Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand (Sermon)
Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand (Sermon)
Jesus Feeds The Five Thousand (Sermon)
Mark 6:30-44
Many of us know how Jesus miraculously fed more than five thousand people. The event is recorded in
all four gospels. We know about the little boy who had brought five barley loaves and two fish for lunch.
Today, I͛d like to examine what the Book of Mark has to say about this event. Let͛s see what this miracle
meant for Jesus͛ disciples and why did all four Gospel authors include it.
Mark says that Jesus had sent His 12 disciples out, two-by-two, to preach, cast out demons, and heal the
sick, and that they were now returning and gathering around Him to report everything. Interestingly, the
things that Mark says the 12 disciples did he also recorded Jesus as saying that all Christians would do in
Mark 16. Jesus said that when we obey Him to go out and preach into all the world, these signs would
accompany us: we would drive out demons and heal the sick.
The disciples returned and reported all they had done and taught. Our ministry is both doing and
teaching. We must expect miracles to accompany us as we share about Jesus.
Jesus called the disciples away to a quiet place where they could be alone and get some rest. And,
because King Herod heard about all Jesus was doing and thought that Jesus was John the Baptist raised
from the dead. Jesus was now in danger or arrest or even execution. For these reasons, Jesus called the
disciples away. They got into a boat and travelled to another place down the shore of the lake, near
Jesus had compassion on these people, even though most of them only were there to receive something
from Him or see miraculous signs. The Book of John says that after Jesus fed the crowd, He began
teaching them that He was the bread from heaven, and that many people left Him after that. He also
said to them, ͞You are looking for me not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the
loaves and had your fill.͟
So here, Jesus had compassion on the crowds. Matthew says that he healed their sick. Mark says Jesus
had compassion and taught them many things. Luke says both. Jesus did both, as did His disciples. This is
the Shepherd heart of God, to feed, care for, protect, and guide His flock.
You may feel like a lost sheep in this life. Lost sheep are vulnerable and without protection from
predators and the storms of life. They don͛t know where they belong, or where they are going. I want to
tell you that you have a Good Shepherd. Jesus said He was the Good Shepherd, and that He laid His life
down for your sake. Because He died to pay for our sins, we can have a close relationship with God and
receive care and protection from Him. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. He knows what you are
going through and He has compassion on you.
The disciples and Jesus still had not eaten or had time to rest. They were concerned about the people,
for there were 5,000 men, not including women and children. Very likely, the crowd following Jesus was
more than 10,000 people.
The lifestyle of those who are sent by God to preach the gospel is not leisurely. We must work hard,
then rest. It is OK to rest because Jesus did so, and it is OK to take a vacation. But, there will be times
when we have to do difficult things. We should expect and look forward to doing difficult things.
Nothing truly worth doing is going to be easy. We should teach our children a lifestyle of serving God.
Don͛t teach them to be lazy, but set an example for them of love and service.
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Many times, we may feel overwhelmed by the demands of what God has called us to do. We look at the
enormity of the task and compare that to our own ability. God has called us to go and make disciples of
all nations. His vision is for the entire world. He desires all men to be saved and come into a relationship
with Him. When we look around us, we see a world that is suffering, full of oppression and violence.
Jesus tells us, ͞You do something about it!͟ And, we start thinking in natural terms: We need to do this
and that. And, it gets overwhelming. How, Lord?!
The disciples thought about what was needed, but Jesus asked them what they had. God does not ask
more from us than we can give, but He does ask for what we have. As Paul wrote later, 7
'(2 Corinthians 8:12)
Don͛t let the enormity of the task before us discourage you. Instead, let͛s find out what we have and
look at the willingness of our heart to give it up to Jesus. He asks, ͞How many loaves do you have?͟
When the Lord Jesus asks of you what you have to give for His service, are you ready to take an account
and offer that up to Him? Remember: God doesn͛t want us to get caught up in what is needed or what
we 0 haveͶwhat He wants is for us to consider to offer, and then to give it over to
Him willingly.
Notice what Jesus does next. Before the miracle, He directs the people to sit in groups. Jesus and the
disciples knew they only had five loaves and two fish, but the prepared as though they had enough for
thousands. In the same way, we should prepare for what God is going to do. We must prepare ourselves
and prepare our church. Expect God is going to do great things!
Jesus gave thanks to the Father for the meal. The miracle was this: God made the loaves and fish more
than enough for more than 5,000 men. I believe that God caused the broken pieces of fish and loaves to
multiply as the disciples handed them out. They just kept handing them out, just as the jar of flour and
jug of oil did not run out for the widow who housed Elijah the prophet. They continued to hand out the
loaves and fish until they all ate and were satisfied.
In this miracle, we can see that Jesus used the disciples, and that they miracle took place as the disciples
distributed the fish and loaves. In the same way, we can expect God͛s miraculous power to be with us as
we go out to do His work. He͛s going to be there to provide for our immediate needs. He͛s never ahead
or behind us, but right there with us. As we work, He works. He͛s going to work with us until the job gets
Today, the message is for two groups of people. First, some of you don͛t have a close relationship with
God. You͛re like a sheep without a shepherd. Jesus has compassion for you, and He demonstrated that
by coming here to this earth to save you. By dying on the cross, Jesus made it possible for you to have a
close relationship with God, including receiving everything you need: healing, joy, peace, and purpose in
your life.
The second group of people is already Christian. Many times, you get overwhelmed when you look at
the enormity of the task that God has called you to. But Jesus asks, ͞How many loaves do you have?͟ I
want to remind you today of what Paul said, 7
'(2 Corinthians 8:12) It͛s not about
what you don͛t have or even what you think is needed. It͛s about what you do have and your willingness
to give it over to God to use.