100 Medical English Phrasal Verbs With Examples - Part 2 (51-100)
100 Medical English Phrasal Verbs With Examples - Part 2 (51-100)
100 Medical English Phrasal Verbs With Examples - Part 2 (51-100)
Grammar – Phrasal Verbs
51. lay up have to stay in bed / confine Ben was laid up in bed for a month after his fall.
52. let off fart / break wind / expel gas Who’s let off again?
53. lie down recline Could you just lie down on the couch, please?
54. lift up raise / elevate So, lift up your left leg. Thank you. And the right.
55. liven up galvanise / excite We’re trying to liven her up, but she won’t move.
56. loaf around idle / do nothing Lily’s been loafing around all day at home.
57. look after protect / mind The nurse has been looking after us really well.
58. look at examine I just need to have a look at your ankle, John.
59. look down lower yr head/eyes Look down at the floor then look at me.
60. look for search / hunt We’ve been looking for your notes all morning.
61. look over check / review I just need to look you over from head to toe.
62. look round turn yr head Could you look round for me? That’s fine. OK.
63. look up raise yr head/eyes / research If you look up, we’re going to check your sight.
64. minister to treat / tend Nurse Angela ministered to her charge all night.
65. nod off fall asleep, especially unintentionally Sorry, I just nodded off for a few minutes there.
66. open up make an opening / become more open We’ll make an incision and open up your chest.
67. pack up stop functioning Sadly his heart packed up and he died.
68. pass away die (euphemism) Your uncle passed away at ten o’clock last night.
69. pass out become unconscious / faint When I got back he was passed out on the bed.
70. patch up repair temporarily They patched up my arm, but I’ve got to go back.
71. perk up improve condition Looks like Tom’s perked up a bit today.
72. pick up contract / improve / lift She picked up TB while travelling in Malawi.
73. prop up support / help sby to sit up We’ll prop you up here; can you move the pillow?
74. pull through recover (after a bad illness) We’re so thankful that you pulled through.
75. put on fake sth, e.g. an illness / wear It turned out that she had been putting it on!
76. rub down massage / dry Have a quick shower, then rub yourself down.
77. run around run in different directions Dr Neilson has been running around all day.
78. seize up become stiff suddenly / freeze And then my calf muscle suddenly seized up.
79. sew up suture, e.g. a wound We clean the wound then sew it up.
80. shake off get rid of, e.g. an infection I’m having a hard time shaking off this virus.
81. shut down stop functioning His liver shut down on the way to hospital.
82. shut up be quiet Just shut up and take your pills!
83. sit down be seated OK, sit down and I’ll outline today’s procedures.
84. sit up sit with a straight back Would you sit up straight, please, Mrs Felton.
85. slim down reduce weight It is obviously in your best interests to slim down.
86. stand up rise / get to yr feet Rob stood up and left the consulting room.
87. stress out worry / aggravate My daughter was stressing out all evening.
88. strip down to remove some clothing Please strip down to your underwear.
89. strip off remove clothing I’m not happy to strip off in front of three doctors.
90. swell up become swollen / expand My foot swelled up and became very painful.
91. take off remove, e.g. clothing When they took off the bandage, I nearly cried.
92. tend to treat / usually be/do The RN was tending to Mrs Peel when I arrived.
93. throw up vomit Joey was throwing up all night.
94. turn over change position to the opposite side Please turn over and show me where it hurts.
95. turn round move to face the opposite way Turn round and open your shirt a little.
96. wake up become conscious When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed!
97. waste away deteriorate Sadly, no one knew and he simply wasted away.
98. watch over guard / hold a vigil for sby I watched over him all night until he finally woke.
99. work out exercise / resolve Have you considered working out twice a week?
100. wrap around enfold Let me wrap the bandage around your arm.
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