Fixing Solutions For Robotics
Fixing Solutions For Robotics
Fixing Solutions For Robotics
Global presence
With more than 40 national subsidiaries and are clear. There‘ll always be a competent technical or sales
more than 100 importers, fischer has a global partner in your vicinity and a high level of product availability
network with a strong presence. The is also guaranteed.
advantages for you as a project customer
Customer advice
Our technical support service provides and the development of special solutions. Around
cost-effective, legally compliant advice for all the world, more than 130 engineers support you with
questions relating to fastening systems. their concentrated fastening expertise. We‘re happy to
Services that you can access include test installations, give you advice – at our fischer Academy, at your office or at
pull-out tests, individual designs, comparative calculations, the construction site itself.
We offer you a wide range of fastening solutions from the experience gleaned during
fields of chemical resins, steel and plastics. We cover a very broad more than 60 years in ancho-
application spectrum with our standard products as well as ring technology. You can
project-based solutions and customer-specific special depend on it.
developments. All of these are based on our know-how and
Services for robotics.
With research and development, tool-making, Through the fischer Process System (fPS), we
special machine construction and produc- continuously optimise our processes and adapt
tion facilities for chemistry, steel and flexibly to customer requirements. In
plastics, the entire production process of this way, we ensure that you can
our products takes place in-house. Our rely on innovative products with
quality management system is certified in a constantly high level of quality.
accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.
Design software
Our new modular design EC1, EC3 and EC5), national application documents and extensi-
software suite is called ve choice of all conventional load and measurement units make
„Fixperience“. It offers safe the software suitable for international use. A free „live update“ is
and reliable design along with available at all times at:
top processing comfort. The
relevant design standards
(ETAG 001 and EC2, such as
Evaluation Report
Certifications ETA-98/004
ETAG 001- 3
We don‘t compromise on the safety of our products. We take to their work. Many of our products are characterised by thorough,
Option 1 für gerissenen Beton
part in the leading international, standard-setting councils in the up-to-date, international approvals, technical certifications and
fastening technology sector, thus contributing our knowledge expert reports. For you, this means safety that you can rely on.
The environment
We actively consider the aspect of sustainable (EPD) from the Bauen und Umwelt e.v.
construction. Our environmental management (IBU) institute, which constitutes the data basis for an
system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ecological building evaluation. And our greenline product range
8C048 ISO 14001. A growing number of our products is already based on more than 50% sustainable raw materials –
have an Environmental Product Declaration certified in accordance with DIN CERTCO/TÜV Rheinland.
Solutions for robotics.
Other applications:
Work tables, cable trunking etc.
Robot base
Robot base 10
Fixings for base plates or guide rails for robots have to resist high dynamic
loads. Also special requirements for installation, corrosion and shear
resistance have to be considered. Due to the required flexibility these
fixings are mainly made with post installed anchors.
Other applications 15
Work tables and cable trunking systems are applications which have to
be very flexible in their positioning or change in use during their lifetime.
Therefore variable fixings with different requirements such as installation
time, removability, spacing or efficiency are required.
Basic knowledge.
stress amplitude ∆σ
to handle heavy workloads and perform in harsh environments.
Once they are programmed they repeat that exact same task 24h
a day and for years with high accuracy.
Dynamic/fatigue behaviour Stainless steel grades (316 grades) do not have a pronounced
Fatigue occurs without obvious warning and fatigue endurance, which means failure can occur after 2 million
can result in sudden fracture. Fatigue life is load cycles. fischer stainless steel dynamic anchors are manufac-
influenced by a variety of different factors tured from high corrosion resistance steel grade (1.4529) with
such as materials (metallurgical structure), higher mechanical properties. The fatigue behavior of this steel
surface and/or geometry. Notches and variati- type is far better than normal 316 grades and also approved in
on in cross section throughout a part leads to stress concentrati- the respective national German approval for FHBdyn sizes M12
ons where fatigue cracks initiate. In high-cycle fatigue situations, and M16. No
than 10³ load cycles for pulsating loads are expected and in case
of alternating shear more than 10 load cycles.
It shall be shown that the value of fatigue action does not exceed
amplitude [kN]
the value of fatigue resistance:
25 function of 95%-quantile
function of mean value
function of 5%-quantile ■ The design method for fatigue must be compatible to the
actual standards for anchors with static actions, e. g. today to
ETAG 001, Annex C - Design methods for anchorages or acc.
CEN TS 1992-4.
1.000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000 10.000.000
number of cycles ■ The fatigue resistances for steel-failure and concrete-failure
must be known.
Behaviour of concrete
Tests have shown that the fatigue resistance of concrete is redu- ■ is given by standards, measurements or experiences.
ced by the number of load cycles, but the reduction is significantly
■ Combined tensile and shear actions are acting – interaction!
lower than steel. It can be assumed that the fatigue resistance is
roughly 60% of the static resistance. The compressive strength of ■ Single anchor and anchor groups are possible.
the concrete also influences the fatigue resistance - the higher
■ Combined static and cyclic actions are possible.
the compressive strength, the higher the fatigue resistance. It is
also assumed that this ratio is valid for other concrete failure ■ The verification should assume cracked concrete.
modes (splitting, blow out, pry-out and concrete edge failure).
General type of verification of the ultimate limit state for
Design guide - fatigue steel failure – concrete failure – pull-out failure:
Basic knowledge.
The conical washer also has the function of reducing bending tensile zone Cracked concrete
moments on the anchor element. Together with the spherical
When anchoring in concrete, it is often
washer, or alternatively a hexagonal nut with a spherical surface,
presumed that tensile cracks are present
the bending moments will be reduced if the anchor is installed
in the anchoring area that influences the
not square to the substrate.
bearing capacity of the fixings. However, it is
Loosening of the nut under fatigue loading may be prevented very complicated, if not impossible, to prove whether the concrete
by using lock nuts (see picture) or counter nuts or other is cracked or non-cracked. For safety reasons, the use of fixings
suitable means. suitable for cracked concrete is recommended. Fixings with an
approval according to ETAG 001 for cracked concrete have pro-
ved their suitability in cracks and may be used without restriction
in the tensile and compressive zones of concrete members.
Fixings suitable for cracked concrete are also checked and appro-
ved according to American standards. These “evaluation reports”
are prepared according to ACI 318.
Loadbearing behaviour of anchors in
steel fibre concrete (SFRC)
Industrial floors
Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is a modern day composi-
te material in which the concrete’s relatively low tensile strength
and ductility are counteracted by the inclusion of steel fiber rein-
forcement. This inclusion produces a material which exhibits the
same load bearing capabilities to traditional reinforced concrete.
The use of post installed anchors in SFRC has not been regulated
at present, unlike traditional concrete where they follow the
guidelines and codes as documented in the ETAG 001 or ACI
318-D for standard grades of concrete from C25 to C50.
Robot base.
FHB-A dyn
FHB-A dyn V
■ During the setting process, the injection mortar FIS HB fills the ■ The only chemical dynamic system with simple push-through
annular gap in the fixture, and ensures optimum load distribution installation but also pre-positioned installation.
on all anchors. This allows for the absorption of dynamic alternating
■ Approved for unlimited load cycles.
■ Due to the low expansion forces minimum spacing and edge
■ The cone shape of the FHB-A dyn anchor rod ensures a controlled
distances are possible.
expansion under dynamic stress, thus allowing for use in cracked
concrete. ■ Increased cost effectiveness, especially for series mounting.
■ The anchor rod FHB-A dyn is also available made from highly
corrosion-resistant steel. This makes it suitable for use in aggressive
atmospheres, for example in tunnels.
■ The Highbond anchor dynamic system can achieve even greater
shear loads thanks to the additional sleeve of the anchor rod FHB-A
dyn V, and therefore provides an increased level of safety.
FHB-A dyn / FHB-A dyn V
The sleeve centers the anchor in Conical washer with drill hole makes
the attachment and ensures con- it possible to fill the annular gap
stant filling of the mortar. after pre-positioned installation.
Shear force sleeve allows the The lock nut prevents the main
absorption of high shear forces. nut from releasing.
The FHB-A dyn is the only chemical dynamic system which can be installed in simple push-through installation but also pre-positioned
Pre-positioned installation
For the filling of the annular gap, which is essential for dynamic usage, we provide the conical washer with a drill hole. Through this hole it’s
possible to fill the gap with the standard resin mortar.
Push-through installation
The FHB-A dyn can be simply set in push-through installation without any further tools or actions like other bonded anchors.
Drills and bits for Blow out pump AGB Cleaning brush BS Dispenser DMS Torque wrench
concrete and masonry for concrete
Protection devices & safety enclosures.
Evaluation Report
■ The optimized geometry reduces the setting energy thus ensuring ■ The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and the
power-saving installation. best performance. Applications in earthquake regions (Seismic) are
also covered by these approvals.
■ The anchor design enables different head shapes for fixing points
with a sophisticated design. ■ The detachable bolt connection allows for surface flush removal.
ETAG 001- 2
■ The standard anchorage depth achieves the maximum load-bearing ■ Great flexibility throughout the load range.
capacity in non-cracked concrete.
■ Few hammer blows and the minimal torque slippage allow for a
■ The reduced anchorage depth reduces the drill hole depth. This noticeably simpler installation.
minimizes the amount of time needed for drilling and enables less
wear on the drill.
Evaluation Report
ETAG 001 ESR-2948
Option 1 for cracked concrete
■ The tried-and-trusted expansion clip makes large load-bearing capa- ■ Fewer hammer blows and minimal torque slippage ensure safe and
cities possible, so fewer fixing points and smaller anchor plates are easy setting.
■ The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and the
■ The reduced anchorage depths makes considerably shorter drill best performance. Applications in earthquake regions (Seismic) are
hole depths possible, so providing a noticeably faster installation. also covered by these approvals.
Superbond (Anchor rod FIS A /RG M/ RG MI)
■ The Superbond system is a combined capsule and injection system ■ Approved for seismic applications (performance category C2 with
for cracked and non-cracked concrete. The injection mortar FIS SB FIS SB and C1 for capsule) as well as in waterfilled and diamond
and resin capsule RSB perform the same. This gives the installer drilled holes (capsule only) ensures safety even in extreme conditi-
maximum flexibility. ons.
■ Maximum application temperatures of up to +150°C and minimum
temperatures of -30°C open up new areas of use for bonded anchors.
Material handling & conveyor technology.
Evaluation Report
ETAG 001 ESR-2948
Option 1 for cracked concrete
■ The tried-and-trusted expansion clip makes large load-bearing capa- ■ Fewer hammer blows and minimal torque slippage ensure safe and
cities possible, so fewer fixing points and smaller anchor plates are easy setting.
■ The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and the
■ The reduced anchorage depths makes considerably shorter drill best performance. Applications in earthquake regions (Seismic) are
hole depths possible, so providing a noticeably faster installation. also covered by these approvals.
ETAG 001- 2
■ The standard anchorage depth achieves the maximum load-bearing ■ Great flexibility throughout the load range.
capacity in non-cracked concrete.
■ Few hammer blows and the minimal torque slippage allow for a
■ The reduced anchorage depth reduces the drill hole depth. This noticeably simpler installation.
minimizes the amount of time needed for drilling and enables less
wear on the drill.
Other applications.
■ The embossed rim prevents the anchor sleeve from slipping, ■ The EMS machine setting tool allows for effortless installation,
thus ensuring a trouble-free hammerset installation. particularly in the case of series installations.
■ The metric internal thread means that it is possible to use stan- ■ The embossing that is applied when expanding with the EHS
dard screws or threaded rods for the ideal adaptation to suit Plus setting tool offers a simple control of the anchoring and
the intended use. provides increased safety.
■ The 4-way expansion provides the optimum force distribution in ■ The universal operating principle (knotting or expanding) allows for
the drill hole, and offers high load-bearing capacities in solid and use in all solid, hollow and board building materials. Thus the UX is
hollow building materials. the correct choice for unknown base materials.
■ The self-tapping concrete screw enables a complete dismantling ■ The FBS is installed in a single step, which saves time and money.
and is ideal for temporary fixings.
■ The molded washer allows the usage also for fixtures with larger
■ The expansion pressure-free anchoring ensures low edge clearance holes.
distances and axial spacings.
Other applications.
Work tables
Evaluation Report
ETAG 001 ESR-2948
Option 1 for cracked concrete
■ The tried-and-trusted expansion clip makes large load-bearing capa- ■ Fewer hammer blows and minimal torque slippage ensure safe and
cities possible, so fewer fixing points and smaller anchor plates are easy setting.
■ The international approvals guarantee maximum safety and the
■ The reduced anchorage depths makes considerably shorter drill best performance. Applications in earthquake regions (Seismic) are
hole depths possible, so providing a noticeably faster installation. also covered by these approvals.
ETAG 001- 2
■ The standard anchorage depth achieves the maximum load-bearing ■ Great flexibility throughout the load range.
capacity in non-cracked concrete.
■ Few hammer blows and the minimal torque slippage allow for a
■ The reduced anchorage depth reduces the drill hole depth. This noticeably simpler installation.
minimizes the amount of time needed for drilling and enables less
wear on the drill.
■ The self-tapping concrete screw enables a complete dismantling ■ The FBS is installed in a single step, which saves time and money.
and is ideal for temporary fixings.
■ The molded washer allows the usage also for fixtures with larger
■ The expansion pressure-free anchoring ensures low edge clearance holes.
distances and axial spacings.
Superbond (Anchor rod FIS A /RG M/ RG MI)
■ The Superbond system is a combined capsule and injection system ■ Approved for seismic applications (performance category C2 with
for cracked and non-cracked concrete. The injection mortar FIS SB FIS SB and C1 for capsule) as well as in waterfilled and diamond
and resin capsule RSB perform the same. This gives the installer drilled holes (capsule only) ensures safety even in extreme conditi-
maximum flexibility. ons.
■ Maximum application temperatures of up to +150°C and minimum
temperatures of -30°C open up new areas of use for bonded anchors.
Overview fischer fixing competence.
Chemical fixings
Resin systems, in the form of cartridge or
capsule systems, for fixing of high loads. A
secure hold in cracked and non-cracked
concrete, natural stone, masonry and aircrete –
including reinforcement. Electrical fixings
E-fix plugs, cable and nail
clamps, pipe clips, cable
clasps and multi-cable
supports. Everything you
need for quickly laying
General fixings cables and conduits.
A wide range of different nylon and metal
anchors with and without screws and
hooks. For fastening, assembling and
installing lightweight objects in very
diverse building materials.
Foams and sealants
Gun foams and quick assembly foams for filling, insulating,
sealing, gluing and fixing. Silicones, acrylic building
materials and bitumen sealants for grouting, sealing and
gluing in diverse applications inside and outside.
Installation systems
Basis for secure guidance and mounting of pipelines
within HVAC business. A clever system of universal
channels, cantilevers, connection- and construction
elements, pipe clamps and accessories in different
material qualities and versions for versatile applications.
The design and information software suite.
The modular design program includes engineering software and
application modules.
FIX C- The software is based on international design standards (ETAG 001 and
EC2, such as EC1, EC3 and EC5), including the national application docu-
LL -
FIX ments. All common force and measurement units are available.
FIX Incorrect input will be recognized and the software gives tips to get a
FIX FIXPE correct result. This ensures a safe and reliable design every time.
The graphical display can easily be rotated through 360°, panned, tilted
or zoomed as required.
The 3D display gives a detailed and realistic image.
The “live update” feature helps to keep the program up to date ensuring
you are always working with the latest version.
Free download and updates at
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