Sample Mcqs Labour Welfare T.Y.B. Com Sem-V: (B) Employer Employee and Government Relationship
Sample Mcqs Labour Welfare T.Y.B. Com Sem-V: (B) Employer Employee and Government Relationship
Sample Mcqs Labour Welfare T.Y.B. Com Sem-V: (B) Employer Employee and Government Relationship
2. In order to have a uniform wage structure and to reduce the disparity in minimum wages
across the country, the concept of National Floor Level Minimum Wage (NFLMW) was
mooted. On the basis of increase in the Consumer Price Index (Industrial Worker), the
Central Government has revised the NFLMW from time to time. The present NFLMW –
(A) Rs.80/-
(B) Rs.100/-
(C) Rs.115/-
(D) Rs 225/-.
3. Which of the following area, where central government is exclusively competent to
enact legislations—
(A) Trade unions; industrial and labour disputes.
(B) Social security and social insurance; employment and unemployment.
(C) Welfare of labour including conditions of work, provident funds, employers’
liability, workmen’s compensation, invalidity and old age pensions and maternity
(D) Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oilfields
4. A premise including precincts thereof is a ‘factory’ within the meaning of the Factories
Act, 1948 wherein a manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power
and where the number of workers working is –
(A) 10 or more workers
(B) 20 or more workers
(C) 15 or more workers
(D) 50 or more workers.
5. The present wage ceiling per month for the purpose of the Employees’ State Insurance
Act, 1948 is –
(A) Rs. 10. 000/-
(B) Rs. 15, 000/-
(C) Rs. 18, 000/-
(D) Rs. 20,000/-
6. Which Schedule of the Factories Act, 1948 specifies Beriyllium poisoning, Anthrax and
Arsenic poisoning or its sequelae etc, as notifiable diseases?
(A) First Schedule
(B) Second Schedule
(C) Third Schedule
(D) Fifth Schedule
7. The present wage ceiling per month for the purpose of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 is
(A) Rs. 10. 000/-
(B) Rs. 15, 000/-
(C) Rs. 18, 000/-
(D) Rs. 20,000/-
8. As per Payment of Wages Act, 1936, in railway factory or industrial or other
establishment upon or in which less than one thousand persons are employed, wages shall
be paid before the expiry of the —
(A) Seventh day of the month.
(B) Tenth Day of the months
(C) Third Day of the months
(D) None of the above
9.The government of India has passed the Child Labour Prohibition act in------
(A) 1986
(B) 1989
(C) 1991
(D) 1976