Lithosphere & Pedosphere Observation Requirements: UK-Environmental Observation Framework (UK-EOF) Statement of Need
Lithosphere & Pedosphere Observation Requirements: UK-Environmental Observation Framework (UK-EOF) Statement of Need
Lithosphere & Pedosphere Observation Requirements: UK-Environmental Observation Framework (UK-EOF) Statement of Need
For ease, information gathering has been split into environmental domains and for
each domain, what the specific issues or sub issues that are of importance for the
headline issues identified in the UK-EOF Statement of Need.
Information has been gathered from experts in their field via correspondence, a
workshop and open consultation. The tables are not final and some gaps exist in the
information. The UK-EOF will work to fill these gaps and revise the tables
Some of the sub-issues identified fall under several fundamental issues and there are
key dependencies with other environmental domains.
Observation requirements captured within the tables have not been prioritised in any
way, nor has current capability been identified. Prioritisation will be addressed via a
decision support framework which is also being developed under the UK-EOF and
capability or current activities are searchable within the UK-EOF Environmental
Observation Activity Catalogue (
There are increasing and diversifying demands for resources associated with the
lithosphere, such as minerals, energy, raw materials for infrastructure and
groundwater. To address these issues we need to monitor these pressures, their
interactions and impacts. Underwriting this, baseline mapping of resources,
monitoring and statistics of current usage and forecasts of future demands are all
required. Although much information is already collected for key resources, there are
significant gaps and it is apparent that collection is undertaken by a variety of
organisations (private and public). Therefore improved coordination and the
addressing of data discovery, access and interoperability issues need to be
Much of the information regarding where our geological resources are located are
also held by the private sector. To ensure security of supply in the long term,
baseline resource mapping needs to be coupled to the ongoing collection of
information on trends in global supply and demand. New technologies will create
new demands for raw materials e.g. rare earths and the UK will require strategic
access to these resources to support economic development and growth.
Soils and geology are intrinsically linked to water and water supply. As mentioned
under population growth, development and soil sealing can impact upon both water
and soil resources. There is a need to monitor how much land – and of what nature -
is being ‘lost to development’ and the impact that this is having on surrounding water
Understanding future states of the Earth, particularly the Carbon Cycle (but not
excluding other element cycles)
There is a need to determine whether soils are acting as sinks or sources of carbon
and other greenhouse gases, and also to what extent? To answer questions
regarding the fluctuation, controls and potential mitigation options, long term
monitoring across the UK, which should include both marine sediments and salt
marshes, will be required. The erosion or exploitation of peat beds could also lead to
the release of carbon and greenhouse gases. To be able to determine the extent of
this issue periodic monitoring of the carbon content, spatial distribution and erosion
rates are necessary.
Work is in progress to identify potential carbon dioxide storage sites and capabilities
for the UK, (most or all of which will be offshore). This needs accelerating if the
power generation industry is to meet demands for emissions reduction. When sites
are selected and in use, real time monitoring programmes to assess whether there is
leakage will need to be put in place. Associated with this is a need to increase our
knowledge on how soils process carbon and other elements. Improved
understanding of their flows through the soil and the natural fluctuations could be
used to provide information surrounding the consequences and mitigation of potential
leakage from carbon dioxide storage sites.
Natural leakage of carbon dioxide and methane from permafrost melt and marine
hydrates also require monitoring to not only assess the rate of release, but also links
to climate forcing, feedbacks and tipping points. These issues are of great concern in
the Arctic and therefore cross-cut requirements within the cryosphere domain.
International collaboration may be needed to address such cross cutting issues.
The relationship between productivity and function within different soils and for
example, water conservation, pollutant or climate buffering, are not well understood.
Nor do we adequately understand how threats and pressures may impact upon such
functioning. This is further complicated by the fact that different soils will respond
differently to threats and therefore the threats will vary across the country. Defra are
currently looking at soil functionality however it was suggested that broadscale
indicators could be used to identify when there is a problem - when triggered these
‘monitoring indicators’ could then trigger further investigation, which would provide an
Revised January 2010
integrated view of what is happening within the system (akin to ‘Tier’ concepts).
Periodic surveys (e.g. every 5 years) could be undertaken however they may need to
be increased to address more precise questions.
Recently there have been moves to encourage local food sourcing. However some
areas are naturally nutrient or trace-element deficient and this could have impacts on
both land management and human health. Different forms of land management
themselves will have different impacts on different soil types and there is a need to
understand which techniques are most destructive or restorative for the different soil
The UK has dependencies on food imports and as soil degradation overseas would
affect global food security, it could be a bigger threat to the UK than small changes in
UK soil productivity. Although the UK should focus on managing our own natural
resources, it is important that the UK has access to appropriate global observations
which monitor such issues and that there is a national capacity to respond to
associated threats (intelligence approach).
Forestry falls within this headline issue, however little information has been gathered
in this area and further work is needed to identify the relevant observation
Pathogens also reside in the soil and increased understanding of loads, risks and
potential spread via vectors in contact with the soil (for example by livestock - grazing
on the land) are required on both a regional and national level.
Atmospheric pollution caused by wind erosion of rock or soil dust is a problem for
respiratory disease and therefore links need to be made with observations carried out
for the atmosphere [environmental domain].
It is thought that there are links human wellbeing and the availability of green space,
land and soils for recreation. Measurements which would allow assessment and
quantification of their social value are necessary on both a local and national scale.
Mental health consequences, as a result of environmental disasters and perception
of risk are an area that is often overlooked. There may be benefit in increased
observations linked to research in the social and behavioural sciences. Although
previously out of scope for the UK-EOF, socio-economic observation requirements is
an area that the UK-EOF will be looking at in 2010.
• Monitoring of long term environmental change e.g. climate and its impact on
extreme event frequency, intensity and impact.
• Monitoring of day to day ‘background’ processes to identify signals, trends or
triggers that may indicate an imminent event.
• Monitoring of the events themselves to observe processes and impacts and
contribute to emergency responses and mitigation of aftermath and long term
• Rapid response capability to follow up events and gather new observations to
support ongoing research on prediction, pre-emption and mitigation
Flooding incidents are becoming more common both within the UK and in some
regions of the globe. There is a need to understand the risk and identify which areas
are most prone. Measurements need to relate to the water storage capacity of soils
and water infiltration. Further information is also required to predict areas prone to
groundwater flooding and whether events will increase with a changing climate.
Conversely measurements to help us to understand how droughts could impact on
soil biodiversity and how we can best manage soils under drought conditions are also
Identification of the locations most suitable for burial of carcasses in the event of
pandemics requires extant knowledge of soil and lithology to avoid issues such as
groundwater pollution. Post-burial would also require site monitoring to confirm that
pollution was not occurring.
Revised January 2010
Some extreme events may not be directly relevant to the UK itself but will have
relevance to UK overseas territories; this includes secondary seismic hazards (such
as tsunamis) and volcanic activity. Post event observations to determine the damage
and monitor further impacts are necessary along with relevant measurements to
predict and respond to events.
High resolution baseline surveys of seabed substrate conditions and mobility are
required to model impacts of new marine infrastructure (e.g. renewable energy
installations, carbon capture and storage pipelines/ repositories) on marine benthic
Coastal change is linked to erosion and landslides, as well as cross cutting issues
such as hazard management. Along with measurements to map erosion rates, there
are requirements to measure the seaward processes such as sediment distribution,
properties and transport. Current observations are adequate for local areas however
these are not coordinated and there is no national picture.
Climate impacts such as temperature on the biodiversity of soils and water content
are considered to be important issues as both affect the function and services of
soils. Water content and the risk of drought affect land management for arable land.
Measurements, for which there is some local but no national coverage, will help to
identify areas at risk. Climate change could also affect groundwater quality and
quantity for which real time measurements of key sites are needed, with lower
frequencies for wider areas.
Revised January 2010
Scientific and Technological Advancement/Innovation
There is a need for more reliable measurements which can provide real time, in situ
data acquisition. Within the lithosphere and pedosphere there is large spatial
variability; soils vary widely across the country which makes up- or down-scaling and
extrapolation of measurements difficult. Monitoring networks should be integrated
and information intelligently processed. This can be enhanced by the sharing of
techniques across disciplines.
Models for groundwater are relatively advanced however there is often a lack of
empirical data for verification, there is therefore a need to determine what
observations are required to test unified models.
When considering the general use of soils, measurements to answer questions over
trade offs of soil functions and exploitation with minimal damage, would be complex
and would vary greatly with the specific questions being asked. However this is a
likely requirement for the future.
Within the requirements tables themselves, the primary use for the observation data
is dependent on who is asking the questions (i.e. scientist or policy maker); this is
also reflected on the frequency required for observations – often research will require
high frequency, whereas longer term monitoring may for various reasons including
cost, demand lower frequencies.
For each environmental domain information has been collected on the specific issues or sub issues that are of importance for the headline issues identified in the
UK-EOF Statement of Need.
Consultation with the community has led to the population and validation of the following table. The tables are currently ‘work in progress’ and will continue to be
revised as requirements and priorities change. The requirements captured have not been prioritised in any way.
Table 1 Fundamental Issues (one table for every environmental domain) LITHOSPHERE PEDOSPHERE Version 2
Specific/Sub Issue What are the key Measurement Type Frequency of What What is the Are the current actions /
questions that require collection geographic primary use measurements sufficient to provide
answering in order to (variables that would need to coverage do we for the data? the evidence needed to address the
address the specific/sub be measured to provide
issue? evidence to address the need? issue?
A continuous
specific issues) A) Basic Science
measurement for 1
B) characterising
week in Spring, A) UK If known, please list the current
repeated every 2 B) England programmes/sensors which are capable of
years. C) N. Ireland providing the evidence (e.g. for Sea Surface
s (influencing
Or D) Scotland Temperature AATSR, SLSTR. AVHRR, AMSR
A spot measurement, E) Wales and Modis satellites are capable of measuring
C) Direct env.
once a week, every F) Localised UK SST).
week throughout the (e.g. part of
D) Modelling &
year. Wales)
Or G) Europe (non UK)
E) Complying with
Irregular H) Global
measurements as I) Other (please
F) Development
required i.e. extreme specify)
& Growth
event monitoring. J) Ocean/Sea
(please specify
GENERIC POINTS Generic question is soil Generically, detailed This needs reviewing in context of
suitability for particular land- soil inventory / auditing extant data when it is collated. Almost
use so that least damage is of the resource – universally, the answer is going to be
done to the soil resource spatial scale will vary ‘partly’, i.e. spatial or temporal
(i.e. sustainable use), and according to question resolution is often going to be
that given not all soils can as will the properties compromised, but ultimately depends
Water Cycle/Supply How will changing Water Capacity Much data is in the private sector,
population growth affect the synthesised by EA
availability of water? Seasonal A, F, G, H A, B, C, D, E
Water Demand
Access/Recreational What are the conflicts Demand and impacts 5 yearly A, F A, B, C, D, E National Trust and National Parks
demand between access and have data??
recreational use?
Economic Growth & Sustainability (Allowing Economic Growth and sustainable use of natural resources such as aggregates, minerals and
Condition of Soils Are soils ‘fit for purpose’, to Audit (monitoring) for 5 – 10 yearly A, F: UK wide A, B, C, D (not Partly – see overarching section
what extent can they deliver status & processes and regional E?)
the panoply of ecosystem
goods and services ?
Resources Where are geological Mapping, statistics Assessment of A, J (UK and B, C, D, E Information important for issues such
(geological, land, resources? E.g. Coal, Oil, extraction, reserves baseline Continental as CCS storage potential, geothermal
soils) Water, minerals, capacity, ongoing shelf) (see Carbon), minerals statistics
geothermal? need for stats on available from BGS but ongoing need
commodity usage
and availability,
2-5 year intervals
What is the vulnerability to Spatial distribution of Irregular baseline A-F, J for A, B, C, D, E Generally good baseline coverage of
the depletion/sterilisation of resources (type and surveys, 1-5yrs baselines basic geological data available for the
the following resources : resolution dependent for UK
• Minerals? on economic priorities) mines/quarries
• Energy? Available inventories, 1- Impacts mainly economic, complex
• Groundwater? resources/reserves in 5yrs for minerals relationships between supply, demand
• Oil? context of usage trends stats and sustainability needs to be
• Gas? and statistics addressed (loss of one resource
• Water? requires replacement by another).
• Coal? Foresight required to evaluate future
• Food? strategic supply/demands for raw
• Gas Hydrates? materials emerging from new
technologies e.g. batteries for fuel cell
powered vehicles
Radioactive waste What is the level of Radioactivity, baseline Real time, one off F A, B, C, D, E Airborne radiometrics desirable for
storage radioactive waste survey of background baseline surveys new build sites (nuclear power
contamination, and if so, radiation of potential sites stations, waste sites),
what measures are required
to reduce levels?
Is the contamination Spatial mapping of Process related A, F A, B, C, D, E
bioavailable? transport pathways,
monitoring of
movement for individual
CCS – See CO2 Storage under Carbon
Soil Sealing What is the impact of soil Area lost to 5 yearly A B Remote sensing?
sealing on water resources development
Annual to real
Ground and Airborne time??
Gas Sniffer???
Marine Methane What are the Spatial distribution of Survey of spatial H, J (continental A, B, D Limited surveys of UK coastal margin
Hydrate impacts/gains/feedbacks of host sediments distribution. slope and shelf, in progress, past events being
climate change on stability Quantity (of host especially the mapped (pock marks etc), seismicity
and methane hydrate sediments) Arctic) being monitored, no systematic
Agriculture, Food Security & Water Supply (The effects of environmental change on agriculture, food security and water supply)
Soil Which soils are most Soil inventory: Annual A, F (UK Wide A, B, C, D, E Partly – see overarching section
Productivity/Quality/ appropriate to deliver (C and nutrients, pH, and Localised
Health production function? bulk density)
Yield data (plant and Must exist – a National Statistic
livestock) (ADAS ?) but where does this
reside now and who has the current
remit for tracking national yield
data ?
Microbial diversity 5-10 y A-F A-D(E) No
How will ground instability Changes in ground Monthly A, F, G (UK wide A, B, C, D, E PS –InSAR (Permanent Scatter,
impact on flooding e.g. level & sea level and localised, inferometric synthetic aperture radar)
coastal subsidence (integrated) Europe & Global) – observes crustal strain accumulation
(technique used to reveal
subsidence), GPS, Gravity, Tide
Will Soils harvest rainwater Storage Capacity
and to what degree?
Pressures What is the impact of Erosion rates of soil 5 years A, F (All scales A, B, C, D, E
erosion on soil types and resolutions)
productivity/functioning for Links to soil Indicators of
different soil types? productivity/quality for quality/structure/disturbance due to
specific soil type erosion required
What is the impact of Soil productivity 5 years A, F (All scales A, B, C, D, E
organic matter decline on Organic Matter content and resolutions) Indicators of soil quality/structure
soil productivity/ functioning required
for different soil types?
What is the impact of Soil Productivity 5 years A, F (All scales A, B, C, D, E
acidification on soil and resolutions)
productivity/functioning for Soil Acidity Indicators of soil
different soil types? quality/structure/acidity required
What is the impact of Soil Productivity 5 years A, F (All scales A, B, C, D, E
salinisation on soil and resolutions)
productivity/functioning for Soil Salinity Indicators of soil
different soil types? quality/structure/salinity required
(may become relevant with
sea level rise)
What is the impact of Soil Productivity 5 years A, F (All scales A, B, C, D, E
drought on soil and resolutions)
productivity/functioning for Soil Water Content Indicators of soil
different soil types? quality/structure/water content
How do the various Pollutant
pressures affect pollutant concentrations
buffering within different soil
What is the contribution of Baseline Geochemical Baseline survey NB Link to Atmosphere. Soils, rocks
metals to air and water mapping (continuation) and superficials to dust – PM10s and
contamination in natural nanoparticles.
Air/water particulate Irregular,
rock and superficials?
composition and following up
Loads vs. concentrations
distribution, linked to weather, flood
forensic and pollution
characterisation of events
What is the importance of Green space (area) (Human Health data is out of scope for
green spaces for human the UK-EOF however environmental
well being? (and therefore data on the amount of greenspace is
the social benefits of soil)? in scope).
Social Aspects
Ground Instability What soils, rock types and Soil inventory: annual ? A-F C, B, D Information can be used to determine
e.g. Landslides and structures are most prone • Structure & Sub Soil the risk to life, property and
Subsidence to landslides / bog bursts? • Bulk Density infrastructure.
• Sediment loads
• Erosion rates
Where and when do As above and Event based A, F (high risk A, B, C, D Remote Sensing – Lidar
landslides occur? Mapping of landslides areas) Monitoring (strain, groundwater levels,
ground resistivity) available for some
major landslides, more needed to
assess risks
How will Climate change As above and Annual to real A, F (high risk A, B, C, D InSAR, ground lidar measurements,
affect Ground stability (and meteorological time & event areas) ground resistivity
therefore landslides, conditions based (survey
subsidence, foundation changes,
Land movement
stability)? damage)
Earthquakes Can we predict timing of Earthquake monitoring Real time National network probably adequate
Post event monitoring Post event
How can we learn from of aftershocks. damage surveys A, F, J
A, B, C, D, E
earthquakes and
incorporate this knowledge
into the built environment? Micro-seismic arrays on Real time Information could be displayed on a
vulnerable public website for community input.
Water Storage
Capacity, topography
Pollutant transfer, Baseline survey Baselines of environmental
spatial distribution of contaminants distribution available
contaminants with including soil and stream sediment
respect to flood geochemistry. Little systematic data
vulnerability on organics
Nuclear (Chernobyl Soil Attenuation Event based
type) Events What is the soil response to capacity (effects and
Soil Buffering Capacity recovery) A, F B, C, D
Drought How will soils respond to Soil Moisture B, C, D
Howe can we manage soils C
under drought conditions?
What is the impact of Biodiversity changes B, C, D
droughts on soil biodiversity (under drought
(and other biodiversity)? conditions)
Ozone, HFCs, etc What is the relative Mean and peak events Real time A, F, G, H A, B, C, D, E
importance and impacts of
Ozone and HFCs to
Biological Diversity (Impacts of environmental change on biological diversity. N.B. Ecosystems and Ecosystem services are covered in other
Biodiversity What is biodiversity status Inventory of biotic (c.f. DEFRA Soil Quality Indicators)
of soils and how is it status: Require Baseline Data, however need
changing (taxonomically & genotype a priori data to be able to determine
functionally)? frequency of collection for such data.
5-10 Yrs Population abundance is important if it
function (different scales A, F; UK wide impacts on the ability of the organisms
A, B, C, D, E
of temporal and regional. to perform functions & resilience
ECBN Linked to ECN.
Countryside survey (2007 data
available, new survey underway)
NSIS2 (completes 2010)
What are the significance of As above Resistance to change.
the changes (and what do
they mean)?
Climate Change (Understanding climate variability and climate change within earth system science)
Carbon and What role do soils play in Inventory of C, N and
nitrogen content Carbon and nitrogen cycling process in context of
now and in the future? NPP – c.f. climate 3 - 10 y (frequent
A (UK Wide) & F
change model for intervention A, B, C, D, E
requirements (existing management)
and new)…. (i.e. other
properties likely
Baseflow/ Springflow
Others: Comparison How do field sampling Comparison of A comparison of field sampling
of Field Sampling methods compare? methods methods would be useful: NSIS2, CS,
methods SHS, NSI, NSIS.