Iaido Glossary
Iaido Glossary
Iaido Glossary
Batto Another name for iai.
Iaido The way of drawing the sword.
Kendo The way of the sword, already drawn.
Koryu Old school or lineage.
Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu A style or school of Iai. Named for Hasagawa Eishin.
Muso Shinden Ryu style related to the above, originated by Nakayama Hakudo.
Seitei Basic, fundamental. Seitei Gata, fundamental techniques (kata).
Etiquette names:
Hajime no saho Beginning etiquette
Owari no saho Finishing etiquette
Reigi Etiquette
Reiho Etiquette, method of bowing
Reishiki Same as above.
Saho Method of etiquette
Sword positions:
DATTO Taking sword from belt
KEITO Same as teito shisei.
TAITO Putting sword into belt
TEITO holding the sword loose by the left side. Also used when sword is in belt and both
hands loose at sides.
TEITO SHISEI holding the sword by the left side, as if in the obi. Thumb on tsuba.
JOSEKI NI REI Bow to the high section of the dojo.
KAMIZA NI REI Bow to kamiza (gods)
OTAGAI NI REI Bow to each other.
REI Bow.
RITSU REI Same as tachi rei.
SENSEI (GATA) NI REI Bow to teacher(s)
SHINZEN NI REI Bow to shrine.
TACHI REI Standing bow.
TO REI Bow to sword.
ZA REI Kneeling bow.
ARIGATO Thank you (informal)
DOMO Thanks (informal)
DOMO ARIGATO Thank you (formal)
DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU Thank you very much (very formal)
DOZO Please go ahead
GOMEN NASAI Excuse me, I'm sorry
ONEGAI SHIMASU Please (when asking for something, usually as in Please lets
practice together)
OSHIETE (KUDASAI) "(Please) teach me", such as a polite way to get a game with an
older better player at a Go club, or before keiko with a visiting high ranked kendo sensei.
Onegai shimasu is used when asking someone to do something for you, but unlike
kudasai, which needs to be attached to the verb, onegai shimasu can stand by itself, such
as in giving an item to buy to the cashier, or to a waiter to get a dirty plate removed, or as
an additional exhortation after the initial please, as in "Oshiete kudasai. Onegai shimasu."
Yarimasho-ka might also be better for "Let's practice (play) together, shall we?"
SOKE Head of style (actually head of family, unifier of gods and lineage)
KAICHO "Owner" of school (organization) eg. Sei Do Kai
KANCHO "Owner" of school (building, hall) eg. Yugen Kan
General vocabulary
AGE Lift or raise up.
ATO DE Afterwards.
BATTO Draw the sword.
CHIGAU Different.
DAME Not like that, wrong.
EGURU To scoop out, gouge.
HAI Yes.
HETA Unskillful, poorly done.
JOZU Skillful.
KOGESA Small form.
KYOJUN Standard, basic level.
MIRU Look.
NANKEN "False sword", bad style, twitchy tournament style
OGESA Large form.
OKI Big.
SEMERU Push, press.
SHITA Under.
SHITO KOKYU One breath.
SHIZUKANI Soft, gentle.
SUKOSHI A little, a small amount.
TATE Standing, upright.
WAKARIMASU I understand.
MAE Forward.
MIGI Right.
USHIRO Rearward, behind.
OMOTE Front.
URA Back.
UCHI Inside.
SOTO Outside.
CHUDAN Middle.
OBI Belt.
HANMI Half forward stance.
HITOEMI Equal stance, feet parallel forward
IAI GOSHI Hips lowered, stable position.
IAI HIZA, TATE HIZA Kneeling on one calf.
KAMAE Posture, stance.
KIZA Kneeling, but up on the toes.
SEIZA Kneeling on both calves.
SONKYO squatting (crouching) position in Kendo practice.
TACHI Standing.
CHUDAN Middle kamae, sword in middle, seigan is a chudan gamae.
GEDAN Lower level, sword pointed down.
HASSO GAMAE Figure 8 stance, sword by side of head. Usually hasso hidari, sword on
right, left foot forward.
JODAN Upper level, sword above head. Usually hidari jodan, left foot forward.
KARUMA like waki gamae, blade horizontal.
KASUMI Arms crossed over to hide technique (mountain mist).
KONGO Blade vertical in front of face.
SEIGAN Natural step, fundamental kamae.
WAKI GAMAE Sword pointed down and back, for a sutemi (sacrifice) waza. Usually
sword on right side (migi waki gamae), left foot forward. Other purpose - hiding length
of sword, especially in case of a broken one.
EMBU Demonstration.
KATA - structured practice; form or pattern.
JI GEIKO Free practice (kendo).
JOGEBURI (JOGESUBURI) Suburi with the finishing position with tip about 2" above
KAKARI-GEIKO Practice where the instructor offers openings to the student, who must
attack the openings immediately.
KEIKO Practice.
KIRI KAESHI This is the migi-men, hidari-men practice with another person
blocking.MI TORI KEIKO Watching practice.
NANAMAE MEN Suburi with the "corners" of the head as target, 45 degree angle -
same technique as in kiri-kaeshi
OJI WAZA Receiving techniques.
SAIUMEN Suburi practising left and right yoko-men alternately.
SHIAI Competition.
TAIKAI Match within a competition.
TAMESHIGIRI Test cutting.
UCHIKOMIGEIKO - continuous attack practice
NAGASA Measure of length of blade from kissaki to mune machi in a straight line
SORI Measure of curve of blade from nagasa to mune at deepest point.
Sword length parameters:
Tachi, Daito, Katana, = 2+ shaku.
Shoto, Wakizashi, 1-2 shaku.
Tanto, <1 shaku.
KOGAI Skewer.
KOGATANA Ko = small, Katana = blade. Small knife carried in a pocket on the Saya.
KODZUKA Ko = small, Tsuka = handle. Handle of the Kogatana.
The scabbard:
SAYA Scabbard.
SHIRASAYA lit. "white scabbard", a plain storage-only scabbard
KOIGUCHI Scabbard mouth (literally carp's mouth).
KURIGATA Knob for tying sageo.
SHITODOME Metal fittings inside the kurigata.
SAGEO Cord from saya (kurigata) to hakama himo.
KOJIRI Fitting at end of saya, end of saya.
Parts of a shinai:
sakigawa - leather tip of shinai
nakayui - the middle knot that holds the shinai staves together
tsukagawa - the leather handle
tsuba - disc guard
tsubadome - the rubber that keep the guard from sliding down.
Body motions
TAI SABAKI Body motions. TAI Body. SABAKI Movement.
HIRAKI ASHI Rear foot moves forward and turns to face opponent, front foot turns to
establish feet again in kamae but with opposite foot forward.
IRIMI Entering.
JIKU ASHI Turning foot, the main axis of rotation.
KAITEN Turning.
MAWARI Swinging around.
SEME ASHI Pushing or pressing foot.
SURI ASHI Sliding foot.
TENKAN Moving one foot behind the other to face 180 degrees.
AYUMI ASHI Normal walking motion, back foot slides up to become front foot.
CHIDORI ASHI "Bird walk" as in ayuma ashi.
FUMI KOMI Shift forward, as in a strike, using the hips.
FUMI KOMI ASHI Foot motion as shifting forward, front and back slide together, not
two different movements.
OKURI ASHI Following foot, step forward with front foot, then rear foot moves same
distance forward to regain original distance apart.
TSUGI ASHI Half step, rear foot up to front then front forward again.
The swordsman
Names of roles:
KASSO TEKI Invisible opponent.
MOTODACHI Defender, teacher side in waza practice.
NAGE Performer of technique.
SHIDACHI (SHI TACHI) Completing sword. Finishes partner practice.
TEKI Opponent
TORI Attacker.
UCHIDACHI (UCHI TACHI) Entering sword. "Attacker" in partner practice.
UKE Receiver (of technique)
The body (top down):
NAKAZUMI Centreline of body
MEN Head.
SHOMEN Front or top of head.
YOKOMEN Side of head.
SHAMEN Side of head, temple
GAMMEN Point on face between the eyes.
SUNMEN Same as gammen.
ME Eye.
JINCHU Centre of upper lip.
NODO Throat
TE Hand.
TE KUBI Wrist.
OMOTE Open / palm of hand.
KOTE Wrist (forearm).
HIJI Elbow
KATA Shoulder
UDE Arm in general.
URA Back of hand
YUBI Finger / toe
HARA Abdomen.
TANDEN Centre of balance, below navel.
SEIKA TANDEN As per tanden.
Philosophical concepts
AIUCHI Mutual strike, strikes at the same time.
BUDO Way of war.
BUSHIDO Way of warrior.
DAI KYO SOKU KEI Big strong fast smooth.
DEHANA WAZA Strike at the outset, as opponent moves, like sen no waza.
DO Activity, motion.
FUSHIN Frozen or stopped mind.
FUDOSHIN Immovable mind, calm spirit.
FUKAKU Personal character.
GOKAI Grandeur, large feeling, full motions.
GO NO SEN NO WAZA (GO NO SEN) Strike at a suki, a mind stopping. Strike before
the opponent forms the intention to strike.
HEIJISHIN Ordinary mind.
JO HA KYU Slow, faster, fastest.
KAKE GOE Yelling to get extra energy.
KENSEN Pressure from the sword, esp. the tip.
KI Spirit, energy, inner strength.
KI KEN TAI ICHI Spirit, sword, body, one.
KIAI Shout, yell.
KIME Sharpness of movement, positive end of cut or thrust.
KIMOCHI Feeling, sensation.
KIRYOKU Willpower.
KOKYU Breath, breath power.
MA Distance, space, interval (in time).
MAWAI (MAAI) Mutual distance (in space.
MUSHIN, MUSO No mind, no rationalization.
MUGA No ego.
MUNEN No thought.
OI WAZA Chasing or following strikes, attack as opponent retreats.
RIAI Unification of action and theory.
SAE OF SWORDSMANSHIP The skill beyond technique only.
SAYA NO UCHI NO KACHI Saya = scabbard, uchi = inside, kachi = victory. The
sword in the saya, winning without drawing.
SEN Initiative, to forestall.
SEN NO WAZA (SEN) Strike faster than opponent, before attack delivered.
SEN SEN NO WAZA (SEN NO SEN) Strike as opponent commits to an attack but
before he moves.
SEI Motionless, inactive.
SHU HA RI Keep, break, leave. Memorize technique, question and understand, forget
SUKI Opening.
SUTEMI Sacrifice technique, accept a blow to deliver one.