Automatic Room Lights & Fans Controller Using Arduino & Pir Sensor W.R.T Position
Automatic Room Lights & Fans Controller Using Arduino & Pir Sensor W.R.T Position
Automatic Room Lights & Fans Controller Using Arduino & Pir Sensor W.R.T Position
A NIKHIL – 17PA1A0203
K B V M SHANKAR – 17PA1A0244
A NIKHIL – 17PA1A0203
K B V M SHANKAR – 17PA1A0244
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompanies the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete with the mentioning of the people who made it possible and whose
guidance and encouragement crown all the efforts with success. We would like to express our
gratitude and respect to all those people behind the screen who guided, inspired and helped us
for completion of our project.
We wish to convey our sincere thanks to the Head of the Department Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, Dr.R.V.D.RAMA RAO, M.Tech, PhD, who gave vital information
which was necessary for this project.
We are thankful to our guide Mr. P. RamPrasad, M.Tech, who has spared her valuable
time and append novel ideas to guide us in intelligent. We are indebted to her without whom
we would not have culminated to pinnacle of the project.
We are also grateful to all the staff, librarian, parents and friends who directly or
indirectly helped us in the completion of the project.
Project Associates
A NIKHIL – 17PA1A0203
K B V M SHANKAR – 17PA1A0244
Nowadays a lot of power is consumed by all the schools and colleges across the country.
The power consumption is very high from morning to evening irrespective of students present
in the room. The fans and lights are always on even when few students are present in the class.
Due to this lot of power is wasted and this type of culture, saving becomes more complex. We
came up with a solution which is an intelligent energy saving method using sensors and
Microcontroller to control the lights and fans in an efficient way.
The sensor is placed beside the benches on each column, and it detects the person pass by it
or the person present on the bench and turns on the fan and light in that specific place
automatically Or turns off the appliances if there is no person.
In this chapter, we will discuss about the main objective of the project.
Nowadays, we have remote controls for our television sets and other electronic systems, which
have made our lives really easy. Have you ever wondered about home automation which would
give the facility of controlling tube lights, fans and other electrical appliances at home using a
remote control? Off-course, yes! But are the available options cost-effective? If the answer is
No, we have found a solution to it. We have come up with a new system called Arduino based
home automation using Bluetooth. This system is super-cost effective and can give the user,
the ability to control any electronic device without even spending for a remote control. This
project helps the user to control all the electronic devices using his/her smartphone. Time is a
very valuable thing. Everybody wants to save time as much as they can. New technologies are
being introduced to save our time. To save people’s time we are introducing Home Automation
system using Bluetooth. With the help of this system, you can control your home appliances
from your mobile phone. You can turn on/off your home appliances within the range of
The ultimate objective of this system is to save the energy as well as to design automatic room
light controller by turning off all the appliances when nobody is there in the home. This system
possesses two sets of IR LED and IR sensors to detect the persons entering and leaving
the room
In this chapter, we will discuss about the main objective of the project.
In this chapter, we will get the conclusion of Design and Deployment automatic room lights
and fans controller by using Arduino and pir sensor w.r.t position
In this chapter, we will discuss about the software program of the project.
In this chapter, we made a brief discussion on the main objective of the project.
Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram Page 13
Arduino is an open source computer hardware and software company, project, and user
community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller
kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the
physical and digital world. The project's products are distributed as open-source hardware and
software, which are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the
GNU General Public License (GPL), permitting the manufacture of Arduino boards and
software distribution by anyone. Arduino boards are available commercially in preassembled
form, or as do-it-yourself (DIY) kits. Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors
and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins
that may be interfaced to various expansion boards or Breadboards (shields) and other circuits.
The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on
some models, which are also used for loading programs from personal computers. The
microcontrollers are typically programmed using a dialect of features from the programming
languages C and C++. In addition to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project
provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing language
project. The Arduino project started in 2003 as a program for students at the Interaction Design
Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, aiming to provide a low-cost and easy way for novices and
professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators.
Common examples of such devices intended for beginner hobbyists include simple robots,
thermostats, and motion detectors.11 The name Arduino comes from a bar in Ivrea, Italy, where
some of the founders of the project used to meet. The bar was named after Arduin of Ivrea,
who was the margrave of the March of Ivrea and King of Italy from 1002 to 1014. Features of
the Arduino UNO:
Microcontroller: ATmega328
Operating Voltage: 5V
SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
Arduino is open-source hardware. The hardware reference designs are distributed under a
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license and are available on the Arduino
website. Layout and production files for some versions of the hardware are also available.
Although the hardware and software designs are freely available under copyleft licenses, the
developers have requested the name Arduinoto be exclusive to the official product and not be
used for derived works without permission. The official policy document on use of the Arduino
name emphasizes that the project is open to incorporating work by others into the official
product. Several Arduino-compatible products commercially released have avoided the project
name by using various names ending in -duino. Most Arduino boards consist of an Atmel 8-bit
AVR microcontroller (ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, ATmega2560)
with varying amounts of flash memory, pins, and features. The 32-bit Arduino Due, based on
the Atmel SAM3X8E was introduced in 2012. The boards use single or double-row pins or
female headers that facilitate connections for programming and incorporation into other
circuits. These may connect with add-on modules termed shields. Multiple and possibly
stacked shields may be individually addressable via an I²C serial bus. Most boards include a 5
V linear regulator and a 16 MHz crystal oscillator or ceramic resonator. Some designs, such as
the LilyPad, run at 8 MHz and dispense with the onboard voltage regulator due to specific
form-factor restrictions. Arduino microcontrollers are pre-programmed with a boot loader that
simplifies uploading of programs to the on-chip flash memory. The default bootloader of the
Arduino UNO is the optiboot bootloader. Boards are loaded with program code via a serial
connection to another computer. Some serial Arduino boards contain a level shifter circuit to
convert between RS232 logic levels and transistor–transistor logic(TTL) level signals. Current
Arduino boards are programmed via Universal Serial Bus (USB), implemented using USB-to-
serial adapter chips such as the FTDI FT232. Some boards, such as later-model Uno boards,
substitute the FTDI chip with a separate AVR chip containing USB-to-serial firmware, which
is reprogrammable via its own ICSP header. Other variants, such as the Arduino Mini and the
unofficial Boarduino, use a detachable USB-to-serial adapter board or cable, Bluetooth or other
methods. When used with 14 traditional microcontroller tools, instead of the Arduino IDE,
standard AVR in-system programming (ISP) programming is used. The Arduino board exposes
most of the microcontroller's I/O pins for use by other circuits. The Diecimila, Duemilanove,
and current Uno provide 14 digital I/O pins, six of which can produce pulse-width modulated
signals, and six analog inputs, which can also be used as six digital I/O pins. These pins are on
the top of the board, via female 0.1-inch (2.54 mm) headers. Several plug-in application shields
are also commercially available. The Arduino Nano, and Arduino-compatible Bare Bones
Board and Boarduino boards may provide male header pins on the underside of the board that
can plug into solderless breadboards. Many Arduino-compatible and Arduino-derived boards
exist. Some are functionally equivalent to an Arduino and can be used interchangeably. Many
enhance the basic Arduino by adding output drivers, often for use in school-level education, to
simplify making buggies and small robots. Others are electrically equivalent but change the
form factor, sometimes retaining compatibility with shields, sometimes not. Some variants use
different processors, of varying compatibility.
The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using special rules of code
structuring. The Arduino IDE supplies a software library from the Wiring project,
which provides many common input and output procedures. User-written code
only requires two basic functions, for starting the sketch and the main program
loop, that are compiled and linked with a program stub main() into an executable
cyclic executive program with the GNU toolchain, also included with the IDE
Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram Page 17
distribution. The Arduino IDE employs the program avrdude to convert the
executable code into a text file in hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the
Arduino board by a loader program in the board's firmware.
A program written with the Arduino IDE is called a sketch.[58] Sketches are saved
on the development computer as text files with the file extension .ino. Arduino
Software (IDE) pre-1.0 saved sketches with the extension .pde.
setup(): This function is called once when a sketch starts after power-up or reset.
It is used to initialize variables, input and output pin modes, and other libraries
needed in the sketch.
loop(): After setup() has been called, function loop() is executed repeatedly in the
main program.
It controls the board until the board is powered off or is reset.
Blink example
Most Arduino boards contain a light-emitting diode (LED) and a load resistor
connected between pin 13 and ground, which is a convenient feature for many
tests and program functions. A typical program for a beginning Arduino
programmer blinks a LED repeatedly. This program uses the functions pinMode(),
digitalWrite(), and delay(), which are provided by the internal libraries included
in the IDE environment. This program is usually loaded into a new Arduino board
by the manufacturer.
A type of relay that can handle the high power required to directly control an
electric motor or other loads is called a contactor. Solid-state relayscontrol power
circuits with no moving parts, instead using a semiconductor device to perform
switching. Relays with calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes
multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or
faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital
instruments still called "protective relays".
Magnetic latching relays require one pulse of coil power to move their contacts in
one direction, and another, redirected pulse to move them back. Repeated pulses
from the same input have no effect. Magnetic latching relays are useful in
applications where interrupted power should not be able to transition the contacts.
Magnetic latching relays can have either single or dual coils. On a single coil
device, the relay will operate in one direction when power is applied with one
polarity, and will reset when the polarity is reversed. On a dual coil device, when
polarized voltage is applied to the reset coil the contacts will transition. AC
controlled magnetic latch relays have single coils that employ steering diodes to
differentiate between operate and reset commands
A type of relay that can handle the high power required to directly control an
electric motor or other loads is called a contactor. Solid-state relayscontrol power
circuits with no moving parts, instead using a semiconductor device to perform
switching. Relays with calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes
multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or
faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital
instruments still called "protective relays".
Number of Relays: 2
Where radio transmitters and receivers share one antenna, often a coaxial relay is
used as a TR (transmit-receive) relay, which switches the antenna from the
receiver to the transmitter. This protects the receiver from the high power of the
transmitter. Such relays are often used in transceivers which combine transmitter
and receiver in one unit. The relay contacts are designed not to reflect any radio
frequency power back toward the source, and to provide very high isolation
between receiver and transmitter terminals. The characteristic impedance of the
relay is matched to the transmission line impedance of the system, for example,
50 ohms
A contactor is a heavy-duty relay with higher current ratings, used for switching
electric motors and lighting loads. Continuous current ratings for common
A 'force-guided contacts relay' has relay contacts that are mechanically linked
together, so that when the relay coil is energized or de-energized, all of the linked
contacts move together. If one set of contacts in the relay becomes immobilized,
no other contact of the same relay will be able to move. The function of force-
guided contacts is to enable the safety circuit to check the status of the relay.
Force-guided contacts are also known as "positive-guided contacts", "captive
contacts", "locked contacts", "mechanically linked contacts", or "safety relays".
These safety relays have to follow design rules and manufacturing rules that are
defined in one main machinery standard EN 50205 : Relays with forcibly guided
(mechanically linked) contacts. These rules for the safety design are the one that
are defined in type B standards such as EN 13849-2 as Basic safety principles and
Well-tried safety principles for machinery that applies to all machines.
Force-guided contacts by themselves can not guarantee that all contacts are in the
same state, however they do guarantee, subject to no gross mechanical fault, that
no contacts are in opposite states. Otherwise, a relay with several normally open
(NO) contacts may stick when energised, with some contacts closed and others
still slightly open, due to mechanical tolerances. Similarly, a relay with several
normally closed (NC) contacts may stick to the unenergised position, so that when
energised, the circuit through one set of contacts is broken, with a marginal gap,
while the other remains closed. By introducing both NO and NC contacts, or more
commonly, changeover contacts, on the same relay, it then becomes possible to
guarantee that if any NC contact is closed, all NO contacts are open, and
conversely, if any NO contact is closed, all NC contacts are open. It is not possible
to reliably ensure that any particular contact is closed, except by potentially
Force-guided contact relays are made with different main contact sets, either NO,
NC or changeover, and one or more auxiliary contact sets, often of reduced current
or voltage rating, used for the monitoring system. Contacts may be all NO, all NC,
changeover, or a mixture of these, for the monitoring contacts, so that the safety
system designer can select the correct configuration for the particular application.
Safety relays are used as part of an engineered safety system.
Another latching type has a remanent core that retains the contacts in the operated
position by the remanent magnetism in the core. This type requires a current pulse
of opposite polarity to release the contacts. A variation uses a permanent magnet
that produces part of the force required to close the contact; the coil supplies
sufficient force to move the contact open or closed by aiding or opposing the field
of the permanent magnet. A polarity controlled relay needs changeover switches
or an H bridge drive circuit to control it. The relay may be less expensive than
other types, but this is partly offset by the increased costs in the external circuit.
In another type, a ratchet relay has a ratchet mechanism that holds the contacts
closed after the coil is momentarily energized. A second impulse, in the same or
a separate coil, releases the contacts. This type may be found in certain cars, for
headlamp dipping and other functions where alternating operation on each switch
actuation is needed.
Very early computers often stored bits in a magnetically latching relay, such as
ferreed or the later remreed in the 1ESS switch.
Some early computers used ordinary relays as a kind of latch—they store bits in
ordinary wire spring relays or reed relays by feeding an output wire back as an
input, resulting in a feedback loop or sequential circuit. Such an electrically
latching relay requires continuous power to maintain state, unlike magnetically
latching relays or mechanically racheting relays.
In computer memories, latching relays and other relays were replaced by delay
line memory, which in turn was replaced by a series of ever-faster and ever-
smaller memory technologies.
A machine tool relay is a type standardized for industrial control of machine tools,
transfer machines, and other sequential control. They are characterized by a large
number of contacts (sometimes extendable in the field) which are easily converted
from normally open to normally closed status, easily replaceable coils, and a form
factor that allows compactly installing many relays in a control panel. Although
such relays once were the backbone of automation in such industries as
automobile assembly, the programmable logic controller (PLC) mostly displaced
the machine tool relay from sequential control applications.
A mercury relay is a relay that uses mercury as the switching element. They are
used where contact erosion would be a problem for conventional relay contacts.
Owing to environmental considerations about significant amount of mercury used
and modern alternatives, they are now comparatively uncommon
A mercury-wetted reed relay is a form of reed relay in which the contacts are
wetted with mercury. Such relays are used to switch low-voltage signals (one volt
or less) where the mercury reduces the contact resistance and associated voltage
drop, for low-current signals where surface contamination may make for a poor
contact, or for high-speed applications where the mercury eliminates contact
bounce. Mercury wetted relays are position-sensitive and must be mounted
according to the manufacturer's specifications to work properly. Because of the
toxicity and expense of liquid mercury, these relays are now rarely used.
The mercury-wetted relay has one particular advantage, in that the contact closure
appears to be virtually instantaneous, as the mercury globules on each contact
coalesce. The current rise time through the contacts is generally considered to be
a few picoseconds, however in a practical circuit it will be limited by the
inductance of the contacts and wiring. It was quite common, before the restrictions
on the use of mercury, to use a mercury-wetted relay in the laboratory as a
convenient means of generating fast rise time pulses, however although the rise
time may be picoseconds, the exact timing of the event is, like all other types of
The same coalescence process causes another effect, which is a nuisance in some
applications. The contact resistance is not stable immediately after contact closure,
and drifts, mostly downwards, for several seconds after closure, the change
perhaps being 0.5 ohm.
Multi-voltage relays are devices designed to work for wide voltage ranges such as
24 to 240 VAC and VDC and wide frequency ranges such as 0 to 300 Hz. They
are indicated for use in installations that do not have stable supply voltages.
This thermal protection operates relatively slowly allowing the motor to draw
higher starting currents before the protection relay will trip. Where the overload
relay is exposed to the same ambient temperature as the motor, a useful though
crude compensation for motor ambient temperature is provided.
The other common overload protection system uses an electromagnet coil in series
with the motor circuit that directly operates contacts. This is similar to a control
relay but requires a rather high fault current to operate the contacts. To prevent
short over current spikes from causing nuisance triggering the armature movement
is damped with a dashpot. The thermal and magnetic overload detections are
typically used together in a motor protection relay.
Electronic overload protection relays measure motor current and can estimate
motor winding temperature using a "thermal model" of the motor armature system
that can be set to provide more accurate motor protection. Some motor protection
relays include temperature detector inputs for direct measurement from a
thermocouple or resistance thermometersensor embedded in the winding.
A polarized relay places the armature between the poles of a permanent magnet to
increase sensitivity. Polarized relays were used in middle 20th Century telephone
exchanges to detect faint pulses and correct telegraphic distortion.
A reed relay is a reed switch enclosed in a solenoid. The switch has a set of
contacts inside an evacuated or inert gas-filled glass tube which protects the
contacts against atmospheric corrosion; the contacts are made of magnetic
material that makes them move under the influence of the field of the
enclosing solenoid or an external magnet.
Reed relays can switch faster than larger relays and require very little power from
the control circuit. However, they have relatively low switching current and
voltage ratings. Though rare, the reeds can become magnetized over time, which
makes them stick 'on' even when no current is present; changing the orientation of
the reeds with respect to the solenoid's magnetic field can resolve this problem.
Sealed contacts with mercury-wetted contacts have longer operating lives and less
contact chatter than any other kind of relay.
Safety relays are devices which generally implement safety functions. In the event
of a hazard, the task of such a safety function is to use appropriate measures to
reduce the existing risk to an acceptable level.
Timing relays are arranged for an intentional delay in operating their contacts. A
very short (a fraction of a second) delay would use a copper disk between the
armature and moving blade assembly. Current flowing in the disk maintains
magnetic field for a short time, lengthening release time. For a slightly longer (up
to a minute) delay, a dashpot is used. A dashpot is a piston filled with fluid that is
allowed to escape slowly; both air-filled and oil-filled dashpots are used. The time
period can be varied by increasing or decreasing the flow rate. For longer time
periods, a mechanical clockwork timer is installed. Relays may be arranged for a
fixed timing period, or may be field adjustable, or remotely set from a control
panel. Modern microprocessor-based timing relays provide precision timing over
a great range.
Some relays are constructed with a kind of "shock absorber" mechanism attached
to the armature which prevents immediate, full motion when the coil is either
energized or deenergized. This addition gives the relay the property of time-delay
actuation. Time-delay relays can be constructed to delay armature motion on coil
energization, de-energization, or both.
Time-delay relay contacts must be specified not only as either normally open or
normally closed, but whether the delay operates in the direction of closing or in
the direction of opening.
The following is a description of the four basic types of time-delay relay contacts.
First we have the normally open, timed-closed (NOTC) contact. This type of
contact is normally open when the coil is unpowered (de-energized). The contact
is closed by the application of power to the relay coil, but only after the coil has
been continuously powered for the specified amount of time. In other words, the
direction of the contact's motion (either to close or to open) is identical to a regular
NO contact, but there is a delay in closing direction. Because the delay occurs in
the direction of coil energization, this type of contact is alternatively known as a
normally open, on-delay.
A sensitive relay having its contacts mounted in a highly evacuated glass housing,
to permit handling radio-frequency voltages as high as 20,000 volts without
flashover between contacts even though contact spacing is but a few hundredths
of an inch when open.
Since relays are switches, the terminology applied to switches is also applied to
relays; a relay switches one or more poles, each of whose contacts can be thrown
by energizing the coil.
Normally open (NO) contacts connect the circuit when the relay is activated; the
circuit is disconnected when the relay is inactive. Normally closed (NC) contacts
disconnect the circuit when the relay is activated; the circuit is connected when
the relay is inactive. All of the contact forms involve combinations of NO and NC
The National Association of Relay Manufacturers and its successor, the Relay
and Switch Industry Association define 23 distinct electrical contact forms
found in relays and switches.[23] Of these, the following are commonly
The S (single) or D (double) designator for the pole count may be replaced with a
number, indicating multiple contacts connected to a single actuator. For example,
4PDT indicates a fourpole double-throw relay that has 12 switching terminals.
EN 50005 are among applicable standards for relay terminal numbering; a typical
EN 50005compliant SPDT relay's terminals would be numbered 11, 12, 14, A1
and A2 for the C, NC, NO, and coil connections, respectively.[24]
85 = relay coil -
86 = relay coil +
87 = common contact
Relays are used wherever it is necessary to control a high power or high voltage
circuit with a low power circuit, especially when galvanic isolation is desirable.
The first application of relays was in long telegraph lines, where the weak signal
received at an intermediate station could control a contact, regenerating the signal
for further transmission. High-voltage or high-current devices can be controlled
with small, low voltage wiring and pilots switches. Operators can be isolated from
the high voltage circuit. Low power devices such as microprocessors can drive
relays to control electrical loads beyond their direct drive capability. In an
automobile, a starter relay allows the high current of the cranking motor to be
controlled with small wiring and contacts in the ignition key.
The use of relays for the logical control of complex switching systems like
telephone exchanges was studied by Claude Shannon, who formalized the
application of Boolean algebra to relay circuit design in A Symbolic Analysis of
Relay and Switching Circuits. Relays can perform the basic operations of Boolean
combinatorial logic. For example, the boolean AND function is realised by
connecting normally open relay contacts in series, the OR function by connecting
normally open contacts in parallel. Inversion of a logical input can be done with a
normally closed contact. Relays were used for control of automated systems for
machine tools and production lines. The Ladder programming language is often
used for designing relay logic networks.
Early electro-mechanical computers such as the ARRA, Harvard Mark II, Zuse
Z2, and Zuse Z3 used relays for logic and working registers. However, electronic
devices proved faster and easier to use.
Because relays are much more resistant than semiconductors to nuclear radiation,
they are widely used in safety-critical logic, such as the control panels of
radioactive waste-handling machinery. Electromechanical protective relays are
used to detect overload and other faults on electrical lines by opening and closing
circuit breakers.
We can control high voltage electronic devices using relays. A Relay is actually a
switch which is electrically operated by an electromagnet. The electromagnet is
activated with a low voltage, for example 5 volts from a microcontroller and it
pulls a contact to make or break a high voltage circuit.
Every object that has a temperature above perfect zero emits thermal energy
(heat) in form of radiation. We, Homo sapiens, radiate at wavelength of 9-
10micrometers all time of the day. The PIR sensors are tuned to detect this IR
wavelength which only emanates when a human being arrives in their proximity.
The term “pyroelectricity” means: heat that generates electricity. All objects with
a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of radiation.
Usually this radiation is invisible to the human eye because it radiates at infrared
wavelengths, but it can be detected by electronic devices. The term passive in
this instance refers to the fact that PIR devices do not generate or radiate any
energy for detection purposes. They work entirely by detecting the energy given
off by other objects. The sensor can trigger an alarm when a heat level changes
in intensity or position.
For the better work performance the PIR sensor should be install on the ceiling.
The advantages of PIR sensor over other sensors as occupancy sensor is that it
has compact size (28 X 38 mm),less complex,easy to install, power consumption
very low (current drain 1.5mA-0.1mA and DC 0.8V-405V), highh sensivity,low
noise,delay time can be varied from 5s to 18 minutes,blockade time 0.5s to 50s
and can operate under temperature from -15 degree to 70 degree. Most
importantly ,as opposed to microwave sensor, it can’t be a problem as the waves
can’t penetrate walls where motion would be expected and it is way less
expensive than other sensors.
PIR sensor cannot detect a stationary or very slowly moving body and they are
temperature sensitive, another drawback is that its field of view is not as broad as
other sensors; ceiling mounting can help reduce this weakness. Another
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shortcoming is that motion directly toward the sensor may fail to result in a trigger.
This type of sensor should not be mounted near ventilation ducts, pointed toward
windows or placed where temperature changes will be common.
2.4 LED
In this chapter we discuss the main components thar are used in the project
The whole design of the system is based mainly on Node MCU(ESP8266 ) and BLYNK app
which are newly introduced concepts in the world of development. There are basically two
parts included, the first one is hardware and second one is software. The hardware part has
sensors which help to measure the real time values, another one is Node MCU which converts
the analog values to digital, BLYNK app shows the displays output from sensors, Node
MCU(ESP8266) module gives the connection between hardware and software. In software,
we developed a program based on embedded c language.
The PCB is designed at first level of construction, component and circuit mounted on it, and
sensors are connected to it.
BLYNK app is installed in the android version to see the output. When the system get started
dc current given to the kit and arduino and WIFI gets on. Blynk was designed for the Internet
of Things. It can control hardware remotely, it can display sensor data, it can store data,
visualize it and do many other cool things. Blynk is a platform with IOS and Android apps to
control Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Node MCU and the likes over the Internet. Its a digital
dashboard where you can build a graphic interface for your project by simply dragging and
dropping widgets. It’s really simple to set everything up and you’ll start tinkering in less than
5mins. Blynk is not tied to some specific board or shield. Instead, it’s supporting hardware of
your choice. Whether your Arduino or Node MCU is linked to the Internet over Wi-Fi, Ethernet
or this new ESP8266 chip, Blynk will get you online and ready forthe Internet of you Things.
The parameters of water is tested and their result is sent to BLYNK app through Node MCU.
The app will display the values of water parameters. Thus like this when the kit is located on
any specific water body and WIFI is provided we can observe its real time values on our
android phone anywhere at any time.
We have identified a suitable implementation model that consists of different sensor devices
and other modules, their functionalities are shown in figure. In this implementation model we
Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram Page 44
used Node MCU(ESP8266 ). Node MCU(ESP8266 ) connects the embedded device to internet.
Sensors are connected to Node MCU(ESP8266 ) for monitoring, Node MCU(ESP8266 ) will
convert the corresponding sensor reading to its digital value and from that value the
corresponding environmental parameter will be evaluated. After sensing the data from different
sensor devices, which are placed in particular area of interest. The sensed data will be
automatically sent to the web server, when a proper connection is established with sever device.
The following figures shows the output of sensed data in BLYNK app.
In this chapter, we will get the conclusion of automatic room lights and fans controller by
using Arduino and pir sensor w.r.t position
By the project we made we can save the electrical energy which is wasting in the class rooms
,offices ,institutes etc..
We can observe the drastic save of energy by using the automatic room lights and fans
controller by using Arduino and pir sensor w.r.t position
In this chapter, we concluded automatic room lights and fans controller by using Arduino
and pir sensor w.r.t position.
In this chapter, we will discuss about the software program of the project.
/* ESP &Blynk */
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial // Comment this out to disable prints and save space
charauth[] = "bA1b2MGcNNHvoiwpKKOw3YOBCteoY0kE";
/* WiFi credentials */
charssid[] = "SMARTFISH";
char pass[] = "smartfish@123";
float Sensor_1 = 0; float
Sensor_2 = 0; float Sensor_3 =
0; float Sensor_4 = 0; float
Sensor_1map = 0; float
Sensor_2map = 0; float
Sensor_3map = 0; float
Sensor_4map = 0; float
Sensor_1point = 0; float
Sensor_2point = 0; float
Sensor_3point = 0; float
Sensor_4point = 0;
Sensor_3point = Sensor_3map;
Sensor_4point = Sensor_4map/100;
Serial.print(" \n Sensor1point=");
Serial.print(" \n Sensor2point=");
Serial.print(" \n Sensor3point=");
Serial.print(" \n Sensor4point=");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V20, Sensor_3); //Write values to Blynk server
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, Sensor_1map); //Write values to Blynk serve
Blynk.virtualWrite(V6, Sensor_1point); //Write values to Blynk server }
In this chapter, we made a brief discussion on the software program of the project.