Ufrs Finals

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I. True or False
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

II. Essay:
Show the comparison treatment in full PFRS, PFRS for sme's and pfrs for SE's the following :
1. Impairment of assets
 The comparison treatment in full PFRS for sme’s and pfrs for SE’s in impairment
of assets, in full PFRS for SME’s Assets, including goodwill, are tested for
impairment when there is an indication that the asset may be impaired while in
PFRS for SE’s Assets with a finite useful life are tested for impairment when there
is an indication that the asset may be impaired. However, the following assets
are tested for impairment annually and when there is an indication that the
asset may be impaired: a. Goodwill b. Intangible assets with an indefinite useful
life on an intangible asset not yet available for use.

2. Employee’s benefit
 Full PFRS and PFRS for SMEs share the same principles for the recognition and
measurement of the following such as Short-term employee benefits, Defined
contribution plans, Other long-term employee benefits, and Termination
benefits but the difference between the two in PFRS for SME’s the projected unit
credit method shall be used only if the entity is able to do so without undue cost
or effort while in PFRS for SE’s defined contribution plan under PFRS for Small

3. Leases
 Under PFRS for SME, lessee classifies a lease into a finance lease or an operating
lease and account them accordingly while Under PFRS for Small Entities, lease
payments are recognized as expense by lessee. PFRS for SMEs and full PFRS are
practically the same with respect to the accounting and reporting the leases. The
PFRS for SMEs applies to all leases.

4. Related party disclosure

 Under PFRS for SMEs, an entity is required to disclose key management
personnel compensation in total only while Under PFRS for Small Entities, an
entity is required to disclose key management personnel compensation in total

5. Investment in associates and venture.

 The PFRS for SME does not provide such similar provision and The PFRS for Small
Entities does not provide such similar provision. Under PFRS for SMEs, all
investments in associates are accounted for using any one of the cost models,
equity method or the fair value model. In other words, only one accounting
policy or one model shall be applied in accounting for all investments in
associate while under PFRS for SE’s the investor has no accounting policy choice.
The investments in associates shall be accounted for using the equity method
only. Moreover, areas covered under full PFRS but not in PFRS for SMEs.

6. Cite the mission and vision of LOA

Lyceum of Alabang envision in becoming one of the nation’s leading educational institution involved in
the pursuit and advancement of knowledge, skills, and values for personal, community, an national


Lyceum of Alabang shall provide world-class education and training through competent personnel,
quality facilities and equipment, and accredited industry-based program.

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