Ref.: RSA/KOL/101542694/2021 Date: 04-Jan-2021 Rudraneel Das (101542694)
Ref.: RSA/KOL/101542694/2021 Date: 04-Jan-2021 Rudraneel Das (101542694)
Ref.: RSA/KOL/101542694/2021 Date: 04-Jan-2021 Rudraneel Das (101542694)
: RSA/KOL/101542694/2021
Date: 04-Jan-2021
Rudraneel Das (101542694)
Subject: Acceptance of Resignation
Dear Rudraneel,
With reference to your resignation we hereby acknowledge the receipt and accept the same.
Your Last Day in the Organization - 01-Jan-2021.
Please note that as per the terms and conditions of your employment, in case notice period is not served/partially
served by you, salary in lieu thereof will be recovered from your full and final settlement.
Please ensure that all asset clearances have been obtained by you and all pending dues/loans/AMEX credit card
amount (If applicable) have been settled. In case of any pending assets/payments the same will be recovered in your
Full and Final Settlement.
Also, you are required to handover the applicable asset(s) (Plantronics Headset, Adaptor, Permanent and Temporary
ID Access Badge) to the respective stakeholders for ECF clearances on or before your Last Day of Employment.
However, required to submit the IT asset(s) to the concerned IT Department.
As a standard procedure we take this opportunity to remind you of your continuing obligation under and in the terms
of all the applicable provisions of the Non- Disclosure and Code of Ethical Business Conduct duly executed by you,
which we are confident you shall duly respect.
You may contact the F&F Department for any queries you may have on settlement of your dues with the company.
The Details are given below :
Write to: [email protected]
NOTE: This is not a “Service Certificate cum Relieving Letter”. It will only be provided to you post settlement of Full &
Final dues based on the clearances completed by you at the time of leaving the organization.
The date mentioned on this letter is based on the current information as you may be relieved earlier or later basis the
Organization requirement. Therefore, the “Service Certificate cum Relieving Letter” will mention the exact service
This is a system generated letter and does not require any signatures.