Farm Tuna: Bluefin Tuna Are Farmed in A Cylindrical Pen
Farm Tuna: Bluefin Tuna Are Farmed in A Cylindrical Pen
Farm Tuna: Bluefin Tuna Are Farmed in A Cylindrical Pen
30 metres
Diagrams not to scale
70 metres
10 metres
10 metres
2 000 ?
fish in a pen
fish in a pen
Swim speed
15 - 20 m/s
Average weight Japan consumes
Average length 1.2 metres 70 kg 80%
of bluefin tuna
Farm grown is ½ the price of wild
Farm Wild
36 000 tonnes
30% of feed 7 kg feed for every
replaced with pellets 1 kg of Tuna
Far m Tuna 270 tonnes of bluefin tuna
sold for 8.05 million USD
42 million
Profit 10 million