Summary-Of-Findings Digna B. Bauzon SDO 1 Pangasinan

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Summary of Findings

for DepEd-developed Self-Learning Modules (SLMs)

Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 6 Quarter No: 2

Title of SLMs: Ration and Proportion

Instruction: For all NO answers provided in the respective evaluation tools, indicate in this template
the following: specific modules, paragraphs, and pages where the errors/ deficiencies are found
(1st column), the brief description of the errors/deficiencies observed ( 2nd column), the type of
error (3rd column), and the specific recommendations to improve the identified error / deficiency
(4th column). Additional rows may be added as necessary.

Number / Type of Error
Paragraph / Brief Description of (Write C if for
Content, L for Specific Recommendations to Improving Identified Error /
Line / Page Errors/ Findings/ Language, or F Deficiency
number (in Observations for
chronological Layout/Format)

Q2 – Module 5km to 60 min C It should be:

2 page 8 132 pencils to 12 boxes 2km is to 60mins
Items 3-4-5 3 flowers to 1 vase 132 pencils is to 12 boxes
3 flowers is to 1 vase
Q2 – Module
Add the word “is” in 2 to 5 because the word form of ratio
2 Page 9 2 to 5 word form C
and proportion is witten as “2 is to 5”.
Illustration 1
Q2- Module 2 In writing the word form C  5: 25 eggs is to 5 hens and 75 eggs is to 9 hens
Items 5, 6, it should be “a is to b”  6: 6kg rice is to 2 cans of sardines and 3 kg of
8,9,10 page rice is to 1 can sardines
13  8: 32 is to 11 and 4 is to 2
 9: 13 is to 17 amd 23 is to 27
 10: 14 is to 19 and 4 is to 9
Answer key The written answer is 5:3 C The correct answer is 5:3 = 15:9 as to the illustration
page 15, = 12:9 shown in page 7.
What I know
Item number

Please affix your signature(s) below:

I/We certify that this evaluation report and recommendations are my/our own and have been
made without any undue influence from others:




Date Accomplished: __________________

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