Continuousflow Conveyors

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Continuousflow Conveyors

Continuous flow conveyor systems are used primarily for material handling and packaging. A
carousel conveyor allows you to perform a wide range of activities like cooling, drying and
accumulating. Carousel conveyors are used for particular industries that need product to move
continuously without exiting.The principle of the continuous-flow conveyor is that when a
surface is pulled transversely through a mass of granular, powdered, or small-lump
material, it will pull along with it a cross section of material which is greater than the
area of the surface itself. The conveying action of various designs of continuous-flow
conveyors varies with the type of conveying flight but theoretically is not comparable
with the action in a flight or drag conveyor. Flights vary from solid surfaces to skeleton
designs, as shown in Fig. 21-9.

The continuous-flow conveyor is a totally enclosed unit which has a relatively high
capacity per unit of cross-sectional area and can follow an irregular path in a single
plane. These features make it extremely versatile. Figure 21-10 shows some typical
arrangements and applica tions possible with these conveyors. Included is an example
of the unit acting as a dewatering device (Fig. 21-10c).

These conveyors employ a chain-supported conveying element (some are cast

integrally with the chain, which is designed with easily detachable knuckle joints). Thus
the connecting element runs along the outside of the casing so that head and tail
sections do not become excessively large because of projecting conveying elements.
This means that the material feeding into the conveyor must fall past the chain element
and travel in a reverse direction before passing into the actual conveying leg (see Fig.
21-10c). Since this affects the lump size that the conveyor can conveniently handle, the
loop design (Fig. 21-10c) is sometimes used for better feeding conditions, or separate
carrying runs and return runs are provided with inclined loading chutes to the lower
carrying run. In any event, lump size and abrasive
FIG. 21-9 Closed and open flights for continuous-flow conveyors. (a) and (b) Conveyor-
elevator. (c) Horizontal conveyor with side-pull chain. (d) Detail of closed-belt conveyor;
opening and closing rollers mesh and unmesh teeth in the same manner as a
conventional clothing fastener. (FMC Corporation, Material Handling Systems Division;
Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation.)

FIG. 21-9 Closed and open flights for continuous-flow conveyors. (a) and (b) Conveyor-
elevator. (c) Horizontal conveyor with side-pull chain. (d) Detail of closed-belt conveyor;
opening and closing rollers mesh and unmesh teeth in the same manner as a
conventional clothing fastener. (FMC Corporation, Material Handling Systems Division;
Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation.)
FIG. 21-10 Typical arrangements and applications for continuous-flow conveyors. (a)
Horizontal conveyor. (b) Z-type conveyor-elevator. (c) Loop-feed elevator used for
dewatering. (d) Side-pull horizontal recirculating conveyor. (e) Horizontal inclined
conveyor-elevator. ( Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation. )

FIG. 21-10 Typical arrangements and applications for continuous-flow conveyors. (a)
Horizontal conveyor. (b) Z-type conveyor-elevator. (c) Loop-feed elevator used for
dewatering. (d) Side-pull horizontal recirculating conveyor. (e) Horizontal inclined
conveyor-elevator. ( Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation. )

characteristics of material are important considerations in the selection of continuous-

flow conveyors.

The side-pull continuous-flow conveyor can follow a variety of paths in a horizontal

plane, picking up and discharging material at many different points. Figure 21-9c is a
detailed illustration of one type of conveying element, and Fig. 21-10d shows a typical
arrangement with 180° turns. Triangular arrangements and rectangular layouts with 90°
corners are also available.

The capacity of the continuous-flow conveyor is dependent on the particular design

being considered. Limiting speeds are subject to considerable controversy. It is
advisable to follow the manufacturer's recommendations closely for best conveyor
service. Power calculations depend on a number of experimentally determined
constants which vary for different conveyor designs. One factor contributing to total
power requirements is the power required on bend corners where flights assume a
radial position and tend to compress material which was fed between them when they
were running in a parallel position. Noncompressible materials may require special
clearances and feed conditions. Thus, while conveyor components have been well
standardized, many materials will not convey well unless special design alterations are

Because of the fabrication required for casings and the precision fitting of conveying
elements within it, the continuous-flow conveyor is normally an expensive unit.
However, it occupies little space, needs little support because the casing forms a rigid
box girder, may travel in several directions with only a single drive, is self-feeding, and
can feed and discharge at several points. These factors may often compensate for what
sometimes appears as a rather high cost per foot. Because it is adaptable to many
processing operations, the continuous-flow conveyor is widely used in the chemical
industry, in which there is a great deal of rehandling or requirements for many feed and
discharge points. The conveyors can be designed for self-cleaning to allow different
materials to be handled in the same unit without contamination.

Closed-Belt Conveyor This device, with zipperlike teeth which mesh to form a closed
tube, is particularly adaptable to the problem of handling fragile materials which cannot
be subjected to degradation.

Since the belt is wrapped snugly around the material, it moves with the belt and is not
subject to any form of internal movement except at feed and discharge. In addition, the
belt can operate in many planes, with twists and turns to meet almost any layout
condition within the fixed limit of curvature placed on the loaded belt. It can convey and
elevate with only a single drive; multiple feed and discharge points are relatively easy to

The closed-belt conveyor is not readily adaptable to the handling of sticky materials,
and special designs may be required for materials which are highly susceptible to
aeration. Initial cost per foot is relatively high because of belting cost, but power
requirements are low and with proper installation and maintenance belt life is good.

Since this type of conveyor is available in only one standard size, its capacity is
determined by the belt speed and the fixed cross-sectional area. Tons-per-hour capacity
is figured by multiplying the bulk density in pounds per cubic foot by the speed in feet
per minute and a constant of 0.0021. Power requirements are quite low and figured in
the same way as those for conventional belt conveyors.

Figure 21-9d illustrates a typical closed-belt-conveyor detail of the opening or closing

mechanism and a cross section through a horizontal carrying-and-return run. Designs
using two conventional conveyor belts have been developed to elevate material by
pressing it between them, but their application is limited.

Flight Conveyors These devices are available in an almost infinite variety. Most flight-
conveyor applications are open designs for rough conveying operations, but some are
built with totally enclosed easings. Table 21-10 gives typical design and capacity

Apron Conveyors Probably the most common chain conveyors, these are available in a
wide variety of designs for both horizontal and inclined travel. Their main application is
the feeding of material at controlled rates, with lump sizes that are large enough to
minimize dribble. The typical design is a series of pans mounted between two strands of
roller chain, with pans overlapping to eliminate dribble, and often equipped with end
plates for deeper loads. Pan design may vary according to material requirements.
Figure 21-11 illustrates a typical apron-conveyor design, and Table 21-11 gives
capacities for units with and without skirt plates. Apron-feeder applications range from

Continuousflow Conveyors
Last Updated on Thu, 17 Dec 2020 | Bulk Density

The principle of the continuous-flow conveyor is that when a surface is pulled

transversely through a mass of granular, powdered, or small-lump material, it will pull
along with it a cross section of material which is greater than the area of the surface
itself. The conveying action of various designs of continuous-flow conveyors varies with
the type of conveying flight but theoretically is not comparable with the action in a flight
or drag conveyor. Flights vary from solid surfaces to skeleton designs, as shown in Fig.

The continuous-flow conveyor is a totally enclosed unit which has a relatively high
capacity per unit of cross-sectional area and can follow an irregular path in a single
plane. These features make it extremely versatile. Figure 21-10 shows some typical
arrangements and applica tions possible with these conveyors. Included is an example
of the unit acting as a dewatering device (Fig. 21-10c).

These conveyors employ a chain-supported conveying element (some are cast

integrally with the chain, which is designed with easily detachable knuckle joints). Thus
the connecting element runs along the outside of the casing so that head and tail
sections do not become excessively large because of projecting conveying elements.
This means that the material feeding into the conveyor must fall past the chain element
and travel in a reverse direction before passing into the actual conveying leg (see Fig.
21-10c). Since this affects the lump size that the conveyor can conveniently handle, the
loop design (Fig. 21-10c) is sometimes used for better feeding conditions, or separate
carrying runs and return runs are provided with inclined loading chutes to the lower
carrying run. In any event, lump size and abrasive

Continuous conveyors
Roller, vibratory and circular conveyors are well-known examples of standard continuous conveyors.
They are usually used for piece goods or bulk goods that are transported from one or more receiving
points to one or more discharge points. Continuous conveyors run fully automatic and need not be
operated by anyone. As this system runs continuously and without interruptions, it can transport
relatively large quantities in a short time. The system is loaded and unloaded during operation.
Therefore it is designed in such a way that it is prepared to receive and deliver at any time. The
conveyor belt never stops running during the process. Thanks to its simple design and relatively low
energy consumption in continuous operation, this system is used in various areas of intralogistics and
is particularly efficient in large distribution centres. Mining, power plants and metal processing also
benefit from this conveyor technology. A continuous conveyor is intended for long-term use as it is a
fixed installation that cannot be easily moved to another position.

Furthermore, continuous conveyors are also included, for example:

 The spiral conveyor
 The fork conveyor
 The L-conveyor
 The S- or also Z-conveyor

FIG. 21-9 Closed and open flights for continuous-flow conveyors. (a) and (b) Conveyor-
elevator. (c) Horizontal conveyor with side-pull chain. (d) Detail of closed-belt conveyor;
opening and closing rollers mesh and unmesh teeth in the same manner as a
conventional clothing fastener. (FMC Corporation, Material Handling Systems Division;
Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation.)

FIG. 21-9 Closed and open flights for continuous-flow conveyors. (a) and (b) Conveyor-
elevator. (c) Horizontal conveyor with side-pull chain. (d) Detail of closed-belt conveyor;
opening and closing rollers mesh and unmesh teeth in the same manner as a
conventional clothing fastener. (FMC Corporation, Material Handling Systems Division;
Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation.)
FIG. 21-10 Typical arrangements and applications for continuous-flow conveyors. (a)
Horizontal conveyor. (b) Z-type conveyor-elevator. (c) Loop-feed elevator used for
dewatering. (d) Side-pull horizontal recirculating conveyor. (e) Horizontal inclined
conveyor-elevator. ( Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation. )

FIG. 21-10 Typical arrangements and applications for continuous-flow conveyors. (a)
Horizontal conveyor. (b) Z-type conveyor-elevator. (c) Loop-feed elevator used for
dewatering. (d) Side-pull horizontal recirculating conveyor. (e) Horizontal inclined
conveyor-elevator. ( Stephens-Adamson Division, Allis-Chalmers Corporation. )

characteristics of material are important considerations in the selection of continuous-

flow conveyors.

The side-pull continuous-flow conveyor can follow a variety of paths in a horizontal

plane, picking up and discharging material at many different points. Figure 21-9c is a
detailed illustration of one type of conveying element, and Fig. 21-10d shows a typical
arrangement with 180° turns. Triangular arrangements and rectangular layouts with 90°
corners are also available.

The capacity of the continuous-flow conveyor is dependent on the particular design

being considered. Limiting speeds are subject to considerable controversy. It is
advisable to follow the manufacturer's recommendations closely for best conveyor
service. Power calculations depend on a number of experimentally determined
constants which vary for different conveyor designs. One factor contributing to total
power requirements is the power required on bend corners where flights assume a
radial position and tend to compress material which was fed between them when they
were running in a parallel position. Noncompressible materials may require special
clearances and feed conditions. Thus, while conveyor components have been well
standardized, many materials will not convey well unless special design alterations are

Because of the fabrication required for casings and the precision fitting of conveying
elements within it, the continuous-flow conveyor is normally an expensive unit.
However, it occupies little space, needs little support because the casing forms a rigid
box girder, may travel in several directions with only a single drive, is self-feeding, and
can feed and discharge at several points. These factors may often compensate for what
sometimes appears as a rather high cost per foot. Because it is adaptable to many
processing operations, the continuous-flow conveyor is widely used in the chemical
industry, in which there is a great deal of rehandling or requirements for many feed and
discharge points. The conveyors can be designed for self-cleaning to allow different
materials to be handled in the same unit without contamination.

Closed-Belt Conveyor This device, with zipperlike teeth which mesh to form a closed
tube, is particularly adaptable to the problem of handling fragile materials which cannot
be subjected to degradation.

Since the belt is wrapped snugly around the material, it moves with the belt and is not
subject to any form of internal movement except at feed and discharge. In addition, the
belt can operate in many planes, with twists and turns to meet almost any layout
condition within the fixed limit of curvature placed on the loaded belt. It can convey and
elevate with only a single drive; multiple feed and discharge points are relatively easy to

The closed-belt conveyor is not readily adaptable to the handling of sticky materials,
and special designs may be required for materials which are highly susceptible to
aeration. Initial cost per foot is relatively high because of belting cost, but power
requirements are low and with proper installation and maintenance belt life is good.

Since this type of conveyor is available in only one standard size, its capacity is
determined by the belt speed and the fixed cross-sectional area. Tons-per-hour capacity
is figured by multiplying the bulk density in pounds per cubic foot by the speed in feet
per minute and a constant of 0.0021. Power requirements are quite low and figured in
the same way as those for conventional belt conveyors.
Figure 21-9d illustrates a typical closed-belt-conveyor detail of the opening or closing
mechanism and a cross section through a horizontal carrying-and-return run. Designs
using two conventional conveyor belts have been developed to elevate material by
pressing it between them, but their application is limited.

Flight Conveyors These devices are available in an almost infinite variety. Most flight-
conveyor applications are open designs for rough conveying operations, but some are
built with totally enclosed easings. Table 21-10 gives typical design and capacity

Apron Conveyors Probably the most common chain conveyors, these are available in a
wide variety of designs for both horizontal and inclined travel. Their main application is
the feeding of material at controlled rates, with lump sizes that are large enough to
minimize dribble. The typical design is a series of pans mounted between two strands of
roller chain, with pans overlapping to eliminate dribble, and often equipped with end
plates for deeper loads. Pan design may vary according to material requirements.
Figure 21-11 illustrates a typical apron-conveyor design, and Table 21-11 gives
capacities for units with and without skirt plates. Apron-feeder applications range from

What is a conveyor system?

A conveyor system is a fast and efficient mechanical handling
apparatus for automatically transporting loads and materials within an
area. This system minimizes human error, lowers workplace risks and
reduces labor costs — among other benefits. They are useful in
helping to move bulky or heavy items from one point to another. A
conveyor system may use a belt, wheels, rollers, or a chain to
transport objects.
How do conveyor systems work

Typically, conveyor systems consist of a belt stretched across two or

more pulleys. The belt forms a closed loop around the pulleys so it
can continually rotate. One pulley, known as the drive pulley, drives or
tows the belt, moving items from one location to another.

The most common conveyor system designs use a rotor to power the
drive pulley and belt. The belt remains attached to the rotor through
the friction between the two surfaces. For the belt to move effectively,
both the drive pulley and idler must run in the same direction, either
clockwise or counterclockwise.
While conventional conveyor systems such as moving walkways and
grocery store conveyors are straight, sometimes, the unit needs to
turn to deliver the items to the proper location. For the turns, there are
unique cone-shaped wheels or rotors which allow the belt to follow a
bend or twist without getting tangled.

Benefits of conveyor systems

The main purpose of a conveyor system is to move objects from one
location to another. The design allows for movement of objects that
are too heavy or too bulky for humans to carry by hand.

Conveyor systems save time when transporting items from one

location to another. As they can be inclined to span multiple levels,
they make it simpler to move items up and down floors, a task that,
when performed manually by humans, causes physical strain. Inclined
belts can automatically unload material, eliminating the need for
someone to be on the opposite end to receive pieces.
Types and examples of
conveyor systems

You can probably imagine a large warehouse filled with conveyors

using belts and rollers to move boxes and other heavy equipment, but
this is just one of several types of conveyor systems. You’ll also find
conveyor systems in airports, where they’re used to transport luggage.
Other examples include escalators and ski lifts. These apparatuses
still use a belt or chain and pulleys to move heavy items from one
point to another.

There are many types of conveyor systems, including:

 Belt
 Roller
 Slat/apron
 Ball transfer
 Overhead
 Pneumatic
 Bucket
 Chute
 Magnetic
 Vertical
 Wheel
 Walking beam
 Vibrating
 Screw/auger
 Chain

Each type of conveyor serves a specific purpose. For example, a slat

conveyor, made from slats or plates instead of a belt, is designed for
moving heavy materials. The materials conveyed by a slat system are
typically too large or heavy for traditional belt movement.

An escalator is an example of a chain-driven conveyor system.

Instead of having a pulley system that pulls items along, the chain
conveyor uses a towing system that pulls the steps in an upward or
downward motion.

Ski lifts are an example of an overhead conveyor. These units use an

electric track inclined to pull the chairs up or down the mountainside.
Like an escalator, these systems use a chain-driven towing system.
Essential parts of a conveyor

There are three main parts of a conveyor system: the belt support, the
pulley and the drive unit. Each component plays an essential role in
the conveyor unit’s operation. While all conveyor systems contain
these parts, designs vary in the construction materials and where
each component is located.

Belt support is the component that ensures the belt moves smoothly. If
the support unit is not firm, the belt sags when workers place a heavy
object on top, and the sagging causes the belt not to move smoothly
or swiftly as it should. The use of a firm support unit keeps the belt
taut and running efficiently.

The pulley system is an external component used to control the belt

movement. Each unit has at least two pulleys, one that operates under
power and an idle one. More complex conveyor systems may have
additional rotors throughout the frame.

The drive unit allows the system to move. The unit contains a counter
bearing that keeps the parts moving efficiently. This unit also allows
for the belt to move in reverse and manage the repeated adjustments
in direction for some systems. Some conveyor systems are manually
operated. These systems still use a drive unit; however, it is not

How to choose the right

conveyor system
A conveyor more or less acts as a central nervous system for
operations that receive, handle, store, distribute, manufacture or ship
products. Selecting the right conveyor system can be challenging for
warehouse managers and other stakeholders due to the several
conveyor types and hundreds of possible configurations to choose

Also, there are several factors to consider when trying to identify and
purchase the ideal conveyor system for your warehousing or
distribution facility. You should simultaneously consider both product
and process requirements.

First off, an ideal conveyor system must be:

 Operationally safe
 Energy efficient
 Reliable (parts and components engineered to last)
 Adaptable to changing needs
 Cost-effective (in terms of TCO, or total cost of ownership)

Installing the wrong conveyor system will quickly undermine a

warehouse’s operational efficiency, leading to higher cost and lower
customer satisfaction, eventually stripping the business of its
competitive advantage.

Without further ado, let’s explore factors to consider when evaluating

and selecting the right conveyor system for your operation.

Product requirements
Essentially, a conveyor system is used to move items between
functional areas of a distribution facility. As such, the type of item(s) to
be moved will determine the design, dimensions and type of conveyor
system to be installed.

When searching for the best conveyor system for your facility,
answering the following questions will help you ascertain design and
configuration requirements and help you calculate things like
horsepower and belt pull for individual conveyors:

 What type of product is being conveyed?

 What is the average weight per foot of product?
 What is the maximum weight of the products?
 What are the minimum, maximum and average dimensions of
the product (i.e., length, width and height)?
 What is the dimensional data for each product?
 How are the products being conveyed and in what orientation?

Factors such as product weight, dimensions and fragility will greatly

impact your decision process. The dimensions of the items in your
facility will determine conveyor width, guide rail specifications and
roller centers, while the weight of the products will decide roller gauge,
roller diameter and motor sizing requirements.

Process requirements
Process requirements cover factors governing how the conveyor
should move and the unique conditions of the operating environment.
These considerations include:

 The distance items need to move between functional areas

 The pathway through which it moves — are there stops,
elevation changes, curves or diversions?
 Product orientation — must items be positioned in a particular
way (for easy scanning of barcodes, transfer, etc.)?
 Transfer speed — short, rapid movement or slow, steady
 Ambient environment
 Available space

Flow rate
Your conveyor system should be able to handle your facility’s average
transfer rate as well as periods of peak demand due to seasonal
fluctuations. The number of products you need to transport per hour
(or per minute) will determine conveyor length and speed.

Also, certain kinds of conveyors are ideal for certain products. A large
plastic chain conveyor is best used for transferring plastic-footed
pallets, while a chain-driven roller conveyor is best suited for wooden
pallets. Also, the former is best used for moving smaller boxes or totes
than the latter.

Transfer requirements
The point where items are transferred to and from the conveyor is a
critical one. Most conveyors use side to side transfers, powered
transfers, dead plates, gravity rollers, etc. to facilitate this. Products
with a smaller footprint may require a powered transfer, while larger
and longer products may need gravity rollers.

How much do conveyor systems

For modern warehouses, manual transfer operations are unable to
keep up with throughput levels required for speedy order fulfillment
cost-efficiently. A conveyor system increases productivity, improves
ergonomics, reduces product damage and makes for better access to
materials and fewer workplace hazards.

However, the lifetime cost of purchasing, installing and maintaining

such systems may be high for small and medium-size operations. It
can range from the hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions,
depending on factors such as:

 Type of conveyor system

 Overall length
 Required speed
 Dimensions
 Curve and transfer method

Current estimates show that a Belt Curve AC and a Roller Curve AC

conveyor cost approximately $5,243 and $2,686 per linear foot —
under the following assumptions:

 Curves — 90 degrees
 Speeds — 65 to 90 feet per minute
 9-inch rollers on 3-inch centers
 Overall width — 24 inches
Note: This is just the upfront cost of the conveyor equipment. Aside
from installation costs, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of
restructuring your warehouse space to accommodate the conveyor
system. The installation process itself could take a while and would
affect order fulfillment and other warehousing activities. Lastly,
operating and maintenance costs per year would likely exceed the
initial purchase and installation costs.

If you’re considering a conveyor system, consider your budget, the

speed at which you need to complete your work, space and other
constraints, and of course, your loading and unloading plans. For
instance, conveyor systems aren’t portable and they require
substantial changes to your infrastructure. However, other practical
and more affordable solutions exist to automate your warehouse
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Understanding Conveyor Systems

Genevieve Mills


Conveyor Systems are mechanical devices or assemblies that transport material with minimal
effort. While there are many different kinds of conveyor systems, they usually consist of a frame
that supports either rollers, wheels, or a belt, upon which materials move from one place to
another. They may be powered by a motor, by gravity, or manually. These material handling
systems come in many different varieties to suit the different products or materials that need to
be transported.
Important Conveyor Systems Specifications
Load Capacity per Unit Length

Manufacturers will offer this attribute in cases where the conveyor will be built to a custom
length to permit users to determine loading margins.

Maximum Load Capacity

Associated with Load Capacity per Unit Length, this value can be stated for fixed length,
purpose-built conveyors. This can also be known as flow rate.

Conveyor Belt System Speed/Rated Speed

Belt conveyors are typically rated in terms of belt speed in ft/min. while powered roller
conveyors described the linear velocity in similar units to a package, carton, etc. moving over the
powered rollers. Rated speed applies to apron/slat conveyors and drag/chain/tow conveyors as

Throughput measures the capacity of conveyors that handle powdered materials and similar bulk
products. It is often given as a volume per unit time, for instance, as cubic feet per minute. This
attribute applies to bucket, pneumatic/vacuum, screw, vibrating, and walking beam conveyors.

Frame Configuration

Frame configuration refers to the shape of the conveyor frame. Frames can be straight, curved, z-
frames, or other shapes.

Drive Location

Drives can be located in different places on conveyor systems. A head or end drive is found on
the discharge side of the conveyor and is the most common type. Center drives are not always at
the actual center of the conveyor, but somewhere along its length, and are mounted underneath
the system. They’re used for reversing the direction of a conveyor.

Types of Conveyors
 Belt
 Roller
 Powered Roller
 Slat/Apron
 Ball Transfer
 Magnetic
 Bucket
 Chute
 Drag/Chain/Tow
 Overhead
 Pneumatic/Vacuum
 Screw/Auger
 Vertical
 Vibrating
 Walking Beam
 Wheel

Belt Conveyors are material handling systems that use continuous belts to convey products or
material. The belt is extended in an endless loop between two end-pulleys.  Usually, one or both
ends have a roll underneath. The conveyor belting is supported by either a metal slider pan for
light loads where no friction would be applied to the belt to cause drag or on rollers. Power is
provided by motors that use either variable or constant speed reduction gears.
The belts themselves can be made from numerous materials, which should correspond to the
conditions under which the belt will be operating. Common conveyor belting materials include
rubber, plastic, leather, fabric, and metal. Transporting a heavier load means a thicker and
stronger construction of conveyor belting material is required. Belt conveyors are typically
powered and can be operated at various speeds depending on the throughput required. The
conveyors can be operated horizontally or can be inclined as well. Belt conveyors can be
troughed for bulk or large materials.
Roller Conveyor Systems
Roller Conveyors use parallel rollers mounted in frames to convey product either by gravity or
manually. Key specifications include the roller diameter and axle center dimensions. Roller
conveyors are used primarily in material handling applications such as on loading docks, for
baggage handling, or on assembly lines among many others. The rollers are not powered and use
gravity, if inclined, to move the product, or manually if mounted horizontally. The conveyors can
be straight or curved depending on the application and available floor space.
Powered Roller

Powered Roller Conveyors use powered rollers mounted in frames to convey products. Key
specifications include the drive type, roller diameter and material, and the axle center dimension.
Powered roller conveyors are used primarily in material handling applications that require the
powered conveyance of the product. Various drive types include belts, chains/sprockets, and
motorized rollers. Some of the uses of powered roller conveyors are food handling, steelmaking
and, packaging.

Slat Belt Conveyor/Apron

Apron/Slat Conveyors use slats or plates made of steel, wood, or other materials typically
mounted on roller chains to convey product. The slats are not interlocked or overlapping.
Apron/slat conveyors are used primarily in material handling applications for moving large,
heavy objects including crates, drums, or pallets in heavy-industry settings such as foundries and
steel mills. The use of slats in heavy duty use cases prolongs the service life of the conveyor over
other conveyor types that employ belts, which would wear out quicker under the exposure to
heavy loads. These conveyor systems are usually powered and come in many sizes and load
Ball Transfer Conveyor
Ball Transfer tables or conveyors use a series of mounted ball casters to allow for unpowered,
multi-directional conveyance of the product. Key specifications include the ball material and
size. Ball transfer conveyors are used in material handling applications such as assembly lines
and packaging lines, among others. When positioned where multiple conveyor lines meet, they
are used to transfer products from one line to another and are often used in sorting systems.
Many sizes and load carrying capacities are available. Ball transfer conveyors are not powered
and rely on external forces to move the product along the conveyor.
Magnetic Conveyors use moving magnets mounted beneath stationary plates, tables, or other
kinds of non-magnetic slider beds, to move magnetic (ferrous) materials, often in the form of
machining scrap. Magnetic conveyors are commonly used as chip conveyors to remove ferrous
chips from machining centers. Systems can be configured to use horizontal motion, vertical
motion, or combinations. They can be beltless or may use a conveying belt instead of a slider
bed. Underneath the conveying belt, a rail containing an electromagnet is used to attract ferrous
materials to the belt. Because of the magnetic attraction of the product to the conveyor, these
systems can also be used upside down.
Bucket Conveyors or bucket elevators use multi-sided containers attached to cables, belts, or
chains to convey products or materials. The containers remain upright along the system and are
tipped to release material. Bucket conveyors are used in applications such as parts, bulk material,
or food processing and handling. The conveyed material can be in liquid form or dry such as
sludge, sand, manure, sugar, and grain. The systems can be used horizontally or can be inclined
or vertical to change levels of the delivered products. Many sizes and load carrying capacities are
available depending on the application.
Chute or Trough Conveyors are material handling systems that use gravity to convey product
along smooth surfaces from one level to another. Key specifications include the chute material
and the physical dimensions such as length and chute width. Chute conveyors are used for scrap
handling, packaging, postal service package or mail handling, etc.  Chutes are designed to have a
low coefficient of dynamic friction, allowing the product or material to slide easily, and can be
straight or curved depending on the needs of the application.
Chain/Tow/Drag Line Conveyor
Drag/Chain/Tow Conveyors use mechanical devices attached to moving members, usually
chains or cables, to drag or tow products. Drag conveyors are used for moving bulk materials in
bins, flights, or other attachments and can have multiple discharge or loading points. Tubular
drag conveyors use a fully enclosed system of chains to convey product in any direction. Chain
conveyors use a chain, or multiple chains to move pallets or other hard-to-convey products. Tow
conveyors use a towline such as cables or chains, usually in the floor or just above it, to tow
product directly or to tow wheeled carts or dollies.
Overhead Conveyors are mounted from ceilings that use trolleys or carriers moved by chains,
cables, or similar connections. Overhead conveyors are primarily used in material handling
applications where the product needs to be hung, such as dry-cleaning garment lines, paint lines,
or parts handling systems, or for cooling and curing. Various types of overhead conveyor
systems configurations are available including electric track, monorail, trolley, as well as
inclined or ramped. Depending on the application, the load-carrying capacity may be critical.
Most overhead conveyors systems are powered and controlled, while others are hand-
operated conveyor belts.
Pneumatic/Vacuum Conveyors use air pressure or vacuum to transport materials or items in or
through closed tubes or ducts or along surfaces. Pneumatic/vacuum conveyors are used primarily
in materials handling applications such as dust collection, paper handling, ticket delivery, etc.
and in processes such as chemical, mineral, scrap, and food. Materials for the conveyors can be
metallic or non-metallic depending on the media being conveyed. Various sizes are available
depending on the load and throughput requirements. 
A screw conveyor in a winery pushes grapes to the press.

Image credit: Josef Mohyla/

Screw conveyors, sometimes known as spiral, worm, or auger conveyors use helical elements to
move materials.  They consist of a helical screw element or steel auger that rotates around a
central shaft, driving the work material according to the screw design and rotational direction.
The helical screw functions within a casing, trough or compartment to take full advantage of the
rotational force. Manufacturers use screw conveyors to transport materials such as flakes, grains,
powders, seeds, and granules. Alternatively, these devices can be used to mix, agitate or blend
such materials, or to maintain solutions. They are used widely in agricultural applications, from
use in farm machinery like threshers and balers to factory-based grain and crop movers. A mini
screw conveyor can also transport wet, non-flowing and caking materials that might otherwise be
difficult to move, such as concrete. Other applications for screw conveyors are the conveying of
various mechanical parts or to function as a bottling system conveyor. The screw can be of a
paddle or ribbon design depending on the application and can be driven via a chain and sprocket,
gears, or direct drive.
Types of screw conveyors include bottom conveyors and centerless screw conveyors. Bottom
conveyors use multiple screws in an open trough. Centerless, or shaftless, screw conveyors do
not contain a central shaft and instead consist of an empty helix. This design still moves the
substrate but allows for more freedom within the casing.  Materials can be metal or non-metal
depending on the media being conveyed.

Sets of augers used in the creation of custom screw conveyors

Image credit: Reinke & Schomann, Inc.

Vertical Conveyors move products vertically between levels of conveying lines. Key
specifications include the lift speed and maximum load height. Vertical conveyors move material
or product to higher levels within a facility. They are further classified as continuous lifting or
reciprocating. Various sizes and load capabilities are available depending on the application.

Vibrating Conveyors use rotary or linear vibration to move material along their system beds.
Vibrating conveyors are used for moving dry, bulk materials such as aggregate, gravel, coal, etc.
The bed of the conveyor vibrates to move the material along its length. The conveyor can be a
trough, a tube, or a flat table top. Many sizes are available depending on the application.
Walking Beam
Walking Beam Conveyors use a combination of static supports and moving supports to index
workpieces through manufacturing cells. Walking beam conveyors are used on automation and
assembly lines, where items need to be placed in specific locations in a sequential manner. The
item being supported at a stationary position is picked up by the walking beam and indexed to its
next position, where another manufacturing step takes place. This movement repeats over the
length of the conveyor. Walking beam conveyors can have single or multiple lines depending on
the product.
Wheel Conveyor

Wheel Conveyors use unpowered wheels to move objects along their lengths by gravity or
manual power. Wheel conveyors are used for item or package handling and are commonly
employed for loading and unloading trucks and moving packages, pallets, etc. through facilities
or along assembly lines. The conveyors are configured by the number of wheels and wheel
spacing, depending on the load requirements and the application.
A belt conveyor in a potato processing factory.

Image credit: 279photo Studio/

Conveyor Systems Selection Considerations

When deciding on which conveyor system best suits your needs, a key consideration is the
material is being transported. Some important characteristics to consider are size, flowability,
abrasiveness, corrosiveness, moisture content, and the temperature at which it must be kept. The
composition of the material, if powders, granules, pellets, fibers, or flakes are being conveyed,
should also be considered, along with the particle size, weight, and density.
The function of the conveyor system itself may vary. The two main categories of moving
material through a process are conveying and feeding. Conveying is the moving of materials
from one or more pickup points to one or more drop points. The desired window of time for this
movement should be considered, as well as the amount of pickup and drop points, the amount of
material being moved, and whether or not cross-contamination between multiple materials is a

Feeding is more time sensitive and requires more precise systems than coveying. Material is
usually moved from one pickup point to one drop point. The product being moved may have to
be delivered in batches, or at a controlled, continuous rate.

An essential factor to consider before the selection of a conveyor system is the environment in
which it will be used. High humidity, temperature, vibration, pressure, fragile or hazardous
materials, and flammable products in the facility should all be discussed with a conveyor
manufacturer to determine any potential risks and the countermeasures and workarounds needed.
The size of the system compared to how much room in the workspace is available should be
considered, along with how it will fit alongside existing equipment.

Conveyors systems are often relatively complex in their design and construction owing to their
large scales and integration into different factory processes. Still, the modular nature of many
conveyor components makes even long and complex systems readily achievable. Manufacturers
of such systems can offer design assistance so that the conveyor suits the workspace.  

Additional Conveyor Systems Selection Factors

Cleats, high friction belting, buckets, etc. are common forms of preventing product slip. A
heavily loaded inclined belt conveyor can slip backward when the drive is off. Such conveyors
employ backstopping brakes that engage automatically with de-energization of their motors.
Often, the brake is releasable to allow the conveyor to reverse for unloading prior to servicing. In
some conveyors, a certain amount of slippage is desirable; those handling glass bottles on
packaging lines will often employ some form of back-pressure relief to prevent breakage to the
bottles as they accumulate in a staging area such as a filler infeed.

A conveyor belt is susceptible to static electricity as the belt is continuously pulled against the
end pulleys. If electrical components are being conveyed, static electricity can be hazardous.
Anti-static conveyor belt measures such as conductive belts or static control brushes should be
considered to protect products.

Other safety considerations must be exercised due to often long conveyor lengths and their
proximity to personnel. Live roller conveyors can be furnished with pop-out rollers that
disengage from their drive belts if a person’s hand or foot slips between rollers. Crossovers can
be used to permit people to pass over long sections of belt conveyors. Roller style conveyors
often use manual or powered gate sections to accomplish this.

Conveyors often incorporate some type of soft starter or clutch mechanism to avoid overloading
motors when starting fully loaded belts, chains, etc. Some belt conveyors are fitted with geared
motor drives that incorporate internal motors and gear drives within the head rollers which
eliminate the need for externally mounted motors and power transmission components.

While many conveyor systems are fixed and permanent, a great many are also portable and
designed for loading trucks, railcars, silos, etc. Outfeed and infeed conveyors built specifically
for packaging operations are often caster-mounted for easy transport within a facility. 

An overhead conveyor carrying the body of a car.

Image credit: TRAIMAK/

Conveyor Applications and Industries

Conveyor selection depends on product type, throughput or speed, elevation change, and in some
cases, industry focus. Belt conveyors, for instance, come in a variety of sizes and can range from
foot-long units used on packaging lines to mile-long systems used for mining operations.
Conveyors can be hand powered—where products are moved along manually over rollers or
wheels—or engine/motor powered, or gravity powered. In general, though, they are driven by
AC and DC motors, either directly or through reduction gears, chains, and sprockets, etc.
Products generally ride on the top surfaces of conveyors, though exceptions exist.

Overhead conveyors, as found at dry cleaners, slaughterhouses, or wherever floor space is a

concern, suspend their loads from trollies which ride along overhead tracks. Other conveyors,
such as screw and pneumatic types, convey their products through semi-enclosed troughs or
tubes. These conveyors often handle dry products and powders. Some conveyors are designed to
move products precisely between manufacturing operations. Walking beam conveyors are an
example of this type. Other conveyors transport hard to handle products, such as cosmetic
bottles, through fillers, labelers, and other processes by holding each container in individual
pucks or pallets.

Conveyors are sometimes custom designed from modular components such as straightaways,
curves, transitions, merges, dividers, etc. Manufacturers of such components often provide
design expertise and installation assistance. Other conveyors are stand-alone systems, complete
with drives and controls. Manual type roller and wheel conveyors can commonly be purchased in
discrete sections and bolted up to form material handling systems of nearly any length. In
general, powered conveyors employ head shafts and tail shafts where the head end provides the
drive arrangement, and the tail end provides for adjustment of the chain or belt tension.

Conveyor Controls can be simple on/off varieties, slightly more sophisticated soft-start types
which cushion loads upon startup, or variable frequency drives that can control the speed,
acceleration, etc. of ac motors. Very long belt conveyors transporting ore and other products
often rely on conveyor belt idlers to form troughs in the belts to better contain the conveyed
Conveyor Systems - A Summary
This guide provides a basic understanding of conveyor system varieties, considerations for use,
their applications, and industrial uses. For more information on related products consult our other
articles and guides or visit the Thomas Supplier Discovery Platform to locate potential sources or
view details on specific products.
To protect products and materials during transport, distribution and storage, a variety
of packaging types is available. In warehouse and manufacturing applications, packaging
includes containers, protective dunnage, unitizing materials that hold several items together to form
a complete load, and pallets that provide a stable platform for transport. All of these packaging
components come in varying sizes, shapes and materials, depending on the items or products they
are protecting. Typical applications include holding and protecting bulk materials, cases, loads or
individual items for shipping and receiving, organizing products in static or automated storage
systems, and acting as a receptacle to hold picked items for a discrete order.
There are four primary types of Packaging. These include:
 Containers are receptacles that hold, protect and organize products and materials during
storage and transport. They come in a variety of forms, including bags, barrels,
drums, cartons, cases.

Common materials include corrugated cardboard, welded wire mesh, metal

(including steel and aluminum), corrugated plastic and high density polyethylene (HDPE) which
is the material most frequently used in the construction of reusable and returnable containers.
The three most common forms of reusable containers are:

 Bin – A box used for storage and organization of small parts prior to use in
manufacturing and assembly, frequently with a hopper (or open) front. Bins are generally
stackable, and may feature an integrated tab in the back that permits them to be hung from
a louvered storage unit. They may be constructed of solid or corrugated plastic. Often found
in work cells, bins rarely leave one area. Lids are incorporated in clean environments.
Dimensions range from 3 x 3 inches to 24 x12 inches.

 Tote (also called a crate, hand held, hand held container, reusable security

container or work-in-process tote) – A box transported by hand, often with molded-in
handles. Totes are offered in three styles: nestable, stackable and stack and nest. Nestable
totes feature sloped sidewalls created from a base footprint smaller than the top opening.
This permits the units to be nested inside each other when empty. Stackable totes have an
identical footprint top and bottom, and feature an integrated lip that prevents shifting when
stacked. Stack and nest totes can be stacked and nested in 90- and 180-degree

Lids may be attached to the top of the tote, hinged on either long side and meeting in the
middle when closed (commonly found on nestable totes), or they may be separate from the
totes. Dimensions vary widely based on both industry and application. Typical maximum
capacities range from 40 pounds for totes handled by humans to 80 pounds for totes
handled by automated storage systems (also called trays or pans).

 Bulk container (also called a bulk box, bulk bin, shipping container, or Gaylord or

by any one of a number of brand names) – The largest of the reusable boxes, containers
include four straight walls built on pallet-sized footprints with fork openings on two or four
sides. Generally used for discrete component parts delivered to assembly lines, these
heavy-duty units can only be moved by pallet jack or fork truck.
Sidewalls can collapse down into the container when empty, or they may not, depending on
the design. The walls may be designed with openings or drop doors to permit easier access
to contents, and unattached lids or covers are sometimes used. Containers stack when full
or empty, with capacities varying depending on the materials used in their construction. Less
common are nestable bulk containers (typically used for bulk ingredients), and bulk
packs (a collapsible corrugated plastic sidewall unit sandwiched between a pallet base and
top cap).

 Pallets: Generally constructed of wood, plastic or metal (steel or aluminum), pallets provide a

portable, horizontal, rigid platform that serves as a base for unit loads. Typically designed
with fork entry, an opening between the top and bottom decks, pallets can be handled by fork lift
trucks. Pallets are used as a returnable, reusable surface for assembling, storing, stacking,
handling and transporting of goods as a unit load. Slave pallets are used in an automated
storage system.

Pallets come in a variety of sizes—both standard and custom—with certain industries

standardizing their operations around a specific dimension, such as the Automotive Industry
Action Group (AIAG) and the Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA). When empty, pallets
can be nested or stacked.

 Dunnage is the materials or devices used in the securing and/or bracing of products during
shipments. These can include reusable, pre-formed foam inserts with custom sizes and shapes
cut or punched out to hold components prior to their installation on the assembly line. Since it’s
impractical for most facilities to stock multiple container sizes to accommodate shipping different
product weights and sizes, most items get shipped in boxes that are too big. Void fill—
crumpled paper, flowable peanuts (polystyrene or biodegradable materials) or inflatable air
pillows—fills the open spaces and protects the contents from damage during shipping. Still
other, larger-scale dunnage can be used to prevent shifting and contact between unit loads in a
trailer, shipping container or railcar.

 Unitizers: Materials that hold several items together to form a complete load. They can be
applied as a tie down, or means to secure a load to a pallet, These include:

 Stretch film is a roll-based, plastic film. Tensioned and stretched manually or

mechanically as it is wrapped around a unit load, the film holds and secures the load to the

 Shrink wrap is a plastic film that shrinks tightly over the item or load it is carrying
when heat is applied to it.
 Strapping made from low and medium carbon steel, hot roller high tension steel,
polyester, nylon and polypropylene.
Packaging is used in a variety of areas to move materials throughout a facility:

 Assembly: Protect and hold components delivered line-side to a production processes

 Automation: Automated systems require standard-sized totes, trays or pans to function

 Transportation: Aggregating and protecting loads as they move through the supply chain

 Warehousing: Protecting products during storage

 Order picking: Holding stored products prior to their delivery to picking areas, and acting as
receptacles for picked orders
Packaging provides a variety of benefits:

 Barrier protection – Packaging provides a barrier to dust, water, humidity and other
contaminants that could potentially harm the contents and decrease their shelf life

 Containment – Grouping multiple cases, small objects or bulk materials together aids in
both manual and automated handling

 Convenience – Packages can have features that add convenience in distribution, handling,
stacking, display, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, reuse, recycling, and ease of disposal

 Physical protection – Packaged products are protected from damage caused by dropping,
shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, extreme temperature shifts and impacts

 Security – Tamper resistant and tamper evident packaging can reduce the risk of theft, or
indicate that damage has occurred during handling

 Sustainability – Returnable and reusable packaging can be used repeatedly before it is

recycled; some materials are engineered to biodegrade
Packaging protects products and components during shipping and storage. It is used by nearly every
industry, including:

 Aerospace

 Appliance

 Automotive

 Beverage

 Chemicals
 Construction

 Consumer goods

 E-Commerce

 Food

 Hardware

 Hospital

 Manufacturing

 Materials processing

 Paper

 Pharmaceutical

 Plastics

 Retail

 Warehousing and distribution

Understanding Conveyor Belt Calculations

Understanding a basic conveyor belt calculation will ensure your conveyor design is
accurate and is not putting too many demands on your system.

Conveyor Calculations Legend
E2: Tight side tension (lbs.) L: Belt length (inches)
B: Sine of angle of incline F: Coefficient of friction (See Table #1) M: Overall Belt Weight
C: Center to center distance (inches) G1: Load per square ft. (lbs.) P: Product weight (lbs.)
D: Diameter of drive pulley (inches) G2: Load per hour (lbs.) RPM: Revolutions per minute
d: Diameter of tail pulley (inches) HP: Horsepower S: Conveyor Speed-Feet per minute
E: Effective tension (lbs.) K: Drive Factor-see table #2 T: Operating Tension PIW (lbs.)
E1: Slack side tension (lbs.) W: Belt weight (inches)

Common Calculations for Proper Design

Belt Length  

When the head and tail pulley are the same size: L=(D+d)/2 x 3.1416+2C 
When one pulley is larger than the other pulley: L=(D+d)/2 x 3.1416+2C+(D-d) /4c 2
Belt Speed

Expressed in feet per minute (FPM)

S=D x RPM x .2618 x 1.021

Belt Load

At one time when the load is known per square foot: P= G   x C(in feet)x W (in feet)

At one time when load is known by pounds per hour: P=G /(S x 60) x C(in feet)


Level Conveyors: HP=(F x S x (P+M))/33,000

Inclined Conveyors: HP=((P x B)+(P+M)x F x S)/33,000

Effective Tension

Pull needed to move belt and load horizontally: E= F x (P+M)

Tight Side Tension

Total tension to move belt and load horizontally:  E2= E+E1

Slack Side Tension

Additional tension required to prevent slippage on drive pulley:  E1=E x K

Operating Tension

Determines the working strength of the belt to handle the job on per inch of width basis:  T= E2/W
 The Coefficient of Friction
Belt Steel of Aluminum Metal Rollers

Friction surface on pulley side .30 to .35 .10 to .15

Bare duck on pulley side .20 to .25 .10 to .15

Cover on pulley side .50 to .55 .10 to .15

The Drive Factor "K"

Belt wrap on drive pulley Screw Take-Up Gravity Take-Up

180° Bare: 1.6  Lagged: 1.0 Bare: .84  Lagged: .50

220° Bare: 1.2  Lagged: .6 Bare: .62  Lagged: .35

240° Bare: 1.0  Lagged: .5 Bare: .54  Lagged: .30

continuous-flow conveyor
continuous-flow conveyor
[kən¦tin·yə·wəs ¦flō kən′vā·ər]

(mechanical engineering)

A totally enclosed, continuous-belt conveyor pulled transversely through a mass of granular, powdered or 
small-lump material fed from an overhead hopper.

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