can be evaluated
products. The water system is easier to water) and can be prevented by rehabilitating for cost
operate and maintain if all valves are pipes with cement or epoxy. In some cases,
standardized with respect to the direction
it may be necessary to replace metallic pipes
to open, all hydrants have the same internal and appurtenances. Internal corrosion
workings, and all pipe materials are
Lead water services and lead joints on old
needs to be
standardized. This practice means fewer
cast iron pipe can leach lead into the water, controlled to
pipe and clamp sizes, appurtenances, and
replacement parts have to be stocked. Water
particularly when the pH of the water is low maintain water
or very high (over 8.5). Exposure to lead is
system components should meet appropriate quality and prolong
considered a health risk. To address this
CSA standards and NSF/ANSI Standards 60 the life of the
problem, water system owners should
and 61. The AWWA also produces standards
for water system components, such as valves
implement programs to replace all lead water unlined water
services and lead jointed pipe. Where systems mains.
and hydrants.
are known to have lead services, residents
3.2.13 Monitor Corrosion should be reminded regularly to run their taps
Corrosion of metallic components of the water before using the water for drinking or cooking,
system causes several problems including particularly when the water pH is below 7.
water quality complaints (rusty or red water), The manual, Economics of Internal Corrosion
water quality health risks (elevated lead levels Control (AwwaRF, 2002), can be used to
in the water), leaks and breaks, and reduced determine the most cost-effective method of
service life. External corrosion is caused by addressing internal corrosion. The AwwaRF
damage, or lack of protective measures, and has also conducted a study specifically
by aggressive soils. Corrosion to the inside looking at rehabilitation and replacement of
of metallic water mains can occur if they are water services (Boyd et al., 20014). Health
unlined and soft, or aggressive waters are Canada is developing a guideline for internal
present, or the water has a low pH (more corrosion control (Bernard, 20025).
acidic). Note that the relative corrosiveness
of low pH water is affected by its softness; the
softer the water, the more corrosion potential
there is for unlined metallic pipes.

4. AwwaRF Study (Boyd, et al, 2001)

5. Health Canada Guidelines for internal corrosion control (Bernard, 2002)

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3. Work Description 3.2.14 Determine Water Losses system operator should regularly inspect the
From the System site and maintain records of the inspections.
3.2 How to Do the Work
Many small water systems have no (or few) If the intake is only accessible by diving,
flow meters, and the operator has little inspections should be conducted at least
information about the distribution of water annually. Similarly, wells may require routine
demands in the system. Metering customer rehabilitation to maintain water quality and
usage and billing based on usage encourages quantity. A down hole camera inspection and
conservation. Strategically placed meters can testing may also provide useful information
be very helpful in identifying major leaks within to maintain proper operation. A poorly
the water system, and fixing these leaks can performing well can generally be rehabilitated,
result in reduced costs for chemicals and if the problem is detected and acted upon
electricity. Metering the water drawn from promptly.
the source and the output from the water The intake, dam, or wellhead should be
treatment plant, plus analysis of customer evaluated and a protection plan developed to
meter records can provide a good estimate identify measures to improve the site. Items to
of water use and loss. This includes leakage, be evaluated include security, safety, contami­
worn (underreporting) and unmetered uses, nant intrusion, wildlife, power supply, access,
The potable water such as bulk water taking, street flushing, drainage, erosion, and flooding. In some
water main breaks, water main flushing, jurisdictions, regulations mandate submission
best practices,
and firefighting. Unmetered uses and of intake, dam, and well inspection reports.
Establishing a underreporting meters can be estimated,
Metering Plan to providing an estimate of leakage from the 3.2.16 Maintain the Water Treatment
system. Higher leakage rates cost money and Plant, Pumping Stations, and
Account for Water
indicate higher risk of contaminant intrusion. Storage Facilities
Use and Loss Small water systems may incorporate a wide
If a small water system has inappropriate
(InfraGuide, 2003e), range of water treatment methods, equipment,
water losses (either apparent or real), it may
Water Use and be economically worthwhile investigating the and facilities, depending on the size of the
system, when it was constructed, and the
Loss in Water losses and taking action to reduce them.
Multi-zone water systems can implement zone nature of the source water for the system. The
Distribution intended use of the water and the regulations
pressure monitoring and zone metering to
Systems assist in leak detection. will also determine, to a large extent, what
(InfraGuide, 2002c), level of treatment is required.
The potable water best practices, Establishing
and Speed and a Metering Plan to Account for Water Use and The water system operator needs to ensure
the water treatment plant is operating as
Quality of Linear Loss (InfraGuide, 2003e), Water Use and Loss
in Water Distribution Systems (InfraGuide, intended and is producing the desired quality
System Repairs of water. The operator should be aware of
2002c), and Speed and Quality of Linear
(InfraGuide, 2004) System Repairs (InfraGuide, 2004) provide seasonal fluctuations in raw water quality that
provide additional additional information and recommendations might affect the treatment process. In addition,
regarding this topic. the operator must regularly inspect, monitor,
information and and maintain the equipment to ensure
recommendations 3.2.15 Maintain Source Water Intakes, reliability. Most treatment plants have an
regarding this Dams, Wellhead Sites, and Aquifers O&M manual that gives guidance on
operations, maintenance, and inspection
topic. If dams, intakes, and wells are remote, they
may not be visited frequently by the water procedures. If an O&M manual does not
system operator. Remote sites may be more exist, it should be prepared.
susceptible to vandalism and therefore, should The operator is responsible for ensuring that
incorporate minimum security measures, such adequate chemicals, cartridge filters, supplies,
as fencing with locked gates. The water and spare parts are on hand to allow the plant

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to operate and carry out maintenance and critical locations (such as the valve at the 3. Work Description
minor repairs promptly. All activities at the wellhead) checked more frequently. Air
3.2 How to Do the Work
plant must be carried out in a manner that is release, vacuum breaker, or pressure-reducing
safe for both the worker and the water supply. valves should be inspected at least every six
As with all other aspects of operation, months. These valves will usually have an O&M
activities and monitoring at the plant must be manual, which describes how they are to be
properly documented. If the plant includes a inspected and maintained.
laboratory for routine testing, the operator
Valves and hydrants should always be
must ensure the lab is properly equipped with
operated in accordance with standard
supplies and maintained in a clean state.
operating procedures to ensure the operation
If upgrades are considered for the water is done safely and with minimal risk of
treatment plant, expert advice is usually creating a pressure surge (water hammer) that
required. If treatment plant expansion is may lead to negative pressures in the system,
contemplated, it may be prudent to design stir up sediment in the pipes, or damage some
parallel systems, so if one side is taken off-line component of the system (such as a water
for repair, water treatment capability remains, main break). See AWWA (1999b).
albeit at a reduced capacity.
The operators
3.2.18 Flush and Swab Water Mains should know and
Small water systems may also utilize pumping
Water mains can accumulate sediment, document the
stations and storage reservoirs. These
biofilms, and corrosion-related encrustations
facilities also require that regular inspection,
over time, and these materials can be
locations of valves
monitoring, and maintenance activities are for the whole
entrained in the water during unusually high
carried out to ensure reliability. An O&M
manual is also recommended to provide
flows or flow reversals. Even if they are not water system, from
loosened, these materials can become a
guidance on operations, maintenance, and isolating the source
refuge for bacterial growth, which can lead
inspection procedures.
to water quality problems. The small water to a section of the
3.2.17 Exercise and Inspect Valves system operator should consider flushing distribution system.
and Hydrants (discharging high volumes of system water
out through hydrants) or swabbing (flushing
The small water system may have a limited
foam swabs through the main and out at a
water main network, and every valve may
dismantled hydrant) to address water quality
have to be operable to isolate a break in the
concerns in a particular area. Furthermore,
system. If a valve does not work when needed,
operators should consider having a regular
the entire system may need to shut down.
program of flushing and swabbing water
The operator should ensure that each valve
mains so buildup is removed from the system
is fully operable. This is achieved by regularly
before it becomes problematic. Flushing is
exercising (operating) each valve, inspecting
commonly used in low demand areas (e.g.,
it during the operation, and recording the
dead-ended mains) to reduce residence time.
findings. The operators should know and
Swabbing can be used to clean mains to
document the locations of valves for the whole
restore their hydraulic capacity.
water system, from isolating the source to a
section of the distribution system. The location Uni-directional flushing is the most effective
plans should be easily accessible. method of flushing a water distribution system.
A uni-directional flushing program should
Hydrants are critical for fire protection and
start at the source and progress into the
represent a possible pathway for contaminants
system from the largest to the smallest mains
to enter the water system. Hydrants, with their
in a systematic manner. It achieves greater
isolation valves, must also be exercised and
benefit with less water than random flushing
inspected at least annually (or more frequently
of hydrants. A flushing program requires
if required by the provincial fire code), with

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3. Work Description notifying users, monitoring adjacent system maintenance may also reduce staff costs as
pressures (to avoid negative pressures), unscheduled call-outs or overtime work is
3.2 How to Do the Work
testing water quality after flushing, managing reduced.
traffic around work sites, and maintaining
public safety (especially where hydrants are 3.2.20 Maintain a Spare Parts Inventory
discharging). To achieve biofilm removal, the Water system operators must maintain an
flow velocity through the main must be at least adequate inventory of spare parts, equipment,
1.5 m/s. This flow rate requires lots of water repair clamps, pipes, and valves along with
for larger diameter water mains. If the system proper tools to allow prompt response to
A maintenance cannot provide that water, and maintain at breakdowns. Operators should evaluate what
management least 20 psi (140 kPa) throughout the system, critical or long delivery parts should be
then flushing will not be effective for biofilm stocked and estimate demand based on
system will help historical usage of parts and the historical life
removal, and swabbing may be considered.
the operator plan of equipment. As a minimum, one of each
Swabbing can be undertaken in the same
and implement manner as flushing, and requires less water;
spare part item (e.g., valve) should be stocked
for each 10 km of water main in your system.
routine however, it takes more time and is more costly.
Where geographic proximity makes it feasible,
maintenance and The swabs must be introduced into the main
water departments/ utilities in adjacent
before they can be flushed in a certain
will facilitate municipalities may want to share an inventory
direction, usually via disassembly at a hydrant
record keeping of of some spare parts to reduce inventory cost
and temporary installation of swab launchers.
and storage requirements. It may be possible
planned and Care must be taken to ensure that the swab
to arrange with suppliers/dealers to stock
emergency does not have any opportunity to travel in the
some spare parts in convenient locations. In
wrong direction and get lost in the system.
maintenance Swabs should be moving at a minimum
addition to spare parts, it is essential to have
on hand the tools and equipment needed to do
activities. velocity of 0.75 m/s to gain maximum benefit
the work.
(effectively agitate the water for debris
removal and to provide effective contact with 3.2.21 Prepare a Contingency Plan
the pipe wall). Velocities above 0.9 m/s enable for Emergencies
the swab to ride over debris. Swabs come in Water systems must be reliable under all
varying degrees of density, with the denser operating conditions. The small system
swabs being more abrasive on encrusted operator should know how the system
mains, but they are harder to launch and responds to unusual operating conditions.
retrieve. Pigs (which are like swabs but rigid This knowledge can be challenging to obtain.
and much more abrasive) should only be used The small water system operator can develop
as part of a relining or other rehabilitation a series of “what if” scenarios (e.g., “What if
program, and are not recommended for we have an ice storm and lose power for three
routine maintenance activities. weeks?”) and note the relative risk, and likely
3.2.19 Use a Maintenance consequences that could occur for each
Management System event. The higher-risk or higher-consequence
events can be prioritized, and response plans
A maintenance management system is a tool
developed for each scenario. One method of
used to record and plan maintenance
learning how the water system will perform
activities. Computerized systems are available
under unusual conditions is hydraulic
for any size system and offer trend analysis
modelling. A computer model can be created
and reporting. A maintenance management
and calibrated with actual hydrant flow tests.
system will help the operator plan and
Then the model can be used to represent
implement routine maintenance and will
various emergency scenarios.
facilitate record keeping of planned and
emergency maintenance activities. Preventive Many of the unusual operating conditions

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experienced with water systems also involve 3.2.22 Prepare a Financial Plan to 3. Work Description
the fire department. As partners in providing Ensure System is Sustainable
3.2 How to Do the Work
fire protection for the municipality, operators Small water system operators are the principal
need to share knowledge of the water system individuals concerned with the way the system
based on past experiences and the findings of functions on a daily and long-term basis.
current study activities, and agree on standard Operators should know the unit cost of
operating practices (e.g., for hook up to production of water, including staff, electricity,
hydrant, shut down hydrant flow, fire pump and chemical costs. Operators should also
operation). know the regulatory requirements in their
Operators should meet regularly with the province/territory regarding management of
stakeholder teams (e.g., public health, fire, water systems, which may include mandated
regulatory agency personnel, and large financial planning for the full life cycle costs of
customers), develop emergency response their systems. Operators should also develop
plans, contingency plans, and public/media short- and long-term capital spending plans
contact protocols. In most jurisdictions, for all components of their system (source
regulations dictate who is in charge in the water, water treatment plant, distribution
event of an emergency. This should be system) and provide input to capital budgets.
discussed and understood by all stakeholders. Investment Parameters for Municipal
If there is a local emergency operations Infrastructure (InfraGuide, 2003f) and
Alternative Funding Mechanisms (InfraGuide, The importance
centre, the water department should be an
active member. 2002d) provide additional information and of customer
recommendations regarding this topic. confidence and
Emergency preparedness involves learning
from past events and being aware of how 3.2.23 Maintain Excellent Public Relations satisfaction is
to respond quickly when an event unfolds.
Operators should provide prompt and increasing as water
Whenever an event is underway which may
courteous customer service. The importance costs increase, and
pose an unusual operating condition, a
of customer confidence and satisfaction is in light of recent
licensed operator should be assigned to
increasing as water costs increase, and in
monitor and operate the water system
light of recent events in Canada. Operators
events in Canada.
components, and report on the event.
should establish standard operating practices
Advice on planning for emergencies can be
for recording, addressing, and following up on
found in Emergency Planning for Water
customer water quality or other complaints.
Utilities (AWWA, 1999c).
It is important to maintain communications with
Another study and planning area for the water customers and other stakeholders. Operators
system is the evaluation of risk of water should make available to their customers
system contamination by physical disruption routine water quality test results. Operators
or terrorist attacks. Vulnerability assessments should communicate with customers before
should be conducted on all components of the shutting off the water, explain the reason for
water system. Considerations that arise from the shutdown and predict the duration of
these assessments include controlling access, disruption. For some customers, such as home
access alarms, and performing security dialysis patients, research facilities, and many
background checks on all staff. food-processing industries, water disruptions
can be critical. Other stakeholders include the
medical officer of health, ministry of the
environment, regulatory agencies, fire
department, major industries, conservation
authorities, non-governmental organizations,

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3. Work Description and special interest groups. Operators should Regulatory requirements for operator
follow a media response protocol when any certification and training vary across the
3.2 How to Do the Work
event occurs which warrants or may attract country, but the requirement to provide
media attention. chemically and biologically safe water is the
same everywhere. Municipalities should know
3.2.24 Maintain Adequate Staff Levels what certification requirements are in place,
Water distribution system O&M staff are or scheduled for implementation in their
critical in delivering safe drinking water to the province or territory, and the ministry of
public. Staff are mandated to provide safe environment or health can be contacted to
Staff should be drinking water and, therefore, they need to find out where training and exams are being
encouraged to know how to do this and how to react when offered. Municipalities should recognize that
certification takes time and, therefore, should
participate in something goes wrong. Water systems are
changing, and regulations are becoming more maintain a sufficient number of certified staff.
complex. Ongoing training is required for O&M Utility accreditation, or recognition that the
organizations, staff to develop and maintain proficiency. All entire water system meets a high standard,
such as the training should focus on each work activity’s is one way to demonstrate to staff and
Canadian Water impact on water quality in all parts of the customers that a municipality is very serious
water system. A training-needs analysis for about its responsibility as a supplier of safe
and Wastewater each staff member should be conducted to water. The AWWA recently published
Association, determine what gaps exist in their capabilities Standard G200 (2004a6), which outlines uniform
Canadian and then arrange training to address the gaps. performance standards for distribution
Training should be relevant to the system systems operation and management. The
Society for Civil
being operated, and records maintained of AWWA has also developed the QualServe7
Engineering, and all training completed. Staff should be program which promotes continuous
American Water encouraged to participate in technical improvement of water utilities. In addition, the
Works Association. organizations, such as the Canadian Water International Standards Organization (ISO) is
and Wastewater Association, Canadian developing a standard for service activities
Society for Civil Engineering, and American related to drinking water supply systems and
Water Works Association. wastewater systems (TC 2248).

6. G200–04, AWWA Standard for Distribution Systems Operation and Management (First Edition, May 2004)
7. QualServe is a voluntary quality improvement program designed exclusively for water and wastewater utilities. Website address is:
8. ISO TC 224 “Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems” has the “ISO/TC 224 information
brochure” in English and French. Website address is: <http://www.acepu.ca/freepub_e.asp>.

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4. Applications and Limitations

4. Applications and

4.1 Applications

4.1 Applications not designed to provide fire protection cannot 4.2 Limitations
achieve this level of service. It is important to
The small water system operator or municipal establish the realistic capabilities of a small
official needs to understand what their system system and deal with design limitations in a
does and what it should do, and then develop planned program of upgrades.
a plan to implement the applicable best
practices. (Professional guidance may be 4.2.2 Sound Engineering Practices As a guideline, this
necessary.) However, some practices may not This document is a guideline of best practices
best practice is not
apply. For instance, if a water system does not used across Canada in varying size systems,
provide fire protection and is not designed to, with various water sources and under various a replacement for
the fire protection aspects of the best climatic conditions. As a guideline, this best proper engineering
practices in this document will not apply. practice is not a replacement for proper investigation
engineering investigation and design, which
4.2 Limitations should be undertaken to assess problems or
and design,
for any planned improvements to a water which should be
4.2.1 System Design
system. undertaken to
These best practices cannot overcome
inherent deficiencies in design. For example, 4.2.3 Regulations assess problems
a direct filtration process (i.e., no clarification This best practice should not preclude or or for any planned
stage) will not adequately treat high turbidity supersede specific requirements imposed improvements to
or highly coloured water. Similarly, a system by regulations or other applicable legislation.
a water system.

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5. Evaluation
5. Evaluation

The following points describe several performance measures against those of other
performance measures that can be used to municipalities since conditions in each system
evaluate the effectiveness of the practices can vary.
outlined in Section 3.
Overall, are there improvements in general
Are there reductions: water quality?
■ In the number of regulatory non­ Is there an increase in confidence and
compliances? competence among operations and
■ In the number of water quality complaints? maintenance staff? Do they have the
■ In the number of non-compliant samples resources to do their job adequately? Is job
obtained from the system? satisfaction increasing, as indicated by
reduced sick time and reduced staff turnover?
■ In the number of boil water
orders/advisories? Is the amount of time spent on reactive or
■ In the number of unplanned service emergency maintenance falling as a
interruptions? percentage of time spent on planned
■ In the cost for corrective measures? maintenance activities? Is the average time to
repair a break and return service to customers
■ In costly reactive investigation time?

In order to track the system performance over Are emergency planning activities being
time, performance measures may be developed or updated with full participation of
expressed as a function of some baseline key stakeholders? Are the plans being tested
parameter such as volume of water supplied, annually and improved?
length of watermain, or number of customers. Are long-range capital budgets established
An example would be the number of water which, if funded, will sustain the water system
quality complaints per customer served. Care as it ages and needs upgrading or
must be taken when comparing the replacement?

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A. Standard Water
Appendix A: Standard Water Quality Tests Quality Tests

Table A–1
Standard Water Quality
Tests Parameters
Table A–1 : Standard Water Quality Tests Parameters
Test Parameter Test Frequency** Normally Acceptable Range
Source Water
Turbidity ■ Every month for non-GUDI9 Depending on the treatment process:·
source water ■ Conventional filtration: < 40 NTU

■ Continuous for surface ■ Direct filtration: < 20 NTU

water and GUDI well ■ Slow sand filtration: < 10 NTU
source water
■ Cartridge/bag filtration: < 5 NTU

* Inorganics and ■ Every 12 months if the As prescribed in local regulations

organics as listed source water is surface
in local regulations water
■ Every 36 months if the
source water is
E-coli or fecal coliforms Every week < 1 (Below detectable)

* If a test result exceeds half of the standard prescribed for the parameter in local
regulations, the frequency for that parameter should be increased to once every three months.

** Test Frequency — In some jurisdictions the test frequency may be determined by the
regulatory agency taking into account site-specific conditions

9. GUDI — Groundwater Under Direct Influence of surface water.

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A. Standard Water Table A–2 : Standard Water Quality Tests—Treatment Plant Output
Quality Tests
Treatment Plant Output
Table A–1 Chlorine/combined Continuous ■ 0.5 to 1.0 mg/L CR10 or as required to achieve optimum
Standard Water Quality chlorine residual ■ 0.2 mg/L (or min. 0.05 mg/L) within the distribution system
Tests—Treatment Plant
■ 0.5 to 1.5 mg/L CCR11 or as required to achieve optimum
Table A–3
1.0 mg/L (or min. 0.25 mg/L) within the distribution system
Standard Water Quality ■ MAC12 or CR — 4 mg/L
Tests—Treatment Plant ■ MAC for CCR — 3 mg/L
Output Turbidity Continuous Less than 0.5 NTU
(1) E-coli or fecal Every < 1 (Below detectable)
coliforms week
(2) Total coliforms, and
(3) General bacteria
expressed as
colony counts on a
heterotrophic plate
count (HPC)

Table A–3 : Standard Water Quality Tests—Distribution System/Customers

Distribution System/Customers
■ Greater than 0.05 mg/L CR
Chlorine/combined chlorine
Every day ■ Greater than 0.25 mg/L
Chloramines Every 12 months Less than 3 mg/L
THMs Every 3 months Less than 0.1 mg/L
Lead* Every 12 months Less than 0.01 mg/L
Less than 10 mg/L —
Nitrate/Nitrite Every 3 months Nitrate
Less than 1 mg/L — Nitrite
Sodium Every 60 months Less than 20 mg/L
■ Every day if the system provides
■ 0.5 — 0.8 mg/L normal
Fluoride acceptable range
■ Every 60 months if the system
■ 1.5 mg/L MAC
does not provide fluoridation
(1) E-coli or fecal coliforms ■ 8 samples plus 1 per every 1000
(2) Total coliforms and consumers per month, of which
two (2) samples every week
(3) General bacteria population < 1 (Below detectable)
expressed as colony counts ■ 2 samples per week where UV-
on a heterotrophic plate based disinfection is provided
count (HPC) (point of entry systems only)

10. CR — Chlorine residual

11. CCR — Combined chlorine residual
12. MAC — Maximum allowable concentration

36 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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Appendix B: Adverse Water Quality Test B. Adverse Water

Quality Test

Table B–1: Adverse

Water Quality Test and
Possible Course of
Table B–1: Adverse Water Quality Test and Possible Course of Action Action

No. Adverse Water Possible Cause Possible Course of Action

Quality Test
1 Chemical
■ Perform all regulatory notification/action
■ Switch to alternate/backup supply
Exceeding any ■ Source water
■ Check raw water supply for possible source of contamination/spill
health-related contamination/spill
1.1 ■ Contact environment ministry, local health unit for advice/assistance
chemical ■ Treatment failure
parameter ■ Check function of treatment system
■ False test
■ Retest
■ Undertake more detailed investigations as necessary
■ Remove naturally occurring organic matter through enhanced
■ Inadequate water treatment
treatment (precursors, ■ Use an alternative primary disinfectant or add ammonia after
organic matter) sufficient contact time to create chloramines
Disinfection ■ Excessive detention time ■ Optimize pH adjustment for balance of corrosion control and DBPs
1.2 (THMs)
■ Excessive chlorine use ■ Obtain assistance from environment ministry and/or a water quality
■ High pH expert
■ Inappropriate chlorine ■ Properly operate storage facilities to ensure adequate turnover of water
injection location ■ Properly operate distribution systems (e.g. routinely flush mains)
■ Consider design changes to system (e.g. loop mains)
■ Inadequate disinfection
dosage/residual ■ Check treatment system
■ Poor source water quality ■ Increase chlorine dosage
(high DOC—dissolved ■ Flush system
organic carbon) ■ Implement biofilm control program
■ Inadequate water treatment ■ Properly operate storage facilities to ensure adequate turnover
■ Excessive detention time of water
Low ■ Contaminant intrusion ■ Properly operate and repair distribution systems
1.3 disinfectant ■ Poor maintenance and ■ Rehabilitate/replace water mains
(Cl2) residual repair practices ■ Use appropriate disinfection procedures for new mains and repairs
■ Poor distribution system ■ Install chlorine booster stations or add ammonia to create
design chloramines (which are weaker oxidants but last longer in the
■ Ageing distribution system system)
■ Pipe contamination due to ■ Deliver pipes with end caps
poor transportation, ■ Swab system
handling, storage, ■ Consider design changes
and installation practices
■ Implement corrosion control treatment
■ Raise treated water pH
■ Raise treated water alkalinity (e.g., add soda ash to create buffer
■ Internal corrosion
Lead and ■ Consider alternate corrosion inhibitors to pH and alkalinity
1.4 ■ Unstable water adjustment
■ Low pH in water ■ Flush regularly
■ Educate public
■ Rehabilitate/replace water services
■ Use approved materials (cont’d.)

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B. Standard Water
Quality Tests

Table B–1
Adverse Water Quality
Test and Possible Course
of Action (cont’d.) Table B–1: Adverse Water Quality Test and Possible Course of Action Flow Chart (cont’d.)

No. Water Quality Possible Cause Possible Course of Action
1 Chemical
■ Inadequate water treatment ■ Take daily water samples and test pH. Obtain expert assistance
■ Excessive detention time in if the problem cannot be readily resolved
pH instability
1.5 and scale cement pipes ■ Control blending of water sources
formation ■ Unstable water ■ Properly operate distribution systems
■ Consider design changes

By-products ■ Leaching of chemicals ■ Use approved materials

1.6 of linings and
coatings ■ Unstable water ■ Properly cure Disinfection by-products (THMs)

2 Microbiological
■ Perform all regulatory notification/action
■ Check disinfection system
■ Chlorination/disinfection ■ Increase chlorine residual
system failure
■ Flush system
E-coli or total ■ False positive sample
■ Retest
2.1 coliform ■ Wellhead contamination
■ Eliminate source of contamination
■ Distribution system
contamination/backflow ■ Shut down source and use alternate/backup supply
■ Ensure positive pressures
■ Identify and eliminate any potential back pressure sources
■ Clean storage tanks every other year
■ Inadequate water treatment
(i.e., filtration) ■ Maintain adequate disinfectant residual
■ Inadequate primary ■ Maintain positive water pressures (try to maintain above
disinfection minimum 140 kPa)
■ Contaminant intrusion ■ Implement backflow prevention program
Waterborne ■ Backflow from non-potable ■ Control valve and hydrant operations
2.2 disease sources ■ Properly operate storage facilities
■ Poor maintenance and repair ■ Properly operate and repair distribution systems
■ Use appropriate disinfection procedures for new mains
■ Main breaks and repairs
■ Inadequate disinfection of ■ Provide security
new mains/equipment
■ Consider design changes
■ Terrorism or vandalism

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B. Adverse Water
Quality Test

Table B–1
Adverse Water Quality
Test and Possible Course
Table B–1: Adverse Water Quality Test and Possible Course of Action Flow Chart (cont’d.) of Action (cont’d.)

No. Water Quality Possible Cause Possible Course of Action
2 Microbiological (cont’d)
■ Inadequate water treatment
■ Poor design/construction/ ■ Properly operate storage facilities to ensure adequate sealing
maintenance of storage at all times
facilities ■ Regularly monitor, inspect, and maintain storage facilities
2.3 Worms/
■ Inadequate flushing/swabbing ■ Check water intake for holes through or around screens
program ■ Consider design changes
■ Problems with water intake in
unfiltered systems
3 Aesthetics
■ Poor raw water quality
■ Upgrade treatment—select optimum process
■ Inadequate water treatment
■ Maintain adequate disinfectant residual
■ High disinfectant (chlorine)
concentrations ■ Flush/swab water mains

■ Excessive detention time ■ Properly operate storage facilities

■ Blending of chlorinated and ■ Properly design and operate distribution systems

chloraminated water ■ Implement corrosion control treatment
Taste and ■ Stratification during ammonia ■ Rehabilitate/replace water mains
odour addition for chloramination ■ Use approved materials that are suitable for Canadian climate
■ High disinfectant (chlorine) (e.g., paint)
concentrations ■ Ensure ration of chlorine to ammonia is maintained
■ Internal corrosion of unlined ■ Ensure linings are cured properly in new water main construction
■ Consider design changes
■ Excessive detention time
■ Consider treatment changes (e.g., GAC)
■ Leaching chemicals from water
main linings

■ Inadequate water treatment ■ Control blending of water sources (i.e., before mixing water from
■ Excessive detention time different sources, ensure testing is conducted first.)
Colour and ■ Implement corrosion control treatment
Appearance ■ Internal corrosion of unlined
mains ■ Rehabilitate/replace water mains
■ Excessive detention time ■ Eliminate dead ends
■ Sediment in water mains ■ Flush/swab water mains

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40 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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Appendix C: CT (Concentration X Time) C. CT (Concentration X

Time) Concept

Multiple barriers are the best approach a concentration of 1 mg/L residual disinfectant
to eliminate enteric bacteria, viruses, or applied for 30 minutes equals a CT value of 30.
other waterborne pathogens. Physical The CT influences the sizing and design of
characteristics of the water, especially contact chambers or storage facilities to
temperature, pH, and turbidity can have a ensure that water is in contact with the
major impact on disinfection and pathogen disinfectant for the required amount of time.
removal. For example, inactivation rates
The best practice should incorporate the CT
increase two to threefold for every 10°C rise
concept and aim at achieving the following
in temperature. When temperature is close to
minimum benchmarks:
0°C, as is often the case for surface waters
during the winter in Canada, the efficacy of Groundwater – 2 log (99%) viruses
disinfection can be seriously impaired. Some inactivation
disinfectants are pH-dependent and may be Surface water – 2 log (99%) cryptosporidium
ineffective when water is alkaline. An increase inactivation
in pH from 6 to 9 reduces the effectiveness of – 3 log (99.9%) giardia
free chlorine by a factor of three, but pH has inactivation
little impact on the effectiveness of ozone or
chlorine dioxide. An increase in turbidity from – 4 log (99.99%) viruses
1 to 10 NTU has been shown to result in an
eightfold decrease in disinfection (free The operator should contact the regulatory
chlorine) efficacy (effectiveness). agency to confirm appropriate standards in
their province or territory.
The efficacy of disinfection can be predicted
based on knowledge of the residual The minimum requirement for disinfection (see
concentration of disinfectant, temperature, Table C–1) will be the difference between the
pH (for chlorine only), and contact time to minimum requirement for treatment and the log
the first customer (AWWA, 1999b). This removal credit from filtration. The contact time
relationship is commonly referred to as the corresponding to this minimum requirement
CT concept, where CT is the product of “C” should ensure that not more than 10 percent
(the residual concentration of disinfectant, of the influent water would pass through the
measured in mg/L) and “T” (the disinfectant disinfection process. This time is usually
contact time, measured in minutes). Therefore, known as T10. The ratio between T10 and
the calculated hydraulic time T depends on
Table C–1: Deactivation Credits the baffle condition. The poorer the baffle
Log Removal condition (e.g., no baffles, low length/width
Credit ratio, high velocity), the lower the T10/T ratio
is, whereas for a perfect (plug flow) baffle
No. Treatment Technology Giardia Viruses
condition the T10/T ratio is 1.
1 Conventional filtration 2.5 2
For more detailed information on this topic,
2 Direct filtration 2 1
see (AWWA, 1991) and (US EPA, 1999b).
3 Slow sand filtration 2 2
4 Cartridge/bag filtration 2 0
Minimum requirements for
3+ 0 to 2+

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Appendix D: Sample Forms

D. Sample forms

Name of Municipality SAMPLE

Community Complaint

File ID: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Location Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name of Person with Complaint: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Town/City: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Province: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Postal Code: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of Complaint: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Time of Complaint: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nature of Complaint
Noise Visual Odour Taste
.......................................... ........................................... ............................................ ........................................
Colour Pressure Service Problem Other
......................................... ........................................... ............................................ ........................................


Action Taken:

Was the Source of the Problem Identified? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If "yes", Describe: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Remedial Action Required? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If "yes", Describe: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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D. Sample forms SAMPLE

Table D–1
Water Main Flushing STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE ■ This flow rate should be maintained so
and Disinfection (SOP) there has been two to three complete
changes of water in the pipe, and the water
(Name) Treatment Plant
leaving the hydrant is visibly clean. Please
Water Main Flushing and Disinfection see the chart below for pipe diameter and
number of hydrants required to flush
This best practice has been developed after effectively.
review and taking into consideration
■ Record the free chlorine residuals at the
the best practices developed in the industry end of flushing to ensure they are at the
SOP: # .........................
by the following organizations: Water 0.2 mg/L range with the minimum being
Rev.: # ......................... Environmental Federation (WEF), American 0.05 mg/L, and record this information on
Issued: ...dd/mm/yy... Water Works Association (AWWA), Ontario the hydrant log if applicable or in the
Water Works Association (OWWA), National CMMS.
Pages: # (total in SOP) Research Council (NRC), Canadian Water and ■ A record of the hydrant performance should
....................................... Wastewater Association (CWWA), and the be kept on an individual basis and records
California State Water and Wastewater maintained in the CMMS.
Manuals. Each best practice must be vetted
through your internal review team of municipal Table D–1: Water Main Flushing and
or operational water, wastewater, and Disinfection
compliance staff. Minimum
Pipe Diameter Required Flow No. of
All new sections of water mains must be
Rate* Hydrants
thoroughly flushed, disinfected, and tested
for bacteriological quality before water can Inches
GPM L/S Open**
be used by customers. All water mains taken Millimetres
out of service for inspection, repair, or other
4 100 100 6 1
activities that might lead to contamination of
water should be flushed or disinfected before 6 150 200 13 1
they are returned to service. 8 200 400 25 1
10 250 600 38 1
Flushing 12 300 900 57 2
Water main flushing is done initially to remove 16 350 1600 100 2
any debris or dirt left in the pipe after installa­
tion. After installation is completed, the
* Based on 2.5 ft/s (0.76 m/s) at 40 psi (280 kpa)
distribution should be maintained by flushing pressure.
at a minimum frequency of once per year. **Based on a hydrant with one 2 1/2 in. (63 mm) outlet.
Swabbing may be required if the integrity of
the distribution system cannot be maintained Water Disinfection
by flushing.
All new water mains and parts must be
disinfected with some form of chlorine before
put in use. The common forms of chlorine used
■ One or more fire hydrants should be used in disinfection operations are liquid chlorine,
for flushing so a velocity of at least 2.5 ft/s sodium hypochlorite solution, and calcium
(0.8 m/s) to an ideal of 3.5 ft/s (1.1 m/s) is hypochlorite granules or tablets. Most
obtained in the pipe. common forms are sodium hypochlorite
and calcium hypochlorite.

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Calcium Hypochlorite Tablet Table D–2 indicates the number of 5 gram D. Sample forms
Method (HTH) calcium hypochlorite tablets required to
produce a chlorine residual of 25 mg/L in 20 ft. Table D–2
■ This method is mostly used for new Calcium Hypochlorite
(6 m) pipe lengths.
installations. Workers must take care to Tablet Method
keep the pipe clean during installation, ■ Granules of HTH may also be used instead
because the main cannot be flushed before of tablets. Granules can be placed at the Table D–3
it is disinfected. If it becomes difficult to start of the first section of pipe and at each Calcium Hypochlorite
keep the pipes clean during installation, branch main and at 500 ft. intervals. The Tablet Method
then this method should not be used so the volume of granules is in the table below.
line can be flushed prior to disinfection.
Table D–3: Calcium Hypochlorite
■ Please note that this procedure should not Tablet Method
be used on solvent-welded plastic or on
screwed-joint steel pipe, because of the Calcium Hypochlorite
danger of fire or explosion from the reaction GranulesGranules
of the joint compounds with the calcium
Inches Millimetres OZ GM
■ The HTH tablets should be placed in each 4 100 1.7 57
section of pipe and fire hydrant as the work
progresses. The tablets are usually glued to 6 150 3.8 113
the top of the pipe with an epoxy resin, in
8 200 6.7 200
sufficient quantities to produce a chlorine
residual of 25 mg/L after the pipes have 10 250 10.5 300
been completely filled with water.
■ The tablets are placed at each end of each 12 300 15.1 430
section of pipe. You must bleed a small 14 and 350 and
amount of water to ensure the chlorinated D*2 x 15.1 D*2 x 427.9
larger larger
water has contacted all sections of the
pipe. NOTES:
■ Filling the pipe should be done at a velocity * D is the inside pipe diameter in feet D = D/12.
below 1 ft/s (0.3 m/s) or the tablets will be For further information, please refer to (AWWA,1999a).
■ Once the water main has been filled and Hypochlorite Disinfection
the chlorine residual recorded. Calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite
Table D–2: Calcium Hypochlorite are generally used for disinfecting water
mains. Before disinfection, it is advisable to
Tablet Method
flush the system if possible to ensure all
No. of Tablets contaminants and debris have been removed.
Pipe Size Pipe Size in
per Pipe Ensure adequate drainage has been provided
in IN. MM
Length during flushing and disinfection. A concentrated
4 100 1 chlorine solution is usually injected through a
6 150 1 corporation stop that has been installed close
to the valve that connects to the existing
8 200 2 water system. At this time, the chlorine can
10 250 3 be added two different ways: as a continuous
12 300 4 feed system or using a slug.
16 400 7

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D. Sample forms ■ Using a continuous feed method, water is NOTE:

The high chlorine residual used in this method can be a
slowly added to the pipeline at the same time hazard to the environment if not dechlorinated properly.
Table D–2 the chlorine solution is added by using a Great care should be taken in dechlorination
Calcium Hypochlorite chemical feed pump. You will need to capture procedures. This method is generally used for larger
water lines where a continuous feed method is not
Method. the flow of water volume by measuring the practical.
water exiting from the fire hydrant at the end
Table D–3 of the line or by metering the flow entering the Table D–2: Calcium Hypochlorite Method.
Quantity of HTH required system. The chemical feed rate should be set
to produce 50 mg/L so it will produce a concentration of about Calcium Hypochlorite
chlorine residual. 50 mg/L when mixed with the incoming water. Granules
■ Continue to feed both water and the Inches Millimetres OZ GM
chlorine solution until you can measure at 4 100 1.7 57
least a residual 25 mg/L in the flow at the 6 150 3.8 113
end of the line. (Remember to dechlorinate
8 200 6.7 200
highly chlorinated water before it enters the
10 250 10.5 300
surrounding environment.) Please see Table
D–2 for hypochlorite addition. 12 300 15.1 430
■ Once you reach the minimum 25 mg/L, stop 14 and 350 and D*2 x 15.1 D*2 x 427.9
larger larger
pumping and allow the pipe to stand 24 hours.
Before you stop pumping, it is a good idea to
exercise all hydrants on the system and en­ Table D–3: Quantity of HTH required to
sure they are all adequately disinfected. Once produce 50 mg/L chlorine residual.
pumping has stopped, you should operate all
line valves to ensure adequate disinfection. Amount of Hypochlorite
■ If you are unable to maintain the minimum Pipe Diameter Granules per 100 Ft
residual of 10 mg/L after 24 hours, you will (30.5M) of PipeI
need to flush and repeat this procedure
Inches Millimetres Lbs Kg
until you have ensured the system is free
from contamination. 4 100 0.04 0.02
■ Using the slug method, water with a high 6 150 0.09 0.04
concentration of chlorine is created, then 8 200 0.17 0.08
added slowly to the pipeline.
10 250 0.26 0.12
■ The concentration of the slug must be a
minimum of 100 mg/L and the slug must be 12 300 0.38 0.17
moved through the pipe slowly to achieve 14 350 0.51 0.23
contact of a least three hours as it moves 16 400 0.67 0.3
through the system.
18 450 0.85 0.39
■ As the slug moves through the system, fire
hydrants should be operated to ensure they 20 500 1.05 0.47
are disinfected.
■ Monitoring at various points ensures you The preceding procedures were developed based on
maintain a high residual and indicates if AWWA (1999a). See also Ontario Ministry of the
Environment, 1987, Bulletin 65–W 4, Chlorination of
disinfection has been successful.
Potable Water Supplies and 2001 Bulletin B13–3,
■ Once the slug has reached the end of the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. (Revised January
line and is being dechlorinated, the line and 2001, PIBS # 4065e.)
all hydrants must be flushed to ensure all
traces of the highly chlorinated water are

46 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Dear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:


Our records show that we have not received the annual test report(s) of the following backflow

prevention assemblies.

Type............................................................................ Serial No. ..................................................................

Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In order to comply with the (enter Municipality name), Bylaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

backflow preventers must be tested annually by a licensed tester.

Accordingly, you are required to have such equipment tested within 30 days from the date of this
letter and return the attached inspection report to our office.

On completion of the test, a tag showing the date of test, the name and licence number of the
tester shall be displayed adjacent to the backflow preventer or attached to the backflow preventer.

For your use and information, a list of licensed testers is enclosed.

Should you require additional information concerning the foregoing, please contact the

Municipality’s Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Officer at the above address or by

calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Yours truly,

Cross Connection and

Backflow Prevention Officer

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D. Sample forms

SAMPLE WORK ORDER Equipment Work Order

Report Date 09/09/2004 02:00 PM Submitted By Page 1

Work Order # 208599 Activity 66055T VALVE CHECK ELECTRIC

Equipment ID 0000066055 Description VALVE GLOBE LLP1-1 DISCHARGE

Site FAC xxxxxx Description xxxxxx

Subunit Of 0000067016


District Loc



Building LL LOW LIFT BUILDING Building Level G Ground Level

Service Status IN IN SERVICE (INCL. STANDBY) Expected Life 25

Avg Monthly Usage 720.00 Total Usage 0.00

Model # 945820-2049 Warranty Expires MTBF 0

Serial # Purchase Date 01/01/1995 Purchase 0.00

Budget #

Asset Comments

CO# 94-5820, SHOP# 941771, FIG# X147300DP, REF# 125

Initiated By Initiated Date 27/10/2000 Scheduled 01/11/2000 08:00

Assigned To Service # Due







Project Out of Service ❏

Source FORE FOREMAN/WOMAN Potential Service Request ❏

Last Activity 66055T VALVE CHECK ELECTRIC Last Activity Completed 27/11/2005

Work Order Comments

Serviced valves and controls

ActDefn Comments



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D. Sample forms

SAMPLE WORK ORDER (cont’d) Equipment Work Order

Report Date 09/09/2004 02:00 PM Submitted By Page 1


Job Class Crew Type Description Pay Type Hrs Worked


Part # Description Qty Req’d Qty Used


Stock Area Stock Loc


Stock Area Stock Loc

Safety Message Description




Tool Description Qty Required Qty Used


Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005 49

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D. Sample forms

SAMPLE WORK ORDER Equipment Work Order

Report Date 09/09/2004 02:00 PM Submitted By Page 2

Safety Procedures
Message Description Activity Comments
This Preventative Maintenance Procedure has been developed to aid field personnel
in the care and maintenance of the specified equipment. However, maintenance
personnel are expected to look for and correct defects which are not anticipated in
this procedure. This document will not provide all the technical information that may
be required, and it may be necessary to refer to the manufacturer’s manual for
further details.
The “As Found” and “As Left” readings, as well as any abnormalities found and any
repairs carried out, are to be recorded on the Maintenance Feedback Sheet.
1) Check for leakage from the air vent tube.
2) Check for leakage from indicator rod. Check for leakage at the control valves.
3) Check and record gauge pressures at the inlet and outlet side of the valve
first with pump off and then with pump running.
1) Remove, inspect and clean the water strainer.
2) Dismantle and inspect internal components of the pressure reducing pilot
valves. Check for deterioration of rubber seats and diaphragm.
3 YEAR TRI-ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 66055T 3) Dismantle, clean and inspect all internal components of the main electric check
valve. Follow procedures in the manual.
4) Reassemble main components.
5) Check the valve position micro switches for proper mounting and freedom
6) Lubricate the roller and pivot arm of the micro switch.
7) Check security of pivot arm to switch stern.
8) Check condition and proper mounting of vent tube hose.
9) Check all piping and unions for leakage.
10) Inspect and clean the solenoid valves.
11) Inspect and clean the thread and gear of the valve position sensor.
12) Check general condition of electrical wires and return to original position.
13) Exercise all manually operated valves and return to original position.
14) Reassemble all auxiliary components.
15) Rest pressure reducing pilot valves and controls to original specs.
16) Check that the pressure reducing pilot valve screw locknuts are tight.




Extra Item
Change Date Time Extra Item Quantity Rate

Labour Choose Crew Type, Crew ID, or Job

Change Date Time Crew ID Job Class Employee ID Pay Type Hours Worked

50 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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D. Sample forms

SAMPLE WORK ORDER Equipment Work Order

Report Date 09/09/2004 02:00 PM Submitted By Page 3

Work Order # 208599 Activity 66055T VALVE CHECK ELECTRIC

Vehicle Choose Crew, Vehicle Type or ID

Charge Date Time Crew Vehicle Type Vehicle ID Total usage Usage


Started Completed
Date Time By 80039 Date 27/11/2004 Time 12:26 Hours 6:00
Result Condition Quantity Uni of Mass

Total Usage

Data Group Sign-off

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To be filled in by Municipality:

Date Received: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Request No.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

To be filled in by Applicant:

Info. Required by: Y M D Requested by: Contact Name: Phone No.:

Nature of Work

Limits of this Stake-Out

Stakes Remarks / Additional Instructions
Method of Paint Type of
Marking Other Plant

Sketch not drawn to scale


The applicant requesting the foregoing information with regard to the location of the plant acknowledges that the same is
approximate only and that the applicant and any person undertaking work in or around the plant assumes all risk in connection
therewith and any damage done or occasioned to the said plant shall be repaired at the sole cost and expense of the applicant. The
applicant acknowledges having reviewed this entire form and the attached CAUTION notes on the following page, and agrees to
abide by same. The applicant agrees to review carefully and abide by any and all Special Instructions which may be provided in
relation to the request.

ACCEPTED BY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TITLE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Locator’s Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TITLE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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CAUTION D. Sample forms




1) Notify (Municipal) staff when the excavation is going to start.

2) If the excavation results in any damage to the plant, all work within the excavation shall cease and (the
Municipality) must be contacted immediately.

Municipal contact/telephone number:


3) The applicant (and contractor if the applicant does not carry out the excavation) shall carry sufficient liability
insurance to cover any damages which may result due to the excavation.

4) (Municipality) to (add additional instructions as required)

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Appendix E: “Boil Advisory” Sign, Notice, E. “Boil Advisory”

Sign, Notice, and
Volunteer List

Figure E–1
“Boil Advisory” Sign

Figure E–1 : “Boil Advisory” Sign

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E.“Boil Advisory” Sign,

Notice, and Volunteer




Hello, my name is ____________, and I am calling on behalf of the Hudson Emergency
Telephone Chain. We are calling to advise you that the Town of Hudson has just issued
a boil water advisory. This means that you should be boiling your water for a minimum
of ____ minutes before using it for consumption. We will be calling you back once this
advisory has been lifted. Thank you.


Hello, my name is ___________, and I am calling on behalf of the Hudson

Emergency Telephone Chain. We are calling to advise you that there is a

________________________ emergency presently in progress.









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E.“Boil Advisory” Sign,

Notice, and Volunteer


DISTRICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Telephone #: E-Mail Address:

Name Name:
Address: Address:
Telephone #: Telephone #:
E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address:

Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Telephone #: Telephone #:
E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address:

Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Telephone #: Telephone #:
E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address:

Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Telephone #: Telephone #:
E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address:

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———, 2004c. Distribution Systems Operation
Arizona State University, 2000. Water and Management.
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1986. Introduction to Water Distribution
———, 2002. Economics of Internal Corrosion
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Bernard, S., 2002. Corrosion Control in
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Mechanisms. December, Ottawa, Ontario, Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, 2002.
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Municipal Infrastructure Needs. Ontario, Ministry of the Environment, 1987.
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ISBN 1–897094–54–X. ———, 1998. Operation of Small Drinking
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———, 2003b. Developing a Water
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Drinking Water Standards. Revised January
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60 Small System Operation and Maintenance Practices — October 2005

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