Assignment 1 - PGP 24 115
Assignment 1 - PGP 24 115
Assignment 1 - PGP 24 115
4. What steps can Wong take to increase the chances that strategic hires will be more
diverse? What elements should be part of a proactive diversity and inclusion program at
Ans: Steps Wong can take to increase the chances of diverse hiring:
Change in JD: Job descriptions should not only just focus on educational
qualifications and experience but also emphasise on soft skills of the person.
Demographic Bias: The CV review process should eliminate the demographic bias
that is scrapping CV based on demographics of applicants.
Goal Reports: Wong should work on preparing a report that includes approximate
targets for achieving diversity in a given timeline
Sensitization: employees should be sensitized about importance of diversity and
inclusion in a workplace through creative workshops and gamified learnings. The
result should not just imply on growth of company, but also on individual growth.
This will self-motivate the employees and it will be effective in a long run.
Elements like creative workshops, gamified trainings, cross level feedbacks, mentoring of
employees can be included in a proactive diversity strategy.
5. Develop a framework to measure success and the business impact of a diversity and
inclusion program for Dessa.
Ans: Framework to measure success and the business impact of a diversity and inclusion
program for Dessa should include changes from hiring process itself,
1. A Goal report should be kept in place to measure the output at the end with the
initial decisions.
2. Removal of biases from the hiring process and hiring diverse people based on
gender, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, etc.
3. To measure the diversity in hiring, the hired employees can be measured according
to Goals Report and bench marked against industry.
4. Once hiring is done, Dessa should also measure retention of employees to check
inclusion and compare this with employees within the company but from different
diverse group.
5. Dessa should also measure the promotion of different employees and a standard
protocol for promotion should be followed for all the employees.
6. If people are quitting from the organisation, their feedback should be taken and
compared amongst different employees, to check for any hostile work conditions.
7. Inclusion can be made effective by regularly checking the initiatives taken by
8. Number of innovations and revenue generated can be marked to measure the
business impact of diversity and inclusion.
9. Growth of each employee should be measured from time to time backed with
continuous feedbacks and setting of goals.
10. Sensitize the employees about importance of diversity in inclusion for organisational
as well as self-growth via creative workshops and gamified learnings