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20.00048.WASVOC - Chapter 16 GHG Assessment

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16.1 Introduction and Background

This chapter of the ES presents the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment for the Proposed
Development. It provides quantification of likely GHG emissions associated with operation of the
Energy Recovery Facility.

16.1 Scope of Assessment

The UK is legally bound to provide for 15% of its energy needs, including 30% of its electricity, 12% of
its heat, and 10% of its transport fuel, from renewable sources by 2020. By 2017, the UK was not yet
halfway towards the requirement for 12% of heat being from renewable sources. On its current
course, there is growing concern that the UK will fail to achieve its 2020 renewable energy targets
(Ref 16.1).
The Clean Growth Strategy, published in 2017, focuses its attention on the benefits to the economy of
clean growth. It comments “We want a diverse electricity system that supplies our homes and
businesses with secure, affordable and clean power. That means developing low carbon sources of
electricity that are both cheap and clean, taking into account wider system impacts for all sources of
generation (Ref 16.2). In 2018, the Government published its 25 year Environment Plan. In this, it
commits to taking “all possible action to mitigate climate change (Ref 16.3). Nevertheless, as
observed by the Committee on Climate Change, little in the way of energy policy has been published
by the current Government. The annual energy statements, last published in 2014, have also not
been continued. Therefore, policy looks to the 2010-2015 period for its direction.
Energy Recovery Facilities have been recognised and defined as renewable energy for some
considerable time. For example, in 2000, the DTI stated that “All sources of renewable energy are at
different stages of development in Great Britain. Large scale hydro, (i.e. exceeding 10MW installed
capacity) and energy from waste (energy recovery from municipal solid waste [MSW] and from mixed
streams of industrial and commercial waste [ICW]) are already commercially viable, well established
in the market, and can compete with electricity from fossil fuels. For this reason, the Government
considers that these two renewable energy sources, large scale hydro and energy from waste, should
be excluded from the Obligation. This will allow resources to be targeted more effectively on those
renewables needing continued support (Ref 16.4).
The requirement to consider “climate (for example greenhouse gas emissions, impacts relevant to
adaptation)” was introduced by Schedule 4 (paragraph 4) of the Town and Country planning
(Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (Ref 16.5) (i.e. after the 2016 ES was
submitted to NCC). Schedule 4 of these regulations states: “A description of the factors specified in
regulation 4(2) likely to be significantly affected by the development: …. climate (for example
greenhouse gas emissions, impacts relevant to adaptation)” and “A description of the likely significant
effects of the development on the environment resulting from, inter alia: ….(f) the impact of the project
on climate (for example the nature and magnitude of greenhouse gas emissions) and the vulnerability
of the project to climate change;”
Climate is therefore a new topic considered as part of the EIA for the Proposed Development that was
not included in the 2016 ES.
At the scoping stage, the vulnerability of the Proposed Development to climate change was identified
as low, given that the Site is located in an area that is relatively stable climatically and where climate
change effects are not expected to be extreme over the lifetime of the Proposed Development. The
impact of the Proposed Development on surface water, flood risk and the potential impact of flooding
on the development are considered as part of Chapter 12 (Water Quality and Hydrology) of the ES.
As a result, the Climate Change Risk Assessment was scoped out of the EIA.

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Due to its nature and scale, it was identified that the Proposed Development has potential to produce
significant GHG emissions and that the EIA should include a GHG assessment.

16.2 Assessment Methodology

IEMA guidance, Environmental Impact Assessment Guide to: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
and Evaluating their Significance (Ref 16.6) states that “in the absence of any significance criteria or a
defined threshold, it might be considered that all GHG emissions are significant and an EIA should
ensure the project addresses their occurrence by taking mitigating action”. As a result we do not
intend to assign a significance threshold to the Proposed Development.
We have calculated the carbon footprint of the Proposed Development, according to the GHG
Protocol as set out in Section 16.2.2.
Operational scope 1 and scope 2 emissions have been considered and quantified. Wider indirect
(scope 3) emissions are excluded from the scope of this project (i.e. traffic emissions). Also scope 3
emissions are not included within the international ‘significance’ threshold calculation. Emissions
associated with the commissioning and decommissioning phases of the Proposed Development are
outside the scope of this assessment.
The components (i.e. the facilities, activities and services) of the Proposed Development scoped into
the impact assessment for GHGs are identified in Table 16.1. The area of potential impact for the
GHG emissions will be worldwide.

Table 16.1 Project Components to be assessment

Project Phase Project Component Activities

Operation Corby Energy Recovery Facility: Operation of Corby Energy

Recovery Facility
 Combustion emissions from electricity
generated on and off-site

 Emissions from the auxiliary burners

 Emissions from back up generation

 Combustion emissions from the fire water


16.2.1 Baseline GHG Emissions

The Proposed Development comprises the construction of a new Energy Recovery Facility. As a
result there are no baseline data to review. The quantification of GHG emissions associated with the
operational phase of the Proposed Development will be undertaken in line with the carbon footprint
methodology outlined in Section 16.2.2.
A typical impact assessment is conducted by determining how the proposed activities will potentially
affect the state of the environment described in the baseline. In the case of GHG emissions, this
process is complicated by the fact that the potential impact of these emissions on the environment
cannot be quantified within a defined space and time. The receptor for GHG emissions is therefore
the worldwide climate, and the natural and societal systems and infrastructure which the climate will
influence. Therefore, the methodology for this topic differs from other impact assessment chapters as
sensitivity is not used.

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16.2.2 Carbon Footprint Methodology

A carbon footprint is a measure of the estimated GHG emissions produced directly and indirectly by
an individual, organisation, facility or product. The calculation of a carbon footprint generally involves
the following equation:
Carbon Footprint Emissions = Activity Data x Emissions Factor x Global Warming Potential
 Activity data relate to the emission-causing activity, e.g. the combustion of a quantity of diesel or
the use of a quantity of refrigerant gases.
 Emission Factors (EF) convert the activity data collected and consolidated into tonnes of the
relevant GHG.
 Global Warming Potentials (GWP) are applied to non-CO2 GHGs to convert the result to carbon
dioxide equivalent (tCO2e).
The Proposed Development’s carbon footprint will be estimated in accordance with the GHG Protocol:
Corporate Accounting & Reporting Standard developed by the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI), hereinafter referred to
as the GHG Protocol (Ref 16.7). The GHG Protocol provides comprehensive guidance on accounting
and reporting corporate GHG emissions for a range of sectors/emission sources. It provides the most
widely used set of standards and tools for mandatory and voluntary GHG programmes and makes
use of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) GHG Inventory guidelines. In addition
to the GHG Protocol, ERM has also aligned with the guidance and methodology set out within the
Protocol for the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management activities (Ref
16.8). This Protocol was built on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and is also compatible with the ISO
standards related to GHG emissions inventory. The Protocol for the quantification of greenhouse gas
emissions from waste management activities provides a credible approach to quantify, report and
verify greenhouse gases (GHG) direct and indirect emissions of waste management actors. The
purpose of this Waste Sector Protocol is to establish best practice across the waste sector for the
implementation of a coherent and homogeneous annual GHG emissions reporting.
ERM has referred to these documents as well as site specific design data.
The approach taken for this assessment of the Proposed Development is therefore aligned with the
protocol for the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management activities and
the GHG Protocol.

Scope of Carbon Footprint

The scope of the carbon footprint depends on the definition of boundaries relating to the operational
aspects of the Proposed Development. Operating boundaries determine which emission-causing
activities will be included in the carbon footprint. The GHG Protocol divides emissions into three
categories as described below and illustrated in Figure 16.1.
 Scope 1 – direct emissions from sources owned or under the operational control of the company;
 Scope 2 – indirect emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity; and
 Scope 3 – indirect emissions: an optional reporting category allowing for other indirect emissions
associated with but not controlled by the company, such as contractor activities and employee
business travel.
This GHG assessment focusses on scope 1 and scope 2 emissions. Scope 3 emissions are beyond
the scope of this assessment.

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Figure 16.1 The Categorisation of GHG Emissions under the GHG Protocol

Source: Ref 16.7

During the operational phase, the carbon footprint includes scope 1 and 2 emissions. Scope 2
emissions will be from on-site generation, exported to the grid, with an assumed proportion parasitic

Sources of Activity Data, EFs and GWPs

The activity data used for the GHG emissions assessment have been based on data received from
Cobalt Energy, working on behalf of the Applicant. Table 16.2 summarises the main identified sources
of Emissions Factors for each potential emission source.

Table 16.2 Emission Factor Sources

Emission Source Emissions Factor

Grid emission UK Generated Electricity (average fuel mix) EF = 0.28 Kg CO2e/kWh

factor UK Government GHG conversion factors for company reporting 2018 (version 1.01)

Waste composition 44.323033kg CO2 per 100kg municipal waste (excluding biogenic carbon)
Updated compositional estimates for local authority collected waste and recycling in
England 2010/2011 (EV0801)

LPG emission 2937.32 Kg CO2e/tonne

factor UK Government GHG conversion factors for company reporting 2018 (version 1.01)

Diesel (100% 2.68779kg CO2e/litre

mineral diesel) UK Government GHG conversion factors for company reporting 2018 (version 1.01)
emission factor https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/greenhouse-gas-reporting-conversion-

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16.3 Planning Policy and Guidance

16.3.1 National Planning Policy

The principles of the NPPF (2018) (Ref 16.9) relevant to climate change are provided in Section 14
‘Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change’ and states ‘the planning
system should support the transitions to a low carbon future in a changing climate… It should help to:
shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimise
vulnerability and improve resilience; encourage the reuse of existing resources, including the
conversion of existing buildings; and support renewable and low carbon energy and associated
The National Policy Statement for Energy (NPS EN-1) (Ref 16.10) recognises that there is an urgent
need for new large scale renewable energy projects to come forward to ensure that the 2020 target is
met, together with wider decarbonisation ambitions.
Biomass electricity has the advantage that it is both predictable and controllable and so can be used
for baseload or peak load generation, a point recognised in NPS EN-1 and a contribution that is
increasingly important in ensuring the security of UK supplies. Energy recovery facilities has the
added advantages that it extracts value from biomass at the end of its useful life and reduces the
amount of waste otherwise sent to landfill and thus reduces methane emissions. Unlike any other
fuel, wastes have already provided various societal benefits before becoming a source of energy.
NPS EN-1 is clear on the role of energy recovery facilities in future large-scale renewable energy
generation, whilst the Government’s Review of Waste Policy in England 2011 indicated an expected
trebling of the contribution from energy recovery facility waste derived renewable electricity from
thermal combustion, stating that “Our horizon scanning work up to 2020, and beyond to 2030 and
2050 indicates that even with the expected improvements in prevention, re-use and recycling,
sufficient residual waste feedstock will be available through diversion from landfill to support
significant growth in this area, without conflicting with the drive to move waste further up the hierarchy
(Ref 16.11).
The National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (NPS EN-3) (Ref 16.12)
demonstrates the role of energy recovery facility in meeting the urgent need for energy infrastructure.
“The recovery of energy from the combustion of waste, where in accordance with the waste hierarchy,
will play an increasingly important role in meeting the UK’s energy needs. Where the waste burned is
deemed renewable, this can also contribute to meeting the UK’s renewable energy targets. Further,
the recovery of energy from the combustion of waste forms an important element of waste
management strategies in both England and Wales.”

16.3.2 Local Planning Policy

North Northamptonshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan (2017)

Policy 26 of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan (Ref 16.13) requires that new development seeks to
support the move to a low carbon economy by way of reduced greenhouse gas production, through
design and layout that incorporates energy and water efficiency, and where appropriate flood
mitigation or attenuation.

Part 1 Local Plan: North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (2016)

The Local Plan Part 1’s (Ref 16.14) vision sets out how the development plan aims to deliver
sustainable growth in a way that benefits existing and new communities and tackle environmental
concerns, particularly around climate change. A number of the Local Plan policies are directed at
creating sustainable places that are naturally resilient to future climate change and minimising carbon

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16.4 Carbon Footprint Calculations

The GHG footprint, detailed below, has been based on information provided by the Applicant, in
addition to which any assumptions made have been documented within the GHG assessment report
and accompanying spreadsheets.

16.4.1 Scope 1 Emissions Assumptions

Given that actual waste composition data was not available at the time of the assessment, GHG
emissions were calculated based on the latest average kerbside waste composition figures for
England, as set out within the ‘Updated compositional estimates for local authority collected waste
and recycling in England, 2010/11’ (EV0801) . The waste combustion emissions calculated reflect
CO2 only rather than a CO2 equivalent (CO2e) figure.
The national waste composition data includes both biogenic and non-biogenic (fossil) carbon wastes.
It is recognised that biogenic carbon was taken up relatively recently as the biomass grew, and an
equilibrium is reached between carbon taken up and carbon released to atmosphere. Non biogenic
carbon feeds the long term carbon cycle and is therefore considered as a net carbon addition. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines on greenhouse gas assessment and
reporting stipulate that biogenic emissions of carbon should not be included in the assessment of
emissions from waste. For the purposes of this assessment, the biogenic waste is considered to have
a carbon emissions factor of zero (i.e. it has been excluded from the GHG calculations).
In calculating the CO2 associated with annual waste combustion at the facility and in the absence of
more detailed efficiency data, 100% combustion conversion efficiency and combustion rates have
been assumed. Emissions associated with the LPG auxiliary burners, used for incinerator start up and
for boosting temperatures as required, were included within the scope 1 boundary. Diesel consumed
by the firewater pumps and back-up generator and will be minimal and have therefore been excluded
from the scope 1 emissions calculation for the following reasons.
 The firewater pump would only be used in the event of a fire and in the first instance the electric
pump would be used, making use of the diesel pump highly unlikely and diesel consumption
 Start-up of the backup generator would be tested monthly, using minimal diesel over the course
of a year. It is understood that the generators would only be used where the plant lost connection
to the grid and that back up generation would cover only essential equipment, enabling the plant
to be shut down safely.

16.4.2 Scope 2 Emissions Assumptions

It is understood that the Proposed Development will have an output capacity of 23MWe, equating to
an annual electricity output of 184,000MWh, based on an annual operation of 8,000 hours (760 hours
per year shut down).
The parasitic load for the plant will be around 10%, with the remaining energy exported to the national
grid. On the basis of 10%, the annual parasitic load for the Proposed Development is 18,400MWh,
which equates to 5,208 tonnes CO2e. This parasitic load will meet the plants energy demand,
including powering of the automated system designed to move waste from delivery through the plant
to waste storage and collection (e.g. forklifts, grab cranes, overhead conveyor lines).

16.4.3 Electricity Export Assumptions

The Protocol for the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management requires
that “avoided emissions are not included in or deducted from direct and indirect emissions and should
be reported separately”.
The Proposed Development is expected to export 165,600MWh of electricity to the National Grid each
year, equating to 46,876 tonnes CO2e. This exported electricity is classified as an “Avoided Emission”,

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which would otherwise have occurred in the production of energy by the grid-connected power

16.4.4 Avoided Emissions

In addition to exports of electricity to the grid as a beneficial product of waste management, an Energy
Recovery Facility has other sources of avoided emissions. This assessment has not attempted to
quantify these, however we have considered the wider GHG benefits of an Energy Recovery Facility.
The UK still landfills hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste annually. Although the commercial
contracts for the Proposed Development and therefore the exact source of waste are not confirmed, it
is reasonable to assume that the Proposed Development will contribute to the national capacity of
Energy Recovery Facilities and reduce the need for landfill.
By avoiding sending waste to landfill the releases of potent GHG, methane, are significantly reduced.
Even where landfills have gas capture and power generation schemes there is still a significant
quantity of methane emitted. By diverting waste away from landfill this emission is avoided.
The recovery of ferrous metals from bottom ash is another source of avoided emissions, the metals
thus recovered will be sent for recycling and turned into primary metal for the market. This avoids the
energy (and thus carbon) required to mine and process ore to generate virgin metal.
The recovery of bottom ash is another source of avoided emissions. The bottom ash can be
reprocessed as aggregate, thus avoiding the energy (and carbon) required to extract and process
virgin aggregate.
In general, studies have shown that there is a net carbon benefit to energy recovery facility where
there is also diversion of waste away from landfill. By a net carbon benefit, it is meant that the total
carbon emissions as a result of that waste being managed are reduced as a result of the waste going
to energy recovery facility. The scale of the carbon benefit (reduction in emissions) depends on the
calorific value of the waste, whether the landfill that was avoided had the capability of generating
power from landfill gas and whether metals are captured from the bottom ash, amongst other
If the waste had been diverted from another European energy recovery facility plant, any scope 1
GHG benefits would be marginal (and dependent on plant efficiencies), however efficiencies in GHG
emissions associated with transportation (scope 3) are likely to be made, where waste is diverted for
recovery in the UK.

16.5 GHG Emission Results

The operational carbon footprint for the Proposed Development is estimated to amount to 123,012 t
CO2e per year. As set out above, this figure includes scope 1 emissions from waste combustion,
auxiliary burners, and scope 2 electricity consumption. Electricity export data have been reported
Table 16.3 breaks down the annual operational emissions for each source based on the current
description of the Proposed Development (Chapter 4).

Table 16.3 Estimated Annual Operational GHG Emissions for Corby Energy
Recovery Facility

Emissions Category Scope Annual Operational % of total scope 1 & 2

Phase GHG Emissions
Emissions from waste
combustion (excluding 1 116,126 94.4
biogenic waste)

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Emissions Category Scope Annual Operational % of total scope 1 & 2

Phase GHG Emissions
Auxiliary burners 1 1,677 1.4
Electricity consumption 2 5,208 4.2
Total annual scope 1 and 2 emissions operational
123,012 100

Electricity exported to the

national grid N/A 46,876

This assessment has not considered the wider GHG benefits of diverting waste from landfill to the
Energy Recovery Facility and therefore avoiding releases of potent GHG, methane. However we are
able to make the following high-level assumptions.
 If the waste feedstock had gone to landfill rather than energy recovery facility it is likely that there
would have been additional GHG emissions as a result. In this situation it is assumed that the
GHG savings associated with energy recovery facility diverting waste from landfill would be
 If the waste had been diverted from another European energy recovery facility plant, any scope 1
GHG benefits would be marginal (and dependent on plant efficiencies), however efficiencies in
GHG emissions associated with transportation (scope 3) are likely to be made, where waste is
diverted for recovery in the UK.
In order to fully appreciate the GHG benefits associated with diverting waste from landfill or improving
waste transportation efficiencies, a full assessment including scope 3 emissions could be undertaken.
In summary, the Proposed Development, in common with all forms of combustion related power
generation, will generate carbon emissions. As the fuel is waste however, and as there is still a
considerable supply of waste currently going to landfill or overseas for recovery, the expectation is
that these carbon emissions will be more than counterbalanced by avoided emissions from landfill,
avoided emissions from alternative sources of power, avoided emissions from metals production,
avoided emissions from aggregate production and also potentially from international transport. The
overall position therefore is one of provision of a renewable, stable and diverse supply of power, with
net carbon emissions expected to be comparable if not better than the grid average, that has the
additional benefit of preventing waste going to landfill.”

16.6 References
Ref 16.1 Energy and Climate Change Committee. (2020) renewable heat and transport targets.
Summary. Posted on www.parliament.uk. Appendix A
Ref 16.2 Clean Growth Strategy: Leading the way to a low carbon future (2017) HM Government
Ref 16.3 A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment (2017) HM Government
Ref 16.4 Section 2.4 of the Renewables Obligation Preliminary Consultation. DTI, 2000.
Ref 16.5 Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (2017) The Town and Country
Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Ref 16.7 WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol (2015) http://www.ghgprotocol.org/corporate-standard
Ref 16.8 UK Government GHG conversion factors for company reporting 2018 (version 1.01)
Ref 16.9 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (2018) National Planning Policy

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Ref 16.10 National Planning Policy Statement for Energy (NPS EN-1) (2011) DECC
Ref 16.11 Government Review of Waste Policy in England (2011) Defra
Ref 16.12 National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (NPS EN-3) DECC, (2011)
Ref 16.13 Northamptonshire County Council (2017) Northamptonshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan
Ref 16.14 North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (2016) North Northamptonshire Joint Core
Strategy 2011 – 2031

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