MENA Carpet News

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Egypt’s Machine Made Carpet Industry

Eng Mohamed Hussein El Gammal

the founder of our company GIES

Interview with Mrs Laila El Gammal, Nobeltex President and Eng Nayla El Tawil , Vice President of Nobeltex

The private sector started to enter the field in the 1970s, The efficiency of the carpets and rugs produced in Egypt It is expected that the demand for rugs and carpets in
but it was only in 1979, when Oriental Weavers was es- is highly enhanced by the fact that the machines used Egypt will keep increasing, especially with the expansion
tablished, that the machine-made carpets and rugs as are considered state-of-the-art in terms of their capabil- in the population, and also with more of this population
we know them today were introduced in the market. ities, productivity and advanced technology. The major- joining the middle class that usually buys the most car-
ity of carpet looms to be found in Egypt today are from pets.
Egypt is an important producer of carpets in the Mena prominent producers in Europe and the knowhow of the
region. Please let us know more details about Carpet in- Egyptian technical gurus guarantees the optimum utiliza- What is obstacle and barriers for Carpet manufactur-
dustry in Egypt and its history. tion of these looms. ers in Egypt for development?

Egypt was traditionally known for its traditional schools Egyptian carpet producers have a good export to the There are a lot of benefits for carpet production in Egypt,
for handmade rugs that are mainly concentrated in rural international market, but how do you evaluate Egypt like low cost of production, availability of government
areas. In the 1960s and 1970s, the government started domestic market for carpet and flooring? support, geographic location of Egypt, etc. However,
limited production of machine-made rugs to cater to pub- there are also some obstacles that carpet manufactur-
lic institutions and religious entities, like mosques. The domestic market in Egypt is a very promising market ers face. For example, not all raw materials needed for
for the carpet industry and is considered a market that carpet production can be sourced in Egypt, which means
The main manufacturer at the time was the state-owned consumes a lot of carpets and rugs regularly. The big they have to be imported.
Arab Carpet Company. The private sector started to enter population of Egypt and the presence of different income
the field in the 1970s, but it was only in 1979, when Ori- layers create a lot of opportunities in the domestic mar- Another obstacle is the limited availability of skilled la-
ental Weavers was established, that the machine-made ket. Also, because more than 60% of the population in bor needed for the carpet production process. In recent
carpets and rugs as we know them today were intro- Egypt is young, the chance of more people getting mar- years, there was a floatation of the Egyptian Pound and
duced in the market. ried and looking for carpets and rugs for their homes is this created a burden on the cost structure of manufac-
even higher. turers. Another obstacle is related to the export subsidy
In fact, Oriental Weavers revolutionized the carpet indus- that exporting manufacturers receive when they export
try and adopted new standards that were not seen before their products. In many instances the payment of this
in Egypt. This not only led them to dominate the domestic subsidy is delayed, which may disrupt the financial plans
market but also to secure a considerable share in vari- of manufacturers.
ous export markets. It also raised the standard for oth-
er competing manufacturers pushing them to raise their COVID 19 shows us we should rely more on sustain-
own quality bar too. As a result, and after 40 years, the ability and green products, how we can improve sus-
company has created an Egyptian brand that presented tainability in Carpet and flooring industry?
the industrial power of Egypt to the world and allowed
global companies to enter Egypt seeking to source their Like in other places in the world, the carpet industry in
rug and carpet needs. Egypt has started to realize the increasing importance
of sustainability and green economy. The demand for
As a textile machinery expert, How do you evaluate sustainable products is rising and more customers and
the carpet industry in Egypt in term of technology institutions are asking for more solutions and innova-
and machinery? tions related to this theme. The fact the carpets and rugs
are used inside homes and places with human traffic,
The carpet industry in Egypt is now well recognized like hotels, means that people are keener now to have
worldwide and is known for mastering the weaving pro- eco-friendly and hygienic products that would contribute
cess and also for the unique and innovative products that to health and cleaner environment.
are produced and sold both in the domestic market and
in more than 130 other global markets. Eng Nayla El Tawil , Vice President of Nobeltex Leading the way, Oriental Weavers has initiated a lot of
research efforts to guarantee that part of the products

[ January 2021 w w w. k o h a n t e x t i l e j o ur n a l .co m

Middle East and North Africa Carpet News »»»

Mrs Yasmine Farid Khamis President and Mr Mohamed Mah- Mr Mohamed Farid Khamis the founder of Mrs Yasmine Farid Khamis President of Oriental
moud Khamis Vice President of Oriental Weavers Group OW Group Weavers Group

Oriental Weavers Complex in Egypt

manufactured in Egypt would be sustainable and meet wide, will reap a lot of benefits during the coming years
the expectations of its customers who seek cleaner and from this support which will undoubtedly contribute sig-
safer products. The research efforts resulted in creating nificantly to the further development of the industry in
and introducing different types of sustainable products. Egypt.
One of the product lines following this theme is the prod-
ucts made of natural yarn, like cotton and wool. Such Which kind of machinery you are offering to carpet
products are considered very safe both to people and manufacturers in Nobeltex company?
the environment.
SSM Textile Machinery (Switzerland)
Another type of sustainable products is the hygienic SSM is leading the technology for yarn processing and
line, which will certainly receive more attention after the winding
The machines produce ATY yarn from POY by heaters
spread of COVID-19 in the world during 2020. The idea
and intermingling.
behind such hygienic rugs is to develop and invent rugs
with built-in capability to fight and terminate bacteria and Saurer Technologies GmbH and Co. KG (Volkmann)
viruses that could be inside the yarn of the rugs. production of twisting and cabling machines for staple fi-
ber yarns, carpet yarns and glass filament yarns.
The company is doing a lot of research in this field with
the hope that in few years several rug lines the company Conitex Sonoco
introduces would have this feature as being anti-bacteria Manufactures high-performance paper cones and paper
and anti-virus. tubes facturing sectors of the textile industry. Core products
include steel and nylon travelers, rings, bobbins, tapes
Also, related to sustainability is the direction of creating Sonoco plastic and belts, air splicing and knotting equipment, laborato-
rugs and carpets that are recycled and recyclable. Ori- a. Dye tubes b. Dye springs c. Winding Tubes ry testing equipment, and stainless-steel belts, counter-
d. Separator Blades bands, pressure rolls and other accessories for the carpet
ental Weavers has already introduced few ranges that
are made of recycled yarn and recently also other collec- industry.
Sonoco Alcore
tions made of recyclable and traceable yarn. Such line Tubes to wind BCF Yarn Jumac
of products is very important for the environment as it
Quality cans, catering to the Jute & Textile Industry.
will strongly contribute to the rotation of resources in the Electrojet
environment. Palletising &Packing Automatic Systems Golden Eagle Mackie
The palletising &Packing automatic System allow achiev- Textile machinery spare-parts specially for linen materials
How do you see the future of Carpet industry in ing an important step Forward in the automation of the for all spinning line machines. Textile Machinery Manu-
Egypt? store &expedition areas. This means the rationalization facturer, Spare Parts and Technical Consultancy.
of the last part of the textile manufacturing process, elimi-
The rug and carpet industry in Egypt has witnessed suc- nating both the physical efforts & the possibility of human Shriji Sparekraft
cessful leaps over the last 40 years. Having dynamic mistake. Shriji Sparekraft Impex PVt. Ltd. Is one of the leading
The automation of this part of the process is always re- Manufacturer & exporter for complete range of genuine
manufacturing entities like Oriental Weavers allowed the
alized made to measure for each customer as it must be Quality replacement spare-parts, suitable for most mod-
industry to compete with its counterparts in Europe and
adapted to the specific needs of each mill & to the appro- ern winding machines like SCHLAFHORST Autoconer
USA and actually created new benchmarks in the rug in-
priate automation level desired in each case. (Model 138 / 238 /338 / AC-5) & Murata Mach Coner
dustry that other companies have started to follow over
(Model 7-11/ 7-V / 21-C / QPRO Process Coner) of all
the years. Xorella (Part of Fongs Group) models. With optimum precision levels that are compati-
XORELLA is specialized in design and manufacturing of ble with world-class standards.
The future of carpet industry in Egypt is indeed consid- steam setting and conditioning equipment for yarns and
ered very promising especially as the Egyptian govern- fabrics. LAROCHE
ment is shifting a big part of its attention to the industrial to produce different kinds of Non – Woven fabrics for
sector. It is certain that carpet manufacturing in Egypt, AB.Carter multi-purposes.
with its global recognition as an industry leader world- A. B. Carter is universally recognized as a superior sup-
plier of spinning solutions for the fiber and yarn manu-
w w w. k o h a n t e x t i l e j o u r n a l . c o m January 2021 ]
MENACarpetNews »»»
Luwa stands for well-engineered, innovative systems,
plants, and solutions for textile and other industries. Their
fields of activity revolve around creating the required cli-
mate conditions for an efficient operation of manufactur-
ing facilities Textile Air Engineering, For Spinning, Weav-
ing, Non-Woven and Tissue Paper.

production of Central Vacuum Systems tailored to cus-
tomers’ specific needs from numerous distant vacuum
sockets to one collecting and emptying point, with high
speed up to 300 km/h.

Blue Reed developed a wide range of reeds that cover
the technical requirements and approvals requested by
the manufacturers of all types of looms, warping, sizing,
beaming, carpet or ribbon looms, etc.


Manufacturing Drop Wire

Maksteel has made rapid progress in the area of Jac-
quard Harness and Parts for all types of Jacquard looms
like Rapier, Air jet and Water jet.
Maksteel’s major products are

• Wire healds with Spring Assembly

• Harness Cord Its shedding machines and accessories, including cam Included: Temperature & Humidity Chamber, Salt Spray
• Comber Board motions and rotary dobbies, as well as high-performance Tester and Tensile Strength Testing Machine.
• Guiding Board harness motions and quick links, cover all fields of textile
• Aluminum and Stainless Steel Frames for comber production EAS
boards and return motion elements EAS is proud to be at the forefront of textile finishing tech-
Stäubli Sargans AG nology, offering its services to both the Spanish and in-
ZSK A complete program from warp beam stock to weaving ternational markets. EAS can supply all your production
ZSK Stickmaschinen manufactures multi-head embroi- machine. Stäubli offers advanced system solutions for needs – from valves and probes to the full information
dery machines starting from single head to 56 embroidery reading in of warps at sizing machines, automatic draw- technology needed to integrate the production process.
heads machines with head spacing starting from 162 Mm ing-in, warp leasing, and warp tying, as well as supporting aiming at giving maximum value to the automation of the
up to 600Mm and embroidery depth starting from 500Mm means for quick style changes on the weaving machine. textile dyeing business. Dispensing & Piping systems for
up to 1500Mm. the chemicals of the textiles industry, and PLC and con-
Lietti trollers for dyeing & finishing machines.
Type of Applications; Garments, Terry Towel, Home Tex- Lietti Ltd deals with medium and heavy metal carpentry
tile, Carpets, Leather, Technical Applications work, creating, designing, buildings, sheds, warehouses, Rigmontie Perego
industrial plants and structures for jacquard machines, in They are making warp beams for carpet looms and weav-
BEJIMAC addition, It has developed a new type of Jacquard gantry, ing looms
BEJIMAC, a specialist in the field of the surface treatment with a structure that is entirely tubular.
of textiles used in numerous applications like Singeing RABATEX
machines for woven & knitted fabrics. NedGraphics Specialized in weaving preparation system Manufacturer
NedGraphics products allow designers to exercise full and Exporter of Textile Machinery.
Xetma creative freedom while improving efficiency, productivity,
Manufacture of machine systems for the surface finishing and accuracy to create production-ready artwork. Products:
of textiles of all types. Xetma Vollenweider is about inno- NedGraphics has worked directly with top companies in • sectional warper machines
vative brushing and emerizing machines, shearing ma- the retail and apparel, home decor, and floor design in- • sample warper machines
chines, raising machines, cloth cleaning machines and dustries • single end sizing machines
carpet shearing and finishing machines. • cone creel
Fongs • material handling & storage equipment
Uster Fong’s has the effective, advanced and flexible techno-
Uster Technologies is the global leader in textile testing logical possibilities to present the integrated dyeing solu- Pyro protection
and quality control. tions which cover and satisfy the different demands of • We use Pyro limited protection technologies as com-
Services include: customers as follow: plete solutions in fire suppression.
• Quality Management The different yarn dyeing machines whether for mass • As experienced engineers we can produce innovative
• Laboratory Systems (Cotton Classing / Fiber Testing / production or laboratory. solutions to fire protection problems. all our system de-
Staple Yarn Testing / Filament Yarn Testing) All kinds of Atmospheric or high temperature (under pres- signs are compliant with recognized international stan-
• In-line Process Control sure) dyeing machine for knitted or woven fabrics, which dards including BS EN 12845 NFPA and FM global and
• Fabric Inspection could achieve a successful and homogeneous dyeing we only install approved equipment.
process for all fabric’s material whether natural or syn-
Picanol (Goblan) thetic. PROFILLIN
Picanol develops, produces and markets high-tech weav- Profilin activities are in textile fibres and waste business.
ing machines, based on air (Airjet) or Rapier technology. Gester 1. For PP (polypropylene) carpet cutting without backing.
Type of Applications:Bed Sheets, Terry Fabrics, Technical Gester Instruments Co, LTD is professionally engaged in 2. PP (polypropylene) carpets. Waste coming from the
Fabrics, Goblan Fabrics, Wide Machines up to 5.4 meters production and R&D of physical properties testing equip- fairs
ment. With more than 20 years of experience in research
Stäubli Bayreuth and development, they specialize in providing the total TAS international
Stäubli manufactures high-speed textile machinery and solutions of Textiles & Garments Testing Equipment, Screen Printing Machines
offers solutions adapted to the requirements of each user. Footwear Testing Equipment, Protective Equipment Test- 1. Model 3000-3X-series
Carpet Weaving (Stäubli Bayreuth GmbH – Germany) ing Equipment. Oversize and All-over prints have never been easier
GESTER Group the subsidiaries company MKM Machin- 2. Mini-Max-SERIES
Stäubli Lyon SAS ery is a specialist in designing & manufacturing of Mask Maximum applications, Minimum floor space
Stäubli manufactures high-speed textile machinery and Making Machine.
offers solutions adapted to the requirements of each user. All machines have:
Jacquard machines LX, LXL and LXXL for large-pattern main products include: a. Digital touch panel controllers.
fabrics with heavy load. 1. Textile Testing Equipment b. Quick release pallet
Included: Abrasion, Pilling, Tensile, Fastness, Tearing, c. Registration system. All print heads registered by roller
Stäubli Faverges Bursting and Flammability Tester. contact registration
Stäubli manufactures high-speed textile machinery and Accuracy guaranteed for a lifetime
offers solutions adapted to the requirements of each user. 2. Universal Testing Machines

[ January 2021 w w w. k o h a n t e x t i l e j o ur n a l .co m

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